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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1894)
tupis mux ALBANY.ORLGON, t'RIDAl, FEBRUARY . 1894. VOL XXIX. Entered at the ' Otnee at Albany. Or., an second-Class Mall Mall r; vriTjx WlTTISC, fnbllther nad r-renrtelers: 3t: jbc. Iwwuntt T HTRTT year' oatwrywtlon of ntllllo.n of persona, permit mm It la ajqaeetlontVhly tig tseat remedy for aninatta mmM ChUdreti gjn trwrld kaa wr kaoara. It la karaUoaa. ChUdroa like it. It ggjansj Ofcntt koajth. It will ttttstsT, which la nhaolwtssly I ' s chUd'. medicine. Onatoarta tleatroye Worm. CasatatHa avllay Fwverltbassa. Onatoriw preventa vomltlaa; Soar Cri . Cttetnrin cares. Diarrhoea amd Wind Collo. Ctaria, relieve Tsstrtkian; TromhW. UlUlP ' I I fll -laBlliiaanataJhawS. meatfHaaa thai eateota of oejooalo acid araa or pad mm mjr. ' do mot oontala morphine, opisun. or otter najootlo ataii). - -"-taa the food, rearalattoa the etemnek and tggfjfc Mg keavltky suad antaml alee p. iri la pit mp in one-srlae bottlea it allow any one to sell yon anything olao on the plan or proanlaa .t It la "jnat m food " and will s that yan got C - A - S - T - O - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor ia Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS The Bat Shpo IatmBHoKMamW.JXimtmftm sub '1 iipunnilBftk.. If oBSI ssjpess W. L. DOUGLAS Shoe are ttyHafc, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the price advertised than anv other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The tumping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, wi,icli guarantee their value, save thousand of dollar annually to thoe who wear thorn. Dealer who push tho sale of VY. L- Iou;;l.-. Shoes gain customers, which helps lc Increase the sale on their full line of ooc!a, Th.7 can eB.rd to eetl nt i .. pr-t, and we believe yon can aave money by boring st)l your fnolwfr of 1'.:- denier x. a tUed below. Catalog-tie free upon application. IV. J IXiL'CI.Aal, Baocktom. u For salt by the t, E BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Is the Best Good Enoughl Then all cn thf vi.deibigncd forjyour GROCERIES sndjo produce, ror ithey are lh best in the market AJgo a fine line of crockery Perry Conn PATRONIZE i HUM m FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE m -Uliun?, rtKAi), Preeideat. J h COWAN, TroaMtiror. 1 Cowan, 4eo V CimpNon, V F .1 K VVaaihsi-l'),- I -ALfiO IitSTtlOT several Solid Eastern Sf ffift fiJ. , veil I'iM'Kt i. i WTooi.aioraa, dt man orenain. W! sari v n w lu uJtilu wraupjr. AUdrea For sale In Albany .Ore. by J. A. CLMMi.N TBRsITiiu Ansa isi .U. iid Children, Ctsatoriw with the patrsvnatre of to apea, k of It trlthont arneaalat;. their Uvea. In it Mother have taje mmd practically perfect aa a ' only. It la not aold in inelk. answer every pnrpoaa." R - I - A. i t. 1 la! W. L DOUGLAS 33 SHOE 35, 84 and 83. BO Dress Shoe. S3. 50 Police Shoe, 3 Solos. 82.50, 82 for Workingmen. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES. S3, 82. SO 82, $1.75 CAUTXON. If any dealer fere ym W. I.. Douglas hoea at n reduced price, or any bo haa them with out (be name tuuaped the Dot torn, put mm down aa a rrauav IHSTITUYI0S5. Oregon wanmmt J O WBCaVsafaUKi Homataiv Geo F NIMPHON. Vico Prealdonti - r.lRKCTOK Kad, O B MonroH' strnrrg,J WJSeJC OJ .tut i ' Wrltaman. JmOJEKTH FOIl , and 'Foreign Complex MANHOOD RE8TORED! X.'fZZKfZX fuarauteed toeur mil DrvoutdlsMMa,titi Wsftk Memorr, Loaa of Bmlh 'ower, Headacbf1, WasefalneM, Lost Manhood, NlKbily Kmlialonfl, Utrraow iic,all dratnsand luisof powartn Gnrative Organ of cither aexcau.ttd b' overexertion, yoothfal errora, excensiT uu of tobacco, opium oraiffi UiuotH. wlilch ljad t- infirmity. Consumption or lnaanlt. Can ha tarrlodTn Ai UV CO., MaauoleTtt mid by afODOBSV Mch AttlNnnrnggwia. THURSDAY Matt SEMI M It Tli Oeheoo Review tells the following: Crook countv haa a roiiiance which furnish kMCdatiOil for a novel that would eqaal soino o'. the prodoo tioni of the ablest authors wero all the facta tu.ide vitibU to he Krottnisiing of the ublic. We at not writing DOVela, hencu w tun at this time only give Ihe outlines of tha romance, at the same time supprcaiing naiiics. The facts are as follows: Komi nine years ago a Itoy appeared in I'rineville, without friends an.i without uio:i?y. No one knew from whence he came or what wss bis parentage ilw soon found employment at tliflerent oc cupations by hu h he could and did sustain himself. Tune passed alonir, th boy apparently grew no o dr. though years came and went unheeded by the youth. After several years spent in drudgery the boy Anally forced the ac quaintance of one a man of mature ytars -in whom he could repose confi dence, and to this one revealed his iden tity, also the fact that he was playing a dual part in life, although men's cloth ing bad been donned and the role of toy assumed, lit" was a lone woman who bad been deserted by tier husband in a strange land and petsuiless. The fneud j Tiaa i warm neart aivl heirjr alone in the sorld took the boy as a partner, aad together they launched their fortunes, woiking where work was to be bad. Finally an nfachmtnt stronger 'ban mere friendship sprung up ' etween the partners, ahich resulted in their goi g into another county, procur ing a marriage license, anil being uirted in wedlock. This was three y ara ago. (a their return to this countv thry as sumed the former role cf par'nes. the wife retaining the charar'er ei tliv boy, bile the husband niaintaiiu ! the po sition a head of the firm, ami together they worked at whatever employment was to be had. The News knocks the romancs in the bead a follows: A local paper publish ed w hat purported to bo a local r .nuance a few weeks ago. No names were used. The names meant were Jim Delco and Charley Hanes. Jim being the husband and Charley tha wife- Then parties never got married in Condon, the county seat of Gilliam county, as alleged in a recent complaint made out acd sworn to by !im Iielco. the aforesaid alleged hus band. He caused tne state to bring suit against Charley Hanes for fhe crime of adultery, claiming that Charley is a woman and that be (Charley) was his (Delco'e lawfully wedded wife. Just preceding the preliminary hearing, Delco departed for a distant region of country, at present to as unknown. It ie now believed and generally conceded that Delco only tried to beat Hane out of what property he had accumulate by hard work. And this is the sequel to ihe "io mance." MrrciiiLL KsocKKd Oir. Regardless of public opinion of prite tights nearly evervt-ody was excited today over the contest at Jacksonville be'.ween Jas J Corbett, champion of America, aid Charlie Mitchell, a bbwhard from England- It looked very much at one time aa if the governor would whip, bat hie interference amounted to nothing, and when the fight began near Jacksonville at 1 o'clock tbie afternoon two hundred soldiers 'were w itnessing the contest, 110 apiece 1 he Dxmocrat stated yesterday that Corbett was the better pugilist, and the Man about Town was confident he would win easily, though afraid it was merely a fake. The news was received here at 1 :30 that it took only three rounds in which to knock the British lion out. In t tie first round the men showed jip about even jut with live CrfhiitiffVOut after the! Corbett was a cyclone, knocking Mitchell down twice in Ihe second ronnd, and ended the con tee', as he had promised, by giving Mitchell a territi.: knorkout blow in the third roucd. The matter l,a tieen made rsucb mora prominent tbM it deserve. In less thar. five yare every Male in the nnion will have laws n.aking such a con test impossible Coxtwil t. Gaowt. The Salem Journal is working Lard for notoriety on account of an O I' agitation. It says An honest judge thould apooint an honest lawyar for th.e receiver not a political manipulator like McKadden, who took a iiand in the defeat of the former judge and has a tlitical pull on the present judge. There are honest law vers in Oregon who understand the subiect. The present a'torner general. (ieo K Chamber!it:. who is salaried by the taxpayers -t Oregon, would be a proper man for the plate. If there was three honest men in those three offices the road could be honestlr and economi cally run and stealing stopped and the laborers paid. Rut in no other way. "The Hoggs paid their attorneys K6,C00 for 26 months, which is equal to about 88.7OO per month while this man charges $48,743 for eight months, equal to more than $C,000 per month. In other woids, the'eervices of this firm of lawyers w as worth more to the Oregon I'aciac rail road by $2 300 per mon' h than the at torneys under the Hogs; management." The above bill by Fay A ieet was for the Blair bondholders and not for the road itself. Com so. Arrangements are being made for the Calhoun Opera Company with 40 people to exhibit at Albany on February 13th. This wiU be a great operatic treat. They will play "The Bohemian Girl " They will be brought to Albany if promised a sufficient sup port. This is the most prominent oper atic troupe ever billed for Albany, and it will require a strong support by the public. BOMUlf i-ast night a burglar or nurglars entered the grocery store of Ren "naca, at I-banon, and stole $."K) or 840 worth of gydfl. r ei 2 Eltfdillii You don't have to look twice todctcct them bright eyes, bright color, bright srmies, bright in every ac tion. Disease is overcome only when weak lisH'ie Scott's EMULSION. TTTTT -. u placed by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by !:iii!;ii::g up sound flesh. It i'i agreeable to taste and . iy of assimUatioiL ; i,. -it',, Heet 9wav.T. All nsaal an, Notice for Publication. UFflCK AT (lltKl.ON City, Ou. Jin. 5th, 1894. Notice is Iiereliy given that the follow ing named settler haa fl ed notice of his iniontion to aiakn final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clsik of Llan Co. at Albany, Ore, on March 0. 189t,vlz; Henery I) lVIyers, H K No. 7353 fhr tbe m 'X cf the 8 K U and SXofSWVsM 28. tn II. 8 H K. He names the following witnesses to prove hi nrmllmioui) residence upon and cultivation of Hftbl land, vis: Levi Pierce, Csrdwell C'l. rk, Marshal 8 Clalt. Fred Myers, ail pf Ijaeojub, Linn Co, Ore. UoUKitT A Miller, Register. im sunns Editors xVwssvj nf As so much has been said about the city afiairs and I being a taxpayer I think I have a right to nr opinion. I don't think it prudent to rip anybody up the back We don't care to hear ftom ex-councilman as hie days of grace have passed. As I alt down to my meal of spuds, gravy aad coffee, a disinterest ed observer could readily see that 1 am retrenching. I heartily endorse Gover nor l'ennoyer's Christmas latter. I don't th nk it right to discharge one of the engineers when itouly saves our citvtTJO a ear, as our insurance rates would be raised and we would quit loos ere on tiiat proposition. One of our en gines woold rust and go by the boaid in a few years. 1 am in favor 01 placing a small toll on the bridge lor al least enough to k?ep it in repair. The toll collector 011 Id also be made a special policeman which would protect public antJ private propertv. Ue could also keep the bridge deck swept clean of gravel and theredv save the floor one- half. I am no alone in my belief. F S Campbell. Mr Bert VaaOWve is arranging for the es'abu.bment ol a dramatic company. i ncre 1 1 sa:u 10 tie a po.tinuitv ot a lit ider.d being t'eclared by Job Bros of CorvaUU. There Is to be a posilbltfty of a dividend being declared by Job Brot of t'orvaili. Thj Villamel e V i lley It U rep. rted will be told f at least r!, ,..,. There is proti'.sed wit :lve bidding for the boat. A break in the flume ofal out 70 feet enced the water work io upet ,1 bust rc today. Tlie water will probably br runnirg tomorrow forenoon. The young man tuppoied to have have detruytd property at t Co' ball is one w hg . . ;. or be sussvected of do'og an;hl; ; quite so contemptible. An exchange i suthority for the statement tha' Coil Van Cleve of the Ya qulna Post, and J R Wr.itr.ey. of the Hr ald, are csndates for the office of .ta'a printer. Following ! a supreme court case: Newten U lllias, appellant, vs. Toledo Co ei at, rcpoadents, appeal from Benton Counts . argued and submitted. L Fllnn and Charles E YVolverten, attornets for. respondents. W S M.Fac'den and J R Rrj son attorneys for appellen. Attachments aggregating $1,900 were today tiled on the furniture store o! S N Wilkins and the place cioMd. An as signment w'il at once be made. Th IlabUiiie are placed at &4.000 and asset from $7,000 to Ssxw. Tie attachmetit was made by Portland creditor. Cr rallis Times. The bird dog of George SlimpMn was recently killed by Mr PKes'.rr, a lew miles from Albany, while pasting through Mr Ketter fields after some sheep. The DestocKAT I Infocmnd thst Mr Stimpson visircd Mr Ketter with a view to settling the matter; bui returned home witnout doing so, in fact came out second best. A gentleman who hat visited Colfax, Wash, says the people of Eastern Wash ington are In a sorrowful plight. The wheal crop Is their only dependence, and many of (be farrrers met wilh serere losses the patt season. Beside the that was saved brougt thee: but Utile oV ng to '.he sluggish condition of the mr et. Business is practically paraltred and many ot the people are In actual want. Eugene Register. Mrs Jo A Ty!er. of Saleea, Is in tbe city. T B Cornett, cf Scio, was in the city today. Geo G Bingham, ex district alloroer. waa in tbe city this noon. Ike ilytnan, tha old time clothier ol an Francisco, is io tbe city. eo Hatnphrdy, V 6 Deputy Marshal came up from Portland 00 tbe overland last night on his way toCorvalli on bus iness !:! I i.t.y returned this noon from a trip to F.agene The judge is liable to be the nominee of ihe republicans for governor. Cbarle T WardloW and family have gone to Elliott, Illinois. Io reidr per mapently. Tory own a fine farm in that locality.' Pr Bail, of Portland, it in the city, called here by the serious illness of bta sister. Miss Hattie, who is now consider ably improved.' evening a social was given by the members of the Baptist church at t e residence of Mr N H Alien, a pleasant lime was had. Taxes Calloway, who, after watching Saturday's game believes that one loot ball game is equal to eleven prize fights, came over from Brownsville last Satur day, and is down at tbe Calloway farm for a visit - Cot vallie Times. Mr Ed Ciulna haa Uen at the Reform school for several days completing the galvanized iron work for Hopkio'a Bros, on the north wing. Work on the south wing wili be begun on the Tth of next month . John U Chapman, of ( hicago, presi dent of the Baplb-t Young People's so ciety of the t'nited States and Canada, will be in this city on Monday, the 2!Hb inst, and will bold a conference in the af ternoon and in the evening a public ser vice at wNc 1 a large number of delegates to the conference are expected to be present. The public are invited. I .as: evening an enjoyable young peo ple's party was given at the residence of L K Blsin. Among the features of the evening was a d mestic art contest. Domestic pictures being made, those present guetsed the name. Mis Nona Irvine and Roma McCtilloch won the first prizes and Edna Lunar and Elliot Irvine tbe booby prists. A delicious lunch of tafTy and peanut was served. Those present were: Ore Mr and Mrs Beers, Misses Marv CunditT, Nona Irvine, Maud Crosby, Mollie Luper, Edna I.uper, Mar- guerete Hopkins, 'ie ueckenridge, and Miila McCoy, llettie Miller, Mary Stewart, Kmma Sox, Ava Baltimore, Ina .Met ulluugh, Ora iMino, Anna Tanti sadie Mcliride, Altba Pillar, Lena Mc- Corraick, Alma l'reck'iiridg. , liallie Mark, Gussie and Nellie Biodgett, Mary VYillianie,and Messrs I. E Hamilton, Will Cambell, Ole Tobieeon, L Smick, Sena McFarland, Lyle Speer. Ed Biodgett, Ivan Marks, Stanley and Ed Stewart, Arthur Gamber, D Longbottom, Frank Stellmaker, Roma McCulloch, Jasper Wyman, Claud vunk, Llliott livine, A B McCoy, Angus Graham, Orviile Din widdie, Otto Lee, and F 1 Nutting. Chkap Talk- If the editor of the Populist would take the pains to consult the records he would find that the coun tv court allowed the Dsmocbat 1201.15. on account of tbe delinquent tax list, and not (098 as the Populist states, evidently intentionally making a falsehood, for we have heretofore given the coreect figures. Probably not a delinquent tax list in Oregon has been published at as reason able a rate. i As a matter 01 tact me county win get it all back aa fast as the property is redeemed. These Populists are very nice when they are out in the cold; but give them a chance once, and great Jerry Simpson how they make the fur fly. An example occurs in Lincoln county. The Populist editor of the Lincoln County leader was a'lowed 3558 for printing the list in that small county, one eight inches shorter than iu the Dkmocbat. You have already heard of the Columbia Populist sheriff who not only took all the law allowed: but $3000 in addition. And so it goes- A Good Plan. It Is a good plan to subset Ibe for and read carefully your own home raper, as It is the aim of this paper to make It an educational factor In the community. Besides that, If you are out of a job, or with to Increase your Income, then here is the place to find It. In an other column you will find an advertise ment of B F Johnson & Co, ol Richmond, v a, tor workers, that may Interest you FEIDAT Ttir. ss r. KKsivt Fpon invitation for quesrtfiH BMsde by Pr Driver, who i 1 otiductingtli revival at the M K Chun h. the foUoWtig two li-t were pretiented, which the MOtllAT' I requeued to publiMli, una e au.wered by Dr lriver u. the night . By Dr J L Bill; tomorrow I. Admitting tho nipre! power, .he wisdom and love of iot JIT mankind. could he delight in h; .nan inir r .. If tlie answer ih no, at easily preMired other be not Lave to mvfm the world as the crucifixion of n. .'1. If other meaiiH l oiild been aa ef- fm tive to attain the end is not a con deed? conflict lietween his love. 4. Is not Hod the cent and cen pendeil in tripetai torcuK of all pa molecular creation and ol And if tlie answer U yea, salvation t he mt have as easily saveil tha world t a Chri-l as with one? 5. Was the.'ni. ilixion intended an a miracle, to prove d nucien-e. or was it a phyticai 1 the ac- complishment of spirit o. is it a pre-ieq' vation to is to be- oeuere in a 1 nnsi r come of those men 7. If all mankind are M h saved tknwh wLo ftm- dated the birth of Christ II If the metliator answer is yes, was there anUiT liesides Christ f 8. If savel through an asti. ij. ii--1 Christ, is there either paycbologu-al, scien tific or generic proof that antkiitation could have l-een safely relied upon Uy in telligent people for the consummation of so important a result . S. Could the redemption of the world hvae taken place without tbe shedding of the blood of Christ, and if the shedding of his blood waa essential to redemption, did it not have to I sbed by some person? If yes. was not the c rue: tier as essential to the redemption of the world as tnei-ruuhed- -a a means to the end? 10. Should the Jews not be apotheosized instead of condemned for the crucirii -ion. as instruments in the bands of - -1 to set tle the conflict ltween poiiu redemp tion and universal destruction? 11. Are all that live and die ia Judaim lost? 12. At this age of Christian history and knowledge are minister of the gospel call ed by divine behest to preach, or '. it an act cf their own volition ? 13. Can God make mistakes I If the an r is no. and if ministers are individual ly choaan and called by the Creator to do his bidding, are some pertcn called who fail to near the call and bonce Jo not re spond? (a) If any who are cabesi do not respond, are their places sometime, filled by person not called, an! not qualified, but honest in the conviction that thry are doing God's bidding. 15. Is it not misleading for tho) not divinely called to occupy Ue sacred pulpit. and if misleading who. if any one. . - re sponsible fur the mistake? By A J Carothers. 1. Ha' the promise to Abnham. of an hea cniy couatrv spoken of in Hebrews, 11th chapter loth verse, been fulfilled yet. 2. What must I do to be saved. 3. Will have to leave off tobacco, all intoxicants, liquors, theater going, church socials that are held in the churche. and sej orate uj vsejf from all secret societies I am told to do so if I Lsecetae a christian t f power. 4- tvill 1 have to get the second bleaa: ng to be a true christian . Would a christian man sruw faster in the I i rare of God by joining th sexxet societies of this day ? I think not.) if not why is the M K Church filled with secret society church members from the hiefcast to the lowt. I think tbe world demand; light a well as christian on this lion, for they must honor, or diahonor the Lord. sow which do they do in tbe light of scripture? O. t ay flow mine lncxcnas U--'C- frcrr. ynar to rear than the POrnilatiGtv of the world by many percent, as statistics lain iy show, if the' world is better. Ax Alba.w Mas REriotEX. Judge 1Y.5. lerton refund t. diwle the iniunction in th case of H C Perkins et al anicst J E Noland. .sheriff of Lane county, and tha testimony will be taken This bone of the most importuit cane ever tried in that county and is exciting great interest. An Albany man was honored by being ap pointed referee a follows: "It is berebv ordered that B C Watson, of Alhanv. Linn county. Oregun. be, and is, hereby ap pointed referee in the above entitle.) cause, to take and report the testimony therein, and to find the facia am tbe law therefrom and report the same on or before the first day of the next regular of tbe court, to-wit: Monday. March 5 194. And it is further ordered that said leferee mav ap point a stenographer to take the tetiuivi:y in said causae." The appointment f Hf V atson is a go-l one. L Klinn. J V Amis and A H are attorney for the plaintiff, and M f. l ipes. A V Woodcock and Oeo A Ooms for tlie defender,:. Hot Fon Pexsoveb. It i reported that hundreds of families are sufferink' for the actual necessaries of life on the Santiara. It will be discovered after a time th.t Gov ernor Pennover wasn't so Ban far astrav afterall. Oregon Independent. Tiie In dependent (people's party) orait stating the cause of the suffering on the Santiam. to make a wee little point for (iovernor Pennover. If the officers of tlie Ontron Pa cific railroad bad paid the settlers ar.-l bus iness men ot uiat mountain country tne thousand of dollaii due them fr work and supplies, instead of belevilinir the earnings of the road, there would be no "sufft-rinir for the actual necessaries of life on tbe San tiam." Tliis isn't a tally for Pennoyci. Oregon City t'oiirier. A 3.M.EM ArcinENT. Yesterday inorn- inir Miss Orace Scriler slippel and fell on the porch at her home 0Y1 Nnith Commer cial street. seriously injuring her knee. She will probably be confined to her led for several weeks. This waa the same knee that was hurt by an accident at tlie coast last summer, which add to the aarirjoaaeas of tbe iniury. This accident i mwn iillj unfortunate as the cants are out for her wedding, which was to have taken place next Wednesday cvenin. Salem Jonnial. The fortunate young man is Fred Hol brook, of Colfax, Wain. Ratheii This. Scott Logan, a Scotch men who lias been in Salem two or three years engaged in various uncertain occupa tions, says he recently received from Beet -land $1800 which he sent to San Francisco and had bet on Mitchell's winning yester tiav's fight. Mitchell didn't win and neither did"Scotty." He is now scrub bing Salem saloons for ti living. Then1 some doubt about his ability to raise $1800 but it is known that ae aid receive some money from abroad lately. Salem l'euio- crat. For Stealing. Peputy Prosecuting At torney Wyatt returned from Lebanon last night where he hart been to prorecute John Marks for stealing two watches. $20, a ham and other things from the house of hi brother William, at Tallman. A search warrant resulted in the articles being found in the formers house. Tho defemleut was held t.nder 1200 bonds to await the action of tlie grand jury. He is said to bo some what non conipos mentis. Several months ago he had trouble with his brother, result ing 111 his arrest. Out ok Business. The Farmers & Merchant Insurance Co have decided to go out of business, the directors having OOUM to that conclusion last evening, though the matter bus been under contemplation sev eral weeks. Reinsurance will be the plan, already partially arranged for. It will lie completed in a few days, if done, mid the change made at oneo. The continual succession of boils, pim ples, and eruptions from which many suf fer, Indicates an Impure state of tbe blood The most effective remedy Is Ayer's Sar saparllla. It expels the poison bamlessly through the natural channels, and leaves the skin clean ami ciear. MfUgti MKuii m m oaa ,,: Ksni tor Tlie Reform Journal of Portland Is dead. It takes more than w Ind to run a newr paper very long In a few dais Receiver Clark, ills re ported, will make a payment of 70 per cent of a month . Two stores and a restauiaut have re cently been closed in Oiagftn cl v hv In vila'.lon of creditors. "The Wedding of a Pilncc" will be the subject of Mr Clspp's semi n a. the Con gregalional church to..igb'. The Maccabees held their Installation of ollicers last night . There were a 1,0011 many gues's tram oetgl.'j jrli towns. Geo f Thompson, a lawyer of Walia Walla look, so much like lien Butter that he has b en yiven the gnat spoon man's na:ne. What a saving cou d be made 1 1 Ihe U S If ihe salaries vnd fees ol public officers were reduced. Too many $1000 men are getting I50OO to $IO,oOO a year. Tne Popul!stsLriiral coiumittee at Ore gon City invited nominations. and received the following : II R Haysyt, for congress; Nathan Pierce, for governor ; W S C'Ken for attorney general The O P U already rur.i ing rrixed trains; only to Albany etch way. Abaat Feb 1st Ihe lime tabi'e will go into etTect, when trains wl I run througb. and Yaqulna and Detroit wil be ihe resting place. Rey I I) Driver wi,l repeat hit lcture at the opera bouse r.esl Sunday afternoon at 4 oYlock on the subject of ".Sclal Pui I' v.-' Th lecrure is for men and bit I JOOC an.l should be heard bv ail. There will be t x assesvments In the A O V W crder tjr the month of Ke'-iruare. To'al number 01 rrcmbersin Oregon 577ft, To al number ii Die order 34,176 on the fir.: Ojv ol December, lncre.e In the ordc.- lor November 1136. A young men at Giant's Pa.s was fined ?40 lor distributing a religious mellny at the M I church, lie stool uislde and eoie ard used obscene, language. The fine, thcugh heavy about suits the offer.ic and should be an example general v The survcv for ihe fuiiwav over the Oregon CM) fall cannot be made until tbe water in ihe U ijiamctle lowers a good, deal. says the 3harnokawa Eagle. Fish I'osBmisafonjCr MoUttfro siss ihe napey Willamette will be full ol salmon before January i, 1S95. Iarsst Lee luis a ,)'a.i for keeping the cross walk cleaned. Ls: e.enlng he kept a hobo in the ca'aboo. and this morning gave him hi break las', lor an hour work cleaning cross walks. One' hobo a dar wou:d keep the con walks Irr in pretty good condition. Tne b'.H authoiizing proofs, in timber lard entries to be made before any orEcer authorized to lake proofs in homestead cases, ped :he senate on January 7th, and will become a law where signed by ihe president. Heretofore ail pre ols on .'and ol this character have had to be made be fore registers of land offices. This board vesierday bought of et Governor Z F Mocdjr" his farm of jji scrrs r.ear this city lor $46. $0. Tw !ar.d is to form ihe si e of the new deaf n.ute scloot. and 100 acres sre lobe used for like reform school. The blind school la to be moved wl.ere the desf mute tclsool now 1. Salem Jassi IISl. The Lebanon adrance says. Wc hear ol ihree candida'es on the democratic ticket lor eacn of 'he trree offce of sber ifl, clerk and recorder. The are: for sheriff, C C Jackson. M Scoll and Jack McClure; for cierk, X F Payne. CE Stanard and Riles bhelttn ; lor" recorder, E E Davis. Geo Dtvaney ar.dOeo Flalev. A record ha been kept from August lb, 1593. to ihe tpd ol ihe year, of ail tbe accidental shooting which have occurred in Oregon an J Washington. The record shows that within the 19 weeks 14 acM den'.s Irom gens have taken place. How cans have proied fatal I not known, but 7 of ihe unfortunates d'.ed almost instant lv after such mishap, hi worthy of rare that 15 out of t. 34 so-called acci stents were c'ied by intense excitement and great car.les.nees in handetng gwn.. Ir Thompson, cf Corralls. arrive.1 in tbe tity this noon. Mr W E Chandler, of Corrallu. is in the- city cn a visit. Col T E Hogg left San Francisso for the east a few dar ago. U V IS--; .! 1 , - , City on 'Tlamlet." BlU versatile man indee.1. 1 .. .-o mn.i.i ie.. irr.i in i.aaer . i.e.1 1 a very . in i.aaer Uade Billy Wriglit came np from Salem tn:r nnr.n with his peUef horse radish. He my sens a ttrtt-. ias art: J W Cusi. k. of Albany, a brvUher of Pr W A Cusiek of this citv. ws in Sal-m yester.!. -. -..-.---. Prof Michene. spent Sunday in Aihanv. He always calls on one or more of the AI lny tea. her- when u-wn there. Lebanon Express. Ed Thc.n-.pson. an insurance man of Al !xny. is in the Capital City 4 few dev. on business Salem Statesman. Rather of Portland, formerly of ARany. W 0 McFaddeu. the Cccvailis lawver. re turned home from Salem this noon. Though the Journal has been after hi ssalp. he did not seem to have lot any of it. Prof : F Kuselt left last night for San r ranciaco io auen.i tne miu-wuuer tair. as well as to look after other matters. Tlie 1 nil is a camneiate lor supennten.lcr.t of ; -gem ies. a position for which he is well fitted. 0 H Irvine, of this citv, is one of the bondsmen ot the absconilingeolonel of the 2nd infantry. O M Q. The Kvss is in money turned over to the coUvoel for pay ment of arnicry rent, and Mr Irvine was on lii bonds for ae proper care of state prop erty in his hi possesion, and will prob ably not I called upon to pay the 'ieticit in the e-ash aixount. McMinnville Telephone Register. I E Teacher's rvaailb Ilea: Votiee it bereKv given that for ;h nuts if nisk i.iir an ex minat iemof ell pea eone who mav otT-r tUemsx'lvns as cstnl nalna for let ehers of ibo sc- no's o( Ir eonnlv. the county a tiperiuteixtont iher ofwil Isold, a public sxamination al A hanv, Ugitining at 1 o'eloek p nt. o Wednwaqay ,rwb.ll i9l. ami eominu'.i wa aaya A Sw it i I l charge I I i. id examination ArP'iesuts I r Stat papers iihould fl'e their sppic! ions ant the OOUnt) Niip.rln'enitent at lint livo laated Ihin Ml day ot Jnuarr,lS94. G F RDSSKLL t 0 Ittty Soli sol S :pei The Vim i Deliatal Every cxi e lenced nuts knows tbe value of a remedy which, without bcirg su soc- cyne, will relieve soreness of the hint s or stiffness of Ihe j riots, and enable the patient to tltap quietly and naturally. Just such a remedy are Aloocks Porous Flatters. Placed an the chest ur 00 tie hack, If nc.-c sary opt into sfeipa and lace I over the muscle of the limbs, thev work marvel in 'ho way of aoothiag and qoielin Uemg peit.otly simple an harmlrs. in their cmpnsition, they ca u b used frctly, and many a sufferer hat thank ed tin m for a night ni quiet rest, gratefu both to him and thote who cam lor him. Bracdroth's Pill do not Week eat tho bowel. SOCA I. AND Instri'mem r.L Mvstc. Miss llatile Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gales Col lege, Net), is prepared to jive Icisont In vocal and instrumental music Io tingle pupils nr classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner hut had a thorough educa. jfaa and is an experienced teacher Her tel.'iences are. Prof il A Bstorey, William 4. Trow and Mrs Lee. A tLIU Enjej. Tne pleasant flavor, gentle action anu soothing- effect o Syrup ot Figs, when in need of a laxative, ami if the lather or mother he costive or biliuus, the most gratifying results follow its use; to that it Is the best family remexlv known and every family should have a bottle. SATTJBDA1T tin aaewsfitaTrav. The totals for the ass t-ismnte of the eleven citien, and acbooj districts of the county have just been completed and re ports sent to the city official and school clerks in order that they may report to the county clerk their levies U'ore the let of February. According to the roil the net assessment of the several cities is as fol lows: Ab"y M,9rMM Brownsville 7:5 '-'?' UHLS59 Ilarrisburg 39,2lfi Lebanon . 295.75 North Brow'nsville 172 :W0 ? tajtu SoiJaville ; 754 Sweet Borne 19.794 Tangent Waterloo :io!i70 Ihe taxable nn.perty in flchool Diatrict No. 5 is I.997,97.. In most cases tbe as sessment of the school district is slightly more than that of the rjsy. tl40 Stole: ing the nanus -VesteriLiy men gxy- 'if Ij- Hays and Wil.l Bill were arrested by constat.! Met hune, of iiarri.sturg. al that pla. on the charge of imisra inio tne re.nleie ) of M jarrtson. near the jnn .ountv and having .tcilen 3l40from the saui - las' Wed nesday. The warrant w;u i-s.ied : - 5m the iii-ut court 01 llamsburi.'. At tlif time of iu being i-seed it si, thought -iiat Mr Harrison 1 house was located in Lmn conntv but after investigating the Ic-ation thor oughly, u wa. proven that the crime had been committed in Ine countv. The deputy prosecuting attorney was notified and be issued a new warrant Wore Justice Kinney. Deputy Sheriff (ieorg Smith brought the tnr:i here on this afternoon s train, 'and they will probably lie given an examination on the charge this evening or tomorrow morning. One hundred and thirty-five dollars in gold which the men bad buried was recovered. Tlie evident, against them u alu-ost certain to convict. Ouard. Bin mil 1 AJlsany's able at! ity last week. -C If Dalryniple one of meys, wa in this vicin- If there is a man on this mundane sphere who we simply detested it is the dirtv scoundrel who has been faking our tupeV for the past two or three years, andwbo Las never paid a ml cent for the same sn-l then bad the post-taaster send it back, refused." We though: seriously at first of publishing his name, and will if ihe money is sot forthcoming. Owing to the resignation of Prof W 8 Mavhasrrv Mia. Iiu ri,... ... . j. - .-l.v. ai tnsr a. pniKipal of the school and alias Anna vtarmouth as primary teacher for the present Applications have been nuide It the ryrin. ipntship.bct a yet it is not known who is tbe sucjceasiul candidate. Pugilism seems to have invaded the air around Brownsville- e'utwiav afternoon Gus ennon and l-ee Rigffs retired Io a seques tered spot, shed their linen and proceeded to use each other as a Uttering ram. Ven nora wa.- too tcocb for his opponent. Time. A 11 .vm::-d: n., i ire Harris burg came near having a :.r We-i oewlay evening, and had a few more minutes elapsed before no Ucetng the blaze, the r : leoce of J Q Sen ders would now be in ashes, lirlv in the evening while Mr S.mders was at the store. Use youngest son. Ldgar. took a ligbte.1 candle ajj.1 went into Mrs Sender's room af ter some article. A few moments later a couple of gentlemen who happened to be passing by noticr-i the Sre. and rushed in to subdue it which they were ruoessfal in doing. Tbe wall, ceiling and carpet were baslly burned and tbe damage will amount to WOO or m -e. leesiJes crmsi lerabte wear ing apparel wbieh wa ruined. Courier. BArr: Niu-i-arv. An uncommon incideut took place yesterday aftemo.)n at the Christian h.jrek. sva' tbe CocvaJlis iaza-sette. Mr futin Will, five father t our well known J W j Wifi, and Christina W ilL hi mother, n-iw respectively aged 76 an.1 74 year, after havinjr earnestlv striven to live what 1 usually considered an hon.w aijJe christian life for f.irtv old years, rea lize! in a full sense that Lipusm bv im r!-u(ii. x Or-Trinrv. in otevl- mersion was ewsential. 1 .- ''' ' 1 -" ' i ei , iuri tesa, v t,i ir-. - .,- s: ..: .1 lessee t. were icirt : : . :: :. il :h .!,! .f i'5,rit bv El ier W W Sharr. . y natafsi .-A TKatk Severn h Day Adventit church, with whi.h i they umtexi in this citv. j II IIFMIIH illl. l Arvy i ham. of Snlesn, represmtin IM W r. rmam employes, have tilesi a rvlea in inter vention in the case of tlie Farmers' ln i: Trvist Cor.:ony f New York. Co foreckesB a big mortgage najaUBtjl the company. The employes prafr fcr an order of the cotirt- reqairtng and compelling this big creditor irus; ctuiraay pay into the i-ourt tbe -ev era. am.vmls c:aiirel t v the claimants j bringing this sui together wi'ii interest 1 at per cent ttaereon. until the same shall i have been jvai.1. and allege dexe'e lion of j duty on the part of :Le trust company. kut 1 1 Ka lth t. The Ashland vLTftT. 1 he Asnland Kecord blasts as foil ws: Not a child was buried i in tbe Ashland en-.-teries during IsSJo1 This i climate 1 cuncber of a to our anu we doubt if there is a sinele town On the rttSUK that can show- a similar record. 1 ce onlv undertaker in the citv .1 I. iKjwniug. i compelled to be encaged in other enterpris.'s. 111 onier to keep liuy. There were only tweutv turials during the past viar and tnev were invaiiablv old per- . 1 ... . ... . . . sons. Asnianu i tne tie.ntnie-l town cn the COM of its sue. a itELit . 1 eslenlay morning we were shown a tobacco pipe by Mr P Carlile. of this eily. that to us was quite an interest ing curio. It was made on tlie IwHsnfWlil of Bull Knti bvtleneral Keub Williams, ed itor of the Warsaw, (indl lndi.uia Keput- aim by him iven to ir.c-s Hubaar letnmmier Ky who the youngest enlist ' e.1 soldier 111 the I mon ranks duritiir tb war 01 tne reis-iiio". Alter tne war was over Mr Hubler s '. ! :'. t its' : . Mr t'ar- lile. now of this citv. but at th time a ranMhwat 0f wmmiii (liuift)ii 111K .-(' iiiit:. . iir.rwiisvihe man gets off the fed low ing in tlie Times: Tlie young girl from Scio. She was so high. O! Says Johnny B et: I you see nie'r With the veiling girl from Scio ! Oh. ebxir me. high no. but the ytttBSJ irl fiwm Scio, has gone away, ever te stay, hiyh-ho. rs io. yevu see says Johnny B. I could easily ery. Oh! for the young girl Irom Scio. tih, come hack to me, a treat it shall be, says Johnny B, to tht young girl from Scio. Foot Ball. A disnatcb received to day in Albany annouueed that the great foot ball game between the Multnomahs and Corvalbs would be played at this citjr on Feb 0 for a guaantee of $K0. This will probably lie furnished and our citizens be given an opportunity to see the li vest game of the season. Dr. Price's Cream Biking Pow der WerM t Fair Hlghett Award. nil I). ; .THOMPSON. In Waterloo. 0ngon, oa l.ttnurv 80, I!'!, Mrs Marv A Thompson. aged "8 years. 8 months and M days. Mie whs iiom tn rruaOBSOWB, v a., m Haa yeHtr 1S25, anel wtus married in Chicago, September. W, IS:!:?, te Knevh rhennpson, who iuvceeelml her te the erther weirlel some ten years :uro. She was the mother of nine children, four erf whom are now livinj; und are an honor to her revirenceel name They tire R N and ti C Thompson, of Browns ville, Mrs Mary Weltvrmocxl. of S;m Fran cisco and His Martha Boone, of Hoise City. Idano. FKXXKLL. tn Friday evening, Jan 26, lSSM, at the revidence of Mrs Marga ret Femwll in Albany, of eemsumptieui. Thos Fennell, agenl 29 years. The doceaseel has has been an engineer on a Sound stouiiur, until obliged to stop work on ac count of poor health, when he came to Al bany to spend his last diiys with his mother and brothers and sisters. The funeral will take plase tomorrow at 2 o'clock p 111, at the Catholic church. 4MB It is 'igh time for Charlab Mitchell to go 'omo. The Conrailii (iazettc calls the Salem Journal an anarchist sheet. Twenty -rven O Pmen have recently lost their position - by the system of economy inaugurated. Among the exhibits at tlie Midwinter fair will be Red Crown flour and A Ibejay woolen mill goods. Tlie Ijadien Auxiliary will give a social in the Y M C A rooms Friday evening Feb lth You may expect a good time. Arrangements are being made for a change of management of the Runs House by which Mr Howell will transfer his in terests to Mr (ieo P Warner, owner of tbe building, who will run the hotel. Those wishing to secure tbe Calhoun Opera Co for Albany, should leave their names at the store of Hodges sV McFarland. It takes money te bring 4o people to a ctiy and a good support will be necessary. Coll Van Cleve, editor of the Yaquina Post asks J F Stewart, the populist editor of the Leader to stand up, and then ever lastingly Corbett him. Van is a light ning striker when he gets started. On tbe rseasi in of the installation of the new officers of the A 0 D W at Scio a face public dii. ner wa j served. The Press say. : Many persons on this oexssion seemingly had not taken a square meal for some time, judging from the way they caused grub to disappear in their immediate vicinity. One party is reported to have drae.t nve cup m onee and eat accordingly. !eo W Skinner, of the flouring mill of Indeudence. has invented a new kind of a with which to navigate the Willam ette river during low water, ami will have a model for exhibition in a few weeks. HLs boat i a new departure, having no boiler, as it will he ran by gasoline, thru saving the weight of a boiler. It will be flat bot tomed, needing only a light draught of water. Salem Icdependent. The following from the Oregon ian j, about a former Scio girl; Lena Houston. 17 years old. waa taken from the Delevan house, in the North End. by Officer Tom Coleman yesterday and given an opportun ity to ten her troubles to Chief Hunt, the latter official is assured that Miss Lena t not living an upright life, and as she is not yet old enough to choose for herself, he committed her to tbe charge of Matron Pitku until her caee can be thoroughly in vestigated. The best patent full roller flaur a: Mc- !iwaintal6. cents per sack and everv sack : A B McCwain witl sell you Scotch gray underwear far men at 7; cenu per nsjJc end everv :: warranted new sooxis. Call at A B Mclivaia't and examine his shoe stock. The be: shoes in Albany for $1.25 acd everv fair warranted a rep resented. A B Mcllwaln will hrve cn sale for this week on, y 3o dozen ladies al! woo! bote at 25 cent per pair. Regular price ;o ct. Ail title. Mn BiSyeu cti .a ut to announce io the public thai the ha secured first class nelp and it prepared to do all kind of dret- rraking a her residence on Tntrd treet. Cncle B'ily Wrigh will visit ycu with a psi. of at fine horse radish as can can be made In the D S. Be teadv 10 order. Hcrae rxdish ;s scarce: but Uncle Biliv gives good measure at low prices. 1 Blum has teen in the city in the inter est of the Midwinter fair. Miss Davenport, of S overt on. returned home today after 1 ititing with the family of J G Crawford fcr several eiays. Mr and ran. of the depot hotel, will ve a social ball at the hotel on Feb 2 usic will be furmabed bv the Bite or- hestra of Salem, and no pains wiil be spared to make it a p'eaasant event . Mr B M Pavue has rerurued from an ex tensive trip to his Santiam farm and is at his desk at the clerks . after div- absattce E E Homnoci and the other Linn oun tv men recently serving as jurors in the I" S county at Portland returned home yester day . after a long siege before Judge" Essi e's-" Grandpa Burmeiater. of Bilyeu Pen. the leath of whose wife was noted last week. U reported to 1 elangeerousiy sick, and his recovery doubtful. The shex-k of losing his life long companion together with his srreat age it is feared will prove more than he can bear up under. Press. RatuatOsT Sduvices. '-Soekinj the Lost" wili be the subject of Mr Claim's senile n at the Congregational church to morrow uigbt. Morning service at I9:SJ as nsual. Sabbath school afior moraine service ami V P S C E al t):4-". Rev C E Capp will adelress the Y M C A tomorrow at 4 o'clock p m. Ciapp is holding evangelistic servieses iu :be Congre gational church and is an earnest, forcible speaker. Cntfeel Presbvteriat : Services conduct ed by Kev Riiev Little. 11 a m celebra tion evf the Lord's Supper. 7:30 p m "The Pure in Heart.' S S at 2::J: Y P S C E 6:3). Strangers welcome. '''tU:Nli IXTTTAVltVXS. Wooden, Tin, S.Wer, Golden Coiwmon every day. asfT'StiiLalT. Or. Prlce: Port; Crcauo .;.it Powder Veer tne Su.-Zirl. "When I was a Boy,' Yrites Postmaster J. C. Woodson, Voreat Hill, W. Va., "I haei a bron ohial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the ttpctor pronounces! It incurable with erdinary medicines, and adviseel mo to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. Per the last fifteen years, I have lined this, preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, aud I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, ot considering it safe to be with out it." "I have ben using Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral in uiy family for 30 years, with the most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommenel it as being espe atally adapted to alt pulmonary eom (taiuts. I have, for mane years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have come to the conclusion Wk&t Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi etaes of the class." Chas. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ay & Ce., Lowell, Mas. Prompt toact, sure tocure COXiKXa "As oM as tbe hills" and never ezcell cL "Tried and proven" ia the verdict o f miliiona. .Simmons Liver Hcgn lator is the only Liver aad Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a care. A mild laxa Better Th an tive, and purely veg etable, act T 7 7 in? directly - 1? oa the Liver J. aQd nevs. Try it Sold by all DraggLits in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tetv Tlae King of liver Medicines. "I have used yourisimmons Liver Bezs l&Ujt and can censelentlOaaiy amy tt t the kins; of all liver medldnes, I consider it medicine hesrt in Itself. Omo. W. jACaX rsos, Taooiua, W'aahlngton. an-ETEBT PACKAGB-VO Use E Stamp la r-ed oa tarayewts, J F. FGRD, Eraisliil, Of Dts M-j.. IfcWl, wntts nr.. it- isle . f March 23. 1893: S. B Mco. Mrr. Co.. Dafar, O'ecoo. Ce arrinn Sies :uf K . r t.-.A-M well sod acxioacly a-raitinsr. Owe httle giri. e-jtht atd oee-hlf years old, wbeihad wa ted aaav to St unril, a'waae strong aaf vigoroa., and well ties bed so. w. o. t,.sga . nee baa Batata it toes w',. Bota of the aiattjea Bk. it vu. c u Coogb Cure baa cured and kept away a'l "vsroea intn rce. o give tt to evey oce, with cre'ticgt f&r all. Wubine sou proieefi y. we are 1 oars, M 4 Macs J F I ea. H von wish tt. M urn aasl ebeofal, tail riy tjr eee speiajst clou. rr r pna .sk the ataatttaaaJ lirarCnt, bruaasa- tew ar earee ie) an! per bot'Jity tflet J ACL MMIXG. TH3 Gssat tere all others Csatrha, Ciwcs. Bate Throat, Hearsea sc:;:cr wcS ana Asu:- jrrr C int-cj;ctia lea DO irsaS taAen ia t::e- scd by ETcsaSszs aa a trmr estee. For a Laase Back pr Cheat, use SH1LOH 3 BELLADONNA PLASTSRSc CATARRH REMEDY. iTVTsiU:e: tecU to curv you. p at. : tied CrownMills JOSH iSOM, fRCFriETOR. a rs.crsjes n-tvra WBTUWmtl rot. .ati'ia REVERE HOUSE LBANY OKI AS. I P K 1 F F F I' r K0 T U : KT! ' twaar mmmm mmm mm mm -sstnnnnnnnm , ftttHtatV SB Jm COPYRIGHTS.- CA I OBTAIN M PtTKXT S ts. . STJV fTTT aoneat opinion, wrtte to Ml NS eV((l.,M have had oeartrSriT eirenence in tbe stent baatnea. i 'm -,, IK strlctlT cootMontlaL A Handbook or In t.waatlon eeioeerniat: Palest, ara how to oi tain them sent tw. AKi, csieivii or aaeaataat-sw-' tod soMQUSc books Jen: 5S? IMnta taken t uvnsh Munn & Otv receavw fVtenttnc America nTLd e- cost to the iBTeetew. This tshsadld parvr SSS1-- fX? litostrsteJtSeytgSe. terui plates, in eok rs. nd pboeotrrmjilu ol mm hontes, with plans. , nabltng Valsoers to fcow uk UsJ?.'?I?1rT1nJ.',vc:' 'mr-!j. Addnea Ml. s 4 CO, Mr otut, -Jtai Bkvauwat. it. Mi MeFarlanA DIALER IX Harness - and - Saddlery Display in the Dqoi VI60R " M F erxevienttj RoUrSkl. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNSC, OESiLlTYw :i . mil th train e? Ca Irom Htrtjr rn..r .v : fXC-'te. ibo f'--ul j t-C overtk, I c k u at s, wsjrrr.eic. Full t re: tfTIupM:t aJ f -f plvoniti every ortn etal i tlon t 1 . (-'. F.r-iitW.n&tnn'JiaetaVHfik Inintc.Utti lmprv'spnft.t ivsmti. Futlureliuysj-:'-!. 2.t) V-K VXi-?Attut 11 ftfitS L:.- .3 BUaileti ..MMiied free. ERIE MEDICAL Cl BUFFALO, It. " i i'-... If njBrPv ?Vta staRm ca. aj-l E I nmsn vs ceox a -ttLJ&jL--S i cmua cna nt-cr- -..v fH!L0H'Sr HTit? rra Crrii Tb ?