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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1894)
am i i A sVIaAM T T BEULAIN, AUeraeya at law. Will practice in all courts ( tlia state. Special attention trivon t matters ia proa .ve east te ce; omUK-lnthe F'.lnn block w It IIIILYEU Atlerasy at Law ine Solicitor in Chancery. Coll 'Joss made an all ne'.nte. Leans neaeliateil an reals tonus. Albany, Oregon EO. U . W RIGHT, Attorney at law, ana Notary Pub.ic. Will practice'ln all theoaurta of this stats Special attention riven to cellecliens an matters i.i preeUe (inter Ncvt oesr ta rjttotnoe, Albnny. Ofu . r. t i v: II ieil "n liter srl I roceiv ramp ;ti ..t "all r"s IV n . Albany, O attest! sa J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albnny. Or. M Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. james J. ii v AttortioT-at-l.a. All loesl sstsinosa attended o ereuieUv: ni wk, A'baoy, On D K. j. I., itn.i.. Phjciciaa an Surcoon . OFF1 OB Corner Far 7 street, Albany, Oregon. D us. Mirov .. Phvsiciana an Sarreens. OFFI "K -Corner seen an ttrcsxielbirt streets. Albany, Or, Calls pro.npt.y atucJes i utv and country: c i . ch iiHi.iti. vi . n. D., ameapatbist. (srSpocUlit in disnses of tha Eye. OHoo hours 7 ta 9 a m: 1 . 3 to. ana 7 U i ai .A Ororon. HUNT MTiMAIi BiXK. IF ALBANY, OlictOK recMs'it Vlo- Preside at rssali'er L FLINN . S. E.TOCSG W. LANG ISO N TRANSACTS A GENERAL banktug tuaiaea ACCOUNTS KKPr subject to aheck. SIGHT BXCHANGK and tel Taphic transfer, JpHa New York, San Francisco. Chicago and P itlead M OO XXCTION j tlADKor. tat arable anna at a aero w. j . B. Too E. Lsao L K Burs. L. Fu Bdwako f . Sex. a J n ccct'i..tviai!Re er VLBANT, ORKGOS. TR..SSACTa lenea.' aa:it:nr usS kss DRAW SIGHT PRAfTS sn Sew TarS. San Ft sco and PartlanJ, Oren L"AS MONEV sa apnnvad Severity RECEIVE .;-. ts s jkj.vv ta ehack. COLLECTiOSS imatie an f.-.n.iraiU lenna. I!TKP.EJT Sii4 en litis isasssiU IV ilt. scio, Mnanei . T J Mess . A 3 Ja THE WEBFOOT KOUTI Bicgod ftcific Railioid. t TV Cl I BLVr. Ueeetver TIlfRScHSOULB. axcapt 3oodara. sVure Albany llM P. tt tVssvr Cur'sllij !:'. Arrl.s Via lina :3S e.n ;L- Taoina. t.'iOa.B I'ara" a, ! Arrive A.Wa7,l:lt a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates Between Willamette Valley Points and Man Francisco ocst sr.uns t tuwfn rasa sas raascrsc WlllaasetU Valiar, X.v I'.a, lsth.XSiil, raas Taaeiisa. Witlameru Valiaf, Kar r.h, lath ana tttt. The Company nrwa the nga stance mlling daUx v-'lkout notice. S.VKB NTIIA3ICR8 . veasssr "Hs" lesrei Partlaa Wsaes.y aaS Saturday Bin. HC Dmv.Oen As;t,Silman Slrest Whirf ,Partlan4 D E Vauthn. Oed As. 8in Kraneiseo. Cal. R K Hul-wkv, Usneral Sapt: SAI T LUKE, 1 i KANSA.S CITY ST. LOUIS 4)I ) 2 TO CHICAGO QUICKEST TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST HOURS HOURS afflAl UICKER TO OMAHA PUUMAH AND TOURIST SIEEPERS, mi nGLWiQ CHAIR CARS, mm cars. SUM Clark, Oliver V Ml.ik, S Ellei Arieler.-on, Receivers. For 'a'es and general infos mation call on or address Curran Ar. Montelth, Albany, Oreijan, or Vf II HURI.BURT.Asst.Gen l. Pass. Ajt, at; Washington St., Portland. Orison 11 if religious beliefs perplex you, snd you desire a faith at once reasonable snd uplifting, send for free liberal reiUlns reading to posloffice mission, 346 Yarn Mil street, Portland, Or. Y7 EAT WJEKFOKD DENVER About six months apo my little Bon, ailed three, was vorv much trembled with a lin-atmi: out on his scalp ami behind his car. The places effected wore about as large as a silver dollar, the flesh seemed raw and covered with little Mister. The child suffered considerably, and ivas naturally verv fretful. Itried several reme dies without obtaining any benclloial results, In fact the eruptions scciucd to be spreadinc MM new places nreaaini; 0111. a to try the Oi'Tirt itx Hkmeiuks, and bought t box of COTtotrhaA, a cake of Ci Tict'iu BOAT, knda bottle of Ctmctma resolvent, l washed the elatileil parts with the CfTictitA taking care not to irritate the flesh, and applied i',- r, i .,r icci n i Ilea lor the lietier in I the appearance of the eruptions in twenty-four I hours. 1 continued the treatment morning and night, and in two weeks tne enipucis rum disappeared, leaving the skin smooth and the scalp clean, m met a perievi rum seen any indications of any eruption or br caking out since. 1 gave tne ciuiii only a tew uosca m the CnicrRA Rksolvevt. 1 consider your Cmct-RA Remkdies very valuable, and expect to keep a small supplv constantly on hand. I believe CtMssllUUt would I excellent for apply- I ing to insect bites, which are very annoying in this country. C AMflBBOljp. CtTiet'RA Revet TKs cleanse the system by external and internal medication of every erup tion, impuritv and disease, and constitute me moat effective treatment of modern times. 8old thrcuchcut the world. Price, COTICTBA, aOc.: Soap. Sic.: Rksolvxst, Potter Ml ASD Cnaa. Corp., Sole Proprietors, Boston. JW " How to Care Skin Diseases," mailed free. I Notice for Publication. U. P. Lssd Ofkios, Orecon City, Ok. July Ilth. 1S93. Notice is hfcreby given that ir comp'i ance with the provi. ions rftbe act cl Congre of June S, 1ST8. ea'lt ed -An act for the sale of unit er :n -s in thatat of Ca ifornia, Orega, Navtdi Wash iugton Territory ," Albert " Coll ver, of Green Basin, count; ol Marion, etate of Oregon, baa this dty filed in this office his sworn atvte oent No 2874, for Ihe purchase of th S E j of .-ot . on Wo SBJa township N6 10 Son. h ranae No ; East. aat will ofler proof to sh w that tbe land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than tor aeiicalturai purposes, and " establish his claim to saia laud bafcr tne Register a'd Receiver of this office a lregon City, Oregon, on Vednesday , the 2m day of January, 1891. He nam as wiines-e: Gdo H Lete.iier, of Albany. 0 egnn; Henry Aibany.Oregon; JL Bet ry, of Rerry, Oregon, H M Herbert of Ureen Basin Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above aescribeo lands are requested to file tiuir claims in ; this office on or before sa'd 24th day of ; Jannsiv, 1894 Robert A Miller, FCR WW C Alt RICH SI mn K. tnn .Ims nnl IraStWS SO vers msotal siralo. SWssasal Ihhim ta rHW- CJa Me. or vicious habits ooritracssd la raA. sii -aw iKSUf are aietlma 10 asrraas BabUlly er sSsmllos. WaiUat SS k ntu. I.Tolo .l.rr E.aaaaw srlth Barlr 1 eas la TaaasandllMSIa AsaSi UeSof vivr and strwaglh. wiin sexual orsrans tropalrsd sad I IT 10 apprtjBKauDa - s - I 11 as w 1 1 speak trim knowSsdas of 1 sits In many Uios nd oases waaoad and ewrssl In she past 0 rtesse our rossnoa or insroaucina solcblb iudicat: BABKir ED FAST1LLI a la ens which enmmenda ttsalf to ail sensible Mrsons f or tee reason tOaS ws rrupplr ii war ot expanse bsraod postal eant upon I ilr tadannant or ua thus, wmiui eant poatssw stamp laaskad. TO pcarssi csvrs sor as in ssnair line ns their toll address aad Use poss- aaa starcp ri.r ue letter reeunnraj am auans 1 of tbOtr ease for srhieh we aopplrthem with qu,-s-tioo blank, to be fliled onu and a aolf-sddrea sal ; eorsloee for arte to recaralrw; It when ailei. -M JT Wtsen we reesrre the tsatercer.t rUHoD blank we prepare eisat oa-. JzL... tRetroeoSaad fortrard is v y mail . pcaiiaTine pitaes-Aioae wiiii ibo Iweseod full d iractloos lor ann. ir treatment causes no pain or loeooveatsoee and does not prereDt atteotloa to bustuete We leave the metrerot eendins orcvers entlrsly srlth th ee naina the free trial treatment. Ilav lrrt'- those eeodlne tor trial pertrsatw Dtxr atsUitr to beneSt them are faej that User ere more larsalr Interested than ui seises ta oontlnntac the use cf tbe Peel I Use We make Use prleee aa kw as rxjaasble. ssna Use eeroe u. sir They are as fallows: S00 for one tneeth; t&M for two mootba; STXJO for Usree mootha. We ask all persona neertlrtg treatatetit to send their address on postal or by letter. All u leatloDa conndanUal aad attOatd be addressed to THE HARRIS KlSStUTUU., T-IfciiSfJt,1 iir. w avvjs. EAST AND-SOUTH, THI SHASTa" ROUTE. OF THE Southern Pacific Co. express Trains '.aera PortlanS Darlj. iottth I f:lif. a. I Lv 10: r a I L 19.45 s Ar rasa jclt 1, 1S02. I JieVtli PirUana Aib.i.r aau Kra:,iaca Ar I 5 ii a Li U. Lv I 7,00 r a CijTatrtins at spa. all rststio ia from nd to Albany "! imIvs, also lan hsd i.Halaoy.lIirrbibarg, Jnnction Irving, K.igsns an t all sUtions oiebuigto ks iianit ias:usi'e. OS1-' iO aSff. PSTLV 1:3 'y a ! Lv P.r.lanS ArtSO r IfiSSr a I Lv a. nn Lv 1 .v. iXOrm, I Ar Uesaburr IL I TM aaaaea :10a a 1 Lv 1U. j- Arllunaa 'On'Ar Lebanoa Lv 1 SO a l:Sa Lv Alesor Ar :Sr M a a I Ar LeWnas Lv j 2:33 e PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. -AIVD- Dininz' Cars on Ogden Rjute. 8EC0ND-CU5S SlEfcTO CARS j Allachea tn all Thratarta Trains rTrst l'. islnti. r-Tttr.E poktlasjis and taasaiiis alL ftiSsaii i (HxteptSurai)-, 7:Si a a I Lv IMS r a Ar f'art'anS C'trrallla Ar I S:t s 1X0 re tsrasaSTtar stltr lExe;'. Sn jag. t:4'ra Lv Ar Portlai.'l SL.'Uhinvil a trl Mr I f as an Tfcroiiprli TicJcetf- s all rsilnt In ths Rtsturn rtutos, fjarast ail Enms can be ub-sine t at owest ra'ss fr m a U trow b, Arent Albany. KOEHLRB K P. R'ir.R9, Vanairer Sss'l (I f. rnj Port'ir..; Oroonl CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. OESICM PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, at. ror mriirrrMti'.T! rnit free Handbook vr :eto mi'nn a co., an iiuusuwst, n Tobk. Oldest, tinrenu for sacuiinir patents In America. Krerr patent taken out by us It tWnasrhi m-fure Uif public brauoucegiven free of cUu, : lutus lstrest circulation ef enr scientific paper In th world. Splendidly tlltntrsted. ?o lnt"iiirent man should be without rt, Wockir, :;.(((. a (fear: Buse six nioiitim Address ISuVjl vju Vuaiasnaiis. M i Umade ew Vuck &t u A0.H i VT0TICE IS sViiAsQiVS NJTICE UUM IJIVEV THAT THE I N i.1 di SStS Ba ll;! II atilioilitiul ulinniLir.),.. ... ilia MaSS of L Gerhard, lata of Linn count,. Ur doieased. bavins; claims aatast BaM osute are hersbv requirad to prcasnt thcro duis verlflwl at by law icqulred to tba uudnraiiftieu 't Co-vali.s. Oregou, within six uiu.iths frsui lb., sta'e In- '1 a f. Hated this 24 k d iy of, 1 'S3. LEO OKRHARI). 1 1 1 a v .1 uu ti 1 1 , Waallierford at rhsoiberlain, j Administrators Altyt for Admin. crito American I u - at. - v jaiaa 19. MM T1IUr THE REI'L UI.U'AN llr'.r lt'l UV.'Y PUT All the republican orRarts follow ll;c cue Of the Tribune in treating the treasury re licit and lbs necessary Inerea e of the pub lic debt at due to "democratic incompe lency." The best anser 13 tiiis is su;;'ie.l by facts which cannot I'o denied and lijjuici whicb rnnnot lie impaiched. Wlier. the democrats turned the jr.ivern mcm oyer to the republicsns in March 1SS9, there was an available cash balance In the trcisuiy of over $185,000,000. Nfftrly $100,000,000 of this sum was in freehold. Tlw levenucs wtre then ex penditures at the rat; .f $toc,,OLo,ooo a year. When ti E daDDoeiala irceived ihe j;ov- emment back ii Msrch last tl-e- suiplui in the '.rcasuiv li. it i:lappr ird 'j'lie gold reserve was nalt lied up Mr Foster's t'e vice of boro in; In m N;- V i k. l ankers. The $9S,ooi,ooo of f'cc gold above the $100,000,000 ree' ve hid 'oindled to S-l.Ocii . The c .lutry trained ii c,u Id inipoi'.t during I'lc ulen. CUv l-nd'- first lei in fSJra 772,000. 1's nrt 1 s OJH Xllg l'rrl dent Iluilson's term i $i 21 The annual su plus folio d the ac:uu: ulalCil surplus under I' e Han i .n-Retd-Mc Kin.ey rule. Tne Billion- Ouliais Congress cut off of revenue, while raising j the tariff taxes in every schedule save two. It sd.:ed 860,000,000 to the pension list, In crtasire it in four ycis ir, ie thanihtvto itl cost of the lit in tSS. the close of fie rr. I to the ieguir amuai sp, priation. It 'ooted theTreisu:y with . ehmsaud ;hre away re.nuewit!i is ot icr, fortheexpriss j purpose ef preveating such a reduction of the ; tantt" a ths people orderel in I7? anj again in iSoa. Eery dolUr of ;hat I'lifjlTj Ihs SlKsl or is in sigU is aae to Rssssbtican Isgialat 00 an J Repub.ici.i stsl vgue:. The new bond issue will he Vn n in History as 1' e Republican Daficiencv D-bt A FAUILlAR BLEAT It iinfs.ifih t mi,. . ,L . ...i l t 1 , . laagj till she shakes her woo! out of cur-to . . ., hoar ths bleat of tne pj 1 izi a lep.irrds over t he V.'ilson bill. To listen to them nosheepesn grow w aad that no mill can think tnat'.atas on us fleece ro-s.-r j i.eas its raw material isburdeaed with a i.-rA. TW twillra ebepbsTdi .n e oeca iado inj in this fort ol UkfsWixlng, ar.d, what - worse, putting it in pactee. for the P thirty yean- And alt tne time th. ; ,. cl lomesth I percentage of shoddy in the poor mjosc'o'h ' ':c ":f"" s " ' ; -; - ,lve cuseu ui in ta'c niniJriN -na ine ptOf !e have paid f tsa $t$ tcc.osoayeti sir. leaky 0 w ool r s ' 4 'P ; ai Egyptian ba 1 '.lie The go'.dea eajle is repi ted U to t'.Je lo By tithe istc ol 14a nl cs an hoor. A'aa. wi li 1 1 i :!s, i aai 1 to teve a cj laen'i.iin .j..4ni miles. N j Japan for the very ( ktoia o Id ii. ee Is vert gu fry of swearing, .o-.l rea;n, that oaths are un c JefeaeOe langusge. Tl.. nf I. - I . ' . . 3 j - . - 1 n-uip' ira 152- ir-jif enrVe men's, whose rm;s - " a-e given sa vorii.y ol isk Tiie B.n Na' -ocal of I'arii. tea -ta?nirii 1 ,4 ovjo y.i 4'ne. is reporfc I tc le the largest library in h: '. The Revolution cjat the ))Vt of t is COaa rf $131,. 105,70;. Te sVar of iSia ' I wlthGratt Brinan cos.t i.i I tor. 150.000. When I wis reaasj we' p-epared s'nirnte for life; now we 1 rejjire theia for sximias' ions." ia s bit of truth from Jules Slmsn Kraaoe hta b.d titty-seven - que?nt,of whom thir:eet an cdii r crfiberof Ices are saiJ lo have I'Ves. 3aiiralcly happe J Peace of Calorado, on beha'f of ihe pop adsts ia conzrets, c-Cci an aujer.dn-.tnt to the income-tax hill srbca i: co:at up for consideration, provldin- fee i gridastcd Incom: tax as tolloae: a$.oo I per cent; $10,000 1 $ji.isx a per cent; $30,000 tS6.,ox3 pci cenr; $Gj,jo to $ioo,ojo 4 per cent; over $iao,r3 5 per cent. Tits is in BOBQsslanca i'.h the plank I In the popaUst platform. If th populists j can tot get the dtmacra s to adopt their idea they will dro it and help pass the demo- cratlc mtasure. . j I' is lima lo pet ar. ea.1 to this coasbined ! folly and rcbbeiy. The people have twice i for free sssCl slid lawer fxes os their 'clothing. The division n tbt C'ommit'ee ' of the World indicstis ;hit their Rep-re jsrntetives are nehlier f oo ed nor freig'.tenea ! by the political shetnen's. The doosocrat of the haose have i!ecidej lo remove the bounty fiorn sugar and put all grat es on the free 'let. This po' s to the adoption of the Income tx . Mrs. J. II. IIoksn ydeh, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, CaL, writes: " When a girl at school. In Readlnr;, Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain lever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, anil, tor a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Viiends urged mo to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, find, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, mil I uow have as tine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of slcknoss, my hair cume out in combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heary. I have recom aaended this preparation to others with liku good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, sgutl Hegina St., Harriahurg, Pa. " I have used Ayer's Ualr Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the bast preparation for the huir that is made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Arlt. Ayer's Hair Vigor trssred by Dr. J.C. Aj'er & Co., T.owall, Mass EUUCATIO.V hat. How Acquired, Ana importance. A mistake is oftan made in the ue of the terms, education and educated. We frequently hear it said, that MrA baa a tine education and tlutt Mr H is a thorouh ly educate I trentletiian, when it is yry well knovn that neither statement is con firmed by the flic's in eiiher case. Tliej are both omnivorous readers and are 'tie possessors of encyclopedic information, but they are not ihoroughly educated. The reason that I hey are not thus educated is, that education does not cinsist in the M cuiuu'ation of knowledge. A man may be well re.'d and not be thoroughly educated. Tuts will become apparent by an exanun at ion ol the origin if the word education. It is derived from the word educo, to draw out, and it D'tmtXT memint? is the ad 'f drawiag out It is a drawing out ef the mind's poers and capbili'is-n drawing out of the miiids ireuuinai enerf ies, which hive len implan'ed by the t'reator. And ' r mus! include all the mental faiul tee, inte'Iuctiu'. mora' and religious. The , memory must be cultivate I, the ifasoning powers must l e developed, tin j.idineut mu-t ba) exercised, the inoial powers must I Vm discipline and the religious instincts tnut lt( liialureil. Otherwise, educati' n. mental darvelopment, iil not be complete. Now, how can this be dene? Only by a rtiJ course of mental discipline This te I the only nival road lo (borough educati' n. And il'e Journey is not made in a few h' urs i r days, on the "Lightning Kxpreta'" ritt-en jeiii after out r-iiiiire? nion lis and .irars lor its com .1 io ; $7-1 oo.. "o p'etion Mental development is a giadtta) proceee of unfolding the mind a germina' powers and capabilities, and it attained in uKn WsTJeenl perfec ton only by long continued discipline and persistent labori- 011s effort. Well knos-n arlii ans ai d fa mous artists do not attain ceiebriety with out much and long continued practice They do not become renowned by the first or second production of na'ivs talent, i'hs divinelv iniidnr.!,! erm had to 1st devel oped, drawn out. by much rigid thought and close application And to it s in every department of ; rtoral development. These nlotwruldj stand high in any art or profession must j attain eminence by eluciion. Lv thorough .. . .. , . . , - , . ,. 7 uisciutice or mi mental lacunies. tnar , . I t.vW iliU, IK 11. . CU iVI i 1 .1 1 I ratus for the IransmiSB'en of thought over I e vnl iitf,la ami .,!,. Il i..,r atil jsesl that aU rerviding. invisib e. but , .11.1 fK. .i,- fl;. aid mads it man's obedient servant. It 1 nerer soared aicft on the wings of science i and made a tour of discovery tbroueh the j renon of space, mee.uriog i.t its fl gd the distances of tbe stars, and weighing ! the p'aaeta in its ecalas. It aeesr travera- : e 1 a 1 110 oea'on highways of countries, and thougt.t, in ail ages and then s-jmck out into ne- and untxplored . regions of original iuves-ifra'ion in srcb of . it it unknown cr.t ir-vit nf tru'.li . Re- fore it could -jake any of those acbievo- j cents, it had to undergo a process of dis- i ciplirsry" p'oparatioo. advancing s'ep by tap iu ita onwaid and upward pr:4ro-s. nut I the olrjadl aimed at was accomplitbeJ. And suvh must always be tbe course pur toed by ali that would attain to eminence in the a bisvements nf mind. Such err.- inent-e is a 'a i aeel only by iniorsc, concen tra'.eM mental ap;.iuan:i. It can never i le reJshrd by the tttde t fa depends I up- his teacher for ihesoiution of all dif i Sc alt problem in mathan-atic. for tbe analys's of all intricate and camp' tea ted I - seizes in Kntlish Grammar .and for tbe ' ,i.;.i.,;... .r .n 1 .t ,: :. .miuaii,'. l. a 1 1 .i.u , y iuf-iiuu II in men tal, moral, political or physical science. If lie does not grapple with these dtffiml lies in his schsul days, he will a -t be able to do i; whoa ht ge oa iuto the act i i Ces of a u-y woild, and corns ;a co-tact with 'be great problems, whio are potijeg to the test the lest disciplined minis in ! lnrcH and state The'-, he wi l have no teacher to whom be can a pair for ! a soiu ioa of lifts d.fficolt prcl enis Then ! hlaundevel.spel aticd atil . t come to his I tHaCOOsa case ol cmeigeacy. aoi the taaat of tbasxght aseatal !icip iee wi.l a source of rrgte'. to him sll th days of tit life. Then he wil see how mucj ba'.tcr It would bas e been, it he aai fallowed the ..... e f some 01 rut c:as-mals, who weie a ways at th: heat of the class, and se'djm foatxd aoy j rrb.ema wbic i thsy could cot solve, tne boy bi cjcs his own thinking, gives kit uodiTtded attention to hit teacher, and is regular ia hit attention. Is the fOSO shi docs credit la Idasetf aad hit teacher, is a aveful member of toriety, fi'is positions of honor aad a' ness in church and s afef vtie'.dt a coin. nan Jin :nflun:e in th com munity in which he Ii res ard thus rooahla w vw vul sre ..ot edacat.d. Tae, at the present time. .. not wtsethar a man has bean graduaud at stmt Kurorasn univer.i-y, at Harvard. Y.le or Alakany. but is h. ed - ucated? Hashes wit disciHllnsdmladJUave helstest p.wers .1 mini with whie . his creator has eadowed hius been dv!opaf ilrassn Ou' hv a rlcid roursa af mental discipline? If they have, then he it ; repared or the a-rtit'liira of life, in whatever SphsfrO he may be ct'led 'osct. Jt matters not where he obtained Ms education, whether In a college, in an actstemy, in a public achojl, or at heme by hie own efforts. It Is hit through! mental dit-liiiin, and not the place of his eiucstio i, widen, gives him his power. What was It Ibsst flfjsdc a tail, ljnk and awfcward western, fad splitter such .. . power in t salrttion of !. is country as Ab raham Ltaoola was? Not a li loma from a 1 tne a rs d unlvrsty, kut his self-acquired mental discipline in the school of close ap--ilicaii'in and intense thought, in combinat ion with gcod solid common s.-nse. Ant II he was that such a j.-siser in fse trying times in which h ivas called to act, how much greater power would he have been, if he ha I had the advantages of a through college education befo.e h en'ere.l upjn the a t ivitfes of public life? It would then have startC'J out ii life with a large amount o reserved force, wMoh he cou'd havo Called into acll jn in c tte of em-rency, and the vicory would havt lietn more easily jaineil K weli disciplines' mind ;s a mignty power, ml th graduate who lias it is at a pre niun and in demand, Ii is laM that only one Ssll of one per irnt of the poptttation of ins United S ates go to cclleg, snd lhat thl, hlf per cent hold slx'y er cent cf Iks high.! offices of the cosnsiy. There can be on doubt, therefore, absit'. the importance of a rollecia! education. TharouKlily edu cated college graduatts are aways Id d- m.ind; and never was there a greatsr d- 1 nmul far such men tlun at the present thne I Tub) Is ai age of more tan ordinary Intel licence, and t.i-e who wo.ild he leaJete i chuich or itate must bs thoiouhglj .educated If thy art not thus qaaliftsd for the pits, itons which they hold, iheir leadership we! he of short duration. They need not expect I . 1 r .. . . to cominanu ami retain a pennanent or In creasing iofloenc otrthos whoarcthel equal or superiors in indigence and meu.a discipline. iht opinions o( odiers. Hit mental disein- L " -. ' ; I, I.i j L-, sr.t . c lonsing to a family nar.icl were line eives. h!,r. .1 ,1 1 T - n bT P'diBj the nxrary that they knw a J? . Jfr,mento. I AnCe!es ki!W Their rareuu. an infant chiM and l.oe gives b,m Ow .Inch U would not we , Ca-IM. did the Treasury ! focmion and Saks, have the tame , freigb.ers from he wrecked ot vr wita hare 1 hi. is the rr...a th., j mu,t J m ; rskcV v"' Taco ."j ' soma me. who hav n,t nad the advantag the oI .,li,tioa, ln gJXw. sgrW Spokane ' h, ' Will Be a. .sc..,.. sw-swwawy ou. . Tbf t,aiwt,nlion a 0. th same rate. . NtC Yobk. Jan Jl -Mr' Minnie Filch- strip, in the .see of life, many col!er.e wuh bn;!. ., on!v - , . ' - patnei,-. ad SS and the widw of a naval Just now my private opinion is, that' the great want of the government of the United .Stales ft its hoad (quarter J l, a higher order of sta'e meo men converiant with national and, law men whose minis are Beted by thorough mental dUci? ins for thj gjverntntnt of 65,000,000 of people gtthered from all quarters of the globe; men who are christian patriots and seek the Interetls of lUe who'e country; Men who can not be bought, and would icorn the I lea of selling their country for a few pieces ofailrer; men that aie tlniouclily, educated, mentally, morally, and tptrttemlty men, in the nights: e:ue ot the term UllL'fA'l ION. w'ASHi.sUTOH LBTTEU, Kri nr re -u'.ar 0 rres,Miiidcitt. WasUagtoa, Jan. 22, iS4 Chairman Wilson has surpiied some p ople by the adroitness he has displayed in piloting his tariff bill through the 1 ; eenendmrnl rocks. He has run IgTDttad but once -when the House voted down an amendment endorsed by the ways and mems commi'tee. proi'osing to postpone nnti nxt fa I the tita? for tho f.i N clause of the bill to take effect an 1 adoptetl I one making that c'aue go ri'o 1 frect up on t'us pitssageof the bill, Tnis week tae Int'dest light ne will lie dot e. An attempt wit! be nude to c"rop the sugar bounty. substituting a tax ot sugar; also to drop j ,1,. 1 i - , 11 . the bounty, leaving sugar free. Attempts , will also be made to put iron and coal on , the dutiable list, and to make the income lax an amendment to the tariff bill. AH of thesa changes are opposed by the was and means committee, and chairman ilton is confident that none of them eHU be made. although sertrai of his eolleairues on the committee are in doubt as. to tbe sugar a , s j, a I clat ne anl the income tax ninmumen'. It is unders-ood that the republican vote will i "For the protection of our country and ita hi cast solidly for tbe income tax amend free institutions from the secret, intolerant meut. not because they favor it. but be- Wsive effort, that are being per ., . .. .. . ... , sisteutlv set fortn by the religfr-rioliiiitil or-! cscseibey believe itsadopton wul weaken Mni2i.ion knf)Wn " ,!w it,,' t-.tholir tbe entire bill in the senate. Tbe rnpub!i- cans in tne house are net voting or. Ibeir con"c,f V ep siern- ocratic dissension Senator Morgan gave ex-minis'ei Stc- eras, wto at list found time between bis alleged ba t health and bis lecture engage tuents to spjiear refore the senate Com- t-, ' mitiee on foreign relat iens and give his testimony, a most rigid cro s-cxamina on concerning hi conduct while I.' S Minister to Hawaii, aad brought out the acknoet edgment ti at Mr Stevens was from tbe j tionist, and that ao .. . . . nrst a rabid annexa wrote tho;e much ta'ked about letters to Mr Blaine, asking instructions in case of j the overthrow of tbe rjueen. with the ful , expctstkon that such sn event would take UuMir. ln.lisi,iiri wk.i ,M he ess, . . a srMs-a -ovts 1 - 4 ' a . aw-a. w see -t uuisiahs United States papers are cou-idefed nlar.1 duriri. i.i. nf r.rV.r :ii aa Ur and have l.on dmnir it ever since, incrjd . 1 l I e I- .r. - . U11KT. sil'J uu rr.umiueiigs iw awuuiiu I u..,.- ,k. iwimii II,,. ni. Wm-i- Blount's report charged him witn havinj: nag jawaioay. usshimi mm o;0, ,2 n wh;ch u woai ; . " - a 1 . .. many were interested. A little Albanv iii-iTT. tt,...-. v. Ynrk i done, c nder ordiaarv ctrcums'ances the ! .j Vhe-i '- herd about it shouted- I f.10"" s . -Na i"- . ew tora. impodent and insuUin, letter, written by ;,oiir1 M ..15 IVestdcrt Uoloof lb. , proeiajoasl gov.r.- j, W of California: Boopa Val; ! .T I atenl t Minister W:i:s would arou-e treat -v.. i 1 11 u ler. of California; Siieti and I main -a. o! . ,, ., - I'.V V , -. - . ., n rr-tr s-s . - a.. n't A tw m iw, wi , jije- a.isrio isi, it,e invitation was with he'd because the ai- mituslra' ioa was ur-frieadlj to the present Hawaiian government. An ie-iarry at the j . .. . , , - . ., . e4 aitasetit. o-wgs wuwn tssaso so - ...i. n . .M 1 . . UH 1 1 - v ... 1 , av-u,, w v v. vi are a!wtt sent, woud have ) shown the cODCuclors of tbee s ths uas:ing aaa not IVl an cm.-iat ;ostUCn . , " , ,, . . , . srrtiea eatitW bim to an ,nv,ta'.on. bat aaaaaiior.s. to- iact. are wsa-. itesv .aptrs want. Tl-a U,., w.r.l h. -v .t . ... . . hr immense cpulari'y with tie peop e was shown If the Safge attends n at ber first pab.ic rec-rplien. held at the White Hou-' Saturday afternoon. Here were saore peop'e who desired to pay tlseir re spects to her (ban at'eaded the crushes at tbe public recvp:i s held by her when aba was a bride, and she received them jnat as graciously as- .he did whea the. whole tireoci? Imsineat was an enjoyable nove'ty to htr. A member uf lite rabiret wiio sas asked what he thought cf ire adversc cttic:tm tSul, i-i ma 1 l.v Af: j -t . m r.inr.ti nt " J " , the proposed boed Issue said: -1 grar.t th I riht ol frte speech which I dcm;nd for I mast aav thrt he. criticisms have come with bet- ... .... er Krace had :he n.eo alio m iu ge in H.etn show any real .'uposiiion to ; rvent the lO- iffl it iVfarrwi ifrirn lh! f maraa j wouJ , . ,foid ima,,die ,,u f ; batssais. fatly ea.ia.ied of .ts legal right tod ! untier of S;s ,. no, ( j h re ,h,. of ,he ,erA, resolutiw I hT, Uen ln.toduced n ,he Sfnl. conccrnin. th!f .j, ...I h, i ot ,u -a , , psssag em or cl Rrpi sasalltls Utiles 'a resolotloa tho h ".i wou'd sffxt the matter in either way. Tii : offers for the $$vo,oco londs to ": itu ! have gone away up in the hun. drels of millions, an I ihe premium offered will make the interest equivalent to ajsj pet cent Oi lewer. Much .-yet it f-lt In the Senile at Senator Walthall's 1 satgaatSua, and ibe hope istt pressed on all tiJcs 11 at his hralth will Im prove sufficiently for him 'o lasains hi i cat t the ! chinning ol the r.cxt lerm. lo which he lias alr.-ady been elacfrd Judge Ilolsc I said to be a fulf!dt;;d populist, anj republic in politicals nr mar vellng a' the singular faci lhat when ih judge failed to receive oiTu-: at the htnds of republicans his fidelity to ths' narly ceased o exlt. Tne democrat elite central commiifo will meet In Portland, Febuary aad at on o'clock p m to fix the time and place fo holding Ihe state convention. . I'j a ajstjax rgisiTt: While It Is over thirty years ago Allcock's Porous Plasters svere Brskt-stro-duced to tne medical profession acid pub lic, the- marked succ ss and unprecedented popularity which they met with not only continues, but steadily Increases. No other plasters have been produced which gain so many testimonials of value ns those continuously accorded to Alcock's Porous Plasters, and the onlv motive for these exceptional tributes lies In fact of j their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal preparation of superior value. Adill- tlonol proof of the true value of Alcock's l',m'1'" Plasters lies In the fact that they re iieinn larcelv Imitated hv ursctiimi- ) ions persons, who teek 10 deceive the pub 'i , Uc by offering plasters which ihey claim 10 ae th 'same,' 'equsl,' 'asgomi, 'better,' b';st porous platie',' etc, while it Is In general appearance only that Ihey resem b!e Aljcock'a. Ivci v one of lh? so-called porous platters are Imitations of Alr.ock.s SS. V. . ' Porous Plasters Avoid dealers who attempt to piltn off inr..i. , . , 1 , . , low W tor Z t purpose of subftdtution. r - " , canoy wore personally tbe aisrnanjastrs go down with tbe anti-sdministratioo pa- j Jodgo Futlerton. though. Las shewn Tam pers. l'0r instarcc. Mr Hasting, who was If incapable of attecding t-roperly to so in charge of tnv.- Hawaiian tega icn kqtN'! h, ff ehoM U- m . .7 1 p-jt in tho po-Uion itn the necaaaary during Minis') r 1 ours' on s sbsetice, was JaJihrv. no: invi td to the Ststa dinner given by' rVauMtot and M' riesc'.and to the diplo- ; malic corps, and trr.igbiway the aiti- A Brooklyn, tt. Y., toy rxaa 'fawturer, administration-papers made it tbe U s "hooe fat'ner was tbe pioneer ol the toy 1 ... . . ., industry tn this countrv. was rscentiv i r .1 : .. ? .. " . . . . I ... . - .. i 1 . I .- i. - Best. I . ji The oldest chesnut in exisb-iici Iium le.'n dug up again. It is that quarter of twelve joke. A Baiem society debated tho question: "Kesolvwl, That United jtiiten congress, to relievo the prevailing business depreision. shall at once issue f'-'.K)O,000.0oo uf treas ury notes which shall he a fall legal ten ner, it was uei nieu 111 tne negative. 11 bring proven eonrlusivedy that $2.fKK)K0. (MX) of money would l.0 a deliitineiit to the ( Mintry. The sentiment is general that the new receiver Chattel Clark is doing all that it is possible to make tho Oregon Cac.iSc pay exjieiiKSs. The aiipointinent w;is a good one. The Salem paper that is throwinir i ,'t.iA w.u. 1.:... :.. : n i u is takit g a verv silly course in the matter, H'e" 0 tDe ''. if & m. tho fa.u of ,'t simply for notorietv. ! L,r'. "" "eked for U order re 1 J srafUMg toe receiver from redoeiag their i wages. The receive' p. hi-answer t th'--& hiller It Herman, a son of the congress- j petp ion of the empoyrs state i that the man has gone to Boston far a wife, and an reduction was sbsolnt tosssssTT. and Ashund puHr ku'U beaii-e the son of a! ; man who made Ins money m ijregon and is sent to congress from this state goes away for a wife I'robahlv fortunate for' the l Iregnn girl assl then love Eia no bo d-. j -j-jj.jt id the A i. w ho was in I'ortlan ! ;r town is ridden with cnmmisMons, voters would itlmot give th-ir h"ails to g--i ! - is aa a T . t iu- - Ti I riil of them. A commission is bu'ldinif th ! ciiy hall. Another wa"U has the po'ica. A : fourth has supervision of the streets. A I fifth keeps an eve on the sewers. A sixth. j'r!iap:. is-ue" liieiiM:-. And so Portland ? " There is no .utitral l.aao. and prac- ticallv no resroiiilii it v. Tlie eoniims.ions ' A secret politi .11 ortranizatioi up matters in l'ortland and the prostectn are , there will be many uatonirhed jirditicians , ia the' met rop I is when the votes arc counted a s Sis . - , - 1 ! next June 11.;, se-Tet rv ierv is unuan M the -"American ProbMive Asxialion.' and its object seems to be to break up tbe , l,wer ot tne HOSaaa s-ainom cnurcn in 1 AI1IC1 1U4S. It ri.'' I 11"!. I a tUMIIOI le- tri.,i 1., it. m;j .,i. . ,v.n,. rhureh. W In. the members of tbe ' v are no one knows outside of the organiza tion Everything Lodicatea an asriy stiring.the Kw wicy sons, ttts t-irw MtM ity ani otucr never railing signs. Tbe roivnt religious census only 0Ms Salem a stipulation of alKKit " and of Oearae it WOO aot satisfactory. All a inis- take, etc llie Salem ap.til tmng to 1 g aeabamptaaa last along tisojiaa of 1 tlie J r . and is hashing op a lot of foolisn I afsiff -s-id tndinrr eat h r.f th- III 1- 1 lot of extrv copies. Toleslo (ieader. We whipped t'.e British IU jear- age lea. .g.T . ' 1. 1" t ..!i,. t . i a . : . . 1 . A j i -::iar .,-.-'.:ni 10 jnazeruiieri.n. 1,- , -,. ... ; ., .. ", ,,' lydid not do verv slrowd work V-0'"'' ?'h.Ur' f"" "J soar of the i-t. re.ts of the em- mM (0a,w- 7j .t the Mm.!iaseHa.lUar and Mu'- pK. of Uklanoma. sax and roi. of, n 0Tc.ftT forresl in make an assignment. Tbe be j dividual in question was the proprietor j af DO lees than 1 10 patents on toya in - veateu uy t imeeJ.aca tl.iat pettier witb uie laci 11111 us riau a tvn ox monopoly , - , ,h, . y.Mibmm made the failnve. t ... ..... ..... . 'I , which vccurre.1 at the heiabt of the btiav season, very much of a enrpr:e. It ; Troora ard if is t. iatrntini to ah ! there taeometbingdramat:nilTtotaetat oora-. u " - "t"nt-oa to e , in hi, hi, uarn l o( ,h- cttJ J dcw looor-a '6rHaai iu "'l made a mistake.- be sa;d, "in not advertising my change j I -cation. , not haxl usesl printer . ink I stoaUi ! have had to suspend o: ,1, d .j, 1 verity. the saddest are these. ' It rri-! ' -c . been. tew nave a just conception of the nnmber of faiiitre nttritnte-i to ti e out canse. fc Best efKu The reatori wty Al cock't Porous Pisa - tera are popular is that they rr.ay br reiitd ! on to curr. i I. Lame hick. SI baits . stifln'ss cr i twitching ol .he rr.asc'ec. ii i. t, nest 'rouhies. sue 1 a p:jfiv, pneu- i mania, cons;irnr;ioi.. '- . , . . ,!. t. - succest, however, will depend upon the genuineness cf the ntaater s-sed. The nfpu artty of Alcock s Por n Plasi-r hat ' 'en m.!i:udes cf iwdtatis have tprtng upon evcrv hand. The onls j .are Cure u to S;1 tN. t,. Allcocs's ! , rorou Piaster. Wlien Babjr sras atck, T3 gave tee CsisUirU. When she waa a C&iU, aba cried for Outoria. Whan aha berssms Mesa, she c!ua& u I'sst'sr. YThaa she hat C... Imt,slas . avethea-. Castorts Whatescr may be tne cause of b'anch ,ng, tlie hair miv be restored to Its oriel- nai color ny the use of that potent remejv Mall a egctable Mclllan Hair R.-newer. Heir r raise. c .. . . , .Here err. " TT . rlrn , 7',V "1: T" person to 'cl the truth about himself. A hen what ne sart is s ipmirted tv the I'siirconv ot otrKT no r.'jsonan:e man III doub'. hi word. .Vow, to say that Allcoak's Portsu Plasters are the cnlv j genuine tnd reliable porous blasters made 1 1,01 sen praise in the slightest degree They have slood tne test fur over thirty years, and In proof ot their merits it Is only necessary 'o call attention to the cuies they havo effected and to the voluntary tcstlmonia of those who have used them. Be wait of Imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expl.t nitlcn induce you to accept a substitute. Krupllea eriar lla Cure Ed Ve.nicy, Brockylllc, Oi.tario, Canada says: "f have used Brandreth's IMils for the patt fifteen years, and think them the best csthartlc snd antl-b!,t!ous remedy known. For some five years I suffered" v.iih an eruption of the skin tha'cave me treat pain and annoyance. I tried different blood, but, although gaining strength the Itching- wa unreltered, I inally concluded to lake a IhorOagh course of Brandeth's Pills. I los.k six each night for nights, then five, four, three. Isro. ies soning each time by one, and then for one month took one every night, ssith th happy result that now'mv skin Is perfect ly char and has been so ever since." At Mr i Times iio von ever conside the quality of the food yoa are taling? It may be Rood. It might be b-tter, purer, tresher snd more wholesome. Is It not worthwhile lo make suit that you tea, coffee, sugar, baked eoods and liinumer.-i- blt other groceries aie of th best quality? There is such a trifling difference In the prices of the best and th worst that It does not psy ta buy ihe worst.even on (he laise Krouno of supyoset econom y. The best ts always the cheapest, because the most satisfactory and durable.and the very best of everything In the grocery line Is kest at Parker Bros. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Tartar mil. New You, Jan 26 The Mail and Kx press Washiiiiiton utiei ial ;ivs the action of the democratic caucus bsst night has put ; an an entirely new axK::t upon the fa'e 01 tho w iison iiill. it all cersjinU upon llolman 1.;. . 11..1 .1,. cenecs action is binding upon the party. Whether the bill will live through the next week or not. This is the crisis in the ex istence of the tariff bill. The next three or four days will determine i's fa'e. Mad Ibe tflabt. Toledo, O, Jan 80. Judge Hicks in tho United .Sla e-circuit court today ren l"","V ec-ision in Ihe ca--) of Ihe etn- would Ije allowed a Tragic UaDgina. Chicago. Jan 28. George H I'aioter, was ex-culeil at H-.t'A o'docll tins uiorning for the murde: of Alice i Marin. The 1 execution was borrifatj boagled At the! first atleiup! Use rope brok; lbeo lhe v'c l'n er ' IfakWp Anothr roie was securen ,inu i. a sung op again O11 the gjal owe Palatec ailed o ' Qod to csMt bias usie ercriaatiag dimes if he was guil y of ihf mu'dr. and said if any true AmOlijSa was prwiil he would : hun. down tbe gir.'s murderer . iii. tin r One Olvmi-i . vVash, Jan 2C Hugh, ihe Ki-year-olJ on ot Alfred Thomison. Ilsmg four miles from the city, was tlmost j ina'a'-fly killed ihi dental ('ixrharge of s a't-rnoon by trie aeel f a r.fle. The toy had lcn hun' ing and went iuto the house of i . : I I 1 . J I a ipitii iw auu til unsu r.r a laoie w la moving the rifle about, the ham-I mcr struck the leg of the uble i.wbarg ! k i"e gon. m nu entered B . eye, penetrating tbe brain, ana cru :;evj si. skuit tn several places. Ware AllarllBseaf Sas FasWfTam. Jan JG Andrew Ji Storrs. formerly sailing master ot the 1 s' earner VVihara t'i Valley, has fiiel anj afttar-'irrir.t nn tin si.ij tn ri. . . - ' . - doe bim su wacet. I t'i Jam-s A Co filed an Knacnaseal against the steamer tor W8. allege-J to be due for meat ."nnlies. I . . . .. ! I le a new novel V v Mar Twain, important OajumBiA.SC. Jan 26 -Corbett has j eirpeJitioas, bnntiag of fieioe gatne, artista de'ermine-i to mate a tour of tbe Koronean j j ventures, trampinsr with tramps, nnputr-. capitals and will start for the o her side in , lLslted essays of fames Koseell LowelLetc. two months. He will go to EngUnd. then j Tbe St Sicholaa is tbe princeof children's ' Ireland and Sco'land. Af er that he wi'l the l.:st of all - f thetn. A feat visit the continent After their recon- are of the 1CM numW will ba Tom Sawyer ciliaiicn Mitcbeb suggssied that Cor'jett Abrcad by Vark Twain, a natural history and be might pr together rhe wtk of ; aeries, a series '-n Ameri'-an anthors. stories February K, when the Florida trial comes of cdia by Kolyard Kiy linsj. recollections P- laetaa Aceeries ssasiiiv.7 x. . an j., -ite noosocom mtttee on ln:,an affairs was addressed to- day by Thomas Honald'on. special agent ur??- " fca nvergatot of life among Ihe Jndn '.be ccnoitions . Uregcn : a'l agencies in Washington, tit ; - Iowa; all agencie in Min-Tcsoia and alt in SS isooasin . Arrideatal BJrewalax. ( I a a xr 's Pass, r J an 2- Toia ta! corner's jury retorsed a vrrJict of acci-i dsn .a! drowning as tbe cause of the death j 01 Arthur Mctaannvi le. sn Kvans craek aboat ho was drowned 13 milt above vs ewmni ilrv day try the capsnung ot a boa: in which be and aso' her man were riding. The dece-ascd was a rn ashman, about 7(1 sea's old. oJ a veteran of the ; htte war. He was wet! known a j ''Aad Army MB. has ing been with , tJ . "tr.v-se os. ,.w a strike at Orrtaa City 'nEox t'lTr. Jan ij foe mUl in this city are not running TT .... arv of tbe mschtoerr. exorpt In the nntsbtng a: that lit an indetinite period. Tbetroabeis pri.-sari j Ir a duagree -t .1 ttweeo - h - owners and ' employe relaii' - to waes. a 10 p?- cent ; cut ueins ct Mrs- i jiki no airrwi . af mm I vprj:iv:. ' eoi .: if ,is h't Axcrij, Ca:. jan ii A nuoiber ; of t'.-e wes ii i s( tren in this ci'y today j for 'red tbe cUnta Cataiina Athlet:- t ul. and agrved to offer a perse cf Ci.tW fr-r a Sgkt be'wee-n tVrbe't aid Jacks-n. the Sght to take p'ace on t'sfalina island. which is situated 20 mi'-v from th train- ' lead. atiaiaa aa ttlrsl Saw. sr. a. Russia. Jaa iJ By a col lisicn af ptssacger and f'eigbt trains on tbe railroad connecting Orenburg ami Samars. 13 peop'e were kij-ed Soma of tne car were lcide.1 with petroleam. Tbey caught Sre. horning the wrecked cars. Many h" Ij: their Iiv were burcc '. io death. raaraafettaaale fCttrtt Boise. Idaho. Jan 25 News has len receive! he:e of a fata! snowslide in bite Bird gnlcb. Idaho county. Four giris le c'acer. is a cancer ratient in a rnvate : ward in i Catherine's hospital. Urooklvn. ' i tv s i. i f- . . i. . , i rts I n pi iiiiu us iriraus sue sen i inherit between g8.gw8.gww and $10,000. ; dX) if she lives until June 19. She is taid j to le a sister of the Iste Archbishop llailey of iialtimore. at one time bishop of New ark. an I the founder of Seton Hail college. a Kfllr Was A Erase Waa Oswkoo. X Y. Jan KJ ward Cath - 1 cart, aired "JJ. and Miss Kva Pass, aired IS. ! i broke through the ice wh le skating cn the ' : swecr, canal at I boenix yestenlay. 1 ath- car, by a gTeat effort sutveeil Ul' j 'be young woman upon solid ice. but was j so exh.nis . 1 ttiat he could not bttp him- j self cot and was downed. Miss l'ss was ' tinfonariosi on the let SOOa after i1 taatllwa d a widow ; al!li h,rt.u, flIpiy,rt. I Exerhitaat r.ire. j Jacksonville. Jan 21 At the ciub at 1 J o'clock tonight it was announced that I0,tKH) wor-h of ttckets had licen sold to ! slay. The club has taken adv.iutaee of the fighting craze to advanco tbe price of choice seats from to and iho club thrift has further developed into a resolu tion to charge all ot tbe newspaper men full price of admission. l"p to a late hour tonight tic o s were being sold mpidly. " 11 Wltadravt I..1MS0X. Jim M. The Truth tocbry ays the Princess of Walts has rjktxuded to "aith draw from society. U adds that tho Prince of Wales rtvtntly. in declining for the ! princes nn invitation to visit the residence of the l'uke of Kniland at liranthrm, stated that the princess would Iien'.ifter lake B3 part in todal event. tiucsd Business HoirreUCAi Qaahec, Jaa '.'l. The an nual report of the Montreal board of trade, among other thincs. states that business throughout Canada last year was Utile af fected by the sevce npnatsleja thai existed in tbe Uaited States. Em Out! The v.av todo it s 1 1 take our svash hif to ihe Chinamen. Ifyouwant sour j svoik well done at living prices ake It to i Rietisrd ft PWIIip'a Steam Laundry, j Th-v kno-.v how ban ;ing them arotiiul a pclc, - When a doctor conalJers it necessary ta prescribe sarsaparilla, he simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krois Intf full well that He will obtain therebv a surer and purer preparation than aiiy other which the drug store can furnish. "Ayer's Sarsapartiia is the superior medlctne." THF POTT KB I Eft PROTEST. Of all the selfish and impudent protests against the Wilson Mil that of the pottery trust Is the moU flagrani. These manufacturers have not only mad verJge cut of 10 per cent in wages mon,bs before the bill can pus, but threaten an addhional reduction of to per cent. "In case lbs Wilson lariff bill Incomes a law'' this by way of driving their v orkingmen to Igr. petition and attend meetings against he teform measure. Redu-ing wage i not a new thing wiili i the pottery tru-. Iu meTjbers secured in be MtKinlry till an a'ian"e of :he "pro- ;lioo" on tneir prr.dacts tqaivalent to 5 j per ceo ' A i-tt'i'm of the cy.n .. a' rrsnstaa witbw made a rswfoct e mo.itba after A-jri, 22 per oent ii agrs I'd costly strlk-- Tn- 1 ' th n h,e j fW c-o I facts as to 'i ( .1 ii a. :o t i -eu to tne ; e s, a" es rcme McKicley orgin I .arg d tnj Um iru-t i "nx. in i'M " .0! tost ' the j la to I mi : ne o ! lion and 10 j es-rb't Ot r.ri:." el sanitary ' ' iru-t prufiici by its r-Osooly i Uc s 1 ub.n'TO in ire same co.. i' an adm'tslon of promm deiph a Pi t his n pot aoyriWatlc efl c .f i m i' lam That -he CM s-cSfoiaers ita'. we profits- f,r 1 & 1 were "a!mt one-third of the cipi'a' ck invested" asl avenged 22 I 2 to 29 I 2 per cent upon a tsaorsMo valoition. TLi U but a sample of the coniLioalbna ; i which, being accorie! in .t;..- re-ally I , hijo-proUctioo Ui:on bil a duly more . than covering the difference in labor cost u be' ween this country and foreign ccsnpei- j -ua u t itOuctwo a an invasion of. ,e,,,a rich,, The refoers sssf aot ordere i ar.y too soon ltlC (lATIKI SIO ST SKUUL . 'jnr n-siers do not nefl to lie o!d v'uat Magvtzinc ia. It is a great f Ctflaijf wort in any sense, ror WMa 11 wiu no gngr than ever. 2lCO patres of choice lit srrotur- wilh 1000 illmrtraions. Tne re wil 01 wild life, parsers on the government ant : some beantifnl serial stories, as well a.- tho ; famoas Ilrowniec. Tbe price of tbe Ccnti:-r is 35 cents a nalnber. f4.00 a vear; of St Nicbolas, 3.W a vear Anr klocriber of the Demochat ln standint mar secure the Century i fOT $3.2) or the S-t Nicholas for 20. l v . feopia who iiave viedst, say that there is n better medicine fr dvapepta than I Ayer's Sartapari! -a. It may not give one I the the sloanac.1 ol an oatrich, bet it so I strengthen the a im-clary r.rgaxs ths: d-glin of trJioary food becomes easy std Oata'al. s i. i - , v -- t at -a sew it te e I sa-" ic for s-jUnji in rw s-ite at 'TV R i Gransm's.srritre .Nr has a taiijr with few equa't on hand to T.tke them up on short ' nafice. Get the brt and most sty'ish j suits of htTi. A new feature will be the j making c' Usii t' dawks ha order, or the j at'ering of c ns-- W the !ate atsr'e. r.' I h; repaHrij f claiks, "Frlcei r bot 1 tons or Si . or graa tialr a-d bald rs-rpie a -s rrasSs nl : 'irne b j d'SP-cssi.ig 'o manv r, . a oe i - r. iru sen a Halt" " ii- Rtttatr it a; aa et Csrs. :ext oaaays stel r r a . -:.- --. I'.s-s't s r- r- W tot -I .w v S-. CinWineti lai a --- W . s SES- lli.XF , rcT krsrtx rai:ri-is tiB.-e c-eri as o' I suScr P.roe 'd at Ccan- jo- pe otk F'ter- I :rt .-!as Sen ar ;r . t l itgsr s: J a itia J Is 1 !! A'ht-s.. S-ttts I ' ts-i efsVa t;i..ijt(l ' ail sad I s t c O'ises in Bu.k, sau-- f i sick'es. chow chow, era:, Sakad l.ominy. and new raisins townei't rrixed moat. C E S-.,' S'i T.:s ts sks: .. B;,ssi (x a ; trr yellow as in or kid iraclsle. It It e-.sartn -d igi yoa a. , Fcvsaav at :.-:a-tioa. Price 7 Maw L the Serpent's S. Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all its staires cvsmr :,-te! r 'ri BLOOD POISON: ensiiieatesl bv S. S. S. Ob-I I stmate s.res and sassasal I sieia 10 us cesjirur. powers 1 ra and builds un Use svstecu ,: ; poison -A' C ::ca:.sai catie . crue 1 - 1 rresrae-.t . Gladstone has A clear Head WHY ? Because h tolicws these rules: 1 Keep the hed cool, th feet warm, snd the bowe'.t open." You can has-e a clear head and Us e to be rinety if you do th same ttsWtg. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take eta retirini two Smith's -Siae.7 Bile Beans. Their cction is so niild that you ar not aware of it. All day your mind will be clear and cool. "Not gripe ia a barrel of them." Ask for small sure. Tak aa substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans i M 01 MM la HEREBY UIVKX th.t th, i : 11 undersisned executor of the last will and testament of Frank Shedd, deceased, has j elea with the clerk of the County Court for j Linn LVmnty, Oregor, his final account, audi I the court haa fixed the 5th day cf March ; j 1891 at the hour of 1 o'clock p m, for hear- ' ing objections to said account, if auv, and to ! ! settle said estate. This Jauutry 15, 1S1U. j J K aUTHKaroan Attorney foijEx . 0 J j-UEOD Executor. I 1 Running ! mfk Sores. I j Cures Ol !' 1 iiiwi 1 iiimii iiiiyiiif eXECUiQRS NOTICE " GOOD Food - - -Digestion- -Complexion - are all intimately connected practically inseparatde Tliongh the fact is often ignored, it is nevertheless true that a good complex ion is an inrpossibilily with out good digestion, which in turn oepenos 1 food. There is no more common ; cause of Indigestion than lard. LettheijvighthottiC-sssr-: 5 keeper use CQTTQLENLT Th New Vegetabts ShoHanlr.g - ,r.H ass) itnte for lard, are 3 her cheeks, with those of tL-z. heT family, vvdl be ur mere likely 10 be " Like a agTT tCjC ir; the snow." - 1 CoTTOLEXE ir clean, d-'i 3 cate, h-althfi;! and '.' zzzZ zz. lar Try it va yourieit - "r ! -rrA three cer :s ia stxr-ps to . " it i,., & Cm rmitm Nsl - a ,,..:.,r I iauul-"t rt- Mrs. " 1 11 ibimb1iTs nier fsssim Btass S aiea ca c oy by N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOU 15 sns chisaoo, mvm vork. sosroa. From"e.m ni! or In .rir Pji:.t5 h Men Pad Mm. Ia ibelise to :'-: Ti all Rill EAST aad SflOffi Zt la th DIMS CAB HOlTI. It rasa Through f ETIBl."l KOTRIISSI KVCRS ov las ibe Tear to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO T.O OH ANGE OF CARS.; " Composed of Diniai Cars I'tLarBitid Pellam rwinz"lcdB.Slffpvs If Utot fywm! TQUfliST SLEEP1N8 CS. Best :La. :n ba c soate . e esf ia watch it-is us I i.i i rs ti U froas anl f 1-3 mil f r a : ters of r'ir-e gopoal ni its t!ie:- . i ELEGANT BAY COACHES, 1 Dili um L I 3 3iiu: jTia al am iffordmi Dik cih i Ini: aan s carat laepor rwsss.-r All jcs est S Iu advance ihrongK acr agent of Ute rcevJ. THftlUtjli riCKETS t n 1 from si. points ia Arco'iew Kcj sad aaa Europe can I a farces ', at say UeketefEoe of tk:s coo-par. . Fall inf -rrnati n rsteatstas f trains, r -s aa i oik?- 'tra tabel 1 npp;it: ai : aay ;i 1 ar A -f) CdHI.T lt. ajrs'sasnt OJet-arsi Psses"rer tm,'. 3 So tli F.r.s SC. --r. tft'a-m sgxaa; P . aa ? om. ZQ i::i.r . .j-t agaal per i.iaar.tJMcI rgaod." PrtcwdOcSa. Soldtrr sh loh's cure: T83S osxar .oran crax wrexresuictaerarau. ao W rrraL' has tesred Qssns era TC. ai-1 : tiaa. Fin 2 r. Sa ,u ATsH W1 aaAJn.a- a. COLLEGE.::::: Send for Cataloguo Adclrese, REV. E. N. COSD1T, Albssay, Oresjea DR. SASO 1ECTRIG BELT 1 IATT5T PstTSHTR vrra lucrstv ACMTTIC 0tf?fiGVWCrS emsuvwataf teim. e-rsa ftssTCwaLtx M SteajfAtM. tntmmX fill It, 43 tWM i iMfW, raajagrajtieex tar :ir ia .riiTA ' wsasr-rts. g.'tf a C- t r mm TriXX 4 rwr, 5 r tMX- ttasieti t-v'" !t-ltiH fail Ur fw.llaw raucwdL irrsuej :aa-SrrSti pswerf al C-T "aSslPe 0STM.Ve-ta t..- til are-e -a. tkasr r-ssw eKa I Uriti lvIKt 1Kb ftl r ..wMtttte r-.i-i BsMaal T -s ; a.tti vt,- wysjwWajg etes tvveg.lK?IWlTli att If KITH . fr i-.-ssMFfiisK. HI, ell ea.LJ is!rT.S tlAA jDKrv -nX3S2C7DSJtO cow, HruT iryt St.. POffTUWD. 0S. 1 jjyWaajsV orej,. a. p ArmetroB. Mn ftrarwh svh-v., carirsi Pea iLcasaSeJ.t... cossraa. Ssraa Msntt a ttu !r. sm rales lu;uoa Bnsiuess, Shorthand, St saj tiaia l sl..n ta Uuaa asUier sJ lea ! Dr. Price's Cream Bstking Ponder A Pure Orape Cream of Tartar Powtltr. FOSHAY a MASON esist, tsa a? se DrDggistStiad Sookseii ft a.ret.tafor John B. Aider's ,-uoll. s jlouo sulch we soli at pntdHtSsar-s,, ..v'o ,!, ataaearldar' IB S OHMS, 11 LO!r.- alise oonUininc sev ra ar icies with names su. If found nltvta return to U i'arker or leave a; pmjk a Bros. Will pay a re wart I, san: -i& rwildarnL! SxtWBi-lliL s3 WR si H, aasssssB i-llslK trfCTTr-r' BEST TZll- r