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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1894)
Ik ruiortat. Wkkki.y Dicmo-cRAT. fi 7s per year n advance. $j.oo at erd . I year. THD O X. Geo G Bingham gives a new version of O P matters as follows: Col T Egenton Hoprg was appointed receiver on the 28th day of October, 1890, by consent of all persons interested in the properties. He was succeeded by E W Hadley March 8. 1SIJ3. In twenty-eight months under Col Hogg's management $bO0,000 of re ceiver's certificates were issued and the load was also nine months in arrears with its pay roll. When Mr Hadley took charge of the properties, the road, the rolling stock and equipment were in a verv bad mat. of repairs. It was necessary that an almost immediate expenditure should be made to preserve the property. The Blair Wharton faction who asked for Mr HadUy's appointment advanced $4O,0C0 which was used toward paying wages due the laborers, and th y took as security an assignment of that amount from the pay roll. They represented, and probably in good faith, that they would purchase the road at the Bale to take place July 26, 18W, and they want ed the properties of the corporation put in such a condition that the purchaser could operate it without an immediate outlay of money. With that expectation, quite an am ount was expended in the way of necessary-repairs to the machinery and roll ing slock ot the rod Undoubtedly had it tot been for the financial stringency of the past season the expectations of Mr Hadley would have been realised. Mr Hadley's expenditures exceeded his receipts about $6000 a month. Had he not made the improvements and im pairs that he did (and they were for the permanent improvement of the plant,) his receipts would have equaled the operating expense of the road. Aside from the Hogg indebtedness, the indebtedness of the road i believe to be greatly exaggerated. Excepting the Hogg certificates, the indebtedness of the road at the close of Mr Hadley's re ceiversbip was about as follows: Py rolls I14S.084.S7 oucher accounts 45,6l6 23 Sundry persons account 9 067.) Legal expenses of T E Hogg' receivership 38.528.50 Preleirediu-urance certificates 15.081.00 Unadjusted stock claims. 1,500.00 Total Taxes Lincoln county Benton courty Linn county Marion county .r.V7 876.59 4,334.00 4,410 66 3,216 27 6,822.67 Total $ 18,783.69 Messrs Fay aud Gest were the attor neys of the Biair-Wharton fa tion, and on the appointment of Mr Hadley at his request they were appointed as attor- neys for the receiver. Phe court did not make the eelectfon. They have!cbarged as attorneys for the receiver, $2000 which probably has been paid, and they have a charge of something over $4000 'or trav eling expenses . They have no pending a suit against Blair, Wharton and Pro-n to collect attorney's fees amounting to $4'J,000 dol lars for services rendered not to the road or receiver, bat to Blair, Wharton and Brown - The firm of which I am tl.e junior member represents over seventy of the employes, present and past of the road, who have owing to them about that many housand ollais for wages, and we have yet to hear of o:ie who is dig satisfied with th court's action in ap pointing Mr Clar as receiver. Mr Clark is one of the old employes of the road and quite a sum is due him on npaid wages. He was not an applicant for the position and it was only after the urgent solicitations ot his fellow employes that he consented to assume the trust. Mr Clark has the confidence of all per sons whom I have heard express them selves. The records of the court on the 4 management of the road will not sub stantiate the charge of fraud or t-orrnp t'on since the appointment of Mr Hadley The records of in court and of the road jyjl ahow that nearly all the indebted-r-JsSKf'ness of the road was contracted before Judge Fullerton's election. FraE Matters. Albany Engine Co. No. 1 are moving their fninitore to the hall of No. 2'a, which they will occupy jointly with that company. The recorder will move into the vacated hall this week. Arrangements are also being made by the ways and means committee, to move the No l's engine to No. 2's ha'l, which will be done daring the week. The committee on fire and water refuse to act in the matter, having the city's interests at stake. New Advertisements. Dr H E Beers. DrOK Beers . Physicians anc5 Surgeons Special attention given to diseases of women. Hours 10 to 12 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M. Offices and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and Elswcrth. ITirANTED. -A position in tore or v T omo . By a young man of more than ordinary business -billtT. iVtriotlv sober and Indnstrlous. Gcod lefsrences. W B Atu . Albary, tr. LOST. A Jersey caif,b'ack with whits nose, from Horace Froman's farm, near Albany. WANTED,- A rood family who will take a girl 12 yearn of sen and rear as on e of the fami. y . t al 1 at this office. FOR SALE --20 sha-ea of Albany elec trie light sloe's ihe beat dividend payinicstosk In tbls uitt . Enqtira at this office. c OTJNlY WARHANTS- lioufrbt and aold by HJ F Merrill. X. K. HTDE. W. H. DIKD1KOKR. U. U JAMES ALBANY FDBITD1 CO., nrcoPOBATErj Saltimre Block, - - Albauy, Ire. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING a specialty. Reiidenca corner 3rd asid Calapooia 8t r W TAYLOR General Jollier. Carpet Laying and Cleaning, Chimr.ry Cleaning, Whitewashing snd Window clearing psclslly. Call at Boot Black shaving parlors. Itsnd al Landreth's WE wANT YO 3 v7)RtF)'i U1 thus making .03 $33.03 PER WEEK. Pa pritji-rn t Jtn um furnish a horse sud travel through the coun try; a team, though, is Dot necessary. A fw vacancies in towns and ciliea . Spam hoars may be used to good advantage. B V Joussus ft Co. 11th and Main Sts, BiohmonJ, Ya. M:nt tL si BJMTt The following are handed the lkn- crat for publication by nn Albany lady : Denmark has one hundred and forty - nine Young Women Christian Associa - ttons. The earl of Carlisle has given a pract ical illustration of his belief in the drink evil, by destroying the contents of his famous wine cellar. 'There are two thing? needed in these days first, for rich men to find out how poor men live, and, second, for poor men to know how rich men work." Edward Atkinion. Excellent work in the direction of ed ucation is being done by the New York Kindergarten association which has now fourteen kindergartens-with six hundred and fifty children in attendance. Multiply fifteen dollars per day by two hundred and fifty thousand, the number of saloons, that result by three hundred and sixty-five days and the final result represents the driuK bill for the United States. The Eociety of Decorative Art, New York, was formed fifteen years ago for the purpose of teaching gentlewomen how to help themselves. The society has now about five thousand contributors many of whom are the principal homo- supporters- Aune ot t tie ceive any salary. managers re- 1 In the dea'h of Miss Elizabeth P Pea- body, all reformatory and e Incational interests have lost a friend. Miss Pea- j body passed away at her homo in Jam-' aica Piain, Mass-. January 3, nearly: ninety years of age. Although enlisted I in all departments ot education, that of 1 the kindergarten has occupied her atten- j tion most largely during the past thirty ! years. It is said that Miss Peabody's j interest in the kindergarten system was ' aroused by the intelligence of a little six year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Schuns, and when informed that it was : largely due to the Frobel instruction that ! the child had received in (termanv. she, decided to make it a study. After read- ) ing all the literature in the subject she could obtainshe made two extensive so- ; journ abroad in order to study the sys-J tern at its fountain-he 1 It is doubtful if any woman has ever lived a more use ful, beautiful life than Miss Peabody, ; and the world seems the poorer since she has left it. A BEW1ID Aibasv, Jan. v. To any one finding any of the follow ing words or phases in their Bibles whether in English, Greek, or Hebrew, if they will send in the uame of the book- in either Old or New Testament stating chapter and verse, I will pav a reward of $300 and a cow : Immortal soul, deathl -AR firm rpvr ili-inv an., I .1 i deathl-ss soul, never dying soul, disem bodied soul, deathless spirit, glorified spirit, spirit world, gl ry land, upper fold, the brighter home above, the upper ad better kingdom, gone to th spirit land, is safe in heaven, has gone to be an angel, the death that never dies, death 1 is the gate to glory, death is another life, i the body is only a cage, go to heaven at death, eternal hell, never ending tor mat, endless misery, ceaseless anguish. ' eternal sorrow, everlasting torture- Al-. so the same for the passmre savine that either Christ or his Apos: es ever sorink-' lad or poured water on the head of any; person old or young for baptism. If these things are tan.-l.t hr RiKU 1 writers, must not they not te in the Bible? Cannot a Bible Faith be stated in Bible language? If Btb'e writers never used them is it right for men to do so? (Revelations 32:18-18 ) Can a Christian use words tht convey a false Impression, deceive the minds of his hearers and be guitle's? What does the Bible sav? The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Eiekiel, 18:4 The wages of sin is death Koreans. 6:2s. Man is not immortal by nature We are told to Seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life. -Roman, 2:7. The Lord onlv has immortalitv. 1 Timothy, 6:14-16. To lie obtained bv the just at the Returrection I Cor inthians, 15:52-54. A. J. Cabotheks. Mr Clapp preaches his last serm jn the Congregational church tonight. :n T-1. .1 f , , . iincc musicians nave ueen doing the city with a harp and other in- slru rents. From eleven cows George W Weeks, ol Howell, sold during 1S93, 3471 pounds of butter st 30 rents per pound .. The Midwinter Fair was opened Saturday. Notwithstanding dull tir es it promises 10 be a golden success. The Cori all's News saya the OAC team will not for a moment entertain the question of playing with tht MbJmosbsVm at Albany. The grange in Orleans ptecinc; bevond the CaMapooia, will give an entertainment neat Fridar night that promises to be worth attending A new attraction at the depot is a large Chinese pheasant house. It starts out with four inmates, which number will be increased as fast aa pos-ib c. Haturdcy afternoon the public schco! foot ball eleven defeated the college foot ball eleven 7 to 5. They were all juniois but did some interesting p'sying. Notwithstanding quiet times the busl ness of the S P R R Co at this city for January has been considerably larger than for January, 1893, tne sale of tickes alone being $Iooo more. A young man named John Stnntorf, of Monroe, Benton county, has been lost a week. He went hunting and it is fear ed cannot find hi ay ou'. ot the inoun tains. The Salem Journal calls some of the O P management the Chris Evans gang. The Journal is getting very chlldiah in this matter. The O P gang has betn bad enough, pretty rocky at times The M E church was packed.Saturd ty evening to hear Dr Diiver's answers to a series of questions. The Doctor was en tirely st home K nd made clrar the problems in a manner Which can only ba appreciated br hearing. A synopsis would not do the answer justice. Next Sabbath thr United Presbyterian Sabbath schno! will organlz: branch school in Mr Becks building at the corner of Maine street and the Silein road. The officer will he: R M Kobers.on. supeiin tendent; Edgar Biodaeit. aasisiant super intendent; L E Hamilton, treasurer, Hugh t Isher, secretary. Among the teachers will be Jay W Blain, Miss Hettie Miller, J i uauthorn and Miss Ella McCoy. Both the tnethod and reEttlts tyIici Syrup of Figs ia taken; It is pleasant and refreshing to the tatc, snd acts gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, Litter and Bowels, clta-scs tht sys tem effectually, dispel colds, Lead achas and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy or its kind ever pao duced, pleasing to the tatto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efTects, prepared only from the most, healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale if fjOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable drugg&t wko may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, QAl. wuiavm. nr. he!v rone. r. John Sticker, of the Corvallis Works, was in the city today. W agon Juseph Koch has just completed a map 1 !" , , i i , 'T' ?'f" hWl ! "avo '""graphed mid sell for 10 a cony II 8 Gil, H V Bruce, J S Uoster and Will W Brooks, came up from Salem this noon to hear President Chapman, of the Young People's societyof the Baptist church. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered the members of the Alba y Social Club Saturday evening by a .tout 20 of their lady friends. It was a gen une surprise. A very interesting pro gram was rendered, "after which a tine lunch and general sociability were in dulged in. Mr Bryant, disciplinarian at the re form school was in the citv this noon looking after a couple boys who had es caped from the from Yamhill county, the other from Portland. Goldsmith, Childs and Hoyden, three Portland grocery drummers were doing Albany today. I'he Man about Town had ill pleasure of hearing them com pete in telling bog stories, leaving just as Goldsmith's turn came around, no doubt missing the biggest narrative of the trio. -ur .i u iJiiapman. rresiuent or the . I 1. . . . n ... ltn'" 1 eopie s society oi the I'aptist church of the U S and Canada, arrived in Aitiany this noon being met bv n larire 1 dfle''n of young Baptists He spoke ai o u ciucs, Hun toniunt win auuress a a public meeting at the Baptist church, Mr Chapman is a Chicago business man. and is worth hearing. D P Prettyman, of Tjrner, is king dangerously ill, without prospect of re covery. Mr Prettyman is Well known sll over Oregon, having for many years made collections oi liuits and cereals for the Oregon stste fair and Portlrnd ex position. He is a man of genuine worth, and his roanv friends everywhere will regret hearing of his illness. A brother resides in Benton county opposite Al bany. TiikNew Time Table.-O are now running tinder the mi P trains schedule. defining to-day, as follows: The mixed train leave IVtroit at 6:30 a m: arrives at Albany at Ut.v6 and leaves Albanv at 12:35 for the Bay arriving there at 7 ::0 p m. The other train leaves Yaquina at 5:1. a m arrives at Albany at l2::o. and leaves at 1 :15 for Detroit, arriving there at 5 :40 p m. j Here is a sample ot foot ha'l from the (Corvallis News: Virgil Water has a i spraneJ ank'o. Brady Burnett a tnahed 'oe. MIHard .Mays a badly bruised foot, B ! YV Inhninn i-r ".- , T L' . 1 general! disabled, I Nash internally 'n- : jured, ti L Holgate a sprained arm ' J B Walker a black eye, all the reault of a foot ball game on 'the college campus vea- . J ... , . - - .1 terdav afternoo.. be1 wc;n the O A C and to n teams . si MW IW Will a: Sutk, aMMian If yoa want a tine rai-tr coil f jr Joarbt,. white Ubor c :.--. The ksnlSpaasI o3ee n Um ( . fiiad Soyi-r H.l a: Maritiaaa Cke 'eaJ: Jrui for- Allaoy, C AMU ft Stark', large line of tUtm has crtated a great deal of talk Pa rcoiaa home bv miLini th celebrated white labvr cigars, mauofa.-.ored oy U'las Joseph. The O K Grubber is sold on trla.. To try one doe not mean tou are compelled ta buy. Mfg'd by Jas. Fi. wit ft foaa. rooasL Tua Thlvos Wa Eat very largely make us what we aie. No thought can pas through the mind without leaving some effect, however slight. Mlnr alight im pressions, In time, taak salgtMj changes. It's the same with the body. Abuse It with poor food and take the consequences. For purity and certainty In groceries and baked goods, go to Parker Bros. a.- . -. i,..rl , ,. cT JE1EI " ,, W or! h patronising is that of t ill Start II.., Tk. c . line of silverware, watches " c ocks and I jewnry genera iy in tne va::e, and sat last tsfsctory price, are a! ways given for the 7 , . ... superior BajBMtjf of goods thev keep in stock. Ner.- buy without callirg cn them . ; Tell HvttYBj&T I have turnips at twenty-riie cents per buihel snd potatoes I at forty cents per bushel al my old stand i i r deiivfred to any part ol the city for j five orris additional pr bushel." For , fcr her particular, s re me '. the cross : railrnads east end of the ci'y on sixth i street. At-viy J Cskothcrs. Mv fa'i line OS itMIIS, or iadir, aaiat 1 cf VAt'iyrOsHES and inclndit.g manv novaltie a tl children, it now B E Young. Clean towel 1 I lh ivirf parlors. 0 ererr coin B er at Viercck To preserve a youthful appearance as long as prji.ible. R Is indispensable that the hslr should retain I". natural color ar.d ful'ne. There is no preparation so effective as Acre's flair Vigor. It pi events baldness, and keeps the sea p e'ean, cool, and nealthr. "Now Is the winter of our dlscot.lent made gloriou-. mmmer", by Avrr's Saru paritla. This wonderful medicine so ln the system and enrlchra the blood that cold wea'her becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers siould do well to make a note of this. Mr Vandran. of the depot hotel, will give a serial ball at the hotel on Feb 2. Music will 1 furnished by the Klite or chestra of Salem, and no pain will be spared to make it a pleasant event. Tick ets $1. 00; lunch 25 cents. By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray, fadeu or discolored hair assumes the natu ral calor of voulh, and giows luxuriant and strong, pleasing eveiyhody. til lbs How Isnprrvcd S i gtr n v 01 en 11. Thu l t i slwsya a lsOSMSt. W S wden, ac-nt. Office at t M Preach ew.lry storo Taken by mistake a mscklntoah with plaid lining from the Baptist church last night. Exchange can be made by in quiring of Fred Dawson. i. ... in.- Merit, No other pis star has been produced which gains sc rniu) testimonials nf hinb vstac as ihose ontir.uf.usly sccordod to Alcock's r'eroua i'laater, ami the only motive for the-ie exceptional comtnendatiins in the fast that it is a medicinal aod pharmaceutical preparation nf superior value. Beware of imitation:!. Ask for snd insist upon AH c jck's, B an l-oth'a Pilla aie a good corrective. Uncle B'llj Wrlgh will visit you with a pall of as fine horse radish as can can be made In the U S. Be icadv to order. Horse radish ' scarce; but Uncle Billy gives good measure at low prices. C E Biownella grocery store is Increas ing in popularity. He carries a fine slock in a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. Olives In Bulk, sauer kraut, mixed Vickies, chow chow, cranberries, lemoas. naked hominy, and new raisins at C E Brownells MiiBBie POWLER-ASUBY. On Sunday, Jan 28, 189t, at the home of the bride's mother, in Albany, by Rev L 8 Fisher, Mr Robert Fowler, of the Oregon Pacific, and Miss Edith Ash by. Mr and Mrs rowier navo uie nest wishes of friends. many TTJESD a. HW IT iiirrt.M i. A for Albany council. B for Bon' on comity pardoner. S for Benton county solicitor for bridge. S to B. What will you give towards the bridge It. We will give $300 if V gives $500 and the bridge is built where the majority of the people want it. S, All right, I'll take your $300. B, for Boston county" J) D fool, is the man that said to A "have you heard that there has been some money siibscrilied, over the river, for the bridge?'' A. Law mo ! no, 1 had not heard of it. W here.' liy whom i l. .lust U'low the I ndue. S, t bridge. Some rich about that right away. gardeners . A I'll go and m I'll go and see S. A. Good morning Mr s. S. Good morning sir. A. I understand you have gut subscrip tions on the bridge S. Yes, on conditions, some four months a '.. A. 1 am looking after the paters. S. The parties signed on conditions and drew out. A. What did you do with Dm paper. S. I canceled it and gave it to one of the partv. A. til M6 that yon pay that, and hur ries off to see B . A. (iood morning B . B. Hood morning sir. A. 1 am look after a subscription paptf B. Yes! What paper T A. Subscription on bridire. have vcu irut t B. No. I destroyed it. A. Why so. B. Because the conditions were not com plied with. A" Do yon know that they wore not 9 Not thot I know of, do you? A. (with hesitation.) I guess not. A. Will you sign another paer without conditions. B. No, I will not. A. 1 will see that you p&v it- B. All right. D. Good morning Mr A. A. (icod morning, sir. D. Have you heard from that tion. MiW-rip- A. D. them A. I. A. 1". A. D. No. it could not lie found. 1 hey had ought to pay it. r I'll see to it at the proper time, (iood day Mr A. (Jood day sir. (later on) (tool morning Mr A. iioou morning How did you ionie out on the suit in i regard to the subscriptions. . o gvi ucai. a uo ju-gv sun i tuat.,1?e papers were no luxrount signed and a. r not delivere.1. D. 1 am sorrv. lit vnil till h. .niliMt now f 1 have raad some - A. case. 1 guess we will have to as we lost the Ba.NTi Co. ( ABOt TTBi: BBIBCK Aj.baxv. Jan. 29. J Linn county as an incorporation, as I ! underst.uid it. payed WO.OOOto the Alliany lYimimtliin f , .r a. frv nimn l.ri.l. timw i saU l I ...J. : . i. Vl. . I i . .re m.iuit iiuiui ius.ue ilM? I. t T.l I i' 1 11 OI the city. Albany proposes to disregard the wishes and interest of Linn county and i make it a toll bridge. Situ Linn county ; lias paid Uioir 4O,00O. Allctny has put its i indobtedness off on their children few the next generation, all they are doing or pro pose to do is to viy a small amount of in i teret and want to" toll the bridm frj- that purpose. Ine city claiins an indebteilnesss t f lomAl vn whi- a tnev proi-we t. tav tue interest by collecting off Unn and Benton counties. Iann county is unfortunate, being so Albany and the bridge landing inside the corjxiration. If Albauy has law f.r doing IBs sue wi.iie with Linn los -hare, it ; loots as if Linn county had better be on the i loos out hereaf".er. If Albany viHes to make it a toll briihr. the corporation of Benton county should pat up loll gates at each approach in Benton county to make the citizens cf Albany ay toll fcr using the Benton coonty road. Would they not have as much right? A.I IVTEEKSTED St'BSCBICEK. A Natioxai. President. John H Chapman, president of the National Ynucg People's Baptist Union addressed a huge audience at the Baptist chmxh hut eren infr. His address wa .rait Baptistic. and bronjrht ont the progress of the church very plainly. The work of the young people wa. dwelt on. and the introdurti of the . Christian Culture Course urged as well as tne support ot the voting peoples paper. Kignres given show :f7.853 churches, where there were MM) in 17ft!: 25.004 ministers to 1,100; 3.50y,s00 communicants to G5.45; W0C0.000 annual contributions to M001W. property valued at 110.000.000 to 1. 000.000. a century's projrrpss. In educational matters there were 20 student in the I Baptist schools of I7H2. now 2S.00O. and IS? col leire. with '00 lirenarinir f..r the ministry. r There si I missionarv a hundred rears ago. wm 1 art-v. and t in funds: now 7.SS51 mivionancif. 726.3 commonicanU. ana vii.i-jd.iI4 in contributions. Mr Chapman in a plain appearing vounsr man possessing much earnostnes and tiie zeal that counts. He left on the overland for Medford. w here he will speak to-night. Ax AssroxntST. F L Kenton this morning made aa alignment to F M Rf.1 field for the l?nefit of creditors. His a m?U are 2500...7. BS follows: mdse. f 1300; accounts and note. 1750.57; furniture ami fixtures. $400; lot in Blackman addition. $50. His liabilities are tSM.71, as fal lows: Standard Soap Co, $;o; Wm Iwis, k Co. $:; Sc hilling k Co. l0.98; Jon j k Co. lftSLd7; J A ranc k Co. I2t.37; 1 Portland Onsekar Co, 95S.90; H I;vi k Co J01.97; Page k Son, 17 75; Adedorfer A lirandenstem. f?fi5.'J.'; otaadard .il Com- pany. tt7; M Seller k Co. 122.85; L Spse-gelA- Co. $15.64; C B Whitnev k Co. 5N,.0C; W C Pne k C. fiU.:; Helper k Jenning: $ ; A Horaafla. $50.59; O H Fay k Co. f-S.W; Lewis Packina Co. $10.55; Am Biscuit Co. IU.4:; Fberb Biu hman Ce. f40.'.r.: Clossett ic Dever. r.-.K; CmUs Bros, $12; r Fruit Co, $5; Iriiiu-trial Home for Blind, $.4.'i; Fishbeck k lilotz. $2.50; M i--n Khrman k Co, 385 B5; Mr Mady. 50; S K Voting, $60: First Natioaal Bank. 120; Bank of Oregon. $100; Mrs May Kenton, $175; Mrs DC Mitts, $75; Mrs M Irvine, $300; W C Tweedale, $40; F M RodfiaM, $40. other accounts, 50. TiikChim.eMi st Gil N mors x for ssndina jour washings to Celestials Richards k Philips will now do plain fam ily washings for the astonishingly low price of 'Al cents par doan. This breaks th record, and xhould bring every citizen of Albany into line. Stand by whit labor and patronize home industry. Under this arrangement there must be a full dozen to mint. It is to he hoped there is not a single resident of the city who sends out washings, who will not patronize the 41 banySteam Laundry. No Rbxeptio.v. a card from Rev II V Rominger, received this morning states that he would lie unable to got ready to start on his cointemplated trip to Oakland, Cal., ho as to arrive at noon today, but would tako the oveiland train this evening and puss through Albany without stopping off. This will lie a disappointment to his many friend, us a farewell reception had been arranirod to be held at the Congrega tional church to-night, Such reception, of course will not beheld. At IIai.k Mast. No, l's flog hung at halt mast this morning, soaked with the nights ruin. The oldest company in the city, OB of tho oldest in tho state, the members do not appreciate being driven out of a building erected by the energy of the old members of the company. Tho vim is all taken out of them, the old firo is but a spark. It iB in order to bring Joe Web ber here to pronounce an auathcinv on those causing the rupture. The Fsrmers Insurance Company of Seattle has reinsured Its business In the (itake of Salem and will go out of bus' ness . This does not refer to the Albany com pany as fome crookedly read It yesterday. ACLlId Eajsys The pleasant flavor, gentle action ana soothing effect oi Syrup ot Figs, when in need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it Is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. .AT1. . . 1 y i QATM, Or. Jan. 29, 1894. " Mrs llarly Poster is reported seriously ill. Cause is la giipjio. The B () F and L Co. started their mill today. It is the only mill running in the canyon. C W Bead returned from Portland on the Saturday's train. He brought with him a cady of tobacco and the chandeliers for the W omens l-.ndeavor society. inert; una .-sunciay scnoni here at lu:w) a m and Topic meeting at 7 p m in the Kern A- Montcith bi.ilding on Sunday. Regular meetings will be hold each Sunday. There wuh :iii attachment nut on C w' r . . . r, i , rseatu v non s store anil OUier property in this place last Friday, by (iardenor of Stayton ami another by a Portland firm. The boy have now no pfaoe to bum. Beards of Trades can pa.-s resolutions de nouncing Go Ponnoyer s Chistmas letter and yet the people are continually getting imorer. What is wanted is more work and loss talk. The joint People's Pari club held a moet- "h ...... .v. ii.iii i.wv ,.iiuiuuj .inn ir ,r in ii. ., ,!;: ,, . .. I. .11 ..1 -.I MM resonmoiis (leieiiinoing the commit-1 too of 100 and the dem Board of Tn-do ' and SUpfMtUag Pem.iyer. Speeches were made by T J McCtarr and E C Neal. From the reports your correspondent ' hears, bo has come to Um conclusion that ('has Clark had lietter help Hie material men of this section or 'juit rnnuing trains, j One man, a creditor of the O. P.. says if he is not paid he will cut the bridges down. ! While that would prol b!y not help matters ay it shows to what extent public opinion 1 has culm inatcd. j The Hates liter.vrv hel l a regular meot ing on HatnrdaT List. TM nuestion for discussion was: kosolved: That the Unite.! States should prohibit the manufacture and use of spirituous Honors. The leaders were T I Bevier. aff I C Smith, nog. Question decideii unanimouslv for the affirmative. Hunt for disaster. bright prospeco and not lor Eggs are on!y for Jamjar v . IS cen's. Cheap living 37.000 bsloi of l.opt wcrerabe l In O' j gon during 1093. Da not aJvertl perional miVf-mune si ! a rational cslamity. Several Chlnr? phesiant taken to I sue Grant county for propagation have died, j The oiatorlcal contest to elc"t a par i ticlpant for the Hate contet l!l occur on i Friday night. The Mu!tnomahs refuse to play a game 01 loot nail wt.h Hie U A t, ol Corf alii ! Ah U iucky for the Corvalltt team Sheriff CHhorn, ol lienton will ae out Jo.oow .ine on MS Una countr farm. aald to be weTl aui.ed for bop cu lure. ... . . . CUie , i irrgon. i row im c ot jf tl.e quiet- I Is are j j sat. The old day. of la gone. The ateamer Eugene being built In Port.and will oe rrair to run next month nu n is pruptseu to run ner me enure year. Can it be done. Yesterday anemplo-. eof the woolen mid while Intoxicated f:i head nrt ( feet, through the woo: .pout Into the ret use matter at the bottt :n. He was unln- her the jjreo ; tjut presenter a pec:acie not of.en i seen. Next Mund.y the pvciai eiccttoa on ihe tolling f the" Sridgc ffj occur. The Man about Ton predicts tlat it fJoesn't toll. The public will r-r-ak the clapper J to t . The members of Beuiah Rebekah Ledge No. 3UOOF shrutd bear In mind the special meeting to b. he'd ihi. 'Tcn,nB ' n: P' sevai o.cs.ick A f i-n i'eoua-ce reqjes-cj lit ot j, r tie H C. The junior foot ba ! team of the inlor foot ba I team of the albanv I ' fayne. and such -erear challenge. tLe junior, of! vlETT V t""0 N f h,inraie, ic school, to pl.r a me on the ' TnTL ftffl' &8- campu. neat S.turda. afternoon. 1' UrU,t- rules to govern. Br order oil college i.ereSr the public schools college Rugt. ca'ato BreslJent Harder, of the (3iicga Cnl rer ity has caused a sensation by publish ing a lectu-e In w Inch he declares the storv . of Cain ard Abel a math, like that of the i caj:ure of Tror ar.J Rrtru. init RnmuTtit Prof Harper Is' a nephew of Dr Irvine of this city. X M Newport went to Salem this boob. fharles Mueller, of Bc-tarsr. is in the i I v' . - :. - . ... V.i Rt tm ; .v.:4 ... l .u- V V T. "V 7 " . . name of Ir Hemck. of Astoria. Unag i ............... ........ . lepnty I 8 Marshal lieorge Humphrey went to Sweet Home this noon after some one unknown to the writer. T J Buford. a prominent candidate for sheriff of Lincoln coonty. was in the city to-day on his way to Portland. Rev Clapp. who lva been assisting in service at the CrtnprejratjnnaJ church will leave in a few days for Manchester. N H wnere he will ! located. AW Stacarl. Henry Stanard and A Bj Cavendr. of Brownsville, were in the citv 1 I last evening to hear Mr Chapman at the j Baptist chorth. will mik I on Ue political lssttw of th dav in the in- j teres Is of the Populisti'. at the Court House on next tn-lav evening. Worth v Kit I I linillf M an formal raeetinir of citizens last evening; orrangemenO wore made for an entertain-! , , ... ' i " , . , ment at the or-ra house on Thursday even- ,fn' v a! - , "kjg last tught ing for the hen-tU of the destitute up the j "on ,J Wc presided and state.! Santiam. MaiorL Flinn. J W Cusiok I ,he "'' of rneetin. A 2 mill tax and I P Mm were m.vlo a committee to,' .a voted for the support of receive and disburw the funds. Tickets Mf "tf" af1J,, P?" th halanoeof $3.0tJ will be K.!d at TO cents BBseea. and wswlSM maM.htz. As by the bodv should parcha. . Ut Ailanv do the l yesterday it w;li announced that . ... . . :. .. -.I new rr.clifin t.i v,.l. l.-.n.t. I....I.1 , , , handsome thing by the tiara country in need. U"'i The e of the San-; enlrtaici!ient ' will consist of specialties, ander the man agement of BertN ani 'leve.and willbe worth attending, though the BOM of admission ia based on the object. Phe opera Iioum has been donated ami there will' be no eipense connected with the entertainment, no dead head.-.evary thing to swell the fund the liand turn out. and let no one stay at home, at leant let everybody who can buy a ticket for it. Following is the program in full: Overture. Orchestra. Comic recitation. Allen Chawherlin. Solo. Mrs F W Langdon. Whistling solo. Walter Kllis. Recitation. Helen Crawford. Daett, Misses Fttrrcll. Instrumental BTBtin. Maggie Murry. Selection, liuitar Ouintett. Solo. Nora Zeyss. Recitation. Ruebcn Thompson. music, Eva Cowan. Medley. Quartet. Cinderella, with the following cast of characters: Cinderella. Grace Love: Prince. Lillian Crawfcrd; Godmother. Alice love: Sister Rose. Cora Coffman; Sister Kllen. Helen Crawfonl ; Warden, A Levo. DasTnumoN at Mili, Citt. E L Wheeler, who has a nursery near Mill City came to Albany this forenoon, leav ing home without a cent, walking as far as Munkers, and riding the remainder of Ihe way, the oonductor permitting it rather than to put him off. He rays matters are in a very bad shape around Mill City, and that destitution actually exists, giving facts ibat leave noquestion as to the correctness of tho statement. Tho nnderaigned, pro ! printer of the I lon.-.-r House desires to Inform the public that h has reduced the pries of board without lodging to $3 per week, with lodging S psr'wsek. Single msals 25 cents. The public is invited lo call as I keep good beds and set a guod table. Have tir wood for sale, ('inii.r of Broadalbin snd Water treats. J H Mekakda. Whatever may be the cause ol blanch ing, the hair m .y be restored to ita origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Lost .On First street between, Jack sou and Ferry, Monday evening, a dar tan jacket cufT. Finder leave at thi office. Thousands of lives sre saved annual y bv the use of Avcr'a Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral has a most marvelous effect. It allays in animation, frees theaustructedalrpasaage and controls tha desire to cough. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Sim in u Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thoroughly competent work man, at F M French's jewelry sore, Albany sgon. Highest of .U in Leavening ABSOUTECV PURE "WEID3SI' ESDAY OXsXXI 4 SO ASXto Albany's total tax will 1 25 mills- rou ty uud state, 15; city, 8; city schools,' 2. ' oiuuiiiia river Mm It. si cut., rmr.,,,.,.,.1 and sulmon eiirht cents in-r .v.n,l ,.i i i : iivi!.. Mr I A Morris has sold his food ..tre apposite the Buss Homo to Mr ( C Mo. n who will iun it loreaftor. utton s I nolo Ii nn , Cabin will in ajoany m tt. a. As old a ulwajH wish to see it again. it is paopki I A Oilliert. a clerk aitfa Fgg.-rt. Young i r ' ' oniono, iiai, un sandliiiggod three hi, more tlnui one man's share. 1. Til a ' nocewarv hereafter to go to nocige. a i .ir;,,ii to j.,ih througt the telephone. The offi was change 1 today . I apt Jones, the builder of the rrniv !....' ' r.ugono, was in the att h da or two mi 1 Isjat will have a draft of onlv about 12 W' be, much lower than any boat running, Touiorrow the Hkmik ratwiH publish a i correct statomen, of the invent ( i f Uon; brought out by the reiit article ..f ieorge ( i Bingham, published in this i i per- j Mr Sam Templeton, of Brownsville, was in the city today. Mr Jam Klkins tells of the time years ago when Mr Templeton hunted wild swan in the lakes' and rivers along the oast ridge of the Cascades and , scld their hiilus for US apiece. The two boys. Patsy Fleming- and Xor ! man Torn-, that escaped from the state re- frm school Sunday were aptured at Ma J cleay. twelve milos east of Salem, and rt ' turnwl to the school on Monhty evening. Thoy wore taken in by the constable of thai district. As tomorrow night u prayer mooting night in the city our citizens' should be ; givon an opportunity to buy a ticket for ; the Santiam relief entertainment, or eoc tribu'e somr4hing if they so prefer. A cotton c-orpet toon looks faded and i soiled, while a good linen wait. n.aMn., will reiuoin bright, and sweep eaior. yc can buv the U-t of the Ailny FnrnHui Co. 1m have a new lot. M new lot Mr YA Blodgvtt mourns the lus uf a now overcoat. How it disantvared is not bn.rn out it was protsiblv stolen from the office of the Kkvtric Light Vatupany. It is light in 'color, of a sutierior make. Ik rou know , anything about it. ( The action of the Boston firm in to acceM the loan of s-hc.! .Iitri.-t i .... count ot an error in tho oloction fn bond is a tmuliar fio. 1 !.e :, .; i iv.,. i: j . . pre- as Utoi jmtetmtf, wis, undoutjtedly suffi cient, but a technicality was dirviT-red and token ad vantage of. though imrrabjriai on the fane of it. A carnival of eminent people has just ivn ivld m Salem Some of the ma! rejtrentl were Byron. Dickens. Kiidronl rii, .:ng. t tijitspear. Longfellow. Iraocis 9 K, an, i ran- is Hodson Burnett. J.a..-tin Miiler. FJizaMh Cadr Stanton. Amelia Rivers, and John Howard Fame, and such BSI tM .Tt Halt R A to B V Baker. k4 in Harruboxg 0 C Awl. rev to Varira I Awtw. 1st 5. bf 47. O P ad . M 1 I L Freeiond to K A I'n ohmil M Hw:l Fnak 8 C?f,1.10 ,E,ta McPhef- son. part KH ad lwf -T to Nancy M Clark. - -'arr n aiotk. 2 fauul pie, land. 11 K 1 j Matt Smith to A J and C J Pilner. 1 1 500 0000 300 jaj acres, 14 w 4 Fleckenstein A Maver to Livingston A- Co. lot in N"ltrciwTOrrilW . . . A K Pbeloa to R L Austin. 111.81 acre. II si Richoni Borrea to Adda K Bryant. 25 acrts. 10 w 3 It! " . HIT SMXBB, Jan 30. mi Mrs M Shaver has just returned from a three weeks m with her dauchtcr Mrs T W Thompscn. of Haissv. Rev Martin, of Halsey.' delivered a n disxaauaa last Sab!a:h at"Sh.ld. "rangw armed at att Rhinehart a The? concluded to let him slay and give 011:1 a iwiw. w alter nght little flauirhter has been ouite ill with the tonsiiitis. Krn.--i t t-ti.. . V.. third ward school houiv would be neci saary .tn.l 4 nAl.tirtn - I 1 .- . V. - 1 - .-j m- n-.uiiru 11 u ... - U-r was prmtel and another electiou have ! bern called. At a meeting of the directors this fore j noon Saturday. Feb 24. was the litre set ; for the election, notice to be given bv post ers. Heuii;kke.t W'oses.-The women are j bring heard from. Here is about one liv I hag at The Oalles: About II o'clock this j loBSBoon a man came to the recnnler's of , let doirinir a w.urant of arrest for iarties : in the Fast Knd . His head bad somewhat . the at-aranc-e of having passed through a ! threshing machine, and he said that a man ha.t held him while his wife Mattered him with a prtato masher. A Siifem ier tells of a Marion cbbbAv woman coual t? the cx-.-aaion: Mrs F N Wood Worth, of Ilowsll Prairie. Satunlay naiil a tine of $10 and $2X ect in Justice Batchelor's court for assault and Ultterv in breaking a milk pitcher over the head of her husband's orotiier, V K WoclwirUi. in a family row la.-t Pridav. aow's Tills! WaoQsr One Hundred Dollar Beward tar any coae ot Catarrh taat cacoot be cars1 Ball's Catarrh Cart. F. J. OHBIBI CO., Prop., TMsee, O. Ws the niut' 1 signed . have known W. I, Chaney for the !.it ;:. years, and bsllasa hiat BarSaoUy aoi all bwusaaatsawaaaMaayj and Inanrla'ty W -1 laasrjr out any obllgaMaB saodaky their ins. J'BTjTnrir. w ',. rtraagtata.Totaao.O. WiUiiss.KisSAKi Mai in. flTiolawia OtSuSS srlata. T-.!.- . wa MalPa Catarrh 1 .iou Internally, B saadiraetly apca l. i and mucoas SBS faeesof thc-tvstai. i'ri. , T?c. ier bolUa. MR By all Dniajdata. TaatlneoalaJa fr. Provide youraelt wiih a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and so have the means at hsnd for contending successfully with a sudden cold. As sn emergency medi cine, It has no equal, snd leading phvsl clana everywhere recommend It. Tickets for the midwinter fair will be on sale to-morrow at the 8 P dt pot, only $2fi. 90, with five admissions an4 good f..r 30 days. rarant sun cure OonatipatlOD andSXHt laehr. niull Uilw kaaoa. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DPRICE'S GPowdef The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammouia; No Alum, Used in MillionsTofi Homes 40 Ye"?s the Standard rower Latert U. S. Gov't Report Baking PBUSOK A X. 1 J A smith, of Salary, fa J W ( 'anlwell. of Mbt city teduy. in tin . ity. I in In F Hatfield, who has liecn in the BMr- : i:antile business at the town of Bern on the j 0. P. R. R fifty miles c:ist of Albany, has j moved to Ashland, intending U remain in Southern Oregon. Ashland Tidings. Mr Van Horn the O P brakemun, recent- tj kaeeked off the cars this side of the Bav. I was in the ' ity today for the first time since , the accident, walking with consi.lerable of limp. Kev S F " ii-on. well known in Albany. 1 recently pre-iding elder of this conference, I has resigneil the paatOTala of the Central ! Methodist chun h of Albinn, to take effect Febru: sy 15. He has been trunsfer.ed from 1 the irei'.ii conference to the Iowa oonfer ence and will locate at Storm Like, in tba state. The marriage of Miss Margaret Cracfl Bcriber of t-alem and Pnsaki P Holbrook 1 of Butte. Mont., will take place this even- : ing at 8:50 o'etocS in the First M Y. hurch, ' of Salem. Ki-v'mh W tirannis oraciatinr. AfW the ceremony a reception will be given at the rSainW e of Mr ari'l Mr-1 ' W Scrilier of South Salem. W art? informed by Cu.ity lerk X P Payne, brother-in-law of Ellis Knos. tlw.i Mr Knox is eilsaJod to live but a few davs at the farthest. It waa his wish to be . brought b. Alltany More eying; but it was thought impossible to do so. His macy friends will regret bearing this news. Mr Knox is one o: the p.oneers of this county, and is a man uni- o-sally repecUd by all knowing him. K R Ryan, who ws so fearfully mangled by the I'icai train yesterday, is doing re markably wsll. When the aVwaOSl called to see him this morning he was founnd sitting , up. defying all idea of submitting to the inevitable. ( n further examination th : doctors found the third and fourth ribs on ' the left side broken besides losing a foot, adding another w-nous point to his case i Notwithstanding his combination of sodew wounds, it is thought he will becoirc mas ter of the situation, bat will always bear the marks of the awful experience. Salem 1 Independent. TnE DaBIUma. D I Coffey, the conn-' ty aj-e-ssor. is on a trip to Mill City on the BOlfa f trk of the Santiam. He went there to attend to some private matters and will also enquire into the condition of the set Man in that vicinitv. th retort bavins reached saiera that tata majority of them in . that section are in need. I pon Mr Coffey's ' statement County Judgt? Hubbard experts I to act oae wav i the other in retard tn . f'a-ni-hing aid Io the people on the Marion - county side of the river. It is reported that the I-ilu county court will assist to a certain extent tho-e ia that section within its boan lari- is S Train. e'itor of the Albany Herald assured Covernor Pennojer -that he wrmi.1 bring the matter before the j court at that place. Statesman. The peo- , pb- up the Santiam do not consider them- : seizes paupers, and it is proposed to help them otherwise if puaibie. Albany shookt I be thoroughly canvassed tomorrow for the sale of ticket-, lo the ectertainmect at the opera house for this purpose. A P. 0. Rokbeij. Monday night the . . .. .,- .i- r- '-: i An entrance was effected by breaking the glass of a side door. The perpetrators of the deed even stole the implements that admitted thera lo the contents of the safe from the I 'alias foundry. iinjr a monkey- srrer-ch. brace and drill. Instead cf blow- ins- the safe open, they drilled a circle of no ass arocnu tnecomtxnaUOD knob, tent mp it free so it could be pulled through, mak- ing r h ie large enough for eavsy work. The flee of the combination was then forced off ' wiUi a nrw, a hooked wire inserted and the ' tumbler lifted. leaving the door tree to open. ' Eight hundred dollars in coin was taken ' and about $."80 'in postage stamp. They ' even stole all the blank postal notes anil ', money order sbevts. After e-.-uricg their booty they made their exit through the broken door and made their e.rape. Not a trace of the Tillains remained with the act. i but the tools stolen from the foundry were left in the office lying on the floor near the beOMB afe. A Sitreme OoCBX Cask. Tbe follow- inc-nro.rri in h rfafcbm, : n. IBBpOBslaBti vs Linn couhty.aria;nant.appe9l from Linn ccunty; arjru.l and submitted, t.eo K t'hamLrL4in attt.rnv f---r re-.i-.n.ipr.t anl It R S Blackbun. atnrner tor a.-peUant tated by the state of ' re?on afra:n-t Linn ccunty. ta the circuit OOart of Linn lo recover from defendant a I cettain amount of t.nes alleged to be due m state for the year lVl in all S,73SJ1, and B9BBI ami disbursements. A RrsTLEit. A San Francisco dmmme bs the citv yesterdav. tcTid of tbe recent ar -1 rert at Oakland of Vm ti t-'benaur. f. nner-! Iv of this citv, (at emlnlement. He luui : been soliciting for a shirt house, an ' it seems wa short in his acoouuts- II was released on bond, and securel anotlier po sition in iNui Francisco and a sufficient ad vance to settle the old matter tor lias than its face, about ?4:. when he was discharg ed. Obenaur u a cecuine rustier. A Taais La.. Beginning yesterday there will be one freitit train less pass through Albany over the Southern Pa- cific road. Instead of running daily freight trains will operate only five days, via: No. HI will run from Portland to 1 unction Citv on Sundav. Tuesady, Thursday, Friday nd Saturday, i; -.!:: i south. Train No. 31 will run between ; the above named cit'es. point; north, on ; Tuestlav. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday aad Saturay. From Junction City to Ashland freight trains will operate on a tri-weekly schedule. The result is the i discharging ol about twenty-five men. j iCGBTD. The public school foot lal eleven hereby accept the challenge of the , college eleven and will play them. Rugby ; rules, on the college campus next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Py order of the ; captain. Waannie IsviT.'.vtctxs. Wooden, Til, Silver, t4olden Common every day. fan i Or. Price's C renin BaKtns Powder Party Veara tha Standard. Baths at VuieeLs sbaviug itting parlors. Atoaajr Narkat aod hair Wheat,4Se. OaU, 25s. Flour, $4.W. Kutter, '.-.'. Kggs, I'.", v laird, 12 to 15c. Pork -hams 12 to liaj sh-uldera,s t- lOe: Idea. II to 1 Sc. Hay, baled, f 7, vo Rtoas, 40-t. Applets ,.4'' Hota, 16c. Oried fruit -pluma, 9o, applets, 9c Chiokana, fl.00 psr dosau. Beef, on f. ot, l V'ij Uegs, airia-at, s4 IT WILL drive the humor from your system, and make your skin clean and smooth. Those Pimples and Jilotcnes whicn mar your beauty are caused by IMPURE BLOOD. They can be removed In a short time. If yon are wise and nse the great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitten!, W TRY A BOTTLE TO-OAY. Why suffer with Bolls ? 'Why rave with that terrible Headache ? Why lay and toss on that bed of pain with RHEUMATI8M ? Use Sul phur Bitters. They will cure yon where all others fail. The dose is small only a teaspoonful. TRY IT and you will lie satisfied. The young. 2 the aged and tottcriicgaresoon made wen ny lis use. itememoer w I 1 . 1 r . aB ) on riaci jiere, it may save your iu3, I it has SAVED HUNDREDS. Jl you are runenng from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old age, use Sulphur Bitters. They never tail to cure. Get it of your Druggist. DO NT WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver Complaint. Don't be discouraged; IT WILL CUR2 YOU. Rend 3 2-irt starara to A. K Orflwsr A Co liostuc, JLsk., for but utedical work psbUsbed si awaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaHHaaaB Aoests A'aSTEDonarvandCommLiaion tli- rw iiiTiioritrn Of I He UNLT AUTHOhlZED ffilWAf Of JAMES G. BLAH By Gail Hani:.- bis literary ezecntor, ith the co-operatinn of bis family, and for Ur. Klaioe's Complete V.'ork, ' Twk-sty Vi .iKS or Coscneas," and his later took, 'founcAL Dioccasioss." One procpec'.as for theae 3 BET . books ia the mar- art. A K P Jordan of Me..took 112 orders from Brat 110 calls; ageot's profit $i& 50 Mrs Ballard cfO. took 15 ordera. 13 ai Raaaia, in I day: profit $20.25. E X Rice of Msaa. took 27 orders io 2 davs: profit N7-2S J Patridge of Me. took 43 orders 'rom 36 calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer of N. Dak. too. 53 orders io 3 days; profit $98.25. Ex-Lrsv TansrronT icireo. If Jos wub to make LAR'iE M0KY write immediattlf for terms to hfUeinBiilpBb.Co.rwifk.Coan 4LPAIY COLLEBIAII IM8f ITUT1 ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892 Tern waaed aepteaiSkrr stir At 1 oorpe of inatroewa CUiSlCAL, SCiEKTIFIC, LiTERAPr COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL 5 LASSES. 1 im.a ot Kndy trranjd Sm a all' a-ridaa of atndsot .-w.. y--e- tm mmdr.. rrasa 11V aa Y " ciaear a ratraii TOCK LACKS notb-! UR mg Dat buvers. lhev W1 , 1 1 come, lhev will be s?ati- fied. Ther will buv at Tsar i I WtK. EVLn FAIREST PRICES MADE FOR SUCK QUALITIES. Visitors are not asked to BELIEVE but are shown goods to CONVINCE them that we are leading the trade m ST.APLE AND WNCYIcoS DRY C00DS.LADIES FINE All aa - , 9 B ! Tr aiai ii iiuuwani f ALUC rilK YOUR HONEY Call on US a Yours Truly Read, Pxacock c Co. Star Baker orI-.r.'ttlitln sad First i , CGKRAI VftB CPrCDltTriP WrllWJ rtlilf, rr.Lr Rlc I l'R, ' j j I aiaaia ataas! rrsiiia, are?, rled t rulls. Tobscco, NDastr, ollee. Cavaaws Mrs Qaseai Vogalalile Cfgawra tfces. Tea. tie.. tac e vrt :h..- thai ta kspl ia a raaer rsriatj and naearr stars. Bi(heai morsel price paid tar A.I.L KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the stote Allen Brosn formerly owncst by , BUTTER, EGGS, LsARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. I will pay the best cash pnae B F RAMP I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their store to opposite the Russ House, and have on hand a fall stock of CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. CORVALLIS FLOUR. BRAN, SHORTS' GERM MEAL. CR4HAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder world's Pair Highest Award. Notice for Publication U fi Ijtrifl Onice, Oregon City Or.. November 2nd, 1S93. Kolicfl is kereby Riven that In eonjpl). '"'' with th ptovisinns of the act of ;ongre of June 3, 1878 entitled An act i for the aa'n nfiiniber lands In the states i of Csllfornia, Ottgtm. Nevaria and Wash i.g'.cn Tiriffiry" as - . . : to all ths i publ ic lamlB f ite- by ac-t of Anauat 4 IH02, Altrt K Ho!meo'Alljany r. y (Of Linn atate -. 1. . day filed in this 0MCB bis sworn statement BO 29A4 I'ri.-ir, .; ihe, Northeast !4 of I section N. 2.1 In town hip np. 10 H ranee ' No 6 Eas. and will tffer proof to show ; that the lard sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural I purposes.snd to establish hi claim to said land before the Regi-ter and Receiver ot this office at Oregon Citv, fr,on Tuesday ' the tVh day of February, He name j as witnesses: f; H Dilt)rap:e. Francis j Ho:mes, 0 v Adam-, A Wink, all of Al j bin. Or. Ar.y anil ail persons c'airain adversely the above described lards ar i requested to fi e their claims in this cfEc : on or before said 6-h day of Ftbruary I '94 A Miller. R f ulster Notice for Publication Cm Oeet-os Crrv. O r Oct 20: h, 1SKJ. Not ca in herchy (ilven theat in conpll ance wub the prov.aiens of tba act cf C. Darrens ,f Ju'.e 3 l78 entitlal An act j for the sale of timber lands in the t : of Ca'ifomia, 'r-on. Nevada and Wai ; Ingtoa Ttrritory," aa ezUnded 10 all t ; Puhllc Lind Bumsj o act of Auvost 4 I--J, Annie V hillock, of (reg'm Ci ( county of C ackamsa sta'eof Orevon,h mi oay n en in tola otaceberawor statemen: No 2&S4. for the purchase of th NK '4 of section No 9 in township N 10 s range No 4 E. and a ill oftt-r proof t h"w 'hat the lan-i hoah'. w mor valuable ff,r its timlr or aion than fo agricultural purps, and to establish her claim o sai l laul before hs R' m tr i and Reeier rf th: omo? af Oregon City. Oreoo. on Thursday, the 1st day of February,! fch name aa wiipcsaesc Iran Smith, Wm amitk, JLBsrr, C Tbompaon;l cf Berry. Oregon. Any and a'l peraona cl-imlng adve'a-ily fie abor deacribed lands are requested tu fi e the claims in ibis cCHe on or before said 1 day of February 185. KoBEfcT A Mil lbs. ' Ke ;iater. limber Land, A.-t for poblicrUon. Jsne 3, 1S7S, Notic Uaited Sucte Ipd OfEre. Oregos Citr, Oiaajaw ..mi.aiiFr 1. . a la slues of fsiifori La. ir.Tj.jr.. Kerada SSSI Wathingtoti Tf-rriUtrj." extended to all ) f u";'c iua tnataraa or Aactut 4. , tari H. Dahr;i- A Albaci, ( ounty of Lim. ' y-nr-n. uja lliia T su.l iz If., .-ffiee I hsa sworn Otalmnl No. sa fnr the- im?ri r t the s t 'J Section so K in ToweoIiit. Sn l H ' ZLTZ UEiber or ltrr.- Saaat tmm n i :. Imnl . - , and t eatafeiisa hi" claim to aud U: .-:' f. 'r I llsaaair aad BeoejTer of thia oefire at Orcxoa iny, fjresron. on Wedceeoar. the Hlh uar of Jacoarr. l-W He r,UM as witre: F L Eohss E W B-a H Wmt O V A-loms. ali of Aibacr flan. Anv an-i all penons la;nirr,a; adretaei; th ab..-s-e Wr- rxl art m;oeKted to fit their ciaia to thasaswee on or before said Stti dar of Jaz:--a.T- K. Eoeiet A. M. Lixa. BBsk Timber Land, Act Jane 3, U 41 .tic for publication. Cniied States Lar-t 0ee, Oregon Ciix, Orgoc. CV-I..t-" Sd. l!SO. Notae- is hereby siren that ia conpl with tie provu.ocs of tfae rt of OaBBSSSB of June J. I-"-- ecuued. "Ac arx for the sale of umber lac-is :n the Slate of ( ajfrvmia, Oreaon. Sevada. aad WaobJ&ctoa Territory.- Joka D CaapbeU. of Maraaette. oantT of vUroette. State of WilM eoc L ti..4 day tlx ia this otSoe his sworn statemect No for :te &cnrhaee of tbe W of rt E:-: SW -t a-d W i. of SW'Vaf No :-. in Tonaiup No l-.-Socth. Baaaw No Eat amnuaiai porpoaes. aod to wanlli soa doaaa lilts office at Or " Cat. Oro. on Towiar Use Sid daj of Ji-.irr. 1-it. H- rajcs aa sritre: Etjece V Sauth. Edaia T teitfc. J L Herrr. Berry P O. Marios Ctx sad Fratk PerketL. L"etro:t. Manes Co. Arj and all persona ciainuna adrerseir the abov-ifes. ribed iandtf are rewied to their daasas ia tJaaiaaaceoa orhefcxa dar of 'tr taT. Irttt. Sum KigtAer SUMMONS. a tie C11 emit Court ar" !t Slate cf Orega, far Limn rsway. M Sierntserjf A If Seal and J L Seal his :f- Geo E Charr. ber'aia and S V C.amberliin his wife, J W Cii.ick X O Cu sick ar.d Cas ii C-js;ca s ur- drm r.ameara sStle 1 IS BBtnsstiatOrct JO&C bmuh, deceased. Defendant. To A B Sea', and I L Sea'., the wif eof j said A B Sea!, taro of the above named aeiaiManis: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you and aacn of jc are hereby required to appear and answer the com- plaint of the above p' in tbe above entitled court, now on ble with the tier's, cf s:d court, cn or before ' the hist day of the neat iegnlar term ef j saiu court, astslcB siii term begins on the fiithdaynf March, i. st the court bouse ia tht city of A.bany. Lir.n County, Oregon; and vcu are hereby fariher noti Be. that it you fat. to appear and answer th said complaint as herebt required, the plaintiff will take a tiecree and judgment against you fo ihe re it demanded ia his said complaint tosstt: 1 . A judgment and IkMB aginU: A B Saalfc-r the sum of $foo in United States gold coin together with inierest thereon in like gold coin at the rate at $ per cent per am. urn from tbe 16th day of Novem ber, iJi until pai4 and lot- the fatther sum oi $50 attorney 's fees for instituting this su;t, and for the casta and disburse ments of this suit. 3. A deciee foreclosing the mortgage made, executed and de'.ivered by you ioG W Smith on the i6:h day cf November, 1SS9, and directing the piamissr described therein, to wit: Tne so j.hwest quarter of block number one hundted and twelve (11 2) in Hackleman's addilioa to the citv jof Albany, Linn County, Oregon; and I also described in said complaint, to be sold ' upon execution as required by law and 1 directing the proceeds of such a.e to be j applied as follows: First to the payment j of the costs and expenses of making such j sale and the sum of $50 as attnrney s fees 1 tor instituting this suit. Second," to the j payment to the plaintiff cf the sum oi 1 $400 in gold coin of the CniteJ States of j America and interest thereon in like gold j coin from the tothday of November, 1S91 1 until paid, at the rata of S per cant par I IIIIBin. Third, That the surplus. If anv, j be paid out in such sums as the court may direct. 3. That you, all the defendants above named and each of their, and any and all persons claiming by, througu or under you or them or any of them, be forever barred and forclosed of any and all right, title or Interest, right of Jower, or tc;uit of redemption In or to sa:d premises or any part thereof ; that if the proceeds cf the sale of said premises be not sufficient to pay the claim of plaintiff together with all coats and disbursements UM ex penses and a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting this suit, that plaintiff have a personal judgment and decree against said defendant A B Seal for the deficiency. 4. That the mortgage executed av G W Smith and Viola B Smith his in tavor of Job C Smith as mentioned in said complaint, be decreed to have created nn lien upon said premises or anv part there of. 5. That the deed, mentioned in said complaint, from A B Seal to the said dj fendant, Geo E Chamberlain, be decreed to be subsequent in time to said plaintiff's said mortgage, and all rights acquired thereunder by said Chamaerlaln to be subject to vhe iien of plait) tiff's said mort- gse. This summons Is published by order of the Hon Geo H Burnett, the judge of the above entitled court made at Chambers in the City of Saleas, Marion Countv, Ore gon on the l(5th day of Januarv, iiil. V RatlLYEL'. Attorney for Plaintiff. ACADEMY --OF- laay of PeruBtual Help