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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1893)
VOL XXVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAlf, JULY 21, 1893. HTITEH SB NTTTIC,PablUkjerr aad Proprietors: lairrcu al I he P.. OSjrr a Alb,.,. NO 50 i in 1 1 1 I One of the oldest Job printing Offices in the State Ihe only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY Wv have the Largest and b4 Stock Of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever bten our pleasure to offer tin people. COME TO SEE US Good, Quick IVint:ii. SMILEY, The Oregon Land uo s-a-oem - - r. I. ai.J MAKES a tjascitlt . Will aU i- or u cr ma)I th .jymrtit .tnj. liwmfam ta!ance or ari!cuur. Janus Gradwohl's Bazaar S tt mwi la tt' you can buy at JULIUS fc KD VOHL S BAZAAR, for net caafc good, a follow: arbuekla a Coflbo, For Pound ... wanuiatad ahafax tbo amAfnoUa 8uar White No I Karroo, per euagie gallon Cans refill, 5 gallons OaUon Goo PickU.,narkt firm 1 Gallon No 1 Syrup ie a, ei real a uf a i a w 'aajaa fissis" eiaei 1. a a.n a r. rIW!Zt. nili THf FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO 1 r'r;. 4 B i aaaaian rj aaai iVrOaaaa severil Solid Eastern and Foreign Compajieb FORTMILLER I atfirrmkrrtt .111) tsa sVaejas LMIM0 " ear X a NO EXTtA ALBANY. mi tt i OR MA'o 0 Dry OoodB. Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., ol READ, PEACOCK & CO., ALBANY AND CITY BOTTLING CO., OPPOSITE tftUtt HOUSE H irkl . : ltr Al.l: VN - oRiiJoojsr- V; .lreet. n IVrt'.aj of SunnytiUf fruit traou iaar Salem arrr iot at 130 t. tr0 si 00 1 00 20 90 1 10 40 aaaaj 1 a aiasral -rat ai .4 UtSTITUTiOHS. J o MKJTWMan sans r -lrw. TaifMlsa & IRVING I 111 1111 1 111 vr. . . . , 4eea WWmWk - ta j -eeat;y A. a a aaai I! MEAIfcE OR SERVICE TEMPLE OrtEGC LEBANON ta. ALBANY. OR T . limes nti: A somewhat remarkable j ' recently become a matter of re rord in the recorder a office in tlii coun ts It in a voluminous instrument, and ves-iited bv Mra Jane Abraham, ol Kast I ottUuil. Mra Abraham U tk. ...I I Jamea Abraham, who died in 1801. and tiia present conveyance is executed to carrv out the provisions of the latter's last will and tfst.mmii rt .. .i.....i Ua, A t' rairrhild.and C M Ill-man, ot hast Portland. Truateea, aad conveys M il em the following real ettate in the oiioaiDi: c.iuntier in Urenin S.trai arret in Waaon. UK) acre in Josephine. (kn in ientoo,eiKht lots in Kaat Portland, no acre in Ua.hinston and rl.n. twenty-fourths iotereat in several iuart. mm. i and real estate. Th lllarrmnuitt confers upon the truntm il. power for deposing of the property as would be invested in Jane Abraham if or lanu isio (wsol.l an.! the proceed, are to be appropriated a follow: Jane t . . ' " ' r muiTtl oe sal. I il.-nl ,1, .. . .... , . , vrtiam is to receive in annnilv .i III during the remainder of her life i-t.u is '. In- I li. I...... w ii'.'l'urn, inis.ionarv. to h.. ... ' - ...... tf Bill' 1 nuia i,,r u,- education ol beatfieu child - . . - - - i orouier. tirother's-in 1 .. r n'1 'Phew, " um of 1T0( uu "f -T7? ' ,,u.wu et apart for r.MuiWiuirni o! a laco ies school and the reuaindsr of which there wili o a large amount, is to be invested and tbe proceed devoted to the endowment of a t.ieolonica! chair in tha M.,ol...i I wt laju . Diversity. Kami U a l'.lUnd ha u suicide clut. .uupi-l f thirteen memU-rs. San rr.ui. 1,. has hail one tor thirteen vears an.1 e,rr .-ar th.-faUi leup inU. etemitv 7 uwle by a memlr llie uu-tulrs M the Portland club should ! sent to Salem an. .-..rciii.e.1 m the aavluu,. IV -r- 1- J ku..-r. -itia.iK . lerks . merx hunt,. ' real estate lalers. J rattled -i!.. i.:- and ' lawyer. The ae of ti..--- n..-n r.ins- fftmi -J t.. . , and n.e an- mjrirsi . Hie y.r from the 1 1th date July. lWt. will the tirrt drawing, muurdialefv alter which the the blank .hp f mil, acvordimr t.. -..leuium o ttw ,th - hu tt- -ic ttir uiyteri,.u. jirv.i.U-m with jmi l No other .um uV he hu.1 till I i f "i 11. it i cuuuteu can naaaasi v 1. hili ku 2 1 . whi.h. " 'lone luinuber jrive a. the ..uo ne loiiowinaT r.verv caw or us has beiutne utiate.1 with what "V l terming earthly pieasurv w rlenru. r ia Uajrht n.. I reinvt to 1st -:- - r- i.t,-. tiut tlie, ..a,.:r.- earth 1. iu antuiiauiim: its "realiiati.Hi .m.i rruit. 1 ai bite into it BMata haa.1 will aU ,th aaaea. ur 1 . i . v . . . a . ' lUI. t the , It J. rn.U . vtnimr. M.i..r Kul.ton imat i..n. which uie4 WJ II n M A MUler wuseUti to use unexpinM kiljl a Urt- eutfle while in T!UnU,"' r,,"",i l tunuuie. 7 feet 1 1 in. hew frotn tip t tip ,4 wirurs. aad aMtanted the birtl J J iKilcuille ha. rental Ir l4ev " -tr- .. r. Mr h.r now live in the iui i.-e T.. l. .L a. - luewoav ri,iuiiL. ilur The d Smt fr ' up a rat iuan rat . . a r about n i ine w mner wa. t.. mviv. a, a H t,v- K.4ri Ja, ' " 3s.yan entervsl the ra.e aw w-a won tr J M Irey who fc-vt the . " 11 ma ler . l. beta sura an 1 Ketsry AJ, an-v ajvi r pr- A 1. AitooiiD -in effort JI1 the Linn County aa generally bopad that 1 . aak. and it 1. ! TT " aawa toe ildfl l.m , . I . 1 anaa aoulU not ayrce t,. the nec ary arranaemenU. W often have to ...- iron, nooie lor new. The fol Wain h from Ta !aliea Time Moon- 7 1 WM of thie cit, will ltapoe ol hie furniture bv auction Natar lay. preparatorr to ' g:r. to Aihaay m ti.i ute, anere he aid aha the poeitioa of recatver of the iaiieaJ eelineel haak ' MoaOaaa. Bci. -Tltyr-ajon vv. are a wavt ear.l ir in . ,! oarvsr at llar.o.l B liake, well known in r.11 lint a .1 U' . P . 1 I . - aw "ri . . .a jane .t alter a severe eaami- 5555 "PPiicaau were dieaitud not ol 7. He Ia M. 1D Hr. (tea. Pta rorpa to which be batons; 1. f IJeaej ia August. ib carp base sa.ere camp wor. toe nr.,,... aatil that l.m Wu, lt,,. 1 at the l.a-l ,J l,.a .Iu. ik,. B" d e taa adjataa: of the UtaJlion He ia a ha eoldiarly W,4iib officer aV ett tor reao boys. tie Li Pleft laat CI II tsatt, atkmev f..r the 1 i.-fet ; r the .-a,t .n the m e P l.eadhulder In IVatlaiid tot the Uaadsmhirr kaat onai-l- --ent tuajuifement ol the . ' f it ore jr(.-.t- e.w. iaJI pro..-el .'llral. .4 the !lne The re,ttlt ,4 Mr HadleT ol w t.. tet ore ti. nmt I . . r ' linaakul lers. The WllUm- Kaabra ' trey. n ptaseat iii.litie. aal .a.! eawtlv ipi-.r' rajlr.el Mr .e.t al.t 4 tl.e r.vm Pa. iwrnr their ware. the Jh in.t. la tall MToll wi.l I, euet. and the como y wdl have a .mall -uriau k-ft. t is K.i-ii.. Mr l.wuiuv An , a Laaa . iat v wt.b.wer sh.. h:a aaaar a wife f, -nreraJ u, mth.. -u a 1 lent. mi .uunt wi.low. uaiiV-l in tuarriaife in ' t'orvallia reuanuaa kj hi. hone bat I'he tisuw :.. !. f :..- ..,..,- la-al Were e.ju tTlhe I at a -Baa aBBl aakT aaaua. i - a Mi. .,ri - ' -i ; ' bj t, -rule and .j.-arr.j the w n..l.,. a .,., k. 11 the coiupl,- a.. . J .. 7 r u.., an-l I la le I.Hulin --t ll '- a 111. aajaaai M uiri 11 11 I iler 4 fcar Hiui. the Psaast w iiijf unkind -'. j aaaa AHktnv man. erallv trie e k WrkaV Lr ha. fault. "eware tkiast: A k rruaie) waaaktaed asaa j W I VS i.atie. 11 htat ai. ksaiiaaf fur Y tajr Ttltiy Ite .rat I t aking aakhurw. UWitiag dpta. that he let Pew. alV utat kae are aarbed t., kail as f. Z the name of ifc-h thi- . itv I ...iinty M .Mi ne while lerv to ..11 1 .. n ibtait styin(. lf with hint at eavwltau UtaleJ if. to.. I eii n tli i W John . idai euiafc- alt.r .lark lie waa ' At the Uiur tile .,(f viiu. in V a'iiU Wa. ured and dis- aa. It .k-a.1. jeil 111 the Johnny had I out -ea ailer He- i sairax raM.ur ktia It Lul.......i TK"lt7Ul " L NaW raie.l be It., f tiwean A I ban. ...! ...i7 a claa.i lucation. sjenera'l aa ta-en I . u u . I - aad 3 cat ' .. I u..i.. a.i nm 1 i,a,a o, - awller o, ti M , h.. k -.'ml aat Alhaat. and will try hat. I to iiieaMi will ta.ta with their laitn.n I wUI take all alar, an.1 Uvle. .,( phot.aTa IT 1 a th. beat and a. cheap aa the itnip- . Ma.eiuij,' .n.a., Uer,- ,. I.. . nth aa Iruas U4la-Ti,w but bake mine 10 uaaae a Ixaoe 111 )iair lia'.e mar til -t..t - - a,.l Ir. mi. a.--L Vrf fi(rnaj j 1. I A. Ha-mw 1 , I-alf roronto. 1 M .',l.flt li'.f k ak Ui Una Ma th ataaa - 1. th.. . Th nil eaoakkat Has-la's care s I'uU vsis ...uUst! ssssaaamaau Ukki) The Oorvalli r.J aski u Vu the He aaMed SctO. .1 II Xeuuhiek Had wife of near HaJaty, tad " (' Jwtkmm and wife attended Hie death and funeral of Mrs . I K Thomas, who died in this city on July H. HlK., she was the daughter of'l.eorgv and June llil ven. afjed ;U yrs 0 months and ''4 days. Mrs .bulge llellingvr of Portland aad Mrs eazy of Wallowa i-ountv have Uvn visit ing their Mster in this city this wi-ek t.niniliua Hutcher. .ene 1 itus caiijrht a btm la.-t week whi. h proreo most too many far him. In the simple he was thrown ajratust a feint with such foree that his head was hndlv cut. n-.piirinf several stiehes to close it up. Ir Hyde was the sewing machine that l iwireu the daiiuitre. IVess. Wasiihi hn s Ciucis. Waahbuni's monster show will visit this citv and ex oil J ill V .'1st aiteriHNin ami eveninir. the orcester. Mas.. ( iazette sues- TI.. company attracted attention to the aew's notable uumtier of horses and perfonners. by a pnvssion through a nuuilierof stn-ts. anp create. I a favorable impression, which rwulted in a (renerous putronae of their .veiling exhibition at Atrrieiiltural Park. More than :ltHKJ Mple attemled the show foaiag the evening, and barrinjr the lack of pleasant weather, a verdict of satisfaction w.i- trained. The acrobatic corps of the company, including the Vernon Ilnttliers of mid-air celebrity, u slack witv performer of Rreat exjiertnesa. and Lowlli. a wonderful o.ntortiouL-t woa special i4audiu. notnblv tuemte.1 . The Monmoi tii State Noumai.. Iur m; tlie past year the State Normal Sclusil at Monmouth has reuched an enrollment of over 400. the laryst in its kiaaia Th profensional aurse has lssninnch sn.n.rib. ene.1 o Ui,. a.l.lltloll ot the Mis e riinin.r 1 1 . . . . , , . ... ... ilejiartment. in which students are iriven pr.u exiierience in the uppli.ation of muter the supervision of special critic tea. her- Mis.- Vdith 1 'llKSHV:Olt 11 KTaduate of tin- Millersville, Ta, Suite Nor mal, has l-en added to the . m f..r the next years work. In ibe .1. ..I..,..,.. ours.-, the work in all the ilertirtment. i,-, I.S tl n-l-.s ,,nJ -tre., 1 '1'r.e ),..l ha,- .1 i rijrht prospei t for future RTowthuii.l tisefuliHv. A Pki i'ij ak IUxk. Antone Jeeeah rovntly niiirderevl in Southern rep.ii for his money, which wms not found 'IT,.. Prints Pas Courier telU of his lank as fol- ws: A joist had I wen verv neuth- n,,,ef. I and int.. the i-avity the sum of 17t) had neen neutly nlik'ed.each I0) nllel in paper and tied with a string. These jiiukaes ware then packed :iround with .s.tton raffs and tlie lid ol the mortise neatJv slid into place and held in position by a small screw, which was not visible to the casual jrlan.v There was a sum ! 2j0 found in a purse thrown amongst some corn colw in another lart the iKiil.linif. and it is thought An tone had pLt.e.1 this there to lw more .-asilv founl by robbers, who would then doist in their earch. If the lo.ution of the coin had not been previously known bv hi - aeaa ew it would perhaps hive remaine.1 hidden or many years et. That TF.t -t KKK - lil. 11-T Pie re- eija: which Treaflirer Met, han pea to the .r. i. .r.-. , r lann OHintv me time ajp. on reewpt of a draft for eifi.tttO which saeied to w worth lea, ha not yet lieen retum.1. At the I-inn tt.unty .vurt laet week the matter of siirrendehnL' the r.-..i..t "nsidere.Hmta.tion was taken aWawn a.1 -ndition of tile I.inn 1..,,' : Ji.-t yet known and the ,-ountv owirt ..f lann .-ountv i' waitinir tiibm. a 4, .t tt ;n do w ith referen.e to the draft it i,.ued 1 f .re .iisin.linc la-fore it a.ts t.i rvtnrn the mipt whicn ha len duly tile.1 with the ilerk and i a past of the count records, rhere i no dibt that the 1 iittnfv n-i I .it. rentier the receipt if the draft is "not made oi by the tailed laink Sutesnum Vrrn..i-T an WNEit. Siieakinir el the Salem bridge the Hal bv. Trans, ri i t awe: ne .tnicturv 1. u,l n, whr. in... , rati.-r r: ketv ,, ndition the Tr..'-'. . ano nee.i Ua-htenimr. the H...r 1.. I...IU worn that h.cse are nowlakinjf throutrh. and it i- otherwise lv "irninif .lan.u.. ... . that .m.-l..iv will t responsible for anv 1. lent that miirht .. ir L.,. irif. 1 Kit we have it from ifi-.l authoritv that ie. art of the bn.lire Ulomrs t.. Poll oiintv.und that slie.L.s. I .. .1 ..., pimtion of ownership appear- t.i v aniiie.1 Or alel it Would ).e mnirin.. :. en 1 in an unpleaucuit litigation Car Iixt mm. Let night 's Pendle ': P- Humphrvv reste.1 ell U-r niarht. and this morninir apneiuv.1 easy an.l m cheerful spints Although .1 toarh of hi. mental unmiiet .till rtim iina V. 1 ondltioh 1. rvuurle.1 as verv m.imrim.,, iiringthe lieiirht ..f his deliri urn the i-.n taia iit.ainne.1 that lie wa. under arre-f for -jme terrible , rime, and tleman.le.1 fht h.. be latHuht More the coiintv iu.Ure. his m- u.eive proven. and the imaifinarv shackles trut k from his liml-. When one ..f his lsiu-r detmrte,! th.- iitienr c . ne ha,l c i,.- after the iiidife. and remained uiet an hour or more, awaitimr his re turn Ti v is t.n I.amu 1'i.uit. The Santiam 1-unilrnian tin- W'eek puhllshtss tlllll.T land 1. ;ti - f.a John H Walker. laaii. S vm J aker. i.'i Martha M IWIs. I j,l lank, II I.niirhea.1. John Schrxtler lollle V Iher. Wm f. t'lurk or, . tL,. '"( Savaae. Charles I II inkle. Klias Moriran. Ianiel M l-aripv Kwitt II Ser- . I hoina. Hi.. ma.-. Job 11 S. h!oT. Wm Smith. William Hand. Jeeaaiaai H Corne ll. John W llrown. Kr.i M I i.ark.. Aiii f PUst.-rer. Uideo St.-.n. r an-1 Martha A btuuu. Tiif. Hn ai 1 Hon IlintiiT Hex- man, meuita-r of lontms visited our citv last I "hurnlay. and was a iniest at the H.i- lew.. He tuaile a personal and exhaustive examination of the ifovernmeut works on ijh .i.les of the Isiv. alsi went out over the l-ar on the tuif hVsolute. and weiindersitunil that lie sounded with the lea.1 line and f.amd the lowest depth to ! " feet which proved to him. that the jettv improvements nice ,t com men. s I hail made an actual in reased depth of soiuethinir near 1 1 fi. t on the liar S'ewirt New.. I'm: Monthly Sils.t of t he M as. ot l.'un lul. for the irold mesial occurred yesterday aft.-ne..n. and was hotly contexbNl. Hrowii broke 1J out of 0- and'would undonbttsllv have broken J4 Isit his powder was steamed instead .f dried: tirant Krouuin. IS- , V ' - -".; Tin M Waller '.'I : W S Haker. 11. Mr Waller will tlie medal for the first time. A sh s.t off for the leather medal resulted in favor of Mar shall -.s until? it. SfMlNTiMi MiT 11. Y.sterday after noon about 4 01 k k nearly 100 people as semhled at the nuv track at the fair grounds to witness a foot nice Mween Charles llerthwait an II Sijiiires. The race ..- .1 run of one yanls, for .1 purse of a'SJ. Iterthwait won by aisiut four feet; tune. li)i, aeconils. Considerable money 'hpiufrd hands betwen tlie -portini; ele ment of the crowd. Iterthwait is a hsal spriuter, while Spiires is fnim Eastern Oregon. Statesman Spiires was a resi lient of Albany for some time. Im. NoiiriiKUN Pacific Kui.i;oi Wn.i. Si.isii fsjfj Katks. 1 ticials of the Northern Pacific have dts i.le.1 to place low rates into effect. They will sell tickets from Portland to St Paul for if.'.'i and-, lass, and umke corrcsisinilinj; low rale. b. all easU-m ..ints. World's fair round trip rau-s will I- irreutly raMai. I 1. -k.-t. . an I.- utilixe.1 on ,-itli. r of their tiinirh trams. I.,th of whicii will continue b. carry tlie Pullman bairist upholstertMl ".I". Two train ihiily witliout chuntre. r or full information and t,. sivuro your leepin car a.-couimislations, call on, or address A l Charlton, assistant jreneral I.u.s.-ut-er afeiil. No. 1M Pirst stm't. . or o. r ,.f Washington. rCi Hurkhart. hsal ae-Hl, AHany On-tpjii. r ii.trlms Wkathel oa plaaaare bent, or busmeas, tak on vary trio a bottU Of Syrup of Fig, it acta moat pleaasntly and effectively on Ina aaaoaja, over ami Dowels, preventing f aver, iiriuunn an. 1 now HHraaa 01 aicknea. For in 50 vent and SI t. ttlea by all leading druggiata. 'I lit IMirilMlMI Troi 1 V S Reid, of Eugene, wan in the eity over night. Prof V A Kobb, of Portland, was in the city today. The Prof is now principal of one ot the TNortli Urownsville schools. Mr A 1 lack lei nan left yes enlav for his big Crook county ranch with "J00 Willam ette valley cattle. Three or four men went along to do the driving. Licenses have been issued for the mar riage ef John Tweed ie and KnV Bpellin ger, Peter Arp and Mar? Freese,Wr Stitt and Allie L lleseiiia1', I'avid K Hare and Nellie L Gotta. Prof G F HuBsell end family are in Seattle, on their way ItefMfroai the Mer- ctiants excursion to Min r rancisco, hay. inj returned by w ay of a steamer rvaaiag to the Sound. The Corvallis Times says: In the county clerk's office Mondav, marriage licenses were issued to Ha Smith and Mary K Brown, and tiny II Morton and Miss Jennie R Griffin. R K Mulcahv, General Super: lltetident of the Gregon Pacidc.left Saturday night for a week's trio east. Corval w Ti.,,UJ The O. P. men are rust ler,bm they can't make an Kas'ern trip in a w ek ...... -lf9 tlltcliens w.i.a so far .. ..... ..,,..1 irom her severe illness to lie able to leave ionuav to' a in,e: h's vi.o u. oi, relatives at Albany and Independence. .'she was sa-companipd bv her daughter Carl. Times. George Htttcaa, of Springfield, is in Prlneville on business. He sits that numerous wagons are crossing the moun tainsbythe McLerie route.thouijh ther are several miles of snow to wade Piineviile News. Hon O N Denny, of Portland, is in the city. About thirty years ago he was county judge of Wasco, was afte'wards police judge of Portland, and then was appointod D S consul at one of the ports in l hina. He has also held Uch ofti ial positions under the emperor ., China and in Corea The Ihillts T. M The Pendleton K O. eavi: George Humphrey, an old and permanent resi lient of tha Willamette valley, and now deputy Cnited ""-tates marshal at Port land, arrived in the city this morning to yieit his stricken brother. The captain, last night, again suffered fr.-.n delirium morning was much calmer.' bile his sickness i. no,, -1. a. .,., .,.. 1 , -w ... sf, oy Ins restlessness, the patient 'a nh.; cians still regard his symptoms as favor able. The Presbvter has gi.en the pastor. Itev E 1 Thomnsnn a vacation until Septemlr. The church will be clewed until then. It is well known that Ir Thumn.'. not good and pflysicians advise complete ret for a time. The year has been a pleasant and prosperous rne for this church. Large accessions to the mem bership liave leen made, and the several ilepartments e Christian work have been well sustained. The -40th anriver earr of the organization occurs next September and at no time in its hiatory has the members' :in and runnn... , ... oeen aa Times. larije us at present. fj-wva - The ladies auxiliary of the V. M. t" gave a social at the rooms last evening that was a success in ererv respect. The rooms were tilled with '.. Aoiongtbe features of the evemne we're some contesfe. such as driving the most nail in a stick of wood in a given time. Ibis was won by Miss Grace Piper with "-"r- "r " r. urtei sewe.1 the most libera nil. inn. . .. : ... - . . , . -neii ume. reauiers ernf pinneii on an owl and needles wireadecj ou a tug to th; atliaenlen, of - J- imerspeneu was a pro gram, consisting of a oog bv a male quartet, a song by Tom Thumt. and wife Mias Redfie'.d and Miss Gaff, a s- ng " V Charming Young Fellow." bv a Utdtt luartet. Misses Galbraith bt-n. s: .... If iMmrva n , 7 1 an.) M- . 1 ' ,, , " ..umiuk, msu a mesuev tv a mixed rpuartet al Secretary McCulla'gh eorrs Acheeon. MrsC B Watson and Mrs Nutting. The lunch was a shinjle one. Partners were selected bv the du plication of sentences on Use shingles.for instance "a man ie no good who cannot win a wife with his tongue' Th.' lunch wasa choice one. A free will offering was permitted. vataaT. Mrs W Ski wail i,.f. t,l;sn .,.,,.,, rj it M .IHSIds. Mr Fakj faiahan. ..f Corvalha. wa in the city today. Mr and Mr. L K Bhua left this ago far sojourn of a week or two at Y .epiina. Mr. Plaa aad daughter, of San naai ieuj , an- in the . itv. the goeata of E W Luigdon. Mr ii W imi.-.ili return.. I Ik.a ...u- . - . 1 -' ' ' ' ' " ...1- llt'll troin his trip to San Franciv. I..- m. TaaaiM Hay. C H Kalston. . I this citv. has I,,.,, pointed weigher and g-angvrin the Portland customhouse 1111 ler ClIiMnr Itlack. JA Heard, formerly of this plaoe, has beta ." examiner. haaoa Advance, l-t-t evening a pleasant s'in.ris.. w;istendere.l Mr Martin Pavne. The ewii mg was srn-nt in an .omsi.i.!.. , ,.. a delicious fun. h was ..,..1 music wits furnish..) by Prof bona guitar orchestra. 11. 1. p.. 1..... 11 ii .. , v lilinieil lnaile : linm. trip t.. Albany yesterday, i-oin- m. ti e 1I:I tram and n turning at I :4". His bllsllles.s WilS to sioTl III! the. ...ft i, Maal f... the term iust 'I I... . l..,i 1. ..1 .1... ok at the depot f,,r hi,,, to attach his M.r- natiire. fetat.-sinaii hev Fisher and family, who have beta ni.lents of Jefferson for oaae months p;Lst. have move.1 to Salem and taken up their n-si.leniv on Chemeketa strwt near llth. -Mr risher i- p.tstor of the Kv.. .1 r..! ernucie on I lie meketa and 17th streets. Statesman ftr A 8 Nkraole, of Portland, apeatlaal night tn Albany on his w-av hom.. from trip to Conailis. where he 'had been to at tend Hon A K Shilllev tnaaann t h.. State Agricultural t olleg... Mr Shipley il in a critical condition. ,1,.,. t ,;.. tent to the failure of the .In). K ' . t.i kal not exiafted to live. Dr Hall, formerly of Littler .V ltall.of Ibis city, returned vestenl ;IV fr.1111 inn 1 a.lusa. where he has iust iTn',hcit..,l ;i, from the dental demirtinent of that colle.r,. He will l.s-ate in Portland and w ill practice with Dr I, M Davis. The firm erillbe Da vis A- Hall. Dr Hall is a young- man of splendid attainments, who success .SATtftI.V Hon Jeff Meyers w;ls in the city U av. A li laimli Baa JOat returned ft 0111 the hot springs at Foley. Mrs Thai MoataUh aad Miss Nina went to the Hay today. arker vice I resilient Steve througili Albany next week on ail r Dr Kowland, of Portland, was in the todaj the guasl of his sister Mr- 11 Hewitt. itv 11 Prof ; V KaaeeU and family rntnrned last night from their trip to alifornia. n'turn ing by way of Victoria. Prof Y M Mitchell has bB engaged to teach the Scio school another year. aj evi dence of his Mipularity there. Ex-County I'lerk Z M llrown and Deputy Sheriff (' II OOBT, of Prineville .arrived iii Albany today. They resirt Use wagon road in splendid condition, without any snow. Jason Wheeler. I r.uik Wheeler ami 0C McF'arlund will leave on M h,y for a mountain trip to the famous Metoles, where the fish are known to bite with avidity. (.'apt Humphrey ia now improving riht along, and laughed and joked today with tin me who visited him. If nothing uuav ni ted iNTiirs he will soon 1 q of daic-ei Pendleton B. (I. Mr JaTtaa Willjaea rataraailael night from PorUund. where he had l.s-n to testify ill the of the I' Siigt l.'lglltOB .lefferi-. there wiii pnilwlJy lie 110 rciort for several iluys, Miss F'raine F'rench returned this morn ing from 11 mouth's residence in (i rants Pans. MrS-ldosxen and family, with whom she was topping, will go to Stockton. Calif. The I lallas ( Ibserver says: Hale Hacken sto, hnink Matters. .Jaines Murray and llnrisT ( ranor retunicd from a fishiiifr frit on Mill creek, the last of the week and re port a catch of WX) trout, inula pleasaat 01111110. Mr Cns Zimble, the expert boot black.has nutBalem, I he Journal says. WW Minnie, of Albany, the champion bootblack of the world, is in the city. He has a standiiifr offer to ,,t up i?.Vhi to &J000 that ne can do a better and a omcker job than any artist in his line in the world. No match has been arranged though it is 1s; licve.1 Salem hits a man in Sergeant .inn, who is not easily pnt out of the ring. RBW VWKK 1.1 it;. 1:. New York, July 7th, I80:i. Right iatrioticly lid the citizens of New York cel?brate t!ie"glorioue fourth" Fanner Dunn favored us with a e'ear day and .1 temperate one at that. The small boy with his explosives and the various li'ework displays made things as noisy as usual, but considering th vast eatent of this kind of patriotism it is gratifying to learn that not one acci dent occurred duriug the day. This is unprecedented in the history of Inde pendence dav observations. The beau tif iilvveather caused many people to ieave the city and spend the day in the neigh boring seaside and mountain resorts. All the excursions Isotli steamboats and railroad trains were crowded with peo ple eager to get out of the city for a day ot reaction and enjoyment. There were niany ball games, picnics, parades, out ings, etc, and the people enjoyed ttie day, as well as oliserved its importance. n Friday last ex-President Benjamin Harrison walked into the Fifth Avenue hotel quietly and almost unobserved. He was alone and he pushed the swing ing doore of the Broadway entrance and proceeded up the corridor to the office. H is manner was so simple that a stranger who was not familiar with his features cetild not have told that any special vis itor had arrived. When interview ed the ex-presiaent said that fie was going to Cape Mav. New Jersey to spend the summer and then in September be will proceed to the inland Stanford Jr Cr.i versity, wiser he gives a course of lectures on Constitutional and Interna tional Law. He would not discusi pol itics but said that he favored the repeal of the Sherman Silver Law. Regarding the A'orld'e Fair General Harrison said : "The fair at Chicago is grand and glori ous. It is a whole world itself. It will repay any one to visit it, even if he only has time to walk around outdoors. As an architectural exhibit the fair is gi gantic and inspiring." Saturday after noon just liefore the close of business on the Mock Fxcbange one of the members 011 ths floor discovered General Harrison ir. the gallery accompanied by hie son Russell aad in a second the members " . to t ore 1 a II. I . lie Ci ITbluril I w as compel eci I ' - lit. I,., in V...-..... c .. , . th rnttitteiasm oa the tloor below. Af ler v ling ex-SecretarvTracey, Genera! Harrison lefl for Cape May iwo hundred member of the Lieder kranr society Ixtarded a special trai 1 of six vestibule cars at the Grand Central lepot on Monday . for Cincinnati w ere they will be welcome at the Sangerfest. On Joly 15th thev wili give a grand con cert in the Music Hall on the Exposition grounds at CLirago. With such soloists as Misses Emma Heckle and Lillian Blan velt sopranos .Conrad Beiirecs.baeeo; F B Busom, pianist, and Richard Arnold vio linist no doubt remains of the impression that New York's great singing society will make among the musirians at the W'orM' fair. Snapfcr'- Garrison has returned to the east after having ridden the winner of the Atnerican lerby at Chicago re- ceniiv. iic winner, nounaiess, won $50,000 for his owner, Mr Cusbing, and Garrison received UOOQ for his services. this is considered a very small fee for ! tlie service Garrison rendered in wiu- tning the purse. When Diablo won the brooklyn Handicap which is worth onlv 18,000 to the winner, Taral, the popu lar jockey received $5000 as his share fr jm his employers. It is certainly very unjust for Mr Cughing to pav Garrison only $1000 after the efforts" he made which resnlted in Mr Cushing s winniag the $50,000 Garrison's speedy return to the (astern tnrf makes one believe that he preferred riding in the colors of an eastern owner, instead of the uncertain ty of the wild west. Mayor Gilroy has made a popular se- ! ectioa in David F Porter, whom he has appo'nted Rapid Transit commissioner n place of Samuel Spencer, resigned. The problem of rapid transit is becoming an important one and its speedy settle ment is demanded by the people residing in the upper part of the city and the suburban tow..s Mr Porter is a real es tate man, and is familiar with the needs of Hatlem.and his appointment is looked upon with favoi and is universally com mended. Wm Y. II. KoEi.scii. t'OI tM II I'llOI I I III Si.s ; a a Thursday evening, July 18. I nseiit Heivrder. Marshal. Street Sn lernitendeiit and I 'ouncllnien Stewart. hitney. Hurkhart. Wheeler aad Hanhall. In the absence of the Mayor Councilman Hurkhart. was elec ted mayor pro tern. The following bills wan ordered paid: H C Harkness. $5.'.M: Samuel Cnw. 12.50; BMtric Light Co. 1121.50; Susan Pnrdom, 114.50: Citv Councilmen and Mayor,; Hodges t McF'arlund. .TO; li R Crosby, $--rfs.sii: chris Bender, $7.W: John Warner. $1.00; E Y. Hiatt. $1.00 Wm Hi.itt. $1.00; F'oshav .V Mason. tM!V:i- Stites Nutting. $5iBj .1 t Shields. S.0O; H .1 Jones. 15.; N J Hent.ui. $1.1.60. The ooBunittee on stnsd.s grant.Hl further time 011 the Hrink biink. The falapooia strtvt grade was diaftimul but no action wa taken. A long address by a "wheel" man ex hausted half an hour. No license wtus granted. The Ris-or.ler and Treasurer presentid their nsirts. for the .lu.irter ending June :!0. which show tlie following: ItKCKU'TS. In TreaMirv April 1, F'ines R IS ;VS 127.50 1 1100.00 151.00 117.01 87.50 11963.79 $1919.78 91976.46 Sal. Km license. . Qaaval lieenaw. Tam Iirt M.ld DI8BI 11SKMKNTS Warante Interest paid easury Tnaoflfl WAHItANT AClOl'NT. tainliiinr April I . . . .1 lim ing qoarter Out I I --in 912546.52 3552.08 Ht086.t9 14198.82 lI7i;.ti ."iTT.SS 1 rntatandiag June SO Outstanding bridge warraats. Ontsfanding sewn- warrants . Total Otltatanding warrants. 'Jti,47..7I omi Iridebtedneas. . 7.V000.0O Total lavMtaaaaa 1101,475.71 Pnrposai for which warrants won" issued diiriiit; qaartar: Mayor and council l'7.tH) Atforni-v 17. M) laavshal 150.00 IbsordiT 426.40 Baperiaaaaiea! oi stnst 14o.i Traasarar 50.00 Poliea 4st.m) Kir.- ataartaMal 550.18 Electric l.ticht :WV4..V I'l'infiniT and blank work ' ' Si.irs . ... J, 7.'i.7' Btftcts 1135.70 Sundry cxs'iiss. L'.YUO 3552.08 liANK OK F.MU.ANI) A subscriber lo the DMOCaT wants to know something almu' the hank of Ktig ur.d . The bank f England was eitablfgh- ed in 1694, neT?y two hunt cu ago. At that time it quite dMTcu't for the government to obtain money, made nccess- .j on account 01 the war then being waged against Prance. The rale of in'ere.t paid by the government was tiom 2 to 40 per ctnt. H'llllam Fatterson, a London merchant saw that il would not require much to secure exclusive and almost unlimited privileges to such retton . vouM furnish it with a fixed and permanent loan at a fair rate Of interes: Pntierm levised a pkja and submitted it to the King and privy council who completed the de. tails and submitted it 10 parliament . It create.1 much o;.poMlion hat the bill f.n.liv passed It had a hxed capital of 1,200.000 pounds ($6,000X00 which thou:u he ner . manently baaed to the government at S per etui interest. 1 .1 bank was very j.O ular and in ten days all the stock u as s-b.cribed. The charter was Lantc A for 11 jear.. The bank al once is-ued notes of to cer.omt nation and upward, and commenced dis- counting bills of exchange at from 3 to 6 per cent, preference being shown to those who used the bank as a place of deposit. Within two years the tank met consioerable trouble an1 lis notes fell to 20 per cent below par. lis captal was then increased to l 1,030,000. This resulted in raising the stock to 12 per cent premium. Tne back us en-re management of the debt of S ng- iand and receives for its ervice. large comptntaiion In February 1 71,7 the bank by order of the privy council sust ended specie ;ayments. It was said thi. was -be enly thing that woulJ have saved the bank from ruin. The bank and tHe were to intimate ly con.-.rcica with each lhat the ling 01 the oar.k was tantamount preservation of the niticn". credit, payments were not returned un'il The nates issued Ly the back are to the Specie in 1S23. a legal tender except with the bank for ment of i'.s deb's. t he pa- Cargoes of biick have ak- . . be stewed me moil earetW manner, .s the PH! .1. r 1 , adelphia k.ccr i. or e'se the vessels carry Dg tbem will tosaajerta the aeBdaat wea-her owing to the strorg Wndency of the biick to absorb ihe water caused by the leakage which neccstarilv occurs on a I wood.n ceatU. The brick w;;i absorb the wa'er g ta't as i runs in frcm an oid narv ieak ' einneased weignt of rhebnek cause tne vessel to un ii she makes the final plunge, and the crew aie frequently at a lots to know the cause. To r.- . oa!, drfec ive work in the vessel s cirs.ruction and other ciuses are attribute! the clusters The (VOK.; says the Sherman law was enacted by republican votes as a means of heading off free coinage. Now. free eoin age had been defeated in the house before the Sherman bill was passed. Hence there was no object to be attained by tbc repub licans in the passage of the Sherman law except to prevent Harrison. s being put in a ho!e." The .t-rro,! Revitm gays: Wool is still at an abnoitra'.ly ,'0w level." And j J et protect nists tell us that the "prospect 01 ire irae his rumtd p:ires in America. Why then, is the uojl roarke! demoraliaed in Aus-ralti. The same "prospect'' should have the effect of strengthening prices there, if this assertion were tree. The real cause of the low price o wool seems u be over production. Roslurg K:-i. The area aj the Cnited States, tc!asive ( f Alaska, is 3,co,oco s.juare milts. Over too surveyor are now employed in survey ing an j predating maps of the country, and about one f.fth of the who arm a already been sarve.ed dann fh. . - " in which the work has been ia rrogress. About 60,000 square miles arc mnuaily surveyed. and it is estimated that it will require 43 tears more to complete the map The canal of Languedoc, connecting the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, is 148 miles long, has lOO locks and .".0 aqueducts Its highest part is Mi bet abvoe sea level. Tklacs Worth Binmbrrlsf. When you fee! a kind of goneness about the stomach it is a -:gii that yourfjod doe nol sit well and that you arc al MM to hav a fit of indigestion W hen you begin to fee nervous and are unible to sit still comfortably ; w hen your clothes suddenly seem to lose their ii: and become too light in places the tit ot indi gestion is surelv upon rota. When this tit of indigestion is repealed from day to day it finally resolves itself into dyspepsia. Remember that three to ten of Bran dreth's Pills wi:l cure the worst case at indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that a regular course of liicm. say two everv night for a week or ten days, will act as a preventive of either complaint A CjRK.sT (. onvkniewk.- World's fair ' visitors travelling via the Northern I'aoi- lic R K and Wisconsin Central line are la.ided at Ihe Grand Central sta.ion in Chicago. This magnificent tire-proof bunding, loiated in the heart of the city, has betn tittrj up as a hotel, run on ttie European plan, with about rooms handsomely furnished and each room s supplied vMth hot an.l cold water, electric lights etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reasonable.and parties can secure rooms in advance by railing upon agents of the Northern Pacific K U Hv lakiiit? the Northern Pacific through cjr line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer in that city, ano can also travel between thetiratul Central station and World's fair gumnds by train, which run direct between the two points. C C, Hi R k it ART, Agent at Albany. A Waouaaui MxajcaairraExct km.n - Tbe Oregon Pacific railroad romiisnv have arranged to run a Wholesale Mer" cliants' Excursion from San Franciso ta Albany on Jnly 27th. The steannliip "Willamette Valley" will leave w ith tain party on the evening of Unit day, arriv lag al Vaqoiaa aa the 29th or Sata. The Sati Francisco Hoard ol Trade will at lead this excursion in :i patrv. U : tbv intention to entt'itiiin tbem in tin-sum e way that they entertained the Oregon merchant! on their recent trip. It d.'sirable that these mercliants should visit us many points in the U illamette vallevus possible. Ibey will te allowed five iiays to spend throughout the valley. notber Mercliants' IT T I II I Sjlua will probably lie started for San Francisco on Aug 14ta. All arrangements wilt be made to entertain tbem nicelv upon tbeir arrival in San Francisco. To Fakmkks The undsrsigrH-d have leased the wsrrhua of lavid Smith at Tallman and ar now preparnl to alnra grain, and all tsrmrra are re.pieatrd to oall and ae them ksaws making arrangainrnta fur storage elsewhere. Kn.Ksr Jt S wm i. Shiloh' Oata tu great cough ud . ...up core, t (or aale by u. 1'toket aiao contain twenty-liv do,oaly 25c, I'hildrvn K .oit Kiaihav A Mas M WASHINtVTIJ.V LETTER. from Ottr regular Correspondent. Was'hiaglon, July 10, 1893. Sjieaker Crisp has gone home to ge: as much rest as possible before the extra session, which public opinion here thinks will rnn into the regular session which 10 m longer man me usual iong session, and those of his friends who are in Washington merely smile to see the antics of the Jerry Simpson party, which is so far only sure of one vote, although it may get those of all tie populists. The Jerry Simp sonites, or to be exact Jerry Simpson, has hatched up a wonderful scheme for the defeat of Mr Crisp by a combination of I populigts, republicans and silver democrats w'10 are to support Representative Julius C 1 Burrows, of Michigan, for speaker. Jer ry s whole structure is awry. He starts out by assuming that the Silver democrats do not wish Mr Crisp re-elected speaker, j an assumption that there are absolutely no facts to support. No speaker ever pre sided over tLe house with more fairness than Mr Crisp; not once during the last congress as he even accused of making a decision or ruling tinctured in the slightest oegree with prejudice for or against any measure. Therefore it is nonsense to say that anybody is opposed to him on account of a fear that le will be unfair; he do sn't know how to be unfair. Jerry! next assumption is also wrong. No democrat, whatever bis individuaj opinion on the silver question, would bolt his party caucus to vote for such a radical republican as Barrows who during his long ongressional career hag shown himself to lie, even if Burrows could get the republi can caucus nomination, which he cannot do as long as Tom Reed maintains his as cendency over the republican representa tires, and there is nothing to indicate tha it has been broken. So the Jerry Simpson party may never grow beyond its origina tor, as it is by no means certain that the other populists will follow his lead in any thing; those who were in the last house didn't do it to any extent The re-election of Speaker Crisp is. of course, a certainty, and it is extremely rirritinhla Isni ha -.'II ' .1 t tmlLl Z.. lue " u,JUOr 01 receiving tte nomination by the unanimous vote of the democratic caucus ; and there will be no split in the democratic party upon either the speakership or any otter matter. The leaders of the party recognize 'hit a wide difference of opinion exists in the party as to what financial leg islation is necessary, but they are certain that after a careful and cairn discuRsson of the points of difference a common ground will be reacbsd upon which every democrat can stand, and which will thoroughly re -store public confidence and renew the pros perity of the country, now suffering becacse 'of republican leeislation which tbp admin. istration must necessarily obey until it is repealed. The vaporings of demagogues of the Jerry Simpson stripe will tut no ngure in the next Louse. Senator ortites has not. as has been re peatedly sta'ed in republican papers, chan ged his position on the silver question. He favors the repeal of the Sherman law, but that is no change, as be voted against it in the tBtta'e and told the friends of silver who voted for it that they had made a mis take which they would live to regret. ''secretary G re ham says that the admin istration has at no time officially criticised any act of Minister1 Blount. That ought to pat a stop to the silly lie apparently origi nated in Hawaii that Minister Blount had been censured because of his preventing the arrest of Mr Xcrdhoff, the correspon dent, by ihe pinchbeck government of ii.i ai.', because of his letters criticising that government and its methods. Another batch of pensioners have been dropped from the Philadelphia district, making a total of about 500 dropped in that district since the examination of the rolls, was commenced. All of these were pensions granted under the act of 1S90 couimonly known as the dependent pension bill. t'wmg to a cnange in the contract for! printing the Patent Office Gazette, the last number was four days late in g tting out. and Commissioner Seymour say- there may be some delay for several ccunt of the change. wi it; on ac OXB ENJOYS Both the method and results vther Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act cenily yet promptly on the Kidueys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the qra tem eflectually, dispels cohls, heatl aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt .a its action and truly bene6cial in its effects, prepared onl? from the tnost healthy and agreeable substance. it many excellent qualities commend it to all and hare mado it tho mast popular remedy known. vrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles ny all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who w ishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO si: fKAWlSCO. Ctt. WVlStlLU. ar. m rout. .. li. Arciiti.-ci aal 4 ontrarlor. l.cavr orrdora with 'llu'l I'r. a.. K is 1 1 nia. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTlfMENT In IU.4 U. aMi t v-i tr Kaaissi. Dk A Notick is pMati aiTga that not cot gn . urt . Laar aswat. Onwaa, h a val kaiurJa, .'t : tan, at oa. aa .4 t .. smS i i aM a, Si; Ik I A laii), Xs..o. u tK. uai nJ plat Baal aial astlla- utrnl I Uw mUIM aasai.. A a., uia- ant ,.l.1rsli.m t. lit. lo a ur tik Liiaal P.i.1 ti. . so. oat .4 Jm... tasi. o r loauow, Jr I'nt i iiiiMMwiii,iisitH!..iiia..aijBr rtieu. iJvld,'tl.- . i. 1 1 as. clear! (long skinJ life ails mental! In E strong I ENERGYJjj NERVES A 1CO'O Sarsaparilla S. P. SJirrn, of Towanda, J'a., whose constitution was eonjpleteiy broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I was, most of the time, a Breath sufferer from constipa tion, Kidney trouble, and indiges tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with sur;h excellent results that my stomach, boweLs, and kidney., are in perfect con dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. my weight was only 129 ponnds ; I now can brajr of 159 pounds, and was never in sc goofl health. If you could see me be fore and after aatag, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsapariila to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared ty Dr. J. C.Ayer i Co., Lowe", Mas. Cures others, will cure you kJ&'JZR?1. -rative and Nznrx Tasna BOM by Drueisa or sent by maiL 2jo, 5uc aodL00 per package. Samples Iretv a-W HV for the Teeth and retirSc Captain Sweeney, r.S-A San Kero, CaL, ati;: "Sh-teh s Catarrh Remedy is the frc any good." PnceoOcti. Seid by Xrmsta. , SHILOH'S CURE. whereaUctben. fail. For Coggggi notrral: haa cured tbscsards, acd -s-ia crsr tou, if taken iattxae. Zrj.". S. r. ;; si.; aaSBaWBaiBl"ffei- w aB Seta- Jicta,and Sl.Opper Bsttie uj cent a dose. Tht3 Gaxj-T CorGasprcDIy where all others faiL Cooghs, Crop. i Croat, hoarscatss, Whecpia' Coi Asthma. Fcr Ccsua-i i- 1- n.s tSs... has cured thocaasd. and wij cxke Tc:: Sf taken in time. Sold by Draggate on a gtaas K!?e-.ror a Bck or Cis?. ase SHILOK S BELLADONNA PLA5TERiTjc. t CATARRH REMEDY. vercu l atarrh ? Tb's rfofsivisiiiMaa. teed to cure you, rri. jjcta. Izctcrfree. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Se!aHe3f KWney Complaints, av uume &acFa- ctc DR. SANDER'S ELECTPP 9ELT With E ! ect ro Masnetic SUSFEHSOftY. aaaaa laifl.s ; n WtHctipp ar:tfi.a; raiciae mil vk't T--.:,p,rgf OTrr-taJUUKsO f bruin rstf-rv nm . rMcz L crec.t. avs tt :.. v. . Iab-. rts?cjrna:zjstB. L .tst, j.v - - - law baa-sS. IcfcVk, ss:; . . , - pfwnU til fceaith, rts Be. 4KM Wiaaarfai las raventa Ctv r , . -- tnataattCty trtl ty vsjoitt r " ; j ' MmiM iU cure mtk-i "ujj r. - " - v -" : amy. Tl mmmrnm hv tar-' crt-J t--. -, ;t '- tvftvr mli .tu - ikf ttfataooanaS LU A rbe- aaa. tXiT Pa-a-.. ia aWtta. tlra vs v . -w.'a ..-t -reltiae.ta VIBOR F MEN Easib. Qjicsh. Ferawatntiy Rt.ta.tJ. WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS. OESiLITY. aaU all lb train oi rr"tn -,-arij , rrrs-s ,s- '.a'.i rxcram. ta malu ot HEDiGAL CO. FFALO. t. V. FARMKUS. ATTENTION WACQN HACK BUGGY. CART' PLOW KARRQW.BRIU SEH ER, FEED CUTTER, or anv kind id i K. Mete, call cnVu aJ Ve B. F. RAMP. lis Post (MBm Albans, Ot . ARE YO'J eir, art at n " I inaar . .. I, a 1 T.I DO VO . s.t.aiU.s. lit Si aa-fM?TrfjfffaMTeyBaaBM BaB peajaaa99awBwaaaBaaakala.ABe BbbbW s