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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1893)
$Mt flights Bemocrat. VOL XXVIII. Entered ut the Pen Office at Albany. Or.. a Second-Mass Mall ISwrtrr. ALBANY.ORLGON, FRIDA1 , JULY 14. 1893. STITEH at Xf TTISv., Publishers,' and Proprietor!-. NO 49 9 The special tffort of Read, Peacock A Co. for the spring reason is to inciease the purchasing pout, of your dollar with the CRKATKST VAll'K fcVl'R OFFKRKD FOR YOFR HON FY. It will be to your interest to call and inspect their charm rso i.isfiay of novelties and kkijablk standard urades in Staple and Fancy dry goods. Dress Goods Fancy Goods. Notions, Furnishing- Gcoda Their aervicablc stock is distinctive display, and sure to please. style, elegant In Try them when you want W have an e'egant line. SHOES. T u can be economical with no effort whatever by but lp what you need for Spring from BEAD, PEACOCK t CO. ALBANY, OREGON- HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED M TO FIND A CURE FOB RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA. KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, tc. DR. 8AXDBTS ELECTRIC BELT With F ieri ro Ma .nmI. ftmmmmm. ery cure vii Mat aaeotlrtaei all of tbe above troe ae. Those wba Minor From Kelt ana Debility. Looaea. Drain. Lata M a nooe. , NrrTaaoarso. riTrplrooara. Pear Meaaery, ail Female Vom- olainta. 111 SmIiS. ibaoBbeuof abuses, miasms, a mj or exp. ware, will Sad relief ana prompt care in oar marrolaaa intention, wb ch require but a trial to convince th moot okeptieal. Iaicaoraaetof of recto job mar hare anon 1 1 fir. too il roar not em of nerro foreoand vitall: , which is electriritr-and thai coased. racr weakness or lack or forra. ai 3 . u reputce into roar system toe demenu thus drained, which are re. quired tor rigorous KraMta. roa will remor the caoae and health, atianatai and yigfT wi.l follow at once. Tola is oar plan and treatment, and we 5SESIVJ? KCT hM ha rrt K. 1 I nlA man. ' f-nn V.- C.-J.t. VI I - U.I. li nn - . -r . ------ iwuanu, w i.ue. umii tow. oner aa outer u oai Memo saiiea. as can na enown by bondredj of csoaa throngho at this and other 8tates.wh" would atadlTwatifr. and Irani mane of wnnm we bare strop.- letters bearing' testimony to their recotery alter nsiag oar Belt. .aamfcw,... ffajraax -'.ahp-' fmMA 'as Oar J- MO .are book "THREE CHS Iddlo ..osVapl old aai, sent sealed, fro WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL, DEBILITY CURED. , LAME BACK AND (HFUhUTieu. mq rr.nciim.(. A-jimdu Tr - or Belt! . Dr. A. T. San J Ihaar 9 awi bvaa r.. Dr. A.T- Sssedea. rsaarSirftassaofsaneoer. wee, esatbinad with the otrsla eoaaiaa from i f. no. u a or weca. wasoii aomasee lan kr CI. Ha'ana T -- I woo troubled with loot Vioor. Tltal WAOkaaa m.nA alaKacomplataloaeaf power. I weald eat as wit a oarr tired fbolioa. boaKt orhiiJa, eta.: since ouao roar bolt I hVhT. neoVjoaa. oFhf . I aoweTj mw ii.ii irmai wnwoi ransw. 1 .-. - . i .... . . . . . -." aw iissisnat; Toe con rob- ; r.'r.fE TflZ1 .I'- " r,". waotaors wnw or cjll aa t JTLZ ! 'T".'""""auaairiiniri gg saw.aBd I am a. woi todaj oo 1 obt woo ib nu li.v. I ..." , uj ik n"cj rir.i . Bwra iifj.ou ai'TK uiey wou.4 nm It liab lliii alataaiaiil ilsii as Truly roan. H. A. BOWES. S sad B Tun St. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. ror.iaaa. ubboob. April IB HMZ. Par the post air moatha I had sot Toor belt oca nlanad main .In. a th la the two weeks I a.s osrd it. 1 Jan Dr. A. T. SandeB, Door Sir-I got ooo. floor belu two woakaaao for rbonmstiasi. from which 1 aulaiad bsea able to w.-rk. Y ur bettaoa rk. V .or belt hut p'.a la the two weeks I ba want oomiorjaniT aa taei lite a new moo reaerallr. H. E. HDQHE3, Propriator Istomatioaol Hotel NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS OF VI COR, . , Jacoma WiuiOctob. r2i.lgsa. Dr. A.T. ttaadasafiaar Sir s I aore been asias yoar Kloetrio belt for eenerol aenou debtiitr. and to-da fool better than I bare for fire years. I have coined in rior daily, and am rtrone in eTerypon. Toors gTstotoilj,, CHAS . LtTETK A. THE ttaaa tr llaM mm 1 laa t h n bat. ramMir in iV . u.a-1,1 I ' - i Ur.sndwi Ibegladtotilkoithaj. oca olio : ROBERT BCRRIX, Eseinocr Hotel Portlaad. LOST VtTALITVAND STRENGTH. Enrett, Waah. Jo.a a. SB, T. A. T. Sonde-. Dear 8ir : iaee waarlaa roar b- it I hare boon pwatiy benefited. I fool say old oa, rsyfa.t retorning; and after a mooth'o oaa of tba bait I find myself twice sa r.coroae as before. My memory is bow nearly, perfect, and each day oboaa for toe batter. I Id mach stroaawr thai beforo mirg the belu Tours troiy. B1.SB.Y bCHULTZ. DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT I5i"li?!l awlranm battery, made Into a belt so as to be easUy worn durrnst work or street, end ft rmjnptJkbsa,Brtdonsad carreau which are instantly lelt toroaahoat all weak narta.orwe forfeit - U boo an lmprawed Klectric r-aspeaoary. taeirreJeatboon eer sneeajrolrilaod arrant it to emini nf t ha almva wnaVnaaua ana . i .. .. . -. a uju. aua anlrethVwT-or &VZmE0'-" 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO. .72 FIrstSt., POBTLaMD, OBtSOM,. FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers w and Enibalmers. rE KtEP rcnslf nl't rn liid fi coffins. Alo tuiulicrts rnl which will be sold at I Mrs? if n ta!ic, r' th tr d wtrd uls, in I it rticlcili, isirli .ml nm.o'v The f.owrKt Livin-r I'roflta. EMBALMING and "ie proper care of the dead a i-ecla!;y. KO EXTRA CHARCfc FOR HEARSE OR SERVfCE v ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOA CITY BOTTLING CO., Notlt. Water, Ciders. Orange and Iron, ReKser WaterH Country or Ier f!e ar.d Rct.ilDealers in Birch Beer. NaraaparlllA aitd Iron, Iron Wine, Rtti iiiye ii. a tria. OPPOSITE RUSS HOUSE ALBANY, OR Tuk Lkon W Wasiibi rn circus and menuarerie is on its travels and will visit Albany. Friday July 2Ut. All the bill boards, dead walls and did barns and de serted houses are placarded with red and yellow posters, emblazoaed with the figures of creatures from evey clime. Undoubted ly, in popular estimation, the chief attract ion of Mr Washburn's menuserie lies in "Cupid" the little baby elephant, who is only feet high, three months old, and weiirhs two hundred pounds. Cupid is the most gentle and tiniest of elephants, and is never so pleased as when a crowd gathers around lain, when he at. once begins poking hi ; trunk in all directions for dainties. The visitors iHve him cakes, candy, apples and fruit, at an average of two bushels a dav. and he can digest anything but nails and quids of tobacco, of the latter of which he is very warv. As a staple food, he eats hav potatoes and bran. He has a constant at tendant and keeper in Don Melville, who has been with him since birth. There is also a special groom for his quarters. Al together he has pretty good time. He is certainly a great feature, far ahead of any that has heretofore appeared in mis city. ;i is il Mr Washburn may well feel proud of so valuable an addition to his already ex tensive ntenagwie. Roniii ro Mad. Roseburg people are evidently mad about the Soldiei'a Home decision. The following is a (.tarter from the Review : The injunction tninit the location of the soldiers' home at Roseburg has been made perpetual. This wsa expected when the matter was brought oeiore a juoge residing in balen, where the ruling passion is to "hog"every thing in sight- But this decision doei not end the merely oper.a it in good shape Koseburg secured th3 location of the Maw here by an honest, earnest effort and proposes to leave no atone unturned to win the suit. As soon as the supreme court passes on me question, it the deci sion is aaverse, 'here will bean injunc tion placed upon every institution of the state outside of the Cltv limits of Salem. Already funds enough have been pledged .,!.. . ,. m- l i . "S"k "img tu toe outer eno, ana sn extra session of the legislature. a con stitutional convention, and the removal of the state capitol may soon become in teresting questions to consider. The building of the branch asylum in K as tern Oregon, of which it was claimed there is great necessity, is directly affected by Salem's injunction suit : that is one rea son why Eastern and Southern Oregon will stand together in this matter. ADVANCKltSXT IX MsTKOSOLOOV. The advancement made in the knowledge of the laws of tneterology has kept pace with discoveries mads in all other lines of scientific research. The following il lustrates the exactness which the weath er predictions are now made. On the day before that previously set for the Pioneers picnic the committee in charge telegraphed to Mr Pague. the local fore cast for this vicinity, and received in re ply the prediction that the day would be s'ormv and unfit for outdoor enjoyment. On tiie strength oi this the picnic was postponed, and the following day folly justified the prediction. On rhursday last another request was made Mr Pague for a peep into the future, and the re ply r.ceived, although not promising good weather until the afternoon, was sufficiently favorable to decide the com mittee to so ahead with the arrangements made, ihe predlftuc was also filled to to the letter It is bat just to Mr Pague tc state that, under bis administration, a marked improvement has been ob served in the reliability and usefulness of the weather forecasts- Aatorian. Cap HcatptfasY lsjfasn. A dispatch from Pendleton tells of the following ac cident to a former Albany lawyer : Cap tain N B Humphrey met with a painfal and distressing accident this morning t at cost him his left foot. Mr Hum phrey yesterday morning left for Mea chain station, on the Blue mountains, to deliver the Fourth of July oration. The west-bound train todar on which Mr Huninhrey was to return was some two hours late and Mr Humphrey. in attempt ing t-i board the train before it came to a stop, slipped, throwing himself under the rear car. which caught his foot at the ankle, mashing it to a jelly and dragging him some 50 feet before tbe train came to a stop, bruising him about the head and body. He was brought to Pendle ton today arid bad the left foot amputated about four inches above the ankle. He so Richardson. Tbe Dcxocrat stated yesterday that "Hero" Richard son, sentenced at Roseburg to the peni tentiary for eight years, for attempting to wreck a train, had been taken to Salem. This was on authority of a Rose burg paper. He was not 'taken, but should have been. Instead be was kept at Roseburg in tbe jail. This morning he dug from his cell into another one that was unlocked, where he hid under some old clothes piled in the corner- It was thought he had escaped, and a hnnt was made for him in the neighborhood. He was finally found. It was his inten tion to remain concealed until eight and en dig out ot tbe main building. A Seniors Chabob. Duputy 0 S Mar shal Simmott. of Portland, was in the city recently with a warrant for the arrest of Leighton Jeffens, for tampering with the mails. It is charged that while Mr Jefferis was carrying tbe mail for Jot. Meyers he opened a letter sent on the outside, by Wil- liiun Brothers to Portland, and containing Si'i check for the internal revenue license. and that he tried to negotiate with Wil liams Bros for the return of tbe check for $5, stating that it had been handed him bv tramp or some one else. Mr Jefferis is not here, and has not yet been arrested. He is. we are informed, at Yaquina Bay. and is not tryiny to evade the officers. Witt Help Matters. L 0 Hazard, of New York City, is a holder of Oregon Pa cific I .rid.- in the amount of more than $1 , 000.000, and has hitherto maintained a neutral position in the faction fight be tween the Blair-Wharton and Hogg fac tions. His representative, in the person of Hughes, of New York, arrived in this city last week, says the Corvallis Times and starts on the return trip Uxiav. He has pent the interim in making a critical ex- iimation of the properties of the mad. He states that he finds the road in much lietter condition than he expected to find it. and it is believed that his report to his su- iienor will strengthen the position ot the Blair faction. Bask Ball. The Willamette issued challenge to play any amateur club in the vicinity. i esterday a picked nine met them on the league grounds, anil did them up hi me mi lowing manner: HOT STrFF'. r. . Conn cf 2 4 Ed McFarland.l f 8 8 Enck p 2 8 S McFarland.s I 2 0 0 Turner c 2 3 0 A Turner. .8 b 4 I Chamberlin.,2 b 2 2 1 sham r f 1 4 Neelands 1 h 0 4 WILLAMETTE!. 11. O. Willis 8 b 1 8 Thorn pson.p.l b 1 4 M Turner c 8 Bowen c f 1 8 Westbrook...s 0 8 Washburn, p. lb 0 1 Dorria I f 0 8 Sears r f 0 4 Bentley 1 b 0 8 6 27 afK Vn. fs : per ,d.' Hr. MAIIIHL I'llOTOGMA I HV.KS , t Ihany Strega. VIGOR of MEN Cabinet photos from $ to $4 oo dozen. Enlaieine pictures a ty. tftxao crayon- framed o-oo. We ;arrv a large stock ot exo ana siereicoptc news of Or eton . Easily. Quickly. Pormansntl) Reitorac. WEAKNESS, fsEfiVOUSHEOS, DEBSLITY, and all ihe train of eri:s I rum rarl) ei rumor lo t-" c-sct-soBa. toe results of overwork, alckuesu worri-.etc. FallMrenetli. development sad title Ulvcn lo every organ and nortlou of the kH. Ill mile. natural met In 'i'. immediate Improverief!'. wen. Failure lmpwaiUr. 2,rt referenri-s. Eiu rxiilsnstton and pn-ols uiiuicu iMOWU lice. EMI MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO. J, v. B aj 3-flf 1 sfl jjiT -sKKsM. J j jjg T nfiT sl REVERE HOUSE LBANf OBJ HAS. PFlSIFFEK rWRlKTOR An .nao.Mii I...fll anil Kenya TOOTC Sold by Drugjrista or sent by mail. 26c Wc and $1.00 per package. Samples free. 04 The Favorite T00T1 WwWt HU for tho Teeth and Breath, SoC Captain Sweeney, CJS.A., San Diego, Cal., nays: "Shliob's Catarrh Kemedy is the first memoine l nave ever round max wou;a ao ma any good." Price 50 eta. BokiTry Drugglata. SHILO 1-1 CURE. Tbts Grkat Couoh Ctjrs prompfjy curat wtiCTtt all others faiL For Consumption It has no rival; has cured thousands, and will cttrb Tcni.U taken In time, sMets, Ms-wttM. BUGGY FOR SALE. - Good hand buggy for sale cheap. Wui Fortmlller. aecoocl Call on Officers Ki.fxted. -At the last meet ing of Beulah Rebekah Lodge, No. 35, I 0 O F. the following officers were installed by V. I), u. M. Annette Weatherfonl: Maggie Veal, N. tl. Annie Parker, V. (J. KlviralJradwohl, Treas. Hattie Wribiman, Rec. Sec. i W Kendrick, Per Sec. Annette Weatherford, R. of N. (1. Kate Montanye. L. of N. G. Sarah Barnes. R. of V. 0. N A Cherry, L. of V. (i. Ada Robson, Warden. Jennie Gordon, P. Emma Bruckman, I. G. .1 Teske. O.C. Martha Jones, Chap. T M Sears, Irganist. Santiam Settlers.--J L Berry, the well-known locater and cruiser, came down last week from the Santiam with the fol lowing settU rsto make filings or final proofs on quarter sections of timber: Chaa Thompson, William liewis, Charles Sween-1 ey. John Smith, lleVVit Slervoss, Oscar fSillpy, Mrs Malone, Carlyle lawhead, Lorine Iiawliead. Mr Brown of Albany. Hard times ure unknown up the Santiam as the settlers sell large quantities of wood at the railroad stations for $2.25 per cord, which is carried to Yaquinaand goes thence by steamer to San Francisco, some of the claimants were Michigan men who on Mon day aftx-moon started on the homeward journey rejoicing, with the register s cer tificate for their timber claims in their pockets. Oregon City Courier. Drowned inthe Calapooia.- Mr B Hartley, an old pioneer of Soutnern Ore gon, was found drowndd in the Calapooia at Oakland, Or, this morning. His cane was lying on the bank. Whether it was a case of suicide, or the old gentleman had fallen in; was not known. 18 24 F Wheeler, Umpire. SCORE BY IXXINOS. Hot stuff -6 0 0 2 2 9 8 018 Willainettes 0 0010410 8 Last evening a very judicious thing was done by the removal of the Independence club to Salem, and it will hereafter be Known by the latter name. John Shea, re cently second baseman of Albany will plav .. .1 . rt i a l , -r woujuu ami act ms ittpuun i or raicni, wniie i oiiett will come to Albany and play second, Minto came up from Salem today and will play with the club. Another Independent- man, prohaDiy Hilling win come to Albany. Josh Reilly left on last nights overland for Oakland where he will play. In todays T Ul 1 . f I s I7Y Juts raw, wno piuneii go wen in yestenlay's amateur game, was in the box for Albany. Levieck will 1 one of Salem's new men. McGreevy pitched tor San Framcitco yes'erday against Los Angeles. 17 hit were made to 15 by San Francisco. The score was 9 to 8 In favor of Lot Angeles. Oregon Stasiw Hioh An interesting album of crop statistics has been issued by the department of agriculture at Washing ington. It shows the value per acre of the same crops in the different states. Com yields the highest amount in Nebraska where it is .12. S bushels oer acre: the lowest yield is in South Carolina where it is 9.4. In Oregon it is 28.8. Wheat shows the largest yield in Colorado where it is 19 5 ousheis per acre ami the lowest in Missis sippi and South Carolina where it it 16 8 Washington shows the hisrhest yield in lain. being 36. Oregon's yield 27.9. In rye Colorado beats our state but we come second; the yields are 17.1 and 15.9. In barley we are beaten by five states. Mon tana and Idado heading the list. Califor nia is first in buckwheat and Oregon second. In potatoes. Washington leads. Montana second. Idaho third and Oregon fourth. In bay. Oregon and California tie for first place. steal Into. Geo M Starr, of Philouiath. was run into bv the O P train and nm nr test hart. Mr 'Starr is unite deaf and is TC years of aore: at the nlace the accident cured he was not able to see tbe track for some distance, and as ha was deaf he did not bear the snnroschinir train. He wsa driving a couple of colts and strange to oar. they did not scare. He was just in the middle of the track when the train rounded the bend and dashed into his rior ealrhirur the wagon right between the wheels. Mr Starr knew nothing of the trains where abouts until he was thrown into the air. His condition, we are informed by his at tending physician. Dr Lee, is not critical and be will soon he all right. - Time. Wsht Into nit Ditch. Several data ago Mr Clark Looe?urch ased s tract icn engine arrfl bay press in Salem and start ed for home, arriving in Albany todar. On arriving at the Ninth street bridge, near T J Overman's, steam was put en and the engine ran upon the bridge, ft went down with a crash, and the engine was tipped over wkh the rear leaning agairvot the bank, while ihe two men run ning it were tipped off into the ditch. The bridge is about ruined. There ! a state law against running a traction engine over bridges not planked for Ihe purpose. Mi st Rctrerch. Besides tbe general quiet times all over the U. S. Florence, in Lane county, is being affected seriously by a local matter. The West says: When taking into consideration the closing of harbor work by the governraent, and that other, moat disastrous to our prospects, the discontinuance of the lumber trade with San Francisco, we may all come to the con clusion that the most rigid economy and thorough retrenchment in expense must be practiced by all the people. Virtually our hrade with the Outside world except for imports is closed for a year. Under such cimim.iances no man shruki contract a debt If this cannot be done without going elsewhere, then we say go. Orboox Salmor. The Chicago Inter Ocean of June 29th says: Yesterday the Oregon commission sliced a Royal Chinook salmon weighing seventy-two pounds into steaks to be distributed among their Chica go friends. Accompanying each steak wss a card which read : "Bov, roast me if you want to I won't care" I was cut from that big Royal Chinook salmon that you and the multitude were admiring in 'the Oregon booth at the fisheries building yes terday. In life I weighed seven tv-'two pounds, but my brother, who came to be seen at the fair with me. goes me ten better. He is the largest salmon ever caught in the Oegon waters. We came from Oregon en cased as you saw us in solid cakes of ice. I am at your service.'' A Live Tire. Carlyle LaugbesI. the popular engineer, was the first man to make a filing in "10-4." He located a claim at the land office door in Oregon City Sunday evening at 6 o'clock and remained until business commenced Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Eight others also remained the entire night in line. A little scrimmage occurred when the doors were ope.ned.and a general fight was prevented by the police men present. Considerable claim jumping was indulged in and serious trouble may be the outcome. Settlers in township 10 south, range 4 east will file nest Tuesday. -Lum- liermaa. a A Kcsiiixo Bi sis ess. -The Red Crown Roller Mills are now runninir nitrht and dav to meet tiie liU-ge orders ahead. In the past two weeks one thousand liarrels of flour have been shipped away. The mills have received large shipments of wheat for grinding, and are in a condition to meet all the demands of the trade. The Red Crown a 1 1: 1 . ... . ... iionr- spieniuu reputation lusiires tne mill a prosperous future under the present very careful management. Manam-r Stockman went to Portland this noon tin business fnr the mills. sot (At A KB rERKO- IL License has been issued for the mar riage of William Waggs and Hattie Fats. Mrs L Bllyeu and son, Coke came down fio.n Eugene this noon on a visit at Hon R A Irvine's. Mr John Tway, ihe O P conductor, wife and son left tor Portland this noon, from which city Mrs Tway and son will go east, while Ihe former will rturn to Albanv. Monday evening a reoep'in wss tend ered Mrs M Irving and Mrs S S the residence of 8 g Train. A delightful time is reported, P"V the least of which were the narrations of doings ai the World's fair by Mrs Train and Mri Irv ing. A Jacksonville correspondent of the Ashland Tidings says: Mr and Mrs J F White are expected home from the'.r ex tended visit to Kentucky this week . E A Reams will arrive with them. Mr Reams has just graduated from the law department of the Washington and Lee University of Virginia, and after a short time spent at horns will go to Montana, to begin the practice of law, in partner ship with Hon Charles- Wilkinson, of Eugene. M w Hunt will go to Detroit in the Santiam country todav. Hi family, ac companied by his father, G W Hunt, started yesterday and M. W. wilt join them this evening. From Detroit they will take apas'a train to Independence valley .eighteen miles further, where they wid go into camp. Mr Hunt will return in about four weeks, but his fsmily ard father will remain until September. This camp will be four miles from thtbaswof Mt Jefferson. Statesman. SB IDA Y. Mr Kobert Huston, of i.'orvallis. is in the sity. Hon Cvrus Westlake, of San Jose. Calif.. is in the citv. Mia Bert Eno. of Portland, is is the city, the guest of her in. .t her Mr Thomaa Kav. of the Salem WcssmR Mills, was in the citv baiav. He has iust e turned from a business trip to Alaska. E F Sox and family returned ihi noun from the World's fair, including Carlton, who has been attending the Monmouth College. Messrs Shea and M aliens, of the Albanv club, went to Seiem today to make arrange ments if possible for the removal of the In- lepeiKlence club to that city. vTrxinewiav morninar there was nnttaxl in the holy bonds of wedlock two of society's very choicest people. Prof ex Covell. of the State Agricultural Collage, and Miss Moliie Spencer, who is well known as a teacher in the Corvallis Public schools Time Mias Maud Hoffman, who recent v made her debut ss Juliet in Boston, has been en -gaged by B B Wilhtrd for next seast,!! F. Evening Post. Mr Wtllard is one of the leading managers of the country and Mis n on man s engagment is to he accejiLti sa a strong evidence of staxtew. The engage ment also means a trip to the Pacific coast. William F Herrin. of San Francisco, has been appointed chief of the law ilassslllill III of the Nsitbern Pacific R. R. Co. His sal- sry will be shout WO.0O0. W Sh hi other business tie will have an income of about 75.000. Mr Herrin is only ."fet years of age. He obtained his reputation principally in the Sharoo-Hill case. An interesting thing in connection with bis life i the fact that he was born and raised in Jackson count v. in this state, ami was educated in the Airri- cultural College at Corvallis. SaTTRDAT Binger Hermann was in the city today. Miss L A Woodin returned this noon to hex bosne ia Teostna Mr and Mrs i W niisf have returned from a several weeks sojourn m Sodavillr. A license was issued today for the mar riage ot Johnstn Lee and Lazur '....,.-hanrr. Miss Genevieve treorge of Port land. came up 00 the noon train for a several weeks visit in this city. Dr J L Hill and sou and I laud MansSssU have returned from their mountain hot springs ranch beyond Hreitenbush. Rev. Robert Collver delivered his ;ture at Corvallis last evening, among his audi ence being Rev E J Thompson. T D. He went to Salem this noon. Edgar McClure. nrofessnr of anal etn a chemistry at the University rf I regon. ha ssrured a leave of absence from the board of regent for one year. He left cm the over land last night for Cambridge. Mass. where he will .take a coarse in chemistry at Har vard ttrtlege. Fugene Hoard. Dr LI wood who lately located with us. has. we are sorry to state, derided to leave us. He has secured tbe appointment of marine physician and surgeon for Port Gardner and will remove thereto in a few days Scio Press. A position worth : a year. Mr N T Higgles and family. Itakota ac quaintances of C S Hamish and wife, ar med in the city on last Saturday, ami have rented WaR Logan's place for the present. r iiiggins is a contractor and builder and will undoubtedly find ucio lo la field for his lmsiness. Scio Press. Moneignore Satolli. llie distinguished Catholic prelate and who has virtually the administration powers of the Pope of Rome in toe an airs ot the church in the I S. was on Tuesday's south bound train in a private car. accompanied by Most Rev T 1 Grace, formerly archbishop of St Paul. Minn. Kev Dr T O Gorman and Rev Ir T fessors of ecclesiastical history: Rev I'r C Gannon, professor of scripture, and Rev Ir E Pace, professor of philosophy in tin Catholic university. Last evening's E. O. of Pendleton savs: Capt Humphrey's condition is still v.rv encouraging. He I "ears pain like martyr, and his old-time cheerful humor has not deiiarted, as is evidenced by frequent sallies of wit. In due time it is hoped "Cap" will be prancing alon the street, liappy in the acquisition of a new cork foot. A previous paper said: Even while he was in desper ate pain, with his foot crushed and bleeding. Cap's" ruling spirit prevailed. John Bentley was at his bedside, ami remarked that he would have to leave to attend to some business. "I want you tostavJohn." said the sufferer, feebly. "These doctors are going to chloroform me, and I want von to see that they don't cut off the wrong foot." good RSW irUt LETTER. New York, June 30th, ISM. If the conductors and gripmen on the Broadway and Seventh Avenue Line are to be believed the company will have trouble before long. Owing to the extra length of .the cabin cars compared with the horse cars the company have decided to run only 160 cars. These 150 cars will bs required to do the work formerly done by 180. What interests the em ployees of the road is the extra amount of work required under the new method of transportation. Heretofore each driver and conductor has made five round trips a day, and now they will have to make six. Tbe conductors receive $2 and the gripmen $2.26 a day. Considering that the work is much harder for the men on the new cars as well as the additional work the men think they should have an extra compensation for all this sutra work. An organization is being formed by the employes of the road snd it be hooves the official of tbe comnanv to carefully consider the grievances of their men oeiore tlre7 paraiyze traffic on New York's great thoroughfare. On Saturday night the New York base ball club left Philadelphia on their first western trip 01 the season. They will Elay in Cincinnati, Chicago, St Louii, ousvilie, Cleveland and Pittsburg, and will not return to the Polo grounds for three long and weary weeks. eVhat will the cranks and rooters do? What will become of such old base ball enthusiasts, as District Attorney Nicboljudge Grady. Marshal P Wilder." De Wolf Hopper. Dtg by Bell. Jodae Cullum, and Russell B Harrison, during thai period. Some will follow the ''Giants" bat the others will watch tbe tickers and read with ap palling wretched nee of the defeat of tLeir lavorite or perhaps with glee and enthusiasm when they down the western ball tossers as the case may b The team goes west in a broken up and crippled condition, having only one back stop in condition to play. Tbe following is captain Ward's hospital list : Doyle, catcher, sprained arm: Kelley, catcher, injured knee ; McMahon, catcher, finger smashed and will probably not play this season ; Lavis, third baseman, tame shoulder and of coarse Johnny Ward worried and rattled. Considering the good showing that the cripples msde again', the Philadelphia team and the fsct that Ex-Postmaster Van Colt, wno is president of ths club accompaning the boys on their present trip, it 1 hoped that the gallant boys from Gotham will bold up their end in tbe battles to be fought in tbe west- Philadelphia leads in tbe league race bat the first six club are so close together that a week may reverse tbe entire standing. It is indeed an interesting race for tbe coveted pen nant and will gros .no re exciting as the season proarresees As was predicted in this column, some time ago, Henry illard stepped out ot the board of the Northern Pacific rail road. At a meeting of the directors, st the company's office on Wall street. Mr illard' rtstgna 100 was accepted and -lobn I) Rorkt feller elected to fill tbe a- rancy caused by Mr Villsrd's resignstion irom the board ot directors, sad it is claimed by men who are in a poei'ioo to know, that Mr Rockefeller's election to the board adds a great strength to tbe company, r resident (Jakes can now take hold ot the ansir of the company unhampered by a scheming director. It is tbe opinion of racing men in this eity that the poor work of tbe starter in tbe toO.000 American Derby run at Chi cago on Saturday, was the cause of the defeat of Mr Foxball Keene's great colt. St Leonards, by the western coll Bound less. prominent trainer at tbe bhese head Bay track, regarding the race said : "If the horses had sot off at anr rm?m able tune after going to the post St Leonard could not have been beaten Kith Fred Tarsi :n the saddle. But 10 keep a horse of St Leonard frame and breed. at the post for one hour and tbirtv- seven minutes, is enough to defeat him before he starts " There were onlv ten horse in the race but r. look starter Pet teogill nearly two hours to a'art them and he hcarne so excited that ne missed several chances to send them off. and the breaking a war and worrying was too much for St I-eonards who sUhough grandly ridden by Taral was beaten by Swapper ' Garrison in the saddle and Clifford ran third New York turfmen are greatly disappointed st the way the race was run owing 10 the unnecessary delay at the jost. Taral as usual was complimented tor the way he handled St Leonard, riding him so bard '.hat the colt was bleeding -n both rides when he flashed under the wire behind Boundless, whose stable won tbe 60,000 purse, the largest ever offered in anv race in tbe history of the turf. ihe longest game of bass ball so fsr thi season was played at Cincinnati on Monday between tbe Cincinnati and New York teams. Although the New York's are badly crippled they tied the score in tbe ninth inning, when the game was apparently won by the home team. Tbe showing they msde by tieing tbe score in the 13th and sgam in the 16th nuing ws remarkable At the end of the lltb inning the game was called ow ing to dark.. ?s. The following i tbe score by innings: Cincinnatli-llIOO0O0000QI0O10-& New York 0000010C200010010-5 Battel ies for New York. Rnssie and Milligan: for Cincinnati, Chamberlain and Murphy. Tbe local enthusiasts are jubilant over tbe good showing msde by Captain Ward's men. vVm F. H. K.OKLSCH. The amount of wheat exported fer May 1892, was 10.767,71 bushels valued al 910.225 2oG. The amount of wheat export ed during May 1898 was 9,883,325 bushels valued at i7,.'i09,8:50. For the eleven months ending June 1, 1892, there were exported 147,972,258 bushel valued at 9152,805,627, and for the eleven months ending June 1, 1893, there were exported 106,498,372, valued at 985,428,748. Thi accounts for so much gold going abroad. It shows how the farmer is "protected" also The Oregon Land Co llie public cannot Is? too often warned of tbe existence of the political demagogue i.t.e a giioui, he always has tut eyes open that be may see something to eat. He makes a pretense of being friendly to the interests of the people that he may curry favor and secure bis own personal agsran dizement. Hardly a community in tbe whole country that ha not one, or more than cne, of these wolves in sheep's cloth ing. Keep your eyes on him. Ho will do to watch. He seeks not the country's go3d but ins own preferment. He has the heart to feast upon hi country 's misfortune. Watch bim. It has bees recently csaccdef that St. Augustine, Fta., is the oldert white settle ment in the United State., having been founded by Melendsz io the Tear 1565, bat there i evidence to show that tbe city of Tucson, in Arizona, sniedattsS.. Augustine by at least 13 years In the year 155Z ibeir Catbo'ie majesties, Ferdinand' and Isabella of Spain, issued a charter to and 'or th pueblo of Tucsoo, which, sfter hating been mislaid for a mailer of 300 yei rs or more, has recent1 been discovered among the archives of Ihe church of Han Xavierdci Bac, which is situated atat 10 miles below tbe pteseet town of Tacsna. dWa Celerratiro. Many will appre ciate the following from the Lumberman : Gn Die-day last J C Young hail a very nar row escape from being burned out. Mr 1 oung s little four-year-old son. who tnul lieen firing fire crackers, built a fire under the comer of his father's place of business, and, when discovered, was quietly piling on fuel to make the blaze larger. The fire was smothered out with but little difficulty none too soon, for in a few minutes the building would have been ablaze and undoubtedly bumed to the ground. The Salem Raced. Yesterday at Salem the three-eighths mile dash was won by Kononke in 35 seconds. The one mile dash was won by Nipper in the good time of I:47'4. The 2:29 trot had three starters, l'hiilmont Boy, Walter and Kate Lee.. Phal- mont Boy won two heats in 2:31 and 2:27, the others were distanced. The one mile pacing heat for two year olds was won by Aim woouin -i,.. 1 1 . . . , n. j: Ait hah ulk. uregon nan a pan handle. It has been discovered at the school land office that the legislature in dis cribing the boundary of Lincoln county, 1 strip on the west side of the county. I etween 1 oik and the Siletz reservation belonging to Tillamook was left out. It is 22 milas lomr 4 miles wide at the south end and runs to a point at the north. Tillamook has a handle like a frying pan. Journal. Cap. All Right but One Leooed. Yesterday evening Mrs. Bunnester, sister of Capt. N.B. Humphrey, who lost a leg on the 4th of July bv a railroad accident, tele graphed Inm for news of his condition. The following answer came awhile afterwards: "I am one legged, but a better man than Sullivan." A Wholesale Merchants Exccrsion. The Oregon Pacific railroad company have arranged to run a Wholesale Mer chants' Excursion from San Franciso to Albany on July 27th. The steamship "Willamette vaney win leave with this party on the evening of that day, arriv ing at 1 aqtiina t'ti ine.-.'iii or ..otii. The San hrancisco Board of Trade will at tend this excursion in a patry. It :s the intention to entertain them in the same way that they entertained the Oregon mercnaniB on tneir recent trip, it is deirable that these merchants should visit as many points in the Willamette valley as oossible. ll.ey will be allowed five davg to spend throughout tbe valley .not her Merchants' Excursion will probably be started for San Francisco on Aug 14th. All arrangements wi! be made to entertain them nicely upou their arrival 111 San Francisco. -tees sad birds court the society of man that is. they seek the locality wUre fields snd gardens abound, for ILey fare better when hsrnan industry extorts from the soi the prodscte upan hi;h they subsisL A stsiee bee cult uit( sats it it the rarest thing i. the world to find bees away from the scttltroeats, or irom opesisgt where aowtrs gtow. It it ia the sasall batches of forest they aie ofteneat found and generally not far from the edge of the wood. It it the same with b rd. There are no song bird in the nortacr. Maine wilderness, ar.d scarcely aavtbiag that can be called bird life. Sirdi clasttr around towns sad rid ages vVitn it home office at SALEM- - - - ORltJOOlSr- ne Gray Block, corner Liberty snd State street, branch office ?r. Portla-u. llff"AKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract; near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment lonptime'on balance or particulars. FrTAPl.ISHED U7 by Burkhart Bros, Aa English scier list is authority tor the (laltmeat that there arc five times ss many apecitt of insects as there are species of all other living thtrer but together. The oak tree alone tapper! 4 50 tptde of infects, aao 200 kind make their home in tte pine. Forty year aga llamhott estims'ed that the nasnhi-1 of species preserved in collection was be'.ac-n 1 50.0x1 and 1 70.000, but sci entific men now say that there avast be more than thiet-qaarter cf a miLion, wltkost lakiag mto acroan: the parasiie creator es. Of the 35.000 perils in Earopc, however, sot more than 3500 are rtordoa or destructive. TWerc are more than 100,000 kind ot bertves . One of the oldeft Job printing Office! in the State. " ftie only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, 1 '.tl The t;regvsni repeat and re repeals tbe oft told tale thai the price of wool went down Aeroasr of fear of free trade in wool. Bat there has been no threat of free trade in bread stnfft. Now, why bas the price of wheat, and bread stuffs generally, de clined as much in price as wool . Bear ic mind that the republican promised that under the beneficent influence of the Mc -Kinley bill the agricslluralists and farmers were to prosper abundantly. Tbe McKin ley bill cow in full force and protecting th firmer with all it mighL Bat the price of wheat is lower than ever See here: The total value of bread stuff ex ported from the I'nited States for the eleven months ending June 1, i$93, was 9183.54020. For the eleven months end ing June I. lSr2. it was I3S.41S.207. Thi wss a loss of a round JkXU.W.OQQ in oar exports of breadstuff alone. Truly McKin leyism is a disguise though not a blessing. Julius Gradwotil's Bazaar T very latest 'news is that yon can buy at JULIUS ' DWOm.'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as foUow Arbuckle's Coffee. Per Pound ttis. Granulated Sugar $L0O tbs Magnolia Sugar White.. 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 ! Gallons Good Pickles, market linn. ........ 1.10 1 Gallon Ifo. 1 Syrup .40 . J' 1. ev.m-t. a etriet cwah stora, aad ai! gnoda srRI be soid for net csnh Irota 1 -?. LT n,J," lf"?n,"rir- My Wt of CbiMsram, tSimL , Im arsbe ay Ies of rtiaheo, as well a i general as-rtmentof xrocWfewefc 7. tarn., sod fixtore. is tompi. . gjpmjg a ape-: i:u of no. tTthi7c sf "aox Powder, and always ple mJ ewsto-Tsers, !"n r asvST rtaponsdble inscrsuxwecsipanies. Jalins (arstefwoht. PATRONIZE BOM IliSTiTUTlOHS. & MERCHANTS fNSUMANCE CO Alksusy. i Ka i , PresddeeiL J L COWAN. Treasurer. J O WRITSMx Geo F SIMPSON, vies Presi-i-soL PiKKCTOSa I Cowan, tiso F Simpson, eV F Read, J E Weal berforo. C J D B Monbsi'.i.H si:aiwu; Staart.1 O Wribsmsn. -ALSO DtSTTUCT AOKNTS SOU A le.irutd Geimsn sclcniis' makes the astonMiir.i; annour.c;mcnt women modtuche are com nnner in the present !.,- than they used m ne in the past In Cooitantlnopleon;out of v very is women have unmistakable evidences of down on their upper Hps. A similai proportion of moustat bed women, is to bs noticed among ladies ia Madrid. And in Philadelphia a physician in told blood ha observed that fully three per CJnt. of the somen are mouttached. What do these facts indicate? A certain Mr. Mott thinks they indicate the improvement of the humin nee, for, accor ding to his theory, the race is destined eventually to lie completely covered with hair. When Tratell.c. Whether on pleaaare bent, or business, tak on evary trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, it aata most pleas ntly and effectively on tne kidoeys, liver and bowels, preventing- fever, headache and other forma of aickoeaa. For ale m 50 cent and $1 I utile by all leading diuggist. When Baby wai sick, we trv her Cestorik, When sLa was a Child, she tried for Uuiton When she became Kiss, she clung I" itort. rhen She had OWN she gave Ibem Caston, One Smaa Bus noma ever s To rpitj Livers, soc. Week arouse 0 light for a per Ts . i st laeflFsel Ksgardiox Hood's Ssr-spsrn Is, tfh th people who take thii msdicire.or th teitimonials often pibbahed iithiarwpa They will convince yon that Hoods ' t ure Hood's fills cute constipation. v St e o t Kid lai Rttt. Ot. 8l Wsth. Tin; South kiin Pacific K.ui.kou Win. Slabs tmm Eatm -othcials of the Northern Pacific Railroad have decided to place low rates into effect. They will sell tickets from Portland to St Paul tor $'.'.' tirst-class, and make corresiKmdfiii,' low niii.K in nil eastern points. World's fair round trip rates will bo greatly rtnluietl. rickets can Ik' utilize" on eiuier tu men throujrh trains, both of which will continue to carry the Pullman tourist, upholstered slivpers. Two trains daily without change. r or inn inionnatiou ium w steeping car utroniniodations, call on, or iddxes A I' c hurlton, assistant general passenger agent. No. 121' First street, cor ner of Was! itirt on. Or CO Uurkliart. local agent, Albany Oregon. ..rlil'a Faltfrravrlera VfHI Have It The oublio demand through eorvioa when travolina. 't ia old-fathioned to "Chang Cars." On tho through, olid vestibuled trains of the Chicago, union raoino a North Westeru line from or to Omaha and intermediate poiota there is no hinge. This ia the finest snd fastest Sor os bit we m tbe point named. The strange freaks of the wool trade pot many a republican protectionist in a hole from which he can not extricate himself. In view of tbe decreased demand for wool in the United States and the consequent low price, one would naturally think our manufactiirers would largely cease import ing wool. Not so. The. amount imported for the month of It-, iS9i ws 14.l64.9Tel pounds and for the month of May, IcafS, it was 14.59,591 pounds, and increase of 4'24.G.'t7 pounds for t lie one month alone. But look at this: For tbe eleven months ending: June lst.192. tbe number of pounds imported was i;fc!,7t3"2.9S9 pounds and for the eleven months ending June 1st of this year it amounted to IGO.577,515 pounds, an increase of 2l,9a4,5'2 pounds. fhese figures are official and can not be disputed. The f.t.oaaaa't talk about the price of wool is general and made wholly for part t fan purposes. These figures show facts and figures that fell plainly the resu'ts of the operation of Ihe protection on woo'. ct Riot's fA-r. Iowa raised iiO.CtXi.OCO '.ushel of corn last year. There are InV) 'cities and towns in this country which have electric lights. It is said that tre larger piece of mica in thelworld.was recently taken out of a North Carolina'quarry. It measures 9 i-2 xi6 inches. Since Picken's death the firm of Chap man & Hall have sold fVto.OOO copies of Pickwick. The profits on Uicken's works still amount to about $40,000 a year. In Berlin there are said to be 16 nobles seven retired army officers and three clergy men employed as cab drivers. In 1SS2 New York city paid for its school bill, ,OOQ,000; for its amusement bill, 7,000,000; and for its drink bill. $60,000.. 000. The savings deposits; in New York state increased by 544,.iO0,0O0 during the past year. The number of depositors increased by 80,000. The sun never sets on the soil of the I'nited Stales. When it is G p m on Attoo island, Alaska, it is ftjSS a in of the day following at Kastoort, Me. The telephone line recently stretched from New York to Chicago is twice longer than the longest line known. Nearly a million tons of copper wire were used in laying it. several Solid Eastern and Foreign Gompniei ML ALBANY, N. WALDAHL "ferchant Tailor. Slits Hade to Ordfr and Satisfatiitin Gnsr a lire Ticpqit'iire of l11 liqds. SHOP OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE OREGON FURNITURE, out Ol sight The traveling public are now fully aliv tot the f sot that the Chicago, Union Pacific .Vt Knrth-Weftern -iue offer tbe very beat Chicago. accommodations to the public from ard to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only daring the World'a Fairy but all tee year round. STORE IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURMTURS. COJiSls i im- bed room sets, ohairr, lounges, etc., wbicn t win sen at NEW BOTTOM PRICES. Titos. Brink. ill on n.e for bargains. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. ropr!etor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed