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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1893)
! II". IU1 em o r rat VOL XXVIII. ALBANY RkGON, FRIDAY. MAY 5. 1893. Entered at the " omrr at Allunj. Or., aa Second-Class Mall Mailer. TITBI t CTTIRC,PablUlwrafM Preprletsr.: NO 40 Kipts PROMPT, urn u Js MycuifK "f1 wi,h '"iv inense neuralgic pains in the face, she thought she would die. She bathed her face and head with JJT. JACOBS OIL. aad it cured her in lour hours. ' ' CARL SCHEIBE. FOFTMILLER Met takers w E KtEP itrtf nt't c.n hcdi full coffins. AIfo HiH1 id(t and which will be sold at Th Lowest EMBALMING nd ,lie proper HO EXTRA CHARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon tVitn hi home SALEM - a a :ne Gray Block, corner Liberty and JMTA.KES a specialty of fruit tract near Salem', - Will sell .5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $6 0 ere small cash payment long time on balance or particulars. Hodges (So Marlaiid w e fj 0. HE LEAItlNG PHOTOGRAPH CRN, Slbaar. reaesi J. F. FORD, taplist, Of Do Moines, lows, write under ilsle . f Match 23, 1893: 3. B. Med. Mi. Co., Oofar, ) ... 1, t Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously a-vaiting. Oor little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had waited away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well flatbed an. 3. B. Cough Cure baa dine its work wefl. Both of tbe children like it. Your S b! Coogb Cure baa cored and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to eye'y one, with greetings for all . Wishing v.. pros pen y. we are Yours, Mu A M J F Ford. 1. jou wish to leel Ire.b and cheerful, il , eaiir 50 sents per bottlu by ail drwtzwU. Sold under a piaitiv e by ' JACL'MMII.C. A LINN COUNTY MAP Win G Obenauer Ac Co are mak'ng a map of Linn county, which should be In every business house, public dwelling anl school room in Li in county. The map! accurately locates every city, town and postofBce, and rivets and creeks, show, voting precincts, townships, etc,stiows tbe distance of each posloffice from Albany Cutout the foliowir.g and mail to V an G Obenauei Si Co. 100 Fiont street, PWrt land, Oregon, arid t..ey will deliver you as many as you order. Please deliver me copies of your Linn county map for which a'ree to pay fifty cents per copy on ttelivtj y of maps. ' -Signature. -Postoffice. DR. SANDEN'B ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATENTS ww an ;tro- BEST IMPROVEMENTS. VIII sure Withoat Ufdi of f ruisttiofi of brail, oert Istaf'ior, rhumti He. toU fleet rt blt MttUloa itialDt. fBsoe 1 ftl gthr, ud (1tm earreot tsstsU U wrtftr or w forfeit S,lO0, mucl will fair fs.ll he Ik.. llvtKj4kB r m pmy. TsWiuancls laaFo'hosm !. U1 loaa Ik-rDtUD kfUr H oifeor fill I Ml fkvlltd, 4 V?? .t.0t t . . . LiiaVrs. "u,u;r. sTmSsn ' viirp-rriBi jMraw'B-sT ssassta si nr mtH , th rtwintnaon ojr nra UBW,aaj wrsH 4LLHKLTN HornlUl sod rlMrou- reoEt h Ut'ANTIIi . Ui u,. , ItoDd for 1 iluatrttod FaanpSloU, naUs, mwUA, tr. A44r XE3PT BZiIllO'riUO CO No, 172 FlfBt SU. PO ITT LAND. ORE. S-SWr mm COOP WORK. RHEUMATISM. Mr. WHlet F. Cook, Cnioharie, N. Y., writes: " Awoke onr morning with excruciating paint in ray shoulder. Tried various reliefs forudden pains without effect ; went to lay office ; the pain became insufferable : went home at n o'clock and used ST JACOBS OIL; effect magical, pain ceased, and at i o'clock went to work; cure permanent." NEURALGIA. Little Rapids. Wrs. & IRVING and Embalmers. lire nt n . f t 1: i' r1 th i rl u i ) i .. t t suit?, in rtnerVlnll. imi ,,.ln... Living Profltn. care of the. dead a aHcMUj. HEARSE OR SERVICE TEMPLE, - - OREGON Land Co office l - ORE&OIT State street, branch office -ji Prvrtlaive pr Carry a full line of purest dri'gs and chemicals to be obtained, also patent medic ines, druggist sundries and perfumery. carrv a fine line of station ary and toilet articles. Compounding physicians ecriptions a specialty. pre- Csblnet nbotos from 5 1 .50 to $ per doze n. Enlaiging plctur specialty. 16x20 era voir.- fra for $10.01.. We -arrv a lar j of 5x8 an i sterescopic views o egon. SSetav, .i0ctWI Jl.OOper Bottle? Onecent a uose. I' Tins Gzair Covaa Sera. Throat, Hoarseness, whs eying Couch ana Asthma. For Consussptloa R has no rlvafc baa cured thousands, and will curb toc If taken in time. Bold by DrPjEg-lsts oat a sjnor ante. For a Lame Back or Chest, use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA VL-ASTERSc TAHRH REMEDY. Smell Guaranteed to euro Blliotu attacks. Sick IleadacHo nnd Coastipatlon. 40 in each bottle. P: ico 26c. For sale by druggisU. Picturo "T, 7C" : . i -anjplo dose free. J. r. SMITH U CO., P; ip.-:3tors, HEW YORK. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. I At last a medical work that tell the cau, deaerttXMi the err ecu, pulnu we rr nwu-r. im Usctentlflcally th most valuable, artlatlaaUy the mot beautiful, medical book that baa ap peared for yearn; IM eages, every page bear In a half tone !llutratlon In Ontt. Some of the ul.Jeet treated are Kervous Debility, lmuo lesey, su-rlllty. Development, Vartoooete. Tbo HuHlmnd. Those Intending Marriage, etc. Every Man uo mmM kmiw the. (irand Truth; the Plain Kattt. the Old Heart and Kef DU IWIwHss " Medical Science a applied to Mar- n wfto teouffl alone jor pan rtmire ant f.v,(,l future it ii- ....... uia write Tor thie wtisiiF.KfTL little jiook. WMWUl M tl'.n will be awnt frw, uiulr twal. while the dl iMtfL If c!onvenint ericlof5 tu cents to poMtiCf. alum-. AdtireM the publlsbert. M 5 ERIE MEDICAL CO JUCJLsC IirFFALrO. S. T. B ANK Of Hi tit, SOIO, ORKOOW. sjiaojst sbisr ..TJ Jliin.s A J JOHIRS aW Til HBmtlbi iiiiBH EeTsaliiliEl m L.TTRS DTOniDUT CUrtm nave you uaxarrn r 1 nis remc seed h cure you. raccaucts. onjecto BH1SUSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSaSSSBSs.sabM LOCAL. RECORD Ork;on Statu S, S. Convention. TKe Eighth Annual Convention of the Oregon State Sunday School Association will be held in the Friends' Church.New berg, Oregon, by invitation of that church, beginning Tuesday, May loth, at 2 p ra, and closing thursday. May iSth, at n a rn. As this It a nsass convention, an in terested in Sunday School work are inyitcd to ba present, and every Sunday SUiopl in the state is urged to send one or more rep resentatives. A good program has Seen arranged, and a number of' the leading Sunday School worker In our own state will take par: in thfa convention. Kev H L. Bates Is the secretary ot the State As sociation, and he desires a report from every Sunday School In the state. These local reports should include the quarter ending March 30th. and be sent him not later than May 8th. President Thomas Fewlin, of the Friend' College, Newberg. is chairman of trt committee of arrange ments ,.n behalf of the .Friends' Church, and lists of all who expect to attend the convention should be sent him not later than May lath. Arrangements have been made fcr the usual reduction of fares on railroads. Freaks of Nature. A wonderful freak of nature can be seen or the fans of Mr 1 DJPitrie near Loraine, in Slaslaw precinct, Lane county. It consist of a fir tree hich has grown entirely around a white oas. tree. The fir tree is about 1 50 teet nigh, ar.d about live feet in diameter three feet from the ground. The size of he oak tree is not known except where it projects from the fir. about seven feet fram the ground, wheie it is six inches in diameter. The osk is dead having been strangled by the fir some time ago. Not long since there could also be seen on the farm a purely white cat, having one blue eye, the other being a natural color. In the sarre neighborhood, on the farm o William M Tainan, the e could b seen a cat with a litter of 1 1 sittens. Register. Albany Horticvltural Society This i the name of a new organization just 1 stablished here, one that deserves the support of every producer of fruit in this vicinity. This should be made the fruit center of Oregon . The officers are H Bryant, President; Jay W Blaln, m vice president; J F Keney, and vice pres ident; CG Bur khan, secretary; J F Feebler, treasurer. Finance committee, Blain, Keney and SN Steele. About twenty-Ate were present at the meeting, and the interest was pronounced. A meeting has been called for next Saturday, May 6th, at 2 p m, at the Coart House. The committee on constitution and by laws, Burkhart, Biain and Brownell, will report, and it is probable one or two out side speaker will he present. There should be a big attendance of fruit raiser. Corvallis Water Works. J G Kel- ley, the Civil Engineer, was in the city on his .ay from Corvallis to Eugene. At the former city Mr Keller's plans for water works wrre adopted by the city council, and he will superintend the work. The city will pay $14,000 on improve ments. A reservoir will be built on the hiU beyond the cemetery, giving a fall of 250 feet, and a pressure' of 90 feet . The main pipe will be 10 inches That city will have a syscern that will be a credit to IL Cinderella was presented last even ing to a big house. It was the finest spectacular performance ever given here, and was - presented in a manner that pleased all who saw ft. The stage settings were decant, a no the transformations eclipsed anything ever attempted in Al bany. Those wno attended were given a great treat . The specialties introduced at the ball of tl.e prince were rim-class. Leandro and Stack probably have no su perior on the double bar, the slack wire performance and tbe magician both ex cited the applause of the audience, while tse t oie on the trapeze are very expert. An incident not down on the program happened just before the last tranforms -tie scene. The calcium machine In the gallery acted as If it weregoing to explode aisaost creating a panic. One man climbed through a window and hune down readr to drop: able dot dropped from the gallery to the lower flour, white (people generally were confused; but It was only some fizzling. On The Santiam. Theie is so surer index of the growth of a country than the ever fiMTing school bouses sad demand for new owe This is especially true ot the eest end of the county . Prof J S Graham, county superintendent has returned from a visit to Use schools along the Santiam . At M Into a new $ 1,000 school bouse Has been built. At Mill City there Is sn attendance of fifty scholars. The district of (Jrecn Ba sin is so large that It requires several school houses, and they are now building the third. This year school Is being conducted ia one building and scat year acotber will be oc cupied to give the pupils of that particular part of that district an apponunity of aiteo -ding. At Gatesrille tbe directors are pre paring to builds fl.oooo school boate. Salem Journal. Cant Agree. All efforts to reach a tet- t lemest between the Underwriter of tbe E lanchatd and the OP have failed. Tbe ecmpany claim $10,000 salvage and libeled th e snip lor that amount. She has been re let tsed of bonds and the case will be tiled in co art, Tbe 0 P Company offered to take $5 000 but Capt Holland considered that 9i, 500 amply repaid them for all the services rei idered Including towing tbe Blancbard act oss the bar to meet the tug sent up from Frl sco to tow her down. He also offered $t ,000 tnd coal for the trip If they would to 1 tbe Blancbard to Frisco. This offer the O P would . not accept. Newport Neva. Thou Clerks 'the total paid by the aa t legislature for clerk hire, just figured ou t by the Salem Independent, was $2 6,026.10, nearly all thrown away in oae sense, and yet, after all, put into needed circulation. Linn county's share was email. P R Kelley received $85; M B Monteith. SSo: R Whitney. $160: NeUle Klzer, $132. L M Curl was alto a clerk, but his name i not on the list given by the Independent, which may be teen by Interested parties at the Democrat of fice. Fvr Embezzlement. Tuesday after noon Detective San- Simmons arrested In St Lout, Mo, John H Haskins, formerly manager of the Benton County Flouring Mill Company's agency In this city, who left the employ of that company and this country last J uly, and who is charged with embezzling about $2500 from his employ ers st different times while acting a meir manager in tnis citv HasUns par ent reside In Corvallis. ' He at ways bore a good reputation ur.til now. New P. M.'s.The following Oregon fourth-class postmasters were passed on and ll.eit appointment will be an nounced to-day: J R Blackaby, Jor dan Valley, Malheur county; James Leach, Lexington, Morrow county ; John T Simpson, Sheridan, Yamhill county ; P D Mealy, Newport, Lincoln county ; lone '.Whitney, Burns, Harney county ; Clay fa 3urne P Houston, Junction City, Lane ci unty. A Small Blaze. This morning short ly after 1 o'clock tl.e shed on the alley In the rear of the Electric Light office, was disc vercd on fire by Nlghtwatch Lee. Tho chemical engine wa taken out" the a teamrr be'.ng left. One squirt made at the engine reached the scene commit tely extinguished the flamei.though there a condderahle of a blaze, empha cislng t effectiveness of a chemical en gine in . good working condition. An E xcitino Event. The O P R R company steimer Messenger passed through ! ie draw in the Harrlsburg bridge at o o cue k tnis morning ana arrived here at 3:15 e'c. 'ock this afternoon. The mayor and pr orr.ln em citizen met the boat at the count y brut c and a large part of the city's popul tion waa there. Tho excite ment was air, nost a great as the arrival of a New "York steamer around "the Horn' at Sarv Francis co In '49 with the latest paper s, Euge ne Guard. Pr event ana ct to Constipation and Sicks 0acbe. Small Bite Beau. ONE 4M 4BB01D nnui A T C M A will probably be established at Eugene. Enoch AisastroQg a farmer near H.I Is boro, committed suicide yesterday by bang jag himself with a rope io hi barn. An old gentleman frem Hawaii, wearing a label, "ihe Hawaiian Historian," ia in tbe oity selling books ou the history of that is land. A new postoffio between Lebanon ard Soio on the OreKonian R R, has been named, after one of Linn count) 's pioneer families Crabtree. Mr John Meyer has been ap pointed postmaster. Itoasbarfc Review: Salem has theoheek toss for the nl iters bom when there isn't a saimiter in that oily who would pi ay for tbe Aged "boys in blue" for lass tnsn $2.50 a pray. Down this wsy salvation is free. E W Had ley, receiver has til id state ment in th circuit court at Corvallis, show ing tba tea earnings of the road for March 0 to tbe 31st ware SIO.SXJ 'JO snd the dis bursements were 177.73 less The reoeipt on the rail division were 2777.78 from pas eager and 5831 98 from freight. FRIDAY. A base ball club ha beon organised at Lebanon, with J B Mark a manager. Several Willamette V alley Chinese pheas ants are cow located at Mt V.rnon, Wash ington':! boots. Mr Ed Carter has old his grocery store opposite the Rnsa House, to W H Traak, recently of rox Mai le v . An application has been made to have Gest and Fay lemovtd asatterueta of the rtoetver of tbe OP. A Portland printer med !. Powell Kejvea for F200 Th Doctor has pot in s defenee alleging tbai, instead ef thai, the printer owe him $225. A boy wa yceterasy inspecdsd frjm the ooata saiem sob 001 lor bvasJung up a Moo- guetsu pheasant nost, snd lobbing the bud of oer eggs, la Mr Butb park. Titos Calloway, oncex resident of Al ban cnea ax tneoey, wssb, yesterday . M Callaway an one time obtained quite a local vwputaciou a a poet. tie was a relative of Mrs Walter Muoteith. There are many in Albany who will bav a kind re membrane i for "Tjsa." Hswa Bros paid $56 s h-al for four steers for beef. Stereos, tbe IT S minister to Hawaii, signed sad will come home. -Ti e proper -ug. , Mr Talks kindemrteo. recent! closed for a abort time on account i f uek- nee, will reopen 00 -next Monday Tbe Albany orchestra a th Cinder!! entertainment last evening covered :bem jelve with sMunoal glory . They are a credit to the oity. Jteeet tly near Koto, Tho Bilyett, a son of Peter BUyeu, wa pa Hint s shot gun on to a wagon of potatoes after his, by tbe mtux'e, wkwp tbe hammer caught on on of the sack and wss discharged, tearing s portion of the fleshy part of the left arm off. Tic court boo at Albany has Wee aap pKssl with a sat of abstracts accord tng tr tbe Walton system, with 25,000 slip accord log sb two slip system, and now tho Lina eoeotv authorities have mad a contract with Mr rhorne of that oity for as of hi copy righted absfraet book. t'rewon Citv Courier. The bras bead has been orgsaiund at lebenoo with tee fo.iowiug member. Cans Faulkner M Weisoer, J B Marks. A 0 Nickerson, W K Harden, J U Burteashsw. A H Cresoo, Wtu K Upper. W T Cheee, J U opart. E4 Hopirt. K C Roberta. Ira Biod gett.E O Carr. J B Mark lesder.E G Ca.r managsr. Tra veuxo Rt'Ltta. If yon are going to Chicago, digest the following facta io reference to raveling, furnished Hie Democrat by Baggage Master Barker : All baggage should be plainly marked with owner's name in ful,and permanent or borne address. In view of the crowded condition of baggage cars en route, and of the baggage room at the various stations in Chicago daring the Columbian Exposition, the c becking of satchel! and other hand bag gage should be discouraged, and passen gers requested 10 keep such :n their pciSBsaion. All baggage shall be in good order before it ia checked at starting, point. It ia imporant that baggage be identi fied and checked by tbe owner at initial point. This should not be delegated to iiacs-Mieo, experience having demonstrat ed that in a large majority ot cases, es trayg, loss of baggage or other complica tions are the result of the failure of the owner to act for himself. Passengers should in all cases keep a cwemorandum of the check number, and tbe fall lettering of all railroad, omnibus or express checks, aad the date and K'at at which they were obtained. Monger, should not give any baggage or baggage checks to an expressman on less a check or receipt is given by him in exctiangrss and aa an additional security take hie badge number aa a means of identification if needed. Agents of the Parmelee Transfer Company will through all trains approaching Chicago and give transfer checks in exchange for railroat'i checks for the delivery of bag gage to alt hotels, boarding houses and private reeidences. Baggage should, as a rnle, be checked to ''Chicago and not to suburban sta tion, or the Exjwiiion grounds. All baggage to be checked out, when delivered to the -various stations in Chi caga, ebon id bear a transfer or express claim check ; or, if it does not. a depot claim check must be issued at the time the hTjfagTi ia delivered at tbe station - A Curious FRorosirio. The Cor vallis Time proposes that the county court of Benton county estab.lsh a toll gate on the Benton county tide of the Al bany bridge, and say "this matter hat been urged on our county court by a large potion of the responsible tax payer of the county. In local matter we favor a tariff for revenue purposes and as the county court of Linn is dominated largely with republican tariff Ideas It will not complain at the contemplated action of the Benton county court In assuming at an early day jurisdiction of this bridge from the center of the river, Oie line between Benton and Linn. The sole object on the part of Linn as regards this bridge project, was to build up Albany and Linn county at the ex pense of Benton, It now becomes our county couit to demonstrate to Linn county the dutlea of a tariff for the pur pose of protection, to say nothing of inci dental revenue." The attention of the Linn county court is called to this. Prompt action should be taken to set down on It, Hhiloh Cure, th great cough snd croup onre, is for (ale by u. Pocket size contains twenty-rive dosos.only 25a, Children love it Foshay A Mason. 1 AMIKO. ADAMS- STOCKTON. At the home of the bride' sister, Mrs W H Mlllhollen, by Rev A M Acheson, Mr Will Adsms.of Albany, Miss Cuella . Stockton, Albany. The home of Mr and Mrs Adams will hereafter be at Oaaville, Oregon. The many friend of the bride are heartily glad to welcome her back to her old home and former friendships. A. MANORE-SHIELDS. On Wednesday evening, April a6, 1893, at the residence of the brides mother. In Albany, by Rev C G Hsrmon, M Samuel Man roe and Mist Jennie Shields . . BIRD. C AMPBELL. On Frldsy morning, April 28, 1893, In Albany, of consumption, Mrs Frank Campbell, aged about 35 year. The deceased leave a husband and two children nd many friends to mourn her death. Fu neral services at the M E church tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock , AOIItL PKBSON it Mrs l Vanllorn went to Portland this noon or. a visit. Geo Humphrey went laCorvallls this noon on a buiiness trio. Horace Powell fand family have moved fro.n Peoria to Albany to reside. Mr Tollle Plummer. of Garfield county, Wash., who lias been attending a business College la Portland, i in the city tbe guest of hi cousin chief of Police Mereon. Among those who eft for the (tats Y I' S C E to convene in Toritand to night were Mr F M French, Fmrs Mi to, sad Edgar Blodgett, of this city, Mis C B Wilson, of Shedd, Miss Eva Williamson, of Oakville, and Bernaid and Winnie Marks of Lebanon. raioay Mr Jason Wheeler Is confined to his home with inflammatory rheumatism R E Conn will move his photograph gtl lery to Albln next week, and will make Portland hA home. Lat evening a party was tendered Mrs J M living previous to her departure on a visit east. The evening was tpcnl io a pleat ant manner, seasoned by a dellcioos lunch. Misses l.ara and Pearl Vane: snd Mis Nina Gatbraith and Miss Vesta Mason went to Pottland to day to attend the state VPS C E. MrJPGdbraitb also went 'otbat city on hudncss. C C Hngue will rtsign his position at au ditor of the O P and locate in Atomy. Mr Hoguels an energe.lejwtioet man and will make a good citizen. It may Ik r;mrkrd that he is no lulatiot of Wm M Several Albany people will go eatt nest week, among tbe number l.-i Mt E F Sox, Mrs si E Young, Mm J M Irving, Judge Fiian and daughter Ora, and Kev and Mrs E N Condit. Juoge Elian will be atom panted home by hltrtaaghter Ann, tnd M't Irving by her daughter V'elle. Prof and Mr Condit while gone will attend the wed ding of the former brother I H Gondii, once a resident of Albany The Oregon City Enterprie says: Prof G A Walker bat resigned bis position in the publir schools here, at a matter of business Involving several thousand doUsrt rrw sired his Immediate pcrsoaa! attention. He will close his labor her to day. Mr Walker has by a faithful discharge of hi id a: let and excellent instruction commended himttSf to the psttons of the school. Tbe Oregon City' Enterprise give a pop ular Albany minister a new honor: Boide the work of the class andotner c:ia! num btrton the program for Piof Wertchkui ' concert, srrangemesta have been made for a soio by Rev E R Pritchsrd of Albany, He Is the pneeegtar of a fine tenor voic: ar.d ne, 01 nigh rank among vocalists of the eatt. Saving been until 1 -cent! 7 a member of.the ceding c-uartet of the Bcecber chsrch In New York City SATCaxtar Mr J T Gregg, tbe well known Secre tary of the S'ale Aarricultural toetetv went none todav. Dr S C Browne, fonnetly of Mill CBv. ha. lESnriu j to Salem where he h-it ileti led ;o locate in the practice of the profession . Ucenae was fstaed todar for them itiiaee of the well known O P engineer. Jack F Simpson. atd Mrs Ada LAnderon, daugh ter of 8 W Ctoudery. W t Crosby, a promises! wheat buter of aan rtaactsco. whoelwaytshlf s bv tne O P route, t in the citv . He gays the catabiltu mcnt of the steamer line to Loseae. will be a great thing fst the proddce aad bsunest men ot Ibr upper valley. Lugene tlaard. stsaerva The younc man who left a bottle at the Lebanon Junction labelled for return to the Man About Town evident! v took the contents himself last evening. ' Report from all parts of the county are to the effect that farmers do not appreci ate the recent exhoibitantly extrnvagrnt legislature. The increase in taxes made by the Mate hoard of equalization. wa an Injustice that will not scon be forgotten. ar.d will be heard from In the future . Rumor were no: given much credit in the last day of the Hogg management ; but will amount to more now under a management thst mean business. There I a pretty well founded report that the road will be reorganized at an earlv date and construction pushed forward over the mountains Into Crook counir this vear. The DKtjorRAT believe the ie is tern bottom to it. and that a move w 'ill te te that ha some snap to It. Little Suey It quite a Meiican btv. He was given some caadv recetllv. On be ing asked what he should cay he remark ed : '"Give me some more.,r A widower not manv miles from Al bany, whose wife died about a year ago, is bunting for another wife, and has been In Albany vfllln widows and old maid generally. It Is to be hoped they all have the good tense to say no. and the Man about Town can give his reaions for it pretty emphatically if requeslec. Speaklngof the free delivery system in Pendleton, in response to tn item la the Democrat, the E O savs: "The names of the streets and the numbers o! the house are in plain tight, and the necetsaty enetgy In reserve to secure what weare entitled to. Thi atmosphere up here will not allow one to ut Idly down and allow government offi cial! to do at they please. If we do not ecure a tree delivery whe.i we re fully en titled to It we will get a ituvtp stick 'under somebody's t ibt and make them ret a move on themselves. Pendleto 1 00 Albany snd Eastern Oregon is no Willamette Val ley. There is all the difference in the world In the climate. No one it dvihsr sittlnu (till up here " Tke T r. a. . Poetlaiio, Or., April 2S, ISU3. Editors Democrat: The Y P 8 C K convention met in the Grace M K church at 7 :30 Thursday evening. The honse was crowded with enthusiastic Endeavorers and the con vention waa begun by an appropriate praise service. The secretary's report was in teres ing and encouraging. He reported 22(1 so cieties in the state, 182 seniors and 44 juniors, representing aoout 10,000 En deavorers, divided among the churches aslollows: rresbyterian,49; Congrega tional 48 ; Christian. 42 : Bantiat. IS Friends, 9; Methodist Epiocopal,8; Cum berland Presbyterian, 7; United Presby terian. t; cvangeiicai, 3; fjniscopal, 2; unitea nrniren, ; union, ;i; denom infttion not reported, 2. F R Cook.etate treasurer, also reported, and President E S Miller gave his annual address, Today at 11 :15 Rev I D Driver deliver ed a powerful sermon on "The Inspira tion of the Scriptures." A lunch was served in the basement of the church at noon today to all visiting delegates. Tbe attendance is large out cannot es timate definitely at present. Some able speakers are present from the East, and a splendid time throughout the conven tion is assured. The weitther Is favorable thus far and prospects good for continu ance of same. G W Planter, of Salem, formerly of Al bany , arrested for stealing, publishes the following card : There is one correction I will lmply make to the reader of the Statesman, ami alto to the nubile, as to the Coitrt street barber's arrest. 1 "an you all to understand, that I honestly did not steal ttioe dishes and the silver pit cher, a wa published; and also, I further say, I did not admit the charge that I stole them, I said, and I say yet, I had them sen, a ray from the saloon to be cleuned up as I was hired a a bartender at the time and was cleaning "hlng up. Readers and publishers; please understand 1 do not have to steal especially some old dlthst Ol St NEW YOatil LETri New York, April as, 1893 The most attractive window along Broadway just at present Is at Tiffany' sd Union Square. The window Is tastefully arranged containing the many contribution-, which Messrs Tiffany will make to the Chicago World's fair. The first jewel n value it the Tiffany diamond. One of the Attlort offered $75,000 for it but It wa retained and valued at $100,000. List Filday the Union League club held a stormy meeting. The membership committee, at which Mr Le Grande Can non a chairman reported among others, th name of Theodore Seligman as having received the endorsement ol the committ-e for membership. To the surprise ot every one present Mr. Seligman was black balled. It requires one-third to reject an applicant who ha received the endorse ment of the membership committee, Mr Sciignian,lPt young lawyerjandja member ol the uniiln, I nirertlty Howard clubt and tne Mar Association, there 1 no possible reason, personally why Mr Selig man should not have been elected and as pub Ic opinion demonstrates it was for no otber reason than because of hit being a jew. Upon the announcement of the re sult, Mr Jesse Seligman who was vice- president of the club for many year arose, and in a speech with tear In In hit eyes, tendered hi resignation saying that ''what Is good enough for the father it good enough for the son." lilt resignation was not accepted and many prominent mrrrbert begged him to withdraw the same. There is an element in the Union League which caret more for the social than the political fortune of the organi zation and these men opposed Mr Selig man But prominent and leading mem ber such as Chmncey M Deptw, Genera Porter, LeGrande Cannon and Cornelius N Bliss, opposed this action and tried In vain to defeat Cie plant of the minority . This incident ha caused a sensation among club men and politdan and it I said that such action on the pait e,f the Union League Injure she republican party of which it it a pillar. It 1 certainly true that the prejudiced member who contti tuted the con'empdbie minority have no more Interest in the wellfare of the party than the man in the moon. It alto prove tnat 'the great Union League club Is fat becoming a eoclal club. Would touheliere it, the Earl of Craven is said to be tattooed . Of course the prac tical joker oat done tome oi hit fine work and on Tuesday evening It wa whispered around In all the dub that "hit lordship was tattooed snd hit body contained some hne works at rt, and of course hlscoat ul arms all of which are said to be blemished in India ink. A the fable wa originally told the Earl had the freedom of the hRarquet Club and a few day ago while a lew men were enjoying themselves In the swimming pooPthe Earl appeared cad Io a bath robe. When he cast adde his robe, so the story goes, the men were surprised to observe that the Earl wa artistically de-sighed with India ink. Upon being in terviewed the Earl became very angrv and if the Individual appear who split such a yarn which ''his iordsLip" denies, he will be severely dalt wltn by tbe aristo cratic Earl of Craven. If ihe tory I true, vour correspondent would suggest an en ter?! ising dtme-routeum manager to call upon ''hit Eartahip'' and arrange for a public appearance of the great and only tatooed teal life Earl. The Duke De Varagn. who it a direct desendant ot Chrittopher Cojumbo. and who arrived a few days ago from hit na tive land hat been extended the freedom of the city by Mayor Gilfroy. The Duke I a well outlt and nnclv educated mm and in appearance, strikingly resemble our own Chauncev M Depcw. All honor it extended this distinguished visitor and the :rohaii iiie are that h bjUI be escorted Eel over the country under the guidance of the govern.-r.eua. Last Sunday being a per fect day hit grace enjoyed a ride la the park. He is quartered at the new Waldorf hotel. The much adveitlsed, and widely talked ot wedding it over and society look fcr new developments and sensations to otl the tongue for more active gossip and scandal. Tuesday wa a fine day and the vicinity ot Grace church, wa thronged with people long before t.-c time tor the ccrcmonv was to begin. the Invited gutt had considerable troub'e to obtain an entrance but when once inttde the church It repayed them for their trouble. rhorley, the nortsi, has converted ihe saced edifice into a matt of palms and lililes. The groom wa dressed in a neat frock coat, a well as hi brother who acted as best man. The bride on the arm of her father. Braciev Martin entered the church roved In a plain but handsome white dress, made from the best of India til, crape. Of com everyone crammed hit or her neck and some even stood 00 the teat in their endeavor to observe the dis tinguished personage. The rush wm to great that the police lost control cl the people and during; tne excitement a door wa smashed. No further trouble was given and when ihe Earl and hi teven tecn year old bride left as man and wife the aristocracy dispersed. lhursday reorring th: papers printed the new of Mr Edwin Booth's sudden ill nets, and intimated that he had sustained a stroke of paralysis, and was .nine. Very fortunttelv thU rumor wa exagger ated, and it wa learned at the Plavet club, where the grand old actor reside. that he had an attack of hi old trouble with hi digestion but nothing ot a serious nature The old actor 1 growing weak and old but his many friend were grati fied when they learned tna: the rumor of hi agproaching death was unfounded. Wat F II Koelsch. Mioinater John L Stevens, who has rep resented the United Slate la Hawaii tince Mr Blaine became secretary of state, hat resigned his post and will return to the Uni ted State in a short time, probahy about May 1 5. It Is thought likely that President Cleveland v dl have selected hi successor by the time Mr Stevens it ready to leave for the Unit til States, aud there I an Impression in the stale department that the new Ha waiian minister will be chosen as toon at Mr Cleveland returns ftom Chicago. There Is much speculation here regard log Minltte Stevens' probable successor. Ever since Com mlssioner Blount departed for Horolulu, a tumor has been current that the president had decided to make htm a full fledged min- inintcr as soon as hts woik was completed There are several reasons however, why hit outcome now seems less likely than it did a month sgo. Notwithstanding the fac (hat Commissioner Blount's actions have beer, approved of by the administration, the president It not blind to the fact that certain things he has done, notably the hauling down o! the tiny, have been received in this coun try with disfavoi . llie president realues alto that a commissioner appointed to assist in settling a controversy between two parties in a foreign nation can hardly hope to be persona grati to all tactions, after tbe set tletnent is effected. State Baseball Lkaui e. The Ore gon State Baseball League was organized yesteiday by representative of the four clubs, who met in the St Charles hotel, Portland. H Hammond, of Portland, was elected temporary president, and C W Watts, of Albany, temporary secretary. H Hammond, J W McConnell and C W t solution, by-laws and schedule. It wa Watts were appointed a committee on con decided to Open the eaon at 1'ortland and Salem May -, with Oregon City playing at the former and Albany at the latter place. The meeting adjourned until May to, when convention will be held at Salem and other wtllcers elected. Mr Watt who returned but night believes the league will be a success, ard tavs Salem will have a club regardless of contrary report. WAHHISUTON LETT Ell. Miiular correrpoiidetit. W.tsiiixoTox, April 24,1893. Christopher Columbus in. in Washington Not tbe discoverer of America, but his de scendant, the Duke of Veragui. guest of tbe United States, for the purpose of attending tbe openin? ofjtbe Colombian Exposition held in honor of his illustrious ancestor Tbe Duke and his party, in charge of Ccm- mander Dickens, C S N, who is detailed for the purpose of looking after tbe comfort of tbe party, arrived here late Sa'urday even ing, and went at once to tbe hotel at which a magnificent soite of thirteen rooms bad been engaged for them, and over wbicb tbe Spanish flag will fly during tbeir stay in thi city. Yesterday they attended divine service at St Matthews church, and tint afternoon a special reception was held in their honor by 1 1 'resident and Mrs Cleve land, and tonight a musical entertainment at the residence of Senator Brine. Tomor row will be devoted to the sights of the national capital, including historic aft Ver non and Wednesday the Dukal party will go to New York with President Cleveland, Mrs Cleveland and tbe cabinet, where they will see the great naval review from the deck of the C S S Dolrhin. The Duke and hi wife and daughter express themselves as being delighted with America and a ith the more than cordis- reception which has been given them in New York and Wash ington. the only two ritief they have yet visited Prompt and decisive action on the part of President Cleveland and hit cabinet car ried the country safely through what at one period of but week look very much like a dangerous financial crisis. Tbe free gold was exbauted and tbe continued demand for gold for export brought the adminU 1 ration face to face with the question of whether bonds should be sold or a portion of the f i00.000.000 gold reserve fund should be used to redeem notes presented to the treasury. Under the law gold might3! are been refused for treasury notes, they being payable in coin, but as it had been the practice of the department to redeem these note with gold it wa thought it might have a bad effect to discontinue Ihe prac tice just now. so it was decided to use a portion of the reserve fund, and $3,000, 000 of it was used; but it was only for a 1 ingle day Now. the treasury has replac -ad what it rased from the fund and has be sides, enough gold to meet all demands, for the present at least. Public opinion, as represented in Washington, is with Presi dent Cleveiand in the belief that so long at there u known tn he more than $700,000, 000 in gold in the United State, there is noMceatity for the government to sell bonds to procure gold, and at f r using a part of tbe gold reserve fund to redeem notes, that is precisely what thai fund was accumulated for, and many prom incut detxtoerat do not hesitate to say that it should be used, if necessary, uxtil it he- apparent that it will be exhausted bonds should be issued. The pres ent indication are that the treasury will soon have plenty of gold, a bankers, par ticularly in tbe west a&d south, are placing their gold at its disposal, aad visitor to tbe World's Fair will soon turn a stream of European gold our tray. The weather ha been unusually cool this spring, but there is no comparison between tbe weather and the action of reptibtieans now holding federal offices in various states, n writing Setters to beads of the depart ments under which they are, asking that they be allowed to remain in office. Even such a pronounced partisan politician as the notorious Webster Kiannagan. now col lector of customs at El Paso, Texas, bat written asking- that be be kept in office. Evidently Flanagan is of the same mind now corjcerning the holding of federal office that be was almost a score of year ago when be startled a national republican con vention, to which he was a delegate, when tbe same subject was up, by asking: "What are w here for?" It improbable that be will soon learn what tbe democratic administration n here for, and the knowl edge will hardly please him over much. Hon T V Bayard. 0 S ambassador to Great Britain, will start for London on May 30th. He has been, while in Wash ington, the recipient of unusual t iii tewiea and attention- from Sir Julian Pauncefote. tba British ambassador. MASK LEA KX Some politicians never leant wisdom from experience. The msaageu of the democrat ic organization io New York are notable examples of this class, "these managers. led by Shechan, lieutenant governor and Sen a'ors HiU and Murphy, gome 'ime ago laid the plan cf putting every Cleveland ma oat ot every appointment held under the state. To such an extent was this scheme worked that even day laborer about tbe capital, who were known to be ftiendly to Cleveland were deprive J ot their places tad Win I follower of the machine installed tberein. Th is called practical politics, but as every one tees that it is not tor the benefit of the pub lic, but rather tor the promotion oi the In terests of certain managers, it Is just such politics as th; mis ol ot the peo ple do not lUe. The Uct should not be lost nght of that people are more intelligent and more independent at th poll 1 than they were two decades since. There are enough In telligent, independent democrats in New York to smash the mi -tunc now controlling democratic politics io Our state. And hence it is safe to say that that state will soon past into the hands of the republicans 4nent this there could be no question were it not for the fact that the republican party of that state is doruinr.ted by m dis reputable a machine as tbe democrats are subjected to. New York state is naturally democratic but it cannot be kept so while the party leaders subordinate the interests of the masses of the people to that of tbe machine. No conscientious democrat will regret to see Sheehan'n machine smashed at the elections this fall. Tar I Mil pad Knowledge. Ksseutiai to the production ot the most per feet and popatar 'axative remedy known have enabled the California Fig 8yrap Co. to schiey a great luooea in tin reputation of it rem-dY, syiup of r un, aa it is conoed ed to be the universal laxative. For sale r.y an druggists. atarattat The traveling publio are now fully alive to the faot that the Chicago, Union Pacitlo & North-Weftern line offer the very best accommodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only during th World' Fair, but all the year round. To aid Ditrcstton take one Small Bile Bssa attcr eaUnti. 25c. per bottle. ESTABLISHED 1871 by Burkhart Broj. One of the oldeft Job priming Office! in the State, fhe only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY p We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, Flinn Block, for Infants ant "xmtMX. I nvavs eperior to arj , eauiptMn H. X. Asvcsri. II. C Ul 60. Oxford St, BrookZn, X. T. 'i - e" cf 'Cartom' Js santiTaJ arse nw 'taso sretl fcrxw-u thai it isrnaa v. it 1 lr et-jeae IV Few r tr 1 ik Jo a keep OssSora 0-ij as ataernr. P.D. Sew Tor CSry. w ?p a .water tat n.Ynnswl Ctoesv Tza Cvrraca Cttsn Julius Gradwohl s Bazaar The very latest ,'news ia that you can boy at JULIUS R sVOWOBX'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuekle's Coffee, Per Pound ?0s. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1 00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 Gallons Good Pieklee, market firm. no 1 Gallon Ho. 1 Syrup 40 iwlL entKtnot a titecM taora, and all rood will ba sold for act cash from I par tttt lata than resralax prion. My stock of Cblraawarw, fancy goods, aac u to Itsstrahlsssylaa of cttsboa. aa weal as a general wsswmment of srroewnew, eroe 7. lamp ad fixture i enmpfsU. ! tnako a speciiits of fine ia, coffee and jrrng powder, and always pi-two nay custotnera. or sawatmt irapotsstbts hsssnrsUKss - -MTOfjiZE ROM flMSTrraTJOMS. THt FARMERS k AUNTS INSURANCE CO -Alststssy, EKAil, risssdiaC 4 L OU WAN, I Cowan, Ueo F Simpson, K F Reed, J K fftti bertord, CJ -ALSO DISTRICT several Solid Eastern Boy Stoves aid Ranges Buy Stoves and Ranges - -J.- Bay Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves mi Ranges ot Bay Stoves and Ranges ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholesale and Soda Water, idem, Orttage ttntljlroa, Neltsor Waters, Country order solicited. Gi vejus a trial. OPPQ8ITE RUSS HOUSE, ALBANY. Children Cststnrf m e rrcr CkHr I fhsxeSsricaach, rtiarraasv ttwexatloa. for srrraJ years I hare 1 luiommi mini gssw sassswaw n ssusmtttxx'l awiiswi lawMiuflBtt 1 Eoe t T. Panax. H. D Kew York Oat - ajrr. 77 Xrnar Srzssar. Saw You ocsapanig. J alias Grwdwonl. 1 o wRrrsMAw. Geo F SIMPSON. Vie rusllial D B Monteith. H tssrnnerf . Staart.1 OVrttsmta. 1 W f!o te AOBXTS IOB- and Foreign Companies ot Matthews & Waslibiir ot Matthews & Washburn V ' o. of Mattfie s& Washburn Matthews & Washbnr-1 a ot Attar s & Wasabi Retail Dealers In Biro Beer, Narsaparllla aa 1 lrei Iran Wine. Etc. ALBANY, OR.