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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1893)
Wb Ucutotrat. Coinage at the United States mints in March was: Gold 11,985,790; silver $1,303, 844; minor, $133,361. i t A match-cutting machine cuts 10,000, 000 sticks a day, and arranges them over a vat, where the heads are put on before they know it. The diameter of the son is about 866,000 miles. A mountain upon the surface of the sun, to bear the same proportion to the globe itself as the loftiest peak on earth, would need to be about 600,000 miles high. The Moravians in Georgia established the first orphan asylum in the American colo nies about 1738, and Rev George White field laid the foundation stone of one 10 miles from Savannah in i740. In I876 there were 400 orphan asylums in the Unit ed States. In some parts of Norway cattle and horses are fed on fish during part of the year, and enjoy it greatly. Pigeons have been accustomed by Spallanzual to feed on meat only; when their formerly favorite seeds were offered them, they turned up their noses and stalked off. Do Soto landed the first sine bronght to America in Florida in 1538. Portuguese sailors introduced them into Newfoundland and Nova Scotia as early as 1553. The English settlers took some to Virginia in 1609, and in a few. years thev overrun the colony so that the Indians ate the flesh o many running wild in the woods. The biggest load ever hoisted by a crane in America was. a lot of rails, weighing 13 tons nicked up last Thursday at Sparrow Point. Baltimore, to test the "shears" used on Friday in lifting the Krupp gan. This latter weighs 124 tons, and was- brought to this country in the ship Longnell. Having been transferred to railway cars made ex -pressly for the purpose, the mammoth can non has now gone to Chicago. Immigrants from Hamburg snd other cltie9 of Europe where cholera prevailed last year, and is likely to reappear this Spring, cs.reful'y avoid New Votk city. Most of tbem have heretofore came by that city, but now the guard against infection Is so strict more are coming by way of Cana da. The dinger will ae greatest all along the border line between Canada and this country, and especially at lake ports. Two pauper immigrants were only a few daysago sent back to Montreal. THty had come from Hamburg the present season . 0er at McCoy tbe other day we met Mr Beckett, the ' count v assessor. In re sponse to a question, he said he intended io as -ess properl y at from 50 to 63 per cent ol its value. Sheridan Sun. Now is not this s-range taK for a man acting under the sol-mnities of an oath? When Mr Beckett took th: oath of office he delibe: itely swore that be would assess properixat too percent of Its value? Is It any wonder that the legislatures of this state in years gone by have continually been brought to t heir whs end attempting to de vise a scheme of laws that would secure aa equal and uniform assessment of all prop erly? There is something radically wrong io man instead of the law. No great effort is required to rind that wrong, but the man who will be able to correct it must be re garded as a pubHc benefactor. H Severs McKea, one of tbe Pittsburg capitalists who bought the BrOOklywEIevat ed road and who is president of a syndicate con:rol'!iis the electiic systems in about' twenty ci.ies, says that it will not be long before an electric line wi'l be built from New York taPl.iladelphi'. The run will be made in one boor, with bat one s op, which will be at Trenton. This is abont half the lims now taken by the fastest passenger trains. To accom plish this the road will be eoclosed with a high fence, and no grade crossings will be permissible. Even with these precautions, watchmen will have to, be s;aiion'd at short intervals 'o guid against intrusions on the inclosed grounds and keep a closs inspection of the track. The care and rails will be of special design and very heavy in construc tion The second largest diatnand in the world is now undergoing a cutting process -I Ant werp. I's weight is at present 474 carats, bat it will loe no less lhan 2?4 carats before it is ready for the market. Even then, how ever, it will be the second largest diamond In he world, standing between the 8 carats of the Persian olamor.d, "Great Moogul." and the 197.7 carats of the Russian "Orloff ' brilliant. Roughly speaking, the Antwerp stone will b; about the size of a pigeon's egg. In itt present state it measure 2 74 i nches oy 1.767 inches. Its polished sur face will sseasxre .7860! aa loch each way. Sjme Idea of ilie enormous expense of tbe t'ransmntation ui cott'y trifles from the nuuial to the rommertial state may be gath ered from '.re fact I hat the eat English crown diamond. tie "Kh-l-noor," which has only the lOmparuively modest weight of luz'cara's. c e-t no lest th in 8:oo pounds to cut r ml j.o lfc. The olistilng of a very large diasaeavi i- ver alow piocess, and it will be a long liB befute the actual value al 'he Antwerp stone can be ric:ei mined, a jtt lustre Hi d water cmno'. be decided until t has lei! the polliliei's Prcsiden' CUvrl-r.d makes tne fwllowing statement: ''The ir.rlinatfon os tbe parto' the pabfC o accent newspaper re;iorts con- cer on" he it.tenlio.u of tliose charged with the ssAMBSgenseal of our na'ionai finance tec i'- t ju't'f. ny einohatic cor.tradiction of the 'aterren', tht '".ie redemption of any kind of tieaiury nete, rxcet in gol '., has at sny ti ne been ilrierinlneii upjn, or cntem- pla-e l by ihe xccreturv pt the treaiury, or ! . " .... any nremberof thr jii itarnt administra tion Tat 1 -(.sklent and hit csrsiaet are at toletrh hsrn)oni"is lne determination to exeuie tv rv power cnferred upon t'l-ro to maintain the public credit, to keep the pub lic tsstli BU a1 to prerve the paiity betwren gol I 1 n'l ti'v-r and btaeen all fiasn:e ob 114 :.i. of the govenimuiii. While the law of 189 1, forcing the purctttaVS of a fixed amount ol rtleer every m mth. pr;)viJes that the secretary of tin treasury, in bis discre tion, may redeem in either gold or silver the treasury notes given inpayment of ilver purchases, ye' the riecUmion ol lba policy of ihe government, to maintain the parity between the tw.i metau.geemt o clearly to regulate thl, discretion as Io dictate their rciemption in gold . 1)1 cruise, perplexity an.! dilficiltic have crown out of SI unfor tunale Inotifial boliC) which we Lmnd in vogue, an lernliarrastmts)tshv ar';o frjrn ill - ad via i financial U-gis'atlon confronting ut nt every lum, but with a iheeiful confi dence aiuong the tieonU and n. pat:iot:c ul positio 1 to cooler ,ic, ihe ihicatened dangers will he averted, feariiasj a legisla ive return to a liet'.er nn I vmnder fi-i mclal I ta The strong Bfssftt of thcciiiasyy 1 stilt unlinpali ed and that giif' of. our pcop'e, l ich lias rtsttll' fuilrd iu I list "rue f need, i- a hand to save tit from li-H-'r " To nlil Dmvstlnn a mall U1U1 Itac alts-i eatsltsr, . i-er uuitlu. CLEVELAND'S SPEECH The following is the speech delivered by President Cleveland on opening the World's Fair. I am here to join my fellow citizen In congratulations which befit the tccasion. Surrounded by the stupendous results of American enterprise and activity, and In view of the magnificent evidences of Ameri can skill and in'elligence, we nerd not fear that these congratulations will be exagge. ated. We stand today In the presence of tire oldest nation ol the world and point to the great achievements we here exhibit, asking no allowance on the score of youth. The enthusiasm with which we contemplate our work has intensified the warmth of the greeting we extend to those who have come from foreign lands to illustrate with us the growth and progress of human endeavor in the direction ol higher civilization. We who believe that popular education and a stimula tion ot the best impulses of our citizens lead the way to a realization of the proud nation al destiny which our faith promisee, gladly welcome the opportunity here afforded us to see the results accomplished by efforts which have been exerted longer than ours in the field ot man's improvements, while in ap preciative return we exhibit the unparalled advancement and wonderful accomplishment of our young nation, andpresent the triumph of vicorous sell-reliance of an Independent people. We have built these splendid edi- j fices, but we have also built the magnificent fabric of a popular government whose grand proportions are seen throughout the world. We have also made men who rule themselves. It is an exalted mission in which we and our guests from other lands are engaged, and, as we co-operate in the Inauguration of an enterprise devoted to human enlightenment and in the undertaking we here eater upon, we exemplify in the noblest sense the broth erhood of nations. Let us hold fast to the meaning that underlies this ceremony, and let us not loe the impressiveness of this moment. As by a touch the machinery that gives life to this vast exposition is now set in motion, now at the same instant let our hopes and aspirations awaken the force which in all times to come shall Influence the welfare, dignity and freedom of mankind. THEFi rlHK yt KEN OF ET.bANI The Princess of Wales spends a preat aeai ot wme in me open air, oui sueuuwu t take any more exercise than an infant. She I w 1 S1. t .. 1 Al J "A 1 ... A 'r-L moo, p wuuiiii :, j .nUu,e . .u riding in season, but never walks in public j owing to a sligLt lameness, about wnicn . she is said to be very srasative. She has a ....... ' i small supply of back, her hearing is so defective as to be the source of much em barrassinent and she has an ugly scar on her neck that has kept the dog collar neck lace in style for nearly a quarter of a cen tury' It is said in the beauty shops of the Rue de la Paix that it takes three hours to make her up and, four wigs a week to keep her head dressed. Her face is as delicately tinted as a miniature portrait. Her wigs are dressed in Paris and all her cosmetics come from the same firm. She is rarely seen without a dotted gauze veil, her bon- nets are exquisite, her dresses are the very . .. , . c. . perfection of the draper s art. She has a most beautiful figure, her manners are charming and she is adored by the English people, but she is not beautiful. It was for the Danish Princess that the Jersey bodi"e was originally made. A famous London tailor brought out the glove fitting seamless waist and when the Jersey Lily ordered a duplicate the modiste to Her Highness re- fused to make it. For an entire season, so . the story goes. -the Princes was U mis- tress of the jersey, and when she weaned of it it was given to tbe world SOW INTEKKSTIhG FAC1S There are 90 active -volcanoes in Cent's! America. Prof Simmonds of Hamburg has proved that flies can infect eatables, and especially sauces, with cholera genii?. The sun's average distance from the earth i nearly 93,000,000 miles. At one period of the year the earth is 3,000.000 miles farther from the sun than at another. a IlC I IK US UI IUI DUU 13 HJUW IU WW it- I-.J -a .1.. j;.. " r t caaiuics, ueiu as tlx uaatoanjc uuc iw, 1 at. ta I J : avt ,inn t-.ll iruui taac eve. as wwim iwuuc w,vw " . ' , , , .... . mooni to produce a day as brilliant as ons of cloudless sunshine. Seventy million of people in Europe, it is j said, wear wooden shoes. The leather in- j dustry of this country would a tremendous impetus if these people could be persuaded and conditioned ao that they persuaded and conditioned so that they could afford to wear shoes made of leather. An ingot of gold weighing 2l4' ounces, and worth about 850. is made oy Use gold beaters into sheets so thin that it would take 48,600 to measure an inch in height. By the labor of beating, the gold acquires a value of $400, making over 26.000 sheets of gold foil or gold leaf. An interesting experiment that proves the value of fresh air in winter, even for very young and delicate children, was tried a month or two ago in a well known babies' hospital. All the sickly babies that were ! tunenng lrom chronic inuigesuon ana mca of nutrition, and who twould improve in spite of good food, perfectly ventilated rooms and careful bathing, were taken to the top ward of tbe hospital, where all the windows were open wide, wrapped as for the street and pot in their perambulators, j They were kept in this room from two to four hours deily and soon showed a mark - ed improvement. Their cheeks became rosy, thev gained in weight and appetite. Very delicate children had bags of hot water placed at their feet. Slavery was recognized by law in Vir ginia in 1620; in MaesacbusetU in 1641; in Connecticut and Rhode Island about 1650; in New York in 1650; in Maryland in i663; in New Jersey in 1665. There were few slaves in Pennsylvania. Some were there as early as 1590, and were chiefly in Phila delphia. At about the name time a few ap peared in Delaware, and in the ptrolina at the time of their settlement. The cultivation of the sujrar plant v, a ! introduced into this country about tbe year 1741 by some Jesuit lrom Santo Domingo, who, with some negro slaves, nettled on the banks of the Mississippi, just above New , 'PL c a :il Orleans, ibehret sugar mill was con Hructed about 1758, but the juice of the cane was not converted into sugar until 1764. When Louisiana was ceded to Spain sugar making ceased there and was not re vived until 1791. There was finished at the diamond plate ghi-H ayorks at Kokoino, Ind, tbe other day, the largest plate ever cast in the United States. It is 150x126 inches, or 12H feet wide by IS feet in length. Other plates ns large as this havo been cast, but never be fore has one of this magnitude run tbe gauntlet of the finishing rooms without breakage. W L Dotigla , the big shoe man, w bote picture appeals In nearly etery paper, It talked of at the next Candida e of Oem ocr its for governor of M assaohti'i t s. M r Douglass lives at Brockton, satj is 48 years nf ag- He Is a live advertiser, ami hence hi tnp rpi iHfVaifon': f r m ik jm; ft 'd-claij The Democrstic Administrsiton turned oer to it Republican successor four years ngo neatly ten time a much free gold asll re;e v.-d back from Secrftavy Foster last M mtn And yet the k -publican organs at - r hit a return to tbe old regime ! nec e. ar to restore "coafidence." Tbey Increase appetite, pun.y r . -rboss rstemaadaotontbslirsr till lacsarisAmist. A ,HTsr REBUKE' The Grant County News says that the hardest people on earth to please aro those who borrow the paper from some of his subscribers, and who never spent a rent for the paper's support. The News man is right. Eugene Guard. The rebuke contained in the above is a most righteous one. The exportence of the JVncs and Guard is the experience of every newspaper man in the country. There are men who declare the evening or morning daily in small cities as of "no account,' "containing no news," etc, and yet thes self same men stand about shops and stores at the hours when these papers are to be delivered and are the first to snatch them up and read them to the great annoyance vid disgust of the subscriber. Complaints have been made at this office more than once about the conduct of the picayune class who continually feast upon the product of other men money. Newspapers should come to the front and educate a more liberal, consistent spirit into the stingy mortals. TELtTii TRUTH ' The democratic papers of the country are untiring in their onslaughts on the pen sioners of the late war. Mount atntf r . The Democrat challenges the production of any reputable, credible witness who will testify to the truth of the above statement . Why the Afountautttr should so far forget itself as to thus wander away from known truth is quite a mystery democratic papers all over the country are untiring in their onslaughts on those who are fraudu lently drawing pensions and they are ably seconded in this public duty by the Or gom'.ao, Chicago Tribune, Grand Army (iatritf and other leading republican or gans. Ted the truth. The Salem Journal is horrified st the thought that a democratic administration, ' under the leadeisiip of president Cleveland, ' should haul down Bag at Ha-1 wail. But does not tfhe Journal know that the Hlrtiaon .dmioUlratlon di avowed the : of mnisX si.-,1& i hoktm- the tan i " -j , .trx .km 0vrrmnent lii dir,M rtn thjl mllind and declared that he had no au-1 .... . , . . I t M . -. - . U I propiiiy auu iiiiuui auiuuiuy, proper . thinu to do atas to take it down. There j .as no n,ore right or reason for placing it were in the nrst instance man mere would be for placing i above Parliament riouse in London. The cor. lit ion of a partisan re publican paper is pitiable in the extreme wher. it baa no better grounus upon which to base a criticism of a democratic admin istration than that of taking doarn the stars and stripes unlawfully floating over Ha-i wall. j a ccrreaponcent writes to learn how '.t was . ,ht a negro was pot op at auction In Mis- ! .... . . j ,nJ hU .ervices for m months sold j t0 ,he highest WoJer, despite ihe thnteeatb ! j fOUreenih amendments to the Const!-- I laU..B of the United Sure.. It will be ob- . a-rved that the ih-iteeuth amendment of the . Consti' Jticn m-re'y provides that "neither j nor jocjuou.y w,itudc" hll ex. iat ..cept as a punishment for crime herecf the party shall have been du'y con victed;" sad the fourteenth amendment j pro,i5ei that "do State shall deprive person of life, liberty or property without doe process of law." The n gru io ques tion was convicted ol a crime by "due pro cess oi law, sea tae Mate "t .Missouri sold his service "as a pania-io-eat" for ih crime. Which it bad a right In do. ror ine eveo cai eaumg in 1021, the annual exportation of tobacco to England from VirgrnU avera-ed about M w pounu., jam. ,t:ea u supprets U inordinate ue, and wote "A Counter-blast to Tobacco;" and in ! passed a bill lor thit 1 tobicct was allow?. I Mm !6ji. Parliament uurp ..f, t7 which an to t imported into T- , . r . - . ... cng.anu excel , . can v irgina sua tne .om - ; . . . X er Isles, Bermuda, and none w . allowed Io , . , , . . . . be pUnted m England mmggmggmm I Mr.McKinley iil make hi campaign in Ohio this year l.olding Srmly on tbe measure bearing bit name and wtiio was repudiated ' ! ,eM ,iin e x emphatic "er C" .nv cation It will really be pat net ic as well at . humorous 10 tear Mr McKinley ibretb tbe ' old s'raw over again . I Fersaaa! Cxperteae. Bon J-mrs W Hi alec', wlula aerviog ha tilth term aa'npeakeit'f th Aast mbly of tie StaU of New Vori , writes: TaTttorKsw 7oBK,AssntUT Chambsb. sj banv. Jan 16tb, 1890 I desire or ce more in baaar my tastimooy to tbe vslneof Alioock's Parous Plastars. I fcave used them for twenty hre tears naat. and can conscientiously cnn.meod them as ' ,he ext.rM reroedy ibai I have known j Years sgo, when thrown lrom a carriage snd 1 '"''""slv ir jared, I gaye tb-m a thorough irial: in a very io-t time tne Ban that I was aoiTerinz duappeared.aod witnin a week I was entirely relieved. On another occa sion, when snfferini! from a savers cougb, which threatened polotnaary difficulties. : whieh I was recommended to go to Florida ! to relieve I determined to test the plaster j agsio: I applied ibetn to my chest snd he : Inecn the hooldttr blades, and in less tbso ; ..,, . aa "l v, Jiji'v ot is ri uiriy can. tan Still soother occasion when tafieriog frorr. an at tack nfrheomttiam in tbe ehoulder to auch an extent that I 0 told scarcely raise my srm, I again resorted to the plasters, and within a very few dys the rheomttlam entirely dis sppetrtd. I hv tnrm constantly by me, wnthrat home or abrotd. My family as wells mt si 'f lave food them to be a s iverei.-i remedy, both f r external sod iay ternsl tiiib!es I never had bnt one kidoey difficult; in my lite, and tbe application of the plaster cored me in a week. I desire, I raid b'foie, to er my 'testimony ia a t ol l.c way to their efficacv, and I know of no In tier way of deioir it than bv giving yon nt persona! experience. How's This! We offer One Handled Dollars Reward far any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P J. CHENET & CO. , Prop. , Toledo, Oa We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cha ncy for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions snd financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. Wkbt Tocax, Wholesale Drunlst. Toledo, O. Wtuiuo, KtNtfarr A Maavi.i, WholoalDTs Bists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curt - is taken Internally. acting; directly upon the blood and mncouu stirfscesof the syatem Prlco. Me, ne r bottle. Hold by all Drutnris'.i. TeslimDaa'.aia Irea. HIMIIt Some people aiound Creswell, Lane county are making an effort to move the county seat 10 that p ace. lust wha' sense there is in the movement at thit time of thf season one cannot see. Frank Rugge, a San Francisco man, who owns an eagle, has bet.n in the habit of catching his neigblior'scsts and giving them to the eagle tn fend on. He is said to have-en joy td witnessing the dying agony ofthe cats. He was arrest ed by the Humane Socielv. An Olympiadispalcli of Monday says: Judson Reeves, a boy IS years of age, a messenger in ihe office of the secretary of state, was married today to Miss Canie Nichols, aged :!. Miss Nichols was a clerk to the house committee on appro priations and revenue and. taxation ol the last legislature. She is refined and well educated, and wits a graduate ol lba Willamette university. The couple lelt lor Salem, Or. The boy's tnoMier sane tioued tbe match, and gave a certifi cate that doth were 18 years of age. An item is vomit the rounds to the feel that Hoke Smith's aunt recently j died and left him 200. while to the I heathen she bequeathed $50,000. Salem papers are having a red hot time over a local sensation. If all the accusations are true there is something "rotten in Pknmakk ," or Salem. A young man in Portland embezzled $800 and will spend several years in the pan for it, with a wrecked life to pny for the act- He says whiskey did it. The papers are full of lives wrecked by whie key. We have one at onr own door will We have one at onr own door with the prospect of a life in the penitentiary ueiiire Mini Persons going to the Columbian expo sition should bear iu mind that atter they have paid 50 cents general admis sion fee it would cost abont $37 additional to see all the sights 0 side shows inside, which, it is said, form part of the gener al exhibition. It will take a long purse to go to the World's fair. Poor people had better keep away. The following from a Colfax paper might be applied in Albany, and makes a suggestion worth considering '.in refer ence to hon e instructions: "H W Zim merman employs three hands at his t . ... . - . . . , 1 taciory. ow nis factory lurnisnes only 1 a twentieth part o! the cigars smoked Kam in rtaalf..- tt .1.:- : J . uere in t onax. it tins industry were properly patronized here he could em ploy ten men, their wages would like i wise te iptut to benefit home industries and eatablisments in a reciprocal manner. A Portland paper says Astoria dailies arrive in that city at the same time of Denver dailies. AtlV nnO Hill, tliitllcat rill ,,,.. aa ,. paper is a gold mine will please read the j loiiowiag: "Hie Spokane, Wash.. . Spokesman, sine of the brightest dailies m the r.verureen state, has been ab- sorbed by the Spokane Review. The proprietor of the Spokesman. W B OTtrZrZTZZZZZ: I 1 J - - " - - A as- V 1 1 . 1 1 1 C TXUII-lllliat, WIIU Uf The extreme economists, who oppose an snDTODliat on far the World', (i; nil doubtless he pleased to learn that, at it wa i " fl ". i was ki uiur or I n f ramm u aa inn urn . . . . . ... . . oc rcrurneo to rne ireasurv ot me state. j A dispatch from Seattle readt: Action l was taken by the ci'y council to prevent the sale and circulation of the Seattle Mercury and Spokane bunder Sun. The local correapondeut is threatened with a 0f , mnd ftnxhen if discovered. The Salem bridge must be in a verv bad condition judging from the following from ,he Journ1' "Of course.none would think , of running street cats over the big bridge i to West Salem . The county doubts if It could stand up under a coat of paint." . .... ' , A most striking case of patrlontm un- rcConUed is that of an Oregon paper ! which urres its readers to patronise home merchants as tbe way to bullJ up ne 'ow" .,OOK ,n "r. u,.i,i v ilia, jf ipc, ,iwws ilia, iv 1 1111 ued by one solitary merchant of the tetwn. i?u-h public spirit at this on the ?art 01 ltie e"or b,,r heroic. A Bridgeport, Conn, (dispatch says: "Twenty-five babies were born in one b'ock here today Four proud father are receiving congratulations on the ap pearance of twin In their families. All the dector in town were engaged and nurse were t uirring to and from the tariouf huuse. Mother and babies are all saU to be doing ell." F E Wilres:th publisher ol the Prine- j vllle New, give It op. He say he ha touna can inu ne is nor a newspaper man and he wi'l quit tne businc and sr to and he wi'l qui chopping wood. He ha made an assign T ; Bnd now breethe frceH . The avtinn -e ! will now engage in collecting back sub- jcripti"n accounts Kx. . A live exchange saw: "The constant I " ; ,dver:itr tt the man who increase, hia trade. When a merchant wr business man ha no more bargains to oner, no more ' goods to tell, rod taxes down hit sign and I .11 . , , , ... . . - ,. , discharges his clerk is the time m quit , 1 dvertising. At long as he ha anything to ofttr the customer who steps Into hit store, he hat something to aCer the newt- paper reader become more accusto.nen to , IIn U tf he he paper hr reads for offer of the wants to buy. great many taw on our statu e book f 1 . .. ... - . - real manv laws on our statu e books 11:11' i- I, a 1. . I , are dis give 3476, Paaie itio, Hill' Code: "it shall be the duty of the justice of the peace in each county to report to tbe county treat urer once In each month the amountof all nnec. riillertec he nem. ai nnm ea,!. fine collertec by '.hem, frum whom col lected, and ..hat the fine was for, and at , the same time pay to the county treasurer In monev the full amount of said fine " " ' Ce .1' ' EST. MVe collec'ed no fine, men they thai! report that fact to the county treasurer. ny oiheer wlilfullv violating any of the pro vHions of this act shall be deemed guilty if a mltdemearernd on conviction tbere- Of thai! be fined not more than $25 for ; eacn onence, 10 or ptw m'o inc tuurny tressury for the benefit of the common tchooit." TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Mat a lead as Albany's. Ohboox Citt. Or. May 2. Bids have been opened for the issuance cf 920,000 Id bonds for the funding of the floating riehl nf the ritv for fsO vpnr.4 nt 6 ner rent. Four bids were received from the following firms: E C Jones A Co. New York. $17. 500; H C Burkbard. Oregon City, riO.OOO, less 92000 commission ; Sclietzer & Co, To ledo. 0, 120,000. less 6 per cent; De Van & Rutlege, Los Angeles, par and accrued in terest on the full amount. lacfeatla.' Washington, May 2. l"be gold in the treasury is increasing slowly aad the situa tion is regarded as satiefactoiy- It is hoped by ihe department officials tnat Secretary Carlisle hna made arranirenients with the Chicago bankers f"r a large addition to tbe treasury uold. There ha been some criti cism of the statement that the Chicago national banks held more gold coin than those of New York. 'I he last official report on the subject showed that the Chicago na ¬ tional banks held over 9-2.000.000 more gold than the New York national banks. Will Not BefArreiled Washikotok, May 2. Orders were is sued o tbe treasury officers, special agents, revenue agents and others not to arrest un registered Chinamen after May 5. On that date the Geary Chinese law provides that all unregistered Chinese in tbe United States may be arrested. As the const it u tionality of tbe Geary act will be tested be fore the supreme court May 10, it is de cided to await iU decision before ordering wholesale arrests Up to noon today 14 of tbe 130 Chinamen of this city registered, and it is expected that most of the others will do so. Lower Bales Nkw Yohk. May 2. The Trunk Line rate commission met today for the purpose of figuring rates to California points, its well as to Chicago. The Missouri river lines having named 945.50 as the rule from all points on the Minsouri river, a rate of Ii0.50 from Chicago to Kansas City, first class, was named and wil1 be used in figur ing tuning rates to California. If tbe idea of tbe Trunk Line rate commission ars car ried out it will cost tWO to nee the big fair, w through to California and return to New York. A Traitedy San Fbancisco, May 2. Henry L Brad dely, a plumber, was shot and mortally wounded tonight by Mrs William Worth ington, the wife of a photographer on the Kxaminer. The immediate caune is un known, but tbe homicide doubtless grew out of the recent relation nf the nmmin with Baddely. Two years since Mrs! Worthington eloped with Baddely while her husband was in Euroepe. I Sam h, Mnv 1. Fridnv niralil ;,, ., ,wi corridor upstairs in the postollice block, W J A'Shaw was assaulted 1 'V an unknown ""1 " unto inritt miwh ac mm. 1110 re volver was not loaded with bullets, us Shaw whs powder burned only, and the range was clijse and no bullet holes were found nny where. His assailant made his escape through the Journul office. This morning Alvin Uowman, the foreman of the Journal arid Elmer Worries' were arrested for male inlr the assault. They will have exitmiim tif-ns tomorrow. VI he Took II. .Tacoma, May 1. The Northern PaeiRe Ej. press Company lias detectives at work searching tor a package containing 1000 in gold, which was stolen from the com puny V safe last week. The money was from Ben E Snipes A: Co'sbunk at Hoslyn, consigned to Dexter, Horton Ar Co, Seattle It, was missed Friduy lust. Michael Q Sol livan was sent for. and is now looking for the man or men who stole the money. Two i or three other detectives rore also engaged in the search. To Nark Whiskey t ftohiciu un. Or, May 1. Coroner Chriaj was called this morning to Iiillard's station to field an inquest on the body of Henry Akers, aged 21. There was a dance given at ti school house near Dillard's Saturday ni). ut Akers and others attending over loaded themselves with drink. Akers was placetl in a wagon and cave in to sober up , i . . . , . - . auoui 1 a in At zao a menu was going I to take him home in a buck, and found him '.!... I TL. : . 1 i- i a ,i dead. The jury returned a verdict of death from overstimulation of the heart, caused by alcohol The HlaaUal-pl Rlalag. St PatTL, Minn, May i.- The Mississippi ! river is rapidly attaining a flrod height. The government gauge at St Paul regis tana id feet. It is now nearly a foot higher than at any previous time this soring, and ' is going up rapidly. With the danger line I at St Louis at 14 the river will have to rise ! but little before serious results follow. As """ft'. Ha former spring rise in the : ' mnnlli .,f A nri I tl.ia i - .. 1 . , . 1 . v u. ,iiti iii uiuivin, uupinniiiu ed. St Paul people look for high water in the month of June. Ha. kins Beiara. Pokti.and. May I. John H Haakins. formerly represeetative in this city of lie i Benton County flouring mill, .arrived yes terday minting from St Louis in custody of detective Sam Simmons. At 2 o'clock be was arrainged in Justice Mcl-eviit'a court on rharire of embezzling ftlaOO of , the company's funds, and. waiving exami 1'.? the irrund turys, V 1 ... - in I nr ail lit oi i. Thi amount be fur- nrtbed and was released from custody. ar trr of a a lar) As jArasoxviLut. Or, May . Tbe trial of ; antes Hards, indicted for murder bv the ! grand jury at the present term of court, be- gan tnts morning The murder was com mitted 2 year airo. and one li inir witness is here to testify against tbe accused. The t y elMea 1, Tex. April 80. A dispatch from Cisco says that out of 400 residences in the town, only one is uninjured, that of City Mawbal Epplea. A freight train wail ing at the depot for orders wa hurled com pletely from tbe track and totally wrecked The engine, weighing over 30 "tons, wa turned completely over. The brakessuan was instantly killed and tbe conductor died : this afternoon from hi injuries A con servative estimate places the total propertv loss at over f-0rt).U00. Chicago. May L At 12:30 we are noti fied that the Western I'nion has lost every wire sooth of Nasheille It is rumored that a eye -one has swept the country from there to Xew Orleans. Art est est rw Alrallaa I ka On egos City. April 30.- Yesterday Wayne Orider and Adronicu Clarke were arrested and taken before Judge Foots, i charged with stealing nine salmon from Joan Kitchen, all parties ia the case bring aahenuen. Tbe trial came off last night before a jury, which found both guilty. A fine of Vi was imposed upon each. The , fish bad been left by Kitchen, strung on a j rope and ud to a twig- on the nver bank. . Oyider aad Clark cam along Sodmg them appropriated them to Ifcetr own w. Battle. YAtTAaAISO. bloodiest buttle April 30. Seot the: which ha 'been fouirht stace the r voluUcn besraa in Hio Grande do Sal, Kraui. ha just reached here via Boeno A res. A corresiaoadent in that city telegraph that the eOKairerueut occur " ' red c.-ar an Louu. 1 ieaeral Telle le.1 the gorernnwiit force and GentyaJ Tavarei . ! comman ie.1 the revossaaaonary army. The 1 details on ine utilise nave not a yet been obtained, but it is reported boo men were i "' " re divided rteariy equally Iwl STO bataMl U ta-u KsSBiaw, Victory i claim- 'ed for each ride. Tae WtsrM I sir Chicago. April 30. -When I'rt-sidenl ; Cleveland presses the electric button, the J signal of the formal opening of tbe world 1 Columbian exposition tomorrow, the public I will still find the fair in a somewhat ia- J I complete condition. But thi reirretful sit- t -, , , . , , . t ssuuo s uuc mure w ittraiDeMB 1 i ,1 . , , ' -" a-,.,,. I mIu. .. .1 ... - at . ,1 -A : 1 - itton. Allrmpied ftalrl lr Poittla so, April 30. A V Brant poke : i hil worJ, .jch uty0Q hrr'lbat 1 I ia .ja. , .. : . . . crossly to his wife yeterday afternoon, and :ie sn-jTiiy anerwaras auempiea to taxe her life. She is now I nag at her home, at j67 Twentieth street, near Klltworth. on j tbe Kast Side, with a bullet hole in ber ' brst- which " V'Tsickn attending her s feajj, WI j prove fatal Bats BardrU as a rreacaarr. New Yoas. April :). Kev Robert J Burdette. better known as "Bob" Burdelte. tbe humorist, appeared this morning in tbe nuloit of the Baotist chun-h nf lite Rtssss. .' tany. at Sixty-fourth street and HadTanei I avenue. ", t.rrS. iu the rear, is the Of al! a .to ooa fo.- ng radical chantr ia rrmsr j to health Dt.rin lb witter, the ststent la-comc ta a certain eateat slogsred with and the j lood i. aided with impurities, owirg 10 lack t 01 ramie-, Close counn, m. llS in poory j yolli opand hotnw.std other oau This it thr catsee of theduii, impish, tired i feelinn M ,"ueral at thi sesaoo, nd which ! matt be ..vertwrne. et tbe health rosy te entirely li oken down . Hood' Sarssuarilla ha attained the greatest popularity all over the coautry aa tbe favorite apt iog meiictee Itexptls the actumnlati' n of impurities thrcujih tba bowels, kidneys, liver, lunn and kio, give to the blood tbo purity and quality neosasary to good health and over oorcei that tired feeling. S !0 VC' KI- P'" I V "iSSaN - 1 copyright raM A spell of ticknett is due when the system's weakened, nd the blood impure. It's what you must expect. Bnt it's what vou must prevent, too. And Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery prevents as well as cures. It invigorates the liver and kidneys, purifies and enriches the blood, nharpens the appetite, im proves digestion, and restores health and strength. For Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," and every form of Scrofulous, Skin, or Scalp Dis eases, as Salt-rheum, Tetter, Ery sipelas, or any blood-taint, it's an uucqualcd remedy. It's not liko the sarsaparillos, which claim to be good for tho blood in March, April and May. At all seasons alike, and in all cases, tho "Discovery" alone is guaran teed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. It's the cheapest blood-purifier, no matter how many doses are offered r a dollar, for you pay only for the good you get. But it?8 the iW, or it couldnH be sold so. HW HECK I'ftikur I'.i s, t!(iofr. F. M. Krein-h kwp Unit liny yhur liiixw ri of Parker Bros Finn iinttWin at Conn ,V Ilrndricson 's, . .-... nhiiwm st received at Conrad Meyers P .1 Smiley job priutxr, Klinu Block, does ttr.t ektwa work. Has site the cnlohrstad Havana filled 6 oent oigar nt Juliu Joseph', it- it II B in, nhynijun and surgeon Ahu iv, country . mlt It city1 or Ct,i'. i!i ,'. U S A .Kui Diego, Cal. ssya. "Shiloh'd Catarrh !U imdy i the firs medicitu I havotver found that would do me anygool. Price, 50 c'.s Sold 1 , ha. I .v Ma'od. Hood's Cures Sciatic Rheumatism Quick Relief and Perfect Cur Mr. a B. Patrick StociitoB. Cat. " I iu so badly afflicted with tciaUe rheums ttsm that I could scare! move. I rued a great many remedies rrah did me no good. A friend presented me a bottle of Hood's SarsaparUIs, which t began to take. Tbe relief was quick sad two bottles enrtJ me completely. lauibor. Irs the use of my name and portrait la recent- mending Hood's SanaparUIa. for I think It a very valoable sawtli.Hi. I '"""'"' K to all who may be afflicted wttta rheumatism or old Hood's sa Cures fever sores, as I know ot a lady In Oakland who has been cared of ulcer by this wonderful med icine." C B. Fatbjck. Xo. 305 California St, Stockton. California. Get HOP Era. Mood's PHla act easUj, yet promptly aM efficiently, on tbe liver and bowels. 3SsV e m m GOCONEWSt cjk For the millions of cowAomeri of A Tutt's Pills. It c. t - I i Tutt a-" r- to at n . 1 t Lhjil Ucbaotf f"tt.ns -r TINY LIVER Pill w t.srb t ef rrreictte;ty ktejill SSW, re retatntus all tli vtrtumajflbe ji r os, iiusrintr, ( punrly Oii;rtiiliU. Dnth 4rr-(f .ui-M-i,li. are rttlt la-" '. The exact siae ot TUTT"S TINT UVE. PIIXS A bitwante lbetJonJ.-r ..f I ui. -a-L" ADYANGE THRESHERS A-c warrant ed to tbrx-th more grain in a given time a ad do It belter than any ma chine made. The Advx.nck Traction EM.isesate the beat in tbe world. Remember large work rr.ears large prott t in the thrrtr ing business, lalalague mailed tree. EDWARD HCGHE8, Gen'i Ag"t, Fortland. Oregca. ALBANY F0RN1W CO. Baltiiore Block- Alb-IT, Olt. Dealer it. all kind of Furniture, Wa Oar pet. Unnltoms. Picture Frsiue, tu- UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Pro- r't tars DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Artijles. Musica instruments, Etc Bodies & HcFarlaml, " rhe Corner Drugstore," Albany, Or. rTKf elme. tJ represent local and trsr- cting, ta represent r.tir wen anown hnute 1 ou need un ospitsl to represent a linn that warrant, nursery tt.tck tin: elus and true tn name. W irk ll the tear. $100 pe- mrnth to the right msn; Applv quick, ttitioe sajtv 1. L MAY & CO. Nurrerj men, Florist snd Seedsmen. St Psul, Minn. (Tiii house is responsible ) BIDS WANTED -Bids will ber-ccived up' to May 10 for doing work and fur-ni-hiug materials for a ooe-story brink build in?. I'lai. and specifications may be ssjtn at the Revere Hi use FOR 8ALK . Ons gray horse 7 years old, weight 1150, and one bay mare 7 years 1J, weight 1363. Will sell cheap. Call at Sender Stal ls Albany. tt. HTOSK s reliitt-t't and Contrsietor. Lasveonl rs with Hulbnrt Bros , Has (Stale scenin. n?.VNTKD.-A fd des-iiea tiiMCure ' a altuatton aa uuree. Inquire at ih rositleHco 1 ( Mra K Roltnrta on Thi d street betwetm Montg uier and Ral! -road . FOR RENT. House with five loom un 3rd and Broadalbln. Apnlv at Louis Vlereck'a " J FOR RKNT. rhe photograph gallery ia the YMIU block . Call on the Seero ttry st the office uf the Y M 0 A. M ra. Dr. 1'atteraoii-Wt.llaee. Th Noted Clairvoyant rd Life Header, la now hr, and ean be found at her rasldence, nv door J tt Couglirs. 8k tell about .11 aubjtctt nast present said future; las troubles, stweut trtsMdt and butinen. You can hear from your dead frlendt THE BEST Blood Purifier IN THE WORLD. 3 WHY SUFFER with that chronic ,1 i.. O 1 1.. ... . ai . . ... -...-a-,. irt j'jii ,,.1111. in me. rrui- phur Hitters will cure yon as it has thousands. ' Why do yon snftn- with that FOUL, OFFENSIVE BREATH? 3 Ton need not If you use Sulphur 11:. ....... Tl . " J-1 1 . . sauicm. 1 im-j inn mu ii f;ure. Operatives who are closely confined In the mills and workshops; clerks who do not have sufficient exercise, and all who are confined indoors, should nse Sulphur Bitters. They wlll not then be WEAK AND SICKLY. Is your Breath impure. Your Stomach is out of order. Snlphur Bitten Is the liest medicine to take. Sulphur Bitters will build you up and make yon I STRONG AND HEAL saasasi At the dawn of womanhood, Sul phur Bitters should be used. Kenil 3 2-ernt stamps to A. 1. Ordway & Co, Boa ton, Mass., tor best medical work pubUahed SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State ol O. for Lin County. A D Horn'. Piain'.tP, n Hatvey Ward, Cef-ndaui. NOTICK iH HKKKBY GIVEN 1H T bv v.rtu" of an ex trillion and order " -t; wuij .hupj UUI I ) I KHU UUUH HI or the above nauid 'ir. m tbe above entitlod aul: tu ma dirHctwl and delivered, I will on alairttsj'. ihr rarh mr mf Star. 193. at tbe iron. Hoor rftb t'oart House in the city ol Albany, Linn co intr. 1 won, at the hour of one o'clock: p m ofaaM day. eii at public auction for caan in iiand 10 tbe Iiighwu bidder, tbe real propirtr eV s-riLeo in aald execution and ordt-i o sale a follows low,:: lba nortja quarter of the northwest quarter of aei-iinn IUII I , -3 , (36) .own-hip nine t ) snath range three (S) east of the Willamette mendiso. in t-ion county; Oregon er.n t sizing 41 acre. He proceed aristae from such esvie to be applied, a f-l.o ws 1st, to tbe payment ot the eosil an: ot making such ssua and tbo sum cf ioo i wftr.rm.T'n fw and tba or:gln. erst cf suit taxed at Ml.! 2nde 1 1" jay tnni 10 tne piainun liwein ine uuiot rra in sold coin ol ice Lnuea i tstauast of America, together with interest tbervoa ia like siid coin at the rale of ten per cot per au nam from tbe 2nd day : ol Sepurmbei. HH, un.i: pa.dnd aceru IS t ptud to Me said Btumm alt nu belt! , - 4 aigTie l a-t-d ihU 19th lay of Aswil 1S8S CC JACK8UN. sheriff of Linn count y, Oregon SHERIFFS SALE , tar Cvrrasl Court ol fie rtoir of Owe f or tie County t Linn ' - Knapp. Baneil a Com pat y.PSalo tiffs . v , A ti Knox, Jr, lelendn VcriCKlS HFREBY OlVKf THAT by virtue of an x-.-uuon and orier ; ol Ie duly iscuad out of snd under the ; seal of ihe above aansd cour. in the above efritle-J action 10 me direr ed and : de!iv-d, 1 wi 1 00 j rsalwealaj. tae Kiastay r Wsj . i .t. at tbe fot door of thst court the t etty of Albany, linn ttresyno. at -' the hour of no w'elnt'B p m .,f day, I swli al pob ic acctinti for aash ia bend to I the high- tald-tst th- real prrspe tv da -rrt'a-tl in sii . 1 . .1. 1 ,rterof sat e a follow. 10 wr: Rasrinni g at a 1 slvae lOxttxIS lua-h tn t-sj r ..--b bcun j ary of tfce I . . u laoxj e'aim nf ; Jamea - nnx and ife being nli Real Kin So lrsSS io Uiwi-tjip to K 3 wetst. at a ' BOtOI tail COsins eat . f ti.e nor hweet corner nf said aa-f runri- ihmv ea-l I7 5ca:ii4 to stone I0x.txl2 inchee; ihencw -t'h to chain to a U-.e loxlixlt inches; Iherjca weast ,7 50 chains 10 a suai jtlt inchea, north 41 chaic i t the place r best on 1 sr. con- ain'.ng 70 aerrw metre or ... ' ..; .r.t ms the n.-rtb'ast coru-r f the : drtualioo Uad c in nf Jam- Kn x ar.d ' wife being tt't'fieation No 166V in t wn- f ship 10. SRI we, at a atone lrxIix.M . inches marke 1 C S. mi.d ruan-ri tiaeness j south J cbaioa to atnoa 10x12x1$ j inch: thence treat 19 t chain- to a stone i 9xlCxU incut, tbenrsr north 40 cbatics to I tbe north b -undary I:., of said claim at I S .1. Ha lawltaWSJ '1, -1. I... Bhaaa, . . ,i i I cba'ns to tba plsee of bssginnng. oor.tair - a tesan s ;ei more or leas, artu ii iv-ng nd oeins in Linn count v. O-earon. "The protead ans-ng lrom said sa'a 10 be ar piled, first, io the payment of tbe cots at and- npou aald execution aad tba ' origins' cost ;ax.i : fli 9 fMscond. to iha ptwma-tt taths p'sitstiS herein tbe. sum of SS 70 aad 1 he further sum of $T5 s attsroey'a fae 1 Oa ed this Itkh dsv or April. 193 C 0JACK9Olfi Sheriff of L'na county, tiregoo. : SHERIFFS SAU. in tie GreuU CWrl of tkt State of Orepn for tit Cottf ofLian, U Hryant. Plaintiff, vs Vt Hiiam Mctsiichritt. Jen. U'r McUil. lin, hi wire. Defendants. TOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN THA a. v by virtue if an execution and order of safe duly issue-tout of and under the seal of the above namd eourt i" tbe ! above entitled suit to me direct -i! and j deliver, d, I will 00 Sa tarda, ihe t7ib star al May I8t. at lba front d.ot of the court housa. in j the city of Albany. Linn coanty, Oregon. v. ' m ,..., v uuf aa viww j ' ia. vt Nam day. anil st public auction for cash i" hand t toe highest lii.i.ier tbe teal protierty d( scribed in sai l extvuiian and order of salj a follow town Begiooioe at lhaaAiilha..lAn.. l a aa.- a. .....v., v.huv, aaa m BWIUCS11 l ar tart facet too to tpll, south ranae 1 west of the Willamette m end iar. Otegoa, aad tannins thence east 20 chains; thence north 5 chains; thence east 4.1 links'; thence north 7S chain : thence svest 1 3S !00 i-hsjos; thence north 11 chains ; thence vast 19 7-100 chains: thence south 6 OS-lOO chains ; thence west 'JO chains; tLeace sooth I chain; tneuoe easl SO chain to the place "I beginning, containing 'JOO acres, in Lino county, Oregon . The proceeds arising from ssiJ tale to be applied. First, to the pay ment of the costs and dirburssmenta of suit and the ex,.eusot of and upon said execution; and 2nd, 1 1 tba payment of ihe piaintiiTa claim anion ming to tha sum of $299&60 with accruing iuterest thereon at thsraie of 3 for eent per annum; and the futther sum of VttSO attorney s fee; 3rd, the overplas if any be paid th deft herein. Dated tli 25th day of April, 1853. CCJatCKSON, Shsriffot Linn couuty, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NffTICt. T0TIK IS HKREBY OtVEX THAT TttK I S. i.' i"-;neaisrathOTdybyc(rdrotihec,,uri-VON sf USB the eststo of Msud tt arm in. I.t ( Una county Or deceased. All twrtym having claims against ;' said wujaj srv herabv rtxuilred to present duly Yfrgna! aa Kt- I-... . t 1 . -. ,v ... iv. I lure,! ao we uutiersiirnaHi st Brownsville, Oregon, within six months from th da'e her tl. Dated Hits Had day of April, 1 ms. IN WAR-MOTH. cairierfi-rd A t'hstnlwr.ain, AdminUlrator. Attysfor Admin. ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTICE. XroTICK IS UKKfCtlY C.IVKN THAT THE Data it deraiunnd.has this day b.n.ilv appointed ad miiilstratrator of th estate of Stella it armoUi.ett ot Unn county, Uregon, deeesad. AU iiersons liavlng claims airalnsl .aid sslale are required to present thsm iirtuierlv verified, to the undertime t t Bmwaisvllle.Unn county, Umcuu.withiii six mouth I from thlsd.U'. lMted this hid d.v of April. tSSS. 1 N WAKMOTH. Weaiherford A Ciiaml erlaln, attaWstaMmsae AH s lor Admin. For the BEST BICYCLES Call on Van Wilson, agent for tne Im l'EKiAi. and Faulkner, $60 to $150 Ladies taught to ride or no sale. WILL BOYAWOIAM the best washing machine made. Go to Stewart It Hot and take one oat on uul. Tbey I so have al) kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that great big child arnood iu br arms. Yon most go to .Stewart k Box and bny one of (heir hairy larriages. AH kiada and prictc. SrOWIMCAWAY HAY".hard-ork lonafAiin. Yoooo moke it tea easiest by 'boyion a complete Hay Carrier titit of i tstewar t St Sox . Call and see it. GRAW, GARDE!?. FLOWER. Freah. pore, tore to gro aid sold at tort -land price. Uarden seeds kept in balk. ' Ptidd pess ,ni Field corn '., carried in j ia.f i i, i,tle-. -TEWiUT U (WX ENGINES AND SEPARATORS They do't n,,k, a-iy UtUr tbaa tb "Rn,..!" sm! Sow.rr k Rom al tht kin itAlbm Ht- l ePod baud eu PAINTS & 0ILS.-Tb - tor ruu n tt e i tt is tb "Itdr ' aa sirou lr U at Albany. W" abe carry a fall line f oil , virni bea, wug-a aad car'iage paroia. etc. SrswAkT k fox, Rtf 5I1CDI Iff - L,.ri keen onr la in an old bus an., longer. Stewart ti Sc,i carry bee bfvea, aociioor, comb fooadatioa i and etc smokers at low pi ice. , fJ yfjy BL0 til ""' It yom ex- t est to da not fail to se Stewart tt Sox. ; Tbey keeps Ur.e stock of baildara hardware ; aad ell at prices to 1 ait the time. THOU SHALT ROT KILL - nxnrdiof to raw, asd yom raght to bay all They keep a tood stock sod iar yon sod ammaoitioa of stowv t k Bex. a OianS f- iwde-.ftue and caps aiway on hand . - ,...,, mnu j , , WC ScLL COAL, IHUH tod ,li lor linos?." and keep a Urge itock of blacksmith applies oa hand. Sra-wasT Sox. swsttwtwssswswwsawsw cboaw vamb Tsrre a - arssni luvn I nr. to. ' - -f--j'"s outnt of trwsrt tt xx and take care of toci orchard. Tbe outfit thev tell hasbeesUiec . " ata.e .or tears try Use Beat or cnarout arm u a c mplste sv ' " " WE'RE MOT BBAftfilH w ZvEZtm ItUu .1 ben 1 we aay w ! tfcear. siit sort muv 1 - vac, csuiery in the valley . and see for ycaraelve. rrwsrr k Fox, PLOWS. We w .hflltd plow ex attly the sans, as the "Oliver." We awir aaitee it asd sell oa trial. Extras will fit Oliver. Also have a foil Kim ri ,svi ?L?m 1"m?t U '. T" i fWtmoii mm ve a few cents bv eomiatt irnenaf . and tetaagBs. Sytwaer k Soa CARPETS. A large tsasl hue slock svt Roxbary.vejr et tasslttraad tasrrsia carpets, Iisvnlea asxl rail c'ott... 5 -.. SOy crnt than elsewi-ere ia A ! rt 1 1 oj to e grade. AI- fire hae rf r ' sad 's shots SS ta ,r0 eat I a taetr I pal ia,A ame koOCl can be : natsbt e eshe, . I arm ceainrt. A. ft xlcILW A!X. I. A. Morris 4 0. Flour aad Feed Store. Have removed their store to the Strahai tcr -, lorrner' r OCCl psed by Deyoar 4 Robson, and ttate on hand a full stock o ccryhi s aru . m. sho t?, CERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK V HEAT, RYE FLOUR, MY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. t TRY -t A PAIR 9r Tbse riaiilidi PrMk SfUek For tale by F. M. FRENCH, the Jewe'e- WANTED At the store Allen Bros,, formerly owned by , I . . : BUTTER ; 003. I LARD, BAOON, and CHOICE APPLB8, for which I will frayllhe best cash price possible. B F RAMP Wall Paper, I linos, Pain tas. Ollia f.lllhs. Etc J. A. Cumming ALBANY. :- OREGON wns FOR WOOD, Notiae Is hereby given that sealed bids will be receive! at tbe County Clerk's office in Linn county. Oregon, up to one o'clock p in. Wednesday, the Sr t day of Mav. 1891. far 40 card- uak grub . r sola body oak and si a; cords large red or vol low fir w od thsk gruba not ta be 'less, ibaii S 1 ichea iu diameter at large eat Said wood to be delivered at the wood abed bsloiia. ing to aald county on rr be fore August I ith 18SI3 County reserving tbe right to rejtct all bida. Done by orcer ot County Court. Attest NPPAYNaV April 15th. 1893 County Clerk. AOMI NlsflMTOBS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CN dMrssgwd hs been spoointsd saltnirustraaor of th estate nf Thorn as Alford, dteeaaad. All rr son. lisvinjrelsims sjraiusl said eatat are rtuird to n-eseut them with th propur voucher and prapwty verified, within six months from th dale twraof to me undersigned. alHarrlsburg. Una county. Or ' This the ttlhylay of atarch, 1SSS , Q at ALFOED. wslhrfsrd & Chamberlain, Admluiatj-ator Attorney for Adavr. ( eaTstaT 1 aSsSiVttS. WILL'S MUSIC STOBE 'ai una roe- CHICK ERfSO " "H f MILLER,' "MTX'K," M rCWE A SOS" rtASOSI. tfTZT." SRXUKV BROS, ORG A Si. I r.ARfirrr M tt i OVju InllailnaK WtHe to Ci'xlnm- ixl Prleas Wte VtsnbHiaa; tflwi; e SSV tn- Best OU at Low Mssss mall Intvumiito. B ka ' Dcrptwae J4e of New Hoc n.l otbr 8w mt M :a l XeaAss, OU aad Exwaa tit ill MarbiDer. ft. I. HILL, ( Star Bakerj (erXr .4lilis nu4 "rtHie vCNRAD MEYER, PROPSIEIQI. rdrra.ts, Ctaa (.' nr (fan aaitar , VcjsMcm. tig... ttplee). Test. Urled rrsjlsw. Tubaw-ee, tustsr, ta-e. verf Ostt as kept as a gttst aad tawutij st, .: nasi a xxt ;r. .t pav: ' aVI.L KINDS OF PRODUCE FARMERS, ATTENTION ir : TOf .- caarr a WACON HACK BUGGY CART PlBWAIffiQWyORIl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or ariy 'Hind of a Farm ImVema: or"Ve 1 hide, call on or address. B. F. RAMP, OTpct'te post Off ce, Albanv,f ARE YO'J anesTSps?er vc jpaaiassaer cr a If you are. or at of tie above. 3 .tvrtiat. :tereiedin aj sfeo-idreaa THE JOUr iALIST. DO YOL wait tnreweb th? above? Taa.a'ttnaw la Tas JortSALur. a-riiifi:!' a rar. Attve n-ia 1 au t on apeicatioa. ALL'-S FORM AX. Z . . : aad I'ltrtlete;. tD B aaisac SjjBJxr. Si Toast. X. T. Stockholder's Meeting. Not res? is hereby give a thai tie tuact. masting of the stockholder of the Albany Farmer Co wilt be held io the office of . m id company in the cit t f a Ibanj, m ' tbe 16. h day of May. 198 at o'clock p at Said meetintr will be held for the purpose of ereetinjr seven (7) directors to serve for tbe eusuinsr year, atd lor the txaiu action of such other b sms as may regular! v come before such mee'.LiK. Dated Astvny.Or, -J prit ITth 1883 Attest: M U WILD. PresB Marshal. President. Sec'y. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Th ptufcaership heretofore exMiae be tween 1 C Baker, Wat EUsvereck aad C U Borkhatrt. dot as; bassness under the Prm nams of the Albany Ditssed BVrf Company, was dissolved by mutual coosest oa the fistt day of April, 1SS3. All acconata doe the firm ef Albany Dressed Beef company will be payable to TC Baker, and hi will pay all bill owing by said firm . TC Basra, C hi KfKHisr, Wm EaEKii k. LADIES' TEA la a pleasaat drink, which will be borne by the stomach without nausea or eripicg. It cta thorough iy on the liver, kniocs and reproductive organs A geetl physic, effi cient dretetk. asd s most osefol in tcant or paistal meDsturalion. i t aid digeatten anil reduces cerpulency: ctesrs tfce ccmplexior, renderinai it fair, and restoring :he natara' tone of th skin, for it removes the bil wbech. by dacec tbe salrow.maddy complexion pecaliar to the constipated state. ckald by all druggist , FARM TO REiNT- The nBdaraigoed wishes to rent hi farm situated miles south ef Albany, 00a rat ing of 450 acres, 225 of which is ia ci nothy meadow. About no handled and fifty acres to he pat in wheat and oats this p.ina. Have teams and supply of imu.ens.nts which I will sell ch-tap or will make other arrange ments with renter. Also have 5000 Fehte prune trees which I will sell at 4 cents apiece, a vera g length from 5 to 3 feet. Inquire of tae on the farm. N F SLATE, im,M m IIL WACOM BRIDGE BIDS. Seavled bids and strain dtaarrama for a wtgon bridge aeros Muddv creet at a Sluf 2 mi ea west of SheddXirn county rtsgon. will be received by tbe clerk of the county court oi said eountv urtii: crid.y Mar 5th, a 9 a'clcck a ni. said bridge to be 18 feet in tha clear, ana jJfV? , Drtdr to be 190 feet lousr with 911 reet f PProtuh Separate bids will be received for bonis to set on ordinary mud ails or on good aised piling sawed off b owh tv watermark. Should a span ha but., the span would be 190 fat aud tioulU be covered and painted. The right .0 reject any atari all biui8reervi' Albany, Oregon. April 20th, 1S8S N P PAYNE, erk. Big ' TaVMrnlSff Notice to Architects. Notice is hereby given that the Direo toraof School District, No 5, of Linn county Oregon, will rwceive plane for aa 8 roo-a frame school buih'iug witn base ment and arranemei ta forlaea,ing plana to be submitted to thee era at the store ctawartaHpx. in Albany. Or. within I y daya from data. Albany, Apri 112th. 1893. CH WEvVART, Ccarfc.