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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1893)
t Kialtts Dfinorrat. VOL XXVIII. Entered at tne et at Albany. Or., at nrron. las Hall Mailers ALB ANY. O REGON, FRIDA1, APRIL 381893. TrTE at MBTrUC,raUahera!aa4 NO 39 ST. JACOBS OIL CURE'S RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLINGS, 1TBUEALGIA A cony of the "Official ficia! Portfolio descriptive of rnlumhian Kxnosttion. Grounds, beautifully illustrated, in water be sent to any address upon receipt of -. V.. vii w r-11 .n, mm Baltimore, MT " ie Oregon Land Co vVttn its home office n SALEM - - In thedsj Block, corner Liberty ami MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem' Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment long time on balance or particulars. f , ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BRQWNELUSuffwsor to OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. We would call the attention of our friends to the fact that' we are better prepared than ever before :o furnish everything in the shape ot Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees. Small Fruit vine, etc., at 'either wholesale or retail. Oar strcK Is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' om inspect pests, and our prices low. C.E.Browne,! is our city agent andf." ' .tn, left with him at hi store will receive prompt and careful attention . Or n . and see me or write for free ctttalogueto Julius GradwoW's Bazaar The very latest news ia that you can buy at JULIUS WRA.DWOHL'8 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound Ybs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 5 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1.10 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 j wil, conduct a strict cash More, and all goods will be sold Tor net cash Irons t 15 p' -nt loss than reguar price. My stock of China ware, Taney goods, anew 11 lb desirable syles of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries, crocs -'J lampssnd fixture is complex. I maks a special t of fine tea-, coffee and -.King powder, and always pHa bay customers, Ager or several n iponnihle insaranosocaapanle. Jallaa jral wohl. CITY BOTTLING CO., -Wholesale and So tin Water, Ciders, Orange asntfilron, Heltaer Haters Country orJers solicited. Giyu9 a trial. OPPOSITE RUSS HOUSE, Hodges c OrrnO OLLasJ 0 PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Or. SEND FOR A LINN COUNTY MAP Win G Obenauer & Co are mak'ng a map of Linn county, which should be in every business house, public dwelling ani school room in Li. in county. The map accurately locates every city, town and poatoffice, and rivets and creeks, shows voting precincts, townships, etc.shows the distance of each postofTice from Albany Cut out the fotiowlr.g and mall to Wm Q Ubenauei & Qo, too Fiont street, Port land, Oregon, and ti.ey will deliver you as many as you order. Please deliver me copies of your Linn county map for which agree to pay fifty cents per copy on delivery of macs. Signature. -PostofTice. DR. BANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATENTS WITH ELECTRO MAGNETIC SUSPENSORY BEST IMPROVEMENTS. rui.ti.iDrimli Mrf. r... ... "Tl "al.l"if from illlSllll Ucor., Sitae?, MniSu Ji!, to. Tbli tltctrU Ull mourn, WmswM ApnSL!,"'''; wmr.r or wo forMI SS.Kfflv. ond .III nr. .it Jr tkoXS! aiooSioo or oo pmy. Th....nd. b.vt boos eurodbr ibu m... lolouo IbTonUon ftr sll other iromodloi bllod, , It. boDdroSo of lootloaooUlo lnShlf .ot ' ooory btbor otaja OsramrwMl ISrSUVKD KBKXTSIt' KtSriBSOST, vt. f reoWtt boon ovor offorod wosb men.fHKR 1TIT1I ALL SBLTS Ilniltb ond l(orouo .troostb Ul AStSTSSDIaSstoSODoil Soad tor IMiutrotod fSBpIloU, mailod, ooalod, froo. Addrati OO.. No. I7S First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. McFarland a. l.i w of the World's Building and color effects, will mm 10c. in postage iPi . - OIRIUQ-OIET State street, branch office In Pnrllan. Hymn Brownell, Proprietor.) ALB! BSOWNELL, A ban?, U regal Retail Dealers In Bireaa Beer, Narispsrills and. Iron, iron Wlae, Etc. ALBANYJOR. Carry a full line of purest drvgs and chemicals to be obtained, also patent medicines, drupgist sundries and perfumery. e carrv a fine line of station ary and toilet articles. impounding pnynicians pre- scriptions a specialty. Bee and Poultry SUPPLIES Fertilizers CATALOGUE.' Small Guaranteed to euro Bilious attacks. Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in each bottls. rrice 26c. For sale by inillifii Picture "T, 17, '." ar.-i -f.mplo t'ose free. 1. T. SMIT3 k CO., n.piieiors, l.ZV YORK. FARMERS, ATTENTION IP : YOU ; V. ANT A WACON HACK BUGGY CART PLOW, HARROW,DR!LL SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or sny kind of a Farm Implement or, Ve i hide, call onor address, B.IF. RAMP, Opposite Post Offxe, Albany, Or. IMS LOCAL RECORD Lb u anon. Barney Prine, the founder of Prineville, but woo now lives at Weston, arrived here Saturday on a visit to his aged mother, Mrs Kiev Kay, and other relatives near here. P M Smith and Mr Pi ine were partners in a pack train in the early da, a of Oregon. Bids will be received during the next twen ty days for 900 sr 1000 a few more or leu round, live green cedar poles, peeled, with knots trimmed close to pole; same to be de livered at the holes between Albany and Brownsville via Lebanon. The dimensions must be as follows: Twenty-five feet long, not less than sin inches nor more than nine inches across the top. Bids must be ad dressed to M A Miller, Lebanon, stating price per pole delivered as above. Two young men of Hamilton Creek had a suit before Justice Elson, Wednesday, over a horse. It appears that Penaia O'brien, the plaintiff, bought a horse from John Wat kins, agreeing to pay $75 In work for the animal, and he had paid in this way all but $7 of the purchase price, .when Watkina bor rowed the horse and refused to give it up, claiming that it was hla property until he waa paid In full. H C Watson and F M Miller for the plaintiff: Curl & Kelly for the defend ant. The justice decided in tavor of the plaintiff Advance. Thk Yamhill Bank Failubb. Thurs day morning Sheriff Warren went to North amhul to serve an attachment on the farmers and Traders' bank and found that C A Martine, the cashier, owner, etc, had left for parte unknown during the night. It was ascertained tbat he had been driven to Forest Grove, wnere tie took the early morning train for Portland. From there he want north on the Northern Pacific and his wherea bouts are unknown. He is probably tailing snout ine gullible people 01 Yam- 11111 witn uaidrich and Beeves in Kansas City. The sheriff entered the bank and not a cent of money could be found. The books show that about $6000 was on de posit when the bank closed. Some of this has been paid, but it is impossible to find the amount of "payments. The Commercial bank, of Portland. waa eara- isheed and answered that the bank held $12,266.70 in notes given to the North lambill bank, as collateral to secure loan of $13,281.17. We understand that some of the givers of these .note hold Martine a receipts of their payment, he not remitting to the Portland bank when the notes were paid. These notea will l ave to be paid over again. The total loss wilt be $6000 or over and it looks as if Martine was just the amount of loss ahead McMinnvills Register. A BaicHT Prospsct. Lane county has an optimistic kind of a tanner who de serves notoriety. The Guard says: A well-posted farmer predicts a rainy sum mer and a great crop yield this year in consequence. He says" that for thlrtv years the rule has been, that If at the mid dle of April, a great quantity of snow Is heaped up In the mountains a wet summer Is sure to follow. That there has never been sn exception to this rule. While he will put In his crop the first moment be can do so, be is not Worrying, ner dates he propose to summer fallow. He wilt sow bis land as usual, and expects a larger yield than ever before, no matter how late he. plants It. He says the cause that ia making so much rain .tow wilt make plenty of rain nest summer and that be will reap a greater yield this year from his spring crops than for several harvests past. The Obkcon State Gbanck will hold its twentieth annual session at The Dallas, May 2trd to 26th ibot. All members at tending will pay full fare going and will be returned on the certificate plan over the Southern Pacific at one third fare, and over tbe l ntos Pacific at one fifth fare. Mesa bert will take notice that s certificate must be obtained from the Union Pacific agent who 'ells them the ticket ia going to The Dallas, which will show that thev paid fall fare going. The certificate for return over the Southern Pacific will be famished by tbe Seer eta rv of the Bute Grange. W JH M11XSASV. Secretary Oregon State Grange. The Anncal Convention of the Christian Endeavor Socle tr of Oregon will convene at Pwtland April 27th, and ad jeurns on the 30th. The convention will call together a great many young people from all portions of the state. A very In teresting program for the session nas been prepared. Two noted speakers, among others, will be present from the East John G Woriey, the eminent temperance speaker, and Dr Charles f Kent, from the Sacred Instil -lie of Biblical Literature la Chicago. Mr Woriey has tare places upon the program, Friday evening, April 2 3th, and Sunday evening, April 30th. Miss Rose Trumbull, aWCTU speaker of note, will also address the conventkm.savs the Telegram. Was Out Here. James Collins, the sprinter, reported In dispatches from New York ss having aen fatally shoe by his backer for throwing off a foot race. Is an old hand at that business, a fact well known to a few men In Albtna. About two years ago he engaged In a foot race there, backed by James Laird and O P Church. Collins threw" the race, as was his custom to do when It stood to his ad vantage, and the result was that those who took personal Interest in the unreliable sprinter were between $600 and $700 wiser.'i not richer. Church, It is claimed, got his money back. Probate Matters . In guardianship of Florence O Parrel! et al. M E Farrell was appointed guardian. Bond $100. In estate of Owen Bear, new citation was ordered issued 10 sell real estate. Ia estate of O T Bodlne, personal prop erty reported sold First account filed. In guardianship of Ben, Ser fling et al petition to sell certain personal property granted. In guardianship of Maud M and Frances Wxgum, real property was ordered sold. In estate of Jos Moist, persona! property waa ordered sold. Lucy Wright was appointed adminis trator ia estate of Mary F Looney. A s in India. Tbe gallery st the United Presbyterian church hsd to be thrown open to admit the large audi ence present to hear Miss Emma Dean Anderson, the missionary from India, and see the many fine views presented by her stereoptteoo. Miss Anderson gives some Interesting facts in reference to missionary work, and her scenes cover a big field in a manner to give one a splendid ides of the people and their customs, of that wonder ful coaatrr. In fact that part alone Is far ahead of most of the public stereopticoa shows. Foa Hog Stealing. William Frick, of Sweet Home, is in the county jail awaiting the action of the erand Jurv an thm rhlrcvt of stealing a hog . It seems that a neighbois nog was in tha habit of ranging over Prick's place. Finally Frick killed li; and not de siring to see it go to watte, also ate some of it He is a simple minded old German, and tome of his neighbors tkink he should never be convicted . Two Farms Solu. During the vast week . -.u.oa-t, uiu t0 reter smith, a very en terprising firmer, his 160 acre farm a few miles east f this place; consideration $500. Thos Kay aold bis farm near Brownsville to a Mr Savsge, of Salem, for $30,000. The buyer alto bought all of his stock, paying $15,00 per hesd for the entire lot. Browni villa Times. Bank Failures. The number of small Oregon banks that have failed recently at Junction, North Yamhill, Gervais and one or two other places indicate) nothing as to general business. It looks soma as if the banks were all started for the pur pose of making money that way. Two other banks, in the same crowd, may be looked for to close their doors. Libeled. The Oregon Pacific have libeled the Alice Blsnchsrd for $5000 for getting her afloat, anal she Is now In the hands of the U S Marshal. Deputy Sln nott was In the city today having been over there to attend the matter. Another evidence ol the rustling qualifications of the present O P management. Up the SANTiAat. H A Smith, of this place, caught in the river above here Wednesday, a trout measuring 22j inches in length. MrsTH DeCew, and daughter. Miss Emma, of Essex, Ontario, Canada, ar rived at this place last Tuesday, and will visit relatives and friends in Oregon dur ing the summer. Judson DeCew met his mother at Portland and accompanied her to this place. We have no desire to misrepresent facts, and have simply each week given the depth of snow at this plsce, Breit onbush and Detroit from reliable inform ation. At the present time there is no snow at this place, and only a little in SDOts at Breitonbush, while at Detroit there remains about i2 inches. In the vicinity of Bowder Creek enow is said to be between three and (oar feet deep The following from the Jefferson Re view is evidence that someone is trying to "put up a job" on Valentine Powley, wbo has a timber claim near Detroit: ''Last Saturday a man named V Powley was found dead in bis cabin a short dis tance above Cce, on the Oregon Pacific. He is supposed to have died from heart disease Mr Powley is at this writing alive, and enjoying the best of health. Lumberman. A Lawtbbb Dilemma. The following from the Oregon City Enterprise ia about the lawyer wbo once got on to the Leb anon train to go to Salem, and found it out after tbe Salem train waa far in the distance : The only. Til Ford, the Salem attorney was standing around in the de- et on Tuesday morning looking at the lling rain which had spattered bis bald head as he rushed from the cars to tbe shelter of the waiting room. A discon solate took continued to over cast bis face and he was trying to explain to every one who entered the room that he had lost his "d n old hat up tbe road and that be was waiting for tbe sun to come out so tbat he could go and buy a hoover." As the sun would not accom modate him he borrowed a hat and came rever to town and purchased appropriate neao gear, then returned Ins leathers thereby greatly reliving the fears of the owner of the hat. Til was threatening to walk back as far as Canbv to secure n is lost raiment. A Bad Crew. The Alice Blancbard is new tied up at the Yaquina docka, not much the worse for her few days rolling on the sand spit inside the iettlea. The crew has been ia a state of dtsotder ever since she ' came in, refusing to obey the masters orders aad'golng and coming as they pleased. The rankest kind of disobedience prevailed on board yesterday ; Captain Johnson calleJ on the collector of the port for assistance aad he told the men that ia the complaint made to him, unless they chose to leave tbe vessel at once, he should ask (or the interference of the C S marshal on separate and distinct charges preferred by the mat ter before the deputy U S commissioners. The snen took the matter into cmtidera tien and conduced the beat thing for them to do was to leave the ship, which they did last evening. The captain will ship a new crew. Yaquina Sews. A Rae Medal ( ? Yesterday 's Ore gonian contained the announcement .that thirty years ago a man named Jetteraon Fryer, who now lives in Independence, picked up on tbe beach at Tillamook, a very rare medal. Tbe medal minutel d escribed and Mi Fryer ia reported as treasuring it very highly. The f. H. 8. on the medal is well known and stands for "Jeous Hominum Salvator" or Jesus, the Savior ot men. The Coll. See Jesus, stands for tbe college of tbe society ot Jesus. The next Latin inscription refers to religion and fine arte, whilst the last states that "thus are His premiums of praise." The coin is nothing more nor teas than a class medal ol the Santa Clara, Cel., college. In 1874 Mr Will Grav, of this city, attended college at tbat place, and has a number of these medals in his possession. Salem I d de pen den t- Came Through a Bur-rasp. The Raw risharg Coarier tells of s man who will not object to a little rain after his experience coming bete: Among the latest arrivals to Harritbarg are Mr Ben Feeder aad family from Bird lalanrt, Mian. Mr Feeder spent a few weeks here about a year ago and was 00 well pleased with nor delightful climate tbat he concluded to return. Whilt pass ing through North Dakota on the lath intt . , aar reader informs , they encountered as had a storm ss he bad ever witnessed. It was one of those blizzards that induces a man to remain in the bosom of his family. and suggests that a rope, one end tied to a corner of the tod boose and the jtber around one's body is a necessary preparation for going to feed the cattle ten rods away . A foEE. A story is in circulation on tbe streets today about the flirtations of an old gentleman of this oty According to it h hsd become ensmnred with the chsmber maid jn one of the hotels. A smooth faced clerk dressed np at a young woman, and sent the old man a note last evening pro vidiag for a meeting in one of the rooms, which was promptly responded to. After the man had made love some tbe boy gave himself away, retailing in tbe flight by the back stairway of the man. and hie reception by several pans of water doused on his head, ss be flee!, from the scene of the joke. The affair has been the tslk of tbe day, not much to the credit cf the victim, who ought to bo in better business. April Weatheb There is sn im pression prevailing tbat this has been a very wet April. The truth is it is just about an average April. The following shows the weather in April for four vears. and a glance at it will be of interest : 1899 13 clear stays. 8 parti v cloudy da vs. 6 cloudy days and 12 days on which .01 inch or more of ram fell- 189013 clear days. 8 partly cloudy days,'. cloudy days. 9 days on which .01 inch or more of rain tel.. 18913 clear days; II partly cloudy days, 16 cloudy daps, and 17 days on which .01 inch or more rain fell. 16023 clear days, 6 partly cloudy days on which .01 inch or more' of rain fell. ' Cindebbixa Mr E J Holden, manager of tie Cinderella Co.. is in tbe city arranging for the appearance of this troup Here Friday night ol nest week. Cinderella has never been given in Al bany, and will no doubt be given a big reception. This company, unlike some, gives a good, clean performance, with their own scenery, probably tbe finest ever brought here. Besides the story of Cinderella, there will be introduced some of tbe best specialties to be secured, among others some first-class athletic exercises, as well as musical features. After ime Elk Killer. H D Mc Guire. the gsme protector, went to Niagara thla afternoon with blood In his eye. Re cently the Lumberman gave the names of torn; men who killed sn elk, which wss copied In valley papers, snd McGulre ia after them. It Is also ssid that the pro lector will be given an exhibition of how fish do not go up the stream psst the dsm. A remedy is wanted snd Mr McGulre will be asked to use his influence in the matter. Anti-Cigarette. Among the men met by the Man about Town at the depot this noon, was a Portland man who is making an issue against cigarette smoking, which he pronounces the ruin ol sny -young man us ing the filthy things. He reports si cases in Portland of prosecution for violation of the law prohibiting their sale, and says there will be three esses in Corvallts next week. It Is strange anyone can be found who will sell tbem to bos. Willing Now. The young man who la serving two sentences In the city jail ag gregatlng eight daya has become very docile. He refused after being put In to work on the street,and waa very obstinate. A diet of bread and water has brought him to time, and he Is willing to do anything Albany Is a poor place for men not on the work, as well as damps generally. Clothing at oast at F L Dnmont'a. Shiloh's Curs, ths great cough snd crcup care, u lor sale by as. rco tot site contain 1 twenty-five doaes,oaly 28u. Children love it rosnayec Mason. SOCIAl UHSI.AV Mr Fred G.-elet, of Silvcrton, is In the clly. Mrs V B Winn and daughter are spend ngthetummer at San Amonia, Calif. I Mr Richard Fox, who wat Ivlng ser iously ill yesterday, It gicaily improved, today. In fact Is nearly all right. H D McGulre. the game protector, hat been In the city. Mr McGulre !s entitled to the support of the pubhc generally' In his efforts to enforce the game laws. Met J W Huff and 'title daughter, wio have been visiting relatives here, went to Albany this morning where the family will reside for several monlht. Eugene Guard. ChsilexCusick returned home this noon from a trip to his mouatain farm nesr De troit. While gone he built a residence and raised a besid. There wss snow on the ground la patches, but not generally. Frank Hampton hss returned to his cattle ranch near Prinevlhc. Iffs wife accompanied him as far as Albany, where she wilt vltlt friends tror a short time Eugene UusrJ. Remember "fhc socuf given by the ladles of the visitation society of the Cath olic church at the residence of Mr Peter Foley, corner of 2nd and Jacksor. streets, tonight. Lunch, 25 cents. Dr Thompson has gone to altend the meeting cf the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Theological Seminary of which he is a member. He also expects to be at the Commencement ExercU . . of that Instltntioo. Corvallts Times. Tarn Smith, who hss jatt obtained a big reputation as a pugilist In the east as Billy Smith, resided in Corvsllis at one time, working for Egjin Bros. In these dsy ! pays to treat all mn well, for tLcre is no telling to what heights they may reach. Everything is open from the presidency up to tbe champion prUcfignter. The friends of Miss Nina Parker gave her a delightful turpise ss ther gsthered st her home last evening, to celebrate the it'.h anniversary of her birthday. A very enjoyable evening wat had bv a'! ptesent. Those present weie Mrand Mrs Monteith, Mr and Mrt Woodarorth. Misses Hat tie ami Lydia Gslbrsith, Maude ar.d Minnie Van Horn, Flora and Vesta Mason. Anna and Sophia Houck,Marieand Kate Barrett, Nona Irvine, Arts Huston, Zclla Wood, Lena Marshall, Lora Vance. Eva Cowan. En. ma Pfciffer and Bertha Ellis. Messrs Cumming, Wilton. Merriman, Leiincrt, Winn, Cusick, (Jalnn. Horton. One!, Vaughn, Lyon, For.miiler and Fish. ntlDAV Editor Ca vender, of Brownsville. was in tbe city today. Frank Hastings came down from tbe mines last night, and reports some snow there. Mrt Fullertoo. with Miss Buike, the mi: liner, goes to Portlsnd tomorrow to buy gOods. C C Kennedy, the ex-O P. conduct -r. returned this noon from Chicago, and other Eastern cities. M Hoffman, of Albany, has moved to town aad occupies a house near the west end. Mill City iazette. J E Magers, the McMinnville lawyer, was in the city today, the guest of his sister, Mrs W S Thompson Mr and Mrs I) S Baser retained from their California trip Sunday naoming. Mr Buser expresses himself ss much pleased with the cl I malic condition of our slater sute Hsr risbnrg Coorier. Mr B F Ramp returned Teste "day from Boas burg where h bsd been on business connected with the location of the Soldier's home. Tbe directors will meet next Monday and complete the location. A Basseit and Kd Fronk, of the S. P. Company's Albany office. were transferred to H arris bo rg today to assUt in the in creased business there.due to the Oregon Pacific making their river transiers at that point s rt an at MrsTJStite went to lla risburg this License hss been Istaed far the marriage of Frank Thomas and OlUe l.sWe J F Gerrish. a former O P conductor, now connected with the Northern ra cific. i in the city. Mrs Merriman, of Medford, is in the city, on a visit with her son. Mr Will Merriman, of the S P company. steal ERTATS S4UCS. D L Stewart and wife to Henrietta Pearl. 4 lots, Halsey $ Jas P Wilbaaks to Mary E Wil hanks, piece land, list Henry Iugram to II Bryant, 67.20 acre. 11 w 4 950 1008 1200 100 240 Zachariah Pollard to E V Harbin, 159.94 acre?, 15 w 4 DiCRBCow Mary Flatman, 40 acres, 10 K 1 0 A C R R Co to Mary Flatman, 80 acres. 11 E 1 Willamette R E Co to Allen Gulli- ford. '.. block, Halsev 420 I A Beard to D C Holt. interest 2 lots. Lebanon ' 100 U 8 to J F. Johnson, 160 acres, 12.E 1 Patent J C Lyon to School Dist 57 1 lot, Lyons LK Ingram to 8 H Jones. 818 23 acres, and small tract, 16 w 4 20 290 U 8 to lohn and L A Ingram, 318.23 acres, 16 w 4 1'atent Hiram Smith to John U Jones, 5 acres, 16 w 3 and 4 ."Hi John U Eaton to David Torbet, 2 lots, Lebanon 406 J R Wjatt to E F Wyatt, 100x200 feet, Harrisburg 750 - eat j-m . st v vrowuer to L Flmn, 1 lot, bl 15. H's Snd ad, Alhany H Bryant to W H Looney, 09.20 acres, Hw4 1050 1108 B F M linkers to J F Anderson, 1 lot Munkers Jos Clow lo H Bryant, 59.31 acres. 11 w 2 C Hausman to R H Grover, piece land, Brownsville C Ditthener to E E Lange, 90x333 feet, Harrisburg E Lange to Minnie Lange, 90x333 feet, Brownsville C Lyons to I H Lyons. 1 lot. 800 20 lOO K 150 Lyons F H Calder to Lura Calder, 2 lots. Brownsville 125 1050 525 700 I Vilinda Houston to P C Anderson, 1 lot, bl 5, E A Albany P C Anderson to J L Hill, i lot 5, bl 15. E A Albany CIieb Kieter to Everett Howe. 200.27 acres. 13 w 4 W J McMeekin to N J Meekin, 4 seres. 13 w 4 J R Kirkpatrick to 1 L Oarland, several lots, i.eimnon T C Peebler to J T Cotton. 1 lot. (WO Lebanon 800 J M Ralstrn to C C Hackleinaii, 10 lots, Lebanon 650 C Butcher to W w Kichcrdron, 1 acre, Scio Lonner O Ralston to F J Dennv. 110 o acres, ow- fjo H H Hewitt to Linn county, 2 acres, llw3 300 Poultry and Hides. .The underMirned Is paying the highest cash p. Ice for hides, turs ana pounry. au on me at corner ot Third and Calapooia streets. In Albany. A. Cohen. oat or Hiatal 111, 11 aiuiiu uv " ...... tuny auvo Ia Ih, t SK. thn Phin.fyn IT.., ... t 111. . -v hi, . -, vu.i.u 1 .11 mi; a. . . . . , . , at .. . x norm-weitern a. ine oners. no vary best aoaoinmodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only during ino oria a trair, but all it.. a tun jrmt ruuuu. Capt Sweeney, OS A ,Sa Diego, Cal. , says, "Shiloh's Catarrh Ke nedy is the first medicine Ihsvs ever foondthat would do ma any good. Price, SO cts. Sold by Air-hay & Matoa. A PEKHOS it EW WASHINGTON LETTEK- New York, April 14, 1S93. The managers of the "Waldorpf" hotel, the latest addition to New York' hostelry, have ordered their waiters to shave all hair off their faces. Strange as this may seem It is nevertheless true. The reason it not conveyed in the order and as might be expected the employes of the dining room and supporters of the ir.ner man are very much put out and defiant. A meet ing hat been held and a resolution passed denouncing the order as an iafrinegment upon the pei tonal righ's of man. The Astors' have no doubt cabled from London to Cause this order as it It probably "Eng gllsh you know" and tee American aris tocracy ir ust follow the example of the nobility of Europe. Trifling as this oc currence may scent It it only another piece of nuisance. Have we come to the time when a man. In order to retain his position as a mere set vant la a public ho tel, must wor with his whiskers or roocs lache for the paltry purpose of Immltatlng foreign fashion for the nabobs of the aris tocracy? It Is also, reported that the cab drivers connected with the hotel have been given the time order. It Is about Ime this ham wss dit posed of. The purchase of the papers and relics.of the late George Bancroft, the famous American historian, by John 8 Kennedy for 80 ,000 and tbe donation of the same to ine Lenox Library hss caused a stir and plenty of gossip amon? literary men. The Lenox Library it a free institution containing among others the effects of the late Alexander Lenox whose private li bra rv was said to be the most extensive in the United Stales. Upon the death ot Mr l.enox his estate provided tor a library for the public and tbe same a situated at 81st street and Central Park East. Tbe addi tion ol the dead historian's papers will add to Hs many great collections. Congress contemplated purchasing the Bancroft coilecion and could have procured the same foi f 0.000 ; but unwisely refused the offer. New Yotk Is to be congratu lated for its gaod fortune and Mr Kennedv to he thanked for his Uberaliiy in placing the great historian's relics among the peo ple ot Gotham. Since the arrival of Mr and Mrs Bradley Martin, their daughter Cordelia and her finance, the Earl of Craven, socify hat been In constant agitation When Mr Martin sailed for Europe last tall It was rumored tbat he was in search of a noble man or titled bankrupt of some kind to unite in matrimony to bis daughter. At last he has found an English Earl whose predigree like all foreign nobleman is coupled with many Lords and Dukes and Earls. Society was not much surprised to "ear i- of the engagement of Mitt Martin to the Earl of Craven a few months ago hot their curiosity was to see "bis lordship'' and to do him honor and all other auxlt taie connected with good breeding aad propriety a la McAlttter. Tbe Sun print ed about three columt on Monday, to fill up no doubt, descrioing the personal prop erty of the Earl; from his sock to his tooth pick and hit cigarette to his shoes, illustrating the same. I jst Tuesdav while on a visit to Westchester county and riding in a carriage the Earl's valise dropped unnoticed from the carriage. U port his return to the city "his lordship' dHcover erd through the newspapers that an ea rnest messenger had found tbe valise and wat looking for the. owner. Immediately hit valet was dispatched to get the lost valise and was instructed to pav the finder the enormous turn ot one dollar. About three thousand invitations hav been sent out for the wedding which will be cele brated daring the current month. It will be the moot fashionable and brftlisnt affair of its kind ever sesn Sn this city. It i s pleasure to know that April 27th has been made a legal holiday in this city and if the day is fair between the opening of '.he base ball season and the great inter national naval parade It still be made memorable in the hlstoir of New York. A bill 10 abolish capital puni'hment passed tbe Assembly ot the New York legislature but was defeated In the senate. Mator Gilroy has appointed a commit tee cf one hundred prominent citizens to srrange lor receiving the foreign naval offkert who will lake part ha the great marine spectacle on she 271b inst The city council has sporopristed $50,000, and a grand ball is being arranged to be held in MaJlton Square Garden. The customs officers have seized the baggage of Mr Bradley Martin as tbat In dividual refuted to pay tbe duty on the dress to be wurn by his daughter during the marriage ceremony, claiming that K had been worn before on several occas ions. Wat F 11 Koelscil. THE oal.O i ,11111. vae rrotmca atiaae to strtstatea. ThL afternoon the Oregon Pacific began the pa men t ct 46 per cent of the old in deb'.edncss due employes. This will put about five months wages in circulation, a-j means a good many thocsand dollars changing hands In the next few day v The result is some good natured O. P. men. Th? new management generally at show-ins- itself to be business. Evervlhinc points to the extension of the road eastward. lohn P Fay, an attorney of Seattle.arrived in 1'ortland yesterday from New York, where he has been for the past two months in connection with the removal of Colonel T Egenton Hogg from the receiv ership et the Oregon Pacific and obtaining possession of the books of the receiver and property of the receivership. In regard to tne no icy 01 tne DonunolJera. he said: "The policy of the bondholders I repre sent has been from the beginning and now it in favor of developing the railroad and tne adjoining country as rapidly as It can be Cone on sale business principles. From the very beginning ther have advocated a reorganization of the road and the com pletion of the line to Boise City as rapidly as the business of the country would war rant, and hsve esrnestly advocated eerv improvement wh'ch would tend toward encouraging tha settlement, eulttvatien ami building up 01 tne neids ana tracts :n Oregon hfcb this road now enters, and wi.ich it in time, as completed, will open up other tracts equally as fertile acd pro lific as those covered 4y the portion of the roid now In operation. The new receivei, fc. W liadley, assist ed by his general superintendent, Mr Mulcahy, has demonstrated during the past 30 davs that the road can be run ithout loss, and bv proper nianairctrent can be converted into an Income-paying property. His success Is a matter of gen eral satisfaction among all fcastern bond holders, and has largely tended to restore confidence among their in regard to the ultimate success ol the road and has gained for him their unanimous support. If the road continues to sho a- during the next to days equally cood results, we may fairly expect that work will soon be rommenceu for ths completion ol tne line. ' Imitator, aad Ituno lart, The uneqalled sac-ess of Alleock's Porous Plssters as an external remedy has tndoosd unsornpnlout parties to offer imitations, which they endeavor to sail on the reputation ol Allcook'a, It ia an absurdity to apeak of them in tha tame category aa the genuine porou. plaster. Their pretentions are nn ronnded, thsir vaunted merit unsupported by facta, thsir aliened superiority to or equality with Alloook's a falae pretense. Tho ablsat medical practioneeis and obemiata and thousands of grateful patients unite in declaring Allcoek'a Porous Plasters tha b; at external remedy eyer produced. Beware of imitations, and do net be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Al oook's and let no solicitation or explanation iuduiojru to accent a substitute. Shiloh's Vitalistr '.a what yon need for dyspepsia, tcrpid livsr, yellow akin or kid ney trouble. It ia guaranteed to give yon satisfaction. Prioe7oo- Szldjby Foshay & Maaoc Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and Couf liiwttion. Small litis Ucartr. (fron, oui reiroiar oorretpondant. Washington, April 17, 18533 Neither President Cleveland norSetrs t try Gresham have any apologies to make lit the action of Commissioner Blount in carrying out his instructions, declaring the protectorate proclaimed by Minister Ste vens, without a shadow of legality or au tbority, at an end, and in withdrawing the protection of the U S flag and marine from tbe provisional government of Hawaii. And the attempt of a few republicans to use the incident as a means to create bad blood be ween members of the two parties has fallen very flat, as far as Washington is concern ed. There U no politics in the matter. It was simply a question of righting a wrong which was officially acknowledged to be wrong by the Harrison administration but was not righted t'ueu, aa it should have been. If tbe provisional government of Hawaii is not strong enough to maintain itself without the United States it is not strong enough to be recognized in any gouauon looking to annexation or any other settlement of the present problem. What has been done is neither for nor against annexation, in fact, nas no bearing whatever upon it. H is simply a step to wards doing the right ti ing, as soon as the right thing shall become apparent. Mean while the administration ia fu'iy determin ed that no other nation shall interfere with Hawaiian affairs. Senator Butler, of South Carolina, scored a point, as he usually does whenever an op portunity is given him, when Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, offered an entirely need teas resolution, directing the secretary of state to inform the senate by whose au thority the American flag was hauled down at Honolulu, by offering an amendment adding the words "and also by whose au thority the tame was hoisted." Mr Lodge knew that the president was rwpoasrible for lowering the flag, and the resolution wat only offered for Buncombe. Secretary Hoke Smith is in (ieorgia at tending to some pressing private liiiiiastss He will return to hi desk this week. Extraordinary efforts are being made by republicans to put the democratic itlistnji in a false position before tbe country in regard to the proposal to investigate Sena tor Roach's connection with an allseed bank embezzlement fourteen years ago. The republican! wish it to appear that the democrats refused to allow the investiga tion because of their wish to protect Mr Roach. No such conclusion can be reach ed, except by a willful distortion of the facta. Senator Roach has from the first personally desired that the investigation be made, as he manfully told the senate last week; he has ashed for no protection, and what is more to the point, he wants no protection. The opposition of the demo cratic senators to thiz or any other investi gation of events in a senator's life before he became a senator is based upon the highest authority in the land the consti tution of the C S, and it is miirhry small awawawass ur jc, t;v .- try usaae it ap pear otherwie. but then, you know, small bnriaers is second nature withVome people. The fist instalment of the weather bateau has been completed, and the immediate results will be the dismissal of several minor officials for their inability to dittin guisn toe oinerence between their own property and that of Uncle Sam. and the final result may be striped suits for tbem Tbe second instalment, which deals with bigger fish, will be started this week, and it is expected that it will result in showing that tha big officials regarded the positions under the bureau in about the same light that the minor officials regarded tbe prop erty of the bureau. the Kentucky colony, temporarily in Washington, was reinforced by Hon Henry Wiitterson. on Saturday. Mr Wattersou called at the state department but said he merely called to pay his respects to his old friend. Secretary Gresham. He also paid his respects to President Cleveland, and it is not improbable that he pot in a word or two for some of his numerous friends who are anxious to have a "go" at official life No office id the president's gift is big enough to tempt Wartemn away from his paper. Secretaiy Carlisle says: "la tbe exercise ol the discretionary pow er conferred upon the secretary of the treat nry by ih: act ot July 14, 1S90, n has been paying gold for coin treasury notes, issued fcr the purchase of silver bullion, and he will continue 10 do so at long ss he has goM legally available lor the purpose. L'nder this process tbe government has been, and no ia, paving sold for silver bullion, aad storing silver in its vaults where it is as useless for any purpose of circulation or re demption as iron, lead, or any other com modity. The government, in the first place, issues a coin treasury note ia payment of the silver bullion, an J then the coin treasury note a presented at the ub treasury and gold paid out for li; so that the effect is precisely the tame as if tbe gold were paid out for tbe silver In the first instance. About fJSoo.eoo of the gold which was withdrawn from tbe tub treasury last Tuesday for shipment abroad was paid in these coin treasury notes. No order has been made to atop the pay ment of gold apon these notes, nor has any one been authorized to say tuch an order would be issued . Tbe purpose of the gov ernment to preserve its own credit unimpair ed and to maintain the parry of the two metals by all law ful means will not be abandoned under any circumstance. In view of the existing legislation, the on ly question for consideration is as to the measures that ought to be adopted to insure the accomplishment of these purposes, and upon this question there is, of course, room for wide differences of opinion. The total stock of gold coin and gold bullion now in the country, including what is held by the treasury as well aa what is held by the banks and Individuals, amounts to about $740,000, 000. When I came Into the treasury de partment, March 7, the amount of free gold on band had been reduced to 1987,000, bat by si range men t with Western banks It waa increased until April 1 It amounted to $9, 000,000. Then heavy shipments began to be made, and two days ago we had only about 40,000, but .iow it amounts to 885,000, a fter deducting what has been withdiawn from tbe tub treasury today for shipment. Ar rangements are now in progress by which more gold is to be procured from ths West snd I hope a sufficient quantity will be seen red to keep the gold reserve intact. There sgold enough In th; country to meet all the requirements .of the situation, and if all who are realtv interested in maintaining a sound and stable currency would assist the secretary of the treasury lo the extent of their abilities, the difncutiea would toon be removed." FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers - - and - - Embalmers. AE,JtftEPf?"M,.nUJcn Urd ,u51 "- 01 ""Hc, tlcib acd weed caskets at which wiMbl! "sold lat b,"i1'tf endtuUf, in ttc.dcloth, laiin.ct 1 nt.r.etr The Lowest Living 1'roflf . EMBALM INQ end the proper P-0 EXTRA CHARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC Boy Stove. Hd Binge, Boy Stoves and Ranges Bay stoves sod Ranges n Buy Stoves ini Rangesof IV Stoves an Mm for Infants anr Children 'i i 'nil mi iiHi'siliilliuMikpaiawl -xnrend tzms superior Lo uny prsncrcpCw viaat- H A. Aaenxa, H. D, Ul So. iford Kt, Brooklyn, X. T. rh- use of' Casavjrii is sonnnvrsal ana ns-rits so snsU kskawa tasst at aeeeas a work .' ywatt.tIsOn So rnrlnrsv It, Few are tan -esteem lanrinns wao oo not Seep fan m is itiir wTnwes." Casxos aUarrx. D.I. Sew Tor Oty. Pasts BLjnssity Va Betcnoed Cassoeh. Tits Czsrrara ESTABLISHED 1871 l.v Burkhart Bros, One of the oldeft Job printing Office! in the State, The only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US Fcr Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, Flinn Block, -PATRONIZE HOM INSTITUTIONS. W FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO! llbasay. 2atAiX Proatdeat. J Zi COWAN, Treasurer, I Onwan. eo F Slmrioon W F Rad. D B Montolt h, 5 Ssernborg J J Wtnu.K3 J k. W eat herford, C J Stuart. J O Wrltaman. El SO DISTRICT AGEXTS tOB jf several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed VfJ asssasstsasUsssssssw HE LEADING PHOTOdKAPUJEiM. e8n- care of the dead a specialty. HEAR.iE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOi of lattiws & Washbnr ot Matthews & Waste, Matthw s& Washburn Matthews & Washto, fit Mm s 4 f ttfni Cswtui la eager CriLe. OMnsanatsnn. Sogr SiQBMcm. Vtm rwu a. Srxteaam, ban r. aVsBBsW. at- IX, wasjasatsnV KSU ana and ns Are, Sew Tori CSt, Cbaa - aanr, atraaox Sranx, Saw To ALBANY. J O WRTTSM AST. Sserosart Geo F SIMPSON. Vice President. Proprietor, Cabinet photos from to S t . per 1! per doaen. Enlarging pictur ssSaoa. Wiiama mjarkxm rjcocsixo. Far several rears I hare miimnal rear ' Cwntrn as.' rl ahaB atwanw umiiaai sr rknattava iaswrntnryisialiaiil asSS fV ia fMffyry ,( crayontfra 0.00. We carrv a farse of 5x8 and steiescoplc views o