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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1892)
Riahts Ilcinnrrnt The -: Democrat, ThepBest:Paper in the Valley, One Year for Only $2.00. VOL XXVIII. Entered h! the 'i Office at Albany. Or., aa eeBd-riaas Mall Matter; ALBANY.OREGON, PRIDA1, DECEMBER S3. 189-2 titi:h at ftlTTISC.rsblUkers aa Proprietors: II 1 1 MH II ipot- ijattles and g POMPS! We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force and Lift Pomps, also the Rumsey Foice and Li" t Pumps. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or no sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other pump in the market, exami rur stock before purchasing We also carry the largest stock of Farm Implements and Vehicle to be found in the valley. Give us a call. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVEk CO? S207 SntU-ElInworth st, Albany, Or W. F. R31D W E have thejargost and DRY GOODS, NOTIONS FANCY GOODS, ETC., ever shown in Albany. G OODS cuitable forfHOLIDAY trade. W E,;have reducedXthe; tau ana see wnat we your trade. I GENTS for Butterick's patterns and Warners corset. W E also carry a full line bouse shoe, the best OURS for I usiness, W. F. AJ bany CARPET DEPARTMENT. WKLLKTOCKEDW1TH THE ( HOH IST CARPETS! MATTINGS, OIL DRAPERIES' OF THIS SEASON'S PBICES DNEQDALED IN THIS MARKET Samuel E. Young Rupture, Asthma and Piles ilr's. $ hi nip & Houser, Specialists In the treatment of all forms 01 Chronic, Catari ha!, Nervous an female Disease. Twenty (20) Years Experience iu Medloini. Margery an I Kleotrlrity ourabtn oases Outran eel. uffiis 258 Commercial Strait, Halem, Oregon I Bit Mil M I Mil I . PATRONIZE HOM INSTITUTIONS. FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE W ir Albany, W K BBAl), President. J L COWAN. Treasurer. -DIREOTOIUJ-' l. rowan, Geo FSimptou, W F Read, - "tnineriora, k s Btraaan, J u wmsman.; -ALSO DISTRICT Several Solid Eastern f aaaaaaaBaaaaa..- THE EKADIK PBOTOGBAPHBBH, Albany, Oregon. M i avv U H neniy V CPrjqucfor? . S! PUMPS! pump do not fail to call and & GO. most attractive stock of pric on a great many lines. can do tor you. We want of Henderson's Red school child shoe in the worl READ & CO. Oregon CLOTHS. nTTnrp t ttt LINOLEUMS, uUHJAlNol NOVELTIES AND Oregon .J O WRtTSMAW. Secretary Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President, D B Motiteltli.M. ttteroberg ,J WOulipJ AGBKTS SOI and Foreign Companies Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4. per dozen. Enlatglng pictures . per dozen. 10x20 crayons frame e 'or tio.oo. We carry a large l!o of 5x8 and sterescopic views of Or A Bio Brick Hotel. Last evening there was completed in this city a very important sale. John lsom, Sr, Capt E J Lanniug and Charles Peiffer purcheaed of Frank Wood the lot at the northwest corner of Second and Ellsworth streets. pa ing 6,500 for the same. The lot has a frontage of 67v feet on Second afreet. Mr Pfei&r already owns the adjoining Sfc! feet. Tho Pkmocrat is informed by Mr Pfeiffer that the plan of the pur chasers is to erect, probably beginning in the spring, a fine five story brVk ho tel with all the modern conveniences. such as elevators, heaters, etc, covering me enure ground, rue location is hrst-class and the move is an important one lor Aioany. Besides the hotel of fice, three store rooms will be built. the rest ol the building being devoted to the notei. J he coming year promises to be tne nest in the history of the citv, and the present outlook is that Second st reet is the seat of war. Tradkd Posts foe Whiskev. Neil McKae came to Albany from Green Basin the first of the week, with a car load of tence posts, which he sold to P Vv Spinks. receiving $40 on the contract, which he immediately began investing in whiskey. Yesterday it took the sidewalk and Dart of the etreet .or navigation. Last even ing he was arrested and olaced in the calaboose: but oaid his fine and waa discharged. His money was all gone, so ahnni T 'III .a'..1....I- I... . 1 1. . Mr Spinks at his residence for more money to blow in. On his way he reeled into the back door of the residence of the Man About Town, during hia absence. driving the family, from fright, into the street. McKae took charge of the house, from which he was ejected by a couple men called on for help. He then hunted up Mr Spinks. This morning he was given enough money to go home, and left for Green Basin, where he has a family unfortunate in having such a man at the head of it. A good sample of what whis key does. Exonkfateh. George Crowder wh was arrested a few days ago in Portland charged with stealing $275 was brought un betore the court for trial, and the man who lost the money went on the stand to testify, when It appeared from his own admission that he had told widely con flicting stories about the amouht of money he had lost. To one he told he bad lost, $600, to another $375, to anolner he said he had lost $175 and finally had Crowder arrested for stealing $175. The police man who saw a man leaving the room when the money was aaid to have been stolen when called to the stand said he would recognize the man if he should see him . George Crowder being pointed out to him, he said he was not the man. The court then ordered Crowder discharged without calling any of hit witnesses. These are the facts as given us by Mr Salomon Crowder who was present at the trial. Oregon Act the World. George Belshaw, the veteran wheat grower of Lane county, has en'eted the lists and will compete at the Columbian World's Fair with other wheat growers. Mr Belshaw shipped ' his exhibit the other dar. the packages weighing 815 pounds. There were 220 sheafs of whejt. comnritin? 120 varieties, splendidly filled' with excellent straw, much of it being at least 8 feel hih. The sheafs are confined by red, while and wue ribbons every eight inches. This wheat was grown within the city limits of fcugene the last season, and is considered 0 Mr Belshaw the finest lot he has yet exhibited. He will exhibit So varieties" in glass jars, and also compete for the best bushel of grain, the variety chosen being old Oregon wheat. Velvet Chaff This he has in a fancy red white and blue tack. Guard. The Oregon Pacific. The following dlspatch from New York, dated Dec 14th, 101 importance: uregon racinc bond holders met today to devise and consider a plan to retain possession of the road. The committee appointed reported It had not been able to formulate any satisfactory plan, and was discharged. A aale of the rossd had been ordered by the Oregon courts to take place January 1 sth at the minimum price of ii.j; A jruoo sition was submitted for the aDoolotment of a committee to examine and rrnnrt nn the property and levy an assessment on the tondholders pro rata, to as to raise an amount equal to $1,250,000 lor the pur chase of t'.e road. Institute. A county teachers' Insti tute f to be held at Albany. December 27th to 30th, and the superintendent of that county extends an Invitation to the teachers cf this county to attend. Super intendent Stevenson, of this county, after consulting with a number of teachers, hat decided not to ho d an institute in this county this winter, but instead will hold a normal institute some time next sunnier. probably In July, and continue it four weeks. He thinks this will be much bet er and more good will result to the eachers. Eugene Register. Leet $750. Robert Harrison some time since deposited $740 in the hands of a local committee of the M E church as administrator of the estate of his sister. Mitt Susan Harrison, deceased, who wat a graduate of Willamttte university and wat drowned at Jefferson In 1886. With what can be obtained from the church ex tension fund a handsome buildime can be erected. No location has been selected bat the church commi'.ttee are Dreoared to recelva proposals from any of the suburbtofthe city. Salem Journal. Sending Presents. This it the week when Chrigtmag presents are seat east. In view of the fact the following will be timely. Lower-class mail m. tter containing ruing is chargeable as fjrat-clats matter. rappers should be of stout paper, tied ith stout twine, in such manner at to ad mit of examination, ana addressed plainly in ink. The gender's name and address snoum appear on the wrapper, at well as the name and residence of the person to whom the matter is sent. A Commandery of Knights Templars hat been organized at Salem, with Judge R S Bean a. eminent commander; W T (jray, gei.erallesimo; E B McElrov, ca; tain general; Georg: B Gray, prelate; ueorge f Hughes, senior warden; E F Parkhurst, junior warden; Phil Metscham, treasurer ; George W Davis, secretary ; John Gray, warden. Th? name selected was De Molay commandry. No 5. A Fox Chasz. A fox has been secured at Eugene and a genuine fox hunt is to be nein at Skinner's buttc on Saturday be fore Christmas. The fox will be led around the butte then nlac.ea in a box The hounds will be placed on the track ai tne commencement, and the Hrst dog to reach the box will be awarded the puree made up from the small entrance fees. Then the fox will be turned loose on the south side 01 tint Imttn and tl.o dogs allowed a chance. No horses or venicies will be allowed on the butte Oooo in A Year, Henderson Murphy i.uucui our suoman lai larmers, living a few mues south or town. He is a thrifty man, and knows a good investment when he ... it Less Ihsn a year ago he bougnt 1.500 head of sheep very cheap, paying for tbem only $1,650. He htt sold since that time from the sheep $3,400 worth of wool and mutton and last week told the present band of 1,502 to Holt McDaniel for 84,200. His profit was nearly $6,000. ;West;Side. Election of Otficbrs. At the meet ing of Beulah Bebekah Lodge held last evening the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing term : Mrs Ella Merrill, N G. Mrs Maggie Veal, VG. Mrs J 0 Littler, Bee. Hec. Mrs Elvira Gradwohl, Trees. J 0 Littler, Per Sec. The Opera House. At a meeting of the Opera House association last even ing a dividend of 4 per cent was de clared, No 6. The lease to the present management expires Dec 31. and the aa- sociation are ready for proposals for the coming year, u satisfactory arrange ments are not made it is probable the association will take charge of it themselves. SODAVIM.E. One of the dynamos for the Lebanon electric light plant arrived there yesterday mo'nlng. The second one Is one the road and Is expected about the Joth Inst. Sodavlllc will soon have a money order olhce. l'ostmaster fisher having already niea nis bono, this win be a great con venience for this place and will he duly appreciated by the people. Died At the retidence of the deceated near vYaterloo," Tuedsy, Dec 13, of dropsy, Robert McCulley, aged about 80 years. The body wat taken to Salem this morning, where the funeral will take place. One of those petty little cases was called before Justice Ireland, last week. In the name of the stae but only resulted in the dismissal of the defendants This was a cate of disturbing a reilgiout meeting, and Irom the Information at hand, it ap pears that the partlet arrested were not the only onet Implicated. podavillc has an Item. Living near here is a lady, Mrs Simons, mother of Dan Simons, who It over 100 veart of age. and is now drawing a pension from the 181 2 war fund. She can only remember back to her wedding dav, and her mind is gradually becoming weaker. She enjoys very good health ard it able to gel araund the house mott of the time. A mass meeting of the citizens it railed to meet at the eouncil rooms at 7 o'clock. sharp, Thursday evening, for the purpose of selecting one or more peitont to go to tie legislature with the petitions, and at fcist In securing the passage of a biil ap propriating funds for! the improvement of the mineral spring at thU place. Re view. Lebanon. Mrs. Barbour, formerly of Lebanon, has opened a toy ttoie In Moo to mlo, Northwest Tei ritory, Casada . A great many (rult trees ate being set oat in the Tentettee neighborhood. Run. Hiatt hat rat out abokl 1200, and the Fronk brothers have act oat 1000 and are thinking of baying that n.any more. Two young mjn from Sweet Home. Row- ell and Rolf, who are attending school at Sodaviile. were arretted last week on a charge of disturbing a religious meeting . 1 ney nad been "cutting op with some girls at prayermeetiag, but when Attorney Wjatt went up to prosecute the Cate tie young ladies knew nothing about a distorbance." and there being no evidence against the young men, they were not brought to trial. While working on the new parsonage Tuesday the l7-vetr-o!d san of Rev. J. M. Turner lost hit balance and fell from the scaffolding to the ground, a distance of about sixteen feet. No one saw him fall and wben he was discovered be was in an almost dying conditisa. He wat taken into Mr Slater's house and medical aid sum mooed, but it was several house b-fjre be regained coosdoosae. It it not yet known how seriously the young man is la-ared. but no bones are broken and it is bouch; ".hat he will entirety recover. Advance. Two Elks Killed. The McMinnrille Telephone Register tells the following very peculiar incident: Thursday Thos Fryer, of Carlton, discovered a large ball elk in the pasture of A J Ed son feeding with a number of mule. He returned to Carlton and several accomnanixl hi in to help tbe tilling. Several shots were nred at htm and he was finally brought down by Fryer and Kelsey. On Monday a number of hnnteis at a pa to, among them Tbeo North Yamhill, killed another large ball, having six prongs on one horn and seven on the other. Tbe strange thing in it is that the elk should be down in the valley at this season of the year. The settlements en the Traak in aaid by some to be tbe cause of It as elk will not stay within hearing of human habitation They were probably on their way to the Cas cades. The Lumberman ivs four elka were recently seen above Green Basin. Let mmrods take notice. Belonging to the Militia, Without knowing it a good many of ug are members of tbe state militia, 1 he re being 2400 in Uan county, according to the record made by tne assessor. According ro the iswtot Or egon ihe attestor each year makes out an alphabetical list of the names of all those object to military duty. The persons on this list are divided into tws classes, the one consisting 01 those enlisted in th active ratlltla 01 the state, which Is known as the Oregon National Guard, and t'.,e other ol tbote not evlMtei in the active militia and who constitute what it known as the Oregon reserve militia. There are a few able- oooieo men in ine county between the ages of 18 and 45 who are exempt from the above list on account 01 previous military service and other exemptions. All active members of tbe Oregon National Gaatd are exempt from all military, pott or road tax or jnry duty. There are in the state of Oregon about 30 companies o: actire militia, contain ing in all 14x4 drilled men. one of tbe best of which it F Company of Albany. Should be Repealed. The next leg islature will be asked to repeal the law requiring bicyclists to dismount one hun dred yards from a team. It It settled everywhere that bicycles have at much right on the roadt as any other vehicles The English law on the subject is a rex tonableune: Every bicyclist who over takes any wagon.or carter other carriage. or any norse, oranvtoot passenger pro ceeding along the carriage way, shall. when wlthtn a reasonable distance before passing such, by sounding a horn, bell, or whistle, give audible warning of the ap proach ot nts bicycle, fcvery bicyclist who overtakes and pastes any wagon, cart or other carriages, or any horse, shall keep htt bicycle to the right or off side of the road. Ia every cate where a bicyllst meets 01 overtakes any horse which may become restive, such bicyllst shall take every reasonable precaution, to thebest of his judgmenLby dismounting or otherwise, to as to avoid danger. Any person who breaks any of the foregoing laws Is liable for any one offense to a fine net exceed-' ing $10. Walla Wali.a Ahead: A wriier in the St Louis Republic says: "For years I have collected and indexed every newt- paper item beating upon the subject of the tallest and I.rcest American family. Ftom an analysis of this array of giant literature f have come to the conclusion that the Petitjohn family of Walla Wslta county, Wash, deserves the palm. The family ons'sta of ten children, seven boys and three girls, the average height oi the ten being; 6'A feet and the average weight be ing 244 pounds, including two children not yet grown. The 'baby' it a boy of 17, who It 7 feet one inch and 265 pounds." The Same Greenwood. The following from the Walla Walla Statesman is about a former resident of A lbany, and reads sort of familiar : W H Greenwood, who runs a photograph gallery and oyster and chop house on Second street north of Main, caused the arrest of his partners in the chop house business this Monday afternoon on the charge of assault and battery. The young men who gave their names as Herman Collier and Arthur Provooat have had trouble with Green wood several times and the nance are frequently called thereto qnell a disturb ance. Saturday evening, (ireenwood claims, his partners assaulted him and ejected him from the building with such orce that he landed in a woodpile on he outer edge of the sidewalk. New Officers. Following are the new officers of Baylev chapter, RAM: C E Ha vklna, H P;"C E Wolverton, K; A B Matthews, S ; E W Langbon, Treat ; J R Wyatt.Sec; T L Wallace, C of H; F E Allen, R A C j C B Winn, M of 3rd V ; E D Cuslck, M of and N ; E D Wath burn, M of 1st N; WE Baker. Sentinel. Money to Loam. I bave money in sums of $600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Ben tea counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. 0 G Bcrkhabt Beal estate agent, Albany, Oregon. dargaina at Read's, Prevent and cure Constipation and Sick. Headache, UrtuM Uilo Ueuus. FOOA AND I'KKXOMI. THCRLIlAV Miss Kote Trumbull lectured in Jeffer son last night to the young people on the subject of I emperance, at.d it in the city today. Mr Sid Dorrls le't this noon for Ihe mines in Utah about which there has been so much talk. Ti.ey are said to be re markablv rich, and Ml Dorrls Is anxious to get some of the gold. Mr oseph Lelbly, who has been tepre senting the Uregonian Encyclopedia Brl tannics, has charge -f t'le "GHmptet of the World," and the s A-ho have not yet already secured the U'ter work can do so by calling on him at 1 1 ; Rust House. The CLSC enjoyed a pleasant and prohtabie evening at C H Stewart's last evening. Besides the roll call with Lor.g- . a 1 . . ienow quotations ana question box on American hittory, Mr N M Newport presented an able paper on the history of Oregon, and Mrs Redeker recited "icn'' In a delightful manner, showing her to be an elocutionist ol talent. FRIDAY Mitt Edith Lord, of Salem, it in this city, visiting friends. Rev J R Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, has located at Selma, Calif, where he will preach. The two College literary societies will give an open entertainment this even ing, at which a good program will be presented. Joe Nixon, formerly of Lebanon, has sold his farm in Washington and has gone into the livery business in Farni- ingion, wash. The Dallas Transcript intimites that J R N Bell has his eve on some federal position under the new administration ; bot does not eav what. Rev M S Riddle will exchange du foils with Rev E R Priehard of Albany next Sunday. Mr Priehard will fill the Free hyterian pnipit bee morning and even ing. Eugene Guard Ja? Minto and four other Salem men returned home today from a trip to Al ea, where thev htunred about 100 snitw and 50 other birds, though the record given was 300 in all. At Norton, on their way home they killed a deer. M its McNeil, former m'twionarv of the M E church in Urira. arrived Wednes day morning frjm Portland and is visit ing the family of Elder Jones She has little black girl from tbe banks of the Congo with her. Grants Pass Ctorier Hoc Jeff M vers has been in the city looking ioto Albany's netds. and among other thing examining into the work ings of tbe Orphan's Home, with a view to an appropriation at the coming legis lature. The Home is a splendid institu tion and deserves a liberal appropriation. SATCsauv On account of ill-health S Vv Cooeet it re tiring from basinet in Harrisburg. Mr Bert Van Cleve. the riaine- vonna comedian, returned to Albany this noon from his California tour. Capt T 1 Overman ami 1i I.intn.nt J A McFeron returned last evening (;.:. a trip to Portland, where they attended a meet ing 01 i::eu. u. Mr Divid Otbara. Beaton Counts enter prising Sheriff, wat In Albany to day on hit way to Portland to attend the Sheriffs Con vention that meets there Monday. Mr J D Galas is in the city visiting fiieads. He has sold hit drug store la Laiavette. and hit family are visiting In Woodburn. On ac count of poor health be will rest for awhile. D G Htvne and C L Back left that ssanss far State Center, Iowa, on a visit lo their old home, and will t gone seats! six weeks They are among our best sad moat rustling yo-iag men, and deserve a pleasant holiday E H Flags, editor of the Marion Coun ty Dehocrav. is in the citv Mr Flar is a candidate for twister of the land office at Oregon City, and is a good man for tbe place. Hia appointment would be in the interest of the peop'e.and would meet wun general lavor. In its K of P column the Portland Tel egram says: George W Hcebstedler. supreme representative, ia stopping in the city for several weeks, and any lodge desiring his assistance in the new work will find him ready to help if notified His headquarters are at tbe Esmond. Prof J A Sibbits and family, it is re ported, will soon remove lo Junction C ity, where the Professor has quite large engagements as a teacher of music. He has done splendid work for the Genrais band and leaves it amply able to "pad dle its own canoe." Gervaia Star. Tbe Jefferson Review tells of a pecu liar double wedding: A double wedding occurred at the residence of Ashley West on Wednesday, Rev Longwoith being the officiating clergyman. The contract ing parties wer J Randall and Mrs M J Groves, R S Oeheler and Miss Nancy Lee Groves, the brides being mother and daughter. We unite with the balance of the people in congratulations. J at Lindtey, a Pendleton horse dealer, wat in Indiana with some horses. tnJ while there met a boy Charles orphan, whom he became somewhat interested In and paid hit fsra to lodianspolis in order lo give blm a start. Young Patterson seems to nave taken a notion lo Lindtey. and followed him to Pendletcn by blind baggage, bot cart, etc, arriving there after a tit weekt trip. He made the trip on about a dollar's capital Lind sey will stand by him and get him work. Oregon Schools. The report of the S'ate Superintendent show s the follow ing: The whole number of school dis tricts in the s'ate is 1,820, being an in crease of 79 over last year. The number of persons over 4 and under 20 years of age, 111 780, being an increase of 5,598 over last year. The number of persons enrolled, 75V26, an increase of 3,20 over 1891. The average dailv attendance, 52, 724, an increase of 7,323 over 1891. The number of teachers employed in public schools, 2,694,an increase of 53 over 1891. Average salary paid male teacbers.SAO.Oi ; decrease, cents ; female teachers, (41. 91 ; decrease, 52 cents. The number of teach ers holding hrst grade certificates, 1,020; second grade, 829; third grade. 620. Number of males enrolled in private schools, 2,832; females, 2,1 Hi; teachers employed, 219 Average salary paid county school superintendents, $542 41. rue numner 01 cnnaren ot school nee who aid not attend any school during tho year as shown by the 1891 census was 20,616; in 1892 there were 29,620. Ihere are 57,058 voters lor school pur poses. In the state there are 1,701 school houses, of which 92 are log, 1,591 frame and 18 brick. During the year there were 154 new school houses built, of wlncli 17 were log, 1.14 Irame and three brick. List ok Patents granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by c A rnotv & Co., solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign patents.opp. U S Patent Office, Washington, DC: R Beyrle.Loe Angeles, Cat, filtering system ; a Chap lin, Buckley, Wash, valve gear; HE Dikeman, Berkeley. Cal, track brake; D Jvvane, Kureka, Cal, logging roadway ; A rraser, Han francisco, Cal, ore concen trating machine; A Gonzales, San Fran cisco, Cal, ore concentrator ; R I) Hume, Gold Beach, Or, can lacquering machine; 1 a t 1 1 1 I i ,1 ;ft . 11, (Inn liVu ni'i u.'. 1 rtl mm, . ..'H.nilfciwil, I '1,11 , 1 . . v 1 . , v . 1 , hi r car; A M Leighton.FortTownsend.Wash, last ; H Mayers, San Francisco, Cal, ice cream freezer; F S Moore, H mi ford, Cal, plow; k. Moron, Seattle, wash, coin actuated vending machine; J Rhodes, Han Diego, Cal, camera tripod; M 1 bcnet.el, Han r rancisco, Cal, covering for buildings; W H Scott, San Francisco, Cal, bed bottom ; C J Himeral, MacleRy, flu MtA- V T Si .11 .in San V-anniaMi. 0. 1 I . MWW , i . li 1.11, i;,.,m . . nuv C5VW, .III, pipe cowling ; M A Taylor, Oakland.Cal, ioutlngachiia; G Week, Oakland, Cul, rail joint, - If you contemplate putting in a w iter plant get prices of wind mills, pumps, pipe, tanks, eta., from W W Cravjford, He will astonish yuu. One Small Mlo Bean every night for a week orouso Torpid Livsrs. Uoc. or bottle. In Paris there are 2000 dally and weekly papers. The hens in France add annually Si 75.000, 000 lothe products ol that cou-try In the United S atcs there ars aboat 75, 000 lawyers. France htt only 6001. A European scientist has been listening to the voice of tbe house fly through a microphone. He says it sounds very much like tbe neighing of a horse. The moose in Penobscot county are get ting so accustomed to the Canadian Pa cific's trains that plow through the wilder ness that they gaxe calmly and critically at the locomotive, and are not disturbed by whistles or biasing steam jets. An iuiiuate friend of Qt elect Altgeld 01 Illinois, sajrs the atory toat Altgeld is worth tlO.OOO.OOO is a slight exaggeration "If the mortgage on the big Unity Build lug were paid off . ' sayt thu friend, "the governor would bave about half a million left not over that. Their it no Stt'e in ths Uuioo in which the Republican rarty it more of a back num ber than Wisconsin. Gov Peck ttyt there is nothing left of it eicepl the colorad man who teods re furnace ia tbe State House cellar. T.'.e !d ttuory that tne deepest place ia Die ocean will be faond to correspond aim st SSStstly with the height of tbe highest moun tain ba been disproved by measurmeatt ta ken within a year, which show ocean depths feet deeper th.n the highest moaalain fits. Some exact figures may be interesting. Tbe raw wool imports for tbe fiscal year 1891 amounted to i29.303.648 pounds; for 1 892 tbe figures are 148.670,652, an increase of i9.367.O04 tbe effect of a law that was matsnt to stop imports. The revenue from this source, which were expected to fall away, actually Increased about SO per cent. Mayor Sargent, just re-elected mayorfat New Haven, Conn, by neariyJltOO plurality, is the most awful "free trader' in 'hat city. Mr Sargent employs about 3000 persons ia his factories, but be is really a perfectly awful '-free trader." and it it strange what tbe people of New Haven ware thinking of to re-elect him. North Ihtkota will this year present an anomaly in the electoral college. Hamtoo, Cleveland and Weaver sail! each receive one vote. The state board of canvassers baa declared Wamberg. republican, elected by eight majority ; Williams; fusion, by 14 majority, and RoodetvedL fusion, by HI majority. The first named will vote for Harrison, tbe second for Weaver and tbe last lor Cleveland. Here is the wool ditty, for exnmp'-e. The XL Kin ley tax on raw wools was avowedly intended to stop their importation, so that tbe American wool-grower might get a higher price for his product. It was on that proposition that "the sheep voted." Yet tbe figures show that under this law the importatious of wool have actually and largely increased, while the price to the American grower has gone down. Per haps that is one reason why tbe sheep have taken to voting tbe other way. A dispatch from Topeka, Kansas, says: The democratic ieadersfrom all parts of the stale are here to attend a meeting of tbe democratic central commt'tee to decide a senatorial uoestion. Numerous candi dates are in the field, but John Martin seems to have a lead which is hard to overcome, the belief being be can best unite all member of toe party. Vv ith tbe aid of one democrat, tbe populists can elect a senator, and Senator O Brien, though a straight democrat, makes it- impossible to elect any democrat other than a fusionUt ar.d populist. The caucus trill decide wno that fastonist will be. Tbe Golconda Hmld EnXnpiiu cannot believe the evidence of i's senses tinoe Illi nois went overwhelmingly for the dotnoc racy, and like several other republican ttapers, it assumes to speak 'or the democ racv. It says: Of coarse the democratic party was not in earnest, and does not expect to carry out the pledges of its platform, but there are some manufacturer w jo are disposed to believe that they will give tbe country what they promised free trade. On this ac count all the iron mills at Joliet will shut down the first of tbe year, and will be kept closed until it is made plain what the dem ocratic con grew proposes to do about the tariff . This will throw 3000 men out of em ployment for an indefinite time. It may relieve our Golconda neighbor to say that tbe 'democratic papers and the democratic public men alone have the right to speak for the democratic party, and we have yet to see an utterance, either by the lemocratic press or by democratic members of congress, which does not demand the fulfillment ef every pledge to the letter. Even the so called protection democrats have discovered the way the wind blows and are trimming their sails to catch it As to the declaration that the Joilet mills will close down on January 1, that may or may not be true. But it is a fact of great significance that the mil's of Rhode Island have advanced the wages of their employes 7 per cent since the election of Grover Cleveland. They Sever rail. J N Hams, 3 Fnlton Market, New York City, says: "1 have been using Brsodreth s Pills for the Isst fifteen years. There is nothing nnil to thsm as Rlood Puritiera and Liver Regulators. But I wish to state hew ic msrkably they cure rheumatism, and now easily ; 1 was affected by rheo mat ism In the legs. My bnsinoss (wholesale fish dealer) nsturallv leads me to damp places. I could not walk, and at night 1 suffered fearfully; I tried Balsama, 8araaparillaa and all kinds of tinctures, but they did me no goon ana l ws afraid of being a cripple. 1 finally com menced naing Braodrsth's Pills. I took two varv niaht for ten nights, then I began to improve. I eootiuued taking then for fcrty duva and I not entirely well. Now, whtn ever tick, I take Braodreth't Pills. Thsy never fail.'' 7ben Baby writ Wca, we c her Castorm tThtfl nhe wiit a Child, she erled for Caatorta, When Bhe became Miss, she dung to Castorta, IT ben sue had Children, she gave them Caatortm, ThelPorlland Collection Aaeuoylhat SS munried saver! suits to colUct tccounta for G L Blackman. Par ilea owing htm should settle their aeooonts and save oottt. Ashbv k Carte, Real Ft rata, 80, ngtoo Street. Portland, Ct. Wash Stewart & Sox sail the vary best pa tan shears and scissors. JSXiSSSi WASHINGTON I.KITgit. (From our rwrutar somMpondtni,) Washington, Dec i'2, 1802. President-elect Cleveland's Reform Club speech gave great satisfaction to tbe demo crats in congress, but so mu:h cannot be said for tbe misunderstanding, not to call it slight to Speaker Crisp at the hands of the managers of the banquet. If Speaker Crisp had not been wanted be should not have been asked. He occupies today tbe highest official position controlled by tbe democratic party, and no matter whether one agrees with all his views or not be is entitled to respect and consideration from every democrat. Democrats who opposed Mr Crisp's election to the speakership of the present house, and who will oppose his election to the speakership of the next bouse are outspoken in their denunciation of the mismanagement which allowed Mr Crisp to furnish the pre with copies of h; speech and then did not give hi in an op portunity to deliver it. They regard it as a slight to bis ofliciai position and no . to him personally. Senator Vooihees. whose political wisdom teeth were cut somj years ago, rightly characterizes ths idea that the republicans really wish to see the democrats control tbe senate of the Fifty third congress, at ab surd. Said be: "tbe idea that the repub licans will stand back or give in an inch is as ridiculous as tbe story that the demo crats are afraid to meet the issue and organize the senate, and the last is an insult to tbe intelligence of ever' demo crat. We will assume all responsibility and we are ready to begin tomorrow if need be. The democratic party can be dtspended upon to do two things remove the nnjest burdens ot taxation from the sssarie of life and provide the neces sary revenue for tbe government. Ine, republicans are prone to talk of our mis take. We may have made mistakes but theirs have been Crimea." It ia now certain that wben Senator Hale made that public stolen sunt about his and other republicans wishing to see the dem ocrats control tbe senate his intention was, to throw the democrats off their guard in order that a deep laid republican might be carried out to defeat the will the people by po.xhasing votes enough of in certain state iegislatoxes to retain control of the senate and enable the protected miliionaires to continue to pocket their exorbitant profits. Tbe tx&eners. among whom are such experts aa Clark ton. Man ley and Ettee, met in Washington and their meetings were attended by millionaires Alger and Pullman, srho, it is supposed, are the purse holders for the ring which waste to buy. some mora protection Little things count up. Tbe bouse com mittee on appropriations in its work of preparing tbe sundry civil appropriation bill has discovered that tbe eight hoar law passed at the last session will increase the sapeodi tares of the government about to per cent. Democratic printers who expect to stkk type in tbe big government printing office in tbe near future, whether Mr Harrison extends tbe aril service rules to that es. MbUMafl aaii aril be twlsnstai fas Representative Scott's bill prohibiting the employment of apprentices in that office. Mr Scott says only journeymen should be ployed by the government; that boys who wish to learn to be printers and men should do so in private (tsshlish meats, and that his bill will pass. It has been about decidstd to botd a joint cane us of tbe democrats m the house and ate in a few days for the purpose of mapping out just what business, exclusive of appropriation hills, shall be taken op a this session. Representative Geary of California, tbe author of tbe present anti-Chin ete 1 which the treasury officials say will no t work, has his fighting blood up. and some body may catch it very soon. He says that the law can easily be enforced and that to talk of repealing it without having really tried to enforce it, as the bill introduced by Representative Andrews, of Massachus etts, provides, is simply cowardice, and will be so regarded by the whole world . A poll of the boose and senate shows a majority in fav jr of the restriction of im migration in some way at this session, bot an agreement has yet to be reached upon the best method of doing it, although the one years suspension appears to be the favorite method. Senator Teller says the silver men will oppose the repeal of tbe present salver law until a substitute that it better is provided. Arthur Grabb, living, at Ruthvilie, Ohio, reesaved a "gren goods" circular from New York and decided to invest. He want to Lancaster, borrowed fooo and started for New York. He found the swindler and made a bargain, whereby he was to receive Sjeoo for his Sooo At k well knows, the game of these thaipcis is lo count out gocd monev and afterwaid make a change, t y which the victim receives only a package of worthless paper. The first part of this schema arts carried out and the money placed In Grubb's valise. Thereupon he picked it up and started for the station The gang followed and tried all sorts of schemes to regain possession of the valuable grip." Grubbgotthe valise and contents to Rushville in safety, however. He at once repaid the Lancaster bank the $900 he tor rowed. Then he secreted the remaining $2 loo In a trunk at his own home, lues day of this week he looked for hit treature. but the trunk had been torced open and the money wat missing, 1 he supposition it mat the swindlers followed him from New ork to recover the monev. The Milky way hoi its probably at least 20, 191,000 stars, and ss each it a son, we pre sume it It encircled by at least $0 planets. Counting up these figures, we arrive st the magnitude of 1,000,055,000 stars. A thous and million of start! Who can comprehend It? Still this Is nnlv a part of the anise's. The modern telescopes have discovered mure and similar milky ways still farther awav. The area of the United States is .lightly over 3,000,000 square miles, excluding Alas ka. Of this area about one-fifth, or 600,000 square miles, has been surveyed during the 10 years in which the wo u has been in oper ation. This surveyed area is represented up on 700 sheets, 600 of which have been en graved and priated, and are now in tbe hands of the public. An area of about 6o,oon square miles is surveyed annually. Quarts Is considered one of the most re fractory of substances, but Or Leger, a Ger man chemist, claims to have actually volatil Uee some pieces of sjuarlx by hesting In a simple form of furnace and using retort car bon as fuel. A piece of quarts weighing grams lost over 40 per cent, of its weight in the first heating, and on repeating the oper- i tio twice it entirely disappeared The Liver W!:en out of order. Involves every organ of the. body. Itemedles for tome other derange ment are frequently taken without the least effect, because It It tbe liver which Is the real source of the trouble, and mitt) that Is set right mere can be no health, strength, ot eomfort in any part of the system. Mercury, in some form, is a common specific for slug, gtsh liver; but a far safer and more effective medicine is Ayer's Pills. For loss of appetite, MUoos troubles, cor.sU patlon, indigestion, and sick headache, these Pills are unsurpassed. "fat a long rime I was a sufferer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, expe riencing much difficulty In digestion, with severe paint In the lumbar region and other parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies. Including warm baths, with only temporary relief, about three months ago I began the use of Ayer's Pitts, and my health It to much Improved that I gladly testily to the superior merits of this medicine." Maooel Jorge peretra, Porto, Portugal. "For the cure of headache. Ayeft Cathar tic Pills are the most effective medicine I ever ud."-B. K James, Dorchester. Haas "When I feel tbe need of a cathartic, I take Avert Pills, and Ami tbem to be more eHro Uve than any other pUl I ever took." Mrs. B. C. Gntbb, BurwellvlUe, Vs. - f have found in Ayer's PtTls. an tnvaltta bie remedy for eonsnistion, Mioosness, and kindred tissoroert, peculiar to miasmatic localities. Taken In small and frequent iwee, ttwaw nus Act Well on the liver, restoring Its natural powers, and a. Nag ft la tu-otrmg off malarial pofsocs." - K. Alston, Quitman. Texas. - Whenever I aa troubled with 1 if Hps Hon. or saner from lots of appetite. Ayer's Pills as me right again." A. J. Jitter. Jr. Bock House. Va. " la I89S, by tne advice of a friend, I began the use of Ayer's Fills as a remedy (or bfl tousness. eeasjrfpatloa. high fevers, ana colds. They served ate better thtn anrtbhsg I had previooarv tried, and I have used these In attacks of that sort ever since -H. W. Setsb, Judsotua, Ark. Ayer's Pills, raaraaan ar OR. 1 C. AYES & CO., Lmfi, Mm, gwtt hm m rw-yyw etgeSjtj In Still sss Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The -very latest news is IDWOHL'S BAZAAR, for Axbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White I OC No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .26 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1-00 6 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm. 1.10 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap .90 1 Gallon Wo. 1 Syrup 40 I wit cod Oct a strfcS cawli store, and all goods will be sold for not cash Grata 10 jo tlx"- ent less loan regular Sty stock of China ware, fancy goods, aaC sO W oVssjraMs nylon of disbea. as well aa a general asawnment or groceries. eroeSX try, lampt ni fixtcrew is aoaaptcxe. 1 make a specialty of ri :a t-s-. ooBsew ao9 wstmajt powder, tusd always ptwane nay caauitnuim. Agent for swveral responsible inturaooe for Infants r-ustaaitsitwireasssSisMSocfeSimstbau ?"oca3xsd ilm superior lo mzsy- prearijekal jsaionf n a. Ascarxa. IL D-. Ul So. Oocyl Si, Broofc-n, X T. - V nae of "Castorta aaa w merits as well known that it tmeaaSa work mt ptyaaaaa aMaaj ap ajffcjf an St. Few aretlM m, a.aaj, .aasatsta wno oo i ilhto js CasSaraa itiie "ay retoch ." Cttme JL.STT. !"V Se Yor Owe a.ajcaur-tae FOR SALE Four -1 Blocks - in - Tomsenffs - Addition, We Told Vol So. Good location. On the line ?rice? and terms see Oregon 'o., agents. J. The Oregon Land Co vVltn its S A UM - In the Gray Block, comer Liberty M A.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre small cash payment for particulars. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE H RETAIL Only White S!ni. rtraeon. W. -e S.lan. Orarnn. w. I. STALtv. rr.ucipai. v. .vTT.i. ..,.. i,.imn. rV,m-l. Endorsed 1 Five Departments: Business, snortnana, i aWMrra-tunjiBp,.. is session the entire year. Stnaemsadmiued.tanvlimc X 45 acid in '88 2,288 sold in '89 6,268 sold in 'SO 20,049 sold In '91 neaowin' A Stool WtnamHl and i Tower every 3 minutest. CV Thoce 'ifjuees tau ttsa a tot) erf tie ever-crowing, ever -going, everts tungi Stee Armater. Whsttw "Toko the Country." aaai v. eses v. Hi. .a f MMfeA.kklM,Mnkw rmicj aMrd mm attasasstse SraweOr w smb. tmw I. . pill 1 ..ry iiS lOli Hrlk. tmmkJtr. Ill l.ll.l.! I I ..WfcMtM -. motor Co. fesso ;svtkaa ru rrr timet a many wtndmMc aaaO other makers com dim. i 7 e caw to HteK umSmm '"oad. tk Stoat rins 1. , !'iU -4 Im, W ii i t t . et m a mm f - I m st vv. t : twt a uttMWHSM-3 l . t iwi. km j k .Ju.. - : ati i ImrtatsUI 2 8 Of our Inventions. ?g 1st St i Html ilil'ini m mmymiam -Jlas.-aeraa- 5 aay. annas mmm Wh mm Q XT aaaastMaai tr. tm sisjoii of tits Assviiotoi and 7 tmntiaai, wsf. Stoat Fried ". awastsswanrfaas'tSaatoctans rum mm mmm flaw Saa. Sat wart ar t aarau St to, 3 SLatst' "" I? iTy-TLin"'' "" ' sjj V W CRAWFORD, 4genL Tallman, Or. I.BA.KY 01 ItfTiSG .1 GVl DALRYMPLE & HEWP0RT, Managers, Celieitmae a apialitj of mmmm la an im a, L Ksia Cam start, OFflCE i mm that you can buy at JULIUS net cash, goods as follows: oosspaaSes. Julias .ratlwohl. and Children. Oaatarfa ersres Cril-e, CSSMaTaaanss, Clan Dtia 'i, vajatrbiiat. Lrartaxic-., Hula tot, greet CKp, ta: pe For several years I hare your - Oasaarta, sad shall a! wvs do soar it has limrmjf prosfacntl 1 saBsatav- Eova F. Paaaaa, M. D-, Tbe TVTadtrap. LStfa Street sod Ttb. Avw, KewTarkCs, H e Told loa So. of the New Motor line. For Land Co., or S N Steele & (. Townsend. home office si - - OIREQ-OIN"- and State street, branch office 'n Portlana acre lots at $50 to $60 per long time on balance Send Labor Employed. I. Stale. Pnucip bv the business ana ptoiessioaai men or aaiop. - - c I 3 llitl El SI mm I - .-it fax W i IS MLm asssssstowl aseMen Ja vtsra - at mm s ets l,s in mi 5 3 1 ttmt wm mmm mi SB stew S mmmm ;l . i J 3K m. at tws skm, Ktfe. c nn.swass rsrsi an, aasin i nliew ., St SW see ilm mm. statw, SksaaX ass mm MtblwOTOs'i SrST-wSnf lCTccSSeSr-I 'TOR dairy demonstrates) m 3 ss btawaai I WW mm mmmm emwj