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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1892)
Mate Kill Ms wmnrmt The -: Democrat The2B6tjPper in the Valley, )e moi'cat One Year for Only $2.00. VOL XXVin. Entered at the Poa oniee at Albany. aa Kreoud-4 la Mall Mailer. ALBANY.ORfcGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16. 189-3. TITKa t MTTIM., Publisher, aad Proprietors: NO BETTER PROOF- TetJU wagon 3 unible to fettles ot Of m uhir-ti N n rX. d7 " or W. F. READ W E have the 'arswst and DRY GOODS, f NOTIONS FANCY COODS, ETC., ever shown in Albanv. G OODS suitable for HOLIDAY trade. W E have,, reduced the prica on a great manv lines. Call and see what we can do for you. W want your trade. I GEMTS for Butterick's patterns and Warners corsets. W E also carry a full line of Henderson's Red schcol house shoe, the best child shoe in the wort Y OURS for lusiness, W. F. AJ bany , - s- -1- PUMPS ! PUMPS ! PUMPS ! We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force and Lift Pumps, also the Rumsey Foice and Li t Pumps. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or rto sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other pump in the market. pump do not fail to call and examine our stock before purchasing. J !so carrvlthe largest stock ofjFarm Implements and Vehicles to begfound in the valley. Give- us a call. MITCHELL, LEWISfcSTAVEk CJO 857 2nd Ellsworth st, Albany. Or Rupture, Asthma and Piles Dr's. Slump & If outer. r-emalTS!L,n ,reatment f ot Chronic. CaUrrhal. Nervou, a BUIBE fSIHl.lD. U 1 . B y A Ihrrnitlih hndnM. 1..!.;.. ..I r . ...... Salem, Oregon. W. I. Sta;. tnaor5CU UV Five Departments: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting Pc7.manskib,Enf School in session th. entire year. S.udent.adm.tted t any time. C.taloiue.coatainiaCinforn.atioB, The Oregon Land Co. rVItri its home office r SALEM - - - OEE&OISJ" In the Gray block, comer Liberty and State street, branch office irt Portland INTAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem JXM- Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per acre small cash payment long time on balance Send for particulars. DON'T YOD KNOW - THAT Will & Have the largest and beet WATCHES, our lumulrv in" .IT- .77 Jf"". clieim IluveillHIJ in Jewelry, in the valley ? Everybody says so. For a Holiday Call their on them, good-! please Their you. MlLBOV, MlFFUN Co., PKNNA. was thrrtwn mm a injury toner spine, and wa A HELPLESS CRIPPLE FOR 1 9 YEARS. walk. tier daughter providentially procured two ST. JACOBS OIL, -wear. awnatn notue ww fMMVMttl ...J nt -. . ... L waai aouui, ananas Deen Very truly, THOMPSON, PotTuarrt. & CU most. nMraPiiva f READ &C0. -s- Oregr y. rilanlm.! tl : b,is:ni si nn ' ,'. Ei,l I i.t-.m. - Stark 1 beet stock of SICVERWARE SWAP: auKx general novelties in Present prices will satisfy and A VkRy Bad Girl. the sir! men Honed in the following (rom the Orego. nlan is a Eugene and not an Albany girl s Mateo, though she was recently arrested (1 Albany ,and hence the case is of interest nere: "Lulu Dodson, the 15 year old girl who ran away from the Refuge Home a tew weeks ago and was captured In White chapel by Officer John McKernan, of the Boys' and Uirls Aid Society, Saturday, was taken from the citv iail vestcrJav and placed in the Magdalen asylum oil the hast Side. There was no hone of con trolling her In the Refuse Home. She declared that she would not remain there, and Informed the officers that H washer intention to bo as bad as possible. She said sne wanted to make her home in one of the houses In Whltechapel and proposed to do so as soon as she became of age. She rejects all .attempts to induce her ta reform. She will not go to school and eligets In giving her custodians as much trouble as possible. Lulu Is a remarkably lrge Rlfl for her ace. eivintr the appear- ance of being at least jo years old. She nas pleasing features thst have been somewhat marred bv excessive dissipa tion. The girl's home' is at Albanv. where she and a companion were convicted of stealing and damaging nropertv belonging tu iieignuors. A Mystkbv. Uucle David Williams and Ma ron Leach, of Santiam, were coming to town a short time since, lien about six miles from Lebanon they louna a tot 01 broken glass in the road, which bad formerly been a big bottle. Near it was a quart cap, and there were a large man's tracks about No 14 a leading off from the road. The two men followed the big tracks nntil they led right up to the edge of a pool of water, where thev ended. The water was bub bling, and on the surface was a large stiff hat, Thev sot out the tat. and air Leach tried it on. It came down over his ears, besides leaving room on each side of hiss head for an ear of corn. Th gen tlemen did not sound the pol, but Mr Williams thinks that a descendant 01 Goliah of Gath buried hi rose, f beneath its waters. Can anyone give an explana tion ? Advance. List op Patents granted to Pacific States inventors this week . Reported by C A Snow & Co., Solicitors of Ameri can and Fortign Patent. Opp. U. 6. Patent Office, Washington. D. C: M Anthony, Berkley. al, Faucet and bushing. J R Brown, Eureka. Cal, Neck-yoke. I Davis. San Francisco. Cal. "ater-filter. J Farquaharson, Tacoma, vtasti, Reversible window. J Gam bet ta 4 C D Harsin, Stockton. Cal, Compound rotary engine. C A tiroenhagen, San Francisco, Cal, Ad just a Me stand for show windows. I Henning, Los An geles, Cal, Diaphragn for gas meters. R Aewson, San Francisco, Cal, Rotary motor. A J I an son. Waverlv, Wh, Tire setter and cooler. A McDowell, Selma. Cal, Refrigerator. A M Rawson, San Francises, Cal, Hydraulic-mining engineering method and apparatus. H Tirnken, San Diego. Cal, Vehicle spring. E Vanwart, Port Madison, V.'ash, Com bination lock. Some Ecgcvk Items. A lodge of Good Templars was organized In this city Monday evening and officers elected but we are unable to give them as they were refused us yesterday. At the regular meeting of the Board of Trade Monday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing vear: President, F M tfilkint; vice-president, DrKuykendall; secretary, A S McClure; treasurer, Fiist National Bank; finance comrrittee, H W Holden. H X Cockerllne and E J Frsaier. The firemen cf this city held their annual election Monday. There were two tickets In the Held, One gotten up by the Hook and Ladder company and the hose companies and the other by the en gine company. R M Day for chief en gineer and David Lino for assistant was the combination 'fcket and S Heller fcr chief and Wld McGee for assistant was the tickec of the engine company. The election was a peculiar one as R M Dav of the combination ticket was elected chief and Wld McGee of the engine company was elected assisuo'. The vote was as follows R M Day, 51; Wld McGee, 51; S Heller, 45; David Linn. 45. Register Crook Couwty. The heavy rains of the past week seem to- have been quite general excepc on the uplands. They were snow there. However it i not deeo and this is a model December so far. Roads are said to be very heavy . During the present week Wallace Post, of Newiom creek, was arrested and brought before U S Commissioner Douthit for examination on a charge ef perjurv, preferred by Benjamin Taylor, of Ihe same locality. The case grew out of the jumping" of a part of Tylor's land claim by Pos", and the perjury is alleged to have been committed at the time wntn Post made his homestead affidavit, he having swo.nto residence on the land while the residence in fact was by a member of his family. He was held in the. sum of $500 to the U S grand jurr. Bonds were furn ished News. Scored a Victory. The Salem Jour nal is a little mixed in the following; but it means well, probably simply havh.g ths location of Tangent wrong: The Ore gon railroad commission has scored an other victory for the people by Inducing the U. P. Railway Co. to giye the town of Tangent a station house. This they have long needed , but were never able to secure until they prosecuted their'case before the railroad commission. The com mission Investigated the demands of the people there and finding them just, re q uested the official of the corporation to grant the facilities required. The com pany will now build a $3000 depot and platforms there. Lebanon. E Keebler, Mrs J01 Keeblet and David Hilbreth and wife have been vis iting Jag Keebler, near Oakland, Douglas county. Tbe Klckapoo Indisn Medicine Company ill give a series of free entertainments in Lebanon, beginning Mondsy evening, Dec 19, and continuing each evening fur two weeks. We wUl tell you all about mem mxt week. Tbe case of Mrs Khoda Smith against Wm and Eva Beard, for posesslon of an organ. was tried the second lime before Justice Elson , luesday. A r Stowe and Percy G Kelly sp peared for plaintiff, James J Charlton for de fendant. Tlieiury decidedin favorof plain tiff. The case will be appealed to the circuit court. Advance. 8DAvnxB. Died, at his residence near Sodaville, on Tuesday, Dec 6th,after a lingering illness, Mr James Boyle, aged about 36 years- Mrs M 1 Peerv and familv vera tender. ed a pleasant farewell party, one evening nsts i weK,wnicn wasa complete surprise. A large number ot old and young people were present and enjoyed the evening's amusement to the fullest extent. They lett yesterday for Monmouth where they 111 ui.e meir iuiure noma. Keview. Gooi Showing For Oregon Th renort of Postmaster General Wanamaker shows that the lowest per cent, of expenses for nost- offices of any state in the union is for Oregon, oeing a per cetu. 01 me gross receipts. The highest is lor the District of Columbia, which is 76 per cent. The average for tbe whole country Is about 50 per cent. This includes the free delivery systems, but not the mail routes. This Is certainly a good showing for the Oregon postmasters, indlcsting also that they are dcing more W3rk for the money than those of any other state in tbe union. Ex. Tub Wm M Hoao was in the city yes terday, and will hereafter run on the following program : Mondays, Corvallta to Salem ; Tuesdays, Salem to Portland ; Wednesday .Portland to Albany ; Thurs day, Albany to Salem ; Friday, Salem to Portland; Saturday, Portland to Cor vallis. Stewart & Sox sell ths vary best p steu shears and scissors. Parker Bros baker is an expert at his bus iness. Some Boston brown brsad for in stance, is immense. bargains at Read's, Ui the Saniiam. Yesterday after noon when the work train with about ntteen flat cars attached backed past this place a cow was seen on the track a short distance ahead. The brakes were set and the train stopped within a few of feet of the cow. The sudden stopping of the train, however, th rowed two hand cars, which were on the head flat car, off : 1 . .. . 1 j . 1 111 iruni 01 me tram, uerauing one car and completely demolishing one of the hand -cars A Jones, of Breitoiihdsli. was at this place Sunday. Mr Jones' cabin, with all it contained, was burned to ashes last week. He left the house in the morn ing with R A Carrel to build u cabin for Miss Maggie Dunham, and o-i returning in the evening found a blackened spot wnerc ins cabin had stood. I be origin of the fire is unknown! Last summer J C 1 rat t. of the same locality, went out to the val.ey and on returning found his house burned. In the latter case the windows and doors had been removed and carried a safe distance from the fire, showing conclusively that it was a case of incendiarism. Lumberman. A Cotr Stricr. A few mornings ago the families of A U Bailey and S R McLearan, living near Pendleton, were thrown into a state of Intense excitement by a terrific explosion. For a time the Incident was clothed in the garb of mys tery, but now the puxile has been solved. Says the East Oregenian: "The report was occasioned by a meteor which passed over Walla Walla'at 4 o'clock in the morn Ing, and was seen by a few parlies who happened to be up at that hour. It is de scribed as a beautiful and impressive sight. The ball of fire seemed about as larg as the crown of a hat, and continually emitted a shower of sparks. It did not appear to tbe eye to be more than 100 feet high, and seemtngly barely missed the tops of the tallest buildings. It trav eled lr, a horixontal line southward, and shortly after it disappeared from view a report was heard like that of a distant cannon, followed by another of the same kind, and buildings were shaken bv the explosion. That meteor is located some where between Pendleton and Walla Walla, and some one should gel out a search warrant acd find It.' Mrw I. O. O. F. Articles of incorpor ation have been recently filed for the or ganization of a toint stock company, with a capital of 1230,000. for the purpose of erecting an Odd Fellows' temple ade quate to the rapidly growing require menu of that fraternity. The present temple, at the corner of' First and Alder streets, does not even accomodate the lodges on the WMt Side, let alone the whole city. There art three encamp ments, ten Bubordidinate lodge and thtee Rebekab lodges in consolidated Portland Subscription books are open in tbe Odd Fellows' library. Tbe plan of subscription is very similar to that pur sued by tbe AOL W in the erection of their temple in this city that is the payment of installments of 50 cents per mo ntb on each share ofstock . Axothrx Pioxesr Gwt Elder John Stipp departed this life on Nov. 2tb, l, having been confined to his bed bat three days, of heart failure and general decay of the body, about 85 years of age. at bis own farm at Molalla corners, in Clackamas county, Oregon. where be has been residing with bis son in-law, J C L Miiler. and his own daughter. His long lite and great talents spent as a preacher among tbe Old School Baptists in Oregon some forty years caused him to be one of he most widely known characters in Linn and adjoining counties. Hie was irreproachable in all hie dealings with his fellow men, and uncompromising in his religions convictions ol tbe truth as it is in Jrtuf . and has at length we trust gone to his reward eternal life. L. Two Pardons Clinton Pennington. sentenced from Baker county to serve a life term In the Oiegon penitrnriarr, was pardoned Tuesday by Governor Pcnnorcr, upon recomendation ol three phssicians. as Pennington is dying from consumption. He was sentenced to hang, but the gover nor commuted it to life Imprisonment. He tas been in prison nearly two p;ars. full pardon was given John Davidson, upon recommendation of the entire jury. 1-1 e was sentenced Irom forlland for ob taining money under false pretenses, and came las Januar to serve three tears. The urgent needs of his familv was the reason for the pardon. A Gos Claim. Last July Thoa J Arthur made the discover v that larinty acree in the heart of M L jonts' big farm near urooks was vaca-t that is, although Mr Jones had been in peaceful possession of It for years the land office records at Oregon City showed the land to be vacant and the tittle to it was still vested In the government. And forthwith after mak ing his discovery Mr Arthur proceeding to homestead the tract, which is very valua ble, having been in cultivation many years and being a part of what Mr Jones nad always supposed was his farm. Statesman. Another Attempt, Las: night, be ween Grant's Pass and Merlin, a rait was sken up from the S P track fot the pur pose of wrecking the overland but fortun ately was discovered by the track walker in time to prevent a wreck. It was evi dently tbe work of tramps who have a spite against the road or tome of the em ployes. New Lodges. Mrs G W Hochstedler Mrs Dr J L Hill and Mrs.N H Allen went to Kosebkrg today to institute a Temple of Pythisn Sisters Friday evening and wiU go to Ashlsnd and institute a Temple there Saturday evening. Mrs Hoschitedlcr is deputy supreme chief for Oregon. w t, uillett and T J Stltes went to Philomath this noon 10 institute a new lodge of Odd Fellows in that city. QNew Lodge. On last evening Backinsto Lodge No ISO I O O F was instituted at Phil omath by D D G M, L Dorrls of Coivslifs assisted by a large number of "three-linkers' from Corvrilis, Albany, Kings Valley and other lodges. Ihe lodge wasorganuerl with five charter members after which Iwen'y-seven applicants were initiated and three admitted by card. Ine new lodge starts under the most favorable circumstances. Badly Whipped. In a saloon fight this week an Albany man got knocked out in very short order, being considerably bruised ana hanged up, in racl "put 10 sleep, in pu gilistic parlance, iie wss considered in a Se ncus condition for a day or two, but is grad ually improving, it is said to have been a square contest, and as the larger roan was whipped ne complaint has been made on that score. The case is not yet a matter of record Tramps and Fab mekh. Farmers need to be careful how they leave their houses on going away from home. According to the Journal tramps on Thursday after noon cleaned out the little ranch of F a Beatty, who lives near Chemawa. They smashed in the window and got away with all the provisions, clothing and moveables they could carry. Parties scoured the woods all the evening for the depredators, but lound no trace of them Tub Steam Laundry Coming. Yester day Mr A L Lamb, of the Mitchell, Lewis A Staver Co , received a dispatch from San Francisco stating that the steam laundry plant of Richards & Phillips was ready for shipment and would come to Alouiiy by the next O P steamer, sailing on the 13th. This plant was ordered through Mitchell, Ia'wir it Staver Co., and will be one of the best In the state. This will be a new industry fur Albany, and an important one. Being iTbiicd. At the time of going to press the examination of Stroud Long, for the robbery of Woods' grocery store was being heard at the court bouse, be fore Justice Kinsey. The state Is rep resented by Deputy Prosecuting At torney Potter and Geo A Dorris, while L Hi lye 11 appears for the delense. Guard Long was once a resident.offAlbany . Before buying your winter stock of boots and shoes and rubber godt go to Klein Bros, Albanv. and set their Driest. Thev "ill and can save yon money on every pH - iJU is a pietsare to mem 10 snow goods StXIAl A FESUMMAI. TRI-KI.UAT W C Twecdale went to Portland hit noon. H C Humphrey, the Eufen banker has been in the c'ly. Mr T L Wallace returned this noon from a trip to Portland. S A HuMn, of Eugene, formerly of Al bany, is In the city. Miss Amelia May, of llariisburg, came down I rom iiarnsnurg nils nr-on. Mrs Chas Wsgiicr. went to Portland this noon for a week 01 two on professional business. Mrs V L Jester a.! son passed throuirh sioany inis noon u.i tneir way to Port land from a trip up the valley. Mi Ed Quinn cm to Salem this noo.i in the interest ol Hopkins' Bros, who have a contract on ihe State hoipltal be ing elected there. Mr Williamson, the first superintend ent of the O-P round house at this city, was in Aisuny tooav, ana went to Port land to bring up the Three 8lstera. Mr R O Wilson, an old resident of Al bany, but for several years an inhabitant Of Oregon City, letumed home '.his noon after a days sojourn In fne railroad centet of Oregon. The ladles of the M E Cssrch, South, will serve sr Pumpkia Pie tea tomoriow evening beginning at 5 o'clock at the pat. sonage. Let everybody come anJ get their supper for ten cents. Mr. Ira Cox returned this week from a trip to lows, and surprised his many friends here by returning with a wife. The marriage occurred on Nov. 16th, at Pearecville. Iowa, and Miss Mamie Dunn was the fortunate young woman who Is to go down life's stream wiih our worthy fellow citizen. Mav they live long end prosper. FRIDAY Ai essor II s Wil UmsU in tbe city toliv Dr Davis was called to Hamsbarg today OO a professional trip. Mr J E Knox returned to Portland today. accoapasicd by bis faml.'y, and will make that city their home. Miss Oiiie Buflei . of lows. t in the citv aad will leraaio Juring the holidays the guest ol her cousin, Mrs Dr W II Davis. Mr acd Mis I) B Combs.of Adairsville. Ga. are in Albany. Uie guests of their cousin, Mrs J P Galbraith. J H lewett and Bvron Rnsswll. of Hr. risburg, are in the city in the interest of the North Western Mutual Life Insnr ance Co, of Minneapolis. They recently wrote nearly so.ow aruund Coburg aarrai.Av Mrs Sam Goctr. of C'orvaJUs. was in ihe city today. Mrs Tali will assist in csnvasaiae A Iran v tor Stoddarris of tSe most elegant I wt- woisj pooiisjiet.. L W Vannnortwiek has moved to Al any with his family, and is in the arber business Independence West ide. A social and oyCer turner will be eiveo by ihe Sunday schco! of the ME chisrcii In the cbarcb parlors oa Wednesday cseaiog Lec 14 commercing at 730 pm. A short program witf-be rendeied by the school free lo all alter which refiesmrnts be icrved at 15 in. 25cenlt. Tbe Mies a Anna Thompson of the Dalles, Josie Daley, of Astorts, and Birdae Anslyn of Albany, bid theii friend Miss Kate Grant good-bve as sue left for ber A tor is home today, and naid the Wet Side office a visit, and were shown the operations of printing a newspaper. Independence West Side. Fran G Lena issreeiing tnrooirt Asia at fas: as his wheel can brave', and ts now far Into the interior oft hat i . land. In a recent letter which Fred T Merr ll received from ibe venturesome wheelman it learned iht he reached Hong Kong on the 15m of No vember. He was in fine health and spirits, tbe two weeks' rest which he obtained 00 thipboard, com bused with the fresh, reviving air of the ocean, making him teel like a new nun. Telegram. An enjoyable party was given at the residence ol Editor 8 S Train of the Herald Thursday evening. Cards, other gauien, general sociability and a fin re past was the order. Following were Ihe guests: Messrs and Mines C 7. Wotver- ton, G E Chamberlain, N H Alien. K W l-angdon. A n Martin. Sherman Thomp son, w alter I'arser.Thos HoDkinc.Heurv Hopkins, A B Wood in. H It Hewitt. J H Irving, G W Wood. H 8 Warner. W H uavis, I U urawford. C I Stuart. A R Chapman, T L Wallace. I K Weather ford, and Messrs J R Wyatt, Curt B :nn. E D Cusick. 1 R Whitnev Charles Chamberlain, Misses Olga Hewitt. Helen Crawford, Iva Turner, Carrie Iavtoo, Zeila Wood. Ollie Butler. Marguerite nopains ana ettie Whitney. i . t r a a.. ... . an Cjrtws W FleM. JH S East 56ns Strbet, i Nbw York, May Sih, 1SS3 ( Several times tkis winter I have suffered from severe colds 00 my lungs. Each time 1 have applied A 11 Deck's Porous Plasters, od inevsry instance have ben uuicklv !re!ved oy applying one across my cfi'et and one on my oack. Jly tnendt, through my aavice have tried the experiment end also found i moat successful. I feel that I can leeommrrd them most highly to any one who may see fit to try mem. t'tiw W riSLb, Jr. sea hi as Paiksr Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Boy your grooerist of Parker Bros ELae groceries at Conn & Hendricson's. Latest sheet music at Will & Link's. Hew cream cheese just received at Conrad Weyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, doss arst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at J olios Joseph s. TA M V .' ... . or 01 n Eiit, onysiciao and surgaon All . . . .. . . . aintoy, orejii. i uis mats in city or country. With hit new biker? (. 1 -as Miy abls to offer old ant n castmsrs tv thing tiratclaaa in baked jondi. Pkrmankst Branch Laikdry. A branch office of the Kale.a Steam latin dry has been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the laundried articles delivered at Balem prices. No other expense. All work guaranteed Orders may be left with Osborn Daw. permanent agent and solicitor for Albany A large stock of pruning shears .nd urun- ng hooks 'tbe best made, Jjust received at Stewart Sc Sox'a, Now is' the tisae to use hem. r Fo your school shoes go to Klein Bros as thy repsir them free of oharge if they rip, run oyer or'the solas come loose. The best mast nnHes in the city at U n r isloyer a. A Bio Opportunity. R O Watson & Co, have s jar filled with beans and will give to the p' rson guessing nearest to the number Iter ntalns. an elegant gold warch and chair. The watch has an Elgin movement with a 14 carat Hunting case warranted to wear 2 1 yeais. Its value with chain is $35. One guess wllh each 50 cent worth f merchandise. Remember that F L burnout does guar antee tit, and sews possible enmiug rips in clothing bought of his store. Oyeicoats sold at 10 per aeut disoouut. Call and se new fall dress goods at F Read's. W Ths hnestline of uocketl knives in tka city at Stewart s. box s.j, WASHINGTON I.E1TKK. (Frum uur retruiar oorrespotidsnt.) Washington-, Dec 5, 1892. "The houae will please lie in order," were tbe words of Speaker Crisp as the band on the big clock facing the speaker's chair came together over the XII, and they were iutcenttiated by a sharp rap with the gavel lie held uplifted in bis right hand ; and tbe lout session of the Fifty-second congress was open for business. The att- was fairly good for an opening session, al though the number of empty seats on the democratic side was entirely too large for those who fear that absenteesm may give the party leaders as much trouble at this session as at ibe last. However let us not take the shaded view of tbe future, but rather give Ibe democratic members of the bouse credit for sufficient love of party and patriotism to see that a democratic quorum is not lucking at any lime when it becomes desirable to have it present, and that is practically all tbe time. Mr Harrison's annual message will not go to congress until tomorrow, but your correspondent has read it, although it was an onerous duty 10 wade through its more than 15,000 words, and not a pleasure it strikes me as being in tbe nature of a skillful lawyer's plea for tbe acta of the prevent administration and for the legis lation 01 tne republican congress, ana an altogv: .. r : an i iirin.v--f.-ary on-, in asmuch as tbe court of final appeal the people rendered its verdict in the case nearly a month ago. The general style of tbe mesnrge it far below tkat of those written by Mr Harrison previously; but come to think of it the circumstances under which this message was prepared ere such as to make it unfair to criticise it from a literary point of view. It demonstrates ne thing very clearly. Mr Harrison still clings to protection and tbe other republi can ideas which were so overwhelmingly condemned by tbe American voters on the eighth of last month. Tbe attendance at the opening session of tbe senate was better proportionately than that in the boose, but that may have been largely owing to the fact that by a resolu tion adopted at the last session the anti option bill was made tbe regular order for today, which give that measure, which it will be remembered has already passed tbe house, the right of way as unfinished bo ti neas nntil it shall have been disposed of or the session tha'l come to a dose. There is a decided difference of opinion at to whether this bill will be disposed of by sola ol tbe senate or by tbe close of the wstion Its opponents claim that enough senators flora the srnth hare change! their minds about tbe bill to make it certain that they L-aa defeat it on a direct vote, bat all the same they are now scheming to pre eel a vote being taken. There are a number of important meas ure, from a democratic standpoint, which may be brought forward and passed by the bouse at this session or may be held until the beginning of ibe Fifty third jus: as tbe democrat ic coolereus or ersotaa. shortly to be bead, may decide, it is be lieved that there are enough republican senators willing to vote with the democrat to repeal the present silver law, provided Teeniest can be reached on a substi tute, and some of them have expressed themselves as favoring a return to the Bland law if nothing more satisfactory can be arranged. No help is expected by dem ocrats from the international rnonetary conference, now sitting, in solving the silver problem. Unless several republican senators shall vote different from the way they talk it is probable that the bouse bills for the ad mission to statehood of New Mexico and Arizona will be taken np and pursed by the senate at this session. This is; very desir able for several reasons, not the least of which i that it is believed that both states will scad democratic I" S senator in time t J take their seats next winter. The cholera scare is being worked for ail it is worth to work np sentiment in con giess in favor of a suspension of immigra tion for one year, and it is to a certain ex tent succeeding Once convince congress that there it real danger of the cholera get tin t a foothold in this country next year, through immigration, and the vote will be unanimous in favor of suspension notwithstanding the efforts of tbe steam ship lobby. AN IXCOIE TX II the new Congress shall be obliged to im pose new uses to meet ths extravtf set per manent expenditures isdnied upon the coun try by he Republicans, it ought to rote a graded lax upon large income. J udge Hoi mt n't suggestion thst this would n ci est wealth in keeping down the public', expenses as the tariff bounties have Interested rich men in forcing the expense up, it both shrewd and just. But aside irom this an income tax, as Ths World has for years maintained. Is the most simple, fair and easily borne of alt Imposts for ihe support ol government. It taxes those only who have something to to pay with and to whom payment is no hardship. It does not oppress labor, hamper Industry, nor add to ths burdens of the great farming class. It taxes superfluities rather than necessities. To the common objection that an income isx Is "inquisitorial" the ready ap conclusive answer is that It Is no more so than the tariff, the Internal revenue tyttem or the lifting plan for taxing personal property. A graded tax upon incomes of $10,000 and over could be made to yield $50,000,000 a year without burdening any one. And what ever the rich men may think about it, It would lie a very popular tax. WorW. INTERKSTI.NG FACTS. The forest of Hungary are entirely under the control of the Government. According to Corvisart, the normal pulse rate of Napoleon Bonaparte was under 40 beats in the minute The wonderful progress made in surgery shown from the fact that only nine per cent, of all operations in amputation are fatal. The peach tiees of the country cover 507, ioo acres, and the value of the crop is $76, 000,000. Upward of $90,000,000 were found invested In peach growing in the census year A German chouiist is authority for the statement that apples contain more phos phorous than any other fruit or vegetables; for this reason, as well as because the apple contains several ucids, noticably, malic acid, it is an excellent brain food and remedy against tbe ills that come of seden tary habits and rich food. Aahbv st Cane, "Real Ratals, J80J VVaaB nirton Street, P.ortland, Or. AXNKXATIO.V HFBATKll. .Within a few days there has broken out in Canada a strong expression of what seems to tie dissatisfaction with the exist ing government. Last week the people of South Norfolk in Ontario held a meeting at which 'here was an almost unanimous expression of opinion of opinion in favor of annexation to tbe United States. On Monday evening there was a debate in Montreal, One orator ad vocated the absolute independence of Can ada. This was M Rodolphe Lemieax, a prominent French Canadian. Mr Elgin Myers, of Toronto, spoke in behalf of an nexation. Mr Myers was lately ilismitsed fromacrosn attorneyship by Sir Oliver Wowatt, the premier of ' Intario, lcaue of hi pronounced view in favor of annexa ation. The meeting was addreted on all phases of the question, and finally the people voted. There were 1617 votes in favorof independ n e acd Uirl in favor of a continental union, meaninty ibriwbyssnearstion with the L'nited States. Only :!; voted for tbe maintenance ol tbe existing colonial gov ernment. The Conservative piper make light of (his, but tue meeting an important phase of public opinion, and evidently of a growing ptiblic opinion. There is a large part of tbe population in the Dominion which believes that the al lianoe between Protestant Great Britain and Catholic Quebec cannot be maintained. English and Protestant annexationist are offended by tbe mainfenanoe of tbe legal status of toe Roman Catholic Church and the French language by British treaties and statutes. They are willing to see the Itomtnion absorbed in the United States becaqse then Quebec, as a state of tbe union, would manage its own affairs, while the English speaking provinces would be rid of responsibility for her debts nasi what they consider ber extentricities. Many intelligent French Canadians have an apprehension that tbe time is coming when the conSkt between Quebec and the other provinces of tbe Dominion will result disastrously to their church, law and lan guage. They know, too. that the province could not be admitted into the union with the privileges now secured by treaty with England. They sre core that congress would not consent that an incoming state should retain law under which tbe priests levy taxes, and in parraaxjee of which rights are established under the French procedure of the seventeenth century. Therefore V Lemieax and many of bit compatriot agitato for independence, or nationality, in the nope, no doubt, that Quebec would retain tbe powers and priri - leges of fUtehood. This is the talk that is going on among oar neighbor on tbe other side of the border. Some day it may be more im portant to as than it is now. bat any ex pression of a desire to join the union made by a people so important at the 1 a Dalian trust always be interesting. .New 1 or I re Id. . ijrtTMBTiv; rAc-r. Experiment has shown that, contrary to the general bcUef, water it not purified by free-ring. The average aaaoant ot imparities retn.-ei after cot verstssa bats ice is 34 ; rer ( organic matter and 21.2 per cent, of I organic. Probably owing to the heat generated from the canyons sairoan ding the observatory, and the cuBteqrtent disturbance of the air, the great Lick telescope Is not as serviceable as a smaller instrument lor observing the son. Sir Edward Watktn't new tower of I -on - don, tbe fouoslatlaas ol which have just bead laid, will be 1200 feet high, or 15a feet high er than the Eiffel roarer la Paris. Tbe foun dations cover four acres of ground The kudru sine is prababhy tbe most rapid growing plant in the won 3. It belongs to the bean family, and wss once called Doliclos j tfmiCHt; the leave somewhat resemble a ima bean. It will easily crow 60 feet la three moaths. Tne search light to be tued to illuminate the Columbian Exhibition ground is the lar gest and strongest in the world. The direct power of tbe light it 1 50,000 candles. By the aid of the great magnifying glass the power 1 increased to 160,000,000 candles. Tbe repott of the Inspector general of the United States steamboat inspection service I shows that the number of passengers carried duiiag the year was 650,000,000. Th num ber of lives lost wss 2 jo. of whom S were passenger snd 152 officers and seamen. The effort of the present Administration to produce rain by the explosion of dynamite is not near so ridiculous as its effort to make the people prosperous by increased taxation. According to the records of the mint, 19,570 dollar were coined in the year 1S04 . Of this number but eight aic now known, and they are valued at from $500 to 92000 each. Mr hat became of Ihe remaining 19,562 Is one of the greatest numismattcal mysteries. The falling off in the vote of Indiana, as compared with the vote of tSSS, is attribu ted by some newspapers to voters who were bribed to stay away from the pools. But we do not think this Is correct. The falling off ts due lo the fact that under the Australian election law the corn-field negroes ot Ken tucky were unable to vote. There were not lest thsn 20,000 imported negroes who o'er. in 1SS8 that could not vote anJer the new- election law. Indiana has been crrried by he Republicans since l$76only by the col onisation o' negros from the South, and the secret ballot slopped that fraud along with the successful use of bootile and bribery. Mo wondet the Republican exclaim, with Bou- telle. of Maine. 'D-n the Australian ballot The annual report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General Kathbone shows 4105 new postoffices were established during the year, a greater number than any previous year except iS90, when it was 4427. The year closed with 67, till postoffices in the United States The largest increase in number of new postoffices is in the southern states. Rathbone suggests an amendment to the law, making the mailing of green goods circulars A continuing offense from the time of mailing to the place of destina tion, so that the prosecution can take place at either point. A similar enactment in retranl to lotteries has about swept them out of existence in two years, and he be lievos the same effect would follow in the cases of the green goods swindbrs. There is no necessity of passing a sleepless night and annoying the entire household with that cough, aa West's Cough Syrup will ours yon like magic The best known rem edy for oougha, oolds, consumption in its early stages, and all throat and lung diseases. 25 and 50s per bottle. Sold by J A Cam ming, druggist. TheJPortland Collection Agenoy hat com menced several suita to onltact accounts for t i L B'.aokman. Parties owing him should settle their accounts and jiave colt. Wonders Ara wrought by the use of Ayer Jlair Vigor In restoring gray hair to tu original color, promoting a new growth, prerei.t tog the hair from falling, keeping it soft, silky, and shun dan t, and die scalp cool, tiealttjy. and free from dandruff or humors. The uuirersa! testimony Is that this prep aration faas no equal a a dressing, and is, therefore. Indispensable to every weil furmsued toilet. "I have used Ayefs Hair Vigor lor some time and it has worked wonders lor me. I was troubled with dandruff and was rapidly l-eroming bald ; but since uslne the Viror mm head is perfectly clear of dandruff, the hair nas ceased coming out. and I now have good growth, of Uie same color as when ws a young woman. I can heartily recom mend any one suffering from dandruff or loss of hair to use AVer's Hair Vigor as a firrsstrig." Mrs. Lydia O. Moody East Pittston. Me. . Home time ago my wile's hair began to was vote ireeiy. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented raj wife from becoming bald, but It also. caused an entirely new growtii of hair. I ara ready to certify to this "stem"" before a Justice of the peace." H. Hulictais, Lewtsborgh, Iowa. "2-jme years ago, alter a severe attack ot brain fever, my hair an easse out. I used sofk preparations tor restoring it as my pby. aidant ordered, but failed to imiilitm a growtii of hair. I then Med. inrrasslijN several articles recommended try drsxsdsts. and ail alike fen abort of aeeonpustmigbe deiired result. The last remedy I appued was Ajrr's Hair View, which brought a trroaUi of hair la a few weeks. I tmnk I used eight bottles in two yean; more than was necessary as a restorative, but 1 like it a a dressing, and have i ISM stand to use it '" purpose. I believe Ayei-s Hair Igor possesses virtues tar above those ef SSq ski kj preparatir-:. isJ SSI ti.e Barker." -Vincent Jones, BieiuBood. lad. Ayer's Hair Vigor raZTARRD ST OR. J. C AYER & CO.. Umt, Mast, Sesd by Orrafgittstad Ftrli FOR SALE Poor - Blocks - in - We Told Vou So. Good location. On the line prices and terms see Oregon Co., agent?. J. I mi nasm MMMssWWs. Hf-I 1 'lTWlTralstlsMfT Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar Tie very latest news is that yon can buy at JULIUS 3 ADWOHIS BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbnckle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons I.OO 6 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm. 110 20 lbs. No. savon Soap .90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 I WrSj onodnot a stric cash store, and all goods will bt sj d tor net cash fr-soa IS -o Pr -nt less tAan price, JCy stock of China ware, fanev EOods, ani til bs deajirabie syles f .listisi, s-s well as a general assortment of grwenes . errx ary, lampsaed fixture is -complete. 1 make a specislta of fine teas coSee sirfl using powder, and always please my customers, Agem for so vera! reapmsib'e InsaratKM companies. Jaxltas Grssdwotal. for Infants Cat: trials so wr-E adartcd lochudrea that --omnen.l it svs superior us anj- prias.llllhai jso Socae" n A. Aacsrxa, H. aX, VU So. Cteiord Sr., Brookarn, X. Y. if use of "Castorv: is so unirersaj and tn-rits so srell kautru that it seems a work '. urrrero-i t, n ao endorse It w are the teM.iren .erailirw who uo sol keep Castona t it -os-rrvuch Casujos JIarrnc. T.D . Sew York C5ty. lais Paster B.jormr- late Kef CTined Clmrels. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employ ad, PATRONIZE HCM : INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO! -Albswy, W w AKAO, Preoidsat J L COWAN, Trsasurer. LCowan, iseo F mrapsou, SV F Read, D B Montelth.M sssrnbsrg J I Wli'ut.iet J K Weathertord, R S Strahan, J O Wrttaman." tLSO DISTRICT Several Sol Eastern THE I KADISti PHOTOGKAPBERS , tlbaay. 45 80.2. in '88 2,288 sold in '89 6,268 sold in '90 20,049 sold m '93 60 wia be 30d in riJ2 A Su e Wb-Ktmill and Steel ivmm very J. ertinuraa. t v ThcG Sevres tea Utt) iMOSy ofCi c er-tjrawlnsr, swer-ajo'rii, csetstintr, Stftcl Aofrnotar. VVhera osssv fjowa otbers fcuow, Take tine Country. ft o aarsSSMt is VI. ons-r. a sraiiASj rassS ssfc; ess, skm. mmm 7 xmM4wfrusslv-r S S4BdTtA p'iii I v rrtl. W efT iltlllSj! ymMm V. tV (Sot. ansa Co. tti . mati-osa. maiTr windmill r3aa Othsw Wffcsrs combined? Raw its re. fEi i sssss rtaaa fwmAH SsntW s mist TmsT i Wt n iiMsassSatsSsma- S Sits S s -jr s... taftVMB to " esflST ass as vfcte a S Ss. mmJu2Z sr mmm- 5 5 SSSt I I l' S? TtifiMii 1 s PfOSSSC trUtt tSf POWSM Of g c at to at asm tsar? u mm mt arra MdoArr m m SasaSs tm rm , I Si II at an tssssry mMm isshlrn Srs. f- j mmrlmlmf.mtm, mm m. mOtecuxtSme n- 3 I - a StMrmAsikraa cts OsrSsaaTStinsew rtsaissstl W CBAvVFOBD, Agent. Tsllmac, Or. ALBANY OR, tram ft HUIBERI BEOS. Rett! Eatats Agents arras and Ranches for sale. Also city "woverty in. ani Corvallis Townsend's - Addition. Wf Told Yob So. of tLe New Motor line. For Land Co., or S N Steele Jb 1. Townsend. and Children. Casstorla ertree Cefie. CVetst oaticrt, SourSeoBswcra. TsjarrtnTsa. Et-uctaraco. auus ss omis, jr.ves sleep, ana prontsSSB SB on. iajariact olkwt :c n. " For several years I have your Oastoria, ' and snail al s-ays continue r- 00 so as 11 nas uvanarxy prodaoaa 1 Eowtx F. Pairat. M. IX, Tt Winthrop. -- :th Scrw; aaj 7th Ave., KewTortCit4 Oregon. J O WRnSMAlv, Secretary Geo F SIMPSON, Vice Presi Lmt. AOBKTS rOS- and Foreign Companies Cabinet photos from $i-S to $4- per dosen. Enlaiging pictures specialty. t6 cra-ons frart for io.oo. We earn a large 11 of 5x8 and tterescopic views of Or at?, L nan US : f"-;29 m and - s r,r: it! L. ts?, .0 I III 1 SI if tin . IT A A nil asm. x ai 1 1 is rumjt is ImttatSCrl 5 3 1 T4?iTswlt.2.'ss!ss!gV3'? rar TT"Titi m '!iTi'?r Tn sjallSssMsstSsIi till sssmMaii ttstt Hi g.yj!rr:f" Sr a mmm mm. s b .tx&. isssn tmmmmmimTim& sf strts nmrli i. srssw tajsstwstasyaSssiia. sftWs CataM Mt tmm ll II mt ma mmm mmm MlMAlRslU fOR aS r 51 i Mmnwaa.aM mmmm is.usS rJSsnsrtfTAaA mtim --a 7 Stars. Wts. ssa to, r-nsj rasa-, tars v ' SSST S itat Ssas OK ewk S tns at b. mm SSSt. rts.s i i 1 1, i .tnrn, i pr-i to, stAvtAf mj tmmtrmk: sWadsktatlasioqir 2 2