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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1892)
Mate Eights tmrnml The -: Democrat, TheJBestJPaper in the Valley, Demorcit (to Year for Only $2.00. VOL XXVlli. Eateretl at tfce Pes Office at Albany. Or., a Beeead.riats Mall Matters ALBANY.O RLGON, FRIDA1, DECEMBER 30. 1893. STITEft at aiTTIKe.Pabllshers aad rrsprletera; NO VI Chicago's Population. There is probably no city of importance in the world that can show such rapid and wonderful growth as Chicago since its destruction by fire. To-day its population is about 1,200,000. Mr. Peter Van Schaaclc, one of the leading merchants of that city said in conversation, that a large number of his personal friends, as well as scores of representative men throughout the Northwest with whom he had conversed upon the subject, had found St. Jacobs Oil a pain-curing and heating remedy of the most extraordinary efficacy. It is the Great Remedy for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Backache, Bruises, Burns, Swellings etc. (A copy of the " Officii! Portfolio of the World's Colombian Exposition, " beautifully illustrated, in water color effects, will be sent to any address upon receipt of 10c. in postage stamps by The C ha lbs A. Vocsuut Co., Baltimore, Md ) POMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS ! We are general agents for 3 T :i t 1 - .1 nu uui ri-inps, aiso uie xiumsey roice ana l.i t rumpa. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or 00 sale. We also guarantee them superior to any other pump in the market, ' stock before purchasing. We also carry the largest stock of Farm Implements and Vehicle? to be found in the vallev. Give us a call. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVEk OO. 5257 2nd A,Eliworth st, Albany, Or W. F. R34D W E have the largest and DRY GOODS, NOTIONS FANCY GOODS, ETC., ever shown in Albany. G OODSfsuitableforf HOLIDAY trade. W Ellhave reduced the pries on a great many Knee. tall and see what we your trade. r fiHTS for Butterick'slpattprns Jand Warner corsets. W E also carry a full line of Henderson's Red school house shoe, the best child shoe in the worl Y OURS for iusiness, W. F. Albany , -1- -1- Rupture, Asthma and Piles Dr's. Shi m p & Ho user. Specialists In the treatment of all forms 01 Chronic, Catan ha!, Nerrous an female Diseases . Twtsatty (0) Tear Experience in Medicine. Surgery and Kleotrir.'ty cnrable cases Guaranteed. Offloe 259 Commercial Street, Malum, Oregon, BiriH seiuiiip. Salem, Oregon, V. I. A thorough business training school Endorsed by Five Departments: Business, Shorihr.nd, hoojjnsession the entire year. S;udm.aHt- -i-dat The Oregon Vitri as home Salem. OraffOn. V. I. Stailkt. Prinrirr! - SAT.EM - - - OBE&ON: ZZJZ In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office in Portland MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per acre small cash payment long time on balance Send for particulars. -PATRONIZE H0M i TH FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CI Albany, Oregon HEAD, President. J O WRITSMAW. Nocrotarv J L COWAN, Treacicer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vioe Preni Iwt, - Hi II KOTO I.Oowan, ), c Simpson, .V F Head, H I , :i tell li . M 1! it ., ar ,, . ' - m. I K W.thirlor.i. K S Stnhti. I O 'ATriUinan .' At.HO DISTRICT Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies Ji. Kenton, l)ealer In FINE TEAS, COFFEES. SPICES. and a general o it ocdribs Bubacriptkmegent foi all the leading Newspaper, and Magazine. TVTp, MesMp the P. O., the celebrated Mvers Force -rs , t . t- pump do not fail to call and k SO. most attractive stock of can do for you. We want READ & CO. -s- Oregon Stalet, Princip.-l. the business i! professional men of Si leak Typewrit Penmanship, Englkf1 -vtimw. Cat.,ogi:-.conuiDinKiDormatioa, Land Co office (. INSTITUTIONS. nw- AI1KHTH fO- assortment of A Plucky Pkbr A big five-point buck, which had probably been run by dog, came down the mountain and crossed the river just above Niagra last weeK it tiien went down to the saw mm io nave a nine uin witn tne novs ami no doubt succeeded. About the first individual encounterd was V T (ieorire. and he took a couple of shots at it with a Winchester rifle a distance of perhaps inirty yams, out the ueer only winked tne other ye and reennitHl its pilgrim age through the heart of the town. The mill hands turned out en masse and en deavored to sever the pretty creature's connection with this mundane sphere witn cuius, i no tieer, However, was equal to the occasion, and after playing hide and seek for a time took to the mountains again. Santtam Lumberman A Whopper. The following is the big gest falsehood or Ihe season. It is told by the Eugene Guar.!. The mar. referred to lives in Kugene. We have as stingy men but it runs in another direction: Another slirgicst man has made his ap pearance, lie lives in Albany. He had lost Sio, which was bund by a travelling man who kept It thtee months before he found lis owner He properly returned it, though he never reccivtd thanks tor his kind ness The owner even wanted the hnder to pay to per cent interest for the three months. This he would not do and the owner Is now talking of bringing suit for the interest. Our G ame Laws should be more rig idly enforced. An exchange says: There are large numbers of deer being slaughtered in the mountains back of Eu gene. The open season for bucks ended some time since, but it is still lawful to shoot does, and there is no end to venison corning to market. One dealer here secured the hindquarters of over 50 on Saturday, the ton-quarters, U i fair to suppose," being thrown away It it is desired to prevent the examination of the deer the does should have more protection from the law, as the moment the close seasons for bucks Is at an end, the entire force of market hunters is turned loose On the poor does, which arc slaughtered re morselesly. There have been fewer complaints of the depredations of skin hunters at late, but truck load of deer skins are seen here frequently, showing that the v are still a vo'k" The truth 's bucks are killed as well as does regard less of law. Ax Interesting Matter will come before probably the next County Court of this conntv. It is this. In August, 1875, Sheriff LC Rice arrived in Albany from a tax collecting tour, with SI. 000. It being late he deposited it in the vault of the County Clerk's office, from which it was stolen during the night. The aaee created a stir and caused considera ble comment It is fresh in the minds of many of our citizen. Mr Rice paid the money into the county ont of his own pocket. The county will be asked to refund the money to him, and a peti tion ia being circulated for that purpose. A Woawt K v a so e list . The Baptist ehureh is always at the front in aggres sive evangelistic work. The evangelistic meetings beld during the last two rears by Geo Robt Cairns and Rev VY A Lind say win long be remembered. This vear the pastor, Rev Geo W Hill, has secured the help of Rev May C Jones, who is highly recommended by all who know her work. For three years she was pas tor of the Baptist church at Spokane. an 1 is ssua to oe an eloquent Drear her and successful evangelist. The meiinga will begin on the first Sunday of the new year, Mrs Jones will bo assisted in the singing by her daughter. Vacation Season. The public schools closed this afternoon until after New Years- A reception was tendered the patrons of the school in the different rooms, appropriate and interesting exer cises being held in the several rooms of the central school building. Our schools are in a prosperous condition, and teachers and scholars have undoubtedly earned the customary hotidav vacation. The Co leae also takes its vacation un til after the 3 drops into the place of the atter probably the most prosperous term in its history. Qvabtz From Blue River. Geo A Dyson and W S Powell came down frm the nines in the Blue river country the first of the week with a lot of quartz and about So pounds of it was shipped to San Francisco for an assay. They are confi dent they have a good paying ledge In sight and the quartz sent off indicates a good supply of gold. Work In the mines has ceased for the winter and these gen tlemen returned to their homes In Browns ville Monday morning. It is probable the Blue River camps ,ll be likely next sea son afer the road is completed. Eugene Register. Didx't Wajtt It. In reading in Bcboul er's History of the U. 8. recently the Man About Town run across the state ment that in 1849 on the organization of .senary lay lor a administration Abra ham Lincoln was offered the governahip of the new territory of Oregon ; but re fused it. He was after the office of TJ. 8. Land Commissioner. Interesting facts not generally known. A Duel. A gentleman informs us tbit he witnessed, a derperate fight between two rams one day this week. After they had come to gether a few times, tne strongest one knock ed one of the horns off the other, making it fly about ten feet la the air. and in the next round the skull of theone-borned ram was crushed in and be fell over lifeless. Leb anon Advance. Champion would find Sack Skweb. Lightning a lormldable rival in the nimble hands and fingers of A L Box who sews sacks at the Pendleton Roller Mills. Saturyay evening Mr Box beat all his big records and performed quite an astonishing leat. He sewed 600 fifty pound sacks, or 150 barrels, within five hours. This is at the rate of 120 sack 1 an hour or two sacks a minute. The young man claims the championship of the Northwest in the sack sewing line, una is prepared to defend the title. K. O. w aterloo uetttso urrtFiKD, At a mass meeting of citizens of Waterloo, held Tuesday evening, Dec. 20th, it was decided to hare the town incorporated, anu a petition to that enect will oe pre sented to th next legislature. A com mitteewas appointed to fix the bounda ries. An election of officers was then held resulting as follows: For Mayor, A J Sanford ; Recorder.T L Rice ; Treas urer, J G oross ; Marshal, F A Gleason Councilmen, .1 M Rldenour, H Mitchell - vv nuuer, l. Hitter. Tintv Abe Good. The Middangh Musical Coined v Comnanv treated the Crookston people to a nice entertainment last evening, the musical features were tine, and there was some splendid acting 1 ne company is a good one. CrooKston Minn., Tribune, Oct 25th. At the opera nouse me -mi Want Terminal Facilities. Tha Ejgene Guard says: A petition is being circulated 1n this city by a committee from th- Board of Trade consisting of . . - y, , , .... " nri v-ocKcrnne, tioidcn anil Svar verud It Is dln-ctrd 10 railroad official and Is rot the purpoi.' of ciiiliig terminal rate, for Eugene. Tt Is being largely signed by oui buln-KS men and citizens generally, for If successful, 'he benefit would amount to inauv thousands of dollars each year to this vicinity Card of Thanks. On behalf of mysel and family I wish to than all those who tendered us jso many favors, and a well a universal sympathy, during the III ness, and after the death of Mrs Hoffman. Tne many acts of kindness will not be forgotten.' J N Hoffman. Out of Prasticb. Mr L Bllyeu was obliged to go out and split a few kindlings a couple days ago. He held a stick In one hand and the ax In the other and struck a ( heavy blow. The stick was split but he also cut away one aide of the thumb and is now carrying his hand in a sling Eugene Register. Astoria rail roads have always been of Interest particularly to Albany people. Here la a live Item fro.rt the Budget en the subject. Railroad rumblings and shadow-chasing l the order of the day. There are reports and reports, rumors and rumors, and there a e railroads and railroads and quantity of railroads com ing. The same ones that havt been ci mlng since Saddle Moun'ain was a hole in the ground and Flavel City was a small village. The Budget Is In favor of a rail road at the earliest possible momenl,but it does not propose to give out reports hatched up by a few unreliable raal estate operaters for the purpose of booming town lots and a lot of worthless acreage. Several merchants In this city aie now suffering from the last "railroad" scheme, several poor families are now fn poverty through the actions of irresponsible rail road builders, and a great many laboring men are still waiting for the money thev earned on the las' ra'lroad job The peo ple are tired of these schemes and schemers, and will no longer listen to them. The newspapers have been tools for those speculators in reporting the foolish and unreasonable reports that have been trumped up by these fellows, but the Budget proposes to cut loose from tne Ir responsibly gang and stand between them and the people. Salem has telephone communication direct with Seattle and the denizens of the capital can hear the sound every dav . Statesman. Not todav, some other day. acsc near. faiker Bros, grocers. P. M. French ken pa railroad time Buy your grooerisi of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & liendncaqjs'a. Latest sheet music at Will St Link'. Htm oream cbem just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smile v job jr nter, Flino Block, does Srst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled 5 eeot cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M H E'.ltt, nhysiciso as J surgeon Albany. ).-: 1 1 CIU cits'or country. With h naj tskr U.iril Visit sb'dti ojjr ! i i I uw citaisr -1 t thing tirsiclscs io baked gondi. t "leaks and itckets at cost and leat a". W F Read's. PsaatasEST Braxcu LarxDatr. A branch office of the Sale.w Steam laun dry has been established in Albany. All work will be collected and toe lannaried articles delivered at Salem prices. No other expense. All work guaranteed. Orders may be left with Osborn Davy, permanent agent and solicitor for Albany A Big Opportunity. R G Watson & Co, have a jar Ailed with beans and will give to the p- rson guessing- nearest o the number it c .itatas. an elegant goto and chair . The watch has an Elgin movement with a I carat Hunting case warranted to wear zo reals. IU vaioe !th chain is $35. One guess with each 50 cents worth ef merchandise. Moving Outfit. The undersigned it prepared to do all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and io first- class order. Call or leave orders at m residence at cot of Third and Oak s'reets, Albanv. I B Tillotson. Reosxnep W R Graham has reooened bis laiioi shoo, tod has on hand a f.oe tint of suitings, ready to be made up for those Uhing tint -class work doae. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage in the past. -,e solicits a continuance ot tncif pationic; sno rsmlses good work and prompt a'tcnlton to e needs of hit patron. Look Here Take vour bolter, eggs, chickens, and other farm produce to Car ters grocery opposite the Ruts House . in Albanv. an.! ret tne highest market prices in trade or cash. Wert's Coo eh Svruo. nleaeaot to take aod always gi vat assist action . V ont be pot off with any other bat insist a poo bav 1 n West's Cough Svrnn, genuine wrapped 00 I in blue . 4 "t bottles only 25 c: 8 01 hottl g only 50c. Cheapest; best. S;.d 0 J y Camming, drnggiat. Batten ck patterns at Read's. Before bavin voar winter stock of boots and shoes aod rubber oods go to K lain Bros Alhanv. and nt their orices. Thev still and can save vou money 00 every r " It is a pleasure to them to show goods W F Read has a large stock of boots aod shoes to select from, tod the best vain 10 town. A large stock of pruning shears nd prno- og hooks (ibe bet made, jatt Stewart At Soa't. Now is the revived Stewart tltie to hem. Fo yoor school thoea go to Klein Bros as they repair them free of charge 11 tney rip ran over or tne tojea come lootw. The best roast noRee ia the city at U u Moyer a Remember that F L Dimout does guar ant e ht. aod tews possible coming nps m clothing boo grit of hit store. Overcoats sold at coal until Christmas. Call and see new fall drest goods Read's. at W If von oootamDlatV ncttiog io a w iter olsnt get orites of wind mills, pumps, pipe taaka. etc.. from 7 W Crawford. He Trill astooiah yoo . Karl's Clover Root, the new blocd pari tier, Civei freshness aod clearness to the complexion and ;uret constipation. -Vic, 6O0 and 91. Sold by r osnay Mason Shiloh's Vitaliter it what yoo need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid nev trouble. I' i i"iarn-een to give yoo satisfaction. Price 75' S d by Foshay & Mai or.. 3argaiot at Read's. Vek, More People want good groceries than anything else. It means a good dea for the harmony of the household Matters go alon more smoothly. Deal with Conn A Hendricson and you will get the best groceries at the lowest prices Their produce Is alwayt fresh, and they keep the latett in every thing . You are not In It if you do not buy your eating gods of Conn & Hendricson. Skating RiNK.-J-Having purchased of Mr Beam his skating rink st the Armory, I will continue to run it In a satisfactory manner to the pupllc. Open every Thurs day and Saturday nights for everybody. General matinee Saturday afternoon; maliree for ladles only Thursday after noon. Frank Wheeler. Citk sued shots or winter wear. Klein Bios have them all styles and prices from $3 to $f 1. Try n pair and have dry leet for he winter. Ladies Fike Shoe. I have a full lin of lane m tine dress shoes, all solidl and th latest novel tic- in style, and revsnnabl prices. Samuel E. Yorsn Shiloh's Cure, the great cough and oronp care, is for sale by us. Pooket size contains twenty-live doses.only 2So. Children love it. Foshay A Mason. Davis singing school a the Baptist chur Friday evenings . All tubaoribert will ha to pay whether attending or not. Ouly $ 1 . for 12 lessons. oal and rcMMaj, THtTRLbAT Sheriff Jackson went to Halsey today. Editor Lyon of the Stayton Times was in the city today. Mr Hopkins Informs us that ihcre will be eleven couples from Salem t.i attend the party at the opera house tonighl. Geo V Wright, the lawyer, went to Salem today on business in the Circuit court, a special session of which Is being held there. Ist evening a plei, ut party was held at the residence of M John Jones by the Epwor.h League of the ME Churcn. Twelve young men and three young ladies were preient, which L a good" exprcsion of tne storm prevailing. Tonight at the Opera House occurs the Grand Social Party preceded by a concert by Parson's Ocheslra of Portland. Don't mis it. Tickets per couple $1 .50 cs, gal ler7 cents each. This promises to b the best social party ever given io Albanv Tne grand march to be played tonight a the opera house, la entitled "Friends Offering," and was composed by Frsnz Mayer, of Milwaukee, and dedicated tJ h Is voung fiiimri. Marguerite Hopkins, no at this city, tt ft said to be a beautiful piece of music. FkfOAV Miss Alice Moses, of the College, is in San Francisco, spending the holidays Mrs Wn Tool, whose husband re cently purchased the Maple farm ..arrived in Albany on this morning's overhutd to join her husband. Notwithstanding the wintry weather twenty-five or thirty couple attended Mr Hopkins ball at the opera house last evening Parsons nrcbestra.of Portland, furnished the music. A pleasant time is reported. Jaa F Powell came op from Portland this morning to spend the holidays. He left there at 7 o'clock last night, and ar rived at 6 o'clock this morning. It took three engines to bring the train oat of Portland, where the snow was twenty inches on level I All I be war up the trip was a slow, jerk v affair.and very tedious. In Portland everything was paralyzed. No streetcars running, the electric and teteohone vitm Hnvn n,l hninu 011. eratly was at a standstill. Alfcock a forona Platter, are the oclv reli able plasters ever produced, fragran'.claao, inexpensive, and otter faiUag; they fully meet all the requirements of a btoatlia.d remedy, sod tbould sJsravs bt kept no band. tnr th rehrf and core of weak back, weak muscle, laoaeoais, sufl or enlarged joints. pains m U chsat. small of the baest and aioaod toe bips. strains, atitchea. aad alt local patBs, Alicock't Parous Piatt nt art OMq-jaUtC'. ntarart ot imitations, sod do ait bade. coved by murreprwseautioa. Ask lor All- OOO a. aod ,t co ro.iotaUon or eip'a.tia bob J on ia accept a aobsKtalr. The- PartSand lee two Agency. has ra- oceaifverm: ana to collect sreatsU Kr L Blackmsa. Paraea owice him ah. -a id settle their axoactt and tart oottt. UTIa Tloi Spired pigs feet. Sweet pickles to bnlk. Sour pickles In bulk. Raisins, citrons. Lemon peel, extracts, etc.. For the Holidays, can be found at FE. AI.1.KN a CO AN INVITATION To a wedding it hailed with delight, to an esortatioa to atys mooay ia httaad to with s-.tenUoo.aod if heeded ahooldfraidc yoo to ne store tier, Browoeil. Eitgaat toilet oases at Pusfaay Mason s. Spaatal djataaat tc 3 S teachers bav on ia quantity at Foabay k Matoo's. Mtty-ooe different kinds of Bibles to se lect from at Foabay a Mason's. PosrrewED. -The county teachers loatitnte appointed 10 be held next week has been postponed uetil farther notice, by Sapt Rus sell on a-coaat of inclement weather. a . ins stiearap io 11 a ip t hi afternoon. that betw ea Albany sooth. d Portland. eats lea Christmas - This week rwtil cite a box of choke mixed candy free to each person baying a pound of my 50 cent tea. C. E. Bkownrll Boots asd Shoes I carry the larees line of medium priced and good wearing ucys, misses and children shoes hi the city. snd have just added a line of steel shod school shoe which I rerommeod to the trade. Dont forget that I repair any ahoe r . sen tree 01 cnaige. S E Yocse. A Haxbsomr Prize. A beautiful sil ver e-ater pltchei, now on exhibition at L Kenton's grocery store, will be given away on Washington's birthday. A ticket is given lor every 50 cent cash purchase Fanners try a pair of French Kip boots. made by Klein himself, for $6 the same hoot to measure would cost you $7.50 . Try a pair and have dry feet . cxt .Stbtath at the United I resbTttrun Church Rev. D. C. McFarltnd will preach in the morning and Rev. Marling in the eve ning, Saobath school at a:to: unioi C E at 3.30; Y P SC Eat 6:to. At Actual Cost. On sccount of the severe weather, as well as scarcity of money, we win sell our nne stock ol holt uay goons at actual cost. This Is an op portunity rarely secured, as our slock is first-class. The goods must go. Come and get them at cost. BLACKMAX ft HeDGES COUPONS taken at W F Head's. Ten per cent discount on hanging 'amps during next ia nays lor caan U K Utownrll KLEIN also takes COUPONS. Klein's for slippers. rill) viLOVES irom 9' a pair op. 1 sarry a alt line of leading brands in black and col ored. Will receive novelties for tha holidays Agent for.the celebrated Centemeri glovt SAattrEL K. Ym mi. Consumptives, do not despair. There hope. Try West's Cough Syrup. It will always cure iu early stapes. Procure 50o large 8 nx. bottle. J A Cumming, Drug' gist. B arslr 1 in nn mi t 1 Gold headed canes at Freroh'a. Read's. A nice pair of slinuer. for holiday at rwoiot. Souvenir spoons at Will A Stark'a Lsdies if you want your Xmss present p- preoiaieu ouy suppers at rvieina. 0y far Ihe largest assortment of holiday suppers ior gentlemen at tvii iu Hros A most at your own prices hleiu broa sell no shoddy stuff, bu; sell boots aod shoes made of lyather. VIAVI Co oSud in Baltimore blook. Will & Stark, ft jeweler. Get Klein iiros prices on lubber goods be fore buying. They csn save you money. Getyoui juvenile books of Koahav A Ma son. Buy Warner Bros corset of W F Head STRANGERS n oar city will be treatsd same old friends and onitmtrs We are going to put tl e prioss down cash and ssll for oath only. Allen Bros. AN EXTHA SrXMON B litors Democrat: The following resolutions were pasae-l by the Holly Alliance, and there is an organ la movement among the alliance people to push this work through all the alliances of this part af the count. A petition is alo in course of preparation by which the outside citizen may get an opportunity to express his will. Every organization by resolution, and every citizen by petition and personal letter to their congressman should express their will on this subject. The democrats who believe that freer trade will help the people, should help to hurry up the benefits, while those opposed to democracy should help tc force it to stand bv its pledges that the country may see the practical effect of democratic policy, and be able to endorse or condemn according to the fruit it heart. The a'liance is not an annex to any party bu I know from personal experience that a large majority of its members are in sympathy with the Albany IHcjsotrat's demand for an extra session. Yours Sin- wly Wtt E Norton . Alliance Lecturer. ItfcSOLt TIC UK HOI.I.V AI.IJAV. K KO Sit SKC l'lth 1W2 Whereas, The democratic party in con yststioa assembled, has pledged itself to reduction of the tariff in toe interest of laborers and agriculturists, and Whereas, For the first time in thirty years tiid party has been placed in ful posasawion of tve executive, and both houses of congress, and Whereat, If the democratic party trait till Dec i33 before it acts upon the tariff question it will pustpine any of the prom ised benefits for nearly two years, be it Resolved, that we the Holly Alliance No 319 request our representatives at Wash ington, and all good citiaeos of the U S, to exert their utmost influence to bear upon tne democratic party to cause it to prove iu interest in the laboring population of the country by calling an extra session of congress immediately after the inaugura tion of President Cleveland, and Resolved, thai a copy of these resolutions be sent to each of our representatives, and to the papers of the county. Pres. J B McDowell. Sec G W Pugfa. A R TO THl.t T The trouble aboot relying upon the uru to prevent the attempted steal of tenatorthips in the northwest is illustrated a the Montana case. The republican courts are at partisan aad apparent! as unscroDuloos as the r-Ti oilcan candidate or eanrasaing boards. The supreme court of Montana has de cided against the democrat in tie Box. Elder precinct. To do this it was obliged t decide exactly contrary .0 its ruling- in 1390. in the famous Silver Bow case, upon hkb the first republican theft of two senators in that state were bated. But a little thing lite revsrsing their own derision in order togive their party control of the legislature does not disturb the Montana republican judges any more than reversing his instructions to a grand jury in order to save Block-of-Five Dudley from the penitentiary troubled Judge Woods. If the steal shall succeed in Montana or any other state by means of prostitution of the courts to partisan uses thers will be but one remedy left. That was pointed out by the WerAt on Saturday in the sug gestion that "the senate is the sole jadge of the election, returns and qualiScations of its member." and that if the result of any election shall be reversed by fraud cr trickery "it will be the doty, and no doubt toe pleasure, of the senate to deny admis sion to the pretenders." The senate must not be stolen. SOUK IXetS FOB BOttAX. Sprinkle places infested by sets with bo rax and job will soon be rid of them. Blankets aad fun put away well tpriakled ith borax and c'one up air- tight will never be troubled wtth moths . A little borax pot hi the water before washiag red or red-bordered tablecloths and napkins will prevent their fadtog. Ringworms will yield to borax treatment. Apply a strcng solution of borax three timet a day; also dust on the fir.e dry powder very often . Silver spoons and forks in daily use may be kept btight by leaving them in strong bo rax water several hours. The water should be boiling when they ai e put ia . Put a teaspoonful of borax ia your rinsing water; it wiil whiten the cloths and also re move the yellow cast on garment that have been laid aside for two or three yeara. One of the best things to cleanse the scalp thoroughly Is to dissolve one-hslf tea spoonful of borax in a quart of water and ap ply it, rubbing it in well. For washing tine nice flannels nothing will cause them to look as nice as borax In the water, a tea spoonful of borax to a pall of water being the right proportion. Alwayt wash baby's little flannel skirts, shirts, etc., in this way. Borax water Is excellent for sponging either silk or wooUgoods thai are not soiled enough to need washing. In washing cashmere or wool goods put a little botax in the water. This will cleanse them much more easily and better, without injury to the colors. Do not rub them on a board, but use the hands and throw them oa a line without ringing. Press them on the wrong side snd they wilt tacat inmost like new. Bv $9 att census the total wealth ot the United States is 96z6lo,csoo,ooo and the to al capital invested in manufacturing $3,900, 735,084, or but 5 per cent, of the whole After thirty years of legislating for the 5, it is time to give the 95 a chance. The South Csrolina Railroad, the oldes? railroad In the United States, is to be sold on April II, 1893, by order of the court. Out of a tola! uiilway mileage for the woil.! of 370,3Sl miles, the United States hss nearly 163,597 miles, or 44.18 per cwt. Albany Market "Vheat.ottc. oats, 860. Flour, 6 00. Hutter. 20o. KIR 80O. 1 ,hi.i, ;2',.v Pork - hams. 15o; abouldera,; ad 1 2c. Hay. baled, l&. Bo atoea, 25o. Apples, 8O0. Ho(a, 17o. Dried fruit plums, 9c, apples, 9c Chickens, $4 60 per dostn. Beef, on foot. So. Uoks, dressed, 7o. TIME OK THK KXTHA aPXSlOX Ihe date selected for an extra session of the new Congress is of less importance thtn the fact itself. The msin thing Is P avoid the haste and confusion in revising tne- tariff anu the de lay in completing the work which would in evitably result fiom postponing its consider ation o Ihe regular session. It would give to the country a satisfactory impression of Ibe honesty, co-trae sol confi dence of the Democratic patty if a session thot Id be cslled Immediately or very soon sfier the 4th of March. Th; Democratic leaders should no deceive themselves. No party that it afraid to trust itself can retain th trust of ihe ,-eople. The voters of the count, y hsve twice demanded a reduction and reform of the 'arid. And they are very much in earne't in 'xprctfng it. lopo.t;, nr the Ini'iation i f the reform for snotber year, and its completl n lor mailt two years, would jua'ly :lsappoiot the people la a vet) dangerous manner There ste aaiae c' . , in a March sesdon. Hie a: ten 'Ion of ihe aewT" ... .t . . . . .1 rrcsioent arm nen oe veiy maci ansort,eJ la bringing ihe Gvrrr,mn' in o harm ny with his principles snd policy. T.'e new beadsof depsnmxnis wH be busy in famil iar jzing themselve, with their duties. Tve members of Co gresa, would very likely be bedeged by y& e-seeking coast iuen;s Bu should the emcgeocy t rut e grave to call tor an eaira tetio then, a!:aes ions of personal coaveaience abcul.l give ay to public du'v. An extra too la Sf . tembe', continue? to the time of 'he regular meeting ia De cecber. could, however, either complete and pavs a a-. ..: measure of tariff i vision. or so nearly fiaish it that it could be passed before the holiday recess. Toe Democratic leaders should p in for r.orhiog leas than this. The country alii be satisfied witi a- th lag less Wot la . HO L B COX The following very corapunsdotary notice appears ia the c it patches from Washington, City pabHaatd la the Oregon on W tones, day the list iatt: In the supeemc court today a young last-c yer from Oregon, 1. B Cox, acquitted himself with great honor io tie argument ot the case of M B Helmet against I. Goldsmith Me talked for two boars, aad the argunvnt which he made was moat favorably commented up on by the jadge ol the court aad alto by many of lite old lawyers who heard him. Mr Cox is coe of the rising youag lawyers of the state aad will before many years at tain a staadiat; al the bar of this state which wlti be a source of pride to bis many friends. Mr Cox is a staunch democrat aad was chair man of the last democratic state oacventtoo. 1 x jssssasr3ss Since the election much has brew said about the detwands lor patronage which Tatatnaay Haii will make upon Presidest. "Tammany Hall" said Richard C rower thi other day. "will ask Mr Cleveland tor worthing what ever in the way of patronage or peace. The orgaalxalkm supported him loyally. It will aot embarrass bim in the matter of apputat- nts Any be make will be satisfactory to the organization, r.o matter who the tacky ones are. W e have no reqaesu to make " Mr C raker was asked if he had aay sugges tions to make aboat cabinet appointments. Most certainly not,' he said. "Mr C leve lled will select bis cabinet a he thinks best. It is absssd to entertain the idea of aay dem ocrat embarrassing Mr Cleveland la htw ad- minist ration. Such course certainly would rain any one who attempted it.". The New York Evening Post print the total vote for president, having secured the figures from all the state, the result Is at follows: Cleveland 5.57.990 Harrison 5.176.611 Weaver 1,01 .060 BldweU i&M7 Cleveland's plurality iJt-379 Ia Louiaana the republicans and people's party nominated a fusion ticket, on which were five Harrison electors and three caver electors. The vote for plurality purposes Is credited to Harrison - A bell that could be heard at a distance qf 45,000 feet In water could be be heard at a distance o! only k$i feet in the open air. Dogs barking on the earth can be heard by ballooaists sailing at a height of four miles. The largest home ia the New York show waaal vdesdale stallion from Toronto, whose weight is 3XOO pounds. The smallest ani mal was a Shetland pony which weighs only 70 pounds. What is said to b: the oldest aod lugett chestnut tree ia the world stands at the foot of Mount Etna. It Is more than 213 feet in circumference, and is known to be at least 3000 years old. The number of patents issued from the United States Patent Office in 1790 was 3; in 1890 it was 36,393. The Pullman Company built last year So sleeping and dining cars, the average cost per car being $16,661 The United States exported to England in 1891 manufactures of iron and steel to the value of Sa, 100,000. New York has ihe greatest number of news papers, namely, 1958, Nevada, the leas', namely 35. In the manufacture of broadcloth there are t separate processes through which each pelce must go. A drained sere of land, according to V-b Roberts, is eqisl to removing too miles south. Moat eompleta stock of groceries in sit; oan be louudai V K Brownsira. You oan get big bargains in gold watuhas at French's jswsiry store . Don't fail to buv dry goods, holiday goods, etc, etc. nf W F R-sd . Tk ln-at awdry at Will .V Stark's. Genuine Tereaaee Sorgbuiu on draught at C K Brownell'r. A full 'iue ol fieeoe slipper solas at Klein Broa. . Klein Broa iron clad school shoos nox em all. Ladies yon oan buy overgaitera from75o to $1.51) at Klein Bros. 1 II tne go. The finest stock f perfumery in thajvalley for the holidays at Foabay & Mason's. Several six octave orgaas for sale at cost Callonl'rof W W Davis. Klein Bros are bound to be the leadsrs in oots and shoes for low prices and best lity and largest stouk to select ftuni. cannot be equaled in Albany. The Liver When out of order. Involves every organ of Hie body. lPmedles for some other derange ment are Irciuently taken without the least effect, because it is the !ver which Is the real source of the trouble, and until that It set right there can be no health, strength. 01 -omlor: in any part of the system. Mercury, Io some form. Is a common specific fru slug gish If ver ; but a far safer and more effective medicine Is Ayer's Pills. For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, const P patton, UMtlgestJon, and sick headache, these Pills are anscirpassed. -For a lone time I van a sufferer from stnstask. liver, aod kidney troubles, expe riencing much difficulty in digestion, wtth severe pains In the lumbar region and oilier parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including warm baths, with ouly temporary relief, about three months ago I began the use of Ayer's Pills, and my health Is so much Improved that I gladly testify to the superior merits of this medicine." Hanoel Jorge Perefra, Porto, Portugal "For the cure of headache. Ayer's Caihar PUIS are the moat eSective medicine I ever ued.--K. K. James. Dorchester. 5liu "7 astwsawwnsacsMtsartie. 1 last ayeft Plto. sad find meat ttbeatw egee- tfve than any other pill 1 ever took.'' Mrs. . c. Gnu. Bur well rule. Va. -1 nave found la Ayer's Pills, an Invalua ble remedy for ctsasttpataan, btttaattaw. and auoorea aasoreexs, peculiar to SSSBatS Taker, at aiwej, these Pills Act Well or lie liver, restoring its nataraJ powers, and at m u in throwing off malarial notsocs." - C r. Alston, Quitman. Texas. "Whenever I am troubled with eossattas,, Hon, or suffer from Ices of appetite. Ayer's PUls set me right again." A- J. Kiser, Jr. Koek House. Va. " In ISSS. by the advice of a friend, I began the ase of Ayer's Puis as a remedy for bd tousness. evaatwlaartori. high fevers, and eotds. They served ate better than urythhag I had Mcitosatlj tried, sad I bav- I them la attacks of that sort ever ahaee. - a. W. Berth, Jiirttiiian, Ark.' Ayer's Pills, FsUCrAJUt7 BT D8. J. C. A YER & CO., Lstd, Mass. awaa a- .u n e. Tf n,- FOR SALE FonrS- BIoct- If- Tomsend's - Addition. We Told Von So. Good location. On the line prices and terms see Oregon Co., agents. J. SlSBjt--'StB Julius GradwoW's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS B A.DWOHL S BAZAAR, fbr net cash, goods as toUowte Arbnckle's Coflbe, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.0O 6 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1.10 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap . 90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 I wit conduct a scries cash store, and all srooda will be sold for net cash front 1 ae p' -ent tests tnan reernlar price. 51 y stock of Cbinasrmre, fancy goods, anas all ! desirable sylea of diahea, aa well as a tteoeral aaswrtni'at nffrrxtnss. croek , v. lamps snd ftzuree is eomptete. I make specitltv ol fioe te, cvSses aoa MBing powder, and always piwase my customers. Agent for several responsible insurance ootnpsuiagi. J alt sis cUradwohl. for Infants -.r ia is so well salapted to eatssSBSS that o&iiuecJ H aw superior to acj- pisaniptataa lovtjoia." n. A. Aacwva. JI. R, Ul So. Oii.v2 St., Bnxaiya, X. T. e of ' Os .iris. ' is so uniieraaJ ana ntSSB wet I ki ww 11 that it stems a work - ..n.Tpreaa-uion to endorse It. Few are the ent .wmi'.ks who Oo nut keep Castona " i:jr -,-v r w CaKLOe atarrnt, T. D . Xew York Owy. Pastor Rjoiair" lalo Kefottned Church. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSUPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed. TH F. LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS, Albany, ttreaww THK MAZE, CsasVal ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROW NELL ( Success to Hyman Browndl, P-opridor.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. We would call the attention of our friends to the fact that we are belter prepared than ever before to furnish everything In the shape of Fruit, Shade and Ornamen;al trees, Small Fruit vines, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Oar Steele Is first-elass, guaranteed true to name and free ' m inspect pests, and 00 r prices low. C. E. Brownell Is our city sgent sndf' -.ers. left with him at Ms store will receive prompt and cartful attention. Vn and see me or write for free catalogue to 45 sold in '88 2,288 sold in '09 6,268 sold in'9Q 20,049 sold in '91 Maotd!n,92 , A St oct Windmill are State loitnf every Z minutest 1 tS Tte-.-e r.ejrno ten vita I ator or trm evcr-srowtnsx, evsw-gomz, vertaat.cs; Steel Aermoter, Wrvert) o'-hwea rettow, ha Court-." amalscWwaa, U f tat WW WtJ . tl U tlawc ... - . Tlitfwn f atastnaiitaaiat ate uwuaa iai ft 'V I swa ear as a o jin esriaaa lu-vw Saw Ow Aa mcnorwo. isaatiix jwaraiaw m w auaa mn I man, trtncayniUe ejsaMotner rr.aners ccr.iLcnsa f R sat lissn done, St T"i--r imwanri lawuaa jl saw aw aswta aaawnrr a, vy Satwts taw . ud a a atliaaw iwWt Satawy.afit c . gl. fc sSataaaBswwaaswaaawaBws aw awww . fm"s was Saw salon of tne Aerwaotor and St rww wwaa a avaaw, aaw. Sew Ptm re- 3 I i asMwaa rw saw lawawwwaaSkwu , . 3 rtWSawt liaillll'rw aflawt -S? - Ft . WCEA FORD. Agent. Tallman, Or. MUSIC HATH CHASMS. You can truly say, there is no place like home, happy home, if you possess one u I those elegant and sweet toced piano, at Mrs Hymens, Etc First street. These lor.g evenings Ujatt the time to enjoy hem . We Told avtit-s iwi-at i- ' " 1-'. Von So. of tLe New Motor line. For Land Co., or S N Steele fc Ti. Townsend. and Children. Cwrtorta crrree CcMic. CVjurtrpsttesa. gcu Siooaach, Ts3ai iniea. Erudauwo. iiius Worms, sivos saM aad isaatMa & pestioE, W.EUOUS SsfSsSSM IBttstaSsVaV For several reus I have rirnmmattcSBal your " Castorta, ' aad shwl) ajvs ooariatat Sr do an as it has invariably produced beoeficia IwsBtaw " Entmr P. Ptnnsa. BL IX, "The Wiaihrop." l Jh Street aod TOi Aee, New York ClQ Cabinet photos fro n $1.53 to $4. doxen. Enlaigtn pictures 16x30 crayons frame .00. we carry a large it of 5x8 and sterescopic views of tr ftfj 60'29.-r 9 .VlCl liU ' S " T.m 131 .F.U s3 ! 1 Mil! -"- I Hills' Sv.i Hut Tatar,! aw, -f f '"ij lUla .HOW Tsw7 3 Uff II aw. w itiilaasSatlaaaa OS I It I lafc.k3fc 2 1 Xm-iA''f" fva,swS aawsaefccp III - r f WJA : ' -.-T.i S 4 Iv Uir It' .' - - - 3 Sswi Ki VAitn aaaSgtig i I J aCTtt SJtt Ijsaai.. trie I j J- IA wwlS lMia.S(i - j wsawtawstastaaij aitiaaataa. ic 1 clcai XSWaaw Jl wtwat. aa Iw Owvaaraaw aats. awt saaay aatwaasw av f asnaw, awwt ass Saw ataanawa 1 ml ai Theata s aivsi" Bl 1 1 IS at a wisiiiagiaw waaaa, laolta.ailniis proved that tha point csfga aaw Hi. (Sat awaa Sat www ar ana was iSaatVwitwSw what Clawnar-t stcrln aaao aaawtnaS: atawa awl wnt. is Issues 200 page Dry Goods and General Outfitting CATALOGUE. Send your name on a postal card TO-DAY and get one. ALBERT BBOWVELL, Albany, Oregot