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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1891)
ETITIS & HUTTING. KtllUr aa lrtrlrlr. II Hi II EST I N Till WURLD. Tht project ot tht Odd Fcllos to bull J the highest and most costly oftko build ing In Chicago, and that meant In the world, items to be well under way. Flani for a building at high at tht Washington Monument hate been prepared by Adlcr & Sulllran, and a sultaable site had been secured, says the Chicago Tribune, The plans provided for a rather pecallar-thapcd building. The entire ground space la built up to a height of fourteen stories. Above tMs the bullJIng extends six stories lit the form of a square cross, the four spaces at angles oAhe main building Cclug left va cant. Above this main stiucture, which Is twenty full stories lit height, it a tower, thtped structure. This Includes onetenlh of the whole area covered bjr tht building, and U fourteen ttorlet high. 1 he entire structure U 556 teet In height, while the main portion it to be at high at t he Masonic Temple, The building it se vere' plain and la suggestive ot the Aud itorium in its outside appearance. There are two main arched entrances which open Into a tnoaale floored rotunda. Ia the four coiners of thlt rotunda will be located the banks of elevators. The construction will be similar to that ot meat of the high office buildings In the city with the exception that special arrangements will have to be made for a foundation for the central portion of the building. It It estimated that ?,3oo,ooo will complete the building without allowing for the land on which It will stand. The work of securing a site, a much more difficult feature of the undertaking than the work Involved In making plant la progressing. At mar be inferred, the committee In charge ot thlt part of the work ia limited In Its selection to a small number of eligible corner. The site, It la said, will probably Include tht National Lift Building, tht Kent Nixon Buildings, La Salle and Monroe street, and a number ot frontages farther east on the latter street In short thlt tile will Include all ot tht south halt ct the block bounded by Clark, La Salle, Mtdlsonand Monroe streets, ex cept the Clark street frontage. Ihe National Life Building, just south of Arcade court, Is just one half of the re quired propeity. This 1 owned bv Illg gins Si Furber, who stand ready not only to make a satisfactory lease but to give the scheme financial support. The remainder f the property la held by seven parties most of whom have given satisfactory op Hons. This property, with a private alley vacated, will give a total frontage of 177 feeton La Salle street and J33 on Monroe street From tht beginning of our government its policy hat been against maintaining a large standing army. Cora missioned offi cers have clamored for greater appropria tion and more men, as these will Increase their own Importance, but their demand has been opposed by the general goo J sense of the country. Now tht scheme for a larger army hat taken a new tack. It it to organize the atate militia and place it un der national pay and tupervbion. Not much money will be asked at first, but tht plan needt to be thai ply looked after and protested against. Tht ttatt militia art at present only holiday soldiers, but when needed thirty years ago they did good ser vice In the early dayt of tht war. Had tht militia been men under national su pervision. It would have been, like tht regular army, lest effective In suppressing tht great rebellion. Having the organ ised state militia ot tht Northern States under atate control proved then the salva tion of tht Union. The fete tht general government hat to do with tht militia ot the ttatet In time of peace.the better It will be for thlt country In time of war. Tht policy that proved equal to the tett mad thirty yean ago It safe enough for alt fu ture t'.me. Since the decisive battle near Valpara iso the Mannllcher rifle, which figured largely In the success of the Congreialon- alist, come Into prominence. All In one second there are tl ret movement a bolt I s'.ld back.throwing the empty cartridge out ; a second motion replace the bolt and lip a cartridge Into tht chamber from tht magazine; a third motion pull the trigger. The magaxlnt I beneath the barrel. One of tht bullets ha been sent through the f rental bone of an ox's head In'x It body. Tht perforation I small. The g-lblte explosive used I almost smokeless. Great.lmfrovementt are going on all the while In miihary arms, both small and large, and there Is the greatest difficulty In keeping up with the changes sn proposed changes. The bottom has fallen out of the peach business this acaton. Tiiere I no end of peaches in Delaware and they are still orning into the market Housewives have put up peaches by thousand of j.r, and the demand has nearly ceased. The best peaches ever grown on the peninsula have told for 40 cent a basket at retail. A few vein ago $150 wt not an unusual price for fruit. So far this year, li is esti mated that the Delaware railroad carried to market about 2,00,0 o basket. TKe earners and diiers have consumed much of the fruit. The peaches shipped by wa ter will pt"bably add 1,000,000 basket to come. So many causes have tended to force the bottom cut of tht peach market that hundred of basket of magnificent fruit ire being fed to pig. The business of shipping live cattle to Europe began only sixteen years agit, in 1875, with 300 cattle. Two years later It had Increased to 11,500, and In 1880 it reached 156,490 oxen and ay, 10 sheep. It remained nearly stationary, with slight fluctuations until 1R89, when It nearly doubled the preceJIngyear. In 18 384, 646 cattle and 3904 strep were exported. It will he noticed that the exportation of slw-rp ha fcllen off, as that from Canada has also been greatly reduced .'jus: ia The political parties have beta accorded special ("ays at Ihe Ohio stste fcir, which opened Monday Sept 14. Tuesday will be proliili'tiun day, when J Ashenhsutt, candi dal for governor, will speak; Wed nesnav will . be democratic day and Gov Campbell will speak; Thursday will be republican day, when Sena'or Sherman and Major McKi ley v ill have (he platform, and John SeUi, the people's patty candidate will address the farmers Friday All have signified their acceptance. At many Australian railroad stalkms Ihe storage rooms or houses have been erected to acrnaa-rodale shippers of fruits butler or other perUliable prdut. When such articles are to be shipped they are not left on the pla'foim to hake and stew In the hot sun, but are held In the storage room until Ihe moment of shipping. Such tliSiitfi are needed In American frult-h!p pitii; districts. VN'i'l it ;o up or don?' (.l-.-v.) ' lFat it the pic A PARTY IS A PIOKhK. j It must take a good deal of assurance for tht high-tariff takers to begin so toon af ter tht over helming defeat and rebuke of last fall to bluster and boast, and" to crit icise and denounce tht "free traders." It Is true they have tried to swllih tht peo ple, who so emphatically repudiated them, off on tht "reciprocity track, with the most absurd pretense that It It a sort ot Improved protection. Verily, tht tax- eatere mutt consider tht American people "mostly tools.". Tht organs and "protection" tcrecchet art alow! recovering from tht stunned coalition in which last November's cy clone left them, the one aroused when an indlgnanl,long-plundered and long-suffering people expressed In most unmistakable terms their opinion of tht Iniquitous and Infamous McKlnley law. But tl.ey all get to scattered and ao diiaed that they talk In all directions, no two alike, and each one contradicting himself every third time he opent hit mouth. One, stupidly insensible to tht real and full significance of that awful kick, pro poses to stand by high taxes, McKlnlevlsrn, and plunder light on. Another, with a little more perception, realises that tht people Indorsed tht democratic and repu Jlated'tht republlcanparty on tht tariff question; and 10 ttealt a little part ot the democratic doctrine.labelst "reciprocity,1 and with a grin that It meant to be smart, but It omy silly, tries to ball tht millions of bolter back In'o the republican camp. Still another, like a drowning man grasp ing at a ttraw, holds up tht tact that crops tht Year ait good In America and poor In Europe, and teemt to really Imagine that he can Induct men and votert to believe that tht good price that art the Inevitable result ot these conditions art due to the klcKlnley law, One republican organ tells you imports have Increased, thanks to McKlnley. An other, ot equal Information and authority, tells you that Imports have decreased, bleated be McKlnley. They tay the Mc Klnley law has decreased tht price of su gar becaust '.he duty on It was removed ; In tht next breath It tells you tht price ol woolen goods, clothing, etc, has been de creased becaust tht duty has brcn in created. BUI I others art making a desper ate effort to put the silver question to the fore,' and tht tax question In tht back ground. Tht whole lint ot attempted, pretended argument It more than ever a chaotic mast of sophUtrlts, contradictions, mlsrepre- sentatlona,falsehooda, doctored figures and distorted fragments ot facts. Atl these fairly pitiful effort to longer befool the people In order to plunder them will be In vain. McKlnlevUm I doomed The Inconceivable wrong of the cifih nes and greed that hare been fattening all these year on tht toil, the vitality, the laborious Industry of the country, are ex posed; It was shown last fall that they were recognized; they will not torn be forgotten; a repetition of them will never be permitted. Protection" hat been" a crime, because, according tw high authority , tin highest In tht land. It I -robbery, and none tht lest robbery becaust done under tht forms ot law-" Tht crime of tht past, tht rob beriet of th pat quarter of a century.may ecver bt punished, where punishment properly belongs, but tht people will not tolerate their perpetuation, nor even their continuance. Evening Tml'gtam. It it a i&Ureatiaj qasttion a to what effect th dth P WiHum II. would bav on German) nA on Earopt. Tbt young mporor u said to b ta a prcarioa e di tura tf btalth. Ia tht treat of bit dstb tb empire woa id pax ioto a lots poriod of regency, the heir apparent being ttill ! than Wa year of g. It wmUl b a curious tpeatacl ia history if th long reign of William L ahrmld b followed in swift suo ctmionby tb brief tanart of Frederick aod of William se ootid. It is not imposaiM that this national fat mitiht be paralleled io Eoglasd after mor than tbt halt century's rwijra of Vinton, if report art trn regard lag tht health of tbt Prinet of Wale aod hi ldtt son. , !, . 1 1 -J Chicago's favorite pulpit orator, Dr Geo- sealas, baa jast rtarad from a trip to Eng bad and ka baen sivitf a reporter bi im - prtaaioat tharoof. D beard Gladatoa peak, and wa impred wi.h bi lofty and impaaijod t'oqaeno. Then bt beard th graad old tssa rad th Usaoo of tb bay wbeo kit ofl'rchd at Hawardea church Acordiog to DrGauaaetat, Salisbury is tb British nation's favorit atatoaaiaa. II is a typical John Ball and ha a way of constant ly list tring tb puMio. Lik Sir Robert Peel, bt knows th vain of being abla to tat ta Moedw aiuhl what tht British people will b ur to think' on Taday morning. The 0rf eaJaa.trylng to b: eak the force tf tht stigma couched In tht f hraie, Bit lion Dollar Congress" says this I a "Bil lion Dollar country." Yes, to the trust, manufacturing monopolies, protected aris tocrats, and otherampered pett of the party In power it I, but It It not to the great tolling masse of the faimers, me chanic and laboring peopic of the country who have to bear nearly all the heavy bur den entailed by a Billion Dollar congrfbt The resignation of William V. McKean from the managing editorship of the Phil adelphia Lrdf tr was caused by the recent change of that paper's policy from strong republican to m Id and Increasing de mon ocracy. Mr McKean did not approve of the change in the sentiment of the paper and preferred to retire. Tut republican corruption in Pennsylvania has been a little too much for Lvlgtr, The biggest fool in all the land Is the man who adduces the fact that a yard of calico can be bought cheaper now than It could fifty years ago, a an argument in favor of McKlnleylsm. Just a truth fully say that protection is a failure be cause wheat I cheaper now thin .It was iity -ear ago. M,.Kinley quoted Irora local advertisements the announcement ibat miit of men's cloth ing can now he bought in CoIiocion county t ffCynlj 54 o $15." lie did not quote the analysis made l-y It Dry Goods Eeontmttt bowing that ihes clothes contain 72 per cent of shoddy. Th great American hog haa been roting around the very throne of Germany until he ba compelled that great power to recognise his right to go into thst vast empire free f'om all daliesaau all restrictions, and thereat do ur protectionists much rrjoiae at this treat Cobdtn vict ory. , The first steel car built for pootal pur poor was tun j7j.c1.-fO miles, and went through five smash-up, at a cost of $41 to the company for repairs. The Unted States lead the world in the number and extent of its libraries. The public libraries of all Europe put together contain about ll,oooo volumes; those of this country contain sbout 50,000,000, Roe'l 1 Flower was nominated Wed nesday by ihe democrats of New York for governor. He will be e'ecieJ. HOIST II Y ITS OWN 1' ETA ltl. The Salem Jwnutl Is now bos ml tig that our importation ot foreign goods, Instead ot decreasing, lms actually increased since the passage ol the McKlnley bill, This it Irue, but a very deceptive argument In favor of McKlnleylsm. Let ut analyse tht figures. The total Imports, both tree and 'dutiable, fur the year ending July I, 1 Sot, was $844,907,1 17, The total for th preceding year was $780,310,400. The Increase ot 1S91 over 1890 was $571656,708, The total Importation ot good on the free list In 1S91 wa $36t33S,66i while the fre Hit Importation for 189a wa $j6$,- 668,629. The Increase ot Importation ct free goods for ib'yt over 1S90 was $100,- 570,031. Tht total Importation of Uutla bit good tor tht year 1890 wa $53,641,- 780 and In 1891 the amount wat $478,658,' 456, showing a decrease In 191 over 1890 of $44,983,314. The Increase ot which tht Journal boast I In tht Importation ct fret goods while there hat been an actual decrease In Importations of dutiable good ot $44,983,314. Tht falling off In dutiable Imports Is largely en woolen goods where tht decrease It from $56,581,431 In 1S90 to $4i,o6o,oSo In 1S91 a falling oil ot $15,' 511,351. Ot cour. a thlt falling oft It dut nearly entirely to tht Increase of duties on such goods provided for in tht McKlnley bill, tht average Increase ot duties being from 67 to 91 per cent Wt trust our cotem porary will anawer tht following questions at showing lit faith In protectionism: 1. It protection Increases Importation how could It benefit the manufacturer, and why wou'd the manufacturer give to much ot hit time and money to elect members of congress who will.malntaln protection? a. It protection advances waget and tree trade reduces them, how It It that in Eng land, slnct Its policy ot frte trsi't wat adopted, wtget have advanced In t.11 oc cupatlont from 50 to 100 per cenlf 3. How it It that wiget In England under free traCe are from 15 to 50 per cent, higher than in France or Germ my, both protect Ion countries? 4. Why thould the tugai planter bt gt vtn 1 ,V cr a centt per pound -compensation any more than tht cotton planter or any other business t 5. If Immigration b now an Injury to labor, why wat It not an Injury forty yeart ago, when It wat much larger In propor tion? 6. It a duty doet not raise tht price of an article (say pearl buttons) how can It be of any use In tht way of protection? A Ml of aboot thirty fot batwtra Ltk Superior and Lkt Huron at Saolt Sir-. Mtri give probaUy on of tht gratat water powers ia tht world. Il la to It atiliaatl ta th Ooadi ta aid by a raot aatl oa tha American stU by a eanal 1000 feet wid and giving 'J36.000 htrt piwt ot fort Around thia will inviull grow a great nanafaotariog oity whi never th country around it sotlilontly otttt t tntUio it. When tht national constitution wa adopted Charie Carroll ot Carrollon waa tht richest man In America. Ke wa worth half a million. Hlllllt WHE AT. So; 0 ENT:1. You Ungh at some peoj!s laugh at you. while other Tht man with the wont reputation I tht one who worries most about having It injured. , The followHng Is a significant Item: Emma Abbott' costume, valued at $100,000, bioughl, when sold, only t,- 954-OS." A newpap;r, like people, geti a black mark for it sin of omission, but little credit il It really doe a commendable thing. In that case it I only doing what it I paid for. Rev. Joseph Emery, so well and favora bly known throughout the Wllllamette valley has been chosen president of the Pacific Methodist College at Santa Rosa, Califorula, Mr E S Barrow received today from Geo A Jackson, of Jackson county, one ot the largest water melons ever teen here. It I limply Immense. Have yon eeen Ben Brenner'a new tide- walk? That BlifttiMbe an example to people with patched op allaira. uood sidewalks speak for a city. What the employes of the 0. P. want ed of the Circuit Court at Corvallia yes terday was a peremptory oruer Irom Judge Pipes, removing Receiver Hogg, and it undoubtedly should have been granted. The Receiver has disobeyed tht orders of the court in several partic ulars. Besides it is his duty to render . .1 1 t 1 1 . av report mommy allowing n is receipt as receiver. This has not been done. Will it be done under the order made. Tilt Canadian women who made a bon- nit of their cornet, dec'artng. "We will live and die a God made us." are a little bit radical. It they went around at God made the.n thev would create a sensation, We hope they won't. They can die as they choose, Thai's their right. Pcndle ton E. O. In Chicago, women are working on pantaloons, coats, vestt and cloaks at 40 cents a day, ami cht.dren sewn hours a day for $1.08 a week. Girls are tewing on pantaloons and cloaks for six cents a dozen and bv toiling 15 hour the girls can make 40 cents, 'these are the pauper wages of America, I lie 'land of the free.1 Thoe who know Til Ford will enjoy tht following from the Eugene Journal, the editor of which waa at Yaqnlna Bay recently: "Our visit to the lighthouse wat made particularly pleasant by the wit, droll remarkt and good humor of Lawyer Ford, who It as good at a clrcut all the time. He pretended to bt very ignorant concerning the producta, mannert and customs of the si a; wanted to know what the lightning rod on the dwelling was; declared he never taw a lightning rod before in his life; mistook a seagull for a "walrus;" and declared that he intended to erect a shanty on a point mong the bushes near the mtuth of ' Creek7 and trot his fast Uotter up and down the beach all next cummer. He Is u whole team and no mistake, when he get out on the coast by the 'sounding sea.' Me said he waa nick on this occasion and came over to the bay to get well, and we all wonder ed If a sick man could enjoy hlimelf so much what would he do when he go well He remarked at (he hotel that he could not eat much but hoped his appetite would return In a lew days to which the landlord responded that he hoped Mr Ford did not Intend to atay there till he got an appetl'e. " The divine Sarah Bernhardt beats them all. She ha 1300 pieces of baggage, and travels In a train of thirteen cars She will pass through Albany on Friday. Ways Farmer A, "My wheat i sold," Say Farmer P., "My wheat I'll hold." Anl Father Time, who all things tries. Will show e'er long which one was wise. Ex. About fifty members of the local Ma sonic lodges went to Oregon City last night to celebrate the 43d annivercary of the first Masonic lod(?o on the Pan fie Hope, in that city. Mr Joseph Hill, now 75) years of age, waa the master of that lodjie. A few months later the gold ex citement broke out in California and Mr Hill was one of the stamped era. This ia the first week he visited Oregon eince that far away tiros. Sunday Welcome, ris LEG It APIIIO NEWS !t,Y. Deaaacraft. Sakatocu, N. V, Sept 15. Th demo cratic ttat convention met at noon today, Chalrmaa Murphy called the meeting to order and announced th action of the state com mitt In choosing Hon Gorg Kalnes fur temporary chairman, The retlon wai ratified without distent and Murphy appointed D Catty llertick, of Albany, and J W Hinckley, of Poughkeepsie, a coinmiltcl Id escort Mr Raines to the chair. In anil of rumor, lot tonMit. It is thoueht that Flower will get th gubernatorial nomi nation, wiih btielian In second place. a afrwak Mlnlater, Clk-Elum, Wat Sept 15. Rv Dr Walk er and Joseph Walker, brothers, seed 55 and 60 ycatt respectively, wtrs arretted near hers several dayt tgo oa charges of burglary and receiving stolen goods. la th iu per lor court yesterday tht Jury in tht cast of tht reverend brother disagreed, Handing ten fur couviction tnd two against, but th other brother wst lo dsy found gnltty- Th Rev Walker Is a wall educated minister 01 tht Prtsbvieilaa faith. an J a member of the Council Bluffs presbytery out nt it oacfiy auuicted to tut at 01 strong drink, lit wat arretted onct before for buig- lary, but ttcaped on a technicality, and hat hguid frequently in justict count fur dunk- nett. ATsrrtbl riMd, . Madrid, Sep; 15. Newt it coming slowly from tht south of epain. Tbt report! ol dam aga by reason of tbt extraordinary floods in 1 hat tectl jn art geatral, 1 bt kit to proper ty it tomething enormous, and averywhtit railway trains aavt uttn eerailtd and roadt blocked. Metgrt details thus far received from the province of Toledo, gives harrowing account of tht extont ot tht overwhclmine catasiropht which hat befallen tht province. as estimate, cussed at a moderate on and which is within rather than over tbt tctual number, place th total death list at a 000, Will xt lr aarr4en4. Wasiungtox, Sspt 15. A cablegram wat received at tbt navy depaitment from Admiral Brown, dated Valparairo, Chili, bcpiember 14, saying that tbt Baltimore, which ttok tbt refugeet north to Pert, return ed yesterday to Valparaiso, and that bt would sail lot Callao, Peru, Immediately en tht flag suip San Francisco. Both Watt and navy de partments art in bnoranct of tbt reported - cp of Balmaceda to San Francisco, but it U aid that if tbt -prekldat has tucreedeJ in getting abosrd a United Stale naval vastel b will tot b surrndrtd, , Elect! t)Metr. SAUtu.Sept I5Tb Statt Agricultural Society held it regular aanual session this evening. This it tbt oriciotl sorietv that conducted tht fair, in latter years ia conjunc tion who tbt slat board ol Agriculture. T F.pprsoa r elected president, Tb society adopted t moluiiun aatbofialng tbt president and secretary to deed to tht Statt Boaid 0 Agrkutturt all lands, building etc of the society. Another revolution does away with tht old board of manager and b re tier will sleet caly tht president, vie president secre tary aad treasurer, at Mwreaaassraa aUlarat Sam Fiancisco, Xtyt 14. Judgt Beany rendered a de&aioa la tht babe corpus cat of Fan Ow Bow thlt afternoon In th United Slate circuit court. Th cat was a test of tht recent decision of Justin Field, of in United Stale suprtm cou.t, declaring that th construction placed oa the ciclutixi act by the latter tribunal wat Ihat no Chines subject coold bad in this country antes he I a eertincatt from fits government to tht iuai b was Hurrcnaai or nao raen a merchant of gaod standing in tbt Uuitad State. A IwaaUh n4. Maokid, Spt 14. Official information ia received here from th sccae of tbt floods now devastating tbt province of Toledo. Accord ing to tht aewt received, 3000 peopl bav perished, and ao immense eowint of damage wat dona, Scriooi flood 1 tnd storm art it ported in variott parts ot Spaia. Rsilwsy commaalcalion b uitmipted at several poiau Tht Amarguillo ba or et flowed it banks, de stroyed th town of Consuegra and flooding several villages. w ataJffta Btacaa4. New Yosk, Stpt 14. A Herald tptcul cablegram from Valparaiso dated Srpt 14 tayt that Balmaceda bat escaped from Ihe clutches of hi enemies and b now safe oa tht hicb eat under tbt protectioa of th Uaitcd Stale flag. All the lime ibt soldiers of tht junta were guarding tht passes of tht Andes to prt vt his getting into tht Argent in Republic, and tbt police of Ibt new provisional govern ment wer tetrching in monsst erics in and around Santiago for tt fugitiv es-preaideul be wst in biding ia tb city. II iitutly es caped to a U S ship at a drunken tailor. A t teUas ll. Kkw Yokk. Sept 13. Tbt Herald' cablt from Valparaiso tsysj Minister of Justict Er razuru btt ordered tbt sriest of sll persons suspected Of Meting or rtbuin j. or engaged in flogging or tortuiing persons favoring th lun'a Everyont saipectcd nf being concerned tn tbt shooting of Camming md bit two comptn ion. for an alleged attempt to destroy two of Balmaceda war vesscla with dyntmitt, will also bt arretted. Every petson implicated in torturing tay congressional victim is to be ar rested. A Twa Bam. Qi-tBEC, Sept 13. A fire stalled thiimoin log in a grocery store occupied by Oueictt at Blade and before tht (limes wer gotten under coatrot they bad destroyed twenty-nine bouset aod a portion tf tht Roman Catholic church. A por-km of Oulctl' ntact wit found saturated with coal oil. When 'ait fact got noised about, an Inruriated mob pro cured a rope, and capturing Ojelette, were about to lynch him when tht police rescued kirn. At was safely lodged in the tlty prison. ,' fililtd by a Ball. -COBNIUUS, Or Sept I J. Willitm Chalm ers, r, who live five milet north of here, was killed by hit bull about 4 o'clock this afternoon Death took ptaee inttaniiyi Tht ball thai caused bi death wat a prut short born, bay ing been awarded tht first medal at the state fair at Salem. Tbt deceased leaves a widow and eight children. II wat 75 yeart of tee, and intended retiring from busiocst in a few months. , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. N0T1CK 18 HEIKBY CtVE THAT BPECIFIOA Uotm nd nln will ble( Inehtm of Enntl Millar, of South Msritism station, for th anetloa tf school houHt tw built in Dint 100, ol Una Co., Ors- S"n. ai p nun umrinv 10 dm on ime onru44m ol said halldinv, msr Mil and sxsmliw th asms (and lmtSMld bids to b oiMuad st that pUua on Kept, lh, at I o'Rlook f said Ths school board re- "rv lb rwht lo rsjaelanjr or aU bids i B MUNEOR'P : (aslriaa Bow4 ol Directors NOriCE TO FARMERS. miiERR HAS BBE!f TWO IJTJJT I drd aod stvanty tight of 3 oa a-n. tlemnn in onr twtabliahmant saying that you wart going to order ftnoa from us hi fall and winUr. E-ch ol you require from 2d rods tn 2'A mil. Dt yon no se tba. It will reqntrt soma tlras to aianufsctart that amount of fenet? Wa wo Id augtstt that mora of yu erder NOW, thereby givlag as Urn 10 aooouia dat yon all. aLBaKY FHSpE WORKS. EXECUTOR'S NO f ICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY 01YES THAT THS unlerai?nod hw Imd bv ths eonntv court ttr Mnn on-taty, Oregon, duly appointed xneutor of Lhs lut wil and tasismsnt.-'if Jonsthsn Card, daoauari. law of Lin eouuljr, Oregon, Ail persons harins elainit arslnst said eaute are hereby required te present the same propei I verified ae by law required to the niMiereiirned at Waterloo, Oreg-oa, within si month, from this deto. litis Bib day of beptember, 1991, T. CARD. Kteeutor. Itr-ll) J K WaaTKiBVOtg, Alt for Exeeuter. THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH,' TOV E3RCK! rro it ntw, aoert it win, at Two late. I bav beea trwaMei! mawy years wkb disease ml kb blieaye aal haT SrieJ ,r asvervat and beer nabt aid Sea uaraBi pkeeMtaat bt aid w eUiwaBl pbfekdaa wlttoat rellrf. AteoS tb ih ml 4rf I we aairl Area a very viotaal attack that slieenS treartM mm 1 acb wiaaaer ihat 1 wa bent erer. WTitn I at dew H ww aiaseat tnpewable tmr mm to get R eJone, or to fee wa rniy eletkae, wb kind Prerldcnna Mat Ir. MtAmj, wtia tW OB BOON KJDKIT TWA, to mf UoteL I teuuedlaWiy seanwaawa eslnr th te. It had an s!nt miiacuious eteet, and he the aateaw tahmant of all Ue srwan at Ik hotel. m a lew day,I aa sty tkat I waa a near asaa. recommend tb tea te all affliatedj ae i tutve kea. e. a. rvnnt, froprtelor tW--.! Hotel, Ni bM, A. 4rjf t - I S SHERIFF'S NOTICE DF TAX SALE. NOTICE! Ltmbr gtrtn that by ylrtnt of a warrant fur tbt oollaotionor dlln nuont taaea (in tht anmotit of 180 few tut oounty of Linn and atatt of Oregon, duly lud by tht County Clerk or said tounty, which warrant I now In my banda attached t th Ht of unpaid and dwiln qutitt tax for tht year irtiK), Inaald Linn eminly, and not having batn abla after dlllgant anarch to find any ptrsonal prop arty within aald oounty out of which to makt tht taxes bartlnafltr mtntionad. 1 havt Javlod upon tht mortgaga iIm orlbsd in Iht Ht horeliiafior sal forth ai tht nrtptrtr of tht riorton whoao ratnt Is atl ooi4tt eaeli uotortbtt! mortaag as th saint apntart tad to aald dtlln qutnl tax roll, aod will on nalarday, lb lUh day tf elkr, istl, at Iht door of ih oounty eotirt hotiHt, Id Albany. l.usnoiioty,urKon,aim uour of 1 o'ulock rm of bald day. sail at public auatloa to tht hlghntt blddtr tor caah In band on tba day or aaia, an tnt ntrttn altar dttorlbad Mortgagr-s to pay and satirtfy thn tax aased againattbt owner of such rnoflgigii, In aald JUnn eouniy, for Iht ytsr 18U1, together with acorulrg eoattaud txprnaes.whluhlSnt laasfollowat .uw A.eiiti. Edna Adams, onbt of S4S 00 owing from Cbas Wiisnl S wi to wns Adin. and mortgage to snenra tbt sains on real f at, as dw. la mort rta In Llna Co book T pit 41 ...... ! l7 David Ainher. tl)0O owing, front Alford Wheeler wfto iiavia Amber, and mort to tteuro tbt aatnt oa real est aa tlfc In Linn Co mort rta book T pg 64(1...... 72 00 Alliance Trust Company, dtbt of I47 owing rrora J n r can at wf to AllWnot Trast Co, ami mort to secure tht same on i eal eat a de In mort ro In Linn Co book W pa 143 liebtof IIMtJ owing from T P , ratten A wf to AtlUnoe Truat Ca, and asort to aeouro tht Mint on real eat aa da In Linn Co rao book V pg 140 1U of trik&a owing front 11 If , Cook A wf to Alilaute Truat Co and mortgage to btcurt Irieaaiiit on teal eat at do in Lion Co ran book U vt ii 09 IB John Hlevlna, debt H fi.KM oaring fiotn Kubt Htatth to John We v. In, and mort ts secure the earae on real eat ta In Llnu Co mart rta book V pg tl) ti 40 Ota II Heard, debt of SvO owing from That Thomae tw Clo II ttonrd, aad mort lo twottrt lb saint on rial tst a da In Llun Co men rta botk Tpttl5 5 40 tiwo W Uenneu, dibt of 1 709 owing from Norrl 1 Newton to Ueo W llennett, and nsoit to eecuet th aame on real t aa das In Una Co mort ret book U r 12d 12 ) Curran dt Mtnuita, dbt or M7 wing from Jaa T Uaawelldt wf to Curran A Moniaita. and auort U aaourt tbt ssmi on real - eat aa de In Llna Co mort rte tmok V ut IS - 7 M Job a A Couawr, (r) debt rf $n owing from Frank I) Wood A wf lo John A Cnr (txr), and mort to aeoura tba tn oa real tat at dea In Linn Co it or t rtJ hook T pg 273 U 00 Jama and Cora Cbareb.debt t?f f 1013 owing from Jacob Millar to Jnet arid Cora Church, and morttostcurtthtaamaon rtat tt da In Llun Co mort rat book H pg 339 .-,... iS 03 CorbeU A MtCleay, deU of twOO owing from U WHgbt A wf w Corbet! A MaCleay, and mort to awcur th aatn on twai cut at net io Unn Co mort rte, book J fH 1 7tH s.eetw ee F J Unou, deb, of lltH owing from J N Combs A wf to K J Ooon, and mort lo eecara tb aanta oa il es a ds in LlnaCo mort rwa, book T pg t ........... Maggit Conner, debt of l-'7& bwiag irnm VI ila Turtey A bu it Mqgle Gunner, and mort lo secure the aa nt on reei et aa do ia Llun Co wort rat, book M STea 4MHae ' William .Crulaatit, debt of f looO owing from J W Crolaant a wf to 'itlUin Crolaant, and mort to eecure tbt stint on rent - at aa de In Linn Co mort roc, book K pg 203 John bunerbers;. rleht of 11210 ow 00 a 49 4 w 18 00 ing from Oettrude Lambert to John liuuerburg, and mort ta eeeur tbt samt on real tat aa d lit I Jan Co mort ren, bowk W pg 6J..... .............. ...... 23 60 CyatbtaA f-ird, dobtt f I237 awing from J 1 lUvenpott to Cynthia A r-rl, and murt to co re th aame oa rati est a da in Lisa Co u.nrt two, book pg 237 23 16 Maria O Gaatoo, debt at i'iO owing frum II U Kiuiaton U wf to Maria (J (iaelua, and tmirttfag to cur tbatam on real est det io Lino Co ruorl rto, book N rg 820 S6 Isaat Uarriager, debt f tl'SO owing from Uc C Henderson Si wf to . Isaat Uanlogar, and mort it -cur th am on real att a dta 10 Ltno O mort ro, book V PR7I. SI 50 G tl Catry, debtof 1450 owing from tt AUeotry&t wf to UU Ueo try, ' aad mort to secur tht tsm oa ral est a d la Line Co mort rwa. book T pg 634 8 10 E E Oeery, debt of flOXK) ow ng from Prank frisby to E It Unary, and mort to secure tbt stmt oa real est a dee in Lino Co mort reo, book Tpg 632. is 00 Jarre Grmnon, debt of t-1920 ow ing from H P Motler & wf to J trn (icrmaron. and mort to eco i th awe) on ral t a da In I J do Co mort ret, book U pg , 227 83 50 John Harria, debt of tTSOowiotf from r.muel Duw to John Uarria, and mort tl seair th am oa lOal st a de ia Llna Co mort reo, book Tpg 283 12 03 W II 11 art la h dlt ot 1230 owing from Sarah E Smith to W H 11 art I., and mort to secure tbo sam oa rl art a de In Lion Co mort reo, biok T pg 671 . . . . 4U Saraa J Undron, debt of $4000 nwmg from Joho and Tbomaa B. yant & wf to Sarah J lleuder sou, and mortgto to secure th am on roe! est a d in Lion Co mort reo, book U pj 234 I) ht of 1900 owing from Wm II V .unu & wf to Sar.h J ilea dernon. and mort to secure the same on real est ft det in Llun Co mort rec, book RrgdSi... I'cbt of $1700 owing from Lenndei Shellon & wf to Sarah J tlcndeiton, and mort to se cure the tame on real est as tes In Linn Co mort rec, book Rpg6i7.... Debt r-f $700 owing from N M Percifull to Sarah J Hender durson, and mort to secure the tame on real ett as det In Llnu . Co mort rec, book T pg 162,,, Debt of $i)00 owing from T ' S Lilet A wf to Sarah J Hen derson, and mort to serure the tame on real est at det In Linn Co mort rec, book T pg 41. 176 40 Permella Howard, debtof $400 ow ing from M J Coldwell Si wf to Permella Howard, and mort to secure the same on real est as det In Linn Co mort rec, book N pgat ,. 7 ao H.-ter Hubert, debt of S100 owing from Jacob atratei a wf to Hester Hobert, and mort to se cure the aame on real est as des In Linn Co mort rec, book T 3 60 D A iloli man, debt of Sooooivinir from I R. Gill Si wf to D A llolman, and mort t) secure the tame on real est as ties in Linn Co mort rec, book T pg 140, , . 16 30 Marv E llolman. debt of tono ow . ins from J rues McHargue V wt to Mary E Holman, and mort to secure the same on rem est at det In Linn Co mort rec, book T Pg 393 16 30 E B Hughes, debt of $100 owing trom Jos o cox wt to E u. Hughes, and mort to secure the tame on real est at det in Linn . Co mort rec, book T pg 481 . , . . I 80 Benjamine Hyland,deutof $135 ow ing from Jotin A Henderson x wf to Benjamine Hyland, ami mort to secure the tarn? on real ett at det in Linn Co mort rec, books pg 54 43 H A Johnston, debt of $373 owing from a. J Jjatey wt to rl A Johnston, and mort tc secure the same cn real est as det in Linn Co mort rec, book N pg 397...... 6 60 Eliza J Johnston, debt of $93 owing from S'ephen & Dubaugh to Eliza J Johnston, and mort to secure the same on real est as ' des in Linn Co mort rec, book Tpg 319 1 65 am now reeeivincr mv il and am goods in the Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Shawls Cloaks Skirts 0 Underwear fHoves Hosiery Handkerchief Boots and Shoe P Jones, debt of $900 owing from Geo li Jonct A v.f to E P Jones and mort to tecurt tht tarat on real est st det In Linn Co mort rec, book g pg 87 16 30 Mary L King, debt of tyx owing from C King & wf to Mary L King, tnd mort to secure tht samt oo real eat a des in Linn Co mort rec book V pg 404 , .. 9 00 S S King, debt of $300 owing from J S Ly lea to S Si King, and mort to tecurt tht same tn real est at des In Linn Co mort rec, book W pg 384 5 4 Fredrick Krlcwfl, debt of $500 ow ing from William Kites! &wf to Fredrick Krlesel, and mort to tecurt tht same 00 real est a de In Linn Co nort rec book T pg a6o. , . too B A Lander, debt of f 1000 owing from Tho L llenne to O A lender, and mort to eecure tht sam on real ttt a de In Linn Co mort rec book S pg , 31a 18 00 John Long, debt of $7000 owing from K L ftrvsn it wf to John Long, and mort to tecurt the tame on real tat a de in Linn Co mort rec book V pg 141. ...136 00 G E Lilly, debtof I416 owing from Jchn Trader St. wf to G Lilly and mort to secure the samt on real tet a det in Linn Co mort rec book Upg 171 7 4S Carrie Marqutt, debt of 5 owing from Wm Bradshaw to Carrtt Marquis, and mort to secure tht amt on real eat at det In Linn Co mort rec book TpgS7.... 4$ John Mcttgtr, debt of $$00 owing from Archltdc L B Frnshaw to John Mtugar, and mort to se em e th same on real est a de lit Linn Co mort rec boak V pg 68 00 Clarance G Mltchtll. debt of f5xx owing Irom John Morgan to Ciaranct G Mitchell, and mort to secure tht same on real est at ties In Linn Co mort rec, book u pg J71 to B E Miller, debt ot $33 owing Irom ,'ohn Galloway ta BE Milter, and mort to tecurt the samt on real est ar dta tn linn Co mort rec book T pg 40a $9 Orrln Moore, debt of $1000 owing from W R Bilyeu to Orrin Muoie, and mort to secure tht amt on real est a de In Una Co mort rec book U pg 430 ... tS 00 C M Montelih, debt of $$10 owing from Joale Tim merman to C M Monttcth, and mort to secure tlit same on real et des In Linn Co mort rec book T pg 79 Debt of fSoo owing from Chat II Whitney to C M Mon telih, and mart to secure tht ttme on real est at de In Linn Co mort rec book T pg 8. .... . Pebtoff to owlnisalrom P B Powell Si' wf to C M Mon teith, and mort to secure ttit tame on real est aa des In Linn Co mort rec booh T pg 138. . . . Debtof $40 owing from R Koldeway k wf to C M Mon. teith, and mort to secure the time an rea ett at dc In Linn Co mort rec book T pg US..-. Debt of $700 owing I rxm J II Anderson & wf lo C M Mon tclth.and mort to secure the stmt on real est as det In Linn Co mort rec book Tpg i9.... S3 J Morris, dsbt of $tt00 owing from P Wu and Co to J Mom, aad mortjrag to enr the mid on real ast as da ia Lint Co, moil reo book W p39S 10 80 Hir of Newman, Debt of f 600 owing from J 8 Stratum t tba heir of i'eorv Nswmsn, aod mort to at car th cam on iet t a da ia Linn On, mort book T Pg 900 28 32 N P Newton, debt of $S12 owing from EUaabeth A Baoh and husband toM F Newtoo and mrt to e ear tht tsm oa real ttt a det in Linn Co, mtg reo book U pg 141 14 61 A E Pvoniogtoo, debt off 1068 owing from Bob! W Monctr tad wf to A E I'eonirjRtou and mtrtg V Moure th sains oa real tst a des In Lion Co, mort ro nook U pg 830 ' 19 18 Lsug Piatt, debt of $300 owing from , Touotwr mler to Lang Piatt and mort to secur tht asm oa real t aa da in Una Co, asort rat bduk W pg 1S1 5 40 O E Parrls , debt of $760owin. from A Frum and wf to 0 K Parriah aad wort to aeouro tb mt an real tat aa det in Lion Co, mort rto book R pg 152 1 60 0 A Parker, debtof flSOowina from E F Fry and boa toC A Parker aod aiort to aeeura ths tame on rtal est aa dat ia Ltnn Co, m rt o book V pg 110 70 A Piphtr, dabtof $344 owing from Wm Tucker to A Piphar aad mort to our the arn on ml at at de io Lion Co, mort reo book Rpst 108, ' Dsbt of 8402 owing from E A Hester and wif to A Fiphr and mort to aeour th ama on real eav a da in Lion Co, mort reu book Tpg 10 13 4S L U Itoifera, debt of 8350 owing f 'urn W W Craft to L Rodger and mort to tecnr th aarae on real t s de in Linu Co, mort reo hook T pg 49 , 11 70 J P Rector, dobt of $3681 . owing from J L Holaday and wife to J P Reotor and mort to teourt the ssma on ral est a dc la Linn Ct, mort reo baok T pg S99 63 89 A L Havaga, debt ot $523 owing from W E Qkheus and wf tv A L Savage aod mort to aeour tht asm on raa! eat a da in Li-n Cd, mort reo houk R pg 11,...., 9 43 S B Soott, debt of 300 owing from Jams U Soott to S B Soott and nioit to tecur the same on real ett at da in Liun Co, mort reo book N pg 829 9 00 S W Smith, debt of $230 owing from O C Aubrey and wf to S W Smith and mort to secure th tam 6n r ial est a das ia Lion Co, mort reo book V pg 56.... 4 50 Danftl B Thonst,debt of 875 ow ing from Charles Bond to D iet B Thou.aa and mort to se- -ourt th tam on real est as de in Ltnn Co, mort reu bonk P pg 139............ 1 33 Julian Thomas, debt of $1500 owing from V P Pattoo aod wif to Julian Thomas tad mort to ae our th same on real est as de in Linn Co, mort reo book T pg 197................... ....... 27 00 Mehil F Turner, debtof 8450 ow ing from A Leroy and wf to Ma hal F Turner and mort to a oure the asm on real est aa des in Linn Co, rno-t rao took T pz 684. Debt of $1600 owing from P W Humphrey to Mehcla'.F Turner and mort to secure the same oa showina full lines : of . following departments, Notions, Ribbons -Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets and Embroideries Groceries Goods Samuel E. Young. real cat a ds la Lioa Co, mort ta book W pg i3'j 35 90 Nocy It WatUra, debt of $400 owing from S IVciful sod wf to Nsooy K Watter and mort to stcur tht aamt on rsal est a dt io Lion Ct, mort ro bck T Jot Wtbber. Jr, debt of $875 owing irom nr Minora rsasn to joe Webber Jr, and mort to secure tht tame on real eat at det In Linn Co, mort rec book T pg W llon W hit debt of $Vioo owing ' 5 75 from J C Mabr to Wilson While and mort to tecurt tht same on real eat at de tn Linn O, mjrt rec book N pg 573.,. 1980 I L White, et at debt of $487 owing from G W Pugh to 1 L White et-al and mort, to secure the same on real est as de In Linn Co. mort rec book W t,r 11 a -r. J H WiUoa, debt ol $300 owing ivrn 1 mi a anus ana wi to J H Wilaoa and mort toecure the same on real est a dc In Linn Co, mon rec book S pg 100 r . Jot and) II Wilson, debt of $550 owing irom io 1 Mcuune to Joe and J li Wilson and mort to secure the tame on real est as det in Linn Co mort rec book S pg 34 9 90 Robert J Wilton, debt of $400 ow ing from Frank 11 Hulbcrt and wilt to Robert J Wilson and mort to secure the same on real est at det In Linn Co, mort rte book N pg 44. 7 to Emma O Workman, debtof $1000 owing from J R Wyatl to Km rta O Workman and mort to secure the tame on real est a 'det In Lint Co, mort rec book V pg 05 tS 00 Lawrence Wren, debtof $1000 ow ing from Eugene G Goff and wf lo Lawrence Vrm and mort to tecurt tht aame on real ett at det In Linn Co, mort rec bxk T pg 560 18 00 John It Yantls, debt of $500 omtng from Jo L McCune to John If Ysnll and mort to seture the same on real est as det In Linn Co, mort rec book V pg 5'4 o 00 f F Wood, debt from F M Gard ner and wf and mort to secure tht tame on the following des real est to-wlt: the E 1-3 of SE 1-4 of ec 30 tp 9 3 of R a E 80 acre 9 00 All la Linn county, Oregon.. NoTica Taxpayer please take notice that costs are now to be added to the above amount befoie settlement. Dated Sept 1710,1891. M.SCOTT, hhcrtff of Linn county, Qr WASTED By the ondsr.lgnsd. 110 eord of maple chair timber. Call at our shop near Farm Wareltonw, Albany, Oregon. , R. VEAL A SOX. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Noticr 19 nr.RF.nv oiv;; that the uk dwwgiwd baa bM. by is cmntv court for Ua.uiU. Orna. a My n.(lr,Ud adntiuuuatar tb tf Kw Vu'two. dauMwd, fa,u J Una smmiy, Ufcao. All ptmmm Utiii; claims irxiiu mii tatata aes horaby nHialrad so rmml then pmiMrly wiAl to Ms anderajmad at Albvir. Onua, within all atoatba frxiai this dat. Aujuat ib, Isut, , . i II KXlOtlTEV. i WiUTnsaeoaa, AdmioUtnUor. . Any lue Adialn'r, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICR 13 HKKEB1T OIVEX THAT Tflt lllHMMtinMll IUM i. 1 . eourt tf Una coantjr, Oracoa. duly amwi tiled exce- at im lain wiU and imuwii ol r F Cmfl, MSMd. All parson bavin claims ioat at M.I. ... 1. . .. L . . ... . . r'T vsrlSed to J P Uaibraiib, at th citljs ci tb 1 """" i""p"', in Aioany, uragon, on or twfairwata ntontlis Irom this data. HopUmW Ulh, Jail UAHY CROFT, Kxocutrla SHERIFFS SALE. BV VIRTDE OP AN EXEO'JTION and order of aia issued outot tba circuit court of tho at att of Oregon fur Una. oounty, to ma directed, dated the 18tb day of August, 1891, upon a Judg ment and dec ret of foreoioiure rendered In said circuit court In favor of H T bit ten hoefer. J L Uasa and I L White, partners doing business under the firm nauat of IHttnn hotter, Has A Co.. p'ain tllta, and airainat O W ugh and Elsie Pugh, bit wile, defendant, for iht sum of f&ttf CO, and tht further sum of f5o attorney 'a fees, ami f 'iS 1 5, costs nnd aoorulng costs, i did on Iba 18th day of Auiitist 1891, duly levy uun all tht rla fendanta, U W Pugh and K ste rugh'a, hia wife, light, title and Interest in and to tbt rollowin desnribed rest property in said execution and order of sale aa fol owe, to win Lota one and eight, in block No three, in U labs' addition to the town of Crawfbrdavllla, la Linn county, Oregsn, Now, therefore, io pursuance to baid execution and orJer of sale, I will, on Saturday, (lie Ssta Hay r September, 1831, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day, at tht court house. In tbt city of Albany, Linn coun'y, Oregon, sell at publio auc tion, to t ha highent bidder, for cash In hand, aiiiijaut to redemption, all the rlaht, title and Intere-rt of the abova da. iandanta, W Pugh and Jilsla Pugh, or either of thorn, in and to tbo above des cribed real property, to sati fy tae sum of5t!3 60, and tba further sum of 50 attorney's fee, and $28 05. coU and in terest and SOOminit nruita. Hna nn aH juitginent and dxoret of toreo'oswra. Dated this 25th day of August, 1891. jl. SOOT I, (8 21) Sheriff of Linn oounty, Oregon. SMONS. I tht Cirtnit Court of the State oj Oregon for thm County of Linn. ELLA HOUD, Plaintiff, v S. E. II0UD Defendant To S E TJoud, the above named defendant; IN THE NAME OF THE STiTE OF Oregon, you art hereby required to apoear and answer the eampUiot of the abnve plaintiff, iaths above entitled court, now on tile with th olerk of id oourt, by the first day of th next regular term of aald oourN whioh aaid term begins on Monday, the 26th day of October, 1S91, at the oourt house in Albany, Lien county, Oregon. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and anawer aaid complaint, aa bareby requited, the plaintiff will take a de oree oi said court against you dissolving the bonds of matiimony now existing between you and said plaintiff, and for her coats and disbnrtementa of this tuit. This summons is published by order of th Hon R P Boise, judge of aaid couit, made at chambers, ia the city of Salem, on he 8;h day of September, 1891. W. K, filLYRU, (9-11 Attorney for Plaintiff. Fall stock nfnw rvmHc Iljljl BLL-MB We Shine by After you havo seen our fall and winter stock of lotbia' and furnishing goods, you will ay that it shines like a star i.-,.tho Heaven, far above -any other line in the Willamette Valley. Hundreds of sty lUh novelties in suits and treuwrs that are PEMCTION IN FIT id EXCELLENT I QUALITY ! A wonderful line of the beat, the largest, the most 'reliable, and the most pop alar-pi Iced line of ctothin 1,-for. .hn.. 1. .t.i line of Albany Woolen Mill goods. A fine line of Overcoat, ade of Cheviot. ClAT WoasTan, Ktasavs, Faiaats and Chikchilla. Boys' School Suits ! ' Boys1 School Hails ! ! Oh, mother, tf you'll only call and Inspect these beautiful garments we are turefyou will be flighted with tht largt assortment in such bice suits at teatonab't pri-e. Remember, gentlemen, we have tho largest and finest line of men's shoes in the tity. Our fine line is made by ; Ztt t7&m42k3Sr ' T. L WALLACES. CO, leading Clothisri and Furnislieri. Strahan Block, ALBANY, reiraT Aiosnv r.roperty. uu at Ucmocbat oflirw fir particulara. Albany -:- Nurseries, Ws ar er!nr lo nUurs tb lint Ui tf Irelt trass, la ail oaMraU Tarwtk, la . Um atau. Oo bundrwl and fifty tbooautd lrt (or tbia San son's tnd. IKSPKCTtOS IMtTTI-D. ami ATtgrACTIOIf OCARAJfTEED. larHmd far catalofn or mB ea u at th eld CUa bocaestaad, n bif mil soUi trast of Albany. HYMAN & BROWNELL. SUMMONS. a (A CirtaU Cowrt qftte Slab a' Ortgomfor Lin County. Almyra E Wooltry, PiaJntlfT, vs. Jasper LI Woolory, Defendant. Ta Jaapar H Wooltry, thabov named defendant, I If THE NAMEOP TKT VTE OF Oron yon art her repaired to sppea nnd answer th eai.ain olbt above nam d flalntiff. In th above an titled Court, now on fil w!t 1 tht Clerk of aaid Court, on or befort tba fli xt dty of tbt next term of tht Circuit Court for Unneouatv, Oregon,, beginning on tht 2ttth day of Ootooar, 1891. as required in the or Jerof pnbliuatitnof thitanmuiona. and if yon filao to answer, for want thereof, tht plaintiff will apply to tba Court for tba relief demanded In tba complaint, vIk That th bonds or mat ritnony existing bween plaintiff and defendant d.uivt J and that plaintiff be awarded the oar- and custody of tneir minor children, Msrr, Ins and Geneva Woolery, and for jadgmsnt of coats and diabursemantSk This aumirona ia onbllahel bv order of iha Hon R P Boise, Jadga of tht above entitled (lourt, made this 23th day of August. 18. J. K vVCATIiaIFORD, Attorney for PUiat.ff. NOTICE TO BKICCE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. NOTICE Is hereby given to whom It my oinesrri: That staled blda will bt received by the County Court of L'nn County, Oregon , at tbt efflen of tht Conn ly Clerk or sam County ana State, no to 1 o'clock P M , Wodnenday, October Tth 1891. for the construction of a County bridge across Thomas Creek at "Hannah's crossing" in Linn county, uregon. asid Dr'oga to De or tnt following dimensiens. to-wlt: Mam aran 100 feet long, 10 feet wlce la tht clear, main span to rest on t eota or plera; North approaoh to ba 78 fett and south approach to ba 16 feet long, bent under approaches 19 feet apart, both to be prot. eted by banisters. Vo bid will bt consiaered unless ao J.. ..I Ulfk t . n . . n . M tl . and 4 per cent of bid in cash or oertUnd ohok. Th County re wry 01 the right ta rejeo any aud alt bid'. County Cleik. BREWERY F03 SALE. Ti tht Circuit Court of thecal of 0,-rgcn fir tM County of Ltnn t a Ehret, PiaiutiflF, v. Geo Pfau. Defendant . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT th undersigned, the duly appointed, qa'litird and aoting Ueoriver in tl above entitled action, will on Salarday, tie 3rJ day tf Oetuber, 191, at the Court House M,r in th city of Al bany, L'nn oounty, Oregon, at th hour of 10 o clock a m, sell at publio aution for cath ia hand to the highest bidder, all the p-op-rty belonginit to Geo ffaa aud R Ehrtt, partner doing business under th firm nam at Geo Pfaa fe Co., desoribed as follows, tc. wit. lb Citv Brewery, situated on tbt southwest quarter ot block No 71, in tbt Eastern addition to trie city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Including all buildings, tea ohinery, boiler aid engiue, cold stovage, ice machine, cult, kettles, tul R, kega atd ev(rything eoanected there with, 'na'ading a good title to the real property herein dt scribed. Datsd ttii 2 i J day of Sept. IS91. GEO EUMPHRKYJ 'Eeeeivcr' viz: Woolens Cloakingu Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Prints WHITER CLOTHIHG. Comparison. OREGOtf TAX KOTICE CF SALE TtOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVKK THAT by virtntof a arrant fortbeco- ' lt-elioti of dlinqornt faxes on the aatMS- : meatjof 1890 fur tbe cnusty or l inn atd Mala of Oregon, duly iMsued by tba foumy Clerk of aald cosnty. which war- i rant I now In m bands, attached to tb tin of unpaid and delinquent taxea for ' tht year 180. jt, aaid Linn oounty, and not baviog been able after diligf-nt search i to find any personal property within f raid connty cot of which make the J tixaa heninalter mentioned. I tavo lavil upon tbo lanoa deaeribed in the liar hereinafter ar-t r,,rt k th ol the person whoso name ia tt oppoaitV ' "Chirac aatho saaie appe ra aaserwedr on aaid delinqaent tax toll, and will oa Satanlay. Ike Srat day f ctober, im at tlie door tf the Concur Court Hmim in Albany, Una county, Oregon, at the nour 01 i ociocx p. m.. of asul t av. sell at public auction to iht hlzhfwt- bidder foroasb iJ band, on the dtV ot aa'e, all -tbt hereinafter deacribtsd lands or ao much ot each tract ss may be necessary to pay and satisfy the tax assessed against tht owner of such tract, in aaid Unn oonnty. for tbt ear 1S90. toflrother with aooraing eosU and exptasas which . iMtt is as ioi.ows; . Amt. of Taxea. I Braman A Sammervllle.par of tho 1 D L. C of Jacob Nt. tp 13, S K 1 W.120erea . 8 9 00 William Bald, tht D L C of John Wipla. tp 13. S R te.t W.S2H . acres; the Dl.Puf a Geistrr, . . .1 c n . . . .. n s i.t, o ruing si n acrea Eit of Cao B JduKioner.4iii acra 118 80 if w r ivia V cox, Aitny,ii' aud Ad , block 17. lota 2 aud 7 , 9 o. H IUU ?T U XWUW. UU I I tin - . j aca, guard.,) S acrua of land , j and hotel, at Sweet Home....... 9 00 Frank Murphy. Albany, H's 2nd f Ad., block 7, lots S t-id 4 5 40 W S Rnnyan, aeo 12.S Kango 2 East, 480 acres 8 Ct ' t R A McKlnley, sec 3,tp 14,8 Kanga 1 Eist, 93 acres 3 CO f Est Mrs Rooa Scott.Albany.E li of r blocs 44...... .. , . 14 40 V 0 A Powell, Albany, block 65, lots ' i 1 and 8 ........ 9 00 J Mrs At ISurcaw, Albany, li 's 2nd Ad, block 23. lo, . 9 Oa Heirs of O D Dea!,2 acres adjoin- f ing 3 Brownbvillo. 5 40 I Est of Dsvid Gray, pait ol th 1 L, C r-f David Gray, 16a acres .. 22 50 V Kelly, 8J4 ofBWMotseo 4 21, tp 9, S Bangs 1 E0 cre0.. 1 80 f Bepjamia Ilayden, tp 9. S Kango J 1 W. 1(10 acres .. , 8 64 Daniel Seal, the K of a W ana B W H of N E H, and tbo N VV S X fcfd E4 ol sec 14, tplO, S i KaoieV E, 160 acres . 2 49 .T f Est James Shields, Albany.E Ad., 1 block 12. lots 1. 2 and 'A of 3... J II Bolos. Albany, U'a 4 h Ad , block 1 5. lot 5 ......... 0 W tsalnare, Albany, Scbuievr Ad.,llock 4..... Mrs EG Roark. the X W of tho SEJt' of sec SO, tp 9, a Kange 1 W, 0 sores William fates, tba N yi of N W or sso 31, tp 8, S Kange a is, 80 . acres 3 60 i AMcIutyre.SEXofSeo2i.Tp 12 S S lUuga 1 W; 160 acre 5 fW M McLeii'h. 8 E J and N E of Seo 1 2a Tp 12 S range2 Et 320 acres, li 00 V F W Holmes, a pan of the K Fox 1) LO Not. No 2581, ulaim No 6ti, ' f Tp IS S R 4 W; 320 acres. . .... 3 60 f Joseph P Jones, N E i of Sso I Tp 10 I ti R 2 Er 160aores 3 GO J James Molveuhill, N E J of bee 4 Tp VJSli'iK; 100 aorea 3(M Nettie Doisn, N .Brownsville, Hans- , I man's add, block 4, lots 11 ami 12 Amos H Howard, Albany, block 14 loti .. .... ... 1 sac" J R Stewart, a j ol 8 4 of Seo 18 Tp i 3 t 80 -' 180 S tusraogelj;; UM aora ...... William Gates, the N i of the N W i o? Seo31 Tp 9 S range 2 E; 80 aoros . J M Johns, Sec 35 Tp 9 S range 2 Wj act es AI Conner, S E J of N W 4 of Seo 3 IPS o ranee 3 E; 40 acres ..... GW ixmth, Albany. H'a add, block . 112 lobs 1 and 2 ,,...107 23 s j Cherry A I'arkes, Albany.E add, 110 r ! feet by 130 fret, south o! SPR f R a wit oh in block 10 36 GO f AH In L'nn county, Oregon. SoTns. Taxpayors ploase tabo notice ' that costs are now to ba added; to th above amc uots before settlement. ? Dated t-'opt 1st, 1801. ". M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn oounty, Or. ; TntR Sj.I.E OR TR4.DE-Win r. I I. cheup for ch or trade for wood, f Call at one s ai the msrblo shop next c. to Sseca aToXca. 1 I I -;. . r . . j a : . E