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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1891)
rniDAY.."...SErTEMBKa 18, 1891 L.OOAL. UEOOltl). 11k Saw TmtoioH Ir. Llin courty farmer wai In Portland a lew dat t agu. While there he met a man from Missouri, an Immigrant, and the two looked over the city together. They wcie epproached by a iWhilr dressed man, ho, after ahort conversation toircther, suggested that they take ride up o the heights. '1 Ms was consented to. When up there iney were walking aioiitf, wnen a dog collar wtirt a iock on n rti nicuru up The Linn county man unlocked It, and the at ranger look it and put It In Ms pack et. Thejr were ahortljr joined by another stranger, a confederate, when the lock wa pioduced and the fit-it (tranger offered to bet the second one that he couldn't un lock the lock. The man wou'd bet, bur, all, ho hadn't any money with him. Would the Linn count man loan him $iof He hat tome ryes and told the lellow he hadn't cent. The MUaourlan was ac costed and bit at once, letting lb fellow have $o, though the Linn county man waatrylug hard to ahake hla head at him, Finally acting that hla Missouri friend waa going io rote hln nsstiev and more too. If something wasn't done, he told him It there waa to be an bctth.g done he had better hold the money, and accused the man of being pickpocket. The Mksou rUn, beginning to smell a mice, grabbed the rascal by the neck and made htm re turn, the money. For s few momenta thry a lively tln.e. The Mlsaourlan I no at the Linn count (armor's and will probably loca.e here. Pbouati Matter.--Ia the matter ol the estate of W F lirover, final account approved, adtuistrator Uiachargfd and landsmen exonerated from further lia bility. In the matter of the etttate of Charle W Elder, receipt tiled and administra tor discharged. In the matter of the estate of Charles AKeinhart, inventory tiled with prop erty appraised. In the matter of tlie estate of Peter Halfpenny, inventory tiled. In the matter of the estate of Mary and Gertie Zeiner, first annual account filed and approved. In the matter of the estate of M J Cald well ordered that personal properly be sold as prayed for. In the matter of the estate of M J Ilurkhart, F A I'urkhart appointed ad ministrator with bonds fixed at (000. A lliou Toned Indian. Yesterday an old Indian of the Sileta reservation waa in the city. A prominent citizen who had known liim for a good many years, shook hands with him and treated him very nicelv. In the evening, thinking ne migm do nitn a lavor i invited him home and was bringing him out his sup per for him to eat on the porch, when the red man said, "Yon think me dog, I no eat out doors, eat like white man." The citizen had intended to give him lodgings in his barn, but instead lie point ed towards the gate and told the Indian o"get". Mills Held. The case of the State against John Mills at Harrison rg yester day afternoon resulted in the defendant being held to await the action of the arand jury under f5iK) bonds,wiiich were furnished at once. The quarrel between Mr Mills.who has apart of Ir Davis' hop yard rented, and Virgil Davis, occurred at the hop yard, and both men were in it. Mills secured a monkey wrench and osed it on Davis, which resulted in his arrest. Deputy District Attorney Wyatt appear ed for the prosecution and Hon vv It Bilyeu for the defense. The examination attracted considerable attention there. Probably tub Defaulter. The Flor ence West says : "Last week we spoke of the mysterious upturned boat found at the mouth of the rivtr. The parties who left Florence in the boat have not showed np as yet, and from information gleaned since our last issue we can al most definitely state that they were de faulters and not health seekers as they palmed themselves off to be. Koine few weeks apo at Tacoma the Fidelity Trust company of that city was robbed of a considerable sum ol money by one Al bertson, an employe of the establish ment. From mark and partly erased names found en linen wearing apparel left at the Florence is quite con clusive that one of the two who so mys teriously disappeared is Albertson, and that they are now seeking means of es cape along the coast." K LraAXCX Affair. Yesterday b-; anon people were treated to a shooting affklr of a more amusing than set loua nature, lh way It terminated. lienjamine Brothers are the proprietors of a sma'l store. It teems that one of the brothers waa trying to tell a suit of underclothes, when ihe other interfered In some manner rrsultlng in a subsequent quarrel, in which there was a superabundance of hair pulling and shirt tearing. Finally one t-f them went to a desk, took out a revolver and began firing at his brothel or something else, just what waa difficult to tell. The brother cooly continued to put on hi co-t a If nothing wa up. Both were arrested, much to their indignation, they claimed they had a right to do as they pleated In their own stote. The tri il wa to come on this afternoon. The Mill City Bridge Ju ige Black burn and County Commissioner Rutn baugh, of Linn county, were in the city yesterday looking over the proposed loca tion for a county bridge over the Satiam -at this place. Afte looking over the pro posed site they expressed their opinion In regard to the two location and werf de cidedly in favor of a bri-Jge above the dam. Juvge lilackburn was asked point blank If he had eyer said he would not assist In putting in a bridge here and he most em phatically denied ever having made such a atatement. Commissioner Rumbaugh I in favor of a bridge, Gazelle. A Plow Factory. Albany has an op portunity to secure a factory for chilled plows. This is just what the city needs. We have long talked manufacturing in terests. It is now in order to act. This is the center of a large agricultural re gion, where plows are iu constant de mand, and such a factory would pay from the start. $15,000 would be invest ed in the factory, and all that would be wanted would be a reasonable Ixmus, part in land and part in money. There should be work for Albany I y immediate action in the matter. The State Fair opened he Mg gest first day attendance u history. The exhibit Is (aid to be better than usual. The fruit palace i a good feature. The races opened well. The yearling trot wa won by Althera, an Altamont colt In two straight heats, in a 3 minute gait, Altao, another Altamont horse -on the stallion race; best time 2:15. Anrfiv Rooney won the three-quarter' dash In 1 :io. Not Abduction. The Junction abduc tion cape turned out the way most of such cases do. The Journal says: The case of the State of Oregon viSB Couch, for abduction, was called before Justice Starr at Junction this morning, and on motion of Deputy Prosecuting Attorney was dismissed. It appears that he took his child from his divorced wife, and the same was warranted by a decree of the Circuit Court. Second uay of r air, l he wa bigger than last year. The exhibits are said to be fair and the race better than ever before. The three minute race waa won by Pearl Fisher, an Altamont horse, Best time 2:3oK. Tre free race for all was won by Oregon Eclipse in 1 44. The three eighth' dash wa won by Mattle lullen in ,36, Bampi k Fruit Wanted. Fruit raisers are reoriented to leave at the Oregon liank good, healthy samples of fruit of all kinds, for an exhibit at Chicago this full and winter. Peaches, prnnes.plums, pears, apple, etc.,particularly are de sired. ratified to lb Best. Alt ir entitled to the bent that their ouey will buy. ao every family should l.ave, at once, a bottle mim dbss lajiuy reme.iy, iSvrup of Fia, t j clesnse the sys tem wti' ii c'wtive or bilious. For ssle in f. 0 ai.l 11. W bottlsby leading all disg CrooK Coitstv.I G Carmlcle Intend bringing loo head of hoe from the Wll Umcuc valley to fatten and kill this fail Other farmers who have abundance o grain would And It ptolltablo to do like wise. Max Vogt, who ha always been one of the most enterprising men In The Dalles, ai.d who waa tha heaviest loser by last week a nre, sv n win never erect aa other building In that city. Parties on upper Dcschutc are lome what elated over the prospects of the building cf the Oregonlan railway, which inc expect win come across tne cascade via the l'cngra route, and down the Dos chute to the tllg Meadows, C M Elklns returned Tuesday from the Willamette valley, where he na Seen visiting for two weeks. He ) l.chunon la tne liveliest tovrn he visited in the val ley. work la being pushed onthe new canal and paper mill at that place, and the Utter wl.i he In operation In six or eight week. Review. A Ilto Salr. A. contract haa been placed on file in the county clerk' office ot this county for record which provide ivr mosaic 01 tne uregon Military road lands, by their present owners, to Peter Muaer and associate of Muscatine, Iowa. ine contract pnvldettnat after the suit now hi the U, S. courts Is settled, ovrfect. Ing the titles of the laad by the govern ment, mat wumu thirty uava alter said decision ol the court and th execution of the deeds that M user and hi associate will pav to the present owner ths suai of ! 35o,ooo,and at the expiration of oae year 1 150,000, and in two years 1150,000, and tne oaiance, j 50,000, at the end of three years, making a total of $1,100,000. Ths nates are to draw six per cent Intcreit. I hit land Is located In Lane, Klamath, Lake, Harney and Malheur counties, and comprises 8511,000 acres, Eugene Guard. Murker r Bandon. Coo Bay Mall of Sepl loth aya. "A vouna man named Fates wa shot and Instantly killed kv S A Webster, proprietor ot the Ocean (louse at Uamlon, or Tuesday. It I resorted here that there wa a dispute over seventy, five cent alleged to be owing the deceased, and that the murderer asked htm Into a room to settle the account, when he shot and killed the victim. These are all the particulars received here up to time of f;olng to press." A Mr Webster went rom Albany to Bandon, where he en gaged In th. hotel business, but whether the same man or not we have not yet learned. The Hustler drew a big house Satur day crenlng. The play i nearly all comedy. There la a procession of fun in It that hardly ceases. In iu style of com edy The Hustler haa never 1 ad an equal here. It give a vai lety of fresh features that make It startling. John Kernell I a mine of wit. He is one ot those fellow who art without trying and therefore act best. The support Is strong without an exception. A very fine feature ol the en. tertainmenl Is the appearance of the Hustler quartet in the Jast act, one that It would be difficult loturpas. All the singing wa of a superior order. Our Heart's Delight. Mr A M Talt of this city t now soliciting sub scriptions to a fine collection of vocal and instrumental music a has ever been placed before the levers of music In Al bany. The title of the work la. hOur Heart's Delight or Ihe Sweet Melodies of Ihe Past and Present," The hook contain 366 pages ot music and 32 full page litho graph portraits of the most gifted musical author. The rr.uslr alone at 10 cent a piece would cost $25 Call on or address Mrs A M Tall, P. O. Bor 60, Albany, Or. Wrerr to Go. Go to Parkci Bros for f nth fraitrand vegetable." Go to Tarker Bros for the best teas an coffees. Go to Parker Bros for good baking powder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baktd good. The best bread, cakes, pies, etc in ths market. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, and be assured of good goods and first-class treatment. A Head foe Buine. No u an or woman with a head for business can afford to boy groceries without first calling on Conn A Hendricson, in the rfeitler bhvk. It will par for several reasons. They keep a first-class stock of goods, sell at uniformly low prict-s. without bait), wait on you promptly and treat you well. Mow is the time to or der peaches for patting np, ns well as other fruit In their season. They have some choice brands of teai, coft'ees, Ac, and can give you bargains in all lines. 8ome Kalex Woolens. W U Graham has received some fine suitings from the Salem Woolen Mills, which lie invites the public to call and examine. They are first-class gooT.s and will make very durable, handsome suits. Removed. w E McPheison has re moved his loan and insurance offica to opposite the Masonic temple, where at present he has plenty of money to loan on Albany real estate. Cheapest. For the next 30 day A. doward & Son will saw wood, cut twice, for 40 cents per cord. Where to Get Them. When wanting xn organ or plana call on G L Blackman h-e you can select from a first class toe. I'lre al Raleas. Spatial to Dkmmuut. Salem, Or., Sept. 10. At 9:40 this morning flames Issued in great volume from the roof of the main building of the Willamette University and before the arriral of the fire department the whole garret story seemed to lie on fire, ftchool being in session the alarm for a short time waa great, but there was no panic, and all pupils left the building in good order saving their effects. Before the fire waa got under control the roof and entire mansard was destroyed, and of coarse much damage has resulted to in terior walls and floors, especially in tho third story. The bnilding presents a sad sight,resembling a badly dismantled fort. Loss not fully known yet, but will run into the thousands, which is thought to be about covered by insurance of $10,000. Conflagration is the result of a defective flue from fire left in students room in garret t. Great excitement prevailed in the city and thousands thronged the campus until the last spark of fire was extinguished, balem rose to the emer gency in grand style, suitable halls and church buildings were tendered to the management immediately and the school will go on without a break in recitations. Work of repairing and rebuilding will proceed at once, and the 'tructure will be put in better condition than ever. No accidents attended the fire and no Iocs outside 0! baildinz.except to the literary societies ot the university, who lost li brary and furniture. Written invitar tion has been extended those societies by AiKa Hesperian society to meet in hali of the latter temporarily. Salem, Or., Sept. 10th. This morning fire was discovered on the roof of the Willamette University. Before the ar rival of the fire department the entire top was enveloped in flames, but by good work it was confined to that section of building. School was in session when the fire broke out. but cool heads pre' vented a calamity. Majority of effects of building saved with slight damage more than to portion 01 building. C W Cobb, j b printer, Fliun Blool-, Drink delicioa ion cold soda water I! Ktowneir. " at C I am now receiving rlsily choice early CVay-ford pesclies from Ashland, tin flayo aid tiz Lrav crcVrs at C E Browne!!' Klein Bros have a UrH and choice atoek of loit d shoe for lu at raaaouabls rrioos Di not iuvt ia font wesr until yo'i'i kvo vi tiiiir (toe, an I th !nist piano at their store. . LAE0EST -:- ASSORTMENT or HEATKO STOVES. AT MATTHEWS 4s WASHEUSN'S New Bizur. cloak just received at the Lidies SiMtAt to ri-:&si:ut, . . ' MONDAY, Ex-,Sherl(T jsmcllinan Is In the city. Editor Lyons, ot the Stayton In the city today. Mist Khoda Halt returned this noon from a teveral week visit In Roscburg. Mis Florence Humphrey, ot Olympla, formerly ot Harrlsburg, Is In the city tho guest of S A Ilulin. Mr Al Boenlcke went to Portland thh morning to see the great 4 Paw'a circus, which exhibited there this afternoon. The State Fair o.tened today. The noon train contained a number of pascn- gers bound that way, Hons ? K Weathertord and Geo Chamberlain went toCorvalila t hi noon to look after the Interest of the Oregon Pacific employes. Mr Tatum, an experienced ktndergar ten and kltchengarten teacher, I in the chy for the purpose of organising classes In these branches. Albany la largo enough to support a school liberally of this nature. Mrs V M Garrett has returned I rom a couple weeks sojourn on her fa'm at I'enria. The Democrat acknowledge a call with a basket of fruit consisting of Reaches and prunes, for which the donor is our b.t bow. May the remainder of her Hie be at lull 01 sunshine a the help to make the newspaper man s. The Lakeview school commenced here Monday. Prof Walker, the principal, 1 one 01 the most successful teacher In Oiegon, He la a man well suited to his profession snd we are confident that he, with the aid ot hi assistant will build up here a nrst-cias school, one that will be a credit to the town and county, Lake view Kxamluer, ' Mr Lonner RsUton has returned from a trip through Polk and other valley coun ties, and will leave tomorrow for hi horn In Arhncton. Mr Ralston ha just traded a third Interest In hi stock farm there for a fifth Interest In the First National IUnk, ot Arlington, and will probably go Into the Bank. Today theen'lre Denny fan-lly, now living, are together in Albany for the first time in twenty-three yeara, and the event wa celebrated this afternoon by I ho pho tographer taking their picture In group. Mrs Denny, now over eighty, was th center. Hon O N Denny, of Portland, ohn Denny, of Lebanon, Presley Ienny. ot 5lt Uke City, Mr Pike, of Wasco county, Mrs Wm Kalston and Mrs W 11 Goltra, ol Albany, her only children, and teveral grandchildren formed the group. At Mr Denny I greatly improved In health, the union I proving a happy one. TtTFSDAY. Mrs C II Schmidt i in the city. Mr HI Ktum, ot Waterloo, wa In the city todiy. Mr Jcsihj Beard, of &io, was in the city today on business. Mrs Mar Gramon who ha been visU ting relative at ShcdJ't returned to the city today. , Mr Richard Wheeler will leave on Thurs day for Leland Stanford, jr., Unlverity,ot California. Prof and Mrs E II McAllister stopped off in Albany last eveningon their way to f.ugcne 1 rom feattie. MrDilger, the expert nruuelo man of the Albany hose team.has relumed from a trip to the sound. 1 Mrs Paulino Putnam and slater, Miss Mary Wetterer, of Portland, are in the city, the guests ol Mr Chas Kiefer. . Licenses have been issued for tho mar riage of Frits Brammer and Mary Qbn house and Grant Dodge and Harah Wil liams. Mr George Keeney, who I al Lower Sod,! reported very ill. The rumor that he had dtod, thougH,we are Informed, waa probably inrorrect. Mr Richard Rutherford, one of the former owuers of tho Oregon Wonder, has moved w ith his family to this city, and reside on Washington strert. Yesterday on returning from California Mr A B Heat brought a young blood hound with him and prenenled il to Chief of Police Hoffman. When grown Albany will be a more nnsafe place than now, if possible, for the genu tramp. Charles Hamilton, who has been read ing law with hi brother, Hon J W Hamilton, lft last week for Lexington, Va., where he will attend the law de partment of Washington and Lee Uni versity for the next two years. This is one of the leading schools of the United States. Roseburg Review. . WEttNEftPAV. Mr John Parker and daughter, of Port land, are in hecity. -Dr. Mast on returned this noon from a business trip to Portland. Mrs Dr Davis returned this morning from a visit at Harrishurg. Mr George Bosqnet went to Portland today, where he will probably locate. Perry Conn and Robert Huston are spending a few days at Lower ftoda. Mr W A McG te, ot this city has been riveted principal of the Lebanon school. Mr John Foster, Benton county wealth iest farmer, and young wife were In the city today. Mr E Wills, of Millers, this morning bronsht a musk melon to Albany weigh ing tlt pounds. Mrs S K Memlneer and Miss Mamie Johnston returned fiom Salem this noon, where Mi Mamie has been confined with th rheumatism several months. Mr J Clem, of the Albany prairie, went to Monmouth today to make arrange ments to place his daughter in the Nor mal school there. A son will attend the State Agricultural College. Next Sabbath morninit Dr Irvine will preach at the U P Church in this city Is 4000th sermon. Most of them have been delivered in Allmny. Not many ministers In the U. 8. "wear" better than Rev. Irvine. BEA1 rSTATR SALES, J F Tarker to F CraUree, U Int in loin 4, bl 1, lot 9, bl 2, K's 3rd A to Lebanon...... I 100 G W Foote et ox to J L Hill.Iots 4, 5, bl 6, and part of lot a, bl 6, Hodaville 800 U 8 to Horace Lane, 320 acres, tp id, it 3 w Patent I Gooro to L E Dean,10 acres near DLCol BCheaxIle... 250 MrsNJWa'.ter to Peter Hnme, 4!).M) acres in DLU ot K u Walter 1CC3 Daniel Leedv to I sa belle Leedv.lot 3, bl 38, IPs 2nd A.Albany.... 1 J P Chesher to W W Parrish, 100 acres olr south end ot D L C ol l'ollv Bunt-ess 1C00 fV A Paul et al to James Freeman. ITS acres in sec 10. to 11. H II 2w 3115 Geo Huston et nx to A M Hall. 40 acres tp 14. a it 1 w luuu Mrs M E Wilson to 3 C Bilyeu, parcel in N Brownsville" f Cleveland et nx to II Brvant. acres in tp 10, is it z w. . z;uu Marv J Cleveland to H Bryant. 00 acres in tp iu, z w aw 13,030 Meamer Arrived. Special to Dksocsat, Yaqoina, Sept 14.- Steamer Willam ette Valley arrived at 4:45 p m, Sunday, with the following passengers: C F Jefferson, J A Frszler, Mr J A Prazier, Mr Marquand C A Adam, J S Common, Jas Bower, C E Alberon, Mr C E Alberon, J S Barrett, Thos McKtn 2le, A A Johnson. Do oot bay your boots sod shoe aotil yon te th piano at Klein Bros, aud aa well have examined their large stock of good. m mm Cotton goods havs not been as cheap tinea th war as they are now. Call and see- what Largs ios V F Read has. Bargains 'io ohoioe groe'rie ota at o aeeu'fd of Allen BroaFlino S.ook. MAKKIEI). SLAYTON WALLER. In Portland, last week, Mr George Slayton and Mrs Olive Wellei- both of Crook county. The bride is a sister of Mrs N P Payne.of Albany, and was ia this city on a rhort visit just previous to her marriage. The Mardrirr anil lirllw tsrirrsrl of Albany, Inasmuch aa A I) Webster, the man who commuted the murder, and Robert W Faloa, the man murdered, a few days ago, were once residents of Albany, young Kales at one time Mug in th jail here for petty larceny, the following facts of the remit trngtuly at lhuidon, taken from tho Hccordur, will be of in terests On Tuesday Inst, about 2:30 o'clock, onr nsaally quiet village was thrown In to a furor of excitement by the report 011 our streets that A D Webster, proprietor 01 tne ocean house, Had shot and kliloil Kolwrt W Fate, a waiter at tho hotel. The fuel's, as we are informed b, the attorney for tho state, are about ns follows! It appears that for the lust two or three weeks Robert Fales has been in the employ of Mr Webstar In tho capac ity of Vaitcr, for wages or not, is not known, as this is th point of different between them that lea up to tho tragedy, and on Tuesday, a few minutes before the shooting occurred, while in front of the hotel, a difference arose In regard to the pay and bitter words passed between them, Vales insisting on having hi pay, Webster refusing to pay him. Webster then went into the kihvhen, and thence Into a bedroom, ami 'placing a revolver in his pocket, returned to the kitchen just as Fale entered it. Bitter word again paused between them, Fales still insisting on the payment of hla wages, and Webster as 'persistently refusing to pay. At this juncture Webster attempt ed to draw his revolver from hi pocket, but It having caught In soma manner arrested tho attention of Fales, who asked Webster if ha intended to shoot htm, and instantly sprang and cattxht him around the waist to prevent him from drawing the revolver out. la the struggle that ensued Fales was pushed Iwck against tho door leading from the kitchen to tho dintmr room, and tho door burst open. At this point Webster succeeded in wrenching himself away from Fales, and, with tils revolver in hand, jumped back and shot him. lno tat also expects to be able to Srove that at no time during th struggle id Fates have a knife in hi hands. That daring all the trouble he held a cigarette beten tho fingers of hi left band, and was twfling a small rattan cane in his right hand at the time tho slruggto began in the kitchen. Public oninion is atromitv rssinst Webster in this matter, and lor a time serious alarm was felt for 1.1 safety. Tho defendant claimed ho acted in self defense, al'eging that Fate drew a butcher kntle on him. Webster was placed in Jail at Kinpire City, being refused ball. The father of young Fales now resides al Eugene. A coot oiftTar. A w ' Will Bust I a r .. The following from the Hera'd-Journal ot Clarkesvilh, Ark., written from this county, is a sensible review of this city and adjoining country. As It is unpre judiced it will tie a good at tide to send back to people inquiring about this roua try. We would like to add that this is also a iach vountry t As several partita who rame west seek ing homes hav expressed dissatisfaction through yot" wl irons, perhap it may le of inter' . 1 me of your readers to hear from t1 ther side; hence I give you a brief .,.l,lplioti of the country as It appears to r.. Albanv, tho railway cemer of the Willamette Valley, is a city of about 00M0 inhabitant. It has for it boundary, two rivers, the Calipooia and the Willamette. A canal runs through the city and divides, one portion empty ing into the Calipooia, the other into the Willamette, furnishing water power for four flouring mills, a large woolen mill, wire weaving: mattress factory, two foun dries and machine shops, a saw milt, blanine fartory.breweries. and other factories all driven ty water power from the canal. It has ten church edifice, publio school building? college. Catholic school, three l-anking .institutions, streetcars, electric lights, giaded streets, good sew erage system, etc. In the territory tribntary to Alltny there are a number of enterprising villa- fes where more or less manufacturing i don; of the number I will mention Tan gent, which may be railed a continuation of Albany, being only ais mile from tho place. It I a srowing little town of 200 inhabitants, which hs its industries, merchandising jtrocery business, furiner's warehouse, lour nurseries, blacksmith Shop, pttblu school building, two j churches, its societies, "Grange." "Lit- j erary," F.pworth," "W. C. T. U." and ! church aids, making it a wide awake lit' 1 tie place. Fruit raising Is rapidly becoming- a leading industry, fruit ot every variety except peaches grows to perfection. Crops of all kinds, especially wheat, oats and cheat hay, grow splendidly in the valley, and vegetables of every descrip tion grow well, and there is a ready market for the same. As for the climate, it certainly cannot be excelled, always pleasant. The summers are inst like our fall of the year at home. We are a dis tance ol only forty miles from the ocean, so have the benefit of the sea breeze, makins? it delightfully cool even on our warmest days.andas for health we have not had a days oieknes!ince we rame over a year ago. There are several fami lies in Tangent from Arkansas, and some object to the rainy season ; but it is not aa we expecieu, several months 01 per petual rain, then a long dry summer. Instead the rainfall (began in November, and we Lad a few days rain, a few days sunshine, alternately all through the winter, and still we have rainy day; as for the "Oregon mist" it is so light it is scarcely to be felt, and wo have no fear ol being "drowned ia it." One of the characteristic of the climate is, one can sleep well, no sultry nights, never warm enocsa lor raised windows or open doors The scenery is lovely and picturesque. We have a zood view of the Coast Itanice. Mta Hood, Jeficrson, and the Three bis ters. The valley at this season is one large garden of flowers of every kind, everywhere, and while Arkansas has place in my heart that no chanire of scene or time can obliterate, and the Herald-Journal is, and will ever be re ceived and read with interest, yet you may class me as one ot the satisfied, one woo win soon merit tne appellation ot Web foot. Tangent, Oregon, July, 1891. A man bought a loaf of bread of a Lew iston baker the other Saturday night, says the Journal of that town, and find ing he could not eat it all np he took back part of it the following Monday and asked to have it exchanged for hot bis cuits. "If that don't beat all, "remarked the baker, "and the man has much o! thia world's goods, too.' The baker did not exchange, lie is nearly equal to the Albany man who buys five cents worth of sugar at a time. Daniel Seales, of San Francisco, said to be worth $2,000,000 and the richest color ed man in the United States was at the Hotel Portland on Tuesday. But Daniel Seales did not dine at the Portland. Though but a tmall portion of the black man's blood course through his veln,he wa quietly Informed that he could not dine at the white man' table. It was ptoposed that he accept a table by himself In the ordinary but he declined the post tion. Welcome. A San Jose loycr of game" owns a horse that the "national Is tald to show almost a much interest In baseball as docs hit matter. He is obset ved to follow the player at they run to bet, to watch the flight of the ball, and will stamp and neigh when a good play it made, as if join ing in the applause of other spectator. A friend it more apt to believe a bod ttory on you than an enemy. In hoping It Is true, an enemy fear it is not'; but a friend, hoping it Is not true, believes it is, Mr Warner, of Albany, paned through Toledo en route for home, aftei spending the summer on the Slletz agency survey ing with Allotting Agent Mayhigher, Mr Warner say that he liked the work well enough, but could not stand a whole family of bosse. Corvalli Times. t OI Xt It, I'ltlMl .!!.. A apodal niceting of tho city council was held last Monday (or the put pose of lieglnnlng proceedings for the opening cf Caiftpoola street from First street to the Willamette river. The following resolutions were paused s Whereas, In the judgment of the city council it Is expedient to lay out and ex tend a street from the north terminus of CalapoolA street in the city of Albany, Oregon, t ihe center of tho Willamette river, at north boundary ot the snid cllv, therefore, be it resolved by the coun cil that the surveyor of said city bo, and la hereby directed to survey said pro posed new street and to mark the toun darles thereof, and to make his report to the council containing a plat of his sur vey of said street ami a full and perfect description thereof and of the Itoundaries thereof, and of the position of each lot or nart thereof, or ot each parcel of ground or part thereof, that will be ap propriated lor jcii street. It seems that the city have already offered the owners, the Waller Monteith estate, 5(W for the rluhtof way over tho property, but more i naked. When condemned it 1 eafo to predict the pric will not bo more thitti offered. alH'IOfJ U1 MHlt Tk Terrible assay Brs lis fie. ! Pretest No poison l.rl(rJdth with mors md- snlng sguny than ammonia, bat tbat;fjt do not mm to discourses the tuiisTdV, Th man Uariowita, who :UlilMratly swa). lowed a fatal do of th drat 'a New Ysrk roosntly. 1 only im nf tb many who htva gem th anvnoui rout t death In spit of tb letruoistiog- pain, Dr Itlyth has t eardsd thirty esse at ammonia poisoning ii th small London district of which b Is health offloerf l'rolessor Mlhihell msntiona trsnty-two esses, and four have ooeurrsd daring th abort time Dr Jenkins hsa IxHtn onntvUd with th ooronsr'a lHs ia N sis- York . Cwo of tla poisoning 'ram amm ioia ar of tmnataut ooourrvnos ainiinii mu who work in itsaiatmfao'nre, or even indcooin posing tubsUnoo which a'.v it off io oon- iidsrabl quantitisa. Ammonis.slowly and frvm day to day tskra into tb sytm, eattsss tbt eompisxioti to loose its f realises. ad tits aia of men who gat bsavily im pregnated with it ha a d gteoabl blotched ana discolored ppearane. Takaa 'oto the Itomsch fiOin d.v todav In ovso lbs small aosntilios used P adulter- at I xl, such as baking txiwds, it not only iDjurssins) eompiexioa but sitae th lin ing of the atnmaun, so l it the idres of eiaeb. gt-oeral lit iiosUo. Tk rsosut rapid increase io tra dsc of masooia for various porposao, and th eau ssqaeni laorMt ii iu rasosfaetor. bay wad it one of tb most easily obtain 1 pou on and, although rrbHy i familiar with it in torn form. this la a attiprisiea mount of ignorano of its iint;erou sjaali- w. 1 us Man adulterant In any food prvparatioo is singly a orm,aoda a erim should be puaisbod. A llrtlso f Sale. The following will be of great Interest In view of the fact that tho subject of the sketch, Mr Jacob Norrro. I alive and comparatively well, being at the residence ot his brother-in-law, Mr It M Itobertson, in this city, and never had a child or a fire in his life. Tho clipping i Immediately from the Chicago Times: Thor are tides in th "aflairs ot mru" which mast bo taken at the ebb instead of tho flood, and apparently without the consent or tho fault of the sufferer lead on to the severest misfortune, says the Bpringiivld (Ma.) Republican. The strange esse of Jacob Norcro, late ot Ashland, Or., Illustrates this in a strik ing way, and give those philosophers who have no room for luck or chance in their systems an opportunity for mental exercise in tracing tho cause of the chain ot misfortunes which ban with the loss of property and ended in sudden death. Two years ago Jamb Norcross was a rich ranchman, who livrd happily with hi family, surrounded by hi herds, In the Cascade region at Ashland. But the winter was severe and storms vio lent, and when spring rame the ranch man's horses and cattle had perished, like the flocks and herd of Job, and al most none remained. He still had his ranch and his home, ami stock to form a nucleus for now herd, but for only a brief time; for first a failure, then a fire, and then another failure which forced him to pay heavily on notes which ho had indorsed, took from him tho remainder of his store and left him as Job was left after Satan's visit. Then he was bereft of a child, and then, fol lowing the analogy, of health and strength, and feeble and discouraged and homeless, Norcross was forced to go to friends for shelter forhimse'.f and wife. This journey was made in a carriage drawn by his only remaining horses.atid just before its end, while crossing the railroait track, a special train running at an unusual hour struck his team, killing 00111 norses, wreraeo too carriage, snu bruised and wounded Norcross and his wife. There waa seemingly only one thimr mors to happen to this modern Job, and that happened almost at th end 01 his journey, when It seemed that dan ger wa over ; for at Albany he stumbled, fell, and when his wife bent over him he wai dead. Perhaps his death was not a misfortune under the circumstances, but it not unfitly ended th series of ills which had its occasion where? Who can tell where or point out tho stages of tho evolution of these successive blows? Letter List. Followirs hi tb list of lettar remaining ia the post ofhos at Albany. Una eoaoty. Oregon, Sept. 13, 1891. Persona calling tor these letter saast give th dat on which tbsy wr advertissd. Botler, It - Batbor, Sdio Chapmao.Mr J N Etlott,N S Ms, Mr Johns, Thona Morgan, J W McOrath.Ooorgio . Nation, RvW II Oir, Jamss Show, M i Lil i 1 Weisnsr, J O T. MonTaiTH, P. M. Cutr, A B UeoUch, MS , Uelvort. W J Hyde, Ldli MoAitmey, Wm Marria, M M Marriaon, W M Nikkelson, Katriio lly aU, Wm Smith, Wm II A Perfect Baking Powder. The constantly growing demand for Dr. Price's Cream Baking" Powder, the standard cream tartar powder for forty years, is due to two causes. FIRST: The extreme care exercised by the manu. facturers to make it perfectly pure, uniform ia quality, and of highest raising power. ? ' v SECOND: The recent investigations exposing the fact that certain other brands of baking powder contain ammonia and still others that were found to contaia alunv" These unscrupulous manufacturers are being ' found out, and the consumers are giving them a wide birth. Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Dr.: Price's Cream Baking Powder. Chemists are employed, to test every ingredient as to purity and strength. Hence; its marvelous purity and uniformity. Each can is iike every other. It never dissapoints. BEST is ALWAYS the CHEAPEST. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is ire ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any otlier adulterant In fact, 'tne purity of this ideal powder has never been Ques tioned. ". .. ... . -i latest of all lo XTeos& Power MM Li x. , t '-nsT. & ARO AS) MONPAY, - Mr 8ylvter Caonnn Is through haryssi. It report an avsrag of 31 bnilmi ao aor on 73ers. . Saturday aftmnoon al Tagt th Ja venilaclab of Albany was delisted hy the ulub of tbst eity by a soors of 10 to 14. Itayns & Book this morning bsgaa work 00 ths Msoiaon Strost wr, snd pio wv computing it it In a mouth if possible. Tb other sswer will b began ia It dty. Tb S. I. It, R, Co. ia t-arini down Ks largsforoeof misow a work on th trcstUnn -ndeaortbof tk Jswish MmcUry, ,fy Tho MA Webster who mordored a wan at IJ.oilon, oisnusu of which is mtd Is hrs, the DkmoOMAT is lof jrmsl Is th A WshsUr ho rssubwl at Albsoy. Oo re port was that ao ffljrl was mad ti lynch him. It UN A way at Lkbanon. Ycsteidsy afternoon, al Lebanon, Mr Thos, lrlce, the dllch contractor, was riding with a friend near Lebanon, when the team ran away, throwing both oitl, rloualy n- i urine Mr Price, jus How badly I not yet nown, but not harming tho man w'lth hl.ti. . TPBMRAV. Several Indian pick hDia were io tb oily today en their way bum from th boo yards. Tb monthly meoliaa of lb BaiUiun A Loae Assotiist ion will ba bold Fiidsy vsoisg. Tb total tasablo property of Crook ooooty this yssr is f 1,330,373 Last ysar itwas,2uS.b0. Wheat la 80s eenta todavt bat tbs ten- dsncy it opwarJ, and if the war olood io hurops kotp arewioir thors is aotst lns what the rosolt may b. Th "Portiaodi" dsfeaUd tho fUlsms Sunday 9 to 6 and Monday tb Salem de feated th Portlands 8 to 7. A name will b pU) t tvery moniiog at 10 o'clock, tbw WK. Robert Fats, ths young man marderrd at rVaod-n. wm tbo 000 who Udo a oalr of bos from Ooorgo J'iptr, in K W Laogdoo' toro about four years ago, and sfur wailing uros snootb ia to oouaty isil ss sivso another month there. Ia regard to onr (tm onooemlog Mr Lsomrr Kslatmi sslliag o thirl Intel set ia his stock farm boot Arimgtoa It is eroosr to say that Wa lUlstoo is tbo owner of a third iotersst ia tbo slock farm instead of Loooor. Jdgs O N Ovooy a4 Cspt 8ya, of 1 skshsms, owe tb other two-tblrds. ,, A HaiMtB(j A ss a t'LT. Yesterday at Harrlsburg an altercation occurred be tween Mr John Mill snd Virgil Davis, of that dty, resulting in th former ana-kin tho latter with a dangerous weapon, lust what with I not learned. Mills wa ar rested and was lo be given a preliminary rxamhiHtlon lhUflrnoon. Ucputy Dis trict A'liKhey Wyatt went upon the noon Usui 10 prosecute lite case. Tumkk Lao Ikiva-Three boy bioke Into a Chines hotiae at Tangent yesterday, bur were seen an and effort made to capture them, before they secured any boot. They escaped snd came to Albany, where Chief ot Police 1 1 off mar, raptured two ol them last night. The other had disappeared. They were examined before Justice Coshow and bound over to aw a' I the action ot the gram jury, and will re main In jal until the nest term of court, when they will probably bo sent to the new reform school They alve the names ol George and Frank WUlistndarei cand 1 J tears of age. They claimed to have traveled here from Denver, Col. Tin Osxoos pAfiric Cast. Yesterday wat th last day for the Oregon Pacific to pay lis employes under the order of Judge Pi ies. As the company had the entire day In which to make the pay ment, the case was not called, but the time for hearing it was set at 2 o'clock thi afternoon. Judges Pipes did not dodge the case at all, as was unreliably reported, but was In tbo city awaiting the proper time to hear it. It was in progress this afternoon. Tho feeling against the r induct of the receiver and those doing his business is increasing among the railroad hands, and. if the company does not come to time in the proper manner, or make more satisfac tory arrangements tor liquidation there is a possibility ot there being a general stopping pf work, though not if any other course ran reasonably be Dursoed. The course taken by the company la in excusable. A receiver is needed who ill look after the interests ot tho em ployes. wanxMUAT. Forty-sight tickets were sold to tb Stat fair tbw noon from Albany. Tb Portland Iodnttiial etpoiilioa opon tomorrow. Il promises to b a great ao- A eon pie face ia oil, painted by Mr C II Hart, t.iv ba en at Fortmillsr k Ir- vfng's. They display ooosiiUrabl artistie Ulsot. . Ilsrt Phillips, th tailora, btv jast ro coivsd a ew lit of fio samp!. Call 00 thrm io Strahao Block. f A largo and chnio line f carpet, liuo Uom and oil cloths jast rooslved at A B McIlwtiVs, which will be sold cheaper than liswber in Albany. In lnrie S o kid gloves nutaa f act u red at Philadelphia ro tbo beat io tbo market. Call at A B Mcllwatu's and ex amine thm before purchasing. Mr John Berry's boose, recently burned, wss Insn -d with tb furoita r ia tb North Britiob I'isaraoo company, D T Wyman. I agent, for tCOP. The loss ws beiog aijutlcd this altsroooo. . Oo to 3 VT Cohb, ixoootsor to Paisley & Smile , Flinn Block, for your j b printing I all kmc. If, S. Cav't Report, Aug. 17, tit nAU WW Y,J) I VMM surt: Fiaa attiikCab Hiioi-s This morning a disastrous fire occurred at the car shops at KiiNt Portland. The carpenter shop, three passenger cars and a schoon er load of red worn! lumber, hist broneht there from California, wer burned. The loss is a heavy one. . Ilooo Must Aiticar. The Oregon Pa cific case whs brought up before Judge PI pes yesterday afternoon. Tho mater was disposed of for the present by the Court Usuinif an order to T V. Itoiir. . I Clveri w appear on t jutoner ami and mow cbiibo wii? n siionKi nos ie ro- !nova ' disom y ing the order ot the 1 earnings 01 tne roao were ordered paid as received to theemnlovea Just how this order will Ins carried out with the present men hold of the money box is a query. . The gr- receipts of the road tor the year ending Sept. 23. iSuo, wero 143 088 and the operating epemes $130,309 The business of the road thi year hss been good, and tho receipts 'for the seven months durlr.g which not a cent ha been paid for wsges were In all probability ful ly tioo,ooo. It U simply anouirsge that the employer did not receive their pay out of It. VrKATHCK BCrOKT. Orkcom Weaiukr Dukkau. Ckxtbal umt-K, Portland, Onkoon. Cboi- A KATIIKK UuLf.tTIN No. J7, FOB TUB Wkbk Enpin' Satubpay. Sept. ij, 189'. In western Oregon the temperature has been lower, yet above the average. The atmosphere has been clearer of smoke, the weather has boen partly cloudy and local shower prevailed during the latter part ol the week. The showers have done no material damage. They have delayed some late threshing, and somewhat retarded hop picking In a tw sections. The Ihrethlr g of grain Is practically oytr, only a fe- mall lots yet remain to be threshed. The wheat is being delivered to warehouses and cteva'ors. The wheat product wa never better, the berry Is of fut grade, the yield ha been heavy, generally more than was anticipated. 'Large yield are reported from every county. In Wash ington coumy, for exartple, one farm yielded 46 bushel per acre.anothtr 54 bushels per acre. Smut I more generally reported than usually, though ft it not thi year to very extensive, spring wheat la more affected than fall wheat. The oat crod ha been good but not a propor tionally good a the wheat crop. Hop picking will be about finished next week, unlet the present rain should dtlay the picker more than hi now expected. The hop ol Douglas county were supposed lo be free from lice and mould, but on pickU ing some yarus are lournl 10 be badly damaged. No lice are observable in Josephine county. In eastern Oregon a few showers have occurred. Die 'etnperature ha been cooler and above the average. The shower did no damage. Thresh ing is in progress lo some sections and in some couotiet it nearly done. Yield of 40 bushel and upwards are frequent In Morrow, umaiilla and Union counties. II. S Pact-it, Obtcrve. U S. Signal 8;rvlce BBOWlStllLK. fieptember 14th, 1831. II J C Averil remains finite poorly and ia stowly getting weaker. Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs Al Gentry died yesterday evening at thia place. Tho small cnild ot Mr and Mrs E Beta also died this moming.of remittent fever. The E W M Co. will have their goods at th Sut-fair in competition for the premium, llms Linn county will nave er products Iff lore tho publw. Let Others show their products and old Linn 1 ill be heard from. School in this place opened today, and bile Allmny is making future Presidents Brownsville will be making: Cabinet officers, so we can go band in hand in thia matter; but let ns try and get the future generation to know that a tariff is tax, and no fear to the result. A lady, a new coiner here. w ho had eot tired of this old world, undertook to get id of life by the laudanum route.btil the timely arrival of a physician and the persuasion of friends keeps her here for tho present. John II Waters has bought the house formerly owned by tho Building & Loan Association and will move into the Ual braith addition tomorrow. Want of lumber retards building here at this time. Qld'PGopl J. V. B. is Ibo oiilv ! aranar::!a iliat ulj or Iscblo IfOflo slio::!-l 1 tLe, as t'.io miorraJ pofssh which Ulu every iilirrcsrai .IUs t!j: ueknsw cf, I under censSn ouiIIUjiu tiutrn I l smarlstlng. J. V. II. en the ut;J is futif vecetalile snJ stlmii'n.cs U:vv!.ticii '.! Bow Mood, the very llih.f i r old, cc!is:o or broken down cojKv It UillJa thi-to. up a:id proloncs tlitlr lives. A esse tit Mrs. ISvlOcn sn esllinsblf suit eMcrljr lady of C10 Mtwi $L, a V. ras lor ixnuths rtfrlUlnj rsjililly a to sciluilsly a'.amt rr famllr. H tot SO bad tbst slio xn Cuuily uaik tMl with lalutliif spells, hbc wiU.s: " WUtiO U tst Ouiraas coivUltlim I saw som cl tiio Irstinionials ooo cerulue J.V.S.udtctst (or a buttle Tlist markt-4 tbo turning ixilnt 1 rrgaineJ my Itsit flesh aud stronffts aud Ubra net K-lt so well Iu rear.1 Tbat was two year dro end Mrs. Relilen is U aud bearty to-day, and still taking J. V. B. H you sro old or freblo and want to be built up Ask for Inn'o Vegetable JUy u Qarsaparilla Uost modem, most offtctlrs, largott bsttla, Bsme pries, 11.00, sue for o.OX ICR BALK BY , STAKARD & CUSICK ALBANY SUMMONS. In tit Circuit Court 0 tht Stmt tf Qt Lin County. f ALFRSO DITTBENNRR PlslaUfT I T V Baihsrdins Dittbennsr, I - , IWenda-tt-- To BarbsrJm l31Ubi!,rir, tke aboTa namd dsfnditr IN TUB RAM Jl Or THR STATE OF OrcgscT, yun ars bersbj rsqutred to nppear snd answsr tbs csin pis Int filed agsinat you. In the abovs entitled suit, by October 26th, lSil, tbat being (Ue first day of the term of tbls court i lowing 11m j iration of the time prescribed ia tbe order tor publication, and If j ou fall so ts answer lor wsut therecf ibo plahuliT will spplf te tbs oourt for tbe relief dsmaodea In bis oomplatnt. tIs: That tbs brodsof matrimony exintini; between p'alntitt snd defendant be forever dissolved, ant for fhe ooits an J disbursements of this suit to be txe1. Thlssummeni is published by order of (Ion. H: P. Bflie jiKijti of sstd nourt, and mads snd it vtd tbe 9'.U day of ilepieabrv. 1S9I. J. K. WEATHER FORD, (9 1l,dly) - Attorney for P;T. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. TOTlCiS IS IIEREBY Q1VEST TIIAT tbe board of iquiliExtiou will attend at Use ol!l oi fie county O'.erk of LI on county, Oregon, on Monday, IbelSth rlar of September, A D 189!, and pjulir-'y aamiae tbsss esment rolls and orrect all errors in valuation, tlkscrlption or qnalilles of land, loU or other propel ty. Bept7tb, iH9t. h s Williams. Assessor. W Mill H F! tlli ill Jhen you haven't time assertions, to won't try to Want You to Enow That: I'lP I'JAMT You for a regular customer at our store lit, WI.HI frmn this on. : : : WE WANT Tho"e who dre8 wel1 U cal1 : : WE VAMT fJP! W3 V- L. the Fa'l trade. WE V'AflT ou to sce our 8taPsanl novelt-'es for - - men and boys. : : : WE WANT carrjr u WE VAtlT WEVVAIIT To call yur department. ; You to leave pants. : : : WE WANT 'v7doa. V L The Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor. OLD RELIABLE GROCERY STORE O. 13. BEOWITELL. LARGEST STOCK Prorlslons, Hsms, Bacon, Pototoe. Comb Uonejr, Pickles, Vinegar, Apple. Cheese, Fruit Jars, Etc. Honest Weights, : : Full Measure. , SAUL AXD 8 BE KS. C. E. BUOWNELTi. ASK YOUR PEOPLE Wher to gt th B3t Bargains, Whr to get th Best Value for Your Money, . er Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., thj will Answer with One Yoke, at G. W. ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE H RETaIL GROCERS CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE! OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, -:-1 -:- -:- We are the People Who carry the moat com plate lie of Hard ware, Stores, Ranges, ete., in the market. MATTHEWS & VASIIBURiI. F. L. KENTON, Choice Teas, Cote, Spices, EXTRACTS, .:.:.. And a general assortment of Near the Post Office, : Albany, Oregoi H0T1CECF FK1AL SETTLEMENT. NOTICB IS HEBFBT GIVES THAT B. J. I. Hill, ss simaior el ths test shll sr,d snt snsnt ol Csmllls McFsiisnd, dseessol, hss his Snsl seoount ol th sdniinltrlion it ths ntatsof ssid decessM , la ins omus 01 ii couhit cram si Linn eounty, Orsgoo, ami that ths eoaatv ouurt of said Linn csunty, hss appointed lionds.r, ths 6th day f cistober, l"l,t ths hour ol 9 s'sloek, a m at said dor, s ths tims, sad ths oourt room ot mid county Mirt, t Alhsny, Omron, ss th plsos, lor twarinir bjsotlons, II any. U i Bnal aoeount, asd lor ths stt.lemt ol said c at. J.L.HILL, Executor o! th last wi I sad tcstamsntot Omills MeFsrSsnd, deceased. 610, W, WM18MT, Attmnsy for Eiwutsr. . 4 AlUtedAuutl!flih,lWl. v (9-1) 1 .0. to read a lot of boastful impose on you, but . . . . Careful buyers to examine our stock and priees. : : : 8tocJc evor.y tbi"g you will be attention to our Tailoring I your order 'for a suit or I UreMt "ck of cloth? in LOWEST PRICE! -: 'OS-' Tea, Coffee, Spices. Extracts, . , Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Fruits, Queensware, !ass ware, Etc, Etc NEIGHBOR! OF 1 SIMPSON'S. CHOICE FRUITS OF AU SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. ALBANY, OREQOI ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICl IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT THE V dorsf nedhss thsfsy be ft;Mti)tt:d shti.' istratorof tis estate ot Cbas A Rcinhsrt, law l j.' county, On goo, deceased, by ths county court f l.'nn eount?, Oreuron. All persons haii ciair sirsiiut ssiil estate are hereby noiirled to irr- ms ssras proieriy Tsnfled to the t n lr ; Brownsvills, Ore, within six monihs from this ia ; 4. lbJ), Oss Hnmntcr, : Adnanwirsn Any lor AdmmUrator. x!n OONIl, In the street in front n DkMiicbat efnee, a brr coat, s; ; ooniition Cal! and get it, BLAIN,