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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1891)
o : Tho New York "World," '"The -:- tJcmocrat," ; O" 0 s ; An Advertisement in "The democrat," AND "American Farmer") Al"n o ....;....."? Reaches the Moot ) BIG MUMS. ; People and Bringsf 'y, .......... .......... o VOL XXVII. Kntrretl at Ine I'oa mre at Albnay. rt rd-t'l Mall Matter. ALBANY, ORMiON, FRIDAY, SEPTKMBEU 25, 1801. STITM at KITTI, lnbllsber sad rreprleferai I x illlf it if'T'fft T m-. 1 tmm m 111 . e 1 a. -w 1 ..1 1 kh iti 1 a a . 1 r ns 1 - 1 & 9 :l i I,- I, (I i) ) f I," V I s l Wat.'. A THEGWTMS ri r o m TONIC Will rHI Ik. atai rpentafathe a.. an., M ami N....H- th ;! or Ariwllt. ntlai-l.ii. r filing,,.. Kn- Bw fupr. tnliwvi Mint a, n.lii. li,-, I;,,,, IWt, a, .-. eunwin tr.m -our:.tiit., ORIC mmtmnk nMNvtlj r- low a jlfjr. 1 thy ttitu'lttitmi. fr'rwtiitttt ((' t vo'tH.'. rfoii lit tf An I r lo th M0puUrit of tiiw .vi -ii'm I not on Qr.NAR i itra iViutl .NARTCH'S LITTLS UV: H!ltt-. imUAUon. L.trw CuU)il(nt h.1 Si, i A i4 irNiivnN m ..wAtM, Star Bakery Cor Erondlllu and FtratSta. COXIUD MEVBPi, Proprietor. (ULin Coard frait", l'niia 31 rata, GlMiwair, Orld FrclJa. Tabarro, Kt- (lurtnmmtc, VrgrtnMf a, Clcuia. Te, InfjMtatarythliij lliat la kept In a r"arl arwtj aad rwr atorv, llhr.1 auiKll pnv -Hl lur KINDS OF TIIODUCE TWP MEN AND OXE DOV FOUND DKAD!! - While trying to Crowd then WAY INTO PEYGE & FfiGftlAFJ BROS Mtoie, where Ihejr alwaa hav; gn hand tfo tarpot block toulh of Portland, oi tke latot ImproTfJ Klflet anj 6 hot lai; an lminens atock ol Kislilng Tickle ol ever Jcscrlptlon; Tenta, Hammocla, Camp Chair anJ thour.Jt H other thlna too iiumeroat to n-cntton Jtopnir Shop la eonnoetlon wlifc the Storr, and one cl beat workmen In the Stale lo do tnj ltd ail kind ol work. Cone on;. Come al. No rouble io ow goctla. -Small prclit and quick torn" li ,!'.! r-i! . IihIj l J to the pubi c that wo (a.jusi a-iUod a t!iflr lootjr rui:l .ndrs prejra, to furn.Mti all khi.U cf IotQbor, drixupj or roub, a the pur aJiajwr may eiimx, aa K,iyxi a Ilia l)it, ad cacltaip it oun i,v uiU. In paymont wa will Ukalt kin la of roducA. aui-h a hay. flnt)r, grain, l-ajon. fatter, Ui-ang, i,e-t by the jnirter. eto ia fact anything that wa uo uw, Plea aaa at before vou pjreba our b!!l 4 larabr, at w ter mnfl'ienl that we ultytu You will one nt aa at our mill. 14 mti.m frr.oi Ibanou 8 ml lea frein Wat-rl)M. no Hamilton ereek, WlHt A UKRRfUlN, l-banon, (iracea. rat atock of 2nd Wr" ;rxHta in the Va ay. and tba mont rM iaie price, both "i b taeilinz. L have en band ru;iH!Tu.n, mm, mum TEUHXS. 200XS. Plu'TURES clqcxs, csocxF.ay. ETC., CTC. door wyat of 8 3 Touag'e o: Mort fl, COTTUtB CHOICE MEATS Of At Kixm Kmcrlclc -'.V- Unlior, Opaoalui 'iImni'i bar ay Rtalila, Bast Vr la WUIaD9tta Vwkta e tiara. 33: for Infants "CaMorla aa waQ adapted to obildrae tiaa I reeomniand Itaa au parlor to any prcaeriplaoai known to ma." II. A. AaoHaa, U. D., W kta. Cc&rd Bk, Brooklyn, V. T. "Tba aaa of 'Caetorfa'le to unlTmal and Ha Diaiita ao wall known that It aeAma a work of aiiparwrotratlon to endoraa la Faw ara tha tntAiirKant famlliea wbo do not keep Caatoria WltbUi aaay reach. " ' OauM Miwrni, D.D.. Maw York Olkr. rBlooaatooaJJunue4Uiojat, Tn CaaTAtra at. 'w r ' tab-- . aa . -t'. ?J rnrlfles the BLOOD, Carea MBJ Store. ft : ' 1 a .I Y.."fW ! XaW--. .' stF' - C J sHB 3 r"T'f ''. '.II rS 1 JT- ar Ksfi m y;i , t? rr c s & t srnnj a. b , 11 h'ir ci -.1 n --j s : y-jwT Oi 3 t tm H rV. M. 11 tl EJl ilFJ? y M IlMam SJJ !J?:- t i li all fl I 1 tlra' B fl V i 1. tTiJ ifH V IT 1 I ' 2 I'aT A Vi 1 M fel Eli n '1 J - J tLTl TilLEOUSNJESS, LIYEU COMPLAINTS, SICK IIEADACJ? . PI.HPLES, all RKIN APFECTIOJiS.and DISEASK3 The Genuine UAMB VUG TEA h ful vp .i YVLLOW rkAPI'IU::: with Facsimile Signature of EMIL FRESK. RZDtNQTGN Ol CO. Agents, 8ah Framo!s40. 3fT,lT SSV A M rKlTOIHT AISI Hlt'lfFR?, ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Ftfoprietor, WHOLESALE i RETAIL ONE MASS OF SCALES aflUctd 3 Warn by 1 JrwOfiit Skin anil Illood DlsriMe-, vt(!l Itifetiso Pain nnl Imtu of IIaV. All Other '-.ill. Vt, tvvl In tuntly end ',; 1 U Weeks by the tHiOoM-.i :v sUos. I hv. fiw won' ht r i nt.l 111 four I V I t !..! whlrn I atv akiu Hi 1,1 t. . , 4 m!w)9 krt umpr my ure vm e? 144 4.1 M'lltfl H'hMI .1 Rlr H in HMr ci'0'ini..n, dt ft of balr, I Bv. iritMl -r n ,i ..r. t w r,mirn. mrmlfil tu m, lnl u. i'i.u m, nu.l v m ry It ul Un.lll. r.i. trrtT .' , ur( itin nt ijnm, i ronriUiiti n rum k Irinl. Tb Br piHrmlua w.. iilnrn! Ituh rri'.ft. lu a f wli' (tin I Itiiiinl, i,J mtn thankful lor what eh. y bi- ili.i.- f,,r n,r. at TM lvHI UiV 1 l!rol l. ltlo wh aiay hav ll ajtptiri'tulty uy Ihrm. I aaa rwcotuajvvnl tir;u lu any i'v, K!M'-.VI KKEIAS, T I moii Aw., Ctiliiau, IU. Cutlcura Remedies KChwt dlt mom ifT'! turmi nf hnni dla. rf U. akin, a.v!;., r, l.inuj than all olhar n-mwllra omiMnrU. l i vni iu, lh (rr t-ki,, I ur, ami (fTin i, Joir, an Kkin Turt nrml IW.iuu.Wr, ,-Wna1lr, ttnd ft TU'ta Hi ;u.Yr Ui mw HI.H d l..ltirr and (meat of Iln-nor l.Mir.u , Intriiniiy, rnr orary aiocia of ItjhlliK, bumlnic, ncslv, inip!y, ami blou-hy dla. f the li, ai aiji, ami, from Infauay to ai, from plmpVa la -roftiL-, when Uia bra! rhyal. oauaaiidalloarnimliaaUI. Fold aYh'r. rrtra. rLTit-i-n fc-C.; Kllll4.IIY. (. -iuirl I lh. 7.. J Dkci axii t'liami-Ai. riiunnaTia. Iloaion. -hml fur" II. -r l.i I'uia Skin i 'Iwimm." M raK.-a, W Ulualratituu, I'm Wat.tuoilmia. PfI.K!t,, rmish, cnappnl aad I fcll oily ak.u uurvd ly t'i TU I'ua Hiur. ni n rni ere cuve ,iL '""I! of ro-f.-t fnr all ralna, laflaaa. . tha 4'nilr.iro Antt-raln flataara-, lha Itral ,mj only nalu kllllua atraaaah. I f war. ?w, taaiauuiWMaa, and talbfca 0TG IJXJOYS Both tho neili.! una results when Bjrnp of Fij taken ; it is p!eant And refreshing to the tate, and acts Entljryet promptly on theKidnejB, ver and Jbwe!s, c! tem eflectatlljr, dipcla colda, head Bchte and ttrcm andcurej habitual Conatlpatlon pcrrrinafrn: W. For eala la 60o and Cl UvS.i ly all CALIFORNIA f tO SYXUP CO. . ' 9H Wi-JW. est. i MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber unci Elder Flower . Cream hall cwametk la tba atnra In arhkb that tain w popularly aan, but poroiauaiiUy baauitflm. It oraaua a auft, antoolb, aloar, ya riy akin, and by dally oaa (radaally makaa tha cm;i!axbin aararal ahadaaablic. it la a eotrrtant prulMtloa f rom tba ffacla af aun and aiud and urairatiu ana born and b-acklaa, and black heada will Barer canta whtla yon uaalU Halaaaaua '.be lac tor brttar tban anap ami aaUr, nburlabaa ana lull lamp tb taia tUauaa and Ktaau tba furmatlun of Walnalta- It (Iraa tba ihneaa, elaamaaa and amwilbneaa of akin tbal jn oaa arnao a mm (in. atary y.iun or old. ooaht to oaa it, aa it riraa a mora TuuUitul annaar- ascatoany laiiy, and that arnanritly. t en taint no acta. po.i.i or aiaaii, ana ia M hartnlaaa aa d and aa irialiinf to tha rkin aa da ia to tha iowar. Price 01 all drua-iaivd bairdraaaara, or al atra Uarralaa Orahaiq'a aalabluhawnl, 108 roat tlract aaa rmiuiato, whara aba traauiailiea far ail blauitah aaof tbafaoa ar fljora. Indira at a dla'anca traawd by latter, Sot d itanp for bar littla book "How to ba BaaulUnl." uiaiuyiw uuuuturarairitot 10 tanta n aumpa to pay p-iaiaa anu rcin. Lad aunta waata-l MRS. IQRAHAM'S Face Bleach Garaa t worat eaaca of Frack'aa. flunhtirn, Sai luaiiaaa. Moh-parhaa, Pimplea and ail akin bleiniahaa, rrlea al,ee. Harrolaaa and aOaetira j io .aampla aan ha aant ; Iady atranta wantd. Tha Tlrmrrrriot ln thl' t-jwn who Brat oriian a xua iJiUfeft-uu t,i;i of ny nreparationa will barahia nama addad ta thil adrartiaamont. My prarwratiwia ara for ala by wkolaaala Hruf- aa ia vuioafnaua arary eiiy weal ol II, er Hart ft rhilllpa, tha tailura, rnako to ord faahionaUe aoitain latot atyln.iu a maon to uira tati.facti'.n. Call at tleir room.o Vitaua, Strahao Utir, ul Be rordiand go p rtc , and Children. Caatoria cima CoHo, Cooatlpatlon, rVmr Btotnach, Ilarrhoa, Kructation, Killa Wonus, g-irea akaep, and pavuotea dl reation, intLout lnjurloua medlcatloa, Foe eATM-al ymra I Kara reommenVl J4ur Caatoria, and ahall alwaya continua to o ao aa it ha lovaiiably produoad benaOcta roauiuuf owi P. Pianaa, M. " The Wtothrop," Vth Btroat and Tth a.a , MawTorkCaf. eaavAar, TT Irssuusr Bit, Ksw Yobs. V- ' VI COJISTIPATIOK, IXIUHirSMUXf, iC'?F, COLDS AiUshu fro:?! ,1 r 4k-.'A T v ; LOO AL ItKOOltlV. Lkuanon. ra E E Montague hat gone to Vancouver, Wathlngton, on a vlalt William Rovce ol the pa;cr milt made an unprovoked ai.aault upon II II tinker Saturday evening near the Utire o( O Ctttn. Mr Rovce wat aarraluncd forth m lilt In the rvcoi'drr'a court and waa lined the rrdinllun turn o( $5, The cxprcta ban adtlrd a power prca lo lit ofl'ice. It baa Uo added S M Uarland and one or two olhera to tta edllorlnl tlnlT. An Idea ol tho magnitude of the paper mill bu!lding,toKeUer with outside atruct- urrt. niay he had from the (act that a lull. lion artd a hnll ftct of lumUrtvrrc oavdln their coiihti iictlmi. A third paper will make lu pieaiance In Lebanon In two week. The paper baa been chrlVended I'aator and People, and will he Uatied bl-monthlv. Rev G 8 llan flier, ealllor and proprietor. II C Klepper la worklnir at the carpen- to 'a trnile In Albany. We noticed a lew data alnee, while In the latter cllv, that 'untractor Scbcll wa advenlaliiK lor car pentera, which howt that the cuunty-aeat a t; row in if. R Klatt'a hop house, locaed a ahoit IU a nee lielow town, waa conaumrd br fire ast Ftlday. it It not known how the fire originated, Several hundred pound ol hop were burned with the bull. Unit. The total lima approximate $oo. No Inaur- ance Advance, A TaAve'a Exprikncb. The (Uow- ln.' waa ph ked by a uWrl':cr at Taneent ar n nd clvc aome Intcreatlnit particular ol the life ol a tramp. "Aho'it the end ol April, ifcoi, I lift Salt Lake elty accom panied by Jim Carney, full ol boom, and without a cent. Panted thro.Kt Ojidon nd evcntnatlv reuhed poea'ctlc. f.Kjtaore and weary. Ilcld a chnlr down all iihtht nd jumped the paaeni;er next day pietty lUnerv. trot deteeteil at Amrrlc-an Kalta! rod a little punk and water, and boarded the cow catcher ol a naaalnc freight tt mlilnljjht; nvle hei a illatance ol eighty mtlca; irot oft near Shoahone. itoarded a coal car at that place and rode her her to Nampa. (Jot up pretty cold In the mom. Ing and walked to IMmj Cliy ; ot a job on the bank building and worked for about a month never aaved a rent : atar'ed out hit $ia tor Namp4 and blow cd It there. Hoarded another .! ear and made Huntington; ataved all nlld with French I'elc, the cutter, and next dav made La (.ramie i woiked there two werka and aited out again with S(, and ultimately reached Portland. Hummed there ore eek and got a Job In Vancouver; worked here a month and left with $c. Got a job In Oregon City, made $40 clear; jot It In Portland and'lclt lor tart ui.known . Iilch la the life oi a alonemaaon. The Foi utii Day of he lair waa the itfet in its hiatory. The receipt were I'jaSj.SO. Wni Ryala won fliat premium on KnKlin)ifehirea.Niehol& Uuaton Ilroa. tok U ret iirt uMtim on Clvdeadale ataltion. William Ryal aleo uot 11 ret premium on Cannock Uak a prio ol 30, and our strecU kboul.) be widened before bia re turn. C K lUrrowe eecured Crat preml nin on three year old trotting atallion and eecond premium on lour year old trotting tuition. John Morgan received aecond premium on vcarlinit draft atal- lioc, Niehola & llunton Uroe. firit rremi- m on four year old draft aiallion. iHtvid unkin eapttirel the second nretr.iuui f.n our year old gelding. Linn connty Dm? t-ure.i more horaeprue than ever lie- ore. I he Mnicer lewlnif tuaehlue can- tured tl ret prlxe. In the race Philiuont Hay won the 2.40 trot, heat time '2.Z. anqiiKth won the z year old trot, bet me. 2 4S. Tho 1 1 n.ile daidi w aa wuii by Linliot'liiel in 12X4. Orrmn rkliree cond. The live cipliih'a duah waa won by Pappose in 1.03. Tiia Uri-ta W11.tAMrrTa.r-The uatiga ion of (he Wtiiauiette Iroin Portland to Corvallis 1ms keen an important factor in the growth ol Portland, aaya the biir Uregoniati. Four line ol railway run parallel to the river through the Wil lamette valler. and vcC durlus the venr ending JuneUO, IS'jl. the river traffic reach B1 the total ol 11'S.fWl long. Ilcmdea the lock that Hank the fulls at Oregon City, there lias been expended for im provements on the 1 poor Willamette ince 1H 1 the sum ol I M,W). This ia a tnoet 1111 portantconitnerclal high way ,iuul ha done much towards increasing the shipping interests ol l'ortiaml : matter how laryo the railroad traWc along its banks tuny he. the V, illamctte will always be ol great importance a a lighway lor the products ol 1he vallev on their way to the Portland docks, Irom winch they are sunt out to tho markets ol the world, Aa Opal Mimc What may provo a very valuhle discovery has been made by an old settler in thin section. About 32 years ago tie made, the find, which located some 170 miles from Pendletr is on, but it was only lately that its possible value occurrcu to mm, nnu lie went out with ins son to hunt for it. Alter a ten days' tcarch the lind wag re-discovered. It consists of a large ledge of aome sub stance w hich resembles lime. In this is embedded in numetous gcodea, or balls ol jasper, tome ol them containingopal?, The speiiioicna brought to Pendleton are attracting great attention, and are le- lieved to be valuable. One is a bcautl lul specimen, a ueode broken in two. which was found to contain a lame opal. nearly transparent, yet flashing a'.l the colors ol the ralntxiw. E. O. ftoiiETHiKo ik it. A pretty ooa ac quaintance Is tho man who knows neither good nor bad of you. f'one expects people to believe (lull and bear stories. Never marry a woman thinking she !b an angel or a man believing lie is about perfect. ray your dgbts before you 0 to the ajTUUS Try and hear both sides of all stories. Whether yon speak 111 or well ol a man you are apt to He about him If more business was displayed In run ning one's household affairs, always counting the cost, there would be fewer unpaid butcher's bills, and the printer wouuin'-t always be leit out, A Kicking Hoksk. The case o! the kicking horqe mentioned a couple of weeks sgq came, to trla) before justice Kinney last week. I M Francis had sold a horae to A C Harbour, but nothing; was pi)d down. Mr Barbour took the horse home -and it proved to be a kicker and he refuted to pay for it and wanted to take it back, Francis then brought suit for the price of Ihe horte. The cate was before the justice a day and a halt and then the jury brought In a verdict In favor of the plaintiff lor $45. The amount sued for was $82.50. Eugene Register. Robbed at Salem. Mr Gilmore, from Haltey, was In Salem attending the state fair and was robbed at the depot yester day afternoon at the I o'clock train, lie was standing on the platform of the depot when a stranger threw up' his hands and told pilmore to take that hack', pointing to a yehlcle back ol Gilmore. Gilmore looked around, and as he did to a man reached Into his hip pocket from bohlnd and relieved the Haltey man of $40. oisieaman. The Fifth Day of the state falr.though a rain storm prevailed part of the llme,was a success. The races' were live ones. Altao won the 3:30 trot In three straight heats, best time, 2:33. Idaho Chief won the I 1-16 mile dath in 1 -.ftX, The 3-8th dath was won by Rosebud in 3ir seconds. A A fine feature ol the day was the parade of premium horses. A Coffee House. C O Lee is mak ing arran$ernentto open a coffee house In the Cusick block, jutt north of the Democrat office, which, he will keep open as late nights as desired. This will prove a great convenience to the public,. Anew Hue of window aliuderj from 13 cents to l.i0 each eomp!e, at SsmnslJE mat t RTATtt a ni!, Kliinli Oiliorn et us to Ieh. nml Hnn, t'nnal, parcel In I.r-hunon.l l.'K) j II HnKRrt et ux to m iSkdlton, lot 4, aeo 10, tpI3, S It I w, 21)10 acres... 43 w A Miller etux to (loo I! and ! Wllkea, lota 4 and 5. hUt. It's 3rd A. lbitnon Will Male ol Oregon to (J II Unhurt, lot 4, ate 1(1, to 13. a IU w, HO. 10 ncrea : 40 II Ilrynnt et ux to M W Miller, 40 aorea in sen II. to 1.1. H It 2tv. 210 h L Dii kMon mid ifu to Mary K IMckson, 100 61 aorea In ti II. S U 2 w 2ik) Uiey Mat-key to Mllie Jaekam,lota I nmr.' bid. H a!3ntl A.Nortli JtruvviiMvitlo 1(10 Kliaalxith Mohr and liua to W K . l'a.ldm k. 6.1.10 acrea ti 12. H U w .Wdl oun Heard ami wife to W J Tleda'e, Iota 1, 2. a. 4. 5. U HI, JCa Und A.Tanuent 130 IT 8 to Willia KJacnaon, 8'J0 acrea h;c W and 12,8 U 3 w . . . Tatent f4Ktt IIr's im Jam.. Tim following dipatch from Columbia, 8. C, to tho New York t . m a on.i, gives some iiuerestiiig lacta in a case Linn county people are aotnew hat (amllinr witli 011 nevountof tho man hitv Ing luen arretted In this eoiinty: 1 A McIougalt, wl.o waa arrested in Oregon w hen about to sail for Atmtrnlia.hrw boen lodged in jail In LumU'rton.N. V. Major nuiican t onneiiy, a pinnter, ol KoIjcmou county, ol which Lumberton ia the tipnt, was called to the door one night in June by a man who waa supposed to be a negro and Baked w here a limn named Sykes lived. Major Connelly offered to show the way to the liouae. The nexd day ha waa louud dead in the road. Mo IKuiktall wa active in llukeliort to ferret out the murderer, going f!j lar as to offer a reward ol t,00U lor the arreat ol the culprit, ttome negroes louud a wig and a suit ol elothrs, w hich were recognized at having been worn by McOouuall w hen he took the part ol a negro in an amateur theatrical entertainment. Immediately afterwards McDoairall disappeared. A detective, who waa pnt on hi track, found linn in Chicago, followed him to Oregon and there a r rented him. Con nelly was rich and carried heavy tile in surance. I he accepted theory is that, who wa. Connelly' nephew. expected to profit by hi uncle's death. McDoiwall wa a leading member o the Methodist church at his homo and was highly respected in the community. A P.piTiiinu A dispatch front 1'roa ns ville says that Hugh Holds and J 11 Washburn are lUrtirtng. tin ttn enterprise by which that town will become a uotvl health reaort. The aim ol these men ia to lay a pipe Irom upper Seal to Jlrow na vitle, a yiatance ol thirty-live miles, and bring the eoda water down into civilisa tion. They calculate that the laying of ttio nle and tho building ol a hotel and ample accomodations a ill coats ?J,ixjJ. Advance. TtiK Tito Day wa a big one at the State dir. Receipt, $J. In the race toe Al'amont atock have been winning nearly everything. McMinnviile Ma'.d won the thiee year old race, beat time '33U T'iei:a6 cl w won by Sulc A. lfet time J.J". The three quarter dan waa won by Oregon rlcllpae. Time, I ' 1 5 at - Harrow Uro... of thl county, received the fir', pri-mtutrt vri their au'llon Ucl rrtte. Cohps't STAbu MAViu-tiM Mr War rer, ol Alb.iny, who ha been pulling In bl time Uurtuz the auimncr autveytng on the itileta rcaervallott lor the allot log agent, laat week dug out lor l.i home In Albany, having reaiutied hi aurvcyintf, job. He couldn't aland Msvhuh, the allotting agent, w ho necnit to be without Meiitl on the Day. and by all mrant abould be fired and a compctcut man aent to do the work. t'oat. Witt Not. Why should not the deni' ocrats ol Albany (jet together and make arrangements tu invite Congressmen ifynuin, wiison and iticAtioo. who are to tie a!; Spokane Sept '3 and '.M. to visit this place and make speeches on the great public Question now attracting the attention o the public. We suggest inai uie uemocraia laae tno mailer up and have a meeting called at once. III. Kpininirton A Bon are I.URilv en I gagcu buiming a new engine, iniriy norse 1 .. .... . .... I .1. tower. It will be iinisued aunug next month and be Immediately used in their saw in it K Remington A Son have sold their right to the states ol California and Nevada to V Rent A Sou, of San Iandro, California. J I Case A Co., ol Racine, Wis., have shipped engine alter engine to California that could net bo told from those- put up by Messrs Remington at Hest'a work in Kan Leanaro. isot leei- ing financially able to fight the wealthy Case company over the question ol In fringement ol patents, Mcunrs Remington concluded to sell two state to lkst A Son and let them do the lighting. Woodburn Independent. Mr Jsest was formerly el Albany. At the Salvation Army barracks, at Astoria, last Sunday night, the gir'.s an nounced. "We're going to Portland next Wednesday: chip in now and pay our fares; 'twill take $8." Tha hat was passed and (2.30 was realized. "Give us 70 cents more and make it V was then announced. The hat waa passed and 40 cents mote was secured. They kept this up till the aggregate ol the collection was I8..2Q. Take Cere There is Ranger!, In allowing huntiyity ol ths kidneys to grow thr m,!i I'-glna, Tho dutd'y !um!io Hright's diutti and diitlet. will wreak the goiiily l:k of hsallh if it i allowed to drift ruddeilrns upon thorn. The bladder, too, if inactive, and jadicioua medication does not speedily direot the heUn toward t be port of safety, will be whelmed by the quieksAud of diaeaao. Io ae'ootiug a dioresie, let your choice fall upon Hun totter 'a 8 tom an b liittert, which stimulates ths renal or gans without irritating and exoiting them, two effects to he apprehended from the un m edict tnd stimuli largely resoited to. The hsvs s tenilenc) to prejudicially. Ths Hitters invigorate the kidneys and bladder, in common with tha nnryea aud digestive rirn, and (0 ailord t itling sid. It-alao afTirils dual a'.nxtinue in provontieg snd ouring intermittent and rornittont f.tver. Ui!iouDoat oooitipatiou aud ihmnatim it alio tobjugatef. Our Heart's Delight. Mrs A M Talt ol this city Is now soliciting tub- tcilptlons to a fine collection ol vocal and instrumental music at hat ever been placed before the lovers of mutlc In Al bany. The title 'of the work is. "Our Heart t Delight or me bweet Melodies of the Past 'and Present Tjic bp.ok coptaln 366 pages of mtilc und 3 J full page litho graph portraits of the most gifted musical qulhqrt. The music alone at 10 cents a piece would cost $25. Call on or address Mrs A M Talt, 1. O. IJor bo, Albany, Or, Important to Uoutelteepers, 1 . tr Jt liot Gradwobl grett tatufao. It tion in sblHngJhis PnGolilon Rule teas atd bakiag powder, with elegant prises or with out them, that his customers who baye pnrohasod iuvarlably return and say they are well pleated, that the tea IS IN. 1 and tha baking powder is aa good as the beat. All his teas snd baking powd er bears the name of . Jalias Grad wall's Golden Rule Bazaar, and are expreaaly' .put np for his basiness.and he still continues ro give with eachjpoond ol tea or baking po4erar4 ele gent piece of glassware, , The DsuoskAT will exohanji a sawing maohloe of say make duoirsd, except one ar two, for some oak grub wood and part sash; r will eonsider other propositisn by any initi add raaaaifiL, TIIOHMDAY P Cohen went to Purtlnnd this morning Tho Kay, ol Sa'em. wa.ln the city today II V Merrill went to Portland (hltnorn Ing on bmlrtCKt. Jili-ense woa latin d lotloy for tho ruar- rhiKe of Jexfu I J a'tuer and Nellie A Kynlslon. Mr L O KUne snd ilitughler were lu the city today on a vUlt to the JewUh ccm icry near this city. Mr C C Cherry, of lacoms, panted through Albany this morning on bis way .... . a . . I home Irom ban nanciaeo. MUa Itha Chctdte left thl noon lor Portland, where the will enter I ho Slaters school . She was accompanied by her mother. f The noon train wai gotten of! for Salem today only after two trial. On Invetttna Hon Ir wa learned that flu Rocnfrk1 was on board bound for the stale Istr. T I Hell, fnremsit lor Tho Price on the Lebanon canal, la In the city. He waa In the recent runswsy accident with Mr Price, mentioned In tho UaMiK SAT. and had one rib broken. I)r Gclaendotler.phvaklun and aura-eon. ol Isckaotivllle, Oregon, hat settled In Prlnevllle. He haa formed a psrlnerhlp with I)r firmer, int. I will practice medicine here. 9tlnevltta New. Married, by Rev K P Henderson, at hi reatuence. fit fcugene, on cp!Clnoer 15th, iSiji, Mr K I) Young, of Linn county.aad MU Emma Dodd, ol Lane county. Hayne St Duck have completed their contract on Ihe Eugene acwers and sent three men lo Albany Monday to work on tewers In that cltv on which they have a eontraei, Kugene Reglater. The many Irlend ol Geo Keener will he pleaaed to learn that Ida health It Im proving. He lis returned Irom the moun tain snd Uatoppltm st llalaey. lie wrl'e that he I IceHi.g belter than he list for some lime pst. The divine Sart Bernhardt will be In Portland tomorrow nlcht and Saturday nlht. Several Albany men will go 10 rortlaud on Important buMnraa tomorrow and next day. Hernhardt's train will pat throogh Albany tomorrow, at jutt what hour It ret yet known. ruiUAT. Jacob Fleischtter. of Portland. Is In the o ty Uxlay. Mr John Poalmv left tixlav for an F.aatern trip, goltm by war of the Cana dian Pacific. Kara Pertihardt was in Albany this morn I ng on her way to Portland, pass ing through here at 0 3A o'clock. Prof Ivetrher. ol the Aerlcttllural Col- leife, was in Allwny yeatertlay on his way home Irom a trip to Viiginia. Frank Whet-ler, who has just returned Irom the mountains, report the t-er killed off ao completely by the Induu.s that noue are U-lt for white men. J PGalbralth and W L Jester went to Portland today on imjuntant business. and on returning w ill no doubt b able to t- judgment ou the divine Sarah IWrnhardt. Kdward Husiou, the insurance clerk, and Tho Waller returned last evening Irout a trip lo the Sodas. Ol course they made a record, it was a bear and aix deer. Mrs U M ltobertaon went lo Portland today to meet her daughter, Mlsalna, who is just returning Irom her Eastern trip. After spend in: a lew days in Al bany Mis Ina wi.l resume her duties in the Wailiburg Academy. MrS V Keece arrived In Albany thl morning Irom (ireen Ilaalu, and rctxjrt that the carihtmake Iclt slHatcm and 1'oit- ianu. very Ol-uncu v aiatioa up lliat country. It was not heavy, but sit aullick-nt to make one feci that he was on an uncertain sphere. Mr John Hamilton, foreman and one or two other employe ol Hays, Jeff t let Si Co., who have the contract lor bedding rcrrt and Maple streets tf we' arrived In Albany tatt night and will begin on both tewers In a day or two, uttng a large force ol men. Last eveninu the fr'ends of Dr. and Mrs, C. U. Chamberliri marched to their residence and took them by aurprise.the occasion being the 20th anniversary of their marriage. The evening wa passed pleasantly In social enjoyment, and a number ol line piece ol China ware were h it with good wishes that Mr. and Mrs Uliamoer alu n-.av eiiWiv luanv more nappy Anniversaries. .. " SATURDAY. Mr Dr Ellis returned laetniuht from a trip to roriiand. Ml Ida Urn.h. of thl city, ha a branch miiuonery store at Ulty. Mis Vests Maaon hat accented a posi tion tn the 1-1 nn County National Bank Dr E L Irvine, of Portland. U Ivlng quite 111 at Ihe home ol Mrs Houck In this city. Harry Ilackletnnn. of Prlnevllle. Is visiting hi brother, O C Ilacklcman, ol una city. saiem Kxpress, Mr E Wills, ol Millers, left at the Dkm- ocRATomce today a very fine muk melon Mi Wills. raises a very superior srtlclc pom 01 water and mu w melons. Robert Huaton and Perry Conn returned lat evening Irom the mountains with the tellcs ol three deers. They report the woodt full of Indians alaughtcilng deer Prof Roik, the alliance lecturer, pasted through Albany today lor Corvalllt.whcre he will lecture, and next week wi'l lecture at different placet between there and Port land. Judge and Mrt Denny arilved l.i At bany this noon Irom Portland. Mrs Denny hat Jutt reached Oregon from Corea, having been ylaltlng friends Philadelphia several weeks. Mias Maggie McMeeken hss gone to Corvallia, where the will attend the Aerl cultural college the coming year, lie brother Prank will join her In a lew days, iiarriKourg courier. , A R Lvlo. of Crook county, lias been in Albany and vicinity buying cattle to i- - 1 . ; . 1 1 ' fni.r . . 1 1 me nome wuii 111111. 101s morning no brought l-0 bead Irom lie n ton county which, with 300 head on this tide ol the river, will be taken a,t onoa across the mountains. A Salem nanor haa tho following nno- cinc personal ltetu: uoionei j i4 Aeimy, ot lowa. has invested nueraiiy in isaiein has tao growing meat markets, iins made 1(100 on real estate, and has $1400 in a bank to corral a cottage lor a home. A farewell Dartv was tendered Mr Richard Wheeler, on Thursday evening, at the residence ol Mr C M Monteith, Drevious to his departure on the 10:20 overland lor Leland Standford, jr.. Uni versity, ol California; A pleasant even ing was spent and the party co'ntiriued to the train. " ' LildlsK Photographers A faay rfg&. W have bonght sll tbencgativt t made by L W Clark and W H Greeorfood up to Nov 15th, 1389. Duplicates esn be had from hem only of as at reduead lates. W have also about 18,000 negatives made by enr selves, from wbick auplioates can be hsd st like istos. We sarry ths on ly fill I line of v'.ewi ot this state and do enlarged work at loweit rates tor first olats work. We shall bs pleased to tea yao at our Studio in Freman's blsok, eztdor to Mstonio ferr.ple. 1 " Where to Get Them. When wanting .n organ or plana call on u L Ulackman vh-e you can tot:. select from a first clatt Drick delicious toe cold soda wstar at C E rownell's. Tilt AND NOW, Sine (li nomination of McKintey, lbs Qtigoiuan has taken onto Itself much delight In rtcftntlli)f the hesutles of McKinlcyltm snd showing vp the great benafits to the people refilling fiom the .s tinge of the Mckinley Isrirl law. If thers it one thing thai nan lt out si s ptculisr cbtrsctcilnlc in the coure ef tha Otffemiau above snothrr, it it itt great lack of "harmony" with itself, its pemttcnt Incontiatenclcs. Cneipsrs its oj lsiun of McKlnlrjltm now with us ciplnioii In the spriig cf 189U w lit n lbs Mi Klnley bill wst practically completed. Ia April 1 Sou In tn article headed "Iok Ou. For tiualUH wHtn it wsiaed the republican party ol the thotlt upon which it was drifting, it ssidi ir. (ins MctUnicv b .1 un.Ie-ltatt t brlsg stout tits ntctatsff reduction of the raven s be imllrsct snd clumty nietliOila. iilch ulmiiilth tl potaihle hen r fit to the consumer. Just what lbs Bkmocrat hat insisted on sll lbs time. Ths promoters of lit McrVlnley bill ntver tcilouity pteknded that it would benelt ths consumer. They pretended that I ould help ths farmer but tbsy knew it woulJ not. It reaulted ss they knew ii would, in benefit lo llie'msnufaeturer. 1 "It thowt s loo tender csre for ths inleretta of ths manufacturing monopoliM snd offers ruiti contumers a petty lariil on butter and eggf inatrs-J of s rcduclkm upon the msnu- aciuieu gooti tt cat to buy. Indeed that is junt what drmncrals htve sit slong taid sUut the bill. "Too leader a csre for ths inlereatt of minufctuiing mo- aolittt" indeed. If this were to why u much dclenne of the bill now? It sdds lo Ih coat ol fanned rood l,y in cresting is duty on tin nlste. srd slot the rrseal of ths sugsr duly jutt where it would begin to afltct the prolitt of the tugsr trutt snd beach the container. i$mtttiuM lit ty ol uar tt uhkI rowtrf art or- Tbet you hsvs I. The duty oa wool wst increatsd, not becsute the beat of the couatry Jetaanded It, but becauas lbs wool growers wcrs sa orgsaUed power in politics. It promises protection In the American producer with one vole snd whispers ol reci procity trestles with Spanish America to the esitetn impottcis wits snj her. It shifts sad ptltert, trafh;, snd cvt .ra, doublet, hei!ls sa l u kxt . JIu a biU la tmtk tmmjitvgn tmtfrUmUont, ajuf lo mU'otX. Such wst the opinion of th CWon of th McKiolry bill no lonetr tinea than A,i 1890 It ttsndajby McKislcy snd hit t .l with a teal woithy the teal of a chri.tbn in efenaeolbit rthgioa. Either it wst nit ontt! snil.c.t'i.l 11 it view thea or il U not j. Ni unn C4,t iea-1 the artk'.s of the OrrfMun oApfil a$, 1891, in the light of the election rsiurnt ol laa-it.Njvcnitxr. snd sv the thsdoar of a doubr of thai 1 arei't konettysnl cinJor while writing it. We leave oih to judge td that paper's motives la xe.butiy defending McKinleyUm. The Wevi A:t CWoa ttrfotur, a trade journsl.ptblUhed al Philadelphia, devoted exclusively to the wool, woolen goo-It, cot ton, snd cottorf good trade in reviewing Ihe Cothlni trade ttya; Some ol the clo'.hler complain that many ol the domcttic good which they have purchased are not turning out a we'll sa tltey did lst year, that on certsln lines the goods delivered have nol been up to the asmple shown by the agents and com- nuakion men. Itic result It that they have given a good many cancellations ol orders, and unless iheie Itan Improvement In thl rtapect there are likely to be more cancel lation. This, canar. what has heretofore been said that woolen manufacturers ire dally Increasing the amount ol shoddy used In the manufacture ol goods, and that It ia Only theddy good that are cheap. AU wool go )ds are dearer than before the pawage ol the Mckinley bill. V.. ,...' licMwt ) atoll ratten wit tciiouty tuu- geHtd ttt candidate toj gueiH- of New yolk some oiic leterred to him st a suitable eaodida'e for the republicans ta make. Re plying be said: Roane)! P Fiowsr, is to be the demoerat- io candidate for governor, and eo republican aa best Flower. Some of my eowtpaper friends snd tome ol my aswspaper enemies have tndeayored to mats people believe that I wanted to suceoea Mi Hill and that I would bare 00 dilhoulty in securing, the re publican gabarnttorial nomlnatioo, I dont oar t be orilKel, and I have ao ambition to lead a Kilo, n nope. Wetb Fti soil's optbioo if his obaooes of saeceta, Gov. Campbell made his opening spetch at Sllney, Ohla, on last Thursday. He said McKlnley had dodged Ihe tariff question and had made the tllyer question paramount. He charged the republican leaders ol the state with, having made Con centrated efforts lo force down the tariff Issue hi the campaign. He then too up the record ol Major McKlnley on the sll vcr question, arrd charged him with hav ing voted lor free coinage ut far back as r877. The ii'ee silver men had claimed McKlnley at their champion about the t'me ol the pattage ol the silver certificate act cl 1800. Inqultlcs are recently made as to how the parties stand Ii congress. The Fifty' fir it congress had 177 republican members of the house, 154 democrats and I Inde pendent republican. In the Fifty-second the house will stand, acpording to tho re sult of last November's election 1 Demo crata, 236; republicans, 8; alllance.8. The first ciematortum, or establishment lor the burning oi th dead, wa built at Milan, Italy about sixteen year ago. In 1890, 33S8 human bodies were cremated in Paris, In Italy they have perambulatln crematories which go from village to vil lage to dispose ol tho dead, and they do large business. A velocity as high as tSy. feet pee second, has been, attained by a projectile irom a rapid-fire gun,. This It at the rate ot iqGS rnlleaan hour. Il Is the highest velocity yet recorded. A strong wind prevents the formation of dew, by keeping the air well mixed, and leaving no cart ol It In contact with the ground long p nough to become cool and deposit moisture. Cuba has the largest sugsr crop this year ever known in its history. ' This will he'.p to maintain low prices In this country The number of eggs In a six-pound eel In November is lully nine million; under the microscope they messure elgthy to th linear ln:h. : v " Ms JSaAUfMU The teas tor American e'Uianmption are bought id China by Euro pean experts, who ars sailed "tea-tasters," Ths encyclopedias sr aathotity for the fsct that in a f. w varfl trtav hava to nlira nr. i t1.;r IneratiTa noaitkns with shsttered in- I Mf?t,finr)a . Th tin VlAal t.Vif illnaa of tha ad al terations snd mineral coloring matter eau not bs mora strongly pot. Bueeh's Tea is pure as childhood. For sale by Alien Bros. TIIKY AKB1N1T TOO. Ths Salem iuinal pahlithes txtrscts from a letter from A V llofcr Sr, a relation of the editor of that pnprr, fur the purpjte of com paring cunditiont is Germany with Ihote in ths United K'ntrn in order that roaclutiont my he din favorsbteto high pr'fecttonlim. A F liefer niter bring swsy horn Ceimsnt furty-lwo year i now hack thers on s viit He say'; W' cannot hut tee s g'tat ilifferenc be I ween the old world and ihe new. and I am glsd lo ttste that the tliflerrnre I all io favor ol ths latter. The people here sr poor, tuppretaeJ by l.rjvy tsxt, end conteqtiently uiaMiiMicn tmi prepared io expect snyining I And wl.otrc the German people? They sis tkoar. who. lid mnnv in tha Ilnllc.l lata. have become blindly hilatuati-d with the promitcd beauties of so called "inotcc'ba." which evidently opejatet tlieie ss it does here mike I the tlch richer snd lbs jioor poorer, snd cnuiet the cry to go up sll over Ih Ger man empire '.hat the poor Uborir.g maatetsre tuppretaed" by heavy tite. Si idolalrotit id Ihe German people liccome in limes psl with releienr e t the bent fits oi to called 'pro leetkni" that they even prohibited entirely the portstbe cf American pork into thstcoun-j ry. Hut t limit to the thadet of Cobden and Brhiih gold ihcy have been in inccl to remove the prohibition and Germ .ny litt the blettinrt of bee Irtde In pork: "Th lalioring clatte are hard worked, itli poor sad itooty fmt I." And this, too, where ibt trttem of Ugh tariff h long ptevtiled. Indeed, the waget psid 10 there ptor people sr hardly hslfst igh tt lboe f si I to timHar, laborers in free Irsd LngtsmJ. We thank th Jotrmal for this emphatic ieaaoo.. Hear Mr Hofer sgtln. "We seldom ree a pestant woman without some kind of a burden on her beck, snd often so hes ry that s pack mills would estily sweat snder It, A wheelbarrow or tome other vehicle it sn almost rerpetuil sttschment to farmer's wife or grown da-JjtMer. while the milchcowt ste worked hsid in th harness Irom morning until fiht. The obtervstiont make tre tnoat painful to me What a piciuri who every outline is Ihe Itimate remit of high tariff. Germany is a model protection country. t ... ..u THFltlCKr LAM. The good eropt and good prices which come lo tl:e farmer ol this country the recnl jear will do more than Insure a re- urn ol temporary proaperlty. It It reaaon- ably certain that prices ol larm products wi.l 1 em sin on a pay in st baait lor several art 10 come, Thit will attract the at lention of more men and capital to Ihe arming- bealneaa. It will Insure better farming, and this wilt nccea.arlly rata the price ol good (inning lnd. Heretofore this price hat been kept down by the abundance ol virgin toll offered for nothing to all ap plicant, and within the pat four or five ears by low prices ol fsrm prsduce, which hsve made larmimr everywhere d nprofitable. There U now little or no good land given away !n the weat. Tak ing Into conUorat'.on the advantages which esaicr.t (ai nii. eapccially near cities nd market, offer, land In the etern tlale Is cheapc!. When an advance in prices come", at It U sure to do, the land that It nearest market will be first affected. t It all rcad. earlcr to tell good land than It wat a year ap.o. The pretent year will see many mortage paid ofl or consider ably reduced, and when thl money goes to owners tbey wilt lind It better 10 buy land with it a toon at It is seen to be Im possible to lend it on land security . Farmers have had a lcaon against going Into debt that will laot them several year. THE WHKAT DKKICICNCT lira Jtt reefs, tiuou;h Its London correi- ponbent has made an estimate ol the wheat crop ol the world In which it figures out a shortage ot 371,000,000 bushels. It esti mates a total turplut In varioua countries ol 318,000,000 buthelc leaving an actual shortage ol 53000,000 bushels over and above all surpluses. It estimates that the United Slates will have I So ,000, 000 bushels to export. Lieutenant Governor Jones, ol New York.will fight his party ticket. He wanted the democrats to nomlnste him for gov ernor Instead of Mower. He It a. mere bolter and malcontent and will have very little influence. He says: "Continued subservience," ssys he, fcbut makes the condition too degrading to be quietly borne by American cltlaens. 'lbere It but one wav to degrade these usurpers. Temporary Ueleat ol the party will be Cimles .compared with the effects ol their control for the welfare ot the state and the Interest ol the democratic party. My duty is to oppose the election ol the nominees oi the Saratoga convention to such extent ss may be w Ithln my power, and In such manner n may seem lo accomplish that purpose, In reply to enquiries made by the Boston Glete smcng the delegates ol the republi can state" too vei.llon, ol Massachusetts as la their preference for president In '9a 431 answers ivers received. Of these, 371 lavored Utatne, 47 Harrison, while A'ger had 4 tupportcrt, ex -Speaker Reed 3, Mc Klnley 2, Lodge and faBsott 1 ech. Sherman showed the white feather on Thursday at Columbus. He talked to 40, 000 people and never said stiver once. Those present were mostly larmers and he'wat.alraid to talk gold buglsm to them. At Wakham, Mass., a single pound ol steel costing fiftv ctnts Is manufactured into 100,000 screws, which are worth $ir. They look about like Ircn fillings, and It needs a microscope to distinguish them. as screws. . .. The works of watches are now plated with palladium, which Is a wnltor, lighter and more fusible metal than platinum. About one-seventeenth ol a grain of pal adlum will, by electrical deposition, coat the woaks ol an ordinary watch. A dispatch i fronTLondorTsays Rev Mr Spurgeon, who has been progressing fa vorably, has had a relapse, i-nd is again in a precarious condition, Object glasses lor microscopes are now made in Germany of glass that contslns phosphoric and boracic acid. It is stated that with lenses made of this glass an ob ject one twenty-thousandth ol an in diameter ctn be distinctly seen. lie st3 .--Ths very latest news is thsi on eaa buy of Jalias Grsdwohl's Goldea Kule Bssaar.lor net eah,15 poands eranola ted sngar (or $1.00 and 18 pound Extra C. sngsr. .All good sold for net cash from 10 to 25 per oent less the regular prios, ss I intend to rutf a strict eash store, Albsny, Or , July tl. ; Fortmiller Irving have some Eenaia sance Isce eurtaios for $1$ a pair, aa fine as anything ever seen in the eity. They range down ts $7 a pair. Othor laes ear tains down to $1 ei less a pair. W. F. Call and see Di'css Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, " , r a hosiery, We liavo to select from. Our but the cheapest ever We hare just placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and Wo want your trade and wo you money. -1- and get and Writ for war .0. .0. .c aw.aiiiiiiil,giluL ajWii aajaii -. a.'"..,. , ... a . 2w tass mm was ww mm a w.xw -m. m if )TRY ii A 13 iii - mm THE LErTEL WATER WHEEL L EKSIKE C3 -G. L. BLACKtVlAN,- LEADING DRUGGIST A Ti"R A JsTST -r- O TEG-OITT' DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY M PATR0HIZE HOME IKSTITUTIDKS. !HE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albttay, Ore go at. . W r READ, Preeldsat. J O WRITSMAN Secretary. J L COW AM, Trewsorer. Cso F SIMPSON, Yk PresidmU praaOToaa JLCowsa, Geo T Simpson, W F Reed, JKn aihrrrerd, K a aim imm Atnenean, Philadelphia, Pa. Korwiah Union, Loaden. Kec Gttardiaa, London, Eng. Man keater, MaoeheeUr, England. Caledoalan. JCdksbarg. Beoalaad. Weeebester, . " New Ttwk. CNLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN "ANANY.- BUYiTHE - ji Acknowledged monarch.: of the - Kond. We carry a full line of Hacks." Baggies and Carriage also "Farm Implemanta of all kinda, tiriJall on us before pttrckaalng Elsewhere. Mitchfcll & Lewis Co.,. L as. -aai. - aT.T jl mmfL .j BOARD OF REOENTt - - StaU Board of Education; A year in school for 150 .xperara. Taitlcr 8rlTl.r r";. 0;': Mr' Korrial.nd Bn..neaa, as 25 per term of ten -.. - ' . . 77' ? Z iJ"T'Z"n rr n-Dii in T Butlar, Hen am., Mngn , i niiiw, rail auirvu uw... v mu- A N.ll... Unli.nn.k lW H Hnlaaaa. liarlaA. awoii j "WJ P?"' oining- hall, l SO Par f Halo, an J B T Butler, rot: Jaeaa Voor- i. 7 ZL V-T.""" " T atilh 1 ant anil Bra. SI For Catalogue, Add res . . : - P. tm CAHPIELIa, A, B;,.PraWtst, r J. M. POWELL, A.K Tler-Prealdaiit. . -. ir3 n If 0MAS j. J li i'L TH READ, what a stock of - stock is not onlv tho lariat rf c shown in Albany. y. a complete assortment of both cloth and plush fur trimmed. fetl confident we ean sav W. F. HEAD. Oregfln 5.. tiiiiQ liiii Yt&lU BUT CURE3 NOTHING ELSZ. TilORE POWER use LESS WATE w Illoatruted CaMaloene for 1891. tJBRFjttiortrT atestf;. atrtuaairiiLLii. at- V. . rr L Foley, M Siernberg, J Xf Burnett- Strahan, 3 O Writaman. A1 FOS- Traders, Obieago, TU, Phseulx, Londoa, Koghttid, 1 J B 'jmymj 1 J ajajUssJS MITCHELL WAGON," 4 --,;s aiEiar-Nk es. Aibany, Oregon OREGON STATE piiL POOL. Mosttwewth, Orecaa. Tha Leading Normal School of tht Northwest. Beautifully and Healthfully Located. . Ko Faloone. Hew batiainfs , saw apparataa. full faaul' 1 ! light expanaea, and larf attnSane. Nora-i--, Advanced NaravAl, Buaiueaa, An and Music ! aartmaDts. Baaelal attention iriren ta physical aolta-.. ToJuutaar military areaniaatton. These raeeir! diplomaa ara aathorized to teaak in any conn- la Ibe state without f urtker examiuationa. Tuition in tha Koriial and Businees iejur taants kaa beaa reduced frtin 40 to $25 paryear ; and in the 8nb-aTnrmal from t30 to 0. . Sub Normal at So per term. Kaarrt at nonwi week ; fnrnisbed rr-oi rweek. Board in pnv?" First term onena flt -, . . . una, low.. Ktudenta may enter any time. rati It you want the be. ? L y and most durable furr I .ture tli at is raannfacter- I I a .1 . j - L'oa in me enj go u