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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1891)
t watmt. 8TITI8 & KUTTINQ. Milan an rreprlelers. The coast lino of Alaska exceeds In length by 30J0 milci that ot alt the reit of the United Mates. Fahrenheit at Brat used alcohol In mak ing hit thermometer, lie a led to uie mercurjr after experimenting with boiling water. Montana la larger than the Turkish Em plre, and Texaa Is larger than the whole Austrian Empire b 30,000 square miles. It li estimated that at least $50,000,000 ot the government's paper money sup posed In circulation baa been lost or de stroyed. The profile which adorns the silver dollai Is that of a Philadelphia school teacher, MUs Anna W William, Iter profile la considered to be the most perfect of any woman in Phil eJclphia, An extensive Chicago mauufacturer of bar veiters has sold its entire output of machines isc,ono and is now expressing hs machines from the south to fill order in the nertbwest, The life Insurance companies ot the United State pay $1,500,000 per year to ward supporting the physicians who make their medical examination. The Weill estimate that R P Flower will have majority In New York City alone for governor. Thl will mean democratic majority In the state of 30,000 to 40,000 majority." The new Mexican tariff reciprocates high duty with high duty, We wall their ore and they our oxen. Their duty on a 1,000 pound beef, once f 3, is now f 13-60. In only two of the forty counties of the state of Kansas in which nominations for courty officers have been made this fall Lave the democrats and people's party fused. A fieer trade by any other nana Is just a good. Reciprocity takes off lorne of tie shackles which other countries bad placed on our commerce, and gives their people cheaper because untaxed -coot!. But it baa done nothing yet for American consumers. Ornithologists tell us that when feeding the stride of the ostrich la from twentv to t went' -two Inches; when walking. but not feeding, twenty-six Inches, and when ter rified n'a to fourteen feet, or nt the rate of about twenty-five mile an hour. The secretary of the State Horticultural Society, of Missouri report 5000 fruit farma in that state, employing 25,000 per sons, ami estimates the crop at $5,000,000. It excels all other state In fruit growing, excepting New York and Michigan. Al way a, thla season the whole country looks to the farmer and Is Interested In hi prospect. Thla year almot the entire world I looking to thl country, not mere ly with the Interest which belongs to a question of greater or less prosperity, but with the far greater Interest of men who know that millions ot men are dependent upon the United States for the bread that U needed to sustain their lives. Rai'roads did not begin In South America until 1S64, but In the little more than quarter of a century that haa since elapsed, their growth has been extraordi narily rapid. Brazil has now 6000 mile of railroad in operation, and several thou sand more in course of construction or planned. Great rivers favorab'e to navi gation traverse the best parts ot the con tinent, so that the facilities for communi cation are even belter than the railroads constructed would Indicate. In these days of rigid economy every particle of material must be made to "count," and there livery little of any thing allowed to go to waste. The hair which Is taken from the hide; at a tannery has found a new use. Formerly this hair as of little value and was practically worthless, liy anew procese'tt Is taxer from the hide by a nit chine which at the same time cleanaes 1 and Is then baled and sent to the factory, where It Is utilized In making cloth '-all wool" and a yard wide McKfiiley,a Governor Campbell showed In his recen speech, la attempting to dra-v attention fiom the tariff to the sliver question, and it I Intimated Sherman would like tu have something attract the people away from the silver discussion. Each of these great republican statesmen have begun to realize that the ground up on which they stand I a little shaky, and are anxious for better footing. That Mc Kinlt-y would be willing to stand or fall by the tariff Issue was confidently asserted by the full chorus of republican organs, It joks now a if the would have to change thei tune. It make a big differ cce in the boldness of a man's assertions hen he thinks there is nobody toplck hi statements to pieces; but when one of equal abflitt, aided by the rlht side of the question, f-tces him on the stump, It has a very moderating effect upon his wild ut terances. From now until after the elec tion hot po'itical shot will fly in all .tlrect tons, anc Campbell's chances for coming out on top are encouraging. Portland Dim. fair. A rorrcrpondent of the New Vork World says. f a n a dyer. It is positively necessary that we shoo id know the composition of the gar ments w handle, as alt wool requires a' dif ferent treatment from mixed and shoddy Now it is past belief the amount of shoddy that is in eOodsold as sll wool, and parties "' gt-wir a ni ii ciiucni iy ;ei in Hignsnt when told it is shoddy, for when buy ing they wer told it was a Sins article and pafl for such. Csa't you give a simple receipt or 1713 Iio1 of testing clothing lor shoddy or co'lon-s prsctiral one that can N" applied essil? I tell you it oul I surprlte the people and disgust them if it was possible lor tbem to realize how little wool enters into a so- called "all wool suit." Even the merchan t. woni'i gaau. I nere Is an arjument started now, to sell lii mixture, thai i. makes '.he K'N stronger to put cotton In it. A bste he, ss every one knows who has worn the goods lhat iis color soon turns usiy, dull and, and the firat dampness draws it out of shape It is almost impossible to buy a good suit these last f w years. Now just step rouJ to some of your large dye house and you will fin-l that I hava not 'old the half A simple way la dete:t cotton in goods is to pull the raw edge of a garment and apply a limned match. The wool will melt and the rot ton ill burn a spark, slowly following the i.rcad. Ho tnis test requires a little exper ience. Surely there i quite a fraud being practiced on the sheep that vote. , P M Stskt Nor rooijr. Farmers throughout the middle west not only rejoice In an unuuilly hravv yield of grain, but In t.e McKlnley pi ice's which It bring U'egonian, The above Is suaceptlbie of but one con struct Ion , that Is, that on account of the paaxage of the McKlnley bill wheat sells for a hllier price since than befoie its pas sjs. The puipote of that paper Is to make republican fanners believe ilit abnurdliy". It U r.eceasary. In preserve InUct the scheme of protection, that farmers be mado to accept such fallacies as truth. But di es the OrfantiH believe its readers to be fools? It appears so. For some time Sherman and McKlnley have been making speeches In Ohio fierce ly attacking Campbell on the silver ques tion, Campbell has been tick and could not reply, but he has ao far recovered a to make a speech at Sidney where 20,000 people gathered to hear him. Referring to allver, and McKlnley' record an the silver question, he said: "In hi opening speech Major McKlnley playa a number of variations In a high key upon the Mlshoneet dollar,' the 'shoddy dollar, the 'short dollar' and the eighty cent dollar.' II then touches a minor key, and proceeds to bewail the sad condition of the poor old soldier, whose little stipend ot $1 J per month will, he predicts, shrink to $9.60 should wt enter upon the free coin age ot allver, "Now la the lime and thla the place to respectively Inquire of the dear old soldier why upon the 5th day of November, In the year ot our I-ord 1877, at page 341 ot the Cofri$imal JkVrorof discloses, he not only voted for the free and unlimited coinage ot allver, but ao eager waa he to pay oft the old soldier In "eighty-cent dollar' that lie actually voted to suspend the rule In order that not one moment might be lost In the Infliction ot this 'great outrage,' as he now terms It upon helpless pensioners. "Evidently Mr McKlnley had forgotten hi first love allver during the last cam patgn,for on October 17, iS3,h- addresied a letter to the Slark County Farmer All! ance, wherein he wrote: M 'I would honor gold and silver alike.' ti hat docs that mean? Especially In the light of the Major's long-time devotion to silver? Can two metal he honored alike, when an unlimited amount of one of them may be taken to the mint for coin while the othei one Is not coined, and but a lim Ited amount stored as pig metal lit the vaults of the treasury? The truth Is thut In Ohio (notwithstanding the declaration In their platform) sr.d everywhere else especially In the central and western stale, the republican party I seriously divided upon the free coinage ot silver. In the United State Senate trie vote on that question stood lxleen republicans for free silver and twenty-sis against It The re publican conventions In many states, be ginning with Indiana and moving west ward, have declared In favor ot It. Doubt less, also, the democratic party Is equally divided. .There Is an honest difference of opinion concerning the time and manner in which silver can be restored to the place ir. our coinage which it occupied prior to Its stealthy demonetisation. "But the entire democracy desire to see this done with honesty, and as speedily as existing conditions will permit. We do not Intend that this subject shall go undebated, either do we Intend tnat ur enemies 1 hall divert u from the decisive Issue ot ! the tariff. The Ohio democracy proposes to defend bi metall'in, which Is the right of both metals to unlimited coinage. Al though we may differ among ourselves as to mean ot reaching such coinage, we most emphaUcilly do not believe In the doctrine enunciated by the Ohio republi can platfoim, which Indorse the amended Coinage Act of the last republican con gress. Voder thl law paper certificate are issued, no silver will be coined save in the event ot the redemption of such ccrtllt cates. The law I deatgned to stop the coinage of silver. These certificate are practically warehouse receipts forsu much bullion, and are bated upon It dally fluc tuation In the market If any dollar Cuiild ; be more thoroughly a slioddv dollar than these pig metal paper certificate dollar it would be difficult to describe. -There Is no good reason why the gov ernment should not store pig lead or pig Iron as well as pig silver, and Issue circu lating notes upon them. The next step in logical sequence, If you follow out the re publican theory, would br to store wheat, corn and oats In government elevators and Issue currency on them. This It the Alli ance Idea, which the republicans inconsist ently denounce aa visionary. The tsu of certificates, which are receipts for articles of merchandise returnable on demand, is not a function of Hie government, whose power Is limited by the constitution to the coining of mine', II Is mere pawn brok ing." Printed tickets or certificate might a well be Issued upon the te mporary de posits of watches, jewelry, or second-hand clothes. Under this new system of finan ciering the Mint at Philadelphia should be abandoned and the symbolical sign of three golden jail hung over the entrance of the treasury at Wakhi-glcn." Of Sherman he said: "Senator Sherman has always been a prophet of evil In regard to silver. Ftr many years whenever silver has been mentioned he has played "he role of Cas sandra with unvarying regularity. It is true that none of hi evil prophesies have ever came to pas, but he continues to indulge In them with undaunted spirit. He aided to demonetize silver when It was mote valuable In Its ratio than gold. As secre tary of the treasury he appeared before the committee having in charge the Coin age Act of 1878. and pred'eted dire disas ter should it pas. It did pass however, and after thirteen years of continuous sil ver coinage under it provisions, amount ing to oVer four hundred millions of dol ars,nor.e of these rvil results have occurred, and Senator Sherman himself voted last year for an act to Uke the place of the law of 1878, whereby the Issue of currenry based on silver bullion is more than doubled. 'In 1885, when an unsuccessful attempt was made to discontinue the coinage of liver dollar, Senator She. man again un loaded a stock of lugubrious prediction which turned out to be false. "Who defend demonetization of silver? Ever roan connected with ltt except Sen ator Sherman, denle having knowledge Of it at the lime. The Senator leave it to be inferred in his Paulding speech that it was done after full debate.yet he must know that Garfield, Allison, T hurman, Voorhe', Blaine, Conkling, Howe, Cannon, Beck, and score beside, have r-peatedly denied any koolcdge that the bl.l demonetized silver. )Ie must be aware that no person asked for It; and lhat the people were not cognizant of It until resnmp'.ion took placet silver became cheaper In comparison with gold,and gold only throngh this act and by reason of other hostile legislation and un friendly treaties." This opening of the democratic cam paign In that state was s.ld lo be highly tatifactory (o the democratic leaders and Inspire the rank and nie witn the hope of success. .. tetter tiist. Polhiwirs i th lias nf latter romnii.ina in the post olfioo a Albany, Lino county, Orsoa, 8 pt. 23. 1S9 1, I'eranu oallinf for thnse l ters mast givo the data on which hy eie'Ive Hd. x B.amwell.virs Binina lieckhairi.Mit Itu Crxton, W S CUaaou, Detui Carman, II Ktham, J R Holuoinh. Harry Haihs, Oras ; Ki ktaud, lues Johusoii, Mr Abhie Mschn. MC Rysn. Ne lie lthwiei. R H-2 Himtt, Maini . ' Trapp, Eihel H'ehster, CE Wilson, J J T. Mosthth, P. M. Faxell, Chrua IIea, S Halwham. HP JuhostoD.Mra Maria Lnna, Jennw Mnrn, Chaa Rmell, Lelia ' . , OIkox, Mr . Sohesttr. May Tompkiua, W A Whitney, J U " YASmNUTOrt. (From tur rwtutar onrroapoodsnt.) Washington, Sept. 14, 1891. Mr Harrison will return to V.'aahlngtin tomorrow, and It he can get his attention away from the horc'o ot would be public prp-suckers now watting to pounce upon hhn, for a tew minutes, he may be able to help clear away the suspicion under which the United States treasury department now rests, ot having attempted to hamper the Investigation which It has pretended to be so anxious to have made, ot the affair of the wrecked Keystone National Bank, of Philadelphia, It Is regarded naturally is a suspicious circumstance that just a the expert accountants at work on the books ot that bank were getting into the part of their work which promised Important re sults, lhat It should be discovered at the treasury that the fund from which they were pa!d was ehau ted and that they must be dismissed and the Investigation topped. There's money enough to pay a thousand and one unnecessary expense for this and that, but not enough to pay for the Investigation of a wrecked bank with which a prominent member ot the ad ministration had been much mixed up. Isn't that suspicious of Itself? Treasury official pretend to be racking their brnlna to discover a way to pay these men, meanwhile the men have stopped work. Perhaps w hen they rcsume.lf they ever do, some ot the book may be mist ing. The Philadelphia people have taken the matter up, and It their committee's a'.lnglug letter to the treasury department does not .ne Mr Harrison to take some action he Is cither thlcker-sklned than he ha been supposed to be, or Is afraid tor his friend, Mr NVanumaker. At any rate Ihe letter, a portion ot which follows, will make Mr Harrison do some thinking: "It Is of Ital Importance alike to the credit of the national banking system and to the cause of justice, that the Investigation shall be pursued to Ihe end and directly under the auspket of the Untied State govern' mcnt. If It be true, s stated, that the ex perts employed by the government hare been dlmnlsscd for the reason that there are jtow no funds available for the pay ment of their expenses, then this commit tee will advance any reasonable amount required to meet such expenses." Every. thing may be perfectly straight about Ihe action of the treasury officials In this mat ter, but It certainly docs t.ot look so Everybody wilt concede lhat ih financial system of a nation should be, like Caesar's wife, above suspicion. There Is now large and respectable body of our citizen bitterly opposed to the entire national banking system, because of Its principles, but even they have never charged lhat there was crookedness in the admlr.Utra tlon of the system, and woe be unto that administration upon which crookedness Is proven. A gentleman who is very close to Rep resentative Mills arid of the report that Mr Mills was hedging on the silver que tlon: "Those who believe such a story do not know the man. He never straddled a question In his life. I could talk to you fr an hour about his position, but Instead I will reler you to the first specoh he makes in Ohio, which will be on ihe 19, lut. I happen to know that he will on lhat occa sion " fully define his liion on every question now before 'he public, and," with a wink, "that is more than some of his competitor! for the speakership dare to do." mams WHEAT. SI CENT.. There are five student In the Senior clai of the College, who are expected to graduate next June, to-wlt: Elliott and Clem Irvine, Anderson Cannon, Mr Pea cock and Miss Annie Film. A Eugene paper boasted of a 13 ounce peach, an Anhland paper says that Is nothing, one there weighed 18 ounces. Albany at lent can beat Lane county's record. Great are the viclasltudes of fortune. There is in Portland today a griftleman who, ten years ago, was worth f 600.000. lie practically made the cllv of Fargo, North Dakota. He Is now about seventy years of age and I employed as a carpen ter. He l the soul f honor an jf;ener-. osltv and deserved better luck than this. Welcome. The bright Salem Stulenman ieeps puminelini; the 'log management of the Oregon Pacific railroad. Yet most rail roads are run on a hog basis. They skim he milk so deep that there Is very little wll lett lor their patrons. Welcome. Pan makers in the Eastern paper will have a very frnitful field in the narnee of the two candidate lor governor of ew fork, r lower and Jraitaelt. The owner of two of the heaviest cat tle ever aeen in Kanaas two steers weighing together 8.040 pounds has re fused an offer of 50 cents per pound for them, and proposes to take tlietn to the world's fair. The larger one, weighing 4,040 pounds, is exactly 12 feet long, and they both stand about 0 leet high. CRY OT MILLIONS 1 OH, MY BPtCK! TO" IT Nw, soon it wut ate Te late. I ha v keaa Omnia aaay yuan 1 ut3 dlaaaae ef the kMneys aa4 have I etatrMit taM mutt haw aenrkt aid frem tTet pkysiol without reltef. Abent Ike lsk ml Anrf I waa aaflarinf frvm a very vMewt attack tkat alawet rwratr4 me in ueh a saanaar lut I waa beat aver. When I at down it waa alaiaet impoMikl r at In net mp alone, or lo pat aa ai ctathaa, wkw kind frovjdrnce teat IW. Bteutey, wtt . OKHGON KIUKRT TlWk, t my hotel. I iwmattialBty caumenoed stirt the tea. It bad aa sliaaat miraculous eaot, and to Ike mmm- aninaut afaU tke (eeata at Ms hotel, in a few day,l am toper Mate, that I waa a new maa. I recommend the tuo s atl H: as 1 cave been. o. a. Ttrrrira, 1-roprHor OwSdaraM Hate, tmmm mmm. ad. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. NOTICB Im hereby olvon ro whom It may o uo !: Thwt !( I hid will bo received by the Coiintj Courr. t,T L'nn County. Oregon , t I'm ofltt-a o' the Coun tv Clerk of Raid County and State, up to 1 o'olix P M , Wndnea iaj, October Tth 1891, for the en 't motion of a County bridite across T homss Creole at " h anaub ' Crofluiriu;" io Linn C -uiity, Crpgon, said br'dK" to be of the following dimension, to-wit: Main fj nn 100 fot !ouir, 16 ft-ot wide la the clour hihIu npan ti. rost on heme 1 r pier; f rth approach to tie 7i test and eoutti approach lo be 18 feet loos;, bonta tinder approaches 10 feet apart, both approaobti to be prol oted b,- banlatera. No bid will be couMaereu unle, oourpaulid wi.h p'ana and specifications , and per cent of bid In eash or oortl jd chock. The County rewtyos the right le rrjec any aud ail I id . ."PI'AYNK County Cieik. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TyjOTJCE IS HEH7.BY GIVEN THAT THE X' umjitrwned has been duly appointed b) th ojuiny fui'Uur Linn comity, Oreg,m, adininiatrator of tha pUIjj ol Via ft MrBririe lut of Liim county, ('r.ij.'ii, du. ail. All peiwms htvirif e alma against tuM outHo ra hereby notified lo pr aeut tiiem nerly vur'.fV d to th miderirued at nil retideace three mils wont of ttlieridi. In lum county, Orairm, within six monttia fruin this data. IMki SeutiZnd, 1801, J A McBRIDE, H II Hswitt, A linmintrutor. Atty for Alnilnlatrator. (tt-2) 1 t 9 waSJMf Cft kvs 1 a I'rasjr Heamer. (juTiiKIt, 0 T, Sept aa. .Simultaneous with tbi arrival i f (ha hoar of noon the home eskers gathered on Ihe border and made a headlong rush over the line inlo the toveled country, and ento the quarter section upon which their eye had ben feasting for some days, and others for week and months. The rush wss a mad one and was muds so by the fact that the number of home seeker greatly exceeded the number of quarter sections avail able for settlement. There la room on the lamia for about 5000 settlers, allowing 160 ctt for each. There were on the border walling lo claim the available And fully 15, 000 people. The land office here opened at four seconds past 11 o'clock, The first man '.0 present hi papers, wai 1 F Diamond, who has stood in the line day and night since last Friday. He was almost exhausted from ex posure and the want of sleep and rest, Ai he staggered up to the window It wt necessary for a friend to assist him. A war Whet. Paris, Sept a a .The Slecle publishes a dispatch from Its correspondent in lladen giv ing the substance of a speech said to have been mado by the grand duke at the close of the recent maneuvers ot the southwest army. According to the dispatch he said In part: "We must regard the future with energy and resolution. The lime is again near when Get many must actio unstteaih her sword In delcnse of her independence against an co rny who has not learned ptxdence by defeat It will be the duty of Ihe valiant corps of lladen to sudport the first onset, to fire the first shot vad carry the palm of victory," A reollah Ilea. New, York, Sept aa. The Mall and Ex press prints this special fiom Washington "Jtntct G lllaine will soon after Ihe first of Ihe new yesr will notify bis friends and ad mirers, who are now urging hit nomination for presidency, lhal under no circumstances could he accept such an honor, and lhat he it for the renominaiion of Harrison, This informa tion 1 given the Msll and Express on the ao ihority of a man whose name Is national, and whotti position, aa to Harrison and lttaine, la unquestioned. talusaeetfa bead. Nkw York, Sept 19. The II sr aid's Val paraiso, Chill, dispatch aayti Ex-PresiJeat Balmaceda of Chill hot himself through the temple in hit room at the Argentine legation in Santiago at Utfo a. m. today. It now seems lhat Balmaceda left Kcnliago Augast 9 last in the hope of making hit escape from Chili, but teeing lhat every avenue of retreat was cut off, be returned there on Sept 17 and went lo the Argentine legation. Upon arriving there, however, he discover ed to his chsgrin that ihe vessel had tailed, hence he committed suicide to keep out of the hands of his enemies. Utile! tsarina Ball am. Caxsos, Nkv, Sept ao, Ralph U Stanlty was killed in a bascba!l gsme today, by U ing stiuck on the neck lib a ball thrown !y Charles Eitle. He chopped on hi knees, arose, started lo run and Mopped, ssying: "Run the bsaes kn me." He then pitched forward on hit face, dying in three minute. He was bom with a stiH neck, D' Uu)tn pronouoced the of the shxk to this wetk spot at the cause of detth. A fraay Waaa Art. SlOl'S EALU, S U, Sept 30. Woikrarn ca '.be railroad taw a moman walk to Ih Great Northern brlJge yesterday, throw her 8 -year-old boy in the river, her 18-moeth. oll baby after him. and tbeo plunge in her self Boats soon retched lb scene and drag ged the three ashore, but too late lo save the mother and bh The woman is lit wife of Contractor Neptositk, sad was crazed 00 tc- couat of her husband's business reverses, .real Aaaeatbtv 44 rellew. It Ix.1 it, Sept ai. The first day of 'be twenty second conclave at the sovereign grand lodge I O O F or eaed cool and pleasant Tb delegation from Springfield, III, bilautn beted sll others It is estimated lhat over (0,000 Odd Fellows and their families are in lb ci'y, besides msny other thousands who came simply as spectators. lirsnd Tresturer Isaac A Shenntrd. of Philadelphia, reported the financial status ol the order. The nambcr or initiations istt year is shown 10 t 68,0001 Revenue for 1 890. 91, S17a.a44.2a7; pecuniary benevolence dis tributed was loor "billions, The Caveraaneal Warm. NxwrotT, Or Sept 21. Government work on the jetty i f ill going forward with about SSo.Ooo to carry it lo Ibe next appropriation. Hard rock is bothering them on Ibe north side, bus it is hoped they will soon pass the reef and find soft rock again. In a few days they will be depositing rock on Ihe south jetty as the hoitting works are nearly leady lot businea. Ayomen The common fl!lc!oi:of women arw ark-bead aches, ludlgistio.i aud i:ervous Iruublt-. They arise largely from stumscb d.mrdem. Am Joj'i Vegetable Ksraoparlila la tbo only Low I rrgo lallof preparation, yon can see why It la mors effective thu :iy other oarsanartllo lu Umm trouble. It la daily rrlieviuj bttiUreda. Tb octton Is wild, direct and eftVctire, Wo bare aooro of letters from sratefa! wobboo. Wo refer to a few: Korvou debility. Mrs. J. Barron, HI Tin 81, 8. T. Venous debility, Mrs. Fred. Ley, Kt Ellis BL, T. General debility, Mr. Bclden, 610 Mason St. B.F, Kervon debility, Mrs. J, Lampbere, 73i Turk St, B, Wm Vorvoos debility, Ml R. ItooenUom, S33 17th tomaeb trouble, Mas. It at, a, r. ftiek headaches, Mas. V. L Wheaton, 704 Post B. Fries, 16 Prospect I'lace, o. r. Blck headache. Mrs. II. Fowler,?? Ellis 81, 8.7. Indigestion, Mr. C I). Htuart, 1221 Mission Bt, Dt Ft Cou.tip.tlon, Mr. C. Molrus, Uf Kearny Bt.S.f. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla Moot modem, moot enVetlvo, largest bottle. Barn price, f 1.00 or for 15.00. roa aixa at STANARD '& CUSICK ALBANY SHERIFFS SALE. It tin County Court oj Linn Count;, Orrgo. C. F. Wkiqiit. rialntiir. : vs. Maur A. Lort'L-M, Defendant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution and order Xl of sale issued out of the above named court in the above entitled action. i win, on Batarday, Ihe t4lh day of : taker, 1891, at the court house door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at tli hour of 1 o'clock, p in, of said day. senaipuoiic auction, lor casn in band to the highest bidder, the real property described in said execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit: Commencing at toe t a, corner 01 tue lands owned by Hit van la Hog, in donation land claim No. 44, Not. No. 2859. on the 17th day of August, 1889, in Linn county, Oregon, and running thence N 00 feet, thence W to the bank of the Willamette rive, thence south GO feet along the bank of said river, thence east to the place of be ginning. Also the following tract of land: Beginning at the N K corner of Jeremiah Hay's land in donation claim No. 44 Not. No. 2850, in Linn county, Oregon, thence north 40 feet, thence west to the bank of the Willamette river, thence south along the bank of said river to the N W corner of Jeremiah Hav'a land in donation claim No. 44, Not. No. 2850, in said county and state, thence E to the place of beginning. The proceeds arising from the sale of said premises to be applied as follows' First to the payment of the costs of and nporr this writ, and the original costs taxed at 10 10. Second to the pay ment of plaintiffs claim, amounting to the sum of $54 37. Dated this 10th day of September, 18D1. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon . By 0. E. Scott, deputy. (9-25) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE la HEREBY CITES THAT SPECiriCA tions snd plsns will be left In chirp ot Enoch Millar, of South BanUam atetion, for the eractioa l tatiool boua to b built in Diet 100, of Linn Co., Ore gon. Alio rtiea daaixlne to bid en the const ruotlnn of aald building, may eall and examine the same and ! sealed blda to be opauad at tnat place on Hept, trsih, at I o'cleok sf tald day, Th achool board r sorv ths rieht to rojaclsiiv or all bide 4 aMUSTEoanr Chan-rase Qoard ( Dirtor SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF TAX SAL NOTICB Is hereby given that by virtus of a warrant for tbo collection of delln oueot taaee on the aateameht of 18W0 for Uia county of Linn and state of .Oregon, duly tosued by the County Clark of aald county, which warrant la now In my hands attached t the liat of unrtald and delln qtiout tatoa for the year 1HU0, In aald Lion county, and not having boon able after dillfsont aoaroh io find any psraonal prop nrty within aald county out of which to make the taxoa herolnafler menttonod. I have levied upon tha mortgage des erlbed in tha list hereinafter set forth as the property of the poraon whone name to set opposite eaeh (Inscribed mortgage aa tha aamo appears tsanaaod en aald delln qtiont tax roll, ana will on alerday, ibe Ittk slay or October, ll, at the door of tho county court bouae. In Albanv. Man oouily .Oregon, at the hour on o'clock pin oraaid day. sen atpuouo auction to the highest bidder for cann lo baud on tha day nf sale, alt the herein alter described Mortgages to pay and aatlafy the tax eaaesood against the owner of such mortgage, In aald Linn oounly, for Iba year ISUl, togotbar with aocrulrg coat and expenses, which Hat Is aa follow; AM T.OF TSISli David Amhnr. fiOOO owing from Alford Wbeeier Awtw naviu Archer, and mort to secure the aamo on real est a das In Lion Co mort reo took T pg 640 U 00 AUUnce Trust Company, debt of H7A owing from J It Pearl A wf to Alllonca Trust Co, and mort lo secure the same on leal eat aa des la mort rso In Linn Co book W pg 143 DoUof 12r,l) owing from TP Patten A wf to Allhtuoe Trost Co, and mort to secure the same on real oat aa dee In Linn Co reo book W pg 140 Debt of SUM) owing from II If Cook A wf to Alilanca Trunt Co and mortgage to secure theaarne on teal eat as de In Linn Co roe book U pit 113 00 IS John Ulevlna,dobl ot fl.'VH) owing fiom Hobt Hmlth to John Illov. In, and mort t aocure tha same on real eat aa dra In Linn Co mort reo took V pw H 23 40 Ooo II Hoard, debt of f!W0 nstlitg front Hios Thomas to Ooo 11 Hoard, and mort to" aocure Ihe name on eat at dee In Hun Co men too took Tpaflia 6 40 Om v lionuoti, dobt of 70J owing fiom Norit P Wowtou toUso W ttannott, and mort W oocure the same on real eat aa doe In Linn Co mort reo book l ph I'i It 03 Curran A Montolth, debt of U7 owing from Jaa T I la well wf to Curran A Moutelta. and utort to secure the name on real at as do In Linn Co tuorlrto book V pg IH , 7 HO John A Con.or. (aar) debt of M94 owing from Frank I Vood A wf to John A Conaer (oxr), nod mort to oaoure the same on real eat aa dew In Linn Co nort reo Kok T pg 273 - 14 Oti Jamoa and Cor Church, debt t f flfllS owing from Jaoob Miller to Jamoe and Cora Church, and mort io aooura th aamo on real eat aa dca In Ltun Co wort roj book It pg S3i . 29 09 CorboU A McClaav, dU of f ilK) owing from t) F W right A wf to CorboitA Mi't'leoy.snluinrtto anouro tb aamo on roal o t aa . new in Linn Co mort roe, took U pg!76 9 00 F J Coun, dobtof f IW owing from J N Combo A wf to F Conn, and niortio awcure the name on teal et ao das In Linn Co mart reo, book V Wt S 49 MagRie Cun nor, dfbt of 275 owing irom Vl'la Turloy A bus to MaHaht C'jnnor. aud mort lo neure the aa aa on teal oat aa doe In Linn Co mort reo. took 8 eg J;7... 4 05 William crulasnt, debt of flout owing from J vv Crolaanta wr to VtlUiatn CroUant, ana mort to ooeure Ihe aamo on roa. ftkt a do In Ltun Co mort roe, took K pg i&S.. 18 00 John Uunvtoorg. (toKof flU50 ow ing from Urttrude Iinrtort to John I'uuar burg, and mort U aeuro the aaiue on root et a d-a lit Unn Cot wort reo. bouk V pg in 23 50 Cynthia A Kurd, debt cf I2S7 osrtog from J I Davenport to Cynthia A lord, and mors lo oeoore tho aamo on real est a do la Lion Co mort rve, book 8 pg 237 . . . . . 23 16 Maria Ci Uaun, debt of V.tJ oalog frm II IS Kiniaton ti wf to Mart U Gaa'.oo, and mortgage to oeeor tbo aamo oo real eat dee in Linn Co mort roe, boo N pg 820 IH Uaao Uarnngnr, debt of 1"50 owing fntn time C Henderson wf lo laaao Oailiigr, and mort to e euro tho same on real est as d4 to Lnn Co mort rso, book V pg71 31 80 G II Oontry, dobtof 4S0 owing from 8 A Oeolry & wf to O 11 GeoUy, and moil to oeoore the aamo on roal eat aa ds io lAoa Co mart ' roo. book T pg 554 8 10 Janes Germsoaon, debt of ft!TJ0 ow ing from il p Moller A: of to J ainea Uermaneon. and roort to aetoio th aamo on real at as dn in Lion Co mort roo, book U pg . , 227 83 GO John Harris, debt of t?20oioK from f-amnel Dow to John Harm, and mort ttoeoiire tho aamo on il ct 'de in Linn Co mort reo, bookTpg2StJ lj 9j W II Ilartlo , debt of 1230 owing from tarah E K.nith to W II I Urtleoe, and uwrt to secure the asms on real oat a do in Lion Co mort roo, book T pgS71 .... 4 14 Saran J Hendcr.on, debt of $4000 owing frum John and Thomas Bryant & wf to Sarah J Hornier aoo, and mortgtKS to tecur the sain oo roal et a des in Linn Co mort reo, book R pg 234 Debt of t'-WO owing from Wm II Yoong At wf to Her.h J Man derson, and mort lo secure the - same on real est a dea in Linn Co mort tec, book R pg 481 , . , Ucbt of $1700 owing from Leandet Shelton & wf lo Sarah J Hepderton, and mort to se cure the tame on real est as de In Linn Co mort rec, book RP6J7. Debt of $700 owing from N M Pcrcif ull to Saah J Hcnder derson, and mort to secure the same on real est as des in Liuii Co mort rec, book T pg 161,.. Pebtof a.soo onlng from T S Lite A wf 10 Sarah J Hen ilersjn, and mort to secure the tame on real est as dtt In Linn Oo mort rec, book T tg 461 .... 176 40 PermetU Howard, debt of $400 ow. lii' from M J Coldwell Si wf to Fcrmella Howard, and mort to secure the nine on real est as des In Linn Co mort rec, book N pgai 7 jo I letter Hobert, debt of $300 owing from Jacob Strktel & wf to Hester Hobert, and mort to se cure the same on real est as des ' in Linn Co mort rec, book T ' Pflf i3 360 D A Holman, debt of $900 oing from J R. Gill & wf to DA Holman, and mort t3 secure the tame on real ett at des In Linn Co mort reo, book T pit 140. . . 16 30 Mary E Holman, debt of $900 ow ing from James McIIargue & wf to Mary E Holman, and mort to secure the same on rra est as des In Linn Co mort rec, book T put 393 16 ao E B Hughes, debt of $100 owing trom Jos a ijjx a wt to E U Hughes, and mort to secure the same on real est as del In Linn Co mort rec, book Tpg 481.... t 80 Benjamlne Hyland, debt ol $13500 . Ing from John A Henderson & wf to Benjumlne H viand, anil mort totecurethe sams on real -est as de In Linn Co rr.ort rec, bookSpgS4 ..,.,.,. a 43 II A Johnston, debt of $371 owing from IS J Daley wt to 11 A Johnston, and mort tr secure the same cn real est as det in Linn Co mort rec, book N pg 397 , 6 60 Ellra J Johnston, debt of $9 owing from Stephen ac uuoaugn to Eliza J Johnston, and mort to secure the same on real est as des In Linn Co mort rec, book Tpg 319.. ......I 1 J E P Tonee, ocbt of $901 wing from , Geo H Jonct A wf to E F Jones nnd mort to secure the same on ; real est as de I' Linn Co mort rec, book S pg, ..... ..'.1630 Marv L King, debt of $500 owing , from A C King & wf to Mary. . L King, rnd mort to secure the ; time 00 real est as de In Linn Co mort rec book U pg 404 ... . 9 00 S S King, debt of $300 owing from am now receiving my Fall stock of and am showina full lins of goods in the Silko and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear flloves Hosiery Handkerchief and Embroideries Prints .Boots and Shoes J Styles 10SS King, and mort lo secure the same on rial est a des In Linn Co mort rec, book W pg 384 540 Fredrick Krlesel, debt of $500 ow ing from William K.rtel & wf to Fredrick Krlesel, and mort to secure the same on real est a de In Linn Co n ort rec book T pg afio , 9 00 B A Landers, debt of $1000 owing from Thos L llenue to 11 A lenders, and mort to secure the tame on real est at de In Linn Co mort rec book S pg 313 , 18 00 John Long, debt of $7oo owing from K L Ilrvtn U wf to John Long, and mort to secure the tame on real est as det In Linn Co mort rec book V pg 141, .. .126 00 G E Lilly, debt of $416 owing from JCTm Trader le wf to G E Lilly and mort to secure the same on real est as de In Linn Co mort rec book V pg 171 7 4S Carrie Marqula. debt of $15 owing from Wm iiradshaw to Came Marquis, and mort to secure the tame on real est as de In Linn Co mort rec book T pg 57a. ... 45 John Mcltgar, debt of $$00 owing . from Archie Si L U I'rushawto John Metigar, and mort to se em e the same on real est as do In Linn Co mort rec book V pg 68 9 00 Clarence U Mitchell, debt of (5-oo owing from John Morgan to Ctarance G Mitchell, and mort lo secure the same on real est as de In Linn Co mort rec, book U pg 373 9 00 B E Miller, debt of $33 owing from John Galloway to It E Miller, and mort to secure the ame on real est a d.s In Linn Co mort rec book T pg 401.... 59 Orrln Moore, debt of $1000 owing from W K Uilyeu lo Orrln Moore, aud mort to secure the same on real est as des In Linn Co mort -rec book V pg 430 ... 18 00 C M Monteith, debt of $S owing from Joalo Tlmmermn to C M Montieth, and most to secure ibe oo real est de In I Jnn Co mort rec book T pg 79 Debt of Soo owing from Cha II Whitney to C M Mon teith, and mort to secure the ame on real eat aa de in Linn Co mort rec book T Pg 85 tbt cf $550 owl'ig from F B Powell ai wf to C M Mon teith, and mort to aecure Ihe time on real est as de In Linn Co mort rec book T pg 13S Debt of $413 owing from R Koldeway Ai wf lo C M Mon teith, and mort to aocure Ihe same on rea' ett as det In Linn Co mort rec book t pg MS Iebt of $ 700 owing Irom J II Anderson Ac wf to C M Hon Icith, and mort to secure ihe same on real est as de In l.lun Co mort rec book T pg 189 53 S J Morris, dobtof $i03 owing front K Wia and Lo to J Morns, and murtgaa to oure tho smo on real est as des in Lio. Co, mutt roe book W pg 394 19 80 N P N'owtoo, dab of I2 owing from Eliatbeib A Boach and hu.bood to N h Nawtoo and mort to se cure tb asm oc real est ss do in Linn Co, mtg roe bonk U pg 141 If 61 A K t'ooniogton, dablof $1064 owing' from Hobt W Moncoy and wf to A l'enningtoo and nvwtg 'o secure th sam 00 roal eat a dee io Linn Co. mort reo 000k U pit 330 19 18 Lang Piatt, debt of $300 owing from zooager dinelaer to Lang Piatt and mort to secure tho asm on roal eat aa do in Una Co, mort reo book YY pg 121 5 40 0 B Parria 1, dobtof 730 owing from A From and wf to O E Parrish and mort to secure ths same on raa.1 aat aa dea in Linn Co. mort roo book It va 132 U 50 C A Parker, debt of $130 owing from a B V Fry and has toC A Parker aau mort to secure the same 00 real aat mm ! in Linn Co. m rt reo book V pa 119 2 70 A Pipher. dobtof $.144 owing fioat Wm Tecker to A Pipher nod mort to aroure the same 00 teal eat at dee in Lion C , mort roo bookRpgeCo, Dabt of f 402 owing from E. A lleitor and wife to A Pipher and mort to secure the ssmsnn real est a des in Lion Co. mort reo book T pa 10 IS 42 L U Rogers, dabt of $150 owing from W W Craft to L O Rodger and mort to secure the aamo on real ett aa dea in Linu Co, mort res book Vpg49 11 70 J P Rector, dobtof $3061 owing from J L Holaday and wife to J P Rector and mort to aeouro the tarn on real est aa dca i Lion Co. mort roo book T pg 599 C5 89 A U navage, debt ot S323 owing from W li Uitbont and wf t) A L Savage and mort to sroore the asm on real est a do in Li n Co, mort reo book R pg 11, S B Soott, debt of $300 owing from Jama 11 Soott to 8 B Soott and moit to aocure the same on real ett aa des in Linn Co, mort reo book N P2 329............ 9 45 9 00 S W Smith, dobtof $250 owing from u U Auorey and wt to a w Smith and mort to aeouro ths aame on real oat aa dea in Linn Jo, mort reo book V pa 56.... Danitl B Thomaa'dubt of $75 ow ing from Charles Bond to Dii iel B Tho.usa and mort to se cure tho same on real est as ' det in Linn Co, mort roo bonk P pg 139 Julian Thomas, debt of $1500 owing . from V P I'atton and wife to Julian Thomas and mort to ae ouro the asmft on real eat aa do 4 5Q 1 33 In Liun Co, mort reo book T pg is...,, Vaooy K Watter. debt ot $400 27 00 owing from S Ferciful and wf to t Nancy E Wattsra and mort to secure the tame on real est as dot io linu Co, mort reo book T pa 239 Joe Webber, Jr, debt of $875 owing from W Oifford Nash to Joe Webber J r, and mort to secure the same on real est as det In Llnn Cq, mort rec book T pir 7 20 610 S 75 Wilson White, debt of ft too owing irom 4 w monr, 10 wtlson White and mort to secure the ' same on real ett at det in Llnn Co, mort rec book N pg 573. . . 10 80 I L White, et al debt ot $487 owing fromG W Pugh to 1 L White . et-al and mort to : aecure the ; tame on real eat at det In Llnn r ' Co, mort rec book W par 17. . . 8 16 J H Wilson, debt of $300 owing trom 1 u z anus nna wt to J . H Wilso.1 and mort to secure . the same on real est at des In following departments, Notions iRibbonis Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns , Corsets Groceries Samuel E. Young. Llnn Co, mort, rec book S pg Joe andj 11 Wilson, debt of '$550 UEJ. 5 40 uwhk irom 10 1 nici;une to Joe and J 11 Wilson and mort lo secure the same on real et as des In l.lnn Co mort rec book S PB X43 9 ' Robert j WIon. debt ot Ssoo ow ing from Frank 11 llutbert and wife to Robert J Wilton and mort to tecure the ame on real est at det In Llnn Co, mort rc book N pg 4S4 Km ma O Workman, debt of $1000 owing from J R Wyati to Km ir.a ) Workman and mort to ecure the aame on real est a 7 30 de In Llnn Co, mort rec book . V pg oj lwrencc Wren, debt of $1000 ow 18 00 ing irom cugene l lolI ana wf to Lawrence Nten and mort to tecure the same on real est a det In Llnn Co, mort rec book T nir cfm 18 00 John II Yantla, debt of $500 owing irom jos u Mccune to John II Yantl and mort to secure the tame on real est a de in Linn Co, mort rec book U pg 5'4 P F Wood, debt from F M Gard ner and wf and mort lu secure the same on the following des real est the 1-3 oCSE 1-4 of ec 30 tp 9 0 of R 3 E 80 acre Atl In Llnn count v. Uretron. 9 00 9 00 - w Nrrrica Ta payer please take notice that coat are now to be added to the above amounts before settlement.- Dated Kept 17th, 185,1. M KrOTT. Sheriff of Llnn county, Or, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Noricg ia rieRKfir'civex that the it.. derail imI has baao, b th county mart lr Utiaa-),Ortm, Oaiy appoint! adwlnbarabir c4 to aataM at aUbana Vantoa, dwaaanl. lata ot Uaa rsiooljr, Ortm. All pu baTtn claima aint aa!4 auu ar honby rxUirtl w prawnt OKrai prop')' vartftad l laa aqdnnairned ai Aibsuy. tfr, wiibia ala month tnna UU data. August tak, tool. , , J If KN'liJIfTK , I K WsamKkrnaa, AaMilmlnr. Atijr lit Aawtn'r, () EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TWirK IS HKUKIIlf CIVES THAT Till XV undoriiw4 aa imn tr ttrdor at ui ,nnt r ourt of Una nawtjt, Orvroa, duly pultitl ann Mtaf Ih lut a Ul and taatanwat of f rfrufi, Samaiail. AH psrama harins ruuma arainat aaiS eal ara Wabv wiutrra tn ptfrul Ih mmm pmp any nnm4 ta J rUmiOraiiti, at ihm iaDl th A'bany Woalaa M lla cuaiiaiiy, ia AlbanY, Orvguo, or hmlttrm mi s month trom thl imim. tUlmtKt Hlh, l&t JSAKV t HOFT. SHERIFFS SALE. IVVIKTUE OF AN EXEU'JlIuN J and order nf -a.o laauod out ol tho ireuU court of Ibe state of Oregon fur Una oounly, to tne directed, dated the lHth day nt Auguat, lmil, open a judn inent and drri of foreclosure rrndorett in said clrouU court in favor ( I 11 T tiit- tonboefer, t L Haas aud 1 L white, partner doing bualne under lite firm Ume of DlUonhoefor. llans,t Co.. p'ain tltr. end a-rainat u W yUi,h and Klaie Fugh. oia wile, dofeiid nU, for the sum of 513 00, and the further sum of too U..ruys fooa. and 28 1 5, eoala and accruing cota, 1 did on the 18th day of Auttuat JH!)1. duly levy upon all tho de fendants, O W l'ugh and Kaie rugh'n, hla wife, right, title and Intercot tn and to the following denoribod tea! property in aald aud order of sale aa rl os, to wiu Lota cne and eight. In block No tbi. In UlaW addition lo the town of Crawfordavillo. In Linn county, Oregon, Now, therefore, lu pursuance to said execution aud ordr or aale, I Will, OR aalarday, the tatk day of aetiicmber. isl, at the hour nf 1 o'clock p m of aald day, at the court houe. In the citr of Albanv, Llnn county, Ori gon, sell at pubMo auo- tlon, to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, aubject to redemptim. all the riirht, lltlo and lnterat of tne above da lendanta, U W Pugh and K!slo l'ugh, or euner 01 loom, in ani to tne aoove oo eribed reel property, to aatl fy tue aura of $503 00, and the further sum of $60 attorney 'a roe, ana $28 05. costa aud In terestand aocutnit cost a, due on aald judgment and decree ortoieoioaure. itated I his 25lk day of August, 1891. M. SCOTT, (8 2S) Sheriff of Llnn county, Oregon SUMMONS, the OiftuU Court of the Mate 0 Oregon) or im uowitj oj hmn, ELLA HOUD, Plaintiff, S. R. II0UD. Defendant To S E Ifoud, the ab ve named deftnJsnt TN THIC NAME OF TUB ST iTE OF X Oregon, you ara hereby required to appearand answer tho oamplaiot of the above plaintiff, in the above entitled court. now on file with ths oterk of sid oou-t, by lbs tirst day of tho nrxt regular term or said court, whioh aaid term begin on Monday. the 28i.h dar of Oatobor, 1391, at tho court aonse in Albany, Linn county, Oreson And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and anawer said aomplaint, as neroby requued, tha plaiotiu will take a de cree ot sai l court against you dissolving the nonas ot nistnmnoy now existing between you and ssi I plaintiff, and for her c mta and Qianarsement of this suit. This sninmnns is oablished bv order of tne Hon H f Boise, jadge of said oomt, made at oliambvra, in thooitypf Salem, on tne sin aay ot September, lS'Jl. . w. r. olUYKU. (011 " Attorney for Flaintiff. SUMMONS. it th Circuit ot Ortgtnfor Alaayra E Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. Jasper H Woolery, Defendant. To Jasper II Woolsry, tho above named aerenaaot. IR TllBl NAME OF TIIS STATE OF Oregon voa are herebv reouired to appea and answer the complaint of tho above nanud flaintilT, in the above en titled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, on or before the that dy of the next term of tho 'Circuit Court for Linn county, Orecon, beKiunintr on the 20th day of October, 1891. as required In the or-or of publication of this luminous. and if you fail so to answer, fur want thereof. Ibe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, via; That ths bonds of mat rlmofty existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and that plaintiff be awarded tha oare and custody of tueir minor children. Marv. Ira and Geneva Woolery, and for judgment of costs aud disbursements. This eumtrois Is Published bv order of the Hon K P Bolse,Judge of the above entitled Court, made this 23th day of August, 1891. J. K WauTnasvoK, . - Attorney.foT Plain t,ff. Ginghams BREWERY FOR SAIF. In Ih Cirttii Court ofths$UW.oOttgon ir tlit. County of Limn : R Khrt-t, 1'iaii.tiff, j va. Ooo Pfau, DofemUut. NOTICE IH IIKUBBY CIVEK THAT th undemgnod, the iloly appoioted, qslified aod aotinz ltivrl in tha aoovssotitlod sotfon, will oo aatarJar, tntflrd 4f of eeter, ISSl at th Coort Moose dvr in tb city of AI baoy, L'nn ooooty, Oregon, at th hour ef 10 o'clock a m, aell at pablio autioo for cash ia band to tho highest bidder, all ths prop erty belonging to Uoo ffaa aod K Ehrot, nartnor doioa bosinos ondr tha firm nam of Ooo Pfau Ac Co., doaoribed aa follow, to wit. Th Citv Brnwry. kitoatad oo th ootbwoat qoartor of block No"l, in the Ktrn addition to tne city of Albany, Lion aonnty, Oregon, Including all boildioK, ns. ebinery, boiler aad engine, cdd storage, ice machine, Oak. kettlr. tula. Um mad rythhig eooooctel tbrrith,ia-'alio gooit ti.lo ti ibe rest prooerti hereia de son bed. Datod tbU 2 id day of Sop. 1S9I. CEO KUMPIIFET It-ei-r NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEBKBT OITEK THAT PB. 1. L llltl. as -rulr ci Ui Isal nU a.d ha aiaaat U Camilla attTartan1dtaail, baa SI hla Snal account at tb adatlnicumitna 4 In aiat of aat daraawil , la tb ftffiea at tb eauatv dark af Una eoonty, Oragua. mo4 tht tha autjaty court at mnM Una caunty, naanialnUd MonOay, tbSUday otOetotwr, lvi.atlha bear at a cluck, a aa ol aai4 Say. aa th utaa. mod turn maun rota ot aud cwoaly court, at Albany. Oraa-nn, aa tb plaoa, tor bfarmf abciioia, it any, to aatd tual aceuont, a4 lur ta artUMDcnt at mmx4 mm at. J. L. HILL, t:rnur at tb laat an.l id tcaUn.aut ot Omilla ktcKartand, daoratad. Co. W, Waiaav, Attorney U Etacuior. Abated AajaatMih. last. . (- EXECUTOR'S NOICE. OTH E 1 IIEKF.BT 01TKX THAT TUB aadcrsiroad baa ba by Ow county court lor Una county, wo, duly anpotntd atacuior at Jm bwt aill and tcataincet t Jonatbaa Card, dooaaaed, lata ol Una county, Oreron, All pmona barinc claim again aaid eatota ar berby required ta rcMit lb aam prouly vrrtScd aa by taw required to th OMtanurtwd at Waterloo. Uregua. wiUita aix montb trom Ui, buo. Thla SO day ol bcuiamber, O. r. CARD. J K Wtaraaast aa. Ktcrutor. SHEEIFFS TAX NOTICE CF SALE XTOTIC K IS II Ett EB Y UIVT.N THAT 1T by vlrtneof a warrant for the 00 lection of delmour-nt taxes cn the aatew monitor imH) fr tbo county or Lino aid state of Oregon, duly b.aued by tbo County Clerk or aaid county, which war. rant la now in my bands, attached to the ItftiofuupaSd and delinquent taxes for tue year Jiu. in aaiu Ulnn county, aud not Lav Inn been able afterdiligcnt search to find any personal property within said connty out of which to make the tsxoa hervinalter mentioned. 1 Lave levhwl upon the lanoe deerstibed In the Hat hereinafter set forth aa tha orooertv or the person whoso name ta t opposite wch 1 raot as th aame apoe r iswwwd on aald delln (unt tins roll, and will on Saturday, the Srd atay ar Orlabf-r. Ial. at the diHr if the County Court lloose, in Albany, Linncounly, Oregon, at the hour 01 t o'clock p. rn . or said r ay, sell at publio auction to ihe hlhet bidder roroaau la nana, on tne dar of sa:e, all tue Hereinafter described lands or so much of e-h tract es may be necessary to pay and aattsry the lax assessed agaiuht the owner ofsuh trt, in aaid Linn county, ror ibe year M'.k togotber witn accruing costs nd ex peons s wniott itat la as toitows: A tiit. of Taxea Craman A Summer villo.par or the OLCorJaoobNie.tDl3.SU 1 W.120 acres ..f 9 00 William field, the D L C of John Wlgle. tp IS, S Kange.I W.Siy acrea; the D L C or A Oelsier, tp IS. 8 Kange, 1 W.S20 acia.. 118 80 David C Cox.Albany.H'o Hod Ad . block 17, lota 2 -i-l 7 9 90 J a! and v II Uoi.aca, (John Hon aca, cuard.,) 3 acrea or land and hotel, at Sweet Uoine ?. 9 00 Frank Murphy, Albany, H'aSud Ad., block. 7, lots 3 1 nd i . ....... 5 40 W S Knnyan, seo 86,tp 12,9 Kauire 2 Kast, 4H0 acres .. 8 61 R A McKlnley,seo S,tp 14,8 lUnge 1 Etat, 82 sores...... ... 3 60 Est Mrs Roaa Soott.Albany.E is of block 44 . 14 40 C A Powell, Albany, block 05, lots 1 and 8 9 00 Mrs H Uuroaw, Albany, H'sttud Ad , block 23, Io. ..-..... , 0 09 Heirs of! D DeaI,2M acres adjoin ing 8 Brownsville....... 5 40 Est of David Gray, patt ol tha 1 It C of David Gray, 1C0 ao res 23 50 Kelly, 8 of S VV K of so 21, tp 9, 8 Kamre 1 E 80 acre... 1 80 Benjamin Uayden, tp 9, 8 Ranee 1 W, 10 acres......... 8 04 Daniel Neat, the K of 4 W i, and 8 W H or N E X, and the N W M ctS Ei olsecl4, tplO, S Kange V E, 100 acres. 2 49 Est James Shields. Albanv, E Ad.. ' block 14. Iota 1. 2 and X ot 3... 39 60 J H Bole. Albany,' H a 4.h Ad.. block 1 5. lot 5 2 70 C W Kalnava. Albany, Sobmeer'a Ad.,block: 4...., ..,. , . 4 19 William uaU'8. the NJjofNW J or see 31, tn 9. 8 Ranee 2 E. 80 acrea 3 00 A JMoIotvre, S K U of Seo 24. To 12 S Rtogo 1 vV; 160 acre 5 76 M MoLeith. 8 E i and NE 1 of Seo 20. Tp 12 8 range 2 E: 320 acre . 1 J 00 F W Holmes, a pa-t of the E Fox I) LO Not. No 2581, claim No 60, To 13 8R4 W; 320aoros. 3 60 Jcseph P Jones, N E J of Sec 1 Tp 10 8 R2E; ICOsores. S 60 James Molvenhtll, N E J of Seo 4 Tp 12SR2E; 160 aorea .. 3 60 Nettie Doun, N Brownsville, llsua- mao's add. block 4. Iota II and 12 , 1 80 Amos II Howard, Albany, block 14 . . lotl .- 9 00 J R Stewart, 8 J of S of Seo 13 Tp 10 a range 1 J;; lbO aorra ...... 1 Lb William Gates, tha N J of the N W J , of Soo3ITp9 8 range 2 E; 80 aoros 3 60 J M Jub us, Seo 35 To 9 8 range 2 W; 44 aoies 1 80 AI C inner, 8 K i of N VV J of Seo 3 TpV8rane3K; 40 aorea..... 1 80 G W Smith, Aibauy, 11 s add, block 112 lota 1 and 2 ,.107 23 Cherry & Parke, Albany, E add, 110 feet by 130 ft et, south of 8 f U R switch in block 10. . . . . ,, . . 36 00 All In L'nn county, Ore?on. NoTtm-Taxjjavtirs ploasetake notion that costs are now to be added to the above amounts before settlement. .. Dated ept lit, 1S91. . . , - M. COTr, Sber'.ffor Llnn county, Or. IOR SALE OR TRADBr-Wilt sell " cheap for eash or trade for wood, four horses, varying la price from fCO to 8120. Call at onoo at the marble shop next door to UHMOCRaTOffiee. - Dry Goods, sa viz: Woolens Cloakings Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankots Domestics SHERIFFS SALE. fn tlus Circuit Court of Urn Htatt oj Ot.gon fo r jjtnn nounty. Svlventer P.-n nnvor trm. mm, Geo W McBride, secretary ol uws, arm ueo w w ebb, treas urer of the state of Oregon, constituting the board of com missioners for the sale of school land and the manage- mem oi me Agricultural col lege ano common school fund. Plaintiffs. vs. W B Kmitli, Lucy K Smith, bis wife. W R Ki-k. WTfVwi.r.n and II R Powell, Defendants.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution and order of sale issned out of the above named court in the above en titled action, I will, on Sare-ay, ibe Mlb muj or daber, 8. at the court limix. A,tt.r i r Allwny, Unn county, Oregon, at the boar of 1 o'clock, p m, of said day, sell at public auction for cash in hand to thA Inchest bidder, the real proterty des cribed in said execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit : Ijceinninir at a rmint 7 Kn .i.,:n. i. the northeaet corner ti. A,.ntnr. land claim of Wilson Blain and wife, Not. 21'J4 and claim No. 41 in tl.o .,..!. : east quarter of section 18, Tp 14 8 R 2 iiih county, irregon, and run- j ning thence south 20.70 chain, thpnr i etst 7.67 chains, thpnra a, .nth m v ' chains, thence north 50 west 6550 5 chains, thence north 42.55 chains, thence t weak ivcnams, tiience north 17.18 chains, r thence east 20 chainn. Ibt-npo aontK lca: chains to the corner in angle of claim. ' incuts traev cnsins to tue place ol be ginning, containing 281 acrea. mora nr ei lees. Also becinnini? at ttia nnint the line between sections 18 and 19 in the above Tp and range crosses the west line of the above donation land claim of ' Wilson blain, and running tbeuceeast 10.00 chains, thence south 30.70 chaina, f thence north 50 west 7.50 chains.thence north 12.70 chains.thence west 15.20 chs.. thence north 2T SO east 15.20 chains, thence east 3.74 chains, to the place of beginning containing 32le acres, more or teas, ajl in Linn county, Oregon. Also Cominpncinz at a nnint 7 ?!? I north of the corner in the angle in the 1 land claim of Wilson Wain, deceased, and running thence west 2U chains, thence north 12.50 chains, to the corner i of Air Worth's land, thence east 5.50 chains, thence south 3.41 chains to tbe southwest corner of the U. P. church lot, thence east 1.25 chains, thence south I 1.S6 chains to the corner of Worth's land, thence east 19.25 cluing, thence south 7.23 chains to the place of begin- ning, containing 21.93 acres. The proceeds arising from the sale of ? the two tracts of real property first above described, to be applied: First to the. payment of the costs of and upon eaif writ. Fecond to the payment of the 1 sum of 22G2 68 with interest thereon at -i the rate of 8 per cent per annum from November, 1890, and the further eum of $200 attorneys fees with 8 per cent inter- ' set from aaid November 4tb, 1S90; andur Third to the payment of tbe sum di 1530 50 with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annuo? from November 4th, 1890, and the further sum of $30 attor neys fees (less the sum of $1291 paid thereon January 16tb, 1891.) And the proceeds arising from the eale of the . tract of rea) orotwnv laatahnro nu.;iu,i to be applied to the payment of what- . over amount tnat may remain due of tbe , sum last above named. Dated this 23d day of September, 1S91. . ' XT SPflTT Sheriff of Li::n county, Oregon, By C. E. Scott, Dej utv. (9-25) STREET NOTICE NOTICE ia hereby tivr to Margrette Monteith, D B Monteith, C jar lea Monteith, M J Mnnuith Im, It Kt " ' Bvu xteuie F Monteith. aDd to all hum it may concern that on tbo 23J day of September, 1S9I, tbe Comiton Council of tho city of Albanv Or duly appoioted 8 M Pennington, W C Read, anil J Hanoill L-im.... . ... . lowing described proposed new street which : 1- wi i'.-- iupcr,jr; Beginning at the southwest corner of block 2 in the city of Albany. Linn coaoty.Oregon.and ronnina ihnAA nnrtharlv an.t n.Mll.1 .. .l . i. . J . ...u, WI, ,aflvw. era boundary of said block 2 392.83 feet; vumiic uui tuoriy ana oo ao angle ot 27 de oraea and 3ik minnLaa (. . .:,w : j . - iiu aeaiern bcondary 230 foot; thence, westerly at an antta fhl Oil fiti l . " , "leuoo sonineriy at an angle of 90 degree 230 feet to a poiat - " " " www ooonaary of Ual apooia atreot; thence ,aoutho ly and parallel with Calapooia treet 337.17 feet to a point on a line with the northern boundary of First ' street; thence parallel with First street 66 foot to the plaoe of beginning, "and that aaid nnnnnil haa - .J t -. i . i . . , - -uu uitu vjufiay; ina 26t.h of October, 1891, at the hour of 10 o clock am of aaid day aa the time for aaid viewara to maat at tha -kmkM i k .-j . m j. lit, aaiu eounoil, tn the city of Albany, Oregon. And you ana eacn oi you ana all other persona whom it mav MWMm k.Mk a . i . ,. , J .uriuvr notified thai the property to be appropriated frr aaisl nnrntM isa tkaa, - tho above iieignted boundaries of Midv i b : , , , i prupuaou awtsv, aam jana oetng private property. And all pere-na elaimlnir d,m- ase by leason of the appropriation ,of any of said property for said purpose of opening and establishing said proposed new street, are hereby specially notified to file their resoectivp rl iim u .1 . ( " .UV.U Kii, 111 age with the recorder of said citv before t h cnlrt lim. ... j i . Klu,iiicu uy saiu council lor (he said meeting of said viewers. This notice Is iltihlel,..4 I... .J . i v-...u u, uiutruimc Council of the ritw ..f a iv. r duly made on the 33d dav of September, loot. IflH V kt' urc-E- t - ' jwa x iiiyr i- in n r Marshal of the city of Albany. - ADM IKISTRATGTS KOTICE. ; VTOTIOR IS TTPPD-nv nrvw .. - v , wvk.., i nAi U. P. 11 rVutrmta it- tK& n.wi.:. .. .. . . - , j . , v(cv ausavaaiMiiani litm Ul3s QftV appoiatad administrator of Ui aatat ot Hanrv T""' ,0W8W, " Porsoos hiving claim ajralna. : -. - r a ciaunawtti uadar. aitrt at ths offios of J K WwtherfoM, in tha ei i,lt Albanr, Linn ooontv, Orairon, pro pari r vari8.H rithinaxmonOiarrom f1' vanned, vmtma una slat dav ot September, 1S9I- a a. wATsaMD,, . a.'r, wsauw. j, . uniairator, 4 (9 26) J ADM1HISTRATCHS NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UW sitiniivnasf) haa t.kiei riser kun t . Strltor ot Jh. a, ChS I Beinhart, llt o7? uorawou, ny uia county court for Linn aounty, Oretfoa. All paraona havina claim aeauiat aud uut ara hsrabv .-iiA " . th aama proDurlv varified to th j . ! Browo8vUl.Orerf, within ail months from tha data Bantam hf A l tVil wwuiovii s, 1" TI B-rnnn. Oasttesowaav, U."Z Atty for AdDiiuisratr. . y;ll Nw cloaks juat recsived at th. T..;. . Baiaar. r