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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1890)
Revere House; ALBANY, - OREGON CIIAS. I'TEIFFEH PROPRIETOR, Fitted ud In flrst-clas style. Table supplied with the bet In the market, Nice sleeping atM.rtnunt. HAtnpl. roonv fhr com tuerclal I ra velars, tATI'r e faee. I. a.rl trm lk lalal."W Pouilty Wanted.. Alt kind of poultry, alive or dresseo Van tad a? tbe Willamette Picking font e.y ' Btere. Albany, Orsg-aa. L. HILL, Physiciai and Surgeon, Offiofr-oor, Rod Ferry Htreotii, ALBANY- OREGON DR.G.7ATS0nr.lA$T0rJ Physician and Surgeon. Offloe oppoette lh Deucrt. DR. W II. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeon. aardt&n uo atalra In Strahan'. Block. May be fouud at bl. odloe a.j nd ulghtv. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Be'.lavue Hospital Medical Joll.g. Now York City. Disease, ol woman a specialty. a-TOffie rvaaa.'s Brick, Albany, Or. W. W. EASTDURIY, in. D TiHYSICIAN AND KURQEOJs". I Office la Mellweln's brick. Ciab tujnd In office dr or nigbt. RedCrownMills SOX, LANNIKU & CO., I'SOriVS siw raocasa wvovm .crtio voa r am nova AJTD RARER VII, EST STORAGE FACILITIES. ALBANY' OR. WEITSXAH & HULBIRT BROS., Real EsUte Agents, Farm and Raoahs. (r sal. Also city bnvperty in Albany and Corvallit. WHITE STEAL! LAUHDRY 8 K 8m Ith, White Steam Lauodry Ioee iraneral laundrv work Suit, clean d. CorLtr thard LafRT.tleeta, Albany aukijaukii 1 am prepared to d.liv.r nilk to all part ef to. city. Uaaraotae tha bat quality Leave ord.r at C E Browns!!, a-roeeri atora. Wit rLtraM J. K. WEATHEBFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW A LB 1ST. BE.) W It BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor is Chaneerj, ALBAIT. - - OREVOV .Collection, promptly naade onail po'nl bOBnanacottaienon eeeonablft terms. B. B.I.BI.ACRBCRN. CkO. W. WKIOHT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice la all tha CourU of tha Stata, Prompt attcotiou givaa to ail bo.i aaaa aatiaatad to oar ear. Offioa Odd Fellows Toinplo, Albany, Or ATTOESEY AT UW AND MARY PUBLIC, Bat-office In MrahanN liuwk, V 1 aod a. ALBANY, OREGON. II. C. VATSON, Attorney at Law, ALBANY. -:- OREGON. Sice la Ibe Btrabaa Black. JAMES P. HEAD, , Attoma7at LawaaiTitla Eialnar ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all tboourU of tba 8taU. Abstracts of Title furowhad on hart notice- Ten ysara cioerieooa. J. J. WHITfsEY, iwoub; Anil OounsBllor At La. ND- ,otnr: Public. ALBA',; ORECON MONEY CHEAP MONEY. W have made arrangements to supply money to all on long time at low rites o Interest on Improved Limit and city prop erty. Thsee who contemplates building brick block or good brick buslnet. hoiiaet can get money, see us. Wallace A; Cusick. Livu r. . Prnw ton a. i ii n tawnitAwBfS: STATE MIR. '90. THIRTIETH 1HC1L EID1BIT10.1, Ca4w tha aUHH(Mnmt ol tb. Orron Stats Board of Airrirullur., will b. bald on tha Mala fir (riMUMl. aaar Balaoi, snroawnelny on MONDAY, SEPT. 15TH, 1890. Arid butlng oos wark. Over $15,000 CASH PREMIUM OH rad fur arrtcnltoral, tnk and iMchanieal -klMw, fir waiki ol art aud (anoy work .ud lor trials al i.l. Bwlurwd U Utr fw. frslrht on all tranapor BUUmi Vt arid frrim ths lair. Imponaot liuprova- smu Mr. iMn Dint upvo mm irruood. and I tacUIUM ar ooarad .iblMtura. The Pavilion will lie Open Four Nights Duricg the Week. A aplandld Raid ol hnnu antarad In ths apaed da partaiMit, aod On. .ihlliltfun. ol raclug will b given wl day. Entrlaslur pranlama el Monday at 7:30 p m. Kinibltor ar. nrirad to mk. a. many olthsli itrl. a Saturday bvlur. Ui. Iir a. poMibl.. Uooda, ani mal and artloias lor .ihlblUou moat ba In tlieir plana by 10 p at, on Monday. -i PRICES OF ADMISSION, t- Vaa day tlckat . . .... nee Wotnaa . day Uuk.t. f A. MaaiSMaaiw Uokt. ... ......... H Ml Woman' aeaaoa tick.t... BWBond to th Hcr.tary tt Portland. Orwm, for . prwiiuin liat. 1). u. LOON BY. J.T.OKKUO. Prad.nt. KmsruUry, Curesf Tor HO Year. Wot Knob, Mo., B..terabr , IB 1 suffrred with chronlo rhurailsra la my aw aod ankle A twenty years and bad te Ss.cru.ches, Iwatntedatttmebytvrl actors, but wa Anally cured by fit. Jacob Oil. liav. bad BO return of pln In three yiata. HENRY PlTBAVEKA Cbronlo Caaaa 40t.r'iTaBdln Cured. THE GOOD OFFICE OFl t well mnrtratedm msUad frwuouUr, NEU RAL O IA. 1 wat tas.n wUh Beurtdfrta In and aaStrwt montbaTt i ,ly. pby do At Dkvaotm add Dkaikm. Va CHARLES A VOOBLta CO.. EAST AND SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. xr Train loav. Prtlml tlly fcixir. a. Lv lri I tt rolUwul Alrt.iiy 8n Ki-Ih Ar K Hi AM L I O H a a a Ar Ui ;" r a Abuv Vain. i-p only at fultoalnf Ut(n nirth nl Hna.hurv. Kaat lurvaml. rrino wrk. burn, Hal.UK Albany. iaiiii.nt, wrouo, naucj mr rlaburv, Juin.Uun City, Irviiiic, tuuiw. aoaaM'R a til, bailt. . ;.V) a a I U IVtland Albany Hiat burs; Arl lto Ira I Lv Lv I It x S OJf Ar Lv r I e AM' A AUAXT VK4 BAILV ('art NTXtMl) soar no r a IK IN.riland Alhaoy Ar Lv KOa :00 A iaiABOB SB ASCII. I.MII I Lv t:Mrai Ar Albany Labaooa Albany Lebauou L.I 0:l&A B III I:SOa a Lv Ar I mr Lv I l:Wl a a Ar PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, Par Aeeaaaaaadatiaa at aaad- laaa K.rt. attached ta Cipreas Train. aide MvUUa. BalffEB rwUFLAXB As BALLI. Bail t. baiu Buooay.) T Ju a a IllOra Lt Ar furl and C-rv fc Ar L & 3o r I IS oA rs BtraamvAaia bailt (Eiojp1. Sunday. rail ra I . tirtlanJ McMinaviil. Ar Lv i .iO a Hi a Tits rrUroni?;li TIckctM T all puliiU SOUTH AND EAST. f oi tai. knrunaatliHi ronrdlns ratM, mata, t all oa CMnrwnv Axnt at AsWiy. H BUCULKB a r. KinrRfl Bana-r Aaat O. T. and P. As THE YAQULWV UOllfF ;on Uevelopmant Coixptany's Kte o nhlp Lin. 25 TdlLES SHORTER. 20 H0U.13 LESS TIME na by any o'.h ir ix ju. Firat-o'aas tui.nh pauiiiir r.nd raltrbt Itnefr.i a Portland and all polnta B u. WUlamtitCft Valtoy to Itow t-nn ft Aadmoo. Cel. -ItEIvXXl XaTZS JE1XXV- Th. t Oregon 1 P.witic : IVpoulsr : Sl'MMCR ExlT KSI05S. Ljw Kto Tickets ar cow 00 aaln tr ui all Valley l oints to Yi-quina aod lleturn. Itooa oiakn closo cmii.tcUr.n at All an '.Ut Uainaof itk-Oreg m I'a.-ldo rUilioad TIllKaWtlKol'LE. (( uo.lja) jun AJasnv r. , wr CorvsJ'.i. l: r. . vrrl -r Vaiuna, 5:9 r. u tv. Tvimns, .:45 a. Loav. Corlli.lii:36A.a Arrivo AiUauy, 11:1" A. V O ct C. iraiiia exinnoct ai .tlbauy a'tl ,'crTillls. Tho abovo train. nl Yaouina with tbo Ort-jton lev.t prnf.l ..V.tppany's L'nc ft t-.-am.bipa Irt.fApi-n Vt'imnaand Jram men. MIILIXO OATK1 . rsin TAO'isa. WlllsmrtU Vall.v. July h. a i.UioiU. V-m., A'rrt'h. Willwmtt. Vsl..). A'lf lets: ' Willau.elta Vallry, Ao. 'fth. v...s .as raasciaco Wi'mrtt. V.lloy An? tat. Wiilamrtt. V.ilev, Anr lllh. WilWmc-.l. Vallry, AlllflU'. Willsmctl. V.i.t-J, Ai( 3 1st, The Cotlrv re ivo .bo n?flt to 'hanee aailiuit dJU" Vihotit nvll-'i. X. B. ?aiH)iiiors front tVmland and f lllatnotto Va.l-y poiuU can iriak i-lo aonnectin with ii"r iraiitM of tb Yui;ijIiib 'Oat. at Albany r Ito'raltls. and II det :Sned toMan Krauoiii nhnu'd rraiitf"to Vaq-jInH lUr ciiinit lmf..r. I'ati t aaiiinii. sa'.aer sail r.rlsbi Role Law c.l a! MB a orlnf.jrnulion spply A K Ohspnisn,Fr!i;litsnd ckiit Agsut, Alhsnv, to C H llssamil, Jr., O. . k P. Airt., OrvK'rn Oovelo'. ri.t !' SI iffittU'imary Kan rrancleo, ?.x. V V KIICIL. A.O. f. ar-'ip Arm . afre.crlpilon nrnKs'sl- mum LEKE AND I JUT ARTICLED -: " : -.Jbvbb"," BERLRlHTCuUCH rivrmms mis ti MONEY TO LOAN. $aoo,ooo t. load at S p-r cent:., tin raved farm r rlty property. WaiuccA J.swk. Pianos. TboM r 'b)i I n r a fliBt-claas InNtrument. lb. eat n ado to atad the oiling', of the Coast, can I n aoitd or caMmar at Mr) li ii lljm.s'i opposite i...j M.xonlo To tu ple, on Klrsi Ktreet. The latest vocsl and in.troni.ntal m isio kept for sbIh.sIho Ilia targe aeviruueni or stamping pattern lo select from tbi. sld.i of 'Frlsoo 1. na given ta painting and en.broldorlng In bar atudio over Lmri County Hank'. wit car yonr orcer ana you will ti. pktMB.ll. Fortmib & firing. si -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ompt Attention-First-class Hears rrvr. . laJLI X I . a tn or neuris'- S2stl$Pflftlllh eblef symptom ol X I r iuUa rubbluaaad wlUeuie 7 I A-: hi lie T1IK 1JII'F.NI)IN0 IIKKlt'.IT. The riiilcleljilila ;Vi ha puhllalieJ the r kultft cf a careful Inquiry In an tn- rlerestlnit article tn which, asiniilii thnt the rcvciuo of theyrar'wlll b $400,000, 000, It finds thnt th expctnlllurc itlivndy provided for, Including (Inking fund pay ment. wllla.iiounttof39S.4fi,3 " totnl let. than Hie rcvcnuc'by $4 SJo.ftjo," nd then add thnt no nllowonco Iva been made In Ihln gintcmcnt for dependent pen sions, "at Icnat sFst.muyxHV' or ,l,r ,,,e reduction of the revenue by the McKlnley tariff bill, "probably about $40,1x111.000." he 1'ttns also saytt "W hen dependent pen.lotm are mci,Bnd with the McKlnley bMl jnsed, the rev- nue for next year, even paying nothing to the sinking fund, will fa t short tit the outgo for the next year by from $3o,oos 000 to $40,000,00.. Tlil ha not happened since the war. It on u lit not to happen now." But the payment on account ol the Inking fund have not been suspended by law. If they bn Included the total ck:cs of ennendlture ulven above I swollen to $80,000,000 or $yo,ooo,o.o. i w The New York Tribune pnililUheJ a lew I day t ago an estimate of receipt and cs- pnndlluics. It found the "the total appio prlatlont will call for an expenditure of $490,000,000," and that there will be "a total of $475,ooojooo revenue." The difi tcrence between thcae totals and thoe of the YrM Is explained, for the most prut, by the factMhat the TrilHt Bvided In the postal revenue and expenses, l'.ut this statement "left out of view the possible effect of tariff legislation on tint revenues of the government," and It hits commonly been estimated by the supporters of the McKlnley bill that the passage of It would cause an attrual reduction of at least $50,000,000. T hen there I the St Louis (iLlx ihma trat, a paper whose loyalty to the republi can part; and policy will not bo questioned It ha repeatedly warned congress that legislative extravagance would probably cause a deficit. Here I what It said on the 33J Instant: "To permit the governmrnt to escape the humiliation and cmbarrastncnt ol a deficit, device hi treasury Kvk keeping, which was not looked for and titih was not available a few weeks ago, will ap parently have to be rctorcd to. The hank note redemption fold of about 55" 000,000, which the new silver Uw rcleare. will have to be drawn on In order that the government may e.capo the dUgrace and discredit of Insolvency. Even the most reckless and Tf tnc republican members of congress should begin to un derstand by this lime that the party, In It management of the ficat affairs of the nation, Is pre.alng perilously cUwe to the danger line. There Is a probab ility, of csurof, that this narrow escape from fi nunc 1 .1 1 wreck mav teach the ic publlcan leader. 1 1 the national lcgUUture an important ur.d valuable lesson. At ail events, if the controlling party during the session next winter, In which the manage mentcf the affairs of the government for the fircal ) ear Immediately preceding the presidential election i to te provided for, shows in t!.e matter cf s;pro;ilalions tilt contempt for Mi" dlctatr of rcsson and the lesion of -x;crlence displayed In the present session, diias'er at the potts can hardtv be a cited.'' Copyrltbt, UMk The equivalent, In Enellsh money, of ?.W0 waa one orTn-d by an old lady In London for the return of a favorlta cat which bad strayed or bwn stolen. People oallod her a " crank," and perhap. m was. It Is unfortunate that one of tba fr-ntlr-r aex should ever aln this title, yet many do. It Is, however, frequently not tlwlr fault. Often functional dersnae menu will appfirmtly chaos- a woman', en tire nature. Ion t blame such sufT.-rers If they ar "cranky " but tell them to use Dr. Fierce- Favorite Prrwrlptlon, which Is an In fallible remedy for " female weukneaw-a." -Favorite Pn-acription " has cured thon Wind of poor. hcd-rtddm nfferlnr women of fetnslo weakneas," painful lrregulnrltU. uL. oeratlona. onranlo displaccmonta and kindred ailments too numerous lo mention. It la tha only njodti-tne for women, sold by drurirlsU. under a positive rnairaote. thnt le will, in every coae. irlyo suLfifauUoo or tbo price tSlaTU) Will be refunded. Worlds IiFC?UARr JfrniCAI. AaoociA noa. 1'roprktors, lJuflalo, H. V. Dr. PIEECS'S PELLETS Pnrelr Vrfrelnbl. and Perfectly Tlorm leaw. Uneniialud asal.lver MIL Hmnll'it, ( henrHirt, fUslest to Tko. line liny, KuKar-eontcd Pellet a Doan. (hire. hlcK ISendnrlie, Utllona Ifeodarhe, l'oiitlpn!lou, ludlfieatloii, Itlllous AU siacka, ami nil 'U'ranrcnvnt of tho f tomacb n4 bowuls. 25 ocnu a vlul. by UruggisU. Albany IRONWORKS- -.V,in.iftt'tiiri-ri i.f If AM ENCiKcS CSISf AND 3.AW 'ILLMACHlXEfiY IROH FRONTS AUD ALL KISS OF HEA.Y m Licin wokx, in mil M!D BRASS CASTIMSS. l-eetnl stumt). - i al.t o -airiiiit ill ( o' iivhlrr-i I'&tterna Kihlj on Short Notiot Conrad Muver. STAR BAKS;iiV Coiner Broaaalbin anl First Sts.a DKALEU IN ' auaed rrnila, lajawrsre( rrfen Frail. Tobacco, Jngnr ofler, Ele Mniifi jleui Cr5cnjv?Hrrt iVesclnliie., Cigar , Hp'txm, Ten. Ktv.. t ,.-et verytb,InK tbst la kpt In a ei n t variety and grocery oro. nighti! a rket prlw paid for fti!.Ki?JBS OF g'HODUOE. City Meat SarkctB SHULTZ BH0SM Proprietors. Kfp a full line of ;nftt of all kinds, in a cool pice, noaiplotnly pro- icteo; and atway i6bu. "pi LXSOO a a WirT.TWan APTItn WUAVSJ vrt aJJ'UJUiUll AW ,. Fast Riding-, Nkw Yornt, Aug, 15. A mile tn thirty lei-omls wst the rnle at which a party of nwt pnper men were wliltled olunjj lli Itoynion bicycle railway from Cisv.scnd to llrighioti, sa.lta.U 1 i. ... di.iiu .... - at.- a I I HUM w SUV 1.MI HI V II II KY 1 tint If; r 1 lltj CCIl 1 Via 1 a double flane. crasnlnii th. tail. Hi. ear la I Coney Man I. A tniRle Mrv.:l passenger car do It aValn remarks Farmer tonct of r tl,e "r(1 01 WRae, councilman Rttu do.r killed at 15.k City and out up by Hlmlta ws used. The car itself w a .Utile decker w.,0m Tbt I. that th. nltf said when ,,m"y generally, & Kivcn R Bro. In each deck iKinBtiaiUMa and one slnKle fba'"',.! hi. il InfT tVoneer "l"rty ". . lented . . . ,((), fc . . compartment, eacf, conipar-menl lulR by i cul ,a" o"""' with o our urn, VJ' VrikwJw, of the Third w.i llll elf ami sniered fmin ibe aide of the car. Etch . Riid preenntt'd r view of R couple atandrj ... . , , i lest in width limn hlf of the KBe T,,t Utile row between St Taul and f Linn county fruita, etc. There were ? ," v i. t track, so that t.n can can pau each oilier Minneapolis reduced the combined nopu- the famous red rmiIvm, penclien, tiruneti, "0110. rvouorwav, m mis oily, has b.- when Uirv me run on otmoLli. rail., ri,. latlon of the two cities about 70,000. That i.luiim. aratiPB. R nhuck of fine looking Run pioceadiii in t i.rtla..d for divorc. prevented bum toppling pver by doubl. wheel. Wa frot to mr-nllon in our article on alta-lKdlottielopofiTiecaraml lunningoai .hlvJ'ffiS .... ...1. .!.t- r . 1 t, 1 .... Mhi aubiect that W IN INOIIsir.ger is a can- ,nrt full uver. Soma entincciiiiB papers have al icady declared it is dcilined to revoluiionU. the xescnt system of passenger transportation, Th. UB air Ike, nurrAio, .., Aug. 15, in. tliecti o the New Voik Central sinks are still sr parent ' I in the I usin is of (lint comnsny, i'tsscnuer ttaiii have been univiitu and departing very neany on lime, anu 111 tue rasscnttcr tlenol everything is moving smoothly, The condi tion ol adults in tlm li irglit yard is dillcrcnt, however, Hie yards are now blocked. 1 bo Lake Shore aud Mckle l'lato road are finding much trouble in getting rid of cars. Ths yards of the former are completely choked at tast uiiiiuio. 1 ins aiternoon three train of stock Ami pciisliaMe freight were tent Out, but dead freight still lies there. The reason given is uiai 1 neie is no room r.att. Mviicwnen are all St wrnlt and ibtl lirMkni.n im Ih !,.!. bmaics tcadv 10 take ihir ilflina .. ii slated in Hie ynnls thU evening that frebilil would be moved lait to-night. Conduct were received In Ilia Iiircnt oka in I. La fr. l.i Utt the East, A Ultt Rale, Skattlk, Aug. IS. Tli announcement is made that the Vesler avenue cable load hat neeo sold, It is slated to-dsv on diiect auih ority that a syndicate of Seltle centlemen. beaded by L S J Hunt, bought the property for 1400,000, payino down the sum of 81 10. 000, the balance ol the purchase price to t. paid on lb. 33d ol this month. 1 he syndicate composing me new buyers ol the present pro- nprlv. mnlr.lW lliM .l.l- f .I.!. 1 iv aw , it. 7,1 cited. fc Bvrrwhriitiew Wiihaiiver. SrLoi'is, Aug. 1 llsn'a at Kansas City I sod a few other Mttsmui points are ovet whelm ed wi h silver coin snd are irvinis to reduce il by shipping 10 the Si I jui sub treasury and gruing silver notes instead, rurty live Iboun and dollars in silver came in this morning 1 lie bank have to pay espies charges both wayt on me money, which amount 10 about ft ) eiooo, A Lstra. Ball risyer. IsosroN, Aug. 14. M I Kelly, catain of the lWon 1 -layet levin, ws last night pie tented with a li'iuse and lot, valued at f lo,0O snd containing furnishing and adjunct worth st least f J500 moie Alter the supper speech es bclin nc the occasion wne insde bv Ca.itnin .... .. Ncliy, uenersl Unwell, Director Uil, Arthur Iiwn and John Waid, "The King. in the couiscol bis !ech. temstked that be was oversowed, and thank -J bis frlrnds In Sin riam Uco. New Voik snd New O.Iran.. Chic-'go and I Won, who hsd contributed to tliegdt albanv, Aug, uueoetAi Manager Young, of the liclawtrte 6: Hudson, this mum ill said that nrarlv a'.i the men !m . nut ,..11... j . : i. H.ic.c.nip, nn ouijr, iig sam, However, er, 11,, t ,hry cculd not go to work until they bad received an orccr from their committee, who in .r.....ti.i. . l a . , . . ., were tn tcntullal am w lib the leaden of the . .. . . . , ,. . ., , . tential strike. L nlcts hevco lo work al noon, their places will ht tilled l y other em. ployc of the company now on their way here bom the various oinii atunr the load. The emtioyr oT the letawate and Hudson only organised between lieie and Tioy, and llictei no tear ol a general the up. A I lr.1 Class rtead. Tits Dali es, Aug. 13. The community was shocked at another attempt to outrage an o'd lady named I'oorm.m, living in the out skirts of the i'y, Just as the shadetuf even ing were fjiliiij the notned some one eomine in at the gate, nnd on askinj him what be wanted, teptird thai he wanted lo see tier. Site then recrgnted bun as the brute who outraged and rubbed her tome time ago; and making her escape into the hous., harrinr the door and goin); ro the back door catling to a neinhlor, who csme lo her aid, the fiend mak ing bis escape. The titicnt are highly work ed up over the nfl.iir, and should the fiend I caught He wiU 1 loubly handled. They have ma.! up a Rood pese to any one who may an prtbrnd Mm, and he a good 'how In t run iluwn .'iis time. A Ry Draw nrd. y AI.KM, Aug. 14, At 3 o'clock Wednesday alcinoun, Morris M'cr, the t6)tar old soe of Abraham iesr, who livts on Abime liver thrre niilrs fiom Sivlerton.mct death by drown ing. The Ui)' tnd bi II yettt old bto:her were bathing in the river, the water of which was vrry ixdd, M ima wst taken with cramp and rained lo dtrp water. Hie brother, in going o Ids relief, crime nmr meeting a simil ar bite. IIe ill nan under the wslertwke and was irscued by John Morley, an 8 year old nlaymnte, who was numbed by hit crie for liclp, and ran to hi asitanrr, lie passed a hsbing riole to the (Iroaning Iwy, w ho grasped it and wa drawn fiom the river. Ths Iwdy of I he drowned lo. wat iciovcted. Drtsss a Half, Seat-ilk, Aug. Ij; KevJ Kiikpatiick, a Cumlicihnd rresbyieii:in miuiaier, fo. merly of Ibownsville, Or., filed two peculiar cast in the superior court to-day against C C Calkins, the i:ast Seat'lc boomer, which will create a sensation. Rev Kiilpatrick represents that nearly a j eir sgo.w liile e nployed in bis charge in Krownsviile, be came lo Scs'tle, where he received a call to take a church at Green lake, Mr Calkins, on learning of this, oflered him such ini'ueeinenia to fo to Seattle tha: he re signed )u Ihownsville charge, declining the Green lake charge, and ncceplej the proposi lion of Mr Calkins. Mr Calkint projiofed lo build for Wm a $6ooo church on Mercer island if he w ould sell a cer lain amottni of real estate and give him a com illusion of in per cent on the grott amount of the tales. Rev Ktrkpalrick succeed in telling among I he people of his Ihownsville congrrga lion property segregating $7775, upon repres enting to them that a $6000 church of their de nomination wat to be erected out of the pro cecde. This wst more than the amount of real estnte required to be sold by the ngree- ' inehtwilh C 11 1 U ins. Rev Kirknntrirlr r.,ri.,l ' the sales lo Mr Calkins, who immediately nro- cecrled to Ihownsville and conveyed the lots to the buyers, without the knowledge of Mr Kiiktmtiick, and discounted tht note. Rev Kirk put lick also bought one block for himself tor 94400 giving his notet for 600 and $UoO ami a first payment of $600 to be paid in coin missions oa the sale innle lie reminded Mr Calkins of bis agreement, to cecl the church, and sayt the latter replied: "To h I with you and your chu-ch." He allcgrs that he refused utterly and still refuses to errect the church or pay the com mission for th. amount of thi property. The plaintiff alleges (hat he hat been damaged lb ihe amount of $S and prayt for that amount and $757 50 commission, i.nd a decree annul ling the notes against him held by Calkins. Rev Kirkpatriuks now lives at Ravenna park. He claims that the transaction hat placed him in a false light before bit former parishioners at Ihownsville. It it laid that if these cases are decided agnintt: Calkint, tuitt wilt be brought by each of the Brownsville buyers for the recovery of ihe : -lounti paid to Calkint, and for a decree declnii.-,; their notes void. national U A II. Doston, Aug. 13 The convention of the t venty fourth national encampment of the G A R came to order in Music hall at II o'clock I'rnyerwas oifiered by Past Chief Cap'ain J M Foster. Commander in Chief Alger delived Lis annual address. . Colonel Wbeelock G Veasey, of Vermont, a as elected commander in chief of the GAR. Co'onel Veasey accept ed the honor in a brief speech, . Seattle Caows. Seattle, Aug. 13, To-day,the first train ran over the new terminal railway, from the I terminus at Seattle to the great warehouse at . West Seattle. Invitations were extended to : representative Domes 01 the city ana at many j citizens at could be comfortably accommodated " " vai MwininuvMi 11 US IIVIH W I ' w 1 t W. . m. ulunl ta as ' 1 1 1 1 1 A A V I -j framework on ciltier side of the track. Tb. lornJv Hiber W K (Irecne I S S.rcliilr UghU'd with the exhlliit, t Iiougli not ngin. la a bieycle one also. Tb. car is run on or &i Td will bl h . onwnlt - litrno, yet choice, Riid left with R good thpih.ciploof.l,oopi,tnu,tlo., which th. p eS ldSS"t Ker Impn-aalon of the gem dty of the valley, faster it toes the len.likelv it is to wobbl. or i"'? . '2"V.: -I - ' 1 At Hulutit no one waa at the detMit to neratlv .ccenled. It fonned the Inaua- - ,,.' . lU- - . mf(., r.r.tor.T.f Interest In the city and establishes Seattle aa a I- market for the vssl grnatlei of the germinating dlm(jn Rnd omMa RrrlvC(1 n tl,g clty, iurwiwisr. MIltriTrl. n.!lra.i ain. rtriltv Kml inimli lhtrs&. '""" a . a,;si ' of . in this county. . . As Albany Is talking sewer con isiocra- b'y the following from the Eugene Kegls- ter will be of Interest 1 eugene win nave to wait until next year for sewers, as It Is . at a at. . . ..1.1 aaR l.u MMal 1 now so tat. that tlicv could not be ron- structed before the rainy season. The city dads have received a number of plant and bids from uliiereiu sources, tney nau arranire'nentt about completed a lew weeks ago but could not agree on the tlx. j of the sewer and so we win not nave any this year. They have come to tne con clusion that the l'ortland man who cam ' up here to make an estimate of the cost of a se ver system and most feasible route for the tame UN. li. There is a iiood deal of talk and excite menl on ccs ioaay aooui uie new bridge across the Willamette here, caused by anprencnoea nanr ina. 111c rur iiihui.ii of the main piers It such a to Insure no rreater ratciy or permanency man was given by I lie old btioge. journal. There ta money made attending to IhihI- ncMn, Just .0 it I. your own. An AHianv man niv. ll.i.rn arn Iw'O 1 aide, to every oueiition. the wrona aide and hit aide. - 1 , Bl . . . It never rains tint ty spuria in this worl I women have their fads, ftaao twit ha. dit., out in Albany and awimming ia cooling on; liutmimmer resorting I. In full blnat. The local imneraln nearly every county In the statu have claimed tint the cciiau return are not corrvct, and of courae this ia exis ted anmple: T , A Y'r r r,.y"'r. " i ..i . ".T," 7, mi -i "L . .traightenetl and Oregon will show a much U-a. grow tli than .he actually en joyed. 1 Might, county i only given II,- iW iMipuIatton. IS.ixjO would bo in carer correct. -A Walla Yalta mother traveling with her Infant child, w rote the follow lug U t- ti-rtolicr liuslsand at home: "v are l .i.f i . a .1 ail uoing nrai rate.anu cnjoyingouraeivva very much. We are in excellent health. Tim baby rnn crawl about on all four. I and drink from R bottle allJUy loliif. I Moping the aaine can 1 wttd ol you, I remain your loving Mary." 1 Thm ia r l.ugene lleglster .lory : It 1- atraime w hat idena aome w-otdo have. blena aome t-opli In 1 A few day. ago a fellow from the country I etc i'PIed up to J F Kobinaon ami .aid he ha ul noticed that gave a powerful light, I ....:...:.. ... i...... ft.... i.. ....!' I. .7 " . .. " ! ..V ; ' ave how they got the oil in. Itobinson I insisiiT sum nun mat uj nicaim w I . ...i ' . .i .1.1 i. I.Lu.ll. I ! ... at... i .. tf .1. I I'uiicy ou llio airs swvs siivv a-nua.a rci 1 1. a ' ..... i .a . ..n ' i town. tut in ttie 011 ana ran 11 tip again, lie wa aatialletl and went on, believing that oil made the light." Wall Walla haa a Too Itah w ho heat, the record. The says : "It i. not generally known that John 11 IVnl lev, of the Mine ii'tuae, haa been admitt ed aa R practicing attorney. He hold, two regular certificate, w hich admitted him to Practice in all the court, of I hi ko la, and Iowa. lie haa also Utn r phyid clan, an editor, a real cHtate .Kent and owner of avveral Uinks. Appearance are sometime deceiving." Charlie Kye t. the subject of an unfor tunate circumstance. While camping on Mill creek lucwiay evening hi. family were startled by a sudden ruattiiiK of the btiBhc in near vicinity of the camp and a utrxe (iacK trute, upotti to be r bear, could be imlistitictly aeen through the intervening ah robber. Charli rushed to tho reat'iie w ith hia trusty rifle, and taking careful aim, acnt a bullet into the heart of the mounter. I'txm examina tion of the carcass it proved to ben peace ful cow which tielonifed to a neihiMirins fanner, w ho now claim. damage. W.IU alia Ma teaman BI4L B.STA1K atr.. D F Munkera and wife to F Denny lot I blkS, Munkera.. Jemima. iUlnUm to Itiiirua Iltatt small tract near lxdmnon ..... Wm t Faulkner to W W (irifllth N K 4 aec'-M, 10 K3 $ 30 050 500 IT h to V m V i-aulkncr mme... patent W F Hickena et al to V F Flew 63 acres 11 W I .... 520 $1070 ToUl for year 1 1,715,047 Three mortgngea were filed, eonaidera tioii, (1325. Frearh T.aajr vfarer. These wafer are a sure and safe st eclfic for all kind of female trouble and will remove all obstructions lo the monthly periods, no metier what Die cause. They are just what every woman needs and can be used with safety. Kor sale by the Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our sole agent, J A Cutnming, druggist, Ilium berg block, Albany, Oregon. What they are liaari far. HitAMRKrifa Fills no th. Utt u.tdioiu. kiown. Finst They ai. poiely vegetable, in fact a medio. el food. brcoNU The ssn.. doss always prcduccs the saii.a .flVcl othvr putative, require iriorasat'd doses aod finally cease acting. Thikb They purify thv blood. F'ovrtii Tbev iuviiiorata the digestbin and ok suae the stomach and bowel. llrTH They stimulate ths liver and oarr. p . . j,:i a .. . - on viiiatea one sua otiitr atpraved tovrv tion Th. first two or thrte dotes tell the story. The skin become, elear, th. e v bright, the mind active, digittion is re lured, coatlve- nesa cured, tb. animal vigor is reeulttd and all decay arretted. lirsudreth's told in every drus sod modioiti. .tore, either plain or sugar ens ted. J0hn Mlhr.-a ton cf tl.s celebrated Jo uin Miller, erespid ficm tb. penit.n y. terdij. -11. was an notiustworths Tearber Examination. Notice ia hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers for Linn county will take place in Albany, com mencing at 1 o'clock, on Wednesday, August 27th, 1800. All teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. Teachers desiring etatt certiflctttes should present their reccom mendation from district boards at the above time. G. F. Russell, '. County School Supt. DIED. JACOBS. On Friday evening, Aug 15, 1890, at Iier home in Albany, Mrs R Jacobs, aged 80. Mr Jacobs died just a week before. Together they had passed down life's pathway, together longer than many peoplo live, only to depart, as is often the case, almost at the same time. Pioneers of Linn county, there will -be many kind remembrances for them, for they always trjed to do their part well. . SPAGHT. On Friday rrtor nlng, Aug 15, 1890, at her home In Albany.the wife of Mr George Spaght, Southern Pacific section boss, after a lingering Illness of about two years, at the age of aboul 45 year. 1 ne ueceasea leaves a nusband and (even children . ... It 1... A l.-u aaHU I S V BBSS. .Sffl UUIil lllIIUll a ..- a TM MAIU fATIIKBI. This noon tlm tmrtv of Omaha Cuun on the rpgtiliir Honeburg train and were Uppnr Sod t b poos twu weeks. tramiforred to tlm Oregon rtvclflc, going to Oorvalllrl ami thence back to rortlnnd. were himhihs uepov oy uiemiierH corn, a (.ample of Linn county coal, omo la BW )' VJ w. misim vnsiifj vuwi '-' " I our luarvelloUM ore. freiih from the WtlR nilllCH, HplUItilia S lectllicne Ol nl ontH. wU-rmeloii, etc, etc. .,HU.,.i .11t.l. - l .la-l 'ii. . a I niuctthtMii, which wa quite R disappoint- s niont to them. Mr 1 11 TowntHimt went to U!tt.t clty. n,L,net ..fh?tn whl.l. th.e preaiuent ol the t;orvaiiia ooam 01 traoe mnio to Albany to accompany tlieui to that city fhe lmrty wan couipoaed of the follow' . inn 0 L Chaffee, wholesale lumber, fircal' dent citv council. ! 1, iiiumer, real eatat, councilman. K 1'Dnvla, ovclty iron works, councii- limn. FJ KaHiM-r, liquor di-aler, councilman. John McLearle, l'ltonlx foundry, councilman. F. F Morearly, lawyer, councilman. Jt V Mad sen. contractor, councilman. Henry Osthoir, merchant, councilman. Theo Olm-n, real entnte councilman. Edward O'Connor, liquor dealer, coun cilman. Wm i Rirtver, real eatate, councilman A II Kundcr, merchant, councilman. Daniel II Wheeler, lire insurance, councilman. tico L iH'twiln, idumbcr. .uperlntcna- ant plumbing. JaiiH-n finnnery, niot'Kinan, atrcci coiiiniiMMioiK-r. .1, ni,..i. ..i-nu ..whale. I turn tamr.1 of tmblic worka. I1 .ft ty.r.s. trttij w ilarry JounHman,dputy city clerk. The following oromiiiunt l'ortlandera Oi'l'lilll tiailll'd tllt'lll ! (1 W Htinll, (J H Idlcman, William 1 a. . . ... 1, 41 ..1 1 11 , Tl. . 1 r muincr, n rarrcu, ivicnaru iioyi, a 1 O'Dny, HLTaft, CJ Hull, lr Macrum, M w ( C May F 1 McKeiina TUB HAM ABOl'T TOW". Men w ho have out through tho country any there are few Chliit-M plieaa-1 ant. to lie not-ii. I tils gamy inn i ucing slow ly kilhxl out of the valley, and if that la what th farmer wanta tie should I... ....'ll . I l-l. u Lilt. ..I ....I i ijv an li.o.u. a uvy siq .iiicu oiwiii t aim 1 by evcryUxly. the handwmeat and moat f li'liciou. bird in 1 existence. The man in AlUny who wrote bia wife a tetter telling tier what he waa going to uo wiicti ne goi 111 Aioany chriiipmi 111a mind when be got home, lor lilsw tlo iiad Iluw n and gone to the place where trank cashiers go, her old home, and she evi dently displayed good judgment. A very funny thing happened on First Street, one worth narrating bv the Man A bout Town.- A nicely drafted man afur getting thoroughly ginned up aatdown on R beer keg w ith hi. head 011 hi. hand, and Ida mind in a very comatoae condi tion. A horribly dresaed trair.p, with a ware crow of a hat on hi head came along. took in the siiuution.stoppetl, lifted the man's nice hat front hi. drunken bend and put it on hia ow n head, and put hia own tattered and battered RlTair on the drunken man'a head and pansed on as unconcern ed aa could I. It took the well drcaaed man a long time lo find out who he wa. when he discovered the change that hud been made. For years immigrant, arriving at Port land have been advised by the people of that city, where they could not keep them theniM-lve.. to go to the Sound country instead of coming to the valley. There are many resident, of Albany, some of our bent cilixena now, who wilt testify to this fact. The result is plain, the Sound country has had the greatest boom, even I'ortland has gotten some soup, and now Harvey Scott caps the climax by telling Tacoma and Seattle people ha is sorry lie did not locate there instead of in I'ortland. For several years his paer has worked harder for Wash ington than Oregon. "I am not going to get married unlit I find r young lady with a house and lot," said a liill Nye Albany bachelor, to an arroitipliHhed young lady. "I have r lot," said the young tady. "Hut the house." "Thnt will he built rs soon rs possi ble." Tiie w edding cards may lie looked for in r few weeks, and the Man About Town extends congratulations before hand. The killing of V II Walker brings to mind the btct that the man taken for a deer seldom escapes. The huntcf can blindly shoot into the brush, ami if the object is a man, tret game every time. Fugeite 1 imtrd. This seems to be a fact, liecause the rases where men escape are not generally puhiinhed. The Man About Town is told of such r case that recently happened beyond Fisli Lake. A former Albany man saw what he sup posed to be r deer, took Rim and fired, missing a man who waa the object shot at. RI 4.1.11:4 AMD. MUltR. The Inst makes are to be found in Al lnny at Trice A Hobeon's, who have just received a cnrlond of the finest hacks and buggies to be found. Their prices, con sidering (.utility, are remarkably tow. it pays to tide lit a good buggy or hack. Keep this fact in your head, and when getting one call on Price & Kobson, w ho have the largest variety to svlect from. STACK TRESS ASSOCIATION. Portland, Or., Aug. 15th. Excursion train with Press Association left at eight this morning for Troutdnle. At Clarnie ran into freight train, engine telescoping cnlroose, riddling caboose and four or five freight cars. Engine and smoking car limlly dumaged. Several passengers .lightly bruined, but none seriously. Sitter. The Ladles Dellghled. The pleasant effwat sud the petfaet saf. ty with whnth Mint may us. th. liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Fig, under all oondirioos make it thair favorite remedy. It i pleasing to the eye and t o the lasts, pectJo, yet aUtc taaJ in atrtin on tb kidney , liver and Tub Records of Marion county show the platting of many thousand acres of ami in small tracts of from 6 to 10 acres Capital City Fruit Farm of 640 acres.Sun tivailx. Vv f QOA aMa C. ..... I n X' o 140 acres, Sunnyside No 3470 acres.and a number of others have been placed on the records by the Oregon Land Company 01 paiem, uregon. This company is rIso doing business in Portland and Albany, and have for sale numerous other small tracts. The great advantage of this plan is that it brings togeiiier in one community the class 01 people who are all engaged in the same business, viz: fruit growing.consequently there springs up large drying and can ning establishments similar to those in the city of Salem.which advantages makes profitable market fo'r the products of these fruit farms. Consult your interest by buying of the uregon Lnna uompnny 01 Saiem.Portland or Albany. The Pnlplt and tbe Stage, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., tays; "I feel it my duty to' tell what wonder Dr King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioner thought I could live only a few-weeks.. 'I took five bottle of Dr King' New Discovery and am tound and well, gahilng 36 lb in weight." I Bncklen's Arnica Salve, Th. bait Sitv. In tri-i w.irl.l f r 0ut4.Bruiss.Sor.s Ulc.r, Hlt Khuum, F jvor ir.s, Tattar, Ch spp hanila, I'hilblaini, Gurna, snd sll SklD Erupt!., sa positirslTcures I'llen.or no pay rnqu lrJ. It Is roar liteed tt) firs .orfoct istitfaotlan, ar a.n.y i.tuni a. 1'rios St cuts par bax. Fur ssis by Fesbay sa. aiasoa NOMK AMD ABBOtl). THURSOAr Ralph Fishl-r and familv Inft tn ilv for Th rptitiiioin4 of C.lifWi. ymterdsy, nomiustod Col Msrkham fiw ttnvrrnnr. 0u, t th, ultar rf ih Mfi,)in W(W m g II; "aw 01 ttrviii, i n. " u oineuo vaiiuy oaeros. in. war at Yju ina Hay inn b.r.rmon, and a tran.ii.xn. olid in to-nk'bt it 1 un ui rs m. tlfln . tr tt . 1 a . ana pruntn irt'igni Among this, who sturU d for llin Hty this 00011 were R F Hot family, Mrs Ilsnrtatta H.nwn, Mr. IV Stewart, Mrs W Millar and B Y Tsbler. , r...,i t, 11 i .in ... . Jaokt inviil., and iiw'iw.. t i build the lik- .onvill.and Mtf..rd motor railway if tb psopl. will give them a biimis of $2U,000. Tb. viltaa o' EI.1.S, !l'io louoty. Now York, bad a reniarka'il. atnlstid fr tn year. It wat erodited with a population of 2,053 in low and tha praar nt census rmi m.ration givaa it 2.003, David O Spaiver, a well-to-do furnicr of Jsckson county, was killml at bi farm six mils, touth of Aahlsml Totxlay I'rii' on. 11. waa uolosdtiii the last load of his sra son's hay crop, when a pulley in oe with th. darri.k fork broke an t struuk him a Urribl blow on thv hea l, killing him 'n ttstitly. Hi nook wa broken and thnsida of bi head and faoe cni-tnnl by the bl'iw. A Bio Catch A man came down from the North Santlam this forenoon on the O V with joo pound of very choice salmon trout, large fine- looking, fellows, about thirty In number. They wire caught near Brown's mill, and It ! a peculiar fact that they we e captured In the saw dust region, about which there la some complaint. Men there wh claim to .now say tt is not a tuct mat tnc saw I, ... ' . . . aun orlv" " nn v- raioAv. Shutta Br. mast market, opu-j-un stow art ot oa s 1 ncwy mumj .n.w...u.., . d . I ...... ,,i..iu,, Something cso bsrdly b nude from nothing, thrnrtUioiliy, aod yei a neasp.ia r often doe. it. Tb. monthly meeting of th buihhng Si Loan Association will ba hold to-night at the Oregon Bank. Mr Iledrick and Frank Burkhart lsv to- morrow noon for the Hsntuui mioi , n a pruaiwcling tour. toobty Clerk Is V I'aynw wtoi utrtiei Ci'y to-day to look through the laud olli aod sea th. oily f fall". Mr Virnoo. editor of t Toledo, Warh, TidinK. waa in tho city this oj, sir! want out to Tanitout. it, ai ia i,..Vr. u , uw , tvm tr ku wh- ha will o iuto th. u.rbtr bu.t- Des witb bis brother, Mr J M Irving l.d daunhier V. I, have ictorned bom. from (Hvnipts. M1.1 Vslla hat fully recovered herb-a ill. ' Aa Albany man has received a h-ttrr from a brother in Kansas who ssje ti. ri will not bj enough of bis w.m t" line a duck's neat. A latter from TWtUnd states that plait Kldsrkiu, ISabcrt linu sol Wiil-am Slit. It ft a lew days ago on a ti lp to H u Fr.ucisco. Mr Jams. Mclfargue and family am h in. from a months sojourn al Valuta. Mr Me II argli failed to lind any w ayes th. could dab ov.r bun. T i Siit, of th. Dcntx-SAT, and S S Train, of tha llorald.ara attending the Slate Pre. AssnetAtion in Portland, st let-t they w.01 that way. O Taylor, of lUeaborg. by W K Mo Pbaraop, real astaU broker, lesWday Mild to John Howard of this plso . a hu.t ami tot on Fifth and Railrosd for $l,0OX Mr Uiohsrd Conn haa pure'iaaml th. in of Mr Uderai"l in tb. pb..tivraph businsatuf Wilcoi A Uodcrwuotl. The boa firm will greatly improve ths cillery. W H Walker, who wtasbot a few days ago en tb. McKinsio, lnt a mrh ao took out a policy en his lif in ;. JCorth west I os Co f r $S5.0OO. Mrs itarrn. .ml daughter a.ritcd ia the eity from Portand lst v. nit-n, and with Mr lUnowa, special Si.'riit of the Noitbweal Life lo.uraova t' . a ill reside in Prof LeV residence in tbi. sit;, fur a moait. Tb. Post Int. l iirenoer g'vaa th. poj n'a tioq of Seattle ul 39,700 and of Taoms 54, 897. To Seattle Itior. is (-so tadd. l 3,0(i5 al letted to hive baeu omitted. Th. pfpu'a (tea Of v aai.liiKtou slat. Is SDrbt Tb. Grsnrs Niwt faded to m..tril alae last we. k and the t llic hsa bef.n coi. this week. W. do not kco w bethcr it has p.rmsnantly atpeadd publication wnetner it will beeomi a tern - rjcaeioaa weekly. Grant Pas C' uri r Tber. are epln at th i'..y Iroin Ailiaoy than from any othrr Imb iu the atatc; in town, on the bid, at Ne creek, or. th. beacr, everywhere, r.i.e run a acr an Albanian. In Albany many of trn tep we meat sr. trarcrs. T he at b.,n. one Ded to Im atthe l!,y. John V.II'er. whaeMspei fom the pn naaorilsMl as bdlnxrs: Tiier. luae isd.icrih d aa wei,t l"gJ3S (stmud, 5 f .et 7j in-hi-s in n.ignt, ijnr omi plus urn, mnnVi ai ayci oiu. .), linc nair, rather Ur nose Superintendent Uuwniuit i.iT-r. a 'ea-ard M for bis return to tbe piuoii. Jas F Powell &Co. I la. Vlereck shave you. A popslar place L Viereok'. shsting sue! hair dreesing parlor.. A fil-t claSs ahav. for only 15 cent at I Viereck's, cUltmarsb Biock, Allwny, Or. r a. i.. ... a woo t oook not oayt w ben vou cai buy such iila things so clump, hl-ckbu Si 1'irooi. Awbrey sivoj for the laiuics extract ion 01 teem. J M llir.lue ha. so'd out, and n.w offj' bi. furniture for salo Callvaily f.r bi- gai Mr. Geo DeVshey, i f fc'cio, is iu the c:t,N to-oay. r.a!u t Achtaou ar. se.liug inotiu.iKiit a roitiana price. la. rogel, ol 1'ortliuU, was in the ctt this foreooor. The family of C II Stewart amorg oihoit returnaa irom 1 nquina to-diy. Rtcorder henton aud family, after a twi weeks sr J urp at tli. Uiy, are now at home. Kor bsrpaina in monuments, head,t uiea. to., goto bgan & At.hison, An'auj,()itiou, Mr Whitney, of th. Sau Fiancbon Eam- luer, is in th. city in the interest ol that great paper. Mr Jason Wheeler is Imino fiom a trie aorts tb. inountaiua to the Warm Spriug reservation J F Ilallnran, on. of the brightest on i tors of Oregon, has retired from .the Astoiiab and prubably from tn. business. E H Norton, th coal expert, arrived in Albany last evening irom au extended pros peetlng trip through Kasturn Oregun. Tbe Portland West Shore has auaiu been enlarged, lt in a decided credit to tht Northwest, ia full of interesting featuro and deserve a general support by tho ublio, Eiau & Aobisun hacdle toe oolubrated Portland cement wall fur oeinetory lots. These wall can b. furnished at half the cost of any other and ar. far superior. Mr A Hackleman arrived hme last even ing fiom Crook county, commit serosa the Osccdet. 11. report the orop prorpeoU better than for several year. W CTweedale tnd family. Jo. Duhrille and Mis May Rideout of the Democrat force, were amnuj thoia who weut to l- quina Bay to-day. A B Slauson, of th. Oregonis, retuind to Portland to-day oftor a recuperating trip to Yaquina Bay. Mrs slauson rema'.md tor a few davs longer outing. Turner wa treated to a jiiveuile justice trial Tuesday. Two little boy a took a no tion that ' water melons worn ripe so they went into Mr Jones' melon1 patch aud de stroyed quite a number of his melnus. They were arrested, given a trial aud tiued eaob 6v dollar and costs. McKanlass, the colored onmedian.recently enticed a Coifax girl away from home, and when oaoght waa living at a hotel with her. H was arrested for adultery, hut the evi dence was not strong enough and he got off. At th. meeting of the BniUiiuu & Loan Association last eveniuir $1200 wai loaned to Mr Frank WaIIbob at GO monthj interest in advance, loere ; were three uiaaera. Th. association continue to flourish. Tb. headioe to a lone item in a Salem paper reads: An Effectual Kick. And Mr Grandahl'i Piers Are in the Soup Tba Big tri'iM r tin at 1" in j 1 n,uiui)rwnvi m i a. l.aa kial.i a.. Ia .. ' , I . -... . . ir U Bridge is Saved. Th. Cuanty CourU Cast Off the Engineer's l'Jan. and Adopt Some things Substantial. 8 if Clevenif jr.formerly of All any. arrived bar. Monday with his fstnily and household v fleet", ami bow oeoepios th. Critchlow hua with hi fumily, aud hssopnr-d a tho. shop in the tmsll building j jst touth of th. warohooM track on Main street. Jirron Iloviow. Mr John Attbousa and wife, D Fromao aud wife aud l'.ircy Young ars bom. from a several wot ks sojourn in th. mountams, where they hod a grand tim huntiim and fithinff, bringing home an imrnetise supply of mountain trout. Chasllagnn, of Aiken, 111, who hasbeon in the eity a fow days looking at tb. country. whii. hero tl.. guest (it hi. former I friei.d HgV J Y Htowart, left this noon for j bis aastarn liorno, if. wa very much pleased with Allnny and our unsurpassed prorpe'iM. The now oflVjcr of tha state press associa tion srs: I,Snmnl, of the W4t Hhnre, presirlsnt . Yuss l'mnidnnts E llofer, Capi tal Journal, Milmni D I Ashboru. New Canvn Cityj 3 8 Jackson, Kst Ureitonian, reiKlli'tori; H C I'.xach, Enaminer, Ivskeviewj E i) Casay, I'auilio Karnmr, I'ortlatid. tiefl rtry. K C 1'. n'Jan.l, WetKid, Inpepend erica. Treaiur. , S Train. Hersld, Alnany. Kergc-atit -at-ariri. I J (Ivndricki, Stater- msir, H1I.111. Tb. next meeting viitl be bold acnalein. The widow of J (', Cat chin , of Csnjon Viilo, hut instituted suit .(.'aioet L t'ockrtl for tne ami, of i'l'.yH) rlnnnre4. Catching waskilU'd ),y t'onkett a ys" ago. tb" litter irnin'dia! l ;tivir.g th. country, si daodr has socoeei.Vd in invading tho liiiinis of th' lw. TliB ll. vi. w njs im las soma vslu aide ii i.-..-v in Cai.V'xiV ll coilo f flyuroi mid 1 n.l lund, h.i..c I'm civil uit, 1'iickritis tn Nlaii.ii imiiu'V. k"n tut k j', s i. I J . nv'xily wmito hnri bily they asn hv. lii-n. This .om.ty a Jt.ngli one to t tke a i...ib ntu in, tnd tho n.lrri that onp'.itip. f,i, Bill oe mighty e!evr. J V P.r. el! A-Co. ('us'ck's nil'li'i'.ii. Gold .t Will U Stark's. Y. Id. Pr:ii.h k -: railroad tinto. U-x.-li oandy drip, at C E Brownell'. K-tVeiti.-s in psrsots st H I'. Yrmog's, Choi e (-., i.o.l nvrt-i't potatoes at C K Brown. Il'e. Prep-ire.1 in act: r el, in lib cans, at t'E lirownell a. liesdouartcrs f r csrilea seed at C E Browr.i.ll's. Kr srtista supplies go to Htausrd. & Cunck s. Ieiicion cAiinrd craubcri-ies at C. E'.. A Isrgi and fine t vk of gold cane to so lect from at Will & Hurlt'e. ilv y.n secu tboe parlor sui's that T Brink has just irci'ved ? They are bice. If jou svai.t a fii.e t"'!(.'t or lath soap call imi Hinosid A t u-ic, t it j- Dra -Store, t lieu wautio tt.o brat K'lrf-r ies li th at i.i'-'i ii.-i.-t .-al! ..e I f "- ell ik Co. A e Cura fur the wbi-ky habit: lr. livioanton'a Arlidot. fur )iuitkrnr.e.a aviij cure iy cue of tbo Ibiuor iu tn iu ten t ih rty dy, fn.m tba tu xl rU 01 hiker to the drniikard. The Antidote can ) viveo in a cup ol c. (r.-c without tb. knowledge of the ptr-nn tak.i-jt i'- Tb. Ant:dote a ill not injure tbe he.Un in any way. Manufactured Ly tbo Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon, r from J A Cuuimiujr, so', agent, Albany. - Waterloo Mr J G Gross, of Water loo, was In the city to-day. I'.t reported quiet limes at that' place, but a pretty good attendance of visitors. The Spring have been deepened and enlarged and the water I much Improved. Waterloo Is really a delightful place, and only need a railroad to become one of the most pooular resorts on the Coast. Fast I 'aiviso. This noon in coming from the north bound train some of the hacks, busws and express wagons got into sort of a race, not a suburban or Monmouth race, but somew hat of a hit- snd-iiiis alluir, itirt how is in die-pute. The result w as that the marshal did as adve-tised he would, had warrants leaned for all of the offenders, to-wit: Julius Schmidt, driver of Schmeer's cab; mt rricc, uriver 01 ttie itevere House bus ; Goo Krone, driver of the St Charles bus; Frank Simpson-, express; Wm Jud son, of the Willamette Packing Go's de livery wagon. Most of them .aid they would pay their tines, while one or tw o declared they would tii;ht it. At press time the matter w as not settled. Gnrr Extermhse. Go and sec tha beautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule P-azaar." Julius Grndwotjl the proprietor of the Golden Rule orms us mat ne l as the 1 rue Faking I'owder, and No I Japan tea, expressly up lor Ms business, and for the benefit ol Ins customers, each box of taking powder will win a piece of fine glaeswara and also each pound of the tea will w in a piece of line glassware, and customers w ho buy one pound of tea or a box of baking powder, which is warranted, will litivu a chance at that beautiful gold watch. He has also added a fine assort ment of family groceries to his mam mouth tftock.of glassware and crockery, which is the .urgent in the Willamette Valley, tio and see Sir 'irfd" ;ol ntthe Golden Rule Enxaar, 1.1.C will find that nothiue is misreprr"'nUl. AT J1S. F. 10 VILLI, at ft)' Fin- oranges Early Uoe and other potatoes, Cookie and crackers, Dried fruits. Fresh garden product, Ajl kimU canned goods, Oa'meal, corn meat, tiour, etc, rickles, rrl.hiitt, etc Everything found anywhere. V a a ... arm kaTHer. A tine stock ot re frliatora . ueim freezers ma v be seen at Stewart Sox's. Nothing like iiem for tbe house. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 3tV BKCK! 8T0t IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATB. I have been troubled roanvyears witk disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from duTerent physicians wiinom rener. itooui me iiaor Apru I was sutlcrinjf from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in siicn a manner tusi i wss oeni over. When I sat down it was almost impossible tur me to eet up aione, or to put on my ciotnca, wiic kind Provident- sent lr. Henley, witi t OKKGON KIDNEY TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using' the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, m a tew aays,i am nappy to state, that I waa a new mau. ' 1 will: recommend the tea to all afflicted! a a nave been. O. A. TUPPER, .Proprietor Occidentnl Hotel, Hanta Rota, Cal. SPECIALIST, Blumberg Block, Albanv, Orecon. - Bv the most modern and approved methods cures Female diseases and Private dis eases of either sex. lie has a sure cure, for tjatarrh 01 tbe bead. Consultation is free and evervthinir strictly confidential. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Residence, corner Third and Lvon streets. , , FOSHAY St MASON, VHVLX-M AXa asTAL-- nraggistsand Bookseller Atm-ts for John B. Alden's iublicaUon. bicbi wo sell at p-ablisher'a prices wim sts.oaitdnr' AliBANY, C'KEOOft t LOST. s.raewhf-ro in the country. Llwelien red sutler, white rjoiiita. JL tiers I reward O'Xin return or informs - on if v;j ir.A' t-. ! V7 Watts, A1J ny, or. . A. i a tit I'M-. . ' mm. 1 tN EESTORATlYEy r TVt.- sa.T7T7- SBfkfAK SBpfff ' JliniFUJ gv.uiw-'tj as iisy w ta fuiii wiii Stimulate iha. Ku.rllfYa Proctsm cf tin Sjstem. Ty this natural aod simple mean It quickly anil permanent y itBKK Alt Forms f JyP'lb, Constipation, Mental mod Karroo Exhaustion, General Ii.btlltv, llraln l'ajf, or any eshaaated or weals am d eondltlon of tb. system, from what ever camne, Kkln Kroptlons, ISll, Boas, rilns; Boros, Kcrafalw, and an Ulaeasw. of th. Illood, t)U roach, Liver and Kidneys I. 00. SIX BCTTLS FOR S3.00. Tr. 1'lllet's M psrte book, descriptive of Hf. Jnirl' a l!stratlv. aud bis oUifet Keuusdwa, .cut in., by malt. h:iiR DP.U3 COmScH F rascbeo, ZH VOU aUXJC lit FCSHAY ti MA6CN, ALBAHY, OCH. S. W. Paisley, ' AlVaay. rsaa. WHOLE4 VLB liUVLE.t IS- Tobacco and Cigars. Order aolioitt-d from tbetride. aUick of 2uA $9 ;ood (n the Va lay, and the moat reavf iate prices, both n buying and sailing. I have on band sll k"-i ot rUrlHiTUHc, STOVES. TTOA8E, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, Y, ETC., ETC. do-ir waatofS E Young' oh store. L. CQTTULB FOR iEH ONLY! rtT TTIf WeJkaeasaf Bssyss Ra4:Effast J lf XiiXi ttt-mr rxes siaOUlarT as !, SMI. IMO3 r a-w.r.f . SV 'iifSPJSA bW sy Nsafi ass.tsuurt.e..4VS r.rrraw Sartit. tbMlaa.1. ealhlll-. BUISS TBUI1MI- . - T- .Hals V a ) Ml. r -U . aa,faill a. IM BUVSAt CaSIf lAia, B.I. Slim DISEASES Cazi tixiaajSa wwum ItllllsantnCamoefl Oindlrrllar. .a4 lill ee'v a..r.iu.r t.l SC u rb.-a aaA irUMf 1.--4 fuasftca. ra ftr'y. Irlce. 2S cents a Box MAY & SENDERS, iealers is Gsnoral Ibriandiss. - - 03: iioburg Lumber. I s ',1 the lest lnndwr in tb. eaauty; also edar poe'a, sl,:nvles. Ufh doors and wid ow n.i u'limv, sir. I'rice from $5 fo r22 er th tnan.d. V'ard at Lowana on ths Narrw OaugQ. Kte me be fur. pm-chasing '.-win re. W W Crawford. -A. r-t. POTal '.mVi.Or hi h-j Store. S. ,. STEELE, i eel Estate g Loan Broker. L.'e list of good farm and city property fcrsE'e. I-o.n-, rioi vy on real estate in Ltnrdsnd adjoining cuci tu. written np in reliable compaM. Notary Public and conveyancer. Call on or write me. S. N.STEELE, Albany Oregon. City llesfaiiratit. Il.vinbcen entirely remodeled, tbi old aud popular restaurant wiil be made 6rs c!e n every respect. Th. poblic will ba jiven good meal, at all hours for only 3i cent. Ever, thins neat and attractive, I'rivi'e boxes. Oyster in .very styla. W. A. McGxs. ART STUDIO, In. Dr. rattan, Cor. Srd and Ljei Sim LESSONS Givonln Drawing. Paintlnc a n1 M usic P ictures for sale or paiot1 . to order. "FRANCIS PFEIFFER, -PltOPfUETOB OF Albany Soda Works. avud Manufacturers of 5HOI0S CONFEtjllOmi, V. now prepared to tU at wbola 'a, always freh and put at Port end t.w. to dealers. We also keep a full finta and Troptcal Fruits, CIGARS AND TOSACCO Delmonica Restaurant, CORNER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The undersigned havine nurchaasd tha old Herman Restaurant stand ha opened auder tha above na na a first-class reatan- raut. Wo are prepared to furoish meal for parties or. dance on abort notice. Oys ters served in every styl eastern or coast; sll kinds of fish knowa in the market. Employ only Bra-class rein, and niiln. will be prompt and courteous. Regular meal 25 ct. V Coffee of first-chu nuslitv nd a cup of coffee and oak. at from 5 to 10 ta. I am well known in this city and re nest tbe tizon to give tne a call. SAMGOETS" Proprietor 'lie Place! By al) means call on PARKER BROS, -FOB TOCR- G roceries, a . 'wance, MelGoofis, Etc. Its. ILflir poodc are tbe besl ai their nrloea r. asonablo. L fi j. I