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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1890)
FRIDAY.... .AUGUST 22, 1890 8OTE3 & liter aa-l NUTTING lr)rltir-s. Am Abuskd Wif.-Some utrt ago Edwin 1) Morris and Miry A English were married in Marlon county tul short ly after removed to Seattle I'pou the heel of their honevnimn came stormy weather on the ocean of tlKir we.ulcJ bll, nd aeveral months atfo the roads forked. She went her way and he went nit. On Friday evening'! atnjfe there arrived at Mehaina Mr Mary A MorrU, wh i looking for her husband. She found Mm, so ahe claim, living at his mother' place near there with a yaung ulii named I,cna Ucle, a daughter of Peter Guise, of Olalla, Kitsap county, Wash. Mr Morris was wroth at the 'state of things, and swore out a complaint agalnKt Edln 1) Morris, her huband, charging him v.ih the crime of adultery, and Lena (iuis, the lllrl, for polygamy. Statesman. Vn I'osVlaso Willlsm Rcld, J II Smith, and Edward T Johnsoi., of Mult nomah county, ycterd.ty filed article of incorporation with the sect et;iry K.ite for the purpose it fooil;!; tin: huiilm; the t'oitlanJ, Salem and AsiniU K;ilwa company. The ohjec it to construct, equip, oerate, and manage a u.Iio wl, and electric cable, and tKr.h line from Portland to AtiuU, and from I'urtlaiid 10 !Sah m, and 'he acquiring by purchase or lease the Astoria .v umli t"'ot.rt Railway company's line, etc.. and to consi'lithite the same with the new company on li-rins a may le mutually agreed upon I'.xt lan i I the prlm-lnnl olli.-e. Capital Is $i,'ixi.c In shares of $hm r.ioh, A liSAVt Won All the brave women evidently live tu .ir .Astnilj Hoe is about another one who did a Utile dud not one man in ten thousand could do.iint that stops our t-rvutli torn ninitici.i. S, the As.orian : "Mr and Mr- Mux S.u of Coingtin, Ky , who were Ihiv h few days ago ar.d then went ov. r into ltijie county, returned to i. t It v evening W Ink near ea. ami, arm waUint; in ti.e limber alone, Mrs Ratline suddenly en countered a lare hear, whi wua i!i rectly in her path. Mot latitet would have sc named and fainted, but Mrs ivichse N composed of good and possessed of cool nerve. Drawing her revolver the lady took good aim, fired, ami bruin a dead bear.' Sci. -The Bank of Sch wilt be open for business oi. or about the first of Sep tember. Thfn you can pet you checks cashed at home. Sclo I to have a fine city hah, end with Its electric lights, it will be' the most enter prising town In Oregon of lis size. Work on the Oregonlan Railroad I pro greasing in a satisfactory The roadbed from Sl'.verton to the South Santiam, with the exception of tiie small bridge and culverts U now ready to be changed to a standard gauge road. Pre. A New Cisiniss Hots. Mr T L Wallace, now of the real estate firm of Wallace li Cuslck, and William Cowan, son of Mayor Cowan, have formed a part nership and - will vo.n open a clothing, furnishing goods and boot and shoe house. They nave rented the store in thejstrahan block, now occupied by the Sunnvside saloon, which will be entirely remodeled and arranged In metropolitan style for the large stock of gooi's which they will bring on. The firm name wil. be T L Wallace & Co. Both are rustling, popu lar young men. Ba Cabefcl. Don't stum Me along without watching where you are going. Keep your eyca open, watch the high nails and broken boards cm the I nick streets When waiting along 1'in.t etrwt keep going until you reach t'otiti 't llen dricson's, where you will tind u rpieu.lid assortment of eroceries anl produce to select frotu. The freshest and leet fruit.1 stock of shelf jroods is Li rue ami c and thev are alwavs on luind to w CoMiNuTms Way. The sllckestthlng out In the shape of wiry-edged, 19-carat bilks was doing Ashland one day last week. An olly-tongued fellow made hi appearance In alioiit every home tit Ash land and began talking aliout the exceed ingly large pciccutage of fires that were caused by lamp explosion, and stated that he was introducing a new preparation -Kdison's latent Invention which not only prevented hirt.p conbusllons but would also make the oil last longer one tilling with thU article would last ordinarily several month. The preparation was small and dtopped Into the oil. lie found many hoite!.eeper who had an eye for economy us well a safety and appreciated Edison's latent, disposing of 50 cents to 1 worih to mini o the families In AshUrd. After he and hi " Invention" had dNitp pcmvd Some of our Iocs) Kdiaona with a lot of etirtositv examined n tew of these latest. I.n, and behold I It was nothing but a sniiil capsule tiled with plain sand. As so many were ''sucked In" n the '"Isk," there was'lot of "dialling" going on for several day Ashland KccO'd. A l'i ciMAH Kxpusti n. A stracge and somewhat 1111 recounted for ac cident occutied In the machine of li-'orge Smith w hiU' thihlng on lh" farm id Mrs Allen near Kola a f" day luce.' W Idle Ihe machine was rurulni; nt ht r usual speed n o'i v l " to"k pltico in the cylinder in d 11 ll nii' tl ohed nut of Ihe month of tl 1 ! ine 10 d net l:iv to Ihe ec Ide of the I n li r, 111 d it was t'li'y by a hard liuhi Hi: the set ivsitor and the tlu'Cfhcd gra n -..-.-.! 'I he f uc of thi ex pii'sion is i:i' i. I M1 , Tin Klraiw hod e.lll slilei'hliU ( 1 11 t'i li ni-.l soii.e Hi Ink It was the dni Ut in : fern, I II h (he av 1 coiiihi:- ile nnder favoi able eii-iiitistances. JfU -i al. MtMMoT'i I'kai'io. Mr Skee!!, tlie g.inh tier, w ho tiv a across tlio river from thix city, It (t at thin Mllco n na 111 pie ol pem h id im i.wii grow ing tluit coiitni ilu t in the imwt I'tiipliatic way the notion tluit ih act ck do tut do well in the Wil- . lunn tic V;'l!"y. One of thu peaches I iTotiyhl in measures nine 11 nd one six 1 (ecntli iui'lu-s) in i-iruiMiil'-'rctiri' and -iv;lin fii!l eight otlilciM, The othi-r tnciisurca eiu'lit nttil liitecit-nistceiitli mcties nii.l sltgiit.iy tliiiu eight ounci a. Tliey re of the carlv C'rawforil Mirit ty and nre limly linvorvd excclliiti; California or Sniithern Oregon pcai-hcs. Sitiiiedity the lineat peaches on the I acile coaxt will K f ill ltd ing in the W.Maiuctte Valley. A 1 itivK t'oiNrv M t' r iikr. Last Monday uftiTniMin John flock shot and killed lieore Iv Cliamlci lain 01. the lat rer's place, iiImuI live miles fro.n Mitchell, on Motinia'o creek. Chainbrrlahi and l-liK.k hae place j iltiiiii; and thei' houses are about 3'St yard apart. To get Into Chamber ain't. Iiousr he had to pass nifttir grow- through a eate r.ear Flock s ho jse. On the evening of the shooting Chamberlain was riding toward his house from the gate and it is claime.1, shot Flock's dog, when Fleck tired three shot at him. all of which toe effect in Chamberlain's head and body, causing almost instan' death. Flock Immediately went to Mile1. ell and sur rendered to the Justus of the peace Re view. An Old Timkk A well known real estate company of this place, says the Salem Journal, bought a tract of land a Tlio red headed mt la tho latest curio' ity in Astoria. Now some one should set) n,vl)itt) rut. Uervals claims that It does more? busi ness than Hilvcrtun. Show tin. tlervaiK, or shut tin. Silverton Atmeal. That Is about tho wav such show ut contests end. Which nlace dwss the most busi ness is not an easy thing to tell, and is considerably a matter oi blow. Oregon's railroad commission w ith no duties to nerforni or laws to enforce, con tinucs to draw U.SOO annual salary. Ws hopu tho next legislature will have time to repeal tho law treat Inn this- useless eoiuinlsHion. Lake County Kxflinlncr. One of our lending attorneys is prepar ing an intercHtttiit address tolaxlelivcreu U'toro the coming Farmers' Institute, at tirant s I'ass, to Ihj entiluui "I'.ranicai" ing the Dilatory I'lea. or tho I'Vonuntic Value of the Civil Code In Horticulture-." It deals with a phase of the farmer's life that never heretofore occurred to hint. Jacksonville Times. Wn give it np. UrakeuiRii ick 1'owinan brought a curio from Portland Sunday, which is on exhibition at the Ihtreaw. It is an old musket tuirrc I, of a primitive anil obso lete pattern, rttst-enlen and ancient. It was found in the interior of Alaska by an Indian, who gave it to a miner. He presented it to a sailor, who in turn gave it to Ihe k. The gun wus prolmbly Ml in Alaska by some Russians, Indore the purchase of that territory by the I'nited States, and is undoubtedly n very old weapon. tVndtetoii K O. I low fast driving is six miles an hour, a great many have asked, ami not many can answer to suit their next ncighlmr. It is at least a very moderate gate, a mite in ten minutes, a fourth as fast as a good trotter goes. A hoi so that docs'nt go six miles an hour is worth taking to the bono yard. i-f and St vm it is ai l r wi.sat io l'i uillcbiii, ami that is s rii. lior nr lut woul.l be pa.d tis-rss l.ut for the ()nun leilio s it t IU eri.ti im sut al tb Far.'ier's wnrrhnuso. Siattle has a parrot that is Is-coming quite culo, It lives near a livery stable and calls out "whoa," "all ready," ami at tunes oceans-ions nitirh , confusion among the stahln men. Then be yells out "get over," ami it is amusing to see all the horses changing sides, lie wor- j ries the life out of thu dogs by telling them to "go lay down" or "get out," j The price of shoes are to raise ttfn per cent. A the camel's Iwck is already broken with ieotlu havlnit several chil dren this will no doubt complete the wreck. No two iwople tell a story alike, though they see from the same kaoll. Human nature is the greatest ami unsit iecullar nature we know anything about. Quite a black cloud obscured the sky at tienesee, Idaho, last week occasioned by Mrs losic.Craig eloping with a negro minstrel named McKanlaa. The eloper wero followed, arrested for adultery and on trial acquitted. Mrs Craig attempted to leave the court room with her black paramour when her mother, driven al most insane with grief, endeavored to kit! her and was prevented with ditll culty. She was deserted tho next day by McKanlass, and now savs she will kill himon sight. Walla Walla I'nlon. McKanlass is the world ami Oregon re- . l! r',;t.t I II ta.e em. j ii..n.-d miiistrid recently in Albany. I I'v us friends tiiat the! few m'.les froir. the tity one diy thl week. W hen the purchase wan conctudcJ the treaiiurtr of ttie land company presented the gcntlcir an who had sold the land some yrcenliaoks In payment (or the prop erty, when to his surprise the man said, "what are them?" Thd treasurer inform ed him that they were greenback. "Any way," said Mr , -I don't vrant'em. I have ili been ued to gold and don't know 1 njth aV-ut them thing, hut I have two or-itnei -in-law up here and it they say thev a He was in'fiii. bill were gi od ti l-e liua'h concluded to j take them. ' j YujixaUav. i)n Monday last Mr It ' A Keiiscil took t barge oi the otlice of col- j lector of ctifitot:is tin? lint 01 u.puma. :'. retiring collector. Mr 1'tiest's. time ex- hoice, ,,ir!a t,,t ,la-v' ait on Yaqtiina Hay w ill b mainly depend- their customers. Vouw iil if you get goods of them. Box Car Robbkd. Vc-tcr Jay morning tramp went through a box car tome where between Albany and Salem and helped themselves t sheerer they coveted. The car was not I cke J and con tatned steamer freight for Salfin, hiving been transferred ot A.hany from the Ore gon Pacific. Among other thin a box of Brook & Harrilt, ti.e gun-milS, was broken oprn and two .Smith & "Veson re volver and three bowie knives stolen The robber have not been apprehended Statesman ArTEa A Coxvict --John or Hal Miller, Josquln Miller' son, was in the city Sa'ur day evening on hi sin the .-t.Tte penitentiary to parts uii'n":i. It.- vn discovered and reogi.iisrl ! I'l.Hi enian McClain, who attcmp'td to cztch him; but he ran like a iieer MiCh.l:i fired twice; but failed to brin do ah ihe j.iii bird, who made his escape and tnt to ward Lebanon, in which tliredlon e wa seen Sunday. The chase in Albany f r him was quite an exciting one. Nearly a Collision. A few :ay- ago there came near being a collision at Ihe Lebanon Junction, a freight '.rain pus Ing jut at the lbanon train pu-lrd out squeezed up a;;ainst the Latter ciiir-ing considerable friction. It Mem to be the gtneral opinion that this Lehsi-on Junc tion switch should be removed and the Lebanon branch track built iliiecr 1 1 th.r depot In tl i 1: v. In the loiu run this would '-e an advantage to tr-e r.'i'road company as well as the public. Ti Best Wav. This is the . iw-n of the year when inc man w; h ti.e minp!- come around and wants l i ulL- your measure for a suit of cl.:h- or a s'.irt or a pair of thlrt or anything in ih; w ay of wearing apparel that lias to t.t bought and paid for. The i; lo treat !. e people is to tell them quiu'ly but fin thft you can get a good clothe. d hnm merchants and tailcr a you nerd and thrt you in tend to spend your money auIi-yrsur neighbor in thecity where ye.u live. - Ex. Bioamt. Kdwin I) M'-rr:s, who was found by his w ife, w ho is said to lx old enough to be bis mother, at Mehaina living with Lena Guise, a twenty year old German girl, was examined at Salem, and held under (500 bonds to await the action of the icrand fury, under the charge of bigamy. The girl v. us dis charged. A local paper says "tli best defense Morris lias is the countenance of he woman w ho is prosecuting him." What the country needs is more boli days. It will lie in order for the working' :ay not stumble eut 0,1 M'ean for its supiNirt it It is rea.on w by Ncwiort afinuhriiot become a ship building point. r-tinater Ilauq.t1.11 has ordered new iixtures and l-ix-n from Chicago for thu Newport pobtollice. "e intends to have the beft ciuipiK-d olHcc in this part ot the state. Ucpublican. Caurlk. 1'tori.K. Iast Sunday a six year old son of Cbas Cary met with an accident that came near costing him the Iw of one of hia feet. A eaddie tow hich al-calibre Smith &' Wesson revolver was attached bad U-en thrown down in the barn, and. boy like, the little fellow got astride the saddle, when in some manner the weapon as discharged, the bullet pacing through the side of bis bxit grazing Ihe lnjiie. lr. I'.eikriap dresseil the wouml, v. hicli is not serious, and the little fel'.uw wi l soon btf none the worse for his) really fortunate mis hap. J'rineville .ewn. Nkaklv HuowjiKU. Sunday afti moon Alvin I'rou n, a nuall Uiy, was wading in the Willamette river, just ln.low the O 1 bridge, w ith bis pants rolled up, trying to see how far out he could go, the N.t toiu descending grnrlually for a short dis tance, when he suddenly stepped olfa bank into deep water. Not lieing a swimmer be was carried down stream, strangling nnd sinking at least twice, when Mr William Fletcher, who was walking along ihe bank, was attracted by bis cries slid plunged into the stream after him, getting fiitii just in time to save hmi from drowning. Good it : f - b-ut Tangent hear J wheat '.. !-:; iluws : Mr Sharp .1. jij husnel iroin 7 acres. MrOn.l)i' wheat crop averaged 3o bushels per aci e. I .N Scott s b-.H oni avi raged :$ bushel per acre Jan. William's oop aver aired 2s bushels per acre. A L Kridgefarmer threnhed 28 bushel per acre trout a 27 acre held that wa "tubb!cd"in latl tall. There a lively and upward in tlirt in Allwny now. 1'axsing tenimi nod light breeze do the businesK. There is evidently some strike in Vina liiia county among threshers judging from the following from the K O: "The trucka of the man who attempted to burn Gtsurge Kinney ' thresher north of town were traced directly to the machine of a rival outfit. There is no proof to convict anyone of the deed, but suspicion is rile." ' Mao ci. ArraBtitsttiBAT. Following is the August apportion ment of scln 0 1 funds for Linn county. The prorata is $2 IM'i per capita and the total amount is (13,747.42. No No Am't No Dint, scbl'rs Uec'd I'it. A House Siokv. We rjon't expect oui reader to twallow the following story, bu thev can help themselves to a much ol it a they can conveniently tligest ! John Mmou. of r razic. ha a horse with an ap petite for grciifcc. Last week he devoured ten gallons of mineral header oil, a side of bacon and six cans of axle grease. He I a good work horse, and every dav doc hi share of hard pulling. Wasco Observer. :t 4 5 6 7 H V 10 II VI 1:1 14 li 1(5 17 1H 19 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 27 2H 2!) 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 :i 3'J 40 41 42 45. 44 45 4U 47 4S 4!) 00 61 men of Salem to celebrate Lli-r which fal.son Sept. 1st. Jovn Sept. 1st no doubt will bo a good day for workingmen, but if fcalem woibing ' men wish to celebrate the U-gal holiday they should wait until the first Saturday in June, 1891. In the meantime wo will have Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Washington's birthday, and 'Decoration day. Medical Btudkkts. 8 K Wortbington of Sheridan, Yamhill county, passed through the city to-day on his way home, lie and Mr J A Geisendorfer who lives a few miles east of tho city have been attending the medical department of the Willamette University for some time, and will leave in a few weeks for New York to attend some one of the leading schools east. A Better Tone If, a it is reported, John I Blelr and his associates are behind the "Albany and Atoria" railroad; the survey of which is just being finished, the assurance of Mr. Barr, the engineer. In charge of the survey, that the wcrk of grading will be commenced this yea?, may be verified shortly by actual operations'. Mr B'air and hi associate are large bond holders and stockholder of the Oregon Pacific. Statesman. 0f tub Wab Path, W S John tells the Dkmocuat that he received, a din patch from General Giblwn, informing hiui that the Sioux and Ficguns were on the war path near Fort lien ton, and re questing him to come at onco with some Warm Spring scouts. The Oregon ian, though, fails togive this important new?. f'D of Thanks.- We Iwish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness" and assistance in caring for our husband and father during bis late iilneiis, .1 . - ! (,t.-inim. Speaking alxiut putting one feet in ones innu lv it takes the Salem Matesman to do it, and it ha been doing it. particularly on the census. If i's precincts do not reach Al'iai.y , tliey come pretty close to il ; St iea: iln-y are t stcKsive as 'Albany's and alien e new census i taken It will show toe populaUon of the precincts and not that Of tlte city hccoriliug to its charter.. We are now down on liilt Nye, w ho is really nothing but a hunk tf efferves cence. Hi writing tickle until you have t -id several of hi article and found that they are al1 the same. One of hi last is a contemptible take off on the American Humane society, which in his peculiar sty le he attempt tj ridicule. Funis fun, bu tlide i nothing smart in wit at the expense of a noble cause. Scat. Bio Peaches. Four peaches taken from a seedling peach tree in the yard of C W Watts have been exhibited in the window of Klein Bros, presenting a sight that has caused passing pedestrians to pause and remark, "wonderful." One of the neaches is 11 V, inches in circumfer ence, which equals the biggest on record in Oregon. M-AKRir.D. Mis Lena Mackay, of this city, and Kobt Uorris, of Albany, were married last Friday at Seattle. Wash Mb Lena wa a tvpo in the Time office for some time a id the entire force of thU print shop join in the hope that life here after w'i I seem double-leaded - w ith fat break line r.ot too far apart, Corvallis 1 lines. . 33 b4 &2 72 1027 4i 6:1 113 3tf 31 Oft M lit 2H 61 214 b7 78 4(5 77 50 C4 32 58 42 S4 4S 45 34 16 43 (X) 47 M 34 s-l 100 37 r2 40 151 1811 33 25 2J 21 22 43 50 45 24 74,15 143 00 116 60 161 CO 230.1 13 103 10 I1H f.1 2.VJ 0,1 i HO 7'i 30 I4JW 130 Wl 13S tij SO 0 114 45 4b0 40 1$0 15 174 J0 li)3 10 172 05 112 10 143 00 71 ts) 130 (HI 1)3 25 210 90 103 10 100 05 70 30 00 UH 45 134 70 105 33 114 45 70 30 m 60 224 50 83 05 11(5 (50 W) 80 338 95 424 00 74 15 6il 10 05 0 47 15 40 4) W 45 112 10 100 05 63 85 53 54 55 M 57 M 50 00 01 02 (53 (54 65 (50 07 M m 70 71 72 73 74 75 70 77 78 79 M) 81 82 83 84 65 80 87 88 80 00 01 02 93 94 05 HO 97 88 09 100 101 102 No Am't scbl'rs llcc'd 180 f4IO 70 60 65 47 H 53 35 35 58 23 38 32 44 "2 itil 47 2J 31 53 47 30 7 115 62 31 r.) ' 35 38 72 40 3d 40 19 12 30-. 30 42 37 35 21 23 51 60 42 20 30 44 30 34 63 105 35 174 90 118 85 7H 65 78 65 130 00 50 05 85 30 71 80 08 70 4!) 40 80 80 105 35 (55 05 00 CO 118 85 105 35 67 33 217 55 257 75 110 00 00 63 (55 00 78 55 85 30 1G1 CO 103 10 80 80 109 85 42 65 20 05 74 15 07 35 04 25 83 05 78 66 47 15 50 05 114 45 134 70 04 25 68 30 67 35 98 70 07 35 70 30 145 75 KSDKD WITH A. tT, A sustlar pre Terminate Willi Bland, Sunday forenoon Pete Monlgomeiy, an old resident of Albany , and William I ndcrwood, a man cl.ilmlng to hall from California a week ot so ago, came Into the city from the bilck yard, In the eastern suburbs, where they had been working, the former for loitullme, Mid, according to Ihe report given lha Dkmih s at, In dulged In the cup 1 1 1 li t Intoxicates, rather freely, 10 much so a to liwmcn .thi-lr tongues, and they culled each other pet name quite p-onibcuou'y. Returning to the brick y ard they indulged In a rough and tumble light, completely tearing tent down. The Incidents that followed are rather mixed, and as In most such cases, can only be given a reported Several men were present but are somewhat at sea in their veision of the shooting that followed. One story I that after tlio tent fight Pete went Into another tent And Underwood sat down on a bench with two or three men. Suddenly Pete stuck his head out of the tent opening and snld lo Under wood, "You're a s of a b ,"or something thing to that effect. Understood jumprd up sad rustied Into the tent and Intmedl stely tllci wards a shot was heard, (io Inside they fotiurl Pete lying on the bed. With a 3S calibre revolvei Underwood had stmt Mm In the left shoulder while In a recllr.lng position, the Imll going down ward obliquely, remaining Imbedded somewhere near the shoulder. Prcvtou to that Underwood Is said lo have tiled to make I'cte tuke back what he called him, shooting eft his revolver carelessly In the air. The wound Is probably not fatal, though the result Is uncertain. Pete's version of the affair is that he wa In the lent when Underwood came In cu. Ing and wearing, resulting In tho tent being torn down by Underwood. Pete then went another tent, when Under wood followed him In calling hln all nia'iner ot names, and without any prov cation shut him. Underwood immediately skipped out and left for the country, 'Marshal Hoff man wis notified and a warrant was Untied out of J K W'y nil's justice court. He was followed Into the country but could not be found, though he had been seen by A K II ooin and mheis. Underwood wa about 28 year of rge, light complexion, ( feet 7 inches latl and thickset, lie w-as a Mrttugcr hire and hi antecedent are unki.own. Musi .trKtisu. Tho Academy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, conducted by the Sisters of St Ben edict, is beautifully situated In tho pleas ant ami accessible city of Albany. Mimics w in im resumed fepi 1st, and parents aro kindly requested to send their children at an early date. Tho Academic course is thorough In all its grades, and U-sides the usual branches taught, tbi school offers espec ial advantages to those w ho are desirous ot acquiring a thorough knowledge in business course, as type-writing, teleg raphy, etc, will be taught at the usual rates. Instructions in Industrial drawing, vocal music, plain and ornamental needle work forms part of the prerriid count?. The musical department a (fords spec ial opjHiriiiutties to acquire a thorough know ledge of tho piano, organ, xilhern. guitar and violin. lit the studio atr ial advantages are offered for those desirous of acquiring a know ledge of drawing and painting, in crayon and water co'urs. TKIiWs; Entrance fee, payable at once 5 00 Board and tuition, payable In ad vance , . ... , Music, organ, piano or violin, w ith use of instrumi nt ' (in ttar, w ith u of instrument .. Zithcrn, without use of instrument Praw ing and paiutit.g , Bed and bedding ..... sr.i.rcT i r ss iioot.: Pi r brio, payable in advance: Primarv department- . . 5 00 Junior. . .... ... HW Preparatory,. . . Hut) Senior and graduating department 10 00 Graduating fee .... . . . ... . JO US For further particulars call at the academy or address Sisrras or Sr BsKttt r. Albany, Linn county, Oregon. BlTlsttf . Mr K B Purdom was born In Kentucky on the 10th of OctoU-r, 1SI8, and died Aug. i7. 1V.H). He was married on the 31st ol Uctotar, I&41, in Keosauqua, Van Iluren county, low a, to Miss isussn llan- nan. in the spring i isoo Mr runiom went overland to California and engaged in mining, but returned in 1851. In the spring of 18.13 thev moved from Iowa to wesipori. Missouri, in in., at me early settlement of Kansas, they moved there and were among the early settlers. There, during 1850 ai d 1857. they ex- m-rienepil ereat lianlMiin during those Irvinif times of border ruflianism. An assault was made upon his life, which proved nearly fatal, ana occ-ismneu inm much snfTcring during Ida whole life. The mob tiluuders-d hit merchandise. their home was lost 10 inemanu iney leu without a change 01 clothing, in May 1SS9. they le't for Oregon, arriving son the 14th of Heptemtier alsrut six miles south of this city. In 1800 they moved to this city, w here he engaged in a tin- slion and store In com pan y with M W Mack. In their present residence they resided continuously 30 years. Five sons and three daughter were I mm unto them, one daughter ami a son having died in Iowa, one daughter in Kansas and one In Oregon, -leaving four arms to mourn their loss, with hisdecply allccled companion. In 18.5 he esjioused the cause of Christ. In February, 1871, to gether with his companion, hi united w ith the Lvangclical church, w here lie served officially and faithfully in almost unbroken succession to his end. He was pronounced in his views and firm in his 40 00 15 00 UP Till 4UBDIS arOT. The Sunday Oregonlan gives an ac count of the trip ot th Omaha ollklaU up the valley, and though It tlmpl mentions Albany a the place where dinner wa furnlshcJ, a very shabby way, there Is a good Indication about ihe matter, port land people arc getting their eye open, and hereafter there will be more work for the valley, more excursion up It, and It Is to he hoped a more friendly relationship between the metropolis and the valley cities. The account ot interest to our rcadei only a tew of whom ice the Sunday Oregonlan, I as follows: When Wuodburn wa reached and the vaPey began to broaden out and a view of the hill ot Polk county with their patche of grain was bad, caids were laid aside and every one wa on the alert to get a good look at the garden spot of thl great Nji Hi west. A the train rolled thiough mile after mile ot grain field expressions of wonder and amaaemcnl became fre quent and kept on Increasing the farther they went. Owing to the San Francisco express having been delayed, the train got behind lime and so a very brli t stop was mads at Salem, and fast time was msde from there to where dinner wa furnished. The party were then Invited to Inspect a line display of grain, fruits, melons, etc., placed on tables on the platform, and after the display had been sulliclcntly admired It wa passed Into the car, to the great do. light of the visitor. When all wa gone except two huge onion an effort wa made lo get a tall, tine looking member ot the party to lake them, but he declined, ylng he was only superintendent of plumbing, and did not take thing like common counclltnen. In the rush to get out of the dining room one ot the Portland cotmclhnen forgot hi hat and wa walking off with his napkin, when he w as "called lo order" by the landlady and hastened to set thing right. Councilman Olsen, of Omaha, who pi Ides himself on hi good look wa made so much of by two young ladle who met him on the platform that hi frlenl were wild with envy. Illumed out that they were from Omaha and had known him there. While Ihe trull, etc., wa being stowed In the car an Oregon Pacllic Irani picked It up and It was soon whirling aero the W illamette on II way 10 Corvallis, the ex t,ursliinltt dividing their fine between admiring the fruit and looking over the maps, circular and other literature com ccrntng Albany which went along with It. The excursion wa a grand sutcs and the visitor have gone away with Imp re km of the Willamette valley which will never be effaced. Future excursion visiting this city c in not be given a more delightful trip. The party left for Omsha last night with fruit, melons and bcr.le enough to last them all the way there. 4titiM.1t. Spring gral.i 1 atl cut and Hits week will be the lat ol threslibig here. Mcllrce Bros, off too acre Ihrcsthed jSoo bushels an average ai S bushel, Thl wa fall grain. The member of the Y I S C E, to the number ! eighteen, assembled at the school bouse last Friday evening and at 8:o p in marched to the residence of R A Hainioru. where they spent the evening in social amusement. It wa an entire surprise to Mclvin. He will tart . ,. , the I'th, going to Monmouth, af.cnd college. Mclvin I iearlv by all his young companion, and '-4 u with th, bel , wlshc. and P'yert, u ) PS.ol which he ha been am from It Ort organlcatlon. Mr R G Smith, of Sister. Crook county, wa with u last Sabbath. Mr Gen Ilarion I In Wash'ngton selling ffult trees, " Mr If M Stone I ws-ikln, on Ihe Sand lion AMD 1RK04D. nonur, Mr E Thrall left to-day on a rusticating trip to Hodavills. Itsv Gibnny, v( Orsgnu City preaobsil an abUistmun io tlis UJ'olinruh lost vetilag, JudgsFlinn and fsinily, Jay A' Blaio and Miss Ileitis Miller went to Yaqulua Bay to-day. ... Ths no t thing in nidur will b lha aeear. Ing nf pjii'lous for disabled ocnus numer ators, F II 1'llslTsr and f sully and Jo tin Isom and family returned Msturday from a lilp up among ths loila. ( A on of malignant diptlisi i is rsimrtsd lo each of ths f millea i.f K L and Altxrt Bryan, at Tnknit A W MoClain, Mike Cos an' and V A Rurkbart Mt this mmn on a prospecting trip to ths Santiam mines. Ths Rilem olub Last ths Fatriini club of Pol Hand two gmc, Saturday aid Muuday, sad now the usnsa i forgnttan. Chief Knglosr Stewart, nf the 0 P is fix Ing np a special car prepsrtnry to going to thsfrniit. Now, tliars'a a chsnea tor a rumnr. F l Allsn earn ilnwii (mm AS..y tins morn 1 11. to sltfii.l tlio annual miinr,f thi Bry Ualuh, (b.ld and Hilvsr C.ti.i.h.lsMe mining noinpany which met iu this oit this afternurio. Hslein Journal. (t 1. 8svo ami family sr linm from Lower Hilda. Mr Mavags r.iMnts a big urnwd thars from all part ol ths valiuy a wall aa fmm Ksstern Ursgon. It i a da hghtful plsos fur a wsek'a sojouru. Wm. A. Cox will leave to-morrow for 8sn Frtooisoo, wh.r b will pl.n Ida little virl lo the char. of tn Paoillo Murgiaal Institute fur treatment of a apinsl eon plsmr. On A 1 1 any minister hs praaahedto funeral seinions inside of three wesko. Th largs number afdeaiha has beo mostly of old aHe, and as often ths cats, came chits to gsthe . 'W tmdersUnd that Ha'mo printer 1 thinking of starting a paper "for Isod pot , July alve Mshama on th 0 P U It. Th Uwsr htMU of tl.i kind th better. M .1 1..11 eriunty neett adoaeo or mors ehwts, thoo thy will awry,"-.Kie,to Appeal. Use Ruwersox arrived in tb city thia boob for lha purp,w t,f preaohing th Idoeral sermon t.1 Mr Purdom, it being cue of Mr Purdom last requests tbst he cunluct ihs services. Mr Jo. Purdom, 8 P aaent at OregnriCity 1 also hers to attend tbafuoeral of bia father. 8UU KuparinUiideat K II McKlroy ha rwoived tb poirittnnt by th executive ernitto and orwideot of ths Nstioosl Teacher a.-ooi.iiun. a one nf ths six cm rnjiorr torpre)ritth Uuited UU in thd-oallot.ldirtmi'0t of ths World fairlo 18ir2 at CbUigo. Tbi i quit. . Birsor lo Oregon a utinU0dtit. ?".'!!-'. ftl,,0 'y foioyabls ur P "rth'"V f Mty was tendered M r. Th ionUilh Jr at hor hoo.. ,t tn eora.r of Kou.lh and Lalapaoi. tr,u. Tb e..,B by all Tba-s profit Mi.- Miouis sod M.4 V.. Itrirs, Mi. Flora sod fr U' Tin. Mooioiih. i..'0'. ."?'!' Maiio, N.Hi, Mrs and Mr K C UtU. Jse F pu.ii. n II .rV.?'""" Kwh. I-Neil.W.i.umlVw.o. -,virn, F-dwsrd Cuwrk, food win, ar.d Collio J A Wilan OealC. li (SI I eison bildge, IKI HO 00 Where Is "Amicus"? LilTts R..SR Bill. siniTr.IT, Mrs M J Burkbart was lsrn in Hhtlby county, Indiana, January 13, 1S3S. Em igrated to Oregr.n In I86i. On the 20th day of June, IS site was married to C l liurxhart, one of the prominent early pioneers 01 j.inn county. Mie aied Aug. 13th, at Pendleton, Oregon. Mra Burk bart was a woman ol exemplary charac ter and will In? missed by a host of relov live ami irienus, . , t mtts pablislmd tbi , HU m .. aspooial ioterssia to rr s : Sotyot asonUio John Mom m be hie hand sawed n which tinrm nnle ti a shred ol DesB. ! atteadina i.hvioiii desirod to cut it off. but Mummsy insisted tht be rplett and drswswd good a powibl. how tba red msmUr h rowB toge(h-r and ess be moved slowly." Witt 8taxi Taii Four of the men arrested Saturday for fast driving Have settled their fines, $ and cost: but the other. Mr Crew sc. driver of the fcl Charles bu will stand trial, which will come off to-morrow at 9 o'clock. The defense will be that the team wa not driving' six mile an hour, nor racing; all of the rtrr tram easily passing thl one. Ttssiiav. Dr. M. 11. Kilts, physieiao and Allany, Oregon. CaJla mod 1b o wot iv. surgeoa tlty 01 A Bjuch or Children, There la woman here, says the Astorian, w ho has nine children, and she w ants to have any or all of them adopted. Hhe is divorced and wants to marry again, but the man she wants to marry says that he want marry her till she gets rid ol her children; so she wants folks to adopt them so she can get married again. KlMixstiASTkN. Misses Whrehr and Crawford will rropen iheir kindergarten acpt Isl, ! lhe W (J 1 U Hall A seK-cl school will be run In connection with the kindergarten, to which pupil will be ad milled up to the agr of 1 J year. Children taken to apdrom school. Don't Rcn Arou vi. Everv steamer, however foggy the bur. brings lo Albany an Immense q-iantlty ot tiui' and pro duce. The hot and hiroes1 variety si ways gee lo fas F 1'ohcII & (!'. Their stands arf alway s lull 01 just sucr things as the publii want. Save runlrg around by calling at their :ore Inst. ' Evekybody Says io If the wild vraves could talk they would say, "Go to las F Powell & Co' for groceries and pro duce, for their stock Is large, their price low and quality the best." This Is the universal verdict of their customer. Christian integrity. Amid reverses, suf ferings and trials, he was to the last resigned to the will of uod and Joyful in hope and died in triumuh. His end was peace. J Bowkksox. 1S9 Fall aad Wlaler aaasareme at 191. We beg to Inform that the two large shipment of -yoolens consigned to us, and recently purchased of lfoston and Mew York house, will arrive in the course of a day or two. 1 hee roods should have been delivered Aug. 1st, hut owing to the recent strike of the New York Central & Hudson River R R, we were unable to receive them ooner arjd regret exceeding ly the disappointment to our customer. The tock comprises the latest foreign and eastern designs, and required no little skill and care to meet the wsnts of the public as we fully anticipate to please the not fastidious. We will i.nnouncc the arrival ot these goods and tiust an early inspection. , Respectlfully, 2 aches & Son, Merchant tailors, draper and fine trade designers. Opposite post ollice, Thl Traae Mai k on a clove trean it 1 the bed thrt ex pel li nee and (kill can con trive. Cold only by Smith & SemJers. Uakti.xtt PxaSS. I tn sgrnt for the hair in cannery and prepared to nuv al the Bartletl pears brought to me In a con dhlon to ship. Parties having pear In sell will do welt to see me. Samukl E ftvso. Ovkrtiie Bar at Last. One bun dred and lifty men were employed shovel Ing fog at the bar so as to get the stesine Willamette Vallev In with the tine fruit and vegetable for Muller Si Garrett. Tb Kunot aid l(rt is to b moved to tb Maltmtrsh ornr. Mr Jutiu Jusri h went to Ysqains By this Booa. W liOarrsttaad family ar boms from Yaquioa bay. A new d.y sond store I beins opened to tb McKsrUnd block. Mn Lorsfiso Gray and chihlrsa went to Yaquioa Bay thi noon. Tb total asasssamemt of ths city of Astoria is f 4,827.200, thro times that of Salem. Tbi offiss retains Ihsnks to Mr G M Heed of Millar's for a bs of nios appbr Abon I 40.000 l.ushel of whstt sr stnted in th Farmer's warcnou at tni 01 ty 1 rasdy. J G Cra ford i home from the Bsy .-itb larger ar.d rbomr cn'ls-eteio of pictures than esr. . Th appropriation of f 14,000 for Yaquioa Bay is a big thing for "ss'un" generally, and Yaquina psopls partioulsfly, ar jubil iant, la about a month mail will l 'carried In eloied pouch from Albany to po t oflloe 00 th 0 P east tit bars, a mov tht will Irs a great eotmnlsuo to many. Last evening Isaae Bsnta wa releasod an bail troth th oounty jail, and is now at liberty. Ilisc will b examined at the f)utob.r trin by th gran t jury. I) II W Morton and Mis Annie Flinn Ilorton, rf Oawrll. Vt. arrived in tbi oitv on a vint with Miss llirrtoo's brother, Jodg ninu. Quits a sal of lots in Toledo this wnsk, and last wk over 30i) in nnsdsy. Itssl stti llvly hut nothing what it will b lo 30 da) I from now. loledo l'o. Nut month J M Nolan will move his en tire stouk from Yoqulna to Corvallis. II will alsotnov hisfsmily back to Corvalli. - Ysqu'.ii It"puliIion. Mrjsiucs lillyeu is born from a trip to Belktiap ttiring. lis was stopping liter when Mr Walker wa killed, aud only a fen dsys previou p eseotod him with a quarter of a dier. .Suporlnlendf nt Pownirg of lbs peniten tiary wa in tb dry yesterday looking after John Miller tlis escaped oooviet. who waa iu the city ffofurday evnin. Cstd A PAnksoy, writ known all over Oregon, ha been tL so to ths insane ay lurn. li is quite wealthy, aoil I to old, about 80. to be spending bia time in mining, a b ba been doing. John B (Juis. J A Cuminifii sod K U Cuaick tesve to-morrow on quits an x ten sive mountain trip. They will go op ths McKsr.xls, and I bene urosa ovr to ths Ms - tolua, coming hnrn by ths Lebanon Wauon road, and will be gou soma time. Hon T S Lng finished hi lebnr a sUtisvicsl txpert for tli staU of Oregon for h tre.ssrv department Wrdneedsy and forwarded th nisnusnript to th depart- meiit. It o-miprisos 512 pages of legal eap, rtquiriiig mouths of 1 liot labor. Tb wi rk when published will tirov to b of great value to th sUts, NrrTfifii.TV. At 0 o'clock this morn ing Recorder Henton rendered his de cision in the case of tho city against John t 'vMM--n 4t.A U. .t I.... t sj.vr.ov-, .hiu i ui 1110 vnarics lius, arresUjrl for fast driving. It was not guilty, and was a complete vindication of thn Kt Charles bus. The Untimony showed Mr ("rewso to Isj a careful driver and that ho had not entered Into any ot me racea. Mauk Hiw Mad. David West, of Khcwld, was brought U Alliany last even ing uy iK jiuiy M1erui nuiitn, and given a bearing ls fore Justice Wyatt, on a charge of assault aud battery on William aicvormicK, one 01 me most peaceable young men in Oregrm. It seems that they hal had a wheat transaction, and by mistake McCormick took mmte seed wheat or oat not intended for him. This angered W est and he attacked Mc Cormick, leaving numerous black and blue spots. Nevin McCormick came to his brother's rescue and soon put a stop to the contest. Mr West was prolstbly sorry for trying to settle a neighborly matter as he did, and paid the $15 fine imposed on him by the justice. KKSWSStltlK. The bridge and river hank, on Hunday. were crowded w ith onlookers, the occa sion being the baptism of Misses (jar out to and Powell. The meetings at the Baptist church are still going on and some considerable good is, or w ill result from them. There are quite a number who have been lead to inquire as to the way of life and old members are getting warmed up to a realization of the facts as they are. On last Thursday Mrs Anna Pperry rang the woolen mill bell at 11 am, thinking t'were noon, and caused no little excitement. All who heard it thought a fire alarm was being sounded and ran to the rescue, only to learn that it was a mistake. Messrs Charles Younger. Otho Cisier and Lou's Ualbraith, of your city, were seen 011 our streets Sunday. The contract for lighting the woolen and flouring mills of this place with electricity was siened one day last week. Thus lamp will be a, thing of the past. The machinery for generating the elec tricity w ill be at the woolen mill and run by the woolen milt wheel. Thus step by step and round by round we climb np the ladder until we are railed from hence. How near to grandeur is our dust, I low nii:li to Uod is man : When duty whispers low, thou must, Then men reply, I can. Miss Lena Cole, of Albina, who has been visiting here returned to her home on last Saturday. The frame of John Yennm'a house, in the Ualbraith addition, also Wm Dunn's in the Hauaiuan addition, are both up and H C Warner has part of the lumber on the ground for a house in the Haus man addition. These men are all new corners to this place, the two first having come from the east within the lait year. t Last Thursday the little son of Isaac (.'arreaf UrrnU. Everybody remarks at the splendid dis play of fruits and vegetables al Ja F Powell k Co', where they get what they want in the first place. The best and largest npply of peaches will be found at Ja F Powell Sc CV. Leave your order there when you get ready to "put up" peaches. A large supply of helf goods, the best In town, at Ja F Powell St Co'. Alt kind of nlcknack al Powell it Co'. Warm weather goods, picnic groceries, st iysi home groceries, every variety Of groceries In il,4 market at Ja F Powell Si Co's. Fast Dbivimo. Last Warning. Here? after any person orp' rsonsca-.ight dilvlng within the city limits faster than prescribed by oidinanceof the ci'.y, will be arrested and punished according to the provisions t such oidinance. J N UoryMAX, City Marshal 'A Mas' bsare le Marry," per cent from 50 to 56 year of Half age, Two per cent from 45 to 50 yem of sge. Five snd a half per cent from 40 to 45 year of sge, Six and a half per cent from 35 to 40 year of age. Ten and a half per cent from 30 to 35 year of age. Twenty-five per cent from 15 to 30 year of age. forty-seven per cent Iroin 20 to J years of sge. 1 nree per cent from ij to 20 year of sge. One hundred per cent If you buy your clothing ot G W Simpson, Albany, Or egon. Bl tt-IKS At tlltltft. The Inst makes are to he found in Al bany at Price ft Itobson's, who have just received a carload of the finest hacks and buggies to I found. Their price, con sidering quality, are remarkably low. It pays to rule 111 a good buggy or back. Keep this fact in your head, and w hen ? letting one call on Price A Kolrson, who lave the largest variety to s.-lcct from. letter Ui. pillowing i lbs list of letter rcmsinicg in ill Post Ollio. Albany, Linn county.Ore gn, August 20tb, I j!K). Person eclliog for these letter in nut cive the date on which tbey wei d vertiscd : Atkinson, Elder Duffjo Mr George Davidson. MrsHossnKMoWill,.. L Dingle, K A HsmW.I. II Hall, Mr U F . Kramer, L I-7msDn, Mr Ilebecc Let, A J LevaH, Albert Ixytoo, John Morris, Mr P (I Mever, Htory S Mlcboer, Piof K E Mebonald.Mr Mattie Perry, Willi Fries G 8 Hies, John W Ivobert-on, W H Thompson, James W Vance, Jiiih T Willi., lha J C, II ti Young, M II li.) rilOMPhON, P.M. Want to. The unders'gnrd desires to purchase the usual amount of baled bay snd oats for hi barn in this city. I'hosr having either or both to sell should call n me at once, L, Skkokka. Waix Paper. - I have jtint rer-eivtil r.j.n thl cut a Ltr J i.iv ojcoof wall p;i oer, lsrders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming Very popular. These goods are better tttyfes and cheaper than ever before. Msmei. H Yot'so, I kav just rcivd a Itrgs invoies oftsce curtains, rsr.ging in price from one to nine dollara a pair, scrim, J.nrtsin oris, etc. A'so S line of curtsio p,les ai d fu-ritnr eovnr ng, Sam cr.L E Yoitmj. Oui Yp.s. Call at J K Douglas' con fectionary store for choice ice cream, 10 nts a dish, milkshake, 6 cents, and everything t-lse equally cheap. FirHt Street, opposite Russ House. Warm Wxatiier. A fine iock of re frlglatorASuwM.vs.irsm freezer maybe cen at Stewart & Sox's. Nothing liku them for the house. Argand, Garland, Superior and rfonarch Senders. Ranges, cheap, Smith & BtomWir,' irnp'rrted st.ili'm Cb'.nard C7-, Tito (,ri34,) rtft be fmn..l l Triua tro sUt.le, (Mar snail' ol t nd.) h e bo will servo limited namWr of rn" coring the fall "son. . Albasylflarltst. Wbist-f!5r ra'.-30t. Bints-r 20c prito. Fggs-20. Hay ,00. otaUsjss 75 U por basUef Btf on frt, Xr A ,ipls 75 cent per bu, Por- 8!e por lr utmtM hams. 12e. slioulilm, he. sid 10c. Mr A Js-pr;v,. sTonr-4.25 fr l-bl. j'efeens 4 00 per drx. ill Feed- bran, 14.00 por hortis, 16. middling, 20. r .'lior - Highest of ail in Leavening Power. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S3. Baking Powder AB&QWTEVt PmB li C. Scarls, y D y 003-Is, Kotioss, Cents ?ra ioiingusd coots a?:d shoes Our stock .if.boti's and hor I now compute in all iiiiis for spring rude. VA c wiil save sou moncj n busing of o. Ladies mlsset and children' Kite shoe a prcia 1 y. KxelawUe , Aec-iii v '- tLe M DLOW KllOt: E. C. SEARLS, Blumlwrv's) New i lv.t I 1 ..mtnH ...... u-il. - .Mir,f,.l it M.t f .1 1 .. 1 100 vrd fout rara betwetiu K O l am- :i . ivi.:i. s. ' 1 1 . on of Ur.IVs KEEP YOUR lIoi,Mi:s Cusinkh Coixkok, of Portland, Or., will open Kept. 1st. J A Weseo, the leaiiinn penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business collcue. bend lor a catalogue. . 1 . A Heavy Fog. An account of the heavy fog hanging over the bar at New port the past three daya, the steamer Willamette Valley, was detained with Muller & Garrett's large invoice of fine groceries, fruits and vegetables. Don't full to call around thl evening and leave your order for iweet potatoes, banana caitteloupcc, mellonr, grapes, peaches, e'c( Corsets, Corsets. We make a specialty of ladle and misses fine rorsets and waist. We also have a drive in a French saline corset at 75 cents Extra good value. Samuf.l E Youno. Pababoi.s. I have just received a new invoice of Parasols. Samuel E Young. Myers force pumps are the best, a', bmith & bender's. Wanted, 200 cords of body red fir wood at the Albany Woolen Mills- Call at the Mills for particulars. Keyer Falls, I)r E S It oiden: Ib-.o ben a eoi.ttant patronof joar K.liiu:r:il Couijh Syrup for maoy yrars and havr 1.. ver knowu it to fail in coughs nnd br'Tohi si disoider. K R STOCK WKLL, Stocitton. I.aro s:ze $l,'snisil 50 cutn. For sale by J A (.'ummiog, dnits-ist -Tidw cream eboesti ju t reordvr-d at Courad Meyers. Ythtcrd.iv we men'.toned a red headed cm al Ai-unii. and asked for a white rat not exp-.-c'i g lo get one, though we have seen many white mice. Mr C B Winn immediately sent for the iIkmockat and rxhtblted s couple genuine white rals. presented him by Mr Krehel, of Corvallis, The old saying that you never see a red headed girl without a white horse appear ing is again verified in another line, Winn' rats will be known as McGinty and Annie Mules. Two good mules for Call on G V Simpson, Albany, Or. sale. Ladies Slimmeii Bi.ousi-t-.U-e late nivtfl'.i., j rj;jivji fr.m lu-muf i:t r by expret. Samuel E Youno J W Bautloy. best hoot and bi maker in any, ovooaiie Fortmillnr & Irinx's xoa have oj bigatock to select fioin at J 1!' i'oweu x uo A sure care for Hi., whisky habit: Dr. Livingston's Aetido for Drunkeunes will care any case of the ilti ior habit ib tivm ten to thirty days, from tiiu unnlurate drinker to tie nrnnkarii. Ihe Antidote osa be civeu in 14 cup of in (T-.-e u.iti- nt the knowledge ol the ptrsnn tak nc ii. Thu Antidnte -sill not ir-jnre the heulin in si.t way,--. Manefiietared 1 y lbs Livingston ( t miual Co., Portland, Oregon, cr from J A dimming, sole agint, Albany. New embroideries, flouncing, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cream, l.ace In Imitation point, also new designs In bike. white lace, including Vandvk and r.ifel rower. New ruchlne. SAMUEL t YOUNO. Tkn acre 1 a acts. borne choice 10 and 20 acre tract for Burden purpose, just secured for tale at a bargain. Inquire - ..I.. . c. T T -.1-1.. 1. . Ut and tfea Wrntaid. of Waila Walls, sta ran at Uo;ou ystutu-.y aixl won by Cameron. I Mra Rvbvrtson id daaKhrr, aud Ed Bladgrtt aud Wm rircckeotohltfa mu riled etrtly froirt lbs Ky. Mr aud Mrs L K line of S a'tlr, old and highly resprend eitixeda ol AHssny, ar in th oity, tb gaistt c.f Mr M 8teruluia. With oat making any effort to ascertain the fact, we I now prikooslly of four or five familu-a on the Albany prorieslhat wers not enumerated at all Silo Pro A big attrsctioo at the opsra hnota his et k is the piano pUyiog of Mr Ilsyta It is a marvel of skill and th andianee ar l waj deli(!lnd when b baud lea the ke. - Itishnp E II IIndricka,of CtntralCs.llfKe, Mn, of tb M E ehnrch, south, will preach iu that church io thi city to night, lis i th nted man whom i will be a pleasure to near. , The trial of Mr Crvwse.theSt Charl. a has dnvrr for last ilrivbiu was ln-can thisaiorn inn . d was proeressing at the time of going toprvs. si 11 wyatt appeared lor tbe city annuso v. wriunt for thedotonse. At the ba'cxcarwim at the dowit may be set-n a orsvou pmtisit of Jack Miller, tbe brave ei gtoeer who met hi dth io the irsin wreca in tint city ist year, it waa executed by Mis Maggie Barker of thi mty, o(1 confer crest credit on her tkill, thongh it 1 her tint piece of work of the kind The Democrat will tnd in with Salem 10 one thiiiK. In th last tsms of base ball betwteo the Salem and ramna of Pt tland man enaea in toe seventh inr.ine in a quarrel, the clan ot thatoity wsa rminrntly 10 ine nunt ana rottia-ia sctut the baby in a very empnaua manner 1 ins was a c whersdoubla umpini'V did not woik well at all. The Gold Mountain si d Diy Ualch Con solalsted lioid and Silv r Mining Company r, the hantlam distrief, have e tctrfd the follovting dmotor : R 11 (Innnnu, Sslem F E A Urn. Albany: Anion Strom;, Saltmi: M FrssT, Porllsnd, and Don Smith, Gui s, ville. Th tin colors mot and eltctsd the following othovr: It K Cannon, president r u, Alien, viae-prestden'; Ulsutt U.t.-h treasurer) $eth it Hummer, secretary. accident. While Mrs Louden wsa mak- Teaebfrs Exatulaatlea. Notice is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers for Linn county will take place in Albany, com mencing at 1 o'clock, on Wednesday, August 27th, 1800. All teachers desiring examination will please Ihj present at the lieginning. Teachers desiring stats certificates should present their reccoin mendations from district boards at the above time. G. F. Rubskll, County School Supt. Di Kl). . l ann r.,r Sale, -' . TWO MIl.TiS fror, Toledo, on Yaquina lisy, snd one-: urth of a mile from railroad. It consist of 4U aores. tits laud, balauof, bolt, m and bill land. Good frame house, ell floisbed, (worth) further particulars call on or r druss. 1 day, Aug- l6 '89 Mr Elijah Saltmarsh, W. H. PARKE K. I at the age of about 80. Mr Saltmarsh wa Yaquina CHy, Or, a pioneer of the fifties. PUKDOM. On Sunday, Aug 17th, at his home in Albany, after a lingering illness, Mr E B Purdom, aged 71 years and 10 months. Mr Purdom came to Albany in 1859 and for many years worked for Mr John liriggs, as a plumber and tinner. lie was a member ot the is. van gelical church, was upright in all his dealings with bin fellow men, and leaves avnod name as a father, husband and citizen. For several years Mr Purdom was teo weak; to follow his trade and took the rest bis well spent life entitled him to. Tho deceased leaves a wife and several children, all grown. SALTMARSH. At Sodavilleon Satur- WEDNE8PAV. A ft MoCoy left yust jrday foi Lis San'lun mines. EdKr.r U Tiper. 1 f tbaOrav's IUr o Ti nna bs rxen In tho eitj , A one dollar shirt for 63 conk at ilia New York UBV store, MeFrind Hloek " Mr Brown ef Krowu a ' mill, cu th Sanlism wt iu tin city yostcr-iay Mr Cswickhaminer is hi tha city cettin ready to go to the World' iair in 1302 or 93. TB Cornell, of Soio, recently one ot Albany's rest estate men it in ths oity. Hetiiy Allen, clerk with Fi.slisy & Masor , is spending tile week with hi parents at. Corvallis. Salt 111 nul l. ut to orjsi'ixr a gymoss mo. and we ui.dt-istand I'nf Brsdstreet .l msnai: it. - Klein Bins wdl add a stock o hsts m il gents furnishing good to ihiir stuck of boot and Iiokii, FM F.en;hinl family hiv- returns I from t ha i.ay. " A Iks cumber of Salem peoi la tpend thoir summer vacation ep around Mehama, and 1 eport plenty of fun. J A Groa leava-i lo-mht 00 a trip to San Franciseo, whers he is receiving medical treatment. Ths West say Florence is a model rcorl town as there ar no salcoas and there bos not bean a lawsuit during the piil y er. ing blackberry jam, the little fellow in I some way unknown to rour correspon dent, got scalded on the hands and arms. Mr Umtten was on the trail to the mines f the Calapooia at the time of the acci dent, and did not get home until Hun-day. Brownsville is without a justice, ours has resigned. Klection was all he wanted. Brownkvillk, Aug 19, 18U0. Pome of those many hunters have gain been out. Thia time it is vain ble horse of Joe Harrison. The horse waa evidently shot twice, as he was wounded in the front part of the hind legs and in the back ol the front tegs, lie will 110 doubt die. Joseph lawyer camo near losing his life yesterday while at work in the saw mills of II li Moycr. Mr lawyer, was tnendine a belt and in adjusting it to the pulleys his shirt was caught on the eiiait winding him up with one arm over the shaft, burning the flesh in bad shape. The engine was stopped asquick as possi ble, when he was taken down from his perilous position. The only thing that saved him was his dead grip on a stand- lrgjullty. The woolen mills have one more twister just received and being put in position. A LATH IdLE irUOU OAVES. The Correct It Properties ef the sTaleea of California'' Vegetable Alterative) Almeat Sensational. A lady formerly of 1231 Minion Bt, bat now ot 400 Hayes 8t, 8. F., writes to ths Edwiu W. Joy Co. a follow: " Un. H. T. Beverly, ot Ps attl, resided with me lost winter. Bh had long been a inflerer from dyspepsia and waterbrash. Her stomach was so weak that for months at a time she lived principally upon milk and the white of esgt, Among othsr things sha tried on of the miaeral lanaparllla only to find that It gv hor pain 1b th bead and weak sluklag spells. Having token Joy's Vegetable Sarsa pa rill myself with great benefit lu stomach troubles, I Induced her to discard the potash preparation and try yonr Vegetable compound. It began rcluvlgoratiug her stomach aud In a short time helped her astonishingly. It Im proved herapiwtita and strength to that extent, that Just beforv sh Mt, h waa beginning to return to solid food. 8b authorised mo to trrlto yon this statement accordingly." i-.Wj. . -ON TnE- AIbj Their I Self-Fcedct1 and Band-Cnttcr, Traction Engines; Automatic Stacker. E to Also read what one of the solid men of Linn county about them : sa MiLtERS, Lrsx Coi xtt, Oregon,) September ac, 1SS0 j" MR. Z. T. WRIGHT, Portland, Oregon, t - DearSir: In reference to vdur Inquiry as to how T li'. my Advance Thresher, purchased of you this year, will say the Advance does tn.i and better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have teen all that are r. resented in Oregon. It threshe faster, cleans the grain better, runs lighter and save the grain be' from the straw, than any other .nachine, ard seems to be strong and durable. 1 ready at any time to go into a trlnt with arry other machine except the Advance : thresli for from $100 to $500. They are the best In the market without doubt, you desire you can refer to me at any and all times. Signed I. D, MILLER. For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGH1 Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 1 names of parties who -have purchased Advance Thresht in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. ; ATTENTION ! ! All members of Fafety lodge, No 13, A. 0. U. W, of Albany, Or., are respectfully invited to be present at the meeting on Monday evening, Atij 25th, as business of spec ial importance, needing your at tention, will come up, and tho presence of all members is desired. By order of the M. W. GO TO THE- lew M C, B e.Jtoie McFarland Block, 33 jSk. K. & A. 1 3ST ) S . Here are a few of t he nun1 haid bbtr-rs. Aostuana ine pins lo a tmuob; nairpln 2o a bunoh; dress buttons 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 and 9n per doaen; silk twist 2o a spool, need 1sb2o per buooh; Rood eorsits 36a, la ties fins nose fro us fto up; ladlos kult vests IU and lbc, geutt floe hose So up; 12 dozen agate buttons for 4o; b g Una of ribbons ail silk; laoes, embroidery at less than actual aia'. W ANTED. -A good fresh m Ilk cow. Call on J A Gross, Depot Hotel: 7 i S I S' fl , ..a x Who's that toasling apples?" , OtJslV Tt s FACTORY OIXCN ILUV v yv -iJS. - EVERY FAIR WARRANTED. For Salc"-By- KL M BD' s S t-