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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1890)
THE DEM0UKAT $fV THE DEMOCRAT, Now York World and American Fanner Ono year for $2.80. if Advertlnii g medium In the Central Wlllametti Valley. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 88, 1890. HV til jL m ill! A T 0 jrnit a v y .Vrveji DR, HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy (or Each Discaso, H WHETS HYOrUSTINE RESTORATIVE. aw n.itrttia-.. rurtn. th. lUoukL Curat l cviuUtuu4t tuia iHMiviU inbiUt . A irlWt ionic n0 tnmgUk bulMor. Iff. NILUrVS ANTI-rtUOltS STOMACH A'.'?) UVEA CUuE. curw MUM ! awl ail Uvtr TrouUia, t2u .! Kovur, MvuU lours, su.l :l Tjii&oU condition. CP. MIllFR'S CATARRH CUHE. funa Anll.' - iir . in i mi i i i.iii. ii I n.fii. liunuilMl to or Uis vnt cum whoa Jii.UMi arr f.llownl, ir umuvy rutunJvd. r". H'l? EHN CPUQM CURE. run-CoUU, HoaiJn.r9u,:.r:inr!iUK rlourfcy and lYsoua si.U rriMvw I uusuuijilioa. Coutslu noCpUta. Cum Crwc.ln 1J ntliiuhM. Try It. r.?. HIILER'S RiPHTHTRlA AMP SORE THROAT C'JHE. ix-vont ihI run 1 1 iMlMiM. UnJ pu.iU.ti' oar nj K-n fuvttt ut trviu ! .4 U.ini. t. ulot (iiliiiy lu 1 vU). Q3. HfllES'S FEVER Ir J'stvnasbl la a!l arnfo Um stten.ll with fw. ! w.ihii a hi curt tkutM irt.tfi:ia, a-xl alfsulc. a!ui.Lii:M ahoitij buaf (hi Id nilud. pn. H ,! f Tj wrnVOltt DEClLtTY CURE, om, Ssf. , u-. . .wr.f. Ni( t.iiv sa lv IriTiUj c:.ivuUrlT I1UW tftir Ck, Su 'nuu-U.-o, ft. WHETS EHEIIMATIC AMP NCiiAl.C.:S C'!P7. CimKmmik Ncuralj; s, Oout L ouUkjij, uiu SviKuk, Uj iwiiu.u,f cul Uwnw Pit. H'LUn-S TFCTIMXS TURE. aij. t. sih Cii .4 chMrt. iliir'- f iitiim K!.I. c.una .n.l. (rrlhiriv aiivl n:u I t.t'i. an I vr-. nt luhl mm ! u. l.Kl.tu. lx.i i Ttx-uliioi uk Bcmi ni4uut. A I g Uic u.4arr tuni claxL On. HIUER;S yKrPTin CffUSH CUSZ. rm.., . .. ca. w.v,P., cil Notk - WIOi upp'lmi 1 f l. 1! l:t-i Itnlrui.rti I'.-lor..'. o. t.'. I;hminlla ..I Nau it-., n i ir ii.llvr Cvut.-tM'it'v. tu iiU it irii,,:..arv yut ui m 1Sil, lumi. n , If Net .!iii..K) lictu jMur i!rni(i-, iN x'iit l.u l,y , ,u iwi)l ut I'll., $1.00 per Package. Six I'ackajes fcr $5.CC. Tko rn n lif '0 Ih iit! tt t.iy Rrv jrrr cl rcu-k-il r. (riictil riwri.tce. mra nttininle.l inrur -e-i a niru l IUI. l)r. Ill :.r oi tw l nix J .lim t'oi , b iRaUurnt. wiuinm,- un'um uu'.ru.Uui k lu t.jytv ,.t, Ku kiiu;i ; plktiua HIL.LER DRUG COMPANY. SAN F!UC!SCO, CAL, U. S. A. Foshay Mnson, Agin t Albany, Drgan. I i i E E i ! ESi Choice Candy, XuiS) lYnit, etc. NEAR THE P03TGFFICF. ALDANY, ORE ON SMOKE THE CIGARS -Matiufoitt tirtrl l.y Joseph, Julius IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIUARS vmikrM itiilfi'. jfttil VKW ()OI) Lewis Co., Mitchell .& -lUCALFJt i ! N AgricuS(s7ial fmpJemenls AND VEHICLES ALBANY. COME JLJXJD SEE TJS FAROO'S niM per.-'' J V jA C' t ft.! Lr- MA ; FOR CENTLEMEN Is the Bqst Shoe in the Market for the Price. FOB BALE 33 "3f -:G. W. SIMPSON,:-- ...WHOSE STOCK OF.' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ETC., ETC., ; Is now Larger and Hotter than Ever Matthews & WisiinuKiv AL.U.vNY', OHEGU.N EvrlvarB, F-toves, and Tinwars. JJic run on Stoves and Ranges this week. If you want the best Ranges on the market buy the Jewel of us. - We om ihn lnrrrest handlers of th s make in this section, and can make you better terms than others. Don't forget that . .1 ! 1 AUA we handle everything in uio way 01 naruwaiu. Matthews & Washburn. V THAT CAN BE USED EVERY DAT is the kind that pays. Scores of young business men, and huu- -rubers of both sexes, aiin jhw uk.u - JT" Was IIktoKlam Fuller partlcuturt !of tha ahootlng ol Willi Walker by voung IWera, a boy ol i, take aoms of ho blame away, Inaninucli a h did not know any one humliitf lu the nlulilorhood at all. The Oreuonliin (tlvet the following facia on the point The Vowera boy, lnoklntt down the trail from hi taiul,aw a ilglt movement aart a tleer'a head, and a it came no nearer, for tVar ol loxlnjf a hotetlre!v,he raised hi Wlnrhenter and fired'wllh a fatally ure aim at what he upponcJ to bo a ilecr'n head. Upon f-n Initio ee the retult ol hU ahot, Tower and hi bv conli-. were horrlflcd to find Mr Walker l.vliitf de.l, the bullet havliiK cntrrcd at ht ntotith rnnj;lniil downward and patting out at the lower part of the neck, severing the vertebrae. All who knew the clrcumntanrr of the accident unite In exonerating the hoy of any bliune or exceive carelenc In the matter. No one ha hunted on the mountain at all except these boy. They knew p"t tlvely that no one" v. a any where on the mountain when they lf t 'home Monday afiernoon.and they had killed many buck In the mine place and on the ame deer trill. The act a not one of a reckle" bov, but of one who rva a tkillcd huntrr, and one noted for hi carvfulite with firearm. Anutiikh Coal Mink. J W P.Uhop, re aiding ten in ilea eaat ol IUinnii on l lu milttin creek, brought to tlila olUce aotim lino coal cropping F.xperiencetl eoal miner have enninintMl the ground and tho out-r"pping and pniiiounce it the moat proiiiiHing t anything they have awn in thia part of the atate. One gen tleman told Mr lUahop that he thought a rich vein of coal could lw atruck tit a depth of fifty feet. What we need, and mtwt have, if Oregon ever takea rank aa a mineral atatfj ia men to develop ottr re aotircea. Mr lliahop oflera to give a one half interrat to any man w ho w ill develop the mi lies. Kxpreiw. A Uihl Kwtou. M'na Andrea llofer, a girl of tweaty, ia editor of the Mctireg or, la. New a. She earriea on the papT hentvlf, doing all the inlitorial and nearly half of the iiiechiiiiicnl work. She ha worked in the ottice nincr he wa ten years old, and ha graduated out of every department. Her heler, a boy and girl, both younger than heraclf, aet the eorreajHindence and clipping. The edi torialn, note, review, etc. Mid llofer aeta in type aa he thinka litem out, her time lieing too preetoua to write them The llouwhold. Mioa llufer ia now a reaident of SnU in and doea aotne of the writing for the Journal, one of the live liest apera that coinca to our cilice. No Uk Fob Hi. Noah tnado a terri ble tad break when he took the codlin moth into the ark, and we don't under stand why he did it. Ilia wool i no good fur manufacturing purpoM-a and lie I not a pretty nor intelligent creature. Thecodlin inothalwava alecimwith ita head to the north, and if the fruit raincni could catch him while alecp, in the wet of the moon, and maul him uvcr the la-ad with a piece of gua-ptpe or a lcd-lat it would at leat diarourage hi emigration to thia coat in large number. It an-M-ar that the codlin moth always cornea to thin maul from the Kant, and we wish to any right here that we would thank the jM'ople of the F.aat if thev would keep their internal vermin at home. Cor. Ex press. Fairr. An Aahland man tella the IEMoca vr that at that city there ia a much larger dfinand for tmit of all kind than the supply, and an unliiuiu-d amount could be sold. He w onders w hy more pear and prune treea are noc raised iiere. I.inn county jn-opie cam UtakeJ thht great frnlt rennffy if tTTey wIlT. In f rune, pear and oppU they can a rout rank, and there will now alwava l a market for all that can I; rai.l. The al joining state arc unproductive in fruit, except t.'n'.ifornia. I'ticeasiug demand come from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado ami Nevada for more fruit. Thia offer a big tield w hich industrioua farmer should eee tilled. Heard the liaixa. Col T C Siultl of Salem, well-known in Albany, la now doing Knrope. In writing borne from Ireland he say: "What I have seen of the F.merald Ilo I do not wonder at Irishmen having a tender spot under their vet for the dearold islanl. F.very. thing ia very tjeautifui and quaint, though showing great age; but in most casts everything is built so solidly that the ravages of centuries make little im pression. I Imve ridden on a jaunting car and heard the "Ikll of Shandon, that sound so grand on the pleasant wa ters of the Hiver Lee." A Vrrv Hfx;;isH It(.m A. German by :hc name of Bach, rcnldlng In Cayote precinct, wan arretted by the sheriff last week on complaint ofjame llaye for maliciously kfl'i ig the tatter' hog. Bach had no fence to keen the hoe off of hi place and they troubled him a good deal, but Inntead of Informing Have he took an ai and killed two or three of them. He was arraigned before a juntlcc of the peace bul the cane wa settled be Id paving Have for the hog and paving the cost of the tnal. fie also agreed to leave the country, tic was arretted about a yer ago lor assaulting another man with an as but wa acquitted. tugene Register. At Wai.wkos. Thotnflg Madiaon Adania Jefferson l'arrit?li, an old friend of the Democrat, and a former reaident of Linn county, writing from wnidron. savs "we have better crops tn year, our three summers just passing Jiave been dry. This one baa the Ix-Ht crops for many years. A good deal of feed ia put up ana considerable grain will be tlircfclied. Jiecl is in demand, at good figures, mutton too. Grass better than usual. Btockia in fine condition: health good ; everyone busy. Thc Biggest After hunting some time the biggest liar ha been found. A Falrhaven man in expatiating on the fer tility of Sound soil to a group of listener in Pendleton, ay the E O, said that one man who had a paten 01 Btrawherrte near Falfhaven made a wager with another that he could pick out a strawberry that would nt enter the moutn An old squaw near wa selected to make the experiment She opened her mouth, which looked like a tunnel entrance, to II utmost capacity but Jt would nt contain the strawberry From hie Mines A B Woodln and II II A me returned from the Sanliam mine this noon with a confident look on their face, and bringing some more fine looking ore. A day or two ago fifty to evenly pound of dirt and soft rock wa taken from the bottom of the shaft, and $15 in gold wa panned out of the loose part In a few minutes, equal to over $500 to the ton. The future contlnuallv brightens. Good Yield. A thresherman ays one of the finest wheat field he ha seen wa on the farm of Vm hunter, which aver aged 35 bushel to the acre. The geneial average everywhere l higher than wa anticipated, and farmer nave been sur prised In the right direction. Business will be begun on spring wheat next week. Am Example. A man was fined In Boownsville last Saturday for driving through the principal streets at a speed faster than six miles an hour, and the owner of the team feels much elated over this last, best record of his donkev span. The mules have been in training for some time, having occupied a pasture along side of the narrow gauge ; nere is whero they caught the spirit of the winds. Ex press. Thc Price Reduced, -The price of threshing wheat and oats this season ha been reduced to 6 and 4 cents. Last year It was 7 and 5 cents, and not mm . made at that Cook wagon outfits chai-e the same. The result is considerable feel ing over the matter- . nrA Portland. Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem, w, w Tiwith afe under the management of A. V. Armstrong, nave same courses 01 , , ".,., .(,.,, ftuition. lUisiness,Shonimml,iypcwrnm,icu,1.unl.ljaul,,,ii- Ahtro 'Hue V6no Wotusv The Salum Jour nal In mentioning some comment of the l)KMucRAratout the cenu uic the word jealousy, rabid jealousy Now that t the wrong word, it would bo Impossible to be jcaiou of the very poor showing made by Salem, II they had made a big show. Ing jcaiou would have been a good word, fieri II we have picked at Salem It Is only the natural tendency to pk k at a dude who ha come down I.-oin a six footer In Importance to only a five footer In reality. There I nothing hut venom In that city for any one whodare qurstlon tho In correctness of the return. Tho States man say: One of tlic Salem enumera tor, Lewis. M. Baker, had a card In yester day morning' Orrgoulan, attempting lo bolster up hi recent work. Baker wa one ol Iho most Incompetent ot all ol Kelly's men, and the best thing he ran do I to'uluk Into the deep oblivion for which he I r eminently tilted, Subtract the egotism horn such follow a Baker and there I nothing left bul a bad smell' IXdn't Work. A certain hide dealer, that visit thl city quite frequently, failed to work a little game successfully last week. He was shipping a lot of loose hiih-s and also wanteu to ship some enclosed in a sack, but the freight agent would not bill them unless be ota-ned the sack so ho could wo what was lu it. The hide dealer liecame enraged and told hint that it was none of hi business w hether the sack contained deer hid' or not. The law prevents the railroad carrying der hith-M and the employee are careful about what they receive for shipment. The law forbid the killing at any time if not used or sold for food; forhiiht kill ing at any time for the hide, horn or hams; forbids having in possession or buying or selling during tho cloo wasoti. Buck may le killed front July I to Nov. I, and dix's from Aug. 1 to Jan 1, to be used for food only. Spitted fawn arc not to tie killed at any time. Kugene Heglsler. A Fi.m (Company. The entertainment at Heed's opera house last night wa ex ceedingly good The attendance wa not near so large as the character of the play and the maimer of it rendition demand ed. The piece presented wa "Iivoree," in which the tpjrtuntty occur for an impressive panorama of everyilay life a too olten observed, and tho mirror of many feature of the social system ecu Id not have been held up more faithfully than it waa laat night by Mis F.saie Tit le!, the heroine, and Mr French, the dan gerously infatuated hushaud. Mis Tit le! i a born actress in scenes of paiho and heart feeling, her language, move ment and gesture U-iug sweetly natural and graceful. But indeed there wa not a tMjor caste in the troupe all were fine. The overtures were phasing rendered on the piano by the accomplished and pop ular musician, Mr Hayes, who ha de lighted Salemitea on many occasion in the past with other troupe. Salem Journal. At Albany Monday, Tuesday and Wednemlay evening of next week. Ik. n't Smll LifcR Rosas. Tourist returning from New port slate thst In cross ing from the Oregon Pacific to the S.u'.licrn Pacific depot at Albany pedes trian should be prc-vl.ld with closepln in use In pressing thr'.r rotrll together. The odor fiom relusc thrown on the ground U not likened by them unto the altar ol rose. Some new and improved sanitary measures should be inferred In the vicinage ol thedepol hy the authorltlr ol the clu of per-plc Inclusive of the precincts which run tevrral mllr Into the country in either direction Sslcm States man Kalrm people nose are about cuusi to their .au uUnmtl) Mhy hac hi have something to growl about. Speaking about .population Salem's 7 Joo includes the preclert a fsi Into the cou try a Albany. Better keep your mouth and nose shut after thl. A ltooosi Irgn. Tlie following item i from the IUtnon F.xpresa and needs no other in in-lion : Mr Smiih.our next- door neightior, ha a umall black dog that is strongly attached to it owner. Monday morning Mr Smith boarded the itanon express for Allmtiy, and In a few minute wa at the Junction, If our miles away ; and I hero he found Ins dog. The train on the N. ti. was lust moving o ir lor J'ortlami. and the wingeu rur i ther thinking H.1 master aboard or viiir a desire to run down two train rn one day, Bought the companion ship ol"yo 6" and headed lor Portland, Whether lie visited the Metropolis or whether he stopped at Woodmirn .depon ent saveth not. but he wa at home for tinner the same dav. and theae facta can bejvouched for by men who are every whit as reliable aa a rural editor. A I'leasast Visit. Tuesday evening 0 II Irvine, grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of thia district, paid Gauntlet lodge No 8, of this city a fraternal visit. The gentleman was met at the depot by Baker division No 6, U It K 1', ana a numner 01 the members 01 the or der and escorted to quarters provided for mm. in me evening ne visiica me lodge and delif ered a very pleasant ad dress, and one of much benefit to the members present. The visit of the grand chancellor will be a pleasant recol lection for the member of the lodge in this city. Baker City Blade. Albany 1 going to have a bridge across the Willamette. Some ol her citizen have petitioned the city council to select thc site and have a survey made. II the council will grant the prayer ol the peti tioners, all they will then lack will be the money. Statesman. The money will come. Whenever Al bany start after money it get It. a It record will show, and much quicker than the city that could not raise enough to make a preliminary turvey of a railroad, and once let one go by because It could not get $12,000 In subscription. None of your sarcasm. Betteb Thax Whiskey. Albert Rchenck,' employed by the company at Celilo. waa bitten bv a rattlesnake last Friday afternoon. The snake was lying between two rocks, and, ho attempted, to pull it out by tho tail, when the reptile rewarded him, for his pains by inserting its fangs in his forefinger. lie placed the injured member in bis mouth and sucked as much as he could of the poison He then came to The Dalles and planed himself under the care of Dr Logan. He Vas well enough to leave for Celuo Satur day afternoon. Wasco Sun. The Ob boon census just claimed to have been taken will go down in history as one ot the most complete and sicken ing botches ot the present age. Ex. No more V) than elsewhere, nor al ways will he the case in boom aces where inflated claims are the order. It is in the east and south as here. Jack sonville. Flu. for instance, only gets 15. 700, where they had been positive and are now, that tue population is au.uuu, Fine Stojh. Today Blackman Abraham shipped from this city to East rortianu lor the new m Ji. unurcn there two car loads of dressed stone. Among the pieces are two for pillars. One is 12 feet 9 inches long, and 20x14 inches and weighs about two tons. It is as tine 1 stone as was ever gotten out in thevallev, This quarry is doing a big busine88,their weemy pay rou Hiiowing up in round ngurcs, Now that Portland is to have a recount her citizens should make immediate ef fort to secure the services ol the Albany enumerators. wasco buu. By all means. They would do a good liAnnof t-V - lr nwl nmn 11 j V AlVUKDV JVM VI tl i AiJU TTUU1V1 llliXI JiO 1CgU" lar rates. Eight here it may be said tnat tnere was nor a tairer enumeration in Oregon than in Albany Too High. During the last ten years the amount paid out by insurance com panjes in Albany was, on an estimate less than $15,000. More than that is LaANOM.-J N Banta,ol Little River, Kansas, ha been mn only a month, and I so welt pleased with the country that he started back to Kansas last Saturday for hi family, A month' sojourn in this s'uto will convince the average man of tho superiority ol thl over other state. Our young friend J R Wyatt, who ha spent two year In tho taw olMco ol I K Weathcrlord, manipulated a suit at law in Lebanon last Saturday with all the skill of an old practitioner. We predict for ''Kuss"a successful cureer. Vanny Smith, Mat Scott's deputy wa escorting a prUner about town thl week. Van Is short of stature, hut Ilka Zscchcu ! old, he manage to see what I trsnsplr. ng shout him. Ruff lllatt, Ed Keebler and Charity Gentry sold their hop Friday at 20 cent per pound. T I) Linton, of Vugene, wa the contractor. On Monday F.ugcneUlm, Thorns & Mullen, Long llouck and Mr. Frohllch sold their hop lo the same party at the same price. We are told that arrangement have been pctlecttd between Iho cltlxcn of Lebanon and the Sauttam Paint to that will i ccure to our town another enterprise that ol a paint factory. This company contemplates manufacturing 350 barrels ol paint per day, Express. Stood Him Up. The following from tho Pendleton paper is about how a for mer Linn county man guard his water melon patch : Dalla Priee, who has a fine garden patch below town, guards hi watermel on with a jealous eye. A Pendleton youth who had la-en skylarking down the river, in coming to town last evening hapH-ned to take a abort cut through Mr Price's melon patch. Suddenly he heard the click of a hammer and a figure, with gun in hand, rise Uforo him. "Halt!" came the command, and the youth stood still, his heart rising in hi throat and bumping against his teeth. "What do you want?" came from the figure. "I'm no thief. 1 don't want to carry off your garden," waa the tearful reply. Ho wa allowed to depart with a whole akin and a heart full of gratitude at hi escape. Anotiikx IUilkoad Iti mor. The Statesman dislike to deal with rumor, but in tbealxH iice of facta hearsay some time contain more truth than fiction. Railroad rumor are no exception to the rule. In fai t, very often the best rail road new comes a a rumor, followed after a short time by authentic develop ment. The latest railroad talk to reach tho ear of the Statesman scribe I to the effect that the great unknown transcon tinental line probably the Chicago A North westernnow building from Chi cago to Boise City and direct connecti"ii with ueeii water waa seeking an outlet lircci from Boiso City, via Salem, and the Sheridan pass, to the coast. States man. All the same when that road reaches the PaciHc it will be by way of Albany and the I) P for money or un. All SATtsnan. Postmaster Redding informs u that the business In the tot- fflc-o baa inrrcased more this year than t ha for several year Mat and that there 1 more busiues done now, than hen tho county seat was located here. l.fayette llger. poatmaster J 0 Cooper inform u that the business of the postolhYe baa in creased more thl year than it baa for several years past, and that there i more lataines Uoiio through th olllee now than there was before the county seat was located here; so we're all happy. a. ; . lit . air.iiinnviiio 1-11. A Sid Snow. The Agricultural col- kgu aeeuta so hava kr frmnA falTM Mitt aids show lately. The Tims say: ' "At the last meeting ot the t-oarl ol regent a petition for the removal of Mr lurk waa handed llicm. aittued by about fifty of the students, who certify anions other thing that he waa a rough unnol- isiieu man atniirtea to tne use 01 rouirit language, in the habit ol telling coarse stories, and in all respect unfit to pose as an example for young men and wo men ; mat wie uorn-iiory was oiriy anu no at te tn lit wa inado to keen it neat or comfortable; that Mr Clark's actions were never governed by interest in the students or institution, but his depart ment waa alwaya that of a brutal, cow ardly, and especially of a partial man." Tim WiivrtmR. Ten years ago Oregon had one big city, ono newspaper, one big financier and one tig Politician. There is no need of naming them. F.very body knows who are meant. They absolutely dominated business and politics, says an i-.x. w asuington had several small cities of nearly equal sue. It had newapapera, financiers and politicians, but no one ol either had acquired a dominant in liuence. i he country was f ree.the race was equal iiuw nuiiinnun comes ou 1 aneao. ana the fact suggesta the remark that what a state neeaa is competition among elites, newspapers, politicians and financiers, Oregon needs another newspaper. A Ijar. The Chehall (Mud) Nugget, a Wash, sheet that needs washing, says the hop crop through Western Oreiron is almost an entire failure, that the wheat crop is a failure ana tons of half grown apples are rotting on the ground. We mention this as a sample ol the fee tnirof Washington neonle aualnat Orpiron. fur o eacn ana every one of the statements are : .. r 1 : ... rm. 1 1 1 . t . iiiiiiuiuui iicp. im nop crop is Koou,uie wheat crop is a splendid one.parlicularlv tall wheat, and the apple crop is better tuan ior several years. Hie Mud isuir . . s 1 r. m . . eit should nang its head In shame. VAbOABtiK PUOPERY. HaHcIIINU ON The tariff reduction I taking hold of the mind of tho people of the west with a mighty grip U clearly shown In the fol lowing article taken from tho St Louis (Slob0-Dtm0erut, one ol tho ablest republi can paper of the wet : "The republican revolt against any In. crease In custom duties which Mr Plumb has stalled In the senate I a movement In tho rlkht direction. Indeed, It should have been begun long ago. While the Mckin ley bill lis sotno good feature, like the alterations In the sugar schedules, It has several bad ones. These bad one, of course, do not altogether neutralize the good, but as ti ere Is no valid reason why there should be any bad one al all their existence I a detriment to the meaure, an Injustice to the country and a aerlou menace to the stability and potency of the party. Against these bad piovlstons the raising oi the level of Imposts In several schedules ol the bill every consistent and public spirited republican should vigor ously protest. The attitude ol the republicans ol the West toward tho tariff may be outlined In a few word. Revision of the dutle to which the party pledged Itself In iHHH they Interpreted to mean reduction. Thl I the construction which has been placed on the phrase In thl section. Moreover, It Is the only construction which Is In har nony with either logic or propriety. Every republican stumn speaker who ap peared In the West during the canvas of i8iH, and every representative republican new. pncr of the West understood and proclaimed lhat by revision reduction was indicated. The West Insist that, when duties are touched, they sha. I be lowered. Thev say, leave the rate a at present In the case In which it msy appear desirable to make no modification, but let every change be a change downward. Ho tar we have ever been able to learn from a tolerably careful and conscientious stuiy of the matter, there I not the thadow of an excuse lor a single Increase of duty which I made by the McKlnley bill. Hot one argument ha ever been presented lu defense sf thl policy which is worthy of a moment's serious considera tion. The Industrie affected have been running along under the prevailing I n post since iMj, and If any of them have uffcrcd by the arrangement In these seven yesis the fact was carefully con ccaled from the country until the framing of lite new tariff bill gave an opportunity to certain Interest lo secure higher rate and make greater profits. Thc time ha cotio for Wtticrn Udpubltcan to openly and clearly define their polilun In ltd particular. tia fltOTfU TION KKHOCKATH. A clicumttantc of the tariff debate much stole discoursing loth Kcpuhlicaa Senator thsa it prubab'e length it ilieir demoattratcd iaxtati'y to break ibtoughthe so iJ IWmocratic liae. TKey have tried to pierce it by a series of clever msnoeuvie. but only lo It repulsed each lime by a response so beany and unanim ous as lo make the tluagl( of further effurt ia thst direction eniiicly idle. Il i no secret now tbst al the outset tlx epobUcant tttoulii they uw their way lo pot Mr Gorman sad Mr Md'hcrwHi la aa embarrtfcting attitude. Both of those Session ere looked upon at having distinct I'rotec tioa leaning, and tltcir name had figured in the aewspsper list of ibotefkmocrstic lead er ho protested against the tariff rcfo-m rues taca s"0 ut Congress by Mr CWvetaad." More- ovrWiij:t that Mr M-.IIterson hsd voted for ibe Taiiff Will ol iKSj, when hi party op posed il, was made the basis of a nope thai prolwbly he might be influenced this lime by observing that the schedule relating lo the in- dastiie of hi State had been ttudioasly cared for by ibe House. ibe Republican calculation, bowevet, was mistaken one. Neither senator, when re proached with bis past record t.vl position, could be made to flinch. Both confessed liaekly to the position they bad a, one n-ne occupied, aid both a fraokly staled that they stood with their psity lo-rfay. Mr Gorman was explicit on this oini, sad Mr Mc pherson lis cmphssMed his declaration by moving a reduction of the rate of the very schedule which il wat thought wouU at least snake him silent when they were leached. He courageously related ibe bait and has tailed for a reduction all through the earthenware schedule. Thing are completely revetted indeed, There are no Protection Democrat, a thai term was once use;!, in cither House of Con gress, but Ibe most perfect accord ia the Dero onatic ranks on the ubj-!ct of a reduction of taxation. The bxt is now on the other leg, The bolt is in the other party and it is growing serious, Mr Plumb, Mr Teller, Mr Paddock, aad even Mr Ingatls in many thing are much earei to the Democratic than they are to the Republican view of taxation. Their vote and utteiances to far ia this de bate conclusive!) show that the McKinlry bill is drafted on lines to which they doN not sub scribe anu wiucn, in tbeir judgment, are pre judicial to the welfare of the country; nor it mere sny evidence ol surrender on ll.eir part 1 be bin 10 ibe end will continue to receive their criticism, sail, with regard to slewrs Plumb ud Tellei, stranger things have hap pened than .hat the measure may become 1 aw without their vote. The Cutlck Addition to Albany has just been thrown or. the market and will 1 J . ...u 1 . : 1 1 ue mjia u uvn prices anu icnri a win enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies iust thl side of Goltra's Park; Is high and sightly. overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First atreet merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'Bon-ton' residence portion ol tne city," Wallaces Cusick, the. agents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all addltlans. to the Intending speculator. firir Tn RirrTuirM when wmtinir paid yearly on premiums. With our la i organ br plana call oa G L Blackman J cinties ior ugnung nre ana our splendid you can select from a first class ?cin"wJiC"', law ouuuiu w less man .leading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bouabt all tbenegativas made by L W Clark and W II Greenwood np to Nov 15th. 1889. Duplicates can be bad from bam only of ns at reduced rate. W have alio abont 13.000 negative mad by our selves, from which aanlloates oan be had at like rats. Wa oarry tha ouiy lull line of viewa of this ttste and do enlarged work at lowest rttes for first olass work. We shall be pleased to see you at our Studio io Froman'i block, next door to uatonio xempie. Epoch. The transition from lone, lingering an painful slcknes to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the Individual.! Such a remarkable event is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the irood health has been attained ia gratefull blessed. Hence It is thst so much It heard In praise ol Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use ol the great alterative and tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use el Electric Bltteis. Scid at Joe and S per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug store. - " -; -. - Fbdit Boxes. Tor all kinds of fruit boxes go to the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Co. Bed rock prices. to John Sieinel, of Reading, has a peculiar habit and a rather unfortunate tne. He never leaves borne wihout being robbed. About sis months ago he went to New York to sail for Germany and two days later returned say ing be had been robbed of all bit mon-y in Bat tery Park.. Three months later he went New York and wat robbed in the Bowery bis money and bis trunk, A few days ago he 'eft home with $600, planning at usual to visit hit relatives in Germany.and to-day he relurn ed to Reading minus trunk. Hit wife hat grown tired of tuch a monotonous performance and hat had him arrested and compelled give enough bail to keep him J here, Philadel phia Times. The Omaha He, a very earnest republican paper, has been brought within the wholesome influence of the campaign of education. Hear iti It is of vital importance at this juncture that Conors tt thould be clearly advised at to the wishet of the farmert 'expecting the tariff, and we are entirely confident that the Krpub .lican Convention would have correctly ttaied the desire of a very larce inniority of the farm en of Nebraska if it had made an unqualified demand for free tuear. lumber, wool, woolen goods, salt, coal and iron, with perhapt other goodt in common ute. , -TllBCItOWMNO ACT Of INFAMY." The Crowning Act of Infamy!" Thia s what the republican farmers of Minne sota call the McKlnley Tariff bill. It Is a fitting name for a measure that It a piece cl chsrlatanry from top to bottom, and, metaphorically speaking, is the "last hair 'iat breaks the camel's back." There can bo but one opinion, and, by this, we mean an honest opinion, about such a bill. Mr, Blaine took In Its true inwardness when he wrote to Senator Fryes There is not a section or a line In the entire (McKln ley) bill that will open a market for another bushel of wheat or another barrel of pork. Think of what Blaine says, for It Is worth pondering I Here It a bill lhat pre fesse lo be a great administration measure that seeks to outline the policy of the government for years to come In the mat ter of duties on foreign Imports In fact change our past policy which a member of the cabinet says will not "open a mar ket for another bushel of wheat or another barrel of pork." Farmers, what do you think of such a bill, and what do you think of such a policy f The thiee great articles of export, of this country, are cotton, wheat and flour and the quantity ol these products sent abroad mark the prosperity ol our agricultural inter the contrary. In view ol the situation would not a party, that has any at the head ol It; a party that has the Interest ol the fanner at heart, endeavor to open new marets everywhere, where an addi tional bale of cotton, an additional bushel of wheat, or an additional barrel ol flour could be sold? Such I the view of every business man. But this is just what the McKlnley tariff bill docs oot Co. Blaine ssys so, and he knows. Could we have a belter witness on the. stand? We don't think o. He Is a republican, and, there fore, a friendly witness. Please listen, again, farmers, especially republican farmers, to what a tariff expert says of the McKlnley bill. Here are his words: There is not a section or a line in the entire (McKlnley) bill thai will open a market for another bushel of w heat or another barrel of pork. Think about It farmers! Ponder and reflect upon It! For what line ol products will it then "open a market?" None, whatever. It wilt have a tendency to close tSem; it I bated on the Chinese wall ststcm, which rests on the "borne market." A wickeder fallacy In political economy was never conceived by the mind ol man. What fallacy to talk about a home market when the price ol every barrel of pork and every bushel of wheat is fixed In the London market The McKlnley bill means mote. It was conceived In the Interest of the great manufacturers, "he monopolists, and the tariff las Is largely Increased on many ol the necessaries of life, which other classes must purchase al an Increased price. The interest ol these so entirely Jllcd Mr McKlnley 's eye when he drew his Infam ous bill, he could not see the Interest of the UrMMi k any wonder, the Jilt), this "crowning act of Infamy," does not open a market lor another bushel of wheat or another barrel of pork?" No! It is quite naioial that It does not. Mc Klnley and the republican parly are not built that war. Lkyltuav.n Demaetat. OIVIS IwVJOYB Itoth t!m iiK'tluNt amlrcs'ilt when rnp of l''Mial.t'H; it is pU-anau. mid refreshing to the lnale. mid acta K'ifitlr vet promptly 011 1 ha Kidney, Liver ami HowcIh, rlenmw the sys tem iiilecltially, dicjit la colds, lieud aalies nnd frvcra nnd cures haliiiual cohHtipntioii. Pyrup of I' 'igs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, piercing to the taete andac rvptaijlo to tho Etomach, prompt in iM pction and truly beneficial in its fl'-cts, its many excellent qualities ro:munI it to all. It is for sale in frrsd 51 bottlce tj all lcadicg ifiTg-'jiati. KorCTOorO CSJLV BV TKS VALirOHnlA FiG SMUP CO. stt tdncss':i, at. louir.vitie. 1. .'tv ronx. n r first National Bank 1 OP Af.BAMl, UKECION. PrwMwil ...,...... UrLIWSi Vli Prsaidmt ........ , fi, YOl H A Csfclr..,.,, M W. laJnouon. I TRANSACTS A QBNERAL banking badnas. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to (l.sck. mrillT EXrnANOX and Ul T&nhle ti-UMfi., oT u " - ii,ih rrMtciitoD, neagu ana rm sron, CO.LEOTlOSy SAOEua IsfjrtM tones. MUflTOU. ' f 5- Jfoess W, I.asosv t, K Bum, L. Kuss, KnvssB F. So. Linn Co. National Bank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK 100,0f0. PrasKlsnt J L froWAW. ' tet-fnmdmt J if RMXTuN. !' .. Ou, E CHAMKKHI.AIS, nnvmaiw.. J a A IU. II I IW ,, u Samoa,-J L Cowan, 1 M Kalston, Get E CW.IiCTlslri, W S Urtil, VT M 0I, J A Craw irrv mm U A ArcIilSyrfd. TRANSACTS arsosral banklnc bwrtnas. DBA W Hluin ;R rTS on Xw york. . ft I Ortfoa. LOAN MOrfEToa appr.d security HFA K1V E iletKKila rabiact ebatk. PAISLEY & FISH, JOB POINTERS FLINH BLOCK, ALBAHY. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - CHECCH. OAPXTA.X., 0EO,OOO. Prlclnt...... . U tiwy 4 JiT Vice President H. F, M KB HI I L v ;aMUier....... j. i klaIN DtBKCTdBa. H. Bryant. J W Blain. 1 o Humphrey, OHcUwoi, KJLaniiing. II V Merrill. Kishtaacbanqsan I Ulefrraphle tra fer on New York, Man Francisco ,j and all prinotpal jKiinU in Oregon oi Washington, ollectlona mad on favorabl term a M - Announcement ! OF- W. F. READ. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all tho Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Botli in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS a voice ruoa kanak. The Western farmer has no Interest hatcver In a protective tariff. His inter est rather lies in the direction of tree trade - of access to alt markets whatever his product may be In demand. It is for hii nlercst lo sell what he raises wherever In all the wide world he can find a purchaser, and thus provide himself with the means cf disposing of his surplus crops. Not only it he vitally Interested In securing all possible markets, but equally so tn buying what he needs at cheaply at possible. Sell where he may, and buy at the lowest figures; this, selfish as it mays.: em, is what most concerns the Western farmer. Free trade will give the West the mar kels of the world, and an opportunity to buy what it requires at less than half it now pays for these same articles. Lumber, hardward, furniture, clothing, groceries and agricultural Implements these the West needs'prtnclpally. Free trade will biing these things tout at figure frr below protective prices. In all this the ( Aomloa speaks tolely from tne standpoint ct self-interest. It i with tlatct and sections as with individual citizens self-preservation is the first obli gation, A due regard to our sectional preservation, our territorial interest, de mands the adoption of free trade com mercial reciprocity with all nations. The Eet, as wc have stated, hat grown danger ously rich by means of a protective tariff; now let the West assert itself and ute the mean at Its command to change lit economic policy to one more conducive to tectlonal welfare. The question is broader than party lines. It Is more vital than mere formal political dominance of any particular set of politicians, for It touches our life and i indissolubly Interwoven with our existence. Protection continued twenty years longer, and the West, with its vast agri cultural possibilities, would be a pauper bound hand and foot. Let us who live here in the West be fools no longer, but let us exercise our common sense and protect our own Interests by obtaining just as quickly as possible, the freest trade wli.h all its attendant be.iefils. Atchison C i0 (?rp.) -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of La?ies Underwear, in Kxit Ribbed and Muslix. My Pkices are the LOWEST and my Gooi3 the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated . : "T.S.E.HOSIERT, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, I have sv Lsrge Stock at the Liweat Prices ever offered in ihe Vallej. 1 csiry a full line of thn worU-renow-d BROAUQEA.D gJjd-, uueXjelUi for wear and finish. Larn stock of Embroideries and Flouxcixgs. C-.1 and te convii oed th., A!ba U the boat trsdiug vinl in Oregon. Senators Ingalls and Manderson joined Senators Plumb and Paddock in voting against tariff robbery. This placet two western republican state outside of the tariff, for -the-rlch-man-only column. They are not free tradert, but they see that the western farmert are getting a surfeit of tariff taxation. . Talmage sees danger lurking at the wttering.placcs. So does the summer girl at the season slips by, as her stock of costumes begins to lack variety, and aa the summer young man is forced to go home early or be lied up for his board bill. -. " : Manchester Union: If. as Tom Piatt, alleges ia a recent letter on this subject, the party lhat caa command the aupport of the young icen of the country will win in the next campaign, ths Republican party may at well get ready for burial. 1 lie organization noised by Keed, McKinley & Co it not attracting that element. Money will buy almost anything, but It wouldn't buy the Louisiana alliance men, The farmers are Incorreptible, and they delight in attacking corruption wherever encountered. S.noke ths celebrated Havana filled 01 gari, rnaoafaotared at Jul ns Joseph's cigir FiCtory. Only 8 cents. r Cememeal Kid (.loves. aeep a full line black and colored, irbany, Oregon, of these gloves in Am sole agent for Samuel E Younp, Asa rule Man's a fool; Wbeo its hot Ha wsnts it cod; W hen it cool lis want it hot i Always wsntiog What its not. Stoler. Genuine Iowa sorghum on draught at C JtrowBeU a. Conrsd . Best roast ooffea in tha city Meyer's.. - Cali. and Skttlf Those knowing themselves indebted to the old firm of , Krausse & Klein, wiM please call and sel INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AHD Insurance Company. Sound; Conservativa MERCHANTS Safe, -G. L. BLACKJV.AN,- LEADING )K( (,l,lSr DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY &C rllMu ou want tne best most durable furni- ill) li I ture that is manufactur- ULLLaQed ii i aand mi i f 'ture tli in the city go to Thomas Brink. Jas. F. Powell & Co., 1 Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALERS IN- IBM 1,'P 1 n s A " :i s 1 vmmmim Produce; Crockery Wart co Etc. Etc. t Ml n I IKiNsl UWri) Tobac Low Prices and Prompt Attrntini,