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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1890)
$llC sDciMftltt. V VTA KDAKD WKKiHT AM) ftF.ASl KIS. Some of our exchange are publishing table of weight and measures (hat ia mislead log, not being In conformity with the tiatutt of thi state. The following weight will rule la thU atatt when any of the article named are aolJ by the bushel and no ipecial agree merit U made aa to how many pounda ahal contiitute a bushels Wheat, 60 pounda. Clem aecd, 60 ponndt. Corn, 56 pounda, Rye, 56 pounda, Oats, 36 pound. Barley, 46 pounds, Buckwheat, 4 pound. Dried apple, 38 pound. Dritd peaches, IS pound. rotatoe6n pounda. Green apple 45 pound. Green pear 45 pounda, When any article la told by the hundred weight, U thall be understood to be the net we'ghtof on hundred pound avoirdupois, nles such construction would be manifestly acoosis'ent with the agrcemmt of the parties. The half bushel and pa.ts thereof shall be the standard measure lor charcoal, fruits, and other commodities customarily (old by heaped measure, and in measuring tuch commodities. the half bushel or other smaller measure sh1 be heaped aa high a may be without special effort or design. A hop box thall be 36 inches long, 30 inches deep, tad eighteen inches wide, measuring upon the inside, and shall contain 19,440 enkic inches. The Washington correspondent of the Orrgomitn ay : There has been some surprising gains In the South during the past ten year and when the da) a o( reapportionment come It will be found that the solid south will be making claims for additional congress men baaed on the census returns. Of fourteen southern stale Including Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Louisiana, Mlssisslppl.South Carollna,North Carolina, Missouri and Tennessee, the total gain Is about 4,000,000. Texas leads with an in crease of 600,000, and Missouri come next with 400,00a Both Arkansas and Ala bama have a gain of over 303,000, while Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and the Carolina each nave Increased over aoo,- 000. These are the rough count 6gures and may be changed, but there has been rather surprising gm In population. An accurately taken census In the south would show the above mult, for every one who has observed, has seen quite tide of emigration from the east and north to the south during the last ten rears. But this statement of Increase of population in the south must be taken with a grain of allowance. There Is vet a scheme to make a congressional apportionment during the present session of congress and this report of gain may be put in circulation to allay opposition or delay. the St Louis Refnblie, speaking of the work of the democratic tale convention of Iowa ays : The Iowa democrats have nominated a at rong ticket on a vcr strong platform. On the tariff, on stiver, on the force bill and the rights of the people lo manage their own election the speak with an emphasis that cannot be misunderstood. They enter the campaign with everything In their favor, and there I hardly a doubt but that they will hold the state by a larger vote than that by which they carried it In the last e'.ecion for governor. The whole west la sick of the alliance between republican and plutocracy. - The wife of Senator I)avt,of Minnesota, Is able to make this extraordinary state ment : "Wlien I was ten year of age my aunt bought me a pattern, some navy blue cloth and some black velvet, and told me I must make myself a gown, which I did greatly lo her satisfaction and my own and the envy of my little playmate. From that time to the present day I have never paid one cent to a dressmaker or a milliner, nor ha any one else done to for me. .Every dress.bat and bonnet 1 wearia made and trimmed by my own hands." No wonder Mr. Davis got rich. The Farmers' Alliance It the cloud on '.he republican horizon now considerably J. larger than a man's hand and beginning to take on the shape Indicative of a cyclone. The McKlnlev lies, who thought at .Irst there would Le but a sprlnale at most, are hoisting reciprocity umbrella and seeki-ig cover with great unanimity. The press association member all over the state speak of the very hospitable way In which they were treated by the people of Portland. Well, they are right. They were the recipient of thai type of genuine hospitality peculiar to the people of the union, and of which Portland' people are 6ne example. Railway collisions, from the inability to stop the locomcrive, are likely to be made impossi ble when the electric light is substituted for the oil lamps now in use. R.-ccnt experiments prove that the electric headlight casts light from half to three quarter (( a mile ahead. A train going at the rate of sixty miles an hour can thu be stopped in time to prevent any accident. I'rol Pickering, basing hi conclusions on a cries of photograph of the planet Mar in April, conclude that the southern temperate region of Mar have just experienced an irrup tion of polar tee no lesa remarkable than that which still adds the zest of danger to the navi gation of our own North Atlantic. i William Walter l'helps.our Minister lo Ger many, is caid to have cultivated a londnet for "onion tart," a Berlin dish which is mostly onion and very little tart, It is further hinted that Mr Phelphs propose to introduce this dish into America with a view to catching the German vote. Thi year's production of coal in the United State will be abont 140,000,000 ton. There arc 13,000 square miles of coal land in England and 192,000 in the Uni'ed States. The En glisk ou'put is about 130,000,000 tons per year. rt W Morrow, whom the republican or lihHnia nominated for congressman-at-large st declined for the reason that there I no such office to fill, Quite a commentary on the intelligence Of California republicans, It Is to be hoped that the democratic contention of California will not give be: lot reform a back an eye a the repub lican of that state did. John D Rockafsller, the great Standard Oil millionaire, it is said, will give $20,000,000 for the purpose of establishing a Baptist Uni versi y st New York city. It Isiow thought that the total popula tion of the United State will be about 62,000,000 Instead of 65,000,000 a first ea tlmated by Superintendent Porter. The tide i rising. The nearer the tariff bill that passes approaches the McKinley stand ard, the more sweeping will be the flood. TI.e gain In the population of Mi.sourl will be about 490,1x0. Tnl mean three additional congressman. Thj census return will show that Ioa has 1,458,000 population In i8yo ajjair 1,627,000 in rSfio. from our regular eormponosnt.) VASIUNlTOt. Wasiunoton, Aitjr. 11, iJyo. Republican audacity can scarcely go farther than It did on Saturday when one of the door-keeper it the House .claiming to be acting under Instructions from the Speaker, attempting to use force to pre vent Representative Enloe leaving the House for, a few minutes. Mr Enloe, as any other American citlxen would have done". Insisted upon his right to go and come as he pleased. Later, Mr Ei.toe bioughlthe matter before the House as a question of personal privilege, and very naturally wanted to know if the Speaker had Issued such Instructions, and It so by what authority. The Speaker denied having Issued such 'nstructlons; but at the same time stated t as his opinion that the door-keeper had done right. Saint Joseph Cannon, who Is second only to Mr Reed In audacity, de fended the action of the Insolent door keeper. Mr Enloe protested that If olllcers ot the House were to be given the author Ity to keep members in the House against their wills, they would ome day keep them out of the House by the same authority The matter was fia".y referred to the committee on the judiciary ,and a majority of that committee being republicans but little Is lo be excted in the shape of justice. a Truly one might ask, um'er what form of government do we live? Oliver Crtm well found it necessary to use a regiment of soldier to disperse the English Parlia ment; but the myrmidons of Speaker Reed, without the strergth of an armed body, attempt to control the actions of democratic members of the House by sheer audacity. What a spectacle for a free country I It Is now apparent that the infamou. Federal Election bill is to be railroaded through the senate by force of tins parly whip lustily wielded by that santlmonlous, but unscrupulous sun of New England Senator George F Hoar. It has been re ported to the senate and put on the cal ender, and In order to'facilitatc Its pas sage the resolution providing for the adoption ot a gag rule, to cut off debate, has been Introduced "and referred to the committee on rules. The talk about the bill having been modified by the committee I bosh; It has been simplified to a certain extent, but It remain one ot the most ob noxious measure ever attempted to be forced upon a defenseless people" History will rightly characterize It as an attempt to Polanderixe th south. Mr Blaine's reciprocity Idea is ahead.and the Indication are that It will certainly be adopted by the senate, but In the House. where Speaker Reed who Is bitterly op posed to it, Is sole Monarch It may possibly be defeated. Messrs Reed. McKinley si.d other of the Chinese wall high protection wing of the republican party are trying to convince Mr Harrison that It wilt be ruin ous tc him and hi paity for him to send a message to congress favoring reciprocity a he ha promised to do. The returns of the census supervisor give the population ot Anions not in eluding Indians as 57,000. The three largest towns are as follows: Tucson, 51S5, not including additions and suburbs; Fhu: ' 3115: I'resco-t, 1843. And this I the territory the democrats recently urged so strongly should be admitted to the enlon. Too ihin ly populated. ( olfax Cat. Wyoming shows up with the same pop. vet Hie rfWi rt ner ad intted. lilntiuo. a-Ariiocui Jtnd shouted Itself hoarse to get liut Wyoming Is republican aiuL this ac counts for the milk in ih-i Oatftr't cocoa nut. I 1 I I ' Lieut John 1' Kinley of the Signal Service baa compiled a stntcnent of the number of 'ornadoes in Ibis country for the last seventeen years. While in 1870 there were only nine, the number ba increased annually, the tear 1SS6 being credited with 280 But since that time there has been a gradual decrease in the r um ber, only forty two having been recorded in 1880. The Farmers' Al'.ianc? appears 10 have 'captured the dominant political party in South Carolina. The in embers of con number thlrtv-livc thousand voters. TheOlympia Tn&ur.t think if Blaine keep on writing covert letter against the McKinley bil1, he wilt wake up some of these mornings and wih he had added lu them "burn this letter " The thought orlg. fnated probably from the fact 'hat lllalne's letter were ''burning" the anpportcr of tht McKinlev bill. . ase ",;.. Chi oiu'rle At the beginning of this century 21,000,000 persons spoke English, 31,500,000 French 3 ooo.oco German, 31,000,000 Russian, 26,000 000 Spanish and l6,ooo,coe Italian. Now 125,000,000 persons !k English, 50,000,000 French, 70,000,000 German, 40,000,000 Spanish, 70,000000 Kusiian and 30,000,000 Italian. The democratic state convention to meet In California thi week will very probably nominate Mayor Fond of Sari Francisco for governor. There are some indication that he will be lo California what Gove'nor Pennoj er wa to Oregon last June. Long after nearly every intelligent man In the country taw that ihe Force Lill wa dead, the Rose-burg PlaindraUr Is found attempting to make a defense of the ill- starred scheme to make republican con gressmen against the will of the people. Strange a it may appear, nevertheless it Is a Strange proceeding to see the I'end'c. ton Tribune defending the Strange way in which the census wa taken in Eartern Oregon. There. " It is estimated th it the Eastern consumption of canned ulinon thi coining season will be doub'e that of any other. I v cheapness, o gether with he acarcityofo. iter kinds of pre served fi'h, has widely enlarged it imroduc tion to familie. The finest hand spun Belgian flax, such as is used in making costly lace, is worth from $900 to $1000 a ton. It it reported that the Western corn crop will be 350,000,000 bushel tho.l, owing to the drought. ,1 Take Care t Thcrets Danger 1 1 Ia allowing inactitity of the kidney i!o gr w through neglect. Th deadly iknals of Bright' disasta and diabetes will wreck the a;oodlv bark ef health if it i all wed to drift rudderless npon them. The bladder, ton, if iuactiva. and jndicina mtdinstion does not speedily direct th holm ti ward the Lort of safety, will be whelmed by the quiuksand of dieae. Id selectim a diurr tto, let ynnr choice fall npon ffoatetter'e Stomach Hitters, which stimulates the icnsl orgaoa without irritating and esciliop thi 111, two effects o be npprehemded from the nu mediea'ed stimuli largely reported to. These hava a tnndency to react prejudicially he Bitters invigorate tho kiiiie) and bladder, to common with the nervaa and t', dipes tivenrgau. and o ah'crd la tin eid. It al so affords dual assistance in prewiring and coring intornJttent and remittent fevc. Biliouaneae, constipstioii and . hit uioatisni it alio nbjus,att.a. gresa from that state will be demrH.rats.but ' ,,t'1,1 ..m )-'t", r'lr '"' ai't r , M)1lc,, ronsitned to V etein Iranks. The . , , ,. .... ... ' 1 than uanal, the lrty IarKt? ami 1. lump, t . . , ,. ,, , , H -r their partl-ansblp will be solxjrd.nated 10 No Kcetir n rt'rirlH jfonefrtllv poor ctoi'm, i 1 i' " ' a m. Uo the interest of tie f..r.ner of the stale, though in liM-litin the rrnp !H not tii to "- " srnKmewt rwit who constitute much the largest proper- S'tu Sil'lT, - V - S .s tion of It. Ctns. A colored farmers- 1 -alliance ha been started, rnd I said to I i,.in ..,ni..- Ir, i-.,4.:ti the tender lo hie np, sm Urn t i mpjsrely into ' ill NT TUJI0t'3EKKKI'FK!. Rice, boiled very dry, Is acceptably served with fish Instead of potatoes. boiled clothes should not be allowed to remain In the bedrooms, They Inlut the air and make It Impure. Sprained ankle hn been cured In an hour by Krtowcrlng with hot water poured from a height ot a low feet. Common washing sud a and boiling water should be used to rinse all the waste- plpca at least ouce every week or ten day. If vou are a tail women arrange to have your work-table and Ironing-board a few Inches higher than they arc usually made. This little precaution will prevent many a backache. Fuel can be aaved on Ironing day by placing over the Irons and old tin bucket or similar vessel bottom side up. You need a thick Iron-holder, lined with paper, to handle them with when heated in this way. Don't allow the broom" to stnnd on the brush end when not In uc; hang it on a nail by means of a ring In the top of the handle. Don't forget thai a broom will last much longer If, after using, It is dipped In bollinjr water for a few minutes. In changing feathers, alwavs put them Into new ticks, as the feathers will surely prick through washed ticks, I believe our grandmothers rubbed the Inside of the ticks with hard soap, to prevent this, hut I should prefer newoncr. Old ticking run always be put to good use. The easiest way to cleat shoes or rubber overshoes which have become muddy is with vaseline. A little "swab'' of flannel on the end of a slick Is gtiod for Hits pur- rose. Even It the vaseline touches the hands. It forms coating over thrm , that . . , . 1 . .1 I the task Is not so unpleasant as it other- wUc would be. J Tainted furniture can be wiped oft with a little milk and water, and look bright as new, llamboo, rattan and reed fuiuliuic ca.i be cleaned with a dump e.liattiol". i do not believe In the ue of foi nllure poll-li ; It may do for a ll.oe, but better ue a soft flannel with a fc dtep of kerosene for polished furniture. All pr pcratlons for waxltig fbtor are heated by setting the kettle containing the mixture Into another containing boiling water. By this means the beeswax be comes Incorporated with turpentine and other Ingredient. No flocr w 111 be "sticky" If the wax is properly rubbed In. The best article for rubbing In oil or w ax is a par quet b'ush, such as sold by manufacturers of parquet floors, and at large house fur nishing stores. The use of the tooth brush in connection with powders, wash's, or other treatment of the teeth , should be gentle. Bleeding 1 1, he gumt u , tl4nger tij,nal j khows that the skin has been broken, In vttlng the absorption Into the system of any poisonous or foreign rnat'ers which may be present in the mouth. If the gums are very tender, a soft brush should be used, and used, very gently, till they hare hardened soilictenllt to withstand more vlo'ou treatment. Even thcn,tne liability to eir i. on the side ot harshness. WEATMKR (KP l LIEU . So. the Oregon ?ial Weather lUm-au, co-operating itV U. S. Signal Hervirv, Central Otliee, 1'urtliirnl, Oregon, for the week CBiliDgatttrdiiy, Aug. ICtli, ISiW; VKATlUt. Thp trmtH-rntorw has Un sin t.. (j( .,,;, j,,., r Uil,n rive the rrKT-rmtfn ito Ww4 iiAtSlt ' (si Al 1,1 it rsa-al fi Lsai a. r. ' . .....I I ......... ..1 .i.,... On the ml. na-raioiiin,ri,kli.fir"W"'J1, V"- W,,u,s,i: fll (I., .(niA . u. v..rUU 1 t amen was hsrkM by I w-K aitics asd ! ...... i.nrt.... ... '...,t .1 ii ... lu I,mr r, iw,r1. .1 m j).. Wuliu ....n.. .1..... ...... ........ 1 ti 1. vaJler, no datiiHat; reported. The tiivhts have lietn aa ut-ual, -ojI ; the dnya have letn generally rlotiJU-H. Smko from fortat lire has U-gun to fill the atuioa jhere. moif. The wc athcr rondiliona, ncept on the 13th, w hen it w hs w arm, have ! !! favor abb: to linrvt htinjr and thrtf liitiK em-tioti-i, which continue to prireaa. Fnil anil winter w Lent ia y ncraily b:irvi st-l and cofniilcraldo of it ia tbrt cliiil. Spriiitt wheat ia now lcinjr liarvi etiil. Kepirta indicntc that wheat Olid o:tla are turning out ln-ttcr than waa expected. r!e, tlie wiieat i-nbive the avtraco. I)oii)c'mh and other ttoulliern count Uk lmd ununcally heavy raina up to April 15th, ainco then it has lioen very dry ami crop re rot eo good. The ach crop in southern Orejton waH altnoKt destroyed by the late frost? ; but other fruit in plen tiful. IIa ia pli-DtiCul tli roiiKlr the xtoek rountry. Bottom ami irrigated hnul in outhenHtrn jart of .thv rtatr- Ima very lare crojin. The wheat output, it in ca timated w ill to larger than ever before in Oregon. Tlie Cod I in Moth did con aidorablo dumngo to Rjipk-M. rhtma rtt pronea are very plentiful and the weath er haa lie-en favorable to the curing of them. In the neigriliorhood of IIi lix,i tTmatillii county, a ilifoofc rfcintilirid I uiHteinpt-r mvompanii'd by a liaekint; cough in among the liorxcn, but tto fur no fatal rcaultsare reported. P.. H. Vauvk, OtiserverU. H. signal Hervico. Asaintant Director Oregon Weather l!u reau. A locomotive working under a prensuri; o 140 lo 165 pounds to the square inch may move a r.dlway train at a velocity of sixty mies per hour.whirh we are apt to think of as a wonder fjl speed. But it is slow, compared with the rte of motion of the projectile fiont .1 modern great tin. Such projectile tiics at the rate of llr5 mile per hour, impelled by a pres sure of 35.000 (040,000 pounds per scjttftre inch. TKUtoJlAPlUV NEWS - A 1'east) Ivaola 4'j clone. Vii.krsbakrr, r.,Aug. 19. Al 5'oV'0( k this afternoon, the ii.ost terrible cyclone thnt wns even expericnf , d in this loeslpy sfuck this city. If came if. he river and the siirlden ncn of its coming was one of iu awful features The heavens were as black as nig'it and the wind blew with most ft ightful velocity. Whole row of trees were blown down. Following this, hundreds of house were unroofed, parti ally blown over and completely demolished, and worse than all, a visitation of death was tent upon a number of people. Large dis tricts in several section of the city are in ab solute ruin, and women and ch Idren are in t'..e streets, crying and wringing their hand in ab solute dismay. The damage will reach hun dred! of thousands of dollars. The total death list so far as ascertained is twelve Four men are known to have been killed at the Hazard wire rope works. . A house on Scott street, occupied by miners who had just leturned from work, fell in and three of the Inmate were killed. The huge stack of the Kylle planing mill fell and one man and two horses were killed. A little colored girl was killed by a falling nuilding on South Main street Two men snffered death by the falling of a portion of Stegmaier's brewery, and a third incurred the tame fate through the almost complete demolition of S S Brown's brick business block on Market street. There are undoubtedly fif teen or sixteen others killed. Reports cami (rum Sugar Notch, a mining town three miles from here, that the destruction of property is terrible and fifteen persons were killed, At Parsons and Mill Creek, four mile from here, Ihe coal breakers in all directions have been more or less damaged.' Trainmen of incoming trains report the village of Sumnierviile, thirty rr.iles west of Scranton, struck by a clyulone this afternoon and lotal'y annihilated. , n . . ..j, ...... it. ... ,,...,1,14., m. n 1 A Vlllace llurnrd, Skavi i.k, Aug 19. Slaughter, lively tint city of 900 population, in this country, wa nearly destroyed by fire between i and 3 o'clock Ihii morning, An engine sent from this city saved tie tows. The fue broke out in C'harlei Martin's shoe nhnn.on the one Street of (he town, iu a long row or fisme buildings. Mnrtin bail been drunk a" tdfenrly part of the lie had missed the train to Scuttle brt-a-.ise of his inebriety, and at J:Jo he left a nlooii to i;o to bis lodging In the rear i t the shop- About five minutes later the people in next I'ltiltlmg, the International hotel, henrd a louil exlolon. (alumni a moment Inter by an alnrm of die, In less limn a minute the whole shop wns hi flumes, fke ttiet.r It at, RosKtii'Rt), Or.,Aug,t9,Tlie oignniallon of the Coos Hoy, Koseburg & Eastern Railway t Navigation Company wa completed at Koochurg to-day. The entiie amount of the capital stock was subscribed.' T R Sheridan was elected president, F W Durnetl vice presl lent and generally solicitor, W V. Italnra sec rclary and trvaniier.and R A Graham general malinger. The board of diirrtor includes the foregoing oflirrr, as well as W II King, E G r lannganaml OJ Kcelry, The contract for the construction of the' entire railroad, from MnikhticUI. Cx' county, to Rosihurg, I hmglits County, was let lo R A (irnhnm, and he will commence the wntk iinmitliatrly, lite Amtrtatltin Hill. Wash ini; torn, Aug. 18, Qirgon fares lct ter in theiivcr and hai l ot Mil thtin ever before, The bill as it panned the Semite contains ll follow;iig itrnit fui Oregon: Improving entrance lo hail-or at Coo buy (115,000, Impioving liaibor at Vjipiina bay.S 185,000. Impiovuig ImiUir at 1 illnmook bay, $500. Improving entrance to harbor and Nclwlcn. bar, f lO.ocu, For the rotnmrntcnt of jetty construction . ..,,, . v ..h'ii'ii",! a wi i vsi'ini, nni ijih, wii n v,w lo asrrrtant H the amount estimated for a haihor of nloge cannot le materially lessen fr.,,,0, ' -- Improving rannl at the Cascade, Columbia "vt 45V, Improving Upper Columbia, including Snake uvcr, cjo.ttoo. Improving the month of the Columbia liver, $5,10,000. iinpiovitit l-oei WiiUiiirtle and Columbia rivers in liont and below I'lMl nnJ, $100,000 impioviiii iiiaiiiette liver slx.ul I'otilninl 1,000, of which su n 5000 may used In the OikCtetion ol Hie tcctstary ot wsr lit the im provement of the liver at Clackamas rapids and Koss island. tmpruving the Ctxpiiile river (continuing the tmpiuvcmcnt) 930,000. Improving 'he Untpina river, 8txo. Impioving the mouth of SiuUw river, commence construction ol jetty, 150,000, improving toung ami KUUamtie nvcr fluuo. Ha rwder la i. Washington, Aug. 18. Secretary Troc lor left this ci y Friday evening on a trip to New England, ftcm whence lie will go to visit ome of the military posts on the Northern foniier, possibly as far west as Puect sound. He said, ttfore his departure, that his trip was merely ol annual inspection of placet lo be visited, tnd had no e.u! significance what ever. Notwithstanding . this statement, a number of rumors have been circtitrtcd, and it is I lieved that among the subject lo be eonUlcieJ by the sretctuiy during his present trip is the (cavil. iiny and practicability of trengtt.enin the defenses along the Canad ian border of the country. ttlMMt Will b b-4 Crrv or Mkxico, Aug. iS. A ditpstch from Manague says Costa Uk and Nuara gua have combined with Salvador. It is ti I -oiled in Chiapas ttitt Guatemalan troop on the lionticr of Sitivsilor have mutinied, want inj 1 heir pay. Senor Dsigubt, UuairmsUn mtnis'er, says war U now inevitable and this j tsiu I a week of haute. The Guatemalan furies numt-er to.oOu. ail in rood condition an I they count on the lupiott'cl Honduras. EerasnlS)! lasl, U.N H.K, Aeg. tS, The greatest foul rsce lwsl evrr oceuned in this section of the state to-A plucesouih , this city yest.rdsy ef:einotn at nl'Tki-T.-l-;ioi,n wsux the cote ! rsi era, fc (7 tawe""' 'ori'iHllvt. Of l Vi ineatd ly l ames fiom Walla Walia. The I "'!arne ruu was loo yards, and Csmeron won Mtie race l y sloiit tloee leet in ten seconds. Tlie I uitr smotinteil lo $tm. Contiileiabte money changed hands on be sid. The taceis were in near 11 im, and much excitement prc vailcil. Wingard left lor Walls Walla l...t ni;lil, an I Cameron w ill go east in a few days. A self ttm'a Hvtitwrr. KansasCii v, Aug, 17. The Vc'fte Kx f tes Compary UM ( Jo.riOo by train roblers on the Mciuii I'm iuersiiway early this morn ii g. It was the Kansas limited tint fell into the hands if lie 1 timiin. 1 l.c uain was crowiicl villi pats-i'e'S, sad lhcs.ife of the riyrri" c ii'pnt'y was siuiVed with money, the rouilcs of 10 revolve! in the hands of two m.-ifkcd loeii. I'hry h id evidently board ed the loiwatd part of the mail car at Tipton, ami were c rawling over the tender toward the engineer. One ol them coveted t lie fireman lib his revolver while the other look care of the engineer. Th.y weie told lo hold their hands At Rolierts cut the eng;neer was com -mandrd 10 go 10 the express car and . tell the messenger tooctn the Uoci. When he reach ed thetaptcs car he found that the two io! licith.vl five confederate stationed at conveni ent pbtres about ihe ear, all heavily aimed and with their f..ces concealed liehine masks, t be express car wa bonidcd, the tiifc opened by the nictf engcr at the point of the revolveit and f3o,ooo in money and valuables lumped into a ucl, Wlun the robber skipped, A Muse U.'bbeil. I.ISKVH.I.E, Or., Aug. 17 rhcLakeview Liiikvble stage was held tip and robbed by two masked men two miles west of Lakevicw yes terday mo'ning, The robliers secured theea press box, mail bag. and ?4o in money from the two pnsengers aloard. The biiioui. I, con tacted in thecxpe and iM.iil is-unknowii,tut it is r upposcd to be small. Had the robbers been one day ealicr they would have secured fjoo from the ex pi ess. One day later they would have made a haul ol 1300, A ttlaady Klilke, Albany, N V Aug, 17, The most disas trous day in the histoty of the New Yotk Cen trai iriae cioseit 10-niniit. i iiuen men arc in care of surgeons and five are so badly wound ed that there ar; fears for their recovery. Three Pinkeiton men are cut and' one was severely handled by the rnob. A police surgeon had lo dress his wound. Nearly all the I'inkerton men are withdrawn fiom the crossing within 1 tie cuy iimrs, n tncir presence service to excite the on ool cis, and police took their places. Ike Jmuolng Iteececl. HKfiioiT, Aug 17, At tlie midsummer handicap gnim of the Detioit Athletic Club, yesterday, Harry Jewell, of Chicago, a Notre Dame student, broke ihe American hop step anu jump record. 1 he record has been 44 leet 5 Inches. Un the first attempt ewett made 44 feet, inches, furnishing cmaleut a new record, iiis hop was 17 feet. An affidavit establishing his claim to the record will at once ae forwarded East, . New Blacksmith Suor.G V Willi ha just completed his blacksmith shoo at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be nad and done In first class order Bring on your plows, wagor.s, etc., etc. for repairs. Biirgi ins at Read's, f.2 tty Drug re. Stanard Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perf:imory,school and ar tists supplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately' Summons, In thi CiruilOout tfot Llun County, Stat q vrtgtm: Will! ShMds, MOK ShliiliU.T V Young and M Ynurva, her hiisosnit, Mary n. Dor ria and 3 J Dorris, her husband, 11 IT v T J tShlilds and Julia Shields hi wife, Jas A ShiulHs antJ ICtutia Shield hi wife, Viiginla K Shields, Minnie Shields, 811. nnl LShWds.Msiy Shihl,l,lsieShlstdt, KittieShislds.aud cUrah M Shiol To Minnie Shiuld. Ssmtist h Shir Id. Mary Shieldr. Liaxie Slilnhl tnd Kiltie Shield. In thn name of tha atat tt OriKiin, vou are hereby rtqulrr d to he and appnsr and answer the oniiiplalntlllod agaitittyou In the ahoy etitttlad suit in tha ahovs autitlsd oouit by tha first day of the nt-xt rmilr torm of tha above entitled court, to wit: Uri Mouday tha 27th day of October. I31K), and if yt'U tail ti appear ami answer th iilalntilf will apply to the court for tha relief praved for lu llioir complaint, ytis For a decree of the court ti partition the resl estate cwnnd By piatutitls and ileii'tntsts as tenant in com mon, daacrbd as follow, lo-witi Ijits I and 2 and fractions! lot 3 in block 12, In tsstrru addition to th oily of Albany, l.inn oonnty. Oritn. Alao lota 1, 7, Sand the wvat half of lot 2, in block 13 ia the eas tern addition to 1 ho city cf Albany, Liim county, Orejioii. Also eommetioiiia' at thaM W corner of btook No 37 In llseklnman a 2nd addition to the eity of Albany, l.inn eonnty, Oregon, and runnim thence r.orth erly on Ilia western boundary line tf said block. 111 rent; the'e easterly psralltl with the northern bntitidary line if said blotis, fid lust I llien nii,rty parallel with raid western l u dary tine, III feil thscc Winterly ou rhs southma Ix.undarv Imn of said blouk, CO f.t to the plsOb i f hei(inii'oi. Aim ir a paititioo lannot ik had witn out luatmUl Inlurv to lh Intaiest of the parliee hereto, that the a Id resl (stale bo old aa p ovidml by law nd thsi irocrwU 01 in swl im parlltlonrxl aeoordins in the rcNnm-tlvalniardot oft ho plalntUT and aoienuania, and that tr pom and ou iii.amenla t taxed aa by law provided. and for atieh otner rallof aa to orutty oiay stem lust. 'I iila mi trillion la 1 ubllshrtl by orilor 01 1011 it r jiois. judti or aaid ' tor: nisi In at Cl.aml.i al Kaietn. CrrKon Ni-ptunber lilli, Ihmii, i K WKATMRtirano. A"l'y fur -laloitirM. Citation. t tht CuHty Court of the SluU 0 Orr-jon for k Count) of Linn, la tha nmtiitr of the tat or RUTH ItltAlesHAW lit era' To Jane Websmr, Thoinaa Clumeua. Ca t Clsmntis, Kiiith Adttlna. Jessie J C' Nancy A llr'., William Clemeca, Worth A CleiiiKrm, Nancy A ( leinona, Wlllb til H C'tomonsi, Karah KCiemona, Anna K Herron, Oliver T Hereon. GREETING: TN THKNAMEOX THK STA1K OV JL Oreiion. You ar be-rebr cIi-k! and 10 quIrtHl 10 srtssr in the Counts Court, of lit Mute i f O.auoo. for tho Couri.y of uoii, at too coun ronio loorwor, at Al tauy, lo the to.ruty of Lloo, on Mstiday. the 1st slay sT Xrslrasswr, laao, at the hour of I o'clock, to, of that day, then ami hrn lo show eauiu, ii a. y tbfr.tnj, wly Wlliiarn Cli nmn, wdrnlu taUator, of lbs) Mita of Hiltn llrtbw, ilncstMHl, shoo Id not lx Iioi,shI n m.II i lb rent ioMirty of said Itutr, ttradsbaw, deorwwd, dosorlbod aa follow a towns li-Kl anion at IbeNW corner of John II Kduioiiaoit'a del ation tltleation rso 20i, ciaim No f.H, n Tp Ii SH 4 W, ruiiuiiK Ihoncsiaakl 3i hilcbalita tberieo aoiilli Zi it cttallx, tliorcfl Pl 31 t chains. tnene north St 4Ilrblna, o lh plarw of Ulntiinr: remta oil g lio aerwa, ail In I.11111 eout ty,UiaoM. atptooisii: lipginrursK In th tttlr t the Caiauooi cms, ou 'la b sindiy lino ot t lias awtd John II Kdmooaoii'a b Oslion tan I eUmi. n .rtltl isM n No 2uO and n aim t n 6a in t( I jMK 4 W. and runniiiu rieiie-tu'i Vi tOehsio 10 ,l.e wju'ln &-i iMiim roi the im rtb ',i of abl itijiiltl'in IM'I Ut;tl, t.'.nr 'JU eliin ilia t ter vf tf 1 'n ul Mid I nUiHcif , nMik't'tat up Iih ren ter of lt iii-,n rhatiWlbf said i rtuU thu p, sen of LaKnrlnij, rouUlmog 20 acre, ail lu l ion eouoiy. Uieiton ior by order of tho lion f It N Itlarkbnrn, judf of the County Conrt, I itio Ktio ot -, . (iirgiiu, for too County I .lor, ( , ) wiiii inn smi I ol aald court i-lUa AU j tl thla lalowy 01 August, A U. - . - lro. (Altwl) NPfAYNr".. C tuiity C trk. VEGETABLE PANACEA PHEPARED PROM ROOTS Ct HERBS. roatTHc cuac or -'b' IJXZlXtrt? AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO mOM A DISORDERED STATE Of the STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. roi sale atr ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS Summons. In tU Circuit Court of thi Mai of Oregon for tlii County tf Linn. J.8. ANTOS KLLK,. Plaintiff ANNIK MoNULTY, Somw tunes k own by the name of I Aunlo Attloneile, Uorunoaiit. rilO ANN1B MN U LTV, SO M KTl M K-i t known ryv the nnmn or Annie Aft . timlft, the above r.amad (lnfntidnnl, in iIih iiitina of tha ettaOtt if Oritn y, 11 aro bernoy reoillreu t Mtiar and un awnrtliM ootitpmint of the above U!utltf in thaiiovo nntitld O'ltirr.. u.iw on Jl with ih clfrk of said court, by th flrx rlay 1 f tl'6 ui-al roular trin f iii coiiri wlileh an'd term of Hi.ld i nn ln-trm on Mt rtav, iIih 27tU dy r. 10 ', at lli'MM". In Alhiiny. I,li.n onituy 'irejc'iti And you are herebv furtticir no till, -d that f J im fall to Hf.iai hikI Mii- .,' r pahl u-.liif Isint by thw lin e !;r hs Id, mil a lidrnby requtrod, the plli)Lltl will lake a d'ereo against you for tha ri lief l i ny d I'm Id the ooittplaint In th'a e:tlf, to wit: Diroctme you le carry out the trUNtaitt forth In said complaint and to deed to plff by rowI nntt auflicl ent deed all of ths following described teal eatstn to wit: HhkIui irmln the- center of the north bounrlaiy Hue of lot i. In B'ook 0, In the city ot Albany, and ruonlotr thence wen ter.y on raid north boundary line 8 foot, thenoe urtutbarly parollnl vtl h Ft-i v at in aald city. 100 feet to the south b,.und ary linn of said lot; thence eaetorh un the south boundary Hue of aald j u 25 feet; tbence northerly parallel with ealu Ferry moot ICO feet to the nor'h bnumi ary line of aald lot; thence westerly 17 feet to tho place of beginning all of aula land MiuUtd in the city of Albany, Or gon, within 80 day from the rendering of final dftcrea In aald causo and that In oaaa yon fail to imke such deed tn plff, within 80 day from the louiiortng of sucli noal d forte, that tre same atanu aa and for such deed and that you be oar pelually ei joined from deeiiing aaid land or anv 1 art thereof to anyon ex cpt plaintiff herein, and that plaintiff have snd recover b,a coma aud dh burse irt n a b-rln of and fromyott. 1 hl aummons la publlah'd In puru tnoeof an order of the Hon H IHolf Jtulge of aald court; nmde ai c'oainbur in the oitv rif Salt m, Or g n. on t ! tsth d y ut Jul 1 , 1MK. PnblUhed tirittimo tli lo.-.h .ly of Jul , 1890. : W. II BlLVEU. , ; ' ; " Att'y for PKii.tiT.,: ; Muslin UNimnwieAB. In great variety of styles at bottom prices. EzGcutor's Notice. To all paraona li'-rlriR claim ajrsln it the eatateofVaiTioN Walab, deoeaae 1 All rra,ini havlnic nlalma agalnnt said eMtater are hir by nolil'ted that on the 8rd da., of J 11 r, IMIMI, the mulHralnnf d was duly epnoinutl nxactitor of th. laat will of aalrl denasr by the County Court of Idrm notiiily, Orjcii. All pernona tiav Ing ol a Iiiim Hjfriin.t said rat ate are tlmrs fore hareb.y noillltul mid rrtj til red to pra aant the name withlbn proir voucbara to tha undHrrlvt od at liU resldenoa near Urn oily of Aibsity, I -Inn ootiniy. OrrKon. within hIx in in th a from the tiaiw hareof l uted thu IK1I1 dxy of July, Ihlio UtOhUal C'l.lW", W. It. 1 11.VKU, Kaacutor. sttirnpy Assignment Notice. NOTU!K H IlKKKflY OlVEN THAT II bnderiind haa boon appointed nmiKiioa or 1110 oatate or ciiarira w I'arkor, an IniolvaHtdabtor. All poraona having 0 alma agHloat aabl cslale art hfiiiiby iiotldfld to nrasoiit the aaine vrav- sirljr vorltloil to tlm undBrinn(l at Ai- imtiy, or oif wituin throo roottia from tills date), IMto.i thU 6lh tlay ol Annual, lH'.K), W. K. UllI.KT. Asalgtoe. ShorilF j ale. a tint Cirtui Court of tht tiintr n Orrgon for IM I 'aunty 0 l.inn t JOKr.PtilSi: WUMMKKH. flaLitliT, WII.UAM 11. "uMMKIM, liafoniianl. jTI;!: I MI'.RKISY OtVKN THAT 11 by vttiiioof en execution, duly ls- il..d out of tha atmvti nauienl conit. In li almva emiUnd aotu 11. to mo dirasHed ami d-livrrrd 1 did, in enun!y, lam or sirvitoii, on titer 1 ttu aay or auk ust, duly lovy oport all the right, line ami inire,t . Wlliuui 11 muniohru, the aiHii.iMOi nuove nmil, In and 10 lh rml prop- rf desorltM J, and win on alardaij, lite l.llb tlay nf aeiilesnber. t. at tin. con t i.oum. ltHr lu tha clt f 1 A iiBiiy. I. no' county, Orrgim, at . ti'iitr o. 1 o-itux k, n in; or aid -, e!l i iioli !, n i,,n n.ilin hltfhrnt lilddor all lb" rise t. I Ilk. utid loti-e. M. of 1I1C sikld . i:in II huo.uicri, In and 10 run 10'towinic UrrscrltHvl pr n ar daa erhn.l a Mli,w to-wlt; lota No.nio (I), two (2) and Ibiee (5J in O'oea no 2-f llwoniy-frmil ia f at timer. ad Ji tiuu to thu tow of SiMtavlila in Linn county. Oreiim, .cconliiiK ti the plats and aurveya ufsaid town on Iila in the clerk oOiee of Said county. 'fh proceeds arising from soeh sale to ba applied first t- tho payment of the cost of and upon ssid eiacntiun; ec.rol to the psymei.t of plainttlT claim, amoaiiting brlhasumof lifty-eiihtant 5.VI0O dollars (51 A3-I00) with aecntiog interest therooo at tha rale of 8 er cent ir annum, siooa tha 16th day of March. 1877. Dated this 3ib clay of Auust, 1SD0. M. ferwr, KlinIof Linn eonnty, Oregon. Ry I). 8 mth, liepoty TmT health restorer. N0asSaSe9 USE IT! IT Tl TTTW TTtr.AT, MTOTHNB, II nw.r tlw I sml KldortTi n,l Suwiuiih, rttrr 1 1. it.u tu-. tH-fn. rrr- aa Att Utc, ruulW. stw Im.iuMi IliwJ, aoJ J.TVa1!e WesV Wtmrg. PS" Cssnl everywhere. (1 avbotOeiaUtoria. as- T if a.V HVT'islT. LITTLE PULLS. DS NOT CBIPIE, 8IC1XI OB COMSTIPATC. tan Cm m tot ttmmu uatcwusa routiweMa. SS. h fl.rir.lna Ik UImuI Tha 4w a ba atmlr wIImM so suit tha cm. 1 billa 1 1 b too laraa a doaa. M to uk HMBiflaiu ailltttaaia atra which en brrrtd la vMt lckt a Ort te rvtal Umtm m rmriMi s a,lw, a. S SVla Hk. M "Tmrnl'tnUHt. M tnrfwhfK bMU. as. (t v. a r nm luni w a, n , D. MaDTaaya iaOM Tnsiin. PTRinssiM sdmiri smcuiTrs . Linrsl MS (llittrinl KKmilKSS Ik. DltBlUTATEl,! I M SALT H .1.4 VIHISUI.'MaTaKKUTarVunal THE OB. HA8IE8 UEOICIME C0.8T.LOU18, Mta. Will & Link, 0PK1U I0UE MUSIC STORE, aosxts roa TtlS CI.SSRTB IS. 1 HSIlIer, And tUs Favorite J. BAUER h TO. PIANOS. Aim) tho ' - Mouse Proof "EAEHUFV And other Flrst-Clas O 1 C3- .A. Isl S . Hit Anta t,.r the - EIMDftii D, : anil : KEW IiIE wlnj .Much! . ; Organs - Cleaned - .m - Utcr-AirtED. ALBANY, OJtliQON THK BREAD WAGON, and get FRKSIT BREAD every mnratnc, or W ordera with J S D i.las, site tha Itusa '.louse , errd aUfrcr thrctty. Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! Whilo trying to Crowd their WAY INTO . DEV0E 1 FROOAfl BROS Store, where they alwa have on hand tho largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Gun; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every ' description; . Tent, Hammock, Camp Chairs and thousands of ctlier thinge too numerous to mention. Repair Shop " In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen In'ili- Mute to do anv and ail MiuU oi uk. - ; -Come on-, Ciune ill : No trouhle to show goods. "Sinall proiit and ijuick M&tt H f ) N D E H'S. , at".' : -t'?Zl 1 r 1 - jisii I am at s . Ml r 'Tlrl A '1 i ,lt ,!, 1 y wl ' ' m i mm .1 "" i iiwm"' 1 1 1 1 ... ..1.. , -mi i.r z: sc ff a i pMMWMaMMtBjWjMsjas V ajam dj.ll kJds!1alWas1assWBasW w ii &i m m-m & w m- s Russel a Co s QRICULTURAL IJFLUnCCTO, PS B IS 0 r A m a ivi a -. a at 1 1 a ubmynsmu o J oils, wag dm r.:Amn:AL, SAD AD at"!ASC SEED, GUNS F. M. French - BSALSa IX Sett Tlioma WHTAHPrt J rs m n lFff Waltham AMI -IIP- ' -. SPECTACLES CLE8 O sye-glasseO 0 EY I7IOR WKLL B -RING, Ut CK MM -- Inr and piopctlnKr, "s'ti.o 1 J It. H'-glie, Albany. r OTRvVFD ORSTOt.KV.-From S.iU O vtll two sx-rrel horan., ono h Urk sorrni with h vll and a hUfr n tviim ! t bill d iu tho loft eve, tjnr,tit: li A. 11, an the loft abouIdr, OU-m t no a light aoi re), no brai d, t ut clu r ni. Auy iersou knowing antlinrf such of mob horara iUsk fd reri, the'ned at Sudavi:l. 1,1 nn courts , nd obllga W A MASrKlteo . Administrator's Notice. N0TICB IS HEREBY G1VK.S THAT the underpinned have bean duly ap pointed adsniniatrators of tha ataia of WiHIam flyrus, deceased, latr"b! Linn county. Orogon. All persons -avinf olalma agilnst said estate aro hereby no tified tn present them, duly veritud. at the residence of cither of us, about seven miler southeast of Solo, in paid Linn county, Oregon, within six mouths fro i tha dateheref. Ja y 24, 1890. IIbnbt Cyrcs, James II Pkkry, J K V eathorford, Adminixirator , Atty for Admrs. Administratrix Notice, To all persons having claims against tl e estate of Jacob Stover, cire'eated s All pai sons having claims BjyiiiHt nnid eslat) are berehy nntlfli d tout ,n the 3'd rtxy of J ire. 1WH, iho nitfix'jr.:,,,-) w un duly appointed adn lnivtra rix or the us tat or JsO b Mtover, dwn-!, t y lim ;ounty Conrt iif Litu county PiVcnn Ail . pcrar ns bavins; olaitr- iiwut.t t -a 11 etdatnare lhrt-for hprehy rKjuiri-d t pree'it the Mm with the rr pi vom if , is to the uniirrn'f?'ipd at In t ni!(icu ci-ar h'd Lilit' 0.uoty, Onik.-i. wiiliin six inoutha I'ruin t1 date bt) of iJatrid thU Uth diwif Juiv, iss'O ' MPS. A. VV. M VK! - W. R BH.YEU, Administratrix. mith & Senders5 . "Sr a 1 i-J ir- '6J I n 1 a? r. i HHh i '(tf szJn i y ----- -1 f rii''L- 4y'' ; ' ' A. T-i '' ( 1 ' WfeKT&'t r "rob t r?? LBATs'Y. OREGON, t; :sT yiiv. Engine! AM DEALlir.S IX ... J k l. ivi, ti and a: OO mwm s exore XXSri'OR SALE BY: ill A 1 "1 j iT- -l v" .. i-i' '-.v " . . . vrt.-- r ... .1 y t . 1 - . "i -rti t - . y. -'i - - - I 1 j---""1-:-., K 1 i 1j 1 ( n mi. a. . si ; I :o r n ess tTifflst Lieu '? l?Jtf : .. . . J if Tito Loadir.g Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hat . Caps, Boots, Shoos and Trunks. V I ! . -,r" " ' '-t - r --.L r I I laclunery, K .AMD D.JGGIES, LOGGERS A'D ZL. CHA. COAL, PAIfiTS, ir-iUKiTion. K ATI ... rl if : In! 1 I ouvinst " i ti i