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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1890)
iDtwawat. FRIDAY , MAY 30, IS90 8TITE3 & Ritller n 4 NUTTING rrasrlrlars. Matches and Acid. Without a doubt there I one woman in the state that ihinki marriage It (allure. morning the youog wife of Walter Koner, who reside about Ave mile tip the river on the Independence road, divided that she hud enough of thU world' trouble and w.iulj croa to that dark horc by a peculiar ami unheard of method. She took a bunch of matche and after chew ing the head ol then and swallowing them he took a mall vial of carbolic acid and d.ank a good doe oa it. The avid noon bean to burtt her mouth and I h rout and she drank a tood lot of water w hich diluted the dan gerous poison. Dr. J N Smith was called and did what he could to relieve the sut terer. She la only 16 vcar old and I quite frail. The doctor think. he I behind danger, but had a narrow cc. " Mr Hon co 1 an Industrious man and hi trouble U to be regretted. Statesman. Tu Crops. There ro no tunny tlillVr ent remarks niailo atiotit the condition of the crop that the I)mik .t bus taki-ii pains to ascertain the facta from men. who have been through the country nl are competent to judge. Kail wheat where sown on siuniiH-r fallow, is in lino condition in most riiies ami w ill in aiiv event produce a pxsl crop; where sown on stuoDie land, it H stunted att.t Hpeck-! led and the crop will Iks very small, hut pie, ami hn the photographs ol some .10 prolmhly better than many count on. 1 mM, it! nig with loving letter. A mini There seems to K alxitit the same am-1 br -f tin in front all parts of the coast ountof each, perhap.1 slightly the nmst travi !, d to Ash! it;. I to call on the lady of summer fallow. Spring wheat isjMr K.uu.t-v '.! . tip wi ll in a phot.I rather uncertain, hut a gixxl rain w ithin ; graph. c. d's-s hu live ehiMren, ami he ten days will make a fair crop. Snue of i is n'o i l.ejeh u s; jetlcr-w Titer. Among it, though, is prolstbly lieyoml r"i letups j t!n H'gii s of si:u-v that hit Kive-siek pen turn. Altogether the croi nromi.,s to : took :n m.i:i iihiu-.? like this: "Ia-1 us be about average Wuat 1Kks rr Mux.-In our item about the railroad sign at the corner nf First ami Broadalbin streets one word waa left out. The sign, artisticly gotten up, reads : "No Union ticket "ollioe in Uiie city. The Southern Pacific have the only Eastern tickets in the city." Ixik Ing northeast a short distance one reads J the ign: "Union Ticket tXRee," ami Through railway tickets for Chicago, etc" The 1kmih-r.t makes it a point to always take note of peculiar things and hence our mention of the circumstance. Aq 8. P. man tells the Democrat that the former sign is literally true. There is evidently something the matter lietween the 8. 1'. and the U. P., and as they are big corporations and not a scratch is made without orders from headquarters why la it not possible to get up some kind of a duel on a big scale. Stat Gbasok. The State lirange met in Salem vestenlav. Mr and Mrs John Bryant, Mr and Mrs li II Wright and Mr and Mr C P lturkhart were present from Linn county. The follow ing ollieers were elected: Master, 11 K I lavs; Overseer, J Voorhees; Lecturer, Win Holder; Stew ard, J DChitwood; Assistant, W A Sam ple; Chaplain, 1 Ebv; Treasurer, J 1? Stump; Secretary, WM llilleary; tiate Keeper, 8 A Ihwaon; Pomona, M J Train; Flora, I 1 Gibson; Ceres, llattie lleninger; Lady Assistant Steward, Lydia A B Leabo ; Member of Executive board, Judge It P Boise. Fimr Criers Fot x. Monday, w hile retting dirt from Washington street, S W Koaa found a fifty cent piece at the K.t tomofthe grade, opposite Mrs McFar land'i. It had, though, proUihly slid down with the bank. It w as dated 1XV2, bad a hole in it, and "iiftv cents" on the rim, and looked as if it had lain under the soil for a great many years, prolmhly thirty or fortv. The owner can have the same by calling at the store of F M French and proving property. A great many possibilities are suggested by the find, and one can say "perhaps this, and perhaps this." Being in the neighbor hood of the first house ever built in Al bany, many things are suggested in con nection with the matter- j Decoration Services. Union memo rial service were held In the Opera House last Sunday, attended by a large audience They were conducted by the mii.Utcr of the city, who participated in the reading of scriptures, prayer, etc. Some excel lent singing was fuiuUhed for the occasion by a choir of young men Rev I. J Trumbull delivered the sermon for the occasion, from the text "1 have fought a good fight." It was listened to with u ark ed attention. Services on deco-atU n day will take place according to the program heretofore published. 8i'ddc.hLt Killed. At Woodburn Saturday afternoon Fred Kendall, in com pany with two orher men, was engaged In cutting down timber. Thev had tawed a large tree entirely off and when it started to fall, Kendall ran directly out from the tree ; a it reached an attitude of about seventy-five degree it shot forward and the butt end of the tree hit the unfortunate man killing him almost instantly. It struck with such a force that it tore'away a portion of hi head and scalp. He Lve a widowed mother and three brother. He was aged 35 year and wri the main sup port of the family, being the eldest ton Statesman. Povdo A Fm Tuwo. Standing on First Street, near the St Charles,one can now see along Wnshinton St. the entire length, the cut being nearly on grade. It shows a handsome street. This work ot improvement has been the means of giving employment to a large number of men, besides making much needed im- Srovements over the city. As Second treet is yet to be lowered there is plenty d work ahead, and yet the job has not been such an Eiffel tower as some pre dicted. A nros rattlesnake was killed altotit a mile north of town Sunday, which, ac cording to report, was the largest seen in this vicinity for a number of years. We re told that there is a den of these hid eous reptiles near by. Some one ought to take it in hand to destroy this home of the venomous race. Times. Add to this the den of lxy cotters at Brownsville, and our fellow-citizens there are entitled to the sympathy of the world. Take a pitchfork and slay tlitm right and left. AFkeakv Mr I K Buff showed the Appeal quite a freak last week. It consist ed of a chicken with four legs. The tecond pair of leg were fastened to the breast bone, and all four leg were perfectly formed, and had not the mother hen step ped on the freak and killed might have been alive. Mr Buff will preserve the feeak and poftVibly present it to the Smithsonian Institute. Silverton Appeal. Bitten by a Dog. Sunday the little son of Mr McDonald, residing near the Democrat office, wat standing in front of the Democrat office, when a grlzily fiste of a dog crossed the street, and without any provocation, attacked th5 boy, biting him in the neck in a sertou manner, a policeman fired one thot at the dog but II escaped untouched. Correction. We are Informed by hi friend and relative, that the report that gained very general circulation, that the late C EI Spencer, deceased, hsd taken a large dose of chloral resulting in a stupor irom wnicn ne never recovered Is a mis take. He had arioen In the morning from hi bed snd taken a teat on a lounge and converted with the family only a few minute Dciore ni oeatn Resigned. R A Michenor, recently principal of the Tangent cho ls. ha re ignea ni position there, lit reasons given were that he had been appointed census enumerator for acoupl precincts. Mr Michenor 1 the young man who will be beaten by G F Russell for school superintendent by ceveral hundred majori ty. Oregon Population. In most of the state of the union there 1 one person In the insane asylum to 1000 population. This would glvs Oregon a population of about 550,000 and Washington of about 360,000. Making an allowance the rc - ective populations are probably about 500,000 and 300,000. DaiEDFaorr Wasted. PIucqs and al kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by W O Simpson, First street. Druo Stoke for Sale. In a growing town ; also a Urge list of city and count! y "-.. rty. For particulars inquire o , . fr. virv.over Fintr. Nat. Bank. Crossed tub Mountains Mr Chtu Knudson, ot Sister, arrived In the city, last Sundav from across, and gtvca the Ukmockat the tallowing itereniiiig Items: Snow on summit feet and hard; from FUi. lake down atiout 1 feet and aoft; will go In about three weeks, and the road can be traveled, if the Company will do their part of fie work, cutting log, etc. Squaw cieck settler are not dUcour aged, but are adding to the population no much that the reboot limine had to be en larged, and there I talk of building an other. School l under the able manage lurnt of Air Maxwell, front llalney, who U ao smitten with the place that helm taken a ranch and decided to grow up with the country. Politico Are booming, and ac ortllng to all Indication Sumner and llodr will run away ahead of tlv-lr ticket most republic" of lllack Untie will vote for them. There weie, of course, heavy Individual louse last winter, but the average Is not large after ull People arc In hope .f Mill communication with AHuiuv, which It they had had last winter, would' have pre. vented most losea ot slock a feed could have Inn n shipped Sun t!T Onk. Mrs l.ui-lls. It Smith, a grass w Mow of this place, sttys the Ash- j land lux-mil, left with her three ehil.lrcn I on this morning's tram for Woodland, ('a!., where t-lio will U- itiarrittl to Mr U.uiiscy, tv weil-t'xlo stocktmtii of Santa IviM, Ji il nlo a grtss w idower with live ehildiMt. It will Ik rt iik'hiIrtoiI that Mrs Smith recently had nil ti-l. in a San Krauci.-vo paper stating tint t nh w an w til ing to join h.iii-l; nnd hearts w it h n suit able tsciitlein tit. Mie wa-i s-ioit in eorrvs- i)iin.l.'iici vu'ii u l:tt i( just such pet fot itet the i'i-t,, uiel I w ill do all to inae yo t ati.l your dear eliiltreti hap py. I loitj; t.r the happy hoar w hen I can clasp you in my arms ami call yon my vwn, o"w ii dearest l.mllii." Vky l)isrivi;i is!Kti. -Tin- pulse of the I'imiK's.vt i liictf wa stopp.-d for a moment on ri.ijin fie fotloiw.lir real cstati" card, u hlch f aridities uu example of distinction not i.fu-n met with, snd will make the Mvi.tec man fei I hi absolute wirlh!'ncs 111 a Virv marked Will.ur T Co.-sneil, K ell, K S Sce(l.oiidon,) iglneers, V S N, ex re- (i A K. ex I .f liit porter U J senate and house ot Kepre cnlative, member of Price Monument Aoi l.itl in St l.oui, h (relative of ticn lienj ll.irrisou, Drll I) Cogswell, mi.lion atre, of S.m l-'rsncivo, Hon John J IntfslU president I" S Senate, pro tern, (ien Win Cogswell meii.bernf Congress, and 'Vm Cogswell unlst,) Is real estate ue'it with Messrs Hughe. Brown .V Co, 71 Wash ington street, I'oitland, Oregon, V S A, w here h . w ill be glad t see all his fiiemls. JrKRov I N Thomas is negotiat ing for the puichae of t"ie Jefferson flour iniMs. This a move In the rllTt direction. Our enterprising hardaie man, A 11 Hudiileson, has slopped In the past six months 14 cars v! poiutoes nul i6crsrf oats. $ l Thompson luil better nband 111 the political field ami spp'y for a patent on his celebrated backbone sircnglhrner Arrangements have been made for Mc pherson Post. G A U.of Albany, to come down .in the noon train on decoration day. The post will cor.diu't the exercises ot the day. Judj;e Biackburn Is expected to de-1 liver an -i!res. il Is concede I by all that the Jiiilc is one (.( the chlest in the state on memorial ervie-. Review. A Goon B-jok. Vllii is ever l.j,t bv 1 is... 1 11 1. r 11...1 .1 IJ buy, and when an opportunity offers, do not lose It, for h d.ies not occur every day. Mrs. A M Talt Is convassing f r Mrs. lohn A Logan's Manual for the home, a I - r - - - work, nicely written and full of just such matter a most homes need. It is hand sorncly gotten up, finely illustrated, and deserve a place in every housclioul I he book I a guide in social, domestic -tind business life, a treasury of useful iu'vnna lion, touching oil cti.piette, hygiene, house hold economy, beauty, care of chiU-en, money making, fan:y work, bouse decor ation, civil service, hit ry, geonphy, physiology, art, etc. Creamrky P-)i'.si riv. 'lr. J B Irvine writes from Sprague, Wash , to .Mr J 11 Townsend, of this city, that If Albany will form a joint stock company and or ganize a creamery he will come down here and tun it, 511 J is satisfied it would pay the Investors. Mr Irvine, Is known by many here, ! a thurojgh creamery man, and if Albiny and the farmers near here want a creamery this in the best ap poitur.lty yet offered. Cssrs E.nrMKn.iTOB.s. The following have been appointed census enumerators for Linn county: C W Watts, B F Table r and Richard E Conn, of Albany; lHj Gray, of Brownsville; W C Ittggs, of Crawfordsville; KASlichenor, of Tan-r-nt; Geo L Sutherland, ofScio; FM Miller. Lelxtnon ; Fred C Godley, llalsey ; O B Cyrus, Mo ; Chag F Cunningham, Harrishurg; Samuel J l'aul, Hcio. C'kook Cocstv. Sheepmen and deal ers say that our word clip this year is of the lst quality that has ever been pro duced in the county. The fleeces are are light and unusually free of dirt. Too bad a better price is not oir;red for it. A Hackleman called at our office last Wednesday, having just arrived from Al- banv. He was on the way to his horse ranch on ('amp creek, and had with him two fine stallions. Review. Is 1840 f.'-: .vts!'.. -The real estate man ha al :!, h vo i 1 Oregos, ready to boom the counii;-, philantropic like, in which he lived. In the pectato pub lished at Oregon City in 1846, E C Pickett, announced that he "wou'd offer for sale in a few dayr a number of lot sit ated on th: lower part of hi clai.n, lying n the V illamettc river and just r.t the foot of the Clackamas rapids, where a bridge will be built during the coming eaop. The Astorian has investigated the offer f a Welsiter's Unabridged Dictionary as a premium for i2.5. The )ook is not what it in reriremTiteil to ls It is (limlv printed on poor paper and inferior bind ing, and is away behind the times. That is about the way it struck the Dkmochat. Several valley papers, though, and even the Examiner, took it in and are offering it as premiums. Pliilic Examination. The following teachers are attending the public exami nation being held this week : (i L. Calavan, Charlie Hawk, C F Swank, G I) Abra.ns, Melvln Bamfnrd, Ada H asset t, Uelle M Chance Mr Nellie Tunison, Amanda Mc- Bride, Mr W F Rowland, II L Robe, Benjamin P Thompsor, E A Roice, E G Margason, R M Mark, Mrs Flora Funk, Julia A Woods, Jennie Llmbocker. The Wrong Coat. Les than a year ago an Albany barber wa called on to prepare a body tor burial. Llurlng the work he placed hi own coat on the bed beside the one to be used. When he wa ready tb put the coat cn the. body, by mis take be secured hit own and taking hold of it, In the customary manner cut the back up to the neck. HU consternation was great on discovery of the mistake. Jekkebson. The committee to raise funds to reopen the Jefferson mills, has succeeded quite well so far. About $15,- 000 is secured. Mr h a Itiornas.a lelier- son capitalist, has also figured some on buying it alone. The farmers of Jefferson and vicinity are feeling more hopeful and confident, as thev are discovering that the affairs of the mill are not as bad as at first reported. Journal. Punning. Russell says he is bound to "ruseell" himself in as our next school superintendent,and Michenor says it will be as "mich" as he wants to do to keep him from it. Plunkty plunk Scio Press. And more too. Russell will be russeled in by a handsome majority, one that is being increased daily by the county can vass. Dr. Patton, the specialist on female and private diseases, in Blumberg' Block. Office hour ' lo toi2, a to i and 7 to 8. Consultation free. Residence 3rd and Montgomery. 10 ner cent off on all ca h (sale for the next SO dayeat W F Read'. fOt'SCIl rstv EEIXti. Tuesday, May 27th, 1810. Present Mavor. Recorder, Marshal ami all Couneifnit'ii. The follow Imr bills were ordered palil Matthews A Washburn. $5.1)5; O W Watts, ti:t.mi; Knnpp, Hurrell A Co,lO; Jos Itosotte. i.lit): W 11 Barr, ISO: rititcs & Nuttintr. JiM.lO: los Price, 2; A J Anslyn, f 1.50; Peter ltlhy, 4j O LSav aite, .L'fie; All Istev, fl.TA; John Jones, 70; A I Hunt. $115"; V A McClain, 50j W N Miller, 7t. Further time wns grunted on bills of Huston & Co. f.M, and B M Sloan, Ti. The couitiiittee on streets and public properly tmule several rifeoiiiiiieiuhttlons for sidewalks ami Improvements, as fol lows: New sidewalks, west side Thurs ton, ndj lot 4, hi a.", adj Burkaw proper ty; otto estsf side Ferrv St, ndj lot 1, hi IS ; one south IMh st, adj bl 77 i one east side Bromliilbin adj hi '."i; one south side 7th st ndj lots U ami 4, hi 5:1; that chasm near Montgomery street is1 fllled,thnt2iid street to graded' linker to Thurston, nnd that 2ml street First to Washington he put on grade as soon ns practicable. Adopted. Work ordered done in .10 days except ing mutter of lllling chasm, w hich w as referred w ith power to act. of Petition of San Wa fur privi lege of building a laundry shed In lire limits was continued. Uecoutiiiettiliitluns of street commis sioner were referred. Petition for electric- light at 7th and Jefferson streets wits referred to commit tee on wavs nnd tuetms. Petition" of E W laingdon and ors asked that lulli nil ililch on Lyon street lie re moved to ncitr center id street, so that eoiiteiuplated httsiness blocks: ")' be eriH-ted with safety. On ntoti in of iVyoe referred to streets ami ptthlie projH'rty w ith power to net Ordinance -'i pri- viittng for the estatlishment ol grades was read three times ami panned unutu imittsly. Ordimmee 2 VI providing (or grunting to the Minset Telegraph nml Telephone company the right tooperate a telephone exchange in the city was rend twice ami laid on table until next meeting. Licenses to sell liouor were (.'ranted to It I- W iiteman and Aletitgertx Mocsrugcr. Matter of expenses of repairing bridge in eastern stiburlis of cftv was referred to committee on streets ami public property with (Hiwer to settle for city's share of same on completion of work. Grade ordered made on Salem road to Creek bridge. The matter of old building adjoining Exchange hotel was ncniti orden-il torn down, tliistime by the committee on streets and public property. Ki t tuiu tr. Aloiuo l'arilwell et tlx t. Henry Winklev.l'sii acres in tp I2.S It 2w f Anna M lloiick to E CSearls.lot 3, bl 1, ll's A to AUnuiy CEChastain to Mary l-altue, tiO acres in sec I4, S It 4 w A Hackle man et ux to America Ann 5;'A) 150 ItKK) 2Jl) 175 2.V) K'XK) tu0 420 -SO 410 l.VH) 2X) 2is1 Hoiiglas, south half lot 3.1.1 17, ll's Unl A, AlUtnv J I. Cowan et ux to M E Edwards, lot 1. bl 1, It's 3rd A.Ia-Inuioii. J A lUard and DC Holt to W ) Washburn et al, lots 1, 2, blti, K's A, Ul John Img et 11 x to E I. Brvan, 10t) aerestp 11. S K3 w . . N C Myers to John A Cary.part lot 3Ti 111 S-io A C llaust-iimn to P. U, IPs 2nd A.N Brownsville .... CnliUHxiia Iwlgo No 4.1. I OOF. to ft FChilds.S ' N W4',see 17, tp i:i. S U2w Martin Payne t-t ux to Matilda Par sons, mt i 1. 1" ui m ravne.. If't.-irl.. Iblr.a I., tri ll, I."... ......... .1 ... T i P 1. S K 1 W.... K Kirkpalrick et tlx to Beard V Holt. lots l.K's 2nd A. . Edward Huston et ux to Nancy BiggiT, lots 3, 4,bl 0, V'n A. .'. Owen Bear to James U Frady, 5 acres in 1 I. C of Owen Bi-ar, . David II Harris, etux, to Ittv llarri 10S.75 acres in Tp 13, S It 1 W Eli Rover, etux, to fohn Mavlleld. 127.t's- acres in Tp 13, S It 1 W 1) K Michael to J U Keel.ler and F M Miller, KO in Tp USUI W Perry 1 1 vde, etux, to J C Sabin, (ots 7 nml H blk 2, Hydes Add to Harrishurg . . E B Maple to Ephraitn Turner.lots 5 and 1, blk 42, in AIIkiiiv State to Vl .lit-u'iiith.S K SW' Ssc 2 1, Tplo, S R2 W. .. ... Sam'l Sylvester to TImm Ii-akin, 40 acres in :re3ll,Tp 11, SU IE State to John Mavfit-Id, HMO acres Sec21Tpl.V K 4 W tKW 27iW 400 Total Total for the 2(f.22T o:t3.4(.tl year Hurtng were lileil, th past week ten mortgages Total eonsideraticti $ 13 670. For Sch' til S-jperintenib-ut no Iwtte- msa eiinid l.avs Ini ehncn by ths ilrn ocrsts 1 hunt. V R'l-sill. He !.s livrd in Oregon most of bis hf.-.i" thorounhlv identified with schno' interest in l,mu coui.ty, bol-ls a vtry h I'll yrad-i t;rt-i I vs cirtiticsio and ha had argceXferirl.C as ti-sclo-r. His opponent, Mr Mi:hei.rr, is practically unkbOu toths great txuly i.f tlis voters and pstrous of the teh'Mu in the cnuoty, haying been hnrsbut slx.ut a yrsr Bsidu He has just reeniveda lucrative fcdersl ap(iutiriFii t Mr l(uell l:lrec-iv a great rnsuv r'-put.hcsa vutos oast by 111 pn who know hi tborougb fiti. for thi otlie-1. mm Girr ExrBacKHE. G' and sao tha ljeautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule laaar." Julius Gradwohl the proprietor of the Golden Rule Bar.aar,in- .forius us that he has tho Prize Baking Powder, and So 1 Japan tea, expressly up for his business, and for the benefit of his customers-, each 1 six of baking powder w ill win a piece of fine glassware and also each pound of tho tea will win a piece of line glassware, and customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of baking powder, which is warranted, will have a chance at that lieautiful gold watch. Hu has also added a fine assort ment of family groceries to his mam- mouth stock of glassware and crockery, which is the largest in the Willamette Valley. Go and see Mr Gradw hol at the Golden R'lle Bazaar, and you will find that nothing is misrepresented. The best brand t Rutrtrr . at Smith st Hexlrrs'. Always he IIappv. A wealthy London merchant gives the secret ot his business success as follows : "I always feel happy when I am advertising, for then I know tiiat, waking or sleeping, I have a strong though silent orator working tor me; one who never tires, never makes mistakes, and w ho is certain to induce people to call on Conn & Hendricson lor fresh Htrawlierrics and vegetables of all kinds. They keep the best and freshest. The Albany Woolen mill will paV 30 eeota p;und fur wool. i i New Blacksmith Suds'. G vV Willi ha iust completed hU M ic'.sinllh shop at the corner of Second and Railroad street where all kind of iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order. Bring on your plows, wagor.s, etc., etc , for repairs. Ladies Muslin Underwear. I have ust opened the largest line of m-islin un derwear I have ever carried, and have marked them to sell at the least possible per crnt they can be handled for. Infant dresses from" $ cents to $3.25 each; full size, full length; no china make, all white labor, guaranted to be equal If not super ior to anything in the market for the price. Also Infunts caps and coat.-. SAMUEL IS YOUNSJ. . New embroideties, flouncing, lace lounclng in cotton and silk, black and cream. ' Lace in imitation point, also new design in black and white lace, Including Vandyk and bifel Tower. New rucntngs Samuel E Young. Wall Paper. I have just received rom the cast a larg3 iuvoiajof wal 1 pa per, borders, decorations, etc., including trie plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. These goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before. Samuel E Young. Whereto Get Them. When wanting in organ or piana call on G L Blackman A-here you can select from a first class tock. Tws Jantlce Kesiga. Etliort Democrat t We the tinderslgneJ having received the nomination for justice of the peace at the hand of the two great political pat ties 01 tut naticn at our primaries In Tangent preel let, beg to state the following fact to the voter and to the public generally of Tangent precinct, Linn county, Oregon 1 Well founded rumor lis It that neither of us l the man for the people and the par ties, we luruier understand that both pa 1 tic have fused and are going to unite and concentrate their force In an effort to elect Mr Aaron Barnes justice of the peace. Realising full well Hint wo are not Die choice of the people, and that the office of justice I a judicial matter mid not a partisan affair, we acquiesce It the movement and step dawn and nut. V e further stale that we are In accord with the movement ami will Klve Mr Durncs out hearty support on the and dav of June, a ne is a man well qtunnort and ol unit lest and unquestioned Integrity. - J J IlKAKP, I W Nkwcomb. Tangent, May 36th, i8yo. The CuHHlr 4'aavassers. Harrimiiho, Or., May Jlh.ifvi. The candidates at Shcdd, llalsey and Harrishurg have gone over similar ground a at preceding point In the campaign. Mr Weatherford ha practically had the whole field to himself, there one on the opposite shin wh.) seems able to even make a reasonable show of opo. tlon. At Harrishurg Mr Weatbcrforu read from the Herald Hie mean attack made upon hhn by that paper, In which It accused hhn of having so managed the piogram of the campaign " to keep R L Smith oft th stump. Mi Wealhcrford called upon Mr Hume and Mr Temple ton, tsith republican candidates, and tliey public' contradicted the Herald' tham story. Otherwise than this effort of the Herald to create a system of mud slinging among the candidates, the canvas anion the candidate on all aide seem to be pleasant and gentlemanly, just what It ought to lie. I hc democrats of Shcdd, llalsey, I'coila and HarrUburg are thor oughly united and woiklng like beaver. Their "call Is to dcmicrt of all other pre cinct to join them In this victorious light. Yin tisx. Tfcal Mull IXslas. Bkow ssvili.k, Or., May 2iUb, IHlsj. Edit or $ Drmocrut : I would respectfully ask you to insert the following in answer to a communica tion from Brownsville, dated May 22nd, and signed "Freedom of the Press." The article is headed "Bull Hosing." and ac cusing me of some hard things, w hich I emphatically pronounce a tissuo of lies. with two exceptions, namely, the stopping of my paper and discontinuing the ail. of the Eagle Woolen Mills, which as a free American eituen I have a right to do. 1 am not compelled to take any man's pa per and pay for it if 1 don't want it. As to the ad. I consulted two of the directors and they told me to do as 1 pleased about it, and I thought it not advisable or con sistent with the tiest Interest of the compa ny to pay 72 a year lor nothing, as I fully believe it never pmllted us one dollar. As to my going to the Times olllce with bhssl in my eye, I bail not been in that office for several days la-fore this occurred, nor have I been there up to the present time; and as to the Board of Director, one of them Is absent and there has l-eu no objection raised to my action with the other three in regard to this matter. I have done what I believe, to I for the Is-st interest of the company and for the men who invested their money in this enterprise, which I shall continue to do as long as they intrust me with the man agement of their business. Furthermore, when I write an article for the papers, 1 sign luv name toil; but perhaps if 1 wrote a lot of lies I might try to cover it up. W. H. Kiaic. t. rrro. The aeleallBc elallst. Guarantee a successful treatment in dl leases of women and all private dire of either sex. Over fifty case of catarrh cured since Jan. 1st In this city, and no failure heard from. Dozens of ladies cured of diseases peculiar to llirir sex and not one unsuccessful. $4on will be paid to any one he tresis unsuccessful! after he ha agreed to cure them. Coiisuttttlun I free and you can freely call upon the Dr. Everything Is strictly confidential and pilvstc. He prepare his own inedb cine and you do net have to go to a drug store to have your prescription ailed. Hi oflice I so arranged that one patient doc not meet another. 1 le 1 not here for a few day only but ha permanently located and will stay. His price correspond with the ncturc of the dlscise and descrv. Ing poor are treated free Patient out of the city can be treated by correspondence, unlet acute disease Ollice, Blumbs-rg' Block, Albany. Residence 3rd and Mont, gomery. Office hours, 10 to 1 J, a to 4 and 7 lo 8. The Or can refer to any bank In Albany or the Pacific Coast a to bis relia bility, and to the Oregon State Medical Society a to hi standing In the medical profession. Kstiir. The use of watei for irrigation or sprink ling purpose Is prohibited except between the hour of and 8 o'clock a.m. and 6 and o o. m. The use of water for sprinkling street will not be allowed at any time. From and after June 1st to October 1st parties using water for sprinkling or Irri gation purpose will be charged In addi tion to the regular rate for family use a follow : For each 1 lot or lc, pci month . . .$1.00 For each 3 lot or less, per month .... 1 .75 For each additional lot, per month. . . .50 To be paid on the first of ea.h month in advance. Water for building purpose will be furnished on payment in advance on the written estimate of the manager or architect of the brick, stone, plastering or other material for which water U'lo be used. For material not stated in the esti mate the application must be rem wed. The rate for building purposes will be a follow : Wetting each 1000 brick 15 cent Wetting each bbl of lime or cement.i 5 cent May 19th, 1890. . Albany Canal Water Trans- ' portation & LightinqCo. AT JA. I'. roWKLI, at CO' Fin orange, Onion and onion sets, Early Rose and other potatoes, Seed per, beam, etc.. Cookie and crackers, Dried fruit. Fresh garden product, All kind canned good, Oa'.meal, corn meal, flour, etc., Fickle, relishes, etc. Everything found anywhere. Ve iioode People Of ye city of Albany are cordyallye summoned to sup at ye Armory, Wednesdaye evenyng, beginning at 5 by ye clocks. Comfortying victuals, Choyce musick, Pleasant tyme. teed for Croup aad Wbasplag Ceagh. Dr Ilolden 1 1 have used your Ethereal Cough Syrup in mr family for several years, and cheerfully bear testimony to it excellent qualities in allaying any irrita tion of the lung or thoat,and also find it very good for croup and whaoplrg cough. r RED ARNOLD, OlOCKton. Large size. $1, small o cent. For sale by H C Hubbard, druggist Brought Everythinn. The steamer has arrived and with ft a large stock of fresh coods for I F Powell & Co., uch a cabbage, cauliflower, peas, beans, cucum ers, new potatoes, onions, pineapples, hemes, &c. A New Scheme. On Monday and Saturday of each week, H 0 Hubbard will allow a ten per cer.t dtsccunt on all cash purchases made at Ills drug store, inis will only be allowed on Monday's and Saturday's. Ladies Summer Blouses, the dates aoveltles, lust recel ved from manufact ure by express. Samuel E Youws divk thohprvn'ii srr.r.tit. D. 1. Thompson and a young man by tho name of Baker spoke at the Court House Monday toil medium slued audi ence. Baker spoke first. He Is a man of rather pleasing nddrcsfl,butlie has a very limited know ledge ol the subject of which he talked the tnrlir. lie made almgh mess of the whole subject, contradicting the only two points ne, nimscii, made. Thompson said lie was not a public speak er, but a "man of business' which hud the effect of creating a broad smile across the countenances of twoclusses of People. One class wondered if he had reference to the manner lit which ho carried on his business of making money, as gob bling up a strip of laud along the wharf line at Portland, that isjlongcd to the public, and, by signing an ordinance as Mayor of that city, mtwo nimseii owner without paying a cent therefor. The other was a small but quiet few who have abundant reason to Isdievo that the speaker referred to his "sack" a part of tho IIIHI.IKKI which he pledged himself to sjieiul if necessary to get elected. The very cheekiest thing that 1). P. said, or could say, wns that he was in favor of ballot reform, a pure and honest election. At this, self-respecting republicans could mil cast down their neaus in simtiio as they thought of tho notoriously open and unblushing way in which I). P. and Jim lxitan, his man, Friday, carried the re- iu bl lean piimarics In Portland. They ought voters 011 the streets as openly as they would commodities In the market. y'Aj.M tan not drny tkit uu thf Orvt'onuin thnrffrtt it kutr n kirn ttnd l.olun lln htki day djter ike frtmatits. In the face of this ubltc crime against the ballot, l liompsoti as the audacity to stand tip Is foro an intelligent audit-nee and say he is in favor ot ballot reform. He knew at the time he was saying this that his henchmen in Portland and Kah-m were concocting and perfecting tho schemes by which the election next Monday is to ls carried in the same way and by the use of the same means as tlui primaries in Portland were carried. Whether this great crime against the state shall le consummated dctH.'iids entirety upon the course pursued by conscientious business and farmer re publicans. Ilicy can permit it or pre vent it. Thompson said he was in favor of alstlishing deductions for indebtedness when making assessments for taxes. He said men were enabled to dislgn their axes by means of this indebtedness clause, and he preceded at great length to explain how a man who wanted to dodge his taxes might go to a Isink and borrow money on a sham note, deduct for indebtedness and thus escatss his -taxes. uiid if mrm terr hottrtt ti fruttnl taw uvxi.i uu ngkt, apparently unconscious of thu fact that nearly every man in the audience knew that the figures taken from the assessment roll in Multnomah county and published In the Dkskh bat showed that lis himself bad U-cn prac ticing the very things which he said rsf mem nvM mot do, for, W bile, he is worth something over a million dollars, be jays taxes on. only il7l,(J. He said he knew a great di al about the way in which men dodged leaving taxes. Not a single person present was disposed to dispute this. They all Isdieved hint. raul he tliil not know bow or sc rto. torn the city council of Portland changed the w harf line so as to give him a strip of land that In-longed to the public, yet he signed the ordinance. Thus he con tinued for an hour giving abundant proofs, by bis vacillation and attempts at decep tion, why he should not lie elecUHl.Gov ernor. Vina aatTnt.ui boi , May 13d, 1&70. Mr Jame ttarger is moving to Eugene this week bavins rented his farm to Mr Signal. Will Curtis wa crlprled by 'a kicking gun one day this week. Mr and Mr John Long scent a couple of dav In Albany this week. A (lute child of Clarence Tavlor' broke Its arm by falling from a chulr on FrWay pf last week. Mr Wiliard Cackey I moving hi bouse this week. Mr and Mrs Tllton spent Saturday ami Sunday with thrlr son George, who live several mile west of Eugene. E J Wlltoughby attended the grand hnUe, lOO F, at Portland, this week. Mr Atlhigham ha gone to Colfax, Washington, to visit her brother, W J itiamwcll, who I very low with consump tion. The dance at M' B.,serman' last Friday evening was wrll attended; one of the pleasant features of lite evening was an excellent lunch. Miss Montgomery dismissed sshool on Wednesday to attend the wedding of her sister. .Si hi,! 1). strict No 63 have Invested some o! It surplus in patent desk and charts. Thing thev have needed badlv for year. AktlLLK. J C Mohr, of WestOakville, Is building a new house. Mr W II Parker, of Fox valley, a can didate for representative on the union ticket, attended Sabbath school here last Sabliath. He made very able addrtss to the school on Christian duty ; he also attended the meeting of tho V P H C E in the evening. As this was a temper ance meeting he addressed the society on temperance from m divine standpoint, Mr 1 is an able speaker and by his w in ning ways ho has made ft great many friends I Christi here. He is a member of the tian church and Is not ashamed of his Lord and Master. He is makings successful canvass, and makes hosts of friends wherever he goes. Before leav ing here be made a donation of 50 cents to the W C T U. Come again, Mr P. Mr Lincoln Coucv. of Snicer. was here last Sabbath. I)r Gray was In Oakvillc last Thursday. Rev Ir Irvlno will preach here next Sablmth. There will Ihj a meeting of the voters of this precinct, on the evening of Fri- y. My 3(ith. The subject. "How shall rote?'' will lie discussed by all without regard to nartv. Each voter is expected to give his reasons for voting as be floes. Every voter, and especially the ladies are invited to attend. The candidates have missed this place with the exception of those who are res idents, and Mr Parker. However, we will soon see who is elected, or if it pays to go out on the canvass. amicus. FltED II BlXCXaXH. tt tii.Vmi. an nM time ncwiwiwr and thcauli-Bl man, wrltus trora tlie lta'.ilwtii Hotel, 4 ii Nn i.rdlnarv occHrTcuro coultl Induce ma tn allow mv namo to lio useil, but 1 bave iv.n (..,l.lo with rivsneiwiattl lis worst form and Indlirfstton. Pwlore I tried Joy' VeRe- lable SaisAiiarllla, 1 ipent tnunv a iuiir on remedle witbout relief. 11 inlsr-ry waa to 'teat at lime 11 r'emca 11a ji unmiraira. iu i..u,in 1 found Jouvm in that bottle, and the swond tint mo on my tout It Will cheat tue grave 01 inacy a riciim. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDEttS. Bids will be reoeivedby Mr H II Hewitt, of Albany, op to 12 o'clock noon, 00 Saturday, May 31, for forniahirjg tha mateilal and labor to ereot a two-itorv dwelling house, Flan and speoifiostiou can be seen at ths oltlceol u W Ayers, aren- iteot. or a Mr Hewitts omca lu the same building. Th riht is reserved to re j set any all bids. HvTOTIOB TO CONTRACTORS AND r BUILDER3.-,Blds will be received 1 v ths Trustees of Lebanon Schoel Dis trUt. at leb.non. nn to 12 o'clock, noon, n Saturday, uay II, for furnishing all neesssary material snd labor to ereet a school building. Flans and specifications ean be sees at the store of C 0 Haekl -man. at Lebanon, until Friday, Mav 88. and attbeofflseof C W Ayers, Architect at Albtnv, until Saturday, May 81. The right Is reserved to reject any cr aumas, Monday. J 11 StewarUon is cutting meat at Broilsr's meat marks. Mr Julia Disrotii,r lis sotd hi hulohi.r shop to Slmtts Itros who will tun both shop. Ou returning to Aiaska U H Marshal, O T t'u r tor, will be auiuiiipsiilud by hi son, Arthur Puitsr. Yesterday at a riffli at Y(piin lisy Curt duo tor Km. imily, of the Orsgon I'so tin, drew a listidioma gnlii wstoli, II eem that ia soma psrt Silum ths cow ordinauoe 1 nut welt ui,f irod. lu Albniy tha law 1 enforced iu pond t lisps. Considsrable a heat I now moving frm.i tli warehouse. Kukt tr tsn oar loads a day buying the wsrstums at Muuker auil the Fsruisr at Albany. Tliomp of Hussions of Velrran ware duly Mustered iu Saturday evtuiiig by DO Shurinau.iif 8aletn,tartiug eat with twenty, two members. FC Baker, Squire Donolly ami two ( r three other Salem mou were iu th city this foreLO'iu to attend the fuuersi of C It'Speu eer. MrG L Olacknun i (hipping considerable tons from bis nnton 0 tunty quarry, to be ued ia tha construeticn of a nw church at Kist Portland. TuesuAr. Ir Nat llsilp ith, of Niwil scoo n, Wash, is in His city. Mayo- Cowan returned this linmi front a trip to Portland. K L lloilgkin, ths Insurauev insn, hs been in the oily oil business. Uo Wheeler and P II Raymond, cues Albany men, have told their iuie in Portland. lion Win Waldo, osi il ilste fur Juilg of Marion County on the r-publieau tiuket. wa iu the oily yseturdav. Mr Iks Pogal. tho o niuni roisl tour'at. a funnel raidut of A I ban v. has l en iu this city during the day. Mr. Jaunt 'let 1 fi A i j.iu ti Bvm handsome gild wateh away. Call at his tore and sek him slx ut it. l't night a small lira oueurri.d in tha stnra of A Kir in, at Nsleiil, causing a loss of about 7u0on the stock, Aul $.KHJoothe building. Mr E L Power and family are in ths city on wsy tn llslsev frmn Et I'oitlsnil, wher they have bren visitieg a wek orsn. I) ooration day concert at ths opera bouse Friday eveoiug. May 3(1. Flora 1 1st son, ths colored Jenny Und, aud other talent. Tick tts on l st Blackmail V. Mr W T Itaxlir, formerly of Yiuiq By, anived la tha city to dsy from Bsker City, lie l quit enthusiastic over that usii, which is being boon ed Just now, Dave Thompson gave $10 to tha Seattle offerer; (ovctinr Peunoyer sent them two cailnwlsof lumber. 'I'liompson itavs $10 to th Johnslou ulferer; Peunnyer $1U0. There will be family rcuidou of tb White family, at Oskville, eousisting of bnutftSio number, emumetiiung Jui.e4ib, I19U, to be held n the prnmsns ,,f Juhnseo W e. Mr John Borrow, if, aud father, Mr John Smith, ore 00 their way from Oakland, Cel. to Albany, which they wilt mske their future boioe. Mr Barrows health ie nolle poorly and he bpv to lie teorhttcd oy tha cbauge. K-i. Goio ha Ueo iu the city, lis repurt ao louliuatiou ! rebuild the buret distnei with sobstaiitul brick block, end a br limit otdinsnce will probably be jiuisl mskiug it ol.l-gatory to ertct triekio tbst asrter. MmutAoK M .sr.. Licenso to weel was Is mi I this afternoon by deputy County Clerk Horris to Henry James Bowers and Miss Mary -aches. LtsAMK. Frank Carroll, a native of Pyracuse. New York, was taken before Judgu p.lackburn this afu-rm.ti and ad judgcil to lie insane. He will betaken K the asylum to-morrow. Board or Trapk. A special meeting ing of tht Board of Trad was held last DON'T Smith & won qpim UJ Is 2 Set a Sej o u 9) 3 u 0 c 0 rs H O Hal Vl CO as 2 UJ a. a. tax s) ty r I Garland, - Superior - Aigand, STOVE i! HI II, 11 i r Stoves and Ranges, -All Fully STYLE, WOKE and Has just received his Spring stock of Glothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell his largo stock of Notions, etc., at" A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. I evening to consider tho starch factory proposition. It being considered a verv one-sided proposition it was rejected. The regular monthly meeting will be held on the 8d- Monday in June, when several important matters will be con sidered. WKMUMUA. ' Ja F Powell & Co. l)r 8irr, of Brownvil!, ha been in ths oily to-day, . TIm elrotion tisxt Monday ia mention d as ao opmiiiig guu. The Albany Woolen' will pay 20 uts a pound f.r woid, lsk room to rsnt. lunuira of 8 N 81 eel. UusiuK block, Albany, Ureyou. Ths Haieo. 8tatomao sp the Albany i.tiiii win go to that city on lhs4tb of July, E O BeanUley, the real estate man, It ft for Portland to day, and will go into the ms busbies tlmre. II obtsiosd a good reputation lor promptnes and rustle la Al bany. Wbeu drmoarat 00m to rote beat Mon day you want to look over yoor tioket to that the name of E K Bavis for Ileeorder i there. A better mao for the place oould uot oe aelsoted. Frank Farrell for Corooer, E J O'Coooer for .Surveyor, II H William for Assessor, are name on ths democratic ticket and they are entitled to and shooul reoeiys th entire vote of their party. Mt Alloa Jlmiry, wifs and dauiilitsr, of Cl'ioo, Cel., arrived in the city thi moroiog on their way to Crook county, where Mr lleury hs large property interests, The I'KMocnAT acknowledge a pt'isssnt call from Mia and Miss lleury, Iw mao ever received nominal! m for an ollice in a fmrt r or more open way tnao N P Pay ue did for Clerk, lie wa the cln ice of a very large msjoiity of the otmventiuo. Hie ooinpnteucy and flioee fur ths oftioe are tin questior.ed. II is fairly entitled to evrry Oemocratio vote iu (hs ooonty. ttutiULt ttfftrd. IlnmoofsU, do not forget that "Code Dilly" Curl is on your ticket for Treasurer. He i worthy yoor support Biting erinplej so tbst lis can not work h beed thi vffus a be cauiint makes living by voik. Hi ovponi.t l gentleoisooouipetaotaad fitted to till the office, bat be is full-handed and do not ommI the olllce. "For State Senators. I K Weatherford and Jeff M yen," Tho read the democratic county ticket. These gentlemen are eX rinced,cwisiHiitiou and troatworthy. ''for Ilrpre.t-utstives, U J Mhsdd, r J Hansard amij F lleury." Thee are men of integrity, and when thee men go to Salem as Senator sod Uspreneutativr w al rest secure iu the fact that they will not be captured by the 1'ortland ring. Mr and Mr Fred Blomberg arrived home thi morning from Oakland, CaJ.,wber tbey nail been to pml tb summer, coming much earlier than they intended on account of th excessively hot weather Ilsl Q'Fellows, of Chicken Bristle fame, baa l-n In the city to day. A Democrat man acknowledge the pleasare ? a ml after In hiith-headed, ttset-footed trotter. Inch IU1 declare to be th fastest 10 Ore gon, trotting IrrtjueoUy lo 'i.Z witb'ju. mttuh sffort. Mat Scott, the democratio nominee for Hhrrilf, i fully oomnetant to perform all the ilouei of th Sheriff a office faithfully aod wtll. His well known probity, conscien tious integrity and bsi cm qualities make him lust the man whom tb people want for Khcrtff. The man who vote for him may feel sura that ha will never regret it. Wm Komhangh for Coonty Commissioner is the nam on tb democratio ticket. A Vote lor Tissk i a vote to make the county onurt r-publicso. Thi would give th re pol.liosjs a majority of the judges and clerk of election, and ia case the olli of Couoty Clerk, llccorder. i'lienlf. School Saps, r r other unty ollios should become vacant by death or other cause the court would then appoint a repub loan. Democrat look to thi tnalti-r and cast your vote for Mr Ham baogh. FORGET -gj Sendors' TV 63Ta taopwi"! .IC(Kl i m pen tfariwH POT 3on0 10J W L-.rr3 KW n or otto am aqj; -ooinrtSi 3mjrTjm isp-o; otb spBij srrfj Stitreoq 3HX r Monitor - and - Gasoline Warranted In- fF j Id 2 -in rd 1 so in.ains' aW PRICES IMI Oui ciargoa aro bo light that everyone can stand them. Ktoven, ranges, and 'builders hardware, wo carry thi finest assortment in the Valley, and only ask a fair examination of our stock to convince you. Smoke Manufjotred by Julius Josepu IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Ping and snwklo, tobacco,, MrerschtMOi and briar pipe, aA ' m KHjpr)! t FLaKENTOE aaOk r'T.3k T. Choice Candy, NEARTHEPDJ TFFCE ALB, ONC0,8461. ;;" .t ' Altamonl's faste-t sta!l!',n acd eir nf rn With 4 yurold n-nntd nrZ-S'J. 1st Sr-arold rei-ord. 2:(.'.,si,il Zilar bon2.3S villi t- krpt at Albsrjy, Mondays and Tusdva ; at salin. anrt 1bnrsUj-a. snd at borne Friday ind' Saturday. AKovitu 1 re 11 an set fill lo usuro. , ALTaGO. 8 vesr old rtennl. 2:11. 800 of AiUuiont. A mold. r--onl 2:3 (Pub ic trtat I Drake, the itsui of orimn Milium. Will Wedoewiay ; at C irvatlls, TbnrsiUy aud snosca ioimvs mini fi', 1.1 imuio. fMSon Anril 1st srd rudine ed for awx-l.l.rita Tliaftkiii(r our pslr-jns for past favors wo ltiio sil ac 11 Jjiis c,f the light harnms bore to call and us. A few rbclcs brcod mill ll l'rc 10 ! above tllloi.f, s'ao nN.b' young dilvtrs and colt Inn. ihm loia. ill trie p bmu's in snowing sioca any 1 y c-xc 1 .MCKNIGHT BROS- THE STAH2ASD BHED STALL i 9 H Dick K.abtirtv. rs?ord vitl mi'ii , the u sson of 19U, camtnerjciujr April 1 and cndltiK July l.a: Marshall's siable, Allwny , Lain) county. Ur. giving l.inu eounty horsemen chance to breed to a standard horse, itb eie-j. aui rjKXjil 1101 to be excelled in Oregon. DE-CRIPTIOIf AnD PKDIUKI K, llok Flahertv Is a chestnut, stcsll strtD In tace, one whito anklo, stand 10 har.ds high, we'cha 1.0. winner 01 thst 2:44 caai at City View Park Swt- uiber 13. iSili, defeat) nK Onrci, O.cuder, Maud Knox ar.d HarvHt In tl rce atra'gbt beats. Thfa was Dick's first rao. at which time he made bis record of 2:30. Sired by Flaherty'. Fearnaught. by Fearnaught, Jr. 135, by Fearnaught, 133, record f 2:23 14 (wtnnei of the t0 coo purse at ButTtlo in lKt,il, festirR George Paimer C01 Maydard, Aiuericsu ti'rl, J J Bradley, Myron Pjrry, Victor lingo .1 1 1 . 1 1 . . . . . , . 1 uu isjuuiei, 119 vj yuuiig istorr i. . Dick Flaherty's dam. Bill Drew, has paoed s tulle in 2:30, liy Dodd's Nelaoc, by Jobu nelson, 187, sire ot Nevea, 2:23 1-2, Aurora, 2:27 1-2, Nemo, 2:30; by WHOLESALE Harilware, Iron, Steel anil Farm Maciunery. SOLE ACEMS FOR WASHIHCTCM AND NORTHERM IDAHO FOR THE C . BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Those Kachna are too well known It nee conibHmt. Thousands of farmers nave used them aad speak of them vitu 1 tlse. Tbey axe the only Harvestiai Machines that will rive ENTIRE t-.TISFAtfri0M to th purcnaser. " vs 11 si 111 --wjpwaass, . MILLER'S STAR VIBRATII1C THRESHER, AULTMAH'S STAR TRACTION EHCIT.T, Tbe mas. Zffr :tlvs and Successful Combination for Taresblns aoi Cleanlec - . Grain ever constructed. BUCKEYE LTIEJJRAME TWIN E-BINDERS. t-WTh Feature that dtsUngiilshe thi Twlae-Bindor 1 th Llg-htnes of Draft, combined with Its extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Under is ol the Appleby pattern, the only reilly sutwujsful one yot known. We have two style, th El'vstor Biuder and the 1'lattorm Binder boih excidlent-rboth reoouuuondcd by hundreds ot patrons. SEQUITLEE FARM WA80IS BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS. UODGES-HPHES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. t3-tr!m for cpcularsIi K. TIIIiLX, ltxriaer , JVLtmny, Orejrosi Matthews .4 Vastiburn Albany, Oreoojt, Hardwa re.Stoves and Tinware . MATTHEWS WASHUUI. rKr 1111 THE CIAGRS . IVnls, Frnit, etc. REC0RD,2:29 - 34. - su - AS3z De'et. Uadine A!t (la 11 Rail frifm. tho Ham Priwiiinilt. 9320. thsslrs nrs ruziiuBiit nnd liaunbur of tha famous brood uimre. slira bekeot at lndfnfndnca Tiifsrfav and Friday , t llou.eSaiordsj ard Monday. Jolr 1 st and T:a rftri taLiliir fmcm- 1 ooncsy. RiCDRD 2 : 30. liii 1 ruMsu, Usui, sua Jk.uutuU. ssAD 6y Abdsilan. 2ad - 1 am, Bu'tera ld. St Cl sir. Srd Dam, by Black Leg, by Biggel'j Rattier. 4th. Dam, by Jack Hawkins, by Bos ton. Old St Clair. Flaherty's Fearnaught dam, IlilJoe, by Old Columbia. 2- Dsm, bv liarrrs' haicbletonian. 3- Daui, Boston Gi.-l, a celebrated 3 mlte trotter, b nld A bdsllan.- No stallion with such a combination of fast turning and producing blood has ever ben offered for service in Linn county Oregou, before. TERMS, To insure. H0; season, S0. Mares bred by the mivod, payable July 1. Marns bred by iasttiance. paysble when mares are knowe to be with foal, ataras wil be careftllj bandied, but no responsi bility will be assumes lor accidents Good pasture at 2 a month. For further part'oahus address, ELaFOREST, ; Albany. Or. pin t Hi- Frost, First am YiiiB Streets, PORTLAND. V OREGOf.. DEALERS IN Deera Plows, Deere Sulky Plar3, Top Buggies l Carriages, Phaetoas, S4. SiAS 3 .s