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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1890)
ownMills i SOU, LANNIXO A C., i SOla. iw kixm rtoc ii'rRio to Aft its iKIUIIMIIM. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. iliihbst Trio la Wli , A New Repair Shop Dae jurt I cm opened em Fiiet etiet, cp- Simla ft Inkin article nrudrd. clocks na nd Mi ieiairti, kete tilted, &e . i ..- tt . i-. ii i ti n i ' Hlil dn , a. SaNDKRS MAY As SENDERS, ifealers in General Muniaadise. HARRISBURQ - CHECOM as. iiu... ,i .... ... .ia m- '- - - J ALBANY OR. whitsm & hulbsm Baos., Real EsUta Agents f'ntmi and Rsnchea fr !. A1o ciy broirty in Albary ltd Curtallie. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. o-fm nn ntnlra In Strahan'a Block. May be found at bbt office uay and night Eevsre House: ALBANY, - OREGON CIIAS. PFEIFFEK TftOPRIETOR. r'a-t no In flral-clajui atyl. Tablaa .mniM with tha hMt iu tb market. Nlci slplnsTaimrtmi.nU. eUmple iww torcommivial traveler. Ooburg Lumber. I m)1 the beat lumbrr io tha caootyi a!o .;.r nr?a. ahiniilre. latha doora arnt win dow n ruUlinv, tte. Pricea from $5 to .'22 Vrr thooaacd. Yard at Lowaoo. oo tha Narrow Gang. Sta ma Ufora parchaaiog altawhcra. W W Crawvokd. addrtaa. P O Tallinao, Or Delmonica Restaurant, COKXCR FIRST AND LLWORTII ST. The uoJricnd bavins purvbaaail tba old Hannaii ReaUaraot acand baa opened nniier tha al-OTa aa na a brt-cl"a retu raoV. Wa ara prrpartd to fnroih maala .for partiea or djneca oo abort Bolice. ura- Ura aervei in avery atyla. aaatara or ocaat; all bin-la of U-h kuowj la tba maraat Employ only lira cla I alp, and watting wiU ba prompt aud eoartaoaa. RacuUr mrala 25 ota. Coffee of Crat-claae qnatity ad a en p of co(Te and eaae at from fi to 10 ta. I am welt known io tbia city and re- neat the tiwoa to give me a oall. SAMGtRiaS Proprietor W U BILYEU, ATTOUNEY AT LAW And Solicitor ia Chancery ILDAMT, - OHEUO. Collectlooa promptly uiadeonall po'nt tiOanaaetiOtiaMii on aaooablatenna L. HILL, Physiciai and Suit.eon, t)tBoo eor, and Ferry 8treetN, ALBANY- OREGON Foilmiliei k living, if.MCl n A -FUNERAL DIRECTORS Frsiupt ittWeisa-TirjS-slass H3ar3 Pianos. Tboat r'eblna- a flrat claaa Inatru.nent, t he 1 eat a .de to U J tba ellro of thi t'oRMt. can I eulled by callin at Mn B K LiyinaH'a. oppoeitt tt.3 M amnio Tem ple, on Firal Mtrent. Tba latent vocal and ioKtrti mental muato kept for a.le,alao tba largtt aMtortuient of alamplng patterns to aelect from thla aid j of 'Frlaoo. La mod given Io paiiitlng-aod etcbroidnring In ber atudio over Lion County Btnk. Oiet ber your order and you will b pleaaod. J, F. Whiting, Artist. Ins-ruction given, &' id work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De. coratirePainting'.Lettering.Designing and Mechanical Drawing. Rooms 8 and 9, Foster Block, Al. I any Or The followioa ia a partial liat of city aod farm property for aale by na. 4 oniiriproved lota on Ctb Street. F.ach $500. 1 lot with' honMtwo atoriea oo 4th and Jaekion Sr. $2200. Honae with 5 room, lt St. $1600. 1 lot on Waahiugton 8t. $950. 2rauant l it on 3rd St. Kach, $.300. A good f irm of 410 aeree i milaa from Hahiey, 30 per aere. Cau b divided and will make two good farm. A good farm cf 170 acre, 1 mile from Tan gent, 0 mile fiotn Albany. $K par acre. Goo-1 farm tf 140 acrai,3 milea f roio 8hedd. Price, $5000. A good atock farm, 2 milea from Shedd, 100 acre. $25C0. a A ii"" cottage with ix rooma, Urge lot Triie, $ICOO. Civ. mi tractaof Sand 10 acre tot, one acd a b i'f tl-a from Albany. $300 per acre. A k-"I aiek farm. 1500acie, 3 milea from II K aUtiou. $4 per acre. A oargaiu. Faim3 mill a from Hhedd.Hrat-cla-e wheat and fruit Uod, 140 acre. Frioe,$5000. 825 aurua 4 m'lea from R tt. $30 uer aere. Ch ie aut4 iu lota o auit purohaaera. id. wit and lot io Townaeud' addition to Al'MI . ' AOEtm FOR MUui Fire Insurance Co., Total Assets $9,780,751,65. Ntroiiiisat Company doing bualnaat In tba UNITED STATES. TOWNSEND & WILSON, Real Eatate Broker. To All Whoai It Kay Concern, The Gertnania F c Inaurance Co of New York, having re.neured Ita entire ousines in the State of Oregon, laid com pany (having on dc poult with the State TreaHurer, $50,000,) hereby give notice of 'ta dts-rontinuance of buainen In Ore ifon, and ita intention of withdrawing iu now with the Stale Treasurer at Ihe expiration of the ilx n.onthi printed notice r .quired Dy law jkrmanic Fire Ins-jran-ck Co ofN. Y Hugh Schumann, V)ei President. . Dec I t hi 1889 Kures pa sweluxcs, cits, & A bnilMU a Contuaioni sweilll.a mrm ttr pammailon tun anj wounds are ense al tnrbauo to natural action, through which lb valix art) chawed, circulation Impeded, imuw eaw m aim I'm1 i. illut It trie to right ttaell and Mia In laiiie. Bruises end swelling need A.iwoUt. tag lonutne. but In eut and wouuds narair . eayeue would four a liquid remedy Into, aai.ln wound, Mo anon aa nature brtass Ml. WW WCUW,uhh-i acoBsOili I the Injured ttaanr ai ' rrl eoeontln In dl . U V , M elaaneway obslruo- , ttotl. bHl Injured ttaanr ami restore. eoeontitiff to tumjuvus, helna nature and c-trea PROMPTLY AD fEUASESTLT. U. LoU Rush, Preston tureel, Detroit, VWh.. n'i! "Pttchlns hall I sprained ana bruised my arms two applicalloiia of bL Jacob Oil cured m." . . Mr. uusiaf Nauwald.Jr. (Tirydal TwV erlokabnr., Taiaa, wrllee, Att.usl 20. lirt "I tu badly cut with a ecytkei half bottUSk Jamba UU ouraa iraltfTU NEB. AT Dat'ooiMt aNb iHULItil tHl CKUttl k. VOOEUI CO..attliaor. Ml THE YAQUINA UOUTB. (ton Developnmnt CouspMiy' Ktoiu khlp Lino. 7R Mil PR fiKflRTEal. 20 HOURS LESS htn by any other Jt. raJv-ht Una from rortiwnd ud all pUiU a the WHUmntu Valloy to -n from fn franciaoo, Cnl. r.-. i.- TK,ir.,u .n.l Sit irtlaV at 8:3 p.m. 'orram, 4i-i V.oudav. We.l!.eaday and K.-Hay -4. f rkrtlaVlIll l UMIJ.T 1IIUII nl 8iurdy at , 3:1ii p. u. . Mon dy. VJndy ."d rl'';- boin.!i?',1!J kn.i jutl b.;u?d will iw over nlgUt at n;in, living Uero e b. iu, t u -t.M AiktitisHitimt at Atban f'.thtralnaof liieOrosoo P'iU" lUllruad. TIMS HOlKI'f I.K. (xr.t S.imUt.) tva Aloany 3V) r. ,,La Yaiiwna. lCmila l:wr. V""""";'.'.;" Kni t Ykquina, It.M r. i t O. A C. train coiuiwoi at Albany an.I Jorvalll. Tho above irami couhix i i Yaoulna with the Oregon Doveiopment CViropwny'e Unt of Mtoauihtm UHwoen Vavpiiua ana rnw M1UNU W.4TKM . rn Til- tarallun. April th. VaH- t, May Uh. r.fll.n.MtKh. Willunetw Vali'T. May Ink: t'araliun, Uay swti. I an. i raaaii 't W l" anxHt Vaiiev. Aptlt isb. Fanll.-B. M) ilh. W illaimtM ail. May ah. Karallon, Mar UOu W oUowua alley. Miy ah. t rT.fiK.ftv '.ivm .btt n.n to ihile aailiu d.ttea w'.thout notle.. N. Ii. Pawenn-jia frotn Por.Unu and 7U.itn'.el'. Va.U.y poi.T.acan nJ' "' eonaecU.'n with vtie iraiua ..r the Yaquiua rout at Albeiiv -r Corvatlis and H ue Uned to Sn Fruei-o abould arraogei to Tiva at Yaqa:ti ibttevoning twr re Cate f aauiog. waaer aaJ r.eUhl alwa Lewcat, or aW !r to A R .l-? r1' T rkm Agent, Alt iP.Aai.OrtN,v.l... aaoa. n-r, . ' ... I. I , I mm - . . - A.O f . a. H P Anew . Cortal.U. OVERLAND TO CMJF3WA Soathen: Pacius Company's Lins. THE MOUNTlilASTA ROUTE. tw betx-fi Alha-y -..l fc.'. retnclact. 15 honre iiunnii MPtm 11 cm traaaiw meiweeat r.ll 'la. ,a. t--i - - - . j,1ttl ibl .. . a .- - L.M.Ia. t our. a. .l r a I.wl Lv AT f .rt.aiiJ Aiiuuy aa Ar Lt Lv lu.j a a j a 7: r m b-ai.raaao( laxia au.r vR--pl aon!)) g;W a I Lv l;:iura I Lv l;wr I At PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars. ar AceaaiiwUli-i ! eel-'hie Pe era, atlarbcal la Kxrea Trnlaa. Tne b. P. Co'a terry urtk-jaeonnaction uh all tha xular lrl..a tne t '! Ilii" """ ul r.Blnet, ' -rtlan Aet biae Hvl.len. I nnt raturttst to -bai.m. Man. ta.a daiii (e-eitgui.nay.) a a r a Lv I Ar Port and Crv Ar Lv I iO r a I I jhi r airaaa Ttaia bailt ( Sunday. r a W in Lv Ar Portland tlc-Uinnviila Ar I.T 1 V:-J a a l.tft a a rrinro$U TicketM To all Mlnt BOUTII ANT EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. fat fui. In'.ruttin rewnllm rto, mw, m. all oa Omtany Ajraut at Al'wuy. . EOK1ILEB P. BOiJEltS Manager A't O. P. and P. Ar JAJ3ES P. MEAD, Atturn8y at Law andTitlo Fxanincr, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the-court of tht HUte. Abatracta of Title furouhod ti, abort notice- Ten yeara eroorieuce. freeartpiloa Dragalat. ar-j- v in.t. uru a-L, 1 r hintimaA LI; S PAtRlXKS PILLS S. W. Paisley, .Albany, Orgon. W 1101.134 VLB DISVI.Ett IX- Tobaoco and Cigars. Onbira tolioiUd from 1. be trade. D3. G A. WHITNEY, Gradnate of Bellovue Iloapital Medical Jol'ege Now Yerk City. . Diaeaiee of woman a apeoialty . iOffio r nai' Brink, Albany, Or. Th Oregon I'nclrta U)iu!Rat on Ihe Vll!3iott rivor divimon wili lay Pint ml.Souin ftonod. Mjndny, Wednv.'ay . i iMrf..aii m. Arrivn at t'orTalll' Ef "-,;.! -vvllMl ill Laataoaaaaaen. fel )l'l tTV r 3 tin .1 r 1 r 1 AH I fl AU The lltntll tnakea a feeble ntto.npl t nnawi thu arumcnta on Ihe tui lfl que Uon a mndc In the canvnaa by Mr WentU crfonl. Tlila la made ncccaaary ln:cauf It camtldittce on the aliimp have not Ihe vourace to attempt n rcplv. A u.iml the Itnatd oota Ua foot Into It. It ant a the Au)- uitt'er the McKinlev hill l two mid two lcnlha cen'a per pooiul. Very will. Thla la a ajH-elllo duty. The pi;it doty la 4a per cent nl valorem, Lvery one knowa that the price of jute mi:U in Imlift, (rom whence ttetrly nil linportallona come, rangea front il to 4 cent each. A icwf aack, of good quality, weigh a pound, au under the McKSnley bill, the duly on rath ck woul I he two and two tenth cent. Now If aack ct 3 contain Wmlo-tan anu the duty U two and two tenth cent, what Illiterate per cent duty? Ill n mere question of arithmetic? Kvery arhool boy anowa It to he 73'i Pf cent. ThU, hen would le the duly under the McKin lev bill while the prewttt duty 40 po cent. Mr Wcatherford I riht, Io aaylng the MtKlnley bill Increaaea the duty and it la folly to attempt to cover thla matter up with a c'.oud. The JftralU's statement that the t!uty under the present law and the duty under the McKlnlcy bill U the ante, ta not trua It I tntpoanlblo to make a apecltlc duty and an ad valoreir. duty the tame, absolutely. Under a apcclllo doty the rute of duty Increaaea or dccrcae a the coat of the article upon which it la- placed la higher or lower lit ihe foreign market. In order to co.npare a apecli'c duty with an ad volore-n duty the aped tic muil be reduced to an ad votorcm or the ad valorem to a apccltlc. Thla the lltinU doc not do and hence grovela In the dark Mr M'eatherford la on thn rixht aid? of thla iute aocatlon. and the farmer w ho are o heavily burdened by lldatax begin to com prebend It. Had McKlnley leen a Mend to the larmcr he would have done t Mll did In hi bill, put aack on the fi-ee lUt. No jute I ra'aed In thU coun why not put it on 'he free llt? 1 neu j llahould be done by all mean, but Mckinley, b -eked by a few julc aack manufacturer, deter mined to protect them. AS NK.tK as IT CAN t.:T. The ItriU 1 evidently wcakneiih'g on It proportion that the duly on jute aek a provided lT in the McKiuley bill l the ! aame rate of duty a now exM. ThU we j abowed to be utterly fallacious and the J toung limb of the law who ha been hired to write "editorial" for that paper during i ihe campaign acea it The tioub'c with the young loan 1 that ! I a not yet j ler....! ihe d.flerfiicc between a .iKClliC dutv and an ad valurcni duty. For hi. In- j formation we will explain. A specific duty None computed on the yard, nurr.ber of article Impoiled, U-, welhl etc, wl h out regard to qua'dtv .r value. An aJ volcitt duty I one placed upon the Co' if the article bn ported wllhoul regard to aijte, weight, number, quality or quantity and la a! way an unvary big frr tsut of the co.t. The preacnt duty on jute aek I an ad valorem duty of 40 per cent of the cot. The McKlnley bill, a Hie It 'raid allege, place the duty wt two and iwcvtcnlha centa per found. N'..w then II l itnpo! ble for lhee duile to be the atne except when a pound of juie aack cjt ju-t five and a ba'.f cent in Ihe foreign market fronrt whence iinpottetl, for ta-j and two tenth l exactily 3 per cent of fwe and a half. Hut tack which welh a pound coat front 2,'j to 4 cent' each. L'ndcr tlte McKlnley bill II aack coat J ' j cent the rae of duty I tS per cent. When they cost 3 cent the rate of duty 1 73'j. When Ihcy coit 4 cent (and they rarely . . . . , . MW . . . . " ' - i. ..v . .... j young man v. ho wiilca the "eili!orl.iU" In ilK.,.. i,r ll,.,.rUl ...v ......... - - h-'"" a very poor editor. v. : or ov-mufinr. or the pirtnk!nr of Ion rlrh and ludlyi an: 1 fi.Ki, tu a co-uinon enuaf ( di?'"itifui'; and m:Tri'i'f. 'to Ih i.-j "ilntt-ly r.l.''-vo 1:111 H!invf-h iitul lifv.h ;. u r-n-b ot-erliKtili'ii. u full lint.- '.f Dr. i-k... fur frntieo K lli-tJ U thf l?t re-net'y. l y ,p. erutn Biiitiy, yet l!iTimji;iy mid wiih'iut gTlplntr. iituiMea. or of.lir r uniK-nj-it v.1'l. II tlM?to, freo Indtiii-niA' fn u.-b'-n- r tUi intiiii; 1;r f':rut"ir''.l oiiv,tl'iii, n::"rtf 0-.-:tjjitt and billinj. n. tic-ndi-d tl; t .1 eei: of fullntfa or lloat!::(r after ..r..(c ci.i.t-d tonsil", b.ttur Ijii l tosti l.i 1.1, 1 in tn tlio inoi'iilii?, on ariifiiir, drowi-in. ? uut livuiM, liiii'-xlf.ttili fi--lin; of dti a'I. or r Impi'iidl'Kf eiilMinlty and hyporhmidrtit- li-u you n-d Oi fnijow up 1111 uw .f ilv-" ivllcf.t " with lr. PliTix-'a floMfin ;-dif.d I'lcvcry, to tono no tho titomitch, 1-itifromto t:io Hvt, and a-t nil tho ii-r:iii of 'ii;i.iion ot wmk. W'hllo eurin? indi'f-Hlion. It purlth a the MihkL eliiiiirimr thu cysti in from all hmnoia and blmrl-piif;tia no mutter of trhnt iiunxi or nulon-, or fenin w'jKt vnuan artnln. Tin 10 ii uut iiIiir; afnilfitr to It In cnui.xitioii r,r nr. rn.u ljliir it In reenlts. Thun-fom, rt'i-i't 'to duid and Induced to tiiko aomo nni?;iMt ;, anld to I Jup.t na t""d," tlmt tlio d-nj.-r may moko a Ltr-f" r prollt. i.-iiiiii'iu.-turri.i Ly Woitr.n'a D:nr..SKABV Mr.uiCAi. Arthot'iATioa, iiultulo. S. Y. hv tho rii-mifariirfra of tir. tfa-ro'a Cularrh lu-nuly. iW au lurui'4- 010 caj or cautri a lu lax: i.eud. County Poor. Notice ia hereby given Ihvt 1 lie iiie.d elrk of the Coauty CVuit of Li tin ccordy, Oregon, wif ' y virtu of an order of I id eon it. duly in-';jatid ei.'er.-d uf r'-eord on the 8'h dfcy of y, IS00. rnmive bid for uoutract to keep '-iBOnl'i'y poor of l.i 11 n county, 0'egon, fo. thy pi-riod of nrix yctr. Slid Lid to le filed wiih nlrk by Widne'.lav, Tune 4th, IS'JO, at one o'clock p. tn., bidder to bo.-tril, odiA and do all iaonlry work for aaid p.Kr. Tne ooiitract to be let to the lowe.t bidder, theooitie aervea nil rignt to rej.'et any or all bida. Witneaa my hand and ae-il of nid court afiixed thia 21. t day of May, 1890. l. b. V. K Mostaocb, Olmk. by It L Durns. Deputy. DR. JAES KEYDE-J, Gralnato of EdinDiri, Soo'land, Haa located lu Albany. Fri n hia iiriugb Icnoarlndge of bfa proiefmion .1 1 bla erpdrhmoo of 10 yean aa an cffl er I n a Caval.-y Kegluiont, be hopes to merit tlte p-ttrotiage of thoaa tntoroatdd in boraea, cat'le, abeep. olo, Ht would lo reonmninud hl.-t aolnUon or linament o r aore abouldera. aoro back a, broken nea. wounds, apmlni. Pri e, one dot t por bottle. -"OfBce at JohuSchmaerVlvery hia Wiley A . Klmrsoy , ALBANY, oKEiiON. ABSTBAOTEB, lTie Only Complete Set of Abstract books and Maps in Linn County. jBOfflce in the Court IIoune,"92 PitHlnH 'euirutn! to mn will a vp p?'-ptrn cartl'u' aUfnticn. H! KO-V! B I III tir TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A IUg Miirui I'll Tsuv Rd. May 23. A icvere rain and electrical atorm paiuucd over a large aectlon o Weatcrn l'tnimylvtitiia tliia cvcnlinj. doing gvent damage to property nd rcaulting in the !o of (cwiul tivea. In the catlern part ol l city lumaea were blown doan, trees up rooted and amall buildirct dcniutiatird. A liouhc on Mack I lorae lull, occupied ly John Miller, waa lifted twxllly (rum Ml foumlation and lilown a cunaiilcialile tliatiitfce. The fanil ly ennii'cil with aliclit tniiac. At leaat a voi ol oilier huiiac in the vicinity wcie un looltd, A Imge iituulier of peraoua received aUeiit injiiHi's, liiit au lur pa known there lie 110 In tti lnicii. 41 llrowaatllli The coin litint fiflm our cM.eni ianut only louil, hut deeji, ctiuieiiiing the long delay ol pulling in 1I1- county biidge at llua place. TI10 mining fever atitl continue titiahaled aouth ol tliunl)', ami it i now rrpuricd that the iiicud lounvl i ipiicki iiver, together with mine gold and ailvei. 1'ioiu bom the mine on lllue .iver, the wiow . atlll HW IHW ITkVI.VU 1 1 ..!. 1 nine I In CO feet deep on Trcaauie liili, and the -i.ii. ..i ii,. mm! Milling toiniuiiy will nut atait lili the nioi iiflcr the rlitliim, when a complete piuapnct inuiii win s;uit I11.111 tin city. ?.. . l'-r..u. I - ' i K i . i ...... , ! i. . i. i I .. ., i .. ...... i. .1. .ii I n and p..ity paaacd tl.tough ut th, wettUnmd ' ' I ,m .... m .o By. ....:i .. r. .i-.. I t uruiHiitrd aaieidr. Franciato. lie had been having ill health for aume lime nasi nod became dcHm!cnt over a earner in ilieMomaih, lie had procured a revolver, it U aupiwed for the aam, purie, hut hia intention were apprehended and it tt.ial.ikrn aw ay from him. otrrlhe Token, niriii'KU, May aj At to-.iay a aeaaton of the general it nud of the I'rcahylerian church ipilic a hot diaeuaaiun took pbec en the reaola. ... ma. nn im me ii'mii m euiiiinuiiion ue I leii io the judgment of the aeveial eion. 1 he matter waa finally ectilcd by a motion to indcniicly postpone action on the qucaiion. aaleott keeper. Kaeladed. r Lot n. M.iy ji, I he dram.hop keckm k.. 1 . 1 .1.- 1 .. i '. wi mmii in mt ' gieiiu ivigo 01 1 Odd Fellow olMlaaouii. When a vote wa taken to day on lh quealion of cupelling the saloon mm, it wj found that 3S wcie -n favor of doing ao and 3$ agaiuat. Many (icrnian aal.ain keeper of St Lotiii nie leading lights in the otder and the question may be con I cited in the rmir.a. It iaaai.1 the grand kxlge de cided I'tal aaloon kccia Wcie ineligible umler a pioviMon in the con at it tit ion cacludu.g lltoM not having a rcajwcUve me in of aupport. IHe Kuauara. .HLANit Wit,, May ai, An awful tail load leck U lepoitcJ to have occurred yetter .by at or near Plover, a re mole station on Ihe I'ou.igc bra eti ol I lie Wiaconain t'en ral. 1j cul ofi'u ial. of the toad lefuae Io aay eny ihutg rIkiui it, A Lake Shore eneinecr who C mlo .h..tnd thi aftcnioon iya he I in -"'a' l"'"e wef "',c n jure. I and tic company hat taken advanl age of the icmoieneta of I lie pla :c to atippreaa new of the aai.Icnl. A t ree teelltery t l'y. WA.illN'.r.)J, Miy aa. Senator Mitchell ha made applicaiion Io tiic jtiuu.tei general to have Ihe poatoflice at Aaluria, Or., made a fiec dcliveiy oflae. The -lmaier of that ciiy having refuted the receipt of the oflite lor the twelve month endiug March 31 lal to have been fio.oai, Mr Mitchell ha atauran- ce that the office will ie place. I on ihe fire de 1 hvciy ht at an early peiil, A at Kleetrle flee. H.wio.v, Mjy ai. The ctcciiic Ut plant wat entirely dca'royeJ by fire I hit morning at 4 o'clock. No cauae lor ihe fire i known, i he man in charge cloaed down a few uomslct before the Hie waa diacovered. The building waa wood and bumol rapidly, Tbiec ityna 111 j weic ruined. Tttalle rraylag. IJcrli.n. May 23. The village of St M all ien, near IliUlcsliciui, has t een vitiied icccnt ly by aevcre bail atorma, which have done eon. aidcietde damage. To-lay Ihe jarople gather ed in (lie church to pray for a ceuation of the a-uttm. While the aertke wa in piogteaa a thunder at 01 111 came up and the iliUKh wai i iutk wi;h lightning. Four jieiion were in tlantly killcl aud twenty injured, four being rcndcicd completely blind. The people were panic ttricWen and in the ttuh &r the dooii two children were cualied t death. M ill ieOer. Wasiiiniiion, May 21. Speaker Keed bat refused to recognie any pcraon to-morrow for the purpose of calling up the river anj har lor bill. It ha been generally undcr!oo-l that the bid wa 10 follow the taiuT bill, but it 1 expected that it wi 1 no go over. The re..aon for the apeakcr' action 1 given on the crcund that the president w ill veto the bill if it come O him in it rctcnl foim. Aa AvelaacUa. r.MK.RANr OAi',Cal.,May 31. Tbi morn ing while a htgc force of men weie at work about the long anowshed, a mile and a half cant of Kmigiant Cap, removing tnow.wilhoiil a sign of warning, a mighty mam of mow came dowa the steep hill and crushed the thed Cutiening out the structure and carrying every body dow n with it. It wa impossible for any one to get out of the way. So swiftly did the avalanc he of snow rush down the hillside that men were fairly overw helmed before they could rcalue whit mUfortuue had Maltlcn them, Itarr Talk. Astoria, May 2:. Chief Fngincer Barr, of the Albany & Astoria raitroad arrived to-day wish a mrveying party of fourteen men and took them to Tansy Point. An office will be built at New Attoiia for B.irr'a headquarter and turve' t of the line to Tillamook will tic begun at once. When thi force reaches the mountain two more surveying parlies will be pu'. on the line, Barr ay the company has plenty of money and will soon build the line. A Wonderful Case, Sa.v Francisco. May 21. Mrs Mary Lane who was shot in tl.e head three times on the 24th ult by her husband, Michael Lane, who completed bis bloody work by blowing out bis brain, i recovering. The doctor who has been intending her said to dny that she was out of all danger. She is nuw able to sit up a little in bed, and lie expects that in a few days shj will be able lo get around. Her mind is at time clouded, an I she cannot remember anything of the dreadful tragedy. terjr Bathaalastlr, Roseburo, May 21. ebb and Pennoyer spoke here to night to the largest gathering iver held in Koscburg. ' There was great en thusiasin, a band playing and cannons boom ing, nun 1. r i.ane presiuen and many re publicans congratulated the governor. One Way. Sas Diego, May 21. An evening paper charges that Collector of Customs John Berry paid $50 to inveigle Chinamen over the border some weeks ago, so that he might have the credit of capturing them. The charge, which is surtaiii-d by the testimony of several con stables, is that of a misdemeanor under the ex elusion act, punishable by and imprisonment. The facls will be brought at once to the at tention of the treasury department. Albany liai-ket. ' Wboiit -lJi'd iala--33.. P.l'WI 16d pi to. Ifg-20( Hay 9,00. PotPtoew 75 cU per butbot Br cf on foot, ei ., ,udea 75 centa por bu, S-wii por -aroaaed. -. L.. cnl:iwu8.12!c, shoulder, So. atdea lOo. .icrtOoperib, f v.t 4.25 per bid. . "bifkeua 3 00 por dor.. tiii Food bran, HiOpr ton tliairte, IS, , Milddiiutr, 20. ribor wo J . K. WEATHERFOfcD, : ATTOUNEY AT LAW T, oascox. t- ...... l ... 1.' 1 1 t 42..I !.U I !., I ' ihuij nn k iHi-iii'i mn f.m.ij u-uiioii L-aiiHiug great, inerriiiieni. aiwra the river near th! Sinlth place, about nve maker, foi met ly oil xAngcle, Cal., and late coiilaina a rich mineral dlatrict. In the lively noon hour achool waa taken up. mp,cg jrom prlnevllle when h wa thrown of Scatitc, Vah.,commliie l aui. i.le thia even t'awade inounUlna there are many vahi- The coiiiiuitU-einen. H H Train, Jaa Dan- ,nto lhe ftver BI,d wai um,ie'lo MVe hlrn ing by jumping in the Willamette river at thi aide uiinea whlcli have bt-eit tiucoveml, mil and J K Klderkln, entered, and U. Mr FoMcr leave a wife and evral place at out 7 o'clock, lie leave two aona at "" exceedingly ric i with qttarta. comiultteeman Train made a live apeech, chiiaren III father realdca near Cor- Oaklnnd, Cal., and a divorced wife at San There la plenty ol gold in thea velna, bringing the inttater dwddly to time for vtou ' lA ,K Al. iU T A 11 11 .l.lllllWL. KUIUI CI I 1... .... 1.. .1........! .. 1 I .. .. tt, ........ . ...... I ...... .. . I . . . I . . 4. . I y WinR'Atf AUK itfltsv. Witcn nho atnrtcd uho went with a runh ; The world her market now i Her trib utary territory a extonalve an IUiodo Island Exceptional fndgiit advan tugc j Horcnt mining diHCOveriea Indi cate the cxiatence of another ComMtock litMt big in tlio inoiiiitnlna at her bnck ; Forest of the finest timber iu the world on ryf'Y"V,rV,""",B,'"l"'"uu.f" ' uljnwntrlvew-ndnio Oregon' (liiest grain la rained Fruit flirt itniteld atae Wll fltll attiltel fl ltit 1 LHut III I AltlL the country; Manufactories nd i,, duNtrii-N that luve been atarted witiiln . the puat few yeara : Climate and noil, inoiUMive lorni tno neau nnee to aiyeurs ago, lumping ropes, tdaylng leap niroe commit arucie 111 ueuiioiuiny a ran t .1 i.l.. -tr.. 1 1 . ..1.. u I Fraiiclmio Kxitin ner, on Albany. A we in . 1 11 .1 .11 like to know pwhat othera aay of Albany, We give a few extracta from the well- wruu'ii article. - i oey inn viuiit vim uu They cull Albany the "gum of the II- ",n 'ue' Jf,,,u " "tR' . " . " . ... .. . I 1 . i", aetung. 'liio town aim viitngi-a that V"mimUti t'.U, tAilaimm, Urowna- vtlle, I htlacy, Hhedd, Tangent, Wella.and a number ol other placca immediately o Miana ' aim. HH 11....... I t.f triiniuiry to Aiutny. . neat moi courac II... 1. ...I. Tim miitur iiiinlilv - w . v. . oi me w iiiiil raiacti ill una ni'iiiiiMjriHKMi I 1..'. ...... I.. I A .......m 1. l.n n.. ... ...rt rkitlri I I.. iiiauu m uiiihuh v ami.. " vin . , , ..j,,- for lt tlw l,ult4,t price. ... . . ' " I tu Bgrieuivu luu.oer n..i, uv any uieuna tno ouiy rvaoun: iiuii, ai- intiiy linn tu tivia'iitt .iiiii "l pi'l"" are euro luai me aiivcr T1" too pmco a aetouu v om- t' ... . . . I here are many uiHtevelojieU iiilne in the n-glon, the aiirfacecnrppinga of which nuiiiuiu in- anii in "iu laiuaura man i thoae that have lieen worked. Itwaaiu I one ol the mtnee ol Una aectlon Hint gal- eua waa iotimi wiitcli eaaaytol f nn) m-r Un. rH-iwiott aiHH-imena carry aa nigu aa 6H) ouneea iht ton. ami one ni'H o of I ahnoat aolid galena aaanyed nearly $WMJ. I lit ueneral the tttiarlx la rune-colored. car- rylng free gold and allver with galena pyrile and aluo blend, aud occaaionally I antimony. 1 ,ll'ro re tmmenae IeMinita of coal III 1 1 1.1 lllllll II lit 1 tin 1.1 M I. f.VftU'.lli.l IV ..,... i i. ..!...,' i-i.. ...n..l I f raiu 111 nil' iioiiiinrni. a 11 1 'u ta m 1 - ...i.t 1." ! . iriiin in'ininni, a in-iKiiuriiK i"" , i exuiio 11110 wm eiiiui, mm w K'i n t iiiteuoeui mo inuiim ri w i MtipilairiTHMiwilli IMWMicil.1 nn.v.n. ....! .....I. .............. M.t.l. .. avtiv r(a 1 inti it r naai iiihii y com enoti; ity redeemin atrangv lielng vigor w till v hit-It httaiucaa ia carried on, ami W illi the aignaof proept rity every where mauifeat. It waa nt until aome three year ago that it became apparent that public in tcrvxt waa living ncght-tcd and public aptrit pinotlicred in the midat of grand ptawihilitife. About that time a joint stock company waa formed under the name of the AUatny lluililtiig Aaa-ialloit for the purpone of erecting an ojH-ra houae, which waa aoon completed to the credit ol the city and aatialaction of all. during the name year the apaeioua achool hoildiiii! waa erected at a Coat ol t'JU.UDO, excluaive of ihe cwt of aecuring the aite, a coveted neceaatly and the pride ol the city. The advance ia even beyond a local re tail trade. The flouring milla are euii- lyinu a demand from the Hound, Sun 'ranciaco. and cbtewhere. The .wire work are ahipoiiuf their i.rodurt to all alt parta of the elate and into Waahing- ton lerritory. 7 lie lurmlurt lai-iorn-a, of which there are ae vera I, are aending their output abroad in coiiaulcrable qtiautiltea. The iron fotindrlea, two in niiiiil r. go inta the Portland market and comiHite atim-Mfully w i t la the fotin drlea of the mctroptilia and aupply the denmtid routing from all parta 01 the atate and adjoining territories. Allmnv iMNuHaea a line water rwer, Thia ia furniahed by the Allwny and San Hum water ditch, or canal, with a capa city ol IW.mai running let-t iht minute. from a ndnt on toe N.ulli .'antutni, 14 iiiiie away to the aoutlieaat ol la-re I O O F Albany Lodge No 4 holda It regular meeting Wednesday evcnbig of each week. VUiiiug brother are cordially nvitcd to attend CoNait'Ktt Tina. Uy calling at Jaa F Powcll'ayou will imo a large and flue atock of vegetables and fruita juat reeeir eil by aleamer, eonaiating ol f reah orangea lemona, cabtiege, cauliflower, oniotta, eel ery, rijte chernea, and choice fruita of all KllUlli. Two Ca Ixiaiw. Price & Itobaon have Iuat receivel two ear loada ot wagona and niggiea, light and heavy, and will eell them at remarkably low pricea, conaidcr tug the aplendid quality of the wagona. In all dtaeaaea rf tha atoinacb, liver and kidneys, nie, to tho teluaion ol all other medicine, oaturea'a owe remade, Pfundera' . ......... - ' vregen inoou raiitiir. Tbia Trade Mai k on a stove means It I thn best thr ex pciUnce and skill can con trive. Sold only by CJ. W. hmllb. Ilnrklrn'a Am Ira Halve. Tha bdH Htl In tba vurld tt Catt.llmlsai.asre t.rlr, Hlt Kliauin, Kever a m. Tmmt, C tappd haiiila. l.'hllMina, Voroa, anil all Hktn Krnplle aa 4 polUvalyouro. Pilea.ur na uy roqulrs L It I enr auleeil Ut iva perlaet aaUafaetlnn, or money island ed. Price ti cent par bus. fur at la hy t'uahey and Maaue lOnereeut ofTon all cash salea for the next 30 W F Read's. letter Liat. Folloivlns; I th Hat ol letters remaining- tn ttia Pae Orfloa, AUatny, Linn county, Oregon, May SLt.imO. Pttraont ealllnir for these Icttc-i uiuat give tha dais en whluh they wereedrarUsad 1 Baker, Chaa L 'Jut, Bmce Fanuo, Knceoe D Packard, E C S mit h, Mi Njrcrio WriKht, R leet Wilkin , W I'.aruhart, E Cumminits, M P Kuvel, Fred Pollcok, Nancy A Stanley, J L Whitney, E A IU T.IOMPiXV PM. HIED. SPENCEU. In Albany, on Saturday morning, May 24th, 181K), Mr. Charles II. Spencer, at tho age of 41 years. Mr. Spencer came from Canada to Albany in 1870, reaiding here and a few yeara at l'ottland aince. Ilia wife died about two yeara ago, leaving a daughter, who now aurvivea lioth. Mr. Spencer had been afflicted with kidney complaint for sev eral yeara, and had been taking chloral for aome time to relieve the pain. Awhile Ik-fore hia death he took a large doae of it, reaulting in a stupor, from wnich he nev er came out. He was a utep brother of Capt. W. H. Phillips, and waa a member of the K. of P., being recorder of the Uniformed Rank, and of Rescue Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1. The deceased leaves manv friends in Albany to mourn his death. CR0WDER. On Saturday morning, May 24th, 1890, at her home In Albany, Mrs. W. V. Crowder, at the age of 3 years. Mrs. Crowder was a daughter of Dr. Parrish, a pioneer resident here, who has been dead for many years, and was born in Oregon. She leaves a husband and several children and numerous friends to mourn her death. She had been afflicted with consumption for sev eral years. . MEDIN, On Thursday morning, May 22nd, 1890, in Albany, after an illness of some tlme.Mrs. M Mwife of John Medim janitor of the Central ichool building,aged 64 yean. HA KIM El). PALMER SCHMEER. On Thursday evening, May 22nd, 1800, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Geo. Humphrey, Esq., Mr. A. II. Palmer, of Spokane Falls, and Miss Augusta Schmeer, of Albany. . The groom is a railroad man on a road leading into Spokane, while the bride is adaughter of Mr. John Schmeer and has many friends in Albany who will-wish the happy couple a prosperous life. inaing maraeia, ail w reacii. are w,my umkI to live n Allainy. Mary ,3Ji0 to s ,.;, ,, whlt ' w t,, igh Ut guaranue the future priwia-r- Jane Train read a nicely written and . . !. .. . , . . of any city, and well imbed la Aiiainy wiw- comtxwition on IJrva. Then Ueor- . a! 'fnc.o r.x.,oior n jo.i pam ig her nature'a promiaea. .No uio hi,,,,,;,,, tbu ISaby lirolhcr. in a clear w,i ".".. I''.'" " r can l..k al-.ut the city without l.tiatinct voice, declaimed alout "you'd Ti"ii ,i? ni"w . ,""",c1" alruck Wit It the life. WtiVity ami .Hrc exi-rt r.f n.v aLH ' in a. in- " """" Til IS Ot-.r.TUIl'K MKI LK. A tireal HnrraaLot r fraa There wan a "rlalit amart" lot of fun evenlg at the Onvm IIoiiho, and a ing crowd to enjoy it. The DocMtrlck of T' w ltilyett iiuulo a very charaeterlotlc iimHter Wltlt II IM IftltlJ Utlfilltlt 1 all IF 1 1 1 IliH 1 VI to tin. in Blr,,.,, ..,,.,. t iMt p,tt.i.n ,A ftv and aixty croaaed the ataue. trlmdng alolitr in tild-fiiMliiiuind fint.iiiiia nf furtv .1 1 ... r, i... Kina ion puw uvvee ' " "K" , r w Ti . tting the adiulratioit of the audience Hd,ool wua called, and after the uaual rol, ,. -i,, ',,.. Ulu nruil!r claaa took tu nhu-i.. i.v ihu n.iulliiir. geography, apolllng and grnnuiiarcluaaea. r"" v" "ringing out aoiue ninny . . . I Iwal hlta, among othera the mention of W It lllalii, H W Paialey, Capt Irvine and Warm Spring Johnny, aa the pio- mer ol thla country. During alt the - ai uiva, Hiuonu oinera tne un nun vi t. .... .. -7 I nine Mary Jane. Mra ti M Train. Willi I l...n l.l... f.d...l.... 11 - ul A 11 I T , iMiiiier, iuurgo ciiiipnuu, a " Hi'iit. uy ti.u Ihi.i imv i w i i imu n ini.i aa uio nun ' uvvui uuy, r. r own the aiunrt bov. lttiu.v Mav.Mra KUurkin. I.. .. i... .... i .... t . tfi i. I Hiiawmriea jviwiii. UK Wolverum.uie.K. ..... . .. ' RWi ouiearxa, mra Aiiiiouaeanu aira wiara aa tne IWIliN, aUfUCU-H coitHIUerahie at- teaching nuw langled notion. Mra iioueyaucaie, Mra M Kcuntui, enterco and read her poem, doing a line piece of ! acting. Clura KHen Woivcrton read the Uddrena of welcome in line aliape. Then mo ex.ui oiiuui iH-uaii. Jiaviu i nine Maaon declaimed with marked ability about the Uy on the burning deck. IJatiey May KMcrkin a composition waa well preacnUNi. rntliy Uliamneriain aang tin. "i (1.1 tiuken l'.ui k.-L" verv awceLiv. ami anewcred a hearty encore with Twink.!... iwiiiVlt. liitlo SLar." Charlie Wolvertvu orated on Oregon, booming Allmny, and introducing aome excellent hit. The twina, Mra Althouae and Mra Clark, reel led "Mary hod a liitlo lamb" h tt m..I..aI... 1 f.. IL.. i... 1....1.... niiir aa. iHiiiir hinhii. lniu in . iiiiiuiiulhim " r. .: : " " -'.Y.-'t aoiuo nvo eixn, uuu recciveu at uuuuie 1 rmiiHiiii-iwiiwuinu un tne acnooi room 10 aave iwiug inuuo mn vi. ueorgio vnniuuer-1 bun mtlna WM on J Franklin. It laiuiraieu wuu w il anu iiumroua aunn- 1 " .1 . . . .. 1 .... 1 ". .. poet one 01 my age. tier that brought much applauae. The i com iiittu-enu-u then rehired the maater at er month aud boanl around. The exhibition rlom-d w ith Auld I-ang Syne. aiti atusii. I'.aow.Mvu.i.a, May JKnd, ISU0. Iat week 'a inmio of the Brow navillo Tiiiu-a atirred up quite a bomet'a neat In our quiet little tow n. It, aa well aaall the other purely indeticndf nt paper in thia valh-y, baa announced itaelf iu favor of Ort-goii'a favorite I iovcrnor, Hylveatcr Pennoyer. Several of ita republican pa- troiia tKK exi-vpuon to tiua moveiueiti, but iii'wt all coticiticii that tbia la a free country aud that one haa the right to vote lor w i.oiiiaofver lie acea lit. I low ever one, W. lt. Kirk, preeidi-nt of the F.agle Wuolt-n Milla t o., dcU'rinined to ail dow n un any audi work. So with majee- ticatride and w ith blml in hia eye he apiK-ared at the Timea office and demand- ed a retraction, tin retuaal he grew dca- M-rate in la-half of bla chief, $ Thompson, and ordrril die patn-r atopiHHt.aud furth er onh-reil that the email ad. ot the Kngte Woolen Milla Iw removal. Such are tho method adopted by Thompson and thoac actively engaged in hiaintereat to aecure hia election. Mr Kirk ia dea erate ainee lie haa found the Timea did not immeiiately auivumb tolii mandate aud aweura vengeance. To the credit of the Board ol Directors of the F.agle Wool en Milla ("o. lie it atated, they very em tdiaticly informed "boaa" Kirk that the Woolen Milla were not a political ma chine in any oue'a intereat, and aa firmly act down on the would-be political Ikjim. Kepublicana generally do not endorse hia action, and many of them cannot endorae the man in w hose lx-balf thia attempted boycott w aa male. The Timea atill hvea. FaaauoM or thk Phmh. aTAttiti rat'Test rKoreaiuos. The Board of Trade received on Friday from the Tacoma Starch & Olucoae Co., by K L Scanitt, Atl'y in fact, a formal proposition to locate Ihe plant here and 1 tic rca ae the capital atock to $1K),KI0. The reaaon for the Co. desiring to change ita location ia that our valley wheat pro duces W to 80 ier cent of starch, w here other varieties produce 40 to 50 per cent. A great advantage. 1 lie proposition la to eai.idiah a plant here with a capacity of live tons of utarch and live tons of glucose a dav, with a guarantee of a certain profit on the starch manufactured, a large one. 25 to 250 men would baemploycd.accord ing to the demundrt of the buainesa. Our citiaena areaaked to take $50,000 ot the UHt.uxt stock, payable in caah to secure it. Our citizens have been declaring very properly that manufactories are what we want. Here la a proposition from a reliable source, Mr Scanitt being presi dent of the Washington Bank at Tacoma. aud the matter should be thoroughly in vestigated. AUH noiac tUBXED. Fridayforcnoon the large and handsome farm residence of Mr E Q Cox, six miles from this city, was diacovered on fire by Mr Jos Bilyeu.who summoned the neigh lairs, and an effort was made to at least save some of the household goods ; but only an organ and a sewing machine were gotten out, when the flames became too hot to get anything else. The building and everything else In it were entirely consumed. The large barn, though on fire several times, was saved by a hard effort. Tho house and contents were worth at least $2000, the place being one of the lx st in the country. An insurance of $1000 in the State of Salem, will parti ally cover the loss. At the time of the fire Mr Cox and family were in Albany, having come in early in the morning. The tire, it was thought, started from the fire plaw.having probably communicated with the carpet,thenco to the wood work. - m , rJitXOl KK ANI WEB. These gentlemen spoke to a large and verv enthusiastic audience at the court house Friday afternoon. The main points In the governor's speech were those made In his Lebanon speech published in the Dk mock at some day since, lie held hi audience bound to the closest attention for more than an hour. Both candidates made an excellent impression upon the mines of the vo'ers. They bring the moat cheering news from the south especially in Douglas and Lane where the enthusl a.n among democrats is simply remarka ble. Republicans everywhere come out to hear them. leading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all the negatives made by L W Clark aud W H Greenwood up to Nov 15lh, 1889. Duplicates can be had from hem only of'na at redaoed rata. We have also aboot 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicate eau ba bad at like rates. We carry tbe ouly full line of views of thia state and do enlarged work at loweat rates for first class work. Wa shall be pleated to see joo at-our Studio in Froman's block, uext door to Maaouio Temple. Where to Gkt Them. When wanting tn organ or plana call on G L Blackman ahere you nan aelect from a first class stock. . ..- .... . If vou want either to bay or sell your property place tbe same ia the bands of R V Asbby & Co. . Bi'i""" a iiivm iiwu uy mu leopie ur hid ayauing. 1 .. . . ...1 1 i . 1 . 1 i l""""'"i ". mere it w u". '"."' me 'JtoSI-'i woo en.S5 Ut SH : aattcci.a. 110 K A NO ABIUMft Tllllt.'.liAY, Knanue mil-d 3185 two oont Intfer dur the wrigliiiiK week to Albany 'a 3G00. ereet DVR lUlil. tha eiriulunt bead biokkeetiar tha Oregon Laud Co., wo in theaity latt "I have livediu Ihia valley thirty ya.ra I've never aeeu it Ro a bet-Kh-g or a "'"! et ",r w,,,t i l f0l'. ) " VU to M " teiiee in the Kniiiih Uiiuimit with all the wttera of tho aipiiatiot i -My jaiwjsfju'.ckiy vexed the wrong fop.' Pn.fV.W-Mi A K 'nril of Oat ... brouuht tin' fitht w.. to the Albany . " ' "''ket and left It at S IS Young'. N ".t, u 11.1,,1. t? 1. n.,n. Xed Pth.t It 2lTl IVlmrt i.. cll",,ed ll,al " 111,,lrt ,,"t n-,0,,t 18 ELKcran OfrieCK. Lat evciilng the ,tockbolderaa.f the Albany lror. Work mct,dcec' CotU! pre.l tary John I company la .1 1 it!, n;,...r.. a IIHilIIW..Vl.l. I. resident; Peter Ix-ingran, accre llolrr.ait , aypcrlntcudeiit. I be n u 1 imuLIhii . ... Ii.... ir.i f H 1 1 1 i I u i,.,- nrm,,t u,,,, .-P .. a.. flrat - claaa work. . . 1 .... . .. te.e fM. Prl.,Bvllle in dav . antiounclmr IlMfiwal v tt .Ti I.Ninilfr ritei'lveil fl J " .!,!., in crrui Mtver. r.iVm ytr , one of ihe leading and wealthiest ...L m,ot ihe county, lie waacroaa Ing raioAV. The 8 ale in itrert rati way claim 1 1 '. 1' ing 10 pnr o.uit ou ita capital atoek. Ey Wade, of ilal.ey, waa intheeily to. ly. He ha heeit otcaiiiaing Clni'ti iu thurcb there, Ja Shea, of IVownavill.. ha iuat drawn 9H) iu the Iouiaiana lottiy. under bow muun lt baa eoet Mn. The Dkmin uat tkea idoaaara in acknnwi- elaing a eail from M J Urown, win ol the live young men of Well Station. W 0 Tweedale. C O lUwIitiK and J F iiacheneto have been iu Portland atur.di(.g lit H.rf J k.i:..i.. ll,.i.(.r II K . ...... .. . " 11 Mil ttaa i.aa a at a.Aaaark n.t ." - . father 01 aome hall a doxitn or more sheet, 1 upon the Sound makin arrangement to tabllan a paiwr at Jttao Vt Y uoa. Paa. drea, -maker adorMa- t j i n. . " l.iw... i..... , o..r.. and Teeotna. Corvatba haa iuat ereaniad a brast band witb tha following oflionr : President, A W Tbonipwie ; vi.-pr-aidrnt, H II Samuela; aecretary. Ed Htnelt ; treaanrer.Frank iaily ; drum major, T II Dupuy ; b-adei.W Si Clair. While (Jjvernor Pennoyer waa addrevaing the citiXfuanf Albany on Pti.Uy. traxiitum- allv and foohbly ea'itd an uu!oiliy lay, V Thompaon w.a Ad.lreaait-g the eit:x-u. of Roaeburii; but Ins unlucky day t t'.l in ua Monday, Juue 21. From the home of M J Kinney, aiyathe AaUillan, cott.ra the a.d loUlligence ! tne aimattanenna birth ami aeatb of an lufji.t, a twalve-pvUiid boy. Mr Ktuuey wa fit with ciiuvnla.oiia and wan hovering Letaeen life and death. Now the atteodaut tib vaiviau have bopeaol her tecovery. Bonv Fot so Yesterday the body of the child of Dr. Col.-, drowned about three weeka ago, in Titoma Creek, al j Acta, wa luunu alter a long and continued search. at rl' Jaa F Powell A: (V. Coaiek'a addition. F. M. French kvi rai'.rd time. Rock candy drips at C K Br .wncli'a. Aati-aweanulT hultooaat Wil& S;a'k't. (irest bargaiue iu watehea a Will & Surf.. Cboi.-a cauoc'L aetit potatoes at C K Browooil'a. Preparedmacl'-el, iu lib eaus, at (: E BrowncU'a. Hetiluuarter f r gardou a- is at C K Brown 11 . For ariti-u Cntick'a. supplies go t Mallard. & Tbe latest she-t music, 4 discount. at .Mr Hyman's. Doa't fail to try tbe Ileutme k Ltg punot at Mra Uyaiau's. The largest atk ot wa'.ilioi i.t the e'.t v at W,H tt SUrk'a. Deiieious csnntd crau'icratea at C. E Br. wuell'a. Spring over coating at Zachea & S 11, op-, postta 1'oaliiUioe. Oenuiue Iowa sorghum on draught at Ci r. nrowncll a. UoodevenioK Have you 'tied Hubbarda Elegant Lotleu PCenteroeriekid gloves in black aud col ored at Samuel E Young'a. No need lo suffer with tha headach when Hubbard Capsules will surelj care yon. If you want a Sue toilet or la'h sfwp e.ll on Staoard k C'usick, City Drug Store, The Foster gennine.hook t-love Featerina, in blaek and oolored, at Samuel E Young'. Buy a lot in Cuaiek's addition, the finest suburban addition. Ita location speaks b r itaell. Dou't fail to call on Will ft.SUrfc aud price their tarae line if ladiea'and gcuta watehea before you bay. Tbe Hemme k Long piano ia the bcrt made piano to stand the elimate of the coast. Doa't fail to get one at Mra Hyman's. Genuine Martina! kid glovea, in all aisea and colors, at 89.i per pair until May 1st. Every pair wai ranted, at Q W Simprou'a. A lot ia Cutick'a addition is better than tea per cent, or bitter than a lot in foreign cities where the tide tb and llowa tw ice in twenty-four hourr. Tnote -vithing screen door aud iudow should call nnKB Vuok, who will put them ta couiplete on abort Shopou corner nf Ssoond and .''crry street. Tie Lila. The Lila. Ja F Powall & Co. Strawberries at J F Powell & CV A new line of deckliea at E 0 dearl's. Novel Uas in paraiola at SJ1S Young'., Road Matthew & Washburn's uew ad. Mra U lt Prkes,of Taooina, is io the city, Ludlow's $3 shoes found only it K C Searl'a. Spring jaoketa and beaded capos at re daoed prioea at Samuel E Young', Roaat coffee ground to order without extra charge at Kuutou'a eaah giocery store. ReT D C McFailand haa moved from Cm vallia to his farm in Tangent Pmoiuct. A dollars worth for ninety centa at Hul bard'a new drug store on Mondays and Sat urdays. Several new auda fon niain tearing C E BrownelU being'among those to put new onea. Call at Will Liuk's music store for tbe very best pianoa aud organa, also books aud sheet tnusio, Slo. Bargains every day iu the week at Hub bard'a uew drug store, aud an extra ten t ff on Mondays and Satui days, Mr. Jaliui 1i-allil it g-iw ti give handaotne gold watch away. Call at hia store and ask him about it. The Eugene looal ia about three weeka, it is reported, wlil run to Roaeburg. This will ba a great advantage all along tbe road. The funeral services of Mra W W Crow tier will take place to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Evangelical church. Chief Engineer Barr, of the Albany & As toria Railroad Co., says he looks to see tha road completed to the eoal Held a by next Christmas. Good. Astorian. Hon OT Porter, TJ S Marshal of Alaska, is in the oity. on bis way to Sitka, from San Franoiaeo, where ba haa been four or five weeka on busiueae. lie will remain about a week. Yesterday Mr W L Guire sold 5J acres of garden lard, four or five milea fiom Albany on tbe west side of the Willamette, to Mrs Stooer.for $525. Neil &Ashby, agents. Flora Batson, "the oolored Jenny Lind," from New York, sings at tbe Opera House decoration day, Friday evening, May 30th. Tickets at Blackman's. See advertisement. Children day Snrvicea at tba Preahyler ian church to-morrow at 11 o'clock. All are cordially tnritad. The Habl.ath acliool at 12:13 o'clock will be omitted. Mr I) (' Kchell returned tliia noon from Seattle, whure he ha been attending to the ing of the handeome reitidenoe of Jit Klrkpatriek. Iluaineaa turn are reoueaied to clone their placna of huainea from 10 to 11 a m, Mon day mnrning, My W, the time of the un erl anrvice of C il Hpeoour. The lad ii of the Firtmau'a C (Tee Clnb, of t'orva'.lia, will uolehiate thotr 7th aniiiver aary ou the evening of May '2Hlh with a calico aooial in Job'a new theatre building. The citizen til Alb ioy are nonllally iovited to be preut, It Amkivkii. The Kxamincr'a t?jteclal train arrived at Allmny at 2:.T0 o'cliKik tliia nfU'rnooii.nnd wan viaiUnl by a large crowd of txiople, w ho were treated to quite a hhow in the initimiiMO variety of preuiiiitiiH exhibited, from a phonograph to a ?7,rlMl tborotiglilired. Two canvaaa eMwiil ilo the city for a few iluya, and give p(Mile nu opportunit v to in vent in a cliuncc in i,IHHj tvortli ol preiiinnnH. Tin: mi aimm r towv The Man About Town ia always atriick with peculiar circiiiiintaiicca ani coinci dencea and likes lo have twople enjoy them with him. Kleclion, the twentieth anniversary f the marring.; of V A Cox, . 1 , 1 . . 1 . . .. . . t . ' : liiu orii K iniiHoii, nrio iiie I'nurui simh vcraitry d the marriage of Jukoii Vbecl cr, all ijwur on the mine o'ay. Kvery city nearly haa Wn Mr Hyde and UrJukyil. 'Muiwhn live double liven. The Man Alxiiit Town w ill wager iiu ink liottle that Albany bus one or t'.vo The ii:ot brilliunt men in the world nre uIwiivh found juct before election. Then prophets Kpr'iog up; and men deep in !iinUry, arti niiin wella on the tariff, girsilla in tho'igbt and caglca in atnt-t corner oratory come s lim front like meteor and vaniah like ineteorn. The M"an Alout Town baa Wen re- qtu-ated to put hia leiiion aqueewj on the chroini: grow ler, the man who btinta lor enrion on all iiiattera, acta evil aigna in every bav of a mow lnurk and lengthen their facca at the aight f a ahitdow. The growler will pb-aae take notice and quit, or wo will puhlitdt hia name. Now the Man Almiit Town will wager fifty men will kit in k they are reb-rred to; but only a ware ia intended, like the ada in the pajiera telling the thief he ia known and to return the gooda or be w ill lie puhlih ed. il ih a miHiukeu idea that all mota bui-ka ttre old eeiitk-uii-n. Noti. Occa- aionully you meet a young fellow covered with nion. He hitKu't enough go ahead to in ut I a three ft ditch, and would drown rather than reach out for ahore.for fear aome one would think be waa going ahead in the world. There ia aome ex cuae fur the Man who baa worked bard until flo iaaixtv venra of aiie to want a ! rent, and if a little jikivh urowa what'a the odd; but none for the man in hia twenties ami tliirlica. ; 1.' -. -. .tf7,i L " a Ti e-l 1. 5 . " 1' ' - ' jaa Pe l b Tlseoolr remedy known which will ZVmtts lis Kstrltiis Fnssssss of ISe Ka!li3 SjStwiSa t!i!s neniHil and rimple meanstt quickly and purslane:;! y VItK8 AU Forms of rypciki. ConatlpstUon. Mental and Nervous Exhaustion. Cenenal Debility, llralt 1 "c. or any exhausted or weak ened condition of the system, from what ever cause, Bkln KrnpUons, llolls. Baa-ding- Sores, Scrofula, and all ttlaeaaes of the Itlood, Stomach. Liver and Kidneys. S 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FQ3 S5.00. Ir. Jllllrr'sfil pace hook, deaeriptlveof Br drnatlne Hrammtive aud bis oliicr -TfVv cut irvc by null. HILLEB DHUS CMaii Frsnclsco, til FOB BvAIJS BT " FOSHAY & imQH. ALBAIiY, CCj. Conrad Mever, -PRvHitfi'if'jt or STAR BAKERY Cniuer Broadalbia and First Sts., DKAI EH IN- '-auaetl fraila, , elSitrwre, Orlen Frullai. Tobitceo, iucr, "oi;ee, E4r Ctaanesi ylewta, tarensware, gej!Rea, Cf gat N. Tea. ' .. rt everything that ia kepi In a gen ii a variety and grocer7 .ro. UigboM n rkst prie- pdd for &l!.iID3GF v'BGOUCE. 2nd Heal atock or 2i.d tJ-r ;ooda lu the Val .'y, tnd the m ut rom- .a 10 prioes, both in Oiivmg a:t.l aa-.liti 1 i itave oa band lifc'J of fUiNirii?;. Sf J73, TIHWASE, TR'JHKJ, 3)3:(S, P1UTUSE3 CL13.3, CJ33X?aY. ETC., T3. -. ir watt ofJS E Youug'a o'.fl elorn. L. COTTLSiS I2;l atrM. Albany, Or, THE PLACE. By all m(ans cull on Pane. Brothers, 'or yot . Groceries, Piques, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, Their B00.K are Inn 1W ! th Ir pr'ooa iMtsonabio FOSHAY & MASON, vohatiAis &aa aataia- Oreggistsand Bcokseilm, it'i t for John B. Alden's publioationa, bleb wo sell at pMblisber'i prioea witb taaildtr 1LIUKT, OUGtivp City Meat 'Market T SHULTZ BUGS,, Proprietors. Koep a full Una f meata of al) kinds, In a oool place, eomplfttely pro tected; and always ft-aaa. Al. have constantly.on nd other flak. baad aahtaea m - - -i. ' . r ts .-r m , r-S aw rrin xafte warn av mi if mwmur tvajsaai V I ! SEal ii I nil PERGHERQM STILLIOfj TiTlJS, 5934. Will make IbaaA-taon at JetTeraon Moo day and 'l uiit daya , at Albany Wednee dayaand 'Ibuiaoaya; atC-rvallia, Fri day a and Kitl ur day a. pKtcniPHO! AUD rKPIORltB, I;ltek r.foa d 1884 s Imported 188 by Murray It'othera, of Polo, llllnr.ia. bred l y M 'ud"j!n,eommnnof LaUandaloa, ei...t i,f Ngent le-Kotroo, defiarlment ' d Koio-a-le Loirs Kot by J'.avard 8555 (f 7); fMin C'orwtte (533) by Cher! (4137) out of I oldne. B tvrt I (087) J by Xaror.nn 1334 ! (777) oi.t of it tuotie by -m Coeur-d'Am ililv. NrWi.iM I3J4(777) by Brilliant li& (750 out of Mad-Ion by Farori 1 (7IL)be by Viotix ('bail In (7i3) out of L'Amle by Vi'-nx Pierre; (Mil.) a by Coco (712.) Brilii tnt l') (75J) by Cnoo II (714) out of Koaettt by Mioa le!ongljig to the Frt-ne'J gov rnrnent. W. II (714) by Vleu Chaa In (7l3)out of La OrlMi by Vle.ux Piorre (-3 ) Vlciix Cbavtiln (7I) by to (71toont of Pou e bv faoil. Vtcn(JVi) by Wltfuon (715) out of Pao HnobyVieox Coco. Mtenr-.n (715) by Jean le Biaio (739.) jfan-!a.!ariC.! Cherl (1137) by Bi.-n, be!onr;Ing to M belonging to M Faidouot, out cf IJicbo, Utbray. 1KB MS. fo in mro Mare in foal ....... $20 Foraeac-n - M. ...... ...... 115 Mingle aet vice, (' O 1j .$10 Persona iuaurir.K tbe'r mate) and not returning in reular HasO- to Ibe boree, will be chararnd aa oon msiea. Peraona liaixia nir f Ibo!r uarea before they ara known to be with f-atl.or retnoviog them from the eo-irity will bo charge t tit In auracce. l'rcpetty or .F, (v. Bit MBKao hi SKIN DISEASES AGUE'S CELE3Ri?LlIDlS5!i Oil 1EHEDT It k!nkllt-!"jmraait-aiid Irrttat -.sndlalV eely wire CtaUoyvt ft UUnAxm mat oUm Kata t'ai'uilca. v Prlcfl. 23 cents a Box, ii'9 have tha exclusive Control of IU M Lf K r o x O K Iti s. ml a 13 is. 50 wmm And don't ktat t efer a prfzt e t thia 0)1 111 CE! EUf POISIJS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBAKY. OREGON. D. a.5. EI-ACP.Bl'R. GEO. W. WEIGHT, OLACtCQUHfJ & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practice in al! the Courts of tha State. Prompt atteuttou given to all busi ness en ti anted toocr esre. (Ulice Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or Notice to Stockholders. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT il tht Annnal meeting of tbe stock holders cf t'ue Albany Farmers' Co , will be held at tbe office of aaid Company, in Albany. Oregon, on May 20. lbDO, at 1 o'clock p m of said day, for the purpose 01 e co:lnc seven (7) direoioiatoaarve for 1 ha term of one year, and the transaction of such other busiccaa as may come be fore 1 be meeitng. I one by order of the Board of Directors, Attest: M II WILDS, B Maks9ali President. Secretary. I ONLY! R T Uai I i 5 C Oewwl aad KEETOUS EKBH.ITT1 f!TTT? T! WcskMB ef Bodyaaa Ku4: Effacts - - 1 f af rrrerset-ewaaesia OldaeTeaag. , oMa lJfX DI.ilT Rwm. Umw f blaer. "4 to sraaa.l'SDtvauirKB uiuva a raaTf Sue I. Staalawl. BkSM Bona VBUTWaiT. S mi iMliy m tt Btataa, Tli .Wnl.fc mm Iwnftulilifc leaniHa... at. tall a .rail. ,Mi aws. Aasraas Uit BUAl M-IUffAll,a.l. IJARM FOR SALE. Two hundred T acres ot good farm land all tn culti vation, with gcod two story bouae, food bern and other outhouses. Good water for fajt'l.vaud atcek. Good pear and ap ple orchard, aa well as otoer kluda ol f uit. Would make two good amall farms. (Situated foor milea soathwest of Albany. Inquire at this office. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRl ETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. aand Manafisuturera of 3E0ICB COIIFEuTIOKESY, Ke aow prepared to aell at whol a, al ways fresh and suit at Portlkod . at 10 dentora. We a'-aa keep a full Unta and Tropical fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO ' E. J. KcCAUSTLAriD, Civil, Sanitaiy -and Hydraulic Engineer.. Consulting engineer for Gold Mountain and Dry Guloh Consolidated Gold and Sil vtr Miuiag Co. ' JSee, tat Street, Albany, Or. J. fl. DUNCAN, AITOENEY AT LAW AUD MARY .PUBLIC, .Office in Strahan'a Blook, No'a 1 and 2. ALBANY, OREGON. Mc NEIL &HILL DO Genoril Blacksmitliing AT THEIR SHOP, Cernsr of Second s Ellsworth Streels. They are prepared to do anything brought ;to them at reaaonable"pricea. a), J. UIIITnEYa Ahioiiey And Counsellor At La? ND aotar - Public Will pr3ii39 1 all of tbe Co u State. All b iiiiess Intrust ' ES mil"' "--5-ak I 1 Ml 4