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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1890)
r-wtr am gcmawat. FRIDAY. JAN UAH Y 31, 1890 8TITE3 & KUTTIHO. KIUr a rrarlrtr Special. II la with pteasuro.that wo announce to our many patro. (I that wo have eiiain inadearranKetneot with that wide-awake Illustrated farm magaalnn, the American Farmbr, published at Foil Wayne, Ind., ani teed by nearly 200,000 faruieia, by which that great publication wUibetntU. d dlrct,,FREE, to the addiea of any ot oureabeorlbere who liIcou In and pay up a'.l arrearage on subscription and oiie your In advance from date.and to any new aubrerlber who will pay ote year In ad yanoe, Thla la a graud opportunity to obtain a flrat-claia itrro jou e. Tb American FaiKiRla Itipsg onrnal. of national circulation, blob ranks among the leadingagrhultmM pa pera. It treat the question o economy In agriculture and the rlttbie end ptlvi ogee of that ttt br dy ofcltiaen Aiuer can Farniei a whoe hiduat ry U the basis of all material and national prosperity. Ita highest purnrme l- the elevvtion and ennobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of ncn and ; women eugnged In It pursu-t. Tbo teg- n'araubaorlpilon price ofthe Amuhion j Farmbh la l 00 per year. IT COSTS YOTJ 1SOTU1NG. From any on num bar Ideas can b obtained that will be wortn tbrleetbe auberlpllou price to you oroiem're o your household, tsr yoit err it rB. Call and are sample copy. i .4eWteliWle. local iu:coiin A Falsi Report. It wit reported around the treet lait Monday that W II Green wroldhe photogr.pher.bad attempt ed to commit sulctde.and quite a bubble of excitement followed. A Dimixkat dim investigated the matter and IcariieJ the following. On coins Into hi place this morning, it being unlocked, Mr K D Vunk found Mr Greenwood lying on the flooi in a drunken stupor, with considerable blood on hi face, and near Mm was a broken lamp with the kerosene scattered over the floor. It I thought he went to the gallery the night before, and, while Intoxicated, felt against a chair and the table,knocking the lamp off ; but whether it m lighted or not I not known. That alt the suicide there wa In It. It l the slow way ol doing Ir ; but Mr Greenwoud has not yet completed the job. We are informed, though, that during the iilht previous he Informed one or two persons' that he Intended to commit suicide, which was some foundation for the report. Makiiho Reparation. Mr Mat toon, father of Hattle and Kate Matloon, who did such wholesale robbing from their Employers In this city recently, arrived In Albany Sunday morning and made at (factory arrangements for the set'.lemcnt f the matter. lie expressed himse'.f as greatly g. leved at the course taken b his daughters, and was anxious to make all possible reparation. Mr Ma'.toon was very Indignant at the conduct of the Smith boys, of Ahlar.d, as shown by the letters found In the girls trunV.and proposed bar ing justice done. The girls are yet young and It la In be hoped will be placed under Influences that will enure to their good. There has never been known a case in history yet where honesty was not the best policy. Another R R Center. The project of the A. & A. R. R. is having a fine e fleet all the way front this city to Astoria. A Dallas correspondent to an Ex. says : "As soon as the weather moderates, so that surveying will be practicable, committees from Albany, Sheridan and Dallas will meet at this place and discus means for co-operating In building the Albany and Astoria RR. The road will be of Im mense value to it will be a much more convenient and speedy shipping medium than the N. G., with this road built, and the enterprise now only in the wind, consummated. Dallas will during the present year see such an advancement as has never been dieamed of, even by her most sanguine well wisher. Keep your aye on Dallas." Watch. At the Paris Exposition a Florentine friar 'showed a watch only a quarter of an inch In diameter. It has not Only the two regular hands, but a third Which rr.arVs the seconds, and a microsco pic dial which Indicates the days, weeks, months and years. It also contains an alarmind on its front lid or cov-r an In geniously cut figare of Saint Francis. Al bany people watch Conn Bros store for bargains in groceries and crockery ware and are never alarmed, for they receive universally good treatment. It la Solid. The othtr day the Dkmo ceat mentioned the American Building & Loan Association as a rotten concern. The next day a worthy citizen rushed in to the office of the Secretary of the Albany B & L A and inquired. "What's the matter of the Albany Build Ingand Loan Association. The Democrat says it is rotten." The Secretary explained matters and the worthy citizen departed satUhed that our local association is one of the most solid Institutions in the vallev. Moral Look twice and d not jump at conclusions. A Grange Meeting. On next Satur. day the Linn Council P of II will meet at the Knox Butte Grange, convening In the mornlngnd an lntellectual,so"cial and ma terial feast is expected Arrangements have been made for the Oregon Pacific trains to stop at the Knox Butte Hall, so that those desiring can go from Albany or vicinity in the morning, leaving here at 8:3oand return at 4 o clock, rarticsde siring to go will please leave their names with Hon R A Iivlne. A Good Si art. Independence Is progressive city. They haye just organ iz ed a Building and Loan Association there. with a capital stock of $125,000, and 300 shares were taken. The first loan was made last week to T Fennell at 60 months Interest in advance. The West Side savs uJas Gllson is the secretary and treasurer 31 ihis association and can convince any one that It pay to pay 60 month interest in advance, i ry mm. A Novel Winow. Many wandering eyes rested with surprise and satisfaction on a sight In the show window of J G Wright's grocery store, says the Salem Journal. . There was opened out a Bible On those pages of pure white salt was in scribed In gold letters : . '-May our lives be as pure as our good," and on the other page a card for this popular firm. A Savage Celestial. Saturday even Ing Mrs Murray ,at her hotel at First an Washington, was taking a Chinese cook to task for the manner in which he had been worklng.when the almond eyed villain got mad and grabbing a cleaver rushed- for Mrs Murray, who fled into another rjom and out of his way. A warrant was issued and John Chinaman duly placed under lock and key. All Sick The Scio Pres appear with only one item, that ftrtnou'icirig the serious Illness of alt of the editors family, a big one, und only Van's loyaltv to the business induced him to do that mu;h. This Is the nlht tht either makes me or forcd jcs me quite. OTHriLLO.Act V, scene I. jJain'niann Thursday nk'ht. " T,n :;'4 !;" .'-'.'ry hi the love that r in be Next State Fair. 9turdy at Salem the State Agricultural Board mot and per fected the racing program a follows, with the new proVtion that enhance can be made in trotting raoes up to Aug 1st and in running races up to Sipt 1st, except in breeders raoee entrances fur which hav to be made by May 1st I Rica No I, trotting S.OftoUsa, best three in live, fur all horse bred aud owned in WaghiiiL'Uiu and Oreiton. Puree, SUM), No 2, trottintr Breeder' stake, (or two year old, heat two iu three. -hutranco Jll), $ZoUaddrd. No 3. tritlinc 2,r0 uliv. best three in Hve. rutseWOO. No 4, trot tin Three vesr old !, best two iu three, Kutrano $M),$:llX added. No 9. tMttim;-2i22 el. best three In five Purse. $S No, trot.iiw -i:20 ol', best thr.e in Ave 'ure. SoOt). Nu 7, trotniie 230 cU, hunt tliroe in live. t',irai. f tOtl. No 5, runninir llieeder' lk for two year old, tniee fouiths mile dV K- tra.ioe fVJ. $250 added ' No 0 ruining. -Ahie and ore-f mrtli miler Parse. ti(Hl. No 10, kuiiiiiiiL'Orocoo Onrliy fr thiee V"r itd..nua and min-hVf miVs tiutrane $:, $:too dd-d. No llmniiin,' One iiil'.e and a sixteenth. Purse, f00. No 12. runniec Thruo-f.mi tin of a mile dash. !'urr, f.V.V N 1.1, rmt i ss 4 !Sn liot, llve-i')l1'. of a mil.. ,U,li. l'urie, ?:UK) No II, rniixii'ti ..lUn.lioK', noe mile, I'ur.f, $411). The foliowtun from the V. a iletnn E O is epaUiotio inotdeot rf ihe t'.'U snow r. " V, Mrs WD it, and vlii'd, tsd a I arrow esaarwi fiottt iUat Thnrtdar 'i;M. Tdey wore j s: ncr on Hunt's triu, kml it- teudet to st.p at Knltu 'a:'on. Hi fors rvsthii-K that point the bs't-.wl was aei- donlly iu!!iid, and tl train st ;i l, svtrd naies from oowhere. Thtnktni! rs't"D h.l been tsachrd, Mis DuU It ft the train wnich stat'i on. A severe storm was ravins, ami Uo wau lo'ed atmat with her littU one uutil she bkeiine utter'. exh.tuste.l. Frtunatly a CMtlinaii bad seij hi.r lusve the train. aud had induced the tram men to stop. So was found In tli ti.k f ti-n-, th train be ing t so'rd tirarly a mite, and more dead man sure, otis rj .icing a, aer rracB,', was hsl( aj ou Ixvard. The Boats The Bently and the Iloeg are owned by the Oregon Pacific Ratl roid com pan v, and make regular tilps each week, Ksving CorvallU and passing down the river every MonJar, Wednesday aud FriJay and going up each aiternat days. The Three SMers Is running "wild" that Is "on order," going anywhcie for business. The O R Sc N compane has the Orient running to C'orvallis regular, going up Monday and down Tuesday. The Modoc Is running -wild" while the Cham pion stars on the lower river. Ea. Bigamy. Francis Bell, a stranger in Linn county, was man led to Miss Ellen Beard at Tangent on December 3jlh. It has since been teamed that he has a wife and family living at Roseburg. Saturday he was arrested at that city for bigamy and Marshal Hodman left on the night train after him, arilving here last Monday with the prisoner, lie was taken before George Humphrey, Esq, waived exam ination and was held under fjooo bonds to await the action cf the grand jury. The case is an unfortunate one. particularly for the young woman at Tangent, who was Imposed on. ExEMrT Prokrtt. In Oregon Ihe fol lowing property is exempt from execution: Musical Instruments, books and pictures $75; honschold efl;ct, $300; clothing, $100; and clothing to each member ol the family, $50; team, tools,iustrumenU or II brary or whatever Is needed In the trade or prof esaion of debtor, $400; ten shrep two cows, five hogs, three months prov ender. No exemption I good against a claim for purchase money ; 111 homcstca d. At the Schools. The attendance at the public school ha been reduced con sldcrabir by the epidemic ot colds, called lagrippe, and the smai'.ei scltool a well have suffered. Mis Winder's Kindergar ten the attendance at which is generally adout twenty-five Is taking a vacation this week, Mi Wheeler herself now being ill, and Mr Mead's, with a customary attend ance of fifteen or twenty, is down to six or seven. But !; grippe is going and soon schools and things generally wilt be run ning in the old or bigger r.ew channels. Bad for Stock. Mr Jason Wheeler ha just received a letter from hU son Frank at Camp Polk on Squaw Creek which tell of deep snow, for torty day bare ground not being seen. Stock was suffering, and where not fed ct home was dying fast. Mr Wayne Claypool had ready bought SSoo worth of hay lor hi 600 cattle and too horse and it was about all gone. The outlook was dubious. Peeling ax Oraxoe. An attractive cce of Crayon work may be seen at the drug store ol Mr G L Blackman. It is hat ol a boy peeling an orange, the back ground ol ths scene being black . It shows good execution. Mis Grace Trumbul' was the artist. The Democrat is pleased to see (he large amount ol Interest being taken by the young people ot the city In art. Time thus (pent is well utilized. Re member that "he best can paint who feel the most." How 00 you leel? The District Iwstitcte. The teach ers' Institute lor the third district will be held at Albany, March 13, 14, 15. This district embraces Ihe counties ol Marlon, Polk, Linn, Yamhill and Tillamook. Prol McElroy Is at present engaged in ar ranging the preliminary detail for the nstttute and says the indication are that It will be attended by all of the rounty su perintendents and teacher ol tne cistrlct to the number ol 250. The program has not been arranged statesman. The Jefferson BanxjE. The Marion county court (tand ready and willing to do it share toward building the bridge, The people of Syracuse precinct, Linn county, are going to use every efiort to have some action taken in the matter at the February term ol court. They have all faith in the court and think their ictl- tion, as piayed for, will be granted, and the bridge built in the near tuture Jefferson Review. Died is low. Mr P P Chaffee and family left Albany two or three week ago for Pennsylvania. They stopped off a liawrden, low, where ir Chance was taken with the grippe and d'ed four days afterward on the 14th instant Mr Chaf fee, who resided here several (months was a hardworking industrious man and was a member ot the Masonic lodge. .Didn't we welcome our exchanges? Yea, even though the winds of early Jan uary were blowing through the whiskers of some of them on the day that they started out to find our sanctum. Baker CLy Reveille. 'this reminds us that we received about ten Reveilles In one day, a good sign of the extent ol the blockade. - Ugh. A Chinook Th Is hat been the wettest day of the season,therc having been a con. tlnual downpour. An old timer says it is a genuine chlnook and will knock the ( snow in the mountains out In short meter. big rise in the rivet may be looked for. At present there Is about ten feet, A Business Chanob. Dr I W Starr has sold hU Interest in the drug store of Starr A to Mr G C Stanard of Brownsville, and has purchased ths drug business of the lattes at that city. Dr Starr will move to Brownsville and Mr Stanard to Albany. Mr Stanard is a live young man and will make a good citizen. Model Men. Baker City's new police men will have to be model men. They cannot enter a saloon or other bnildings except on business, cannot drink, cannot swear 01 use abusive langurttre and can - ' -' ' ' '-r-!i t'.v. All tue 1 exiles of Some iiAESTirAK. One who sees a ShakMpeareitn piny welt presented re ceives Instrnclkm us well as amusement. Cull it of the sentiments that pandered to the spirit ol the 16th and 17th centuries and present the cream and you have a feast full of meals and choke deserts. This Is well Illustrated In Hamlet as prerented In this gcneraUoa. Mr Uaudmann is a re- markably good Interpreter of that famou character and present several original features, a noticeable one be!n$ 1st con vernation with the absent ghost as If In the mound below. He portrays the mel. aneholv character of the Dane with fine effect, and a well brings out his mad lea turcs and soar In hi tragic character. The large audience Saturday evening, con sidel ing the Inclemency ol the weather. were delijfhled and instructed by his fine presentation o' I latulel. How closely the student of Shakespeare watches (or the famous passages In this remarkable drama, some ol wnlch are so fruitful of thought. The following were noticeably well expressed. "Frailty thy name Is woman "For the apparel oft proclaims the man." " to thine ownseii be true, anu it must follow, as the night the day, thou cttnst not "To be or not to be, to die, to sleep, to shuttle oft mortal coils, make quietuses with bare IxHlkln, etc, there's the rub," My words fly ut. my thoughts remain bf low. Words without thoughts never to neaven go. " 1 here s a divinity that shape our ends rough hew them how we will," Mr U.indmann was well supported by Mr llucbnrr as Laertes, and Mr 1'arrUli a Horatio. Miss Oliver is a remarkably fine tiertrudu. ts!nnv would like to hava seen her a Ophelia, thouah the part was sustained with credit. Mr White Is quite immense a Pallotilus and the flrst grave digger. The grave scene and the sword act were grod and effective, though ol course pampered, as the whole play is, by the smillncat of the stage for such a play, preventing many attractive accessories, Should Handmann play In Albany at some auspiclotis season, free from la grippe and other dire calamities he will be given a packed house. A Pkcti.iar Accibknt very pecu' liar accident recently happened at Cor vaMis. The six months old boy $t J P Brandon had been placed In a smalt rock ing chair In front of a fire place, and the mother had stepped Into the wood house after fuel to start upthefiie. Wh!!oso doing, she heard the child begin crying in a tnutllcd lone. On going into the room she discovered It had lalien forward and Its lace and one hand were Imbedded In the h.t coals It was Immediately rescued frrm Its terrible position and medical aid called. The face from below the eyes down wa horribly burned, aIo the hand. For awhile It was thought that the bond would have to be amputated, but the doc tor think it can be saved. The Last Ones. This noon the last ot the victim ol the snow blockade, who had started lor San Francisco, returned North. They had been burrowed In at Ashland and vicinity tor a week or two and were tired out. Among the crowd, were the member of the Hans Boatman troup and Mis Swanton.the elocutionist, the latter ol whom wa quite disgusted, and wl-l go eat like lightning or Nellie lily. They reported many interesting and exciting circumstances, and joking and other amusements were the order. One Dr Loom Is, cf Roseburg, tm being guyed, got mad and drew a revolver but didn't shoot. .This they repcrted as ore of tne worst theatrical episode. Nellie Bly. Nellie By, alia Mi Elizabeth Cochrane, who arrived In New Yoik Saturday from her trip around the world, made It In 71 days, 6 hour and tl minute. That was fat traveling and must have tired Nellie Bly considerably. Didn't give her much tlms for stopping and attending Uu-art-rs, Mis Blsland her compettltor ws considerably slower, and will of course, want to tear 'Nellie's eve out. Albanv people appreciate the great notoriety ot lite business. It was an ad. Cheek. It Is bad enough for other to try to Impose on us wl.hout members ol the same Iratcrnity making the attempt. The Fireside Companion, a sensational sheet, wants us to run a $1$ ad fjr that piper one year. In the first ptace we wculd'nt have it In our household, as it sting those 'w ho read it. In the next place $15 Is too much to pay for a weekly paper a yea-,. Exi'elled. Ed Balchs, Harry and Jchn Wood, ail of South Bend vVash,were expelled yesterday, by Prol Van Scoy. from the Willamette University for refus ing to attend church. They took the t o' clock train lor their homes, yesterday after noon. Salem Journal. , " From Astoria. Mr K F Ashby 1 home from a trip to Astoria. He report considerable movement there in the real estate market. New additions are being laid out every few day and speculation I the order of the day. Mr Ashby went over the field and saw many rugged sights, addition like Smith' at the Bay, level- vertically. Lost Somewhere In the city ol Albany a Board ot Trade. When last seen wa somewhat emaciated; but had a goodf rtne. As sprlr.g Is coming on and a live year In Albany is anticipated It will be needed in business and anyone who ha seen or heard of it will confer a favor by fattening it and returning to the owner. Send So.mb East. In this weeks isiue ofthe weekly will appear the article on Al bany In our issues ol Friday and Saturday A subscriber say it is the most concise and best expresses '.he situation of any ar ticle tie ha yet seen and ordered several copies. Parties desiring extra copies can secure them at our counting room. Daiix;es Oct. Reports Irom different parts of the county tell of small bridges being washed up and out or down and out or fallen to pieces generally. The one near the cannery at this city is on the list. The resu't Is thtt travel I a very uncertain business through the county and' farmers v. ill be kept pretty close at home, I.MCHKAsixo UuMXRs.. The business of the Southern Pacific Co. at this city has increased so rapidly that it was found ne cesmry to employ additional help. Miss Wlllett.a sister ol Mrs E R Skipworth.and a daughter I Mrs Prater.of this city, has been installed as clerk and operator, and may now be seen at the ticket office. Admit It. There Is no use trying to conceal the fact that Eastern Oregon Is now experiencing a very severe winter. Snow has been on the ground continuous, ly for over six weeks, and out on the hills and elevated ranges it Is now nearly a foot average aepm. rnmevtiie Keview. K op P. The Uniformed Rank K of P have elected the following officer for the ensuing term: J P Hail, Sir Kt. Capt, Q E Propst, Sir Kt. Lieut. f W M Parker, SirKt-tleraldj C II Spencea.Sir Kt. Re D V S Reid, Sir Kt. Treas.; Mai. Geo. W Ilochittedler was elected installing officer Is Wasco Cocnty. Mr J Mowery writing from Dufur, Wasco County, say the snow was forty inches deep and tha it then had lain on the ground forty-six days. The outlook, though, wa good for large crops this year, ihe average of fall wn wheat is large. "Thev laugh that win." OTHELLO, Act IV. Scene I. See Bandmann Thur day night, and notouly laugh but be In structed. Struck Oil At $1.25 per 5 eallon esa aest Standard r' oil, ar the Willamette Pocking Co. s store. I O O F. Albany LodSe No 4 holds it regular meeting Wednesday evening .nUi week. VUitinff brothers are cordially he At listiTK a a Lee Thos Kay and wife to J K Weather ford, D L C ol Eimer Kecs.also 3 acres In tp ta,8 R t w $ Eunice llardman to Nancy A Fro matt, tots 4, 5,bl 33, .Sodnvilie., GeoW Pugh to C M and J V Pu;;ht bl 3, Glass K to Crawfordsville. Satlrah M Mills to A C Windotn, S acres near Urowmvtlle aoo 1500 140 I) B Thomas to W IS Yate.t-it ol south half of 1) L C ol W Rob Tnett , . ,. : J N Rice to W E Yates, same as above , , , , , O F andCha Stephens to II C Jack son, E half ol I) L 0 ol Willis Jackson,,.,, , II Bryant to Sn Lumbering Co, right ol way on land In sec 3J,tp 9.a K 3E.. ...! Peter S Brenner to Lcsnder Brown, 10 teres In sec i,,tp 9,8 R, t w. W It Hobson to Elisabeth Shaw.blk a. Il's A to Mill Utv ' 1 600 100 130 75 J 0 Johnson to Lee Bllycu, varlou blocks In Sclo, , , , ,, J M V Bllyeu to Lee Bilyeu, various tracts In Sclo 050 300 J F Venne,' to Ellas Marstets, tract In Urownsvllle.... . , American Mtge Co to Thomas Rod gers,3 K qr sec 3. 14,8 R 4 w Lucy M Rupctl to C U Davis, 167 acre In tp 13.8 R 3 w, , . ...... Milton Hyde to Flora II Stewart, jo off west able iI blk 4t,Allniny, . E J Daly el ux tot) A and T C 5 0-3 1700 187 30O Wheeler, 70I D U CulHw Cuslck..... 4(10 L E Brown to J C Lelgh.uli right to 300 acre ol west end ot U L C olil M Brown...... 3jO 60O A llackleman to W W Crowdcr.tot 3, 4,bl ill, H's 3rd A.Albany.... fciisatietn wood ct al to Walker M- chols.aoo acres In tp 14,8 It 4 w Decree Total, " JttSvEE of Ir; give ine the ocular prol,"-OTIIELLO. Act III, scene 3. Do not fall to see Bahdmann Thursday night. "There Is no hinge or loop to hang a doubt on" that there wilt be the largest hou&e of the season, 'Take note, lake note, oh, world," and go. A we have had a prosperous year you can not cry that you "are stieped In poverty to the Hps;" but It Is "a foregone conclusion" that you can go as well as not. ''Put In every honest hand a whip to lash the rascal who remain at home. Take your girl, though "you love her not wisely but too well." Take your mothcrdn-taw, for she "ha a dally beauty In her Lie " Tae everybody, tor Band manit'a OTHELLO beggar all descrip tion. Rbuekau ETBarAivnxr. Bcti'ah Rebekah Degree Lodge No 35 I O O F will give another ol their hlghly-plca.lng entertainments next Friday evening, Jan 31st to which all Odd Fellows are Invited The following program will be render, ed. Recitation by Erma Carter. Song by Ora" Dubrullle. Recitation by Lottie Kctchum. Song by Maud Crosby. Recitation by Josephine Barne. Vocal Duet by Mr Lee and Mrs Van Winkle. Recitation by Iwa Vance. Vocal Holo bv Mr Lee. Recitation by Mls Helen Crawford. Vocal Duet by ?rol Young and Mr Hart. Quartette by Messrs Hear and Hart and Mr Lee and Mrs Van Winkle, Addics by Mr G W Wright. A Democrat maa witaewted a caring in cident. A strange earn oat of a aalooa carrying a new aad uie looking umhrsl!. aed passed along the street, lie waa abort ly followed by a resident of the city, who j after gating a gued look at the man and the umbrella, followed rapidly after him. Over taking the stranger he demand! the ttm bialla. Thaatranjter tUnnrml and got msdand sai l it waa a mi.tska. But he dido"! go btek after any lost embrstls, to i must bsva Ima a ataxr cm of deliberate teal. What h deserted waa a d ol jl or a big list rapidly applied. Tba oiaanmi 01 all thiols la the deliberate atu brslUthi.f. Take a matt ambrslla when he La away front homa,nd you not only rob bim of property but leave him in the wat Prof. II. C. Palmer' Conservatory ot Musk, Twecdalc'a block, First street, Al bany, Oregon, opened January aoth, 1890. The course ol Instruction will consist of classes tor piano,organ, harmony and voice culture. There will be a normal class and diploma furnished to teacher. Student graded to insure equality In rendition. Prof Palmer's I the only recognized sue cessful system known for a thorough musical education. Send lor circular and reference. Oilie hours I to 3 p. in. UTIIELLO IHCRSDAY IN IGIIT, At IX O - clock this morning there wa a long line ol expectant purchaseia preslstently hold Ing their place in line outside the door o the Willamette Packing Co grocery Although Albany I a pro) restive city I I an untual thing to see a line ol staid and sober citizens waiting for a place ol bust- sines house to open as early a six o' clock in Ihe morning. Thl 'determined assemblage was occasioned by the an nouncement that the sale ol pure ani lreh groceries and provisions commenced earlcy every morning and that the rule ol first come first served will be strict.! ob served. Not OprosEDTOMDiciNi. Although the new Hygienic treatment of Dr A Wil. ford Hall doe not prevent the use ol any kind ol medicine; no physican can hon cstly oppose Its use, yet by Its use medi cine I unnecessary for it powerfully a lst nature to throw oft all Injurious and foreign matter that lost health is rapidly regained and good health preserved and longevity assured. For further Informa tion address. J B Hugiih. Agent Albany Or. DirraRENCEOfOpiKioN. John Elliott returned last Sunday from the Willamette alley, lie says the bunch grass country tilts him wetter than anyrhing he saw In Webfoot. HI lathtrand brother, ho says, are comfortably located on the , farms which they bought In Linn county, and will probably remain there, Ochoco Re- lew. . Don't FR.rr.--It ts not expected tha work will begin on the O P In the Cascades before the middle ol April next. If it does not, the railroad company wilt have to bustle in order to get across the moun tain in time to haul next season's crop of wool. uchoco Keview. Committees to Mckt. -Allcomnilttees having charge ol matters connected with the decoration of the Masonic HH are noli bed to mee: at Masonic Halt to mor row evening at 7 o'clock sharp, . , By order ol Com ot Arrangements. - Kid Gloves. I have just received an Invoice ol the celebrated P. Cenl emeri kid gloves in black and eolored. These with the other brands I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, imnkes an assortment that any tndy can be suited in prices ana quality, lhese are all first- class goods and warranted as represented SAMUEL E. YOI'NO, - Taks Aim When wanting anything in the gun line, shot, rifle or revolvs r, call on Price & Robson. They carry a first- class stoek, and a well a full line ti am munition and will not be undersold. Get a Machine.-And wnen getting one let it be either a Domestic or Davis Price & Robson are agents for these su perior sewing machines and invite v in spettion of what they can do. A New Discovery- Hubbard' Jlead ache Capsules. They are a p:it;j COtJNtlli PltOCKKDiNUS. Tuesdty, Jan. 38th, 1890. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marsha Street Commissioner, and Councllmen French, Tsbler, Burkhart, Smith and Gar rctt. The following bil.s were oidcred paid F W Blumberg, $9 ooj Hochslec'ler Sar, $1.40 ; N J llenton, $15.35 j John Jones, $70.00 j W N Miller, $70.00 j J N Hoffman, $58.67. In matter of petition ol L II Montana lor a crosswalk across Brondalbln St. same was ordered. Petition of I r.cnm and other for side walk was granted. The committee on fire and water repot t ed oil petitions ol Ashby & Dickinson, C W Parker and G F Simpson, reporting against adopting two former and in favor ol the latter.the addition not covering any more ground and to be covered with tin. The committee on ways and means re ported In favor ol printing ordinances In book form, 30 copies to be In cloth and 30 Ir. paper, and that the cost would be about 60 cents a page. On motion the commit tee was continued to arrange lor codifying the laws.and that the contract for printing same be let to lowest bidder. Closet at Callboos was ordered repaired. Street commissioner Hunt recommend ed repairing ol sidewalk adjoining old Foster ' properly at the Santlam Ditch. Same was ordered, to be completed In le;i days. Petition ot O Dannals and or asked that an electric light bo placed at Intersec lion of Washington and Third streets. Referred with Instruction that committee establish light at once II deemed necessary. I'cutton 01 it uenuricson and or tor seer across Ellsworth street was granted, aim H jcordcr wa Instructed to adv-rtls for bid, work to he dene in 60 days. The petition ol M tlaumgart.Hale Back ensto and or aklng that W II Greenwood he declared a common drunkard wa read. Referred to committee on health and po lice with Instructions that every saloon keeper In Albany be notified not lo sell li quor to Mr Greenwood. License were granted lohn blblin and Huffman & Taylor to sell liquor. Matter ol covers of ctt'v's cisterns wa re. (erred with power of committee to act. air 1 abler moved thM com on Ord frame ordinance providing that any one desiring to erect a building ol Ihe value ot or over first lake out a permit from City Re corder. Referred to committee on ordi nance. The following bid were read tor board ing city prisoner s Ja Murray, iS cent per meal j J N cent per ir.eal. Contract was let to Mr Hoffman. The following bid were read for furn ishing dirt and gravel t John Maxwell, river gravel, 95 ccnts.pit 6jc,dlrt lac N E Steel, river gravel Vs cents, pit 6 Jc, dirt ijc J Whlteide,rlver gravel oc,plt 64c, dirt 34c. Contract let to John Maxwell. The contract lor doing city printing, or dinances, etc., was let lo stltc K Suiting at 35 cent per Inch per Insertion. Bid tor printing poster were : Paisley Si FUh, 65 cent 5 C W Wall, 49 cents. Contract let to C W Watts, Matter ol bids for cross walk wa laid on table. Tne Mayor called the attention of the council lo the matter ot kerosene, powder end combustible in the city and the ne cessity ol care. Malts r of securing lumber and nail wa referred to committee on street and pub lic property with power to act. L'r and Dow . Some ol the princi pal up and down in business Ifet keep f mtlity op and prices . This it being done very successfully at LaForest A" T Kiinpson's.and those dinner set to be distributed among our citomer fan. 1st a creating no little interest a well as our price. A Verwct That the grand display ol eat, ornair.cntal baskets, each containing one pound ol choicest tea, at LaForest tt Thompson's, is the finest importation ever ordught 19 Albany. Thl tea I basket Sred. mire and ol rich flavor. Ve offer It at the astc-.lshly low price or 40c A .Sharp Item The nest line al cut lery and shear In the rlty at Stewart A Sox a. Their good art tha very best aad III aland the test. Made to Cot. When buying an ase get the best, one that is durable a well as sharis. and the p- xca to do it is at Price St Kobson s,wt)o att nave a ana line ot wea. ge, etc. A DaiaiiT Idea. We refer to the large assise line ol saw and carpenters tool at Price St Robson. . The best In market and price the lowest. Abbey's Addition. 54 lot la this ad dition to Albany, near Hackletaan's 3rd vidition.lor sale, at to $135 a lot, at Lurran Si Montelth s. Home Una honey .-looking lor caUn are at U IS Brownall'a Charles E" Br own ell. t Poor Ueatanity I Tbe common lot is one of tot row y at tea the posaitnists, they who look at tbe worti!e. Cartalnly what woald other wise be a bright existence, i often nhadow ed by eouie ailment that overhang it like a pall, obscuring perpetually tne raoiaaoe mat else woald Hxht the path. Snoh aa ail nient and a very common one. i uervouoos,or ia other words, weakness ot the nervou system, a condition only irremediable wnere ineffi cient or improper mean ar taken to relieve it. Tb concurrent experienoe 01 aervoo peep! who have persistently Died I lot tetter' Stouiaoh Bitter it, that it oonqner entirely so persons; tivenees of the neryoi, a well a ausea o ealtea w 11 10 11 ar inviisu ana sustained by their chronic weakness- At the nerves gain stamina Irom the gieat tonio the trouble dissppear. Use tbe Bitter tor malaria, rhenm&tim,bi!louneea aod kidney troubles. ' - Utter following I th list of letters remaining la tb Fat Oflls, Albany, Linn county, Oretroa, Jan. 23, 1ES0 Parsons sailing- for these lotte must giv the dale oa which thT war adyarUesd I E. THOMW0IT r M. neneel.SllssOttlU lUnuelt, tltory Hurtheld, Mrs Uary Cea, O B Bnrlebaugh. H U Blnaaaro. si M Cnailile, Lary C'aalt, tt O Eaatwoed, Will 1 Harbin, Mrs K A Lee, TJ Mulier, Wm C Mattaon, lass t O Mail, Wm rlrs, John L bimiJi, 1 H Ounard, win Ureshnitf, Albert Kin?, Wm It Loekwewi, Mia Asanl I Msxwe'l, JO Oris, Da! ln rorser, airs k n Ho'emsn, Abraham Vesune, woe HARRIED. WATERS MOORE On Jan alst,i8oo at the residence of J M Waters in Browns ville, by Rev 0 Sperry, Mr W W Water and Miss Ida Moore. The weddinir wat largely attended and a fine display ot pre sents wat presentea tne nappy eoupie. B0RX. BURKHART. On Jan. 35, 1890, to the wife of T II Burkhart-a boy. All doing well. DIED. GILBERT. On Jan. asth, 1890, at Sweet Home, Dr. J. N.Gilbert, aged about fifty. Dr Gilbert recently resided In Al bany for a few weeks, moving to Sweet Home, where he soon made many friends He leaves a w lte ana son, BYLAN V. At vvoodburn, at it o clock a m, Monday, Jan 37, 1890, of ty phold pneumonia, Dr Don C Byland. deceased was the cordior of Marion coun tv and had been sick but a few days. deceased was at one time a school teacher in Linn county, moving to Marlon county fbont ten vca: a?o. I10J1K AM) AUR04II MONDAY, Tha wires araalldown latwtao Albany and California. Col E 0 Parkinson, pla pouslon exam iner, wa in the oit Saturday , Raiiinnlng today tha Kaotiatn La ml or Co of MillCily manufsotnns DO, 000 teat it lum ber daily, Tii revival services at tha M K Churuh will ba oontioud daring tlii week, oinch Dteistt being manifested, Tli Willamette Valley, on account of the weatuer. did oo'eaii yttdy from the Bayj but it was thooght would . to-dy, One of tha features of Mr Phelps nw printing cftio i a 11 no Performing mufllilnr. He does work of that kind for tha trade. Bert Van Clave, whi has bean op tb Col ombia toting ssmail clerk, nid in I'oitlai.d studying fir the stag, was in tli uity last vvuing. Broke Jail. Two prisoners, incarce rated In tlio Marlon county lull, broke out last night and It w thought came this way, A reward of f (0 each wa offered lor their capture. Mrfleo W Hani has been enjiazed by Estan Aeliensnn to run tha meohaoioal part of their marble shop, next door to ths uxmocrat oiiieo for 1 law trooihs. Mrs 0 A UUrkr, a pioneer lady ot Alarum oounty and one of the prominent women of the Valley, died last night, II. r death will be reurttd by a large number ol friends tarough the Valley, A man it Waahinittnn make a living by wakina osoula uo. II oauht to so to Cotvjdli oit prod tb merchant there. W ma l bis remark In tha Interest 01 our worthy x a there. Mr C W Watta. Heoratary of the H W Firamens Assooiation his lost oomnlatsd th publication of tha minute of tha assr.eia'-ioo and tournament orooeedintf ol 188'J held at Taoonia. Tha panttihitt is well gotten op Articles of ineoronration of th flsntiam Lumber Co. with W II lUlston. Let Brown. Thos Kirns aed J A <w aa incorporator, have just beta filed in Marion count y. The Albany lumber ysid under tha eharga of Mr L Brcwo I on of lb best in tha valley. Not being Utah it wa a peculiar sight to ea two young women la tha waiting room at tba depot together this noon who war tba wivsw of ono maa tand. had another womso residing- is th valley been present tha ease woald hava l-e.o still mora oomptit a'.d, tbooyh lrK(timatly. TCEStlAT. Chin N Ysr is ever. Wheat baa uone aa a notch to CI eenta and oil to 3!oent. A drunken trsmo wm arraaUd vaitarda . II wa looking for a pise to stop and loan d Oa. Mr C L Back ratoroed last ni iht from a trip to Iowa and is bow prepirsd to msk Alhaoy hi permanent bom. Amoag the best advag tiser la Baker City. are L,odrmta 4C MoOratb. Commercial wa est thsy are doing a fin busies. Dr W II Rowland ha formad a ttartoer- sbip with Mr L C titration, if filler in tb nkoagmot of th Paoide Medical Co' busieesf . Mr E 0 Bardalv has lust 00m id a tad daooratlog hi real estate ol&or, including eleotrte light, end it i 00 w aa attractive place. Mr Kin met t. father of J P Emmet t. of Mc Coy, died at Albany last Satarday, aod waa brought to Bethel for berial Sunday. Dal las Observer. Mr James M array bsa tetorned from a trip op the Columbia, aad ia a few day UlUke chare ot the Ktcbaag Hotel. im is a rustier in tt hotel basin. PndItoa new baa a eow ordinance. All live eitie haye, There ia no better sign of moss back ism than cow raeaing at large ia fuy targe eooaga to put on air. Th Kaaasll-Jewell Dramatic Do tr scent ed Lynwood hut Bight to a fair boas. The company ia a good one, aod ia this thrilling military drama displayed som very elever aetlag. : Kvery saloon keeo,- in Albany wa noti fied last evening Dot tt sell Mr W 11 Greta- wood intoxicating driaka. ani some at least had an opportsoity of refuting hi request, and did so. Three me were arrested at 1 alare. Cal. I m nmntiog cnargea vug in recent train !.; . ! 1 -. . . 1 1 robbery nr that city. Tbey were heavily armed, and denied the chaige. Nt eireem taaoee were said to bs. agaioat them. Mr We Shannon, tb boraeman. who baa been Salem stoce the State lair, ill with ty- t'Doii' lever, returned to AUwny thia toon, looking pretty tbioi bet on the lenprove. Mr Uackensta, the seotlemaa who tmr- chd th Jane lot 00 Main street last fH, waa in town the fore pari ot the week. He wa accomuanied by hi father, who wa looking at LUlia property. I) t'la 0ervr. Tb rain have not Vat raised th Ca'i- pooia liul-nlly lo briuf the !s no by Urawfordviitodn the creek. and Air Moj er who baa a tsr n ttuitcy thiok it doabt- tat it taere 1 satuuieut wie far the porpoee. Tbey are teHet of a Salem man. y tb Utant county New, wh.i aeked to boj te carry ball onid tl weod from ihe aidewalk ap a flight of tairs to hi otliee. aad when they bad bntsbed the task bande-1 on of tba lad a nickel, with instruction to.divrd it between them. Mr B Selling left last eveoiou lor Alltany, to attend th fum-rsl ol his brother, Mr Isaac Selling, wbodied Friday at that place. The deceased was a wealthy tnerohaut of Albany and a prominent aod influential citizen. Pendleton E O. This moat be aa error, a no uch prominent merchant has resided here. WBtlSKKDAV. Bargain at Head 'a. Ladies all wool tcarUt naderwear. Ho B&S. Babies Chamois moceaa'n at Birrowa k Searls, Mr Jesaa Sooth, of tbe Forks, ia in tbe city to-day. II S William. ex-Aasctw, bsa been ia tb eitj . Great olearaaee a!e for th next 30 days at w r ueade. . Uood evening Have yon tried 1 Iubbardt Elegant Lotion For deotriatry try Dr Wageooer over the Line County Back. . 10 per oeut off on all cash talea for tb next 30 days at W F Read'e. W can and will aell cloak cheaper than any roruaoa nous. . v r itesa. Low price are what count and 0 E Brownell i th place to got them. Yon osn save maoy a dime by trading at II U llnbbardi new drug store. Try it. Haner kraut, pioklee, pickled pie feet and everything nice at C K Browntils. Ask to soe oar Riilrovl Eaaiueer ahoe. ast tsoeived at oirrow t bssrl. k sood seoond-haud orjran for aale cheap at tha Art (tamo over Litu.t Oounty liaak. Thos desiring dishes or lamp can Bud a bargain at La Forest k Thompsons. V Choice Sicily lemons, diied Italian prunea peaohe eto, at Lar orest S 1 ooinpsons, -. . . ... - Mr Crossman. recently of Pennsylvania, is jn the eity with a view to locating. No need to suffer with the headaoh when Hubbard's Capsules will surely cure you. 1201 eases of matches were reoently 1L.1D ped to Portland by way of the Oregon Pa- oino. Fear are entertained that the Saadorsoa bridse on the South Santism will be taken off by huh water. Mr William old and hiahly respected pi noer of Linn oounty, is lyiug dangerously ut at uamsDurg. Fbelps, tb printer, makes a specialty fine ork. Office oyer WF Co' express otuo , First street. Mr E C Phelps haa juse opened a new job printing omoe on i irst street, over W r Co'i express office, and is now ready for busi nets. Uive mm a-eaii tor nne work. Tbe river baa been raising steadily dnrins the day, in all about a foot and a balf, and press time was I'i leet 0 to a loohes above low water mark. The river bat been rising steadily all dav. The Calipooia particularly is ou the rampage. When w neat irom tne mountains it thought it vill be in aa immense volume water, . Choice cloaks are cow being offered at 60 cents on tbe dollar at Sample rooms opposite the Revere House. Remember we are lor a few days only. See ady io this issue. A good cloak man wanted. The The Chinaman that aasaultci Mrs Murray of tha Exchange Hotal a few eveni.igs since was brought up before Squire Humphrey waived examination. His bail was fixed ; at .f 100, ia defai.l5 of which ho wat to The Hon I, T Barin, ohairmst, ol tli republic an state eootral committee, has decided -on calling the committer tgnbrir.pirtlt.d on tb Gth of March. IU does 01 1 koow 1 -I oat the probable date f th tU roavei -tion. What etihanaos th l-anty of lin feature more than a clear akin T Even plain features are made ttractiv by a good complexion. To scour this, purify oor I Inod with Ar' 8arprilla, It ha bo eqttal., $1. Six buttle, $5. Worth $fl a bottle. Eminent physicians everywhere t com mend Ayer' Cherry Pectoral as th m t reliable rumedy that esa be had for anlda, soegn. ana ail pulmonary duordsr. Ask yoor dro(flt for Ayar Almaoao j it 1 th nest pooi'osu. n 01 tb kind, and foil of in fortnstioa. DOTVVIIXK, As j 011 have no correspondent from this vicinity I thought perhaps a few lines might beof liiU-iesl. The peoyde generally here have been afflicted with the Influenza or grippe, but notning latai irom it yet. Uncle Martin Prlne, an old pioneer ol mis county, I dangerously III at the resi dence ot his datighter.Mrs Alley Deakln. Snld to have dropsy of the heart. Mr John W Galne 11 week purchased the county right for Linn county loscll the improved rein holder.patentcd by J IJ Young, ol Hon Marcos, Tcxa. It'l the bos line holder vet Invented, k Stock fall kinds wintering well thus Man led at th residence ot Me Henry Kinxer, on Jan. 19th, 1890, by I II reeryj. P., Mr U IS Dertlilck and Lillie M Klniter, both ol Unu county. The enow on the ground during ourcotd snap saved our fait sown wheat Politic beginning to loom up. Seevral candidate lor the various office ol the county are out in the fork, to-wlt : A F Beard for Sheriff, Alexander Montgomery lor Co, lease M South and Mr Michael an: la uiidate lor Assessor, all subject to th- will ol the Democratic Co. Convention, Crook C'ol.vt v. Wednesday forenoon Qainty clerk U own' house, with pearly all ita content was destroyed by fire, Mrs Brown had bul'd a fire In the kitchen stove and had gone acros the street lo a neigh bor fora lew triomertU.andit I supposed 'he heat of the stove set the wood In the woodbox on fire, and from that the wall caught, soon getting ihe whole house In a blaxe. Mr Brown estimate the entire loss at about 1 Jooo, on which there was on in surance. There I no question now but the loss of stock In Crook county from the effects of the present storm i'll bequl'e heavy, Ochoco Review. Loos Ixjst. Wednesday morning Cpoo leet ol logs got loose on the McKenxle and It was thought ail of them would be lost. They were valued at about $30,000, and will probably lodge along the slats end float down stream. Aa elegant line ol new deeigos ol chaise Jast reeetfed at FortmiUer k Ir tog's. Ladies shoes, mens shoe, Diiase shoe ebiidreo shoe, men boot, hoy boots, st loss than eott to make room tor othe- e.oeda at C Broweeli's. All I aak ia an house t comparison of any pricee with tboee ot outer dealer. V K HBOWaBUL. Try fi I4H cre:o o'teot a-. U Browov ell's. Atbaay Market. Wheat le OataoSOo. Bsxec 2ae pr to. rrp-t IUy-fl,00. Jotavtoe 7S eta per bnebol Bsa on 6t.! A plea 74 cent per b, ?orR 8!e per It- ctreeawd. Beeona hatns. lV4o, ehooldere, he. ' aldee.luo. Aid9: Dor lb. iriour-4.4S per bid. Me ken 00 per tiox. till Feed bran, 14.00 per ton ehorta. Id. roiddilnjr, SO. .. CbOf n, Vt.J I am bow better prepared than I hav ver been to twit my customer In tbe aboalioe, I have just received a large Invoice ot the celebrated Laird Scbeber Mitchell fine ehoes for ladloa. Tberwla no maaufmciarer who claimal acythlni; bettor tban these ahoea. I In tend so keep a full aaaortment of them In all pricee, width from A to EE and ean 1 ea't Ihe moat faaildlotia In At and price. I alo received another Invoice of tbe popular ahoe E P Reeds in Wankenpbaat and Patent leather tip. Those shoe am well known In Albany ae a first olaar nice sty la shoe. Oder from the e&untry fill ed with care and aatirfa' iion guaranteed Faxckt, E Tocno. By General Request. ALBANY 0PER1 10USI. ONE NIGHT ONLY- Thursday, Jan. 30th. The Great Traglo Actor, DANIEL E. 3ANDMANN, , nd hU New York Coaopanyof 13 well knowa artists in Shake, poare'e tnasterflece, OTHELLO Reserved aeata, 73c, admiatlon, 5 0 cent. Tickets lor aale at Blaokman'a, DR. O. J, PATTO'ly Fhysioian and Surgeon. BLUMBERQ'S CLOCK. Femal diseases a sptoialty. Can be found in the offiss day and night. ALB ANY, 'OR. at WHIISM1N & EULBERT BROS.. Real Estate Ag-ents', Farm and Kanehea for saia. Also city breparty in Albaoy aod OeryalU. is of here . RpYALIi!'"! J J fiam laMier"" mama ()! Absolutely Pure. Thie powder never vrl a . 1 . purity, inR!.t, wioltirwM More o.v-niniici the?! 1 h. andoannot aoin in m'MKtr.n with muitltndn of low .1 -,.. . Ji.." or I hoeobato rwdore itoUi onhr i jjoyi mRing fowuwCo., US fee,; D. W. CaowLsr dc Co, Agdnia. I'ortlandj Oregon. v. f.v-j. r -aaT JT'-'t w " M.". t XIS V"liW, Watches, Watches, Springfield watches, Hampton watches, Seth Thomas watches, Automatic watches, : at .' -F. M. FRENCH'S, The Jeweler. J. fi. DUnCAN, AI10S5ET AT UW AID EliTAHY PUBLIC, "Offlee aod 2. o Strabao'e BIccV, So'a 1 ALBAHV, 03EC0H. MQNF.Y, CHEAP-MONEY. We have made arrangements to supply money to all on long time at law rat of Interest on improved firms and city prop erty. Thsee who contemplate building brick block or good brick business house can get money. See us. Wallace ir CnsicE. JAOES P. KiEAD, ; IttoniBj at Law and fills Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all tb court of the State. Abstract ol . Title foroished on short notice- Ten s ears caperienee. fitly FLeKENTOH -DEATiEB I2ST- IE lli Choice Candy, CIGARS AND NEAR THE POST OFFICE" ALBANY, OREGON STICK tn the tact that aui ctfering better hargaica than any one else in Albany Bought at bat irupt aaloa I can tll First-Glass Goods or le!owkC0ST. FOP Oenert merchandise of all kind itii ii- Wherejare y outgoing my pretty maid ? I am go ing to buy a Jewel Stove, she said. They gi e such good satisfaction th it they make a home pleasant, and with Anti-Rast Tinware all is joy. MATT I EAYS .t WA STILURN Keep Your Eya on E.G. BE AHDSLE Y'S Column. Agent for New Zealand Ins. Co. Car' 'at, $5,000,000. Fire andMarine Insuranc written. ALBANY PROPERTY. A good buy. Business property on f-Yc . i ond St, in one of the very best blocks j town. This I the same block where tf. t roost extensive Improvements are to i.e i Mftde In the spring, This property U tne only frontage In the entire block that can be had al any price. This I the best off e r ; In business property in the city and will i soon goat Ihe price I am asking. Cait at. j the office for particular. f Farm property at all prices and In differ f ent localities. Improved lends can sell on t isy terms. 160 .ares fcr$nx, I w 1 t4 acres for 'ioo. tCo acre in the coal belt $7 per acre. SS acre on Coo Bay, 5 per acre. Cheat) lot in Albany. Residence. lots I birth Improved and unimproved. Lot e.ox I too in Pip' addition. This lot faces town and ts a bariraln at S1S0. Lots in Burk- t hart' and Goltra Park addition. If you are f looking for Investment in Albanv proper- i ty come and see me. f 1 wo cottage for rent, J,8 each. j ASTORIA PROPERTY. Lot in the RAILWAY AD3ITI3S to Ato rh.. This property I situated just one mile and a quartet from the very center of toria and ia practically Snnide proper ty. Thi addition has been on the market but a very few weeks and 1 new nearly all sold, panic In Astoria investing to a large amount. The price for these fine lot is $85 for inside lot and gioo for corn er. I hese price will positively be raised on February 1st to $100 for int'de lots and f 115 for corner. Now f jr sale on the in stallment plan. $.10 down and the balance at $s per month Call quick and select the finest, only a few left. Call ind com pare locations. Acre property ir Astoria tor sale. Am agent for the Astoria Real Estate and Trust Co., of Portland. Thi compa ny make a specialty of Astoria property, and if you desire to invest in this city by the sca,lt will pay you to call and eamin my list. In office evenings. E.G. BEAPsDSLET, 'Real Estate and Insurance Broker and Notary Public, EroadalbinSt., Albany, Or. . The jPride of Albany "soap by far the best laundrysoap in the market contains no rosen. lry it and you will use no other. For sa.e only by.,,; -C. . BROWNELL. final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given that the under -aig-sed edminiatsator ofthe estate of John B William, deceased, his filed hi final aeoooat with the Clerk of linn county,0re gon, and the Coootv Court baa fixed the SrJ day of February, 1800, at the boor of ten o'clock a. m., for the hearing of objection to said account ar.d for the ttlnent of aad estate. . Thia the ISth day of Doceniber, 1SS9. , BF WlLUAMi. J K WEATHEisroaD, Administrator. Att'y for Admin. p s XatS) Fraif, etc. TOBACCO A PIW call oa ma. Fartic lar bargains ia a sam; G, VJ. SEIPSORi Albany, Oregcs Matthews & Vashbum, Aleaxy, Orkgox, Kardware,Stoves and Tinwar, ia e w ;, m v i. . -v