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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1890)
THEY BACK DOWN. The people of West Virginia, at the presidential election voted lor governor alao. The democratic candidate wa -lected by a amall majority, but Goff, the republican candidate, contented. The leg Islature appointed a committee to Investi gate the claim and counterclaim! of fraud. The committee ha been In ton (or ten months.and during all thU time the republican pre ol the country hai Indulged In an Intensely heated warfare a gainst the democratic people ol Weil Vir gin!, charging them with all kind of fraud. The committee Anally made It report, a majority, democrat, finding the democrat elected and a minority, repub llcans, finding the republican elected. However, when the matter came np to be decided by the legUlature the republican abandoned their cate on the ground that aeme of their member of the committee admitted that there were too many fraud ulent republican vote to tand a contest The very leat that thete republican r per could do now, would be to apologue for the vklou mlrepreenttlon they heaned upon the democrat of Vet Vlr glnla. but It U afe to ay they will never do to, and their reader will remain Ig norant of the fact that their charge were malicious and untrue. A Nuremberg firm I brlnglngout a rew Kind of sole for boot and shoes, for which It claim treat tolldlty and convenience. The ole consist of a ort of trel'Uwork of aplral metal wire, lntertlce being fitted with gutta-percha and ammonac roln, which give them both (trength and up- plene. They are fixed with special nalli on to ordinary eole, and can be produced Jo per cent below the ordinary price for leather one. They have already been used In the armv, and It I Mated that the reiult of the tet are very atU(actory The ole were found In good condition after long an) teverc utage. A country gentleman correspondent Wonder why people suffer thcmiclve to be overrun by the gnawing rodent when an effective trap, with which he captured a bushel In one night, I o eatily available Fill a barret one-third full of bran aad water mUed stiff enough to hold a rat on It; let them teed a couple of night, then make them another roe In the barrel (af ter cmptyins first lot) In tame place, but make thi most alt water. When one Jump In, down goes Mr Rat, and the next. not knowing hi brother bad luck, fol low ult la the morning the barrel will be full It the rat aupply hold out" The republican majority of the cencu committee have reported aealast the bill to require the Superintendent of the Cea us to ascertain what percentage of the people own their farm, the number of farm under mortgage and the amount thereof. The high tariff republicn do not wish the condition of the far mer In thi countrvto be known. The fact ould be a convincing contradiction of the theory that a tariff benefit the farmer. -East Ortfrtun. It I estimated that there ha been a de- create of nearly $4,000,000 In the public debt during December. Thi make total reduction for the drt bait of the present fiscal vear of about $34,000,000, agalect $3i,53J,oeo during the correspond in g period of the previous 6cl year. The reduction for the calender year end Ingto day Is 53i3ipoo, against $91,536, 000 for the calender year iS83. Btsmark hates anything imported from America, and those who know thi best are quietly chuckling at the fix hi coun try I In thi Winter. Germany is hort on wheat, oat, corn, potatoes, beef and pork, and if the Iron Chancellor doesn't comedown off hi hieh horse there will be lots of hi subjects going hungry be for Spring. 1 be refusal of a Petroit street car company to receive coppers from passengers brought oat the fact not generally known that one, three and five cent piece are legal tenders ap to twenty-five cent while ten, twenty, twenty fire and fifty cent piece are legal tenders ap to $10. THI r HAN KINO riuviu.iiic There are but three person in the U- nlted State, other than those holding pub lic office, who are allowrd to receive and send mall matter free of of postage, write Washington correspondent. These three person are the widow of the 11 president Polk, Gr(kld and Grant An act of Congress I required to grant thi privilege to any cne, and It ha been so grantedto the widow of tho Presidents since 183ft, when the first act was pasted centering the distinction upon Mr Dolly P Madison. According to the United 8 tale 1 Pottal Law and Regulation, which a compila tion of In rule published tor Information and guidance of postmaster and other official, Mr. Tyler was net entitled to the benefit of franking mall matter, and it I true that no law watever pasised in her case. She was. In a sense, a victim of one of those peculiar oversights of Congret which are of frequent occurrence, Tie Poet-Office Department, however, appre elating the tact that Mt. Tyler was In equity entitled lo the privilege which had by law been granted to Mrs. Polk Mr. Garfield and Mr. Grant, accepted her frank In lieu of postage and collected nothing upon matter mailed to her address. There I a rather peculiar fact connected with the eat of Mr. Polk also. The act granting her the privilege of free postage was paed In lJe. Since that date all law conferring the franking privilege nave been once or twice repealed; the last time in 1S73, and no act ha since been passed In favor of Air Potk. There Is no law on the statute books to-day, therefore, en titling her to the benefit of tree postage, but it Is allowed her arbitrarily by the de partment, and the Postal Law and Regu latton name tier as one ol the person legally entitled to the benefit of the frank ng law. It I not generally known tha, the law attending the franking privilege to these ladle also provides explicitly that mall matter, including letters, newtpiers and packages addressed to them, I exempt from the payment of postage. The only explanation of thi somewhat peculiar provision of law Is that when Cong re passed t'-e first of these private act It tailed to notice that free postage to the sender of. mail conferred no sort of benefit upon tle person addressed. Mr. Polk, for Instance, I not benefited In the slighter degree because some person who wishes to write her a letter is not required to affix a stamp to It Yet when the law In favor of alt the President's widow who came after Mr. Polk were paused, the same language wa used and stand upon the tat ute book to-day. A sort of tattllty In the direction o making mistake seems to have followed the course of law-making on the subject of the franking privilege, and the most stupendous blunder of all that Congress mue In the first general act passed ha never vet been corrected. Thi I the tall are to provide a penalty tor a violation of the law. Although there have been a many a fifty franking privilege act passed by Congress since 1K79. not one of them provide any penalty for their infringe' ment or evasion. This very singular oversight 1 a cause of much inconvenience and annoyance to the postal officials, and because of It veiy few arrests have been made, although the one of franks by un authorized person and on .tntrankable matter I of very frequent occurrence. OHlf IK! The Lk'rnocraii In the lower houne of con gress ate preparing a plnn of obstruction, by wmcn uiey nope to checkmate Republican on Important matter, lly such meant any ac tion of the Republican majority can be I lock ed, and the true primal principle of the parly vmiivu uut iu in iuhcm cxicni-THie or ruin Mountaineer, Oh! fie upon auch partisan effronitery. It Is the republicans who sie trying to ilupt such rule as will make their speaker an autocrat for the purpose of depriving democrat of lite very rights extended to the republican by demo crat when the latter were in the majority. If th republican were disposed to act fairlywhy do they not adopt such rule a will clve th democrat the tame rights on the floor a the democret gave the republican in all the con' presses which they have controlled? Our co temporal? may be able to deceive tome of ill readers, but intell'eent people will nevr be deceived by such inexcusable misrepresents lion, The republican have determined to try the contested election cae before they adopt any rule so that they may have nothing to hamper them but their own tweet wills. They openly say that they must increase their slim majority by turning democrat out and putting republicans in without any regard whatever to the merit of th contest. There are 16 con test before the hous, the Contestant all be ing republican. There is no merit in more than two, but eight or nine democrat just at fairly elected as any niemlcr of the house will be deprived of their seals limply because the republicans want a Luge majority. Our co- temporary is rgregiousty wrong. All the A :in ocrats ak it the same tights ana privileges thick they extended to the republicans when they were in the majority. TALK NOW. PROVES TOO sUCt I. The New York S has sublimated the in gredients necessary to recure office under the the present administration. These are that oae most be ''the ton of a President, the son of a dcrgyaran, or a soa of a gun." Looking at the list of appointment, foreign and at home, the recipe appears very nearly correct Be Butler at a la.e dinner speech, declared bis intention to have nothing to do in the fut ure with political parties. Ben'i bead is level. He always keep and balances account a in thi instance, since it ha become evident that aQ political parties have decidedly determined to have nothing to do with Ben Butler. A philosopher says that "happiness is found in chasing after something, not in catching it' WW a man' bat blow off be may enjoy more appiness while be 1 chasing it down the aireet than when he catches it, but he doesn't look that way. Ant are caught and killed at Kew Gardens by flowers of the orchid cUss. The ants are too Urge for the flower, but they visit it for the take of the honey and get caught in the mucil age. The flower, however, suffers equally with the ant Liverpool Is Importing American iron. Will tome free trader explain this? The facta ar directly againat hi. assertions siiioruin. On the contrary the fact are against protection. The fact are these: Iron an be mined and manufactured in the United States, then shipped to Liverpool and there old a cheap or cheaper than English iron. In the face of these facts, iron manufacturer, aided and abetted by protection paper like the AsJriam , are now going bofore McKinley' committee at Washington and protesting vehemently against any reduction of the now very high duty on iron, alleging that if any re duction in the duty should be made, En gits') iron manufactured by the pauper labor of England would be shipped into thi country and told so cheap as to drive our own Iron out of the market Such is the flimsy, fallaclou and self-conlradlcto- ry character of the arguments necessary to maintain the policy of a high protective tariff. If it be true a alleged by protect tonitt that the placing of a high duty on iron In year gone by so stimulated the manufacturer of iron a to result in it present cheapness, then there can be no question that the time ha arrived for the removal of the duty a such duty Is not and can not be protective when American Iron, after paying freight to Liverpool, can be sold there in competition with English Iron, Henry Ctiy the great lather of the protective policy said that the object of protecting manufacturers was that we might eventually get articles of necessity made as cheap at home as thev con Id be imported and then the protection should eeas If he was rlt(ht In principle and the Astoria right as to facts, the dnty on iron should be removed. T here is a time for everything, and thi th proper tune for the votei in thi stale to discuss the question of electing United States senators by a direct vote of the people. It evident that three fuuiths of the voters of the country feel that it were far better to let them select United State senators than that the matter should be left lo the legislatures of the several states as now provided by the constitu tion of the United States. At the people of thit state are soon to elect a legislature hy not now present the matter to camliJatc sml require them to say before the election wheth er they would vote fur an application to con gress to amend that instrument so a 10 pro vide for that method of electing senator. It every newspcr in Oregon urge thi matter upon the attention of the people, Ordinary (ticking plaster i an excellent remedy for corns. It keep the surface toft, and prevent that rubbing which is the im mediate cause of corns. loolLU talk. ! Tacoma, Jan, 47, An afternoon paper In an editorial complains of alleged misrepresent ation of Tscrmia by the president of th Port land Board 01 1 rade, and add.) "1 here is but one way lo retaliate, and tlmt Is by a system atic Boycotting oft int place, No cituen of Tacoma should purchase arything turning fi cm Portland. Ve should leave that city and the merchant and people who in: 1st, on buying good there severely alone," Utah TMe. Tacoma, Jan. 27. The very hluh tide th last few day have occasioned a good deal oficaimet, Atlantic Mere. Qusenitown, Jan. a(5w Thehurrleansnv prevailing is of unprecedented severity. Tin, lea linf caused muoh damage to the town, A number of small crsft have been swamped. Outward-bound lint steamers report fearful weather in th Iiisli channel. The bark Sid law encountered hurricanes for len days, and lost her lint mate by drowning. London, Jan. 30, The gale continued with increasing! streneth and velocity in tha southern portion of Knclnnd and Wale Ic-dav. mcnaisirau in wuies wa remieled Impassab le by th Jury of the gale. Many tailors have been iwept ovctbnrd and drowned, Ik Blockade. San FaANCiiaoJan. s6. The snow block ade on the Central Pacific and California ft Oregon railroads is s ill on. In general th rain ami snow storm in the northern tortion of California have ceased, bnt whether or not the pleasant weather wilt last until the block ade is raised, cannot be foretold. The warm rain that has fallen in Northern point is shift- m-k pvKiuwatM. vui ma niurm is mucn less violent, and the amount of mow melt ad on the mountain is therefore let. rrebabljr Crasy, IMii.Ai.i.iitiA,Jn. a6. During confirm' tion service at St. John' Kplscopal church thi evening, the congregation was startled by the clton 01 an apparently demented young man, who arose from hi scst in the church, and pointing a revolver at llisliop Whiiaker, who wa taking part in the services, fired a shot at him. Immediately there was great confusion, but it wss quickly seen no harm resulted from the si or. An officer took the would be mur derer into custody. At the station he gave the name of David Alexander, of this city, it i learned AVsander it an anient rm.lut.iii titrtiUi and Hithop Whiiaker' attitude on the liiiuor question having dip!cacd him, lie de- iciniincu 10 Mil mm. . A rare lo t are Harder. WiinaiNO, W Vs., Jan. a6. A Tmpbitl, Raleigh, C II Trump applied a foul epithet lo a man named Shaffer and shot at him. The bullet struck KldiHje Smith, woumung him bauly. Shaffer fired at Trumn and the two men csut-ht each other with their ten nami and each fired two shots. Shaffer was hit in the head, while Trump wst shut through the body and died shortlv after. Smith may die. A Raulaai Her va4, OfissA, Jan. a6. General RaJetzky 7 O.k core rhsumatism, neuralgia toothache. Fohayt& Mason Agnt. and Smoke th celebrated Havana filled U Rr, mamifotard t Jultu Joseph' cigar factory. Only fi cent. TuoOld North Stat gaining popularity. smoking I fact New eream ehM jut ieivd at Com ad Meyer. Th best fi cent cigar Id Brown!!'. town at C New Knsland condensed mliio mat at F u Kenton , at 10 cent a package. If vou hav anv lob wirk t) do call on 0 W. Hinithwhn is trnM.v lo do it with otnaand disnatth led a cheap aa any one Dr. M. II. Ellir, phyaielan ai.d ylbany, Oregon. Call mule in ouotry, urKon city 01 NEW ADVKRTISRMKNT8. Cloak Sale. The ladle ol Albany have now within their reach an opportunity which tnav never again present Itself of purchasing a first-class, styll ,li garment at one-halt It acli al value. They are sample from the welt-known cloak manufactures, Hohm Brother, of New York, Max Judd Si Co, St touts, and Springer lirathe r,of Uostor.. In order to form any Idea of what the stock la like It must be seen. Mr. Geo. Caldwell who has charge of the sale will be pleased ta show all the ladle and their frl-nd the different style at hi sample rooms, Imme diately est of Revere House Call your neighbor attention to this. All that I asked I an examination of the sleek. Don't niU It. It is well known that whale can remain a long time under water, but exact data a to the time have been lacking. Dr Kuckenthal, of Jena, ba recently observed a harpooned white whale continued under water forty five minutes. . In Germany they are making coffee from linseed meal roasted to a dark color and mixed with some glutinous substanct before passing through machines which form it in the shape of bean, Experiment during three months, taken to deteimine the velocity of the wind at the tcp of the Eiffel tower, show a mean velocity three times greater at the summit than the base. The electric light of 20,000,000 candle pow er in the lighthouse at Hansthotm,coast of Jut land, said to be the most powerful light in the world, is now lighted for service. Senator Turpie, of Indiana, in his speech yesterday very broadly intimated thaMhe Ad ministration is cravenly waiting for John Bull to take the lead in the matter of recognizing the new Republic of Brazil. And this is the Administration that came in on the Murchison letter! Ben Butler is out ainintt ballot reform. If he wasn't out against it there would !be some reason for regarding it as a fraud. Speaker Reed evidently regards Democratic Representatives as interlope who must be tuppreised. Has he forgotten that Congres sional elections are held every two years? Tlie climate in the Caucasus is found to be well sailed for the cultivation of the tea plant. THE MARKOW OF THE DISPCTB- We have constant agitation for the ameli oration of the industrial people of the land. That tbey have wrongs to redress is not dis puted, but they have hitherto sought atrnos' every remedy but the right one. As long as the industrial masses will vote to taf themselves for the lertefit ol monopoly classes, just so long will lalr have "oppression and unrest. When the workingman must pay 47 ctt. out of his $ t earned at taxes to (well an already overflowing treasury, it is mockery to say that there i protection to labx. There i protection to monopoly; there i only op pression to industry. The true and the only remedy for the work- ingmen of the coun'ry is to take a positive stand and resolutely vote against ell needles taxes on the necessar'es of I fe and against all taxes on the raw materials of our productive industries. That would assure protection to labor and it would assnre mutual interests be tween labor and capital. Our industrial people are the sovereigns of the Republic. They make and unmake its rulers and it laws; and whenever they shall decide that oppressive taxation of the masses for the benefit of favored classes shall cease, the one practical remedy for the mas of labor will be applied with beneficial results. Think of it; study it; discuts it and vote to enforce it. It is the marrow of the dispute The New York World is a courageous bold pa'per, but it make a great mistake when it makes a fight of bitter persecution against Brice, the newly-elected senator from Ohio. During all the time that the canvass for United Slates Senator wa go- lug on before the Ohio legislature, that paper backed. up by many republican pa pers shouted bribery," "bribery," but not a particle of evidence was adduced to show bribery. This of Itself shows there was no grounds whatever for the charge', 7"r truth is the World has a grievance against Brice growing tut of th tatter's conduct of the last presidential camfaign Ahlcli will doubtless find it way fo the public ere long. It will fully disclose the anamus of the World. TELEGRAHIIC 'NEWS aplMr4. Seattle Jan, sS. The bold desperado who robbed the faro bink in the Elite gam bline bonne of $200 at the pistol's point veste- dy morning, afterward shooting IHck Rich ards, an attache of the game and then shoot ing at a denuty sheriff who attempted to alrest him, was captured t-y the police in a lodging bouse on Grant street bridee at 7 O'clock this morning, Te a Better Ceaualrjr. Ottawa, Jan. 28. John Chaillon, mem ber of parliament for Norfolk, has given notice that 00 Thursday he will move that select committee of parliament be appointed to in quire as to the extent of what he calls the "alarming' exodut of natural born Canadians and settlers in Canada of foreign birth to' the United Slates, at 10 the cbicl cause of such exodus and a to the best means to be adopted to counteract the influences whichpiave hither to stimulated the exodus, and lo icccm a mean for diminishing thi drain on Canada' numerical strength. A Ba4 terMeni, KcxBt av. Pa., Jan. A gang of Italian, Pole, and Hungarians employed in video ing th roadbed rf the Shamokio, Konbqry and LewuKinre' rUv. were at work to-iy in a cut near Saxinoa, whan a bloat ; ly exploded add the tnea were burled in all direction. On man wa tdeked np dead, five fatally injured, and tn other badly eat and braised. Three Italian are miming and it a feared are buried under the debris. IasVeall rrrla. Scobijio. Ja-J. 28. The blockade north of this point 00 th Oregon & California railroad 1 evidently regarded a a stnbbotn ona by ta company, from the fact tbst the last lot of passenger bald ber wie snl to Sacramento on the train leaving to-niebt via Marytville. Trains 15 and 17 north bauod, arrived ber from Sacramento to-day the first for three days, bnt they cannot pruoacd north of this point. Am Kalerprtse. , AKTOntA, Jan. 23. Several memlers o the city council met this afternoon and con sidered n application for franchise for a thirteen mile eable system to ma throuuh the priocipl street "of th city. Outside capital i bank of th scheme. dead. He was one of th heroes of Sthlt.k rats, w h i h wa tslUnily held by th Rusiknt gainst in miasm IK78, EEP Itrvmi. f. M. French kevp railroad time. Boot aad l-Lxs at eol at Ilead'f . J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon. AU A - a.. .a T ww 7, vrj Just received new table linen at W. F. iteaa'. I W Stsrr th vsieiaa aaJaaraao. Albasv -. " " Good eaoklne stove onlv tia at lliuuia e.i. w. - r Beat roast euflae in tt city at Conrad Meyer. htatydeaoa windiw thsde jottraooiv.d s rors niiiaroc Irving. J W Bentley. beat boot and shoe maker in city, opposite Fortmiller Ac lo lag's. Alergeeud line line ef wiedow Jot roiv4 at t ortmilUr tt Irving'. Webavetbe best $1 fiO bid glove ever brought to AtUey at W JP IUd . Now ia th ttaetoaav money by baying boot and hoM at cost of W. V. Head. Go to Dardtie for honest weight, good good and lowt living price. A tine line ef all kind of furniture, plain and npriolstared, b stock in thi part of Oregon at Fortmiber 4 Irving'. J Archill I, ant Singer Manufacter in Co., o;p,niu Oil Feilo Tempi, Al bany, An elctftnt line of iik table tpresda, in hesuliful design, just received at Fortmitler atirviig. 3 esea U ddso Hut tomatoes for CO cents at C yer. and all other J eatmed go jds ohesf oreash. WAITED. A flri to do gnnerej hue work Cat! at tna roaiIno r I) P Maaoa el ihm ourner of Ferry fiimtti !( and 1: Wfttt Sll.r A irnmA aamt K a tA A. 1 gao for Jute or rent. Call at W T a rat a. TOUND.-Oo Kilsworth fltrnet Ible ' eiarnoon. by J P HsU.ea Odd V4 Iowa rtsg. Call at thi ortle,p7Chaxe ana eocoie ring. TmlCHiai If row iteetre tbsn ou u 1 fooling away tttne on thing tbat duu't ty 1 but aeo l 11.04 at one for niaetartwnl outfit of oat Urt JUw Stanley Jik. II book and tana not aailxf clirv we win rnuna yotir money. Nortak. Nuoapiul needed. Jtetn ladle and genii nen employed. Don't loae tlrao lu ortUai. 'lBup In while the wator are troubled." I Jay are worth dollar. Addraea) 11. r. jonnaon at Co., looa Main til , lUcbmotU. Va. I !Ofl 3 A IX A new mllnlt tow. boreo, oliiht year ol Jnd a boegr imoai new. For partimilar eatl at thte offico. T.OU HALK.-A No 1 milliner ataeV lo I; aa A Re I location in lb thriving nit cf AMMO. Low rrt and taSendiil roniaa. Kor particular a4 drove Firm, O Uos 09 AlUnyl Or. H. ONEYTO IX)A?J.-Tbeunder!smed IT jL ba bom capital to loan oa good real eatat propel ly, OKOlIcrkrraautr. S1TVKRAL SMALL TRACT of land its' town far eel on essy Urtue. lognlraxrf II. Dryant. C Dissolution Notice. Mntfot 1 hereby given that the oopart eerablu liereufir eiatinK under lb name of Ueroe A Robaon baa bean dt aotved. Mr L vr Dero reilririe. Ibo bn slneae will be continued by Price A Bob on. All arcc.utite should be aattled wltb tbeoldflrtn, by whom alt dab: wilt be pia. rieaae call aad aey Vadlag Fhotographer Albany Oregon. W have bought all tbeoegative mad by L W dark and W II Greenwood ap to Nov 15th, 1SS9. Duplicate can be htd from them only of o at reduced rate. We have also shoot 18,000 oectie msde by our selves, from which dapiljttes cn be had at like rate. We carry the ouly full line ef view of thi state and do enlarged work at lowest rte lor firt class work. Waaball be plaaaad to aee yon at onr Htudio in Fromaa'a block, next door to Maaooie Trmplo. Thi Trade Mai k on a Move mean It I thn best thM peril neo and skill can con trive, gold only by G. W. Smith. Children aved from Severe .SIekB.E3 SiDrHoldun: I notice by the papor that you are placing your valuable Etherete Vaugh Syrup before the public It is a eharitable act. I have used it in my family for many years, to my satisfaction. ' I be lieve the use of it in time, to my cbildri 0, ha aaved them from sicklies. It BLANK. Large aiza $1 .00, tmail SO cent. Fir al by It C IJubbard, Druggist. Jaba Brawn's Family la Wsst. Chicago, Jan. 14. Th Inter Ocean to day publish a letter from Horatio Knit, of Sonlh Pasadena, Cst allocing the impoy eriahed condition ol the family of Captain John Brown, of Otsawatomile, and request ing contribution te lift the mortgage 00 their house and lot at Pasadana Contri butions may be sent 'to William Peon Kizoo, of th Inter Ooean, or Horatio K Host, Pasadena, Cal. ADarlag Kebbery. Seattle, Jan. 27. One of the boldest rob beries, accompanied by murderous assault.that ever occurred in this city.took place this morn ing at the corner of Cherry street and the alley lietwecn Second and Third streets. For cool daring and reckless desperation it outrivals the wildest deeds of the Jme boys, and even the fabled acts of Claude Duval are thrown in jthe shade by this. At 10:15 o clock a stranger entered tie Mite faro came, which is connected with the Bijou saloon. R I Burns was dealing. The stranger bet Si in silver, lost it. and sat motionless, After a while the players dropped out one by one, leaving no one but Deaicr Burn? and the stranger in the room. With drawn revolver he demanded and re ceived 8200, subdued two officers shot a door keeper, Richards, probably fatally, and escap ee, and has not been found. ' A Train tt reeked, Ckmter Tables A large and elegant fSDlANAPOL'S, Jan, 27. The passenger 1 shipment of center tables, in new deslgnes train r.n the Monon route which left Cbicaco I "nest stock In the -valley, jusl received at Sunday nicht at II, SS was wrecked at 7:50 o'clock this morning one mile above Carmei, Notice of Salo by Oo m mon Carrier. .XT OTIC tt ta ftereby given that the H.ulher t raeino Company, Lea of the Oregon and California Railroad Company, of Port land, Oregon, a common earner baying; transported the parson property hereinafter described, from va rkiu point In the atato of tb city ft Albany, In tba eta! of Uregon, at the request or tba owner or lawful poe aeeeor thereof, and having aaiely stored and kept aald property, and by virtue thereof baring alien upon the earn for l just and reasonable charRsa.snd more than tbiae month having eiapcad tnc aid transportation and oar baa been net formed, and no part ef said reasona ble and jut charge baying been paidll peranna whom It may eoiioora are here by notified tu.t aald boothern Ptclfic Company will, eo the 1st day of Febru ary, IttMi, enuniaoeloa: t 2 o'cloek p. m anil at public audi in to the blithest bid der, for caU in band, at tba w erenoueo of aald company, In the city or Albany, In the alate of uregon, nil and ain polar aid personal property or attfUcient there of toaatlaly aald llts rod charges and the coat and expense f making said aale. "aid property hvlt3 been abipped, c -inclined and taanaported tMtween the point hereinafter named,and being more particularly daaeribed a fol lows 1 "itHr Ladiv. Onlt. I a in now pre pared to do all kinds of stamping, and have over two thousand designs to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid ery materials, such st arrasenrc, crewel, No. 1 and 2 ctnbioldery chenilles, princess chenilles, etc., etc , and the finest pom pons, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felts and fancy work materials ever In the city. Zephyr Is fcolng at 5 cent en ounce. Mi'ss Minnie Col well has charge of this depart ment, and has had several year experi ence in 'all kinds of uncy work end stamp injj. G.'W. biMfsow, Albany, Oregon. BBedda 4 . tt tr liarriabuif fttvtgaw X Hk neat " " g tt . . M f tt tt J . tt I M M S T Ua'idtoa S Mver A t Maxwell I NVaawmkl J R hut J C Porvr W kt Uavlilsoa U M Uoloway V 0mliMia K. P. JtoOB, Aatt. O, F. A P. a. The tender jnmped the track, 1 he engineer reversed the engine, b;t before the air brakes could stop the train the locomotive and bag gage car cleared the tresue. A sleeper anu the smoking coach went over into the creek, both taking fire almost immedia.ely, and bring consumed in a remarkably short time. Beats Albany. PendleTO.J, Jan, 27. Mrs William Dun lap made her appearance last night at a late hour in the Villard house barroom in her night clother, pleading for protection from her hus band, William JDunlap. Upon investigation it was discovered that husband and wilr; had been enjoying a family jar, when William grab bed a butchtr knife and chased her into the street, That is the story she tell but Dunlap claims he used no such weapon, They have had similar trouble before. Deadlock Broken. Des Moimes, jan, 27, The long deadlock in the Iowa legislature wasbrtken to-day. A compromise was agreed upon by republicans and democrat!, and temporary organization effected. The house adjourned until to-morrow. Some express the opinion that there will be another deadlock on permanent organ fortmitler A Irving. Lace Cnrtalns. Lace Curtain. I have jusl received my fall tock cf lace curtains bought direct from 1 in porters, the largest stock ever brought to thlsjnark et, and best value for the money. . Samuel li. oung, Next. New and best place in town is Gilson's new barber shop l.i the From&n Block, next .i c 1 to Fortmlller & Irvine'. Best ber .:. town. . Babies. The finest line of baby cair' ages in ht Valley just n ceived at Stewart & Sox'- Prices ere remarkably cheap con slderlnf ii'e superior quality of the oarrl ges. Bang. One of the finest lots of guns and revolver ever received in Albany are now in stock at Stewart Sr. Sox's. Hun ters should call and see lbm and get pricei before buying. Whereto Get Tiibm. When wtnting an organ or jilana call on G L, where you :an select from ft first" cla.s stock. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court nf the Slate 0 Oregon for tht County of Linn : , 8yl renter Fenuoyer, Governor, Geo W Mr.titido. Honretary, and U W ft ebb, VreiAuaer, of the ilrtt of OrtKOn,ecnti M'ilPK the Hoard of otmmlaatonera for the aaieof afbool laud aud the matiaga n nut of tbe euro uiuu achool fund,plaln-U1T-. v. Emily VKlniey,KilEheib Davlo.Kdlt'j McKinuey.Kho'la McKlnney.Frwnk Mo Kiimey, DeUt McKinney, Jesaa P He KJinty, jtMti" h moivinney.noy mctiiu- t.ey aud A is uavti,areuaanu. yotlee ia hereby given tbat by virtue of ad exi cutlon and order of as.'e United out of she abovo named Court In the above eu titled uit, I will on atarday. the 1st day ef March, lane, at lb Contt House door, in the city of Albany, Ltlon county, uregou. ai tbe hoar of one o'clock p. ui, of aal t day.vell at public a notion fer cash in band to the blUOem Liaaermereai property soicriu ed In aald ezcoution ana order of sale aa follows to-wlt : All of tbe Donation Land claim altuated in acttlon 15. 16, 21 and 22, In township 12. SKI W, known and described on tbe novernwcnt survey as tba Donation Land claim of John W Moore and wife, being Nollfloation No 2btj0' Bavins t herefrom IS acre sold te Jacob ewman, containing 800 aorea. Alao beginning 10 chains west of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section 21, lu tp 12, SRI W, running thence eat SO chains, tbenee south 40 chains, thence west SO chain; thence north 40 ebaius to the place of beginning, containing lf.O acroe, all situated in Linn oennty, atateof Oregon. The proceed rising from the sale of said promises to be applied, first, to tha payment of lb costs of and ucon said ezeoution and tns original costs of tbe within entitled suit taxed at f 35.25. Second, te th9 payment of 1 latntKr claim amounting to tbe sum of 11819.88-100, wltn accruing interest thereon at tbe rate of eight pep cent per annum from tbe 4th day of November, 1889, and tbe farther sum oj $160, Attor ny's fees, and the overplus if an . to be paid to 1 be defendant, Emily McKinney, to ba aJinlnUtsred upon rs by law pro vlded. Dated this 3rd day of Jan., 1890. . J HK KMALLMON, Sh'lf Linu county, Or. By Dola van S Knutb, Deputy, M r CHAS. H. DODD &. CO. . IMPORTERS OP- Keeps tlto leading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather Goods and tho Leading Tail oring Department, in the Valley. CD CfO, Hardware, Icon, Steel, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. a . a. . M .. . . a at atB .. . - Jk tafsjllkt VAH A 6o! Agents lot Oregon and Washington for lra--Jir5 I DElT.F:r: G J EIW DEAL w ' ineU. Doelile. or TriiU Vww. ttti t .. t'.inj b an J ermt m fh aJxwhrte perfartfam, tba tfcese wa 11. WW WJi w ." ' .vi. ..... - r- vr ttltlnH.t (ilutiaierit. Seat attachments ars extra. "TTr-r!TT.! TOX7' r.Tt T.TT3"T? tTTT.Vr V JPTjQTW&- BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. rio-itj 1! Cr.r.t 1,Y, It u.'trt Mm, Dncke; Bpnog T00U1 liamwa. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS Xh blct lrnvi1 lmj?ciacmt tx minjg mnrtr fallow, Tb mo oonpfoU tad oooeMVia won ir vy tVTirtaBaaXt till Tlaakl. W) alae have a fell i-n cf nort'lea. 4-arrlasra. rhaetema, Hentaia Yt'acosu L lat;tiM siid othrr Mprlns Vealriea. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Lawrcnca .'twi-li.' a. ra.-Tst:i ilarrw.-, !, Scientifle Vtd MUU, Psciflo Fanning Mil!, KAISH EAP.3 VSfiE. ETC., ETC. vrcur ""-" vt tmv t tn E TKttALL, Agent. THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, lpeir,5, "AgaIld,5, GalaIl(l', STOVES AND RANGES Firo backs. Warran tod for 15 years. All sizes an styles. The Woild'o best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ e r. t sty les co ok s and heaters Roofingy Job Work, Plambing Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. C0RHER DRUG STORE. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE G, IiBLACKMAE The Leading Druggist, ALBANY sDEALKR IV OREGON. DRUGS, iY!EDICItlES STATIONARY.aC. . 8nctHIe Fine Toilet Article , Perf tmsrr an! Muslosl Iostru nsau lreaerlptla Cavrelalljr eompouader1 dxj anJ night. Onr elegant line it Jonu O. Cablislx. MP I KOBTHLI EEYIEI CF LTCIXG SUBJECTS By tht Fortmost Writer In the World. TLIE FOUUM has won tho highest place) reached by any periodical ; for it pub lilies ai'licks by mora authoritative writers aud by mora workers along instruc tive lines of activity than any other publica tion. It contains eleven, studies, of great subjects every month. It 3 impartial, giv. ing hearings aliko to each side. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or interest." It is never sensa tional, but it onus always to be instructive. Th FoRtnf I of groat mine to that part of my c-l!cp orb w rent queationa. Twj aula at tuiruly euouli tut daily uw XT, oj Harvard. hlchdrnbi with practloivl politic an current HART, I oonsIderTirs Forpm as furnlshlnj-tlie mrwt lntclll!.nt and vmpnthrtie audience thst a thoughtful writer eao nod 10 adOrass in sjiT &A.Prif. AUAAHDIH mmiUHiU, e tht University ef Michigan. tan Fontu eontlnum to ho'd Us place a th foremost of our nug-oiloes, lot the Tariety, the Talue, sud tUe weifht odis oowributloim. Tilt 1UKK littiS. There has come forward no problem of grave importance einco The Forum was established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of tho subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom bo made long in advance, for Thb Forum's discussions are always of problems of present concern. Every such problem that the year 1690 will bring forward will to discussed, whether In politics, or religion, or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a repjy by ex-Speaker J. O. Cahlislb to Senator C'ulloru's recent arucla on " liow the Tariil Affects the Farmer." XIIE rOKUBI PUBLISHING COSIPAY, 253 Fifth Ave, N. Tt. SO CnU a Number. 8uiicriBtiitK necivta et tint ejfict. SS.00 faoA Notice of Administra tion. Notice 1 hereby given that the under signed ha been appointed administratrix of tbewtateof J J Dorrls, deoeased All person faring claim against said e. tatn mntt prneut the same with proper vouchers to tbe undersigned adminis tratrix within tlx months irom the date hereof. January 20tb, 1890, ' M. E- Bop.Eit Admin, of the estate of J J Dorrl,dece,"'lt T?0R 1ALE. Three bull oalve of th o JL1 Hhort Horn stook, reKistered. Tr are flfls n months old and one foa months old. Tbe? all came from th Young Mary family. Call on tbe und signed at the old Mercer Thompson ra at Koberta bridge, on the Calapooia, rrc mi'.ee north oft, lied J. a. . a.Biofcl,o I71RESH FISH. Having erened a flh " ma rket in tbe Ssltmsrsb Block, we are prepared to supply t.',s t-:' with fresh flsh of all kirid,at rss(M8bl8 pri ces. ' VrlXAON ti'JSJPKT, UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONS. NOT ONLY IS ALDAN f ATTRACTING ATTENTION a well t!o iounf'! rtm -f mm 5 iyllCiillllili mill 1. 111 Ful it I' 'I t vr t !! , t I ii ''' ar ll lion Mt'ikk t;f .ile 1I -1 1 a' ti 1 ilk "f An anriraiicd Hue of Cioaks and Jackets, in all stylts kr.J i''i, wr.ll iwlccted siock of MenV, Children' ami A lavgo as .rttrei t cf CAP PETS, And choice selection f GROCERIES. "....-.'Barrows & Scaris D y Goals, notions, GentFimi isMugsanl BOOTS AUD SHOES AGENCY'for The Ludlow Lsdit Fine Shoe and fer M. D. Well's & Co' Boot and Shoe. i ' I BARROWS & SEARLS, KhiUiliTfj's b.ew Bloo. , 1889 FALL AND WINTER 1889 Jubt receive-! a iarga invoice of Foreign unj Dounstlo wo!eai In Overcoatings, Suitings anil Trouserings. Wo make aspelaltyof FULL DREsis for Balls and Psrtloe or regular evening wear. A perfecf fit guaraoteed at THE LEADIUG MERCHAfIT TAILORS, DprU roet CEe. 4 K '1. :l -1