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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1890)
J V i J I 'r THE DEMOCRAT, New York WorM ami American Fanner One year for $2.80. THii, i?iACi tV l . IIIIMMM ;i nit Panei Brothers, Grocer js, Pwauca, Baked Goods, Etc Etc. ..f. S., IV.s C. If. r.VAr, Sr Albany IRONWORK -NUmifiunurvr ? lcsti cjujf fitter yiLL machinery i,w:um:ts AUO All Km CF HEAY ANO LIGHT WOSX, IH IRON AMD GRASS CASTIKCS. t4Niit aU-autltoi d of in whhinrt faVvoias Made on Shorl Notici Eevsre House: ALBANY, CIUS. PFEIFFEH OREGON PROPRIETOR. PiUe) op In Brtla ufpliAd with the leet tyle. Tabloa In the market. ttM Bleeping iplosaoartuirat. Mumpleroonv wagvoi'uerv vial trarelera. trtr e Caerk as 4 trm Ike ' M aiel.Ta i J. GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. HUatoek kaa bee enlarged ae that U equal an en me Cw, and oouMataof Roger Bros. Silverware, F talwaro, Boys' Wagons Fancy Goods, and: t . Tieral assortment of Orockiey and Toys. Be buja-itr and carries the lnri stock baa been added a aomp'ale line of FAMILY GROCERIES. ( Agent for loanranee companies witi capital aggregating t?5,OOu,0C. Vlel on pari Franca!. Ilier wild deutch gesproehen.e. ' Hopkins & saltmarsh : DA LEI'S IS STOVES, Tin WARE SHEET ETC. ' kmmnU Car n Time" IJ eating and eooklng Steve. te promptly attended IC. CHEAPST UCKS THE CIH , SMOKE THE CIGARS. Manufactured by Julius Joseph IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS fil aa aaielive lVaa, k1trrbaafl SKW STORE. Mitchell & lewis Co., . -DKALERSIN Agricultural Implements A AND VEHICLES ALBANY. OOME -A-ISTID SEES US, FURNITURE. Ten want lbs beat and most durable furntur la inaruifacturod in ibojclty g rill n WILL & LINK Dealer In all the Luading Guns, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos A full Una of ahont mmsie, irtuwlcal nurcntndiso, ammanition. finhln taaljle, ete Warrn?l Tfrnrn, bntel-er and pocket knives. The bent kind ol Mwlrru , Jhli e need.'er. Oils and extra for all rrachirjea anpplled. p.-jitning of sewing ui'tli.nH, tnu'iical Intrumnnra, guns, etc, neatly done VOL, xxv The Favorite ' Medicine for Throat ami Lnng Dim. cuiuoa iiaa long ben, and Ull la, Ayor'a rtiorry rootoral. It cures Croup, stnooping tonsil, iironchltls, and Asthma) oothci irritation of tho larynx and Fauees; strengthens tho Vocal Organs; sdlnys soronuns ot tlio a,ungs prevents Consumption, and, even In advanced atog of that disease, rouovo coughing .nd ludncoa Sleep. There Is no other preparation for dl. eases of the turoat and lungs to l corn. pared with tliia roruody. "My wtf had. a dLtnuwlng com-h. iin oi in mn muo ami bruuxt. wo jn.Hi varum uinUti'lnna, but none did tier any pood until I rl! a bottlo ot Ayt' Chorry l'ectoral, which hiw curod her. A nclKiilHtr, Mm. tiloun. htwl tho moaiiioa, ana tlio hiiu:u vu rwllovcKi by tha uso of Aror'a Cherry l'wtoral. I oar uo liostutiun In recoiumondlug thla Cough Medicine in urcry on amictM." Tlohrt Ilorton, torttuian JlcuiUisht, MorrUltou, Ark. "I liave booiu afflicted with axilmia for forty years. Z.t tyring I was taken with m violent riPh, whu-h thrcatonmt to terminate my duy. -Every one pro. nounrod uia In eoinumption. X duler. ininml to try Ayer's Cherry I'ootoral. It efTeeea were magical. I waa liummll. atfly relieved and continued to Improve until entirely recovered." Joel ISullari Ciuilford, Conn. " Six montha aco I had a nercre liem- ortnaio 01 luo Iuiic. brouRlit on by an im-eaannt couch whlrh deprivetl uie of Rloen and rent. I tried vnrimm rnn.n. die, but obtained no relief until I In. Cu iKe Aver Cherry reotoral. A few bottle of Ihla medkine cured me." Mrs. K. Cobura. la Bocoud at., Lowell. Mas. "For children afflicted with coW. courIis, aore throat, or cronn, I do not know of any remedy which will Rive moro apocdy relief than Ayer'a Cherry IVctoraL I have foiintl It. aUo, lnvnlu. oojo in coxo or winMipinjr Conch." Ann IxiVflov. 122T Wanliliiirton UfMl lkmton, Mim. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rarr.'jiBD t Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Matt. Bold by all Drurgu. l'rioi t ; li bottbe. J. Utanr and QryS.'" Doll Om-riagef, In the VCillemeU Valley, i wbM IRON, COPPER WARE ETC. Job work, plii'j'.i sjjI Lriar fU f ffEW GOODS Ms-t.iM. w OK r ' K-rff-s-iTi "8 It W . . v t t 'AJi '.wA n H 7 A (7 IN KhUmI fi t 1' i n at Albaitj , v a wKoiid-clM mail mailer local krcoud I.-K1UK I.IKR KN TKHI'RISK.- A IIIC!tlil4 U ciiltcd at UnUcy I'l-h. l t nt vnl levcrv mn of n i,nlcrtillii) UNpoltlo I rvfliiCKtvd to be pivwnt. Ttie ohject ol the mvvtlny; alll he tt lake tinJcr d Ue. to a Urire IhMii ln.: mill t lh;it nlare. 1 U propojcd to tap w?r ot the Mc Klrntie ilvef, t ome point nenr Cobuiu tlicrj bvlnjj i.iituial w.ttcr way vxtcitdlitg nrarlv tho rnllie dUtAuce from IhU poln (o IUIcv, iliunisjh whleh the McKliule frcqtimilv ovv.ibw at hl(l wattr. A !oij lhl c uie a canal t' ea.ily ben peiicd 10 williln a lew nine auove tiir town, whure It mav be turned out and hrouuht down, fui nUhlnif thrre a full of from 1 i to 14 feet. Thence the water mnv be carried to licUd, Tunurnt and hr mil to Albany? Till proposition 1 uunle (caoible Aden It t taken lutoconoUlrratlon, that it ha been proven by practical dent I on hi nit Ion t -ant tlt nntural declivity of the vallcv toward tlitf norin la about c? foet to the mite. 't'hU a ConiJerable cheme nnd will conduce urcatly to the InduMrliil rt miu rev iif thin section of the country Woktii DtuKhTiNi. .'rii- folio ing from an Ohio paper wa on a ticket to 1 counlY lair,iiuil mi well lllgtrntethe llua tlon ml only Id reference to fuln.but aUo entertnlnniem of a'.l klnd,that we give It, nj we hope ome Albi'iv people who like to have comidernble done omctlmet without any recoiltlon at all will ileep over It s "ThU ticket probably ha been paid lor ten time over by fhe paper lo which It It Umied, It will be honored in the hands of any man, woman or child. white, b.nck, red or yellow, wl.o fsvor the association by presenting It. It I good tor entrance and grand ttand.and the bearer, II ilrlvlnir.will be entitled to pass a team free. The anoduilon re:ot;nUe the fact that Its splendid success Is owing largely. If not wholly, to '.he notice so freely given by the press, while we cannot tender an eiqulv alent In cash, we return our grateful thanks.' Loon Bkttkr. The following from the Transcript t'osen't make It look as much like starving railroad 'labor er as a few day ago: The citlcn ccm rolttce, consisting of C W Fulton W L Rovb. E A Taj lor and Joln Fox, provided fur t.n more destitute railroad labor ei making thirtv three In all. Many of the bo.-trding house are now inlin); tlielr lime check at face value, a everyone I satis Bed that they will be paid in full. Some of the citizens are giving the men work at clearing off land. Thi action en their part I worthy of Imitation and all who have any oik 10 do should give the rail CaooK Coustr. Ck county, with 83J 8.3 had of ahsp, shows up far in lbs lead as th banner she-p rsiain i County io the state. Next to Crook in the sheep in dustry i Grsut caoy,itb '-M0.201. John CiroU send mpecul word fiom Uesror creek to hi frieod and well wisber to PrinevilU that he baa not Lnt any abeep that be has iJ.nty of ltr ; that the anew a toot dep , that he d.ei, eire a darn j that he is uitff to sve hii Hock. C W E.kio.H M Coortaey and J Faulk ner sre down from f leaver last Thursday, I'hey report ten inches of snow at lieavar. and every tiody feeding stock. Coming aero from Crooked rivtr to Oehoen they eneoant sred snow diift fiy i-et deepen tb hill eorth of All Webdatl placn. Prineville paper. Elotep, A man named Mathers, who lia been working J G Gray' farm near Irving, mourn the departure of hi wife and two small children. av the Euirene Register. Mr Mather went over to the Sluslaw a few week ago and left hi farm In charge of the hired man. He brought hi wife and children to her mother In this city. About a week ago the hlzti man drove up from the farm and took Mr Mathers and the children back with him. They t once packed up and took the train at living bound south. When Mr Math ers returned home he found note from hi 'rife stating that she had gone to Kan- a,but she gave no reason for leaving. Mr Mather ay they never had any trou ble and had always got along nicely. Tiyc Fork Coal A notei mining ex. spcrt visiting The Fork for the purpoe of looking up and testing the quality and quantity and valne of the mineral wealth of this favored section, and if opportunity a offered he will examine our newly dis covered coat beds- The recent new coui trike near this citr li quite promising the cot I being much the best quality ever exhibited here The fiequeuc of coal finds hereabout, would seem to indicate the presence of Urge and valuable deposit mat nave only to be sought lor In an Inlcl lijrent manner, to be secured and utilized. Pre. A Solemn Duty. Newspaper often have painful duties to perform. ' But these are self-imposed tatk of the profession and it would be cowardly to shirk them. It is a solemn duty which the Democrat owe to the public to dUclose the unsavory fact that thn man wlu in these grifinr time goes lo bed with hi chest covered with a hot onion poultice and nu stomach lull ot boiled onions, will have the consolation when he wake in the morning to find la grippe disgusted and gone. Tho reined is heroic but effective. , Uion PtRPKv It Is not the new per fed by trust and prospered by the wealthy that ha nob'.est ambition ; but mall sheets that fill the niche well like the Bandon Record,onIy one page of which U printed at home are the one that hope mucn. The Record now beg'nnine; Vol 7 avt: "It ha worked manfully for a place a- mong tne institution ot to-day, u pro nose to push onward and upward, ever ba tling for equality and justice, for higher educational methods, for more social rela tion between man and man, for the over throw of injustice and for the prosperity ot the place where it 1 published." A Rustler. Rev J R Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, ha returned from Seattle.where, he inform the DuMOCRAT.he raised $8000 towards ' a $10,000 church, to be built in Seattle this year, and would have gotten the entire amount but for an attack of the grippe. The church Is to be for the Cum beriand Presbyterian and will be modern In improvement. Kev Kirkpatrick is a rustler and make everything he attacks count. . Wuo Wouldn't.-, -Elijah Morton, of Tillamcok, while In Salem, fell In tove with Ilallle Parrish, wrote her tweet note, and was arrested foi insanity. If that Is the way they do thing in Slem it is no wonder the asylum is so full . It is a poor slick of a young man who wouldn't fall u; love with Salems prima donna. Ox The River. The Orient brought up a large shipment of freight for Albany merchants, and the Union Pacific boats will now have their hands full carrying the freight accumulated by the freeze. The N S Bentley was also in the city for the rirst time since the freeze, and went as far south as Corvallis. The river stands at fcix leet above low wilier irt;irk,and nav igation i now in its irlorv. v It i M V . '17 ALBANY, Om Tub Quamr tL.The Albany street railway I a grand thing. Just when It was most needed, a couple of Inches of now stopped all travel. Euaene Reulstcr, Just watt until Eugene City jicjs her street ntllWDy irld freexc comes on. The clerk of Union county sold 00 llcen es '.o wed during 1&80, while hi less for Innate brother clerk of Grant old only 3& Ex. In Union there Is strength, you see, Cu ll lu posslb'e that much of the pres ent sicklies I caused by lack of adequate sewerngeln the cliy f This mntlcr might well engnue the attention of tho commit' tee on health and police, Oregon Chy Exiires. A new name for La Grippe. M the rule of too a dav new people are coming to Seattle. How long will It be before this city has! population of 1 00,001? Journal. Why, U H ! iSio people now It would take a fraction over two yenm.not making any allowance for anv ot the too sliding out of the city. The grippe lia wrapped It tickling ten tacle around the youh ami beauty of the Transcript office. TtMilght the Ivu'lon Army wilt offer up thank because the devil ha got It. Astoria Transcript, There would be more for thankfulness if the editor got It. Tub Com.mittrkn. The dedication tl the new MasonUJ'emple, to take place on February ait, promise to be one of the h est event of the season. The follow. Ing are the commlUee appointed to man age the amet On Reception I) P Mat on. Mis Vesta Mason, Mr aud M F J Miller, Mr and Mr J L Cowan, Mr and Mr I) C Shell, Mis Tina Montelth, E l Cuslck, W V Crosby, Mr and Mr L C Marshall, Miss Ilelle, Mr and Mrs F M Kedtleld, Mr and Mr L Sender, Mr and Mm Webs. ter, Mr and Mr 1) Froman, Mr and Mr MFayne, Mr and Mr V S Held, and Mr and MrG F Simpson. on music fc K 1'rlchard. Chat Barrowa W Fortmlllcr. Mr G E Chamberlln. and Mr E W Ijtngdon. On decoration Mr and Alri I) G sittll. Mr and Mrs W If Garrett, Mr and Mr B Tablcr, Mr and Mrs T L Wallace, Mr and Mr 8 S Train, Mr and Mr E La rorcst, Mr and Mr W B Uarr and Mrard Mrs Hawkins. On finance J L Cowan. 1 P Mason. V Ralston, J W Culck, L Sender, Goo W Smith, F E Allen, Or 1) M Jones. Hon J Wsatherfotd and ft Bryant. On program Geo E Chamberlln, C E Wolverton, W R Bilyeu, ' W Mton, G uumphrey. (in Invitation and printing -DP Mason, K Whitney. F J Miller. On refreshment T L Wallace, D Fro man, h C Marshall, W II tiarrett, On transportation 0 F Simpson, I. W ueyoe, Jason Wnetler, J K Abbey. A Fink Entkktaixmext. Mis Jessie Couthoul, the elocutionist, gave an enter talnmcnt at the Opera House last FrlJsy to a good audience, under the auspice of the Y. M. C. A. Iter recitation were re ceived with delight. Ki Couthoul I probably the most talented recitation!! ver in the city. Her voice Is rounded,her gesture perfect, her presence pleasing and her expression inimitable. She made a new thing out of Darin Green and hit Flying Machine, astonishing the audience, and whether in the pathetic or In comedy wa master of the situation. Interspeised through the program w a quartet by Measr Hart, Fortmlller, Aubrey and le, nicely rendered vocal solo by Mia Rose Trumbull.a vocal duct, heard with pleasure uiv, by Mr CO Ieand Mr C II Hart, a piano solo by Mis Mildred Burmester, bowing a nice touch, piano solo by Prof i G LorllUrJ.cnihusUstlcallv encored.and one of Mr C II Han't popular vocal solos tin guitar accompaniment. A Fannixo Mill Max. Last summer party of men were engaged In canvass ing this count for the sals of fanning mill under the chance of II V Fuller. Among the party was young man named A Gerald, who cheated the company lie waa working for out of about $474 In Lane county. He withdrew from the employ of the company and went north and all trace of him was lost before hi crime wat discovered. Deputy V S Marshal W W Cochran heard he was In Seattle and went up there and caught him. He was then driving a delivery, wagon. He wai brought back to tftls city last t rtday even ing and Monday was bound over to await the action of the grand jury with ball fixed at $4So,whlch he was unable to furnish. Eugene Register. Evem if Astoria An Astoria Cele. lial one day last week took a shot at a boy ho thought it excellent fun to chuck i: ball at him, lie was arrested and taken before Justice May . The evidence in the case showed that cowd of boys had brok en a number 01 windows in the pagan wash house and not satisfied with that had pelted him unmercifully with snow ball i auy suggcsicu aaa remcoy inai ne org a t - 1 1 , shot at the boy and he adopted the tug gestion. It was not proven that the Chi nee Intended to kill any of hi tormentor and a the court thought hi provocation wa great he allowed him to go. It ha been several year since Albany ha had a now ball case. We are becoming civilis ed. - Jiiw Locic, Kvery tew day ome change that makes It conform to . the Southern Pacific I made along the lint o of th! O Si C railroad. The last one occur ed Wednesday, being a general change of witch locks. The old one were of the O & C pattern but the new one conform. to the style In vogue over the entire Souihrn Pacific ystem. Tht matter of lock, It vlll be remembered played an Im portanc part In til's train wrecker trial at hi cit Quiet Timks. With the .telegraph wire down and the train blockaded South and East the newspaper ha to 1 utile for matter. Only a few dally exchange come to us, the Salem Journal made up prlncl pally of Parmer & Ray' terotyped plate the Statesman, Portland, The Dalle, Seat tie and Pendleton papers, and teveral live weeklies, and mattert are quiet at home; to the country daily hat tto rustle with Its Imagination a well as shears. But there is aiwayt a cnim beiore a ttorm, and to lookout for the livest season In the history 01 vregon. Good Prices of Course. An Eastern man, recently In the city, ha the satitfac tlon of knowing the price of all the best residence In the city, having tried to buy all of them. The Democrat U glad to know that resident here like their home property.are contented and happy, and are not willing to dispone of property on which have been spent many happy hour with. out a reasonable compensation, Albany It a splendid place in which lo reside. HiaitEST Yet, At the meeting of the Albany Building and Loan Association ast Friday Mr II E Chipman, afier a spirited bidding contest was given the loan at 65 month interest In advance.the high est yet bid. Another month close a very prosperous year, the annual meeting be- ng called for February atst. About $15, 100 has been loaned on good security et an average of 50 months Interest in ad- anca. The association is In a remarkably lOajje. jus condition. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvitcd to attend. o 1 jl OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, IHOO, PioNctV Attrition, All member of the Linn county Pioneer Association are requested and urgently ollclted to prepare an article to be read at tha next annua' meeting of taM association, briefly stating fact, figure and date of any ol the event of our early history, which article we hope lo have printed and preserved. It I to be hoped that thl feature will be come one of lbs mvt Intcreallng of ou association. We are alwavi pleased to hoar each other relate the many In. erect ing event of the early history of Linn county, but toon none uf us will be here to rela:e them. Let us each one endear to reduce to writing tome one Interest ing event of our early history w hkh will become of great Importance In the future, when the tnen living actor have msscd away, thut furnUhlmt our children wlih a true history ot the experience of our an cestor. '1 hi plan, If followed wilt devel op Into the organization of a Historical Society, auxiliary to ourii'loneer Assocla- lion and will become the most Interesting icauirw 01 our annual mecllnas. J M W.TBKa. Pre Honecr Association. A Livr. 1H90, AlUnr wa surpassed laityear by Chicago In the number of real estate ialv, their aggregate being $ioj,- aiaa r ... a a. . . .a V"" 757 aumit inar 1 lie ngure are about one hundred time more thtn those of Albany for the same period but let er, r-i.t..- 1. , - . . . .. vmiiago ib aooui two nunureu time a targe, counting Its population at a million so our lecora i in best. The prevent outlook for the coming ear I good ; but we predict the experience will surpass th. outlook. Man enterprise are In '.lie shell that will soon hatch Into live rerll ucs. itw oiocas, new residence, new factories; and a well w are growing to ward a wholesale dty, In fact are becom ing the distributing point of W estern Ore gon. Albany promise to become the cen- ler 01 operation for large mining interest, mi goiu. silver, coai, etc, ana it possibilities are unlimited. A R R Sen 1 m a. A prominent gentle. man living on the Narrow uuage, at the depot awaiting the South-bound traln.wa giving the particular of a great railroad scheme, which a he seemed to believe It, and It I unique, we give pointed) v. The Southern Pacific I to be dl vetted, leaving Eugene to one side, and taking in Spring. Held, which Utobe the metropeli of Lane count,and Coburg.whlch will be the junc tion, r rom there the Narrow Gauge will be made a broad gauge and the road made the main track to Portland. W. will be on a branch and llaWey and fthedd will be krft out. Of course the affair I visionary; but It shows what can really be circulated as a f tct among tome people. It I lo be hoped, though, that the Narrow Gauge be made a standard gauge and be extended to the main track. Tub Georgia Mimtrkl. TheGeor U Minstrel are to be here on Thurtda evening Jan. ard, for one night. Every bod know they are the best minstrel troup on the rosdj but here I also a no tice on the subject, from (he Chico Enter prise: "The Georgia Minstrel drew a crowded house last night, and the unani mous verdict of all those present was that t Is the best minstrel show that ha visited Chico In a number of ear. Billy Ker. sands and Billy Farrell, the two best col ored cemedlan In the buslne, kept the audience In an uproar whenever the appeared. They are whole entertain ment In themselves. The sinelnir of the Crescent fit Qar.nctte wa one the finest feature of the programme. Tne "Drum Major Dream" w excellent, and the "Major" performed their part like clock work. V G Huff's exhibition on the har monica wa the best we have ever listened to. A Warning. On Monday evening last ay the Wlbur Washington Register, Flor ence O'Farrcll, who live three mile noith of Ha-Slach Rock, fell dead of para!! of the heart wh.lst engaged In writing a letter to hi wi'e. Deceased had only liv ed In Doug la count about four month having previously resided in San Francls- For eleven da preceding hi death, he bad been engaged in hunting deer, a eros the Columbia, ami had on an aver age smoked forty cigarette a da. This snouid be a warning lo all those addicted lo that dangerous habit of smoking these dangerou viper. Voting man stop be fore It I everlastingly too late. A Omaha Dstkctivb;, Mr Ward, a private detective of Omaha, who baa been in the city several day, returned home Saturday, taking with him a fine specimen of a Chinese Pheasant at a memento of the visit, al 10 some Important document It seem that an Omaha nin worth near. $40000 came out here leaving hi family behind. Ward wa sent after him and found him in Albany, where he had gone Into business. A sat la factory tetUereent wa made, the bulk of the property eolnc to the family, transfer ot which Mr Ward took back with tilm. A tt 1 a private matter and wa honorably adjusted we retrain irom mentioning any name. High Things, Some thing are high In Albany just at the present momenf. rotatoe are 05 cent a bushel j egg 40 cent a doxen and chicken 50 cent apiece, Apple cannot be reached. Our preyaling price though are very reasonable, and compared to Portland price low. Corner of 2nd and Ferry 8t., Albany, Oregon 1 have old a'.l the negative made b L W Clark and those made by myself up to a recent date,and all my patron of the past will prepared to make them better work thin before, with new back ground, accessories and re novelties !. photo wcrk that are very odd and artistic in design. Mother your bablet shall re ceive special attention. I do enlarging; work at my ttudio, (do not tend it to sari Francisco or bast,) in ou.rrayon, India ina etc. I also do Bromide work when order ed. Orders left for view work will be fill ed by flrt-cla workmen. Toth Ladies Only. I am now pre pared to do all kind of stamping, and have over two thousand design to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embrold err materials, such a arrasenes, crewel No. x and 3 embroider chenille, prince chenille, etc., etc., and the linest pom pons, tassel, crescent, cord plushes, felts and fancy work material ever In the city. Zephyr I going At 5 cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Col well has charge of thl depart ment, and ha had several year experi ence in all kinds ot ancr work and stamp ing. G.W.Simpson, Albany, Oregon. tare Curtain. Luce Curtains. I have just: received my fall tock cf curtainsbought direct from importers, the largest stock ever brought lo this mark t, and best value for the money. Samvex, E.Tcoujjg, Dr. Flint's Remedy la the best remedy known for insomnia, or sleeploiunes,. wlsich afQiota no many persons, and wblcU laa.i to so man y serious nervous diseases. particularly to insanity. Descriptive treating with fch bottls; or, address Mack. -a Drug Co., N. Y, Trill j& l l lr no yoo iieutf sw correspondent 01 tne ureronmn avs . . . . ... - , 'Havlnit ben reader of the Ora-iVm! inte us lounuaiion, anu naving always found ltited ItrvblKh tnjiHt f, In lU l. , ,.... I ....11 . - I. . 1 l. i. 1 1 , 1 . column now toy a word lo the farmer on the Pacific, coast. Pirsldent Harrison. iiiivrctt vi 111c lurmcr, i avail inyseu vi 11s In hi message to congress, recommenU a ireneral reduction of the tariff. Now. ll 1 a well known fact that the farmer nav far more than half of all the tariff ta. It I not the Uslgn t t the government that this should be so, but ll full on th farmer just the same. The farmer I alwa4 will - Ing lo bar his pait of the burden and to do his duty In sustaining the government; but the fact l, through the burden of ta - atlon and high freight, and light crop and low pi Ice, the Intere.t of thli coatt I - ... u -I.... - .1 A.. .1 ( I I..n T!. ... ... . "M" mortgage resting on the farm I. clear pioof. w ould It Lot be right anu proper lor the farmer 01 Uregon, caiitornia and wasiungton to fMiuion cotigr.s to iae a J . at a WL. - I me tiuiou 01 juie and ute oagsr out on jute nag 1 said to be 40 per ccm. on their cost and th. raw material I 30 per cent. Thl. dut being taken ffl will net interfere in any way witn those parties on mi coast who maacsacxa ior me mar- ket. Thy would reallxe jut the tame for their work, but the removal cf thl mean from one and half lo two cent bushel more to the farmer for hi wheat What the farmer In an count or ttate would gain will be represented by the numlier of bushel wuHlptledb one and half. If a count produce 1,ocjo,oo bushel that count would gain $45,000. If the farmer on thl coast will petition congress on thl tubject 1 have no doubt their petition will be granted. The far m er of the Called Male compose more than half the voting population. Ther can make themselves heard and felt If they wish to. The day Is' now at hand when uch petition can not be tafely Ignored. The local press claim to advocate the In terests of the farmer, wti they Uke my suggestion and work It up? I hope e ver paper on thl coast will do o,n A W 8 Here are tome statement that are wor th of note. A W S I undoubledl a re- publlean and whilom protectlonlx In order to pave the w a .for the demand which he I about to make for "free trade" 10 jute and jute wck he as "Prekk nt Harrison In hi metge to congress rec ommend a general reduction of the tariff." Nov. therlgld.unbcndlng truth I that Har rison said nothing of the klr.d. "A W S" does not need to fall back on even a Pre- Ident't opinion to justify the call he make for "f j ee trade" In jute and jute ck. The question t -1 It aound folic to do so?" Or, number of occasions the DtM-1 ocbat ha shown the utter nocdlenelday. , of this h-aw tax wrune from the farmer. Thl Us I not needed lor revenue for the general government I collecting dally more money than It need. Jute la not produced In thl country at all, hence there I no one" to protect by thl dulv on jute There are very few jute mill In thl con try and the duty on jute ack I no pro tection to them for the material out of which these eack are made la all impor ted. Then, why thl duty f Why not re. move llf It would be a caving of at least $30,000 ear to the farmer of Linn ounly alone, and careful estimate show that thl tax amount to $600,000 to the farmertof the Pacific Coast. A a mailer of fact the proposition to remove thl duly doe not Involve the question oi protection bceaute the duty I not protective one, hence republican farmer, democratic farmer, and prohibition farmer ma all contlttenllr join In a petition to con g rest to remove this duty. Let farmers move In thl matter. A TU BOODLF. , The ItirM joins other republican pa per in charging that Briceowe til elcc tlcn to a use of the money which he po esse. Thl charge ha been made in nearly every republican newspaper In the country. Now, a a matter ot tact were I not even the emblance of truth in the charge that Brice used money to ecure hi election. Not a single republican pa - per In the ha adduced an Iota ot evi - dence to sustain this charge. Not one 01 them ha even made a pretense of relating what the evidence Is. It I unfortunate that the democrats ot Ohio should have an At to eleet a man of money to the Ln lied States Senate, but not withstand ng hi. money, Brice I. a man of the trictet Integrity. The other charge that he l cot a cltlxcn of Ohio I a unfounded a the charge ot bribery. For year he nas done sit his voting In Ohio and never exercised eitlienhlp In New York or elsewhere ex cept In Ohio. It I In very poor tte foi republicans a: this late day to Interpose objections io the election oi a weaitny man to the umtee states senate, n t tne ru. of that party to elect u:h men, and It 1 an exception to the rule It they elect any W other kind. Our contemporaries should remember that boodle was an essential element of success in the last presidential election, and that there is scarcely a doubt In the mind cf any unbiased man that liar rlson owes his election to the unstinted ue of the boodle raUcd by.Quay and Wan. amaker and judiciously disbursed by Dudley In accordance with the schem w hich he contrived and which he unwit tingly disclosed in hi celibra'.ed "Block of Five" letter. If Brice usedboodte whr was the proof not brought out at the etec tlon? There were a number ot democrat In the Ohio legUl.ture who sought by . ... , . i ...tu i III CK US 111 ili-il J WnCIlV Ufa.AV a.aias aswa- elect Thomas, and If there was any proof ot bribery these men would have used it but there was none. There are on the roll of the Pension Office at Washinton the names of twenty. seven widow of Revolutionary soldiers who are regularly paid pensions. Three ofthem are ninety even year of age and two r.hiety-.ix, Sweden Is, perhaps, the most Protestant country In the world. Out of a population nf 6 there are only 2,oto Roman Catholics, the remainder of the population belonging almost entirely to the Lutheran Church. Great men wil sometimes stumble over very small thincs and bv one little error biot and knock into chaos a life of social usefulness. For example, Edison is reported to be at work on an invention to grind hand organs by clec triciiy. Said the Governor of North Dakota to Governor of South Dakota, "Isn't it rather lnni time between blizzards?" p (fit if ! 1 f x vCY CIIKAPEUCLOTUINU. 1 " joint In Hie armor of Protection I the 1 larin un svnr.r .n.i n,i. ,.... iti..--!..! ' , t.. wk. .............. r tThu'J-7, hearing before the Way nl I Meant CommiUe. Tha iw,1n fnaHiifnff ir ' jf aii tb wwl gtoren are pulling part,and ,h 'fotectlonist of the Way and Mean 1 ' ' " Committee were compelled to listen to two pe- wt,on, hearing, I 0n' ,hm -'k'ne! S rople who I f n8aBd be businew of manufacturing woo"a Kwd. o' hem a employer and J other at Ojrralive. They asked for free 1 wool, The other petiiion wa signed by 200 I woollen makers, and asked for an advntarem I duty on wool winch would be lest than the 1 existing mixed ratei, I Tbera it no tariff tax r vulnerable at that 0n wool. It doe not help the farmer. Dur- I 1 . . ... 1 ing tne year wnrn t,ic tax on raw wool was blghen the wool clip of the United State de- 1 creiscd fiom 150,000,000 poumlt to 1 loiooo 1 000. Tbe reason t tint decrease wa that the tariff on wool wat injurious lo the woollca 1 manufacturei. Manufacturer mutt have I ...j.. r -,,.! t, ,,,j 1.. .i .,.i ,lU com.ryi but wUA mixeA wil Ametican wooll ,re tKnl to ,h produciion of cer t ,. ,Luh. Wh th t,r,i s.nols are proh bited by the tariff the-e is no demand fur the American wools, and the consequence it that farmer, are forced out of the butinett of breeding sheep Viih free wool we sImhiI 1 have more sheep, more woollen manufactures and cheaner roods for free wool would be followed by reducsd cost of production, and that would lead la evitabljr to reduced duties on woollen. Free wool it directly in the 'interest of the people, for it mean cheaner clothing for ever body. New Vo-k World. FRIDAY. Lee surrendered on Friday. Moscow wat burned on Friday. Washington wat bora on Friday. .Shakespeare wa born on F. iday. America wa discovered on Friday. Richmond was evac Died on Friday. The Bastile was destroyed on Friday, The Mayflower wa landed on Frid ty. Queen Vict 01 ia wa married on Friday. Fort Sumeter wa bombarded on Friday. King Chsrk I wa beheaded on Friday. Julius Caciir wat assassinated on Friday, Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Friday, The battle of Marengo wa fought on Frid- day. The battle of Waterloo wa fought on Fri- I day. I Joan of Arc was burned at the Make on Frt-1 I day. Toe battle of Hunker I i ill wa fought oa r n- I I be batlie ol ew Orleans was loucht on I rrtday. I The Declaration of Independence waigned Ion Friday. Through the defalcation ot SUcott, many member of congre were losei of varlou turn, A bill waa Introduced a few day ago to make these losses good out ol the Ui.lted Slate treasury. Mr Herman of Oregon wa loser to the extent of about $iOO. Kotwiihrtanding the fact. that, under parliamentary rule, a member I can not vote on question In which he ha pecuniar Inlerwt, yet Mr Uer- man voted for the bill. This wa a great mistake of our congressman. Like other chickens, this little fowl will, In tne future , come home to roost, and will be a very sharp little thorn In the tide of Mr Her. man. Whenever some crank wants to get before j the public and has exhausted unusual methods I without success, he presents a memorial to I Congress suggesting a new natne ter thil roun- j try, or rather suggesting giving it a name, for it hat at present what some writer hs called only a descriptive designation. Tbe natural name would be America and the only objec tion to its use is tbat we only control part rf I America. However, the present designation - wilt serve until we absorb Canada and Mexico I and then we will chance the name lo North America, which will answer every purpose. i reparation are being made for Im 1 provement on a grand scale In Albany 1 next season. The old most-back will be I comc razale-dasxled at the Immensity of I new industries and enterprise which they I wl be able to count up In thli city next I f.H n monuments of the enterorise. nluck. I andenergy of those who lake their live nd fortune. on the grand possibilities of Albany' future. There will be no place for file in Albany next year. The H-Yf make confusiou worse than confounded when it says: A bountv on sugar would protect and V . n, rge6the ...olid .ulhB w, , thu m.,hod reducing i te turplus, but tt mutt be done. - I ti0w will they eet uear cheaper? If 1 ST W I they do not have to pay the duty, they will I have ts pay the bounty which Is about the I lame thing. No man of sound judgement, .nd not actuated br selfish motives wilt I for a moment favor paying a bounty on I mny production. It looks ss.if the nineteenth centuiy would limp Into the past without produc ing a single original i vcntion. The tele phone 1 said to be utmost as old as the hill, and now ome en.erprlslng Egyptol. gtt have discovered that the nlcket-ln- - J the slot machine J the days of the P wa In common use in haroah. . This It a sad all -Utt Ql affairs, but we have still the con l totauon or Knowinsr mai inc mnciccnm century produced Ben Butler and Daniel McGinty. ' -" -' - : ' ' In the first yearof Dr Harrison's admin. .'.ration the number ot business failures Is the largest for five years. Considering that the doctor was expected to begin the greatest prosperity the country had ever seen this is somewhat disapdointing. A Verdict That the grand display of eat, ornamental baskets, each containing one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest & Thompson's, is the finest importation ever Drought to Albany. This tea Is bask Sred, pure and of rich flavor. We offer at the astonlehly low price ot 40c Bang. One of the linext lots ot guns and revolvers ever received in Albany are now in stock at Stewart fc Sox's. Hun ter should call and se tbrm and get price before buying, . Whereto Get Them. When winting an organ or iaua call on G L Blackman, the a I where you can select Irom a first class 1 stock iS W - rVO !G ( mmmmf MOTHINO JJ, f'Vh 19 U pvne. and nviMiro l omp-mndinir as to LIKf IT '!'" Incredlenia tbemsfllv-, Tultolt In lime. Jtcbeck they be advanced wili TpVov Ji take tlioptaeeof mi" '' ,'?' CVietor and eotiy rrre aerlptlon.. All ho Uivi ft FOR WHOSt' awleuuiry live will Olid 1 ,,,, -J lltlie Imw )revfi)ltv t,f fr . 'BsNEflT, J and cure lor lnm.tlon, '-" I'llry uU Menial J,j,rIlnn. h'a Umi of time, no liilerferen with bus na while inking. Kweliiidren Jt lam.St J2 exn..ire ner laaii.. ( n, ig.tL uu arrl.n-n, Ikmel CnmplalsM, evrlsh- dellrn.o penjr.... will nnd It ih. i?l Aperient and Torricihey can . A lltui turn J,'!.k- "Jn ""'n hn:ui tiiei ppetit, el.i,n ib stomacU aud aweeleut the bremi,. , u A .eny!L,ciAN'n orvnon. . prl,'f Iib for twtniy years and luvc never Wen able l ' pnl eps vejrtM cmpo..ndlhat would. lk him mom Uver kcula, prompt "i effeetivrir "W. o,e ur to acim. k . ai. I at ih sam lima aid (instead of weak- : iilT'' . swi SHimilauv wwrr of tha system." L. M. Hisros, tt.o.. Washington, Ark. TrtKlswMark on front of Wmpfwr. and the Kl ant Klctaref J. H.yilliu Coln tod. ou the sldu. Take nootber. TO MAKE ROOM F03 MY LARGE STOCK CF FALL AMD YIHTES ED WILL SELL Ui ENTIRE STOCK CF BOOTS AND SHOES -A.T COST SALE, AND THEYiMUST CO. Real Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME 03 HOT EOSCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DR Y GOODS N otions, Purnshingr Goods, et WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOJR ATTENTION TO THE FfiLLO.YIK UKES: " Dress Goods, Trimmings, gill:' Tibbie Linen, Gloves, Hosto-1 ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE- RESPECTFULLY, I'l1 If A I A (If If (AT j ;1 &f ) flr (2fttlo Ul JAUIIIg VdSIi ill JT; IxOOUS QlC INSURE IIT THE ALBANY ! FARMERS AND MERCHANT! Insurance Company. -; Sate, souna; mm ABSTRACT COUAHY. ALBANY, ORa'i The Germania Fire Insurance New York, having reinsured it-JBSXH-A-OTTijS, business In the State of Oregon, s; a iv i Pany (having on deposit with th The Only Complete Set Of Abstract Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give n Books and Maps Jn Linn County. djs,?"Vn,ua"fe of. bu??J!e.iS ' """" on, and it intention of withdraw tsrOffioelntboCourtJIouse,- deposit now v. ith the State Treas the expiration of the six n.onths Business 'entrusted o the Co, thai notice required by law have cT-jnipt and careful atlentiMn, nave Fr uiv Germanic Fire Insurance Co -- 1 ' Hugh Schumann, Vice Pre City Heat Ilaiiiet. SHTJLTI BIOS,, Prcpriitoi'S. : Vop a full lle f aU ! all V nda, nABY hi Al -, swiapl.ttl pro- CARRIAGES - . tseM; and alwaf a fteB, - ls Vs,ve eonBntlyon hand lalaior SrS VA'tl" .5 j THE BE2IC! Is the teat Advertising mu;ls.. In theOrtn 1 , WI!lmHli.Vfel first Miwizl C:n! or AMsisi, en re-;. tiat...,. t rrSs.1 selrlsr....., ..-J,a W. M .1 TBASSACTII A GESERAL bMkut Was kCCOWXm KEPT tnsjMt U shaak. flfHT RJtCHAXOf (tale! H 00 ttk, Han rraaatss. lisafa and l',.- tCOUJETlONf .AtSn fa.erahK tenra. . tiMerss 1 W. LlSOSOH f ar a, muuf, Im. S WaMsa K Tlsssu. f Una Coanlj Uank.i crl ALBANY - TkAJTIACTI (Brsl Dsafcis( baainsas. tAW8inin DBrrS . York, ft s sTtia4, Ortgm. LOAJf KOjfET u p4 umriV) Bf CITE dpoit tcblset ' . Bank cf Oregon.! ALEAKY, 'bki - ojk.i-x'ara.x., eso.or President . ..H. Rpy Vleo President .. J. W. I'l Cashier H r. MS Si i Kliht eeohans and talarrant!a w oi saw York. lati w, a hii t ranaiBst Portland, Oregon. voiisctioo. made on favorable ter. CJEVEBAL, SMALL TRACT -"r mm for aa sowi ror asie on easy 1 IaqniMof II, Bryant. THIS WILL BE A CL6SIK8 CUT COME EARLY AKDCET uonserv A. 4 To 111 Whom It Eiy C;::::