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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1890)
- ,11 llll 'I.y THE DEMOCRAT, New York World anil American Fanner Onoyear for $2.80. Parice. Brothers, Groceries, trollies, Bate! Goods, Etc. Etc. IJ.sIr pood ar th hat and their prtooe .Msaonaiuo. .-I'KorniKTrU ok. STAK II A liBItY Cnr&er BroAdilbiu aaJ First St3.i - DRALKR IN- MI rrnll, OH Fruit. To b , azr, ''dee. Klty, ( feta, 4.-iwr-. ;Mitbl., .'.. Tr. Ve.. ' . tk-rt everything tt. I kpt In a ten I vartaty and groowr? .ro. U'nlmiH rkst prto raid far SI '. KI71DS OF PRODUCE. Pianos. Thews wl4Kln flr'..olt limtriiiDfitt, th bi( male to 'al th rtiima'i nfth A,c'i )mj'tJ hy rmllm; Mil 1) E Hrmo't, Mm Munla Tun pie. on Kirst stnt. Th utt vooil nd instrumental musio kit far l,lo ibe largest ortinnt nf frWm'Vnij najtrrna loaoleetfrom thl sl.l of 'Pr bei on Riven In p:tit!)r ftii') u.brol trlng li her ntuilio over l.ina Co.intjr lUnk. Uir ber youror.lar and yin will bo plasd. ' JULIO j GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. : nu stoek baa Uea eiilsrNd m tbi it erus any on Ibo 0u, and eonstats of Roger Bros. Silverware, F Onmt and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons Doll Gai-riagef , Fancy Goods, and a -ieral assortment of Orockrey and Toys. Hebuj. llrsvla..J-rr1estbeUrgtatooklo tbo Wlltemett Valley. In ! baa boon added a complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. la Agent for Insurance compenlea with a eapital arertliuc 75.000,0C . -lot on perlo FrancaU. Iller win! deutcb 6procben.-, FURNITURE. Taa want Ibe beet and mo-t dorable farotar 1 mauufacturod In tbeielty 4. Thomas Brink. NEW STORK. SEW GOODS Mitchell & Lewis Co., -DEALEUS1N Agricultural Implements AHD VEHICLES ALBAflY, - - - OR COMB JZTJD SEE US, HOPKIHS & SALTMARSH ' DtCALKl5 IS ; TOVESi TIH VARE SHEET IROU, COPPtl. VMRE ETC. ETC. 4sjeta for "On Time" II.t!og and eokln Riores. Jo work, pla a', r ete p'owTF t;'6l to. ' SMOKE THE CIGARS - Manufactured by Julius Josepl ALC9 ILlPOnTED AND KEY WEST GIGAR TJ-ng ns awtftg tobaccos., Merscham arr4 bUr bVa tn ttnabm rf!'t ferrHy. WILL & LINK Dealcra In all tho Leading j Onos, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos A. full line of a bent ions!, nusll msrciiinlNfi, ararnnritlcn. fishiYig tasV.!(s ets. VVsrrt's ! rsJiors.'-fjOfsher and poaket knlvsn. The best felnd of eew fnv mishiT'O n i . .iis snj ewtrss fnr all uraehines Miipidied. 1" ; ' i tfu'vUi rnai'liinn, tnus'es.1 l:iHuinet, guns, ete., noatly done. VOL. Best of All ( Cough luedkluM, Ayer't Cherry Too. toral is la creator demand than ever. Ko preparation for Throat ami I,uug Troubles U to prompt In It efforts, to , agreoablo to the tanto, and ao widely I known m thl. It Is tho family modi, cine In thousand of hotuohold. "I have anlTfred for years from a bronchial troulilu that, wheiitsver I Ink, cold or am exposed to inclement wenth r, ahowa ililf by a very atltiovlng tickling sensation lu tho throat and by dllUculty In breathing. I liavo triud a rreat many reineiioii, ltit non doe ao rU aa Ayer'a t berry l'e'toriU which Jwava plvea proiuot relief in retorna of my old comnhiint." Krnest A. Mentor, lunnoctor of 1'ubllo lloads, 1'arUU Tor rs Donne, La. t ronnldor Ayer'a Cliorry Tovtoral boat Important roiuody ii For Homo Use I bar, tested It curative power, in my family, many time during the pujtt thirty year, and bava never known it to fail. It will reliovo tlm luont aeriott, afTeotions of the throut and lunpi, whether in rhlhlren or adnlw." Mr. . O. tdgorly, Counril UlutTs, Iowa. "Twenty year. n-;o I was troubled with a diHenae of the limes. iHx'tora ailordod me no relief and connalcrod iny nut liopelcox. I then began to us Ajer'a I'herry J'eetoral, and, leforo I bail finished one bottle, found relief. I continued to tako this nio.liclno until a cure was effected. 1 believe that Ayer'a Cherry Sectoral anved my lifo,"- Bautuel Orlgsa, Wauk. gun, ill. "Six year ape I contracted aacy'JO Ctld which k,.tili! nn lnHm. n.l oon developed all tbo olarminji mr- loma t Couaumptlon. I liuil a coiieh. nlfht awent4. lilwxlltttT ni i1 I. ...... pttina in chest and aides, and Woe so prostrated B3 to re condnea to my various prescriptions, without benelli, my physician (Innlly determlued toclvo me Ayor's t btrry l'cctoral. I took It, to rally from tho first iloso of tbia lneuiciao, anil, after uslnit only three w.tifv, mtii wfii ami sound as ever. Jloduey Johnson, tiprinsticld, 111. Ap's Giieny Feotoral mEFACKO lit Dr. J. C Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mat. Sold t jr sll IinigjUu. Irksli sli botUss,!, 0 w', 1 A Closr Call. Lal wct k In ord that I)r T L III It. who was at Lebanon might reach the train for Tanker t te vl a piuiont there, Mr Al Nkkerson, of Leb knoit.bnnighl him lo thecliy on a rallrotu1 bU-vcU",rt'tctiliij here jut Ik for the train left. Taking the bicycle oft the track bUoV or two south of thfe depot they start ed on a run br the cars. Young Nicker son slipped at the culvert near the wate ImiU ami fll, knocking Mm senseless and broislnir his face bndlv. lr I till bailed tho train which was iretiinii lendv to start and luukd him fiom the track In n stupid conitltlo'i, lie snx taken back to Lebanon and Ij now all rluht, with the exception o a Ions broUe on tils faee. lit Mill boarded the train (or Tontnt jut as it started. Alb vny will beln work at upon newtwohtorv sah and door factory. 1 Is evident that Albany I tho cemlnjr city In the vullev, a t una I tooeer 1 he ah ve lixn U a p rinter. It means that every ne. lnJutr here atlrACs t tendon and dues much to make tho work very properly know that we are growing The jjenernt oplnt vt ts becoming as stated by the Astoria f-aper, and we have only to bullj more factories and keep building them to take the (rout rank among the valley cities. There U a big field In Albany for operations. A Jack Kahhit Hunt. Umatilla conn ty's snow storm was a mild affair as a jack rabbit killer compared Ri the following from the Pifnevllle News : A match hunt occurred on Thursday of this wick between Ora Pclndexter and John Tem pleton on one side, and Terry Tolndcxtcr and Dave Stewart on the other side. The psrtles went together in one vchlc)c,Itie Vanderpool acting as wagon master. Ora Poindexter killed to tack rabbi's and bis partner, John Templcton, killed 4 1. Dave Stewatt killed 57 rabhlts,whlle his partner, Perry Polmlexter, killed 43. The four hunters, it will be seen, killed 191 rabbits. Ve call this a materly day a hunt." It I Rottkn. The members of the American Uuthling and Loan association in Albany, have now abandoned pay ments In the ssnte, 35 shares of stock were held Jtere and $177 was paid to the concern, lhe members think they wi:i get $175 back. The association has oecn shown up to be eery rotten and lias been run on a vlllanlous'plan, and there Is talk of suppressing it. nu truth is the plan Is aliout the same as all national anocla- Ion, and It Is not safe to Invest In any of them. Deal only with local associations, which are known to be tale. Tit Caxsfs. The census takers will ;ln business June tt. It will require seven or elht men In Linn county, and al ready several are ambitious to be the ones who do the work. It will of course be of great Importance that they be men wbo are thorough and reliable. As the time Is nearly here and the census wttl be rushed it wilt be in order not to da much boastlnjr ntil after its completion, and then some localities should have their excuses well prepared. T11K Willamette Vallev ha had snow enough this winter for good sleighing and enough cold weather to make cuod ice far next summer's ue. Tbat'a slwut what e've had here. PrlneWile News. Yes, they bad enough snow in Dakota fur sleighing and ice to put up. Cut there are different degrees of these things, and the degree In the valley Is very small, to smalt that we didn't catch the rlde.nor see the ice put U. An old Crook county man savs he never knew a Princvllte papier to tell th: truth about th weather. . DuREQABDKO. There are several law( In our statutes that are entirely disregard ed. Here Is one, passed with some avonv at the last session of the Legislature : Every supervisor shall erect and keep vp al the forks of every highway and every crossing of public road within his district, guide or finger board containing an In scription In legible letters, directing the way and. pecifvintr the distance of the next town or pubUc place situated In each road district." Wkure Nkedko. Oregon, Washington and British Columbia constitute grand lodge jurisdiction of the A O U W, with a membership pf about 4,500. During the calendar year just closed there have been fift; deaths upon which the order ha paid beneficiaries of $3,000 amounting In the aijregate to $100,000. This $2,000 bene- ficiary payment In nearly every Instance has irone to families, who often otherwise would have been left in very straitened circumstance. AtfJtCAL Encampmext. -The annual encampment of the GAR and V R C convention will be neld next month, be ginning the 12th. It li expected that a very Urge crowd wilt be In attendance, delegates and visitor coming from all parts of the state. The members of those orgnnUations In this city are preparing to entertain their gues's in tha best manner possible. Eugene Register. - A R ark Bird. Last Thursday a rare locking bird was discovered In the watci near the S P freight depot Cha Hagen, Ben Barker and several other attacked It wit j stones, resulting In Mr Magens hit ting and killing it. Bird expert were call ed into counsel, and it was ascertained that me oira was a genuine mummy hen, a very rare thing here. Will Be Th ere. Saturday night's meeting of the Board f Director of the Astoria and South Coast Railroad was the most Important that hat been helj yet.and the resulu attained were greater than even the most sanguine expected. It is now certain that the road will be here bv the time con'.racted .September, 1891, for" Wil liam Reld has agreed to give bonds for Its completion. Transcript. Ill-Proportioned. Patti get $5,000 a night for singing, and many men think themselyes fortunate If they can get that amount in dve years.and It takes many ten years to earn it. One night to ten year. The difference I too great ; but It illti ii-aics wnat a peculiar world Ibis is. Monet Paiav Last Prldav T J Stkes Recorder of Safty Lodge No 13 A O U W ot this city turned over to Mr Mary El len Dorris. widow of the late J J Dorrls. deceased, a warrant for $2000, belntr the amnunt nf AaV 1 .. - nnI I I . i- . . J r;;;::,r"..:lrr,u,'jrw,a' orucro,Davl.jesldedln Linn county for several Muuiii vy, a iiiciiiucr. I uverdonb. ihis grippe business has atlorded a fruitful tield for puna by the j newspapers; but the list is about exhausted I andas.ieaily everybody lus lost their grippe, something else will probably de velope for the public's consideration. Business Change. Mr W II Green wood hat told hit photograph business in thit city to J B Comely. Mr Comely in forms us that his son, Adrian, will learn the business from Mr. Greenwood and hereafter conduct it. Card of Thanks The undersigned with to return thanks for favors extended during the rec-nt illness and death of Mr William Conn, at their home In Albany RobtConn and Family." Coat Stoles, Last week, tome one probably a tramp, entered the wagon shop of Mr A J Annlyn and stole an orercoa belonain to Mr Ant,lyn's son. He did not 'i !vt- izH card. As this U overcort weath- I V! J B 1 I t M ALBANY, Fink Acti no. About two hundred at tended the theater Jlnut week to witness The Merchant tf Venice, and they were treated to some ot the finett asMng ever witnessed In Albany. Mr Uan.mnnn' lit terprctatlon and prtsentatlon of the part of Shylock was admirable and the-famous character preiented new Interest, partizu laily to Shakesperean student, of whom there were many present. Ills support Is generally rong. Miss Oliver a Portia does some One acting, and came up to the writers Ideal of that noble character, I)u 111 suited to the part was that lot her lover, uissanlo. Mr Huebner look to much naturally like lago for the dlgnl eu part ot the Venetian, thou an no doubt the gentleman is fine In hi part' rarrlslt Is a p,endid O rails no. I.aiutcclot Gobbowaa perfectly sustained I ore n so, Jessica, Nerlssa, Antonta, old Uobbo and Juhat were all strong. Among the finest of Shakespear productions 1 he Merchant of Venice Is a play it Is a prlvllcue to wit. nets, anil the Democrat noticed the fact was appreciated by some of. our most cul tured cliliens. Great Mex Skvir.e. Tie fatem Journal Is lo be run In a metropolitan style. It has just secured an editor In chief, Ernst llofcr, who come with a rec ommendation from Senator Allison of Iowa a ine of the leading young men and journalists ot loa,and, V Itofer, jr., who has the recommendation of the great and only J S Clarkson. Mr Mitchell will be city editor. It Is rra'ly a strong The above reminds the writer that when he came to the Coaat several year ago he had six or seven soaring letters of Intro duction from some Eastern llonorables to Stephen J Field and some of the other boys, lie felt so small bcMde the recommenda tions that he locked them up and they are under key now. He's been striving for vears to deserve thetn sid U when he Is tifiv years old he approaches the hub he'll publUh them. It is a great deal better to go up, even like a snail, than to offer a hance to is the other way, Ui course, though, the I Infers will keep ascending far as the ladder will permit. Not many rung left though. Never Saw It. .The Statesman' dis cussion of the bridge question hjs awaken ed Albany and she I already talking of building r bridge across the'WIIIamctte. The Democrat looks longingly at Salem's bridge and pronounce the statesman re mark on the subject as being "dry and cynical" aud say Albany is actually not leaiou 01 alcm magnificent prosperity. Good, The truth Is, a free bridge wouid be a crand thins for Albanv. Salem .Statesman. A matter of fact we do not think the correspondent In the Democrat ever taw the Statesman' bridge discussion. That paper should have it hands full of taking credit for Salem's prosperous movement without claiming credit for very Idea of progress among Its neighbor You'd better co to work on the railroad ubucrlptton before It dies entirely. Will It Srot The Marshal ha tery properly ordered the Celestial to quit tel. ing lottery ticket to white men, but If anybody think that white men will stop buying tickets in Chinee lotteries they 111 find themselves mistaken. They Have been doing It for year here and elsew here ! and will probably continue to, using more caution. So tar a this goes though.gamb ling Is gambling, whether done In a saloon facing four acet.or In Chinese Jn facing spots, or facing spots on little cube any where, or In putting dollar Intc Louisiana lottery tlckets.for which there is a regular agency here. The history of gambling is Interesting, It wa done thousand of year ago and ha never been stopped yet, and whenever one head of It I cut oft an other like the fabled monster spring out again. Of course it I wrong ; but no one ha ever learned how to stop It. Sua IDA Wants It. Persuanttocali the citUcns of Sheridan met recently for tlte purpose of listening to the report ot the cot mittcc sent from Sheridan to Salem and Albany to confer with the citizen on railroad matter. A committee of three on ttsll itic wa appointed .consisting of R B Branon,D C Coleman and II B Somnier vll'.e. This committee wa instructed to furnish both the Salem, Astoria & Eastern and Albany & Astoria railroad companies uch fact and figure a would show the advantages of running their line of road via Sheridan. A committee of nosed of Dr W Smith. I P Mavrs and O S Clark, appointed to ascertain how much stock Sheridan would be asked to take In either tall road providing It i built to Sher idan. Several enthusiastic speeches were made and all were warmly In favor of the roaos, . . , Be Patiejtt. At present large qtiantl ties of delayed mall both from the oast and California are arriving, being literally ton of k. It will be utterly Impossible for rati way mail clerka on the several line to handle or "work" this mail a fast at It ar rive. Therefore if your favorite newt paper from the eattor to.tie particular let ter which you have been espcatlng for a week should be carried or. past your post- office and brought back next day, be patient for this It absolutely unvolaable. It not be remedied by time. The same may be said of the post master. t hey cannot work the larg e malls arriv Ing now in the usual time. Be patient, If you can, a all event wait a week before growling. Tillamook 1 Tfcs. The breete kcem rife with railroad gossip these day, and if Till omook get half the road that are tdked up the will have no reason to complain The matter of railroad from Albany via Tillamook to Astoria scemi to be a fore gone conclusion, we all believe that pro lect to be a settled fact and that the early tpring will witness liveir times along taid line, but the latest fad is the Kalem, Ator la si tastern railroad and we have no doubt but a railroad from Salem to the sea will be a grand scheme for Salem. Now the question arises ; ha the the enterprise 10 gomrougn witn it. watch lower. At The Asilum. Caleb Davit, pioneer of 53 died at the Insane asylum on Jan. 2i, at the age of 69 yeat , The de ceased was taken there f -om Pleasant Bill Lane county about two years ago. M - yeart. His ton J v Davis, of Harrisburg, took the body yesterday to that citv for burial. The deceased was at one time man of considerable means, but he wen a security for several of hi friends, and they failed, and he lott all he had. He grieved over the matter until his mind be came deranged. He had been marri'l three tunes and the father of twelve chil dren. eleven of whom turvive him Good Bye, Isabelle. A few diys ago the lUtle steamer Isabelle, which has been a familiar sight to Albany people for many years was unk near Stlwood. Capt Smith run the boat for a number of year and 'everal excursions were made from Albany on It. Its principal field though was in nanaung togs ana doing r kind of "pickup" business. Marble BusrNESs.Mr S A Rlggs, of Salem, has been in the city setUing up his tomb stene business, which was run here by J A McDonald. Mr Rljjgs has sold his stocK to lac-n & Achetioti, two rust limit young men, who will conduct It here. 11 u OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 81, 1800. An Orphan Hem and Hospital A is a red. In response to the call Uucd by Mayor Cowan an enthusiastic though not a large crowd gathered at the Opera House, and did some very effective work towards ae Ct'rlng an Orphan home and hospital at this city, an Institution universally admit ted to be needed here, one that wl.l be credit to our growing cliy. Mayor (Jowsn called the meeting to or ocrand stated lit object I lattfrilng speech, after a short praver by Dr Irvine. On motion Mayor Cown 'as elected Chairman ofthj meeting. MrsDrKttly, President of the Ladles Aid Society, under whose charge this movement I being made, read an Interest Ing paper on the history of the society and Its prcient and future purposes. Accord Ing to tin papet It was founded twenty ytais ago by Mrs J li Foster, Mrs 1) Gesry, Mr J F lluckeitsto, now deceased. and Mr Wa'ti r Montelih and Mr Mc- Meekln. Soon after they were joined by Mr 8 E Young, Mr L E Ulam, Mr Dr Crawford and others.and still later by Mr Opp.Mr Harvey, Mrt Gee, Mrt.Stcvtns, Mr Geo Turret! and other The Ladle 'Aid Society ha done a great deal ot good In a quiet way In our city i but Albany Is growing and the wotk need to be cn Iralised. Mr Kellev thought $2000 would erect a building tuflklenlly large to begin In, one with a couple dormitories, for an Orphan home and hospital department, tor 'tie young and sick and needy. A short address was made by RevTJ Wilson, und in response to calls short re mark were made bv fudee Fllnn. Re Condlt, lohn Foshay, Mr L E Ulaln, Mr t alter Alonteith, Mr John Altnouse, Geo W WrlghCP P Nutting and L E Ulaln. The last named emuhaclxed bis remarks by subscribing $100 for the Home, and Mayor Cowanjudg Fllnn and S E Young did likewise, others killowlng with smaller amounts, enough to Insure the building of the Home, providing a suitable location It tccurcd Interspersed throush the program were well rendered vocal solos by Mr (J E Bar rows and Mr I II Remlnetou.snd a riano olo by Prof Lee. tXONOXT IN BSIKAD MAKING. Vataiibl. flaking Powder testa Mad by l tioverasssat Cfceasista. Dr Edward Q tve, tbo Analytical Cbsm ut for Iho Oovsramsot, baa rusds some in tetsstiug sprlairU ss lo lb oomporaUv valoo of baking )'lr. Dr Love's tassta ware md. to determine what brand are tb. most eoooontc! to ass, and a their capaci ty lis. In tbfeir lesvsoiog power, tst wore diroetod solely to asoartaia tbe available gss of each powder. Dr Loss's report girt Ik following) Strength! Name of tU Cubie tucht (is Bskmg Powder ur each oaoos of l'owdsr. Koyal" (shuluuly par) 127.4 PataiMce" (aleas powdsr) , ..,.123.20 Hamlord" ( phosphate) frssb. ...... 123 S Itumford" (phosphsU) old 33 7 llsotord s Son Sush." frOb.. ....121.8 lUafntd's Noo Sach," old M J3 Ktdhswd" 117.0 Chara (slant powder) Itfl O '1 Arasson" (slam pooder) 111.9 C 1 vclsoil's (sonUlns Urns) 110.8 S Foam" I07. t tsr" 10B 8 Dr Pries V (eonUm lime) 105.6 Snow Ftk''(Oroflr8 Fan!) 101 Ag Uwia Coadeutsd.. 91 3 Concre" .. 07 C K Andr & Cos" (MatatMa!om)7$17 I looker" - M.5 OillU" 84,2 Ilttlk" 60.1 'labia report tbo Oovnimol Cbomia aay: l regard ail alum powder as ear no- wholesome. Pbospbato aad Tsrtsrio Acid powders Itborat tbair fs too frody in pro oas of baaing, or ondor vtryiog climatic ebangso oaffar detsriorsllo. Dr a A MotL tbo former Covsramsnt Cbsmist, after a oarcfut and elaborate ex amination of tb Various Baking Powder of eommaroo, reported to tb uvrntnot io fa vor ot tb Royal braed fmf MoMnrlrte, late chief ehsmist fcr tb D S lspirtniDt ot Agncoltur atWasbiog- ton,yt: " 1 be cbemiesl testa to which I hay sob mitud tbo Royal Baking Powdsr, prove it parfestly bealtbfal, and free from every del- storioa aabataoee. Another Man Huho HI "stocking by the chimney with care" and wa tlekled almost to death to find that hit good wife had anticipated hi near at hand want and filled the locking with Stauard Seeds, grown and put up by D M Ferry & Co , Detroit, Michigan, who o.i application, til man you free a copy Of their deed Annual, for iSoo. This I the most useful of all seed catalogues, not on'y for ex perienced gardener, but for the novice a welt. Send your name and address for a copy to D M Ferry & Co, Detroit, Michi gan. Lebanon. -Mr D Andrew ha bought a half Interest in A F Hamilton' (tore at Sweet Home, where he Intend going a toon at he can get well enough to take charge of the store. He will not move hit family up there now. Mr Ben Barker ha closed hi btilard and pool hall. We suppose the reason wa that it wa not paying enough. hxpress. A New Ledonite. Stephen Bach who 1 ha acted a head clerk at John Hughes' grocery store for sometime past, ha signi fied hi Intention of resigning and will launch out In business for himself at Leb anon. Mr Bach will establish a general ttore and carry a nice line of goodt. He I a gentlemanly business man ana win do a good addition to the city of Lebanon. It I rumored also, that Mr Bach, will soon Investigate the doing of matrimony and may conduct the two businesses together. That' a correct idea, Stephen. Salem Journal. Farm SoLD.-Saturday at administrator sale the N. of the John McCoy farm was bid off, after a short contett, to Mr Robart L Smith at $28.50 an acre. It con- lists of a fraction over 305 acres, and Is one of the finest farms around Oakville. Messrs las McCoy and M trench are administrator of the estate. Their Weather, Mr Jo Cos hat thown u a letter fromMowery,on Crook ed River, Crook county. In which it I stated that the snow wa fourteen inches deep, and two feit deep on Beaver Creek. Stock wat suffering and It looked at if half would go. The outlook wat that there would be a lot of poor people there. tk Ladies UNLT. i amnow pi e- pared to do all kind of stamping, and have over two thousand e'esigns to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid. erv materials. uch a arrasene. crewel, No. 1 and 3 embioidery chenille, princett chenilles, etc., etc., and the finest pom pons, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felts and fancy work materials ever in the city, Zephvr is eointr at 5 cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Colwell has charge of this depart ment, and has had several year expert ence in ail kind of ancy work and stamp ing, . W. biMPSON, Albany, uregon Csnter Tables- A large and elegant shipment of center tables, in new d'gnes f.trt stock iii the vallev, iut reel?d at Oil Mfvf isftr rr ALBANY AH IT !.. We are in receipt of a letter from gentlemen living In Taylorvll'e, III, who tayti "1 have been seeking for some time to obtain some detailed Information about Albany Oregon. A subscriber to the Dkm ockat here tell me that If I will write lo you for specific Informitlon you will furnish It, If you will do so, 1 would like to have light on the following points Locatloni population, as to number and quality of cltlaccnshlp; manufacturing fa clllletatto powei etc.; school, college! churches, surrounding country as to ag ricuiture, horticulture etc. 1 climate i a mount of ralnfull; hulns outlook for the town: what faclltlr fur transportation character of business men with reference to the spirit of enterprise and progress of lhe (own and such other matter a would be of Interest to young man who desires to locate in a thrifty growing town.-W. hear much said about Oregon and that Albany I destined to be one of the best town in mat state, 11 your report 1 favorable you may look out for several additions to your town from this part of trie-sucker Klale At we get e many tetter similar to the above, we deem It advisable to answer through th cotum of the Demqctat. Albany, a will be seen by reference to any good map ot the state, It situated on the east bank of the Willamette river In Linn county, of which It I the csunty test. It hat a population of about 5000 people The gteat bulk of the population I Amer lean born, though there It quite a fair hare of German,Engtish, Irish, Canadian, etc. The ettktenship in point of character Is excellent, being enterprising, Industri ous and law-abiding. The faclltie for manufacturing are excellent, a magnifi cent water power furnished by tlte Albany and Santlam canal.conttructed from a point on the south Santlam River to Albany, a distance of fourteen mite and with a ca pacity of 30,000 running feet per minute, and thl supply may be doubled with very little expense. Already a new woolen mill lately constructed at cost of $75000, run by thl power. Besides, there are four Routing mills, tn ice factory, electric light plant, two furniture factories, Iron foundry, web wire factory, grain storage houses, ash and door factories and ether run by this power and yet there Is abun dant room f'ir further utilisation of thl power. On account ot tin vast water pow.r excellent transportation factlltles, easy access to unlimited quantities of ma terials, Albany is destined to be and will soon become, the great manufacturing Lowell of the ttate As to the surrounding country with reference to agrlcnlture and horticulture, we can frankly say that It could hardly be belter. In all direction from the city are vast expan tea ot nalrle lands, level, skirted here and thert with limber and brush lands, very productive wheat, oats, and barley. Potatoes, cabbage, turnip and In fact all kind ot vegetable with proper care and cultivation are grown in great abundance. Apple. pear,plum,caerrie,prune,grap. sd otber fruit grow in great abundance, It it af to say that nowhere do apples, pears, plums, cberriet and proae do better than here in tbe Willamette valley. In a generel tense there mar be taid to be bat two climatic seasons here, tbe ury season and tbe wet teason. Tbe wet or rainy season begin t usually about tbe (mt or middle of Nov- ro!er and continue up to the middle of April, uriag which period it rain a great deal. Of course there are days, and even week, at timet, during this period, that are dry, sun shiny and verv pleasant. Strange as it may appear to person raised in otber and different climates, this teason i very healthy, and tbe nor continuous the rain th better is health. We do not have the tame degreet of heat bete that people wbo live in the tame latitude east of the Rocky Mountsia are subjocted to. And wheo tbe thermometer bete nistk 90 de gree, the heat i not so oppressive a the tame degree in the Misataippt Valley, for, a a rule, when the thermometer reaches the above indi cated degree here, by four or five o'clock in tbe evening of such days the weather ha mod crated through the influence nf sea breezes, which at that hour begin to sweep over tbe valley, that a woolen coat i often required. The tjighta are refreshing and invigorating. Scarcely a night during summe,- but that one or more blankets are rtqnired while sleeping. Tb thermometer marks 20 degreet above aero ordinarily in the coldest days of winter. Once in the history of the country (winter of 1S74-5) the tbermometerjmarked 10 degrees below sero Tint filled the oldest inhabitant with amaze ment. One winter subsequent to the above tbe thermometer marked zero. These are the "hard winter" to which Oregor.ians refer when ciscurstne the weather. But on neither of these occasions iii the cold last more than two day. Sometimes quite heavy tnow fall here, but they soon melt away under the soft ening influence of a chinook wind- Tbe average yearly rainfall here it about 45 inches. One year with another it raini much more in Ilbnoit than in Oregon. ; For transforation faculilies, Albany it re markably fortunate and well supplied, with prospect t fair of ttill better. It is on the line of the Southern Pacific connecting Portland, Oregon, with San Francisco. It it on the line of the Oregon Pacific in course of construction from Yaquina Bay, on the Pacific Ocean, Boise City, Idaho, where connection with someone of the trans continental routes from the eatt will be made. Thit road is already completed from Yaquina Bay to Albany and thence on east from Albany, a distance of 60 miles, or 145 miles from Yaquina Bay. Thit road make close connection with a line Ocean steamer plying betw een the Bay . and San Francisco. Beside this we have connec tion with Portland by steamboat that ply the Willamette river, A branch line of the South ern Pacific connectt with Lebancn, a very thriving town, fourteen miles east of Albany. A company hat been duly organized, and route turveyed, for a railroad from Albany to Astoria at the mouth of thi Columbia river, work on which, w are assured, will begin earir the coming season, Thus it will be teen that Albany it destined to be a railroad center for the Willamette Valley, which, of itself, an earnest of rapid, prosperous growth of the city, The real estate transactions in Albany last year were very large amounting to an es timated aggregate of $700,000. The improve menta by way of construction of business, man ufacUn ing, and dwellirg houses amounted to 1 bom 8400, oco. Hichly creditable' as this showing is, it it insignificant in comparison with tbe progress and improvement which ar foreshadowed in the preparations for the com ine year. Without extravagance, we feci safe in saying to our Illinois friend that Albany "nquestionably the coming city of the Willanv ette Valley, Our business men are .fuliy nv bued with that energetic spirit of pluck and enterprise to essential to the building up of a great manufacturing and commercial city. The cstizent of this place have, in times past, contributed at bonuset $175,000 for the en couragement of railroads, woolen mills, etc They are fully alive ta their interests. The city has a" excellent fire drpaitment, being two ertclne companies and a hook and ladder company, The department has two we! i i M , I equipped tlenm engine with tb use of which, oa account of the great abundance of water tlw city hat suffered but very little from fire! The owner of th Orer-on Pacific railroad have invested largely In real estate here which it an avurjnee that th company will use its extend ed influence in building up lhe place. Already the company hat built a round haute, and will in the near future establish their machine shops here, at well at build a large, (Ommodiout brick building to be used at the principal of fset of the company. Already the city is light td with a good electric light system which wiil be extended and enlarged from time to time at he demands of the city may rcpiire. A tystem of strce. cart hst already been inaugur ated, and will be kept up lotho public need. The city is well furnished with educa tional Institutfont. We have a hirge commodious pnbllc school building built at a cost of $20,000, in which are em ployed eight teachers. Wo have, also, a college under the control of lhe Presbyle Ian church, though entirely non denomi national In Its conduct and management. It I well supported and flourishing. We have also an academy under control of the Slstert of th. Cathode church, well patronized ard prospering. Beside these, there It a number of private schools In cluding two Kindergarten Educational Interest are looked after closely by our people. The following religious denomi nation have congregations and church bulldlngt heres Congregational, United Presbyterian, Prenbyterian, Unfveriallaf, M E Church, Evangelical, Baptist, Episco pal, M E Church South and Chrisitan, At Indicative of the butinest of the cltr we would My Ibere are four ho'.elsand a Urge dumber of private boarding houses and restaurants, three banks, one national and and two private and all doing a. healthy buslnes. eight real estate firms, two new. papers, both Issuing dilly and weck'y editions, three Job offices and a great va riety of other businesses tuch at would find their way Into a thriving energetic town. The cash value of the taxable prop erty ofthe city aggregate about $5,000,000. We have thus attempted to answer In a general way the question asked, and in conclusion will say that we have no hesi tation in saving that If our Illinois friend should come to Albany to "grow up" with a prosperous, growing ton lie will not have come In vain, and will never have caue to regret the choice he ha made. MCAREJl TUB FACT. Sam Claik evidently erred in hi com munication 10 the Urtfnuan: A writer O the Sa'em Statetmam, who sign himsel "Correct,' says: "A correspondent ot Ih Ortfmu'a ay the lale M G Lane an Jame G Blaine were children of the earn mother, different father. Tnls is a mlse take. The mother wa never married but- once, and had no husband but Blaine, the winer ot ooiii n u and J U Btalne. The fact I well-known here, and Prof Lane hat told scores of persons about It" Wtl- come. It is said by panic In Satem when the late M G Lane first made hi appearance in that city tht Ida real name wa Blaine and that he wa a brother of J G. It wa I aid hi reason for changing his name wa that on indictment had been brought a- galntt him by k St Louis grand jury, and that he left before trial and found it con. venlent to assume another name. The manufacture of attar of lose furnishe employment to hundreds oT persons A visit j to the rose fields is something one will remem-1 ber a life time. Tbe largest rose fields in the world are at Kezan Iik, in Bulgaria. There tbe roses from which the perfume is made are cultivated most extensively. The rose district extendi Mr mdci and miles, and Ibe tntuel country is t solid mass of flowers. Toe district mm . .... ... 1 is, I should jadge about one thousand square I miles, la procuring the attar of rote notMr g I but the leave ar ussd. It take 6,OCO,COO I of leave to make one pound of the ltar. The I rote leaves are picked in the proper teason, thrown into piles and then taken up and placed in large copoer kettles for the purpose of dis-1 tilling the pure oil or attar. The kettle are arranged one within another and the leaves are taken through twenty five or thirty distil lation. Good attar of lose can be had for from f 12 to $15 rer ounce at wholesale. It sometimes retails for ijri lo 6o aa ounce. Dututh, the "city of the unsalted seas,' so satirized by Proctor Knott, has a great deal more than realized the expectations of it founder . Some Idea of its business activity and enterprise is furnished by tbe statement that one of It corporation ha contracted for i.Ooo ton of steel ship plate. They are to be used In the con struction at Duluth of seven great vessels, of .30 poo ton aggregate capacltv, all of which are to be built thla year. M Pasteur hat a remedy for the Influen ts, lie reccommends that "men and wo men quit tmoklng tobacco and tmoke camphor Insteal, ani they will probably escape the disease." There is little doubt of It. No case In yet been reported In which the influenxa attacked a person af ter death . The destruction of human life bv our railway is attaining truly alarming pro portions. According to the estimate of the Inter-State Commerce Commissioner the mortality from thh cause in a tingle year it at high as 5,693, while for the tame period the number nf persons Injured In railroad accidents rea l-e 27,89s. General Butler hat been ttolen and a reward of $ioo has been offered for his recovery. Un fortunately, the General Butler, in this case not Benjamin F., but a valuable St Bernard dog. . ' m.miMn ' ' 1 ." Protection for beans was the ocy before the I ways ahd means committee yesterday. What is the matter with putting might have beens and used to bet on the list, too ? The Repub - lican party is a party of splendid men trie. In tanning by electricity the ord ir try tan liquid it employed, and the hidet revolve slow ly through it, while the current from a dynamo traverses the vat and helps the tannin to com bine with the gelatine cf the skin, 1 he electric lights have reduced the aver age time of vessels passing through the Suez Canal from thirty seven hours fifty seven min utes to twenty two hours thirty two minuter. In the Western Stales the magnitude of the wheat crop is being felt all the more, as the mild weathet of the Winter thus far has per- tmtted a minimum consumption of corn on and near the farm by Western feeders. It is bad enough to pay for coftee and get chicory; but now our consul at btettin reports to the State Department that of the German chicory tent to this country two thirds is burnt beet root. c NO 7 It. peenllar affleaey I dno MfiTuiMA " maeli to tb proceae and LIKI IT 3l,n lnrndlntil themselves, i Mkoit in time. It check 1 aiMtutnm In the onUot, or If fney be advanced wilt prove a poientcar. No line sl0BMB'Wittat!It Jt take thoplaoeof a Ooetor and etly pre aeriptio,,.. All who lead fOft WHOM l.-iitnry lives will Cud X assirrit. . Utlie Ixmt prevmillvo of-!, """IT, and cure lor tudigsstloa, Coa.Mtlon, Ilralr,h, IMIIonsa, files und Menial Urpr.ln. Nokia. ..,Vm., n" l"'rferem-. with buslnes. While luklriif. for ehlldren it I most ln Boeent and hurrnli. So danger Irons xiotire nner taklnir, t'.nr olle, I. arrhas, Conir-laluU, KovorWh- and feverish OKI. Jn valid and dnllenlo perwn will Hint It the inllrtmt. Aperient arid Tonic lliey can use. A Mule taken at tilijht lri.Mr refreshing sleep and a uatnral evaf uuiloo ot tb bowel. A llttl. iitkco In I Mi itMirDlng sharpen the appetite, cleanse the atomacb aud aweeteot the bnraib. '. r a rursiciA.fs ornaojr. " k"0 P''ni medicine, for twsttlv vesrs nl havs aer ben able 19 V, pi nil egeliil,i compound Out would, "h. S"nnum Liver kesntator, prom pi) ;., and effectively bk h Ur to action, v'. 4 stdi same lime aid (imlead of ak- - linns) h digestivi mid ,miiU' f"f f "" f iks yMia." J L. M. HurroK, u.u., WWacten, Ark. Marks of Oennlnenea.i Look for the'ran TriMiif Murk on front of Wnpwr, and th. Hej, and Hiirnatureof J. U.Z. illu Co-)o led. ou tbo side. Takiuoolbvr, r ui.' s,j.i 4 SIP!' I t v : ' .1. I 'tvi TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARGS STOCK OF FALL AND WIK.ER GOODS Will SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF ' 'V; BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST SALE, AND THET'MUST CO. Real Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCKCF DB Y adOBi Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL Y0U3 ATTENTION TO THE FOUJDA'lNi LINES: - Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silt Table Linen, Gloves, Hosid ry, Fancy Hoods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH P3ICE. ' RESPECTFULLY, Tbe Leading asli INSURE IIT THE ALBANY FARMERS Insurance i, I Safe, Sound; 1 I .,t Sox, Pras C. H. SntwAnr, s Albany IROi WORKS-- -Manufacturer of 1EAM EHSIHES CHIST AND SAW WLIKACR1NE8Y. IRON FRONTS m ALL KINDS CF HEAVY m usaT'.Yosx, in AKO E7.ASS I j jPfolI A'.tinUnu Si ofmaotitner.' itvld o Hiring 3. on t':.oxi THE DEMOCRAT 8 the t.t Advprllsfpg r.-ediam In the Central WlIlBmptlfj Valley. I 4 th P,. om.;o at Albany, t an aooond-clnHs diU niatlr. First National Eank I Or ALRAH1 , KKEer. LLRASi, M3I. - .St If. W.foiO,! Mrs!.... rr:st TKARfACM A GENERAL buug Vuls.-. : AcX-ofMBO MKjrr vokjMt t Hiss. ', B'OKT EJDr:iU!fOg m4 let f?hl imntter, sot i ew TsVs, tut ntaaiM tl.. mad tat i I rcOMiKfTIOYf llMn Urn aiosvrtt t. EL.fjr. Tnn, E am, Uv.z Connly Hank, J ALBANY - - - OREdOfi. f Till ACT Sf raersJ teakftif irulasM. 01 aw (10(1 nlUrniM r- v.t a... v.... t Ml t tMliMl, Olgt). I K CITKtMiliakM bik. Bank of Oregon. aisahy, - - - mm. i QAVITAli, 860,000. i B-osident . II, BSYAKT I ! Frssideni , W, KtlV. I Wsr- WH. jr. LfBHKfLL 9Ubt.Xban7a and Lalarraobla ttars- r( on Hew York- flan Tnnilu. m ry - - a - -of t t l w nd rirwopi. uroee.n. t..oiionooa fnodo on tavorahl. Uruia. THIS WILL BE A CLOSING CUT COME EARLY AND GET - Dry Goods Sfo re. AND MERCHANTS Company. . Conservative. J, F. Whitiag, Artist. . In vruetion g-iven, and work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De- ccrativePaintiriS-.Lettering.Designing- auu lueuuaiiicai Drawing". Rooms 8and9. FosterBInp ai I any, V HOU.TO GO EAST." Go East via Mount Shasta Eonte. Kies eliuia- e aisd acenery at all times of tha v ir Latej Denver. en Sciu 1-cUm t , 1 1 i bfb rsn oany, 1, if 3 -, -r t save 1 oar f, .re to rj?'- ad. ftorsoii la Aib .v! " (,n ( toi"i--ih-l t me K i&ieg, ot , I am tr.a oi;! 1 r 1 s t U