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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1889)
lie CI" a lil of canJor lh Orti gives the whole protection scheme away, Tha otlyr ilv it quoted from tha Springfield RrfMk, an Independent republican paper, the moat Intelligent and far-seeing of an paper published In Massachusetts, In which tt sajrs that the republican Iron manufacturer! of that tint havt declared over their own algnature that unlets tha protection policy of the republican party ii reverted their particular Industry wltl be ruined, The OrrgvHhm In comment ng upon thl article sarsi "Under the operation of tha protective tariff, -W vm imxvntrd r tk bmJit y tk Eslrn fm7r, and which forbade resort to cheaper markets abroad, tha western consumer wu obliged to pa; tribute tea system of production which violated economic prlnclplea by carrying goods twice over a needless journey with tha cost of tha double transit." Here Is a remark able admission, and earning, at It does, from a rtcent convert tram tha doctrine of fiee trade absolute, to a protection theory whose chief purpose Is'to ao bind vp tha financial Interests of tha protected classes with the success of the republican party as to make them loyal allies of that party in all election contests only shows that there still remains In the mind of Mr Scott some at that fidelity to reason, logic and sound 'sense, which permeated tha ar tides that gentleman wrote on the tat Iff question during the years of i$Si ts SS. So, then. It would appear that Mr Scott's conversion from free trade absolute to a monopoly tariff scheme has not been of that renovating character which oithodo religionists call "a change of heart." From this lingering HJellty In his mind to the force of truth, reason, and logic, ha It led la say that our protective tariff was "Invented fcr the benefit of the Eastern manufacturer. " So, then, all thla trash, that , for years, has filled the columns of protection papers about the tariff being far the benefit f laboiers, as furnishing tjood wages and steady employ mentsnd for tha benefit of tha fanner aa supplying a good home warkct for the fruits of his dally toil, la a mere mesa of demagogic subter fuges resorted to to blind and deceive tha tabor people and farmers for the purpose of making them coutent to pay tribute to a small data of people under the apcratian of a protective tariff iavented to benefit Eastern mannfacturera. This Is the Inev- liable logic of the Orgouo admission. Democrats for years hare been coatead In that the arrangement of tha tariff was for tha benefit of manufacturers and not for the people at large, but the Oregonian since Its "conversion" has steadily claimed that the tariff Is for the benefit of labor people and farmers as well aa far tha manu facturer. The;Orx- ' "A, h'Htha manufacturer's) demands tot protection against foreign competition have been so unhesitatingly met In the past, that ha la now emboldened to ask protection against domestic competition, etc. This la just the truth that democrats have long been trying to Impresa upon tha minds of far mere laborers and other non-protected classes. Yes, tha republican party has ala-iys met the demands of tha manufact urer for protectian, but it waa always for and in consideration that the manufacturer would contribute liberally of his "fat" ta earry the elections for that party. Again that paper says: "Having levied tribute with Impunity for a generation npon tha domestic consumer to maintain his mo nopoly against foreign competition, the New England manufacturer now thinks himself entitled to levy tribute on the do mestic producer to preserve his mnopo hr against domestic com petit en" Well, well. Could any talk ba more democrat c In Its Import Are reason and sound seaa aai. asserting there awav in the coiumnsof the Oregtnuini For long yaara tha democratic party has been protesting acainat the "monopoly" which the repub lican party has, by its pet tariff-protection scheme, vouchsafed to these Kew Xnglaad manufacturers. And now the 0rgwM calis them"moiopolists." Verily the-S-maa and Mottnimimert must denoaace tha Orzitr as a "free trader" and receiver ef British gold. "Everybody In tha country who does not own stock in a New England mill or f.ic'4ry must sell cheap and buy dear, In order that these who do may thrive." Democratic to the core again. "Eastern manufacturers who have bn enriched by protection ," etc. Democratic, agtin, but the Otrnim should have gene further and said 'hat they had grown rich at the expense of the non protected clauses, and t!.at this "scheme',' lias been denounc ed for years by democrats as a most eft fair one. Nothing brings the reason out protectionists so readily as a quarrel a mng themselves as to who shall have tha inostot tha protection swag. a . uwn 1 ' 1 We want Robert Veatch nominated far Congress by the democracy. Labor has no more tried, true and trusted champion. With Vcalch for Congress aad Pannoyer fiir Governor, the democracy would seek -1 win by deserving tureens. Roseburg f.'evuw. Yes but we have it from a very rllabie source that Mr Veatch would not i'',ccpt a nomination for oongresa. We Link it entirely safe that Mr Veatch will t; nominated by the democracy of Lane r '.he state senate, a position which he a filled In the past with singular faith jalness. J gg . I The Trotestant churches of the United hates contribute aunually $11,300,000 for ' teijn missions, and according to Dion Boa i lull, "more than $200,000,000 are paid j.-.-ry year by tee American people for their . rtatrieal entertainment" nearly eighteen ', illars to support the threatre for one given to ' il l the gospel to heathen natfons. I ft now appears very probable that the publicans in congress wiil verify the pre cion made by democrats In the cain- f rn last fall, that instead of making any J mil lion in triiff taxen, they will remove tax from whi.key and tobacco, making 'fu from taxation while continuing it on clothing and food aad nearly all the :'.-aiics of life. Keep youreyeon con- . 'i ole arc apt to inquire why there is such k laiiclsolicy vein running through the edi ;i! column of the Oreg-onlna during the month. The observant understand that I reason of this is to be found . in tha fact "' t no leading democrat hns seen fit to ' die it E that time. The death of some . dome nlay makes that paper hilarionsly pun t and zealously incitive, he Republican organs promptly attribute ublican defeat in Ohio and Iowa to the . 1 lenient, but they have.' nothing "to say it the influence the same element exerted '.'1 sxach'isetts to isve their party from utter ; j t the polls. ".. , V. t GilHcrt Dilamatyr, who represented the r party of Indiana in congress from 1S79 5 j, and w ho afterwards took an , active ; in labor matters in Denver, Col., ihow i of n clmrch in Oliio. TIIK sTaRTII. No particle of sand which goes Uown into the tea ever comes back. Yet millions of particles leave the surface of the earth every second and are carried, suspended in the wat ers of more than to, 000 rivers, but Into the ocean, There ara mora than too streams clsssed as rivers, in the State of Ixmisiana alone Each one of these has several 4 hundred creeks, brooks and spring branches trihutsry to it. Kach brook or spring bianch, with its countless rivulets, clasps the hillsides and drags down the surfaces thereof down Into the brooks fowa Into t'.te creeks down Into the riven down to old ocean. And there the atoms rest patiently; each atom wailing for others now resting in the green fields, but soon to join the comrade gone before. To-day an atom forms part of a farm In Iowa or Missouri, to-morrow it is on Its way to the gulf. This process has been going on since tha beginning of time since "the earth was without form and void;" the primeval rocks have been disintegrated and spread abroad In fertile field, to be slowly sifted out and washed into the ocean, perhsps again to be upheaved and formed into Islands and con tinents abiding places for coming generations.' All life, animate and In animate, is limply an Illustration of this grind-jig down process; of the master rubbing down tha bumps to fill up tha hollows. The Cnal outcome. after millions of years of this smoothing down process on the surface f our globe, will make the earth partake of he nature of a huge billiard ball sailing in (he ky devoid of hills or valUys, mountains or plains. 1 ACf it 0T - W hat are yon going to u the king inter eveaings that are now coming oat What will you do for fresh, interesting reading matter? Some one replies aro'cy is scarce and times are hard. The Democrat has prepared to meet this very case. We can furnish you the chcApcit and best reading matter ever offered on this corutt. Here is what we can do: New Totk H'criV, regular price., . ... .$1.00 Democrat J00 Arusricaa Fttrmtr " 't.oo Regular price of all $4. 00 We farniah all three for fi.So. la these will be found suitat-le reading matter for tba old the young, the wife, tbe huabaad, tha son, the daughter, and in fact all who may ba arouad the fire side. Order now while this offer lasts. A NSW PAl'EK. f The lf7&Msas: "We understand that Prof Roby's new paper, to be the site of the old StannrJ, and similar to that paper In politics, will make Us appearance nest week. Beven printers will be employed.' And the Mm try eaya: The talk of 1 democratic newspaper for Portland Is a gain revived. It is said that tha material has been ordered and that the paper will make its appearance about the first of De cember. The brixht little Mtnunr Jtur mat had thla field before It failed to ecupy It. The Jural la a good newspaper, and will probably not be crowded out of tha field by the new publication. KEKP TUCK tim O.I ALBANY. Tba Portland Jturmml keeps its eye on Al bany in the following fashion: "Albany is in the lead of all the other towns in the Willamette valley, in every respect, Her interests are carefully guarded and her claims urgently puthed, The business men of that town are wide awake, and they consul er that the interest of the town is their indivi dual interests. It only takes a couple ol hours to raise almost any amoant ol boaue for worthy enterprise." With her woolen mills. coast railroad aud other prospective comings ner population will treble within the Best twelve, months." . Our republicea friends took great delight at the beginning af Cleveland's administration ia dilating upon the hungry character of demo crats as shown in their efforts to get "the offices," That there wss an unseemly rush sroor.g thedeatocrsts for the offices ia m true. But it should be borae ia snind that tha democrats had been living on husks for twenty five years, but with all that, their conduct was far more circumspect than that of tbe republican boys" who wsnt the offices, "oh, so .bad.' As evidence of this truth we refer to a republic can who wants the post oflce at La Grande to badly that be offered the present postmaster a democrat, a hundred dollars if ha 'would re sign. The bard hearted democrat declined the offer. Speaking of the result of tha elections att week Ex-president Cleveland aays: It ia evident that the leaven of latlS re- fjrrn basat lai t leavened the whole lump. The west which hns suffered most from the unjust burden of tariff taxation, haa awakened. The stale platforms of both Iowa aud Ohio are abreast of the St Louis platform on the subject of tariff reform. "The people have considered and passed judgment It wa for the people to de cide. " They are now deciding. It la e aough for me to say that I am satisfied at the Indications and the results of Tues day's elections. The verdict In Virginia Indicates that the South Is still faithful to the democracy of .Jefferson and Jackson." Reports come from Rio Janeiro that A rebellion or revolution broke out some time ago against the King of Drszil and that the King I under arrest and the rev , lution made a sueeess by the formation f a republic. -Brazil Is a large country having over three millions' square miles of territory and a population of about 14,000, 000 people. If intelligent enough these people will grow Into a permanently form able republic. Taere are those, however, who have some doubts about the truth of thee reports. (Reports are fully conform- The total eclipse of the sun, which lake place Dec. 22, will be visible in a long narrow path 5000 miles long and only 100 miles wide, which extends nearly its entire distance over the ccean. It begins in the Caribbean Sea and skirts the northern coast of South America, being visible at only one point there, Lrench Guiana. It then moves eastward until it strikes Africa, a few miles south pf the Congo river. An expidition from the Lick Observatory, in California, will go to French Culana to view the ec ipse there. The silver question will be a subject'of much discussion in the coming congress The silver men are mustering their forces to secure aa increased, if not , an unlimited, .coinage of silver, The fact that the evils which anti silver men predicted would follow the silver legislation of 1878, have not beenjreali.ed will strengthen the position of the silver men.' Harvey Scott rises to explain that Foraker was of the Tanner stripe and talked too much, Harvjy always was a cheerful man at a funer al, as Democrats who aavc read bis obituary notices can truly testify. Portland . World. According to the Information in posses sion of the United State Government, the charge made by English authorities f the prevalence of plcuro-pheumonia in cattle shipped to Europe from our West ern Stages and Territories Is unfounded. '..o doubt democrats relishing their 7 hanks giving turkey this yeir. nc.f day alur s'u ;-;. ;.5i jan th us: 'In Northern )t,;..t)e Oiiaoerst lost and gained vM(i In spou. Jit Summit count, of which the lUntiUiiltitj eity of Akron Is the capful, the republican lots was something like 1, too. Akron It a manufacturing city and tha tariff was made more or lets of an Issue In the cam paign there." And so It Is. Whenever there is a culm Intelligent discussion of the tariff question among labor people It will always result In favor of tariff reform. Prof Llntner estimates that If all the species of insects Inhabiting the world were known, their number would reach a million, and, descending to the considera tion of Individuals, he adds that ho haa at one glance, within small extent of -road seen more snow fleas ot a single species than triers, are human beluga on the en tire surface of the globe. The eaploal ve qualities ol celluloid were practically demonstrated a few Ucys ago In A Philadelphia aaloon, when the spark from a cigarette landed on the collar ot one ot tha frequenters ot the place and biased up In a second, The bartender save! the man's lite by turning the settaer water on him. Gov Penuoyer will be re nomlna lod and re-elected. He will carry Doug, lascountybya handsome majority. Ha has stood by the people against the jobbers and the rlngsters and will receive a hearty endorsement at the polls. Review, So say you one, so say you all gentlemen. The persona who are expecting Federal appointment In this state are anxiously awaiting the arrival In Washington ot Congresssman Hermann. When he gets there, It may be that some of these office. seekers will wish he never had. Eugene Guard, The president has been botheed with hun drcd of letters inru ring if he is a Mason, ' all of which he has answered in the negative. He belongs to ao secret society. A company has been formed in London for the purpose of carrying live stock, dressed beef and hogs direct from Galveston, Tex., to LondA. In the South, fanners are going to use fbur barrels made out of cotton duck. This stuff weighs leu than wood and can be made ten per cent, cheaper. F C Tolman of Ashland will ba canldate before the neat state republican convention for the nomination tor state treasurer. The republican candidate for lieutenant gov ernor in Ohio was e!ectd by a majority of 41 ia a total vote of 750,118. Tbe estimated population of Utah is 130, 000, an iocras of 86,000 In ten year time. Tbe government ol Ecuador has issued decree forbidding Chinese immigration, There were a 0,000 added to the churches of North Carolina last year. Baptist ; KEErrOftTEIf. . F. M. French Itswps railroad time. J. P. Waliaetv Physician rr.4. Burgeon, Al bany, UT For a Starling or Ktncraou piano eall on G L Blackmail. For sale, cheap, seennd hsnl ercsn, Mr Hymao'a. ' O L RI-MMn n agent ti.r the Wcbcr piaoo, tout buttM. Bjy your twkau though . .. the Est of W I. JasUraod av fire t- Portland.,. Tha WcaUro (ttaa and Packard ar two of tba bast organs mfl.U. O , lliark nan sella tbsm. A line line of all kinds ( furniture, laJn and npholatarad, baa tek in this part af uregoa at rort miner c Irving a. If yon want a elaan and fine amok ask for 3. Joseph' bom made white labor ; J or ! by most eigar dealer and at hi satph'a factory.' ' J 4 Ars'tlW.l, ? it Si'ijer Manafastnr lag Co., oppoaiU O Id Fatbisra Tcmpla, Al baay, ..,,,...-. An tlsasnl I'm of siiV ttll sorasda. in bccntifol designs. Just received at Portmilter k Irving'. fi east Golden Star tomato for M eonta at C Mayers, and all other, canned goods sbcap for eath , Jntt received new tabic liuau at W. F. Read's. : I W Starr, tilivtieian sndinrzmin. Albaov Orgon. v ' Good eooklcS stove only 110 at lion. e k Salttnarah'a. Dr WriahUman's Sovercirrn Balm nf Li fa. for diseases peenliar to woman, at Deyo St tiobson and Hrowoell gUnarir. , V J Baltimore, agent. IS eotsbavioi( at F , .ek a. 8 Uokote for f ! iX Vioreok't - Boot and a"-. Vj at tut at Read's . , - Saratoga chip at C K Brow mill's. S cbaira ra a sunt; steady at Vie rock' shav ing parlors. . t , . . Best roast coffee in .t'r.c city at Coorad Meyer. , . . Get yoar -ohoil bocks and tab'eU -at Guisa U Sou's. ' Kirks Savon Lficeiiti soar. S100 a "Imx at CEBrownsll' .. ,; , . . "Tha Estrclla.' eiuaa." tor 23'osut. at EHi' Cigar Store. . . , ' ..." Try th Old North tttomoLiav tubaeoo for a delicions smoke. 6iit; dnaeo wind')' shades jottreoeiv.'d at Fortmillcr&Irviag's. Spectscla tnd eve itaascs encaper than vr at F M French 'r. j A fin lot of piutura frame 1 11116 received at Crawford At I'atUmV- ' J W Baiitlev. brtt lKit and alio maker in eity, oppotiite Foriinillur & lriux's. .' . . A larie and Hou Una 01 u ii !( a t 1 1 1 jast reccivsd at Fortmilli r k Irving'. ' W have tha' Hit '$l'f0 kid elova ever brought to Albany at W K.IUad's, : Now in tha tima toaftva motitv liv liuvinir bouts a:w! lix- at, cfct if W. F. Rtsd., Go to Ii trdua for lion )t weights, - uuod i gooda an.l lowest jivin prices. . .. An o',n(iut stoek f watuhor, sold as low aad the liiwwt, at' Will A Stirk'a. Wtclin, atulies, watches for everybody cheap for and fully warranUd at F M Freneb'a. ' t- ' '.-.-'',.''..'- Will Douvuux Vauev 15 feet front .ine twoMory irick building, Jon -1st St. Rents pitying interest on $i (bulldlng In fine repair and will double In value In eighteen month-, for sale at $1 tfiooi'. See us soon as this w.ll go fast. Other bar gains advertised by. us have gone. .Not a single instance on record where specula tors buying prjipcrtjr of us have not made mor.ev'. .:' :,' , ;, . . -. " ' : "" ' WaLT-ACK & CUKICK. ' Gang. One of th finest lots "bf guns and revolvers everrecelvH n Ib,ny are now in stoclc at Stewart & Sox's, Hun ters should call., and see , then ana get prltfrr before buyjng. , - - - " i' " ' ' ' ' ELEG AKT LO nQJSrr 1 j '' J' I I; l;: f"l A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lerand shear in the city at Stewart & Sox's. , Their good art the very, best and will stand the test . -. y , 5; ;.:..: ,. , - t: , f NexNcw and bt!8t place, ft?, town !t Gilson'a new baiber stop in the- Froman Block, next door to Fortmlllcrfi Irvine's. Best barber In towril ' ' TELEGMPHIO NEWS Oltlflul Appointments, Washinoton Nov. 19, J II Sline, of In dependence, Or., wss (o-day appointed to a position in th government printing office. ,,: E G IlbscH, of Baker City, Or., at prtssnt an examiner in the pension cfTice hns been made a traveling examiner, with hestWiuartor in California. Senators Dolph and Mitchell to day receiv ed their commission from Governor 1'ennoyer as deciles to attend tbe silver convention at St Louis, , Atlrn aad t'qnlr, , - Olvmpia, Wn., Nov, I9.-J0J10 U Allsn, of Walla Walla, and Watson C Squhe, of Seattle, were to day elected as Washington's first two United States senators. It took on ballot to decide the nut senator ship, Th vole stood Allen 71, Turner jo, Voorhees 8, Squlr, a, Brents 1, and Griggs For tha secend senntorshlp tha vott was Squh 76,Sprgue ij.Thompson 3, Voornees 1, Griggs 8, Storm at the Bay, Nkwport, Or., Nov, ty,A sever thun der storm ocenned here this morning, accom panied by some bait. Lightning struck the old lighthouse building occupied by J S I'olhc mus.governnicnt engineer. The building was badly splintered and the lutniture demolished, Mrs l'olhemus and child narrowly escaped. They were sitting near tits window. Jin Anther f Pari Tern's Cabin, m llARTFORis Conn., Nov. 19, Mis Harriet Beecher Stow is mildly demented. Tbe fires of genius are dead and th once brilliant mind is ciioded with their ashes. The heait onct filled with bright beams and sunshine Is now haunted by ghosts and shadows. Slit has be coins again a child, and day by day wanders around under the bare boughs of the autumn trees gathering dead leaves. . . 1 Th Itrpu title twure, Wasiiiooton, Nov,. 19. The llrnsilian minister to-night leoeived a dispatch via Lon don, saying. The Brazilian Bank of Rio tele graphs the Brazilian Bank of tendon, that perfect quiet reigns. The republic is accepted by Rio and tbe northern and sou 1 hern provin ces. The general opinion is that tht republic it quite secure, Th ininUtar thought that the Hamburg rerwt of bloodshed was non. sens. Heavy Btorats, Bkllrfonte, Pa., Nov. 19. Rain has fab len almost incessantly for forty eight boiirt.and reports fioin the surrounding country say that mo nuoiis are at great aa muse Ol last June. Several railroad budget have ten washed away. Ida Kew State. . Olymma, Nov, 18. Amid the thundering Of the brassy throated cannon and in the pres ence 013000 cituent. I.ltitha P Fcry to-day took oath to support the constitution of the state and the United States, and became the first governor of ti e state of WaOiim.tan Jaatice John P Hoyt, of the supreme court, administered the oath in tbe atnencc of Chief Justice Anders, Governor Ferry Immediately enteicd upon tha performance of bit duties. The Uapablle of ttraalU Rio Janeiro, Nov. iS. The new govern ment has announced that if will firmly main tain order. It is preparing a circular to for eign governments relative to the overthrow of tbe empire, which will be tclcgrphd to them 1 11 long 11 we crewman representative abroad. Tbe province of Baha haa signified its adher ence to the republic. News from the other provinces shows that they are atso in vor of a republican form of governs-ent. Mrs Pamell Vrta llrla. Mew ork, Nov, 18, Since tbe story of Mr ParncU't distress has been sent out money ba been pouring in ujoo her from !1 tides. It looks bow ss though she would not only be murcuom runner want. Mil mat the turn of tnt entire mortgage on the place would be quickly raitett. lame Slevin. who act overseer rt the place, said to-day that half of ner oestltulion bad not been lolj. Referring o th statement that he should have been able 10 raise enougn on the farm to keep house, aicvm saia mat ine wet was mst be bad to sell ail the inou to buy food and had cut and sow Iced to pay for the winter a fuel. Only one storekeeper in Bordcntown, Slevin said. would trust Mis Parnell for a rent's worth of goons. 8 put as' Stjrlr, Spokane Fai ls, Nov, 18. One of the lar gest collections ever made in church work in the West was made In the Methodist Episco pal Tabrrascle in this city yesterday. Dr W tl P Adams, a prominent minister and educa tor iron. 1111 not , al tbe close of bis sermon, mane a powerful appeal tor contributions to endow Spokane college, aa educational insiitn lion now in succctsiul operation. At the morning service 50,000 was contributed by mcmncrx 01 ine congregation, and In tbe even ing this sum waa increased to 877,65'. Ten thousand dollars bad been previously contri buted by the Columbia river conference. Tha endowment will be Increased to f 100,000 be- sore ine expiration ol this week. Tbe college aircauy nas two line buildings and twenty five t , .1 . . ... .. . iiv vi KiuBua 10 iii Dean 01 me city. Ta b Rxtraded , Bot Bity, Nov. 18, P P Shetby.general traffic manager of tbe Manitolm railway syt- tom, of Montana, is in the city perfecting bit una 10 vaiuauie real esiste In this country, lie statea that the Manitoba will be eatended across North Idaho to Spokaa Falls during wv cowing year. Uraail a UrpaUir. . , Lima, (via Galveston), Nov. 17. Tba lat est advices from Rio Janeiro, dated November 16.9:55 0 m are to the effect that the province of Baha is opposed to 1 be revolution. Vis count Ouro Preto, ex minister of the interior and Sc-hor Maleunck, a banker, have bern arrested. Tbe emiieror is looked on with sat- fiicion. The provufonnl government has abol tlied the monarchy. Tlie revolutionary com mission addressed a message to the emperor, teiling him to leave tbe country in twemy four hours, The emtieror acknowledged this, and leave 1 by the packet Alagoss, aceompain ed by an ironclad. ' '" I AMaddle. . OlympJa, Nov. 17. The return of, tht members of the legislature has plunged tbt senatorial question into a worse piuddle than ever. All sorts of rumors are on the wing, to A few words the situation is a (b lows: Turner and Brents and their ' friends claim they have drowned Allen orr the East Side, and the defeat of Squire ia claimed on the. West Side. On the other' band, tht Allen aad Squire men say they are ss strong as ever and declare that these stories are set afloat by the opposition to frighten their men. The Sprague and Thompson adherents say they are gaining strength every day, but the Squire force from which they Would naturally draw will not admit that they have lost; on the csn trary, they say they are gaining votes. . ; Even newspaper Men, ' , ;Nw York, Nov. 17, -James Cordon Ben. nett has sold the building in which ihc IleiirlJ Is published, to John Pcttft of . this city, fof "91000 and other valuable considerations,' Pttit says he was offered $1,000,000 for ie property twenty four hours after the pur chase. -. , "... allvo After A1J. s - . , San Francisco, Nov. 17.-11 hat come to light here that a wealthy contractor has been "called back" to life. Disappearing in , 1886 from his home in . a thr'ving New England town, E M Andrews was supposed to have !:en murdered a few months later by a party of negroes in Florida. Convinced of bis death, his relatives put on mourning garb out of respect to his memorg, and eventually his wife, or supposed widow, collected $3000 from the Masonic knljje at insurant on bis life. , f " r :-ToB Abolished, ', , . ; . , , New Vobk, Nov. 17. According to a spe ci4 cable from KeilT, the Russian govornment has determined to abolish banishment to Si beria as a punishment to criminals.. , . . , ,: , ' , . - .",;; . . ...,f . ( . . , . . . -, . ,1 Now is the time to buy overcoats. Win ter is coming on and His already too cool to be without one. ' Blain baa large and fin stock to sol be t from, and there ia no trouble in being suited. ; Ups and Downs. Soaic of tho princi pal up and downs in business life I to keep quality up and prices down. : This is being done very successfully at LaForest & Thompon's,and those dinner sets to be distributed among our customers Jan. 1st Is creating no little Interest ns well as our" prices. ', ' ' - " ' . I am uowbet'tr prepared than I hav l aver baen to Mult my customer lu tba shot line, I have Just reoolytd largt Invoice oitbceliratd laird Stbebft A MlUiboll On) aboea tut ladlt. Thrrttta no manufaoturer who olaltnii anytblnf bettor tbtn these nLomi. I In tsnd to keep a full asttrlmrnt of them In All prion, width from A to KB and eaa suit th most fastidious 1st fit and price, I Alao roelyed another In volo of I bo popular shot E P Bards In Waakaopbut and Palant loaiber tip. Tbe ahoaa am wait koowo In Albany aa flrat olaar n'w atylo shot. O'aorsfrom the country fill ad with eara and tatlr faction guarvatatd FAMUt K Toono. Election Notice. Nolios is glvsn that thsr will b aa annual tleotioa held on Monday, tha 2nd dsycf lpamuer.,IU9, lath city of Al bany, Ot.4 for tbt purpose of electing tht following municipal nflluera 1 , Mayor, City lUoorder, Martha), Trasnrr and thrr Counoilmsn, on each la tbt 1st. Sod and 3rd warda, ! ' -- Tht following nsmsd plaoa havt been aMigeeted by tha City Council aa th places ftr holding th election ia tha various ward 1 First wsrd-In tha County Clerk' oltlo. Bsooud trdln tbt County Treasurer' offlo. Third ward J nth 0QI0 f tbt Albany Farmsrs' Company . Tb following named ptrson have been appointed Jedga and Clerks of clsotion ia tbe various ward 1 rirst ward Judge. M l'ayne.P Fmmaa, W C Rasd. Ctrk. T J StU.s.O W Watt. '.second ward ,'udgM, Klli Knoi.L Sen der, 8 Fromaa. Clark, K U lUwhags, 2 It Wjatt. Third ward Jadga, John Isom, Vm Hustnit, A Parker. Clerks, U F Simp 00. F A Barkhari, Tbt polls wiU npo at 9 a. m. aad will elost at 8 p. m. af said day. Dan r-y ordr of th City Council of th eity of Albany, Or., on tht ISth day of No vtmbtr, IMP. . Dt4 Novtmber Mtb. 1810. N. J. HcvTOs). City llsoordrr. Firemen's Election. Kotiet is hereby given tbat tb annual citation ot Chief and AsalsUat Chief I a liascr of th Albany lift dspsrtresnt wilt b held at tb hsll or Albany Kogioa Co No. 1. Dt 9, IMS, bat wss n lb boar of 1 o'clock aad G:30 'clock pa. W II Waassa. Waltbk M Pa sua. . 8tt AFP. Pre A F U. 4 , , .. Better Than Ever. 2 InaUad of offering a prist tbat only btnitlU tha luck on, cr aanding out oonfldtntial all pa aa balls, wa rreroa to opanly otTei tba ettlaona of Albany and vicinity choice gnod tt bad rocks ptiee. and Ktva FIVK PKK VKST OInCuUNT for cash on aaob dollar worth Af good at roull prif tiniil tba I2tb of January. Hi k heat pr i 1 atil for chicken. Kg aud butter. Thankinic yon for vour pa patronag and Boli4iUinK your trad fo tba future, no teg to remain at your ser vice, - Jit BaatiL'K. IJIANOT0HKNT,-3a month Call . at O. t Blank snan'a lirugtitvr. RICHARDS & PHILLIPS. atrchltoctaral food Taming. Manufauurera af All Klodcof Newels, Pedaatala, sttair Posts, Ba Haters, Corner It'ocka, H(vatt.LliUtona, Kl nlal.ManUacomec Fitting, Pareb Caluataa, tiata Or n.sntua,Ind!o club, Tab's, stand aad Chair Laga. AH order Uft with ut will raecjlvo prompt and cartful attaatl ta. Fancy turning a specialty, , " S. A. BIGGS, , -of Saleia, ; ". haa opanad a aboa for ' MARBLE AND GRANITE fOMlita aad domtatlo, and all kind of eiiMery work, at lower fliturw than iv tvtr loan oflcrad la tb V?ianntu Val ley tieratofor. Aast door Mil cbat Cancers Cured. J. R. TVlllulaaa A f!.. AIKanv acen'. for J. K. Donosn, tha Oroat Can car King, tit Mortlmsr, Kanaan, will treat all llirml rinivri ni tha la n Mrt CU Bft Ku PAY. Fer farther loforma. Uoa, addrvaa S. B. Itt.At, Cot. 2o and Cleveland fct , H'a th A.t Albany, Or. SPECIAL XOTICE. Owing to a ml undcratanins; mrrarding tha sabool boqrt. Mr Mtadantl Mls1trbuck. tha ttaebera of tba aalaot an4 ITIr ricrvarten achool. to tha W. O '. V. Us' I, wlb to nay their daily aaaalon it frsr 0 a, m. to 4 rw m. Also tboy bava reivd a lasra aad Cneassortmorit of kladtriiaitrn tna tarlatand giro Instrttotlon dally inaotn moi an hoot studies and klniii rgtrtan work.alao mnsloleason given free toear-b pnpll, If dilrd. , TaTma fifty aeota per WeOK. , v' MR; MlAD, "' - MlaaSTAABUCK Guardian's of 1 Eoal Estate Kotiet la hereby nlven that tba nudor- alemrd. guardian- of tbe etata of Herbert FarrtU, fiwrtn Jolli e Fnrrell, Walter Farrellatul Psrnv Farsall. minor. by virtua of an prtftr if tba County Court of Linn county. Orfcon.dulv mad aad aiisared of rt cord cn the 4tb day of oveni our. mnw, wiii.soii ar pjinno auc tion, for cash In Lancf on tba 21t day of Dereinbar. iSf O. at tha hour of 2 o'clock. In tha afrMtnoon t t aaid day, at tba Couit IXouso dour In Albany. Linn county, atato of Orsnij, all tha right.title and In terest of said minora, and each of thrm. Irt and to tbo folinwlngr described real property, to wit Lola number one (J,) and two (2.) being tb north went qua! tor of block twenty threr(23,)ln Ilacklemsn' 2nd addition to tha city of Albany , coun ty of Linn, itata of Oreon. pattd tbia 0th day of Novembar,1869, A ' iP.M. Bkdfikm, -i; . Obo. W, Wkiobt. Guardian. , " ' -f AU'y fr Qnrlltrt- : ; Administrator's Sale of Eeal Estate, i the County Court oj Linn County, Orfffon. In tho matter of tbeeafa'a of W H Mo STnlght, do.eaaed, Kotlca 1h hareby given that by virtue of an order ol sale duly made aud enter ed of record to the above Court in tbo above entitled the regular June, 18B7, teim of sal-) Court to-wit,Jnne 7th, (887. the nnderaiirnod admlnlslratora o, tht estate ot W II MoKnight, deceased1 Wlllan,- i i,.:..;.. : ,, , ', Batarday, the Ittk day f Oeeemtier, lasa at tba hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the Court House door, in tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oreeoa,oJ! at pub lic auction to tha highest bidder for cash la band the following descritad real property belonging to satd estate to-wit I Tha north half of tbe northwest q inner of Seotlon 18, tbe aoutbwcnt quarter ; and tha south half of the northwest quarter or Section 9, all la tp 10, South Kana 1 West of tha Willamette merldian.ln Linn county, Oregon." . . J j., tti . .. .V A MoKnioht, ..') ' A R McDonald, . . . AdttiluiNtrntor ol tbe elato of . ; W HUcKnigbt.dPc'd. a- 5 A Philosspher always Thinks. Try If; Think of IE BLAIN whet during tho wet, ooo', aotrmn aad winter weetberron nreri m OvercoataRub- bcr Goods, an Umbrella or COTKINC, FURNISHING COODb AND BOOTS AND SHOES GENERALLY, or want a stylish aoit ma le by firat-clast tailor, THEM CALL Ofl Hlf.1. Grocoriei. SQUARE C. E, BROWNELLs Hncceaaorto CROWNELL Would fcUully i it i, ( iii, tt that ba l aontlnninii ib bualnraa at tbe old stand nil that be la bettor than fyr firt frl to nil all order with aacurtoy and da apatch and at prlrv (fjvzvxaxrx33t T&xmcvxva ace tiiTerwtl t'l I be t'n. Whllj thanking; tb oitlrn of Alba ny for their very lltxiral nlronai(0 in the at I aarneaUb aollolt a nontinuaoc of your favora, aaanrlng LOW PRICES e au potior quality of (food and CJo rtoousTrontment Very Respectfully, Toura for Bualneaa, C. E. BBOWHELL. C3 ZA P 8 Archie Blcekbora, Saleainao. SMALL Grocorela CHAS. H. DODD & CO. . : --4a IMPORTERS OFh ?, AND FARM MACHINERY, , Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oressn. Soto Agent for Oregon A DEERE'S UCVJ t : sy3'v;4r ,,;'- -..r ft i ri.ry . Single, Doubla, or Triple Furrow. Tliey ara ? simj lj an.l come so near absohit peifcetion, that thotl Vt , hsv used them or scan them work ran not ssy enough In their pnisa. we luialsh than ' - with or without soat altaciiioent. Seat attachments ar extra . j t SEBBQ PO"WBH X-XHT STTUSTSr PLOWS, BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. . Bucksya Trw CnJii Drill, Biwlojo Soedors, Buoksya Bpriog Tooth Hsnwt. - ' DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS Ths tatsst lmirovsd implement for sowing summer fellow. Ths most complete and ruooenfui tool lot tfe ,, i '.. .- purpose in OSS. -; . . t . ' We alao have full Una af Daa-ste. CarrlatTa, Phaetona. Uoamttvlas TVsUtoai I'latlorm farm aud eine abnU II Lbn rAKm wAuuny, . t ' . tskwranos A Chspin's Bprlng-Tooth tlsrrows, Dears H Arrows, Scientific Fsd Hills, Paoifle Jacalc Mi'1 ' KAISH BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. , n spj2At nmK TTJ -- - - 12 ' HFJTi, Agent, "Albany ,OT :' PURE DRUGS, Paints, Oils, Stationary. Etc, find Prompt attention a.Xl DRfGUISS.;SOW DEALING k RTANARD, l1 PROFITS and Washington for DEAL PLOWS. jsprlng veJUctea ' UNRIVALLED NOT ONLY H A LDAN V ATTRACT But aa will 1 1 tin in jUilBlC . Hect A niilF1!? iiLJlUiijb For tint fa'l am) wii,tr If adi, c tulstirg of a !i r e ai.rf cVtion at nk of tilt taint (.atterna Of Aa unrivalled line vt Cloaks and Jackets, Mu all at v lea moiuw, a well selected atock of MenV, Children's and Udioa BOOTS AND SHOES, A large aaiortmenl of CARP ETS, And a choice selection of i GROCERIES, j ' ' IA V II k' W I I i.. of f too is and hboe adapted to the nar- p. aa iu ra our r rroru a l i. 1 urn mm beet In trwa far lie Isiit.-n u", " M I. Well A C, . a. li.k.1 sbnt .., l.anlna'a I a.ll.r A l ' . M i r-i.n ' dreu'a Pinafeboea, Our Ki ! tik r()r O hh! and No tions. Ladloa anJ Ucai.'a Karnl-.hiiig, U on eai :(, O'aod tie arrh ing dull. Ail tba late al bij Ua and noyaltie. ltivltlnt;)oralronage aeara ' l'.espcctfutl Yura,. BARROWS MATTHEWS & WASHBURN:1 Cany a flretlaaa atoak ol Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc., "WMch they ara aelllnjr at ramarkalby low prieaa JOB WORK carefully and promptly dan at raaaonable rrieea. HOPKINS & SALTMARSH DtAIXl? IN STOVESj Till WARE. SIIEETfHCrJ, COPPER WARE ETC., ETC, ;Asnnt for "On 1 ime" fleatlnf aud cisakine; SIctc. Job work, ploraUna ete4 pranapUy attaadad to. CHEAPEST AlfD BEdT PLACE IN THE CUT FOR THE BESTfUBNITURF ' CALL ONlTHE-'. ' Albany Furniture Company OPrOSITK S1KWART A SOX'S; . BED ROOM.SETS, TABLES CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES; ETC." ETC., ET . ' . ,v V Vein . t J.J.DORRIS, V ALBANT, OREGON. JABSTHACTEE, the Only Complete Set of Abstract jTBooks and Maps in Linn County. fWOifiee ia tna Court IIoae,"JK n.!... .nl.Hilajl Ia a .ara ahall have prompt and eartful attention, SAW LOGS FOR SALE. Parties desiring ta purchase saw lops will do well to eall on the undersign' who has about 300,00 ft of logs an the Callpaola at Brownsville. V F. F. Mean ill, Trustee, . - Albany, Or. ka: D;BEARDSLEY S'; Real Estat Agent, Conveyancing ef atl iads done la a re liable manner, All bnslness will receive prompt attention. Ofiloeon Broadalbla treat neir First, Albany, 0rs?on, ATTRACTIONS. IIV6 ATTENTION i ti j : f iraJ ly P" 7 o. Ii & SEARLS, Blaanaarg'a Kew Bloek. Albany Nurseries. - 1 ' wvs v.n CI in a liAmfutAftii X mil., frnm AttaH. " ; a tKTwtuj ua Coryaliu road, and h? on Viami a larg Choice Fruit Tre?s of our own growinjr, whioh w viH ,41 , lowsat living rates. ......mmwmi, piauviug ires wil eaaanlt their interest by examining oar " J." .vw . V. UM1VIIIW1UV, iiaa cv uiiownarx, . Albany, Oregon. . BR0OTSYILLE 0. p.'GQs:.onr& cons, EsalEstita in3 tennzx hrts. Keal estate ld aa C!l'.!on aaj ' .Notsrlai ta-r.!s;a atUsiSufd to, III