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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1889)
ulic Qmntxxt. yRIPAY MAY 17. 1889. SnTE3 &NUTTIKQ. BJltara aa lrarlrlar. A Bhavb Ewomttn.At last Friday evening's north bound train was approach ing this city the engineer -noticed an old lady starting to crou the track at one end Vtthe crosswalks. He blew the whlatle harpljr and the old lady paid no attention. By this time the train thundering long and the old lady just about to tep between the rail. The engineer teeing that It would be Impossible to Hop the en gtne In time to tare her.iaplJly crawled to the front, got down on the cowcatcher and at the Immense engine aeemed to strike the lady he grabbed her by the arm and flung her to one slie, saving her from a horrible death. On the train stopping the old lad? wti picked up and proVed tobtMn Spring. With the exception of a little lameness die waa all right. McMinnville Kejmrter. Flowery. Roswell P. Flower, thi great Democratic leader, of New York City, passed through Albany TuesJay morning. A Salem pper cla'.ms to have Interviewed him. and make him deliver quite flowery, at well a Shakespearean kind of an address to the scribe. Here It part of It t "The tlar of the republican party la now In the ascendant. The dem ocrat are going to win In '91 with nearly the tame platform on which they were de feated last fall. We are hopeful, for we won thit time If the popular vote would in dicate the retult Cleveland's majority by popular vote wat loo great to be Ignored. The new ttatet will not materially change the tltuatlon. Too many factories are ahuttlng down under your high protection policy.1' Tiiota Hot Springs, We mentioned aeve.-al days ago about tome hot a few mllet from Brelicnbiuh, where a sum mer retort will probably tome day spring tip. Since then we have learned that the Und on which the tpringt are located, are held by Claude Mansfield, formerly of thlt city. Claude hat built a retidence cn the tame and It holding the fine property down In good thape. Attemptt have been made to jump the tame; but without success. At the land in that vicinity hat tx been surveyed It take a constant occupancy to keep property, and thit young Mansfield is making a business, besides cultivating the land with the purpose of making a good farm out of it; but with such valuable springs on it It is bound to became some thing more some day. Chkap Excursions. We understand that arrangements are being made between the Narrow Gauge railroad and the O P to put on tale a cheap excursion rate between Portland and Yaqulna about Juee t. Clote connection to be mad at the junction of the two roads a few miles east of here. Should this arrangement be made doubt leas It will open up a new outlet for Port land freight and passenger business. We would have been glad to have seen this excursion business arranged with the S P as their train are running on such time that It would give excursionists ample time to look over our growing city before re sumlng their journey to the coast. Stretching Oct. It Is to be hoped Albany' street car line will keep stretch ing the way Salem's does. Look at It ac cording to the Stale$mam : "The track Is now completed and the streetcars will run to-day from the bridge across the mill race at the north end of Commercial strect,clear to New York, making a run of over t wo mite. By Tuesday they will run away past Grant's comer In North Salem,and In a comparatively short time they will be running through Riverside addition." That Is the kind of a line that will pay. Easily Civilized. uIf any of our In credulous reader think that Chinese do not quickly pick up the evil, and winnow the good of American civilization, let them visit the saloon on Alder street near Third just back of the Royal theater, and see them stand at the bar and ask for 'blandy and tin dnt gin. play fifteen ball pool, and call shot, crying out, Idee pocket,' etc, and what is worst ot all. gamble at domi noes, tan and dice shaking In full view, notwithstanding the law against such pas time and the fact that white men are de barred the fascinations of faro and stud." Portland WeUomt. The Ice WoRKS-The machinery for the ice work arrived last Tuesday from San Francisco, and will be placed in posi tion as soon as the building is completed. The works will be ready for business In about a month. The new machinery weigh 4500 pound. The shafting and such things are being manufactured in Al bany. The process of manufacuring ice is a scientific one, as well as of a very inter esting nature. A Broad Gauge. The Democrat re ceive a great many sample copies of at kinds of papers from all parts of the world. The latest Is Lucifir ih. Li fit Bearer, pub lished at Valley Fall, Kansas. The name Is an appropriate one. The light is all from sulphur. It boast that It is a broad gauge concern and we guess It is. It would make good kindling wood, as no match would be needed to touch it on. The 4TH. Capt Irvine telegraphed Col Smith at fca'.em for the six northern companies of the 2d regiment for the 4th f July celebration, and they will probably be secured, it will mean tne largest cele bration In the history of Albany. Already sufficient funds have be raised to insure celebration. Who Will Bkat. Cant Irvine's tele gram to Salem for the six northern com panics of the ad regiment stirred up Salem In a livery manner, and now they propose to get the companies there If possible. Col Smith gave his consent to their coming to Albany If the consent ot the commanding officers of each company can be secured This means a contest In order to secure them. Were are some remark's from a long article. In the Sttsnut on the subject: "Now, this state of affairs brings Saletn to a point ot cither showing her ability to hold a celebration and keep the military companies ot the county at home, or else stand back ilk a hums on a log and see her people go away from home to have a good lime. Marlon county lias three mill tary companies and It would look exteed ing'y shabby If they were allowed to be drawn to a celebration In a place where there Is only one. The ml Itary companies at Maclcay and Whitcaker will much rath er come to Salem and participate, where their presence will be appreciated aalJe from the Influence they wilt have in bring ing a crowd, rather than go tosnmenclgh botii.g cltv, where thev will bo reckoned only according to their "drawing1 pow crt. The tame Is true ot the home com pany, and surelv the Corvatli company ought to be more willing to come here than to iro to Albany, all thing consid ered." First come first served should be the rule, as It was last year. Simckr Schkl. The following I the report of District No. 17, taught by C. H. Jones, tor second month ot school ending May loih, 1SS9 ! No days,85S ; No days absent, 117 ; No times UrJ.iv, 4 ; No pupils enrolled, 49 t average dally at tendance, 4 J. Ocy llardman, Lixsle Bridges, Julia Mart, Georgia Bridges, Erne Keebler.Mamle Kcebler.May Powell, Del ta Lecdy, Grace Bridge, Loyd Bridges, Bayard Bridges, S.tvllla Powell.Ltwrence Hardman, John Lecblor, F.rncst SlinpMon, Jule Simpson, Herbert Simpson, Henry Faulkner, Andy Lecdy and Anna Leedy were not absent during the mouth. The following persons visited the school 1 S Mullen, K Mvers, E Kecblcr, A M Arant, Mr and Mr E B Cornctt, Lena Wallace, Emma Hart and Jane Gentry. During the month a rostrum and a new blackboard were put In the school house. Was He A Bigamist i Every one re member C. C. Scott, ot the Oilman House, Portland, who committed suicide by jump ing from a third story window sometime ago. His surviving partner, Mr Tost was appointed Administrator ot the estate of Sxrtt. Some days ago Mr. Scott, the wife ot tne deceased applied to the Court for an order requiring Post to altow her $150 per month and pay a man for looking after her interest in I he estate. In his answer to the petition, Pot alleges that Mr, Scott was never the wife and is not now the widow of Scott , for the reason that when she mar ried Scott he had a living wife from whom he had never been divorced. It is now evident, If this be true, that Scott' cause for his rash act is to bo found in the biga mous relation which he was sustaining to wards the two wemen and the laws of the State. When all the facts are brought to light the public will be able to place the blame where ! belongs. Waterloo. Mr. J. G. Gross, of Waterloo, has been in the city, and It was with difficulty that he could be held whh in bounds. The action of the County Court in ordering the Waterloo brijge, did the business. He states that everybody within miles of Waterloo are elated over the re suit of the long contest for a bridge there, Waterloo now looks for a small sized boom at least Why i:ot ? It has a magnificent water power, and some dav the Southern Pacific's branch will undoubtedly be ex tended to it and perhaps beyond. Every thing points to a prosperous era for the city. A new foot bridge leading to the soda springs has nWo been put In for vUitors to the place. Crook Count v. John Carrol and fami ly, of Bridge creek, passed through town on Wednesday en route tor Linn county. They expect to remain in Webfoot during the summer.... The W V St C M Co have again shown their generosity in donating two lots of ground to the Methodist church on which to build a place of worship.... On Tuesday the grand jury returned four bills of indictment against Ed Harbin for horse stealing. . . .The grand jury has re turned bills of indictment against Al Win dom and Ed Curt on charge of horse steal ing. ...Hon Jason Wheeler and Mr Canter- berry arrived here on Monday from Al bany. They expect to spend several weeks In this county fishing and viewing the country. Review. A .1 ; V.uf A, Jurnr Ilnuuiin, Escape tho I'.itik lUei, Make Ills from the t'onnty Jail, Last Monday about 9:30 o'clock Sheriff Smallmon, accompanied by one of hit lit tie girls, went down stairs from their rooms In the county jail, to lock the three prison ers In their cells. The Sheriff stepped Into the corridor, to perform the operation, when Jame Brannon, the Lebanon bank robber, and John VVllson.the man who broke Into Shulta Bros, meat market, who were standing al the door ot the first cell, grap pled with the Sheriff and tucceeded In get ting him Into the cell and bolting the heavy door to It. Then they fled from the corrl. dor t but the front door being locked they tped up stairs and down tho back way Into the wood thed, where Wilson, who was bareheaded with no coat on remained, while Bannon,whohad his hat and coat on passed out Into the open air and fled across the Court House yard towards the Con gregational Church. In the meantime, Mr Smallmon't Utile girl rushed Into the corri dor and unbolted the cell d jor. The Slier Iff rushed to the front door, unlocked it, and getting a tight of Bannon crossing the lot fired twice. Wilson was found In the wood shed and taken to his cell. Bannon passed west along 4th street. Mr Merrill Phillip met him, and asked him what was the matter over at the jail. He tald "I'll be d d It I know," and ran at full speed west. At the Indian camp near the city cemetery he attempted to steal a cayuse belonging to the camp, but was frlgliiened away and ran towards the Callpoola, disappearing In the dark. A posse of men started In pur suit; but no other clue was obtained during the night. Bannon Is about thirty-five year of age, 6 feet tall, of a large, bony frame, light mus Ucha and eyes, and was dressed in dark clothes, with light cuw boy hat with a leather band. John Ericson who was In his cell at the time did not make any attempt to escape, A HOOT AND KHOK rAtTUKV. Mr B F llurphy, who was In Albany several days ago looking up a location for a large boot and shoo factory, writes from Portland to Mr Earl Race, ot the St Charles that he will come to Albany w ith hit fac tory tor a bonus ot $15,000. He was very favorably Impressed with the city, ani would like to locate here. HI factory would have a capacity of one thousand pair ot boot and shoes a day and would be a gieat thing for the city. Add It to the woolen mill and It would be a ten stroke that would redouni to the city' glory and give it an Immense Impetus as a manufact uring city. Mr understood the woolen inill project had been given up, and thus made the proposition, probably thinking Albany was not equal to both undertakings; but the woolen milt are coming and why not show the world that we Can also bring a boot and shoe factory and raise two big bonuses In a year. The matter should be pushed. V HEMORIM. Resolutions passed by Oak Ptatn Grange upon the death ot Bra. Thurston Davidson. Whereas, God In his Allwlse Provi dence has seen fit to call from his labor our esteemed and worthy Brother, Thurs ton Davidson, therefore be It Revived. That in the death of Brother Thurston Davidson this Grange has lost an honored member and the community a re spected citizen. Revived, That the sympathy of this Grange Is hereby tendered to the bereaved family and relatives. AVWtv, That as a tokea of respect for our departed Brother our hall be draped in mourning and we wear the usual badge. ItttolveJ, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the bereaved family and that they be spread upon the minutes of our Grange, also that a copy be sent the county papers for publication. C J. Shews v John W. Putin, II. B. Shrenocr, Con mlttee. COMMENCKHENT. At a meeting of the board ot directors ct the Albany college Prof Condlt wa re elected President of college for the ensu ing year. It was voted to hold the com mencement exercises at the opera house. The valedictory was ordered tendered to the graduate with the best aveiage (landing during the college course, and will be selected at a meeting of the board to. morrow, when the examination of the class, consisting of Mis Helen Crawford Miss Flora Muson and Miss tna Robertson will be hold, under the following commit tee, Dr Irvine, Rev Prlchard and Hon Geo X Chamberlain. The following I the program of the com mencement week As given us, which prom tses to be among the most Interesting In the history ot tho college 1 Friday evening, June 7 Juvenile enter tainment at the college chapel by the primary department. lay Hunil sermon by Rev SO Sunday evening Sermon Christian association of the Baccalaureate mornlno, luneo Irvine, 01 LI u, Albany, bit ore tite college, by Rev li I Thompson. D D. ot Coivalli. Monday evening Undergraduates' en tartalnment, Tuesday eveningLecture before the literary societies of the college, by Rev Dr Arthur J Brown, pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Portland, Tuesday afternoon Ivy day, which will take the place of the customary class tree exercises, Ivy being planted by tho g'adu atlng class Instead of a class tree. Wednesday morninff Graduating exer cises proper. The exercises will commence at 10 o'clock. The members of tho class, together with their Biaduallna essays, are as follows: Miss lna Robertson, "1 he In spiration ot a Purpose;" Miss Flora Mason, "The Women of Shakespeare ;" Miss Helen Crawford, "Jean Iugclow." On Wednesday evening the alumni of the college will hold a banquet at the St Charles hold, at which time a literal y pro gram will be rendered. The Wrstber, ' Crop weather bulletin No. 10, for week ending May nth, 1889, Oregon State weather bureau In co-opera'ion with U.S. signal servlce,ccntrat otlke, Portland, Or. The weather conditions have been more favorable to crops in Eastern and Southern Oregon than In the other sections. The forepart ot the week was cloudy and coot with rain In all parts of the State.whllc the latter part ws clear and warm. The tent perature has been below the normal grow 1 to 3 degrees. The rainfall ha been from one-halt to one Inch above the normal. The sunshine has been below the average. The effect on the'crops,of these conditions, ha been fairly good. More sunshine and les rain In the Willamette Valley would prove to be ot benefit ; a continuance of cloudy, cool and rainy weather will be In jurious. In Southern Oregon and along the coast everything I progressing nicely, In the former the cool rain have some what retarded the berries and fruit : In the latter, the weather I very suitable for the grasses. In Eastern Oregon the rains have been plentiful and the earth Is more wet now than It has been for a year. The oc casional frosts and strong winds have, In sections, donedamage. Through the moun tainous regions frosts have been frequent and they have done slight damage to grain and fruit. At Lone Rock In Gilliam Co. on the 6th at J p. m. a heavy shower of rain followed by snow, lasting 30 minutes, occurred. The hills were white. Two In ches of rain have fallen since the it Inst., at this place. The heavy rainfall uud showery weather mav. In section of the Valley, eiuse fall wheat to go to straw. Curt leaf is effecting peach trees In I -tne county. Strawberries are plentiful al Rose burg ; at Grants Pass they are just com ing into market. A few cherries are ripe in favored localities. A few days of warmth and sunshine wilt benefit crops all over the State. Reports show Saturday to be very waim and dry. II, S. 1'At.t'E, Observer V. S, Signal Service. A Bad Falu 11 o'clock Wednesday Mr. Archie Hammer was standing on a scaffolding In one of the new Chinese house being built by Mr Harper Cranor, talking to Mr Shahan, some man ner, he stepped backwards and fell to the floor, a distance of seven or eight feet, striking on the back of his head and should ers, causing a concussion of the brain. He was senseless for some time : but will pro bably come out of the accident all right alter several day confinement. Poetical Over half of our exchangee this week speak of our late municipal elec tion, and invariably add that "Corvsllls will remain a cow pasture." Well, perhaps it will, but we can boast of land flowing with miik ai.d honev especially the milk for another year at least. We all boast Ot something. Albany of her woolen mills, And Portland of her silk ; Salem of her street-car lines. But we're for buttermilk. -Timet. West Shokk Brovuiit Him. Mr II C Hubbard and family, of Humbolt,Iowa,are tn the city for the purpose of locating. Mr Hubbard is a druggist and a man of means, and desires to go Into the drug buclnets. His attention was called to Albany by the Went Shore, and says that journal did the business. Peonle at his former home nlace a great deal of reliance on the West Shore. Mr Hubtard likes Albany and has not been oisappolnted in the aspect of matters here. Was ix Portland. "Milton Hale, one of the heaviest capitalists of Linn county, was in the city last Wednesday. Mr Hale was the first man who settled in Oregon south of the Santiam river. He located on a claim one mile below where Jefferson Is now situated In the tall ot iSxc, with his family. He now resides on a beautiful farm adjoining Albany on the east, where KEAL. TaTs. KALKH. Marv C Barnes to O P Smith, 1 S Morris and E Coins, blk I and 4 and frac blk 5, B's A, Sclo, and tract near city, 1 78 acres $ Jullu F Hvdeto R N Thompson and j M wateta, w na.i 01 . r; qrSecac, Tp IJ.H R 1 w, 80 acres J M Waters and R N Thompson to A Tunlson, w halt of ? f. qr Sec 30, Tp 13, S R 1 w. So acres Jame E Junkln to David E Junkln one thirty second part ot l) I.C, James Junkln 1IOXR AND ABUOAU tOKUAT. Mr Geo W Tajl iria floating 250 cord ol isrgaiiruowD in osntiam, A Building aud Loan Association I btiog organised at Mwpoit. Tha Grand Lmlg of Good Templars will mtct in Salem Juu 13. Mis Amslia Msy.'of Hsrrliburg, 1 in tb city tli guest fat Miss Bell (Under. I'endltton hat hsd two fire roeoully of In rn tinry origin. Tliat look bad. A young man tismsd UuttorlluM was killuil at Y squlns Bay ysstsrdsy by a falling mat ot rook at the government wot I t. The "Three Slstnrs" wont bulow to-day with a cargo f 2,000 bushuls of whsst ttid snme Hour from the Magnolia Mill bound for Urrgna City, , Tli market i wall supplied with ttrsw berriu to-day, fresh from ths Hsnton gsr dous, at 20 santa a box, slso oabbagea, coli flowsr and green bssus direct from Califor nia, 11 C Davenport, a 8lm boy, 1 liksly to beouin a Krst artist. He carried off toe prisv at tli Ssn Ftancisoo Art Soliool, and I'hu IN ait ssys h has tli making of a "good one." Tb Not Ultra Psc-li u lis agrd to oou vnv ths Orounn tiruduu s fur tha Mlllia (1 A H sxhiliit, from I'mtlsnd fruf eharg. As it will tak tlirsaoau this I a elttr gift of about 1800. Four )r sign Alfred H Kidder waa rasd infl law iu a Portland cfllite. 11 inherited ViO,000 from a Iliolunond, Va, relativo, and last weak lifew out his brains after blowing in his last '300 at a poknr gsm. 1 wo boy wer drowned while skstinir. iu a Cuimvulicut uonud in lHHI. their relatives ru now fiiditing for t-00,000 worth ot prop .... , u I.;.. I. w V...... . 1. .j w .HitH wjw wvin iivira, iiu OQf of lit main question to b decided i which boy wsa drowuvd first. To Be Dedicated. The granger have J S Gladpefter to David E Jur.kln, mni.t.i ... k.n . .a um. one-thirty second part of D L C completed their new hall at Sand Ridge, and on the second Saturday in June the County Council will be held there and the hall will be formally dedicated. The Mas ter and Lecturer of the state grange are expected to be present and a good time generally Is expected. Big Strawberries Albany straw. berry men are invited te come to the front, a Salem berry measures seven inches in circumference? Are we to be beaten even in the matter of strawberries by that one norse berg down the Valley. mm mi Some Fine Butter. Conn Bros have made a yearly contract with c first-class butter maker a few mile trom Lebanon for a large quantity every week, and will make contracts with their customer at yearly rate. CaU and see some of It. Real Estate for Rale. A Loxo Word How's thi for a long word t Kakelugnsmakerlarbe'arefackfore-IngsledamotsafgiftsqvittensblarketUtryc-kringsomkostrladerna. The gentleman who secured Itsavs that it I a Swedish word and It meaning! : The place to get and well diiected Industry." Sunday Mer- first-class groceries, produce and crockery I cury. - 1 rituurvrvn Si'it it 17 T P i n f wh. two years ago was sentenced to the peni- The Reason . The following from an 1 tentiary on a charge of having stolen Siao, Ee. explain why so many editor are long and w subsequently pardoned by Gov faced men f "The writer kept count ye- ernor Pennoyer, hi innocence having been 25 feet front on east. First street, $J,oco. 4 lots in llackleman's 3rd Add., $1,000. 2 lots in western part of town, block 60, $415 each. 3 lot In block 62, $500 each. 2 lots with large house and barn on Baker street, $2,100. 23 feet front with large house and barn he enjoys the fruition of a life of an honsst on Depot atreet, $5,000. front of fames lunkln.... Marv R Marthensto David E Jun kln, one-thirty second prt of D L C of James Junkln G D Junkln to David E Junkln, one- thirty second part of the 1 J 1- U of James Junkln Anthony C Junkln to David E jun kln, one-fourth interest in if l f! of tames lunkln.... W J Junkln to David E Junkin one thirty second part ot ot Jaincs Junkln F M Gift to David K Junkln, one- thirty second part of D L C of James lunkln... O A Crawford to Brownsville Wool en Mfg Co.... W N Phillip ft Wm Peacock, tract In Sodavlllc 9 A Hackleman to George Spaght, blk 30; II s 2d A Charles O Calen to Tho Jones, lot 2, blk 53, In Albany. . .. Ashby Pierce to Albany Street Rail road Co, blk 73 M A. J II Burkhart to C G Burkhart, 11.90 acres, it w 3 Charles W Cole to-James T Bunnell, sec 35.9 I A Hackleman to Sarah E Wood, one acre in Albany Eliza WlllctttoJ J Kendall, all her One block of 12 lots in Schultz addition to South Albany, $1,200. Schultz it Henderson. interest In D Lc of Wnt Ben nett J K Thomas to Harvey Shelton, pen 01 101 73, in acio A J Bilyeu to II Shelton, part of lot 73. in rscio iTalfor week. terday, and from 9 a, m. to 9 p, m., there came into this office two sewing machine aeentcone straight beggar, three book scent, one man seilinr shirts or takinsr measure for shirts, two building association men. two lite insurance men, one accid ent policy man, and one advance agent ATnujfDEE. 8torl The vast Influx of new comer eem to be having an In fluence on the weother. Two thunder tsrmi In a week have occurred, to-day a rearular Eastern affair shaking the heavens, preceded by a stiff breeze that would have made an lowaian nuni nis mizzara ceuar. Died. Mr Hill, an old gentleman near ly seventy-five year of age, died at the home of Mr Ashby Pearce Saturday, and ' wa hurried Sunday afternoon, Dr Irvine conducting the service. We understand . the deceased wa a homeless and friendless old gentleman whom Mr Pearce had kind 1 taken charge of. Business Chance. Mr Ned Duffy has purchased Mr John Couzln' interest in his boot black business and consolidated the same with his own, locating the combina tlon In front of Jos Webber's barber shop, where he will always be-found ready to operate on the soiled boots and shoes of the masse. Married. On Wednesday morning, May 15th, 1889, In Halsey, by Rev Starr, Mr Wm J Morgan and Mis Settle, both of Halsey. The happy couple Immediately left by way of Corvsllls for the Grand Lodge, I 6 O F, at McMinnville, At the Portland Hotels The fol lowing Albany people were registered there May 13'. A 8 Powell, G C Thomp son, J G Crawford, M Calcber, Mat Cal-honn. established, has begun suit against the bank of Walla Walla for giving up the money he had deposited there. - Htatet- man. A Great Patent,--That hewed with the three spikes on the bottom, and a handle to it, being used in grading Lyon street for the street railway, Is a simple lookine thing ; but it is said to be Immense for cutting Into gravel. A J Fox manu factured It and lack mirkhall got ten dol lars tor the idea Attention, Ladies A new invention for dress-cutting taught in half hour fori $5, Including scale. The agent for instruc tion of this system invite the ladle of Al bany and vicinity to call and get a perfect I tit, Mrs. . vv. uiiDcri, oyer ooiuen Kuie Bazaar, Albany, or. Sonth Albany H.Ewert, practical watchmaker and - lei. Struck Oil At $1.25 per c gallon can best Standard "- oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.' (tore. A most desirable and beautiful location List vmir land and city property for tale for mihurhnn residences, owintr to it nat . iit-n tr 1 v 14 . f t I a 'In"t vy AEfnoiesvi. . .dtfflntn,, and nearne.. to the center fioo, lo St. Cbarle Hotel block. Albany.ur. , . aCRULTZ X UENDERgvN. iwwuwh. ""l""- -" "- -"" view and access to ana iroin incse lois.anu vou will be convinced of their merits Call TfMBAT. Pint Ystos lis bean r-leoted tirinolnal of the Corvatli schools. Tit hull ot tha wrecked steamer ia bsiog broken up by the ways. A new hardware (tor iabelnu bailtat Jf. lei son fur A It lludlesou. Tb cyclones have va reaohed Washing ton. Only Oregon is axmpt. O M Davis has old to P M MeKlon.v. 3 23-100 sores aotos the rivcr-for f 1 17. At w g to l rM the first snik i bains drivin on the Albany street lailwry. Home one Ueiito that perhaps Haunon hat con a'tor Ust wituns he naodad at tha lost terra of Court. CVrvallia has organised a 2uo Club with Zcph Jobs President. Ky tb wsy what ha become of Albany gun club. Sandy Old, tli tnso who mtwdtred Emil Webber, tb loon keeper In Portland, last week, has been indicted by tb itraod larv of murder in tb first degree. Th woman Agar on tb Court House ha ben pa'ntcd a uelioat cream color, prob ably to iu'lioato her approval of tha reoeut vlatory of th cows. If lb scales in her band were reulaeed by a milk bail she would b quit an appropriate tiar. Lender, To-day ha been spent by our eltisno in speculation about tb course taken by the saoapea prisoner from in Jn. 1 Uis part ol it will bsv a familiar sooud to those mho war here at the time of tb Saunders escape. IUdoou, though, it I sormlaed ia a much shrewder mis thao Saunders. Tb Mel isrper eemeUrv association near !roneiril!e,b tiled article of innorporsuoo with th Secretary of Stat. James kiellar per, Sr., It It Templetou and liogb L Mont gomery wer elroUd trotesf said associa tion. Running daily iapr, va on a amsll seal is toi all poetry. The Timet Mountain err, of The Lull us, be tried a tivs ooluma paper, and say t "1 b psper ha cost heav ily for mvcbsmcsj and editorial labor, mats rial and dispstbes, and tb outlay lias heen hamired of dollar in excess ot th receipt. Thi will sot continue long. If th people of Tb Dalle ilrsire a daily psier, they must support it. Mr Williams, the Ysq,uiosBy baihrr.wa iu the city thi forenoon. A. Orsnt, broi.rletiWbf the Cauital Floor ing Miils, of Salxra was io tb city yesterJay 00 bustnr. Mr Jaewtt Whe4-r and Mrs Eldr lesv tA-moerow fiw Stsj tun i a visit to Mr Dr Kitcnen. Mr Dr Maston leavos on th train to morrow morning fur Walla Walla wber sh goo on a but U rcUti and frieods. W C Tweedalo an l J Y lUck.ostu left this noon for MoMinnvilla to attend tb grand I'M! I O O F delegate from tb Albany lodg. Prof Krambcio, recswiUy lo thi city m114 5jrx ,a" rniy irom Astoria so Ms way tn dm bom In lxodu. Tb Prot bs bsca com pletely aroond tho world. Mr WilUm KUter, lb t-olcber. if Vs 375 quins Bsy.bst boon iu tha city to-day. We am informed tbst his shop wa attached last evening by creditor. 3W ! Mr and Mies Snow, of th Chicago Come dy Co , ar children f th colebraWd Eider Snow of tb Mormon Cberob, of Salt Lsk 1 250 wity.wno will probably bo th ost t'roilenl 01 toe cngrcn. Th Dkmin rat i iiiforsr.ed thaLno of the 1250 tsschers ia th publie school contemplate a trip to Karope. At least tber will be a va esocy at th end of tb bresent Urm and 1250 something ia going to bapyea. WEbKKMDAT 13 cent (having at Viereck'e. 8 tickets tor 1 at Viersck't . New dross goods at Mcllwaiu'a., Chios go Comedy Company to-night. Brownsville will ealabrata tb 4th ot July Salem' advertising fund amount to 3100. St, Cnsrlraonly strictly first -claa hotel in Albany. t Owl 3 chair runuinK tady at Vintck' shav- iug parlor. Nobndj stop at th St. Charles under a boycott. 61 Orvslli is to bsv a uew (COO hook and Udder track. A railroad from Tha Dalles to frine villa is being agitated ft. subsidy i Lei 02 raised for a Lesrsnaner at Brownsville Th common council met last veuinu and adjourned until to night Sid saddle atd ladies riding itureinutea at inompson X Uvrnian Thompson h Overman, atrent for th crest ejfc a . uynamu baggy whip. If yna want a cood silvsr steel toy thr.fiuest in tb markat, go to atewart Si Sos . Air I're Marshall 1 teaohien a sincing school at th Knox UutU uraoire ball A fine Jins nf busiy dusters andtfly nets at inompson uvermao , tn leading names dealers. Sa'etn will hold a meeting to-morrow night to make arrangements tor m 4th of July celebration. Mellwain can civ yon tha best fitting suit yon ever wore, at prices to suit escb and vory one. , ' An eleeant line ot aiik table tnresda, in beautiful design, just received at Fortmiller A Irving'. Charity did not build th Rover House. Rate according to room and accommoda tions asked for, d3ft Grandfather Humphreys, of S tlem, who Mr Job Powell, who sold bta farm io this county to lion ft A Irvine a rek or two ago, has purchased a larsa stuck farm boar Cot tage Orovr, iti 0011 uty. At tb time of going l" P1""" botliing ! liabl hsd been hoard of Bannon. It i ft ft to predict that he ia not allowing th grass to grow under bis last, ' Th 4th ot July committee have over $900 raised for the celebration. It 1 bound to occur, and notwithstanding Halem, we'll wager a hair pin, it Include tho military part too. M L Tipe, editor c f the Leader, I also deputy district attorney. A ooutoinporsry get even with him by publishing on of hi bill like thi in th county court proceed Ingsi "M L l'lpor, Insin attorney, Rhamnatiam la oansed bv an aold in th blood; therefore, external trustmaut afford no prmannt relief. To eiimiasU thi pois on and tnak a thorough our of th disease, nothing else is so ttllolnbt as Avar' rWsa- irill. Utr it a trip I l'rio f 1. Worth 9 a bottle. Msinm (to her little boy). "Now, Bon nie, if you'll be good and go to sloep, maui ma'ii giv yon on of Dr Ayer's nice igr ooaUtl Cat liar tio Pills, nsxt tim you nee 1 mulioine," Beanie, siiiiline sweetly, dropped off to sleep at our , Any waeon. biiflcv. tibaetou or eart that oomes from Mitchell Si Lewi Co is bound to b good. Farmer bartioularlv should e- amiu their stock of plow, barrows, mowers, rakes, etc. They carry a Kod stook and sell at prices that defy competition, lUmtembor th place, opposit Juiui Kchmeor' Jlvery table, s Hon T J Black, t l Halsey. was tn tho city yesterdsy. Ceo C Wilt was Iu H4U111 yesterdsy on business. Dr J W Watts, of Yamhill county, bs been in th city to-day. Mis Carl Ilitobeus, nf CVvallis, is in th etty th quest of Mr C O Lee. Mr O W Harris got to Monmouth to day to visit relative and friend for a few day. Rev Mr Rogers, of the Corvsllls Coogre gutlootd church, mad thi olflc a call thi afternoon. . Mr T T Roach and dsu.ihtcr, of Harris burg, want down to East Portland yesterday to attend camp meeting. Mr Sid Dorris, ot LafsvettA, baa been in th city on his way to I'riiisvillc, whra hi father, it waa reported, waa becoming blind, Th following Albany people wer reijie tt4 at tn Portland hotel trday : N Rogers, It Jones and wifd, J E Hi in 0,1 , J W Harney. Mr Jame Oliver, ol South Bend. Ind, th msnofscturer of th celebrated Oliver cbilled plow, is in the eity aud is registered at tb Hat. . - Frank Conovsr, one of th editor of tb Cervsliis Uuteite, and Mia Lilly Paul, were married at Corvatli this forenoon, Bar K J Thompson locking up th form. May tbeir happinea nvvr b pied. KKKPfOsTKIK , US" 200 I2SO U50 20 'SO 1 1 OO IOOO 1 190 3200 87O IOOO 1400 I2JO $36,940 .$83,496 : TIALSBY, This part w as visited by a thunder show er Monday afternoon, and old pioneers say that It was the heaviest rain they ever saw in Oregon, and It reminds us of the thun dfr showers wewltncssed when a boy In "Pike,- The washing machine man Is doing the town. Of course his machine Is the best. He say it can be converted into a churn or crtulle a the occasion demands. The temperance lecture !ast Friday even ing by Mrs Rlggs, of Portland, was well attended. Her remarks were to the point, She gave ft graphic Illustration of the rn (in ner of carrying the temperance cause into the prisons, hospitals and aim houses. Prof J D Buyer was In town one day last week. The Prof say Brownsville is booming In a quiet way. We understand also that the Prof Is talked ot for the secre tary of the new woolen mills company. rtprlng hath its joy and sorrows. The book agent and the tramp have heen here. The members of the W C PU's aretalk ng of having a picnic on the 20th, The band boy are to give a picnic at Powell's grove 00 the 31st, Dr Fuller and Charley Bone have sone over to Ochoco to look at the country. There are sixty pupils enrolled here In the public school. We noticed a man on our streets. few days ago, who looked as if he had just went around the world in 80 dcys, lie wa on his wat to the mountain. He said that there) was more joy In one moment of the glad free life ol the mountains than 1000 years in the bosom of civilization, wearing suspenders and putting dinner off till after dark. He said he loved to com mune with nature and chew blackjack. He scorned the roar and bustle of the crowed cities like h , and yearned to nestle in the wild woods and listen e the chipmuck' honest bark. LYONSVILI.K. The little son of Wm, Wacker, of this place was kicked by a horse Saturday evening, but being so near the animal, the accident was only slight. In the case of IJcnj, Butler against E L Shepherd, for trespass, In Justice Court, Shepherd was fined $20 and cost. Case appealed to Circuit Court. - Mr. Wm. Robertson, formerly a resident of this community, who moved from here to Spokane Falls some four years ago, re turned last week and wilt make his home among us. We understand Mr. R. ha materially improved bis financial condl tlon. Some time ago we remarked that a pro viso was Inserted In deeds to town lots In Lyons, whereby no liquors were to be sold thereon. The question of liquor or no liquor ha caused a division of town prop erty among the Lyon Bros, and now we are to have a saloon, starting next week. Nsw good at W F Read . F. M, French keeps rsilrosd time. Bargains in boots and shoe at Head's.) Fresh garden and grassseedsat Stewart & So. A full lio Children's bath tub at G. W Smith. J. P. Wallace, Physician Mid Surgeon, A! bony, OrJ For a Sterling or Emarson piano call on G L Black man. t Q. W. Smith has tb largest atockfof snear kettles in Albany. 0 L Black mao is agent for the Weber piano. Nona batter. Six shaves for a dollar and a okao towel to vory customer, at Tboa. Jon. O. W. Smith give ;t.$ white enameled iron war with his floe 000k stove. A fall ajaortmebt of brae kU!e from on to eighteen gallon t G. W. Smith'. Buy your ticket thenogh tt th East of W I, fester and v far to Portland. 1 have reduntd price nn all heavy wear in boots sod Call early at W F Road's. Th Weetora Cuttac and Packard are two of the host organ mail. O I, Itisekinso ells them. Call an O. W. Smith add gt one o'I'hnee Missouri Sicsm Wsshrr ar ranted to do as recommended. A tin lioe of all kind t.f forfeiture, plain and upholstered, he stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmil'er ft Irving'. If yon wsnt a eleaa bad fine sntok ask for J. Joseph' boma mad hiu labor cigars for sale by most cigar dealer sod at hi Joswpb a factory. J A Archibald, a root Siajer Msoufaetar iog Co., opposite Odd Follows Temple, Al bony, . Dr Wriahtaman'a Sovereign Balm f Lifa, for duwsasea peculiar to women, at Deyoo & Robson'a and Brosuiell it SUnard's. P J Baltimore, agents -CROWNSVIUT- Mcatlc are prevalent in our town. Mr Martin, of Fish lake, was in our town last week. Marian Powell arrived hero last Friday from Sprague, W T, having come all the way with his own team. lie reported the mountains a being very slippery. Prof L 1. Say, late ot Pennsylvania, I here the guest of Prof Boyer. Rev Lee and wife, ot Sheridan, are here visiting relatives. C N Scott, receiver, and other hich of ficial of thi road, passed by here on an cf Cclal Inspection ot the road 'Friday. Mr Hawk left in town sample of coal taken from what hp considers a coal bed about fifteen mile south of this place. Henry Archibald, a bridge carpenter on the Narrow Gauge, is now nursing a brok en finger, the result of an altercation with fellow workman. Jno B William returned last week from an extended stay in the upper country. Att'y Wright, of your city, passed Sun day ncre. . Toe Blakelev.of Arlineton. Is vlsltinc his aged parents here. Deputy Sheriff D S Smith passed through our town Monday on his way up tne crecit Tuesday the Brownsville Woolen Mills Co and the Brownsville Woolen Manu facturinir Co held their annual meetings. This town now supports three woolen mill companies. In my Item of last week regarding the mine bonded on the McKenzie you made me av St 0.000 when I ought to have said $100,000,. One claim alone was bonded for 930,000. The mining boom for this coun try Is nearer than you anticipated. Married. On Wednesday, May 15th, 1889, la Millers by George Humphrey.Esq Mr N U Vewman and Miss Louisa Farlow. The happy couple have the Democrat's best wisncs tor prosperity and nappiness, KEATTLE, City is lively, lots of Eastern people ar riving. Some go to the Willamette Val ley, where we tell them the garden spot of tSe earth Is. Last week real e.itate business amounted to 144 transfers, four hundred thousand valuation. Great excitement now over the comple tion of the Canadian Pacific building soon to this cltv, Seattle South and the comple tion of Seattle Lakcshlre & Eastern R . R. Work will commence soon on the new Electric Motcr Road to Woodland Park and Green Lake. North Seattle seems to be the favori'c portion of the city now. We must compliment the queen city, Seattle, for the arrest of sneak thieves and street fakir. One cannot possibly com mit a deed without arrest unless it is a real estate man, whose punishment I beyond the grave. Wright's Compound syrop of Sarsaparilla can be rvlied upon for a'd blood disraaes, akio afTcotioos, etc. . Sold by Fosbsy ft Mssop. " WHAT'S - THIS ? $420.00 in valuable gifts to Le given away and to cost the recipients absolutely nothing. Everything strictly legitimate, and the drawing to be conducted with the closest regard for the rights ot alt concern ed. You will learn particular! at Blum's Cigar Store, opposite the Revere House Albany. 1 yKitl. w I.iT JS fll uuu NI W AS1 SOU D t'o v,.-.. !.- -i . tWDCH f!(.i:i 1 uird bogar ring. Unr wi.i o!i at t'.; 1 SAN0, AC. - IVjsiri ilpsiiiri? 1'MIUI Ol liMVBl fr ! tho ptfllti it F L. Silth In flenton conn'y, r-n r tickets; for the iue 01 my ofi'ieo, v ford' I lock, Albany, Omon. Chap. JR. Woivefh- fGK HAli;. A pl.p"trn. A ftra-hi, i r loathe: tcp.s ifxnt h new. I''vr i v cbsap, Inquire! of M. T. Mouiuith. ----- -4 - 11TANTED.-A tn-A Rlrl lo do r,' v y bcufMiWork in asiuall fnimfj' u-1 ( ooonlry, ouiw. Pdnnnnebt plxco, Call M o;o LmJ Absolutely Pure. T hi powdnr novt-r yarie. A marro of purity, strnngbt and wholaoiueines. Mora oconomlcMl than tha ordinary kiods and cannot b ao;l In competition with mnltitndo of low lot, short woight slum or phospbsto powder. Hold only In cans) Uo.vnl Baking Powder Co., 100 Wall Hi,, f, Y. D, W, Ckowxby A Co., Aevlu, Portland, Oregon BRICK, URICK-1 hoondorsijin a now i-prd lo sopply nil v. brck oflh first rjiiattty and in u?:is'm large quxiitiios. Call early. , Mol.fiaw A Un Albany. 11 UU WANTED.-1 rant 40 Chinoie PliesuMfit egH to ntr.i 3 'i bey iinist bo rt-pb, n.,t haviuK 1 i. on. W 1IJ py 12,50 per I zcn. J. II, lkThKHAr ; ti'i ,tlif Oil 7 n . t.f f. si mo FXCIlAROE.-An oprlght X A Hon - tlano, lioen in mg a monlbft. In first-r,laf condition, imr.; j. tied for five ye-aro, which I wiih t - change for a lot or h;ls In Albany, ! i fjuli at the rel'tr.ce of P.. W, Cor.ti MtB, A, B. MATTMf.v,R. I TO THE FARMERS AND WORK! Mm -OF- Albany and Vicinity. W cordia'-ly 'i.tif jon !l mY km SECOND HAND' ST0U ft and we will ctnirc )cu hst ojr ric8 Inli a!!. Yen cannot afl'ord lo do ctr purcbssijfr hefoid tcu viri: our ;-lca As wi have a largo establish r&r-nt ia 1'orliiind we have hdk-iI it The Portland Branch. We claim to Lo lie ciouat l uyeia in the tnarkct, and we a'co claim to t:cdrrill all wMuut excrptioc. F. WISE & Co,, 8. E. Yoong'a Old Sua J. NliW STORE. NW GOODS Micthell & Lewis Co., -DEALERS IN Agricalliiral Implements'.-'. - 1. linn TS . ,,X-'--'-- anl Vehicles A full !in cirrleJ at cr hraach hoaac Cr. 2o.l and Ellish S-s. ALBANY. - - - - COME x-lsTID SEE US, QRsIGQH. Nervous Disorders. Ft tmn Arwi rnlta ni wi'l oaner in an Immense number of pattern, at Fortmiller f "V. "" c7 "omc ia ov.r muety 01 age, 1 in tn county fclrving's, the finest line In the central Twbkbai.e & REDriELD.AKents, t Irst door south of t'ost uiiicc, Willamette Valley. see it all. 1 1 is an art gallery tol Tubb's St Co' vera Manilla twine, best quality, at Stewart St Sox's. If ven have slv iob wcrk tt d' call on 0 W. Smith who i urtc iv to do It with neatness and dispat ' sod as choap a any one. B. St L. Associatioh. The regular monthly meeting of the B & L Association will be held thi Friday evening, when loan of about $1000 will be made. The erie will close at thismeeting. Department Officer, The board of fire delegates met last evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Walter Parker, president; M. t. lirinic, sec retary ; E D Cuslck, treasurer. , For Thirty Days. All goods bought at Ida Al Brush's will be discounted at 10 per cent She has an immense stock and all the latest ransian styles, special Dar gain. Call earl while stock Is complete. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son's sp 33l il buriim NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. , Cloveudalk, Benton Co , Ma 2iU Having purchaaedof Mr, Ashby Pen roe u im oubiio iviui u uvnwe vjuuit, vickud. the pabllo U notified and forhidden from taking or removingtherefrom any gravel, aanaor 10am irom aaia nremisesi, r. x. BUCH. Cloverdalb, Benton Co., May 2nd. I am instructed bv Mr. F. L. Such to proseeute any and all person depositing dead animal upon hla lands In Benton county, Oregon, formerly owned by Mr. Aebhy Pearce. CHsH. E, WOLVBETOir, Attorney at law. Tear tiers' Examination, Notice I hereby given that the regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Linn county, will take place at the Court House, In Albany, commencing ot noon, Wednesday, May aath, 1889, All teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. lv. Al. V.. URL, Co. School Siip't, Summer Wraps Novelties In beaded and stockinet idekcts lost received. SAMUEL IS. YOUNG. SUPERIOR LIN EG OF .AGRICULTURAL. IM-8 PLEMENTS AT OE-YOE&RODSON Ftr land madebarneea goto E. I Power . m m Born. On Wednesday, May 8lh, 1889, to the wife of F A Burkhart a boy. 7 O.ks cares rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay ft Mason Agents. and visiting a daughter, T Jones is making arranoements to move hi barber (hop into the place recently va cated by Mack & Hodge. A land slid two mile thi side of Lyon. on th Oregon Paoifio last evening, delayed the tram for some time. Money can't boy better boots and shoe than Mollwsin is selling, because better good are not maoufsotarod. Fineoranees, lemon and bsnaanai atF L Kenton's. New (took just reoeived. Also a choice lot of fresh candies, nuts, etc The first death under the new law in New York State will oceur on Jane 24th, when Wm Kemler will b electrified at Buffalo. Mr J B Slater ha sold the Stevens county Miner, and i now in tb real estate business. The transition upward must be'an enjoyable one. Remember the Floral and Strawberry social to be given by the ladies, of the U P church at tho WCTU hall Friday evening. LtiBoh from 0 until 9 0 clock. Mr H F Merrill ha beeu appointed agent here for tb Lombard Investment Co, of Portland, and la prepared to make loana on farm security on snort notice. Dr. Flint's Remedv must ba taken when excessive) r oontlnuona mueonlar xartlon: exoltlnir DaaMona, or over Indulgence, stimulating rooa or arm, or nervosa maoraeri nav ions ooniinuea. IVscrintlve treatise with cevh bottle ; or address Mack Drug Co. N. Y. Notice of Supplemental Articles of Incorporation. Notice ia hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that tha Ihtectois of the Urownavuio Woolen Manafactanoff lm- psov a ootpo ration organised onder th laws of the State ot Oregon, in pursuance of a resolution duly passed at a meeting of the took bolder of said company duly and legal- It beta on tb 2ud day of May, 1589. at their office in Brownsville, Oregon, authorizing and directing the Director of aatd Company to file supplemental articles of incorporation increasing tka powers and changing th orig inal article tn sobstaooa as follows 1 To atvo the Company the power and au thority to change th nam of the Company by vote of the stockholder. To carry on, conduct, manage, sustain and operate factories for ths manufacturing of all kind of woolen gwds and fabrics at Crown, villa and Albany sad elsewhere in Linn coun ty. lo maintain and carry on factories lor the manufaeturiiiS of clothing of all kind. To carry on mercantile establishment and engage to a general mercantile business at snub niacea as tha Uomnanv mav select. To bay and own real estate necessary for the purpose of building such mills, stores and warehouses a uompany may need. To borrow money and execute the Com pany'a not therefor. lo receive tuts or grant ot real or per sons! property and to accept subsidies. lo buy, leas and own water power and to contract therefor. To bay, tell and atore grain and cereals. To buy. own end sell flourioir mills and operate the earn and to manufacture flour. lo change tne principal place ot nuainea to any other place in Linn county, Oregon. To increase the capital stock to tne sum ol 875,000. That in pursuance thereof there waa filed in the effioe of the County Clerk for Linn county, Oregon.ou the 9tb day of May,18S9, supplemental article of incorporation, c well a in the ofHo ef th Secretary of estate, conforming to the said resolution of asid stockholders. Dated this 9th day of May, 1S89. The BrowDsiiUe Woolen Manufacturing Company. J. M. Moyeh, J. P. Galbraith. President - Secretary. ONEGO, 8461. RECORD, 2:29-34. Oregon's Great, it and Gainest Racehorse, msii Record of 2:29 3-4 first season after four yeas retircEient, & performance neveT before equalled by any horse on the North Pacific Coast, eat la ws wona ior is yJ. . '-rirZ-l- , ZZ.uttinnu -Moh l.w,l rr.,.n on of brmktat; ana aeieacinn toe moos ""fJ"" "Ci 8tiH fresh it t' e i .Ki. ir,i.trr with f horra devisod to defeat turn, srs sun iresa in i.u memory of all howomon ; but would remind them gm that ho was tne sensauonni SJSth s 2tDd Sretr old, lowering la tnra both records and tons assumirj; iTe ""Srjl. Vf Jul?e Kln? if tho Northwest. HU bull dog tenacity, nevi r too imperial purpio ui jM.i, .ir,,nr tamoerament will not brook aefrp: and hisprnt S rary 17 n1 n".prer L1?!!; ! " TX.,, ma,n At three year old he aired 6 caiii 6i! Thof At tho end of 6a days, brirt ZT TUeVr y'ear olds "and thrfollowing thj. 3 year a..j rsKttltUe. These arall M oave U .broken l ts k. ni 27arai aa tr lnm ml IsDHUUS LnuiKi' a - on "of W.rfS"5 the most prcjuj that h, wii ho Inherita his sreat speed and unflinching gamene'. Tornis, 50. N2i HARRIED. LILES POWERS A t the Evangel! a . 111- lf. .nil. cat parsonage, in txrvaius, on majr ium, i88o. bv Rev T L Herschncr. Mr R Llle and Mis Alclha Powers, both of Linn county. EASTBURN DOUGLAS. On May I a, at the residence of J R Douglas, Albany, hv Rev W D Humnhrev. Mr W A East burn, of Benton county, nnd Mis Loin J Douglas, of Albany. , OUSHMAN KIRK. On Monday May 13, iSSa, at the St Charles hotel, in Albany, by Geo Humphrey, Esq, R M Cushman, one of Brownsville' well known citizens, and Miss Amanda, daughter of Hon W R Kli k. The happy couple, who have the best wishes of many friends, went to McMinnville, where the grand lodge O F convenes this week, to which he Is a del egate.--' Till WARE AF1D HARD VARE Of ALL EUfiDS AT QEVGE & 0000 DEYOE & R0B30N ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET her by given that at tho next retra tar term of the County Commissioners Court for Linn count v. Oregon, lobe held at the Court House in the city of Albany on Wednesday tne nth day or June. A. t. isau. sealed plans, apeoinoauona. strain. diagram and bids will bo received for building a bridge across the South Santl am at Waterl o ; said bridge to be about 180 feet long and sixteen feet wide In the clear. Al so for tha building of a bridge across Crabtree Creek where tho Conn'y Koad crosses said creek near the saw mill of Deaklna Bros, and J. K. Cyrus : said bridge to be about 100 feet long and 16 feet wide In the clear. Also tor the build inor of a brldsre aoros Mnddv Creek at the place known as the Wilson ford. Bidders to submit estimates on this bridse for construction of same at Waterloo ford and also where t he old brio are washed out said brides to he about 80 feet long and sixteen leet wide In tho clear. All of said bridges to be covered. All bids must be filed with the Clerk on or before 1 o'clock p. m, of tho above mentioned day. All bids must be aqo.impanied by deposits of 6 per oent nf bid.. The Court reserves the right to rejeot any and all bids. Dons by order of the Court tbia 9th day of May, A. D, 1KS0, s,) E. X Montague. bounty Clerk, SECURE PRICES. K0 TROUBLE TO SHOW 300DS AT mp. Will bo at Albany, Tuesdays and Thursdays; af ths McKnlsht farm, Wednesdays; at H..-rT Saturday and Monday.going by way ol Jefferson and Turners Statio:i. A IllXm ol Awl Oneco was eired by Altamont, wan rolS tm 7 hea Dam, Bello Price by Dob'. 2 23 (3 1 ymi ; fastest tl tbe world for 4 years) son of Erioscn. ) 4 year old record 2:30 , fa- i-iU tranwait a-t a.... - ss. old reooid Jk2. by AUamont, 33. Dim, Mia AraM-V 2:1:. wi'l bekeDtntCorvaUliandlndnpendoiiM. Tarms, f 3j.03 Miairo. Kowam KvRRirTT-FuU brirther to Kitty Una. record 11. will a-vwapanv Onlefms tl5.0aTto InwZ No liabilities aam.d for accilant, VVKl tte urehowin'Z hordes any dr, except Sunday. ?or extended pro- . farther particulars auaresa. tVICKNIGHT BR43.s . Albany orCorval'.ia. MULTNOMAH, 10369, The Standard Bred Trotting Stalls An PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB RQBSON'b. will be at our faim Mondays.Wednesdays J)y&mJi lis, Tuesdays ; Fridaya and Batnrdays 'Ans. Marshall's steb.o,Aibany. . was foaled July 20th, 1839, bred by Jay Beach, J.ba7"l Qt wagou rcu-t wltb star and black polnu, la good size and stylish. Jed by Aiumou h rUrdslreofAlmoneUe, LClJX 8ipleon, -Jits.; n.u, ; i,uy ew", o.oqi . ittro 2:42 l Beulf.lj . yers ofd, 2:85 . Zelophnne. Itflljf oVenoeV AlUmo year old, ; a , a year oia.asoo u su.j '-" :,";-. 2:16K ; y Almont, sire ol weetmont, mis ; rnnwu, : m" " vTaVllO with record y . o.iti . i.. o.mi t.iAiharo in th enlist. He also nag xi vi i un ti, fii o oov Vricnmount. 8 years old .. 'ol"i . PonJhaTtne seconds; ami rnce oy ojooio, o u o .'" rv 9"( Nightinc!'', 2:S0M, ho sired Rarely. 2:24 X ; boble, 2:88 1 Malle, ,2.281 i Erio, 2 .28 , J K f ' 2:28 : I.nla F, !:29 and also Mred the grand dam of Phallus, 2:13 tco " "rf stalUons, Multnomah was selected from all of Altamont s colts beinS tae c -t the time, the most critical can not find a fault with his pedigree or;d 's ; He will make a very handsome horse and a trotter certain. F?r further iuro m. . t ind extended pedigree, address the owner. Terms : Seasons $30; insurance, . BAIUtOWS BROS,, Shedds, Linn county, Oirgon.