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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1889)
. Vr 1 rt The f.roile of Pendleton refused to pay the OrrgmHtnn lot writing up their town. Railroml men Mjr there are between 2000 n! 3000 trnmris of the most desperate order along the line of railroad between Ogdea and Reno, CiU It U Mid that a idle brain is the devil's workshop. If reports as to the number of idle men in the country are true, surely his majesty an claim a larger interest in affairs to-day than eybody else. A little boy, compelled on account of a long journey to drink condensed milk, took his mother into his confidence! "Mamma, I wish to heavens the condensed cow would die," Singular as it may appear. Jay Gould cannot ice any public danger in the accumulation of great wealth in the hands of a few individuals. He thinks rich men or at least one rich man rather deurable than otherwise. Aw is a subject upon which the opinion of this Jy Gould is valuable. Young George VanJerbilt has among hi treasures the table which Napoleon wrote upon during his exile at St Helena. It was present ed to him by James Mc Henry of Lndon,whose house in Holland park is a rqHwitory for inter est ing relict of the empire. The lavages of the bird in the cornfields of Barnwell county, iS C, are almost ithout pre cedent. In many places the fields have been planted the second time, and now the birds are devouring the young com as fust as it appears Great jirogess is being made in dentistry for animals. Barnum's hippopotamus lately sat and had a bad tooth extracted without a growl and the same operation is now practiced on lions and tigers. When the wild beasts are all provided with fake teeth we propose to inter view a few of them in their cages. 1 lie Kast Oregonian thinks the outlook for good prices for wheat after harvest is better now than at this time last year. It says the Austral ia and India crop was harvested in January and February and proved almost failure so that source of competition ill not have to be met. Elections were held Tuesday in Wash ington, North and South Dakota and Mon tana to elect delegates to their respective constitutional conventions. UI course republicans elected a majority of the mem bert in the former, but the returns indicate that the democrats have elected a majority in Montana. II this Is true they will be able to elect the two U S Senators this fall A new boy preacher hat been creating quite an excitement in Georgia. Tnlt la- test evangelist bears the unpoctlc name of Jtmmie Cook. He is 11 years old and weight) about fifty pounds. He delivers ttirring sermons from biblical textt and hat converted quite a number of people. Aaron Harvey ,a tea captain.of Machias, Maine, departed on a voyage in iS6o,Ieav ing at home a wife and five, children. He hat just returned, after twenty-nine years' wandering in all parts of the earth. He finds his children grown up and married and his wife living with another husband. The tail of the British lion hat not been twisted according to promise by the present Administration. The President has an English man km Private Secretary, employs English servants in the White House and hat selected an Englishman to count the sixty millions, more or lest, of American people and make known to the rest of the universe how they get their living. That vigorous American policy bat not been inaugurated in the White House, at least The friendship of the Republican! for th. colored people be lure an election is very dee;'. The leader are wont to lament that the race baa not been recognized more substantially by preceding administrations, and to promise with out reserve that this shall be all remedied in the future. After the election this regard for their colored brethren disappears as rapidly love after a honeymoon. It would teem that this simple confidence gime would be under stood after it had been tried once, but the Re publicans have buncoed the colored people out of their votes Ibr twenty-four years with great success. These prophetic words of Lincoln ! Would that they were indelibly fixed in the mind of every intelligent man in the nation : "But I see in the near future a crisis approaching which unnerves me.and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. At a result of the war, corpora tion have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high placet will follow, and the money power of the country will en deavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until alt wealth it aggregated in a few hands anil the republic is destroyed. The Mouiiiuiurer iemc the practice lately coming into vogue cf 'owns throughout the valley booming" themselves by advertising in papers published in other than the "booming' town. It claims that the principle of "protec tion" should e made to ap"ly in this matter and that the people of a town should advertise in their own local paper and not in thi Orrg OMfunand othfr papers at torn towns have been doing. Now we suppose that this would be all right so far as the Klounlainetr is con cerned if the people of the Dalles were going to advertie their town, b it we feel quite ture that that other pur-blin.l "protection" pi per in urrgoiuau will vigorously protest rgv.nst thi very reasonable applica'ion of the princip les of "protection'' as taught by these worship ers at the shrine of the god of protection. A false doctrine alwayt comes back to pester and atnoy him who propagates it. The dispatches tell us of one Mr Shank, a special pension Examiner of Lima Ohio, a dem ocrat, who wrote a letter to Mr Tanner resign ing his office as special Examiner, giving his reason that he served in the war for the union, that he is a democrat, and that since this is a republican administration, he believes it will be incompatible, with the politics of the ad ministration to retain him in office. We are told that Tanner -eplied to Shank's letter ttat ing that he, Tanner, wat not there to remove democrats from office etc. This it a little scheme gotten up, douWless, by the cabinet of Harrison to manufacture a little cheap capital and reputation for the administration. But the public are not to easily deceived. That demo era's all over the country are being removed daily by the scores and hundreds from federal portions for no other reason tlun that they are democrat ,to make room ior other persons for no other reasons than that the latter are republi cans.can not admit of a doubt. The oU soldier go as rj iickly as others. Almost the first post master removed in Oregon was an old soldier. No charges of unfitness or incompetency were alleged cgiinst him, but he was a democrat and h id to gr. The Democrat raises no question filoiit turning nil democrats out, because it is largely made a 'juestion of party policy, to de termine or influence which it has no right to ; eak. liut it docs protest against the miser able pretense and hypocritical cant set up by this administration sbout following out the pledges it made before the election to enforce the principle of civil service reform, when de cepitntion is going on rll sides. for political reasons only. The people see plainly through Tanners thin sutterfuge. A ClUMC. In alt avocation In life Is to be found the crank. In religion be stalks abroad disturbing the equanimity of thi devoted, candid followers of the meek and lowly one, and.ltt fact in all the buslne, social aud political relations of life this eccentric specimen of thtffNaj Amh makes himself ridiculous by hit Idiosyncrasies and hob bles In and by widen he seeint to live and move and have his peculiar being. No man presents to the public eye a more perfectne timilit of the above picture than the editor of the Oregon liinJt. He it a crank of the first wa'cr on the subject of "high tariff." He now wants every dem ocrat holding a federal Aice to be dis charged at once It he la a tariff reformer or "free trader," at tlilt crank callt every democrat who doet not bow the tuppllant knee to the god of "protection." To him it mature not bow competent and efficient such democrat may e, it be Is In favor of reducing r taxes, then thlt rtckety gon falonier of (be "protection" devotee! ot Baker county would bring down the gul's. lotlne and take off hit head Instanter. The very thought that a man who believe that the best interests of this country demands that salt, lumber, coal, jute tncks, binding twine or other articles should be placed on the free list, or that tariff rates tdiould be lowered on them, should be found hand ling mall for the public, tr serving papers as a United States Marshal, or conducting tha routine, ministerial duties of a United States land office, however well he may be otherwise fitted for his station, Is sufficient to fill the little soul ot this harvest-lord with the cravest apprehension for the safctv ot the republic. And be recom mends that heroic treatment should tie at once and without delay retorted to In or der to save the country that of Inglorious- ly bouncing every tuch democrat from office without reference to bis fitness to do the work of his station. rinuiian-like Hursh wants to know what we are here tor. Hit highest conception of the good attending party success Is the gathering in ot the spoils, and if there are not offices enough to go round among the faithful he would have them created for the special benefit of the "boys." Well every ma chine must have a "crank," and Hursh makes a good one. "PIONEEtV King's VxLLaY,Oa.,May mh.JiSSo. Editors JJtmocral 1 in the urrgoHMH of April nth was an article on internal improvement by the state, written by one who signs himself Ploneer," who tayt a number of hard things against the Democrat, the demo cratic party and Governor Pennoyr. He mentions the governor as a man of mean birth, who owns a little saw mitt and who employes dagoet and taw log men to do hla work. It Is very well for this up -start republican leader now to apeak meanly and disparagingly of laboring men, but the memorte ot laboring people go back a few montlit to the time when republican leader including "Pioneer" were loudly making the niot ex'ravagant profession ot paternal Interest In the welfare of labor ing people. But now tht the election I over these blatant leader have no more use f?r ut until another election roil around. Governor Pennoyer may be of mean birth and Pioneer of "noble birth," but thlt hat nothing to do with the fact that the Governor U the best friend labor people have ever had In authority In Ore gon. "Pioneer's" sympathy 1 fully shown far the Chinaman, but not an honest word in behalf of whit? labore-t. I. now take pleasure in Introducing to the general pub tic this "Pioneer," this man who doet not like the governor because he U of ."mean" birth, thlt "nob!e"-birth man who attempts to abuse the Democrat because It boldly and fcarlejsly stands for the people and their rights against the hungry borde ot tax-eaters that hung around Salem like carHon crows last winter, this man who so flippantly denounces all men as "kicker, who have the courage to stand between the people and the swarms of voracious cormorants and hungry mendicants that would cat up the substance of lioneit peo ple, this man whose only complaint, in fact, is that he was "kicked" out of the office of railroad commissioner by the gov ernor becauie his services were of no earthly value to this people George Wag goner. Mr. Editor, this i wi ittcn by one who worked for George Waggoner last win'.cr.and knows whereof he speaks when he :r that he wrote the article signed "I: 1 er" and published in the Ortgonian of.. . Iluth. He read the article to hi fan. at home In rav precnce. I kno.. from personal experience that Wag goner is an enemy of labor people. Charles Lawrence. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS lluMtana Deatoermtie. m Helena, Mont., May 14. The democrat have carried the election fur delegate to the constitutional convention beyond a doubt. tvery district in Kutte went democratic and other district which the repubhesns were con bdent of carrying. A heivy snow storm all over ft territory operated against anytliine like a full vote. Thi victory of the democrat will give them the power in the constitutional convention to re-district the present legislative districts, whereby of course,is a great advantage as 11 win prorjauiy tesuit in me election ol two United State senators of their jli ical pertua sion, The returns grow more favorable for the democrats a they come in later. The 1 OO Fof California. San FEANCisco.May 14. The grand .lodge of California, I O O F., met in it Thirty. seventh annual communication here this morn ing. The secretary s report show that the membership of the order has crow ti from 08; in 1853 to 26,477 in 1888. During this period tne total amount expended tor relief was 53, 566,940. A Washington Hurt Won. ixuisvil!.e, May 14. a big crowd wa drawn to the Churchill Down for the race to day by the contest between Proctor Knott and Spokane. There were few here from the West to back the Washington territory horse. The defer t of Knott in the Derby had shaken the confidence in him somewhat yet the odds could not be shoved to such ligtire as to induce the backing of the supposed small chance that be would be beaten. Knott took the lead, but rpokane passed him at the finish, coming in iwo lengins neai. A AYaliliiston Cyclone. Tacoma, W T., May 13. One of the most terrible duasters known in the annals of the Pacific Northwest happened in this city this evening, hour men arc known to have lost their livts by this accident, several are injured severely, and one, it is believed fatally, and others are missing. A terrible windstorm which came up a f:w minutes before 6 thi evening wis the cause of this catastrophe. Wal'er Kates, I rank McLonnell, hlamslaus Gervaisi, Thos. C Hell and H Snell were ki'lod, and several buildings demolished. A Railroad War. New York, May 13. There is great com- motion here in matters relating to Northwest ern railroad interests. The full facts are dif ficult to eet at, but it is learned that the con- test for control of the Oregon Railway & Navi cation Company through the Oregon & Trans continental has led to procs'-d-jit; which have produced great excitement among those interest ed, and which re denounced by the ami Vil- lard party as extraordinary and illegal. A Itig Jnilgniflnt. Washington, May 13. The V S supreme court to-day, in an opinion by Justice Bradley, awarded the executors of the will of Myra Clark Gaines the sum of $568,000 against the city of New Orleans, for the use of property sold by the city but recovered by Mrs Gaines.. Attain? tif l it. San Fram V, v 1 5 - .' , .'.'ss-'n Washington states tl-.t t'.ie st ; .ii.mi ut f J It Mashnnry, of Kan Tutu U. n, t of Alaska will bo made by President Kairumn to morrow. In this city the appointment give general satisfaction. Mahoney ha always been a good party worker, and last June before the convention, he organised a Harrison club in San Francisco, for which he received an auto graph lct'cr ol thank from the president. Vetoed It. . Albany, N Y Moy 13. Goveinorl till to day veoted the Sexton electoral rafbrin bill, on the grounds that the requirements that none but officially printed ballots shall be voted, and that each ticket shall contain the nnmct of all the candidates of all parties and combinations pretending to be panics, are cumbersome and unconstitutional. A turret UU Accident. Skattlk, W T., May la. Thi afternoon at 5:30 o'clock a terrible accident occurred on the Frnt street cable road, 011 the comer of fine and Second street. At diinny No. a came down the Second sheet hill the brake re fused to work. The car obtained great momen tum and in making the turn into l'ine street the passengers on the left siue were thrown olf. Among them were Mr Mrs Wm Wagner, of Chadwin, Neb., with two children. Mrs So phonia Wagner had her a year old child I'leny in her Inn, and w hen thrown off struck on her head ami neck. She was picked up and carried to the Griffith house, but expired before reach ing the house. Her oldest child, Ahno, aged 5, received severe tclap wound. The other child and the husband encd uninjured. Others injured are Ed S Gill, agent of the Urismcr Davies company, left nkle sprained) lr A E Gray, face and head cut. A I'lre at Sea. Plymouth, May 12, The steamer Rugia, from New Wk May a for Hamburg, which arrived to-day, reports that the cotton in her alter hold spontaneously Ignited on the night uf the 8th inst. The Hie burned lirrcclv but was quenched after live anxious hotirr, . during which everything had been got in readiness to abandon the steamer, lireat fiufhi ntcvailed among the passengers, who remained on dtck for forty eight horns, Thiuuuh the effort to quench the lire the cabin wete flooded and two thirds o: the pa&sengci t luggage was spoiled. T.. ..fil- . : ' . - , mvw iugvicw wcie iiijureti. si is icurcu the steamer's catgo is greatly damaged. A Had City. Iltl.tNA, Mont,, May U. -This city is in fested with a gang of burglar, shoplifter and passer of counterfeit money. The shopUftet are bold, doing their work in daytime, Three are under arrest, and the police are on the track of other. Most of the counterfeit money it in ten dollar bills, made in 1S75, bearing me signature 01 joiin Allison, register of the treasury, and John C New treasurer, and num bered No 186,633. Spurgeoa'a Son la aa Praaelneo. San Francisco, May I J. Rev. Charles Spurgeon, ton of the great Iondun divine, arrived to day by steamer (torn Australia. Jamplajc tirenrd Lowered, Lawrence, Mas., May 11. J FHartnett, of Dedham, to-day by a standing hop, skip and jump of 37 feet and i an inch.beat the record. I te cleared 40 feet with three standing jumps. ocating me woriu s record. Dr. M. U. Kill. 1 hy.uiau Alt any, Oregon, flail wada eouutrv. and in urge a tity 01 ih col wait until ti-uiotruw, whu yon foul sick, hut take iiamedtattly a d'XS cf Hundai' Oregon Ulood I'urttir and prevent serious attaea vf siukitma. It ia thr best liver regulator and blood cleanser in cxw- ace. Try it. rrmuns if ) wnut th it si hand nudo, eail inh L. i'ower.nost to Data cr-t olli.. "Tho-npaun It Overmsn fcnep the best har- UtN. . Citation, f.'i Cinay Cort 0 A State 0 Ortuon for Liz County, ' la the mattrr t.f Hie eut Guyer, a minor. of Oivy Tu A. C. fiuyrr, th. nixt i.f kiu, mud all peruic inUieUd in th viUUof the above DHine i minor. Grantimj i I 'i tlm Ds;n of th Statu f Orvymi, you are heret-y cito i md dir-ioted to vitr ia th County C-turt of tim St, to f Orrgna, far ineo mnty of Lion, tt tl; court room thereof, at Albany, ia the eouuty of Lion, on Baadar, tke lt stajr r Jaitj, hn. at 10 o'clock ia the forenoon of that day, then and tbr to ow eauso if any there! why a licenss should not be grsntwt to A C Gayer, the gnardiaa of aid minor, for the sal of the reU estate f said ward aa describ ed in the pxtiti.ui of tho cuardtsc cf laid ward nuw on tile witn the Clerk cf the above named Coart which atid real proerty ia des cribed, as follows to-wit : An undivided one ciiith cf the timih half of tne northst fourth, sod the northwest fourth uf the south eskt fourth of tee t. on t, ami the south wtst fourth of the northwest fourth of section one, in township elvu south of raoce one west of 1 he Willamette meridiau in Lion county, Oregon, containing 160 sere, more or lets, Witoet. th Hon. I. U. N. iilaokhori., odge uf the County Conrt of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lino, with theses of iid Coiirt affix j, thi 13th day of May, A.D..1&U9. Attest s E. K. MbKTAUt'B, CUrk. (t ) Citation. a tht County Cm rt of thi Slatt of Oregon for the County of Linn : In th matter of too jUU of Alrncna R. Daniel, a minor, To F. M. Daidel, th next tf km and all peiaontt lnteroi I in t!i vatate of aiiove oamad minor, Urodilng ; IN tie nam of tfo 8tat of Oregon, yoa are bt-rtby. citod tad directed to ap pear In the bounty Court of th Ht of Urcgrn, for tho county 01 LIm at tho court room thereof, at Albany, In tlie county of Lin a on Hoaday, tbe 1st day r July, IHH9, at 10 o'id'xtk In the formioou of that day, tben aud thor to cauae If auy thf-re-re why a llcerie t-innld not tie grHiited to V. M. Dantol iuar.iian nf said minor for toe sale of the nil i..iato or aitld ward a dr-Hciiiod In tha itifou of tbegHardian of raid want i.n . file with tti Clerk of the above i.a-i I Court, wbh h aaid real esVttx tt dworitwl u( follow, to wit : An undivided two-ulnthael the tout h half of ttie northea-rt f irtb,an l the tjortbra. fourth of tbe aotittioaat fourth of wciion two and the aoutbwvat fourth cfthe north wet. ourtu of a'.-clioii oiip. lownnhlo elovitn south raneo one wmt of 1 he WHlamotto inpr.dliin In fjoii i-j.iini.v- Oregon, oontslumi? la acrwi more or lem. witoen tlie lion. I). It. N II U-jkburo. Judgn f tho Coumv Couttof Hie Htat. of Orrsron. tor the county of Linn, with ihn al of eald Court aftlxer, tills 13th day of UIBjr, a, II. W, Atteat : E. K. Mont oust. Clerk, (l. a.) Vi STT T VfJi'Vil'r,u,,Icl,!t' lfcilL 8 U r. t!i-nM'" can .,, , -, . It 'n l!w h ..t r.c -ii l..t. j;.c Si-'i.i.; carts tt'i 1 . aii-.l IK-aM.i. ') . nn. 1 1. ;.! I,,; tjUlc.vj.l '. .1. I mi Ir aU iJl. , i:.iii. ;s 1.1nl Sk.11. i KaU.iU, Coated Touirue 1 - j. t .ii. vt l'1'imt'i.a'.ioH, Uilii:u ri!i. flr.Vf-s all iiii.;;r'lli H out ut .h - Uiod Ami ip cUi Sorts, nivii buy it, l!:e Wcirsiii.tmtH us ...... ... 1 11. i.iifimtrs it.llie L.-.iIks me 1 , me iinioi-(-n irv icr u niui tlie farmrrs say I :s tlu ir beisl lie (!lli in rtrvtr, tla. 1 cvvrt'wlierv, j i.i o t.uUk ; tix for fj.oo a. wixi.tu., I. c. JOHX40.1, 1. litYzsr, a. sii,tjk, WI53BLL,JJHJSfl.i& CO,, REAL ESTATE DEALERS ANDM3N.Y BSOXIHS. C.uivovajciiriz r.1 ail Notarial work piomiHly d'Hin. P. O, box, 8M. Jeaft'.e, Washington, Pur Brown Lvkhorit taa at Ml per sett i i) f. Tim Letihorus are the greatest egg producer now rnistd. Address, F. C. Hoffman, P. O. box 370, Albany, Or., or call at .residence nn 3rd Street botweeu Mont- Bjoir.ery and lUilr.-ad Strent. . ir - V ,r 3 j WHOLESALE. Harflware, Iron, Steel SOLE ACENTS FOR WASHINCTCH AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Thai Maehlnea ara too well known to nd eommaat. Thousand of far mora hava used tfcam and tptak of them with praise. They ara the only Harvstln Machine that will girt ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purobaw. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAH'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most Effective and Snceaaiful Combination for Thmhlng and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. BUCKEYE smuRAMf TWINE-BINDERS. rTh Feature that itMlnattlshvs this Twin. Binder Is th UnbtetM at Draft, eomblnsd with Its extraordinary Mrongth Mid Imnktllty. Tli Itlmlsr Is of the Aiphtiy mttorn, ths only rwtllv mKKWMlul ens t known. Wa h two styles, th KlsvsWf UlnuM and ths iWuuu UinOsr tietb llit-ttti rwuiuiiMtitlvd by hundreds at patron. , SBfflJITLER FASH IAH0NS, SSKS sffi BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIH DISC HARROWS, HODQES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. -SEND FOR CIRCULARS." Executrix Notice, Notiee la heiobv ulven that lb umlur alKttwi haa Ikmiii by tli County Court ior mdh county, oivkou, 'tuir appointed Kxftcutrl of th lKt will and totamtil of Henry i'anlaud, daoeaao, late of Idun county, Oregon, All trsona having eiaitns agamm aabi Mtatara norebyno tlfivu to prtwe-nt thm duly vanned to 1 ha r.xewucrix at naisy. Urngcn, rtuly vert iWt within mix months from Ihht dU). Tblss l?ih day of April iKti'X M. J. l'KNI.AIl, Kxwutrlx of tho Inxl will uf Henry IViilaii't, Uec'd J. K. WtUTiftinroRD, AU'y. Administrator's Hotick Notice U hereby civea that the and rrlnn- ed have been by the County Court uf Linn eouuty. State of Oreeou, duly apnoiotad Ad miaistrstor .f the estate t Koix'h Jloelt, decessed, tnte of said count v and Stats. All person hvin ulaiuit aitalost i4 estate sr miuired to pmseut tlioui proirly vcritlod to the anderu(el at Iiatrisbiri;, ljuu eouuty Oreitoo, within sis mouth from thi dat. Thi 4th dty of Ai nl. Wi. w . r. M us 11 ALL au Hay, ). K. WaATiu!xai. AdtuiuUlratu rr. Att'y for Adru'r. Notice for Publication. Unlud 8(atM Jjind Oftlc? at Oroiron City, Ur., Marco 22od, JKhl). Nutlie In erby jriven tbatln coeiiJI- one wun iiim proviMon ui tan act 01 CnKrtuHi cf Juim 3rd, 18.8, emii.l An art for th sailu or timber land In that K'Bte of California, Orogon, Nevaila and WanMrigtoo Territory," Hury W Kiwvcn, or A many, county of Lion, Male- cf (ire, gon, baa tbtaday filed le tbta office bit hworn Ktatoincut N. 407. f r tha purchajm cfihN HofS-W U and N of H H j of noctien no, si, 111 iowmmp ro, -j aoutti I!nc "to, 4 wr.d will eflur fitoof t show thai tha Imtil .iiii'ht 1m ihiii. vtn j ablti for it tttntwr or rtuno than for agr. cultural porpft!, wntt f eoubUab bM nialnt to utlil In ml tsnfnr I lis HeaUtMr and reeelvnr of Ihta oftlcu at tfregou City, urv(!oulou Tburv'ar IMSCtli slay r Jmu, taao, II naffita aa wiinmmaa : ii F Tablor, At. rmtronif. a 'Toouio and flu-hard roa, ail of Albany, Ucu connty. ortvon. Auy and all .diii claiming ailverwly uin shots uescricHiu ianqa ari raquaateu ut 11 10 tnxir ciaim in ".tu orjcm on or I; tor said 2 Jtb v'ay or J ios 1hm. ' KKttr. Notice fo? Pnblication. . Lti.d OlBce at Orrgon Citv, Orefioe, , Match 23tb, - Notice is hrLy fcivva that James Crabtree of Linn eouuty, Oregon. fJuardiau of the tuinorheir of JoaU l'owell, dfCMd, who triad Homestead Kotry No. 414U3, lor the N I of N K X acd S K I of N K of See. "ti, i'p. IIS., HI w., ha fctveu uottee of bi in tention to make fm.l proof in topiort of said elrim for the heir at law of id Juab 1'ow elt, deceased, and ihi-.t mud yroof will be made before the County dti!B, or in hi ah tence, before tb Coocty Cle'k ot coun ty, at Albany, Oregon, on I rl.Ur. May trtlb. laae. H uaiuv the followii-)! witoMtea to prove aaid Jotb i'tiwell'tooutinuoiia reeideuoo oiiou aud euiUvatii.n of, ud Uod, via.- J A irockett, lliomaj Urockett, A J Filxwatcr and ft Fowell. all of lbaoori, Uun coun ty, Oregon. Any perron who de.ire to uroteat aaaiost tb allowar-ce of such prcof. or who know of any subfcUntml ressoo, nud-r the law and tbe rrgalation of the Interior Deparf merit, why such proof sh;uld not b tllowed, will be given an opportunity at the abov meoii'.rn-d time and plsc to eroexamine the witness- ea tt alJ elairnaot, and to (.Iter evidence m rebuttal r.f that submitted by cltimant. W.T.Bcrsist, Kegister. Notice for Pablicatloa. Land Ofllce at Orayon City, Ur, Mav 7tb. lftfc'J. f Notice is hereby rIvou Unit the f illov,'. In named nuttier has filed tto'ioe uf hla lntfliition to tuaku Hrtal proof in upiort i 1 inn mitim, mm mt. aain pr ior win n made tirTore tlio County Jnfuo, or in hla abenoa, bwforo the County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, urerjou, on , Hominy, July Bib, IHS9, via: W. H Nicr-ol-on. 1 loin em pad Knf.r HoMDl, for tho S ff 8 nn-1 H V ois cj-seeiion si, 10. n,i,K3 k lie nstnj sua loiiowinif witnoHMeH 10 prov ol ocn tinuou upon and cultivation of aaia land, viz j i u Cofwy, Jobn Unari, nlchard Myr and 3 Drury, all cf nock t reok, l.inti county, Oregon. Any tMwin who ?tlr! to protest BrfwuAt toe aiiowunro or hwo proof, or win, know or any ubiUtotmi roaaon. under tbe law and the retaliation of tb ioterlor Derartmcnt, wby auoli proof .-,oii'u urn uo aiiowen, win ue Riven an opportunity at the above mentioned time am p:ace to erow.examlnn ina witnesae or wid clalrr ant, aud to offer evidence In rtDultal urtbat aubiolttod by claimant. W. U. liUIlKKT, Begleter. Tir.NTKD -200 eor.N of mple timber v w to oe na ror uiiinuiaotunnif otialra for fiartlnularti Inrjnire oft). A. Archibald at nfiloe o. the Par intra' Vrehouo, Al bany, Oregon. A '' . IJfOS Some fine Janey Rl firaale . atjjapln.-e Finest plgt la ,nr!et C'l oi orwMioj lfj Jen, a', liu. -nt. Or., and 'it the b ut to h vl. 1 OO OR80 ACRES. fUO aores ol flee fsrmltitr or fruit laud, 4 milt a wratrf Aiuany. ror onty jaa an acre, wi; I tu CO flares i' dalred, Nioely Inoateii Ci 1 ca Coorer Turner on CorvalUaroa I, FRESH Grass and Garden - all kinds at STEWART &S OS! Front, First ami Vice Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. DEALER IN anil Farm LmGlu 1U - Albany, Or. Notice for Publication. Laud Oflka at Oregon City. Oregon, Match Sfitb, li. Notice is hen by uivu that th following usinod lenUr hs filed uottee of hi inUntioo to ml tin d piuof in supuort of hi claim, ml that asid urouf will be mad bsfor th County Judg, or ia bi absne, before h Uuuuty viara 01 Mon eouuty, at Albany, Urj(ou, rrlclay. May llib, Itsa. via 1 wau refer Johnson, Homestead fcatry No. for tbe N t of S K i and a 4 ot N i: of Stec. 18, Tp. 12. S it I K. Ha name the follow Ian wiluctsa to prove hi Mtotia nous rmiidanoe upon and cultivation of, aid land, vi 1 HatttunI aimout, rrauk Kedell, Grant lan lltiy and John Siitons, all af Lb anon. Linn county, Orciion. Any t arson wuo dire to protest aaaiaat th allowance of such proof, or who know of any nbtantil reaaoo.uudor tbe law and th regulation 01 the luUrtor Hprtniot, why tuoh vrool tbould not b allowed, will ba giveu aa opportunity at th above meotioued time and flac to cross tsamic th witneaa- s of id elaimaat, and to o3r vidno ia rbattl of that aubmitted by elaimaut. w . i. jH'RxaaY, Kegiater Notice for Publication. United h'tatf Iao1 Ofiloa, Oreifuft City. Or.. Wareh 11. 19. f Noilio u fii-riy given that Iu coinpli ance witn u. irov.airma or me act of Cong. M of JuuSrl. l7tl, entitled MAn act fr the sate uf limber landa In tbe Hcaumor California. urirn, Nevada aud VVabinBtnn Twrrttory," Wliiiaw W. Ku-bardvon. of Mr to, county of Linn, 81 ate i f Oinin, !) t!il dsy Uk1 IntbtaofUce bia aworn autmuont No. 447. for tbe pnr cbamiofibeM K H of S K X of fectioo No. 'i. in Tjwr.ship No. 10 eouth, rane No. 1 wtmt, and wilt cflr proof to snow that tbe laud wuuetit i tnoie valuable for liatitnber or atoue than for agrtettUara turiHwe. and t eatabllab bia claim to oai't land before tbe hcjistsf and lUceivar or tnte cm eat Oregon cuy, Uregon, on rMay, ikm Tth slay mt Job, laea, lie tiaias witneeaea 1 AM Luoaa, W O Mit er. 11 Miller and J W Common. all at 8clo, Lion eouuty, Oregon. Any ana ail pomme eiaiuun; aaveraeiy tb above- limcri bed landa are requested to flie ttiir olairua in tbia office on or be fore- aaid 7tb day of J un, Ihmu. w. i. uemwar, itegiaur. Notice for Publication.- Uiid OtS? at Oreaoo City, Or I April 2iod. 1!'J. ( Notice I beraby givea that tha followio uauivd settler ba bled notice ef bi intention to mk final proof iu support of bi claim. and that aid proof will be made- before tbe County t'lcik of liao county, at Albany, Oregxu, on Tuesday. Jace SSlk, laae. via: John S. Myr. iionast.! r.oirv JSo. 7161, f-r tbe 8 VV of See. 2S, Tp. 0. 8, K 4 H Ha oatiies th i foltowms wttnee te prove his coutiaoou residence aoe and eul tivatiun of, said land, with a view to sum. moling (aid entry with cash payiatnt, uod eo. 2301. It S t W II B 8twit. Henry lleseinau. Wm Clark and K S itarasr, all uf Ilock Cttrk, Lion couoly, Or. Any person who desire to protest aaainst the allowance uf tuch proof, or wbo kuuw ef any substantial reason, under tho law and tbe regulation of th Interior Department, why audi proof should not be allowd,will be ttlven to opportunity at the abov mentioned time sod pliee to cross examine the witness es of id elaimaut, and to offer nvidaace iu rebuttal of that submittal by elaimaut. W. T. Bi:ret, Kgiter. Kotico for Pablicatlon. United State I .and DfBne.Oregoa Clty,Or. April Ziud, Notli'A U herebv triven that io com nil anr wiili the provinlona of the act of Con- gro-s or.runallril. 1S7S, entitled "An act lorth a e of limber landa In the NUtee of caiirr! tia. Oreeon, Nevada and waeb ineic-n 1 rriiory." Lander Hrowsl o SUytoi, miuty of Marion, Ntate mt 0e g-.ii, ba mm day filed In tbia c ffioe bia worn statement No. tiii, for tbe purebaae me r H 01 necuon 0. 0, in TOW It ship No. o aoittli, Range No. 3, eaut,ent wtli offer irr.f.f to abow that tba laud aoulb la more valuable fcr ita timber or htoue than mracrlcaltural purpose), and to elablih bin c laim to ald land riefere tho KouiNter and Receiver of thin office at orogou City, Oregon, on Friday, that uayofJulv. 1880. tin nameaak witiMMiea: N. Mhaw.T. Sima and W, Host, all of nui city. Marion county, aud J. K, IlrowD, of Aibanv. Linn countv. all of rBon. , Any am! nil poraonaclalrtlng ailTereely tbe above rleaeribed laud ara reoueeted to file tbsir claim in this offlee on or uerore a,i mh day of July, 18 Reglater. Administrator's Notice. In the County Oourt of the State ff Ortgonfor jjnm voun'.y. In the Uiatter of tho estaUef Gee. W. i McBritle, d noons';. Notice i hr.mhv civf.n that the under inn- en Auuiii.uiraior of aaid estate ha Ultd hi final account thriu with tb Clerk of mid Court ud that the Court haa appointed Saturday, June Htls. 1889, at on o'clock in the afternoon for tha hear, ins of objectiona to asid account aud for tha settlement thereof. Published by order cf D. It. N. Blackburn, County Judge. Albsj.y, May Cih, 1889. J. A. McBrtdb, J 0, Powell, Administrator. Attorney. City Heat Market. SHDLTZ BEDS,, tTOptletOTS. Keep a full Una of meata of all kind, in a coot place, completely pro. tected; and alwaya fresh. Alo bave constant! v nn band aaloxu ncl other flah. aery SPECIALTIES. mmm Fssbionable and Styliah Sintv, BuhIub Bull, Lilit woiijht ter SnlU. Boya, youtb'a and ehill 'fn'a mita. Hjittmer Furnishing Goods. . linn of llli. it ondfiwear baHirgan aiid woolfti ; n-ckwfa., fm wire UKnd, guarant'fd for two ; ail tha laiwit I00TS AND SHOES. linn in kU dH,.artmrnt of th Wt U b markeU A iHrgtt HATS Bupleao Paabienablet'opa, among otbera . Jobn B. Btoteon bale. Tailoring nutloa at romarkaSU to Sticti a fin First-Glass Goods atforbelov COST. FOP ,ls General uercbodi. ol all kl f aboev. Cash for Goods or WE ARENOW FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionerys Etc. We shall endeavor atjall times to serve our cus IfniTiflrB in tbe best possible manner, we always aim to purchase goods sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to om . grocery business we receive subscriptions for all the leading newspapers aau Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps, seal s, etc. We cordially invite all whe bave no1 dom3 so to favor us with their patronage. We hopf by jfair dealing and careful attention to business to inn -it a continuanee of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, F. L. iron )mg$f Paints, 0ilsf Brushes, Alabas lioef Artists' Materials, Etc., a-o to CITY DRUG STORE Guiss & Son. BROWNSVIXLE. 0 . p. Gosssow & sons, E.Bal Estate and Insurant Agents. Real estate aofd and Collet Mam Notarial buslues attorsded fov in novrinri". fine atock of tbe S iitamadft to orr "" . ... jut mttwt tninel ntt than er ii rr. LJJLAt call od uiu. Particular; tin 1 io a Country prdtcc- Gr W. SIMPSON &lbD) Orrg. IN THE F1ELI Tt of the best quality and to Very Respectfully, KENTON. Ke.q uircmcnts of a Stenog 'apher, SJ0 " ' : 9 r fl Sucrewl as a tnoprapher, one must Ik; 110 J J KiirMte In shorthisnd, skilled la 'pe rittnir, tt good penman, a coiupeteut cor liwtMiiuient. In the Shorthand Depai tmentof the I -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE SHOROUOM TEAOMIMQ iu shorthand, DAILV PRAOTICC ji type-writing, careful instruction in penman ship and AOUNoaht driu. in correspondence amply qualify students lor positions always open to those fully prepared to All them. Send for catalogue. A. P. Armstrong, Psin,, Portlano, Ourxos. yrar, 1889. SPRIUG A!!D LADIES' DRESS GOODS Tlit? hry,Bt aiock ioi (C' trariuty id prion and I curried, and aa xm1 valuo aa eer offer f U tbe citizen cma-y. . ' Special Bargains U 'lci- Mid l.lrcka. Setaotkera, IngUaa, cbambieyt, Frsntb , .rinffc at .1 arb fabric . A'l (he novtliUa ot tbeaww " iu Mack and d"oi" I will hrtaiMMshii. faitbor to ay about tbi fe . day. .' Y :kmbhoideries, skirtings FlouLOuittr, arJ .11 nvst "n cambric, Sti and Iodi L3w. I bis vu just opaed ibo largM.1 invoice ci oovdtiVa t tbia hue ever x bibited ia tbia city, aud at grMIj reduced (ri. Piques, Lawns, Nanaooka in whit, eeru and colors, thn erer before offered in thia rity. TABLE In browt and bleached. ' Tbia atock I bought ia New York at i than importer' prion, and am able to gU gocd bargaini. 3 iocb all linen bleached at 50 ornta per yard and ober in f roj-ortion. TOWELINGS, Ail tbee eooda I buf direct from them much cheaper than if boneht tiliee io N-w York, and aea ofleriog them at prica ttat am aeii tbe good. Ladies Cotton Hose Are cheaper tbia year than ever before. I bae ai.ccutded in grt tiog aocoe good bargaica, all ot which I cATering to uiy custocuera the aauie iu MISSES AUD CHILDREN'S, TI.e above i an outline of the r tod will endeavor to do my pari towarde-eecuring tbe tiaoe io Uan and adjoining covctiea to Albany, and to kep up with tbe precession of the lively and yrowing tity of" Albany. I will bave aoaetbing aay about Carpets, Boois and Shoes, Groceries, Ax. SAEV1UEL B. YOUNG The LEADING Gwcery Store Wallace, Tbonpsoii & C's. IS WKAT KEEPS TKEM IN THE Stoclsof GROCERIES and PRODUCE is always Completo- GHAS Real Estate, fmploymen and Insurance Agent . A.1 oommuioatWs pioroptly ana,ered la GermanorSngllab. OFFICE: ELLSWORTH EETWEEH FIRST ADSECCXD STREETS. ALBANY OREGON. 1009 USD TRIliGS, bavo ver of Lion In Cashmeres, India Linens, t t pric eery much thpft LINEN, CRASHES, ETC. importer! tf the bale, and can sell of jobber towol 1 boy ia qoau- aura to - Jicy I am going to do business on -t IS- l3 S"" SUMMER METZGER 1 I f L X j