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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1889)
w;.U!:j u California "tVlA- !. . .. t. Irn Pacific Company's Llns. ;TIIK MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. ti;u batveMi All-r ail tilt Fruidwi, 1& hour eAumaau stmras it tiss Kc su.v ttetvreea rertlaad ami Baa c'raaelsee. j Nirirth Ari 104& L I 0 6 M L I J ih) r l.i'u r. u. l.r Mm I l.v .AS AN Ar Portland Alb my Sad t..nlr bi-'airAsss-toisTati ic vKtop gauds)). ( W it IU liiir l.r iwm (Ar Ar I ttn Lr I ll;Sii l.r 1 IMS) B Kumme LaSANO MAMCU, ut a I l.r foa I Ar j I! iim I L j a I Ar Aluatiy (.tmiiun A Until T Lslianon Ar bv r I :4 a Ar I tMl Lvl I:tWa PULU!AhElJFFFTJ.tE?ERS. X Jurist -its, . . ... ' . ! , , , -1 ' (' . . k I -S. TU 4 T. cVs .errv n a,." .' ' " 'tt the .jm t- Vm iV . - wt t , v.. " hUkIi.1, -ri M If lsl.M. nm:t.v u iMU, r .. i ... '.t 4 '.rt tu. a.- . i. r . l.r I i :. r a li i." r . Ar I. .. tr M.H W I1'. Sun.Ur. i -r m I l.v rn I Ar Ar I 9 "0 A M l.v i.. a a MiAilliliMlt TliroujjU Tielccstw To all polata SOTJXII AND EA3T VIA CALIFORNIA. F.w uil rrr-Un rta, maoa, ate, R. KOh.Ul.ER, a K- ';iK"'K1?'.. Mr A-t . tr. auU f. A THE YAQU1NA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Kailroid, rf ja Ivel?mni Conspany'a Hteam. ahlp Una. 225 MILES SHORTEf.. 20 HOURS LESS TIME .n by any other K4U. IratolaM through paaattnirrir ana iBht lino from IMrtland aod all polata ibo Wlllamott Valley to an. from 8ao anolaoo, CaU .fllaaetta Piter Una of Steamers. fh -Win. M. Uoasc." Tha H. In t V." Tha -Tbrea Suiiom" rt la "frvlo .nedia'.o point, loavlrJ fompauyT whari; No!M "J IWi Front rort Und, thnw tltnoa wrtk aa CoUowa : NORTH BOUSO. Ur r Alii. SlJ !. WjliraUjya ad Krt 4at .4 4. A f. J . Arr.taA al ! Al ( a, in. Arrira at furlUitJ 4 J . m. s.n ru ial"si. Ur I . Arrl.alA.. a at 7.14 p. """' IVmU nisKa c!at9 connection at A I ban a-titl trains of ilia Oregon lailQJ lUllroad. TKK M.'llKOt'LK. (aaorH SotWUra.) Un Albior, :. a, , Uara Yanoma, .: A,a. Iaan Cwailia, l:Hr..Lawt CwlU.l. A.B. Arrla Vwiutna. i.W r. a jArma Albany, I1:W A. a. O A C. tnia MOfie i Albany nd CorvalilM Tl abova Uiu conn&ctat Yafiuia with tb.9 Oreaa Dov.iopinant CJorunany'a Um uf SW4UUlpa bolween YaWna an J Saa Franciaoo. N.IIL15U DATES r "a. W 'Wm-nt Va-KT. o-lr. Artril ts-.b. Mo.L-., Mf " it. il i -1. ;.! t ' ' to .'l..' . .' i , i. . ..V ' IfwO ..Mi' tt Si , ! : ; ii.' I- !- . i u ''. riti.. " !: J !'." i"v to Y 4' u ....;::; !-h-;"iv ' ( '.J Ssiil.ii. iru?r ae .rln:it KaIi utrt.Aj If Ar.t. ivr i!i'.r.iii" "' it" !1 j l i " I St.tirt, Fr'.iha ;! rVt Api. Al . O il llij.i, Jr, O. K. P. m, re-,iKi IVal.t;i3.t . M n.lHairj Hvi t'rn':.. Ctl. 4. t H-aiil ft.. . . t. vi I ? fjat. i i)r rn: t: K .1 " 'irAlli rr.OPMETOR OF - Albany '?cda Works. .3l ManAfscroror. of C2CI33 C33KJK033HT. tVnr.r r prtiprnl V-.II at !. alway frh 4ml para at l..rl. d fa to rtrialHrn. We kwp 4 fi.ll Of fiuta an1 "rspbe-i raits IQAR3 AND Ton CCO 'e? '1? 33111 J3 A. XE K , ALBANY, - - - CfitCON. 8tl t. n'- .. td V '.-, Kracco and P.ii-.IhimI. Hnv n tfiriif tl 'ty warntn il' ; 41tMrtH rt'l rwiv rttft AtUrtt' t, 'rr-iHMl ' ar V r ALB:rf, . OREGON" cmas. !'FKirn:n imiuetor. .io:):i-1 v!-'i f i.t ib ruarkft. '...- ;.'!, .iifi r.. !'.. "rnp! r'torn ' .-. 'i il f'-'i! 'nvn'ii i i . i I .-..i, -f rfl. J AT ':.i"'J K ' ataf.lon lu lit ' . V 1 to b Oat.-. i . r 1 . 1 t '1 v,. . 7 1 '.uriiarccoii!i!ie:;il. ctacaaai- ' "p-! 1 r ... t.i .r-;''i sJL-s.a 't:;i.4 A I ! .'III ' 1 ' . .) l.t ' -s 1 i '. T ri'.!ri!..'ijt. r:u rWMIBa H. 3. SliNTnoo. Pr.s. S. I akk v.l, V'u) ntu B. fo,'S. S r. Tlic'Jregoa liand Company OrAiiiZf.1 f.r th ! purfi ...) .i.'bu vim,' al shIIIii' silr luinif tlia Willmtttn VaII.. In .11 ..( Uif lillll liW!! ;x).-s .rf lie I'uitc.l 8tt4M. H.i.j.lm iiijf Kutcni aiiU ti ilirnct liorus oksrA in bo irn:n atla Vali;y, nr.'J li me sinfs in all 'ha .rim;iil iiwiis of llri..n. Polk, l.lmi. Uriituo, 0jrfiauiM an Yamhill .oii:ittB. in aid In Uicd:i liiimlijraiiU. iim! in tha ll Bull'lin onr ,.- ,mt . ( f art at fc', JlOIIBOXjar DIC'KISbO.V. Mina;fiS. V.ZT.ZZ A1LKEMTS. Kcjwrtwt.Til.,' Wy ao, iw My tnaro caught coldt result t swulled limbs i lump bctwcou fore-leg and liiflsm nation. CuradUet With St. Jacob Oil. 0 GARDNKft. TnMbnro.Te.. June 0, lie. My horse u bnrt jr on bind leg l suOVred 10 months t waa cored by St JaeoU Oil : euro has remained permanent. W. J. CLINli. J08. cairk MMrsotf, e.i. Bee, ractrta Coaat Blood-Horn Association, say! "Doing familiar with the remarkabl. efficacy of 8U Jacob Oil, I cheerfully and heartily Indorse thla valuabl. specific for painful ailmcnu," lion. ODEN BOWtR. Ea-Oovornor of Mary land. Jockey Club, Frert. City Pase. Hallway Co., sayst "la my family and my stableal bar nsed PL Jacobs Olt with satisfactory reiulta, and believe it the beat remedy fur Uie painful allmcuta of man and boast" At tltfOOIKta AMD DtALtna. THBCHARLEI A. VOGELCR CO..Bltlmor,l!a, 13 R. J.I. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OiHoo-oor. Klrtami arry ISU'at'Ui", ALBANY' OREGON DRaCaWATSOiM f.lASTOW Phyuician and SucgooM. Ottlc opixi!!1 il tiwuiooia'.. DR. W 11. DAVIS, Physici-cn and Surgeon. ay b found at ll oco "y J nSUU May DR. C. U. CHAMBERLIM, EomeopatMc Phjsicim ani Surgeon Special attention o diseases of the eye. ar.ini- cirnar of 1 blc J n t I.yoti SI, ALBAHY, FOSHAY St. MASON. -T.avA--.a a mtaii- ru!iristanii Booksellers, Ai'atiufor Johi B. Alil.n'a pubUcatlona, ALBANY. om:JOK gTTT black&i ahT Snetesr ' II'. .'?. ll ALF.K IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOPS COMBS ETC. J.K 7EATHEErORD, (.NUTAU.T I'VBUC.) kTTO UN KV AT I-A W, alb i NY, :;. rrrni PKAGT1CK IS ALL THE COl'RTS OF THK ATTOHaNIEY at law AndSoUeitor-iatnanccrj OUEti. C-jllaotHoi pr- nt-tly lusdo o-nu v Sn.noaotlr.ted on wsonablertu jn'nt WHITNEY, a a B IttcruEy An?, "oimsellcr &t. w Iottn- riibliv. v'iU pr i tr rn " " I nn Intro"? ' M! .tlMSUlO. ill h prompCy jUondml to. D. H 3. BtACKC! Of, W. WKIiA'tT BLACKCUBH & WRICHT, Attorneys at Law, W Uprarti a l" ill the Court r.f th SUto. Vrumpt tir.lioa Kiveo to all bosl na auvrnatod to (urcrn OlTlo OdI Va Tuinp'.e, Albtny.Or. T. J. STITES. ATTOHNKY T IaAW AM- No ary PuMic. .... FOB KA tAf UN First National Rani. OF ALBA. OKKJi" ITttMant... Vl. PrsakWiit Clilsr. Arst Caliil.r.., f .N .... . . v 1 i . -j ...t:. w. im. . ...liX. V. f'VVr.l.L TRABSACT3 A OESKKA U b km-.-'"t' r- ACC0UNT3 KBIT ubj4 if. ! RIGHT K.XflHANOB an l tr' Mi'liie tf ivii-r, u Xw Y'jrV, Ha: K.h vi '''' ir.m. COLLECTIOVb SIAtlKwi li.trl.! ito. ItlKfA'TOka j. P. Vw'Jn, F. W. LASontiM. ' L K UUAis. I- Kuan. Vai,i.a R 'It km si-1. Li?"j County - Rank, COWAN. U ALSTON & CO., I ncue'srr t.i i'.j.ui 9 Cusii.k.) ALBANY - - OKSGOrj. TnAN3A0TSii:i"'rttl Usnkln r.u.ii.f. 0-UW ! 1 It I U'.'l n Vj' Ma., r-vi in vli PurtlA-ll, il.jii LOAN' M0.VKY..H aj.pnno aooiiri' riEf KlVEUe'KMiu uti j ch'iik S0:l Aewlnr-Marhlnf ai en.- .AiAuii.n d la .21 SAil. bv i -I" k4 ."1 wSm ta r .I'.'bMi. w will Mr. imtm tewtor-nuif litui rtial m h world, with ait tt (( timm!). win o (id f re a cwfi-f irtm of our cmiIjt ami I art utmplM. In rtturn wa aak tbat you -tiutv ft bftt wi acu4 to ihoae who may ra i. at your bom,nd aficr 3 mnntnaaii anaii rxfonra voitr vwa proiarijr. Tin JfTaniJ it mad1 aft r u ptn patent. : Frorauatanta whtca hart run eat: rirorapianta , run out tt u4 tor with tha Li'-hmeata. ana now Mil for M&0. bei,airoarfl,mpat oa. rt, mat bta m IM world, All l o eautial roauired. rials. 1 wh wrtu lo aa as onca can aa- rir aV tba bmt awina;-fM tn in th world, and tha tWfct iinorVir)isui niyn an avr tiaown toaftntrin America. Poultry Wanted. All klndaof poultry, ailve or .Ires ed, wanted at the vY'llUirwite I'tckln Com pany'. -Storn, A Ibaoy, Oregon. 19 mm l.K ItY FOSM AY A -r- liaffVM tiWIWlIil 1 V FFICIAL APEX. TKJlPKKAXCrS rOl-UMN. Ktllted by AllMitiy WC.T. V Ann cupccliil fnvor to tha mnniiRer o! the Ocnlcnnlul ball, tlio New York Senate L pancd a bill bIIowIhk the auUioiiiiea oi New York CUv to i!'tt apcilal IlccnCi lor aula of liquor at ball till Ave oVock In the morninir. Instead of closing at one o'clock aa required by Die general law, The rpjit of the collection of Internal revenue In the United Ktutea for the flrat elj;ht month of the llcil jreur etullnj June iS8S hov that there ha been nn lncice on distilled liquor over the corresponding ironthoflitt vcar, of $,508,317.31 and on fermented liquor of $6,t37,:8. None of thl Increase, however, come from the two proMMtlon rlotca, Iowa and Kan. In t.wa ilf-re tu been it decrease of $59i , So1, jcoii tlKiilU'd, mul on ferment ! ed lUiuor $.i;,57'j 11. in Kan.i llicie liitaliot been a alngle dollar collected on either distilled or fer mented llilUOI't. In local opllun Gcnryla, however, there ha Men an Increase of $i.l,4Kj.5.( on tilt tilled liquor, and of $4,7;j.Sj on ferment ed Honors. Thu the Internal revenue report is an other tnttlinonr that prohibition I the most edectlvn method cf dealing with the liquor question. The rlnurethat weie furnished throuifh the kindness of Commissioner Mason, also thawed that not a dollar had been collected during the present year on alills and worm In either Iowa or Kaunas. ( i,iai .tiffn,u. Oakland, Im!., a small town ten mllr- from Indlnmipolls, has had a revival of the Crurade. Kepler' place, a saloon tncre, did so much Injury thutthc mniher of the village decided It must be closed. They watched ISe place, tecurcd the name of mn visiting tr, and had them brought be fore the Grand Jury to testify to the pn' prlctor' se'.Umf ftquor In violation of law, In aquad of four or five they went Into the saloon and sat there m ar the bar, until re lieved by the next squad. They recorded ejrery drink sold with the name of the pur chaser, l-florts were made to liiuinl.lule the plucky women, but In vain. The re suit Is several Indictment against the a loon keeper, and the closing of hi place county roruT rnorr.r.rist!H. (t. R. N. niackbam, 4u.l ; It W. Cooler and 0 W. PUIill, Comm!ljne rs. ) The county court convened Thursday after the arrivtl f the train, in order to hear the report of V J MHler In reference to the Jefferson bridge. Mr Miller, who had conferred with the Marlon county court, thought It improbable that any action could be arranged o.i this year for building cither bridge by the two counties, and the maltera of the two bridge were continued for the present. A bridge was o'd-red constructed at Waterloo, bids to lie advrrllsed for the tame at once. AUo a small bridge otos the Muddy. Fes nf county court oilier r a were al lowed. The fence around the court house was ordered lowered nudpaleted, an Improve ment long needed. L Dooita was allowed $S for Munsen family; 1) R N niackhum, examining Jef ferson bridge, $i;G V I'hllHp, aamc, $U;KJ Miller, examining alte for bridge at lefferaon. $75: 'J W Coo,cr, examining bridge, $3. Bridge across Crabirce creek. neacCyru mill, was ordered buirt. BK AIvfor publishing descriptive pamphlet of Linn county, allowed $50. Application for reduction of taxes by Corinthian Lodg A P& A M allowed, re duced $3. . rurnhhing aid for .Vra UanJ, $S. It ai jteaiing that many parlie refue to ti.i r,it work, ortlerrd ttiat Supervisors "irr..H'l Ihetn 1 do. and that Judgi? Uoweil be fiifu" el n rounsci for Supervisor, S'ei A ;r. c.!4c of Nii!!ivar allowed. l'nilrTvrtl ltilirtl At Tus unthinking ar iroco t-i oiaka game f nereouii-B. Yet thta U is very real and aerioua alllii.-tian, In harasing syiup'.oina of which ara rendered all the 111010 polgnarl by tldifo'w, Tho atoinacli Is uxually reaponaible for tbaaaarinptom Um wdaknoaa and itiaordar tlnda rrflex In tb brain, which Utbe beadquartei. of the nervtoua avaturn. Aa a nerve tonle and tranquilizer, we believo that not on can bo point! out o elTeUlv. aa Ho Utior'i, Ktotnab H'.ltr-ra. in renewing vicoioua dlgratiofi, li atrlkfts thn kpy not ot rerovory of atreutrih and U)taU ty Iher.ervex. fie ln Um, trcra.irs In rjulot ibrp, ahnnritiai ",ntltiveur'is l'i uiies. pt-4-d d ooir-ns all tliu, modify and ultl iraioly limappssr aa tha ayeiam gain, alrr-ligtb frcm thn it'taJL tonlo Irjp-pla, bi'loukrieM, rlii'itiiiaiium, r-ontiplliii and kl.i oi-y ooioplklrita are uliluti by tba I Hit r. Advice to Mottrr. Mr. Wmsl'jw'a ''oo' Syrtio, for riiiiJrn toi-liiing, u tha m.... 1 .... a r.r.e of tho Ust fHr.l. ni.raV. ami ohval. iTtncniJiKin fit Hn m mo uniifit Mtatiw, ims in ui for forty Vra with never failintr aunceaa by of mother, for rfcolr ebtldren. During t?: frootaa of tsfthifur !U value l i ..r.mibla. It rlcvM iha child from itatn i-u'ea Hyaontery and dlar moa, Krlplui: 111 ilia bownla. and wind coilo. ISy civloir health lo the child it rU th richer. Hrh-e 25c, a bottla. trhen I cay Cmtc I ! net mean merely to Mop thein fur a tinin, and then have thorn re. turn aeaia. I wka-i A IJAUICAX. tliiiii 1 have mado U10 diaeuso ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FAXXXNG SICIIZTESS, A ltfe-lonu tndy. I WATtaavr my remedy to CTRi: tlio worst ciidca. Ilccauaa otlior bnvo t i.ilecl is no reason fur not now receinna; a euro, f -uil ut once fur a treatiso and a 'HE lioTTta oi my lsvALi.iui.iJ UKMtur. Giva Expreaa ihi 1'ft-t Oilii-e. H coats jroa nothing for , t.n-1 It M ill euro you. Address - : DOT, M .C, I S3 Pcahl St.. Key Ycm " ""iiu5rtiA&ic33 The BtTTEHS' OXTZDS U issued March and Sept., 1 each rear. It ia an anoy. . jelopadio of naeful icfor. ' nation for all who par. chase the luxuxie or th. cocessltie of Ufa. Wa eaa clothe you and furnish yon with all tho neceasary and nnnooessary appliance to ride, walk, dance, Bleep, eat, nun, hunt, work, go to church, or atay at homo, and In various eizen, atylea and quantities. Just figure out wlnit la required to do all these things COtfFORTdBLT, and yon ean make a fair oetimate oi th. value of the BUYERS' OOUDE, which will bs sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poetase, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ill-lll filicuiean Avenue, Chicago, HI. FflfliOiliSI k i(if;g. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prcmpu AttBiifiion-First-class Hearse Children Cry for 'si vLIiti a "-7, ri 3wwtj,- -'f' 'r pev ipsr.jrf! j. ajr : j-a 1. 1 A ilatMViAAj Ajasai J I'l'll-llill Mltttt'i-8, Washington! May ; ta-Repreentattv Hermann ha been occupied during the past few tiny In arguing cases for hi Oregon pen- sion constituents, prior to hi departure fur the Tactile const. Commissioner 1 anner hi held several under alvlsemii, but to-day ordered that pension he granted to Charles Cook, of McMtnnville, J Colby, uf Giant's l'ai, and Mary A Kiee, widow of llm late l r D H Klce, o( AsHtantl.Or. On each of these pension there will fall due about $:ooo of accrued pen lull, A a Indlmi r'ljjlit. San Francisco, May 10,A Chrtmeh peclnl from Allntqtiertie, N M., s iysj A figh totk place yestcsteitlay near Winente. on the Attnntic and 1'acllic, between four Zuni Indian and four cowboy, l'isiol were drawn and a pitched battle ensued, mulling in th kitting 0 tne lour inmnnsand lite serious wounding 01 the cowlioys. To while men then mounted Itoiari and Ilea, but were captured by a puss. ami uvigrii in jail at wingaic. , Ki lin oitpr !rsr.rted. Ahioria, May to. New come that the settling achonner Uesslc Kttllcr wai sjniken to day, twenty live milct southwest of the Colum ua river bar 1 that two of the crew deserted several days ago, taking two gun, a boat, and kx in coin, letter Vord came from the Stuslaw river that the boat ha arrived there, lite two men claiming they had duded away itvm tne acnooner. A I'rUe, Klitkt. 8ikank 1'am.h, V T,, May lo.llilly Lynn and Jack livmpsey met. at the Delta Union to-night for a glove finish fight, I.ynn was evidently over matched, Ilempsey hand leti mm easily, in tne third. I.ynn tm knock ed down three time, la the fourth, mpsey stm ted in to knock I.ynn out. ami did il by a series of rushes, and linaliy landed a tenific iimsiung tiiow on 1 .yon neck. Hot Weather. Nr.w YoaK, May 10. The weather to-day wa intensely hot, the mercury reaching 9a in th. shade. Mit.WiKKk, May 10. Two deaths finaa heat occurred !n this city to day. Chie other wa stricken, but will recover. The teuqiera line wai ej;a. Tha I'rcaldentUI foatuttlaea. Washington, May 10. I'o.tmastci Gener. al Wanamakeraaysi 'A iar a pirsidential poslofiites are concernetl, I wish lo say that rule ha been made that iacumlientt be allowed to serve out their four year to date, ftout the tune of their appointment." Uettlagllvt. ClliCAuo, May 9. The past three day have I teen the hottest in May since the signal service wa established, Yesterday the govern ment thermometor touched 8S,and outside thcr mometei reached 91. There Waa one case of fatal sunstroke. Will Illuminate Ralaler. Skattlf, May 9. A C Wamer, I W lias II K McClureand II Shroeder, of Seattle, and W (i Steel j of i'ottland.coinpjtefiveof a party of eight that will ascend and illuminate Mount Ratneron the night of July 4. The party will take along seventy-live pound of red fire, and burn it at II o'clock at night. It i pot posed to spend all night on Hi turnout of the moun tain. The night before will have been phased at an altitude of 30,000 feet. lias and Warner have been on Rainier bcfoe. McClure, who it limn i:ucene City, once weal up to ttie lop 01 Mount Hood alone. Rather genaatloeal. Sk ATTtx, May 9. General Bates, a leiiied English army oflicer, who arrived in Seattle yesterday, waa surprised to-day uj-on entering the dining room of the Oocidcalal hotel to meet his son, a J years old, who we a waiter there. The young man left home seven year ago, ad has been knocking about the world since. He etved a a volunteer in the Kiel rebellion in Canada. Herame to Seattle about seven week ago, and ha been a waiter in live (ctl dental since then. Agalast Halloing. iNnr i'KM.r.scr.May 9. -The exciting court house question in I'oik county is ended for the present. To-day the count wa finished and the remonstrance aeaintf buihiing the court house had a majority of eighty-six. It is rumor ed that !)a!ia 1 out with another petition lo build. A Itig Male., I'kNvttt, Col., May I, A special from Salt Ijke City ays ''Oarsmen O'Connor, J-ee, Gaudaur, Itamm ami Teteison will 40W at Great Kail l-akc on the 2d ofjuneasiugletculi race of three mile with a turn, A purse of tl 500 will be divided as follows; $3oo for the winner, $400 for the second, $100 for third, $ 100 lor the fourth. A San Ki amino man offers a $-'5'j purse to the mat who break the world record. Rev IMver. CrtlCAM), May 9. A Urge crowd wa pre ent at rnmer' o;ia bouse to-night, at the first of the stric of discussioB between Chattel Watts, of London, and Key I'r, Iirivcr.of I'ort- land, Or., on "heculatwm and Christianity. Militia Mov. Washington, May 8. The war depart ment baa just completed and publiahtd tlie allotment of the 1400,000 apptopriated by congress fur the equipment of lite militia. 1 be allotments are baaed on the representation of the state io congress, and in case of a territory aliout lo become a Mate the anooitiontmcnts bow Hit amount to which they wilt be entitled after this has occurred, California will receive 75'S Colorado, f 2J47! Nevada, 2847i Mon tana, Washington and North Dakota, 92847 each; .South Lakoi, J7'J7; AlssUa and New Meico, 83501 each. , Terrible Mora-. nuTciiiNKM, Ka., May 8.The wind ... t r" "cc" or tt.e last three day culminated in a cyclone in the northern part of I'ralt rotmty yesterday, extending over the eastern jpiouc.l Sinfioid and up into Rice county, .The district over which il passed i sparsely semc-l, and lt for this fact the loss of life an l prony would have been te-riblr?. Ttir. m lt -u)td, Sullivan, Mich., May 8. Korcst fire ignited this tow u yesterday and burned the larger portion of it. The kiss is $30,000. Twenty five families were rendered homeless and destitute, and 100 people were fed and sheltered at Ravenna, village live milcdistanl. A Bad Aeetdeat. KAi.AMAtin.May ii. Aswiich engine going at a higii rate of peed dashed in'o trejt car containing seven ladie and two n ei, ai the Litter were crossing the tracks at llie West Main street crossing of the Michigan Central rovi this evening. The driver wa unable to get out of the way, and the helpless passenger werekur!edloateirihl death. Six women being killed. A t.'ood Kxauiie forOrrgur. Uklkka, Mont., May 8. Tbe me-'ical law passed by the legislature l being rigidly en forced by the board of examiner The quack who have so long invested the cities and lowm of Montana, have iac:ically bceu weeded out at one fell swoor . - A St a Robbery. IlKI-KNA, Mont.. May S. Ijst night aliout II o',five miles west of Fergu county, highwaymen held up the stage of the Great Kails (: Hillings line, and demanded the treasure box. The driver saw that resilience wa useless, and thiew it out. The robbers then disappeared, without molesting the pa. cngcr, among whom wa S S llobson, the extensive callle owner of the Judith basin. They afterward liccame frightened and .threw it away. Wriaht'a Aralttun Horse Linimi-nt, an in voliiahl.i r mih.Iv f'f spraina. limine, lame ness and all Rffuctmn nf the skin, muscles and jninU, to which hrK- r.nd cattle are ob ject. Sf.M bv Ko-liay fi Mason. N'rt on Jirrso-t iD lifi y arrive at the ape of fury, alio U m.t V:...,bl td wi.h kidnay or Urinary complaint in mint forir-. To those aDieted with pain in the hck. on retention of urine, nervou debility, painful or rup p eased menatruatinn, we can ofl'Hr a remedy that has beau in constant nan nyer twenty y. -r. Oregon Kidney Tea. Thi preparation hai done more for uff(iriug humanity than any othi-r medicine iu tha market. 8old by Fhsy & Maaon. Agcntleinan who had ufferd great annoy anc. and pain from barber itch.aud who had been treated by th. best phyioin, without relief, say. that two bottlna nf Dutuid' Specifio cured him and left hiifao parf.ctly mooth, without a rear. It never fal in 1 kin diseaie. Sold by F.oshay k Maon. Pitcher's Castorlar THR 4TII Of Jt l-Y, Albany, Or., May Sth, tHHy. 7 V ih EJi or of th Unity IMhockU i The duty of celebrating the coming 4th n a manner befitting the lies ami Impor tance of Albany and of making linmeJtate preparation therefor ha keen several time alluded to In your journal In the pal lo.'t- nlght. While you are doing thl and the cltUett doing "nothing, other town aie actively engaged In making arrangement and are giving timely n'jlico to the world that thev are alive and active. The best way to do lt a matter of thl kind U to act quickly. Resolve at o:ce. Which shall It be, cerebration or no celebration ? Hon t wall till ome neighboring town with less pretenslun has led the way and then.when It I ton late, expect tliem to send their del- gallon here t resolve to have 4 "blow out" of your own. With alt my heart I believe that every cctlon of tho county look to Albany a the place to lead, ho tn tic 11 1 conceded It, and, do you know, if you act bravely and generously and gallantly, and display true spirit and patriotism, tne peo pie will flock hither from every town and hamlet lit the county and from the c.oun try far beyond. Never wa there A more opportune time to make It known through out the length ami breadth of thlsatate and Washington, and to the thousand of emi- grants arrlylng In each and congregating In the larger title bent on seeking liome and ihvcstmeni. that right here in the heart of the Willamette Valley Is a place called Alhnnv that has vast undeveloped resource tributary to It and uncqualed ttansportailim facllltte. For the coming celebration 11 committee should be selected which can take a broad andcomprcher.slve view of the situation and grasp the golden opportunity to throw open wide the door and let the" stranger come In and partake of generous diospltalliy. Of course the cltUens must come up a one man, (net walling to be Importuned,) with glad and voluntary tribute. And the man who count his riches In broad acre and profit able .structures should remember that on hlm.inoie than on the struggling merchant doea it devolve to lend a grneroua support and furnish the wherewith. Let thcclll aen't meeting In the number present, in their patriotic words and spirited action, be a forerun nr 1 of what the celebration Is to be and ait auaury of utcc. Lei your nocket and your hearts respond to thecal!. Prepare a glorlou progiam lor a gio.iou day. Let there be a grand merry making anil let us be liopttstii wltlial. IHlng ncre the s iidlrr bovs and tire) laddie, and all their ladles, too, the civic societies and all else that waiion, rail and boat can convey hxiuid a coidlal greeting to each visitor, making him glad he came. Make bright your home, bedeck with garland your house fronts, fling the good flag from every staff and balcony, make the air resound wltH martial strain and th. wood to re verberate with glad echoes, and, in short. give the cud eagle bird a chance to spread: himself flr.l cla.s. , I. II. UII.U CITY. Mr Bcrch, conductor on the Orcgotilan Railroad Co' road, spent a few day In Mill City last week, fishing, lie waa not very successful, a it wa too rainy. He expect lo try It over some lime." Also Conductor Cummins, of the O P, was here on Saturday attending to some business. Mr Wall! Nash, vice president, and T W Ilowen, uperlntcntlent, of the O I. were in Mill City last Thursday and tier formed some business. The S I. Co received their new planer last Friday. It I one of the latest styles a Aid I a nice piece of machinery. Lumber shipped during the month of April wa 25,500 feet, against 341,000 feet In the pi evUms month. The decrease is due to delay caused by Increasing the ca pacify of tlie saw mill. Mr Geo Cov, of tia'esvlite, wet.t ti Meham last Friday where she will spend few day vUiting friend. Mr Si Mr I) lloeye, who were work lug at Albany for a few weeks, returned lat Wednesday. Mr Iloeyc will return to Albany in a few day. There I but a very few who give credit to Mart Smith for his getting full and try ing to pick a fight with some one. It i not that those he'cngcd are cow ard but they have better sense than to si .op so low a to light. There wa a pclltng school held at I!u ler' school house last Friday, but there was only a small class present a It ; loo rainy. Mr John .Shaw I on a flying business trip to Portland. II- will return rrfday Two nines, one all Mill City people and the other nearly all (iatesvlllers, played last Sunday afternoon. It ended in the form Ci nine's favor, 4 to li. 5 Inning were played wltitout any tally being made. A Interesting sermon wa preached by Rev llulbcrt, of Mehama, last Sunday, at the Duller school house. He will again nrrach Saturday evening, and on next Sunawv he Will preach the f'ineral sermon of Mr." I)H Judy. KKAI. IMT.sla lI.KS. File! May nth, iS' j. N U Springer to J J Whitney. Si aces, ,'cc J5. T,i 1 3, S K 4" w . . $ 1000 EJ Lam ing to tbowuavi'ile Wool en Mfg Co, Ink 115. and In 4, blk lio, II' A, Albany 3510 E L Bryan lo Nellie J IJrvan.Soacre TiiSl3w " tfuo "E I. liryun to A F Ifrian 27 acres, Tp"i, S R3 w..." ua) George II Miller M C 0 Coopr, 3.1 acres. Tp 13. H U 1 E 30 Drowns iile Woolen Mfg Co, to tlie Ka,!!. Woolen Mills Co, woolen mill site and appurtenances, at ISntwnsvilie 30,000 W II lloliwin to II Ilryant, bo acres, 91 . I 050 Adam U under to Mary li Sheldon, JJ'i acres, ye 1." . 400 G M Wetttfall to Jf II Smith, m, . acres, I) L Col Richard Usher, 1:00 i) C Cox to John O Cox, io acre, 1 4 w 1 ........ , , 500 Samuel Glai to Joseph W Glass, 1 acre, U L C iif Win McCaw. ... R J M Rultiion to E Osborne, 6 acres near Ij-hnnon (ma J A Heit-d o D C Holt, one-half ini tere-1 i.i a tract In Lebanon. . . , 750 T A Powell lo S N Davidson, twen- ty acres, 14 w 4 34 Mary J Gordon to II and E Trvon," lot 3 and 4. blk" 78. Monteith'c SA 1525 A W Gordon to J A Hjman, 1 lot in blk 78. M' -S A S50 Jesse .'.' Pugh to Annii! F. McHri,!-. loo acre near Ucn Hear' I) , $ j S W I'ailey to A Saylor, part of block do, Albany.. jjr JII Mitliuu to Saiah 0 Van Horn, N Nv rpjarler block U9, IPs A. Soo State 10 Peter L Bllveu, S half S V quut-ier, Sec 7, Tp to S R I E, . 99 Total $40,556 I'rngrea. Tt lnvr-linportaut In thla age ofvaat matr1itl rinrosK that a remedy bv p'es. Ingunhn taMto mid to tho eye, onUy takftn, avorptalile 'to tho alouiaeh nnd halatby In Ua mitura and otteota. l'.a tssluif I ho qualities. yrup of Fie la th. one pttrfcRt laxntivn and moat gi idle durti(i knowc. letter List. Vollnwlnl Hie list ( totters r:naiiiina in tli Poet flics, Albany, Unit enmity, Oregon, May fl, ISsO, r.rsoii. calling for the lulten must giv tha date on wbloh they were adrortUed : CSrirn, Csih Moyar, OA More, J W McUrail, T'strln Hosrle, il Itsiifro, William thnrursnoe, A J. It. THOMPSON, P, M, CVKK FOR NICK HE fAtII(E, tayoii waut a rem.dy for B'llou.nesa, Pimples or. thafa, s-d a sura eurn tr sick hmdauhe, alc lr, u'as and b", ihs DruiristA, for' tive Villa; try do , sample tm 'nil box a sent, Wright' MyKh tooth aoap. Fragrant,' cooling and refreshing, Unal aore gum wod preaerve the teeth.. Sold by Fotbty ft Idaaon. Children Cry for IIUME AK) AfiltOAt) TlitlaiDAt. Wheat 1 now quutud at lia fatmtr' warahuiut. at 02 ovum H F Merrill ami J ihn Allhutis Ilrowusvilla yesterday, were 10. Ilihart Stewart yteruay wa awe t ov.r th. Oregnn-City full and drownsd, Maoll & iledars hay nmved tbair barber I Uopt.JBoxtUiM.rtutt.ep.Mtt.moo. . a . I l)r W II l)vi wa called bv teleeratin A- I . . . . rl . I. tu-oay logo o iiarrisourg proteraimiaiiy , 1 A uaw l.n.t i,iri in Marion nmintv la oalhidAle. Be veral bu miner in Albany who W16 UtiroliliU iV Mr it lriit Sll .ul.l mov. tlitre. hi.. ma of thadisapputiiUd Oklahoma boo n ar have itruuk Oregmt and propoi. to btora the State or bust. , D ttuocratio pritnatUa war held throngb ouv Waahiugtun yeaierdty for the elctiuu of dslcgstus to ounatitulioa! eoaveutioe, Mr J d Crawlord left on thia morning', train fur up th. Columbia, Hi will come down the river from the 0cadei in a boat. Th mimliar of the Young People' So eirty of tb. M V, Church gsva a plwaseut so cial at the retdna of Mr J U Cugl. last v.ning. Martin nmitli. oi ritivritoi,. wiki waa klokcd on th head at Milvartou teyeral vreeka ago, ha Jut hu taken to the insane ay lum. Bpring p-ifts are geiiutally shut on th. spot! but the one writing for th. Dkmouiut thl wek put new life into the sultjtot and w. wilt aladly t.uhlisli la las well wordad f- lidsiiiu. lit the language or lum iminorui editor, "0'iitie agale. Yoir are cordial I invihid to est! and ex ainin. our atimk of wall Uipor aud birders, tV have ooinilte aaortmeut and would be glad to show our good.). A ihauy Kuruitur Loinpany, corner rirst and Krrry stretiU. P i D inlsy aud Mr MeCr.esuey arrived from lb. Kautiam nil id yevtartiay .venirg with soma apoiiiin of or. from wlnob thi gold fairly bulge. Whaiher auoh or pan out th bast or uot Iteertsiiily eu a great r sensstlon nn th. miul of th. average men, fmibav. About twenty men hav been . t 1 at wuik on .A.. - 1 - . . I .. 1.. .... tne aire. ,...w.y ,.av. 0 tu 11 - ... .11 r......i 1.. ..t 1 v. . s 1 na.ti, m m vnairmip, umiiuw 1 dead at Malum vrwtor.I yrtor.Iy. Hixiksnt, a MeittU lior.r, atui, tb. Pel by at Lyonsvill yutrrdiy, great event lu bora, mrcla. In ai.swMr to hi ail. Mr 4 It Burkbart la reovtving q uie a millibar tin. ItoWIu C'HO plittaasitt Vg4. Taooma ulftim a popuUtturi of 22.000. lake mau a wealth thi inltr of i.opuia una 1 oiieu .aaggeraawi. Anyone desiriea a Pamphlet dnsoiiutiv of I Kogue Kvr Vall.y ean obum tba earn, by wimng v u miner, urania r., ur. Jadg lllaokboro now recuiva SIOO mouth a County Judge, tb. beat salary paid I in in etiai. pumio. 01 wuimoinsn ct-uuty. rter Jackaon. th. fainmia ouuilial. wi 1 leav. San Franeiseo neat Tue.dsy aud prob- bly to through Albany TnuradaV mora loir-1 Jaa Dunn. Marshal of CWvalli. went to lo-dav with aa iaaan. man named Aa- drua who had boan o.mmitted from llu- Lou county, Mi. Ad lleioa, dangbter of Jof IIi., th. blind violinist, whoviaitad tin city re oautly. waa reported at daalh'a door ia Ne vada rwewauy, exus.d by ao artery in tb. bead panting. Mr. Char la Story, brother of Mia. I). B. Mootaitb, of thta city, died to East Port land yesterday, lie wa a man ( aiemplary babita, ami ther. ar. many In Albany who wilt Monro hi death. . IoautWof tb. bailaaoa. in a Itoeut Usu of th Mrmrt, Maish.l Chariiou lucked up aix men last Sunday. Uor "oooler ia either 100 .man or our una 100 urge, runeyiiie .Year. Asblaad baa voted ta epaad 500 in tb. HVjsf A'Aore. Th. ifeaf More gate kicked about a moob as any other itutitultoo in tb Northwest, and yat, after ail, it ha been a great factor in advertising tt reeouroca. ' Cbsrli Ntck.l. of srackonvill.,la tbe rioh cat editor in Oregon, except Harvey Scott bat who th. pounnt 1 it would be dilCeuit to tell, aa thcr ar. ao many claimant for th. honor. To-day I decoration day through the South, w here tb. grave of tba Union and Confederate eoldurre are deeorated. It is held earlier tbaa in tbe north on account of the eaaoa being ao much earlier. Tb. First National Bank baa just received a'tilob. Ideal Cabinet File,' lor eorreapon denca, exchange, eta. Tin U a very ton- t let. affair and gioat coovbien'!a in tb eking busiuee. It is iro posed to e'odiote tk. new Court IIous at Coryi lit on tb. 4tbof July. Last year Albany went ta Corvallt in a body 00 the 4th, Wouldn't ft b a good idea to re ciprocat tbia year. ibe'rurmar loetltut U bring held at Roasburg, beginning t-dy. Prota Letcber, Ijsk. and Grimm, ol Corvallia.weot ti.rtaen tb etty yairiay on their way to attend tb. luslitule. EH l'erkiu i coming hither ward. Ia order to do justice to tha aubieot w. will re mark that Lii is th. greatest living lecturer. If Klf ean beat tbat it. h. will hav. to get up by 3 o'clock. Toe first regular moatbly busioest matting of tb. Y M C A will b held in tb. Presby tariaa church chapel thi evening at 8o'elocfc. All aotiv. mmbera ar. requaets-d to be pret est, l'.y ordr of 1'iweitUnt. The nnxiin used to be, "Vux Populi, Vox Dai, or th voice of tb. pevple ia lb. voice oftiod. Utit it is now chaugrd. It I '.be Voioa of th paopla th Vulce of th cow. Corvailis Ltittlrr. A Albany pspt r are never b'smed for aulhiug, the fuliuwii g from a Delia pater pplie etaewhvre 1 "An eo 1 tor ie a uiucb blamed for w haaba don't do a fur what b. doe or eay. If um. of hi critic could ttcpiiiand iuu the maehin. for altoot a month, 1 hy would then be Iar Liner to criticise." Mr. Tho Mmiteit wa r-p-irttnl latter to day with titts chance iu favor of hi r. oovery. Albany is U uomiug the canter ol op.-ri-Hona for all it-troayer men. Mr EC 1'htli ia now a ifM.iiit of Aibui). PcOilt I. ' in Hie mysterious should gtiothe "lrtfrious"socislat the W C T U h I to niahr. liiyuo aader tu. auspices i f tha W C T U, it promiaea tobia flu. affair. Prof. J. It. Humor ei.t to Philomath thi morning t'tstu-iid thk fuueril of Mi C d umbia Skiptiti , Mr. Il .rtur' sister. Mr. Horner wa called to thn btd:da of ber ut ter tevarsl dj ago and was with hi r at ll . lima of her dea'h. li'iaehurg Krvietc. Fra.ik William m, who baa been clerking at C II l.u lernian'a boot and aho. stole, left for Uorvallia lust weok to remain, mu-'b to th. regret of thajoungladie Asblaud J?ee or,l. Mr. Willi (iiii.-t left on the narlh tottod tram Alaka. MrUiilutbaa lived in thia city f-iur or live yaara and ha mule many warm 114 nnal friends wh-i all j mi iu wiebiug him, prospnriry, health and long lifa. jdmi Voyaga Mr Ch E Wulverion, Mr F L Such and Mr Ashl.r Pearoa were in town VYeduesdav attandiug u tho making aud recording of th doed to a I tnn recently puruhascd from Mi Pearre by Mr Such iu thi county opposite Albany, Lender. HATUHDAT. . A subscription i beiug raised for an organ forth. Christian church . Louis Lafora, well kuown through the val ley, died at Salem yesterday, at th. age of 72 j eaia. , It will lie worth farmers' time to uom. around and era C II Dodd & Co' taiilc, wild, they a-a looking for taine. Tha Dynamite buggy wnip 1 eelakin lintd and gut center loop and warranted to give satisfaction. For Rale by Thompson fi Over man. . ' . The finest avleotion of wind.iw shade in tha city, just, received t the Albany Furni ture Company, oorner Firt and Ferry atreet. Th. Corvailis Amalgamator Co ha hr-en organized with $1, COO. 000 stuck. Mr Ray Raber ha patented an amalgamator and this company propose pushing iu merit. Mr Sippy, of l.i-hsnon, ha entered a claim against the S P It It Co for damage bauaed by an accident on the Co' sidewalk at that city ruoontly, aud a suit will urub. ably retult. , Mr Tho Jonta yesterday bought of Chta Calen the house and one lot at the corner of Farry nd Seventh atreet, recently purchased by Mr Calen of Geo E Chamberlain, pay. ing $1100 for the ame. The Albany college base ball nine hay. been challenged by the Monmouth college nine to meet them in a oontett at base ball 10 this city ia about a weak, and th. chip wa knocked off their shoulder. A good gam. of ball will be tba result. - Pitcher's Castorla. An Albany gentleman wa offered f'JOO for blooded oolt twenty day old totday, one mu offsriug one hundred dn'lsr and auoth r od. hundred dollar. An easy way to git big offer for prnpMty. It tike a real es tate man to do it thongh. Tb. Wm M ll ig went down the riycr yasterd with a iarue esrvtn of wheat for Oraaon City, whinh had imeo taken from the Magnolia mill wartdiou.-, at this city. It will takei.'aral triM to iiiiih the consign- m"t. The 4lb of Ju' oommttte .Urted out to- tiav and raisrd svrl hundred dollar in a sliors nine. V'is i leuior neautiig in iirc - .. - , ... in- , t- .. With tW. V II I'fuillor, (Killig titllt '.!() hat tr, '!'" H 1'ark.r fodowing wilb 50, n mi n.ioaKn. The m amber of the U I' church, of this tilty, onntcinplate .erentitig a imw church building at tb kite of tne present old stniot. nr within year or two.and ra hinnia a fund for that nnrpo, Tha procnwls of the social audaupparon Friday evening next will go to the building fund. Mr K C rmdlaad, tit Suio, i in the city. Assessor Msi ttow duin'i Lebanon pre. olnet. Born. totb. wife r.f Mr Milt A Miller, at Lebanon, a girl. Rup Ifanshaw, of th. Albany Iron Work, returned thi noon from a busine; tiip to Corvalli. Mra P II C'hsmlirrlain, of NsWi", Mis. mother of Hon Geo K ChamberUin, i in the city the truest of hr aon, and will remain during th. summer. Mr Fouey, th millwright, of Mill City, i in Albany on business, Mj rnpnit good tim at the front. Mr Fuu 'V has bemi thn Mill City I' M foraometimei but has rtsigned, having moved to tb. Unit oonnty id, anil will probably b aueceedtid by Mr Bhaw. Mr ilarusteir, Hii;:Im , th. firework man, has bii in thoiitysl ready to a, th. committed of arrnngeincut for tb. 4th of ..oly cnlebration. II pw tl. iiotic nf th. apiMiifttmriit of the cjmmitte ia th. DxuocaAT in neighboring city and got up at thro o'oSoek thi morning to -.t htra and of all eampetitur. ROIUVIbl.K in fi.-ftu ia t'lieiiuiir 11111; lur iwuaviiir. Ti..i..i.i. ei 1 j 1.... ... 1.. ri.. ........ i ....( .. . t-.. 1 .. in.. , . ,,! I ,, -It ,( .tic. iiwivi, a', lining iiriiu icitcra 01 111 rretiona. a . - Wm Tetliiine hn piitchaAed Dennis Klum's livery tablr, and ha put in new buggies, carriage and hack. The dally hack will meet the one o'clock train at ix-bat.uji alter next week. The camp meeting commence May to. and will continue through June, Lxtcit slve preparations have been made for a sue cesaful meeting. There will be speakers Iroin Chicago. Washington territory will oe wen represented. There have been petition circulated and signed extensively throughout the county for a bridifO aero the south fork of the Sanllam at Waterloo. Tbe people have been trying for about twelve or fourteen year to aecure A bridge At that place, and arc now lejolclng to learn that one Is to be built. There are hundred of people living ?n e,ln" loe nTr n" n"v5 S wur ,,e UP or "v wc ,own ,n r,vtr. lo get across, making an extra drive of eight or ten mile, except a few weeks In the summer, and then an empty wagon at the cro below Waterlo I all a team can cross with and climb the hil', hence it will be a great thing for the community. The bridge will afford the people living in the forks of the Santlam and the public gen erally, direct communication with the mountain wagoti road, the road to Craw fordsvllle, Sodaviile, 13rownville'and the prairie generally, through the famous gap of Richardson, llannv Home and Rilter. I on a direct linr (-o n Scln to Waterloo I The slle for the bridge I Ihe safest ard most secure on the river, having a solid rock foundation on side. Ilcbi'itf INl.i sr. ki.K i br t' lik. t' tui pr-la"t avarjt irawt'ili iu-hin eftar lI snn. Thla Ul a aa wall a nUna, llleatliec tiruArtMllus' nte si oaoa to the aimlteatio br. Huaaako trmniy, alfa acta directly U. psru st 44, aWrbiii( Um mature, aua a ksWaee itesUt aitd artlna pannaiMrH "' aeitta. Aatinaa Tim ttr IbMoka V "V.dt Co.,re U. koi4 by Lfr, 1 11a .a tt-w. COSSUMITIOS SUHELY IT HEP. To Tn roiTon Plrata nf..m yrnr read t that I have a xaiiiveremn!y for tltt-atiove named disease. Isy 11 liu-.ely . li.ttta.i.f hopeless case hate been iiertiiantitly romt. I shall be glad lo snd I wo Wuir of mi reme dy Mr to ai.y of jw.r maden who liit'vx e'.o suiiitiunn If tltey wiil rnd ma lhtr f;.rc$ and post o!rtr :irt!tt-ii. r(pil-;'!v, T. A. JSUIC'CM. !.'.. 1st IV;.rl r'- .Stw V.rk- boo Daby waa alek, sr. gave ber Caatorla, Wbau she sras a CtOld, site cried torCaatorio, Wbn aba became Mias, aba clung to Caatorla, When she bad Children, ha gave them Caattirl Wright" Compound syrup t-f Rarsapari la ean be rehed upon fur ail blond d n-iit.ts, id d affeetiooa, eta. Sold by Frwhay k Mot:. t'harck Dlrertaty. U. P.CaoacH. Proacbiiigevcry Sal.batn, morning and evening by llev. ll. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. N Prayer mealing .very W.duemday evening. Evasosxical CuCKt'il. Preaching on Sab Hath at I Lot) a. l. and 7 r. st. .Sabbath School 10 AM. Prayer meeting every U ci oeaday evening 7;S0. ltev. Fu-her, paator. All ar. invited. M. K. Chorch, South. Preaubing every Sab bat b morning at 11 o'clock a. m. ai.d 7 o'clock r. M. babbalh School at 10 .i'clw.'k A. M. Prayer rai-eliiig Wednesday vcoinj.'s at 7 o'clock. Urv. D. 11. Comaiiii, Pastor. M. E.t-HCkCH. I 'rose hi tig every ,ahbatb morning and evnuing. Htuig . rvico in tb. evening before aeruion. ,vat h.ith School at 2..K) P at. Frayer meeting vtry Thura dayar.uiag. II v. II. F. Wcbb.fatior, Pkavst rtataa CutrKcn. S-ric every 8abbatb morning and eroningin Church Oor. tSroadalbiu and FifUiSta. Sunday! School immediately efttr tha morning service. Prayer n.ccting every Wsdmrrlay ou-tcp R.v K II Prichard, pastor. Fllurr BatTIST Cuuitcn. Preauhing every Sabbath morning and eve' Church on Tub Street. Sabbath School imniMiatelv aft. r morning aervico. Prayer meeting ve Thurdiy aveaing at 7:30 ..'clock. Urv. Trumbeli, pastor. CoitucsoA ri ns al Cti c M-u.ej vicea wry Sabbath inori.111 ami evening. .Sabbath School at 1 2:1,. mycr mooting 00 Wedueaday evening f each week. Rev, Rogers, Pastor. CllRMTUN Cui KCrt -'n selling vr iust Sabbath in ni-n.lh, nmriiinu ami cvenitu, ' HnVlitck. Sat bath Sehool at 10 c!ok A . Rey Huuipbre), Pastor, CATHOLIC OlVrtOU. Set vico rverv Sun day at 10:30 A tl, and 7 r. m, J.t Sunday of tho month service at I'liere City. Rev". Loui Metayer, Reotor. ConraMever, e-PROPKlBTCU OK STAR BAKERY Onrn8r.Broadalt)m aai First sts.t- DEA LRU IN-- Catnaetl Fraits, Glasaware, Dried FruUts, Tobcco, Sngar, ' Voftee. , Etc, CtaiiMAil Hejist-s. nceiiwisri,, Clears Klet . '. Ton. Etc.. la fact every till am this: is ti-.pi, rl variety and grooery um. m rket prloe patd for 11 a w on Hlhoa' ALL KINDS OF PRObilCE. PIANOS. Those wlahlnir a firsl-olats Instriunont should call at Mrs, B. 13. Hy.jian'a and see one of those Ciioorat-d' Hmnina A Long planoes, excel .ent rich K-utt, Es pecially made and adaj tod to stand the ell mate on tbe Paoiflo Coast, Erery piano fully guatantesd for S yearn. The lt.iest sheet-muslo for sxlo, Mulo and painting losaona given there. . Also tho plaoo to gft your new Sewing Machine. Fancy work and dreaa making done to ordor. First door east of Young's eld stand, Albany, Oregon. n Aw. for Infants and Children ' "CaatorlaisaoweHadBptAd tochUdrenthat I CaaioHa err Oltfl, r.0Tj!rttfrrti, ' wmmend it a BipOTtor to any pncripUoq I w.iTi iaroaaa d aaowiitoma." If. A. Aaoma, It. V I oauw promote, el 111 Bo. Oxford 1, hmoklja, N. T. VuLmt iojiirtoaa medlcato. Taa CaaTAtw CoarAirr, 77 Hurray Street, K. Y. Combinei tlie juice of tne Blue Fig of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of planta known to be most beneficial lo tha human system, forming tbe Oft 11 rta FECT REMEDY to act genUy yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AKD EOfELS AMD TO Cleanse tbs System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD. HEFRESHINQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one la using It and all are delighted with it. Aak your druggist for SYRUP OK FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sak Fsahcisco, Cau LoenviLis, Kv. yawYoa.K. PATENTS b tain.!, ami all other business la th 0. 8. aloa eltMulwl La for miMlerata teas. rata Our effloe U ooimkU the V. U. Patent Offlce, and ean obuitt 1'sU.iite lass tun tbaa those reaaot ruia Waahlntnon. fceitd niuUis r tlrawlnir. We sr"- to stiilliyfrseofeharKe isihI aemsae a chaiye isnleae eoiMaln patent. Wa rater here, to the Postmaster, tha aura. "nry Or.ler In, and to oflldaJs of Um V . B OlI.. Vat eireoiar. atlne. Uimis. sad el eantiul clients ta your ova Htate ar county, wlilrs C A. SXOWaCO., OiisiUi rsictil umce, wasniogMia, v HOW TO CO EAST. Ua Eat vi Moant Shasta Route. Xice eliinat aid s3nry at all time, of tha year. He Mount Ktisau, Sacramento, Ugdeu, Salt Lke, Dnver. Finest econd-claea cars made ar. run daily. Buy your tick eta of m. and save year fare to Portland. I am tb. only person in Alt any that can c!l yea ticket from direct to an oiot in tit. United States. Cil on ma for ratt. W. U Jth-rm. Attn H.P THE PLACE. l.y all meant e&ll on Pamei Brothers, Seitcr$ ta 'ui -Vjc, yoar Groceries, Pwiacs, EaisI Goods, Etc. Etc Their (rood: ara the best and their prioaa reaaouata. SAM MAY. c. scNPEaa MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Ssrcnandise. KARRISSURC - - - GRECCM Will liny Grain, Wool snd all kinds Fr educe AIL YOU? ' D yen feel flnO. hwynl4. 1ow-ptritJ, 11 fe laaa, and tndaaeribabiv aaiaerabla, botki physi cally and mentally; experiunoa a aenae of fulioees or bloating after eating, or ot "gone ness," or arapuoea. of atotnae In the morn-Ins-, tonru coated, blttar or bad taat. In mouth, ftreffqlar appatita, dixxtneas, frequent headache, blurred eyeala-at, 8 oa tins' specks" before th. eye, neryou prostration or ex hauaUon, trritahiuty of tamper, hot fluabea, altarnattnc with ohlllr aenaatlona, abarp, biting-, tran stent pain. Mra and there, cold foe, drowsinea after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and nnrefreahlna sleep, constant, Indeacrlbable feetlng of dread, OX of impea4 tag calamity f . - If you hare au or any eonslderabl. number of the, symptoms, yon ara su daring from that most common of American maladlea Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Uver, associated witb Dyepepela, or Indigestion. Tb mora ooraplloated, your disease haa beooma, tba greater tha number and diversity ot symp tom. No matter what ataira it bas reached. Ur. rieree' tiolden RIedlcal Ulscevery wiU ubdue it, if taken aocordina: to direc tions for a reasonable lenatb of time. If not cured, complication multiply and Consumpa tloa of the Lung. Skin Disease, Heart Disease, Kheumatlsm, Kidney Disease, or other tray maladlea ara quit liable to set in and, sooner or utter. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's medical Dla. eovery acta powerfully upon tho Liver, and throuiro tbat area blood - purify lne onran. eleansea tha systora of all blood-taints and im purities, iroiu whatever cause atiaina. It ta equally efficacious in acting- upon tba Kid ney, ana otner excretory orgrans, eloanaing, Strtmrtbenlnir, and heeling- their disease. As an appetizing, reetorativo tonlo, it promote riiireation and nutrition, thereby building- up wH. mou wm .unmui. an malarial oisuricca. this wonderful medloin ha. arained areat celebrity in curing- Fever and Ague, CbiUa and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred disease. Dr. Fierce' Uoldeu nedteaA Slaw eovery CURES all i!u:Jon5;A from a common Blotob, or Eruption, to tb worst Scrofula, Salt-rheum, " t ver-sorea," Bcaly or Kough Skin, in abort, all disease caused by ba d blood are. conquered by thla powerful, purifying-, and inviirorati imr medi. cine. Great Rating Ulcers rapldl, idle heal heal under 11a oeoifrn innuenoe. Jpeoially ha. It maul- reeled ua poteno; potenoy In curing Tetter, Eoxeuia, , Boila, Carbuncle, Sore Eye. BoroN s and Swellings, Uip-joint Disesute. erysipelas, i Ulnua Sore "White Swelilnea." Goitre, or Thiok NaeitT and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cent In stamp for a larga Treatise, with colored plntee, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount lor a Treatise on Scrofulous Affectioce. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' Thoroughlycleanse it by using Dr. Pleree Voldeu IHedieal Dfacovery. and (rood digestion, a fair akin, buoyant spirits, vital Strength and bodily health will be eatabllshed. CONSUMPTION, - which is Scrofula or the Latiga, is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in tb earlier stages of- the disease. From it mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, wben first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the publio. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it bia "Consumption Cdrb," but abandoned that name aa too restrictive for a medicine whiota, from Its wonderful com bination of tonlo, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing;, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only a a remedy for Consumption, but for ail Chrouio Diseases of the V Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lunea, Spitting of Blood, Bhort. Bf!?, 01 Breath, Chronio Nasal Catarrh. Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy, ojd byDruggiata, at $1.00, or Six Bottle. t& Send ten cents in stamps for Sr. Pierce's book on Consumption. -Address, JtaiiTs ElsFonsary CsScd is:::!:!:c3, C63 Mala , BrCTAjLOj KVT. ALBANY COLLEOJATS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' ISSO, 1880. first Trria 0pea HefttrMOer 1KB, IM. Alolt corp. of hiatrnctora, WSSICAL, SCIENTIFIC. LITERARY, COMMEHCIAL AK3 KG5.WAL . CLASSES. OmrsMi oi Hutlr arrangI to moot Ibr DmmI of til g ratio) rf aludmita. Sffi .'til matter muni i ojjrrtd lo ituJmlt from altronJ. . Toll ion ranga from 15,60 to I12.M. Board in private fAiti'io at mw rate. Kooma lot asif-rioardtiig: at mnnll exrenn. A carwflll aopervUioa excrfilaml over tn- deBta away from homo. Fall torm ofioa fieptmboT 7U. For circular and fu. particular auoreaa tne rremaeur. umv. KAKr.aT n. tmnvn. Allny,,Orgrn ACADEMY . OF : Our Laiy of Perpetual .Help. ALBANY. - - - OREGON. Condooiad by tb. KUtsr of WX. rVnedict, Tbta Academr le ,ncrjrtratil and uo- thorized bv tho U'e to ootifm airatleniio honor. Tha i-mrvt of a' ia, Mthmatiosi, TJU-rafor and Mosie are aparlaliiaa a aleetbo Nonnht Inntrnctlon wf aplrn for ttsohra ertidcatea In duatrlal drawir.r. vocal niuic lu tjjaa. and all kind r-f newllnwoik form, no extra charge. I bo ainclplina rf tbe achool 1 gantle but nrrn. oojflrt twing to form not only refined young ladl". but noblo and uarul membera of aI-ty. I'upila admitted at any time and cbrica proper tionod. rupllaof any denomination re ceived. ' Tuition In (elect day acbool range from MtoflP. Kortorma f Boarding Schsol or any particr lam apply atlba Acadeaiy, or ad drew Slater 4upeTiore. H ' t.t. -A-tll It I . . t-14 sfuij r . 1 1 1 1 frtfM if A riMtl lluw.-.-l. V.',.. 1 llLllJ I'M. v.. I.v.4 'l.tlufll.t. tKIS Ia4m : V J J rm-Hl m tat to. .-fj . Jrr- 4i- Si t Iluutn-lwirf KjtC I-?,' tf t lb. tnxt. Ma ,-"e-asasLSSii'" rce-. l mtut r- x v r hava:.a. twT ay-tt tat r.'" 1 tmm sa M auc ' tm ten f fW.f-f WateSi and S.ttwt;le. w. r-r ail nptm. irw.fta tstaaasMSAte Ca., Alas ata. A-aruajsa, j 0, K. Paint Sliui. House and Carriage Painter, Decorator and Paper Haiiger Piano Varnishing:. All vork gnaranUed. G B. VASSAL. 0. (Sacceaeor to Henry Soasent.f ATA jciu.-ti ijjaa, sji'i- COLD itV fai "-ti , j Try th Cure E Ely's Cream Balm Oarsscs tho T7asal Passages- Al lays Infiammation. Heals the Sores. Ecstoroa the Secses ol" Tasto, Email and Hearing. - A particle I applies! lata eaea nserHI and b simskK Prirw60a. at lhraunrlsta ar hy aaall. ELY B iaxariS6 Wanes StKew York, STOCKMEN AND r ARMEBS ZR"F! A T- a beraby eortlfy tbt lr. 1. V. Womti ha uoeni fully operated on my ridgling fcorae, ISAAC HAYS. For fa rth er rwfereoin in regard to ri d g -Inga inaulr ;f tVm., Dave P trnon, I cbanon 1 John riant man, Alfred Wolverton. Albany ; Snni Oaineta, Sclos Wro. Foster, Prioevilla. I -ractio veter- tnary medicine in - Albany and country surrounding, ffflco ami retidsnco corner Sth and Waahlrgtsn "?ta. L N WOODLK, VatwHoary Surgoou. A 1 i ra t 5 s L3 OF PURE COD UVB OIL MS. HYPOPHOSP2I1TS3 Almost os Palatable as P1ilk. 8 tfeat It caa Imi taken, ataraeteal, aiad suvstastlateei by the waaat aaateltlTW atoaaaels, wass th plats oil east atot be tolerated 1 aod by tba owns btKttaai fths alt wltls tbe stypopb. pbltea la Biucls amor aincstclow. RatarltA'ile as a 4e&a predscer. rtiseia eala npltlry waSto ttaiBgtte SCOTT'S EilTTLSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Bet prep, ration in the world for the relief and cure- cd CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTIKQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, . COLDS and CHRONIO COUGHS. Tk gnat remedy or Otmsumptian, and Watting fat Children. Sold by all DruggisU. Summons. tl Cirtmt Court of tie Stat f Ore gon, for Linn County. Q. W. Pogh, Plaintiff. v. Melissa J. Pugh, Charles Wagner.Defendant. To Melissa J. Puh, th above fendant : . , named De- la the nam. of th. State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tba above PiaintitT in the above entitled Court, ujw on file with the Clerk of said Court, within ten daya from th. date of the service of thia Sumn ona upon yon, if aerved in Linn comtt v n. vS ;r aerved in any other county in the State of Oregon, then within twetty daya from the date of the terytce of this Summona upon you then by tha first day of the next tern, of thi. Court to-wit s on the Mih day of Jane, 1889, : and you are hereby notified that if yon fail to appearand answer said complaint, a. here by required, the Pi.intift will apply to the S0?r!tlief demanded in hia com plaint bled herein, to-wit f..r . Jl..l...;. ot the bouds of matrimony pow existing be tween Plaintiff, and Defeudael and for the care, custody and control of Clara Pugh. George i Pugh, Maggie Pugh and Jsie B Pugh, their minor ehildieu, aud for a decree declaring the contract issued and signed by tha Defendant, Charles Wagner, tha prop erty of the Plaintiff, and for the costs and disburseoients of this suit to be taxed. This Summons is served by publication by order of the Hon. It. P. Boise, Judge of .aid Cour-, mada the 27th day of April, 1889rt zuamojr8 iu itw city of a:em, Oregon. REM n I 1 1 r j ru 1 'a - . J. K. weathirvohd; Attorney for Plaintiff.