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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1889)
r V Qcmocrat, GV?.UfJ3 TO CtllFOWIA, -sVIA-s ' ra PaciSs Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. T o btwt Albsnr ani B Pruutwn, U Bours tnipnimt unm tt ttas Rv stilt BtltHl rsrtlaasi east Ban Iraecttee, tfttti,), L Portland Ar tO:44 A lira L AiiMf U f . a a Ar Baa rianolaao l l:w t wuruununul San vKmv BaadAjr). t 'JO a TL i t r s L Ian ) Ar ""iViirtlsad" Albany AfTi ii r brl ill Ba MOA uiimi siama. lull it. -.ira I Ar 1 i ) m I L IMf) Ar Ar s a a t I Ma a r KtM L t our a L.tnou Athsnr Uatautoa FUUf.tAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, f.r . adU t aeeend-ttata rasee era, Kanresa Trains. THt P. tVe '' ik"aa-to snlb !l lbs uuruiMMlliIMlllU llU.oi trotatuwlet Mm, 'Htlaad, Weal aMe Mvlaisa. rwrkAs & cas.mb, BCtWBS MAIh TAIAIH(IlJy.) Portland Ar ju r a 1:M r a !. Ar Urv tilts unM taais n.T (Kaeipt Sumlvr. 4 MM I .ura u Ar fWUaud M-Mtnn.ill Ar I.T oo a a s a a T?lrouyU TlclcotH T aU poinU ooxjxii -A-isrxa east VIA CALIFORNIA. P. all Inform ul r,rnll'r rata, aura, ete., , KOmUK, K- ROGERS, (luW AM1U. f. .Ml P. Ac THE YAQU1NA ROUTE, Cresoa Pacific Eaiiroai, a-oa Ivlopin.nt Cone pan y 'a StMOa ahipUn. 225 LIILES SHORTEft. 20 HOURS LESS Tlf.lE Iiao by any other rout. Ftrat-olaw tUroufrh paaaouirar and aishtliDafroui Portland and ail palnu to Uia WilUtnolv Vallay to and from baa raoalac CaI. ilinnstt3 RIT8P Lisa of Steamers. Tha -Wm. M. Hoa , Tha "S. H, Boot t." Tha Tbraa tUMera" ara in a-lc for bolti paaanagaraoit freibl IntlXi t atn CorvaUla and PorUand nd :er rueiMata poiaU, leaving Coin pan y'r wbarr, Corrallia, an.J Maaara. tiuiman Co a wharf, No. 800 and 20J front SU, Port land, tbraa tlmea a waak aa ftjllowa : KORTU UotNK. Un m-nllis. Mon.UfA, Wind.r and rri iuiniin. Aibmr. :!. n. immilWm tm. . U. Tmwdnt. Inanity nnd ontar- BOtTU BOCNU. Lnnw PdHbvMi kUMhny. Windrs sad Tti mj UU Arri atMi.JI M7II n. k. Un' rrid (Mai TaMlr, Ttaurur ul S-Uirj tmn nt un-li nt J P, St, ate a, as. Boata make oloaa oonnaotloa at A I ban with traioa of thaOrecoa Paoifle KaUroad TI SOU B BULK. ( aundsfs.) Un Albnny. 19 r. (..Um Yuiatna. :5A,a. Umm Cor'ui, l:Mr, a. Ln CurnUa,10 JA A.n. Arrlra VwiauM, t-ft) r. i. Amit Alkaar, U;W A. n. O. a U. tralaa eoooajs at Albany and Carvallla. Tb above tralna ooanaotat Y equina with tha Oregon Uovaiopmant Couapaay'a Una of Htaaotshipa between Yaquin and etao Franc woo, AIL1XU DATE . hoi ..a rn.xcucj. fmo T.UUiA UlnaMtW Vnllry. Thurs, Dm. Sill WL IM. Itih HiMBMM Vnllar. Hn. Un. ITUi Mjn. UtA liUaMM VnUr, ua. Vmo. tuih. The Company '.narre Ui rtght to ibano-a aailina date without notlca. N. 11. Famoirra from run 1 sua ma a rv ilUnaetto Va ley poiou oan make clone KraoectL'U with the traioa of tbe Yaqutna root at Atbaoy or OorVAlIU, anl U d Uoad to Han k'nuiOiMtn ahould arrange lo irrtTe at Yaqutaa the evening Ale ol aailiuf. Ilumiir and P.'lsnt statea always u.rn. rortnfnmMtion suplrlaC i 8twrt, Prlht nnd tick tml. Aiwnv. or to C II llntll, it., O. T. h. P- Acv.. Onwon iMropanut l'o So M BMfrwteuoa, Ctl. V. V- Mafcli., ' f. 1-IP Kfrtl. Or P-nilj H k U. Cor.vli. 0, K. I aim Shop.: i House 'and Carriage , Painters. necorators and Paper Hangers Piano Yarnithlng. All workKQaraataed. , VASSALL9 & THOMPSON. (Suceeesorrjto Henry Baeavn..) D, R. Vu CLACKBUPii., Attorney at Law Offio?, Odd Fellww'a'rnrople. ALEAHY. - - - ORECOH. DR. CaVATSOWMASTOn Phyuiciaa and Surgeon. Dil. VI ll. DAVI3, Jfnv3ici-.n ana tmrfjeon. ' m& !(Hvj nt ntnlrn In Hlrilnn'm Block. May be found at oft" a ay an I ntgbt. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, .)rtl( r. Fimlaod fm'ty Streets, ALBANY- OREGON. VV ATEL-Gir! Wo Kaiioral bouse wora, K. K. lo.Tau, Atbaoy, Or. FOSHAY & MASON, J u insist find Hooks'.'IItm AHrttn for J,h- H. AMen'a ublk-atl.n ni.-.n w Htil'a fricna wjti f t4im.U4-l tl.HtHV, l k ;$.. fl. F. .11 SO HILL, .13 Ji. 2T 33 XI , ' - ORECOH V'H'k, 8111 Knuiciaoo snd I:'rtr-,.-t M0wJ Oil 5 tii'lmitljii. iiaMiills 1 & CO., PROPO. i surBiuoR roa ) BASEBS V8B. fAtU'IM AG?. FACILITIES. 'rice !a Wbeat Cash fcr II lira. Grocery Discover AT . . Strong's Old corner, oppnulta Blewart A (So, Ftifct Mrcct, Albany, U A full Una ol FP.ES13 cnociniES . CA!mSD GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, ETC. Qalolc mIm anJ mail profits," "I.lM and lot live," U our motto, Plaass call and examine our irx U aud Rt prloaa. Satisfaction guaroUeod, Produca Taken In Exchange, Vary Uesptwtfully, EARDUE & UNDERWOOD. ACADEMY -or Our lady of Perpetual Help.. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Oonduntad by tb Hltri of bt, Hodlct Thl AoaJnmy la InourporaUJ and au thorial by iba stata to coufat acaJoroto honors. BlAnPtfl nciioot. P TKPM, IVant and tuition. ........HO 00 MukIc Inrtntintl. tbaorellnal Bud Tocal with una of piano and orffan 15 00 tlultar jaool 1300 Drawiugand palutiui.... . 8.00 Fny worfc and mom'.ng (rea to boarden. Tuition In waleot day rob -o rangaa from S to f 10. - Normal Inntruotltn of a.nlranta for taaohar'a oartldoatM a .wclalty. Uraduatlng fo, 10. Kor furthar p.rtluUra apidy at th Aoadeuiy. FRANCIS PFEI.FFER. PROPRIETOR OF -i Albany Soda Works. d.ud Manti!aoturara of CHOICE COSFMIOHE&T, Wa ara now orDrd to paII at wSoli aa!, alwaya fraah and pur at Portli nd nrioca to deaiar. Wa alao liaap full llnaof fiata and Tropical Fruits, " CIGARS AND TOBACCO J. MtTHos. Pr.a 8 Coot, S e. B. Pasjus, Vim Iimv a Mmsss Tints The Oregon Land Company Or;uiUl lo lh parp i of borlar and atlllnf rl MH.M, aJrMnt Um WLIIumU. VMtjr in all ol Um iMdlitf hh Mm of in. umiim slum. aoMuovwe Kutsra wla ks dint noma SMrkws lo lb. W ttuTsll.r, sad k m. siWt. la all ths prinelini towns ol kUrioa. ?atk. Linn, Ihmun, Oseksmn aa YunhlU nvnnttM to aid In loattn MranvcmnM, OOtm In Um Tnta UoUilInf on. door at thnr- art eos's, HUlOS DICKLXSOK, Amstra WILL BROS, Dealera In all tha Ltaat improved PI a no Onrar.., elwlnc Mnohlona, Uuna. Alao full Una of warrante-i Ilasorm, Rulchar and l-oeket Knlrao. Tha be kind of aawlns; ntaohin oil. needle and eatran, I for all maohtnaa Alt it'ntvna; neauj and reasonably none. BABY ClRRIAGfts AT STEWAlir 0X8 JOHN BRICCS, FLORIST, ALBANY OREC Rosen a SrecuiTT. Cemetery lota plantad eaJ auandad tc. niLlER BROS. -DEALEKSIN- FlelJ, Tegutabls and Flower Seeds, BEE AND POULTRY SUi PLIES, Garden Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc, 200 Seoon. tUrnt,tt. (Salmon and Taylor, PORTLAND, OREOOX, 4r8eni for our catalogne Poulliy Wanted. All kind of poultry, alive or drea-ed . wantnu at the) witit.a;m . rfKin uom paoy'a 8ur, Albtay, tH'u. VThen I oay Coma I do not mean merely to Stop them for a time, and Own have thera re turn aaain. I mba a a K.ii'iiax, vniu 1 have made tne disease of , FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXI2IG SICHTIES3, A Hfe-long- study. I WAKRAUT my remedy to Comb tbe wont este. I Ir cause others have failed is bo reason fr not now receiving acure. t-nd at nnne for a treatMe and a a'RBB boTTLa of nr lerALLIUJl KBMEbr. tiive zores aod i'o-t Ofllra. It com yon nothing fur B rial, sua it wiu n yon. jtaurase LC. BOOT, M.C., 183 PlAxttTREnToni -WEaTl B-a-Jw. ,y:.;:..-.j; Administrator's Nr dee, Notice ie hereby given that the ludersian ed baa this day bem duly aptn. ti-t d Ad mimstrator of the estate f Jtii C Wihiama, deceased, by tbe Couu'y Cup it of Lino conn ty, Oregon. All peraons having claim against tsid estate are hereby not i tod t - )r-rnt tbem properly vcntiwl, fo tiie Adn i,.u-tistnr at Albany, Oregon, wi'biu six m.n.tiis ivoin this date. Tni tbe 15th day o'. Janosiy, JSS9--- '- B. F. William. - J. X. Wathxkford, , Administrator, Att'y for Adm r. "Jim WcsiliiH," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chine- K' d" of all kit d on hand, AI full lii.c of . JAPA?l3E GOODS. OKEBOB Pu,'?i'J COJilEaCTOR, V : I .r thl Msw4in, Laborers fuini any parpone. oo .. rt iH-ii. t- f.. Opposite S E Young's, Aibany, Foitmiilei 4 imi r; - a,-a-.; tl - ' Tr "tart -FUNERAL". DIUEC runs.- Prompt Attsntiaii-FlrsS-class Hearse 3. K. WEATIIinirOSB, , (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ' kTTOItNEY AT I, A w ALB A.I V, OKKtOK. WHX PBACTI0S TIT ALL THE COCHTSI OK TU but. Hj-.jil attention given to collector,. J s LI s O: hia 1 t ' 'aaW 1 slTTT- !4 j'. ill TRACE MANIC For Horses and Cattlo. Racant, Prompt, Good Raiulta. Iwaiiioff. RMMwt, m, tt it. mi. Mr rS att NI4l WMlfc rll llisktt W :- t. jams Oil. , A, V. AAJUHUa. ' n. AiwHlMtuI tMli lUr 0... Tha tte. . um wt . Tii. o., . w. MtMrntiir nMmu at.iiuoi no m u. Wt aw imwJu. M nk. ft. AJUtl 00. fa I O Month. W1..W. Vuu, Jn M. 'II. n vm mtH ar at, jmti Oil! k. r. MlHilWMMl, W. i.OUJIl. Lam-kntriktr. Ittlna,!., v4 . mu .aiw4 itk nu um mia m W1A hHmM WIU JmH OU. A tA nkMM h4 Mi it rw .teat mil ui4 Kmi, 0. W. BIAAa. for ataala Dm. Ak. . 'r .' . I tw. it. Jmu ou ar aw r kui mm. I M It k) W. ""' aynka, kruUM, uU, k tavaai Kklifc. At PROUUtVT AND DlALaM. INt CHARLKI A. V00ELII CO., ianhatr. Hi. Tht BUTKBS' QUICK ti turned Staroh and BcpU (aaeh yaar. It ia an aucy. elopadia of u.oful tnfor matlon for all who pur. ohaaa tha luzurlo or tha naoeaattiea of Ufa. wa ean olotba yon and furaiah yon with all tha naoawary and unnooanary applianeaa to rlda.walk, danoa, alacp, Bah. bunt. work, mo to cnureii. or atay at horn, and in varioua aisoa. atylaa and qnanutlea, Juki nguro out what U raqulrad to do all thaao thlnga COSf 0RTA81T. aod jou oan mr-ko a fair aaiimata of tha valua of tha liU VUil' OUIDB, whtoh wtu b aant upon raoalpt of 10 eanta to pay poatago. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. XU-U4 Hlobigan Avonuo, Chloago, 1U. PATENTS btnlantl, nnd stl ottior tMisluow In tit. 0. Ms MtMidoJod to far nixleiil tfc 8. PstMt Our o(Hu I. oinn.ll in U. B. fMMit omo. nnd ana nbuia 1-ni.uM loas lint, than tAuss r.moW a Wunlnsiun. . a.nd BMHtr. ordraslnt. W. t.' lo "lit (rot of eliMv. taud tronink u vnsnn uuln obtain MMnl. ns mw tin, b in ro.inutr, in aupt. 01 MHMjr Onter iH. nid to mBcnU ol th. LI . 0. PaUnl OtHoa. Fur.ln.aUr, sdvwn, imim, simI thmwn olnsl elumw ia our own emu ar ouunty, IdjrnM C, A. Si0V&CO., ' OKfavtw lawni mua, mmntnjm, w at Ih kMant nud avjot h.-. r i ' W w Ferry's Seeds StlVS nk..vl.--i.-ikBkalb . i " : .. . - ... , , . at''f Ktr tni-jen ajatiiff M siBaaiasia,. a)nBi M awasaj luT l AtrcMam O. BS. FERRY & CO.. Detroit. (Hie. BAM MAY. O. IMB MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrtnandiss. flARHISSURC - - - ORECOH Will boy Gr&io. Woo! and all kinds PIANOS. Those wUhloe a AttU. Instrntnent ahould esll at Mre. B. K. Ilyman'a and at one of tboaa ru!eurtmt llsinme dt Long planooa, exi.eot rich tone. Ea PMlall mvte and nvdat td t aUnd tha I rllmste on tbe faoiflu Coai. Kv-ry piano miy Kustaiitaaa i'r 0 vtr. 1 lie laieat aheet-mualo for sjle, M u-l-i aud painting leaaoBe Eivrn tbara. Alno I'm plana lo gnt your new Sawing Mschln. K.ucr work and dreaa making done to order, r Irat door east or Young's old stand, Albany, uregon. Rsvere House: ALBANY, - OREGON, CI1AS. I'FEIFFKi TilOPRIETOR. FUta-l on In firai-tslaaa afyte. Tablae aupplied with Iba bent In tbe market. Nl at aleeplcB apartment, rlample rooma ror oomiu-rctai trve:er, ATre Caaah la aad rrnat e nfa4el.a Tbe treatment of many thousands of or toose coronia weaKnesws snd ulnlmHina ailments peculiar to fotnslea, at the Invalids Hotel and 8uivlcai Institute, Buffalo. N. I' ll aa afforded a vast exriertonae In nicolr aulant. In and tborouhly tontlna; mmedios for the sure or Fmuui i pnouiiar iMaiiuiu-s. Ar. Pleree'a Aavorlte I'reaerlptlon I tbe outurowtti. or result, of this rrtut sod ! ealuatile- eDrinnoo. 1 housands of IhiIiiuw I BinJo, rooelTi-d from patlmiu and from pbyai- vmii. wm hkt, wmu n id vim more saitm au-a ana oosunate cuaea woiuii Had bullli-4 their akllL nrova It to be the tnoxt wnnrfrnl remedy ever devised for tlio relU-t nnd cure of eouenos; women, it is not rvcoinmeudiHi as "cure-ail." but oa a most nvrloct tSoocUla fur Woman' peculiar ailments. A powerful, in vis;orating tonle, v MMWi vvkvismU W Ml WllOiO SJBlCm, and to tbe womb and Its app'-'iti'.iiifea In particular, ror overwork',d. - worn -out," "run-down.", debilitated t,nrlifm. mlllliwra. dreesmakcra, aearastrosses, "aliop-orii-lo," bousn- aeepOTs, nursinn- uiotnors, nni il'-dis women nenerallr. Dr. I'ierco a tavoritx I'roaorintion U the grcntost earthly boon, bclnjr uncqitaled aa an appeilzine cordial and rcstoniUve tonlo. isa (t tsouiiBg ana ct ronntlteuluar J nervine. Favorite Pnvorlui'i.ii " ia u-iu.1 sualed aud W invaluable in avliuyltiar and ub- duiiib' uervous ejCGiutmiitv. lrj'iMiiiiiitv. r- bsuation, prostration, hysteria, spnsm and other distressing, nervous symptom com monly attendant upon functional nod orirsnlo aisease or tne womo. it uiuocee rerrui i iii oiocp and reiicves mental anxioty and de- eponoenoy. ur, A-iercee raToriin I'reacriptlon is at ICRitltnata medicine, carofnlir comnoundtd by an experienced and skillful physician, ana adapted to woman's delicate organization, jc J purely vegetable In ta on ru position ana perioctiy iiiu-raiosa In its effecte in anr condition of tbe avstem. For morn in a; aicknesa, or nausea, from whatever cause arising;, wwik otomocn, inaigreatlon, ay piwitnq sinureu symptoms, ii aosos. will nrove verr iioncnolHl. "Favorite Prescription la poal. si ve core lor tno most complicated and oo. tlnate case of inucorrhon, cxc-eire flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural eupprceslons, prolapsus, or fuiiimr of tbo wouib, weak back, female weaknem," antevetifoTi. retroversion, brarina;-down sonsatlons, clirnnio congestion, Inllnro million and ulcerntion ot the womb. In flainmaUon, pain and Umilorno? ia ovarie. accomponUHt with " iiiteinal heat." .. Aa a, reajolator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical pi-rind of change from girlhood to womanhood. "Favorite fre. aonptiou " is a pwioc-riy ante lcinndlal agent. ana can proauoo only ..oii results. It i eoually emcaolou and v.tluniita In Its effects when taken for those dleordcrs and deraiiKs menta incidout to thnt Inter and most critical Ij um. Known as j un t;imnr;e or Mlo. "Favorite Prescription," when taken in connctlon witli the use of Dr. I'li-r.-e Ciolden MiMilool liiscovery. and amn.ll laxative dosKe of Dr. Plorco's Vui jrnlive i'oilc-l Little Liver flilai, cure LI ror. Kidney and il'.udder olw-nse. 'ilieir oninliincd ub umi remove blood talntu, and nljolislios (-mwiuui and ecrofulons humors from iUo ryrtom. " fravorlto Preecrlpiiou " is the onfy medicino for women, sulil i,y Ccuiriuts, under positive gimrnntec, fr. m t!io manu facturors, that it r, ill ptvo aiiilslucMon In every esse, or money will l;o refunded. 'J'lil (ruaraii- tee nas oeeti pntitcd on tlie bcUie-wrupper. and faithfully carried out for mr.ny years. I, ergo bottlee (100 doseo) $1.00, or atx bottles for BA.OO. ' tor liiriyn, lllustratsd Trcatlfison Dlsciuvsof Women (ItSO pages, nnper-oovered), aeuii ten vuw ju auiiiips, Auoretit), W...4 s L.:psr.:ary Ksdical Association, CC3 inoXa St, BITITALO, K. T. ft Children Cry for. APEE, TKMPKRANCCC0I.CMK." ' Ktlltwlby Alliany W.O.T, 0 IlllnoU hat four bill far local option and a conxtltutlcnitl prohibitory amendment be tore lit Leyllnhire. One ol the bill propote taking tha llcentlng power from I munU'lpit'ltli't and giving It to county au thoritle. No lloento to be grntitrd for let than $t,ooo, The hljH lloebto f&IIiicy wat pretty well thown up during the recent icttlon of the State Alliance In Albany, Mr NirrL.a White Klnnry mode a muit admirable ad dreo, chiefly on that lubject. the wa fol lowed the next evening by Major Hilton, cn the tame tubject, In perhaps the bent tt tort made by him In Albany If Ihe pco pie ot Albany and tlue In aitemlunce on the Convention were not enlightened a to tlie working! of that lyttein, It wa certain ly not the fault of the ipeakcri. And l( net convinced ol the utter failure ol high licrnte m a temperance measure, they were turely wilfully b.lml, and none are so blind Rt thotc who will not tee. Edward Alklnton my that the dtttrlbu tlon ol bakers' bread after It U baked, now costs the average working man ol the cities a much a It doe to grow the w heat, mill It, barrel It, move It 1,500 mile and convert U Into bread. A strong argument for teaching our girl breadmaklng, so their families will not tiave to depend upon baker. We can congratulate oursclvet a a peo pie upon havlnu won an effective law for prohibiting the sale ol tobacco In It vsrl ous forms to minor. If our officer will now take hold ol the matter and see that the law doe not become a dead letter, a to many other good law have we will aeon tee fewer boy Munterlnif around our street with cigarette In their mouths. II the men m ust and will use the noxious weed, In the name ol humanity let u use the power now clven ti to keep It away trjin the coys, that its direful innuencrs may In the next feneration at least, be lAomewhat mitigated. The new Common Council ol Detroit Mich, hat In It fourteen lluuor dealer. A sorry chance lor honest legislation there Uur.loit's "Wine and Srlrlt" circular say: H that in Pennsylvania features In trade have been lost sight of at the present time, as Ihe liquor men are absorbed In the question of prohibition, and add : There will be no tooltsnes UiU time ; the line of action will be lllah License I'rohlbU ilon." It I staled that hi Massachusetts the liquor dealera propose to spend a mil ton ol dollars In fighting the amendment II necetiary. The brandv cltraretie Is Ihe latest device ol the devil for ruining the youth. It Is made of toba.-co that has been eoeked In brandy , and Ihe smoker Is enabled to keep mildly Intoxicated without touching a drop ol liquor. Weather. Ka miliary of Metoroluy fur VH I&9, from observations taken at Albany.Unn Co. Oregon, by John IVigi(s,vol, observer fur tbe Signal Keryioe, U S. Army. lIiMbt UrvmsUr un the Z'lih, 30.26. lowest barooieUron the 13th. '19 A. Mean barometer for the mooth. 29. W . Highest d.tly avrga' bar. 30.53. Lowest daily avrsMs I bsr. S9 63. l!tghettiicrature on tbe 2fKb. 63. Lowest trniprstur. tm 1 h. Ifiih, 16. klsaa for tbe month 41 24. lii.ks.t daily rang- ol iher. 00 tbe SS, 30. Lowttddy rangoxlilicr, out be 14th, 5. Mean Umrrstars at 7. m. daily 37.2. M-au at 2u. iu, daily &'i 67. Mesa Umpeatura at 9a m. daily 42 3. 1'revialing diraetioo i.l wind, '. aad A. Maximum Vvhx-'ity lurce, 2. Total rainfall or melted enow, 0.03 inebea. Ivpth of anow at tad of mouth, 0. Number of day nn wbieh .01 mcb or more rata fell. 9. ? lSnmbar of day of cIuuiIjuomi avntsva 8 aoslecf 10. ft. Of t obervaUoiia 27 were elaar. ID clou J v. 7 lair, 12 fgy, 3 raio, 8 baay. 4 overcast, 3 snow. Ltahl f"t ou the iiwir-dnK. 7 Kllllog frost on the moraitg.f 4 4s) a. Tsrnj-rrur..lW pe, atrts-e of 10 yeara. 4 SCI ou avcrsji of 10 years. OK. IIO atVKO in hie dtse-ivery for lousuuiption, sue oeede-l iu producing a medicine wbloh 1j ac fcnoaltKljfkd by ail to be oimply marvelous. llt.tX'M-ffliria'ly pl-sunt to tbe taaU. tr- (eetly l.aruites, and dues not sicken. In all ease, of eaeeol Cou.uwptioo. Cunha.Uvtlda tvnooptoa: umo, c-ouji, Bronchiti. and Pains in tt Cbt. it hsa etven oiiiv.rsl satisfaction. Ir H.iiko' Gmgh aiid Lang nyrap is sold at ou eenta by UitUuui AC boa, Vhen Baby wa sick, we gave her Caatorta, When aha was a Child, ahe erled for Castoria, Wtn alts bsonine atlas, she clung to Caatorta, Wbn she had Clilklnm, slw fare I hem Castoria, mm KIP1 DUE Absolutely Pure. Ihlapiwdnr never vaib-n. A marve of purity, slrf-tmLt nnd wIiiiImm,a vtore eeinoiiil-nl,ihan the ordinary kind nun i-Himot i.h no a in eon petition with multitii'ln if ).iti.t, ahmt waiebt alam or pnospbate p.iwdor. Sjid only to cnt u'uri iMmiin ro(iu UO, lilt) Wall Ht,, Y. , l. A . Q-WLar c0 Agenta, Pori land, Oregon 1 FOR 1889. Cnmplet Ht of Tearetntilea, Flowers, linlba and Small 1 rulMi, with (Utciiptioa ana prioe. . - JtKW SHAPK. KEW TTPR. rOWPT,ETBI,Y U.EVJ14UJJ AND OU'UOVLD. - Conraint mors varieties Ihaa sny ether eatalogii. primed, Three Lle-nnt Colored sVlntea, Mioji inches, kjX a fromiipiecs. . ;. THE PIONEER SEED CATALOGUE OP AMERICA. Every peraon who owns a foot of land or cultivates' S plant iliould have a copy, fries of VlCK'S FLORAL' GUIDE, Containing s certificate good for ij cents worth ot Seed,, only 15 cents, IAJHE3 TICK" SEEDSMAN, ttochester, N. Pitcher's Castoria. iFFICIAli SI m ani, Vlllfl il ir , si v SAC I liLlilt Al'liiU IX Jb VV a llgotiBulcldrd. Madrid, March I. An Englishman, tunpot- In ed to 1 Richard Ticott, waa arrested in the Hotel ties AmisAiieuri to-tiny, under the name of Ronald I'onsonby. The man after ward committed suicide with a revolver. The description of tlteiukkt correspond with that j'lL'ntt. i tie man anoke f.nuiun, umy mail amount of silver wa luund in hi pockets. The police have taken possession of the papers and other article found ujmn him. Th. (irratHiainirr, Tacoma, Mircli t. Captain Paul LUiytoo passed through here to-day, en route to Seattle and will return here to-morrow and proceed to romanii, whem a he will go to the, tnoulli ol the Columbia river on a seal hunting exitediilon. lie expect lo make the trip of t lo miles (.own the Columbia ilver la, hi rubber uit. Mae Drowned, San FaANciwo, March I. A a EatMivr special from Chattanooga sayn ljist night Ih family of Hud Dynes, nine la all, were drowned in a swamp in Decatur county, near tbe Ten ncisea river. The family were moving in a wagon.nnil after dark became lost in (ha iwatnp, rnortilrt Vkkka. Cal., March I. W. II. Kinross of Oakland, and formerly of Portland, wa married last evening to Miss Addle Cassiily, at Little Shasta, and to-day' train carried them to Oak land. The lioara Will Rattle. , Washington, March I. Th house to-dy passed the senate bill directing the attorney general within atx month after the passage tin act, lo cause lulls to be brought in tbe name of the United State In the United State circuit court for the district u( Oregon, a gainst all persons, hrtnt and corporation claiming to own Interest in land granted to lite state of Oregon to aid in the construct on of diflerent wagon road in Oregon, The suit are to deterniine the question of seasonable and proper comple tion ol the same roads, in accordance with the term of ihe granting act. We Might ad80Bi. ArrkiiKen, Dak. March I. The terrltoral lUtistiddn say that there 1 not now enough wheat in Dakota for teed and bread. There 1 now but aliout 8.000,000 bushel of wheat In the territory in the farmers hand and In eleva tors, and at least, 11,000,000 bushels are re quired for seed and bread In the teiritory. This will mnke a ittOHagcM 3,000,000 r-usliel ia round memtwra of the necessary amount to lide over the farmer until the new crop. TArovtA. Man-h 1 Pri.l.t O.V ih. ' I Norther Pacific to-.U y staled that the Union Pacific railroad would run train into Tacoma Portland In al-uut three weeks, Tlieqaes. tion as to whether the Union wonld run trains into Seattle al tne sante lime or not waa s put r. e directly to kirn, but he declined to answer. sta'ed that the terminal Ldlllie at Tacoma would be owned by the Terminal Company, in the interests of the Northern I'aeim, and the Union I'acific would enjoy the same a lessee only. Honked Mea 1 fLA, rct. as. rvi masked men en tered the More of CulfcM & IJcntky, at ReeUy lost night, ami covered the clerk and proprie tor with revolvers. They then (breed them lo open the safe and give up what money they had. Alter thia the robber thanked them kindly and turned away. Tbe amount taken wa 7ja Always lake. SaH Fbancisco, Feb. 28. Now that Ihe six -day walking match ia over and everybody know that a colored man baa won, the sjxti are trying to settle it in their mind a lo whether or not it wa a fioare thing or a bke. The burden of opinion is on Ihe fake Three days Ufbte the finish a trip wa flying around wbkh named Hart asihewinncr.Moon lor second place and Itowarth for third. The man who gave that out waa on the inside and fur once the tip won. at. It. Helldlnt. La CBA5itiB,Or., reb. a S. Chief Ijtgineet Kennedy aad party, of Ibe O. R. & N. Co., ainved in La urande lo-day, for Ihe purfote of making a preliminary Instwctinn of the pro posed branch road to Walla Walls. They Mart out forthwith, and will go through Ihe Grand Konde ami Walla Walla canyons. AQ indication are that tbe Walla WsUa branch wilt he speedily built, and weak will probably re begun at im place wituia a lew wecko. Kaita n flere. ' Mtw YOiK, reb, 38. Lmring tbe stcna' tion in tbe first and tecoud-claae passenger bual- nes the transconticnlal lines nave been fighting fur ihe immigration business at ' Castle Garden. In lb Ust few dsy I he commission on California tkkct have bees aa high a $ 1 4. The war chiefly ditected against the .Southern Pacific, which secures in t.urope over half of the Caiibrnia business. Wars Tbaa la Oregon. Cl F..WCIUY V.K Th.fnnna th. bay this morning wa tlie heaviest eaperienced fcor yean. Ferry travel wa demoralized, true MWI. ' W MVOWU, KflH 11 t"W WCV VtWIICU and the Creek route waa suspended, rio ser ious aeddent have been heard of, although ome narrow escapes are reported. The Saus alito ferry waa stopped within a few feet of a British war vessel, and a serious aeddent waa tbue averted. , Crave Firemen. ' Milwaukee, Feb. 38. Fire to-night de stroyed the building occupied by Jounek & C0.1 milliners, causing a Iota of $75,000. When the fire wa practically extinguikbedf four floor fell in, burying a doren firemen in tbe basement below. Their comrades quickly replied to their groans and pitiful appeals lor help, and one by one they were slowly extricated, the work oc cupying more than an hour. - Hanged 1b Efflgy, Walla Walla, Feb. 38. It la reported that Sunday Parson McGbce wa banged in effigy at Waitsburg, because of hi opposition to the O. & W. T. railroad' coming to that place. R, It. Accident St. George, Ont Feb. 27. Tbe St. Louis express patting here east bound thia morning went through a bridge just east of the station A broken tire on one of the engine whecla caused the rails to spread and the iirst paaaen ger car, a Pullman car and a dining car went through the middle section of the bridge. " The Pullman car, which contained most of the pas senger, wa thrown clear off the bridge, turn Ing completely over and landing right aide up, The dining car stand on end (gainst a pier, A passenger car remained on the bridge. Eight or ten person were killed, aid about thirty wounded persona have been taken out of the Cant, ' - t..:.? :. ; Must Have Been Tired. Sam Fbancisco. Feb. 37. Tbe six day go-as-you-please match, came to an end this ' even. in at 10 P. M.,and was won by Hart, (colored) with 526 mile. Moore wat second with 525 mile and I Ups. : ' , ' , . . The management claimed that the gate receipts amounted to $26,000 of which Hart will get 60 per cent, and Moor 40 rer cent. The following is tbe score of the other who linithed in the match: Tat Guerrero, 408 mile and 3 lapaj Breeder, 273 miles; "Ooftv Gooty" 223 milei; "Old Sport" Campamt, 383 ' milet and 6 laps; Grozier, 303 mile and 3 lap. , A Vigilance l'oranlttct. Seattle, W. T.', Feb. 37. A brief , dit jatch to-night from Whatcom lays J. F. Bucha man wa roblied by highwaymen yesterday on Lake Whatcom road, and that a man found dead to-day it supposed to be a victim of rob ber. A vigilance committee ha been organiz ed to regulate these outrage, and tj enforce law and order. . . . ,,.W, . " ; Decani e a LaW. . Salem, Or. Feb, 27. Governor Pennoyer ha decided to allow Pope' bill regulating the practice of medicine and surgery, which he hi 1 had under consideration since the legislature adjoined to become a law without his signature. 'The bill should really lie vetoed," said he. "I do not bilieve in the clause of the bill which gives three examiners power to take a physi cian's diploma from him for unprofessional con. duct, when there is no provision which , aayi what such conduct sall consist of. However, I shall try to obviate any difficulty by appoint ing as examiners men known to be cool-headed aud conservative." . .: , ... - CUUK FOB. NICK HEADACHE, Do you want s renv-dv fur BMinumeas, Pimple on tfcofiwr, aid s anr nur tick headache, uk Dr, 0Im and !-.". ths Drueclau, tor Dr,', Liv. PUL, try A d o, tarn pita free ull box i5 cent, Children Cry for atiiiiutt rr The railroad commUtlon will cost Ore gun fitpoo a year, and wltl offer nothing return, " It I the greatest sinecure ever "d n "d U geod deal like bonnet without a woman. Under the present literary taste some novel ha to have a big run and be talked about and nursed and alt that. Now It U Robert Elimere, and to-morrow some thing else. "The Quick and the Dead' that took ao wa really not worth the paper for kindling wood, and llagsrd' novel are a pack ol rnlei He. Robert Eli inert is attracting attention on account stf lt ikeptlcal notions, W do not know , to It literary merits, Amonu the novel ol the lutt decade Lw Wallace's Hen ilur take the lead We have never read but one Ivanhoe though, ; The way tome ol our exchange talk about building railroad one would think that It only cost about $1,50 a mile to con struct there gigantic affidra The truth I there I not a place In Ihe valley that can build ten tulles of road to save It.e-il, ja'K cheap as fog ami twice a common Mason Long, the (formed gambler, at tack eard playing from casino up to pok er, dancing whether In private or public, drinking, whether for medicine or a a beverage. In fact "set down" on social evil icnerslly, dilnff so entirely from hi own experience and observation In a very TVIII,WI fcltl fc I t Mr. W. II. Goltra. it Is reported, ha been offered over $15,000 tta the Smead place, adjoining the city, but refuted, lie paid $3,ooo lor It about three year ago. Thl I a little Item with a hornets' nest In It, and ahowt how real estate ha jumped up in Albany, ihe tame property near lacoma, though, would sell for probably ten time a mucn. An Avtoria paper I boa.Mng about a new curfew law and advise the boya to look out We have a curlew law also; but it net laid up In bed once In awhile. It would be a goad thing lor the boy ol Al bany 11 it were absolutely enforced. Yetteroay we sow a ssven yraroiu oy 1 11.. 1 11. . ,,i. , emoaing a sigarciwj prooao-y a -no.u M . . a t J . .a -II -.A A 1. WT"r " wnscicnuou.iy rc.pccung me iaw. trouble will be In older bov buying the cropping for them. Had the law simply applied to cigarette It would have covered the Meld practically, for that I what ha alway taken with the kids, whose white up now testily to the habit. UE lb KiTaTo, KAIX-I. Af recorded In Ihe Recorder' oflke for Linn county, Oregon t R Kochler to Ed Huston, 5 lots Ms ma a 9 AJCarytoSM Daniel, 15.13 J feet Scto...... .. 95 200 5SO 3000 3000 150 Ja Elklns to Hannah E Warren, 4 una, r, a W feet front rerry M at.... A llackleman to Geo Henderson, 3 blocks, IT 3rd A. Atbsnr...., Jonn K McKlnney to Matltsa Mc- Kinney, acres, 14 w 3...... W R Kirk WUC CathmanU acre ijw j V S to la A 1'owcll, 169 acres, date I57S ratent A llaeklcman to C M Farretl. 1. acre H'ajrd A..... 300 Sam'l Nixon tojat McMahon.314.93 acres, iaw 4 Ma.ton li Chamberlain to Allen B 4085 Mathews, s tots M Si Cs A, Al bany 35 J Moist to Jo Stewart, ojSf acre. II W 2. 33'yLt) 0 Ilea in to C W Scsr,i lot, block jj, II and A 1S00 D Myers to N O Myers, I lot, Scio 500 J M V Mlyeu to N C Myers, a lots sc'o...... . W R Urahsm to Hsrah A Schlffler, a lots, block 66, Albaav. ....... 3000 R Kochirr lo J a il Mahoney, 4 lota bi. 90 ai ana a Ruth Lerwell to Catherine Cochelt, too acres, 14 wi... 85O W T Matlock to J 1 Matlock. in terest la piece land. 14 w n .... . A P Howe to Jettc D Irvine, a lot, S SPO 1100 500 3SO 800 1000 Urowntvlile J C Cochell lo S Cochran, loo acre, . .w . ; ' JM " un$ i , 'T' . 2 Vu i L G Rogers, Albany..., 1 sianoner to c oncny, acres. I 11 w 1 I cut R Parke to I U Beam, a Uts 1 1 1' 2nd A. A I bs H V J i 7. 9cnu" tm john A Mlilard to II R Schulta, lot I - Jk t I TACt . . I GOO M aston & Chamberlain to Mary r"ort miller, 3 lots, M & C A C M Farrell to John Prader, I acre, IP 3rd A Ulile E Wyatt to J R .Wjatt, lull power of Attorney L Viereck to Edward llu.ton, a Iota, block 73.... Mining claim C II Foster, the Ella, near Upper Soda.... , Mining claim Geo Mealey, the Mug wump, J mlle.nurthcast Upper 8odo. Mining claim C Mcalcy, Avalanche, L'pir Soda Mining clulm W R Mealey, Soda, Upper Soda Mining claim O J Mealey, the Moun tain Bi;omer, Upper Soda ..... . 5co 1500 A Frieud of the People, , ,, Or, Feb. aand, 1889. I wish to Inlorm your readers and espec ially the workingmen ol Linn county about your Representative, J, Mycr a being one ol the staunch friend, of the people and ol the workliigman. lie fought hard lor hi bill to protect labor in public work. Mr. Myers la a young man and by his action In the House on every measure brought up in the Interest ol the people wa alway t-n the tide ol the people. Any clique measure brought forward he fought them not alone by hi vote, but Ida voice was heard In op position. Ill record will prove my aer llon, and I wilt lay that hi friend may be proud of him for ht honesty and ability in defending their rlghta. All of the dele gation from Linn voted lor the labor tick, tt. It is the banner county ol this State In standing by the workingmen. They voted tor ihe lr.bor bill every time. I hope the workingmen wilt look on Mr, Mycin aa a true Irlend. ' . f r And to you, Mr. J. My era, tho working class ol Oregon return to you their sincere thanks for the able manner in which you defended their rights. Hoping the clay will not be lur distant when we'll be able to reclpmcate to you fur your kindness to ward ut. r By Inserting tbe above you wl:l oblige, - Yours respectfully, -. , " M. II. O'CONNER. WRIGHT'S Couapomul ftynp of Bar suptrllla I uaed auocennfully- in ourlnet all Ulnoj Diaaasns, from tbo least blotch or plmpla to tho lameikt aorofulous sore, Hold by Foshay A Mason. Pl PILE. Ito Ltiisf ' : 1 1 lull -,' I f IV if !' 'M if it.f in 'm. Till l tl 'lt tl Jill, , l.n , protrudln Pll.l a d at 0 1 tl t fit tutjtvii' br.bvwankoj iro(nly, w.ilihsHt diri',ly . th-prrta ttJ, tbi i) ii tn li aici, tuia( Intense ito n nd !Tjj'1u inciili'l (irj Miits. A-idrait l"w D.- B h t St M l.oi.u 0 , t Q. sold by ir, C Mia and 8011, , , Wall Paper, The finest line ot wal paper In the valley In forty or fifty .varie ties, elegant designs and price down, at Fortmiiler & IrvinaV. It will pay to tee hem. - ' ' - . '- -" , . - ilARRIEP. GRIFFIN POMEROY. On Satur day, March 3, 1889, by George Humphrey, Eq., Mr. G. A. Griffin and Mia C. Pom eroy, both of Scio. Both are children of two of Sclo' well known citizens. May their live together be happy one. PItchcr'o Castoria. tilt-asDAf. Pesch tree In town ar blooa I w. Marion want a t re and a b!aoki sitk chop, - "-: ' R O Jonet, of tbe Oregoma ., hsa been in the city to day. Fifty-tla school t.chets are Uing etsm- ed at Sslvin tlii wot.k. About tlfteen lots out cf elkthty, remua eusold in tbe Elkin' addiiiou to th eity. Nar L knue t ssterday a boy waa aesrly kille-1 by electricity with a olearaky oyernaaa. Tbe Crowntville Wiln Mill Co. I mak ing1 a clearance sl of jcwd at autoal whole ale tico in. Now ItiAt w ar tl bve a strut! raiUa in i.rH(-st ear i'iui uooeo iuionra us iiiat n a- kiii up tbt I'ii -t liUiMtug m iv-fd railway lr tne pracu(. Mr. A. llickl' inin ollur. to fJon&te to tb e ty land (or a P irk in but 3rd aibluiou 1 the uity will gif in ki it Up. A 8100 ti I is said to be iu cir- culstt'ju omewbr la the SUU-, aud aa a r- nlt our night are.very wakeful. R 8 Jmie Um been itUoml iu the asylom from fllieur eouuty. He claim to be the second Ubrisl, uii'l is ol court craxy. Mr, L. llauhtts, the real ettate m .ii, form- rly ol Ward t IJagne. wut op t- road . . a a A m this iioob a adv.rioj for Air Mason Uin, Rfnrcstititstive Oilh.m tads la the tmm- bar of miles travelnd to ami from the Capital, the llcun t being 125 Clitinlier!io wa tbe nearest with a record of 4 mile. Th C.oaila thiatls la w ia in force. Under it it fa the duty of county aud city official to attend to the extermination 01 tne weed, under heavy penalties B F French i in the city with two of the beat book in existeiioa, Hon l'erlry Poor' remiuisotoces, for which be ia eAuysating it on of th most inlurestitiK bistorictl ImmiUs aver read. You ait the facts weil spiced. 18,908 waa ihe am Mint of KUm's woolen mill ubsidy Is.t eveuing, W) bsl.ig added by men who bad already ulMM:ribel. It U. like all auuh aubscripttoDi, like polling teetb now. lion. Jeff Meyer, of Scio, ha been in tbe eity. Jeff ha proven himself a frieud to the laboring man ami proved hlmif an euergntie legislator, voting oa the riubt side of all tka job bills of the late session, Many people who hsveum tbe Ajt Wash- iuuton Lrritory r.l tite ad 10 tn Ure eoniait, eoveitug a fan. have woodnred what tbey eost. it take lust about I'JIHJ to gttbeo in ono,od tti.y are aheap at that. Tbe Herald subsists that tbe hrmu of tbe count meet iu Albny on March 10 to arrange f.r a horse abow. Tbe IIkmocrat will also suggest tbe same date, aad now if tbe matter, which we have heretofore sad it- ed, doe not move, it ia not tbe ven ipa era' fault. Dr. CUik, formerly of thia city, waa bad ly burned a boat tbe lace Monday by tbe ex plosion of a spirit lamp, lie but his eye and mouth and ao tbe result is ut bad aa it might bare been. He will be laid op for some time and it i feared hi face will be ecarred from the effect of tbe burning Kugene Krgnur, Tbe An tons & .South Coast Baitrosd Co, advertise for 30.00!) tin. Thia looks thouyh Astoria proposed to btiild tbe road hnrselL There i no reason wby tbe citizen of AetoriaabouM not bul d tne rood, and wbeo tbe time eome to rs se tbe bslance of tbe awes.ary fund, the citicm at ill re- spon-d. I'l'mfre. raioAr. Th Lebanon Erprt is solid Blalce pap. r. The Oregon i'scitla boat ate now ra.bed nu b buinr. Jst for da wo ritfht crow ma eomutebd n to tbe K-ieeberg psperr. letterd tbe Bcbtlev stuck on a bar Bear SaLta to low ia tbe water. V," f LUadl oaaamescbarit of tbe Indian school at tsiui lo day. Another lsrue Bode arrctnl Mason L002 Ust evening at the WCIU ball. There are 440 children in tbe Kotebura aohuol dtatrict between tbe agee of 4 aod 20. Mr Clark, of Clwk't mill, ia in th eitv. He rvporta a great senrci'.y of euugata up Oeurgta n.i..Utrt,' next Monday. The Ppei every wUr siwaX very bivbly ol tbem. Dll Siiaw has been aoooiuUd nLfhtwalcb Moaova. lie a ill le paia br tbe bast nta wen. Mr L Viereck baa purchased ol W II G..1- tea, SO acre adj jiuiog- tbe city payimt ioOOO tor toe same. Tiveaoverunitntwork at Corvallis is now to be huiab.d.llne that city mil be without a river. Mrs B E tit moo hoa just told to Mr Try on, residing near Albany, a tine SoOO ntmnt Long piano. l am ualce far .iente dance lost evemng nas well atteedad and those a bo participat ed aay tuey enjoyed tm-mveivea bugely, Hon K B McElroy, ia now department commander cl tbe u A li w U.tnou A good selection. He will jut theto-p tu any poattion ne may u;i aeaterday Mr J C Wsd.aorih rre- nt'y of kaoaaa, parchaard of C K Sluhier, ltU .ores near the O P II it 00 tbe Coat rai-g., pa iug aaotl lor tbe same. He mil ee it lui .lock purpose. mr vua tiuikbsrt ia tusking srrtuve- m.nttto plat blty scfr of laud ju.t rat of J A tare hue sueurbaa place, and put it on iu maraot aa an addition vu tlie city. Tbe Nw York World ha i rfervi a 20- dollar gold pieca ior the u-o t rvhiatkable dream, arid o.loeo pies are in ixiQeeuueuc iu demand among tbe competing Uotb.tiuire a an at iii-ioot a let jat tture retiring, There wa 00 man at !ri ahe didn't think th treasury waa accumulutiu,( ten much ot a surplus, lie Vae an teeutne long Itland, N Y achoolmsster. who, Ujiog two weeks ago, beqneatbed all bis piopety amonnting to about '.'5,C00;o tbe Uuited States Cioveroment. J II Albert and I Vanduvo yesterdat , . 1 or ... Aiwruoon purcnasea tus Lewis and Alitu tract of 212 acre lying south of tha Univer sity addition. Tbey paid for it $22. (KX). It will make a very desirable addition Jour-- naL W would like to see soy laud a near Albany in this county be bought (nr 4100 an acre. A novel lottery scheme ia propped iu Rut sis. A yt-unor woman of aotiln birth is ti.e ctmf pris. Her name ia to rrntain a seer, t outil after th drawing, and tbe tout ic eeipta from tbe sale cf tickeU', siituuniiiir to 5000 roubles, are to be inainye potttoi , 1 tie Holder ot toe lucky ticket 1 to marry tbs youug iady, or if sbe won't marry him -ha 1. to foifeit to him half of tbo receipt. BATCRUAT. Mr Al Cary ia in the city. Pecordcr lleuton i sneering the city. J Tyler ha moved to ll)y tietide, Air. t-Wtn.ce uouatun, ot lililock. ia lu the ui'y, , Mr JvS Muuktrs, of S.r-, u in the city to day, , - 25 ocut a saok. for tMtatea tu A.Uinj. Too cheap, , - The licucpation of th culmtit maker will kOOU It g !.'. Mr HnlWrt has. sold his liv-ry 00 '.tit on 4th street to Dr Kegna. . Undo Tom's Chiu blood l.Oduil bad a g uatue lijjht on the ttap at Portlsut'. Mr H K ,(orri:l has Iwen apintrd ajoiit of the California inturnue-t company. J D Wilcox, the PmtUml A'wa man, was acquitted in tbe tuit against him for black mail , After Jan 1, 1300. the univrraily at Pu gene will I e a free st hool to any ouo passing the ricptirud tauii-ntion. Mr j W t uiivk has bougi.t of F Whit ing two acres in the Mil.'ard rdditioa, payiug t'JOOfor the same. ' F A Burkhart agent. Sultf critters to daily papers thonl-1 have boxes near tha front gates. It-would be a great coovenitmoe to both tbe receiver and oarritrs. .. Says Ihe Roaebug Review 1 Sol Abraham received au c-ttur d $30l),(XK) for a lull sen tion of land near Sunk, tie Fall last wek for v, hish he paid $20, OC0. Ths two moit noloriout meo in Oron arc Dr Shakli ford and Scinit tbe bilk. When ever they reach a place the paper begin kicking. Through oor exchange we are thu able to keep track of tbem. Mrs " Fortmiiler and too, . mother and brother of Wm Fortmiiler left yesterday for their home in Newark, N Y, after spandinij the winter here. . They mads many friends while in Albaoyvr . , - , A Walla Walia paper, when a oow ia ad rertiaed for sale, gives tbe bargain an edi torial eniorsemeut, v We should imigine that iu mot case thia would praveut the Sileof the animal. Ex. An eastern exchange a.v s: . 'Princeton college will send an expedition to Oregon next summer to hunt for fofiits." Some of our muss backs had better mike arrange ments to bide themselves. I 1 mill 111 a 'ii-i ti i .11.1 .iiiiibiWiiiU'-ihii t-- -" ! for Infants nnti - Osldfen ;;. "CaetorU is ao weH adapt! to cbfidreo that fattorla etrw Potte. CflW'Ttl". tU 80. Oxtsrd Stw BrcUyH.T. WiiiUui t TB Cbwacb CoKFAjrv, 77 Murray Street, 5. " Among bibov ttbrr building to be erect ed in Albany I his yrsr mil Im two (Oitatfra by Mr A li WoihIih no his ISroad.Ibin a' rut protierty aiiev will le renud, there leii't: quite a demand for desirable propmty, ' W A McPnereott. tbe well-known news paper mar , was awarded quite a sum of mouey by the Oregon leglaiatare and will us part for Indiana next week to visit tbe acene of hi boyhoods Ei Portland Star. Mtlor Oeorae gtron a. who bee bsenspend ing the winter in Eugene, is in tbe city aod may locate. Hi no leaving here be baa re aided at several plsee but tinds nothing equal to Albany. W publish the folio wing In order to t'oow th vaId of town lota in Athlaod i W, K. Price lias sold to Kichard Chnoowtth, a car-pei.ti-r who lecnlly arrived from Ssn Fraa- ci:c, a Int on Chestnut avoiiue, 66 fet front; oomLleratioB, f200. a oeoifcioo in tne narrow viauize tmt penn i toK in the v ctrcuit court, win no au im-1 portant one to Lrfun eouuty, as tbcre is an assurance that the road will eome to Albany wmcn ever wsy it suer. a arcision is promLed io two nceki. An exebaoge prniKfaes to kill wbat ia call ed the woman suffrage craze by a law com pelling meo and woman to marry those re tnaiuing aingle at the eve of 30 to be drafted Into matrimony a in the army. Tbe pro position l a good on and should be earttca out. 19.179 was the snouiit of Kalem's wool en mill (ubtidy Lat evening, f 100 waa rsued yesterday. 1 he bkiUtrnan ttyi; "Uentle n.en. tbie la th last day of crane. - That suosiay must o raisea to oay, us to wora I thia morning, geutiemeo, and don't qm I wutu tans suustuy im uuisoeu up. Acoording to the Pioneer of Astoria, that eity baa '"two or three men who ara worth a half million dollars. Twnoty tbat at worth 1100,000 ; twenty-five that are worth S.0, 000 ; tweoty-bre tbat are worth 8500 , i i,iiii ,u wnrih am ram t...i ioo worth in the," which by too way ia Ouuoie tne taxable ptopetty vl Clataop county. The folloaiog from the Peod!etn E. O will be a pointer to Albany crave! and dtit men : "Contractor G. 4- smith it d.liHht- ed over a new wrinkle be ba conceived in loading wagon with erarel. Tbe apparatus consist of tn 'ligbtomg bolster' be made aome time aeo for raiting electric light pole. Thu be attacbee to a asraper-fotl of dirt, aad hoists it into the wsgno, wbLb U thereby tilled In tire mmotea. Syrop Tar and Wild Ch-rrr ill cure) eouxhs, nolda. boa riw iies, I one of voice, and all : tflsmd Mmdittonnof the lunsa. tMld tiv t'oshaT vL suaaon. Chares fMreetaty. U. P.CncacH. Preaching every Sabbaln, enornieg ana evemog by Iter. r. U. lr- noe, v. V. Sabbath School at 2:30 T. at Prayer meeting every Wedneasday evening. Evakoeucal Cut-not. Preachine on Sab Satb at 11.00 a. sl. aod 7 r. tt, Sablwth School 10.-00 Prayer niMtiuu every Wed- ataday ovning 7 Mi. Kev. ruber, pastor. All ar invited. VI. E. CUCBCB.SOCTH. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. m. and 7 o'clock r. it. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveoing's at 7 o'clock. Kev. I. ti. Cosaaou, Pastor, j M. E.Cnccu- Preaching every Sabbath morumg and evemng. Song service in tbe aveui ag before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.-30 r m. t'rayer meeting every Thurs- I nay crew BE, Lev. IX f. Webo, pastor. rRBalBXAJi lirCRca. Stwioa averv Sabbath morning and evening. lo Church oor. rroaaaibiB aodt-utusts. Sunday School immeauteiy alter tbe mora teg tcrvioa. rrayer mecuns everv weoneaoav evenma uev c u. rrtcnara, pastor. . First Baptist Chcrch. Preaohin2everv Sabbath morning and evB'g,at Church on 5tb Street, Sabbath Hchnol lounediatalT after morning servic. ' I raver meeting srer" bursdty evening at 7:30 o'clock. Kev. Trumbell, pastor. CO!ieBWATio!Ai.Vtu-acM.--Hericevery ttbbath min-iitnir sort trtiiV SabbatA School at ri:l"i. - I'rxyet uteetwir on VV eduesday e ening ol each meek. Kev. Uiij(ra, Pastor. v ukistu.i nt'ECH. - r--. ik j every Stbliath morning at 11 n'ci.-oit a. Sib- bath bchotd at 10 ,.'c!u.k. A sr. Key. noioporeja, . i-i . . . . . . t.aTHui.ic v nvBca Service Sun d.iv at 10:30 A at. and 7 r. at., tul Sunday or me montn M-rvice at r.ugme t ity. Kev. Louis Mt-tser, U-cti. at v Ji- 1 w.a: mAi)m X Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows tbo use of Syrup of Figs, ns it acta gonfiy oa da , - v , Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleaning the System vhen CosUva or Bdioa.t, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently coring; " HABITUAL COirSTIPATIOir without weakening or irritating the or . gans on which it acta. For Bale la Boe aad BU.OO Bottles by . alt Leadtns; Drogglats. sTAjrcrAcrvaEa ostr r rns CAnroEHiA na stetjpco. Sa FaAscaoo, Cau, -tocombx, Kr., Kssr Toaa, S. S ALBANY - COLLESUlB INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON. , 1838, 3.88Q. rirst Trrut Opcst grpteeaber 1MB. 188. A full corps of Instructors, j SUSSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL -- , , CLASSES. . ,j . Courses of Hndy arranged to meat tb need of all grades of students. :. "' Special inducements offered to students -front abroad. - '-' ' Tuition rag from $5.60 to f 13, 50 Board in private- fauU'les at low rates Room tor naif-boarding at small ex-ense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from homo. Fall term opns September 7th, For olroulars and full particulars address tbe President. ' I KEV. EtBEBT Jf. COSUtT. : Albany, Oregon ' " vi,'jaj.ii7iHTr:sYi!-i ittomey. And Counsellor At Lai lV6tiar"- PabliCa .' 7, alc;.:.7, cnEs::i, :: Will prajilos la all .of the Courts ifels State. All b tineas intrusted to him will ba promptly attended to. - 1 - ,'1(1 .--W - - ' - '." tX r - ,S , : f ( M r . 1 - .- v.. -i - , THE PLACE. - ',',y ill iiicttn sill oil ha Brothers. S..cee$for to Sehn Fox, your Groceries, M , , . n..j r.i tja. nuuuuB. uusju,,. jdvw b Tbflr "0'1! are tb bit and 11m ir.prioca reoaonablfl. C; J. DILL0H.& CO., I LUM2EB, FLODHIHQ, '.ilSTiS, ETtf. , , , lilUBril UUJ K UIlV, Uii iJ3iiifi ftiitt 0ttnnn- T Tirr Vin? TJnTjitiTiinrT ' Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of j rustic ftooripg, Frlory att lost of Ly tree Store: F eat ntock of 2nd pr frode In tb Val la .and tbn mvt rinVe irts -th In tmytnxand fl"Ui ig 1 have nn H ,.,n-1 II klndaor . . FU2HITU3E, STOVES, TIHWARE, TRJ.1XS, 333XS, P1STUHES, CLOCKS. CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. One door west of -i. & Young'e old store. L.G3TTLIES, 12S Fin Street, Albany, or. WUBILYEU, ATTORNEY- AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery. ALnASfY. - . OK EGO JT. Colleotlone promplly made on ait po-nt- Loana negotiated on reasonable wraui I L H , Ig'JaTJBasssa-aBssBIAll 1 I COLD -IK:; HEAD. ty.y-v Ely's Cream Balm OeaissesOielTaaairaEBaeea. Al lays Inflammation. Hoala t&e Sores. Eetoro6 the Senses of Taste, SmoU eadHaaring. ri - ' A particle la applied lata ear stootrfl asvst la asnreraMe. PrireSOo. nt ttrriM a-r hr SbmU. ELY iUiOXHKSSrM Warren&CKw Yeaic. ALBAflY SAW AHD PLAfS HOI HILLS. All kinda of rough, dressed and seas.,.. . lmaberatlu pickets kept constantly cn hjid- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best CaJapooia timber- Rice and terms made satisfactory. KO B1NSUN t W EST. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW : " :"... ' -AND . ... Notary Public AL3AM Yt 02Q D.M. T V TrytheCurc unmmn OF PIIE COB UEn OIL 22 UYPOPHOIIITES ' Almost as Palatable as F.'Uk. So dtssrtttsetl Stta It east te taken, digested, aad ssiaallatedl by tha sweat mbiIUt stomach, when the plaiat oil east net te tolerated and by the eeai' ti attest of the ell with ths fcjrpoplaOSV tsaUtoa Is maeh naora ellicaioma. Eeawkable aa a -at&b prsdcr. Persaos gala tapUlr wtlla t&Uag tt V SOOTTS EMULSION i acknowledged by Fbyaioiana to ba tho Finest and Best prepa raUm la tho world for the relief sad ctire ot CONSUMPTION, CCSOPULA. CINERAL DEBILITY, WASTINO DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMROKIO COUCHS. 2k yroof remedy for Consumption, and Wilting in Childrtn. Sold iy all Druggists First National Bank - , ! 1 OF ALSiSl, OREGON. Presl-'ent......., , .. h. FUNN" VicelTasideBt S, E, YOtNQ Cualil j. E. W. LANG DON. AsstOaAhier.,.. JA8. F.POWELi. TR.VKSACT3 A GENERAL baukiiig bualoesa. .. AO JOUKT3 SLEPT tubjstt te check. BTG HT EXCHANGE and tl raphio tnuwter, tol n K York, Sa Fraaclscc, liuajjo sad Vu" , - - ' SGOJiECTIONS HADKoa faxwabu terms. mMcroKa. 3 , E. Yoi-se, E, W. Lisaoos, - 1 1 ii Bwa, V. Fusa, WiiT8E IcaiuiWi, : i c i i C a K :7 L