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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1889)
iK'. li i ' f TO C2 IH ASYANCE; C23 AT tND CF VAR. IssueJ evvry FfiiUiiby BTITIS jgo UTTIMO. AdvonUlnx rates made known on ap p U f fir Hit L Mi! la tho tcftt Ad vert Kir g r:rsilui:i In ti.o Centra! Willamette Ti NX) sa VOL. XXI Ya ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH J 5, 1881). J K IF. Sox frcs C II," ,JTKvrAr, 80 Albany IRONWORKS, Mnufeturtr.i of, STEAM ENSINES, CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY, IHQM FRONTS, AND ALL KIHDS OF HEAYY AND LIuHT :WU, IN MHOM AND CRASS CASTINGS. poolal attention ptid to r;lrlng all kind of machinery. Patterns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Meyer. ritOPKlKTr J OK. STAR BAKintY, Cnmsr BroaiaMa ani First Sts., .-DEALER lSf Caaaeel rrattte. C"1 M el, (atswewstre. lMniire, Irlt4 FrstlU. Vegetable. Tse Cl-ra. Cr, , Code. Te. Etc., Ct.. In fa ev-wythln tbt. I kopi I sen rJ variety and rrocry .tore, IIIgheM market prioe paid for ALL ICUIDS OF PHODUCE. " 0,000.000 triX'. kwiuvy mm Fersn's Seeds n. m rr.nnr ro .m ' la Mrtil. ' i ' u k ...... si. vv a 4 VVf? CHJA , , M.ft,.'f I- rt i w mus nuut ..Ll .rmt 1. it A.Mn U. U. FERRY & CO., fttlcJa. Poultry Wanted. drew ed, wanted at the wukuimi t-ecainir vntn- pany's Store, Albany, Oregon. All klnda of poultry, alive or i WUl.oieUe C. L. GUC.ttttfJ, Smtow C E. W. Lnfdo. Di'ALKR IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SO IPS COMBS ETC. HOW TO CO EAST. Go'Eaat via Mount Stakt(Coate. Kite cliinat. end Mattery ai all times of th year. Sea Mooot Shasta, Sacramaoto, OfArn, Salt Laka, Ltenver. r arX aeoond-ciaaa eaia adaararaa daily. Br your ticket ui oa and aava yoar firm to rrtlaad. I am tka only peraon la Albany that eaa aell yon a ticket from Albany direct to any oiot in tha United State. Call ma for ratea. ' W. L. JCtTKU. Agent 8. P. IieWeacherj Who adrUcd Lor juplU to ttwrngthoa tliclr nitnda ty tlio tmo ot Ayrr'a Ban ' aparllla, apprlatcd tha truth that bodily lienltU la exntlal to birulal vigor. For persons of deltcftta and fooMo consUtutlou, whi'tlicr young or old, till medlctuo 1 rcmarkaMy Vxnllolul. Ho urn you get Aj cr'i Soranpctrllta, " Every aprins nnd fall I take a nam oerof tHitlU-of Ayer'a t$raarlllmand am ifroatly lwnotltd." Mra. Jamca If. luuiiiuau, Stoiiehtun, Maaa. "I lmvo taken Ayer'a Snrapnrll!i v!th ctvirt beufllt to my cenernl Ix-Hlth." MlaaTliiri LC'rerar, l'ulmyra, Mil. "My dausliter. twelve year ot ge, hu iillcrd for tlio past your from General Debility. A few weoka alnre, wo lep to clvn ber Ayer'a SamaparUU. lUr tienltlilina C really Improved." IXt. Harriot 11. littltlia, bouiU Ckoluwtord, Maaa. "About a you ago I begnn noting Ayer'a Prprtlla aa a remedy for ilt-UIUy nd iiiiral;ta reaulUna from lualurlal expoaure In l lie army. I waa In a very bad rondiUon, but aix bottlea of Uia Sae aaparlUa, with ore axttwai dueea of Ayer'a 1'ilU. liavo creat It tuinruved hit health. 1 am now allo to work, and ftwl that X rannotaay too much fr your excellent reuietliea." r. JU i'luKbtUn, BoutU liolunciu, Me. My daiiRliter, alxtren yenra old, la nut nil Ayer'a Baraapartlla with cnod ef fect." Her. B. J. tirahnm, I' tilted. Urethren Church, Uuckhanuon,V. Ya. ".I aufforod from Nervous Prostration, with lame bock and beaiWlie, and hara bH-n much benetlted by the u ot Ayer'a Bunwurilla. I am now HO year of ace. and am aalUfled that my present health nd prolonged life are dun to the use ot Ayer'a KaraaparUla." Lucy MutUtt, Killingty, Conn. Mra. Ann II. Far nn worth. a lady T9 yeara old. Bo. Woodntoik, Vt., write : ''After aeveral week' nitTcrlng from nervous prontratktn, I proetiretl bottlo ot Ayer a hantaparilla, and tefore I bad taken half of it iuy usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, raaraaao ax Dr. J. C Ayer & Co Lowell, Mats. rrk.a.1; UkttiM,l. WrU i a boula. LitnABov. There w a little unplea ant ne al the chool meeting In the adjoin ing district north ol town. The belliger ent both left the mack I battle, bu. were separated without ft great lo of blood. Wo undemund that thete wt an attempt to ue deadly weapon, but Irlcnd Inter fered and prevented what mlht have been a yer crlou matter. The dWkulty wa bet weep Mr. George Ro and J. Keebler, and originated at the chool meet ing.... Mr. Blt'ger of Sclo, ha bought the Llgtet house, on Main atrcet, adjacent to Mr. Illlyeu' and ha moved Into the lime. We welcome thl excellent Chria tlan....The machinery of the aw mill which wa burned lat week ha been sent to Albany for repair. The mill will be temoved to Lebanon and operated this summer.... Mr. 1. J. Foster and brother are talking about building a saw mill at Sweet Home. They wUh the people to guarantee them f 500, and promise to re Bv Rah. to Sooaviu.s. Friday a special train, with R. Kenhlcr on board, went to Lebanon from Portland. While tho trailer of the suit with Bill Waiktn had something to do with It, the principal purpose it Is reported was to Investigate the matter ot extending the road to Soda vllle, a move It Is now confidently believed will be made this year. Heretofore sur veyors have been over the route, making no permanent lines though. The South ern Pacific, It Is tlKuiKht,has In view a plan tor booming that place a the summer re sort ot this end ot Its road. This would bdng lots of money Into the treasury at a smalt additional cost. Sodavllla Is mag. Ot'K STItLKT 11AM.WAY. Arrangements are being maJe for work on the street railway at as early diy as possible, and cars will be running almost before we arc aware ot it. Considerable Inquiry has been made at to tho nature ot the articles ot incorporation, hence we pub lish them in full! , We, EI Lannlng, A llackteman, 0 P Simpson, W K Read, W li Ooltra, M .Sternberg, W C Twedale, 8 15 Young, A IS Mcllwsln and Cha E Wetvej-ton, the undersigned, ciltxens and residents of the city ot Albany in Linn County, S'.ate of Oregon, for the purpose of tormina- and creating a corporation under and by vir tue of the general laws of Uregon, do here by make, execute and subscribe the follow- in triplicate, nlfkently located tor the purpose, lis soda water Is ursurpatsed and the surroundings Itig articles of Incorporation fine. Dr.iilll I preparing a grove on ins i town: place, one of the I inert nine 'ewnv. r , ARTICLE I. puuuc para, tnu inins vi ..... acres for an addition to the clty.and many Thev are the pro. Home grist mill. nsv esi h subucrlotlon In lumber at St less I other linnravements are belns made. Al . . . . . - ' i .. irt . . M I . . . . . ,. 7.a .- .tin ready lana lias oeen spoaon r iur em business purposes, cuiuingBm wii io extension of the road,wh!ch when done will make a city ot Sedavllle ot several hun dred population Inside ft year, It will be to the Interest ot Albany business men to help the movement on. II A New Grocery Qiscovefed that the eusiom price. prictors of lite Sweet YrVM A Lit r La 8acasm.- Some paper try to see how sarcastic they can be. An As toria naner that wa tickled from the first announcement' of the wreck ot the Ya qulna Bay, says: "The wreck of the Ya qulna City at Yaqulna ha Ailed up with sand, and will probably lie In her present position until Gabriel begins his cornet solo. There was something humiliating 1 i about the business, when this fine steamer was engaged in carrying Jong horned Tex as cattle from the mouth ot the R to Grande across the Gulf ot Mexico to Florida, but even tht was netter than coming west to repose In the sand of a poor seaport, as a monument to the stupidity ot her owners." Why Rkmovcii. A great deal has been said about Agent Coffey'a removal from the Umatilla Agency. Here is Mr. C.s version of the affair given a Salem paper : "Bartholemew Coffey, who was so sum marily deposed from the Umatilla Indian Agency recently, is In the city and still wears a cheerful smile for hi old SaWm acquaintances. Mr. Coffey says he waa re moved without me sugntcsr. tusi cause oy Inspector Saunders who was only a few months In the service and who did not -AT Strong' on! corner, oppodto Stewart fecx, First Mreet, Aloiy, O A full line of FRESH CROCERIES, CACHED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, ETC. Quick sales ani small profit.." "Live and let live," la our motto. Pleas call nd examine onr goo I. aol get prloee. atisfuctiou guaranteed. . Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, BARD (J E & UNDERWOOD. I'ABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART SOXS JOHFi BRICCS, FLORIST, AL3AMT OSES Robe a Specialty. Cemetery Jots planted a ad attended o. Requirements of a Stenographer. Tfl Succeed as a stenographer, ore most b I U eantte la aborthsiul. skilled la type wrlUaa. avad prasiss, a) eampetsat eor veaptHMlesit. In the Shorthand Department of the -PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLECt THoaouaM TIVK3MIMO in shorthand, daily eiwcncja in type-writing, camcfui msTnocTKM in petiman shipand abumoaht dwu in correspondence amply qualify atadenukir positions aiu-ays open te those hilly prcpucd le Sll Ihem. Scud Iur catalogue. A. f. ABMSTBoaw, Fain, fun t land, oskgo. r.HLLER BROS., DEALERS IX FieW, Tegeta!)l8 ani Flower Seeds, EEE AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, Cardea Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc, 209 Second Street, bet. Ralrnoo aud Taylor, JORTLA0. ORE00V. pfitni tot oat catalogae. JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer l Cigars ANT DC A LK f IV FlilE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST The corporate name assumed by this In corporation and by which It shall be known and designated I and shall be the Albany Street Railway Company ot Albany, Oregon. ARTICLE II. The enterprise, business, pursuit snd ot cupatlon in whloh this corporation proposes to engage is to construct, equip, maintain and operate a street tall way upon any and all streets within the corporate limits, now established or that may hereafter be es tablished, ot the city of Albany in Linn county, state of Oregon, either by horse power, moter, steam or any otner power that may 'be convenient or necessary to be ued in operating the tame, together with all rolling stock, depots, stables, station, Dikr. Considerable Inqury being made j in reference to the changes made by the last Legislature !n the game law, apply ing to deer, we give the following ynop- ls t "It I made misdemeanor to hunt, kill or pursue any deer or elk at any time, between the 1st 'day ot November and the 1st day of August. Also to sell or destroy I twuches, turnouts and all appliance, rights. deer or elk at any time tor the purpose ot I privileges and appurtenances necessary or obtalnlns their hide, horns or hams. Also convenient for the purposes of successfully - K..i v.- . .ude- maintaining and operating saw raiiwav. ...... a.v - i to take and receive, have hold and en meanor, who shall sell, or offer for sale, or 1 :0y franchises and privileges and to aell, transport, or carry for the purpose of bar-1 convey and dlapose ot the same or any ter or sale or exchange, the hldeor skin of l" wereoi. - j iu u .h.ti ..tte off.einel To carry, transport and transfer persons, sale or have In hi pcswsslon, or buy, or rwt. .mfrthnJ'e' itok nd offer to buy any elk or deer during the U freight of whatsoever kind and descrip time above specified frwm November ist to r ? ' nlU ... t;.n a nmueution It la made 1 wy. o cnarge, receive ana coitcci .i . . ...i, . ,.i inr tK sr. I fares, tolls and frelchta for the same. I'll lilts tiv3 VTtwveivss w & -' . , . . i . cused to have in hi po-si.sion any deer . porcnase. receive, nave, nom ana en. or elk. or their hides, when it is unlswful Jr ptnal property ot wnatso to kill the same. The penalty for viola tion of the law Is by fine not less than f to nor more than m or imprisonment in i HU IICIu niUC fun wvuci I N vTMi euThe StaJm in glv That Make a Dirt nc.-There Is Ingsome good advice In reference to the sometning .n .n .u..ow.B. . n,..i , Astoria. ed uo with t th note and comment column of the Or- .1 tWa Ihft aawalt. WJttftt aa Sll al)a rftlUmtl. 1 . a. a.1. . I . a a 4.. .11.1 and then cither proceed to build the road -""." " "" - v " i "-a equipment., ouho aon I . I.i . it.. .IS u fta ak an. I ajaatl Hiot laf ,1 ak J u. in ahaeasi uanas asauiaua as arsa . or find some company that will. A'M ' 11 ' t, 1T..1 , c.i. 1. I 1 1 .1 .j .ki. perbplciluralbu entirely characteris- road would cost $1,000,000 It la afe to My r-i necessary or convenient to aueeestf.llv tfcthat Mr. Lemont ShouU deeUne tlie tift. ever nature and description, and to let, lease, sell and dispose of the same or any part thereof. ' 10 borrow money, and for that purpose to execute note of bandto issue and sell bonds, mortgage and hypothecate Its real and personal proper! v. it franchises, rights and privileges or any other property be longing to sam corporation or any part thereof. To build and manufacture Its cars, roll- Til K COLOKMMK. Tlut Is nut a "white ninrt'i Government" any more than it is a blue eyed men's or a red.liair ed men's Government. ; It is a Government of, by and for the people alHhe people, without respect to race, relig ion, color or previous condition of servitude. The Constitution miles it so, and back of and beneath the Constitution is the basic principle of the Immortal Dcclaiation that "all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." These are not glittering generalities. They are concrete truths, embodying the essence of democracy. But in a government of the people It is the theory, and in the beginning it was the practice CLEVELAND OX DEMOCRACY. In free conversation few day ago the president expressed some yery earnes opinions on the outlook of public affairs, which manifest tha unfaltering courage of hit convictions and his unshaken faith In the ultimate right judgment of the Amer ican people. "I am democrat," he said, "with all the word implies. I am, more over, an Intense democrat in that I believe that the tru" principles of the democratic party are essential to the highest well-being of this country." He went on to remove all potslblo room for doubt of hi meaning by "true principles of the democratic par ty." They admit no legislative nursing of "monopolies, trusts and combines." They j, f. vnmncf. .Artiivtlc lftiritinc', BAHHEBS, SICHS, DESIGNS, Wood Kugrvlnc and. Mechanical LETTERING A SPECIALTY, Rooms f and 0 Foster Block, tirel? the!' it i)H e at AUn . ft ftcond-clafta mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Deliver bv ewier par week Drawl!, par ymr..,,,,. ilym tii, par tmn'.h. RATES FOR WEEKLY, 0. year. In advance ,.,., ... ...... Onsyasr, st end f ym.t.... ...,,,, tii months, In sdraiKie . . .f) that the fittest sliould rule. When Gov. .Lee foter no accumulation of vast wealth by the few at the cost of steadily augmenting poverty and misery of the many. "A par ty that encourages these evil tendencies Is not worthy to be called a party of the peo ple," which means Randall's party no less than Blaine's party; The democratic party can not fellowship with either. "The dem ocratic party must be true to itself,whether In power or not It must keen itself the! representative of the poor and rich alike, and maintain solid front against the ruth less encroachments of combined capita! J. HI LA I n Mi ) fUuLLi.lf3 said of the Southern States that the white men should govern, he probably referred less to color thaa to character. Ha meant that the intelligenc,the trained capacity and the ability to govern wisely should control public affair. These qualities happen to be possessed m in comparably the larger degree by the while race at the South. And there is no Northern man settled in that seel ion to live and to conduct business who does not agree with Gov. He may think that the governing white mea should be Republicans, but be stands 00. the I have bought tlilargest and best stock of arlLU GOODS color line with all the intelligent, Just and which result In dividing our population In- 6V6r bl0Ught tO Albany, ail fj I WOUld rGSpeCtf Lilly )wuiviKiu,aiiwNwii, r, 1 to tne aonormaiiy ncn onineonenanotna When the colored man becomes educated I arge multitude, of unprotected and labor and by ability, interest and training it capable n mtw, on the other." of Joining Intelligently In the business of govern- These are "words of truth and sober- ment, be ha Just as much right to a part In It neM The supreme need of the demo- as the whitest chben. There U no place for a emu- p,rty Is more of thl spirit of true mete color line in a republic of equal citizens, democracy 1 and the vital need of thecoun- Ana do not perceive that there is any greater trT j. more Qf such a democratic party, disposition to draw it at the South titan at the North. I The Ortg 'utut taking up the long since exploded claim that the republican party is the party of great moral It'cas and decency, says that Rlddieberger's drunken antics and beastly conduct In the United States Senate the other day recalls the fact that the drunkard 0-1 the floor of Congress have been democrat, and that Riddleberg - er and Andy Johnson were of democratic True, In former time these nvite every one to siuck. call and look! through m KO A LAKY U HAS Till TIME. , No one connected with the present adminis t ration hat gained more universal praise than the President's private secretary, Mr. Lament. He has been actually a part of the administra tion, in way thit s private secretary never was before, at the advUer and representative j antecedents. of the President He hu raised his office to one such importance that Congress has voted to in ere the salary from f, 200 to f $,000 a year... Mr, Imont ha bad the rare experience of two men were democrats, but It was not until after they had been taken Into full fellowship In the republican party and glv en high official positions that they were guilty of making such Indecent exhibitions DON'T FORGET we carry a full line of 0. LI, Henderson & Go's BOOTS AND SHOES. The Red School Houso Shoes are the best in the world. because Messrs. Albert & Vanduyn have purchased, for ft little over $100 an acre land lying southwest from the Salem pas senger depot and say no land ly lug so near Albany can be had for the moey. neith er can land north ot 8alem , or east of It, be bought for that monev, but the land in I.. I. ...!. . u.M . h ,1 .Al . n wal.ta. . ... V. T. . Tl.. tlI I " "" Si- ' f" li.I. .... I. ,k. nmUU .... . 1 i. iBie ipr kdt wf puw .... pared oy the State woaru 01 imm.granon A p-f of olher Mt o( M. - ST t I I . . a.1. . at .a .11 snows tne numoer 01 acresoi iano in mi 1 )em, n j a tingutar fact tnst ocauitiui of the counties of the State now uncial m- I building spots south of galem. In the red ed : Denton, 63,800 ; Clack ClaUo;i,25J,ooo; Columbia, 107.000 ; Coos, Salcm and thc u M XOCHj M cn be de- 3JS,eoo ; Curry , trtfloa; uougioa, yxx; ircj lackson. : Josephine. 14 .ofo;Lane, tocMX ; Linn. uH.oco ; Marion, aio,ooo; Multnomah, 18,0.0 5 Polk, 54.000 j llila mnok, 63J.000; Washington, sj'oa. Yam It - l!l Ki. th lulinr ami whenever anv company comes along that will take hold of it. the Oregon Pacifice wil'. ot course be tanned at Aluanr. Ihat I tne situation in a nutshell and talk can't make millions atone. We are Itling for Salem to get all th.-rojiU it can; but thl I the real solu tion of thl question. - hill, 43,000 5 making ft total of 3.461,80a JfST Wijik. A Turner correspondent of a Salem paper says t "One of these days there will be a railroad from this place to the mining country and Umber tands ot the Cascade mountains, and If Salem want any of the trade the mutt be moving before It Is too late, for thing won't alwars go as they are at present. All that ts necessary now-ft-dtyt it tust simple to wink and Immediately dozen men win announce mat ft rauroaa is 10 oe built. Tut Oths Exd The following Astoria item makes it look as if oar friends at that eity were not much snore eotbasei over their end of toe Albany & istoria R R than w are over this end t "The meeting called rest.r.Uv fr tho oarpose of furthsriol lb Lnterrsta ot tit Astoria V South Cat R R waa tieorU attended, cooseaaeotlv it waa ed l..ntn.,l nnrtl iiaiS Mnuitiv. when it la booed hat .11 t t tea interested i the welfare rf the esty will t pi earn t." Coarh ov Tkauc. Just as soon as a city wants to boom It begins talking board of trade. Even Prineville is affected Siiorrsn Faons Albaxv-A day or two since three ladles from Albany came to Salem for the purpose of buying bills of millinery good, not having a suitable As sortment la their own town from which to select. This I nothing atrangeu there Is no town In Oregon outside cf Portland with such fine stocks ot every class cf goods aa are to be found In this city. Stattsm: The above Is a very unjust criticism Ninety-nine out of hundred of our ladles experience no trouble In get ting good enough millinery goods st home. The truth is our women dress much more becomlnetv than those ot Sslem.who are characterized by s gaudy display of color that attract more than they please a rennea taste, so much so that that city has a repu tatkm that way. . Musical Rkcitau The music class of Miss France Gilbert, who ha been giving lessons In Instrumental music In Albany since April last, gave a musical recital last Fridav at the residence of E. E. .Monta gue, of this place. Ml Gilbert has Cm ot twenty pupils. Thirteen of them rendered an Interesting program, assisted by Mrs. C. 0. Lee.of an hour and s quart' er,and acquitted themselves very credits necessary or convenient to euccestfeliy carry out and maintain the purposes and ob jects 01 this incorporation. ARTICLE III. The principal oilk ot said corporation shall be at the city of Albany In Unn coun ty, state 01 uregon. ARTICLE IV. The duration of this Incorporation shall be perpetual. ARTICLE V. The amount vt the capital stock of this corporation b and shall be the sum of six teen thousand (f. tyxx) dollars. A R .. 'I CLE VI. The capital atock of this corporation tltall be divided Into sis hundred fortv shares. nd the amount of each share shall be twenty-five (Sat) dollar. In wttncaa whereof we nave Hereunto set our hand and seals In triplicate this 19th day ol February, 1539. EJLamjumg, A llACKLftMAX, UFSistrtox, W F Read, W iltiOLTIA, M Sreftxaafto, W (JTw, Sash ax Yoi'KO, A it McIlwain, CltAS E WoLVftftTON. pleasing everybody, audit wa quite natural 0f their dUsolutenes and depravity. But that the I louse of Representatives should make j the only weapons of strength of which the the Increase of salary applicable to him. It j OrtgnUn Is possessed, are slander, false hood and hypocrisy. It is nothing if not unmanly. He had taken the office, he said, with a full understanding of the compensation attached to it and he had no desire to lie benefited by re! troactiv legislation. This Is only what was to have been expected of any man holding confidential relations with The national report of stati sties on mar-1 riage and divorce In the United State tells tomsvaingular stories. It can scarcely be believed, but these figures show that In 1SS0 one out of 449 married couples obtain- Mr. Cleveland , though there are probably some i ed a divorce t that was a great Increase member of Congress who who will be unable to lover the proportion In 1S70, when It stood appreciate a gentleman's objection to taking J one to 664. At the same rate of dissolving I snylhiftg he can get out of the public treasury. I marital contracts one-third in ten year But even if the example be lost oa the salary 1 the time Is close at hand when divorce. grabbers. It will not tie without its impression. I Instead of being; exceptional, will become It Is only one of the many points of honor snd I the rule and the almost Immediate corse- diimiiy m which the ouicuine administration I quence of marriage This Increase ot dl-1 - a - 1 has set a ttaadetd that any one coming after I vorce Is general over the country .being the BTJX- C.M.I1END EilfcsOXA CO Sj G1UZAT13 SCOT 3 SliiAI CKiCACO. t . it "a-- . .. CEX32AT13 ECU! 3 T, ,. Jty - i xa.- . .1. " f .'liv. must adbere to or tall inte disgrace. bly Indeed. A number of those perform- In.r mtmra littU, nttssea at ten and twelve llf . i i. ,1.. k,..l.... PrliM. -c .ujj.v.. ... - I 0 ,oe. whkh aho ws what can be ac -I ,, i J , t l . l I . . . ! ik. compiisneo oy carciui iraininz miun ville says the Xtv.t, that a meeting be call- CKa:awflu ainSiuokii.n Tninoooa, Meeraubauid and Br Pip line of Mrookt r' Art' Also deeJer ! ,,llll lo. OALTFORtfl A. AND TROPIC IL FRUITS FURNITURE. ' . - ... , .,, Ton want the beat an i motit durable furn turetbst is manufacturwd In theltjfo to Thomas Brink. Ko, slmiil eeoohnj laths fjrrlture line that larC't In firat-ol.. ator SPRINGFIELD" SAW MILL. .Wheelef, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor. A. WIIHELUR, ALBAStY MANAGER. ' Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St 1 ztween 4tha'.jd 5th Street. Having lu iilwr not excelled in qnalily. nd fa'-lHt e not nrpad for the nd satii-factory filling of order. We iep ifuly solicit shareof the trade ed and a board of trade be organized. Push and energy overcome all obstacles. Oreed and want el enerev wilt kill the most promising locality." By all means organ ize one. They make ft splendid ornament for the top shell, A CiatoaiTV, Mr James Byce arrived In the city with curiosity we have often read about but never saw. It la a solid piece of oak. grub with deer's horn five prone, running througn It, and after growth appearing over the imbedded part, The Indications are that the oecr run his horr. Into a defective part of the tree, when It remained fast the wood aftci wards grow over It. Jtta worth seeing. AxoTiiaa, I'ionekr Goe. Mr J J Davis, bcttet known as Jack Davis, died at his home this side of Jefferson, Friday even ing, after an illness of several week, at the age of 5$ years. He lived on the farm where he died tor, we understand, over thirty years. Ilewasa man of generous nature and was mgniy cstecmeo ny nis neighbors. Electricity is At meeting of Salem's City Council, Titos. fJolman, says the Journal, submitted a proposition to furn ih the twenty-six are slectrie streot lights now i uuutog, to be kept lighted from dusk to miduiirlit. f.irfa.COper month, for the two j ears included betweeo January 1st, 1889. aod January 1st, 1891. The city has been paying 10.50 Pr mouth lor these lights, .H.nnlina in ft')73 IWI, month u,uuu..-a r-.. . I . S I b t... I .1 ukkw lug rt. snijG (vi.m u, That Reform ScnooL-"Albany wants been sitting in the window of Burkhart St i i the reform school located there because I Keeney's reel estate office for some time. she has no state institutions, Salem Eu-1 The rainstorm Friday morning set it gne, Corvallis and other pkces have." j growing, and as a result, one of the.wln- Salem Journal. These institutions should I dows against .which It had been sitting, same they won't all get here." In connection with the above an article I being probably on about the same nnancul plane of a sensational nature In the Salem States nut will be In place. It I claimed to be based on a letter from V ftshlngton, that I , Bljiwet , firc-mUUoo Secretary of the Navy mew. i gtic w tv w c li tii iv aaVkl titmslssal tVSBtW ifliV thai BatwaVx -Va W rWja. alble. That paper says I -This discovery I made up, of millionaires of various degrees, It probably gives an explanatory cue to the I will be seen that the millions will be liberally "When the safe belonging movements of other railroad engineers rep,, in the coining Admimstration,evcn a a. ae l..,L N I a!.!.! In nana ate t In tm In IVt mAlin. 1 1 watchful supervision of a thoroughly com petent teacher. After the rendering of the program a flash light picture was taken by Crawford Si Littler of the pupils taking part, with those present A Bio Estate. Samuel Meek, recent ly deceased In Lane county, left an estate amounting to $150,000, A A Meek has been appointed administrator, and gave a $ too. 000 bond, the largest ever filed In that county. to Mr Meek was opened after his death,' says the Guard, Ma sealed envelope was found with direction upon it ordering that It should only be opened when A A Meek, his reohew, Mr Hicks, his stepson, and an id man who had worked on the place for a number years, were present. According to his direction it was opened and found to contain three promissory notes, signed by the deceased payable as follows: to a a Meek. $t 1.000; to Mr Hfcke, $10,000; and to the old man , $tSco." Br Way op Albant. The kjtest rail road news, says the Atteria, Is that the Union Pacific is going to Tacoma, and the Chicago & Northwestern I coming lo As toria. The Utter road has found it useless to attempt a terminus at Yaqulna.and hav Ing secured the Oregon Pacific.are looking this war.; At this end ot the line things are moving right along Work on a ten mile contract en the Astorls and South Coast Railway was begun yesterday, run ning south from bkipanon KENSAT10MAL It. R. SEWS. Now comes the Wabash It Pacific rail road company' engineers, twenty-five of them," says the 0vM,Mand camp In the Cascade mountain pas where the celebrat ed Oregon Pacific road expects to work through, and they tell ft contractor of the Oregon Pacific that they will soon have their road located ; that it will go to Al bany and thence northwest to connect with tlte Astoria 1 Coast railroad near Tilla mook. It may be a story got up for effect, of course, but In these times one knows not what to expect All the railroads afloat are anxious to come to Orrgon, by hook or crook, and we can't blame tbem.but all the New York boasts of one man who made money by losing a bet on Cleveland. He is printer named Uscoeab, and he made ft bet 1th a Republican named Griffith. According to the terms of the wager the loser was to walk to Washington city in time to witness the in auguration, the winner accompanying him every foot of the way in a carriage, The men bound themselves in Stooo to terms of -the wager, Liscomb lost, of course, and expressed his willingness to walk to Wash- intoft, per agreement. About the time the day for starting arrived the terrible cold snap came on, unlhlh realized that tus carnage Ide w aa not only going to be a very expensive but a freezing affair, and offered to call the wager off. Liscomb declined, snd insisted on the wager being carried out. GriiBih finally gave him f 500 to call it off. most prevalent In the Western states, 1 among which Indiana, Illinois and Michi gan precede,and of the Eastern states Rhode j Island and New Hampshire show the largest proportion of divorces. Delaware has the least. m Look out for Bargains The rush for office and the spoils of vic tory under this administration so far ex- I ceeda .ntrthlnir ever known In the history carry out the . t. - ....... ... . ' Wft a. aid tjvuuit f 1 vwa wwvs wvh 1 brought nearly to a standstill on account of the thousand who are rushing Into Wash ington persopalty Importuning the Presi dent and the heads of the departments for office. These officials in ft few days will turn aside sick and tired of these continual Interview and seek seclusion in their pri- in the next SO dayr. W. . READ Z.'2ttZ2X'2 The Leading Cash Dry Goods Store. The committee of tbe Michigan legislature made tome investigation of the effect of tobac co on hoys. Two hundred doctors, in reply to circulars, cited more or less cases of boys ren dered insane. Miotic, dwarfed or losing speech by the use of cigarette. Tbe professors of the menu from the head of a bureau down to a I $300 post office. Talk about the hunger ot democrats four years ago t The rush now It a a heard ot wild ravenous wolves. The Benton Leader aays i "The total 1 appropriations of the session were little state university reported students rendered dull j over $900,000. This may seem pretty and stupid, and partially losing their hearing, I iargeod a good deal of fuss has been made by cigarettes. There is a general disposition I over the alleged "extravagance ot tne ieg- !n the lerialature to draw the line on the boys. Ulature that adjourned recently ; but the 1 . . I tout appropriations do net reacn so large a Mr. Harrison is not a millionaire himself, I ium Bs the session of 1 S3?, and the general appropriation billot this session only with Mr. Cleveland, but with a ten-million I $33,000 larger than that of 1887." The Vice-President, a millionaire Secretary of State I Lt,dtr In error. The appropriations In the aggregate in 1885 were little above in B. F. Tracy Milicr.and the rest ofbis Cabinet 1 800,000. The Ltader ts In the wrong pew when defending the extravagance of the j late legislature. aid to have been operating In the moun tains recentty. and if the statements of the department are absolutely correct, there may be quite a strife among dtnerent com panies for the possession ot tne most desir able route over the Cascades. There are places along the line upon which the O. P. Is building, where it Is almost Impossible to build another road, certainly not practica ble, and so costly as to be almost out ot question, hence any company desiring to reach deep water from the bast, obtains an immense advantage In securing the first right ot way. Herein lay oneot the great elements t value in the O. P. line, and now It seem that company has neglected to take some requisite steps and is Imble.lf not likely, to lose its advantage, where it runs through government lands, Jor Uncle Sam Is sometimes a stickler for red tape. and hold his beneficiaries to the letter ot the law. There Is no hearsay about this t the letter has been received from the de partment at Washington.but, of course.the authority whence It emanated may not be cognizant 01 an tne tacts, if the poorer folk are not. The President says In his inaugural ad dress that It is honorable to seek office ill , The Republican press manifests a great I the motive is right, meaning, we suppose, anxiety to make the New York Sa the mouth j desire on the part of the seeker to Improve piece of the Democrfttice party. During the J the public service. If this is what he Revolutionary War, doubtless, the Bnlish had means then he Is far away from the coun- the same anxiety to make Benedict Arnold out j try where men seek office from such a mo- 4, ft representative of the American people. There is ft sharp point in the suggestion by the Springfield RefbUcan that at the very time President-elect Harrison was passing through Pennsylvania on his way to Washington, Ae people of this country were reading the news of a cut-down in iron-furnace employe. , tlve. Men who are rushing on to Wash ington in search of office want it for the salary connected with It. No other motive is strong enough to Induce men to struggle as fiercely as tbey do for office. Ia the famine districts of China the people live on a mixture of grain, chaff and wheat sr routs, and in some place upon the fresh Pennsylvania manufacturers are report ed to be very blue and greatly discouraged by the signs of increasing business depres-1 aton. Instead of prospects for returns of their heavy investments of tariff "fat" in , -. 4 . - .1 J UJ.V S: . OH j I .....' W t ' v. y j !'" I V O , ' 1 TO MAKE j j v Cslislcus Biscuit f J - - aU your Grocer for j i f rs It COW BRAND ;g 1 A - 7 I SODAS 8ALERATU5. he divided amon the different parts of Oregon, snd Albanv is entitled to this one 1 he Journal, one 01 the tairest papers in this state, we believe, would not oppose It, Collar Bonk Broken. Recently at Princeton, N. J., Frank Propst, of this city, broke a collar bone, and Mr. Charlton writes giving information of the fact. He announces, though, that Mr. Propst refuses to permit htm to do a certain line of his correspondence here, and if some of the gentle sen here do not hear from Prince ton for a few weeks this will explain the cause. No Wonder. Last Monday morning C, E. Lock wood went to the depot to take the early train for Portland but found tbe train was late. The depot was closed so he set his valise down on the platform and came uptown. When he went back his valise was gone and was nowhere to be found fcugene JCegtster. A Moi HfcR Goose Melody. There was a man in our town who was so won derfully wise that he thought he could do Vusiness and not advertise. He jumped nto the bush of failure and was complete ly knocked out. Not until lie begins vertising will he get his eyes in again , wasrett morning found to be broken to pieces. An eastern man was told the above version and immediately wrote tor his family to come on. if this is not a correct account of the matter it Is not our fault ., . gives tha breath, prevents teeth from decay, Sold by Fosbay 4 Mason. ITRIQUra Mrrh Tooth Bonn It pearly white tee h, purines Portland. Oregon, July Slat. While I was In Tillamook laxt winter I was articled In toy back and kidneys no that it was almost fm pasaible for me to reach Portland. When I got ber I was induced to try the Oregon Kidney Tea. ,1 drank at my tneuls, the tea made from tv and It has effected a radical cure. I can highly rscnommead it to all wbo are alnict- ed aa 1 was. aoia Dy r ounsy juaaon. JS. OOHN. (OLDEN RULE BAZAAR Jaah.Goes a Long Way at Jail u Uradwhol's I have made arrangements for buying .goods direct from the factories in Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where eUe an the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices " ' ' ' . K dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, !tt CtS. dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, aj cu. .-- dozen handled coffee cups and cers, 50 cts. i dozen seven Inch dinner plates, ;5 cts.' . . '' These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. I have also added good stock of groceries, which I svsk people t call and examine and judge for themselves as to quality and prices. . Iulius Grabwoku blades of wheat of the autumn planting. More the putchase ot the presidency, the outlook than a million people are reduced to the last J presents only a dismal vie w on everywhere state of destitution. -' I increasing business stringency and oepres slott. ; The high tariff administration Is General Harrison has received a novel pre. J coming In under ft very dismal cloud. ent from E. A. Angler of Peach Tree Creek, I - - m It la a cannon shell filled with bull- The Vrrgoutan says the state owea a 1 ULtt Patce's (Vlory Compound and it h.-st lad a salutary cireet. Itmvijjratr cdlUe sj"Steu aud t lect like a new wan. It Improves Uie appetite and bclUtatta dlgea kUoa" i.T. cora lao, Primus. S.C. 'lf 1 - at taw' Georgia. , et picked up oa the Peach Tree Creek battle field, where General Harrison fought during the Atlanta campaign. WRIGHT'S Compound Syrip of Sar k parti la ia used auccetutfully In caring all BlooJ Dlaeatiea. from tho least blotch or pimple to the largest scrofulous aore, esoia oy f osuay at Mason. , Since the formation of the Union no year has seen four'stars added to the national flag. While partisans are talking it may be well enough to remember that this result was assur-1 pf lations made to pay them ed under a Democratic administration, Pherson the $1000 which the legislature lately voted to his divorced wife. This is untrue in every sense of the word.Twenty years ago McPherson held some state war rants which he had received as his pay for work done as state printer. ; These he sold at ft discount, because there was no appro- The state did Paino's Celery Compound Is a unique tonio and appetizer. Pleasant to the taste, quick In its action, and without any iniiiri.ina effect it irivea that ruKffed health whk h makes everything taste (rood. It cures dnsnepsla and kindred disorders. Physicians uroscrtbe It. si.o. Blx tor ss.00. Drujrgiata. Wells, Rjcsarbson & Co.. BurUDgton. Vt Sf ring medicine means more now-d:i j s Uum it did ten years ago. The winter ot isss-s JiaslKt the nerves mil apjei L The aemes must be stiengthened. the blood purlfled, liver and bowels regulated, ratne's Celery CoiEpouEd tAe Spring mcuicinm nf to-day does all tlits. as uoLUlng else can. Pnacribtd ij nystHans, QttarwNeera SytA i.'aHiuurra to b. The Best ;: Spring Llcdscinc. "In the spring of lssr I was all ran down. I would gpt up lu tbe mornlnjy with so tti-ed a lelinjr, and waa so weak thsit I could lianliy uret around. I boughtabotcie ot Paltie's Celery Com pound, and bttore I had taken it a i 1 r.'lc vi ry much better, I can cheefuUv rwommend It to all who need a bulldUiK up and sixentritie is Inj medicine." Mrs. . A. Dow, Burlington. Vt DIAMOND DYES gZWttZ, LACTATE 0 FOOD Tilt 1 jr.ic. DaUr.i's Specifio is an absolute curs for a.11 eruptive dtseases'ot tha skin, suoh as salt i-taeam, barbers itoh.tring worm, soald bead land all itching or intlamed conditions of the akin, whether arising from disease or expos ure. It is guaranteed in every case. Sold by IFoshay & Mason. T.ninnffij o .1 nriu 1 . v ALU ir. iim uiibo. .1110 vt. Cherry will cure oouRhn. colds, paper in the valley in forty or fifty varle hoaraenesB, loss of voice, and all fnflaraed 1 ties, elegant designs and prices down, at ad- conditiocaof the lungs. Kold by lc.liy I fortmlller & Irving's. It will pay to see ' A Maaon. hem. St Louis has no less than seventy-eight Chinese laundries, and pays out over f 100,000 annually to Mongolians to have its washing done. . . , .... A novelty in a timepiece is a silver dog. The clock is set in his side, a red tongue wags in his open mouth aod his tail ticks off the seconds- An immense toad stool three feet in diameter was found recently at Wolcott, Vt., on a beech tree, " ' ... ' The answer is, one tills the soil and other soils the till, but you can arrange question to suit yourself. the the A favorite toast in Algiers (all jeers the Dey we celebrate. , C"..Urcn Grjtet net owe him a cent It is too early yet to say exactly how much influence Mr. Harrison will have with the coming Blaine administration Mr. Blaine is well known to be a, very posi tive and resolute man, however. Stilt, Mr, Harrison may have quite a "pull" with him. ;. It Is claimed that Senator Sherman in duced Mr. Harrison to leave Gen. -Alger out of his Cabinet,and now the Mlchigan der has joined forces with Foraker. and war is to be declared on Sherman in Ohio There is a great deal of enjoyment ahead for old fashioned democrats. Potous glass for window panes has been pro. aside) . fluce(j m Paris. The pores are too fine to admit I a draft, but they assist in ventilation Je Hoaefawpvwrn4 foimwa. It is impor tant that the Bod. or 8alrtuayou ase should b. White and Pare same as all aimilarsubsl Deem QSBd for food. To insure obtaining only the "Ann A Hammer" brsud Soda or Kalnrmt ia, b.iy it in -pound oriia'f pound ' eartoooawhiohlMaroiir name snd trsdo-marx. a 1 tafsrioif goodiaMBom timwauliaUentfrd for tha "Arm & Uimatf" brand when bought ia bulk. I&rttes uainff Biking 3P osiet should re 011 la bor tiist its sola rising property conslts of In car bona ta of sotts. One toasnooufulof tile "Arm lismmar" brand of Sods or Balerstoa mixed with (Onz milk equals OUR IllAIE MAKli OX ISVERT PACK1GE Always fourtfVJnfX" r-ost, lhi 1 - i inMcb hfa 1 " it UtH s ti t c au inj! u nous sub ti uo; etc, ot vhieantuDT 1 mg Io w dors 8T& is i. lv: . it titan. , CUcnos. ( eviTT pountl i.:.v-.'i. "Arm sua n JBmni ' c 36 ounc! li. f. . : 1 p md 1 IJ oum - 3 1.' '. " . tied uu A I . Packed in Card Board Boxes. Pltc! VJaV asm, KT jftt,. Bp f D 1 t )