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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1889)
r 1 r'i TO stt 'f CvCy ii.i. IVthe let In t! C c2 !K ADVANCE ; S2 50 Al K0 ..,t Cf It At?. ?' ' . ' Isiue.l evry FriJ ly .tiTffia &o xa UTTINO. .Iverllxlna; ratm ined- known ou up- atio. J VOL. XXIV. ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 188!).. SO Hi! w 111 M l V.' V . t . W . 1 a iV r C M .'TtWAHf. 8ec. - Albany IRONWORKS, . Msnuraotuivr fit -s STEAM LNG1NLS, CS1ST ANO SAW HllL MACHINERY, II.0H FRONTS, - AN 3 ALL KINDS CF HEAVY . ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AXD BRASS ' . CASTINGS. o-.-i.i .ti.-ti i 4.. ...... nn... ll .da ef suaohtnery, attorns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Mayer. ST A 11 IIAKBIIY, Cnruer Broaiilbia aal First Sts., D1CALEK S- Cael reaita, .Utattware, " Drtadl frail. Tatsavcea, ftagar, 'wae. ECc . tleatt, Velsl, t'ltr Nnlee, Tew, tfto.. la ftjt av-rytliln: tli". H kipt Ilk Eta ral variety and grocery Mora. IIi-be ttrket prtoa paid for LL ICir.DS OF PRODUCE. 'VR BALE BY FOSIIA.Y A M AON ntlmfx iioa la la af In ncauBwad- to all aaSiirara. . STOIEB, ILD A A Deeatue, Ilk fVVy price, a i. ao. xSnToUCKfalAN, II. Laafdim. DIALER IS DRUGS. MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOPS COMBS ETC. !0 TO CO EAST. I Uraat S;tTRoU. Nice " . waery at all tinsa of the year. .aU, Sacramento, Oaden, Salt ; jvar. Finest teoool-cls ears ' araraa daily. Boy ymr ticheu uf ma reyoiir fare to Purttaod. I am tha persoo ia Albany that can sell yoa a . -et from Albany direct to any oint ia . United Sutos. Call on m. fnr rataa. W. L J-BTXH. Agent S. P. '. Sox fw 5- ' JULIUS. Mamifactuier -AND DEALKH IV vIHE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST aa:,.Plugaan8moUing Totiaocoa. Id aaraohauiii and Br.Jr Pipea.1 and to. . (Ilnaof Kmok'ra' Artalet. Also daaler OAVORNIA AND TR0PI0A.L FRUITS SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. i WheelEr, Spiingfiefd, Oregon, Proprietor. -VHEELER, ALBANY MANAGER. ,iiny Yard and Office on Railroad St 1 etween 4tha;id5th Street. Iii ijir tti iclil lo quality, nd fu;iiii,e. n it purpaM for tha ,ro!-r factory A A i.g l orders. Wa nsspnfulfy solicit a hare of tha trada. P-:fl FURNITURE. Y "'rjL.'1fJi"t "'rM ,n"b1 '"'"aireiliat i nianufaofured In tha city go lo r;a ttimoo, k almost evo thing in tba furi'tnre ll'ie ihtt i Vot in a Qrat-elaa ator "O R - ., i f I w V l : rr-r- f " , A Bistro Cough inedlcloo, Ayer' Cliprrr Faa toral 1 tn groatsr demand Ua erar. Mo tinnriktiun for Throat nd Lung Trouble it to prompt la Its cffocU, to groulo to tli ttute, and to wldsly known M thU. It la tha famll tuedU clna in tbousaoda of houaohoWa. MZ Iiara auffotfd for vaara from m ( bronchial troubla that, whaaavcr I taka . cold or am axiKwad to lnclomont weath er, anowa iuu iy a very annovinf , ttckllnn aenaatlon in tha throat and by (Utnoulty In breathing. I hava tried a irroat many rinwlla, tnt bona ilooa ao . well aa Aycra Cherry laotorl vhlch aiwaya gir prompt relief la return of any aid complaint.'1 Erneat A. llepler, Innpector of lubUa XUtada, railan xar f Uonna, L . I - X conatdar Ayer'a Cherry rec toral a tuoat important remedy , , For HomcTUoo. X kara teatd ita cm rat Ira power, in tny . family, many timea during tha paat .thirty yeara, and hava never known It to (all. It will rolieva tha moat aorioua affeotiona of tha throat and iunga, whether in chlldron or adult." Ilia. X. G. Edgorly, Couucll BluHt, Iowa. Y u Twenty yeara aeo I il troubled with a diaeaaa of tha lunga. lortora I afforded ma no relief and conaiderad 1 my caa hopeleaa. I than began to ua 1 Ayer'a Cherry 1'eetoral, and, befor I bad finished ona bottle, found relief. X continued to tako thla medicine until a rnra was effected. I believe that Ayer'a Cherry I Vc toral eared my lUo." Saiuuul Grigsa, Waukegan, 111. v; " Six yeara ago X contracted a lerera cold which aettled on my lunga and soon developed all tha alarming symp toms of Consumption. X had a oougn, night aweata, bleeding; of tha lungt, pains In chest and si ilea, and waa ao prostrated aa to ba confined to my bed most of tha time. After trying various presort ptlona. without benefit, my physician finally determined togiva and tha effect waa matttcal. X teamed to rally from tha first tloaw of thin medicine, and, after using only tlirea Domes, am aa wen ana sound as ever." lioUney Johnson, Springfield, IU. - Ayer's Clisny Pectoral,' raarAaan ar Dr. J. C Aytr 4 Co LowttJ, Mata. eMbyaUDraggtou. rrkt lj sUbetUaa. Requirements of a Stenographer. Tft SiKxvrd a a stenographer, eee mmt b a- U rurmt. im altortiuuMl, aalllwt la wrltlnc, a bmm! Mnma, a cmpUnl or rwwil.nL In Ih Shoclh.nd lk-partmmtol ine -PORTI.ANO BUSINCSS COLLCGC VMoaoiMiM tsaommq ia aburthaiMl, oaikv miaotioi in type-writing, CMaruk imstruction la penman ship and aauMOANT Mill in corn ipondcnce amply qualify studcnuior paaiiMai alw ya opra to Ihoaa lully prrparcd to fill Ihrm, Send orcalalu(U. A.H., I'a in., - Vim. ri.AD, Osmcom. 03. 0. U. GHAnSERLI?., Roaieopathio Physician and Surgeon Special attention o diseases of the eye. -"rlio rnr ofThlrJ and LyonKI, ; ALBANY, OREGON. Coanly Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., iwowna ui una a Cuatck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TlUKSACTSsfMral banking buwa.i. uaWHWHtDHrM X. Tork. lu Tnm auairj Pjruaa4, Ortgwi. ' L0AXXOjgya apntore SKurlty RKf C1VK liapot. Kib teehMk. STOCKMEN ANO. FARMERS BEAT) 1 hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Worilla baa aocoeaaf ally oparatexl on n rHeling borae, HAAU IIAYi. For further rafarenoa in ragard to rirf? Inga inaulra of Wrn. Potrano, Dare P teron, lbanon John Har.lman, slfred Wolverton, Albany t Mara Uainca, c!o Wm. Fotr, Prinevillw. I prartloa Tatar. Inary melloloa In Albany and country aarrounding. Cfllca and reaidenoa eoroar 6th and Waahlngton Mu. I. N WOOPLE. Virnary Surgeon. virANTEn.-A yoong. fraah rank V cow. Afply too. C. Olsen, Third raat, two bit Cfeastof tUadltcb. JOSEPH, t Cigars C:!iclQi!s Biic. : j- f JSODAoiSAlERATUS. , - j r -.. . -j:1';::' ft B 1 LOCAL lUSCORD. Mahos Lono. ThU reformed gambler atked Wednesday, to a crowded bousa at the W. C. T. U. Hall.-though aflna look. Ing gentleman l has tha appearance of one who hs been through the mill Un educated, etoept by experience, he Is a fluent speaker, eloquent at times, and hold hit audience In close attention from the beginning. He talks fuels and gives slni t ling experiences and there is nothing like peaking from experience in this world lo command an Influence. A certain cImm cf newspapers, like tha OrfNt, Astoria VoMrr and other, may ner at tha c Torts of reformed men and declare that they are only working for the money there Is In lt but, nil the same, they are the "boya" thai get down la the heart and open the eye., and the truth Is most of them are sincere as wa believe Mr. Long Is. He has been at it ten year and hadn't backslid yet and prob ably never will. We hope lliry all make some money at It , for a man who cannot draw well enough to command a few dimes In a eol'ection or at the door Is not tha man to command an Influence. Crook Cuphtt. On Friday of task week while Kl. ohmeer waa lldiag a colt on tha Prin.viile rac course, tha animal took a tun with hini and plunged suddenly Into a fence eotnpoetd of a single barbed aha. Kortun ataly neither hoi aa uor rider waa . tviiouslv hait. The animal receive J an ugly gkb lu tha region of the throat, aud Ed. a alight eutblw Ih koe ....It i attain our ad duty to ohruniote tha Intelligence of death. Miss Uotavia Carii.icat. sged 19 yrars, 3 mouths aud S days, paaed from earth at 10 o'clock on Monday morning cl this week, Feb. ISlb. Dvctased was born at godaville, Linn enanty, this State, and cania here with heie parents several years ego. Afar. Kicked im the Face. Wednesday evening Mr. R.N. Williamson, at Welt's Station, was driving a young horse which he was breaking, when the animal became (lightened a, the lop of the buggy and be coming unmanageable began kicking and running, throwing Mr. Williamson on to his heels. He wa kicked In a frightful irunncr square In the face, his nose being broken and cheeks and forehead mashed Senerally. The wounda.though, are not angero'us. The wagon was as well brok en up; but the anliral is not yet broken. Insane. Mr. Henry Rldenger who lives In this city on Wednesday developed symp toms of Insanity when down town. He sang and made contldcrable noise and was finally taken home and medical aid sum moned. The doctor gave him some quiet ing powder, but when he waked the neat morning he was as erase as ever. He fell from the Albany brldg when It was bring omiructd and broke bis leg and received Mme contusions on his head and it is sup. pord that his derangement Is due to this raue Benton Lftdtr. Atb a Bor Twenty nails, a serew.two pieces of lead pipe, a piece of glass, two oyster shells, two clam shells and a hand ful of bird shot was found in tha stomach cf a Connecticut cow that died suddenly. That cow had cither made a meal of a small boy. or In some way obtained the cont'nta'of the urchin's pocket.fur nothing short of a boy's pocket could ever supply tier with such a motley collection. Moral. Buy your groceries of Conn Bros. They keep the be. I. , A Kkxo Ball The Keno hall looked well on the night of the und lnt Attach ed to the ceiling was a hand, above tha wreaths and banners, lifting the American flag from the head of an artistically draped cradle, leaving -room for several big thoughts beneath the starry drapery and allowing the stripes to hang carelessly oyer the side. The party danced till the rooster got tired crowing at them, Peter the Poet. A R 1' won. The Corvallls Timrs, which is always hitting the O. P, has discovered the following rumor somewhere: "It U quietly rumored, with some degree- of authenticity, that there wl'.l soon be a change In the management of the Oregon rac 1 he railroad. 7 he road will probab'y go Into the hands of the Chicago & North western, and be completed with money In stead of red tape and law suits." A Miitakc SoMiwinac "Complaint Is made In the Dakot a at about the Irreg ularity of the . malls between 8alem and Albany, and the non-receipt of that paper here. There Is a mistake somewhere. This oflto receives the Albany papers every morning with the regularity of clock work." StiJenman. We are inclined to think the papers are sometimes carried past and brought back on the nest train. Witt, 00 to LYoxsviiXKr Mr T. L, Wallace was at LyonsvIHe Wedneida.Mr. W. II. Metzgar, who has been clerking for Wallace, Thompson & Co, will, with hla brother, soon ooen a erenra! mrrhamllae store there, a lot having been purchased for the purpose. Lyonsvllle Is said to be booming In a small way, and has the pros pect of becoming perhaps the best town at New Mm aa. Mr. Jud Mealy, of Sweet Home precinct, was In the city a few dcys ago with some rich gola ore which he took nut of the ground at Upper Soda. He claims that they have struck It rich there, and our real estate -column will show tha confi dence in gold there by the number of claims taaen up. Heavy Collectiox Town. "The total amount of collection taken up during Mason Long's two meetings in Salem was but $13 l.iht and fuel coat him $10. ; h,: Journal. That is the way re- !. ii.-..1. i,i-t, get rich, as some people ' Itnaijine Mr. Long, though, derives His reviMi.- ii.ofcfiy irom the sale of his book, A pKADUAt. Change. A California gentleman has Just been in Albany for the third neanon. The first time he didn't like the country, the second time he was more favorably impressed and this time he thinks there is no'.hlng like it on the face of the globe and will send money here to be in vested. He say s if the people In his valley anew wnat Kind a ot country this is they would emigrate in a bocy. ; Entehpkisinc Albany ' has an enter prising1 real estate firm In Burkhart k K?eney. They publish a monthly paper for the benefit ot immigrants, and hire a young man to distribute them on the north bound passenger trains at Ashland, thus giving people an idea of, and an interest in their city before reaching there, Ashland Jicord, Salem's Nabeby, Friday morning R. Dearborn assumed his position as Post master at Salem, and if he is treated the way his predecessor was will fill the office during the entire adminltr"on of Presi. dent Harrison and into the next when It may be too late to get another Republican P. M. there for several years. Will' Be Clerk. George Waggoner has been appointed e'erk of the Leglsla ture's new R, R. Commission for twoyears. That's next to being a Commissioner, and will be just as much of a sinecure. Mr. Wapgoner deserves it as much as any re publican. Arkbsts. During January and Febru ary there were 24 arrests made by the po lice of Albany, as follows: Vatrraney. : drunk and disorderly, 11 ; fighting, 4; loi tering on streets, 4, Committed and or dered to work on streets, 15; diemUsed, 3; fine paid, 5, $35. , Danuerods Business. Some days ago Mr. E. E. Stellemacher, a farmer living a few miles from town, was In his field plow ing when a young man made his appear ance in another part of the field and began to shoot at some Chinese pheasants. Sev eral shot from the gun struck one o( tha farmer's horses and one lodged under the skin o( his flnge.. This ynung man Is known and, we understand, will be prose cuted If he persists In his unlawful business; If this young man had killed Mr. Slrlle macher he would have been guilty of man slaughter, the punishment for which llm pilsonment in the penitentiary not lets than one nurmore than fifteen years, or by a fine not exceeding $$000, Fa re well Party. A farewell party was tendered Mr. Will Llndsu last evening t the residence ef Mr. L. E. Blalu, pre vious to hit departure for the east, where he has made arrangements to enter a busi ness eol'.ege far the study of telegraphy A large number of Nir. Lindau's young friends were present and passed the even ing In playing games and sociability, Will Is a steady, reliable young man, well fitted for the vocation he lias chosen. He will take with him the good will of the young people of the city.' JfT From Tacoma. "They will take you out three or four miles through the brush and trees unlit you begin to fear you wlil be scalped by the Indians, and then charge you $500 for a twenty-five foot lot and it would take severs! for a resi dence. I have been at Omaha, Kansas City, Los Angeles and San Diego during the palmiest days of their booms and I never saw anything Ilka It," said a fine looking gentleman In the Revere house bus tt'is noon. Of course he was referring to Ticoma, and he expressed himself a well that we give his words. Home day an avalanche will tumble on that overdone city that the Northern pacific has been laboring so strenuously to ttoom.and then. ye speculators, what a collapse there will be for the men last In the field. Too Near Home. That distance lends enchantment to the view is as true about mines as other things, and that Is the trou ble about Linn county mines. They are too near home. Mr, G. A. Dyson, In the Ortgenian, aavs t "Only a couple of weeks ago a young man of this clty. P.Coshow, jr ,) who had spent some months In Butte City, Monlan 1, came home, and brought down some fine specimens of ore from those justly celebrated mines, and comparing these aforesaid specimens with tome here, brought from Blue River, some people laughed at the Idea 01 their resemblance. and vet careful comparison shows that the quality, color and grain of the quarts is ex actly "the same the same colored, and shaped tutphurets of Iran, and the galena is the same. Ak Albany M. D The Lebanon Ex- frtu gives tn Albany physician the follow ing notice: "Dr. C Negus, whose ad. appears In another column, is an old Union soldier who was terribly wounded and dis abled In the dreadful fight on Missionary Ridge while surgeon of a New York regi ment. He is a reliable surgeon and physl. clan and a graduate of one of the highest medical schools. lie It personally known to the editor of this paper as a gentleman of undoubted veracity and truth; further more let It be said to his credit, that as a dUabled Union soldier, he could draw a large pension, yet he has never applied and refuses to receive a cent from the gov ernment.' For NawsrArERswA little legislation was enacted for the newspapers this year It is the law framed by Senator Veatchj and its object la to stop the practice which some newspapers have, that of aendlng papers to persont whether an order for the same has been received or not. Vesica's law provides that all such papers shall be deemed gifts and that no debt shall accrue from their receipt Ex. Nevertheless it Is a mean man who would take a paper without at least notifying the editor, for as la other businesses ml. takes may occur. We predict, though, that It will make- no difference with the general business, for very few papers are run on that basis. Lawyer Taei Nonet. The fallowing rale baa been adopted by the Supreme Court: Ordtred that rale 13 of tba rulot of this oouoty as adopted Nov. 4 tn, 1S85 1 Rale 13, the psg of the printed brief most be eight and one -half inches ia length, five and oat half iuohea ia width, and tba other blank inargia of tsck page be one and one foO' til inch. wide, aad tha points, or propositi M of law with tha authorities eited to saa'ala tbtat, most be toparatly stated from tba aa lament. Tba points aad salhontiae mast first distinctly atatad. and tba argasoeat tat forth supplementary thereto. Thla rale si aH take effect aad be in foro on tha first day sjf tha March term A D. 18S9. A Pecvlur Charter. Under Eugene City's new charter the mayor appoints the marshal, city attorney and street commis sioner, the same to be confirmed by the council. Indebtedness will be deducted In assessing ; the limit being $3000 and the tax levy 5 mills. ' Asaeasments for stieet Improvements will be collected before Im provements are made. The city may issue bonds for sewerage not exceeding $50,1100 for a term of thirty years and it may con struct sewers outside of the city limits. : Aw Amateur' Work. In Gulss & Son's drug store may oe seen a panel paint ing In oil, drawn with the little girl on Hooa't almanac as a model. It was exe cuted by Mrs. Mac. J. Moncelth and In many respects surpasses the otlglnal. As Mrs. Montelth had only taken a few les sons from Mr. Wm. Wright, the artist.the work disp ays genius for an amateur. We are glad to see the great Interest taken in art wwrk that is now being displayed in the city. , ;. Will Br Extendku. There is a pretty strongly reliable rumor afloat that the road will b extended to Sodaville this year. If so it will boom that popular watering plact as well as Waterloo, for there is a tail to the rumor to the effect that the road will run directly Into the vicinity of the Sweet Home coal mines. There is really as much fire a smoke about this- A Panorama. The EVodelphian society at the college wilt give an entertainment during the, month under charge of Rev. Rominger, of East Portland. It Is to be a panorama of Alaska. About one hundred views, taken by Geo. M. Welsler, will be presented, and as Rev. Rominger has been over the field the entertainment promises to be a treat to Albany people. , , Exlarqed. The daily and weekly Democrat hereafter will appear some what enlarged, In fact just as big as our press permits. We propose to continue to make the democrat as good a paper as we know how, and are willing for the pub lic to be the judge and jury In Home Companies. The Central school building has . been reinsured by order of the directors entirely In home companies, $3000 being placed In each of the following companies : Albany Farm ers' & Merchants', Northwest, Oregon,Pa ciflc and Columbia. Entitled to tks Best. All are entitled to the boat that their money will bay, eO every family should have afcance a bottle of tha beat faml y remedy, Syrnpof 9U 1 to cleanae the ays torn when costive or oillona. For sale ia 5io. and f l,00 bottles by all leadiog druggists. Sua Nearly Cauoiit Him. A lad at whose house the Dcmocrat Is delivered regularly has been annoyed quite often on going to her box netr the gate and finding It empty. She was not quite certain wheth er the carrier had, on these occasions, neg lected to deliver it or not She ha'.f sus pected that there wat a thief in the case So she concluded that the would do tome detective work. She watched carefully one evening for the carrier and at soon as he dropped the Democrat In the box she was on the spot and took It out, bnt left an old paper In the box t n which were writ ten the wordt t MYou tnetk thief, you have stolen an old paper this time." 8he went about her work expecting to keep an eagle eye on the hot, but her busy cares distracted her mind and for half an hour the had not thought of her trap. Finally her detective scheme returned to her mind when she returned to her box and found the old paper removed. The thief had come In her absence and taken the old pa per, ur a roa or so from tier pox on the watk she found the old paper torn to pieces, She It keeping her heagle eye" wide open to catch the thief and If Tie returns he will be caught," -;-.: ; rl-- -,'.'" liCLL Run. One of the members of the State Legislature who fought the Bull Run water bll'. was Hon. Thos. Tongue. The following from his home paper shows thst Portland Is now about even with him : "Senator Tongue came near being Lilted by his Ayrshire bull last Sunday morning. Theenrtged animal got him down and tossed him about until driven off by a man coming to hit rescue. Senttor Tongue says he Is getting tired of thla Bull Run business. The bull floored him In the sen ate and the bull gored him In the corral. In the future he will keep out of the path of bull run. The bull undoubtedly wanted pure water.' Illustrated. The February tfrti Siorr gives Its promised Illustrations of At bany, consisting of four pages and seven cuts 1 First street from the Revere House west, the Young and Read corner, Albany from Farmers' warehouse, O P bridge and Red Crown Mills, Academy of Sacred llesrt.Court House and the Central School building. Though not elaborate they speak well fot the city so far at they go The magtxlne aa a whole does the city justice. The next time Albany will probably be in a condition to have a booming series of it- lustrttlons. Evawmo It. The new medical law to prevtnt quackery .which also provides that any Itinerant vendor of medicines shall pay a license ot $ 100 per month.was evad ed by the WUard Oil Co. at Rhlnehart't hall Thursday night. They claimed lose 1 1 their song book at $t and give the medi cine away. Eugene Guard. That won't work. They should be snapped Hp at once. It is'just such a crowd the law was Intended for and the people of Oregon should see that the law Is enforced as to them. Felt Cm sap, Ona Salem or tome other street car. a boy made a sudden grab among the straw, caught something and, as he straightened up, he Inquired : A ho lost a Ilfty-cent piece f teven men held out their hands to him and four mure wanted to but felt afraid. There was a painful pause, and then the boy unclasped his hand and exhibited a pants button. The seven men suddenly sank back to meditate and the other four indulged In winks. Ilia Old CoMMAXbta. Maj. fooes haa just shown the DtMocRAT a fine photo graph just received from hit old Com mander, General Jutlut White, now a prominent Insurance man ot Chicago. Ac companving It Is a very lively kind of a letter, In which the word ben roost and a few other famllar words suggest that the letter is somewhat remenlscenU Nothing pleases, and justly so,a soldier, than to re ceive a letter irom an old Commander. New Real Estate Orricas. Two new real estate ofSces, it ia reported, will toon be started in Albany, one by Mr. W. U. GoUra and one by William Faber, both men of considerable meana. The pros pects are that during the coming summer Aioany will be alive with speculation. A Sign. Summer hat evidently come, for the accordeon man It here on hit trlcy cle. This It the young man here about eighteen montht ago, lie was once jockey in England and lost both legt by falling under a train of cart while taking a norse irom one place to another, lie play t me accoraeon wun contiaeraoie etui. ... A LB AS Y. A Cow ae trial Crater. , The following from the February IPm Sitrt, just received Is a fine tribute to Al bany as a commercial center. It really auggests the key note to Albany's future prosperity j "The railway center of the Willamette Valley It the the city of Al bany. And not only hat it this very prom inent distinction, but It la the central and most important primary shipping point, both by river and by rail. The junction of two such Important transportation lines as the Southern Pacific and the Oregon Paclf Ic railways Is of great advantage. Besides this, Albany is at a point where a branch road joins the main Oregon line of the Southern Pacific. The branch extends to the eastward, and la the chief artery of commerce for an Important portion of Linn county. The Important fact that Albany has feeders ramifying the country In all di rectlons, collecting produce ' and distribut ing merchandise, shows that it has com mercial Independence and is not laid under tribute to oppressive monopoly, nor ia It suffering from any lack of modern conven iences. Lines of trade converge at Albany because such an arrangement la the most conducive to success and profit. Trade would not flow to Albany if any other point presented greater advantages to the interested people, any more than water will naturally flow up hill; and traffic lines wilt not be built where there is no trade to sustala them. If the concentration of traf fic means anything and no one will for a moment doubt that It is significant It in dicates that the point selected possesses su perior qualificationa from a commercial point of view, and that it commands pe culiar advantages to which the business world Is very sensitive. Strangers who visit Albany can not help being favorably Im- firessed with its advantageous situation and ts chances for growth. The city is sur rounded by one ef the finest tracts of agri cultural land In the world, the Willamette Valley." ' - Aa eminent physician aays: A healthy livsr seoretet from two to three pound, of bile every twenty four hours and of this secretion where it will do tba most good. " Now if tha liver iaout of order, tha' whole system is in trouble, the spirits are de pressed, the mind is not clear, and a person whose liver is not performing its duty ia very soon unfitted for regular business. Dr Henley's Dandelion Tonia rouses tba torpid liver and enables it to perform its proper functions, thereby regulating tha whole sys tem. Sold by Foshay St Mason. Portland, Oregon, July 81st. While I wat in Tillamook la;t winter I was affected ia my baok and ktdneya ao that It waa almost impossible for me to reach Portland. Wban I got here I was induced to try tbe Oregon Kidney Tea. I drank at my meals, tba tea made from it, and it baa etferted a radical cure. I caa highly rGtwonamsnd it to all who are afflict ed as I waa. Sold by Jfosbay -"-. DO VOW TilINK t , Do you that your school teacher will conduct his school just to suit you t If you do, you are destined to certain dis appointment. It It Impossible for a teacher to please atl his patrons. What pleaset one will displease another. Can you afford to growl at every little act which does not meet your approval t If you do you will be In "hot water" most of your lime. The tame It true as to your minister, or any public officer. The ttme Is doubly (rue of the newspaper. If you expect to here just tuch matter published as will suit' your taste or meet your approval, and to have tuch matter ts doet not meet your own ap proval go unpublished, you are equally doomed lo a certain diiappolntment. It Is Impossible to conduct a newspaper In such a way as to meet the approval of all Its readers. What pleaset one dlsp'easet an other. Some times a subscriber becomes nettled tt something publUhed In a newt paper which he doet not like and ordert hit paper "slopped." Well It "stops" as to him, but In all 'probability the paper will receive half a dozen new subscribers for publishing the very matter that wat to distasteful to the one who "stopped" hit paper. Just tt well "stop" your teacher tt your paper. You may discharge your teacher for a trlval matter and get a new one, but ere man weekt he will also have done something thtt doet not meet your approval. Will you keep on discharging i If so you will receive no benefit from jour school. The man who expects a newspa per 10 be run Just to suit him wllhout re gard to the tastes and wlshet of other peo pie Is a very narrow-minded and unreason able man. The few remaining buffalo of the coun try are being bought up by capliall.u at enormous prices, with a view of using the in as a cross with the Scotch Galiowty cattle. The hybrid thut produced will make corned beef and sausage, white the hldet from the animals will be worth more than the carcass for roltes. It Is claimed that the wool is evenly distributed over the entire anhnalnd la far superior lo buffalo robet ot the ptst. The oldest practicing lawyer In the Uni ted States of eminence is Sidney Bartell, of Boston, now 90 years of age.who regularly makes hit appearance in court whenever business calls, him there. For more than sixty years he hat been connected with most of the great law cases In Massachu setts as managing count I associated with such men In the past as Choate and Web ster, though not conspicuous like these fa mous lawyers. He hat a practice of nearly $iuo,aou a vear. The Sft1farJ Mail, a staunch repuhlkan paper, tays; Governor Pennoyer has made a record by sen si hie vetoes that will etwesr him to the enure people of the state, Aa exchange airs The Portland Water Hill has again been passed and again vetoed by the governors this time at be lore the bouse sustains the veto, much to the disgust of the Portlaim! Capitalists and to the general satisfaction of the mass of the people. Agsia ia his vetoes of Dawson's hill creating railroad commit. ion, the governor sought to guard the public Interests by not permitting useless expense. . We mar safely predict that very few of the present legislature will be called upon to act in a similar capacity two years hence, Aad we can safely add that there will be no called session. A New Yorker who went on bis wedding trip to the "Hub" tells that in the elevator of his hotel he met a pleasant faced and quiet spoken gentleman, who oa finding strangers des:roasof seeing the oly, escorted the young couple about for nearly half a day. Among the placea visited were the City Hall and the Msj-or's office, with which the Botteaian teemed remtrkably famil iar. Which b the Msyotr asked the New Yorker of hit guide, there being half a down persons ia the office. "Oh, I am the Mayor, was the astonishing reply of his guide, but he proved to be. .J'"";' The joint convention of the two houses a' congress assembled to count the electoral votes omitted to make note of the fact that, while Harrison and Morton had. a majority of 6$ electoral votes, Cleveland and Thurmaa had t majority of the popular vote of about 98,000. Perhaiie this waa not the time nor the occasion to call attention tq this latter circumstance, Atl the same, it ia just at well to bear it ia mind. The reduction of wagesby the Brooke Iron Company, the Readme' I ton Works and the Pottsville Iron and Steel Company it another illustration of the "beauties of Protection." cuts off from 7 to 15 per cent, of the wages It two or three thousand workmen 'n industries which era the sccial pets of the farmers of high tariiTs. And to the "campaign of education proceeds. A Western woman recently killed a tramp with a rolling-pin. The tramp's nephew tued the woman. - Damages were awarded the rolling-pin. The nephew undertook to argue the case with the woman. The nephew't funeral occurs on Monday Undertakers lift their hats to the woman when they meet her on the street The meanest bulb in England is said to in the town of Wootlbriilge. t Some one live was about to present his daughter with a sealskin sacque' but he refused to let her accept it, on the grounds that it would cost too much to buy camphor to keep the moths from it during the summer. , , y !. ! : Miss Nellie Gould daughter of the Crresus, will have about $20,000,000 enough to gratify all reasonable desires, on( would ttnnk. Genera Master Workman Powderly tays that he will vote for the Prohibition amendment now before the people of Pennsylvania. . The Rev. Dr. Silence it t Chicago Socialis who believes in "agitation." Silence would do well do keep quiet. In the last dayt ot Napoleon there were at many at -16,000 Americans in Paris. : Now there are no more than 300a ' Li Hi is the name of the King of Corea. ought to make a fine campaign document. ; Blessing of Sleep. lie Dr. Flint's Remedy, for tha man or wo man who finds himself or herself nnable to tleep nights, ia an Invaluable medicine, which wilt not only procure tbe blessings of aleep, but will prevent a general break ing down of tbe ayatem. Descriptive treatise with each bottle j or, addree Maok DrugCo N, Y. Dutard's Specific is an absolute care for all eruptive diseases of tha skin, suoh aa salt rheum, barbers ttch.fring worm, scald head and all itching or inflamed conditions of tbe skin, whether arising irom disease or expos ure, It is guaranteed in every case. Sold by 0ghay& Mssoo, - t Children Cry t?.r. Prom our rsxutsr surrsapmid.nt. YA81IINUT0N. Washington, Feb, list, 1889. Congressional tnattert are In a. pretty badly mlx-sd condition. Notwithstanding the extraordinary promptness of the appro priations committee In disposing of their business, the Hotse sllll hat three appro priation bills to tct on in their first sttge Only one of these, the general deficiency. which It necessarily the last for the com mittee to consider ,come from Mr. Randall's committee. The other two are the post office and the Indian bills. After the House ptsscs these they will hare but a short lime for consideration In the Senate committee and In the Senate. It Is not Impossible that one or more of them will fail. The conference committee have greed upon the amendments to the legis lative bill, over which there wat very little controversy. This ard other conference reports have yet to be considered in the House. With all thtt and the contested election case to take up much of the short time left for the session, It Is likely that tome important matter may be pinched on the 4th of March, especially if a la riff dis cussion is yet lo be Indulged in. There Is no tort ot a chance apparent for the tariff legislation, but the wayt and metnt com mittee expect to get action on the Mills resolution before adjournment. They ex pect to be able to past It ; they tfon't knew certainly whether they can or not,but they propose to get an espression of opinion on the subject. ' The democratic Senators are making great efforts to secure action on the Pres ident's late nominations. It tt reported that they have some plan on foot by which they hope to force action on tome of those they are most anxious about. It Is sug gested that the President mi; withhold his pprovol from some of the measures the republicans are most Interested In, and let them die on the 4th of March iftcertaln nominations are not confirmed. Senstor I arris hat made a resolution and there Is no doubt that he will keep It The failure of the Senate to confirm the Presi dent's appointments haa decided the Ten nessee Senator to make a motion daily to the end of the session to go into executive session and consider nominations. He finds that Mr. Cleveland's nominations to the number of 377 have been pigeonholed. In contrast, President Arthur made 61 1 nom inations subsequent to the election In 1SS4, and all but 20 were confirmed, while Mr. Hayes nominated 6S0 officials In the same period, and but few af them were not con firmed. The figures, It It claimed, tpeak well for the present administration. The number is not unusual rather under than over '.he number of routine appointment. The President is nraiixlng, evidently .that the 4 ih of March Is near at hand.and that it will be necessary for him In order to leave bit desk clear for Mr. Harrison, to spend every possible minute on the mass of busi ness accumulation by reason of the ap proaching end of Congress. The bills are coming in upon him rapidly and he had, undoubted!, considerable business ot a private nature to wind up. lo consequence he has made an official request that he be 1st alone during the week, at it will be ab solutely necessary for him to have these sic days for uninterrupted work. In other words he will not be at home. There is an air of extreme quiet at the White House nowadays which wat broken only by the round of receptions, the last of which oc cured latt night, to the public. BOW lELLl'LOIO i atAXCFATXKEO. While even body bat heard of. or teen, or used celluloid, only a few know what it i composed of or how It is made. The follow ing it a description of the process carried out in a factory near Fans fur the production of cellu bid: '".:.. . ":'.'. -V A roll of paper ia slowly unwound, and at the same time saturated with -a mixture of five parts of sulphuric acid and two parts of nitric acid, which falls upon the paper in fine spray. This changes the cellulose of the paper into proxylin gun cotton. The excess of the acid having been expelled by pressure, the paper is washed with plenty of water until ail traces of acid have been removed. It ia then redeced to a pulp, and passes onto tbe bleaching trough. V Most of the water having been got rid of by meant of a strainer, the pulp is mixed with from ao to 40 per cent, of its weight in' cam phor, and the mixture thoroughly triturated under millstones. The necessary coloring hav ing been added in the form of powder, srsecond mixing and grinding follows. The finely divided pulp is then spread out in thick layers oa slabs, am' from ao to tj of these layers are placed in a hydaulic press, separated from one another by some sheets of thick blot- tine nsoer. and are tubiected to a pressure of 150 atmospheres, until all traces of moisture have been got rid of. The matter it then passed between roUert heated to between 140 to 150 degress Farenheit, whence it issues in the form of elastic sheets. ; Included in the mineral resources of Utah, apart ironf Its precious metals, are deposits of alum, some recently discovered veins of which are eighteen Inches thick anf evcr;l hundred 'ectjn length! oUu sling whiteness and great purity -' Beds of niter are also found sufficiently pure to readily fuse them when thrown on hot coals. Ozokerite, or natural mineral wax, a rarity elsewhcre.ts found here In large quantities. It is air, acid and waterproof, and can be used tor imparting these qualities to other substances. A an insulator It Is. said to b perfect and would doubtless be found a superior Insulating material for electrical appliances. It could also be adopted as the basis for a cheap yet desirable paving material and for Indurating piles and posts to prevent decay. A somewhat similar discovery is gitsontte, found on anatytit to contain about 80 per cent of carbon or as. phalt In pure form. Of the latter a vein hat been discovered three feet wide and over a mile In length a supply that, if wortsd, would be foucd almost inexhaust ible. At it now well known, the Great Salt Lake Is an immense, limitless maga xlne of salt, that can be readily obtained in any desired quantity by the simple process of evaporation. Fro.i this lake vast quan titlet of sulphate of soda are alto securedt blown pn shore at certain temperatures by the winds, where hundredsof tonsare often piled up in a tingle night, that can be util ized In the cheap production of sal-soda and carbonate ef soda. Bismarck drinks two quarts of brandy when about to make a speech in thejReicisfagand big eloquence intoxicates all who catch his breath . .. (mmi ii..n.a5SSS5aS ' ' Farmers, if vnu want the beat harness all hand msda, call on EL, to Dem- cr at office. -; ..." 'Piteltsr1 SCHOOL ELECTION. KM lee la here bv alvan lhaL I ha i., ae hoot election In Bchoo! JjiMtrlut No, 6, Linn routjty, Otegon, will i held at tbe Cen tral k1m ol -house In aa d achool dl mom iw outlay tbe J Jib day of March, 8M, for ll f tirpoaaof electing one dlree lor to Mru-11, if yftars and one clerk to servo one jtar. Halrf election to benlo at 2 o'olo k f. tn. and continue nntli 0 o'clock p, m. of said day. By order of the Board of Director. Dated February 23rd, 1 KM, . . , C, . ftURKHARr, L. FLtfsis, Diatrlot Clerk, Chairman, . , i? - I have bought the largest and best zt BUY GOO ever brought to Albany, and I would respec nvito every one to call and. look throng DON'T we carry a full line of O0TS AMD SHO The Bed School House Shoes are thob in the world. f-&J - - a CBICACO- Look out for Bargain in the next W. F. The Leading Jnsh .,Tda iiJKiy.Wiili; - RHEUMATISM These twin (Useasee eaoaa untold asSerUig. - Doctors admit Uutt they art ClOleult to eure ; to Co their patients. Celery Cotupouim uaa per. ma&ently cured tba worst cases ot rheumatism and neuralgia so say those who haveuaedit "Bavins been troubled with rheumatism at the knee and toot tor Ore years, I was almost unable to get around, and was very often conilned to my bed tor weeks at a time. I used only one bot FOR SALE. NO USC TO ewNn tle or raine'S celery com pound, and was perfectly cured. I can now Jump around, and teol as lively us a boy." . i'RANK Cskou, ' Eureka, Nevada. ' SLOO. 8lx for $5.03. Brngslsta , Mammoth testimonial paper trek Wxua Hicharmon & Co.,Propa..Buillug-ton,'Vt. --" uxors Man To tZoumkrntrt and Jlarwters-Itls Impor tant that tha Soda or Balerat us you use should tw Whit aad Pure same aa aU similarsubst ncsa niwid for food. Toinrars obtaining only th. "Arm A Hammer" brand Sod or Baiarat ia, b.iy it in "powad or ha' f pound ' cartoons, which baarour nam. and tnule-intu-Scai Inferior goodi ar som time sutatttutod for tha "Arm k lUmmer " branl when bought in balk. Parties Using Biking Iowder should remem ber thst ita sola rising property consists of bi carbonate of Ona teaxnoonfulof the "Arm a Hammer brand of Soda or Salerataa mired with wmx milk equals OX EVERT snyofterXtyea, I asaraswasaaai,! snannsju. mammMmmsnmaBiamm'f- OCR TRAE3I MAEli t w ' v , - ,11' . y Packed in Card Board Boxss. Al' :i in En'ered at the Pot o,: aa eeoond-ci-Mi r.. tyifi eei UUui 01I wJ by tnsrief par wmk, By mail, par year j raw, wriumi'.li,. ,...,.., RATES Kl a year, ia srfvatx .... as Jmr, at cm tyf jtttt, months. In ad ranee, . mm taini. y u FORGET 0. M, Henderson & I SO dayr. BEAi Dry Gor.: f 1 si L ii a rfmd to rii5. tor the n . j f-Ted with ol t ; r djptorfiilllnsrtocure ni. I j nearly tour bottl- of Ui fie from tUeconipl'ilfit. I toyou," Cuaa. ILLs wis, t.i. ... : ' ' Paino?r Celery Ccr.r "1 nave been gren,1 rlieunaaUsin, and could"!5 uwd yatae'a tvlerr tv..,, si x bottles of this rnodmua lei rkeuumllo trouble." saxcxi. liBTcai'eso.M, ; j. t IlfTects Lactir." fe"sCteryComnoinai'.a-. . other cures as mam-Ions as letters sent to any anttrvt. s does not disturb, but atils ih;: j vegetable; a child rant.. - u of suffering loiir v-.u u D'iurulgtat riCK.VGR. ypwr. 1a 1 IF i ts