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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1889)
1 V I jrht Uj,m toon after the Inauguration. Vr i tu ;.;-.i..!ii.;nt Republicans will be putting on u'ldoth ami asliet at that time. N h;n North Dakota U admitted her popular name will he "the Zephyr State." I . J " Mr. Samuel J. Randall does not appear to I. r.uxwlinj in helping the Republicans out with hi revenue reduction bill. . . t' " " " Senator Stanford has at last completed his Washington stables, lie has room for twenty hone and as many carriogct. Only rtaliington,of Iheouoing TresiJent, subject to as much virulent abuse, both personal anj political, a Mr. Cleveland, and yet Wadungton is very well spoken of now. The latest development of the attiiicial pot plant is to have a flask of scent concealed at the root, front which string run up to the heart of each blimoraand give off perfume natural as life, St. Ixniis has half a dozen or more profos- s'onal clock winders. They each have a list of timepieces which they are to wind on certain days. One of them says he attends to 100 clocks a day, . . . Ktnsas City has beaten Chicago In the dij voice recoid. Four divorce in six minutes were given in the Circuit Court of that city one day last week. " Severn! leaders of Chicago society w ho have sjvent considerable time abroad have started series of l-renrh aotree and tend the invita- tions to them in 1'rcnclu They wish to make Chicago society more chic Mr. Chandler's ear, since his little altercation with Judge lllackburn, has become quite much of an object of curiosity in Wellington Katischa's elbow ever was in the Mikado's court. KXTKAVAGANC& If any further proof were needed to prove the utter profligacy and brazen indifference to th Interests ot the tai payer of the state on the part of the late Legislature, It is fully supplied In the fact that $15,000 wai spent tor clerk hire alone. Much of this $15,000 was worse than thrown away. By art order of the Senate and lIoue,ach acting In tt separate capacity, each stand inf committee was authorized to emptor a clerk. Every member know that outside Of enrolling and engrossing clerk very few re needed. Membcit of the Legislature all admit that there was no work for at least two-thlrdol these clerkt.and yet each received $200 for the session. Many were appointed who were sworn In and returned to their home, and performed no further service until the close of the letslon when they returned o the capital end drew their pay. The lack ot appreciation ot duty to the public la shown In the case of ft chair- man ota committee who appointed his own daughter, saying the could make more money at that than teaching echoed. No wonder charge of bribery were made against a member of a Senate that by large majority voted to authorise the ex pendlture of ft targe sum of money for clerk hire, from which the date never received an iota of benefit. It I currently reported that other charge of bribery could be easily suitalned were an honest effort made to do so. It Is due to Senator Irvine and a few other Senator to say that every effort possible was made to prevent the employ inent of so many clerk who were not needed, but the republican majority had determined to make place for "hungiy ap plicants," and they did thetr work well. There is one mean ot partial remedy to all thls.and that is, In the future to defeat every one ot these gentlemen tor re-el cc tlon who thus violated their duty to the public. Before the election President Harrison joined am patty in ignoring toe dangers of a growing surplus in thetreasury of the United State. Now his voice is raised in his inaugural address ajpinst this dancer. Such are the strait that politician t are put to. . The inaugural address of 1 Unison, like most fciaugiual is full of just sucb good promise and suggestions as come from those just stepping over the threshold into power. It require but little tire sight to see that his administration will not be nearly so good as his opening speech indicates, . President Harrison at no point in hi inaugar td rises above party or his party obligation. I le very clearly indicate that his paranxKit oblig tion is to hi party and not to the people. He will be cuided by the leaders of his party. 1 ae ranama Canal Company in paying np sonoe of its men, found, that, owing to two men having been murdered, it became necessary to value the loss sustained by their relatives. Ten dollars apiece was the amount settled upon. l-iie in ranama apparently does not cocne very Vj the impartial verdict of history Giover Cleveland, we are entirely confident, will be ranked among the greater President of the United States, and this matured judgment of tune will rest, not alone on his courage, or hi fidelity to a public trust, nor be due to the method and industry with which he discharged it, but upon the unquestioned ability of the man. lielglum still hold its owr as the most drunken cotirtry ot Europe. On an aver age each man, woman and child consume yearly 340 quart of beer and 13 quart of spirit. It may be that Bavarian drink more beer than that and Russian more spirt t,but taking both together the Belgian record 1 unrivalled. The Government I at last aroused to a sense ot the evils of the sltuatlon.and some Instructive taw are to be put in force. The right to collect by le gat process debts Incurred in drinking house has been abolished ; It ia forhiJden to sell drink to persons under sixteen year of age, and to sell any one liquor until he Is drunk is made a crime. The effect of these law will be looked for with Interest It can scarcely fail to be good. at Ex-Secretary Hugh McCutloch rarely wear an overcoat. He Is eighty years of age.but say lie doe not feel the necessity of any extra wraps. Ican re mem be:,' he states, "when I thought a man old fifty. Afterwards I moved up the limit to sixty. Then I concluded that a really old man was seventy. Some time afterwards I changed tny idea about being old to eighty. Now I wonder that anybody could consider eighty old. I don't feet any older in thought and spirit than I did when I wa forty." The Czar of Russia is growing so fat that he has become alarmed at hi condition. He smokes a great deal and is always under a heavy nervous strain, bat in spite of these flesh reducing influences he continues to increase in weight. He has been advised by his physicians to try the Banting system. The London Times announce an invention which is called the "naillets horseshoe." It is one of the difficulties in the use of the horse that if he casts a shoe yon are in peril till you reach the nearest blacksmith, and then are de layed fifteen or twenty minutes till the shoe is put cm. The street car horses and team horses are subject to the same delay, and in time of conflict t nd war, when everything defends upon the certainty of the supplies, the loss o horses shoes oieu delays a team wagon at a mo-ncnt when the detention is fatal to military movements. The inventn of a oail less horse shoe removes this difficulty. The shoe is so "adapted to the foot that the driver or teamster can put on the new shoe within three minutes, and it will serve every purpntte and will remain us as long as a shoe that is held by the old method of nailing. This new shoe pinches the elge ct the hoof at certain points, and is held on mainly ia this way. no nails being driven into the hoof. When it is remembered that at Wast one I.orse in every Ijrty is injured by the driving i,( nails into the quick of the hoof, the value 1 this invention, not only in si zing time in shoeing, but in removing its perils, wiU be seen. It is not known that the invention has yet reached this country, but is claimed that it has been successfully employed in England,and -"lat it will work a revolution in the shoeing of yorses everywhere. THE NEW8CH00L LA W, The extent to which party spirit on the republican side sat irritated by the fac alone of a democratic triumph ha been hown In the bitterness with which Mr Cleveland, a president, has I ceo tieated He ha done nothing whatever to provoke for himself personal animosity. Not word of bitterness or even discourtesy to hi opponent ha come from him In hi public or in hi reported private utterance. There I going to be lot of fun after the fourth of March between the- old republi can office holders who had to step dewn and out when the democracy came In four year ago and the new blood who think they are entitled to a little of the pork.The old fellow are expecting to catch right on whore they left off while theyoung fellow are 0 ring out for a new deal. Cleveland' administration I command ing the respect of all thinking men as It draw to a close, and it will continue grow In favor a the year go by. It ha been a brave, honest, fearless one in every respect. It b not and can never be made a demo cratic doctrine to exempt cigars, cigarette and cheroot from taxation w hile taxing clothing, sugar, lumber, (Alt, crockery and glass, iron and tin at more than the war. time rate. OUt EXPECTATION "V a third grade certificate, - it her advance. The new school Isw enacted at the last sion of the leciklature with reference to the granting of certificates to teachers i the same as the old law except in the following partial, lars: Certificates of the third grade are to be good fir one year and shall not be issuexf to the ie person more than once. A teacher who must at his grade. jr in which to prepare for this A second grailieTMfife is good for two year but hall not lie iueiN4i the same Derson more than once. A person lio.tW-r ing a second grade must, at his next examina tion muitt pass ujto a first grade.but he has two years in which to prepare for the advance. Teat hers who have secured first grade county certificates, in accordance with the provisions of this act, shall be entitled to receive a first grade state certificate wi'hout further examina tion, provided they have taught three yeai successfully in the public scool of this state, and re recommended by the county superintendent and the county board of examiner for the same, and have paid the fee as required by the laws of Oregon. Teachers who hold state certificates, as alxive set forth, and have taught four years successfully in the public school or this state, shall be entitled to a state diploma, t .viled they pass an examination before the ""- - iierinteni)ent, or the board of county -'-ilxxjlt-keeping, composition and iy, and are recommended by tendent and county board of paid the fee as required . J1, ate diplomas, as -above V aught not less than six 'he public schools of this (Written for t!ie Dkmock AT.) On yesterday, t hief Justice Fuller ad ministered the op ih of onW to Benjamin Harrison and that ijentleman will officiate as PretlJent of the United State. A we look back to that eventful day, four year ago, hen 6 rover Cleveland began hi now ever memorable administration, we can o!y feel that the democracy should feet elated, for the acts of Cteyeland and .his able co-adjutors stand as historical monu ments of their patriotism and love of the entire realm over which they had jurisdic tion. The sa vings of Cleveland are now a part of our political history ; but to our subject. ' Whit can we reasonably expect from James G. Blaine i What dor the record of the ill-fated Garfield reign tell us cf Tame G' exploit t The resignation of Conkling and Piatt from the U. S. Senate Is a point positive in our mind that the rule or ruin policy of Blaine when Gar field' Slate Secretary was perhaps prima, rily the cause of Garfield's death, for we all know for sure that Garfield and Blaine versus Conkling was a fracas which en couraged Giteau and prompted the shot which made Artb'jr.Fresidcnt. At present the" wire say, Blaine for State Secretary. Blaine l a brilliant man, a wily schemer, daring adventurer on the sea of politic, an undying hater of thcSouth and Southern people, a bitter mallgner of all who do not agree with him In his fanciful '-jumping jack" measures. Blaine will settle the 8a moan question, and how I Blaine will settle the race juetlon,and how f Blaine will dictate to Congress and be It to the credit of the democratic party will have a republican majority to second any of his scherces. We expect a National wrek We expect a crah that will be heard loud and long from the Atlantic to the Paci.ic, and that crash will be the death kne'l of the republican party. Garfield' experi ence with Blaine i a utficicr.t index as to what one can expect when Grandson Ben links his fortunes with the man from Maine. March 5th. 18S9. Young Democracy. 5 to receive a state life di as an examination be ytendent or the board of iie additional branches of anil present a recommends-' My superintendent ai.l Ixiard As, nn.l hnve paid ths requir- 't want uK I. tli e lies ban t all l'vwr,nct to Dem- WAtMUNtiTGM, Mn h Pre-ddewt Harri son to-day sent to the senate the following nomi nation which were conl'mtud. Secretary of State Jait.e G. Illaine, of Maine. Secretary of the TreasuryWilliam Wimlom of Minnesota. Secretary of War Redlield Proctor, of V er mont. Secretary of the Navy Benjamm F. Tracy,- of New York. - Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble, of Missouri. Postmaster General John Witnatnnkcr. of Pennsylvania. Attorney UeneralW. II. II. Miller, 01 Indiana. , Secretary of Agriculture Jemtiiuh, 0' Wisconsin. A Lynching rirtiio. Dknvkr, Col, March 5. New reached hare tody from Springfield, a small town in the Neutral Strip isolated from any telegraph tine, that the settlers, who for a y sr had been suffering greatly at the hand of a t-aml ot eighteen rustle-s, had a week rgo warned the eang that unless they iinmedis titty left that sec tion they would oe nangcu. All out live leu for other quarter. The five that remained were surrounded Friday night by vlgilantes,and three of them were captured and lynched. Tat) Lease invalid, Wasaington, March 5. In an opinion given by Justice Miller in the case of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, plaintiff in error, versus the Uregomaa Hallway company Limited, the court hold that the CHegonian company had no power to lease its railroad and that the navigation company nad no power to take the lease. . Ill Na. Nkw Vobx, March 5. The name "Grover Cleveland," in hie sold letter, ia painted on the window at 45 William street, with the name of Bangs, Stetson, Tracy and McVenth Cleveland is expected by hi partner to resume his law practice Immediately. . New Co, OKI re r. Salkm, March 4. The governor to-day ap pointed the following officer for the new county of Sherman, to serve until the regular June election in 17 so. Judge James rulionj clerk, V. C. Brook; sheriff, E. M. Leslie; treasurer, Levi Armsworthy; superintendent of school, C. J. Bright; commissioners, John ludcmaa and Uayton Elliott coroner, J. B. Hosst assessor, C. C. Myers, of Wasco county. Oa U Enough. ClIAftLasTON, W. V., March 4. At noon to-day Gen, CofT, republican candidate for governor and claimant of the office, took the oath in one of the rooms of the itate house set apart for the use of the governor. Alwut the asm time. In another apartment, President Carr of the senate also took upon himself the prescribed oath and prepared to transact the business of the office, while in bis privtte office W. W. Wilson, who ha filled the office for the past four years, continued in like form, at least to discharge hi accustomed duties. J act Terrapin. PiiiLADKLfttlA, March 1 The caterer for the inaugural ball ha cornered the terrapin market of the country. None are to be obtain cd cither New York or Baltimore. Ovc 5000 terrapin will be boucht for that occasion making 3500 gallons when boiled down, worth 500o. Ha Resigned. PORT Towksend, W. T., March 3. Advises from Sitka, Alaska per steamer Ancon to day, state that A. H. Swtncford, Governor, and Barton Atkins, United State matstial.have tendered their resignation to the department to take eflect to-morrow, or a on after a their surccMors are appointed. The form is dispos ing o inn property and mining interest 10 Alaska the Atailsnllics are urging John iiraiiy ai wmeloa (uccesaor. . Takea la. Ijh Axuklss, March, 3. Dr. Kdwia W Fowler, of San Francisco, a prominent member of the Bancroft History Company, arrived this evening and was madcj the victim of confidence swindler. On the train he met two agreeable gentlemen who introduced themelvc as buii sea men of Lea Angeles. On getting off the train one of the men suddenly discovered he had left aU of hi money in his valine, which he bad given to the t runnier man. I)r. Fowler offered a loan of a small amount and pulled out hi pocket book to get it. A he dkl so one man grabbed bis pocket buuk end ran. Sim ultaneously hi confederate struck lr. Fowler a blow on the back of ttie bed which knocked him senseless. There was only (Co in the pocket book. There i no clue to the ruffians. PaclBe Coast Pall area. Sax FaANOiCO, March 3. Ilradst reel's mercantile agency report sixty three failures in the Pacific coast Mate and territories for the month of February with assets of $11 $. 537 and liabilities of 1279,398 as compaml with 103 to the previous month with suets of $1 9,470 and libilitiesof 9493,91 1 nd fifty nine for the corresponding month of iS&S, with asset of 98,310 and the liabilities of $290,047. The failure for the past month are divided among the state and territories as follows: California, 21; assets, 869.738: tiabitities, $182,602. Oregon 21; asset, 17,800; liabilities, $32,124 Washington territory, 21; assets, $28,000; liabilitic, 54,672. EartbqaaieN. - ! , Quavaqu luEcuador, (via Galveston) March 3. A violent shock of earthqu&ke was expert eaced here last sight. During the Bight and morning there were thirteen other , stiock of less severity. The tclrphooe wires are down and a panic preva 1 among the people. Senator Mater Dying. La Giaxde, Or.,March4. There ha been a tight improvement in the condition of ex Senator Slater, and this morning tltere was a hope of hi ultimate recovery, but a change for the worse has occurred and he ia sinking rapid ly. Hi sons. Hank J. Slater, register ol the land office in the Harney land district, Woodson Slater, deputy state treasurer, and John Slater, of Washington tsrritory, and all her members of the family are here. SkotlllM. iKOareNDCxcx, Or., March 4. W. P Kerr, with little or no provocation, shot A. S. Kerr in the thigh with a 22 -caliber pisioL He tried to shoot the second time, but the pistol was taken away from him. The ball passed through the thigh, missing the bone and barely missing the main artery. Both are young men and live at Parker's Oregon. They are not of km, although bearing the ssme name. The young man who did the shooting is about si year of age. Good Bye Wbltelaw. Seattle, March 4. Seattle Typographical Union, Nor 202, has appointed a committee to prepare a memorial to President Harrison asking him not to appoint Whitetaw Reid to any office in his gift. This is because of Keicl's unfair nis toward number of the Typographical Union. ' ',-' . BlesKlii; of Sleep. Dr, Flint' Remedy, for the man or wo man who finds hftnswlf or hartelf unable to sleep nights, t- an invaluable medicine, which will not wily pr cuietbe blaaaioK of sit p. t ut will prevent a arnersl brook ing down or iha y'.eui, Descriptive neat! -a wi' n cam oouit ; or, add re Mack Drug Co., N, Y. Struck Oil At $1.25 per 5 gallon can" best Standard -' oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'s tore. Carpbts, Finest line of carpet ever brouulit to Albany just received at A. B. McIUn'.n s. Mi lirussell and Velvet Briikscils attract great attention, being su perb pattentc. - ir-w-mwmmHt rff ' f ti 1 'wv SW nn. 11 mm I W J"tl m mi w OABPiisTS For 1 EN to 1 WEN TY per cent leia than aold else bete, aatue quail ty and NEW, SUGAR lu oirit-r to tqt hi the ctis) oil It ado of lit city 1 will irll auir at follow 1 . 14 LB3 DRY GRANULATED . . . . 10 LD3 EXTRA 0 - - . - . 18 LD3 0 - - - - - . . - And ber grooctlea and yoada generally at red 110 J price, ' -0- ' ' ' .' Nice line Ladies Dress Goods just received. ABMC.ILWAIN. 11.00 1.00 1.00 earns mm WE ARE NOW IN THE FIELD FOR BUSINESS for 1889 and respectfully call attention to our stock of Groceries, Confectionery, Etc. We &hall endeavor at all tlmas to serve our cus tomers In the bost possible manner. We always aim to purchase goods of the best quality and to sell them at the lowest cash prices. In addition to our grocery business wo receive subscriptions for all the Jeading newspapers and magazines. Also take orders for all kinds of rubber stamps seals, etc. We cordially invite all who have not done so to favor us with their patronage. We hope by fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, Vey Respectfully, F. L. KENTON. j t.v 'Imb I have wandMl tha (own over and bought of all those place whr lb claim mII drug ehiap, ami no bay hem GUISS & SON'S. notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City. Or., January 2m b, ihm). Notice la hereby Riven that tha folic tag named ttlr has filed cottce of bia inientioQ to make final proof In eopport of his cla im, and that aaid proof will bo made befuri the County Ju Ir", or In bt atMwuaa, bfefnraibe Cuunty Clerk of Lion county, at Albany, Oregon, on Taestfar. March talk. Is, vlas John Marie!, UotnwtMd Kntry No. Mil, for trS W of N V. H and lou 2, S. 4 and S ofSee. 29, Tp. MK3K. 11 aerate tha follow la a wiiae- to prova hi conllouou residence unoo and culti vation or aald land, vis: Henry J.ynna, rf Manama, and Hoi Bradhaw, John Doane and Kraotc Ueram, of Fox valley, all of Llna roonty, Oreem. Any peraon who dealrw to protest against too allowance or anon proor, or who know ef any aubaumtal roaeon, under the law and the regulation or the Interior Department, whr ach prW anould nH l aiiowmi, win be siren an opportunity at tha above tnentioood tltue sn d ptaca to crossvexamlne the witrMrswo of aaid claimant, and to oflWr evMetic in rebittal of that entmiued by claimant, . W,T. BvaaaT, Keglster. Adrlre te Vetbrp. - Soolhlisir Syrop, for Mm. Wtnalow'a cblldren teetblng. l th presort r one of the bt romaln nurii and pbjki clan In the United Mtatr.. ai A has been used for forty yesra with never-falling aucceaa by niliijn of inutl.cra for their children. During tte jiow of teolblng lu value ia incalcuable. tt relieves the child from pain cure dyteiiiury and diar rhoea, griping in Ibe bowl, and wind' ootUt. Hy giving bitallh l-r. ih Uild it real tha mother. I'rlce 26o. a botUo. Caaoiptloa Soraly Cured, To 11 EoiTOR-PleaH Inform your readera that I have a prmhivu rumedy for the above named dlcas, Its tl-oly ua tboaannds of hoptlmx fiaw have bn permaubotly .curd. I IihI tie glad to aend two bottles of my riue ly free to any of your readera who bv cvntuinpilon If thiy will send me tboir eipri ta and pout office address, UeRpecifoiiy, T. A. C. 181 Featl 61, Kottcs of Final Settlement. Voile ia hereby given that tha under signed Administrator of the eataia of Mary Ann K. W. 8vaga, derwaaed, baa fl'iH In the County Clerk'a ct&re for Lino county, uregon, til nuai arcoont in ssiu eatrte and tb Court baa fixed tha 9tb day of Marrh, IWJO, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. rn., to bear objection to aaid aoeount, and for aetlling aaid eatato. Thia 4th day of February, Wt. Jobs Meaoait, J. K, WK4TMBapoND, Admlniatrator. . . Atfy foi AdoiV. - . Kotlca of Tm Settlement, Notice I hereby glveu that tha under Igned, the Adalolrator and Admlni Iran la of tbe estate of 1. W. Tycer, da eeaaed. bava filed in tba County Court o Linn county, Oregon, their final acooun and tald Court baa appointed Msadar, the 1st dar mt April, IMt, for tbe hearing f obJc Ion thereto and tbe setilninent tliprof. and same will be heard at ono o'clock, p ui of said day at thn Court House in Albany, Oregon, February lOib, 18S9. . LMku Tycbk, Adm'r., Mx aiiUHi Ttvh, Adm'rlz, elo. J, P. Oalnraitu. Attorney for Adra'ra. Adminis 1 1 a 1 of s Notice, Notice la hereby alveu tbat tha under. felgued baa been by tbe County Conrt of Lii.a county, Oregon, dnl appointed Ad tnfnlHtrator and AdmliiUtririz of tbe estate ol Wallace Cushman, deoeaaed. All persons having olatuia agatust aaid aetata are hereby notified to prew-nt them properly verfied within six tnonthe from the date hereof at tbe ofllo of Hewitt, Bryant A irvioe, In Albany, Linn eounty, Orogon. - . " Dated January Slat, 1889. . , . PHILLIP BKRTHOLD, '"".. U AH tl ttl t'UISHMAH, -. Adinlnlstrst r of tbe estate of , '- Wallace Cushman, deceased, HiewnT, Bkiaat k 1viok, . AiUirneya- , . '- GARDEN, Flower, Grass, from the celebrated ned houe of A. B. Cieyiiaiid & Co." AtSO CKIOH SETS, AT BEDROCK : " PRICES 1 Discounts to Gardners, WALLACE & THOMPSON. WANTED ,-200 cords of maple timber, to be used for manufacturing chaira, For parvit'Ulaia inquire ofO. A. Archibald, at office o. !be Farmer' Werehouao, Al bany, Oregon. r J - Notice of Final Settlement. Notice I- hereby glv-n that the undor signed Adinlalsirator cf tae eathte of Si hi n N, Ry ergon, deceaaed, has filed bla flnwl ao- o'unt wilb ' tho Clerk of the County Court lor Linn county, Oregon, and that the Couty Courv baa fixed the 9i h day of Marcb. 18fc0, at lie hour ol' ten o'clock, a. in fi bearlr.K-olJnctlou to Ibe same and fur aettlii'g aaU eWe. D, .P. MAfO.v, J. K, Wkaiukkkobd. Ai'mluittrator. , AU'y fur Adui'r. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or, Fa ruary SKtb. f Kotloa la bertiby given thai the follow. Ing named aouior baa Hied notW of hi Intvuiion lo make flaal rrnofin aupport of bla claim, eud that aaid proof will be ins da before lb nanly Jorfga, or ia hi abaenre, rater tha County Clerk of Linn eounty, Oregon, at Albany, orc-gon, oa IkarMUr, April tub, I as. via I Robert Lk-k son. Homes! .! Frtry No. W9, for tba 8 W X ota W and lota 4, Sandflof vtlou28, Tp 9 8, K2K. Ha namea tba following wlioeeag to prove bla oontlnuoua realdeoca upon and culti vation of, aaid land vllt Pavld Koott. Jobn ti. Traak, Henry Lyona and Henry Uodicker, all cf Fox Valley, Lion county, Oregon. A ay person who delre to protest agalnat tba allowance of rh proof, or who knowaofany ubafantial roawon, under tbe taw and lb rulatlnna of tba Inter ior Department, by awoh proof abootd not be allowed, will be given an oppor tunity st tbe above meuiloccd time and pi im to ernaa examine tb ItnsM of aid claimant, ana to offer evidence )o re bcttal of that aubmilted ty elatmaaU W. T, BUHNsr, - Itegiater. Administrator's Notice. Kotlr I hereby given that tbe under algned baa been by tha County Court of Linn eounty, Oregon, duly appointee Administrator of tbs otale of Geo. W Perry, deoeaaed. Alt persona having claim agaluat aaid estate are horeby noti fied to preaeut them properly TerlAed withlo aix mont! from the date of tbl net Ice to the undersigned Admlniatrator, at bla residence near Bclo, Linn county, urgon Daied January Slat, 189. T. J. Mtmggae, Adm'rof tbe Mtata of Geo, W.Perry ,dec'd UXWITV, IiaTAMT A laviSL, Attorneya, ' ' a Summons. lu Circuit Conn of Iht Stat vf Ortgtn JOT 1IH KsOUHIV J lAHu. . Ucorge A. Whitney, Plaintiff, W.R. Walker and Florenoa. E. Walker, veieuuania, Civil action to rocover money. To W. H. Walker aud Florence, K Walk er, tba above named Delendata IN tbe nam of tbe Stat of Oregon, yon and each of yon are hereby nontred to appear and anawer tha complaint of the fiaiutm in the above entitle court new on file with tbe Clerk of aaid Couit by Ibe first day of tbe next regular term of aaid Court, whlon aaid temt bgina on (day the lltk day r March, igfto, ' at lb Court House in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon, and if yon or either of you fail se u appear ana anawer the complaint of me riaim tir. i tie riaintin win take a judg ment 4k'ast you for the aum of ti1 68. and for intoreat and costs a prayed for In I'laiuiiitK oompiaint, ana also ror an or oer to eel I the real picparty iitlaobed by the Hberlffof Lion county, Oregon, in tt above entitled cause. Attached aa your property. Ha id property la detorlb d aa follow i Lota No. 7 and 8 in block No. 2, in tba town of North Brownsville, And also lou No. 1 and 2 ia block No. 6 In Groes'a addition to tba town of North Brownsville q Linn oouuty, Oregon. . . Thia Summon is published by order of tha Hon. K P, Boise, Judge of aaid Cuart made at Chamtra on the Utb day of January, A. P., 1SS9. J. J. WHITFIT, Attorney for Plaintiff. ' SPECIALTIES. - sw , aw. -j LpLiILU ii iilliiuvLn FeaMimaM an I 8.jr Hah 8uta, Mamn Suite, Ltybt waight Sjiiimer Suit. Furnishing Goods. NEW GOODS KEY SMYKXA K'JCS AKD miMUll. K EVV 1AELE COVERS. LINEN TABLE SETS, NAPXIXS TO MATCH, A LARGE ASSC3TKEHT CF LIKE MA KO SILK HAKCXEHCHiEFS. FIKE LACE KAK:XEF.CKIEFS. TRUKXS AKO VALISES. SILK DRESS PATTEEKS. CSLC3ED AKD SILKWAHP KEKSIETTAS. SILK UMSHELLAS, Boot and Shoe Department, i INDIES AKD CENTS FANCY SLIPPER?. CENTS FINE SHOES. MISSES AKD CKILDRENS FINE SHOES AKD SLIPPEBS, t of light weight uo.!erwearbalbriggao and o.len ; fOsiety, shirt-. FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS., us wire usprnacra, guaiantru ior two jttr, in all tli lateat oovelti. - I BOOTS AND SHOES. A large linn io thia department of tha tet lu tha market. HATS. Stplu end Fashionable l:n-a, arnctig otbera a Cue atock cf tha Jubo D. Htctai.n halt. Tailoring Merchant isilo-ii p; undr expert tsilor. 8'iitarnlo to order nnli abort notloa at remark hi hi flgnrea. Mora good tnined ot than ever before. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT CHOICE KOYELTIES IN DECORATED GHINA- TEA SETS. FRUIT PLATES AKU SAUCERS. DECORATED BEDROOM SETS LAMPS. SALAD BOWLS- FANCY PITCHERS' FANCY CUSPACORES- CAKE DISHES AKD A LARGE ASSORTMENT CF NOVELTIES IN CHINA L.E.BLAE Samuel E. Young Albany, O egoii J, F. WHITifiG, Xnintio I?aintmgr, BANKERS, SIGNS, DESIGNS, Wood Engraving and Mechanical Drawings, LETTERING A SPECIALTY, ' Room 8 apd 9 Foster Block, FRESH Grass and Garden all kipdaat CTCWART to BOX'S, JULIO0 GBADWOHL'S. Golden Rule Bazaar. Ilia atock !iaa baavcnlarjel a thatUeusta ty oa tha &et,anJ ooaiata of Roger Bros. SUverwAra, Praash Ohiaf, and Crys talware, Eoyf Wagoa?, DdII 0i.-ri.3v Fancy Goods, and a geaeral assortment of Orockiey and Toys. Ha boya direct and earria the largeat ttock In tba WillatnaUe Vahar, to wbtct baa been added a complete llna of FAMILY GROCERIES. la Agrul for tnanranea coinpola with a tapiul agrexatia 73.i))),l V , MTfei on pari FranoaUr Olar arlrd deutch geaproohen.'BX SticEc a Pin in the fact that T an r.ffering Uw hargaiaa than any one eUa in Aihanv . Bought at hankttipt a.Iea can ll , First-Glass Goo ds at oi ht-l'ivr cos r, FOR i The Tliresiiflllr OF A NEW YEAR S e Uyn b..inaa wkb NEW Bnerr, N3W yJ and NKW-pnW Otir atock ia alwiyn - . . ... " Above !Par i laliiy and quantity, but FAR BELOW IN-PRICE. We eater to all thn good trade in the ciiy and anmnndine country - -ai l!M ( thaa any h ia the city. ; Wallace, Tliompsoh & CC7 Succeisaoratrt Wallace &. Thompaon. Plinn Block, Albany, Or, - 0 n-i ,1 iueich'i.iitM f ail. kiut Ciili on oi5. Par.icular Imtgkiu in Mu of li''-. (lash or Goads for Couatry p'oilaea G W. SIMPSON, sVlbao, Oiegts.v Elapfor illlUlu bOn NEW GOODS in tbe old fnruilure a'.and opiokie Stewart & Sox's Hart ware Store. W detiire to rutiko known t.i progrfHive people that cny in Heck auch otioda aa will et:ry a rt-finfd taut-, and as the dtmid iny n quite will add to our aupply. We Cbrdully. invito the people to come ai d cef us and we il ake very great pltaaure in rbowing oar goods-. AN BTJAL MIET JX'G.- flle 18 M bv civ en tbat the annual tneetlas o tne atockholdera of tbe Albany Bnldiog Aasoolation will be beld at the Opera Mouse' in Albany on Mosday.Marcb istb ISSLUt 7:30 r. m for tne election oi dlreo, tore and auch other business as may coma before the meatta Dated Feb. 19th, 1889. W. F, Read, Secretary. W, C, Twbbdilb, President, TkTOTICE IO DEBTOKS, All peraon J3I knowing themselves indebted to tbe We firm of K. Glasa A Sou are reqneeted to cell and settle at once with R, Glasa, at Crawford.ivlile, either by cash or note. All accounts on our ledger must be closed right away. January 9tb, ISS3, R. Glass & Sc, nn Geor&e w. Smith, SUCCESSOR TO W H. MC.FARLAKD, Ilavs meved to tbe Seadere A Steratiera; evroer opposite S. E. Toaog'a, where lie have the largest and flueat stock ol itoves and Tinware lathe Oornty JOB WORKPROM1PTLY DOJ. V" .4. .