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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1889)
.4e rniDiY ..MARCUS f8S9. gnri & Kilter a 4 Horasa. rrerlfUrv Somk Day "One ol tliese Jtrs the til ' tor o( the Santlam mine will be written up, and there will he a stranste tale of early t'lscoverles. ana how, a f.r Auk at lV, people went into the ''. prospect inc. ana that In the ,it ol 1865 An- HfIkinalit. a htiiti li'iWn. made the astonishing dicotrjr ol the White Bull 1.W Haw rnmninlri Incorporated to build road,a aawmlll, and set up and oper ate a quarts mill, and that It proved that their discoverer lit upon a "chlmney,Mery rich In mil J. but the main ledze did not pay. Then the mountain were abandoned, and foe yeara nothing wa done. About the year 1900 there will be live town planted In those mour.Uln gulche,rallroadt will reach them.and there will be the ever, lading din ol machinery pounding and grinding all through the twentieth century, cleaning up million o! treasure. People will wonder how It ever wa that o many year patted and to many prospector could find nothing, when the mountain were fairly alive with treasure." Orrgvm'mt. Won't you please change 1900 to iSyo. It would ult u here better., A 2agb.'s Aovica. Mr.Tho. Alphlne, the Sage ol Miller, and a pioneer ol '47, Inform the Dastoca at that In 1856 It never rained from March until after harvett and the crap were tplendld. In 1847 It only rained ten da air June. He pronounce the moon a dry one and ay it will net rain In March. HI advice la for farmer to tow their tprlng wheat at once.for II we have late rain It will then be too late after ward, and If continued dry weather now It the only time. March will be a month of light but not killing frost. If fruit I In jured It will not be until April. Mr. Al- C- Ine consider the crop outlook a line one thia aeason t but think the National government will be run lor awhile like the last legislature and then look out. lis Caught Thsm Wednesday the dray team ol F. E. Allen, driven by James Hall, was standing on the O. V. dock when boat came In. The whistle frightened the horse and they ran out of the building and up the strect.knocklng Mr. Hail down In the meantime. Turning at First they were making at a rapid rate west along the tree,when a young man named Eel,who arrived In the city from California on the morning train, ran, jumped on the dray .and reaching over on to the heel of the horse causrht both lines and (topped the team at Broadalbin Street. He did a splendid job that most men would shrink from. Mr. Allen awarded him handsomely In a pecun iary manner. . SToaa Robbed. Saturday night two men entered the vtore of J. W. Stewart, at Springfield, Lane county, and robbed the aafe of $50 or $60 In money ,of which there were lourteen or fifteen one dollar gold pieces and two 35 cent gold pieces. On ol the dollars had a hole In it. There was alo a gold ring with a set taken. It wa ki.own that two men did it ; but the only thing ascertained about them was that one ol them wore a No. 7 boot. Marshal Hoff man wa notified of the above fact and re quested to keep a look out. Any one In the city seeing any susplciou dollar gold pieces, which are rather rareboutd report to mm at once. Somk Dirraaaxca. Mr. Julius Gr .d wohl ha shown u a letter from his neph ew, Mr. Albert M. Sasle, of Springfield, Mo, in which he say they are having very dlsagrecble weather there, snow one day and rain the next, so that it takes a man of Iron to stand it. In speaking of a Daily Democrat which had been sent him he remark that it would be a eredit to Spring field, a place of 35,000 inhabitants, in contrast tolheir weather consider the mag nificent climate ol the Willamette Valley this winter, it only fault being that it is too good. In the matter ol enterprles too we think Albany will stand with any ol the Missouri cities several times a large. Bridges Wasted. Hon. Alex Down Ing,of Llnncounty .opposite Stayton.wasln the city with a petition for a bridge across the Santlam at that be built jointly by Marion and Linn counties. About four hun dred have already signed the petition. This section of the county is building up very rapidly and a bridge is said to be needed there badly. Linn county must be liberal In It appropriations for bridesnd should also erect one at Waterloo. Woolex Mill. Mr. Kay haa been in formed of the completion ol the bonus and will leave shortly for London, where he will make the purchase of the latest Im proved machinery. Before leaving, how ever, he will see that construction of the buUdings is well under way, so that by the time of the arrival of the loom, jacks, etc- the factory will be ready to receive them. Journal. A Bio Sale. Monday John Rector.of naiacy, vyrcgon miuu w -farm near Halsey, 571 acres, probably the . y-, T - , ... 1.1 kt. finest in the county, to Mr. J. L. Holliday, of Gridley, Butte Co.,Cal-, for $14,275. Mr, Holliday sold his California farm for $100 and get a better one for $25. He will put out 100 ceres to fruit. Mr. Holliday la a former neighbor ol Mr. Lasalle, of this county. Probably Walked. A patent mud turtle, plainly labeledent by express from Minnesota to the daughter of the local edi tor of the Democrat, for a Cbristma present, ha just reached It destination, iter a trip of ten week duration. It most have walked all the way, else the Express Co. supposed to be the meet etncieni eiau transfer agencies is getting terribly careles aassw sa.j a ss snw aww. Will go to Portland. J. Fred Yate, Who has been studying law under the tu torship of Hon. J. K. Weatherford, in thl city, for the last year, ha accepted a posi tion in the law office of Fred Strong, of Portland. Mr. Yate many friend here will regret to ee him leave, but all join in wishing him success in ni new neia 01 1 DOT. Where They Live. We have recent ly learned that some of the biggest prevari cators in the world live in Eugene, City, A couple of them on the cars a few day ago wre eulogising Eugene and running down Albany. In the course ol wVich one ol them remarked that land couItUbe bought around this city for $20 an acre, whereas it brings ten times as mucn. ' A Sale. Mr. Tryon hfi purchased of Mr. A. M. Gordan his home property con sitting ol a residence and three lot. Con sideratlon $i7So. Mr. Gordan and family have moved on to hi farm. Mr. Tryon and brother will move Into the city and re side in the new home. . : Will Be Ruksimo Soox Ed Harri- gan left for Albany to-day to superintend' the construction of the new street car line to be built there. Ed it a hustler and will have thi line running smoothly In short order. -CoiVo Journal. , . ; He Got It. The man that was running all over town hunting hore radish yester day found a nice lot of fresh grated at the Willamette Packing Go's store. GO TO JJDUBRUI Nsw Combes To our city will find it to their advantage to price our bio is before buying in their outfit of grooerua snd pro- Vision. m . ;Browkeix k Starabd. J A Archibald, agent Singer Manufactdr ?aH Co., opposite Odd Fiilow Temple, Al iaoy, Ian 1. or li. The Linn County nes Council V. ol II. met on S ' , with the Knox Butte (irane, and i very tuccctslul meeting. Iksld a Usg; ama&njoj busies av dinner that would live llc-ltl?tlie palate ot an editor was set ami disponed of. Among other thing Gov.Pennoyer's veto of the Portland water bill was commended In the following reso utlon, after quite a dlscunslen by Hon. R, A. Irvine, Hon. Chas Miller and other Wiikreas, One of the fundamental prln clplet of the P. ot II. being that the sustain Ing ol our national, state and municipal government expense should be borne by an equal ana just taxation ot ait property, therefore be It AVWrW, By the Ltitn County Business Council, I', of H. that we at a body of pro ducers, representing that clan ci cillxen who bear more than their just proportion of taxes, most emphatically endorse the ac tlon cf the Governor In vetoing the Port land water bill and also the minority In sustaining his action. 1 he ncx meeting wl 1 be held with Lharl ty Orange. Dr. Watix. MIsi Anna Inger, ef Yamhill county, hat made an affidavit which place Dr. J. W. Watts in rather peculiar light. According to It Dr. Watts secured her a position a a clerk, which he (wears to at followt! "After arriving at Salem Senator Watt told me that, a chairman ot the committee on corpora tion, he could appoint me to a cUrkthlpto that committee, but that he would expect me to give him one dollar per day out I my per diem during the time I should be so employed, and Informed that thl was cus tomary, and that he had a perfect right to require this ol me, that In fact he had a better offer from another person, but had reserved the place ter me. ile thereupon wrote out and signed my appointment and gave it to me and 1 took it to me secretary ol state and wa sworn in as such clerk to said committee." After serving a week Mlsslnger wa discharged by Watts, It it claimed, because the refused to call on him for instruction. The affidavit, ot which tneabore t only a part, tells Its own story, and comment o..M only aggravate the matter. Retvrkrd. The whirligig of time rare ly evolutc so fast that some day or other it doe not bring to Albany again tome ot the old timer ot the day when a quarter wa nothing to speak ot. Jim Hogan about eight year ago left the city and went out into the wide, wide world. Since then visionary stories have been told of hi be ing shanghaied and taken around the world, hanged up In Montana and numerous other sensational episodes, mostly without foundation. But Mr. Hogan, we are glad to know, Is still In the land of the living Mondav he was In Albany and put up at thecatiboose again for imbibing too much corn juice, a Utile matter that wa satisfac torily settled by the pavmentofthe cus tomary fine and fees. I fogan't face will be a familiar one to residents of i&So and for manv years previous. Albany Is a differ ent citv now from then,vet Recorder Men- ton, was the one to adjudicate in Jim last case before leaving and first on returning. A Side Show. There was a side show to the minstrel entertainment not adver tised In the bills, and only attended by part of the audience ; but it vat racy. Among the audience, on the south side, were a young couple from Squedunk. They had their eye on each other, and soon became entirely oblivious to sui round ing. During the entertainment they went through the customary parlor form of courtlilp,tuch a proposing.squeexing each other hands, seinl-cmbrsccs, topping of head on the other shoulder, and a cooing that would astonish an adept. "I don t believe you love me a I love vou," he said. "but. I do," she murmured soft en ough to be heard across the room. 'l"hen they talked of how happy they would be, lc etc. A great many ot u have hai oar love affair ; but It is not often that you meet a couple who seem to think a theater is the proper pla:e to enact such scene. After Maky Years. At an old horse ale in Portland the other day was told a carefully packed bast from Italy, which disposed of at $50 $40 advanced charge for tariff and $10 for expressage. It appear to have been ordered from Italy by a near relative ol the famed Ex-Senator E. D. Baker. The gentleman who ordered the bust 1 a U. S. revenue official on duty for yean past at Vktorlr, B. C. The pack age wa lost all trace ef until the butt wa fortuitously, revealed by the "old horse sale." The bust wax taken to a second hand junk store for tale, limited to the pur chase pike ot Sx An old acquaintance of "Ned" happening to enter the junk store, at once recognized the coutenance in mar ble; and following the clue, ha written to Victoria, and arranged for the statue to reach its destination. Wtieom. A Wet Experience. Riding bicycle la not all poetry, and the boy of the city often meet with experience not down in the catalogue of extras. One such occur red last Monday. Mr. Ed. Cutlck, book keeper of the Linn Co. bank.aftera ride on hi silent teed reined the apparatu In near hi home on Lyon Street, where the far famed Santlam Ditch goee blubbltng past. n dismounting hi bicycle went off the idewalk at the yery bank of the ditch, There wa a stumble and a splash and Mr. Cutlck and his bicycle went heed first into the water.the leet ot the rider only remain ing en the bank.whlle hi head went under the water. He succeeded In getting him self and bicycle out and was soon In dry clothe. Born. On Friday night, February 32d to the wife of C. M. Charlton, a daughter, Had the little one only been of the other ex, it hould have bei n christened Geo, Wanhington. Prinville Jievtew, GOLDEN CCL.E BAZAAR Cask Goee a Long Ways at J alias Unulwhot's I have made arrangement for buying good direct from the factories in Europe and will cell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail price K dozen unhandled teacups and saucer, 35 eta. : .. . dozen un handled coHee cups ana au cert, 4$ ct. 'A dozen handled conee cup and sau cers, 50 ctt. ' J4 dozen aeven inch dinner plate, 45 eta. ..- - s ; These eoode are all Iron (tone China and not a cheaper grade of good. I have also added t good stock of groceries, which ask people t call and examine and judge or themselves as to quality and price. TuLiut Gradwohl. 64011 able That metns seasonable oyer coat. . costs, a large and fine stock of which bss just been received at L. K Blaio's. Call early aa the oyer-coate have begun going Weather Indications. For the nours beginning at ts o'clock, noon. - Clear, " Babies The finest line of baby carri age in the Valley just n celved at Stewart tt 8ox's. Frice are remarkably cheap con (idering the superior quality of the carri age. Ws will sell yon . groceries cheaper than aoyooeelse. . BBOWMW.L k STAlfARD. LLE, ALBAllY, ORE SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DE YOJ4&R0BS0N The Hr. i.d me 1 t City Council St evening tor tiie purpie of considering the inausr if grading Washington and In tersecting tiri-ct was attended by all of the Councllmen, Mayor, Recorder and Mar thai;' The Council at t committee of the whole reported unanimously that they had care fully and thoroughly examined both, and considered both the petition and remnn trance, and would retpectfully submit the following Improvement of laid ttreett, to- wlt t 1st, We recommend that Wathlneton street be graded and graveled from Water street to Third street, according to the es tablished grad now on file In the Record er' office. 2nd. That the alley In block ten between Ferry and Washington streets be cut down and graded so that the lame shall corres pond with the grade on t errv and Wash ington streets. 3rd. That Second street be rut down to regular grade from Ferry to Washington streets, the same to be graveled, Also that a running grade be made for the present between Washington and Calapoola ttreett. the tame to be graveled, the work not to be commenced until the Washington street graoe is iinisiieu. 4TU. That the alley in block U, u and 15 oe graded at present sumciently to make an easy running grade tor travel. we recommend that the werk shall be commenced within 15 day and completed on or before the expiration of three month. We also five notice that at the nest meeting of the City Council, we shall rec ommend that certain streets and square be filled and graveled. On motion of Councilman French the report wa ordered adopted, and the prop erty owner, on motion of Gradwohl were ordered notified, to begin work on Wath Ington ttreet and alley 10 within fifteen day a, work to be done under supervision ol Street Commissioner. On motion of Councilman French the petition were ordered published. Here they are : . roR. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council ot the City of Albany, Oregon : We your petitioners, propertv owner and business men, adjacent to the street be low mentioned.beltevInK that the Interest of our locality are materially effected by the obstruction caused by Washington street being ungraded, and that the beauty and healthfulnes of our city demand uni formity ot grade In our street, would ask that your honorable body order aald Washi ngton street, between t Irst and Third streets, also sujh cross street aa may be necessary to make a uniform grade, cut down to the grade a established and now on file In the oliU-e ol the City Recorder t (5ii,neil.) W U Tweedale, Mr E burner- viile, W T Hearst, E N Uoinltt, B W Cun- did. W W Parrlsh. C Meyer. N T Moore. P Nutting, II F Merrill, John Morrison. H E Young, E F Sox, C if Stewart, J M rvlng. C II Spencer. MraE Murray, Mr C Mcl'arland, Martin I'ayne.Pcter Mchloa er, George Dodder. M Sternberg, E Race, Wm Fortmlller.M S Montelth, J W Blafn, C E BrewnelL N A Blodgett, J V Backen- sto,MrsJ M Fish, S A Rchtflter, L A Mrs E Hlain, Louis Miller. J L Hill. G W Smith, W II Greenwood, W S MlllerJohn Hrlggi , l L Crossen, AOAIXXT. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council ol the City ol AlbAny, Linn county, Oregon i Understanding that a petition will be presented to your honorable body asking that Washington street In said city, and, as a natural result, other adjoining and Inter secting streets, be cut down to the grade heretofore establlsed, we, the undersigned citizens t Albany, some ot whom are property owners in the Immediate vicinity of said si reels, respectfully remonstrate against such action a useless and unjust. We do not object to a reasonable grade of aid street er streets, but condnlder the grade, as proposed, unreasonable, Inequit bie and unjust,and as an absolute destruc tion of some property on said streets, rend ering the same wholly useles and worth less, without the expenditure by the own er of such property of as morn or more money than the property is now worth or would be worth alier such grading had been done. Respectfully submitted. (Slimed.) A I Marshall. A Cohen. S Gourtev, O P Dannals. Ben! Johnson, T unnk, A I llunt.ti Jf Simpson, It Alien, S W Johnson by Curran & Montelthigents, B Montetth.E D Barrett.Tohn Schmeer, veryman, W II Huston, W II Garrett, D M Jone. . WHOOL XF.CTINC. The annual school meeting wa held last evening, and so complete I the confidence of the public In the Director and Clerk, that only about a naif doxen of our citizen were present The Clerk, C. G. Burkhart read the following report, which wa adopt ed : .:, ' - Total number scholar between 4 and 30 year of age.. ...........909 Male..,..... 459 Female... 450 No. enrolled in public school. ........ .44S Male ...... 319 Female .,....,.326 Average daily attendance .....376 No. legal voter in the district. . ..... .646 ; , RECEIPTS. Amount of fund at beginning of : the year.... 402.33 Amount collected from tax 5,009.30 Amount received from county school fund 3.oo7 '5 Amount received from State school fund. 1,046.35 Amount received , Irom other sources....... 500 Total , ..$10,070.1 3 DISBURSEMENT. A mount paid teacher $3,764.63 Amount paid lor fuel 303xx Amouct paid, first installment of bond, and interest on same to June 15th, 1880,,. 4.i6.34 Amount paid Insurance company on building and furniture.... 363,50 Amount paid out for other pur pose 79-4S Total...... $ 9." 55 45 . 94-7 Balance on hand. Total... ................ $uy70.i3 The report of the Director was a fol low, the tame alto being adopted s - Cash In Clerk' hand first of the year 5 403.33 Cash received from variou sour ces .... 9,607.80 Total........... $10,070.13 Total amount paid out. 95545 . Balance cash on hand .... $914.67 The estimated expense for the ensuing year are 1 - Wage of eight teacher nine - month.,,. Feel. $4150.00 200.00 335.00 Janitor' wages,.., Incidental repair. 700.00 Interest on bond. 600.00 Total,'..,..,,.....,.,..,... $5,875.00 To meet the expenses there will be the following available funds : " Cash n hand $ 914.67 Mate and county funds estimated 5,000.00 Total... $59467 We would therefore recommend that I there be no tax levied this year, a there will be sufficient .fund to meet all pur pose. The above show the district to be in a prosperous condition. GQil, FOR TIIE BES Pin line of good stock of tion at Deyoe Guns and Asimuni" and Bob- on'special bargains A i Ai.U'l.ltl M0R9AV, rretident Harrison now. Dr J W Watt apeak Sibbsth In Albany. It M llarv, of Taooma, I In tha city. To-day the eld goea cut the new eomea lo. Base ball playing ha bagun around Port land, A man la Pendleton lost a 1100 ticket ta Cbiotgo and had to buy atiothsr one. Mr L Sender ha returned from IAke oouuty with baud ot mule. Fred Merrill, the Woyollst, will toon atari a sporting paper in Portland. Ot 100 persona la Phlladsluhie 00 die poor, la Taooma and Seattle aoeordiog to boom Use ty all die rich, Th annual school meeting will be hold to-night at the eourt house. You ihoutd by au meaoa attend. Rev J R N Bsll, recently elerk ef It R commission and editor of the Roaeburg Ht weie, i in the city to-day. Mr Oorge Cochran, of Tangent, returned home to-day from Wood bum, where hi mother I lyiog dangerously hi, : Georgia r instrsl at the opera house to night. They are aald to be the beat ca th toad, A big houre Is promised. Clarence Houston ha told to Lawyer Wolverton 47 aero of land a fw ntilea from Albany, racMving f KiOO for th aame. Unci Osorce Hash recently captured S nen thieving owl near ni piaee wsst or th oity and to-day preset! tod it to Curran St If Salem. Albany ard MoMtuuvitie want a rout to the aea at Astoria they should get in and take aiisrmsu in hi maron to ina sea a aa example. He did something beside talking. ' : , : -; A wedding took plane in Spokane Fall. the other day. whvrs Mr Wood espoused a mis ryi. 01 iiAiaarum. in nonce reaa 1 "Wood-Pyle.- . ,, MrQ W Ilatdoe and J K llambreek. two new comer from Kansas, have ealkd on' the Democrat to-day. just to see how a demo cratic! newspaper iooka. . Tbsy are all repub lican 10 Kansas. Someone fllatma to have w the moke rsume from the very snow of Mary' Peak Hunday, hut th peak eoutiauea in it poti- lion, so taw we st iHv.imm v -miu wm merely e v-sion. Tame Johnson wt hie name, and four day in the ealiboose for beaging ie hie fame. Uenorder Ueatoa though thai would about auit hie ease, and there are several other who will probably be treated likewise if they do not gt. KemottiUfr that Aver'a Cherry Petoral haa no equal a aa speoifio for eolda, eongbs, and all affootiooa ot the throat and lubg. for nrarlv half a eentury it haa beeB in greater demand than any other remedy for peimooary eomplainta. Ail uruggtste nave it for sale If vour oouiih km us 90a awake and rest- lee by night, take Ayer'a Cherry i'eehiral and ebtaia immediate relief. Thi remedy allay InftammatiuB, heal th pnlmonsry or gans, iaduoM sleep, and restore health. The sooner you begin the better. ( Tre oag boat "Gryilisu feavee HarrU burg to-day on it trip down th river pnll tngtoag fiota th limpid watere ol the WU. tatnette. Another boat ie also to be put on for the name purpose, and it is proposed to keep the river io good oonditioa the whole year. - - j Snmstimeatto the editor ol the Iloseborgj rUtimitaler while io Balena introduced him j ell by a alip of the toaaae aa the editor of the JSrvifw. That paper getting bold of the matter haa leen makiug the air blue or om other color. The paper in that city would qaartVl over a mother io-law, , 8lephea Ueek, aged 90, and a noted ploo eer and trapper of the 1'aoilio Coast end Rocky mmioUioa, diet in Scott Valley last week . lte waa t he r an who Wad the way for the flist immigrant wsgon the fstnmss "SubUtte CutotT.'' and wa a brother to Joe Meek, the hero of many an aneodote of the eat ty day of Orrgou, A dorian . TTfUbAV. Too fine weather. Lawyer Cleveland now A gxoUsoitn from Taooma say that e en there Albany ia attracting attention. The "Occident" to-day unloaded a large amoent of lreigbt for Albany and Valley eitiee. Meo to do garden work eeem t be quite scarce when yon want one. Wfcet'e the matter. The Albany Iron Work ia doing a toed tmsineee, bay leg eoneidetaVe work otdertd ahead. JL Fuller, 8itUI Iworsooe Agent ia low in the city. The Demo at asknowl-! edges aeaJl. ,.. The Wizard Oil trcep ia in Corvallis this week selling a song book for dollar and throwing in their otL Ot the fiftv three applicant for teachers' eertiiieatee id Marion county, alt bet eigh teen were uoeeesfn I. J II Scott, Mre J If Scott, M II Wild. NF PayneandMre Payne have been sp pointed delegates to the State Grange. Jutt a little e added to Mr. makee a great deal et differeaoe. Mr. Senders of course was the one who brrsght the males here. Mr. Brace MeKolsht and family have moved to Corvallis to spend the teaeee. Mr. McKuight ba AIU30 with him and will make hie beadqaartre at that city. Yesterdav K. L. Brvan waa elected direc tor of Tangent school district and A Barnes elerk. On account of toe large number ot pupil attending another story ia to be add' ed to tbe school building. '".V. . .', WEDH ESBA Y Jt Irvine la in the city. - New atyle jewelry at Prench'e. That cow ordinance should be passed now. Bay your watches at French's. Big bar gain. ' . A' A Dertbick, of tbe Forks, who has been in K O, retnrned home to-day, The EUetrie LiglU haa mat been started at Portland. Another Sifting alTair. Walla Valla ia laid to be full of strang er, principally on account of railroad went. President Harrison cabinet ts lust aa an ticipated in the dispatcees yeeterdsy. There were 352 subscribers to Salens s oolen mill subsidy, making aa average of U that the Narrow Gauge suit is deoid- ed we may look for tbe road to com into Al bany. Mondav a fiend named Walteie murdered his wife in a brutal manner with a rtsor near Helena. - ; ' Sue vnnr inectacles at French's and have them properly fitted by Johnston' Dioptrin Eye Meter. An official count is being made in Nevada an tha vote to licence lotteries, so close waa the vote. Mr. Julius Gradwohl carries a fin stock of standard groceries, a faot our citizens thonid remember when buying. , K T Mnora. S W Reeoe. R Fox. Z T Bry ant and J W Reeves, all old soldiers, left to dav for ths Santlam where they Have taken upland. - ttKOCX) ia to be aoent at Taeoma in termi n.t Imnrnvementa bw tha Northern Faoino. and that ia why that oity thinks it is no where near high water. If von want tbe cheapest and best beating iters call on 0. W. Smith, who is offering omeiof them at cost to make room for his large spring stock 01 cook k, . Major Hilton laid that a newipaper that would publish and advertisement for a saloon ore billiard hall waa not Ot to be read by respectable family. Corvalli Time, F A Burkhart. real estate esent, sold to- dav to Mr F H Iloseoe. lot S end 6 in Mock 2, in Msston & Chamberlain's addition to Albany, th consideration being (JUU. Beal Gather hai taken charge of the Si letz aeesoy. -J S McCain will be iupert tendent of instrnction and Mrs w, matron. The latter two left Albany for there to-day Tourists, When on pleasure bant or business. should take on every trip a bottle of My rap of Flgo, as it sots most pieasautly and ef- factually on the kidneys, liver aua ooweis, prevent! ok fevers, besdaobee and other foi ms of sickness. For sale In 6O0, and $1.00 bottles by all leading drunglsta, T HARtIESS,SADD PAI1TTS, OILS AITD . . a BRUSHES AT DDY0B ROBSON'S. CiiicriT t'OUitT. Fuiio.wing ia (he caieudef for the court eooveuliig next Monday In thi city: 133. 1 J I-orter agt J C EUer, et at. Tar tltton. 210. J F Suhooliog agt T S Tbompeon, la junction. 234. Assign meut, W B Trior. . 213. Geo 8 Fltohr agt J 8 CoohfAO. Te rsoovcr mousy. 2:i.1. JP Schooling agt W H MoDsniel. 2"S. Assignment, Shane & Ixmsway. SU3. Mr M J Queener est Vaughn Weddle. To reoovsr money, Id. T B "Wait agt Cits HheiTr. To set aside deed. 208. T E Iloagagt Tboe Monteith. KJouU meut. . 287. Assignment. Hay k Ashby. 289. T K Ilerran agt D II Ualtea1. Per close UM. 304 Wm Bakr agt Neltoe Bennett. To recover money. 203. Delia Field agt W II Field. Di vorve. . : Mfl. Martha Housttin agt Joile Ttmmr. man. To reeevar mouxy , 200. 0 f Barton agt Nelson Bennett. To recover money, 300. 0 P Barton aKt Nlton ' Bennett, Damsgi. 3.11. ThoiJeffonion ai(t Q 8 Montgomery, itf recover money , MI. i W eknsl act I F Coen. Ao. counting. 343. Cedar Mill Co astCJ Dillon. Dam age.. - 344. J B Cornstt agt John Vfoklxer. To recover money . 34(1. J W C14lok ait A A Keer. Pereoloe. ere. 347. 8 A Adam airt R If Ilathfart PoreolMuro, 330. Assignment, Abtrtloa Krle. 331. U II Llsxett set E C MeCIala. Fam. eloture. 332. T L Deecer act J P Whitine Pore- Sao. Luc H Russell agt A S Btteett. Foreclosure. 337. G J Braaev ajt (iantre Si ltil, fonl. To recover money. ., 3U3. O.-euoo agt Qeo Mater. Selling 5i S.lliog li. quor withou-lioeiit. 304. Oregun agt Jaa Piltford. quee mi thou t license. 367 Oregon Set II P Miluira an.l P IT Potter; Libel. , 100 Oregon sat Geo Male v. S.1I1h lian without license. 370 Oregon set Geo Maler. Selline linen without lioeote. 373 W II Qeeeoer agt N Bennett. Te re- ooyer money. 374 J Van Orden set N Bennett. To re cover money. 376 J C Johnson set If M Darlhitdi. T eet aatae aeea. . - . . B 377 I R Dawson agt W EllUon. Tofe- eovermeney. 378 I K Dawtoo agt If B KenoUton. To recever money. 379 I R Dtwicn agt 3 W Edison. To re cover money. 387 Fleiachner. Mear A Ct mat R.U A Deen. To recover money. 388 Krause k Klein sot Searla Mi Dan Te recover money. 301 J II Peerr. Adm'r ant 3 W Gain. Ex'r. Kouit. 393 TJ Black et Carl Reinhsrt. Tors. cover money. 293 J E Carter sgt F A Burkhart. To re cover money. 394 Maggie Beatv ast W B and I twn To recover money. 39d Geo A Whittle ast W k an,t VU,. n aiarr. 10 recover mwey. 397 II Newman at L U lierres. To re-! cover money. , 393. II Newman agt ft A Titus. Te re cover nney. 400. J A Arnold set Sarah GUIhriat. Kr.. closure. 402. I D Miller agt S Vac Horn. To re eever money. 403 Giant Powder Co art fUarla s rw. so recover meney. 404 B F Brady & Co sgt Searte 4 Dean. To recover money. 03 I It Dawson agt Searle A Dean Te rt- cover money. 400 Martha J Osborne agt A O.Wor. Di. eorce. 407 Monteith k Seiteabeeh atrt O B Mar. oau. ie recover money. -,. 408 J M Home agt W B McDamel. To recover nsoney. 409 Monteith St Srifaobach idWEA.. d arson , To mover money. 410 W C Nicholson sgt 3 p Schooling. Korwciosnre. 411 Senders 8t Sternberg sgt F M Cum- niBgs. a o recover money. 41J. Ceo II Dodge agt Joale J Dodge. a'leorcc. 414. School Fund Coin agt Philip Grisby. r vrvcwsiire. 415. Assignment J W Ellison. 416. Fleckensteln & Mayer agt Ad Har mon. To recover money. 417. I R Dawson agt John and Alice Batch. To recover monev. 418. W J Yan Schuy ver agt Harmon. 10 recover money. Ad and E 419. John Montgomery et al agt It F Montgomery. Partition. 430. lonn Smallmon act Peter PowelL bqulty. 431. Linnle Watson ast V It Caldwell. Specific performance. 413. W W Yantls. assignee art lohn jmminran, i o recover property. 433- J w Pugh agt S P R R Co. Dam- agefc 434. A T Workman atrt Etta Workman. divorce. rvi ' w 1 435. Moooey, Valentine & Co agt Maggie wnite. to recover money. 436. fas Berwick et al ant E Berwick. rsnuion. 437. S P Co agt Arvltla Fuller. Review. 438. T Dllenhoeferagt Perry Smith. To recover money. 439. Smith Cox agt Valego Cox. To re cover money. 430. M V Bilyeu et al eat E O Smith. Appeal. ... 43t. I R Dawson aet I W Ellison and W W Yautl. To set aside assignment. 433. W II Watklns agt 8 P Co. Dam ages. - , . . -,,-' 433- J H Msple agt E B Maple. Divorce- . . . . vmmm ... Potatoes. Burbank Seedlings are quoted In San Francisco at 90c. and $1.00, per 100 lbs. having gone up rapidly with a good market. Farmers having potatoes to a hip should send them on at once, well assorted and nut up in lacks, in order to Insure a sale. ' Old beer bottles now 'command a premium. Aa enterprising Individual has been engaged day hiopiDcd S00 dosen to Portland, for whioh hs received $70. . Few beer bottle can now bs discovered in dark alleyways and behind saloon. fandleton U, Best artist's material in the city at Dr, Quia ft Son. Albany Market. Wheat-TOo. OateSSo. Butter 20o per lb. Kirga lot Hay -9,00, Potatoes 25 ota per bushel. Baaf on foot.Sif nples 75 oenta per bu, Pork 60 per 11 uresaed. Bacons ham 12o. ' shoulders, 10c, aides lOo. -jard lOoperlb. Flour.-4.25 per bbl. Hbiokens S,00 per dns. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton', shorts, ia. middlings 20. . Chor- W. ULE8, BLAIKCETS, SUPERIOR LIKES OF tAGniCULTURAL I.M ' PLEMCNT3 AT DE- Y02 & noccor. ' t UiKENCy, That I a good showing made by the clerk and tltrectoti of school district 5, No tcheol lax this year. Put that In your head and take your ham' out of yot t pocket. : The people ef Albany are under deep obligation to the Georgia minUtrel for not bringing In that old mother-in-law joke, W admire the courage that can In duce minstrel troup to cause such an In novation. ' It our citizen "reully and truly" would like to get rid of the tramp, to many of whom are now Infesting the city and beg' glng for something' just to Mil up with, they can easily do It without lifting a finger, Just limply turn the glass upside down that I, do not feed any of them, even if they do touch your heart a little. So Ion; a the laxv fellow are fed at tha bac doors the city police at the front doors are powerless to do anything. A united effort in the right direction and not solitary tramp woum be loitering arenna our ttreett. "Why should not Corvaliit have a boom ? We do not mean an artificial stimulating boom, but a ture-cnongh, genuine a waken ing to the opportunities before her, ayi the LttatUr, Sure enough why don't your ciusen get in ana aosometning. wen lo cated, with good railroad lacllliie, Con al 11 ought to amount to something, we wouldn't mind seeing the placet like Min neapolis end St. Paul. Let's try It togeth er, mere 11 nothing mean about us. According to Billy Keraand girl are Cake and wine And everything fine. Boyii Rice and spice And everything nice. Mens . Beer and fight And stay out all night. Old maid! i . Rig and tag, And old paper bags. One member of the legislature is said to havi attempted to carry off hi chair. All of them took their pen, knlve. spittoon. waste baskets, etc. That's the custom Funny one too. A they only get S.I a. day while lady clerks get $5 for doing nothing we hardly blame them. Where the opinion Is to prevalent that something l going to stir it may be set down that there willbe some Ilfeat least In Aloany during the comlngycar. Nothing like the following though will happen: "Western town boomer We're bound to have a big population here. Stranger (mired in principal street) Yo, fellows who get In here once will never get out agalnM-N. Y.Sun. 8 peeking of cutting down streets or- fer'i Wmily of February lb will show bow they do matters In Omaha, and what an improvement the tbeence ot a little dirt will sometimes make. ANOTHEK PIOMLKtl VOMC Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock Mr. Ell Carter was taken with a falr.tlng spelt, and lying down toon breathed hi last. Considering hi age he had been In good health, being on the streets tbe same a for many years. The suddenness of hi death wa a great shock to hi family and f.-tend through the city. Mr. Carter wa one of Oregon's pioneer being In business In Albany for oyer thirty year. For years he owned the planing mill now run by llochttedler k Sears. Re cently be ba had charge of a lumberyard near the S. P. switch. He was a man of upright character, was a consistent mem ber of the M. E. Church outh and was a kind father and hatband. He leave a good name, the greatest of legacies. Mr. Carter ws a member of Corinthian Lodge, A. F. St A. M., of this cltv, having been from its organisation, and about a year ago was maoe an honorary member, lie had been In the order nearly fifty years, once while ia Colorado attending the first Masonic burial ever held in that State. Bom on the fith of March, 1816. Tea New Freeideat. Mr. Benj. Harrison now hat hold of the helm. He began yesterday noon after a very Imposing tnangtiral ceremony, carried at according to program. The crowd lo Washington is said to have been enormous. A rainstorm dampened matter some ; but only exteriorly. The ship of State that has been sailing so serenely during the past four years, no doubt will continue to sail serenely. It will take a hurricane to get It out of It course. Ravenous office teekers and such do not interfere with the course of the national ship. On she goes, and we are under obligation to 11. 1L Warner for the following picture ot the man a ma iority of the electoral college have put at the helm for four years. If thi man doesn't behave himself the Democrat will be on hand to let the peo ple know about it OakUlle. '"' asjsjMaea Died, on March 2. at 4 o'clock r. M, at the residence of Uco Acneeon, ivirnsm a fVusav. seed almost nineteen, lie was stcs bat little over a week. Two new graves in our cemetery in little less than two weeks. The flower on the first were not withered when tbe second wss dug, "Usui we go." The annas! school election resulted in the re-eleotton of E A Bamfotd as director for three years and A M Aobceou eleik tor one year. - v.;. .-.',. Mr H M Stone ia planting out shade trees and otherwise beautifying his residence. Wm St Tohn haa the frame of bia new house np. It will be when of tbe finest houses in thia part of the county, Mr Geo H Ridell, of Wasco county, was here last week. He is very much attsohed toEO. Mr Geo Aoheeoa is lying very, low with 0ng f,(r. The farmers are nearly all done seeding. If there should be a heavy rain fall a great many who have sowed on low land would loose their aeed. Grain sowed ia January er tbe first of February u doing nloely. Patent Granted. Tocltixenof the Pacific, State during he pat week and reported for this paper I by C. A, Snow& Co. Patent lawyers, Opp U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C RRDoan. Sacramento, Cal., road en etna : it rv. cueene. wr., piano 5 n. I Howell. Los Aneele.Cal.shlrt wrUt band 1 W A Johnson, dreii form ; A Kellogg I Ran Franctaco.hlo rein support I F B Ken- doll. Olvmoia. windmill 1 1 E Knoche, San Jose, pavement I G Lekk, San FrancUco, dental engine 1 . wnison, roiuim, yv tato nlanter : E R Robbing. Sacramento, pool rcglster 5 W T Wilson, Marthfield.Or, saw. . Tf run fiava anv lob wcrktodi call on O 1 W. Smith who i oretwa to do it wtth I neatness and diapatVi md as cheap ai any one. .WHIPS, HALTERS, D3a33&i3333SIlRE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN THE tosiBET KILL CITY, Since the editors of the Daily Demo CHAT have published the fw new that 1 tent a few weeks ago, I shall tend tome more weekly, and those that receive the valuable paper, In the vicinity of Mill Cltv and on east o end ol O. P. track, should by all means tell their neighbor to at once secure the pnpr to find out particular that I may be ablo to secure from time to time, A few day ago I received a letter from the east (I'cnn.) stating that It was very rough and cold there. If the eastern peo ple would know how beautiful a climate we have here at the foot tit the Cascade mountain, In a year time Mill City would have thousand of people. I am going to tell my friends, every one In Mill City snoum aa so, and the result would com pel the O. P, to run extra passenger train by next spring to accommodate the pas sengers, James Collin, who Is ft present working at Albany, spent last Sundav at his home at Gatesvilte. It seem the valley agree ... I. w . . . ... - wim jun io pericction. , . . Cutting railroad "wood for the O. P. teems to be a good occupation up In our country. Hundred of cord are piled tip aiorg site traca ana 101 more is cut dally. Mr. Ed Wolf, at Gatetvllle. moved into wr, rat Kellly's house this week. Mr. K. Is kept quite busy now to transact hi butt ness. ;i Ed Crabtree. of Gstetvllte. was In town Saturday and he said the dance that oc- cureo there the night before was like they generally are very nice. J. II. McOnald, roadmaster on the O. P. pasted over the road last Tuesday on hi rnociproe ana wiut paint pot taking tip rauroaa wooa. Some of our voune; neoole were snend ing part of last Sunday in, boat ridSnar. They all seem to have enjoyed It very well, except the rower (Jim) he could not exact ly see ine point. Mtts Marr Coats, who 1 starine- at Rock Creek, spent last Sunday with her parents at thl place. Gatesvflle people had a dance last Mon. day evening at the residence of Ed Wolf. 11 so happened that the Mil! City people knew nothing ot it until the mornlncr fol- lowing. A verr nice time wa the result. we understand. . Lincoln Ilennls. of Gatesville. when to Stayton the fore part ol the week on busi ness. He made a short stop in our burg when returning home. Mr. Geo. Cox. who was tavlna with her husband at Camp 3 for the last three weeks, returned to Gatesville. !at Tuee. day. . .,.--. Last Monday while J. D. Stewart and loeeph Kline were working at I. L. Berry' new house the scsfleld upon which they were working gave away and they tell to the ground. - The distance they fe'.l was not very great which tared Mr. gtewart from being hurt, and Mr. Kline wa jamed up but slightly. , This district is making preparation to build a school house. Mr. Rice-has do nated them an acre of land ami the citi zens of Mill City are clearing the ground. A school house will be erected In the near future. The Santlam Mill Co, received their new good last Wednesday. They carry all kind of good now and the People of Mill City need not go to Albany every time they neeo aometning. Quite a number of our town people and Gatesville folks were at Albany thl week, among whom was Lee Brown with five car loads of lumber that the Santlam Lum bering Co. sawed. It booming up here. , The Misses Fo.ter, who have been star-! Ing with their brother at Gatesville for tbe last few months, returned to their home In Benton county last Wednesday. A sociable dance was held at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Ileoyc Istt Wednes day evening. The amusement was im mense until about half past 13 o'clock v. hen neary all iclt lor their home. Mia Maggie Coat went to Gatesville yesterday where she intend to make her future home. Thomas Sim l at present In Portland on business, lie went vesterday and will be absent about a week. OM TIIE SO IT KERN BOfXDARY. Mrs K T Willoechliy bss rented h'rr farm to Mr London, of Diamond 11 ill. 3 Q Vaaghso bss bzilt a nice new feaee aruead bt residence. Wilklos sold their beef estUe hut week at price ranging from $30 to $30. E J WiUougUby sold about tlirtv bead of mutton sheep to Mr hood grass foe $3.50 per neaa. More land bo vera in the aeinhtborbood last week. Walter Cochran, ef Esgene, bal 1 taesB ta tow. Mr Morrow has a r is it or from Texas, look ing for a location w suppose. Mrs Kanble. who was so severely in lured last fall by being ran over bv a neck, re ceived another hurt tbe other cLy which will greatly retard ber recovery. . Walter Banter baa retnrned home from Monmouth where he haa keen attending 1 SCHOOL, There will be a twenty-five cent show at the Barger school house to-nteht and at tha Soatmervtiie school house to morrow pightt Miss Mary Ward and Mrs JeU Wil- kwghby were vuiliog their sunt, Mrs Davis, at bbe '.d, the first oi last week. - Rev McFsrland d retched at the Sommer- vilie school house jeaterdsy. Mr Jamu Boamaa has rented the Hayes farm of the Cyras heir and we believe has already taken possession. A subscription has been taken for the relief of T 3 Vaoguso whose boose was burned, considering that I Mr Venetian ewos ens of the best farms in this section and pays more taxes than almost j any other man, it seem to a that charitable people could have found a more needy and ast as deservinir an object, w lib out going out 01 ins neigbbarbid too. LY0.NSYII4.E. The store of E M Wharton was opened lor buainee to day. J W Street, of Gates, will build a resi dence here and make Lyons nil his futare home, .... ; -' Tbe "doB-kilUr" baa come and gone, and tbe town mourns (?) the exit of two quarrel some canioei.... II Lvone has bailt an addition to bis store, preparatory to inoreatiog his stock of goods. Aa aireney has been established st this place by th O i. beginning March 1st, J D Montgomery having been appointed agent. Chief Engineer Eckleeoa passed throngh eastward on a special, Saturday, and now we suppose dame rumor wilt bnild several miles of railroad in tbe nest lew days. Last Friday a man giving his name as Fred Hsmer. who had been on a sores for a dav or I two. and being compelled by hunger, en tered tbe dwelling of Jaoob Sing, a German, i Uvtng near Mehema, and helped himself to 1 what he oould find to eat, but before be had fully satisfied himself Mr Sing made his ap pearance and, assuming the role of sn officer, etcoited the sn trader so the oftioe of Justice Lyons, but not before he had inflicted severe injuries on the prisoner with a club, flamcr I was arraigned on a vnarge or petty larceny, plead QQutv. and wm oned 135 and coat, in default of whioh he was remanded to the county iail for thirtv dava. On complaint, Stoat waa also arrested on a charge of assault and battery and fined $5 and cost, amount- ing to $29.05, whioh be paid, and we guar-l antes is wiser for tbe uttte episode. Utter List. FoUoving Is th list ot letters remaining In th Past I Office, Albany, Linu county, Oregon, March 7, 1SS9, Persons oallinffor thess letters must glv tha dais ea which they wars sdrerUted : Anrstronir, William . Brown, Lieut 0 H CetliBS, Edward I lnipee, George H yiaher. Hiss Addis Hettinger, Pster Mitobell. Hall Man, Albert UoDaaiel, Sue Sanderson, UeorgsW ShHson. O IT Beck, Tno Contra, Joeph Chaunan, E r urEresen, ouncan " Ftxmrtv. M Jliilihouse, Hanry MenUe. O f (i) Uorean, John K Powell, OH . Sico'l, Rocoo Smith, Harry Tain, Chss . B. THOMPSON, P, M. Thompson, A P waldecker, uin. GO. &0.II1 THEf.l tin vmni a::d uzzd vifxs ci-- all t:i::D3 at JiiUW.-s.ii'J.M.;;. March 4th, 1&89.' The friends of Jno. P. Cooley will learn wmii narrow trial ne 1 seriously ill. Thos. Kay returned from Salem Friday evening with the bonus for the establishment ef woolen mills there atsurea. i his community learn with re 8r jmu Mr. Kay will Jeav l, yet all wisn mm abundant success. , Mr, Goodrich hat moved hi residence irotn opicer to this place. Messrs. Mover Bros., are now running their saw mill on ash. maole and oak Um ber, The dry season make the outlook for ooiaining aw log Irom the head ol the vaiapooia very dubious. . c. a- . iir. Mctare ha moved hi family and enecis hi uie sound country. : ' Mr. S, Wllhoikretumed last Friday from mi !..,!. I , . , ,,,,, , aiiiurnia. fr. 11. tiswicK, of this pface and Mis Eya Chance, of Crawfordsvllle were married at the resi dence of the bride's parents. May success mirtiln V tti 1. .. , , n t ... . , no joy auena litem throughout life. U. V, Gothaw. Tr has arM M. ft,. ...I wi in norm tirowncvllie to Rev. LcRoy Consideration, $600. ' . " A nere Is ConsLderaliU loll. r.f ..l.ii.u. Ing a fruit cannery here with local capital V. .7 . rear etiau agency, oui ot me are dcslral.t. i. .:....!. enu eiwuia or an means be immediately . g . . . ew v a. tSV! puv into reality. Messrs, water Bros, hav ui., .t.. stock ot good formerly belonging' to the two enterprising and Industrious young m.n u. 1 1 . , . t ..... . 1 . .,' - " t-ciiaiiiir meet wun ittm mtr cess they deserve. . At the annual schnni mMlli. R N Thompson was elected Director, to succee4 C. II. Cablend Hon, A. W. Sun- ra, viera, to succeed himself. An ad journed meeting will be held Monday even ing at 7:30 o'clock In the City Half; when the advisability of voting a $1500 tax will w mh inio bonstoeratioit and voted upon. It is to be hoped there will be a large at . tendance and a full vote, and that the ax will be voted. Nothlne so im tewn or ctty as good schools. Changes in business seem still ta k. m. order of toe day here. Since our last writ ting Including those already mentioned in this communicafon, the following changes have taken place t Wsim jf u the owner of our excellent grist mill have consolidated with the Brownsville Woolen Mf Co. and the new company style them selves the Brownsville Mfg. Co. C E gtanard bought the interest n P r-- haw l.i the firm of Coshaw & Cable. O. f ' VT . 'e""" wm business. F M lack has bought the stock of enri, bacco, cigars and notion, belonging to C. E Standard. There ar- ri.mA,..iU., 1 til! more change to take place lit the fit ture. Already nearly every important boslnes in this town has changed owner this year. Times seem to be looking bet ter too and we predict some lively changes m real estate soon. , Because of his change in buslmaa tn tv,. regret of the community, C E. Stanard has resigned the PostofSce. Thi is mak- time among the hungry "ras :al In thl community, (tv nntiHmr ), thirst that exists among our Republican friend for thl office one would think it Is a handsome paying business. So far there are three applicant in the field . via I Singer, G A Dyson and A Jack Adam. There I a lively fight being made between the three latter gentlemen. The fact that Mr. Dyson propose movine. th Weiin-, of the office injures his prospect some. what, as the office is now centrally located. It ptak well however of toe retiring Post master, Mr. a E. Stanard to say that had he not resigned there would ha- h-on effort to have taken the office away from him, though he is a sturdv Democrat Not a business man in town would have signed a petition to remove him. 7 0.ks ears rbeamatisin. seoraleia. nJ toothache. Foshay k Mason. A seats. Dr. M. H. Ellis, ohvaieian am uimm Albany, Oregon. CUia made in citv 01 country. Thompson 4 Overman keep the best har nesses. fill Having purcussed tbe entire intertt cf J. 1L Water in the firm cf Thompson & Waters, wish to announce- to the pubtic that lam sole proprietor of tha lata firm of Tbapso and Waters and eat bo found at ttt old and TeliaUs aUod. Heartily thanking tb gaoeroa puh I14 far their .there! patronage ia tbt, past, I oma earaesUy solicit a oontionaoea of tba aama ia tha fntrnr, and can end will jssnie the publK-, if they wish to deal wbaia they ota get fair lonest tieat foent, and the best goods lor the least money, 1 most cordially in vite una and all to coma and inspect my mammoth, stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. and get price before miking perch isa etawbsre. futote shall bo conducted civ Strictly Business Principles, which shall prove a benefit and a and proprietor. MY F,10n0 SHALL BE : 1st. SiiicUy one price to all pmehasers. 2nd. The best goods for the least money. 3rd. Fair and boneit treatment to one and all alike. 4th. No goods aold only to reliable partita. 5th. Quick telea and small profits. 6 ib. N 1 overcharges to cover bad "oil's and debts. 7ih. We shall buy direct from Eutera Manufactures paving cn , f.,r all gorda purckasgd, thereby saving or easterners fnijy tea j er ... on U their putcbasea. 8th. We lluw a discount of five per cent on c,li rmreWnii. 9th. AU dry goods oarried ovrr from last jear i:j s ;:ctnai c v. Simeeplehdid bargains. ' lOtb. Highest market .rice ps-id far all kinds t roducp. I am now reoHvinff ffEW. SPRING GOODS direct from tha East, which for quantity and eajierioc quality, u low prices can not be excelled anywhere. The gbaeral . public are cordially invited to call and examine the ame and get . prises. Ni trouble to show goods. . Yours Mist Uespecifuily, Brownsvillp, Or., March iih, 1889, AHICET. Palace Mtti Market J. V. PIPE. FIH3T ST. - v fXVZI, Ci Will keep constantly oa nana Deal mutton, pork, veal, eaasape, eto the baa meats and largest variety ia the city. ' Cash uaid for all klnd.of fat stock . wut, t , . , F. S". Frentli lit-.; '. . Bargains in Uwt an i t-)-i- j Fresh esnleo sn.i trss r ' "a -t . ,1oa't.. - Afa'l line of Child's L.i'.'i ti's ;, Smith's. J. P. Wallace, Physidau nft.l V:-.r liany, Or For a Sterling or Emerson pisco rals ... h Black man. Dr. Negu remove etocer without knifn or pain. (. W. Smith ha the largest stock cf kettles in Ailsoy. If on wai.t any kind of stove rebAirs - On . W. Smith.- (i L Black mao is sgeot for the V' piano. None better. - Plant some of those silver skin oo'OD se?: for sale at Stewart & oVx's. ' Six shaves for a dollar dhd every customer, at Thoe. Jooen. G. W. Smith gives the white enatne'. ,' iron ware with his fine cook stoves, A full assortment of brswp kettles from : to eighteen gallons at U. W. Smith's, 1ms of artist's material at Dr. GuU k Smt, Costs notbiog to see theie. Bar year tickete through to the Est W L Jester sod save fare to Portland. A Bee seven-iehtha ahnrt hnrn tot sal. leauire of H A BlodVetl. I hare reduced prices on all k m', gjboote and shoes. Call early at W 1 The Western Coltses and Par-bar. . of ths best orrsB matle. (1 I. ... setts them. A fresh aueol of hone radish anrl a Kr ' of very fine saaer kraut received to-day f e. I Keotoa s. 1 Call en (i. W. Hmith and at nr. t.t Miseonri Steam Washers warranted to An a. recommended. The lareest. fiuaat ar.r! kt utcriA of srooeriee in town can ba fnund ,r. Brownell & Staodard's. , . A floe line of all kinds of farnitnr. snd npbolatered, bee stock ia this part oi Oregon st FortniiS.'er k Irving'. If yon want a clean and fine enuX (.., J. Joseph's home made white labor eiya.- i Porsatwbv most ciur di!m nJ 1 ;. Joseph's factory. THE PLACE V.y ail mean s.!i on . Pane Brothers . Succtnort to Jokm Fez, or yottt Groceries, 'roince, Bakel Goods, It Their eoode are tbe beat and Um Ir pric reaaonat:e. Estray Notice. Takrn op by the nndersizBed. ona dak bay mare, 10 or 12 years old, -weighs Loot 10C0 count!, baa a few white bair OD withe S snd root ci tall, haa a at" neck, branded the y baa beeast rayp;4 ah out 16 mortiba. J, M. Pjuutott, Hstrlaborg. Fib. 11th, 1S39. "VTOTICS. All pron are notified not 1 to trot ray wife, J. M, Long, on my Recount for I will not stand good far aoy hiog contracted by ber. UMo, so. Sis:, 1SS3 O. F. Lo.o. My businasi ia blessing both alike to purchases my immense stock cf 1 R. N. TMPSON SPEC w.c.r Royal s1im of tbe I Doctor has e practioa and cilsessea, kv. larpeaaeots, t pa;u or the 1; -laity of t'aiu: practiced ia t-.-rDgiiBh hoj;r. t?nal day o ! "Uood Wlilto Al. Ferry Street Ut