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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1888)
aaaf hi and Second Hand Stove Owing to Ue Inoreated demands of our business we have lean oom polled to move Into a larger store and wa oan now be found next door to H, K, Young, whan wa will be pleased to aaa our patrons. If you need any tore, furniture, tlowaro, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit fara, titnks, boo lea, roller skates, saddle, sews, planet, eto ami a thousand dif ferent and dm" artiolea 70a oan nat do bettor els aid of Sao Franal 100 than you oau dt alia u oa a parohaaa or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. OYfHUMJ to zkumm -.VIA-. Southern Pacifio Compiny'a Line. tbi nr. 111111 Kcf. wbXvMi AlbtnyatI ik frvjlui,SJ hour OAuroaxu axraaae litis mult Boavh Worth 4.00 r. M. I Un Portland Arrlvs 1 10:45 A M S:1J r B I Un Albsny Limit 6:45 A M T:4 a m I ar.-iv Ban Fianolno Lot T.OJ r u fcj-vtk rsusiasi taaim dailt (except Sunday). t:i) A M I bears Portland Arrival 1:45 r a 140 M I Uitt Albany Uat I 11. A M t.Mru lArrir Kuw Leaf LO0AI f SA1XS SAII.1, SXCBTT SCKDAT. S ) r a I Un Altuny Arriv I e.SJ A M : r a I Amr Lotuitoa Lost. 6:45a m UsJrstLur Albany ' Amn !.Sf 1 :J r a I Arrtr. Lebanon Lnt S:0J T M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping 0ar3 eraesaati el eBil-ClaaraseB Iters, attache! Is ataresa Tralas. West Ue aVIvlslsa.l BXtfrsK r4BH.i!ia as cibvalu. TSAIS SAH.T (tpt SllojAT,) TA) a a I U PdrtlkoU Arm I tt:) r a ll.if a I Arrirs C-irvHlta Lmt I 1:34 trtm ruix saitT (axojp. SuaiUy . 450r. I La r UOm Af l- Portland cMiaastll Arrir 9:00 A 6.45 A B At ArMr sa I CorvalUa Ocmoc4 wll'a train ot unia Pacta sUUruaa all pjluM aju'.b ani a4 via Ctlilolnl. For lull lut-cjnti - rea-dlnf rat, m&iw, ate., all oa Company Agjut as Aliuny. R. KOaULEB, . K. P. ROT.EI S, Jiit(f vr. 1 j. . 1 . . ar '.E YAQULMA UOUTEa Oregon Pacific Eaiiroal, oo Development Catrpany'a Steam . ahlp Line ... 225 MILES SH JilTfrJ. 20 HOURS LESS TIME thaa by any othar route. " Firsts!., thr.iurh najtMrurar and freight line from Portland and all points in me wuittneue veuey to u iroui sn rraocisoo, ui. WUUniBtl.3 SXm Liii3 of StBimsrs. Tde "Win. M. Uoa," The N. s, Beat ey," Tue "Three SUier." are lit eervic lor bottt paener auJ freUUl iraJio be tween Corvallla and Fortlaod and uiedUte piluta, leavinx Coinpany't wLaif Corral lis. aud Mdtra. Ituinun fc Co wharf, Noa. 200 an J 1)X Front Su, foil land, three timea a waek as followa : Laura CjrrIU. Munlar. Wjjuily alt Vri daraat a. m. Aibior. a. in. Arrive at dalaa laa. Lmt Btl-u TaaU, Th trl ijf and ea'.ur uy at a a. a. Arn at rr.ia ii 4 1 p. in KOt'TU UOL.NU. " Laara PortUod Uxvlara, WdnU; a-j 1 Vrid d in at S a. ai. Amu at aaia-d at7:15 p. m. Lear SumTueUr,TaarJar aal 8Uurijr at 0 a. imTi at Conralli at tAJ p, m. Boata make close connection at Aloan with traina of the Oregon P :1H j KtilruaJ TIM I gJtUCDt'LE ()t gl,ilr ) Laf t Albanr. la) r. a, lui Taq un. 0:45 a,m LaaT Corralhi, l:tOr.a.ta' Cof lli,l cai a.m. ArriT Yaquioa, JJ r. a Arn Albanr, 11:10 a. a O. A O. traiaa conoojt at A.Ibtnyand CorTAilia. The above traina ooneclat Yaqaint the Oregia Ujreiopment uompjtny'a L.ioe or auAunbi(is Ujureen Yaqaioa and San Franciacj. AIL13IG DATL1 . ai aaa aaa. raoa six raicij. rx: TAlllA WUIaaalt Vallr, Than, Deo C h KiUutuum Valley, Moo. Des. 17t: Jirilluneu Valley, Bun. Di. SOth. Wol. Dec I2tl. The Company j-rye Iie riht to change aailing datea without nolle. N. B. Fwia-tengera from Pur.Und and TVlllamstte Valley point an ia3kt close connection with the trains of the Yaquina route at Aibor or Corral 1U, aud il des tined to 8 tn Fraociar abould arrange to trrire at Yaquiua the erenin; baf r Ate of aailing. izaaaea:r aaal r,i-lght Baite alway tfe Lawrnl. Tor iofuria ition apply to C J Stuart, Freight an l Ticket Aieat, Albany, or to C H Huirell, Jr., U. F. P. Aft , Orsg'io ferlopiii3tt Uo 0i Uuutyniery Unfrtiaid.Ci1,, C. V. a Ufc. V.1. F. ailP. Afnt. ' ?i 1 j K RCi. Oh-tvii. I'.f 1 1 ALBANY, , - ' - : OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted no in first-class ' style. Table applied with the bert in the market Nice aleapingapartinonts. Sample room for commercial travelers. -CTtrti C4ettaal ftn V el. 7a ; HOTICB TO SHIPPEilS, (via Yaquina to San FrancUco.) ; Of wheat, oat, bop nl wool I am pre pared to take Marino lnnurarce on all cereal nop, wool or any cookigntnent of good to an 1 from Sao Francisco.. For farther partic nlarr, addrea " - Ala Habriv Aj,ent California Ins. Co., Yaquioa, Or. : - ' Andrews & Hackieman, S3.00A SHOE l i WARRANTED " "' . t ars n ' "'waBKi SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - - OREGON J.K.WEATHERFOHD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAHT, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE m ALL THE COURTS OF TUI But. Special attention giren to 'Mlleetlons and robat matter. . "Jim Wcstfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand. Also full line of JAPAF1ESE GOODS. OUS&OI P1CIFI0 COSTilACTOB, - for this aection. T-t r,.,.,,s,.i,r.i t..,.'-T Revere House Wm, Fortmilfer, s FUNEUAL DIRECTOR.- Prompt Att3ntion-First-clas3 Hcarsa "Aftor buslnesi hours call at reaideno corner Fifth and ltakar atreeta. The BUYERS' OUIDE Is iaiuod March and Bopt 1 aactt year. It la an enoy. jolopodia of uaoful infor ' roatlon for all who pur choao the luxurte or tho neoesaitiea of lite. Wo can olotho you and furnlah you with all the nooonanry and unnoconsary appliances to rido, walk, danoo, sleep, oat, flah, bunt, work, go to churoh, or ntay at home, and in various also, atylos and quantities. Just ilgure out what Is required to do all these things COMFORTASIV, and you can make a fair entlmate of the value of the BUYERS' QUIDS, which will be - aent upon receipt of 10 oenta to pay pontage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 I&tohlgon Avonuo, Chicago, 111. PATENTS btained, and all other bualneaa in th U. 8. rtea Mr atlemleUwl to lor modorate lev. laromclaoiiolt tit U.S. l"tuiil OtHc. aiiJ can obuln laten(a loa tint than thoa roinol roni Wa.hiiiL'tun. Bend moilla or dram Intr. Wa ad v to natant ability rre ol charg ; and areuiak - o charg unleM ooiain patent. . ' rvlor hnra, tA Ui rutntater, th 6upt. ol Money order UIt. and to olUdaU ol th I'. 8. fataut Onlu. For circular, advice, term, and fcro oactoal clteuu iu your uwu tfuta or ooauty, addrM SAM MAY. G. SK-NDRRft MAY As SENDERS. Dealers in General Mtf-ccmdise. HARRISBURQ - - OREGON Will bay (irain, Wool and all kinds 1, i odacc. . : Hotel and HurgicsJ Institute, Iluffalo, N. haa afforded a vsat exrx-nc-nce in nicvly adapt Ing and Uiorouirhly tinlinr remedia for the cure or vonian s pncuiinr inajit'lK-a. it. .ere tciorne rreacription la too cutrowUi. or rwult, of this jrrcat and valuable experk'neo. Tliousand of testlma BUua, reccivvd from pfiticnta and from pbyat clan who have toeU4 It iu tho tnore ajrirra vated and obetlnato caace which bad baillrd tnelr skill, prove It to be the moat wonderful remedy ever devised for tlio relief and cure of eufferinsr women. It is not n-coramcntb'd ss a "cure-all," but as a tuoat pcrtcct tptclllo for Woman's peculiar allmpnts. , powerlol. luvltroratlng tonlr, tt iinparu atrenirttt to the whol.i yum. and V) the womb and iu riw5aa In particular. For overworked, ''worn -out," run-4lown.H debiliUtod li-acbera. milliners, dressmakers. aunstreea, tosbfivsirU,M houxe. keepers, n ursine; mother, and fe bio women r ncrail y. Dr. l'lcroe'a tsrorlte I'lt-so-lpoon the grvtUvet earthly boon, being unetjualed as an appctlzlna; cordial and rmtoratlvo tonic Am at aoothlua; and airfiiatbcDliia nervine. "iarorite Prcsciipilou " is ua aualed and Is laraluabta In aihiyinir and sub uinir nervous excitability, irritability, ex. hauation. prostration, hyatena. spasm and other diatroiMing;. nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and orrsnlo disease of the womb. It induces refreabln alecp and relieves mcotal anxiety and de pondencr. Dr. JtMerce's ravorlte Prescription la at leaitltnat medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in Its composition and perfectly harmless in Its effects in any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising-, weak stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use. in f"ill doges, will prove very beiieflelaL "iavorlto Prescription Is a post, five cure for the moat complicated snd ob stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing-, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling- of the womb, weak back. female weakness," antevercion, retroversion, bearing-down aensations. chronic congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness la ovaries, accompanied with internal heat," -., regulator and promoter of func tional action, av that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scription "is a perfectly sata remedial opent, and can produce only good results. It 1 equally efficacious and valunble in its effects when taken for thoso disrdvrs and derange ments incident to that later and most critical period- known as "The Change of Life." "favorite Prescription," when Utkrn In connection with tbe use of Dr. Pierce s 9z2?1l,'?U2 Ioovery. and small laxative doses of I)r. Pierce's Purgative Pellets , Little Liver PUla). cures Liver, lUdncy and Bladder rr; . -?heip combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes canoeroua and crpfulous humors from the system. "T,0U' Prescription is the only medicine for women, sold by drutrglsts, under a positive guarantee, from tbe manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in everv fV" ont' "ill bo refunded. This guaran- bf Printed on tlie bottle-wrap Md faithfully carried out for many years! wmo?,11iU8trate, TilM on Diseases of Worid's Dispensary Medical IssocSatioa, . 663 Slain SL DtTITAIjO N. T. Notice for Publication. 'Land Office et Orcgin City, Or. Oct. 17th, 1883. Noti'ca is hereby given that the fo 1 wirg oa.ned settler has filed notice of his in tac tion to make final prnof in support of his claim, aud that said pi oof will ba made be fore the Judge or in bis abreoce before the County Cleik of Linn county, t Albany(Ore. (on, on Tuesday, December 181b, 1883, viz t Marion Loach, Homestead Entry N . 5032 for the S K of Sec. 28, Tp 13, S It I w, He names the following witnesses to proye his continuoaa residence upon," and cultivation o', said land, viz : Thttnf.s Ar nold, of Santiam, William I'hillip, ef Craw lirdsvi'le, J N Wrifilit and II E Cad., of 8weet Home, ad of Lion county, Orrpiir'i. V. T. Kubsrt, ... ltefiier. Administrator's Notice, Notico in hereby fciven thst the qndcraipn dhavs been appointed Administrators wjth the will snntxed of the estate of Martin Werts, late of Linn county, Oregon. AH per sons haviojr claims aaintt said e-dato are hereby notified to prenei.tthem to the under signed at Tunfrerjt, Oregon, duly verified, witbin bix mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 2Gth day of October, 1888. Maiiy Wf.eth, L. F. Smith, AdmiriUtrator with the will annexed of tli etata of Martin Wert, deceased. in;, b. iir.i.v.v, nsxt otV, ors. K, "'Yj-iij, Albm, O Oattinj ail Fittiui a Spscialty, SrAV?IKC OUTFITS, AM STAMP Itig DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING WednftsJav? and ThiiM'Uvs of ovi TrtADC HOW PERMANENT CURES ARS WROUGHT. . First Statimcmt. tlr J. I aU.rl!tM: T.t AltSwaa Br.Mtrw milh Iniluanalnrv rkraiaaiUm j Wa a kT fdiytlriMM. kl Rill st ' I n. bnl rn Jct is rttl hnr miknr. I k nlh-r ! attaJk : rot aiMt M&ln, but wnt ar rrt from po.a Vlaur'Maaa'lt.MaU art walk. M-w- J kla vm rwrlb4 to slv tf V St rh oil by 4vlo. I hm4 1 h-Mly, -4 II .ttt-4 cr. AIM tw. jrMM b ! Tlt-imtia. I as ti ratiUr at'..-r II ytr. il.jrli4." TSk'CCnO CTATtWtNf. tt.w Bloorat.ld, r.rry C., fa . Aei-il 91. tell. Ur J. K. Snnull arrlM : '-flM Tr o I ni St. Jaeob Oil. It !kU4 aa Mtir, p.i nr.. M mura af rl. Col r imp 4om Ml R.ct m, Aa ur.4 atUr am Ua 49 ytari uarla." Tmiso Statcmcmv. Htw DlMmMM. rwrry 0 Ta.. Apt 11 It. till, klr. J. I Baaull rlM: 'Mr k.IUl aallaM r4. M. rr ! rhitlw iloc. wb an4 b . Jacob Oil. l.tun I row all urn .VlBf hot r alracalMU tar ftr at Ui la euro tkaa I jroara." -'old ly Ihruyyi't "ad tkalrtt .rrrjirAf'S. " ii I liarloa A, Vosrlor Co., llaltu., Md. Administratrix Sale of Real Estate. Notice I hereby trlvrn Ihatlhe duly ap. pointed autl acting Administratrix or too estate of Kdwaid Murray, deceased, by and under an order of the County Court ror Liinn county, msio ci uregon, id pro bate duly tuado and enterfd of record In asld Court on the oth day tf November, 1888, will on the tlad day ef Drtember, 1SHH, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said day, nt tbe Couit llcuse dor li the city of Albny, L'np county, Orogoo offer for sale at public auction to tbe high et bidder all the right title and interest of Kdward Murray, deceased, at the lime cf hi death. In aud to tho follow Intr de scribed premises, belonging to said estate to-wltt The west Ji or Lot 4 and tae north ii of the eat of Lot 4 In Block No, 11 iu the city o Albany, Linn coun ty, State of Oregon, aa shown by the map ol said city, togitber with tbe tenemen aad hereditaments thereunto belonging. Terms of sale. .One half of purchase f trice to be cash in band and tne remain ok one-half on a credit- of twelve months .bearing Interest from the day of sale at tee rsteor ten per cent per annum, ana to b eocurod by a mortgage on the pietn uea. ThU Nov. 5th, 1PS8. ARma M unit at. Administratrix of aald estate. Cll on M J MotUrlth for big bargains. ATAimiHj COLD IIM HEAD. Ely's CreamBalm ClcanHoa the TJasal Vasm ees. Al lays Inflammation- Ilcala tho Soroa, Kcfltorea the Senees of Taste, SmoU and. Hearing. A particle U applied lotaeou-k anatrll aad la asreenble. Price OOe. at Vrmmtimtm r fcy aoadi. ELY BKOTHKUSo Warreobt.Sew York, C. O CHXRRT. O.B.rVKEtS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CUEKRY & PAUKES, Sacliiaisto, HilljfriglitB, and Iror Founders. ; K are now completely pre rare 1 (o handle all kinds of hoavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brans Castings. 94 PATTEKXa f trK OX SUOBT HOTKE. Special attention given to ref alrlrg klodaof machinery. IJ,:,v;U When I ssy Ctms I do not mean merely to Stop them for a time, and then have them re turn again. I mkak A KAOICAX. CUJ1JS. 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY1 or j FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I wakratt toy remedy to Cubs the worst cases. Because others hare failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for atreatise and a Frkb TiottlbT ot my iNFAixiBLa KEMKor. Give Express and Post Office, it costs yon nothing for a trial, and It will core you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.0, 1 13 PtA8ttr,NEWY0aX WdW9 3 Assignee's Notice. IN the matter of tho assignment o James P. 8cb6ollng,an insolvent debt er. Tbe undersigned having been duir appointed Assignee of the above named Insolvent debtor under and hy virtue o an act f f the legislative assembly of th State of Oregon entitled "an act to scour to creditors a just division ot tbe estate of debtors who convey to Assignees fo tbe benefit of creditors, approved October iota, isaana amenamenis thereto an proved February 21th, 1885 ' All person having claims agalnts - said estate nr berrbv nctiflod to rresnt thA aama in m at IlatriHhurg In Linn count)', Oresron6 duly verified as by law required within' three months rrom tbo date h reof. Dated this tho lath day of November, U. A, Rampt, Aseignoe, DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. -'Wa'CLARK,, Portrait Photographer. Stunio eorner Second aud Ferry Streois near Opera Houfu. OrouDd floar. Children') pictures a specialty, (J.. L. BLACICfslAfJ, " ' Successor to E. W.Lanydon, ' DEA.LER2IN ' "'" ' - ' ' fmif mm a 7 sf. TrythaCuref '.$ I0UNTY FFICIAL and APER. TO TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Kdllsa by Albany VV, 0. T, U At a special meeting of the W. C. T. U. called for the purpose of deyi.lng wpy and means for furthering the work of the wa decided to give a social every Flrday evening nt the Hull, that the young people of the city may have a social time, An admittance fee of five cent will be charged at the door to adt in defraying the expense of open In it the hail. Ihesc socials will be under the supervision of the ladies ot the Union, who will see to It that everything is done "decently and In order." 1 he first one will be held Immediately at tcr tne holidays. '-.i The thank-offering have now reached $104.10, "Small favor thankfully received larger one in proportion, bend on your oiierinz. The Union Signal will give the coming year a special department for work for Local Union; and a weekly question box, where error can be corrected, and the true position and work of the organization set ion 11. The lady teacher of Illinois outnumber the gentlemen many times over, They are equally good workers, but in the State Teacher' Association have received very little recognition. Last spring they decid ed to organize an Association of their own which they did, electing as their l'realdent Mis Sarah E. Raymond, who hat been for many year the city superintendent of the school lit tiloomington, week thev held their first convention in that city. It wa a very successful and Interentlnii one attendance large, the papers and dUcu slons of an unuaatly high order. Mi Ray mono wa re elected president. The Yataar College gill have a flourUh ing rrohibillon Uub. Our round the world mUUoiury, Mrs, Leavitt, has just reached,after a quarantine of twenty one dav the city of Mauritlna, She describe the latand a being volcanic the mountal.i peak rough, jagged and bare. She state that all cultivation o.i the Island 1 done with a hoc, on account of the great number of atone covering the ground. The greatest length ot the Ialand it thirty-five .mile, the greatest width twenty -eight. 1 Icr letter I full of Interest. She pause in her recital, of the work, and Ihow In the following little pais graph : .September aand, tSS8. 1 am celebrating my iuy.cigntn uirtnuay aiicntiy andprir. airly, with great thanksgiving that God ha kepi me In life, given tne sufficient health and strength to accomplish what has been done ; that up to ao late a date as July Stli, all my dear one were in life and tiro th ; end with earnest prayer that He will during the next year enable tne to do much to help forward Christian Ton er. ance, and thus help forward the kingdom of Christ, and all the pure and good thing H brings. A Prrahar Arrldeat. San DiKoo.Dcc.7. A lKUng accident occurred here thi forcnoan. Benjamin Watts, of Lawscnce, Kan, aged 27, was employed by the contractor for the new Fifth atreet pavement to fire the boiler for the plant. A defec'ive hinge onjihe door caused an explosion, ahen a hot mas of molten rock wa thrown atl over the man, literally cooking his flesh. lie lived for fifteen minute and pitcouslr begged tha some one should blow his brains out. lie died in fii&htfut agony. Ktb Aatbors Make Pool-.. Xtw York, Dtc. 6. The Mail ami Ax prcti say Joaquin Miller, Edward vcrclt Hale, Le Wallace, Maurice Thompson and Franklin Flic, biu c agreed 'w write five associated works of fiction, to appear in January. The profit of the publication Mill be equally ditided. Joaquin Miller writes with the glorious sunlit bay of San f ranclsco in alght, 1 1 ale will locate his storv In New England. Thompson in Lav St Louis, and Fi.c write about New York citv. They Hay. Washington, Dec. 6. Five of Maine's representatives and senators say Blaine should and will be offered the secretary ship of stale, and that he Mill probably ac cept IU A Rig lap. Washington", Dec. 5. The Chinese question, it seems, will again demand the attention cf congrcs thi session. Repre" tentative Morrow of California said last nk'lti upward of boo Chinamen had arrived at Victoria, B.C., since last A ugubt. It is hi belief that nearly a 1 of this number have Gradually wot lied their way across the frontier to the United States. At meeting of the immigration committee this week Morrow will uige upon his fellow members the advisability of proceeding to British Columbia and investigating the matttcr from that standpoint. Aa Kosty Job. Sav Francisco, Dec, e. the stage from Mendocino to Inzrams, the terminus of the North Pacific Coast railroad, was stopped by a robber last night six miles north of Ingrams. The driver was compel! ed to throw off the express-box and two mall sacks, which the highwayman secur ed and then allowed the stage to proceed on its way. the loss Is not known. It Limit. Washington, Dec. 5. The river harbor committee spent several honrs day in work on the details of the bill and to for the next fiscal year. The!committee has fix ed $10,000,000 as the aggregate amount of appropriations to be carried by the bill UEtlCii Absolutely Purca varies. A marvel of 'purity. omeness. More economical than n-J cannot be sold in competition f low test, short weight iilirm or Sold only !n cans. Jtot 06 Wall t.N.Y. ltAp'7iiM( IN MEMO It I Iall or Albany Enoink Co., No 1,1 December 5, 18NS. ) Whereas, the hand ot death has again fallen In our midst and taken one of our most esteemed members, Fred Mueller. Whereas, we bow with submission to the chastening rod of our Futher, in thus sum moning from our ranks our departed com rade, and In view of the loss we have sus tained by the decease of our friend and a. soclate, and of the still heavier loss sus tained by those nearest and dearest to him, It Resolved: That It Is but a just tribute to the memory ot the departed to say that ii reirrcttlnir hi removal from our in lust we mourn fur one who was, in every way, worthy ol our respect and regard. Kcsolveu; that in the ueain 01 our brother the company sustained a loss of one who always possessed the open heart and ready hand of a true fireman. kcsoivcu; 4 list we einccreir cunuuic 1 .ft . . . . f . . ... i . . ...... V 1 with the family of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased the Divine rrovuicncc to aiiuci inem, ana commend them for consolation to II Im who orders all thins for the best, and whose chastisements ore meant In mercy Resolved : That this heartfelt testlmon (at of our slmpathy and sorrow be spread unon the minutes, and the secretary be re quested to forward a copy to each of the city paper lor publication. VI. Y . . All") W. II. Waknky J.J. Dl'llHt'lLt-K, Committee. Patronize Home Talent. Our citizens should prepare to go to the Opera House on Saturday evening, Dec, 151I1, when the Confederate Spy" will be presented for the benefit of the building fund of the G. A. R. Hall. The admission will be 25c. reserved scats 50c. The fol lowing J given as the cast of characters for the play,which will be on assurance of good work : Geo Waterman, the patriotic Unionist Geo E Fish Phlilip Bradley, the daring Confederate spy , S W Reece Fred Ainslev. Rebel Alde-dc-Camp ...R UVunk Mai-Gen. Hank. United State Army 11 FTablcr Colonel Wllllard S S Train Muk'arv. brave policeman when out of danger. A U Woodln f'lav. tremman of color R Fox Sockerv Schncldlebccker, drafted Dutch man TJ Overman Mrs Waterman, mother ol Ocoree Mrs R UVunk Maud Bradley, Southern belle and sister of py .111 u .iiarun Norah McLetrsrin. down on "Hathcn Chi naves" Mrs N J. Kenton Citizens, soldiers in blue and gray, etc UEAL RKTATa SALH. A recorded In the Recorder's ofTice for Llnn county, Oregon : A Savage to Wm Wcddle, im acres It w 1 5 600 Samuel King to W V & C R It t ight of way Trcgoring to Caleb Gray, 2 lots, llaisev soo SO 350 25 V S to II F Ellis, 40 acres, 9 E 2. . Danle! Lcedy to M McCormick,2J acres, w 3 I 11 Miller to Geo W Young, i.y acres, tow E Jchn Charles to Carrie R Howe, lot 4, bl iiSITs A Albany Cemetery Association to Mrs Isabel zsannv, lot 330 Francis Bellinger to A Saltmarsh, il-3'ifccrcs, 12 w 1..... A 8 Powell to H E Young, 3 lot, block 127. IF A, Albany 450 5 II B Keniston to John Bateman,2 lot llalscy Oregon to heir of Willis Gaines. 37.90 acre. Tins I confirm a sale unlawfully made by It N tieorgc, County Superintendent of Idnn county In tSGo, to Mr. Gaines "3-33 J R Abhev to R K Montgomery, 2 lot block 44,11 2nd A, Albany 750 Brownsville. The Baptist church has just decided to call the Rev. LcRoy, of Astoria to fill I heir pulpit. A few weeks ago the license of Mr R A Sanders' satooon expired, and the building was closed, but last week he opened it again. Ycsterdav Ihe funeral of Miss Eflie Dean took olace from the Baptist church here. She was aged 19 years and had been failing tor u long time. Last week thev had a covotc hunt in the hills near Mr A J Kirk's place, but failed to kill any. The following were duly elected to serve . .... ... as officers ol Callanooia Lodge, 0,4, 1 O.O. F :G V Standiah.NG :C W Prim- Iv. V G : Geo Finlcv. R 5 I K Mcllar- gue, P S ; W R Kirk. Treasurer ; C II Us wick, N BStandlsh, D M Waher.rruMcc Dr Curl ha gone on a month's profes sional trip to Eastern Oregon. Ask nestioBN. Sevcial gentlemen, mostly coinmeruial men, were sitting in an otfiee conversing the other evenin, when a volley of questioas were thrust at the proprietor something lik this s "How do you pay for your electric lights!" By the hour. "Perhaps by the piece. " "Maybe by tho yard." What is the price ot eclipiei." &e. All iokes about eleotrio liuhts generally. But after all nothing equals them for lighting tteeta and store. Letter List. Following Is ths list of loiters remaining- in the Post Office, Albany, Unn county, Oregon, Deo. 6th, 18s, Persons oalllng for these letters mutt giv th 4ats t o which thr weresuyerUsed ! Bahsr, OH , Brplow, E W lavi, Marion F Alden. Dryer Iailo, Oust "rt,V 1.a Hall, William Hansel, L M JscoY, ainsepp Johnson. II D Jenninir,MrsJir yft"A., Moss, Mrs II Morrlas, AI Klooili, Oeorp-a , Shannon, JW Woodward, Mrs Ellen B. TO0MP80JI. A Missouri Riot. St. Louis, Dec. 7. The latest ddvices from Brevier are to the effect that armed neutrality still exsita, but an outbreak is liable to occur any minute; A man who pasacd through Bevier after the riot atates that the report that 2000 shot were fired was not exaggerated, ss is evidenced by the bullet perforated building In the vicin ity. Dozens of windows were shattered, and the front of the po&t office was riddled wun icaa. The stockade In which tne Swedes soucht refurre fearfully torn and -splintered. A Big Shipment. New York, Dec. 7. The largest ship ment of freight ever forwarded to the West atone tlmn to one consignee will leave this city to-night. It is composed of two special train;, one of twenty-three car loaded solid with dry goods,consigned to a new firm In Tacoma, W. T-, the other of sixteen cars loaded with coffee. It is ex pected to make the trip in twenty days.The shipment is valued ot $200,000. - - When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, 'When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she beoamo Miss, she clung to Castorla, ' When she had Children, she gave them Castorla, HOME AND ABROAD TIIURRDAf. Even Priiieviilo wauta.tlie cows shut tip fter seven o'clock in tl e evening. Mr A Itack!eman returned from Print- villa yesterday. He reports tbe weather there as lino. John lltnlz, another Marlon county man .lew out hi brains recently, that is, what few he had. K L Thompson refuses to run for the oflict of Asthdant Chief Engineer, having been nominated by Linn Engine Co. Mo. . S Marshal Ross with four other Salem gen cmen, passed through the eity to-day for Ysquiiia Hay on a bunting expedition. Tbe ettimsU-u appropriation submitted to Congress for Ysuuiaa Bay is $310,000 sod f I, (HK,000 for the mouth of tbe Columbia At a meeting of Albany Engine Co. las evening 0 II Stewart was nominated for Chief and W F 1U1 ol UAL. Vo tor Assis tant Chief. It is unofficially announced that the grand 1'irv of Orant county returned a true bill against Wm Page for killing Bill Browo at Hums this fr II. The Coroner's jury in the Chinese row in Portland found that the dead Cslestisls ctme to their death from sun shots from other Chiuamon, among them was Wang 8ing. Grant county's recent tsrm of oireut court ill cost thst commonwealth little lest thsn fi ty thousand dollars. Grant county has a tas-psyiug territory big enough to stand it. F.x. Mr HsriUoa has gone a hanting,nd three reporters are tseoinif alter. Every time he soils they will mention it, just as they .did about Mr Cleveland when be was a novelty. All these thing make the people weary The lady who played the part of Jerosha in the "Chip O' the Old Block.' last evening, ander th staee name ol Helen .Norton 1 the niotlur of Jessie BonsteIIe,Boostcll being her uame, and she 1 fully fifty-live years of age. A reader of the Prineyille Sewn is prepared to give a new scientific fact 10 tbe world. Water can be placed in socn a way inat it will not frwz!, no nutter bow the water is e posed to the old. Thi is a fact and is not a sell. We wait in breathless anxiety fur tbe revelation, though it will not particu'arly benefit Webfoot, mm at. Theic are 230 prisoner in tbe peniten tiary. An tchue say it somsttmes ptys to be funny. It is funny sometime to be paid by a lazy debtor. Ceueial lurruon s inauuration a presi ¬ dent will be just one hundred years after that of Wssbiogtoo. Ben Hsydeo kept hi bops lit order to get a big(r price. 1 bey. were sdd yesterday at S!m for 15 eentr. 0 Conner it Barr hive beu let another contract on the J 1 ti deepen a grade ai ready made. Miss Hal lie Parruli, of Klm, with much improved voice, is expected home from tbe Last this week Nine candidates for city o.Ti js mske their announcement to a I udlcton paper. Dec tioo seat Monday. Tiick bears are heard Irom through nor Ek' all over Oregon. They and their masters Mr John Miato, ex-Sheriff of Marion county, do collector for Surer & Walker, of Portland, 11 iu tbe city D M Slosn wa elected Chuf Engineer of the E jgen Fire Drpai lineut Monday even -ng and Wizard Mc(JvV) Assistant. Scarlet fsver is s;.l to be raging is Eu gene City, and the publio schools bsv been closed. This it much worse than smallpox in a community. A bill ha l-cu introduced ia congress asking for a dtViou of Califoruit into two state. Some day Oregon will be divided also. Ths CorvaHU Time nomiaats Jadga Kil say for U S senator. By the bye, a good nomination. The judge kmw Uregon Irom top to bottom. The total tax in Maiioo coU;ty, iacladine the hve mill school tax is 21.3 milh. lilber ekvAied. Tax levies seem to hsve be o rais ed geneially through the State. Mrs. Lirk Bilveu and son have been in the ci y toe ausst ot 11 m K A Irvtoe. while, Lark ha been attending the Supreme Court. ! AH inusio lovers should interest themselves iu tna coming of the renowned Boston Quia tette Clab which is to present oi.e of Ihe grc-stttt inuii-al treats cur city has eytr cu iyed, bixt Monday eveweg. 8ATUSUAY. Aa Astoria ai iesd: "WaoteL A tirl for ligtnhouto woik in a im.ll fa-niiy ." (Jive o?. lvsst Portlaod hi had a aiKtiliug contest. G15 pupils trict to siwil 27.0UO word. (J204 were ausatd. Wm Aodertoc, at Mchami, ha been granted a license tj sell iniuor iu qnsiitities l-s than a iurt. Too biacifci rail. tail 011 the coast duiina Novercbir wa at l ortUud. aad 4.5t inches was tbo tecord. Rev Joel Sherfy, ot lhjnon, left Labanou estcrday for lebrsesee. abersi he wdl lo- c.- Mr X II Allei wa oat ia a carriage for the lirat tuno after hi aice with a broken lg- A "in ot Mr Hart, of Ibanou. hro'io his arm Thursday by slipping aud falling on the sidewalk. W 11 Watliius.of Salem, passed throu Albany a day or two ago for hi Sweet Home coal nunc Wm McCaw, of Cra fordsyille, is auxioui to hear of some one who wa ia the company of Capt Rogers at The LhtlUS in ISiS. A Lion county farmer who recontl y ship ped potatoes to San francisoo himself re ouiveu 40 cents a bushel not for them. 8319.410 50 ii what it it estimated it will cost to run the state duriug lSe'9, $40,000 of which will be sunk in tbe state Joiiteiature. There will be a large attendance at the meetiog of the Salvation army to-night. MisUoiu, of Soio, one of its most energetic friend, having arrived in tbe city this noon, Considerable attention will be paid to the raising of bops ttrough tbe val.ey next year but the matter ia somewhat of a lottery so far as prices are concerned. Oat exchanges are predicting a very mild winter for Oregon. . We predict that they don't know anything about it. It is bound though not to he very severe. f The Yaquina Deep Soa Fishing Co has been incorporated with a capital ot $40,000. WmT Ilsder, Syly ester West and Geo II Chance are incorporators. Last evening the members of the Christian Endeavor cf the U P Church held a party at the residence of Judge fo well," which they pronounce a yery hnoiuau. There is a case of ami il pox at Long Tom. Lane county. Prcs Naii is the victim. As be hsd been among other people considerably, there u gre at excitement there. The democrats ou the ways and :neans committee in the House, to day's dispatches say, are talking seriously of refusing to enter into a conference ou tbe tariff bill. Tbe electric lights were run by water pow er last uight and will be hereafter when pos sible. As a result there was not a bobble No eclipses, and eveiytbing was serene. ' Displays of big beets, turnips, eto, may be xeen ale ng First street. They generally come from Mr Ashby Pearce'a farm and show what a fertile place that is across the river. Four members of the family of Mr Gas Thompson, who receutly died of smallpox, are reported aa being down wuu the same disease at the resident of Goorga Sylvester, a few miles from bodaville, Au Astoria paper says that w hen that city becomes a common shipping point With la coma that city will be relegated to the ob scurity which her geographical location com pels her tj occupy, n'e predict not. ; -i Grand annual ooaoert tour of the Boston Quintette Club. For a most enjoyable, popu lar and classical musical evening no company of artists ctn be found to equal the Boston Quiotette Club., To musical loying reople this will be the society event of the season. Luring the week 1$ cases of scarlet fever were reported to the health authorities of Eugene. The families aflicted areas follows: R S Bean, Wils Owen, Ed McCornsck, John Htm, Mr Morris and M Kider, Near ,11 i. ,.,, vnvaleeut;, and no j(CM)JiaiB for Infants and Children. ''Castorla Is so well adapted to children that t rMommeiid it as superior to any proscription kaowatoms." il a. Aacnsa, iL D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, V. Y, 'i&P'ffcVv-V v A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort follow thensoof Syrup of Figs, ft: ii act untly on the Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cloannirtg tho System when Coativo or Bilioni, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing ILADITUAXi CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating tho or gans on which it ac-U. I'or Bale In ftOear.d stl.OO ttottlc hy alt Loading- Iruif;Ut. m i r n-Tt nfco ostr rr nn CALir022flA HG BIETJ? CO. Has FaAXCtseo, Cu, Ix WV1U.K, K., fc'ew Yokk. X. Conrad Meyer. .-PKOPKIrST''; OF- st a ti bakery; Cfifuer Eroiiilbin ani First Sts., -DEALER IN Cstaaed rratU, Glassware, Dried Frail, Tbaeeo, Naxar, Coflee. Etc,, C-aanp'l Meals, Caeenware, Vegetble, Cigars). Mplrea, Test, Etc., In fact everything th i kept la a gen rod varioty an I grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. U. J. Mijrrnoss, Prj. 8. Pisaaa, Vu Prji. B. S Coos, 8 C O If. itJJsa Tieas TheOregon Land Company rjr;nUrd fa-th.imrjws of baying- and aeliinjr red Slat, aUrof Uinj J Will mta Valley in all M tbe leading nawsj. vpr ol the Duiled Htatcs. IcnyXnying juAra apreu to direct borne aecker to ihe W Itam eti Valley, ami h .me ajentaln all tha principal towna l Marion. 1H. Unn, ivcnuw. viaRaaoiaa au Vanittill emmllMi U aid in lcung- uamiirrsnis. Oltlce In th Tar llaiblins on d-wr et ol K3W- All Ti JT .wss-ft.. 'ssbk' V .1 4fOR SALE BY FOSH AY A MA? ON First National Bank Or At. RANI , OREGON. , , , ........t FLIKK Vlo Preakl.ot 8. K, YOUNG Cuhler , . Uta K. CIU MBKRLA1K At Camier JA8. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A 0 ENERAL bankinj buslaea. ACCOUNTS KEPT lubjuct to lreck. Bianr EXCIIANOE and telwrraphie transfer, sol oa New York, San Francisco, Chicago and l'ui Orejron. COLLECTIONS MAD IS on UToranio ittnns. eisBcro&a. J. S Tors,' Gso. B CuAMsaaAl . L K BbAia, L. Fusn.1 Wauss E Tcrrsll, Red CrownMills IS03I, LANNIXQ & CO., PROPR'S. Klff f K0CK33 FLOOR 8U?ER10R fOB rAMIMM AND BAKERS PSS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES., Higrhest Price in Cash fo Wheafr H. F. SalERRILL, 33. 3ST'k: B TV, ALBANY, - - - ORECaJJ. Setl exohiisi 01 Ns York, Sjhi Francisco and Portland. Buy notei, 8t'a, oa-ity ail c'.ty warrants. Ita- eaiv. deposit subject to caesk. lutaroit allowsJ on tlm deposits. Collection will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solioltej . - Flresnd mirina IniuranajpUsali In reuabla com risi, . .- . hm. , - Notice for Publication, . Land Office at Oreeon City, Or,, October 13th, 1888. Notice 1st hereby civen that the follow lug named aeuler ha? filed isotice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that saia proorwiu ue made before the Judge, or in his absence before the County Clerk of Linn county at Albany, Oregon, on ; aioaday, Dec 17th, 1888, via : Lonard Edaar, Ilorapatead Entry No. 4593 for the S yA of S E i anU fvota 1 and Z, of 8eo. 4, Tp, 10, S it 1 K He names the following witnesses to ' prove hia continuous residence noon, and cum ration of. said land, via : A. J. Shelton John Bryant, C, W. Richardson and John Bi.veu. all or Joraan, tion county, ur, . ' i . . W T ProMfT ) 3 m ... . .a,', . vJf. RL:t'' 1 , n 1 sv 1 ? ir. '... -i 3 kh: W aw I 1 ' T' AT 0 I Castorla enres CoWe, Ofrpaon, 8ur Btomacb. Warrhce, Kructation. TLihM Worms, gives steep, and promotea d I Without injurious medication. Toe Cbxtacb CoarAinr, 77 M array Street, N. Y. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN IHG niLLS. All kinds of rongli, dretsed andeeas.. . Ininber4athsva pickets kept constantly cn hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only be st Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST. . a. POWELL. W. K. RILTIO VOW ELL & BILYEU, sTTORNEYS AT LAW And Solicitors in Chancery, tLBAJIf. ... OltktiOH. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. oxnee in routers Brick,a Tl4nl(nf. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- " ALBANY. OEGON. v?o J. WHITNEY. ittomey And Poimsellor At Lai IVotarF Public. .LBAtJt?l ORECOM, Will prccCoe 13 all or tbe Court a .bis State. AllbxtineM Intrusted to blm will be promptly '. tended to. OF PURE COD LIVER GIL &55 HYPOPHQ3PHITE3 Almost as Palatable as &1Uk. a aUsrla4 Ska It earn takes, dlf osted, asatd aaataallated by aba sensitive atomaeb, v. ben Use plalat au eaaaat b tolerated ; aad bjr aaa eeaa, blaattea of aba oil wltla tbe by pep be, p bites is taacfts saor. eracavetams. EeBurValile as a fletli predater. Tasem gaia rxpLllj vaOe takiig It. SCOTTS EilULSION ia acknowledVadby rhvsicians to be tha Finest and Best prepa ration In the world fcr the relief and euro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMRONIO COUGHS. Th oreaf remedy for Consumption, and Wasting in Children. Sold by all Dnajgists. D, R. N, BLACKBUR?, Attorney at Lav' Offl'V, Odd Ft-Uow'a Tn'ii UBANY, - - - ORtCDN. Hotic3 of Appointment cf Admin istrator, Notice isherebv eiven that the .undersigned has beeu by the County Court for Lion cona ty, Oregon, duly appoiuted and qualified as Ailntnit,tra'.or if the estate of K- K. Gaines, deceased, late of Ijou county. Orecoa. Ail perrons having claims against said estate are hereby i quired to present them to Ue un dersigned atScio, Oregon, ithin six months from thit date, fropetly verified as rt quired by law. This the 10-h-day of November. 1SS8. J. H. I ekry, J. K U'KATHEKFOliD, Adniinietrstor. Attomey for Administrator. Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPE, PEQPHETOL FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. CS. Will keep constantly on hand bear, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, eto.. tbe beat meats aud largest variety in tbe city. Cash paid for all kindsof fat stock. Lina unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., . (nocoMors to Cowan & Cusick.) ALBANY - - " OREGON. TRANSACTS a feneral banking business. DatWSKUl DSVrr3ou Naw York. Saa Fran laooani PorTTsnJ, Oregon. LOANMO.n'EToo appioved security. RECEIVE deposits lubjoo to cbock. COLLECri0S3 ntntad to us will recs r promo ition. ILllSiaSl OB Ci. ' FOSH AY & MASON, TfMJiAlS AS0 MTAnr- DruggisStsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell at publisher's prieo wit eostigoadJad. ALBANY, OUEGOK. JOHN BCICCS, f . FLOBIST, AL3AHY GREC Roses a Specialty, i metory planted tad attended t 3:C, J, DILLON A CO., ." ' ; " ; ., DEALERS IN LUMBER, FLOODING, BUSTIC, ETC. (Jeiisrai - Jolj Work, Dressing ani Sawing Lnmter, Eepairing, ; Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FUBNITURE. Speeialadvar tag-e to purchasers of rustic flooring-, Tactory rt f st t V I. yon fitrzil,