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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
AVcV Ay j?k liar TO DEMOCRAT. THE DEMOCRAT la the best ' Advertising CDcdlaoi Id (he Central Willamette Valley. 2 IN ADVANCE ; S2 53 A1 END OF YEAR. Issued every Fiiday by 8TITE3 & KJ XJTTIXTQ. r , y if I J'J- VO.L. JvXiV Advertising rates made known on jv pli ation. ALBANY, OREGON,. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1888. NO 19 DWICHT's7 SO D A TUB COW SIUNO. TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE - DiviGHT's Cov-Brand Soda-Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AMD FULL WEIGHT. Be eure that there ia a picture of a CV oa your packaco " J0 will Lava the boat Soda made. XX1K COW H&AKD, asaasEaaaBCTEsoa . SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, A lbmiy Yard and Ofllce ou II M road St., bctweenitli and 3thf reel Having lumber not excelled in quality, an I fi:lli'ii not surpassed far the " prompt aud satisfactory Ailing or orders, I respectfully aolleit a share of tae trade. A. Wheeler. FURNITURE. jo Hint lb tttt tndti-ctt t'uiaLle furnllelbst Kmstufaclurcd in tboeity o lo Thomas Brink. keeps almost veotbing in the lire of furnUrr ibat is kept in m flrt!ai fetoro JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars,' AND IEA 0 FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cr:, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meers-Laiu and Rrsr Ptja,end a fuL lino of Smok:rs' Art ties. Also dealer CALIFORNIA AND Conrad Meyer. -I'ROPKItST".t OYf STAR BAKERY. fCnmsr Eroilalbia ani First Sts., DEALKB IV- Caaned fra:t, U lavs ware. Dried Fralt, robcc9, Nasar, Co flee. Etc., Cfluri Uct.i, Qatcmware, Vegetable , Clears, Npleet-, Tea. etc.. In fart evsryihla.- fit, i kepi in a gen rJ variety and grocery nlore. Hig-hoM mtrkot price pld for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. H. i. MiJrniou, Vrs. V. 8 Cook. e. 8. FiV Viu Vtii. 0 U. HjJAiU Tieae The'Jreson Land; Company Or-ia-ilaed for tha parp .si of buying and eellmg red eatatA, adrer'.laing -.he Willi-mtte Valley in all of the iewim new-. pers of the United State. Kmi.loj ing Krn ajonW to direct boaie seeker to tha Willam ette Valley, and h ma agent in ail tho principal town ol Marion, Pjik, Uiin. Bjnton, Claekama acd Yamhill eountiv to aiJ In Ijcatin? Immiirrants. Office in tha la' B-iiUlinj- ono d aest ol Fir- artfcx'. .. HOD30Xt DICKIJTSOS, Hana?fra. au. j.. jN"p,i yt'XJH WALK tt FOSUAY dt AlA?ON WEATHERrOED, (NOTART PUBLIC,) iTTOItNEY ' AT - LAW, ALBART, OKECOJf. ITT ILL PRACTICE IS ALL THE COURTS OF Till Y StaU. Special attentlootfren to TOllectlouf and rohata matter. HOW, TO GO EAST. Oi Eiit vli MmaS Sii'.t Kotita; Nice -i: . n 1 n.artaiT a1: all timii of tha vear. Sse Mnat8hati, Sacraneoto, Oxdcn,.8alt t .ir. ll.niAr. Pinoat aeeond-oUii cara ravla'areruQ diily. Bar yu' tiokota o( me and aava your ura lo l-orcaaa. i am wa only person in Albany that eio. aell you. a tioUnt from Albany direct to any poipt fin ta Unitea Otaso. jx on mn r ravc W. L. Jesteii, Agent 8. P. Eed CrownMills ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. irxw rRocKsa flour sufebioh ok rAMf ra A3TO BAKERS PBS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Hiyhest Price in Caab fc Wheat m m u jh u v i MAKE D WIGHT'S' El iALERAT US LEH IN TROPICAL FRUITS. THE PLACE, Parker Brothers. Successors lo Jok Fvx vr your Groceries, Prodace, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their good: re the best and tor ir price reasonable. FRANCIS PFEI.FFER. PROPRIETOH OP- Aibany Soda Works. And Maarainrer of- CHOIDS OUHFliuIIOSBM. Wa arj pr-jpir 1 t m!I at wSolt. sa'.o, alwty- fr-M'i and pun at forth nd prlc t d jiKir. Wa in k).n a full tine of r ' '., . fiut3 aai Tropical Ppjits, CIGARS AND TD3ACCO Jo3i, Webber : 5-" Anno iiios t lu nttrwu od fri'-nda that he i.4 ntw liusttrdin hit fcli"if.i tho Ko Shay & M ( i Ill.Mj't and wti.ii Ui workmen will att?n I t la i 4 cu t pinr at a refttO(ahl pric at ai o. h-;r liip. Ai bo hi- tbreo ath-r 'it ci . . 'i until i wil t:j rit i :' . ' . 0, K. i aini Shup. QHousa and Carriage Painter3. j Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All w.vkg'jvuntead. . YASSALLO & TH0MP30M. (Sacnoasorjto Penry Sueaen.)' Fll 1 ) I We Irave jot krottLt' frctn )le Oregon, a lot of fine woik rotten t'l we will fell on terms to suit (be time Among I bora areot)fl proioUing youu drivcia (rornOaeco, Mason Chief aa Edward Everett. AUi 8-mt cboic heavy a ares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a hortto will do w!l to look tkeni over. We will take pleasure in fcht'W to a!l intf r.dinjT jnnchacr. I Tallman, Or. ROOMS" TO BENT. Farcished and upfurninlied roorra to rent, Inquire at corner of 7th and mker street.', - H. BABSE3. Hll A Cool Woman. Mra. A. T. llorahner, of Corvallln, waa In the atngc recently rob bed at Templcton, ('alifornla. Dcldcs herself and children were three gentlemen Mra. II. write to her luiKb.ind at CorvallU a graphic account of the exciting affair published In the Timrs. When the driver halted, on being ordered by the robber to t o o, he told them there waa a lady and her two children Intddc, to which the hlh waynun replied that he would not harm. them but wanted the men to "pile out" and throw up their "prop," which they very unhesitatingly did after making Mra. Morshwr the custodian of their watches and i1Ihooi.U'j; of their money which wa done In very short order. The robber then drew cap over their eyes and proceeded to aearch thctn. lie aecured aome loose change and then went lo the ceach door a d aaked Mra. II. If ahedld not have their money, to which ahc replied 'no air." Mra Ilerahncr had about $3 in her purae, be side the valuable entrusted to her by the other pasavngere anil it waa perhaps due to ncr courage ami presence ol i.iiml that they escabed the clutches of the tnicf. The expresa box was about all that was gotten A Nick Entertainment. The aoclal and entertainment given at the W. C. T. U.IIaU last Thursday for tho benefit of the building fund was a peculiarly smooth and successful affair. Theattendance wa large and the intercut taken and sociability di. played larger. Offerings were taken at the door amounting to ?8j. The President Mrs. J. l. Townsend, called the meeting to order. After a song, prayer wn offer. ed and the President made a abort address of welcome. A ladies quartet, composed of Mr. Sherman Thompson, MUs Lib Ir vine, Mis Lillie Robertson and Miss Trum. bull were heard In a nicely rendcted elec tion. Mrs. Gove, of Portland, delivered a short address, full of solid sense, peculiar to this able lady. Mra. Cochrane sang i solo with good effect and Mis Esther Mar shall recited "Evening on the farm," show ing marked improvement an J in a manner to display the splendid training received at the College. Gamrs and sociability follow, ed for an hour. Discontented. He was fresh from the Oregon Pacific front and had old hla time check for 15 per cent discount. In sten torian tone he advised a crowd of men near him to slip out of a country so blasted mean is to do things like that, and by this time he I probatly on hi way from the frying pan toward the fire. We know nothing about this case; but there are a great many men who spend their live step ping ovt irom nndcr the tnnuence ol Im position, and a n result they never have a cent ahead. Those who "stay with it" arc the one who don't have to have time checks discounted for 15 per cent off. Ratmond McIlwain. At the rcl- dc'nceof Mr AD McIlwain, at 10 o'clock lastThursday, Mr Walter II Raymond, a sUtant secretary of the Albany Farmers' & Merchants' Insurance Company, and Miss Mamie McIlwain, were united in marriage, Rev E R Prichard performing the cere mony. Though private it was a very nice and happy event. Mr and Mrs Raymond left on the noon ttaln for a trip to Port land and the Sound country. The happy couple have the Democrat's best wishes for a long life of happiness and prosperity. Look First. Oregon' divorce lawa arc a disgrace to the state; but they seem to Suitxuir representative pralty . wtlL Di vorces should only be granted for one cause. The truth It about half the people of the world make huge leap In the dark when they get married and a majority seem to have never been cut out for domestic relationship anvwav. A Portland nancr estimate that one divorce suit a day 1 be gun in that city. Jocilar Jargon. The joke of a deaf and dumb man; a man explaining how he came by a Chinese pheasant; a statement of the position of a cow man on the cow question ; the language used on being caught kissing the hired gill; the speech of a Dutchman just from the front when full of Albany corn juice; the argument of an ignoramuaon the tariff question; a plumber explanation of the item of bill bit. Two "Fingers Off. Friday forenoon while running a planer a hla furniture factory and planing mill, on Water street, Mr C J Dillon accidently caught his right hand In the knives of the planer. In a flash the two middle fingers were ampu tated. The hand was properly dressed and Mr Dillon I doing welt. - - A Tramp Jokb. Two tramp called on a kind lady in the suburb of Portland, "To which of you two shall I give thl nickel ?" she asked. First tramp Give it to him, madam. lie ha 'purchased the oute from me, and I am just taking him iround to Introduce him to the customer. A Candidate. Dr. Lambernon, of Lebanon, i mentioned by our contem porary for the agency of Warm Springs The doctor ha been a hard worker for the party and ha the merit of being a resident of the state. He will have plenty of com petitors though before the appointing time. . Died. On Nov. iSth, iS3'J, at D.iy- ville, Or., Miss Elva. daughter of Henry and Lydia A. Johnson, aged 20 years, 7 days. The deceased formerly resided with her parents about two miles from Jeuerson, in this countv. Enlarged. The Democrat mentioned Sloan & East's mu!e deer brought from Eastern Oregon a few days ngo, which has now disappeared, perhaps into hams, and a Salem paper wanting to make a real nice item says: "Albany has a tame deer which is becoming quite a pet of the town gener ally."" 7 . .; y - - . Not Called For Dr. Hensell was ap pointed mail agent on, the O. P. several weeks ago; but not having ' accepted, the position has not yet been filled and a suc cessor Is being looked for. Why doesn't the doctor show up? The Great Evangelist. Mr. D wight L. Loody, the Evangelist, who has been In Victoria, 13. C., is now at Seattle, where he is preaching to over three thousand people every day. His work In Portland will begin about Dec. 5th. The people In Portland are making arrangements to ac commodate an audience of 5000 people. Everybody Insane, The last legisla ture appropriated $16,000 to be used to de fray the expenses of conveying insane per sons to the asylum. This amount has al ready been used. It looks very much as if everybody was going insane. : We will sell yon groceries cheaper than any store in town. - Bbowneix & Staxard. Hatuku Romantic To-day Clarano P, Dixon stepped from the penitenlliry a free man, Qoy. lVnnoyer yesterday haviog coin ranted hi sentence. It waa sent up from Poitland fur a term of tbrre year and bean service in July. 1S87. He waa oonviottd of tho cmlmlemeut of t3(K0 fro n tha C. P. It., of which cr nip toy be waa the freight agent at Portland. When it waa discovered thai he was ahort in hi accounts; he fled to Pritiah .CJutnbia and remained aeveral tnonlhe. During this time his young wif secured a divorce. IUmorse preyed upon the erring young man to tuoli an extent that he came to Portland and gave himaelf up and waa lentcnced aa above. After hla Inoaroore tioa tho w ife came to this city to reside and immediately began working (0 tecure Lie pardon. This the accomplished, and they aro now together, lie aeea the folly of hia paat lue ami start agaiu with good resolu tion, admitting that it U through the fidel ity and untiring energiea of hie divorced, though faithful, wifi that the commutation waa gtanted. The acqttnl ia in a marriage lioenan being to-day iaaned by County Clerk Ilabr-ock to Clarence P Dixon and Miaa Annie W liarbin. They are to be quietly married thia evening and will leave by to-morrow morning'a train far Nevada, where their fu ture hd wilj be caak Salem Journal. Kern Kicker. The man who ha t pay n debt of long standing. You know him. The gentleman who ha Id grade In front ol hi property raised one year and lowered the net. The property owner who wakca up In the morning and find that a cow ha got on to tho combination ot hi gate and destroyed all of hi fine shrubbery. The young man who aec an other fellow step In ahead of him and take hi best girl to a Thanksgiving ball. Any citizen who ha to cross First fitrtet these muddy dav. The candidate for Marshal or other city cilice who receive enough promise to nominate two men but only get three vote in the Convention, a year, ly occurrence. Anotiikr Pioneer Dead. Hon John Robnett, a pioneer of about '47 and one of the prominent farmer of Linn county, died at hi home atShedd last Thursday, at the age of about 50, after an illnea of only a couple days, though hi health had not been good for a year or two. lie wa a man highly esteemed through the county. He at one time represented the county In the state legislature, In an acceptable man ner. The deceased love a wife and two son and a good name a a monument for a life well spent. Lot ok Them. A man down at the jaw cf the Columbia has been abusing hi family and gct'lng drunk, the latter first. The 1'lintxr requests him to consid er if he hadn't better atop, and further say a: "The saloon men of Astoria will do the wife and children a klndn? If they will refuse to sell him a glass of Intoxicating liquor, and we ask them a gentlemen, and in be haif of five little children, who will some day bless ihein for It." Saloon men would also do a favor if they would refuse to sell anybody a glass ol Intoxicating liquor. I he advise of our Ex. would apply also to aome In Albany who fall to provide prop erly for their families. Remarkable. Mr. John Stlpp of Sclo, In renew ing Id subscription for the coming year adds the following poster ipt: "Writ ten with my own hand In the eighty-third year of my age." Could our reader aee the wrtttng-thcr w-otihf say remarkable.' The letter would be a model of neatnes and e'eganc; for a young lady of twenty. theatyle resembling that of a lady morel than of a gentleman. We do not believe that In the whote United State there la a man of eighty two year of age who can surpass, if equal, ft, both in correctness and stvle, Not Very Elevatino. We don't be lieve that big debate at Sllvcrton will do much good. Too much strife teem to be engendered. Mr. Draden begin a newa- paper article like this: "There appear, in the Apfralot last week, over the signature of those miraculously evoluted prodigies of smartness, w -4otn and erudition, the Secular commU'j, a farrago of dishonest claptrap, that for silly dishonesty and hy pocritical tomfoolery, stand rivaled only in similar exploit of that committee." When the infidel committee answers this the air will be blue around Silverton. As Offer. The Oregon Pacific has made a proposition to Nelson A Dennett to compromise his $551,825 suit. As they paid Mr Hunt $60,000 In cash it secma that they arc able to do it. It is asserted here that the company ha a fine bank ac count for railroad building, and n-xt sea son will sec the largest year's work in the history of the road. . V m 'JIFF GRENCE. 1 llCre Will UC R great difference in miller's ami shipper's prices in the wheat market. Sixty-five cents a bushel it all that the general mar ket will warrant for shipping purposes vet as high a seventy-live cents i paid bv Pendleton millers in order tosccuie grain. a dilferenc? of ten cent a bushel. li. O, That sound rather curious, coming from tnc center of n big wheat country. Stinit. A. Stlnittlve bilk, ha reached Albany. We were 6v hope he would lo cstc in Salem. That city ha the biggest asylum in the statc.the biggest state house. the biggest Indian school, the bigsest pen itentiary, the biggest Court House, and we arc willing for it to have Stink too. We don't want him. Married. In Portland, on Nov 29, Mr Jos Webber, J r, and Miss Annie Mansfield, Rev Clapp officiating. The happy couple passed though the city last evening on their way to San Francisco on their bridal tour. The Democrat extends them its best wishes Perpetual Life. A scheme to catch the unwary Is an advertisement stating that the advertiser will send to any one ' en closing the sum of one dollar the secret of perpetual life. The "sucker" who sends the dollar receives by return mail r neat card, on which are printed the words, Don't die." ; ,; .-' ' Married. On Sunday ,Nov. 35th, 188S In Walla Walla, Mr. William Cecil, of Ar- lington, and Miss Vira Moss, daughter of Assessor Moss of Sweet Home. May thev live long and prosper.. Mr. and Mra. Cecil became acquainted last summer at Soda vllle, where both parties were spending the summer. , ' FOB PILES. Itchiutf Pilel are known by moisture Hits 'y npir loll producing a very dlsaffroeable Hchtajf arts in jf warm. Thl form as well aa Blind, liieed'.rg- and protruding; Piles, yield at ono to tlra application of Vr. Bosanko't Pile remedy, w.iich acta directly upon thr otrts affected, absorbing the tomon, allaying the intense itchtnar and effecting' a permanent cure. 61) cents. Address The Vr lioaanko VCin Co , Piqa O. Bold by Dr, Giiss and Son. - . -. J$e,if? raisens, currenta,citroii, lemons and orangts received at Wallace k Thorn pees a. Janeway. Janeway the Splcer mall robber, gave the following account of hla ratnbllnga after leaving tide country to a Portland reporter : "I left here last Feb ruary, and made my way directly to Texas, reaching there early In March. On the 15th of that month I went to work In a ho tel at cook. I remained there until May, when I discovered that Roberta was "on to me," and I auddenly lit out. After that 1 traveled all oyer the, country. I took In 8t. Louis, Washington, New York, and, In fact, all of the good cities In the United Slates. On the 7th Inst. I found myself In Illinois, In a town, the name of which I can't remember now. It was from there that I communicated with Mr Mevera. From there I went on to Omha,where on II.. IKIn. t .. . 1 kn ih. rty Thence reXAe? .fe. Janeway up at follows j "To apeak un. ciassicaiiy, janeway it extremely fllp.' lie has lost nearly all of the pellah, which as- eociaion wiui genteel people gave him. He ha changed completely. Even the charming maidens of Splcer, who were wont to dally sweetly murmur 'Any malt for me to da v, Dickey V would be unable to identify him among hla present associ ates.' It Authority. Several days ego wo asked the CorvallU Cmtetto for It authority In reference to an alleged case of small pox on the Occident. As we have already referred to the matter we give the (iaitite'$ antwer : "On a trip of the OK&N steam er Occident up the river from Portland about twenty day ago, the fireman Charlc Burt, wa taken tick before the boat reach ed Albany, and wat confined to hi bunk, and on her rcturr. to Portland a new man acted a fireman. When she arrived at Portland Mr Unit wa taken home and a physician called who said hi wa a case of small pox. After thl discovery the mat trcs and bed covera used by the sick man un the boat were immediately burned and the state room or berth f umlirated. One of the deck hand employed on the Occl- ueniai me time is now on trie etcamer Bentlcy. Guy Powera, nltshtwatchman on the Bentlcy, furnished the report to the Gatrlte last week, and from him U learned what I found above." Somktiiino New Now la the time for mince piee,and the very best Is the New Eng land mince meat, a large shipment of which ha just been received by Wallace & Thompson. It I put up, wrapped in waxed paper, and enclosed In a paper box with lithographic label and slide cover which keep the meat from the Hie and dust and enable it to be examined at any time and the cover replaced. One package it enough for two large or three small pica, ana an 11 coat it 15 centa a package. Cheaper than any mince meat In the mar ket or any made at home. A rich delfcioua mince meat, made of the choicest applet. beef tuct, raisins, currants, citron, sugar. moiasscs, boned cider and pure tplcet, The result of careful experiments with I popular N E receipt. Gettixc Even. A Pendleton paper makes the following- naughty remark about a Portland paper: "The Portland .Vrw saye a subscription paper waa In cir culation In that city Tuesday for the pur pose of raiting a fund to pay the Oregon! for a publication of the facta In regard to the smallpox In Portland. Any tort of facts will be published, if the fund raised Is large enough. This was previous to that big seven column article. Anyway the subscription will not be necessary at all the country papers are doin g the work gralul- t t ., rv. 1 . .1 t .1 . iuu.ij, 111c irum is, inavgn, incy go 10 one extreme as ur at tne rortiand papert 00 10 tne other, bomc teem lo think it a grand opportunity to get even with Port- tana. UOLDEX RULE II AZ A Alt- Cash Go Loos; Wert at Jaliu Oradwjlir Maaawaaaa I have made arrangementt for buying good direct from the factories In Europe, and will tell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where elte on the Pacific Coast. The following are tome of my cash retail pricet : Yx dozen unhandled tea cups and taucers, 35 eta. dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 ct 14 dozen handted coffee, cups and bu cere, 50 cts. yt dozen teven Inch dinner plate, 45 eta. These iroodr are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade-of good., Thcae pricca arc for 30 days. Julius Gradwohl. - It Pays. What t Why, to get your groceries, canned, goods, etc., at the Wil lamette Packing Co's store. Their stock of home canned goods, consisting of, pears, peoche, cherries, etc., vegetable, chow chow and pickle,! the best in the market, They have a splendid line of holiday goods, such as fancy groceries, nuts, candies, etc., and their prices are remaricaoiy reasonaDie, Call at this store for good good ana oar. gains. New Goods. Latest styles in toques turban and soft felt hats just received at Ida M. JUrush's. Boots and Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc llwain'a and see the ladies' kid and pebble coat shoe, for $i. 'o, former price $2.5:0 A democrat man has seen tne snoe ana can pronounce U a remarkably cheap shoe tor the former price. ! Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It Is a splendid cook stove. A splendid stock of library and hanging lamp titt received w i, &t La tn c son's. ..-. " " ;-;..--; . How often do we hear oar friends Bay Oh I am feeling pretty well but have pain in the back that 1 suppose win soon pass twftji . xut uuea lb pais snaji u. remedy. Pain In the back Ja frequently follows! by weakness, nusmng or tne uouy, muuoua uiumj umu.B, erapiiona oa vne lacs taa neca uiiuuessj lose ' of appetite, general debility aud BHarht's disease of the kidneys. If yoo . A 1 0 1 JI..U.. iave any of tbeae symptoms do not delay "but save time, money and health by using OreKoa Kidney . Tea. It is safe and speedy remedy, For sale by Foshay & Mason. ...... ". ...... . Children Cry for THE AGRICULTUEAL COLLKOE, The ault between the M, E. Church South and the State Agricultural College, a our reader remember waa decided in the Circuit Court in favor of the college, whereupon an appeal was taken to the Su preme court, which reversed the court be low, hence a trial on the merit of the case will be had In the Circuit Court. Uy re quest we publish the following syllabus of the decision of the Supreme court i One or more of the members of an un . Incorporated association may sue for the benefit of the whole, to enforce right In favor of the association, which la cogniza ble In cqulty.whcre the members comprlt ,n U - numcrou' tht " wu,d ta I impracticable to bring them all before the court, The right to believe and teach religious doctrines Includes the right to organize churches, establish seminaries of learning and acquire property fer that purpose, and to claim the protection of the civil law In the enjoyment of ouch right. Merc voluntary associations are Incapable of taking and holding real property In the! society name ; but It may be held for thel use and benefit through the Intervention of a trustce.who may be a natural or artificial psrton. , s When, therefore, an unincorporated re- llgiou association procurcd.through other parties, the formation cf a corporation for literary purpoe,the charter of which con tained a provision, that Its object ira to acquire and hold property In trust for such association, and that Its trustees should be appointed by the representatives of the latter. . Held, that property subsequently con veyed to it, unlets the deed of conveyance limited It to a different use, must be deem ed to have been taken In trust for the atao- elation ; and where the legislature In pro viding for a college, the leading object of which should he to teach such branches of learning aa are related to Agriculture and the Mechanic Art,ain compliance with the provisions of ibe act of Cong res, granting public lands to the several states and terri tories, which might provide college for that purpose passed July 2, 1862 desig nated and adopted the said coipofatlon at the Agricultural College of the state. In which all ttudenta thould be inttructed In accordance with the requirements of the said act of Congress, and the corporation excepted tuch designation and adoption, in pursuance of a requirement of the legisla ture. Held, that the relations of the corpora tlontothe rellgloua association were not thereby changed ; that the state In conse quence of such act,and acceptance, waa not authorized to alter the charter of the cor7 po ration or Interfere with the right of the association to manage property conveyed to the former, at provided In the charter ; nor that the designation of the corporation at tuch College, created a new entity, or changed itt character as trustee of the property held by it for the benefit of the utaoclatlon. Held, further, that a deed to land.tubse- quently executed to the corporation, which contained a provision Co the effect, that the promisee be uaed by It for the purpotet of the Agricultural College ot the state ; and that when they thould cea.e to be so used, they should vest and become the property of the persons who had, or should contrib ute the purchase money ,did not impress a trust upon the promises In favor of such College ; that the tattei, as distinct from the corporation, was only ideal ; that said provision In the deed referred to, created a conditional limitation in favor bf tbe per sons who contributed the purchase money; and that the trustees of the corporations could not rightfully convey the land con trary to the will of the association. W 1IA1VWILL THEY 10 WITII IT t Now the republicans have won their victory the question arises, ."What will They Do with It?" They already have the Senate and after. March 4th will have the chief executive and the House of Rep. resentatives. Full power for legislative 1 action, with all Us responsibilities, will be theirs. What will they do to reduce the growing surplus piling up In the treasury and threatenine business interests by a rapidly contracting currency ? Will they follow the dogma of the Chicago platform and , repeal the internal revenue taxes "rather than give up any part of our pro tective j serr. ?"- Will they, following the ant'-platfofm lines of the Senate bill.reduce the duty on sugar by half. Increase duty on wool and woolens, give the country free alcohol for the art, free tobacco and free chemicals ? Will they, taking a lesson from D Israel, face about ; and pass a genuine tariff reform bill In the direction of greater freedom of trade ? Or will they attempt to relieve the congested treasury by extrava gant appropriations f .Whichever course they shall attempt they ; will find lions In the way republican lions threatening to rend their party In twain, i The wisest re publican leaders well know the tariff taxes must be materially reduced or the hold of their party on power will be thort. Doubt lesa tome of these leaders will attempt a reduction of the onerous duties. ' But can they hope to tucceed ? Have they not so educated a large part of the rank and file of their party into economic Ignorance and bigoted belief In salvation by high tariff taxation that any attempt on their part to follow the path of wisdom will result only j in their own political destruction ? It would seem that, committed as it la to the high protection heresy, the coming republican majority In Congress will be forced in the very nature of things to go on and on In Its high taxing career until the party Is t - 1- .1,. .t.U,. -r.ltl nf 1 "v' a j plundered people and with it the, wnoie 1 system of protection robbery and waste. "The tariff is In the hands of Its Lriends,' 1 says a republican paper. 3. his means . that , . . . . . . millionaires who have been made so by Its exactions, It was framed by thein, has been continued for their benefit, and If the Benate bill should become a law. will be Increased to meet their demands. Pltchcr'o Caotorln. W. F. FIRST ST - The Leading Cash Diy ASr. n - '"sw "V Cri32ATK BOOTS X SHOES - .1 iiiiim 11 an 1 11.1 nil a 111 t n mnawVb rTTUfi a il receiving my fall atcck and lean give toy ccatcoitra betferbar gaini than ever waa offered in AM toy Oar alock ia cn plele erd 1 i nrrie add all tbe new novelties- ai fast as the Would call c Facial attention to tbe followieg lines Dress Goods,PiasIies,YcIvels,IIosiery Jcrsics, Gents' Faroishiog Goods, Blankets, Boots and Shoes. All'Iabk is sjlbcroufchjicsiection cf c6 at. PRODUCE TAKEN! Ifi EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorder a presxpily attended to. EXT THE ONLY Durable; Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel aH others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations hcy are made of cheap and Inferior materials and give poor, weak, c rocky colors.) . v- 38 colors ; xo centa each, ' Send postal for Dya Book. Sample Card, direction for coloring- Photo., making the finest Ink er Bluing (10 ct. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by WELLS, RICHARDSON I CO., Burlington, ft. For Gliding or Bronaing Fancy Artlclea, USE DIAMOND PAINTS- Oeld. BUver, Bronte, Copper. Only te Centa To UovekoeptrttmA Juiitsera. Itt itnpor tant that the Soda or fialeralua you use should te White and Pure same ata all similar ettbatinco used for food. To insure obtaining only the "Arm A Hammer" brand Soda or Salerat :B. bjy it In -"pound or ha' f pound" oartooas. which bear our -name and trade-in ark, a inferior good"arosomc SimeasubaUtutedforthe ' -""Arm & Haramor" bwn J -when bought ia bnlk. .Partios using BiVlng Powder should remem ber that Its sole rislns property consist of bi oarbonate of soda. One teaspoonful ot the "Arm A Hammer" brand Of .Boda or 8aleratua mixed. ODB TBAPE MASK ffi7VSS!tos5fi d5i I OK EVERT -with aoot milk equal Packed in Card Board r" 11' 'lilf iinaw- simi , READ, - ALBANY, OREGON Gods Ktue dicky, BUT C. M. II EN DERSONACOO CaaSAT'B COOTS X I CHICAOO. lo tp to il f tluTi i rlf are in tbe maiket. . . W.F.EEAD, P 1 , ( CELERY V,y I . " :C0MP0UUD, CURES PROOFS' ... "Patae'a Celery Coas HGUralgla Pd owed lay aw- oos nek beaaacoca BiiBMBaBa Ura, L. A. Ba-orrwaa, Nervous v - saaJcd. Prostration , if Paina Cater I BaHHHalBBHBallBaBIIBaalM Compound, I am cured of rheumatism." Rheumatism SjgKgSSFKk "It haaoss nw more Kidney ' ri &t diae . than any other medi- v Diseases ; go. asbott, f .. Sioux City, Iowa. ,j,D . "Paine' Celery Com- pound haa been of great All Ilver ' benefit for torpid liver, a-t.ia.swws indigestion, and bilious- Disorders Be"" c. , ..... wieuiucia Uoati, Qoeehee.Vfc. WiHHMMHMRHMPHHMMl Z! u?p I B i 1 fourtc-noonfulsCtf the ' beat Baking tow dr,eav- ing twenty times ita coal, bosldca being much healthier jbecauaa ' itdxessot eon tain, any injurious aabatoncee, uohan alum, terrialbis eta, of -which many Bak ' Ing Ponder are mado. Jairyiaen ana isnueri rho old nse only the"Ann, . i: Hammer" Lrand for rlettning and keeping Milk Inns Swoot And Clcaa. , CATrrtox.' See that wry pound package of Arm ar. 1 Hammer "Brhud" contains tull Itt ounces net. and the t pound yack.igoea I i oumc net. Boda or Baleratus came aa speci fioti on each package. . rACIi.VGE. Boxes. Alvays Keeps aoit. rsrr .-Tin r-si 1 i w v a .5 v 1 Ei s a.