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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1888)
) (-3sv FRIDAY DECEMBER 14, 1888. srirG3 & ClUsrs J NUTIINa. Fraprtetar. IRKtir. MTrUU, tseal EdIUr. An Harmonious Knticrtainmknt. The concert given last Mondav by the Doston Quintette Club wa one of the most refined and pleating affairs ever presented to an Albany audience. We don't know much about music ; but it seemed to us as i( the house fairly swarmed with masses of harmony, expression , volume and compass from the time the quintette's bows first touched the fid violins In the selection from Mr, ijvcndnen to the finale. Hcntschcl twirled his lips on his flute until the air was fairly convulsed with twirls and twitters and rhapsodies. He was cn thushuticly encored. Miis Anne Carpcn ter sang Bolero. Miss Carpenter is im mense weighs about jot and captivated the audience. She displays cultivation and great compass of voice ; but we know at least a couple in Oregon whose voices have moremelody in public concert for the writer. John F. Rhodes violin solo was applauded and the march of the gho&t, the y conaplrurcy.etc. made the air savorof grave t yard. I his mid-night scene U a grand piece of violin work. Louis Blumenburg's violincello solo was heartily encored, but not responded to. His fine diamond ring also captivated the audience. Miss Carpen ter was a second time encored and Babil lag? by the quintette closed the concert. Time, l hour, 40 minutes. Number pres. ent, about 250. Decreased Valuation. The total tax able property In Oregon, as given by the assessment rolls for 1SS7, was $S4,SSS,5So for iSSS,$S5,S93,4i9. Those counties which gave decreased valuations were : Benton with a decrease of $283,499 ; Clackamas, $7,61 s 5 Douglas $97,935 ; Gilliam, $58, 610 ; Grant, $711,740 ; Lake, $47,597 i Linn, $50,313 ; Marlon, $i,So,S:i ; Mor row, $58,326 Union, $2,633 i Washing ton, $31,490. Therein no excuse for this even on the plea that foreign mortgages have been withdrawn. The truth i the decrease In most cases Is due to the system and present practice of ai segment. " Peo ple generally seem to be trying to see how much they cheat the State. Two Accidents. About 5 o'clock Mon day morning Mr. William Watklns, the coal mine min.was walking along the high sidewalk at Lebanon, near the be ing very dark, when he fell off the walk against a bundle of tools he was carrying, an J broke two of his ribs. He boarded the morning train and started for Portland ; but got off at Oregon City and had the fractures reduced. Mr. vYatMns said he would sue either the railroad or clU of Lebanon or somebody for damages. A boy who was walking along near Mr. Wat kins at the same time feil off the walk and i n j u red hi msel f considerably.perhaps sprain Ing his arm. There was no light burning at the tlme.though it Is said it has been cus tomary to have one there. Boys Is DAXGER-Complaint I made that a number of boys in the city between the ages of 15 and 17 are in the habit of congregating on the streets and when girls pass along, attempt to open conversation with them. When they receive no atten tion from the girls they follow them up and indulge in indecent language and con duct We are Informed that these parties are known to the officers of the city and that if they do not desist from this course warrants for their arrest will be issued. A Half Dollar. A worthy minister at The Dalles recently In getting a meal at a hotel gaye the waiter a 50 cent piece for extra attention. That evening the waiter invested it in a game of faro and it kept growing umMI it broke the house. The next iar the waiter struck the worthy man In the fallowing manner: "That four bit piece of yo-rs was a bird; I no sooner cop pered her on Vac king than she won, and I kept getting action on the coin and finally double-shot-the-turn. and bled the house to the tne of a V.,,r AX EVA5CELICAL CoLLEOK. At a Special meeting of the conference cf th Evangelical Church held in Salem Friday it was decided to establish an Evangelical College some where in the State. Bids will Le received from the different cities and towns cf the State f 3t the same. Th B rd consists of Rv J Biwersox, Spokaae ; D Jones, Al bany ; E Woodward, Corvallis ; CC Poling. Salem ; J L Horslmor, Corvallis ; F S Louck, Dy ton ; A Ode (J, Fleasantdale. , Public Scales. -The Democrat U in formed that a petition is to be presented the city of Albany by the grangers of the 'county, asking for the establishment here of some public scales for the use of buyer and seller in the sales of pork, beef, and farm produce generally. The object is to hare a uniform weight for both parties and prevent fraud In the manipulation of local scales. - Was Held. At the piellminary ex amination of Gordon Cooper at Walla Walla for the murder of F. Davis, he was held without bail to await the action of the grand jury. It looks very much as if Gorden may die the way a brother did, only differently. Judge Lynch conducted mat ters in the case of the'brother, while Gor don will be given a regular trial. Nothing Unearthed. The investiga tion of the books and affair of Col. Lec, Superintendent of the Indian school, con tinues at Chcmawa. Nothing of a startling nature has been unearthed. An oRT em ployee has been reinstated.but farther than this there Is no report as yet. Jourtutl. And that is all it will amount to. Col Lee will stay for awhile. THE Bustle The bustle may have gone out of fastion in the East, but it cer tainly has not at Conn Bros, popular groc ery store in this city. There all is stir and bustle, waiting on the crowd of customer that want groceries provisions and crock ery ware. Call on them for holiday groc eries, dolls, crockery ware, etc. Arrived. The steamer "Willamette Valley" arrived at the Bay from San Fran clsco last Monday, with twelve first class passengers and a .small freight. It crossed the bar with soundings from eighteen to twrnty-three feet, tying up at the wharf at Yaquina at 6 o'clock. Its passengers were considerably surprised to see the"Yaquina Bay lying a wrec againsi me jeuy. No Small Pox. Harry Kay and Bert Wilson, of Brownsville, who were in the city Sunday, stated that the Thompson family were residing in that city, and did not have the small pox nor were there any signs of it there at all. An Idea. Some one baa informed a Dem oceat man that every teacher in the primary department of the College since it was or e&aizad has obtained a husband. We have nnt investigated the matter thoroughly, but htiliuve there is enough in it to have several mora primary departmecta established. A Terrible Accident. A Mr. Arnold w ho resides on South Beach was engaged 5n chopping down a tree on Saturday last Hvhen his little girl, some three or four years old, ran In the way and was struck by a falling tree and both her legsbroken, one at the thigh the other at the ankle. Newport News, School REroat. The following Is the report of Providence school district, No. taught by C. It. Jones, for second month of school ending Dec, 7, i8S3: Number of days Attendance, 637; number of days ab sent, 7; number of times tardy, a; number of pupils enrolled first week, S3; second week, 30; third week, 35; fourth week, 36 daily average attendance, 32. Names of pupils who were not absent nor tardy dur ing the month arc Loffa Arnold, James Arnold, Franklc Ilostwlck, Eddie- Cyrus, Icy Charltan, Carson Charlton, James Cat felt, George CofTelt, Mollic C'offdt, Emma Davis, Gertie Davis Paulena Kruegcr, Dee Miles Hell Junes, Josio Miles Noah Miles, Ora Miller, Ernest Miller, Clara Miller, Waller Smith, Lizzie Young, Rosa Young, Harley Young, Addle Leever, George Lcevcr and Willie Leever. Persons who visited the school during the month were Fred Davis W C Miles Millie Davis W II Young, Mrs Miles and Mrs Ilostwlck Samuel Altiiolsk. Mr. Samuel Alt- houe, another old pioneer and a man uni versally cstceir.ed, died at his home in this city lust Wednesday, after an Illness of five or six weeks at the age of 63 years Mr. Althouse came to Oregon in iS.since which time most of his life was passed in Albany.wherc forycars he run the planing mill on Water Street. Ho leaves a w ife and four daughters, Mrs. II. F, Merrill and Misses Annie, Marv and Kate Alt house. several relatives and man v friends to mourn ne loss of a true husband and father and a faithful neighbor. Mr. Althousc wilt long be remembered for the high esteem in which he was held by everybody, the best of monuments to leave behind one. A Co.MPAiaisoN.--Mr. Denham and son and Mr. Wilcox, of Dakota, are in the city, looking over the country with a view to locating. While In the Oregon Land Co.'s ofllce Mr. Denham produced some Dakc ta red wheat and remarked that "when you can raise wheat like that, with your fine climate you ought to amount to some here." Some Oicgon wheat was produced and the Dakota wheat became very insig nificant. Besides being small.shriveled up, tired looking wheat. It Is worth three to five cents a bushel less than our wheat. A Democrat man had a hundred kernels of each weighed. The Oregon wheat weighed just 75 grains and the Dakota wheat 37 grains. Comment is not neces sary. Stood Up. Sunday evening about 10 o'clock Oscar Marshall was passing along Washington Street near the U. P. Church when a couple men stepped in front of him and told him they wanted his money. He started to run, when two more men ap pearcd on the oth-r side, Mr Marshall yelled, and the men cursed. Jas. Powell and Merrill Fish, who were standing In front of Mr Fish's then came up, a shot wai fired by one of the three young men and the would be robbers dispersed. Mr. Marshall admitted that he was somewhat frightened, as they were getting him down to close quarters when the assistance came. Somebody is going to get hurt, if this busi ness is not stopped. IIarrisblrg Council. The Harris burg City Council met last Monday. At the recent city election, three gentlemen T F Roach, J L Fuller and Dr Davis re ccived the same number of votes, 34, for Councilmcn. As there were four receiv ing higher votes and six constituted the Council cuts were to be drawn to see which two should be dccarled Councllmen. We are informed that three trial were made, each resulting the same. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Roach, the low licence men being elected, Dr. Davis, the high license candi date getting the blank each time. No. 10. Grange No. 10 011 Saturday t elected the following officers for the ensu. Ing year : Master, Thos Froman ; over seer, Morgan Henshaw ; lecturer, Nimrod Payne ; chaplain, A W Gordon ; secre tary, Nellie Wallace ; steward, Morris Payne ; assistant steward, J a DjJine ; treasurer, Robert Foster ; gatekeeper, Wm Wallace ; pomona, Louisa Froman ; ceres Nancy Henshaw ; flora, Emma Euchncr, LAS., Bertha Powell. Made a Circuit. Some gentlemen from Millers who wanted to iro to the court house Monday, took a wide circuit around the eastern part of the city, made a sweep from the south directly to the build ing, reaching there ii safety. They had heard for certain that there was smallpox in the Third ward, and didn't want to catch it. Keep cool, gentlemen, there's no small pox here. The Democrat will tell vou about it at once if it should happen. Dusty Mr. J. II. Burkhart returned Wednesday from San Jose, and has con cluded to make Albany his home. At San Jose it was very mild and street sprink lers were being run to keep the dust down. Here such a thing as a dust sprinkler to keep the mud down would be a fine thing. Made $1050 on It. Mr. John Long formerly of this county who bought the Reed property in Salem several months ago for $1,700, sold it yesterday to C S Riely for $2750, and Mr Rlely will aik $3500 for it. That little transaction is cer tainly a favorable item for the Capital city. Tub Chief Tone. Tho almost exclusive topio of conversation on the street ha been the disaster to lha Oregon Pacific's new steamer. People here have regretted the ac cident a much as if it were their own boat. knowing the construction the outside world was liable to place on the accident. Local Talest. Sive your money for the "Cou federate Spy," to bo presented Satur day evening. Those who have seen it re hearsed say it will be worth seeing. The money raised goes to the building fuDd of the OAR hall. Reserved teats for aale at Blackman's for SO cent. Admission, 25 cent. From Crook Co. Mr. Jas. El kins ar rive n the city a day or two ago from Crook county. He and hi brother Charlc brought 99 head of cattle to The Dalles, selling them for about $30 a head. Stock is looking well. Some snow had fallen and melccd. A Matter of Belief. A great many people on the Bay openly express an opin ion that the pilot grounded the vessel pur posely, and it is said that the captain shares this belief. Salem Statesman. Pork. Mr. A. S. Looncy left at a butch er shop to day a porker weighing 375. A 7 cents is paid porkers amount to something The market is almost void of hams and bacons. . ' - Robbed. A Chinaman claim to have been robbed of $40 by two men Friday night, near the bridge that -crosses the ditch on Baker Street,' Albany Market. Wheat-74 Oats 25e Batter 25 ill per lb. BABY ' CARRIAGES AT STEWART & SOX'S. TIH -..WARE AFIO EiARO WARE OF -ALLKIKDS AT DEY0E a OOOSOirS, I) IN US. Present Major Cowan, Recorder Hen ton and Councllmen Gradwohl, Wrltsman Tabler, Read and Hoffman, The following bills were ordered paid W W Crowdcr, $20.61 ; I Hayes, $S6.oo Huston & Co., $6.75 L Miller, $25.75 F E Allen, $6.00 ; city ngt Dcwltt, $3.85 city agt J Mahan, $3.8? 1 city net Frank Smith, $3.85 ; city agt John Kclley,$4.4S city agt Jas O'Brien, $4.45 city agt John Evans, $4.45 ; city agt Frank Jones, $4.4 I Hayes, $74.50 , N J Hcnton, $34.40 j 1 Hayes, $9.75 t city agt Adams $3.85. Duplicate warrant was ordered drawn In favor of Will Bros, for $2.50, on motion of Gradwohl. In matter of surplus water near depot It was ordered, on motion of Wrltsman, that ditch be dug along oth Street and culvert built under Montgomery Street, work to be done within ten days. Gas works ordinance was presented with amendments, under which work 1 to be begun by May 1st and gas started by Feb ruary succeeding, ordinance to be accept ed in thirty day. Adopted on motion of Wrltsman. Committee on charier reported as here tofore stated in the Democrat. Adopted on motion of Wrltsman and referred to committee on ordinance with instructions to draw charter In; with same. Moved by Mr. Gradwohl that cxpcnics of amending charter shall not exceed $25. Mayor and Recorder reported on city election as heretofore stated in the Demo- rat. On motion of 'Gradwohl adopted. Ordinance i providing for uniform to be worn by police officer on and after Feb. t, to-wit : Heavy navy blue coat. Prince Albert, and pants and patrolman's can cor responding to coat, and 12-Inch police club, was introduced and on motion of ! tollman referred. Moved by Gradwohl that the electric. light and gas works franchise ordinance be aid on the table lor the present. Passed unanimously after discussion. Moved ry Wrltsman that Mrcet Com- missioncr be instructed to notify property owners to clean 1st Street, Washington to Baker and latteral streets First to Second from Ferry to Lyon Streets Inclusive. Car ried. Communication was read from publish ers of Daily Herald asking for the city to take soo copies of it holiday edition at to cents a copv. On motion o'f Wrltsman rc-( f erred to committee on accounts and cur rent expenses with power to act. Matter of raising electric lightat 3rd and Montgomery Streets was referred. Bills allowed : A W McClaln. $ s I Jones $75-oo ; X II Allen,$nS.oo ; judges ana Clerks 01 city and Itrcmcn elections, $3rt.oo ; N G 1 lay nc, $6.00. Our Coal SI I or. Mr. William Walk I rnin to Portland a day or two ago reported to a newspaper man there that on the property in which he is interested five shafts which are three inches in diameter, have been sunk. At one point a depth of 140 feet was attained. In the bottom of this a seam of fine lignite coal, sixteen feet wide, was lound. in the middle snatt, hallway up the mountain, six and a half feet of coal was found. As depth is attained the coal is drier and of a better quality than that found ncarcMhe surface. The intention Is to have a line built from the narrow gauge road, which is but six anil a half mile frorrl the mine. There I no bridging to be done and the country I level. If the com pany owning the narrow gauge doc not build this extension so a to secure the trade, the gentlemen owning the coal mine will do the work. On the other side of the mountain from where Mr. Watkln's mine is located, coal has been found and two half sections have been taken up. At a point eighteen miles further cast, on the Santiam, another cnal ducovcry has been made. In fact, the whole country in that section I a good field for the coal prospec tor. Perhaps Linn county will have 1 regular coal mining boom. Who know, Teacher' Institute. Teacher and friends of eduation in Linn county, I wish to call your attention to the fact that State Superintendent McElroy ha appointed the 26th, 27th and 2Sth, of Dc ccmbcr, iSSS, for the purpose of holding a District Teacher' Institute in Corvallis Supt. McElroy is, a usual, working with untiring energy and propose to make this one of the most interesting meeting Leading educators from various parts of the State will be present to participate in the discussions and a most interesting time is anticipated. llnn county ranks well in the educational interest of the State, there fore, let every teacher who has the inter ests of education at heart be present. A cordial invitation is given for the co-opera' ion ot teachers trom this county. Dated this nth da of December, 18SS. L. M. Curl, Co. Supt., Linn Co, A Prompt Co. A few weeks ogo Mr Burr M. Sloan insured with Mr. Osco Marshall, agent, in the Bankers Mutual Re lief Association, home office at Fortland Through an accident he crippled one of his hands for several day. On Dec. 10 he received a check for $15 in full of his claim This is a safe, reliable, home company, and parties wanting a policy in a prompt com pany should insure wit'i Mr. Marshall in this company. . Accidunt are liable to happen any day. Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting o much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of tea gotothe Willamette Packing Co', store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to uc, a It Is hrst- class tea and warranted to give satisfac tion. Babies. The finest line of baby carri ages in the Valley just received at Stewart & Sox's. Price are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. Auction-. Auction every afternoon at M. T. Monteith's, at S. E. Young' old store. Good at your own price Muct be sold. Skates. A full line of new skate jatt re ceived at Stewart & Sox'. Just tho thing for Chruma present for the boy. J. P. Wallace, Physician imd Surgeon, Al' bany, Or An Improvement. A baggage room 20x30 feet, perhaps two stories high, is to be erected at the west end of the depot, and the out buildings moved to the east end of the platform, a long needed improvement For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only used two or three months. Call at this of .ice. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL ll.l PLEiV ENTG ' AT DE--'.YOE&ROBQON WRECKED. The Oregon Developmen Company' new steamer, the "Yaquina Bay," arrived at the Bay lat FrlJay, 53 day 9 hour from New York, when on account of se vere weather it remained outside the bar until Sunday evening. At 4 115 It crossed the bar, in fair weather, In over twenty feet of water, tawed by the staunch tug "Resolute." Wficn about half a mile In side, being a little east of south of New port, It run on ft, sandsplt In the following manner, and under circumstances to show that no discredit can be placed on the Bay as a harbor: Mr. Lord, the pilot, who had run thi boat from New York, turned It oyer to Copt Kelley, who ha been In the employment of the Oicgon Development Co. for several years and It wa under hi pilotage when the accident happened. . The tug was steaming along sounding from twenty to twenty-four fet. Kelley think ing It was not In the proper channel steered the "Yanulna Bay" considerably to the south. It wa drawing 1 1 feet 10 Inches of water. Just a tho tug cried out twenty- four feet by the mark, the ieamcr ran on the large sandspit that jut out from the south beach and tuck fast,untll next morn ing, when at 5 o'clock, the water being at high tide, it was towed oft At tho time there was a heavy wind from the north. When off the spit and In the channel all right, the tow line broke and the wind wept the steainci toward the south jetty It struck the rock of the jetty about half way from the east to the west end, near the south beach hotel. Our Informant, a reliable gentleman who Investigated the matter, who came over on the noon train, say there wa no doubt that hole were stove In the bottom and that it wa filling with water. It had careened toward the north and is undoubtedly a wreck. . Thc4'Yaqulna Bay" wa bought In New York recently for $175,000. it was 257 feet long, 22 feet hold and was finely equipped. It contained 350 tons of coal brought from New York for the company, and So ton of merchandise shipped from San Francisco to valley merchant. The los Is a very serious one, not only to the company, though the best wa In sured, but as well to the valley at large, a vicious and jealous section of the state will at once misconstrue the cause of the acci dent and lay the blame to the bay, when a nearly a we can learn It wa simply a case of carelessness Among those of this city who had mer chandise on the steamer were the following, with the estimated value : i fc oung, $600, Insured ; W F Read. $500, Insured ; L E Btaln, $400, Insured ; M II Parker, $700; Parker I'ro.. $100; Conn Bros, $250 ; P Cohen, $130. Some are not cer tain whether their good are insured or not, and it I not certain whether they will be lost A despatch at 1 1 o'clock stated that some of them would probably be saved, and it l posible thcsteamcr.on account of ine position 11 u in, may not oe an aosoiurc wrecK. I'lrrmcu' Klrrtlon. The firemen' election wa held Mon day afternoon ard wa a very quiet affair, though nearly every voting fireman In the city went to the poll. Following wa the result: For Chief Engineer. C II Stewart, 67; WEGillet,42: WFRead, 3. roT Assistant Chief. W K Blaln, ,41 E 1 Mur- L Thompson. n W F Read. 1 r.: la rav. c: W E Gillctt, V. W II Warner. 2; E E Parker. I : A W McClaln. t. W (I Warner and M E Brink filled the positions of iudiics and Geo Vassalo of clerk, with marked ability. IN MKMOKUM. To the officer and members of Oak Plain Grange, No. 6. Your commttte appointed to report an expression of th tense of this Grange, on the death of Bro. John A. Robncttjbcg leave respectfully to submit the following : Reiotvrtl, That in sorrow and sadness we humbly bow to a fate that is inevitable, and that sooner or later will fall to the lot of alt that live. JteolveJ, That In the death of Bro. Rob. nett, this Grange ha lost an honored mem. ber and the community a respected citizen, Jittolvtd, That the sympathy and con dolence of thi (i range," I hereby tendeied to Sister Robnett, and the bereaved rela tives. Renolved, That as a token ot respect for our departed Brother, our hall be draped In mourning and we wear tne usual badge. JtenolveJ, That a copy of these rcsolu tionsbeaent to Sister Robnett, and thit they also be pread upon the minute of our Grange, also that a copy be cnt to the llerald-Uissrminalor and Statk Right Democrat for publication. Respectfully ubmlttcd, W, M. Tower, A. W. Stanard, J. B. Cornett, Committe. ;0l.DKN III LB 1IAZAAU- Cask (Joes a Long Way at Jnllu UnJwaUl' I have made arrangement for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : ' Y dozen unhandled teacup and saucers, 35 ct. ' dozen unhandled coffee cup and au. cer. ac ct. Yt dozen h andled coffee cup and au cer, jo ct. Y dozen evcn inch dinner plates, 45 ct. These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are lor 30 day. JULIU GRADWOHL. Carpet. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 7 cents and two ply carpet from 40 cents to co cents. Carries a large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades A. B. MCILWAIN If you want a clean and fine amoke ask or J. Joseph borne made white labor ciga 1 s or sale by most cigar dealer ana at Joseph' factory. A splendid stock of library and hanging lamp just received afi WaUaca ot Thomp on'. Boots and SiiOES-Call at A. B. Mc II wain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, farmer price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. Clothing. A large arid complete 11 gents' clothing and furnishing good at A. J. ftlcliwain . in tne cioining acpan- raent he has a large line of pants, regular value. $e. which he win ell during the coming week for $3.50. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB 5 ROBSON'S. HOME AND ABROAD MONDAY, Mr. Simon Seitenbaoh i in the city, There U Juit 00 cents in Mariou ooonly xrnaury, The engagement of W 8 John to an Al Piny grata widow I announced. Thore I a rnoy on foot to organ!?. a Loan Baa uuuuioif sociaiion;in tni city. Mr 01y Wood worth return! last evening irom a trip to Kilentburg, W X and other W XCIIIOI. Th record of Yamhill county will t moyod from LafayetU to MoMinnvill on tb 7rn 01 January. W F Crosby, th wheat man. oam over tro n tho nay tin morning. We and ta nd he wa on the tug when tho tow line brok that let tho ateamer back on to th jetty. A It Chapman ha been appnintd O. P, gont at tdisoity, filling th position vaoatod by too ueaiu wwriM Adair. Mr E I Cuaiok. ol tbo bank of Cuwau k lUlston i lying seriously 111 at Ida father's borne in thu city, with pneumonia. Tbo apodal freight rate on freight of lha 0 It N Co will oxpiro Deo. 3 1st, 1388 and now 1 ate will bo iasned January 1st, 1881). Tb Pendleton paper ara discussing tho mimv. in. 1BlUvMT W0UIU like to bear from it subscriber on this anb. . 1 'PL I ......... . . a jeot. A New 1ork capitalist, who wa a slant among Imsiuest men, ha iust succumbed to tbo little ciaretU habit. Tbouuk small it i ft sorror. Tcr ifl 000 a Odd fuatur alutnt U!m. il hai a great many socials and tartia. la Al bany, though, they teem to ba xceodino'tv aoaroo. Somobody generally need to tit on 1 pi a. I'rof JM Uarrinon, well known bere, ha ast closad ft writina achoolat Ashland. Mi.. Lmni WatU. formerly of Sbadd. Won lha pruo for tbo most imprcyetnant. Dr. Chamberlain, tb r!atiy of Mr. St. oho, who arrived in the city a few dava a tro is making arrangement to open an o'Jiooin tbioeity. If i an hornuetjathia t.tiv.iiii.n and I well spoken of, '" C. II. f.uilerman. a mercantile cnntUm.n from Albauy, wa showo tbo tight of thi city by ox-rosidant of that nlac now in subind, this wek. and may come hera ta ttay.UAtbtand JUeord. Tillamook eouoty pay the mallctt Stata ta. 91,212.02 ; yst in proportion to tbo wealth of the conoty it is much more than Muianomab and Marion oountio pay, which, particularly teem to bo trying to o bow malf tax they can pay. Tbo steamer "Yaouiua City" wa wrecked at th Uy just a year and four daya ago. Tbo "Yaquina Bay" just wrtcked wa built in 1931 and bltsd boLwaan Naw York and liverponl for several year, tier trip to th coast, w oodorstod wa tbrftet ytt mad At a country daneo in tbo oulbro part of Montana Territory last week, one of tb gentlamen undertook to entertain tb com ¬ pany between tpell by giving a song aad a a oca, ana hilaiaain9t? (1 h dropped dead. I TUKSPAY. Mr William Garrett is back from tl front. C VV Fultou will tak Oregon' vote back to Washington. Albany Ssbbatb school aro til! in 1 at a rapid raU, and ChrUtmaa i coming. Go A Peebles, of Salem, has declined tho invitation to toacb tbo Baker City schooU. There ara lira oaae of smallpox in tbo La- Chapello family at St Louis Marion ooonty. Mr Dwight L Moody, tho vaastlist. baa been asked to com to Albany; but it U doubtod i he can bo secured for thi city. George McOowsn, baa been appointed re ceiver tI publi money at Urawtey, and Uobort J Slater register of th land oSico at that place. Mr D D Pretty mn. of Salem, wa in tho city to day on bia way hwn from Bcatoo county, wber b bad ben on ajyiait to bi brother. J II Mains of Albany, recently ipent ev- era! day in N'ewport, wlille boro purchased of S U Irvin a small tract of land near tho school boos. Newport AVir. Ooco ft person sit tb fever it rarely aver leave bim. Mr Cougill wbo wa postmis tress alaat Portland under th republican adounutratioo, 1 now a candidal for tb Port Townaend pottofuoo. Nearly all of cur exchange belie vo in ad vertising, and aro soing for delinqueot ub- oribera generally. One paper aays it will put a 1 account in tne bands of an attorney wber a year subscription i doe. Van (love, wf th Yaquina Pod, i taking lay off and ecttioflf to darned lazy to oat. If don't pet np mowaday on til noon. What would bo do if bad to Jig clams for a living? It i all nonoa for newspaper men to gee rich and spend bia time playing gen tleman and tinch. xaquina Rrpubuca. wr.DSE.1DAT. IT.Ewert, practical watchmaker and cw 1. Thompson k Overman keep tho best har nesses. Special bargain io fioorioz and rustic C. J. Dillon Si CV. Foot Lyon Street. 7 O.k care rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foahay & Mason, Agent. J A Archibald, asent Singer Mannfaotur log Co., oppoaito Odd Follow Temple, Al bany, Date, fig, etc., at Pfoiffer . Holiday good at French' Baby carriage at SUwart k Sox'r. Bargain in ailyerwaro at French's. Freeh cbeatcutfat Francis Pfeifler's. Moody baa been secured for Salem for few day. Tho mud must go. See tho council pro ceeding. Low pi Ice 'Cn er Jewel ry toro. Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot and shoe repairing. The best om fectiouary in the city at Fran ois Pf eider' Gold and silver watches. Big barcams in them at French'. Mr N H Allen has lwen on the streets to day with cratches. The price in potatoes has droppod in San Francisco several cent. Bis Mack Mcnteith i clerking in the tore of Montehh k Seitenbach. For holiday candies, nut, etc ia'l at the Willamette Packing Co' (tore, A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brownell & Stanard. The "Yaquina Bay" it is claimed wa the perional property of Col Hogg. Tho sow city officers will assume their new duties on tho 7th day of January. The head offioe of tho 0 k C is to le trans ferred from Portland to San Francisco. Mr James Carothers, father of Mrs Fred Qraf, returned from his trip to Illinois yes terday. Mr DuBoise, formerly of the Chemeketa hotel, of Salem, ha been in tho cits v eraf days. Francis Murphy, the Treat blue ribbon man, la coming to tne i'acine eoasfi ims winter. - -- - The 0 P train was late about four hour to-day, on aooount of ft land slid near To ledo. . , . - ; .. A three atory building i to bo eieotod in Jefferson aoon and several petitions are oat for the postoffice. Mr Martin Payne ia prepared to tak first-class boardors at her residence oppocit the Congregational Church, Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, i to be found at French' "Xha Corner Jewelry Store.'' Prices low. " k team belonging to Mr J A Gross, being I driven Dy a oirea nana, ran away jww usy ne the Cahpooia bridge, doing bat slight an mage. SECURE ; PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW - GOODS AT DEYOiS & ROBS ON Maklnff a tneakltv of candle, nuts. ate. Franoi rfeiffer can dobetter than any w her 10. Its main ber thi in getting your boliday ooniot!onary. Tber ar between two and tbreO million feet of log awaiting high water on tho Call pool. They will bo brought to Albany on toe tint opportunity. Triplet wcr rteontly born to tba wlfo of John Wyatt at Philomath, two boy and a girl Their united weight wa 14 'A pound. Toxa will now bav to oeaao it crowing. Hiram S Richard, formerly of thi city. na boon appointed potmater at Price, Crook oonnty. Wa predict MrRiobarda will make a Naby that not vn tho nw admin. istt ion will want to remove. Mr C II Walker, of Warm Sorinoi. bna- band ot a former Albany lady. Mia Mar Wheeler, wa fifty year of a era on Dan 7. and it said to bo tb oldest white person boro west of tho Itoeky mountain. Tb citizen of Albany and vicinity ara in vited to oallat F. M. Frtnob'. "Tha Corner Jewelry Store" and ae hi stock of Christ, ma pretcuta, and examine prioe, which will be found very low. A very fin thins ia tho New Mikado Si phon oil can, for by Conn Bro. All yon hay to do I pump and tho oil comes, and a lamp it at oaaii V emptied if desired. Notb- likoit. ' movau aoout almost unnettcen la the 001 ri-1 dor of tho Fifth Avenue Hot! yesterday, ay tho h. Y. World Yet laaomo respect tli tanguia, thongbtful looking Western lawyer and politician is one of tb most Inter, esting political character of the decad. Mr. 0 rover, who it, it U airf, a distant relatiyo or uroyar Cleveland, and of Leouaad (j rover, tu piaywrigiit, moved rut into tbo Broad way current and wa aoeo lott to view. Tangent. IUv. J. C. McFarland i conducting ft pro- tracteu meeting at l hi piao and w lop thero will bo much good don. Meeting I very veiling. W think that it would b a good thing for all of u to read the' third chapter of James. 1'ber i 50.000 bushel of wheat rtmaiuintr i .1. ... . .... . "i in mo warehouse at mi pic. On yacint hou ia Tangent. i nerr hum one onteruinmont bera on Christina vo given by tb Sunday School and tbo public. Tbo best fir in winter ia mad up of ex rciM, and tba poorcftt of wbiaXey. H that bmm warm 00 uqnor I lik man wbo pail aim noaa to Piece to IMd Ut nro blaoo. There has been a a-antr of aboriginals in m thi vicioty begging. They y they aro from Mexico. nald4 to Death. Puyallup.W. T.,Dec. 10 At 8 o'clock thi morning the passenger train from Ta. come to Seattle, standing on the main track here, having but just arrived, wa run Into I irom the rear by way freight train rso. is, of thirteen cars, engineer , isoane. The freight engine crashed ten feet Into the Pullman "Mandan." Mr. T. B. Wilcox of Portland on a pleasure trip with her hus band, wa In the Pullman dressing room and wa fata'ly scalded by escaping team. Adwtner lady had her ankle sprained by jumping from the car. Tb River aad Harbor Bill. WAftitixoTOK, Dec 10. The river har bor bill ha been oompleted by the commit tee , and will be reported to the house early thi week. It appropriate in round num bers $ 1 3,000,000. The exact amount ap propriated for special localities cannot be given to-night, but approximate estimate include the following: Improving the Miss ouri river, $375,000; Columbia river, Ore gon $250,000; Oakland harbor, California, $137,000; Yaquina bay, $65,000; Humboldt, $65,000. Mob fired Oa. Birmingham, Ala., Dec 9. A crowJ which had been teen collecting on the street for several hours '.ast night, at mid night advanced on the county jalL with the intention of lynching R. R, Hawe. charged with the murder of hi wife and child. Many of the best citizen tried to reason with the crowd and prevent trouble and some lost their live In the attempt. When the crowd wa within a ft w leet of the jail door and had failed to heed num erous warning, the officers opened fire upon them, killing three men instantly, fatally wounding seven and wounding more or less seriously about thirty others. Look llerel We ar: closing out our stock of boot and shoes, and to tho w you that we mean what we tay quote you a few of our price Ladies' best French kid button shoe at $4 35, regular price, $(..50, none better In town ; ladles extra quality t rencn aid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies, good French Lid. button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladle bright Dongola, iJ 75. regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright uongoia, button, neat ana gooo, 32, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg ular price, $3; ladle' American kid, $1.25 regular price, $2 ; child" oil grain button school shoes, from $1 to $1.20; ft few pair of ladles' rubber, 30 cents to 40 cents; men rubbers, 50 cent; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. Brown ell & Stanard. Drcs Shoes. A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's, best In the city, at G W Simpson'. They range in price for from St. 50 to $3.50 giSagXr1"" :ucn shoes, sTmis, shoes. -in thi. line w TZ?ZZZMer will receive a knife will be put to goods c&Sffi mentas they must go. j -v... jiioNTEiTit a oeitenbacii. 23,000 Worth of Dried Fralt Wanted. And I must have It. Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to I the price of vour fruit. No offer made on fruits unloaded and placed In any other house in my line in the city. If you be .ieveln the doctrine of buy ing la the cheap est and selling in the highest market and have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourseit ana xamiiy. AO saissiy vourself, call and get my price. Yours respectfully, r. COHEK, Albany, Or. Surveying. Mr. E.T.T. Fisher is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at tea- sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township p'.ats in the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county 8V A Pleasing Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the nseef Syrup of Figs, a it act in harmony with nature to . effeo- tnallv olaanaa th vstem when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and f 1 bottles by all leading drnegist. Masqreradk Ball. At the opera house Friday evening. Dec ai, under the man agement of W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford & Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the masaueraders as well as cf all present If yourare fond of sweet music come and listen KQ Crawford's orchestra. Tickets, $1.50. 1 . . . . . - . Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- v . al son's. ;Sp'8cial bargains Having decided to retire from business In Albany, we will offer oor OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF -CONSISTING OF r Dry Goods,Fancy GoodsJ01dtlling,, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Furn ishing Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Etc, AT COST WITHOUT RESERVE I For the Nest 40 Days Only. The entire stock miist be -AND- The Knife Will WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. This is a genuine Closing Out Sale of the well known firm of Seitenbach & Monteith, and pur- on goods bought. Early . . I o H TT rs n t. er A nf t.hA laTCTA WJJ W W . w select from, M0NTE1TH I 9 D G GENERAL MERCHANDISE closed within six weeks Be Put to Prices ! net saving of 25 percent callers will securo the -. A.1 A,-' and. 1111 DrOH.f3H SSMJUiS. liO & SEITENBACH Albany, Or.