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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1888)
Are the republicans of Michigan Already on the run? The Detroit Tribune ay, In County Election, the light of the local option decision: WHAT L. E. BLA1N HAS. "UlalneV plurality over Cleveland In 1884 was only a,8o8. We cannot lose many who were with us then and carry the ticket Unofficial Returns. this full unless wc offtct Mich Iohscs bv gains Gentlemen of the republican national I convention, It Is just a Important to hold s Michigan as to rcgnil I milium, Connect Undent and New Jersey. U l foolish to deny that Michigan Is very close state." An immense number of suits of clothing, drees and business, for men and boys, Prices low when ) quality is considered, The Tribune then mnke a frantic appeal for the nomination of Alger as a means of 59 making the state "safe." w 13 : : . S5-S:: r 8 : Fl : : : : g : : 3 4 ....rt jMiHo 1 1 I ' T 1 1 ' "1 jy"" Several Democratic Congressmen who have hitherto been opposed to the Mills bill have declared their intention of voting for that measure. Thcv have hcatd from their constituents. f ft i r i MM fci M MM MM M M CV-r 0 vi m400 OnO Cm w O 0b9vtM MM W MM M M Ui V Mvn m ( vQ W 4 O M uu O 0 OMUW nlA COO M M 00 M O " "O C W 00 -I i5J.nOi CM" - m4 M MM V UVnMWt OXn W H v! u w J-J j U 00 U kJ- 0 WWmvO O - J W U. MA 1 - QpO i 00 QUI W M -1 SihIm 0 0Ul 0 4 m 4 A Ui JIIUM jpopjo 3UAJJ U8pjvq.i m 50 o y 9 & 8 Congressman Dreckenrldgc having called j attention tothat from 1875 to 1887 the sheep of south hud Increased from 3,000,000 to ,aoe,ooo, while those In New Knglandand the middle states hud decreased from 0,000, ouo, to 8,000,000, the Boston ItmrM wants te know just where the sectionalism In the free-wool schedule comes in. 9a ui 4 nviui m(m 0 o o 02 vi edt t SS 5 v? O? 3 w tu.!Vr, jauiw! n o e a e a o There Is no reason In the world why any man should be restrained from acting on his inpendet judgment as to the tariff, and all over the I'nion thoiuand of those who have heretofore worked with the Re publican party understand this fact and will no longer support the party unless It will undertake a substantial reduction und reform of the tariff. 1 hsye just received an invoice of (ho ctlebmt'ci Thompson Glove Fitting Corset, ono of tho oldest t C it reliable make known, lahtokeep o full aanortmentG The Ball's Coil Spring Health Corse! Dr. Warner' Health Corset, A vory large stock of shoes and boots, a splen did one to select ficm, as it contains all grades at prices to suit. M.C i -3. sTWMtis3tllltt4t4e5r2 on8.,uoK O C sJ OV s45Mvj24 tasC(S j - sAt:( xous 9 M Q iaci ? ivisArfM4SSUrtk8S is k ? I o ISZZ o -MP I i' -i '"J. j c ''5 i "? -1' Z :V 2s S 'c - ?'t uuiuif; JMUCO 9" 1 M M M M M S u - ceu oj - cas S Q M W C J apA'll H 1 n m m e 3 I 5 m IHW O-i UJ C 1 . W iT - 1 w Otut O si OO-js On gcu CSsl 5 i 0i "sf -vJ o ocv! 5 is SStiJlS oKo 0C 8000 - 0 U; w . cp-jy 7, Zi w ee-si 91 Oui M u ocoou 1 o c o Ui m m a A ta (?'-" oo-! 7, 7. 0 - Modoco "!limI 9as ' ' UOpUVJQ H9MOJ nopi t:y 9 5 3 o I 3 Kurklrn'a Arnica lr The boot mslvo In the world for i uM, HrtiiMOM, Horeo, Uloera, Holt Kheum, Fover Moreo, Tetter. Coapped tUii(l, ChllbialDa, Conn and all nam fM-uotiona, ana tioaf lively euros Pilau, or no nay required. Ii ts guarantee i to irive iri t noitaracOD. or moony rofundMl. trtoo Sft eentn per box. For sale b Foalxay A Mason, 9 -I Its Delirory of Flavor and the efficacy of lu action bare render ed the famoua (V.ifornia liquid fruit retn- ir. Hyruo or firm, immeoeeiy popular. It oleanaoo and tooeo up the cloRxed and feverish ay stem, and dii colds and fever. For Msson, B'taidea a full tine of FRENCH WOVEN COESET Dozens of styles of the very latest gocds in neckwear, and prices remarkably low. 50 cents buys a necktie of splendid quality and 25 cents a good one, and eotaete varying in prico from 50 cent! to $3.00 each, and lengtba of abdominal, nursing, and Miasea ooraeta, wniata for children ami Mtvae . T keep ext -a aiae and evarythiog it dlaoela headache. ale by Foehay A gnu Samuel E. Young. A variety of styles of hats hardly equalled this side of Portland, and a stock of furnishing gcods extensive in its nature. s -s sue t i V& tiS I- M eooK' Ajjads ojoqg 8f n - O O '-r O mMMm 3 X - C04- U. M t M M M m m. m v, A A OCn - 0C3jc.'J5 V m V U CU bslUM) WmmC. a r e s o ri fe; ir-vi o s v, m. y, rty, V)-- -I 7 O-'l u GO Sl g a- -i. 1 -- Ui Vi DatJI . C U)C sj WMslVl U O U --4 H"D "''iinM uosoipy jauuoo,( JOtJ eoqs auoo 3uM I 9 -3 r o I lNTEREMTI.(i ITKMS. It is said that the poet Tennyson some times spends hours on a single line. A Texas horse thief has been known to do the same thing. The Lawrence Tribune makes a motion for a cat tax. The town not 'only needs the revenue, but the sleep that would result from such a regulation. A Tuscola county, Mkhman has,during the past eleven years, been tapped 134 times for dropsrnd 3,500 pounds of water taken from his body. The Western Lumberman says there is a big over-supply of logs in the Mississippi this season, and that the demoralization of the lumber market is threatened. The monkeys are so thick in the state of Tabasco, Mexico, that it is almost impossi ble to build a telegraph line. They all get on the wire and swinr until it breaks. The Fond du Lac Common-wealth doubts if Wisconsin is to have an Arbor day, and says : "Wisconsin people arc too busy cut ting trees to think of planting them. The juryman who sleeps through the whole trial and awakes and listens to the charge of the judge is the safe roan of the twelve ; he knows something ; the eleven are only fuddled with the evidence. The pressure of the atmosphere upon every square foot of the earth amounts to 2,160 pounds. An ordinary sized man,sup posing his surface to be fourteen square fect,sustains the enormous pressure of 30, 240 pounds. CUKIOITK WOKK OF A ( VCLOMA Some of the incidents of the recent tor nado at this place are very interesting, in asmuch as they forcibly dcmontrate the natural law of momentum and resistance. In T. Belcher's yard may be seen a coal oil barrel, which is made of the hardest oak with a small pine loard sticking entirely through it, the hole made as smooth as if the board had been lead instead of soft wood. A cow, the property of J. W.IIam brick,was found dead with a ham of bacon, which had -truck her back foremost, stick ing in her forehead. A pine lath wax found in a standing oak tree, sticking through the middle of a limb two and one-half inche in diameter, while straws are still to be seen sticking in the thick, h?rd bark, as though they had grown there. Mt. Ver non ( fa.j Jirriter. LP POWDER Absolutely Pure. A msrrW 4 portty. More tr?3uHM br.iary kiwis. mad mdw( tw nut , ottsioo with the asumsesw of W tost, snort wirnHaatcsjieasoasiseusasii, motes cab, hartx ttuuoe WmSm . 108 W THE PLACE. My ail mean coll -n 'arker Brothers, Sucrtitor to Johu Fur, fir yomr Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc , Etc. Tboir good: are the'txiNt and their prit i WMawia Atkooy Market.. Wbett-Ue. OoU-JWc -20 tU per lb. Mi y -I5.CO. Potatoes 53 eta per bushel. Bee-on foot, 3 If Apples -1 (M cents per tu. PorK60 per II reoeod. itsvoona hauia. 120. shoulders, 7c idea lOo. lArd loo per lb. mvt-yn per bbl. tiirkeoo-2.50 jior do. Hit Feed bran, 14.00 per ton short, 10. middlings, 90 Chop . ALTAGO, 9320. FOR SALE, it very tow retca. Lumbar, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prtoea at yard on Otb St,. The oaatofO. AC awlUsh. W. W, CR0WDER. A Boston woman fifteen years ago touched her tongue to some lye, and re cently It became necessary to cut It out- It is said of John Bright that he h the only scceHsionist Liberal of prominence in England whose name U never hissed when mentioned at a meeting of his former po- j itical supporters and nympathlzers. The ' respect inspired by his long life of unselfish ! abor for humanity will ittand heavy drafts without being exhausted. Mr. Bright' present political attitude is inconsistent with his previous course.but no one doubts f O I I ... n,s..nceruy,anasnou;u n.s present Mines ;nnlnmVl.a n;nlTrtiaa 0TWi IBniOT7l0l prove fatal all will do him honor at the viuiuu, mujuioo auu xiiujuiuo. grave. New stock cf 1888 pattern bicycles just received. Bargains in second hand wheels all sizes and prices. Call and examine stock or send for catalogue free, The Queen of Denmark is deaf, but fond of music, and has a big powerful organ that she can hear. It is said that the discussion of the Fish eries Treaty in open session of the Senate is due to Mr. Sherman's tactics to secure the presidency. If this be trtie.the experi ment of publicly discussing treaties is like- y to prove two things. One is that the operation is entirely safe for the country, and the other is that it will not make Sen ator Sherman President. An exchange says there is no occupation so healthy as kicking. If this be true the democrats of Oregon in general, and Linn county in particular.should be a very heal thy set of fellows, for in the campaign just closed they have been "kicking" vigorously rom Congressman down to Constable. Every day now a notice is posted in some iron or steel works announcing a reduction in wages, and every day the howl is heard that a reduction of the tariff would paralyze this industry. As the tariff has not been reduced yet, this monotonous cutting of wages must be big bluff, or else the tariff does not hold supreme sway over the metal markets after all. A Russian troupe which plays on twenty - four pianos at once is on its way to London Russian hostilities against England have seldom assumed so aggressive a form. Aa Allowance of 5 per eent will be allowed all cash buyers alBrowael! ft 8 Canard's J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for WHITTIER & THOMPSON, Plain and Ornamental Painting and Paper Hanging, CEILING DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY Work done on short notion either in cit rom dlry. Charges reasonable i 1 1 w k Tn u)tn A Ol'MI 1 W OirU wortlftg for at. Ajet.t. prsfHTwl who cm funiinh tMr own bates eod f ts ihir whoW Um to tnuiiMes. tosr nionsts any bs MvAtsbly employed lo. A Isw taoaocfes In Ujwp wl cilUa. B. r Johiuon and Co., 1000 M.m tt., Hi. ..mead, fa. r ft n CO CO CO HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, ant' very thing usually kept in a first-class sh p. Repairing carefully and promptly d e E. L, POWER, Prop'r, FAULTLESS! AirNature to (aultlesa and so to that noble d recovery, contaiaing oaly Na ture' own re me die, ''The" It i benefit to the human race. KEEP UP YOUTH. HEALTH, VIGOR by the use 01 PLUNDER'S Oregon Blood Purifier Quick and Complste Cera of all Dtoaaaae of the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieve ucnsttpauon, uyspepeia and Blliouanees.aad puta fresh energy Into the ayatem by maictae New, Kich lllood. Take it intime.riaht now. n:; it cannot be beat as 1 1 preventative of dlaeaae. -ild and used everywhere. Si a bottle. 6 for Is. Eleetrio Bitters. This remedy is becoming so wull-knowu and bo popular aa touted u special mention AH who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do ail that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure ail dis eases of the Liver and Kidneys, wiil remove Pimples, boils, Salt Kheuin and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of head ache, constipation and indigestion try Elec tric Bitters entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Priea 50 ots, and 81.00 per bottle at Poshsy A Mason's Drug store U Consumption Incurable ? Read the following : Mr C H M'ris,New- ark, Ark., says ; "Wan down with abscess of langf, and friends and physicians pro nounced me Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr King's New Discovery for Cou sumtioo, am now on my third bottle, aud able to oversee the work ou my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made, Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says : "Had it net been for Dr King's New Dis covery for Consnrppfciou I would of died vi Lang Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Ann now in best of bealt," Try it .Sample bottles free at Pot hay A Mason's Drugstore PUBLIC SALE. OF SHORT-HORN Durham Bulls. I will nell at Ann Marshall', Albany Oregon, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1888 f Ma head ofShort Horn Bulls. '1 bos bulls were brought from Missouri lat Fall, and havo become soul i mated Tboy are one and two years old, and ready for service. Terms made known on day of -c;e WM, FUQUA, Parker's, Oregon, 3 YEAR OLD RECORD 2:42. Fast and Game Son of Mtamont, 2:26 34, and Maggie Arnold, 2:35. Will be at J. 8ohtner tade. Albany, Fridays and Saturday of each week. The balance of ike time at J. W. MeKnirrntSi farm 4 mite weat of Lebanon oa Narrow ttauge K. It. Pasture will tie furnUhed at Ibis farm at f- Pr month. Aocl nta and cap, at owners risk. Take notion of bis remarkable brooding : Slrad by Altaraont (Wagon record '2:2br) Ktrat dam Maggie Arnold ( record kU, public trial JfeJWla'i bv Almont afeuibrino (full brth.r to Mauto We. dm of Mc Mahon 2.121, Durango 2:23K) by Almont. Second dam Alice Drake (dam of Norman Medium 2:'J0; Alloe Adtaon, M8M It Maggie Arnnld. J.85 ; AtUno. 4 yeare, 2:41) by Alexander' Normsu aire of Lulu 1:141? . May Queen. Third dam by Pilot, Jr. Sir of the dame of Maud 4., 2m , Jay Kyo See, 2:10. A '.lament (the aire of Attago) aired Almonelte, 2zVB ; Kipbun, 5 year. ZXIH i Alia, yearn, 2A1H ; Ztlophone, 287 : Lady ltoaoh. '2:38 ; Coquiia, 4 years. 29 ; Oneoo, 8 year, 2:12; Atugo, 3 years, 1:42 i Prloesnomont, 2 yenra, 2:49k ; Alia A., 2 year, 2&W $ and many other game aud fast horses besides holng the only horse now living in the Northweat that U standard through his brooding bis own performance and the perferntance of his progeny. Almont Mambrlno (the aire of the dam of Altago) baa a record of 2:46 and ehowed a 2::8 gait at Falrlawn before he wan sold, Me was from the loina of the great Al mont ou: of a Mambrlno "bief mare, being a full brother to Mettle West, the most wonderful brocd mare tust ever Used according to her opportunities. Alexander' Norman (the aire of Alloe trake the second dam of Altago) aired Lulu, .'.! 4 ; May Queen, 20, and la grand at re of Proline, 2:18 ; Moody, 2:18 ; Fany Bob inson, 2:283; Blackwood. Jr., 2:22, aod 21 other in the 2J0 list. Pilot, Jr., (Sire of the 3rd dam of Altago) was directly the aire of John Morgan, 2:24 ; Tacky, 2:28 1 Taller, 2:38. and 6 others with records of 2:30, or better, and is grands're of Maud H. 2:08 H ; Jay Kre See, 2:10 ; Nutwood, 2:lh ; NoonUde, 2:20 ; Mambrlno (lift, 2:20 ; Pilot Boy, 2:20 ; Naiad Queen, 2.-20J Vtklng 2:2S, and 33 other In the '30 list. A stock of goods all itself on inspection. Fosters together that speaks for , Albany, wr. Knapp, Burrell & Company, We invite a careful study of the blood line that concentrate in the pedigree of this ung boree He has some of all the best In hi veins and nothing lu h.'s veins but what is of the best, take uoiioe, he has the blood of the 4 greet fountain heads. Ham otetonlan, Mambrlno Chief, Alexander's Norman and Pilot, Jr. lie has 3 crosses to Mambrlno Chief, ibe heed of the Mam brim family and 2 creeses to llambletoniao the founder of tbe Hambtetonian family, while Norman sired hi second dam and his third dam was a daughter of Pilot Jr. Don't oyer look tho fact that tbe blood of these great bora Is 1 ended ''.own to him through tbe very speediest and beet chsnnels. lieeldes be Is a trotter himself a very important thing ror a man to know when be is breeding for speed. No horse bred like this backed up with a three year old record of 2:42 can do otherwUe than get speed at the trolling gait. Tee fee required for bis service te ir neiow in at or any horse standing in uregon. of tike breeding and inuivldaut sxcelsnoe. You that are breeding In the direction of light harno blood tlon't ovorloek Altago, He will be allowed to serve mare at S35 to inure. Payable wbeo the mare is known to ha In foal or has changed owner. Season 825 payable at time of service, not re sponsible for accidents. ror fuither information or extenMe I ie!igieo, ail irev D. B. MCKNIGHT, Albany, Oregon. AT COST. AT COST. Hsvinp purcksaed tho stcck of goods of SIiskc & Lonnwav I v ill sell tbe Nsme at coat until closed out. That rnrana nson-y in your Pocket. No such bor gains evtr before offered. I havo also pinches?! ih hat.ktupt stock cf HAY & ASH BY, of Harrislmig rontiMfag of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and General Merchandise. will be sold at COST WITHOUT RESERVE. MY 5C, IOC, I5C. AND 25 CENT COUNTERS osd-d wiihai tides worth twice their price. Sever a) ilnuid if variety. Bargains in all of them. G. W. SIMPSON, Albany i Oregon. Have in stock a complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every description including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and McOormick, Mowers and Binders, HoHing8worth and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. aieo a full line of first-class CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. Call and examine the goods and got catalogue of prices, whioh are greatly reduced for trade of 1888. F. H. R0SC0E, Manager, AT COST I Hkiiij: dcitid lo c'ce oot oi business h no, wj wiii sell our ENTIRE STOCK OF- FURNITURE. If you want the best and most (hi ruble furniture that is manufactured in the city go lo Thomas Brink. He keeps almost evetytbing in tbe line of furniture that is kept in a first ( lass house S PRINGFIELD SAW MI SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard aud Office ou Ra!Iroad St., between 4th aud 5th Street Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed for the or prompt and satisfactory filling the trade. orders, I respectfully solicit a share of A. Wheeler. Clothing, furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Trunks, Valises, St At Cost ! Those wishins bargains will call early befora this steak is broken, as these goods matt be sold within tho next 90 days. C. B. Roland& Co. UI JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cgars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C'trars, Piuaann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and a f nneofSmokirs' i.rtieies, Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkhart A Keeney's Heal Estate Office, Albany, Oregon.