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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1888)
- . FHIDAY JUNK , 1888. 8riTB3 & NUTTING. Rilltir .i-i.i lrarlelor. RKr. MliTNttU. t,eal Kdltar. iter.) I At the Pjat Ornoo at Albany, Or a second-olaas mail matter. Attkmit to Break Jail, Saturday three prisoners in the county jail, who were In the corridor, where they were al lowed to remain during the day, attempted to break jail, by sawing the bars off In the front door ol the corridor. They succeed ed in getting one bar completely off.whlch was more than they intended, and had tuck it on again with tallow, when the vigillant eye of Sheriff Smith discovered the trick, and they were all placed In their cells for safe keeping. Morgan, the Hoff man & Pfciffor thief ; the man who at tempted to burglarize Livingtone's house, and the man who robbed the loggers camp near JcffV' mi were the ones Interested in the affair. The two half-breed had noth ing to do wi.h it. ThkRukCrkek Akkair. A gentle man from Rock Creek says the manor men who shot at Chas. Thomas arc not and probably will not be known. It is claim ed that there is an organized vigillants committee, consisting of five to twenty men, who propose to protect their homes, which he claims have been threatened by the Thomas Brothers, lie says strong state ments have been made.and serious trouble is feared. A number of arrests will prob ably be made, at least are threatened. More Con mbias. Monday, 2. if. Rudd, of Peoria, was in town and took home with him a new 53 inch Columbia light roadster bicycle, which he bought of J. P. Hall, the Columbia agent at Albany Zone believes, like the majority of riders that the best is always the cheapest, and consequently rides a Colu.nbia. Mr. Hail also reports selling another Columbia to Charlie Parks, of this city. "CutM." You all remember "Clem," Clement, Mr. Clement. Along in 1880 before and after he sang bass, in Albany, and was a good fellow generally, and as poor as a door mouse. He went to Taco- ma. embarked in the real estate business and int-csted some him-elf, a short time ago he sold out for the neat sum of :. UUO, and hence is new a rich man, which serves him just riht. There are many in Albany who will rejoice at ,4Clem's" de servedly good fortune. Sold Cmkap. Saturday the old St Charles Hotel property, including two lots and the two lots now occupied by Chris Houck, were sold at Administrator's sale for the sum of $1900. Mr. Earl Race, of Boise Citv, was the purchaser ; who. we arc informed, will repair the building in comp ete shape and start a fintt-clawi hotel. At the same time the old Grange store building was sold to Chris. Houck for $600, the fair grounds to Mrs. Houck for $350 and 'A lot west of the Exchange Hotel tor $50. All remarkably cheap. A Silvkrtov Item. -Archie (i. Wol- fard, the son of J no. M. Wolfard, the mer chant and hotel-keeper of that city, has re cently left home, and no one knows where he went, although he came to this city and boarded the train for the south. Archie was about twenty -two years old, and mar ned Elva Beard on the first of last March. The young husband and wife did not get along yery well, so he left home. The af fair has created quite a stir there. Salem Journal. $106. Last Saturday the junk rig of Mr Friedman was sold ac auction on First Street, by Sam Cohen, auctioneer, for t'le sum named, Mr. Dick Peters being the highest bidder. He received in the bargain two horses, two harnesses, and a lumber wagon. It was not a gold mine for either the buyer or seller. An admiring crowd, which was very plenty, witnessed the transaction. Election Ch.ars. Probably as useless an institution as there is in the world is the box of election cigars. . Monday a box went off in a few- minutes, mostly to Benton county voters, and in one case one man alone in a few minutes succeeded in cap turing fourteen. This is simply a sample of the way the thing goes. Resigned. Rev. Rominger, the able pastor of the Congregational Church, last Sabbath handed in his resignation, to take effect by the 1st of September, or sooner in case the puipit shall be supplied. Rey. Rominger making this move on account of having been offered the pastorate of the Congregational Church of East Portland under very favorable circumstances. Ax Effort. There seems to be a com bined effort among the transcontinental lines to prevent the completion of the Ore gon Pacific through to Boise City. The late act of the Southern Pacific providing that all freight delivered to that road must be paid before being turned over to the O. P. is one of the pieces in the program to injure the road Come Ov. Mr. Geo. W. 8mith, of Ieb. anon, has sold his store and tinware busi ness to Swan Bros., and will move to this city. Now that Mr. Smith was not nom inated for Nheilff by the Republicans we will say that he is a pretty good business man and will make a good citizen, whom we gladly welcome to Albany. Thunder. A good, lively thunder storm roared around Albany Friday afternoon. We need more of them, for they indicate electricity in the atmosphere, an article we are deficient in in Oregon. One or two thunders a year that only mut ter clear off in the foothills hardly accus tom us to them. Capt. Puwf.i.i..-Captain Charles F. Powell, of the corps of United States engi neers, who was formerly attached to the office in Portland, reported for duty at 8t. Louis on Sunday last. Capt. Powell is now secretary of the Mississippi river com mission. Pay master r Monday morning Pay master Iloguc of the Oregon Pacific, was in the city and made the attachees of the road happy by paying for two months la bor, leaving only a small amount due. The road is just about as prompt as any of the Oregon R. R's. While Picking Cherries. Yesterday while picking cherries, this side of Millers, the 18 year old son of E. T. T. Fisher, fell out of a tree to the ground, breaking his right arm. Dr. Wallace was sent for and attended him. Sudden Death. Tuesday morning.Mr. L. Fanning,a pioneer and old and respected citizen of Li nn county, had sat down to breakfast, and had just taken a drink of coffee when he fell over, dying instantly. Lightning. The lightning last week struck a fence pott in the yard of Mr. Ry an, at Tangent, completely shattering it. It is a very rare occurrence for lightning to strike in Oregon. Tournaments. it is fully decided that the regular State tournament wifl be held at Seattle. Portland, though will hold a special tournament. 1 Linn Co, Men. The following Is from Tuesday's Corvalli limes, and is about some Linn county men. "After the polls closed last evening, the saloons were opened and In less than an hour the streets were lined with staggering men. An oc casional fight kept an anxious crowd run ning from one street to another to learn of the disturbance. Those who furnished Hie greatest attraction, perhaps, were Wallace Hulburt, Jake Maple and W. H. Maple, of I. inn county. They were all drunk and disorderly and had trouble at Maddux & McCourr saloon with some of the residents f this side of the creek. They were per suaded bv the marshal to go home but were too full to go peaceably and the result was they w ere arrested nt the ferry bout and taken leforc Recorder St. "..m . where !ln plead guilty anil were lined $10 each, hut being short of funds gave their watch as security. Afterwurds a cotnplainUwas sworn out against Lewis Dyer and wm. Kinerick for taking a very prominent part in the affray. Dyer pled' guilty and was fined $10, and Kmerick's hearing was set tor 10 o'clock this morning." Exciting Thursday afternoon whllt the Democrat wus being run off, Firs street was the scene of a wild and hilarious runaway. A dray team was in front of F. M. French's, for whom a new show case was being unloaded. Mr. F. 8. Doughten came out from Stewart & Sox's with a new mower, whose rattle frightened the dray team, and it ran leaving a broken show case behind. In ttu mean time another dray team became frightened and In the course of its demonstration, ran over Mr. Doughtcn's new mower, breaking a wheel. One of the teams ran plump into a pile of brick in front of the new Pohay & .Mason block, after misplacing some of Max Baumgart's awning posts, the tongue going less than a rod into the brick, while the other team tried to climb an electric light pole, Mr. Doughten remained cool, unhitched his mower and drove home. The field was a small one, the damage considerable for just a runaway. Rkckivkk vr;km, Sav the Portland Xews : In the United States Circuit Court yesterday Judge Deady made an order in the case of the Southern Pa cific Railroad vs, the Oregon ft California Railroad ct al. dismissing bill and discharg ing receiver ; also referring accounts to George H. Durham, master, to audit, etc. This was the suit originally brought bv Harrison et al. against the Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad Company to recover mortgages held against that road. A few days ago an order was made by Judge Deady in which the Southern Pacific road was substituted in p'ace of Plaintiffs, Har rison ct al., for the reason that they had brought up and held most of the mortgages against the Oregon St California road. The order made dismissing the suits, virtually takes the road out of Receiver Koehtcr hands and places it under the conliol and management of the Southern Pacific Co. How Much. A Democrat man ha made faithful efforts to ascertain the ex act value of the rCcavut rain to Linn coun ty ; but different persons differ several cents on the estimate. After a careful com parison of figures we think it may safely be placed at $51,267.02. This is a big item. and large enough to justify a general set tlement with our merchants, and newspa pers. But, unfortunately the pav doesn't come in advance, and we will probably . . ... ... : nave 10 wan until alter harvest. The Right Boy. Last week seven boys were making themselves present in an obstreperous matter just north of the Dkmk'R r office when uwe'of them broke a parte of glass in Dr. Wallace's office tins morning the Doctor called the first boy in who pasted along and asked him if he broke the glass. By a strange coinci dence he was the chap, and drawled out ; y-e-s, and fled. One's sins always find one out. Over. The election is over, and now what shall we do? Might buy out Hear ing & Doneca's new coal mine at Sweutt Home, and develop it In the first plate though it would be well to extend the O St C. directly to the mines for an outlet The starting up of the Oregon Pacific wonld take the place of politics pretty well. The organization of a woolen mill com pany by local capital would not be a bad scheme now. A telegraph line to Fox Valley would be a grand scheme. If some genius will give us something to keep cherry thieves from preying on our trees he can sooth the public mind. Another Pioneer Gone. On last Thursday Daniel Thompson died at Colfax and his remains were brought to Harris burg and buried in the Purdy cemetery near that town. He was one of the old pioneers in Linn county, having settled near Harrisburg in an early day. He was the father of S. G. Thompson," who repre sented Lane countjfHn the legislature at the last session, (and of Judge J. M.Thomp son who died at Eugene some years ago. J It was 79 year of age at his death. i-ox Valley, For awhile Tuesday this was a celebrated precinct. AH of the others had been heard from, and Judge Whitney was six ahead, while that pre cinct is slightly republican. Hence the excitement ran high. Reasons were given so and so why the precinct should go for each, but Judge Whitney had the inside track on account of the ne bridge built there by the present court, and the six was only lowered to three. Will Movi .-Hon. B. R. Henry, of Harrisburg, arrived in the clly Friday evening on his way home from Washing ton county, where he had been to make ar rangements for locating and irointr into the fruit business. He thinks the out-look remarkably good for the fruit and vege table trade here in the future. Makriru. In the Presbyterian church of Lebanon, at 11 o'clock last Tuesday, Rev. Geo. Gibony, the popular minister, and Miss Mary, the accomplished daughter of Mr. C. DL Montague, were united In marriage, before a large congrcgwUao--f friends. Several attended from this city and report a very nice ceremony. The Democrat wishes this worthy couple all the joy to be obtained from the union of a Christian man and woman. A CRA.vnKRKY Blsii. -Wm. N. Miller is home from a several months sojourn on his cranberry farm across the Sound from Seattle. He brought with him several cranberry starts, a couple of which will ornament the yard of a Democrat man. Raising of this delicious berry will be made quite an industry around the Sound, parti cularly on marshy land. The next thing to a marsh In Albany is the vicinity of the average hydrant. And Jim Murry. Albany Engine Co. No 1 held Its annual election lastTuesday, with the following result: C. H. Stewart, president; W. II. Warner, sec; H. Cranor, fin. secretary; Henry Suesens, foreman; JasMurry.istass't; Walter Parker,2d ass't; C. W. Watts and Watt Monteith were elected delegates to the N. W. association to meet In Seattle in July. An Entertainment. The ladies of the M. E. church and congregation have in preparation an entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumental music, recita tions, tableaux and pantomimes, and prom ises to be enjoyable and Instructive. June 15 i6the time. m Injured. Tuesday Mr. David Smith another man and a boy were riding this ide of Lebanon when the horses became fractious and threw all of them out. Mr. Smith was seriously, but we understand, not dangerously injured. 1 mm Hon Notes, Tit etir Republican ticket waa elected in Multnomah county. Hermann is probably elected by about 2000 majority. Polk county is reportod to hava given Re publican iiajoriti, likewise Iao J county, In the latter oouoty, though Maokey is prob ably elected. H H Hewitt is elected Prosecuting At torney of the Third dietriot by about five hundred majority. Ail together it was the closest election ia tho history of l.inu county. The election Mcnday was au unoomtnon ly quiet our, remarkably good feeling pre vailing. The saloons u.i Albany wr closed: but there was no trouble to get all the whiskey one want Justices and Constables. -Peter Hum wm elected Justice of the Posoo iu Browns ville and G V SUndieh, Constable. The vote in Kaat Albany wsaOeo H Humphrey. '230 ; Hiietou, 20.'l. CO Burkhart, 240 ; Conn, 217. In West Albany J J Beard received 137 f jr Justice and M K Brink, 153 ; for Constable, A W Mows. 131) ; KM Westfall. 153 J W Ellison ws elected Justioo of Shedd and lvid Crewe Constable, Laban on, Or J II P Hope, Justice ; P MoKtight, Constable. Haisoy, V J Stewart, Justice ; J R Bone, Constable. Waterloo, J S Ira land, Justico ; H D Khun. Constable. ST. MH IS TON VKNTION. I KI.Kt.RAIMIU ACCOL'XT. Convention was culled to order by Chairman Barnum. Bishop Granherry de livering the invocation. Convention clccted Lieut. Gov. White, of Col. temporary chairman. Henry Waterson was named member of committee on resolutions amid applause. Resolution adopted ordering call of roll to name committee. Arthur Gormann, Lon Abbott, and Kd- ward Cooper, named on .nunlttcc with applause. Mr. Patterson, of Colorado, presented sliver gnvel to chairman. Dakota was excluded from committee, there being contest. Gov. Greene offered resolutions making Convention subject to rules of last Con vention so as to prevent changing vote un til call of States was c6mpleted, adopted. Convention adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock, a. m. Convention called to order at 10:23. Hi' vocation by Rev. Greene. Mr. Watterson said everything was agreed on but pream ble. Watterson wishes to endorse Presi dent's message and platform of but expected light. Committee on permanent organization reported. Gen. Collins name received with applause. Committee on credentials reported, seat ing Steel and McGulre, of Dakota. Malloiy of Florida presented resolution endorsing President's tariff message. Re ceived with cheers and applause. Referred. Cleveland nominated by acclamation,and the Convention adjourned for dinner. i'wninteneeuient Kxerrise. li- low we give the complete program for the t weot -ft ret commencement of the Al bany Collegiste Institute: Sabbath, Jane 10, 8 r. u. Uaecalsareate sermon by Rev H A Newel), of HaJem. Tbeme, "The I'.rchm.ot." Monday evening, Jane 1). -Alumni. Prayer. Music, selection from Month, orchestra. Oration, "Civiltxatloo," Ouieicey Propet, 'tM Kssay. "Little Things, " Lillie M Rb- ertsou, v. Music, Medley, Overture, Orcnestra. Oration, "The March of Mind, ' Jamce Tottltaeoo. '87. Vocdduet, "Kdenland,'' Mrs Chamber loin ud Rev Pricnard. ReorcseciUttons, "ivaotoo and Uebeoea at TorUilttooe," by Mary Irvine, 'Hi, and ! Hettic Miller, 79. Music, "Sounds from Home,' Orchestra. Aouala, Mrs Hettie Templeton. Vocal nolo, selection, Mrs Cechran. Tueedey, Jane 12, 2.30 v. M Under graduates exercises. Prayer. Mnaic, Choral Society. Clan of U lenck Dau by twolvo yonag 8M0. "Tha TrsraUr." lVrcv Vuune Solo and chorus. "Only to ace her fooe ! again," Kva Cowan. The School for Scandal," VieU Mason oa Sir Peier Teazle and Laura Vance as Lady Teazle. "The Battle of Foutenoy," Carley Sox. "The Brook," Juvenile. ' "King I .ear." Act 1, by ten young ladies. J Vocal solo, by Minnie Von Horn, j .Morning, uy wtsu yuuug tituio. "Jack Horner,'' by Charlie Chamberlain and Clem RHae. Chora. Tueeday 4:.'i0 p. in. -Senior class tree ex ercises. Planting of the tree, by Collin W Elkin History and oroubecy by In Robertson. Tuexday, 8 p, m. Instrumental solo, by Prof W U Lee. lecture by Rev W H London, of Port land. Subjecr, "Tbe Education of the Time." Chora. "Tbe Sailor Return." Wednesday evening, June 13th, 8 p. in. Commencement. Poayer. InstramenUl solo, by Prof VV H Lee. Jnnior eseoy.Oobbo, "The A fur math," by Floy Mason. Hamlet, by I no Rctmtaon. Vocal solo, "Anchored," by Rev Priohard. Junior oration. "Falee Idea of Progre,1' by Lewi E lee. Recitation, "Jephthah'a Daughter," by Esther Marshall. Vocal nolo, "The Nightingales trill, by ! Mrs Ueo K Chamberlain Oration, "Our Nationa Future," by John A Geiseudorfer. Oration, "Man the Architect of hi Own Fortune.' ' by Collin W. Elk ma. Vcal duet, aelection, Mra Cochran and Mr Adair. Conferring of degrees. HoDodiotioD. Alumni Asatooiation, 18741888, Or Tate, President, Liiiie M Robertaon, Secretary. Senior claw, 1888, ad astra per pulvere.. John Alexander Oeisendorfer, Collins Wil ini.n Elkio. A clean towel for every Viereek'a barber shop. A. 0. U. W. customer at L. The following officers were elected by Safety Lodge, No. 13, A. O. U. W. to serve the ensuing term : M. W O C Awbrey. Foreman R B Vunk. Overseer W E Kelley. Recorder G W Dodder. Financier E A Parker. Receiver A Say lor. Guide J W Chiswell. I W M Cowan. O W -A B Woodin. Trustree Virgil Parker. Medical examiners J L Hill and G W Maston. Six shaves for a dollar at L. Viereek'a The Official Vote. The official rolls of all the precincts in the county are in, and were to be formally canvassed Thursday evening in the clerks office. I am now receiving my spring and sum me J reas goods. Call early and secure barga ns W. F. Read. Don't Fail -Don't fail to call and see Dubruille's fine display horse and his im mense stock of harnesses and saddles. Back of Conrad Meyer's grocery store. " .. ... '"'I' HOXKAND ABROA D. F. M. Pronoh keeps railroad time. L Power's hand mode harnesses. New shoes at Read's. New ribbon all shades and sty lei at Head's Hand-sowed harness next to Dkmourat of fice. H Kwert, practical watchmaker and jew ehn. Thompson k Overman keeps the beet hat -nessos. Cash goea a long ways at Brownell & SUuard s. Oet your boote and shoes at Brownell St Stanard'i. You will gut good treatment at Brownell &Stonarl'. If you want the win harness in the marko go to J J Dubrnille's. Flue lin of light weight Spring suit in fashionable designs at Blain'a, Six shaven for a dollar and a cltau towel to very ouatomer, at Thoe. Jonea. 7 0ka auras rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Koahay k Mason, Agents. Raaora honed, set and pat in order at Jonea' Bhaviug and Hair Dressing Parlor. K vary thing bought and sold at M Frank lin k Cos second hand stor, Albany, Or. F M French, ageut Singer Manufacturing Oo.,oppoeit Odd Follows Temple, Albauy.Or. Dr. M. H. Kllia, physiaian and aurgaoo A U-any, Oregon. Call made in oity or country, Mm T A Shane is now prepared to take a limited number of pupils in inuiu on the piano or organ. Terms reasonable. F A Burkhart St Co. have unite a nomUr of men wanting employment Farmers want, ing help should coll on them and be supplied The college student are doing good work for the commencement eaetelsea. A large amount of celery ha been pivoted in Albany this spring. It i tie that wo raised this deliciout plant at home ioatead of always importing it Irani California. tfooU Ward, who came in from the county this morning, eaya the farmer are fairly etanding an their heads with joy over the rain that ha made their crop boom. W. A. Mill, of Claokamaa, oandidate for Aaeeaeor oc the Prohibition ticket, tall an amusing campaign anecdote at tba expense of H. II . Johnson, Itepublioan candidate for Ccuntv Clerk. Yean ago, be became indebt ed to Mr. Mill for a ocrtain turn of money. Mr Johnson paid a email part of the debt bat neglected so long to pay the remaindur that it became outlawed. A soon a Mr. Mills learned of hia nomination he wrote to him that if be did not pay what he owed he would defeat him. Mr. Johnson pan! the bill without delay. Corr. Talk about boaino. The following from a Walla Wall paper beat anything1 recorded of the ahrewdoat jank dnalar: "YeaUrday two tramp bought a bottle of poor whiskey at WMIula for SOeanta. Dot of that they made two bottle, went out on tho lulls. where a few Indian hoeaa laid in wait, ami sold the outfit for 12.50 a bottle, making -I.TiOby a slight turn of the wrist. Our in formant, who wo an eye wiiueae, ti a modest mn, and hated to inform oo the wholcaalu and retail liquor merchant, but some day lightning will atrike them aomewhere be tweea the regioos of the heart and a pen it u tiary." SJ - Mr. Cantcrhtrry. of Texas, a relative of Judge Straiten, is in the city. Mr. Burmestcr and children, of Salt lake City, are in the eity tha geeeij of Mrs Bnrmeter 'a aiater in-law, Mra. Hoock. 84.1 vote were cast in the two Albany's yesterday, 134 more than two year ago It peaks lor itself Wm. Richards, arrived in Albany a day or two asro from t rook county, and will remain about two months, whan he will be accom paniasl hom by his father. Laat Saturday Mr. Skaar hnwght a o!o acre tract oo Or. Maeton'a Waverly fruit farm, which he will improve, decorate with a house and matt his horn. i o not take quinine for malarial disord era. Ayer Agte ( uro contains none, nor any other lojarioua ingredient Thi prepare tioo, if taken etrie'.ly in accordance with direction, is warranted to cure all malarial diaeaae. The life giving urotiertie of Ayer' Sar apartll have eaublubed it well -eat ned reputation, and made it tbe most effectaal and popular blood portlier of the day. For all dtseaees of the stomach, liyer, and kid neya. this remedy ha uoeqaal. Price, fl. Yea will aav money by taking yoor aick a wing-machine to the repairer, B F Persons at Sixth and JefTeroo St., Albany, Oregon. Good s-itisf action or oo pay. The Oregon Blood Purifier U Nature's own remeay. anu snouia no uvea w we exelasion of all other madieioea in all diaeaeee of the tomoch, liver and kidney v a - The Albany Opera Hoose is receiving new coat of paint. Hermann and Lord are electa 1 v uneer Uj majorities, ranging from 3000 upward' Rev. John Bigg wilt preach in tho Chris tain Church Sbbath morning and evening. I George Isliaut was electad Justice of Har risbarg precinct on Monday and T E Alfor-', Constable. At the celebration in ' r allu on the 4tb of July a sham battle will bo one of the fea ture of the day. I The entire prohibition vote east in this county wo about 1 25 and the total vote be tween 3300 ao l 3 400. Mr Geo W Smith, of Lebanon, who hi lootted in thi city, ha bought oat Mr W II McParland, Work ia being buunn on tho new Strahan and Pierce block in a mant " to abow that business i meant. Tho ble. ; will be erected as fast a it is possible to push work . Soap Creek precinct in Benton county gave a majority of VI for Cearin, 17 for Bur iifstt, 2ofor Maokav for Sheriff, and 4 for Bash Wusoo for CiciV. P. L. Kenton keeps seven varieties of lino roast cn (Too any of which ha is pleased to grind for easterner withoat extra charge. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to call and examine tho good and price at I L. Kenton tor uer th i post 4ft One huurfritl boxes of premium Savoni aoap received by V. L. Kenton direct from the factory, Thi aoap n A. No. 1, and w&9 bu sold at fl per box. Linn County District ijodge, I. O. Ob T. The Linn County District Lodge, No. 3, met in the hall of Santiam Lodge, No. 375, on the ist.iost , J. E. KnoxDistrict Dep uty in the chair. After the usual prelim inary order of business, Bro's J E Knox, J L Archibald, W Abbott and others, favor ed the meeting with some interesting re marks in regard to the Prohibition party. Able remarks were made by the members of the Executive Committee, who thougV.t it best to wait nntil fall before procuring a district lecturer. The night session was held openly. Speeches were made by Prof. Gilbert, J "S Morris, J E Knox, and a few others, who strongly advocated the third party. The audience was well entertained with music, etc. Thesnext session of the District Lodge will he held at Knox Butte on the first Friday in October. I. O. Robnett, District Sec'y. Mesira Foshay & Mason, druggist, are selling Wisdom's Robertine wholesale and retail, and giving beautiful picture oarda with every bottle. Positively tho most perfect and harmless article of the kind in the market. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A! bany, Or. Use Oregon Itlood Purifier new. Hereafter we will allow all cash purchases of goods at our store 5 per cent off from regular price. Browhell & Stanard, Oil the Southern fiottndary. ItoWNMVthbK. The remain of Samuel O. Thompson were Interred In the Purdy cemetery last Thuraday. The fact was not generally known In the neighborhood and many who would otherwise have attended could not do so. Mr. Thompson was one of tlie carl, lest settlers In this localltv and was well known both In the county and State. Of late years he has been very feeble both In mind and body and has been under the care of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Boswcll at Colfax, W. I ., from which place lie was brought here for burial. George Mary has returned from a busi ness trip to Camp Polk, Crook county. Han v Mucv returned last week from a visit to friends and relatives in Yamhill county. Several families In the neighborhood arc prostrated with colds, among them the families of John and Bell Grime. ( th. 11 and Guy Allinglinm were visit ing their cousins here last Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Henrv came un from Brownsville to attend the Coburg picnic. Mr. and Mrs. George dimming. Mlsa Grace Cummlng and Mr. Ed Ward were visiting at Mr. Urowiiclrs lat Saturday. A large crowd of people came up from McClcury and other points to Coburg to attend the picnic which owing to the rain wus nlmoM a failure. We were favored with a thunder shower every evening last week except Saturday and that evening we had rain alone. Friday evening we had a drenching rain that any where ele would have toecn called a wa ter-spout. Rey. Mulkey begins a aerie of meetings at the Somervfllc school houe next Tue. day, which will extend over the following Sunday. A collection will be taken to enable the Chairman to buy more oranges next time. A basket meeting sill be hem In the grove at Coburg next Sunday. A large crowd I expected. Tangent. Born to the wife of A. Barnes, June 2nd, a son, full Republican, legal weight, father and sen doing well. The public school will loe In one week. Tangent has two rival gardners on ad joining lot. It would he hard to tell which would !c entitlc il u, Ui premium G. W. Lupcr I building a fine reidence In Tangent. E. L. Bryan la putting up a large addi lion to hi barn. C. Blaker St Co., of Shedd, were In this vlelnltv the find of the wcek.ln the interest of their fine cattle, of which thev have quite a number on hand yet. Tangent got left without precinct of ficer. We would like to have had them here but Albany wa too many for ua. The Tangent Urns Band will f arnlsh music for the Grange picnic to-morrow at Blevlns' bridge. They have a fine band. Omer Vernon, who had his leg broken a few day ago, Is doing well. Crop prosnects arc very iraod in this vi cinity. All the farmer who have .andrcth wheat growing, say it is the bos winter wheatt wmoummm or thanka. Headquarter McPherson Post No. 5, i G. A. R., lept of Or., June 5th. At a stated meeting of McPhcnon Post No. 5, held at their hall on Saturday even- ing June and., the following resolution were unanimously adopted : rVWfT, That the thank of the Po are alncerclv tendered to Rev. H. P. Webb and other clergymen of the city and choir who asvtsted In the Kabltath memorial ser vice at the Opera House, to Messrs. Wilk in and Block for martial music furnished on memorial day, the Mayor and buslncs men of t hi city for their courtey in dot ing stores and other place of business on that dav, and to the W. R. C. and other for their aid and sympathy on that occasion, and especially to 'Mia Margery Brink and lu-r cla of little girl for the assistance rendered u at the cemetery and to Co. F. and Regiment O. N. (., for their courtesy In acting as escort on that day. Bv order of the Tost. S. W. Rkkck, P. C. B. F. T mi! 1 it, Adt. About a Boaqnet CRAwtaivif.tK, June 5, 1888. llditor . rat : In the Herald esirMtmaar of June I under the head of "Crawfordcvillc Items' appear the following: "One of the can didatcs at the speaking here received a bouquet from a one-eyed old maid." The facto are that the bouquet of rose wascom posed of a variety of pretty flower, and was presented bv a brautif ul voting Mi, a daughter of Mr. Harmon Swank, near this place, and the recipient was Hon. feff Mver. The voumr Miss is U or U year of age, and II think her courtecy de served a better notice tbat site got. The election passed off quietly. JfRTlce. Sr. Loiis, June 4 Delegates and alter nate, political club and politicians of high and low degree are arriving thick and fast this morning. A early as 7 o'clock the Union depot was packed, and during the morning, al interval of five and ten min utes, regular and special trains have been coming in and erupting their load of peo ple who come to take part in the fray. They all wore badges, and nearly all carreid banner. Tne one word on their Up was Thurman. Cycloat In North Carolina. Milton, N. C.June 4. A terrible cy clone paased near this place Saturday after noon, extending over a tract twenty-live mile long and 500 vards wide. The dam age ia enormous, as the cyclone passed through a farming section, and everything in Its truck was completely destroyed. So far as known no lives were lost. Rockdalk, Tex. June 4. A terrifying calamity has befallen Rockdale. This morning at 4 o'clock the Mendine hotel, a three story brick building, was found on fire and was quicklv all ablaze. Inside were "t- thirteen persons, only two whom escaped alive. After Many Years. Helena, Moil, Tune c. A sensational occurrence took pluce in Butte last night. b nlted States Marshal r rank Dyer.of L tab, arrested a man named Tohn C. O'Brien, which is not his true name, for killing a Mormon in Utah 16 years ago. O'Brien is a man about 60 years of age, and has figur ed prominently in this district as the dis coverer of the famous Kittie O'Brien mine. He has been prospecting near Woodville for some time,and came to town yesterday, when the marshal recognized him and Berved the warrant of arrest. After the warrant was read, he said : "That is all right. I know all about it. I did it In self defense." For Temperance. Red Bluff, June 5. The election for town trustees to-day was p hard contest,but passed off quietly. The election is a big victory for temperance reform. A Big Fall. SEATTLEjnne 5. This afternoon a scaf fold on which Hiram Walton and E.B.Cook were painting Bell's hotel, while forty-five feet above the ground gave way, Cooke succeeded in grasping the balcony.thereby saving his life. Walton struck on the back Ot nis neaa, iraciunng nis skuu anu orcax- ing his neck. He lived only a few moments. Crop arc looking fine in this part. Pro pect are good for a good yield. Mr. R. N. Thompson's baby Is still alive, Tiie fruit crop promises a very large yield in this part. In one more week the public school of North Brownsville will close for a time. Mr. Jo Morris, of Scio, wa In lovsn one day last week, like to come quite otleti for aome cause to ace her. Mr. Robert Cochran health ha been quite poor for some time, but Is now Im proving. Mr. W. T. Cochran has gone to the Soda Springs to benefit her health. Hope that she muy recoyer. Mr. W. I). Wavhburn started for San Francisco accompanied by her hulmnd for medical aid. We have had a heavy fall of rain in the lost day or two. The election of officer of Cutlapooia Lodge No. 43, I. O. O. F. N. G, A. L Kirk ; O G, Mat Farley ; Secretary, C Foster ; Treasurer, W R Kirk. Donated to the Orphan's Home, $60.00. Brownsville pcope turned out qtttte live ly for the Coburg picnic for the day being bad. They reported a fine time, a few drunk seemed to be about, South BrownsvlWc school will next be taught by Mr. Ifoyer. Mr. James II. Washburn and sou we arc told have a fine lot of thoroughbred short horned cattle. IMM'K II II. I. A Sunday School picnic was had at Mr. John Nichols' ah grove, on last Tuesday, which was a line success. A alight of hand performance how wa at the school house on Tuesday night Rot-k Hill ha a fine Sunday School and I well attended cveiy Sunday under the Mupcrvision of Mr. Small a Superintendent and Mi Viola Temple a Secretary. Mr. Vandcrpool, of Bodavlllc, wa buried In the new Rock Hill cemetery un last Wednesday-on Mr. Dodge' Mill. Camp-meeting commenced at Sodavllle Thursday under the management of Rv. Jone, from near Salem. Rev. Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon will also commence a camp meeting at Sodavllle the third week in June. Sheep shearing is under orogrete in thl vicinity. The fruit crop of this neigh bor hood promises to be excellent. Mr. Johnnie Carroll ha iut come in from acros the mountain for the purpose of moving hi family back with him. Hay harvest 1 close at hand. We notice several campers at Sodavhle the last week or two. a . . , . m m mm . . . i pariv was nau ai .ir. 11m .Mark, on Tuesday night, at which a good lime in gen oral waa had. Mr. William Temple waa riding a horn one day lat week, when by some mean the horse got frightened and threw him o'f and bruited him considerably. MWKKT HOME Jesse Barr and wife arc intending to tart east 01 tne mountain next rridav to visit some of their children. N. Shank, of Crawfordsyiltc ha omc more c nicer coming on his face. He had twelve removed from hi face last fa!1, and two, three year ago. .several panics in sweet Home are on the santiam at work developing a coa mine discovered recently. New embroidery joat received at W F Rood a The Pfeotagrapfcer, At). Or. I have all tbe segatlve taken by A B. Paxtoo and any one can have dupli cate from their negative bf addressing ua, at tut following once : Card alia, f I per dozen, cabinet ale, $3 per dozen, bou dour. fti per dozen. I keep the thit lino of Oregon views In tbe west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old picture a apacialty. J, Q. CavawroRp, W. MCLAl'titlUX. fashionable I'm lor. Nobby auitt and pants, cut aud mad to order, from the latest line of samples, direct from 'Frisco, a speciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly done. Main Street, Albany, Oregon Wmssm 1'.. 111 i is to know tbt they (as Imy ofn boats and shoe cheaper than anywhere else c town nd it ruoAto of I per cent (or Cash. BltOWNKLL k .STAH4RO. $5000 Mi rth el b nits s 1 i aim 1; ut oit at, Brownell St Si-anaro. The place to get honest goods at lowc market price is at Brownell & htanaro's. We have ia the line of ltdie tioe aho;a gooda which embody excellence ia ahapalineaa coinfurt aud durability and w Mil ibm at rock bottom price with 5 par ctat for sank. Prow m WtX k Staaso. W guarantee to aavo you money an groe oriu4. Brownell St Stajdaio. HOW HEN OIK. If wc know all the methods of approach adopoted by an enemy wc arc the better enabled to ward off the danger and post pone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In many instances the inher ent strength of the body suffices to enable it to oppose the tendency toward death. Many however have lost these forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In othei cases a little aid ,to the weakened Lungs will make all the difference between sudden death and many years of useful life. Upon the first symptoms of a Cough, Cold or anv troubleof the Throat or Lungs, give that old and well-known remedy Boschee s German Svrun. a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say It to be, the "benefactor of anv home." Dash will savo you 5 p- r oeut at Brownell St S v -ard's. QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS, BIG BUSINESS, I what we hum and hutlo tor. Why should we not aa ionic ai we hare the above named object to view and ive everybody STERLING QUALITIES. We Expect Your Trade. Wo carry alfull lilt ot CR0CERIES, CROCKERY AND CLASS WARE, CICARS AND TO BACCO. , Andchallonge anyone to dispute that CONN I the cheapest place in town. Bro I"""""" ' "JP 'il EVERYBODY bow w wm do it ; ) t if tho worid only knew ot the energy, grit and enterprise wo o displayed tit colliding such a t tagnifictnt divplay of ataple and fancy gio- h.. c-MicHtt would not he aurpilaed. Wo pu n; iocK ol GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS eVr brought into tl.iacity, and wo am t - .ff . 1 I .11. I . xr nvr oeior oneicu in irii pioe. rmi ou will cll an eXuroiu5 tho quality of - Get Our you will i ;... v . 1. ;b -it we bavo no', wo r? having our c-Kdf. largely direct piofi'N of tho middle; men, nnd cur command of ready cA La enabled ua to buy nor go'1 r'-msik-sbly ;-r-ap, gHtir?g tbe beneik ci all discount and re bate, placing un in a whero wo can dictate to them and not thev t5 ot h r 1 y ftiway getting the BEST AND and ntver allowing our good to grow ptoGte. Tbeto am ihm M?0t$ why e joy auob a healthy trade. We have v re plete line ot Crockery and Thcn pood we bought direct from Etarn fctorit, thus securing tbe latest dt aign at prlcrs way down. 'IV good have to be eetn to be appreciated Fstmers having produce to aril will at for good irodcce, and your patronage is WORTH LISTENING TO and worth your careful consideration. gooda than anythreu n o. of the kind A WALLACE k THOMPSON CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, Mrst and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. W HOLE SAL F DEALERS IN 1 I I HARD- WARE, 1 1 r 1 AND 9 FARM. MACHINERY. Sol Agent for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the t BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER. ;tooe Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousand of Farmers hava uV thorn and apeak of them with praisu. They ore the only Harvesting Machine that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, Tho most Effbcttve and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning 3 rain ever Constructed. 4 BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE - BINDERS. Tho features that distinguish thl Twine-Binder Is tho Lightness of Draft, combined with It Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. Wo havo two styles, the Elevator Binder and tho riatform Binder both excellentboth recommended by hundreds of patrons. E. THRALL, EVERYTHING Boot and AT until BROWNELL & STANARD S. WONDERS bavo tho largpt, finest ard most com- going to eel I at price below anvtbioff ....... ' - ' moy trunk Ibis aixsh aicaertioti ; but if our goede and Prices over-auimated ouraelvet. Remember from first bauds, thereby aavinp all .FRESHEST g'mU aoruaid stale waiting for big d ata your petroaage and why we en - I recently to oar aicck a full and com Glass Ware. all time teonive tbe top ot tbe market earnestly solicited. These facts re Via havo the "Jumbo" stock. mom in Albany,jiod price that beat them all Flinn's new Blcck, Albany, Oregon, LJ L IRON, il STEEL 1 1 1 Schuttlor Farm Wagons, Deere Flows, Deere Sulky Flows, Cook St Oo.'a Car riages, Phaetons and Top Buggies, Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Backboards Superior Drills and Seeders, Cor bin Diss Harrows, Hodges-Hainea Headers Haish Barbed Wire. Manager, Albany, Or in th.3 Shoe Line closed out at COST 9