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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1888)
SUB TO MOCRAT $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued wry Friday l.y STiTHs &c jm -cyrrTiisra-. Rights eni0crat THE DEMOCRAT I-! the brut Advertising raeiliom In Ihe Centra I Wills mette Vslley, Vol.. xxill. ALB AIM V, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888. Advertising rltM mido known on ap 1 Irtlh n. WO 45 it SEATCO Pull Brother in Blood to Delco Winner of the "In land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the Dallas Pair Sept, 20th, 1887, "Breeders of Intelligence Watoii and Di-aw from every Turf Even Lassons to guide them in the future." Keatco will be kept lit tho farm of O.K. Crawford, near lxiwson. n Narrow Gang R. R and will be allowed to terra a limited number of rosresatlOO'toiosnre in foal, but no responsibility for accidents. He is a rich, dark bar. withoat white, will be three yeara old June 10th. 1888 Ws sired by Ooeoo, three year old'record 2-41. son of Altamont. wagon record 2 '26i in eighth heat. Firak dam Uura D. by Edward Everett. iMMl dam I:cy Marah, a line road mare of tried endurance. Ooeoo'a dam is Bell Price, by Poble, two year old record 2-40J. the faat at in the world for 4 years He afterwarda obtained a record of 2-28 when entirely bliud. Doble by Ericaon (tire of the Grand Dam of Phalas the fastest living sUllion, 2-13J)four year old record 2 30. which stood as the fastest for 14 yeara. Ooeoo was the Javenile King of the North Pacific, successively lowering and holding the 2 and 3 year old records, proving in the golden crucible of actual performance that he is well worthy of Ins grand lineage. Price mont his full brother now holds the 2 year old record, 2-49J. W. New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands o our business wo have 1 ecu compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be fonnd next door to 8. E. Young, where we will be pleased to see cur petrous. If you teed any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit jam, trunks, books, roller skates, teddies, saw. plenes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and use aitlclea you can not do belt r this aids ef San Fraud ico than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange, L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street. Albany. Or. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Studio corner Second and Ferry Streets near Opera Houie. Ground Children's pictures a specialty, ALBANY, - - OREGON. MRS. B. HYMAN, next eafct of S. E, Young's, Albany, Of Catting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, ANO STAMP, ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, and painting done to Older on plaques and other materia!, Nice 'assortment of Artist materials on iisnd. G. L. BLACKMAN, Succrtsor to E. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a first class Dru Store. Also a flue stock of pianos am organs, ALBANY. 0REH0N. City Market, M. HYDE Proprietor, Fre6h meats constantly on hand corner of First and Ferry StreeU. Near MRS EMMA 0'CONNER Fine Millinery, OPPUSIIt KtVtKt HUUSt. Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will keep constantly on band heat, mutton, perk, veal, sausage, etc,, tbe bent moats and largest variety in tbe city. Caab paid for all kinds of fat stock. 8AM MAY. . SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mercnaadise. HARRISBURG - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Woo! and all kinds rodu tc. FOR SALE, at very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prices at yard on 6tb St,. s or (J. AC. switch. W. W, CR0WDER. If Kdward Everett, sire of the dam of Stttoo, is by a ton of Pathfinder out of a daughter of Vermont, and ia full brother to Kitty Linn, 2 41, the dam of W. 11. K. the colt that challenged all two year old's last April for 300 a side, and met with no response. Edward Everett is tho sire of Doliy S.tlie dam of Deloo, baaidta many apeedy and game road horses. All competent horseman who have aeen him and his get since they are arriving at maturity, confidently predict that he will soon become one of the great brood mare aires of the North Pacific. In disposi tion, beauty and pure trotting action. Seatoo is simply perfection, and is eminently en dowed on both sides of tho line with the blood that trots, and by all the laws of he redity abould be able to ataoip upon his pro duce his own inheritance. To geutlemen desiring read horses and to young men wishing to embark in thefaecinat ing business of breeding and developingth American trotter, I call spteial attention e this young Stallion and wi!l take pleasure it showing him on any day. W. CRAWFORD. BOOT'S, SHOES AN D SLIPPERS. 1 nnow receiving my i j. iug and siinmnr Ht- -t hooH sutl mm, i have as nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, aod as complete a stock as any tbis side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aU my boots and hoes direct from mnufcturers and tu authorized to warrant every pair no nut I tei how cheap. No firm in Oregon hav any advantage of me in buying as I buy in qiittcie and pay the sash. In ladies', inis-tee and children's shoes, kM, n wi ifti UrMt, b3it an I great eat variety in the cttv 11 v aim will alwy4 -.1 .j;va u grid, value fr the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG JOHN BRICCS, -FLOBIST, ALBAN V, Roses a GREG Specialty. Cttnetery lots ;lsntcd aod attended ; J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Agent tor Fire an! IMPORTERS nnnuvvMnL -; fM 711? PLATE, METALS, KAILS, : mm A FRIGHTFUL SKIN DISEASE AtuflVrlit, I uteitNr, Head Nearly Knw.Bvdjr Covered with Korea n red by the Cnttenrit MeutcdieM, Messrs. KIoysm ami Brunsr, atones, If . O. Dear Kirs: About two months sgo, on tour rwu nniuMiMlstlon, 1 bought a bottle of CuUcurs Hsavl vnt, oas bos CuUcura Sal re, and one oaks of CuU vara Boap, fOT U)V son, agod th krtesn years, who has bsn afflict! with ocasras fur i lung Uma, faj am lea4 U. my that I believe tho rvmidioa au .-arml him. Ilia sufferings war lutsnss, his head Mrs; itss.ty raw. his ear UIhk .ti ext-ai.i the irriaila.atMt lila liy covered with sores. Ilia voudtUon was Irhrhi fut to behold. Th sore have now all llaaiKrd, Mssklu Is healthy, eyas lirlghl. ehocrful In dUUt..r't uul la work I tin evsry day. aty neighbors ara wit. nses to this ramarkablo ours, autl tho iiiibtliiK oitaa arv rrUaaUHt to .til or writ hm, or any of my nalvh burs, , w n , Wat.S, STKfllKNtlOS. WMfeSStar, P. O,, Union, Co.. N. f MiMirus, N. C, Oct., 0th lti7 Th. ivusr lru and fhamical t.. ' Uantlaman : Mr Win H SWban.n of tl.U urui;ni ma Mn to town Vi Uay to Irl u. mn hlai ami ah'iw tia what t'ttMcttra HomrUloa hal dom for him ixiunly ma Sfa. To .k at tha hoy now uua would atii.i.u at thars hsd nsvar baan anythinff tha snaiu-r with in, acataa tuba In Hact haalth. Wa hava wrllifn il hi-raw lib incloae what Ma father has to say about s m alter, "2 wrou it just as ha dlotatad. Ws aro ajlllfiif MSjss aUMittty of Cutlcura Itam a anJ he nothinir bat pralM for tham. W, rev- uJ heCutleura Kamsdiaa tha boat la the market and ball do ail w can to promote tbalr sals Youra trulr. KTtiVKNS A mtMNKR. WrumrtaU and Miariiuu-Um. CutU-ura, the jrrat akin cure, and Culkura Suaa fire.are,l lroi it, axtamally. and t'ttUcttf ReSOlrct, tha .ew blood iMintl -r. InUrnally, ajg a MfMSS curs tor cvr-nr lorio ..f .kin ami t,,.l dl.caw, from i.lm:lra to scrofula ci' wliaru. l'ri e iNilu orj w .... Roaolvanl. SI Prauarad bv tb I'.'.ttr' tiro -. t'hcmlcal Co., Boat on, Mass. aVfTHend for "How to Curs Skin Phi it in." C4 lce. 50 iUustraUous, and 100 leallau.nUta. H.Kt black haads, red, roih. chaiMwd ody akin iwaraatod by CuUcura H.-ai.. Sneezing Catarrh. Tba diatrwaatiis srmcss, iiaaa. aitoaas, the acrid, waUrry dkwharyoa from tha eyws and a MS, the naintul Inflammalkm eatandlnr to the throat, the swaillnr of ha mucuua lintmr, caualng choklnf arusatmtut.eough, rimjlnf nutsss In the hand and spilutac haadachca. now tamili.r thcwi aymtome are to auffor periodically fr ro bead ooids a who live in bjrworanes of the fact that a singie aptllw das of Kanfocd'a Eadlcal Cars for Ostarrh wit! afford Inatanianouua relief. tint thta treatment In oaaas of eimple ChUrrh aires hut a taint Ulea of what uh ramejy will do to the,- l. rmi, where W. t.r.aihio,. i. (.i,-i k. . ka,j ..,!.,.) ..... .. . . i I V. T aSTuJ.'.mell sn.ltrt lhr,t uleralad naca nX cougn rrauualiy laaten!,,, iuf debillutod.jatam Then It la that the curative power or Hanford'e Ma,nwl iue f to and traleftil raUat Core laastas netit, rcoiioinlcal, te , PSsaaBja 4i,foni ftujuwl t ure n.ute of one bottle of thl KMlkcaJCurw, onebK ml UaUrrhal Ho I v ant and one lmpnad In hater, all wrafmsd In om pacSaca. wtth Uetiae and dtrecUoua and wald by all druggists tor 1. Pottar Drug and Cheevleal Co , htm n. PAIRS AND WEAKff!88!8 OF FEN4LCS dMsaV. ISMSBl V.nwunt Inelantly relieeod b the fallr... Am it rata ria.lrr. a aaw. aawst aieaable rwunlancoua and infallible io. killln. ssesstsllv ta -- - mm. Paine and Waokneawsa. Warrants.) vaUy auparior to all "ml Perfect Antidote to Pain. . iKnewi ret or.miu.Mie.1. At all d and TlZVJ. JrSMSm free, of Potter !.!. r and vrwnucai i o., iPiatoti, Mass. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First snd Perry Streets, ALBANY- - O REGON. DR. Ca WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY - - OREGON. Homeopathic Physician, mm as. . McCOV, If. D.. HOMEOPATHIC WWm physician, offics and residenca corner of first snd linker streets, Albany, Oregon. Chrotilc dlssasss a ape-laity, tnwuiution free, tffloc hours : 10 a. I 10 12 a m and t to 6 p. m. OSIKTTIAN SCHOOL OF MKMOUY Bgaj THAI NINO. Persons willing to join a class. ch member of which will receive in structions for $5,12, instead of $25.57. will E lease address local editor Democrat, Al any. r. Fees to he seat to Professor A Loissette, 287 Fifth Ayenoe, New York, who will, f asked, send prospectus post free. J, A. WINTER, A Photographer of experience, is in Browns ville for the summer, and is prepared to make photos in all sizes and styles. Implements Warine Insurance JOBBERS e, e CUTLEEY, QUNS, FISHING TACKLE k spoama GOODS. Miffilttto soh v i l i t , Now is the ttroe for one snd sli to somu to Serlaville ssd drink of tbe ever fits and hitalth giving soda water. The water never i tasted hotter than st th pressnt time. Considerable work has been does on and around tho soda springs t t kg moatnoticsah!e of tho iinprevsments made is that of tlrS many seats which have been placed in every siiaiiy uooe close srouml the springs, so that lite youiiu folks, when Iteooming tired or loitering around the springs can take their onmfurt ami enjoy a qutet chat to themselves, thus making more room and less eoafasioa around the springs. The Kev Mr Jones ia here making prepare tiuus to start a esai-meeting. A larue teal in which the sarrieet are to be held, ia ting put up to-day. The meetiug will begin right away. Aayoae wishing to oome to Hedaetlle will atwaya ttnd goosl aocommodations at the Fountain House, of which Mr 11 11 Kium is proprietor. Mr ami Mrs Ktum are very ae oommodatiiig and do ail in their power to make their guests comfortable and happy. To add to the convenience sf oeraoos com ing to Hodaville, Mr if i Klum is always ou head at tram Uqm, ready to carry p.ts ti ger back and f rtb betwetn Hodaville aod Lebanon . Died n tho 22od inst.. after a loeg aod severe illnea,at her reaidanoe near Hodaville, Grandma Vanderpool, age about 70 yeara. Uv Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon will begin a oamp-reacting at this plane tbe 2 1st of Jane. The meeting to oontinae st least a week. Our school at Sedavill is ia a flourishiuii condition, with Mr. Motiee as instructor. The scholars numbering a rout sixty. We also have a good Sabbath Hoboul, which meets every Sabbath morning st 10 o'elook, large attendance. Mr O Fry, Sen. has moved to Alba ay, Mr (orgc Munsey and family oow eccnpy the house vacated by Mr Fry. Mr 8 Cooper has returned from Yaqaina Bay, where she has been UiUug relatives and friends. The Teacher's Asociation will he bald at Sodavitle this year. Th Astoeiatiou mists the 0th of J uoe. Mr. and Mrs. Newbouse. abo have Keen tbe gusits o( Mr and Mrs Wm 1'arrtsh, have retarnad home. .Mr Westfall has made a grand improve ment both in totika and value of bit propeity by way of foueieg and building. Abo Mr liiiihet ia building an addition to bia boas. Mr II Ferry snd sons are at Sedsyilte making seme improvements on their prop erty here Mrs (l4rg Wilaon who had the ifr tuee to fall and break her arm, is improving. Mr. Samsel Wilson, whe baa been lying dangereoaly ill for sorot time past, ia report ed a being imo hotter. Mr I'eek ami family, ) o havr. I.ocn hern several months for Mr Feet's health, started bank East a few days age. Tisaes are eue what lively here new as you will ascertain by looking into the faces of our business men. There are lod many peepls camping her, and large crowds of people eapeeully on Monday, gather around the spring. Weather. Summary of Meteorology for May, 1888, from observations taken at Albany. linn Co. Oregon, by John Itrigga.voi. observer for the Signal Herytee, U. S. Army. Highest Urometer on the 10th, SO 00. Uwest barometer on the 30th. 29.49. Mean Urometer for tbe month. 29.74. Highest daily average of bar. 29.98. lowest daily average of bar. Iligbeetti-mtierature on tho2hth and Mat 9a fewest temperature on th 5th, 22 ud and 24th, 41. Mean for the month 0010. Highest dsily range of tber. on the 5tb,38. lowest daily raoge of titer, oo the 3rd, 10. Mean temperature at 7 a, m. daily M..'t5. Mrtan temperature at 'J p. in. daily 73 M. Mean temperature at 9 p. m. daily 67. 67. Prevailing directions of winds, N. and S. Maximum velocity fare. 8. Total rainfall or melted snow during inches. Number of days on which .01 inch or mote rain fell, 5. Number of days of cloudiness average S scale of 10, 4. Of 03 oUorvationa 54 were clear,l." cloudy, 9 tair.O foggy, 3 rain, 3 basy. 8 overcast. Frost on the mornings of 0. Rainfall 1,44 oo average of 10 years. Temperature3 80 on average Of 10 years. FauiT Tbe following from a Southern Oregon paper indicates that that part of State is to be a much favored as Linn county in fruit matters, a fact over which we gladly shake : "The fruit prospects In Southern Oregon were never better. The trees in this vicinity are loaded with fruitt much of which has been knocked off so as to give the fruit a chance to attain some slxe From a conversation with a fruit dealer this week we learn that there will be ten times as much fruit raised in this section this year as last. This large in crease is due to the tnanv new orchards that come in this year, and a large number ot oiu orchards, that did not bear last vear, have been pruned up and arc full of fruit now. Boominu ORKio.v.-Mr.JJ. 0. Warner, a Portland man, is in the East booming that city and Oregon. In Kansas City he literally "painted the town red" with in formation about Portland. Whenever he went out riding he hung banners on his horses' side Nwhich bore in large letters "Portland, Oregon," This natural! v at tracted attention and comment and he was enabled to distribute u large amount of de scriptive matter. He sa vs he Is kept busy all the time answering questions about the Northwest and Portland, and that he has met numbers of persons who intend seek ing homes In Oregon, Watciiino. The following from the Orcgonian of to-day is quite cute, and shows that Nelson is not yet ready to complete his contract wifh the O. P.: "Mr, Nelson Bennett, the well known railroad con tractor, whe has just completed the Stam pede tunnel, was found lolling in a rocking chair at the Esmond last evening, looking as happy and contented as possible. When asked what he intended to tackle next, he said be had nothing in particular In partic ular in view, he was here merely to watch Billy Hoag." A Bridge. A bridge en the Sherman plan, is being built across the ditch on Ninth street,nearT J Overman's residence. The city will probably adopt this kind of bridge exclusively. Rev. Pritohard has rented Mr. James Dannals' new residence, into which he has moved. The"kite season is here and chinamen and boys are in their glory. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining Id tbs Post Qfflee, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, My 31, Persons calling tor these letters mutt give the date on which they were advertised : Clemmens, J. W1 Low Martin. Riley John, R Willoul Honorcl Jackson J. li. Mo French Miss Eliza, Uameadell Mrs L J Watkint Mrs, Cm a, E It. THOMPSON, P Thk Rock Crrkk Traosoy Mr. W. H. Queener arrived on 1 hursday from Stay ton, snd Informed a Democrat man that just before leaving home he had a conversation with Dr. McCauly, d Stay ton, who attended Charles Thomas, nu account of the shooting of whom was given yesterday. The Doctor states that Thomas was quite scrteusly hurt, the ball entering the shoulder and shattering the blade In a bad manner, probably lodging somewhere near It, causing a very bad wound ; but, he thought, not a fatal one anless mortification should set in. The report of the shooting received at Stey ton was substantially like the one given yesterday by the Dkmocrat. People In the vicinity of the sheotlng fear that the affair Is only the beginning of more serious trouble, and other sheotlng scrapes will surprise no one. Thomas, who was shot, had one eye put out several yeara ago In a raw, and on another occasion had a shoot ing affair near Sck;; but In this case he seems te have the svmpathv of the com- immit v, on at -t-enint of ihe coward'y man- ner id the attack on him. DlSUKACBKt-f. DRLfUiATR. T. C. StCV- ena, of Lafayette, Yamhill county was a delegate to the Sunday school convention, which was held at Albany las week. On his return home Thursday of last week, he slopped off at thU place and, sad to relate, got glorously drunk. He was arrested by Maishal Dunn and put in jail te coel over night. The next morning he was brought up before Recorder St. Clalr and was fined $ 5 which he could not pay and turned over his watch instead. Not being satis fied with his first drunk, he proceeded Friday night to fill up again, and was fined the second time, and put up his watch chain in default of funds. Finally he left town for home. Stevens holds the posi tion of sergeant-at-arma of the Oregon senate, Benton .nuirr. SoRjt Distress. Now that we have started en the bone item it I our duty to complete It. The man was a retired actor ; he was not drunk, but lwoc in the garret. When the bone was taken from his throat and he saw it in the doctor's forcepta, he straightened up, looked tragically at it, like Hamlet at the skull, and with a fear fully vet bewitching stage effect said: Tha nk (iod! In the name of theimmor tal Shakespeare you have relieved me of a sore distress and put a quietus to the awful agony caused by that bone." Cur tain falls. Exjovtn IftMsaur. -Mr. W. If. Ray. mend, the gentlemanly aaUtant secretary of the Farmers' & Merchants' Insurance Cempaay, of Albany, Oregon, paid the bay a visit recently and expressed himself sa being highly pleased with the piace snd the inhabitants thereof, snd says that for good solid enjoyment, fine scenery and genial companionship he can conscientious ly recommend hi friends seeking s tm- mer resort to Hk DiRO.At the residence of his sla ter, Mrs. Gillingham.en Piety Hill, Salem. Thursday, May Jtst, at 4 a. m., John T War inner, aged JJ year and 6 months. ThU Is the young man who was brought down from Lebanon in a helpless condi tion, having been found nee- that place Sunday, lying In the road, where he had tain in an epileptic fit for forty -eight hours. Statetmam. That Flau. The dag presented the other evening by the Indies of Albany te F. Co. was received by express last Frt datjfrum Detroit, a week late. It Is an elegant emblem, 6x64 feet, red, while and blue, with gilt stars and beautiful gilt cord and tassels. Tne flag is made of the best banner silk, and with the staff cost about $50. The members of the Company, who have aeen It are very proud of the gift, as well as of the givers. Tmk Sooavillk R. IL-The petition heretofore mentioned In the Dkmocrat for the continuation of the O & C branch past Lebanon to Sodavitle, was duly presented to Mr Keehter a few days ago by an in fluential Albany gentleman, and we are in formed considerable en cam raceme nt wa. given, so much that there is a great prob ability that as soon as the road Is taken out of the hands of the Receiver something will I-- done. Mr Koehler said an engineer would lie sent in a lew weeks to invest! agtc the matter, so that the present aspect of the matter ts a very favorable one. A Picnic Crowd. Last Thursday cv cral loads of ladies and children from the families ef Mrs Walter Monteith, Mrs Dr Tate, Mrs Elizabeth Hlaln, Dr Irvine,Mr S E Voung, W H Gaston, L E Blain, Jay Blain, John Barrows, C H Stewart and the local editor of the Democrat, left for Oak Grove, a very pretty place on Muddy Creek, near Oakville, where they were in tending to eat and en toy themselves. The trin was made in honor of Miss Ella Bar e rows. Bicyclists. The bicyclist of Albany arc talking up a tournament for this city in the near future. Why not have it on the 4th. With a few other attractions we could hayc a jubilee of our own right here at home without a celebration. As the pro cessions, orations and reading of declara tions is a tiresome business perhaps some thing of this "kind would be n relief. No doubt our business men would contribute llberalty for a few prizes for such an affair. The "Whykore." Portland U quite anxious to know why the State tourna ment was changed from that city to Seat- 3 tie. Here Is the why fore. On the 17th of May at a meeting of beard of directors, a resolution was passed providing that the tournament be held in Portland if the money for the prizes was raised by the 24th instant, if not then it was to go to Seattle. A Nice Place. The residence being built by Mr. B. F. Tabler at the corner of Tenth and Ferry Street is not only going to be a handsome two story structure,but it is one of the best located residences, com manding a long unobstructed view of the city. A Live Day. Wednesduy was a 4ive day at Stewart & Sox's in this city. Besides their store trade they sold a traction en gine, Russell make, to John Morgan and one of the Russell 33-inch Separators to Mr S T Crooks. These are popular ma chines. Married. On Thursday, May 31st, 1888, in Albany, at the residence of and by George Humphrey, Esq., Mr. Geo. Young and Miss Rose Clark, both of Albany . The Democrat wishes them a happy life to gether. Special Delivery. Brownell & Stan ard have begun a special delivery system, and will send goods to customers at short notice. Orders taken regularly at private residences where requested. Justthe thing. Children Cry for Fhom PdtMKvti.i.g Papers, J J Don is f the fwtmtfk Mscbsnlo' Int. Co.' iafcrmsus thsthe has dono ao oxeelhut basi uess in town this week, haviug writtwu up aSout gtiO.OfX) worth if policies. Ht hss appointed Win Rowan loc i ageut for the company her R N Wbiio returned Tuesday from' Albany. Mr White reports thing booming about Albany, proepeet air for a oood grain yield, anil the markt up to high figures Wasco sheep men will take notice tbst thi-rc will be no era for thir H cks in Crook cuiinty, so they had as well look elsewbur for sum ner ranue. Nest wea A S udors will start a number of horses to Albany to be spipptd to &tn Frandstm It is all a inistak about Crook county beieg "g".t up" if it fas not a morn f.iv.rablo ton Of course w will feet the effWts of a diouth tlsiar mote keanly than efj other years, beets lait ea- son was IiiUd br-tu-r than a failure. Seattle m Pohtlamo. -From present udlcatlons there are liable to be two fire men's tournaments this year and no more n the future Seattle and Portland each Insist that the sixth ui.nual tournament is to be at it place. Now this make thing 00k bad, and not very encouraging for the future. As far as Albany ia concerned no doubt our team will be clad to attend tournament both at Portland and Seattle as the prize are large. As tbe one at battle I set for tbe week following the . t m . mm WW ronianu tournament it would only be necessary to continue tbe lournrv. If Spokane Falls and Walla Walla and Pen dleton will only get excited a regular cir cuit might be established. We would then have some professional hoe team and live time in lire matters. Throat Cc t. Thursday afternoon a couple young men from the country were rylng te make a cay use fresh from Bunch Grass navigate our streets, using the whip briskly, when the animal felt over on his head, causing such serious inturv that the owner cut his throat next morning to rc- ievc mm 01 ma agony. A 1. 11 tlx PtCNtc. Thurdayaflernoon Mrs. Sherman Thompson took her Sab bath school class, consisting of about (if ccn bright bey sand girls, across the river, where a lively day was spent, ine.uding the partaking of a'refreshlng repast Lit tle picnic parttesiikc this build up Sabbath schools, and In mai.v resoects are more enjoyable than targe one. Rinc; Loar. Thursday afternoon while n bathing near this city Dr. Ma-ton lost from a finger a fine fifteen dollar ring. It now lies on the cold, cheeriest bottom of lie Calipooia, and no doubt the finder will confer a great favor by returning It to the I Jot: tor. Drooi-eo. -TJM white flag that was raised Thursday for clear weather, next morning was seen drooping in shame, limp as a dish rag, another fine rain storm hav. ing vtattcd our city during the nighL As a matter of fact the flag was simply ahead of time as is often the case, and meant that the storm 1 to be a short one, followed bv clear weather. Tit.iNu.--Mr. John Hoffman Inform a )emocrat man that he has made arrage- ments with some Portland tile men for manufacturing tiling and doing stone work In a first-clas manner, that a partnership will be formed and the business puhed through Lfic Valley. The Ditch. Mr. Crawford has a large force of men at work at the mouth of the Santlam ditch, enlarging the whig dam, othat the supply of water will be more regular and larger in the lew season. He states that he intend to place it in good condition . Attend the aala of tbe St. Charies hotel and old ( J range atore to-morrow at 1 o'clock l at, Mr. Eus'in I.aPorest has just returned from Pint'. snd, where be sold several blooded horse. Mr. Loaia Viereck ha purchased the bu- bershopof DanUl Sutton, jut east of ti e Revere house, and will run it hereafter. Th swimming season ia here, and hither should call on L. E Blain aod gat ainit, snd there caa be no question about the legality of swimming at the mouth of the (Jalipooia. NOTK'K TO THK PI II LI C. Bv mutual consent of Messrs. Thomas lone and Louis Viereck, arrangements have been made whereby the latter has purchased the barber shop ot Daniel but ton, an J will again co into business in this day, Thomas Joxks. Lm is Viereck. SCROFULA I do not believe that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has an equal sa a cure for Scrofulous Hu mor. It is pleasant to take, eives strength to tho body, and pro Humors, duces a more perma nent result than anv medicine I over used. E. Haines, North Lindali), Ohio. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully it will thoroughly eradicato this terrible disease. W.F. Fowler, M.D., Greenville, Tonn. For forty years I have suffered with Erysipelas. I havo tried various remedies for my complaint, but found no relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After taking ten bob ties of this medicine I am completely cured. M. C. Amesbury, Bockport, Me. I have suffered, for years, from Catarrh, which was so severe that it destroyed my appetite and weak ened my system. After trying other remedies, without re lief, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in a few months, was cured. Susan I Cook, 909 Albany St., Boston, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is superior to any blood purifier that I ever tried. I havo taken it for Scrofula, Canker, and Salt Rheum, and received much benefit from it. It is good, also, for a weak stomach. Millie Jane Peirco, S. Bradford, Mass. tt Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell, Mass. Prion mil six bottles, 85. Pitcher's Castoria. W. F. (Successor to ff. Is t,-w irceiring now K,H iU io M Bril mmmm iFmi I M HaHM a'f" lilt III i i A. I fjFT mawWk aWrHw "" LHaW ' Wl wCLmS Jta ai TTTT tZjg f ft 7TLH! aHHajsli lYi' yK. ' ''m'L & 'm asflasfl Everything New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, cm.h V.I" if DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GR0CERI8 I propose to have as cotBfV a sto? wiih ail i is a New Novelties . and and as tbe, are mauuf.cturi d. All and as well t. on, are cordially .rtrtsW. a ivv r Do Hot Propose Re To Ueisold. W .F. READ, 57 Firstreet, Albany, Or. if " . SSfSS sMMMHHN"tfMfiMBMa r a 1 nes c onbound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED, To ttotueketptraand Fanner. It 1 impor tant that tho Soda or Halerat us you use nhould be White and Pure same as all slmilsrsubst ncca usud for food. Toinsuro obtaining only tho 'Arm A Hammer" brand Sod or Sa ' :. by it in "pound or ha'f pound ' cartoons, which bear our name and trade-in ark, a 1 Inferior goodiaro nn-.n times substituted for t'.ie "Arm & Hammer ' brand whon bought in bulk. Partial using Diking Powder should rem 3 ru ber that its sole rising OCR TKADK MARK property consists of bi carbonate otsoda. One teaspoon tul of the "Arm & Hammer" brand of Soda or 8aloratus mixed with sour milk equals Packed in Card ON EVER" mm wm mm bmbbssi KTlSfiT.T-1 READ H. Allen & Co.) P every line. Old goods aoM out. k 1 iVtl I JM jit tO Latest Styles old customers and fYisuwl. k... invited to call and iosLect stock snd Sucessor to N. H. Allen db Co A NERVE TONIC. Celery and Coca, the prominent in gredients, are Use best and safest Serve Tonics' it strengthens and quiet tho nervous system, earing Rervoua Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep lessness. Ac. AN ALTERATIVE. it drive out the nofeonons himnnn' the blood purifying and enriching it. and so overcoming those diseases resulting from Impure or impover ished blood. A LAXATIVE. v; Acting mildly but surely on thebowels It cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit It strength en the stomach, and aids digestion. A DIURETIC. In Its composition the best and most active diuretics 01' the Materia Medlca are combined scientifically with other effective remedies for diseases of tho suanevs. it can be relied 00 to give quick relief and speedy cure. Huodredi of tosUmonislt hav been received froBs person whqhssa nssd Shis remedy with rsmsrkshls benefit, bond fur ououlsrs, giving foil partioalsrs. Vries ft. ft: Bald Sf Dnvgtsts: WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop's DURJLINGTON, VT. four teaspoonfuls of the best Baking Pow deleav ing tventy time it coat, b isidcs being luucb ho i'tiiier , becauso it deos not con tain any inj-irious substances, sueliRsatum, torraalba etc., ersrhk h Bat in;; Pov.'duM uro made. la n ;e.. u otid l'armera i he n Id uo only t li o "Arm Hi Uainmer " brand for i le miiig and keeping Milk Pen Uwcct and than. CUtmos. Oce that every poutid package of "Arm a; Hammer Brand" contains full 16 eune a n t. end tho pound vn 'iganu I 13 ouiic s net, Hotia or MaleratuA same aa speci fied on each package. PACli VGE. Beard Boxes. Always keeps Soft 22, 2 26, 28, 30 & 32 Lake Street, CHICAGO, ILLS.