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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1887)
Entered at ths Poet 'Office at Albany, Or nail matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER SO, 1887 HUTTING. rreprletors. titers an rauia r. atnrrava, &,at uiiw. A MAN ABOUT TOWN. Will the young ladle of Albany make New Year's calls ? Leap year.jou know. O Nest Sabbath begins Leap Year. Four years ago the M. A. T. collated a list of young men of Albany of marriageable ages and presented them for the consideration of the young ladles of the city. Out of thirty -nine, only sixteen have been married, a bad showing. We predict a better record for the coming four years, and will watch re sults In the cases of the following thirty-nine marriageable young men of the city, whom the M. A. T. hopes to see better treated than those of "oa : O. A. Archibald, wheat ; W. R. Blain,clothing bookkeeper ;Jtfason Brink, tine keeper ; Fred Burkhart, farmer ; Geo. CaldwelUry goods clerk ; Ed. clerk ; Jaa. Callahan, grocer clerk ; L. W. Clark, photographer ; Harry Day, candy maker Lake Dorria, hardware clerk ; R. L. Dorria, lawyer ; Geo. Fish, tinner : II. Franklin, second hand goods ; Fred Fort miller, furniture maker ; W. E. Glllet, mar ble dealer ; Philip Goodwin, bookkeeper ; Geo. Hentlerson,capiUlUt ; J as. Hale, dray man ; Chaa. Robinson, barber ; John Hale, clothing clerk ; Hank Have, delireryrnan ; O. H. Irvine, lawyer ; F. L. Kenton .grocer ; Al. Ketchum.harness maker , Geo.kecney. real estate ; Chaa. Monteith, merchant ; Thoa. clerk ; E. E. Park er, harness maker ; Merrill Philllpejrocery clerk ; Walter Parker, grocer ; Jaa. Powell, bank clerk ; John Robson, agricultural im plements ; H. V. Romlnger.minister ; Geo. Settlemter.tinner ; Harry Woodin, furniture clerk ; Jos. Whitney, editor ; Oley Wood worth, drug clerk ; Curt Wlnn.W.F. agent. A. W. Thompson, furniture maker. o The Albany fire man did some remarkably good work at the fire Tuesday morning. This city has a fire department second in ef ficiency to none in the State, taking into consideration the size of the city. A worse looking, more culti appearing act of rags, waa never seen in Albany than hovered around the scene of the fire Tues day morning. One of the seven or eight who had been lodged in the Caliboosc the night before boasted that the drJaens of Al bany could not lay the fire to them as they had spent the night in the city's hotel. Tramps did not get the benefit this time. A REAM FIRE. Albany's first fire of any moment for over fire years occurred In this city butt Tuesday morning. At about 1 30 o'clock Mr John Schmeer, who had just been awak ened by the blowing of a river steamer, saw from his bed room window in the rear of Ms store a liarht flash up from the rear of If. Peyser's saloon, just west, and heard a small explosion. Going to his rear west porch the rear of the saloon was found to be In flames and the smell of kerosene was strong. An alarm was given and the fire department was promptly on hand and did some splendid work, confining the flames to two or three small buildings in a range of six frames. This in face of a lack of water In the nearest cistern. Mr Wm Vance handed the department a $J0 piece ia ap preciation of their saving his block. The buildings occupied by The Jones, barber. W B Scott, gun store, M Peyser, saloon. Owned by Judge R 8 8trahan,and H Flindt, boot and shoe shop owned by A a by Pearce were practically consumed. The Vance block and the building occupied by the Miaars Howard were scorched some. Nearly all of Thos Jones' barber outfit, about a fourth of Mr Scott's goods, a few of Mr Flindt's tools, the Misses Howard's millin ery goods and Mrs O'Connor's millinery goods were saved, though all somewhat damaged. AH of Mr Peyser's saloon out fit and Otto Salinger's stock of cigars, to bacco, etc., were consumed. The losses may be placed as follows : Judge E S Stratum, two buildings, $i800 No insurance, Asbby Pearce, damage to buildings, $300. No insurance. Wm' Vance, damage to block, $50. No insurance. Mrs O' Conner, damage to stock, $150. Insured in the - . Thos Jones, damage to fixtures 100. $200 insurance. W B Scott, loss v. damage to stock, $3000. No Insurance. M Peyser, loss and fixtures, etc., $800 to $i000. Insured In Northwest for $t000 Otto Salinger, loss stock, $300 No in- su ranee. H Flint, loss tools and fixtures, $i00. No Insurance. Misses Howard, damage to stock, $i00. No Insurance. J J Dubruii le, damage to stock, etc .,$1 00. Insured. Total loss, $,700. Insurance, $m00. motks. Considerable excitement prevailed during the fire on account of the explosion of a keg of powder, which caused the breaking of twelve nanes of sfiass from the blocks on the opposite side of the street, and the con tinoai bursting of cartridges, in Scott's gun store. The concussion of the former knock ed three firemen into the mud. DrM H Ellis, a member of No. as was hit ia the left eye by a piece of exploded cartridge, causing the loss of the eye. Dr Brown, an experienced oculist of Portland, was sent far, and Wednesday, took out the ruined eve ball. Dr Ellis has the universal sym pathy of the people of Albany in his great The Ladies Coffee Club was on hand at the W CT U Hall with coffee and crackers and received tne Blessings of the members of the fire department, who had done hard work in the mud and water. That the fire was incendiary is not doubt ed at all by the pub'fc, of O fleers. Orgeana Encampment, No. 5,1. O. O. F., of this city, on last Friday evening elected the following officers for the ensuing term T.J. 8tites,C. P. M. H. Ellis, 8. W. F. S. Crosby, H. P. J. P. Hail, S. E A. Parker, T. Willis Glllett, J. W. W. M. Ketchum, E A. Parker and J. F Backensto, Trustees. Death of Mrs. Ceeteilo. Mrs. Martin Costelio died at her home in Harrisburg last Friday after an illness of only a few weeks. Her husband preceded her less than a year ago. It is often thus that aged couples after passing down life's stream together follow each other to the V Prod see Wanted. Kenton & Chase, grocers, between the Opera Hoase and Post Office. Albany, want batter, eggs, and all kiodl of farm produce, for which they are ready to pay the highest market price. Ladies', missee' and children's wool knit hoxis, sosrfs nod jackets at cost, at Samuel Yogae's. Mr. Ed. Goins has sold his interest ia the Red Crown Flouring Mills to Isom St Lanningnd will retire from the ht nets LINN COUNTY MARRIAGES DURING lSe. January, 5, Elmer McNeil and Mary O leasle. u. Harry Ray and Hannah Kinder. 1 8. Jaa Bond and Mary J Wiadbin. so. John H Glass and Altha C Chance. 19. Henry L Sheiton and Mary L Rich ardson. ao. F M Hyde and Floretta Dodge. 30, Albert J Logan and Little E Gill. 37. J L Page and M J Odell. February. 16. John R Hudelson and Nettle Gib heard. at. A J Shanks and M J Matlock. ao. S M W Hindmsn and Fannie E Mor- C B Tycer and Jennie B Isom. Geo S Acheaon and Lillian Couey. Edward Nelson and Erne Turner. Wm Fortmiller and Mary Thompson.' Jas H Warren and .Nancy Wiseman. gan. 7. a 30. 21. March. a. T C Isom and Myra McDonald. 5. H A Munsell and Clara Montgomery. 13. 0 C Cooper and Ida Phillips, ao. Geo Stlmson and Mattle E Hiatt. 17. M A Shough and Aggie Patterson. 33. Geo M Strong and Irene Allen. $t. T M Wittenand Emma Duncan. April. 4. John S Porter and Irene Morris, j. MM Gruss and Isabel Oakley. 5, S J Brown and Hat tie Reeder. 17. Jas Gardner and Mel lie Gardner. 17. W W Crawford and Jennie Blodgett. ao. 3 A A Dcrthick and Martha Kinaer. W II Davis and Dora Hendrex. John Pollman ami Minnie Grim. May. 1. L E Dole and Josephine Glass, it. John Ames and Hester Ames. 10. Herman DWrkaand A E Zeigler. 33. C O Eichler and Lulu Benner. 33. Arthur Hudelson and Ada Gross. 39. W H Raney and Ruth Conner. June. 4. Charles Clover and Emma Alford. 1. Daniel Agee and Annie V Grimes. 16. YE Hines and Emma Bell. ao. Alfred Sylvester and Mary Harrison. a 1. Geo R Ward and Mary Gay. 33. W H Lee and Elisabeth Fortmiller. July. 3. John F Morris and Fannie C Powell. 3. Jas Swank and Annie E Parker. 3, Michael Gorman and Jennie Tripp. 4. Wm R Garrett and Ester Carter 1 a. A J Carey and Nancy Hobbs. as. IN Williamson and MJnerya Staley. 37. Frank Mack and Ella Smith. AUOUBT. 11. Charles La Folic tt and Anna Price at. 7- 31. H 30. 31. Clarence Sloan and Eliza Pettyjohn. C A Curran and Emma Blachford, P S Veatch and ToseaMne Mmv Wm Butler and Annie Coate. G A Downing and Phoebe Yoeman. Oscar Minor and Halle Stanley. September. 6. J L Cain and Margare Kendall. 11. B M Donaca and Martha McClun. 10. Edward O'Conner and Emma Schu bert. 14. E C Roberta and Lizzie Marks. 14. Geo Luderman and Georgia Wallace. 14, Grant Taylor and Ore. Walton. 19. John Trout man and Mary Edwards, ao. John Mc Williams and Florence Rouse. 10. Michael K el ley and leanette Miller. 39- E W Nixon and Lillie Cummings. 35- w G Hendricson and Alma Auder way. 31. C B Haruish and Laura Vase, ao. S H Noel and Clara Klefer. October. a. Geo W Wright and Etta Cooler a. Francis Kenedy and Mary Burnette. 5. John Coon and Mary J Herbert. 13. J B Geter and Lillie 1 Bates. 7. JLC 9. John 7- D H Osburn and Hattie Holmes. Young and Mary M Crabtree. Pierce and Minnie Smith. id. C E Keebler and Annie Smith. 16. Wm Grishara and Mamie Thayer. 11. I N Warmoth and N J Bassett 9 tain. H 37. 36. 37. 30. Walter Burwell and Matilda Foun Edward Houston and OiUe Clover. 8 A Hulm and Ella Hay, J F Stubblefield and Etta P Marks. O B Hansard and ttarepta Morgan. Jefferson Lewis and Luster Wallis. Louis Mayer and Sarah Goina. November. 6 Lewis Huber and Stacey Sheiton. 6. R H Sportsman and Ida Baker. 3. Geo Vasello and Etta Stiles. 3. Geo Will and Maggie Minxenmier. 9. M D Klum and Alena S tough ten. 13. W O Rtdgwsy and Hannah Michael. 11. Eugene F Hyland and E J Hamlin. 16. S E Keenan and Maggie Kine. 10. Wm Young and Minnie Alexander. 1 3. Joa Poindexter and Addle Gaines. 17. Lewis Duncan and Margaret Morgan, 6. Jackson Adams and Lydia Graham December. 11. A L Baker and Emma Allison. IS. T B Vaaghs and Mead Sloper. 10. Lowall Ames and Mary K cable. 14. Jaeok Jaekoy and Theresa Sebaly. 24. 8 A Osotry and L J Coasy. 20. Tbemas Smith and Rebecs Reader. 21. W Stargis and Liana Neal. . Alfred B Haslet and Rosa B Haatoa. 28, Qeofge Geissadorf r and Jeaoie Camp boll. 28. J add Rase and Clate Williams. 28. Gse W Hughes and Susie Daniels . A NEW GROCERY STORE, Jast Oleosa at Albany, We now have the pleasnre of informing the citizens ef Albany and vicinity, that we have opened a grocery and oonfectieaery store in the building next to the Opera Hoase ia this city, and beg leave to call attention to the following facte 1st. Oar stock has been carefully selected. and contains articles of the beet quality to be found in tne market. 2nd. wo bought, and shall continue to buy for eaeh, thus securing low prices, the beoeat of which will be given to our eas terners. 3rd. As our terms are spot cash wa will be able to sell our goods cheaper than we could it placed in danger of losses from bad debts. 4th. We warrant all goods as to Quality and price. 5th. We offer no "baits" but sell our goods at uniformly low prices. ota. We are here to star and respectfully solicit a share of your patronae which we will endeavor to earn bv every means known ia honest bnsinsas. Kehtom U Chase. Perforated by Whom. According to the returns mads to the County Clark there wers 112 marriages sen sammatcd in Linn county during the past year, seven leas than in 1886. The ceremon ies in 74 eases were performed by ministers, or elders, and 38 by Justices of the Peace, 60 of ths marriages were consummated is Albany, bot not entirely between Albany people. Uf the whole number (ieorge Humph rey, j r, performed the most being credited with 13. Then follows : Jsa Williams. J P. of Scio, 8 ; R L Derris, J P, Albany, 8 : Rev Davis, Albany, 7 : Kev Irvine. Albany. 6 Rev Williams, Oak Crack, 6 ; Rev Sparry, Brownsville, 6 ; Elder Norton, Sweet Home. 4 ; Rev Webb. Albany. 4. etc.. the remainder being divided among 32 Ministers and Justices. The Stewart A Sex Burglary. Last Friday Wm O'Brien, a young maa about eighteen years old, was arrested in Portland aa a vag. On his person was found twenty-five jack knives and thirteen razors. Tneadsy Mr E F Sox, of Stewart & Sox, went to Portland and identified all the cutlery but one razor as some of the goods recently stolen, (here being a private wholesale mark on some of them, and also 0 Brian as having been in the city about the time of the robbery. He was brought to Albany Wednesday evening, committed to the county jail and will be ex amined this afternoon. KVKMTO Or 1887. Concluded from at pg Ssrr ember. 1. John Avery, Prof of Greek in Bowdoin died. t. Perry C Lyase, an old pioneer ia Linn county died. 2. Bishop Harris of the M E Church died. A. One haadred and thirty persons bo reed to death ia a theater at London. 7. K Gov Aiken, of South Carolina died. 8, Sir Henry Tiokborne married. 0. Ex Coagreaaaaan Gallatin Talbot, of Ky died. 11, 0' Brian, the Irish patriot arrested at Kingstown. 12. Gov Battiest, of California died, IE State fair opened. 14. Supreme eourt of Illinois dsoid against tks anarchists. 14. Kx-Go? Luka P Blaekman, of Ky died. 18. The centennial of the constitution of tke U S, 18. Mexican Indepeadeaee day. IB. Sovereign Grand Ledge of 1 OOF meet at Denver. 31. Biansarek's 86th anniversary aa prims minister. 26. Q A R encampment at St Loots. 88. Prohibition beaten ia Teaneeeee. 29. Miss Phoebe Cousins appointed U S Marshal at St Lout SO. Volunteer defeats the Thistle ia the boat race. 80. President Cleveland starts on bis west era aud southern trip. Octobrb, 2. President at St Louie. 8 Knights of Labor meet at Minneapolis. 3. J no It Vinoh, noted temperaaee lecturer tts4 4. Rev Dr Parke ef London deli vera a eulogjrea Henry W Beeoher in Plymouth 6. Prank W Psttygreva, launder of Port land died. 6. 00,000 people meet the President at Chicago. 6, tram Abbott ereates a aaasation in sbureh, 10. Pallium 00 n (erred on Archbishop Gross at Portland. 10. President at St Paul. 11. US Minister, Manning died. 12. President at Omaha. 15. M K Cbnroh bhogs suit agatast Ag ri soHural College. 14. Rev David R Kerr, editor ef the Unit ad Presbyterian died. 16. Ravaoa, tke millionaire of Chicago shot by bis son. 19. Empire Seed Co sell wheat to farmres at S 15 per bushel. 23. James I m brio pioneer, died at Dal lea. 94. Lisa Weber, burlesque actress died. 86. Baltimore votes democratic . 87. Col Charles B Ployd the veteran journ alist died. 98, Rear-Admiral,! W A Nicholson died. 30. Maggie Arlington, actress died. SO. M PTateaoff, great Rnaeiaa jocraslist died 1. Senator Allison speaks in New York. 2, Snpreme eoart refuse to interfere ia an archists esese. 2. J en ay Ltnd died. 5. Chief Jnsttos Chase receives an infernal maebins. 4. Henry 8 Kdgertoo suddenly dies at San Krsi.ciaeo. 6. Bombs discovered in I Jagg's eel I. 7. Geo Joshua J Owen, ef Philadelphia 8. New York and Virginia vote demo crtic. 9. Geo BcCoureey. Preach 10. Gov Oglesby comma tea of Pieldtnf and Schwab, army died the 10. Liagg, the anarchist cost mite suicide. 11 R E Marple hanged at Lafayette. 11. Chicago anarchists aaaeed. 13. 1UUW people attend funeral. 13 Terrible riot ia 1 -on dsn. 15. M Hogao, the wheat swindler, arrest ed ia San r raneisoo. 16. Spark. Oesa of General Land 0oa 16. Rev Jas W Saul, peace advocate died 17. Mvr Most, the anarchist arrested. 90. Steamer Telephone burned at Astoria, 20. Barn urn's shew destroyed by Are. 23. Gen Randolph B Moray died. 84. Prussian raichstag meets, 85, W A Hand ricks, cousin of the late Vioc President died. 88. Prohibition defeated in Atlanta. 88. Ex Caegreesma Hgby died. SO. Stater Daquer, superior general of the Gray Nana died. Decemssb, 1. Mrs Vioc President Hendricks nrrivsc in Cel. 1. John Myers appointed U S Marshal. 2. Gravy, French President resigns. . 8. Congress meets. 6. "Ysquioa City" stranded. 8. President Cleveland delivers a uoiqas aaa a vatM IHh 7- Brewers decide to leave Iowa. 8. National republican committee decide to held neat national eoeveatten at Chicago Jone 19. 8. Herr Most sentenced to penitentiary one year. 9. The Arensderf jury return verdict, not IPWIty, 10. J ales Perry shot in French chambers, 11. Steamer "Yaquinn" parts amidships. 13. Harper the banker sent to peniten tiary 10 years. 13. Dempsey whips Reagan on the Hudson . 14. Stewart 4 Sox's store burglarised. 14. Gen J K Smith died. 15. Gov Badwell of Maine died. 17. Last spike driven at Ashland. 19 Last spike party at Portland. 81. Plat ef Hacklemao's Third Addition to Albany filed. 22. Congressman 8 C Moffat of Miohi gan died. 24. RE Secretary Manning died. Postal Notes. Brownsville. County Clerk GalbMith was in Brownsville over Xams. Frank Stanard and Bert Coble, who have been attending school at McMinnyille, are spending the holidays at Home. Hugh Fields and family have come home from California. A big masque party waa held In Browns ville Friday night. Several from Albany at tended. The tin-wedding of J M Howe was cele brated last week, some tine presents being given them. The A O U W has surrendered its charter and will unite with the Albany lodge. Some diphtheria here in the families of Jos Hume and C u Drake. In the election last week r M Jack was elected President ; E D Moyer, Brush, J Zeiner, J M Jager, Councilmen ; H J 0 Averill, Recorder ; J 11 Wilson, Marshal J H Waters, Treasurer. A fine union Christmas tree was held at the city hall Saturday evening. Harrisbrug. Mr Alfred Huelet, of Salem, and Miss Rose Huston, of Harris burg, were united in marriage at the resi dence of the bride s parents In Harrisburg last Sunday. Many friends extend them well wishes for prosperity and happiness.- Mrs A F Cox, of Salem, has been visiting in the city. Last week Mr Butler, as here tofore announced, presented his petition for a saloon license, but a counter petition con taining nine more names was also present ed, hence the petition had to be refused. The temperance people continue on top. A big revlyal meeting is being held at Har risburg, conducted by Rev Jones, who is as sisted by others. Many converts are report ed. Real Estate and Employment Agency. Parties having farms for sale of about 160 acres or those "haying larger tracts which tkey woahl be willing to divide up into 1 or 160 acre lota are invited to call at ear of fice as we have a fear customers for that class of farms. We can also furnish parties in the city or country with either male or female help 00 short notice, and we also have a few situations for both male and female in the city and couatry . Call a'ti onr office No 06, First Street, adjoining W C Tweedale's. Tin Store. F. A. Burkhart vCo. Five vagi arrested Wednesday were given days and street work. PERSONAL. Miss Minnie Allison has been visiting in ths city. Mr and Mrs I M Bruce, of Waterloo pre cinct, are in the city. Mr Felix 0' Toole has been lying danger ously ill at his rooms in the Ross House. Mr L Douglas, of Harrisburg, one of that city's new Council, waa ia the city Monday. Mrs Chambers, of Kings Valley, sister ef Mrs Zeyes, has been in the oity spending the holidays. Mrs Frank Wood left the first of the week for Oakland, Gal., on a visit to her daughter, Mrs Hsndersou. George B Vaasallo took the through traia Tuesday evening for Los Angeles, where be goes to yisit relatives. Mrs J K Westherford left a few daya ago far San Joss. Cel.. where she ia suendina the holidays with her parents. Mrs Ella Rosea-, of M u Minn villa ia snend. ias ths holidays in the oitv. tha aaamt of her graadfsthsr, Dr R 0 Hill. Mrs A MoNary. of Kola, and Mrs Havana. of Salem, mother and iaW at Mr. C W Watta, arc visiting the latter la this city. Ths ladies of the M 1 Church nave a social an Wednesday evening at the? rcoldsass of Mr. Thos. Brink. It waa a very 'enjoyable affair. M Wilkina baa bee appointed Steward at ths insane asylum in place of Irrio, and I 0 Dickey at the penitentiary has been made chapel guard. Ths clerks in ths einulov of Chaa Men- teithon Christmas si pressed their appreeU- uou 01 tneir employer by presenting mm with a fioe gold headed cane, Mr H Lampman for several vesta ia oharee of Mr S K Young' agricultural implement department, haa accented a position aatrav ehogageatfor DMOaberne4 Co. at a good salary, ana yeeterday began buei for that arm. Mr Lampman ia one of the beet ma- chine aaea en the Coast. HOMK UOOD NKW YKAttM KKMOLUTIO.MS Pur Uaa Ccaaty People. Hoodlum."-! will quit my fooiih,ungen tlemanly prank and be a man, and "don't yer forgit lt.M Hoodlumess. I am not going to be naughty any more. Will stop running the street for fun and will not associate with bad bow Via bachelor. - Will get married and be more than half a man If it takes every cent. Old maid, Ditto If soma one will only propose. Moss back. Will scrape off the moss and go in for Improvement of all kinds. Here's SO cents lor a free bridge across the Willam ette. Saloon keeper. I will close ut mv aa- loon on Sunday and stop selling to minors ana naouuaj arunaaroa, and be as nearly moral as it Is possible for a s. k. to be, if my receipts are a little lea. Albany bummer. I will take my lands out of my pockets and go to work, if it te sawing wood, even If it does bust. Business man. 1 will everlastingly "whoop it up" in the newspapers, and make tilings ay. Subscriber. I will pay the editor his just due if It takes mv wheat at 65 cents, and the merchant too.' They need the money In tneir Dusinet. Common Council of Albany We wilt stand In with everything that will improve Albany, though it coats. Electric tight, wee improvement, etc., are needed. Property owner. I will ia uo mv tide walk and yard and make things look clean ana innny. Capitalist. We need more factories sin In for a woolen mill or anything else that will give things a boost. You may put me oown tor : 10,000 in stock Everybody. We will pull together for Albany. Linn county, the Wlllimette Val ley, Oregon and our n resides. We will work for others at well a for ourselves, Wa will worn Bar moral value, a well a money vaiues. Mete to 1 Tuesday, Dec 37th, 1887. Present All members and officer, The cost of a cistern at junction of Third and Jackson Street, was reported st about $100. Petition for privilege of building wooden buildings in fife limit were presented by W C Twecdale, removal of tin shop, a Cunning ham, boarding rooms, P J Baltimore, bar ber shop (for Hale Backensto,) were refer red. The Marshal was instructed to have side walks obstructed by building and other ma teriats, cleared and put In passable condi tion. The bonds of the Treasurer and Marshal for 1 888 were placed at $7000 each. Bids were ordered received far laying six inch terra cotta pipe from the ditch to the cistern corner Ellsworth and First Streets. Licenses to sell liquor were granted Wm, Paber and Chas Kiefer, beer, and J B Wil liams, Peter bchlosser and Marx Baumgart, general, for six months. it wa moved mat t trst street be scrap ed and put in condition. A night watch was directed to be at morn ing trains on the O & C and the Marshal at the evening trains. 1 he Unlet engineer and committee on fire and water were instructed to examine the hose of the fire department and con demn all that Is unfit for use. Copies of the new charter and city ordln ances, as just publbhcd, were ordered pre sented to the members of the Council, and to the Council of Portland. Warrants for the following bills were or- dred drawn : O & 0 celebration. $30.? ; Hayes & Clelan, bridge over Ditch $79.50; I Hays, crosswalk, S11.13 ; Geo Westfall, f ravel, ; James Murray, washing hose, 10 ; D R N Blackburn, making copy of ordinance ; J H Burkhart, printing, Sc.oo ; Zeyss Sc Hochstedler, lamp posts, $4. 50. Good tor Annie. The following from the Portland Newt is a very pretty tribute to a former Albany girl, at one time aa attache of the Democrat : Miss Annie Hazlett, of The Ntv$ compos ing room, was yesterday made the recipient 01 a nnc goia- uanaied umbrella, preeected to her with the beat wishes of the paper's ty- pograpnicai rorce. xne presentation waa made by Mr. Alfred Tsxisr, father of The Nntts chapel, who accompanied it with ap propriate remarks, to which Miss H. respond ed in feeling terms. The umbrella ia of the best make, and a mare fitting tribute of the universal high esteem in which Miss Annie is held by the chapel could hardly be fouud Theohspel thinks so much of her that thsy a. a ... a . . m wian to prevent ner imm taking cold. Collegiate Institute. Last Thursday afternoon whon the Primary Department t the College waa dismissed the four pupils whose names are mentioned below received one hundred merit cards for attendance, deportment and scholarship. This covers the time from Sept 13th when the school opened. The names are : Ora Fliuo, Lena MoCormick, Pearl Vance, Mary Williams. Study at the College will b resumed on Tuesday, Jan 3rd. Holiday Sweetness, A splendid line of confectionary for tha holiday trade at Hoffman St Pfeiffer's. Be sides the standaid candies thsy have a large stock of fancy goods, snob as candy apples oranges, animals, etc. Get your confection ary of a homo institution, besides everything is freshly made, constantly replenished from the firms candy factory, under the charge ef aa expert workman. Also f raits, ia their season, outs. ste. HOME AND ABUUA a. Me to Fraaoh . Happy Hew Year. Dallas is to have a new hotel. Jadge Boise haa been seriously ill. French takes the cake for low priest. The beat harness at I L Thompson s. Preach, the jeweler, keeps railroad time Sewed calf boots $13 at Lewis Haghse. H Kwsrt, practical watchmaker and Jew alar. The number ef holiday weddings has beta small. Robber goods at cost at N. If. Alien St Oe'a. J. P. Wallace. Physician and Sureeon. Al bany, Or. If you want blankets ae to Moateith & Seitenbeeh. Horns elrgant novsltiss for holidays at Fc sbay dr Mason's. If yoa want boot or shoes go to Mon- teith & Seitenbeeh. Cases of diphtheris in Brownsville nd Ashland are reported . If yea want the best harness in the market go to J J Da braille '. Six shaves for a dollar and a oh an towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. 7 0-k cures rhaantetiam. muiraiuU aud sesthsehe Poshay k Mason. Agents. Every thine boaaht and sold at U Prank. lia ss Ob's second hand store, Albany, Or. Kasors boned, set and pat in ereVr at as Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. F M French, aeenl auaawr Mannfaotarina Oc.oppoaiU Odd Fellows f ample, Albany.Or. Or, M. H. Ktlia, physician and sureeon Albany, Oregon, flails made ie oity er country. All styles of boats and shoes ai.d a Urue stock as grass ilea is what we carry Bed field tt Browne!!. We take theoeis. the onttomer take the bargains, and the bargains take the eake. lCedlisld 4 Browoeli. Belieioa service morning and evesakser aest Sabbath ia the M K Church Booth, be Mrs LoaisePBMed Every ons teener will be a walkioc adver tissenent for oar bargains when they see oar prices. Bed field At Browoail. Hen B A Irvine was deservedly several ' eaaad by hie children en Christmas. It t gold headed and aa slegsat oaa. Savers! marriages ia Lion ootmtv darine 1W7 have not been oertilad to by the offi criminal oflTen. Umbrellas at ooat don't loraat that N H Allan & Co., have a fall stock of umbrellas which they will sell at cost to dose. The Sac masse has, 00 which tickets wars said for the benefit of the Sister's School, was drawn last Saturday by Charles Warner. A fine line ef gent's underwear and faro ling goods last received at Mollwaia will be sold at prices that defy compctiUm Aa imsBceee reft eonUiaioe 27.000 Iocs. being tawed frees Neva Scotia to New York City is Atlanta was lost in a storm last a uorvaiue easiness man ass been riu a 4 s aai ning a cola mo advertisement ia a local pa per for several weeks. Hs says advertising pays, In ths sait of R I. Djrrie aarainat I.ina Co. for $40. Justice fees, a verdict in favor ef the eeanty waa rendered on Saturday by Jostise Humphrey. Another shipment of dis Mns shoe ia all widths sad stass jest ia this week. Custom ers remark what asefaot beaatiss. Bedfield At Browoeli. If yoa want a stylish winter garment go to Moateith 4 Bestontvach, agent for Springer Bros, tailor made garment for ladies, misses snd children. Yoa will cave money by taking veer sick sowing asachias to the repairer. B F Paraesai at Sisth and J s Ber on Sic. Albany, Oregon. Ooat satisfaction or aa pay. A saaa with a targe amount of jecUknivat, rasors, eta., was arrested ia Portland last Saturday. Probably seen of the Albany and eao oofiary recently stolen. It is understood that Senator Stanford has preesieed to build the railroad from New port to Airlieaaaoon aa the right of wsy ie aecorad over the lieav. PtL Tha officers of Albany Lodge Mo. 4. 100 P. will he daly installed nest Wednesday evening All mawaers and sojourning breth ren are requested to be present, smseeriptioaa for the leading newspapers asm aaagalaea received by p. L. Kenton at the store of Kootoe St Chaa. between the Opera House and PoctcfBoe, Albany, Or. The Baa Francisco Oaa light Company will petittoa the Commoo Conned at it next sssatiag for the privilege ef establishing a gas and electric light system is this oity. Vitality and color are restored to weak and gray hair, by the use ef Avar's Hair Vigor. Through its eleaaaing and hssHeg aoalittee. i Btevente tha scoaanlation ef dandruff and ceres ail scalp disease. David Harncr, of CorvallU, a deck hand 00 the "Wm II Hoag," was knocked in she Willamette by a plank near Roes Island, and aa he could net swim, waa drowasd before seeistanoe eoald be reader sd. The new Masonic hall waa dedicated at Lebanon Tuesday of this week, and not last week. Several from Albany were ia attsn daaee and sssiatirl in the impoeing ie of ths occasion. A few daya ago Jesse Barker, of this city, while ridiag a yenag horse in California, was thrown off so severely as to eaase tha break ing of three riba aad aa arm. lie is expect. ad horns this wsek. Mr M Peyser went to Portland Tuesday morning, where he was seed by Q Cobea & Co. for f2093 due on two nates made by bim in tbe spring, and the policy on his goods burned Tuesday morning was attached. How many are suffering with shattered eoastitations, completely broken down by the ravages of diseases which, if taken at the proper time, oould have been prevented by a single does el Press's Hamburg Tea. The wives of members ef the AO U W Ledge, of this oity, are hereby requested to meet at A O U W Hall on Friday, Dec. 30th, at 2 p, m. to make arrangements for a supper to be given on the evening of January Utb. Parker Brothers will-assume charge of the store aad bakery, mention of the purchase of which was mads in laat week's Democrat, next Monday. They will make a popular firm. Call en them at tbe John Fox block. Saturday evening an attraction at an Al bany saloon was a tight between a 000a and a dog, duly advertiaed by pesters. The coon whipped several dogs in succession . This completely overshadowed tha free army bean esap ef another saloon. Ho woman sen be coatontod and happy if her akin is covered with pimples aad blotch es. These diatign ring eruptions are easily re moved by. tne use of Ayer a Sarsapariila. This medicine is perfectly safe to take, and is a tberoughly reliable blood purifier. J P Queener is in ths Lius county jail, where he will await ths aetion of tha grand jury on a charge of forging time checks on the Uregon reottto. n waa brought irom Scio here. While in the ealibcose at Scio he escaped, but was recaptured. Last Saturday eight some one entered the Albany City the foot of Ferry Street, and emptied a barrell of lubricating oil over the floors. Just what the object was is not known ; but ths oil is very combustible. Christmas was a wet. dreary day and Christmas eve. waa likewise. The churches held tree festivals aa announced last week, hantrv events for small children. In nearly all oases ths present ware confined to the younger people, the older people getting their stockings filled at home. Many great men at one time iu their Uvea ware correspondents of country newspapers. Ws mention this for the benefit of the yonng men and ladies of Idea county. The columns of the Democrat are open to them, not only for news letters but aa well literary efforts, so long aa kept within reasonable bounds. Write for particulars. Every town in the county should be represented in the Demo crat. The Uncle Tom's Cabin Troup which was stranded in this oity last wsek succeeded ia getting sway by pawning their scenery and oonaey ana giving bo ouKwnuuiru. W F's agent has charge of ths donkey, which is aow eating itself up. Ons ef ths lady members of tho tronp, refused to leave Al j hany, aad I her home , and ws understand, in tends making it Mr Thos Jones, the barber who was burned oat in the late firs, opened cat basieess yes terday in ths Ksysra Hoase sample rooms, where hi will be found ready to wait upon his old customers with ths usual promptness. Crook county exchange : "For more ban three months Croak county has not had a pauper to support, nor has thsre been an ia digsnt fsmily, to be supported by the char itee of the people, ia Prtoevllle this winter. What other county sad county seat ia the state eaa make snob a showing T" Linn coun ty is not one by a big majority. The steamer "Isabel, "ns ot the upper Willamette fleet of boats, has keen tempor arily withdrawn for repairs. The captain saya that there is aa moony in carrying freight for 75 cents per tea ana pay 60 per ton for lockage, and that be proposes to ley id Is until there is an advance in freight rates; then he will be ready to enter the field again. Bm. CLIPPED D1MPATCHE1, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 33. Joseph J M Wright, of this city, has been appointed marshal of the U S supreme court to suc ceed John G McClay, who retires to devote himself to literary work. The position is a life one. with a salary of $3000 a year. Major Wright is a graduate of West Point, and is a son of Oen Oeorge Wright, USA, who commanded the department of the Pa ciflc during the war, and who was lost on the Brother Jonathan In 1865, while going from San Francisco to Oregon. London, Dec. at At Aix la Chappeile to-day 5000 persons went In a precession to a neighboring shrine and prayed for the ci own prince. Two lighted candles, each weighing fifty -six pounds, denoting the prince s sge, were borne by eight girls dressed In white. Tacoma, Dec. av Fred Netted, propri etor of the Brewer saloon In Old Tacoma. was murdered to-day by an unknown par. son, who escaped, but in a wounded condi tion. Neitxel was shot through the body by his assailant, who waa secreted in the fculoon and attacked him while he waa counting his money. The police pursued the robber end shot him, but he could not be found up to midnight. New York, Dec. at. President Clevc land will forward to Rome, for a present to Pope Leo XIII, on the occasion ef the let ter's golden jubilee, a magnificent copy of the constitution of the United States. The text is engrossed In the meet elaborate man ner on white yellum, and the initial letters are gorgeously Illuminated. The fly leaves are of the most delicate silk. The fifteen page of the text ere each eighteen inches ( square. The book t gorgeously bound In cream colored vellum, and will cost $350. Cedar SraiNo. Mich., Dec. ae. Wm Webster, aged at, employed on a construe - Hon gang of the new Toledo St Muskegan Railroad, while unloading telegraph poles from a moving train near here yesterday, wa thown under the wheels, his head sev ered from his body and his bdy split in two length way, Chicago, Dec. 35. Christmas in Chi- aawja va marred bv an umuual number of affrays , fatal and otherwise. In the twenty, to jr hours proceeding 6 o'clock this even ing, four persons had been reported stab bed ; one shot dead and a policeman and al derman nearly pommeled out of existence San Franc i sco, Dec. 36. Richard Gray, Knerat traffic manager of the Southern idftc and E P Rogers have been engaged for some time In working out details of the freight traffic, which they found great dif ficulty in harmonlxine. Yeterdav. how ever, the following definite schedule waa nied, to take efiect from the 27th Inst. The rates are subject to the old Western classification, and are expressed In cents per 100 pounds. t -I. .vast VIED RATES TO PORTLAND, 1st. ad. 3rd. ath. eth. A. B. C D. St F. 80 70 6c At 35 o 30 30 .Special comodity tariff, will be later. The following are the O R St K Co.'s, rates, aa obtained yeeterday : 1 at and, 3rd. th. 5th. A. B. C D. Si F. 75 66 6 40 30 35 35 ar Detroit, Dec ao. A year ago Gen Alger save suit of clothe to $00 newsboys and sent coal or wood and floor to hundreds of homes. This year he will repeat his gift, only on a larger scale. From lists furnished to his secretary by persons who have means of knowing who are the legitimate and de serving newsboys of the city, the needy newsboys wiU be selected and sent, lOOat a time, to designated clothing stores, where thev will be clad with garments, shirts and stockings. The second part of Oca, Alger's benefit will be to supply iOOO families la Detroit with a cord of wood or a ton of coal together with a barrel of flour. In the list of familes to be aided bv the thougtful mil lionaire appear brief notes which entitled them to help. Coato, Colo., Dec, 23. At an early hour this morning, while trainmen were transfer ring the Gunnison sleeper to tbe Lead v Hie train, in some way the sleeper, with one coach, got away and started down a steep grade with no trainmen on them to set the brakes. Soon a velocity of fifty miles an hour was attained. Two miles from here the car iumoed from the track and ware demolished. The only passenger on the ill fated cars was a man named Bates, who cov ered his head with a pillow, and was taken out of the wreck without a scratch. DIED. James R. Herrrn. In Salem at the residence of his brother Wm. J. Herren, on Saturday evening, Dec 34th, 1887, Mr. James R. Herren died st the age of 45 years, after a serious illness of only a few days, though he had been in poor health for years. Mr. Herren was born in Henry county, Kentucky, and moved with hi family to Oregon in 1845, being among the earliest settlers In the Vslley Marion county was his home for many years, when he moved to Linn county and was elected sihertft tn tne summer 01 1070. He returned to Marion county in 1881, broken down in health, the drink habit having to a great extent obtained the mas ter v of him. Since then he improved in health some, lie leaves a wire ana no cnn- : - . - . drcn. The older resident of Albany have the kindest remembrance for him who has just passed away in the prime of life, and will extend their sympathy to nis wiie ane relatives over their loss. REAL ESTATE Following were the recorded sales la Linn county during the past week : T S Kd wards to Susanna Shakelfsrd, 8 aoree. to 14. 1 w fo 00 Naome Young to Catharine Clark, 72 feet frone corner Ferry ana zna St, Albany 2500 L W Clark to Catharine Clark, 1 lot M'iSA, Albany 2 Robert Harrison to N P Crams, 190.28 acres tp 13, 8 wsat Wm Arnold to R A Senders. U lets. I960 Brownsville 125 J E Morris to Benson Harris. 118.26 acres. 1 w . 800 Catharine Clark to L W Clark, power of attorney Julian Thomas to Thoa P Patton. 160 acres, to 14. 4 w 2500 C O Patton to T P Patton interest in 4 block, Halsey 20 Here We Are Again. Look at the list of valuable present to be given away to the customers of F. M. French on Saturday, December 31st, 1387 ! 1st, one ladies solid gold watch. and one diamond ring. 3rd, one large dinner castor, ath, one set knives and forks. One ticket eriven for each dollars worth of roods purchased, and do not forget the fact that vou can get bargain at the "Cor nr Tewelerv Store." Call and see the j priaes. : iaa 11 U Dry Goods, The fall and winter stock of dry goods rxuivftd at Mollwain's. ti a large one, wei selected, embracioe all the latest novelties, and in quantity and of a quality not eurpaea- ed hare, 10 no? ouy wieaouv exauiuHog. FOR BETTgft OR W0R8K. Mr. ani Maa. McCoy. In Pendleton on Dec. 14th, 18S7, Mr. W. IL McCoy and Ml Ella Crawford were duly united In marriage, at the residence of the bride' psrent. The bride is a former resldeat of Hslsey and has many fr ends In Linn county who will wish her much hap piness. Mr. and Mas. Hays. In Corysllis on Dec. aoth, 1887, Mr. Mil lard Hays and Miss Minnie Baker, of Ys quins City, were united In msrrisgc and have been spending the holiday season in Albany. Mr.IIays was formerly a resident of this city. The Democrat extend it congratulation). Ma. and Mas. Jones. Mr. Thomas Jones a popular barber, and Miss Annie Whitehead niece of Mr John Briggs, were united in marriage at the Ephv copal Church, on Tuesday ever. ing, Dec. 37th, 1887, at 6 o'clock, Rev Taylor per forming the ceremony. The church was comfortably filled with interested friends, who will unite with the Democrat in wish ing the happy couple the success in life they deserve. After the ceremony s supper and reception was given st the residence of Mr Briggs, about thirty Invited guest beina present. It was a nice affair. Mr and Mrs Jonesrecdved a good assortment of wed. ding present, and whst is better, the heart good wishes of all present Ma. and Mas. Rosa, Wednesday, Dec. 28tb. 1887, at the Oak Creek Baptist Chnrob. Mr. Jndd Rosa, of this city, and Mia Clara Williams,daaght. er ef Rev. Suae William., were united ia mar riage, Rev. William performing the cart assay. Wc congratulate. Mr. and Mrs. GnsuDORvgR, Oa Wednesday morning, Dee. 28th, 1887, at tha tssidenoe of Mr, Oeorge Knox, ia this city, Mr George Geisendrfer and Miss Jen nie Campbell became man and wife, It iv. H. F. Webb performing the eeraweny. May their years ef happiness be many. The Den ocbat acknowledges tbe receipt of some fine samples of wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Hcomes. At the residence of Mr. K D. hloaa, ia ftk 2 wy. Deo. 28th, 1887, Mr. Geo. W. Ragfase and Miss Basis Daniels were joined hs holy wedlock, Rev. (1. F. Rounds officiating. The TaUmaa P. O, Robbery. Cash Case, of Polk county, wa arretted at CorvallU Wednesday by Deputy Mar. quam on a charge of robbing the postofhee at Talitnan. Linn count v. on vov wh j r - - - - .r 'v 167, of about $80 worth of goods and all the stamps it contained. Case U lying In jail here, awaiting examination before U B CommleshaBcr Walton, which will occur at 1 o'clock Monday morning. Sam, a young er brother of Cash, is also wanted on the same charge, but he was not arrested bv the deputy st the same time as the older brother tor the reason that he was at Suver, Polk county, at his sisters, Mrs Wheeler. The boys are the sons of Lahan Case, well- known in Polk county. Cash states that he and has brother were in Linn county at the ume ox oic aucwcH twoocry buying calve, but he claims thev are Iniwwnt f th charge. Salem Statesman. The examination of Cash Case, accused of robbing the Postotnce at Tallman. Linn county, Nov. 30th, was held before C. 8. . Commissioner James Walton, at his office, In this cky, yesterday, In the forenoon, Hon k. ju mennnur, u o istscnct Attorney, ap pearing for the prosecution, end Tilmon Ford for tbe defendant . several witnesses were sworn, and testified, but the nroof fail- ad to connect Mr Case with the robbery in sny way, and he waa (Uncharged by Judge Walton. The testimony showed that the deisndanf and his brother Samuel were in Unn county, buying? calves, at about the date of the rubbery, and, being strangers, they were suspected and arrested, but cer tainly without sufficient cause, aa the testi mony showed. taietnxtn. Stewart -DRALERS IN- HARDWARE Iron. Steals Coal and Chain AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE ANB CORDAGE, SILVER STE EL Boot and Shoes. At cost by N. H. Allen St Co. This line of their stock is very complete with very de sirable goods. Having taken great pains to Et best wearing ooots ana snow wu. bought, andis a splendid opportunity to get vour fall supply. Call early before sizes are broken. Hotice 0! final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that tha uncier- shraed Administrator 01 tna eamic 01 Armenuia mji""""' VT n.i miwvitint with tha Clerk of the Comi ty Court far Linn county , Oregon, and tho County Court haa fixed the atst day el February. 1SS8 at the hour of one o'clock p. na. of said day to hear objections to ioe nnai account if any and to settle said estate. at a - vtx a a aav Thin rmeemner axs. ice. Milks Cast, Administrator of the estate of Arms aius Cary, deceased. Executor's Notice: Notice ia hereby given that the under -alamea has been by the County Couit of Unn county, Oregon, duly appointed Executor of the laat will and testament of Mary Jane Costelio, late of Linn county, Oreaon, deceased. All persons ba ring olsinas against said estate are hereby no tified to present them properly verified to the undersigned at Harrisburg, Linn, county, Oregon, within six months from tbis data. This 27th day of December, 1867. Sakuel Nzxeir, J. 51. WaaTWPWOBD, ExitcnU r. Att'y tor Executor. PhAINVlSW. Not seeing any communication from this place we thought it necessary that It should be represented This is a thrifty, growing place on the Narrow Gauge R R 16 mile south of your city, 7 miles east of Shedd, and 6 miles north of Brownsville. There is one small warehouse through which has passed this year 30,03 bushel of grain. Also several tons of hay. It is also the home of your efficient County Commission er, A Brandon. It has one; tore and post office both of which is under the manage ment of J H Healey who is disposing of a vast amount of goods. The friend of Mr E Frum one of the old pioneers will be pained to learn that he is slowly growing worse. The infirmities of old age seem to be the trouble. The child of J Hesly who has been sick so long with spinal disease is no better . Your correspondent Interviewed several Democrats an the proposition of viva voce voting in convention. All seem unanimous ly In favor of it. That it will be the means of creating more harmony in the party ; that it will relieve delegates from certain odium sometimes imputed to them by un successful candidates and others. This with other things has created discord which every true Democrat should seek to avoid. MONMOUTH. The County Teacher's Aeeoctstien wss held io tbe Chapel oa Saturday, Deo. 10th, A number of teachers from different parts of the county were present aad assisted tbe County School Superintendent in making the day both pleaaant and profitable. The teach ers class of the Normal, of which there are seventy -four re em hers, was wall represented. Lawyer Fen too, of Regan City lectured to the students in Chapel one asorsuug of late wsek. A sociable was given by the Ladies' Society, Friday evening. R Bennewitz. a Carman who haa Ail stopping about town for somsiiais wss sr -rted for stealing a geld watch from N H Butler's drug store on last Monday morning aad held to answer for the same before tbe next term of Court which convenes at Dallas next April. Many of the students have returned to tbeir respective homes daring the holidays. A brief season of rest and recreation will do them good. A redaction of one-half en the Narrow Cause and one-third on the 0 A C R Ks has been granted the students during the holidays. The faculty nod students take this opportunity ef as pressing their appre ciation of the above favor, Imo. P. T. llama si Writes a Story. The opening chapters of a splendid story for the young, by the famous showman, P T Barnuro, appears this week In the col umns of "The New York Family Story Paper." The story describes the adven ture of an American boy, whom Mr Barn um calls "My Pluck Boy Tom," and whom he sent to India in search of wild, fierce, and animals to replace those destroyed by the disastrous fire at Bridgeport hut month. The reader Is thrilled by the hair-breadth escapes of this dauntless American boy when capturing the fiercest and wildest ajsj imals ever seen in anv traveling shew" "The New York Family Story Paper" is tor sale at all news-stand. Rata or Suashlae, Oregesuana like the rains of winter. San shine is good in its place, and ae is rain. Working together they are powerful saiiafa in the prosperity of a country. Maemiaosas wheat crops ; large potato yields ; fine fruits, sueh as apples, pears, prunes, etc, and an onaurpasawd stock of grooeriea and produce at Wallace & Thompson's, who, minor sun shine, are up with the times, if not ahead of them. Sea their fine stock of goods. Standard white shirts, 85 seats ; Boas of the Road overalls, 50 cents ; 4 pair of seam less soeks, 25 cents ; regular price 4 for 50 cents, and ether bargains to match, at A. B. Mcll wain's. & Sox, BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES POWDER AND SHOT. BLASTING AND GIANT P3W0ER, PAINTS AND OILS, mm AND GRASS SEEDS. I X Out Saws, STEWART & SOX. BROKE 1 the lumber monopoly. We oaa farnfeh to builders and contractors, rough, clear or finishing LUMBER, on short notice. This lumber is out from the best yellow fir, rafted from tbe cele brated McKinzie timber regions and man a factum! t Coburg. Any quantity can be furnished at Albany at low prices, It needs no recommendation aa to quality CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS, and lumber of all kinds on onr yard con stantly. Don't ardor without seeing or hearing Irtxiu us, Wa will aaye you money, HAMMER BROS., Spicer, Linn Co,, Or. Notice to Road Supervisors, Road Supervisors sfre requested to in clude in their annual report the tool a bo longing to the county in their Bead Dis tricts, and also tbe condition of the road? la their respective districts, and about what amount of lumber will probably be needed for bridges therein next season, And any person knowing of any lumber being purchased at County expense by any Supervisor and not used upon bridges upon the public roads will please take interest enough in county affairs to report the same to the County Court, that we may investigate the matter. J, J. WaTKUBV, County Judge.