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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1887)
Daniel Maanlnj.Clcveland's first Secre tary of the treasury, died at hU residence la Albany, New York, on December 34th. Thousand of people all over the country will regret to learn of the untimely death of a man w bote integrity and capability for public good were not excelled by any one of hit day. Our very ardent republican cotempora ry, the Disseminator, hs not yet dared to tell iti reader what "free trade" la. Neither hat It mentioned a tingle instance where it would reduce the unnecessary a a ' ana unjusi taxation now imposed upon the people. It stands, like itt party , for the Interest of protected monopolies and againtt the interettt of the farmers and laborers of the county. It hidet Itt sent! meats as much as possible on this subject, but its readers are getting their eyes open One of the most remarkable coincidents In modern times is the fact that the re publicans an5 democrats are in perfect accord upon one tubject, at leatt. Tne republican! are anxiout to have Blaine nominated, and so are the democrats Gentlemen of the republican management, let the people have their choice in the matter. The Disseminator growls because the president hat removed Nicolay,U. S. Mar thai of California, In violation ot civil service laws. The civil service law has no application whatever to the appoint raent of U. S. Marshal. And the president has not removed him either. He is Mar thai of the Supreme Court, and that body only can remove him and appoint hit tuc cestor. For the eleven hundred and teventy ninth time the very accommodating asso ciated press tells us that the solid South is now about to be broken up. During the campaign four years ago we were told the tame thing dogmatically once a week Unless the news s:nt by the association bear unmistakable evidence of Its own genuineness, people no longer place any reliance in it. Mr. Blaine in 1871, while a member of the lower house of Congress, advocated 1 repeal of the duties on salt and coal Therefore Blaine it a free trader. See ? Nearly all the republican in the country axe in favor of putting tugar on the free list. Therefore nearly all the republicans la the country are free traders. See ? Very many republicans in and out of Con groat have declared In favor of putting rice, tobacco and cotton on the free litt Therefore very many republicant la and out of Congress are free traders. See t The principal trade journals throughout the country commend the President's met age. The New York Journal of Commerc calls it a "plain, simple statement of unde niable facts, and of the logical necessity thut created for remedial legitlation The America Grocer thinkt that "the aturdy common sense of Pretident Cleve land was never better illustrated, "and calls for "free coal, free lumber, free salt, free wool, (the lowest gi least, )free ores and free sugar, free alcohol used in the arts and manufactures, and free tobacco.' These are the opinions of non-partisan business men, who are more interested in the prosperity of the country than in the election of a new President. Our cotemporary, the Disseminator, fills a column in trying to make it appear that even if the tariff duty was removed from wool, that It is so trifling that it would make no difference in the price of a salt of clothes. This proposition it proves by some imagiaary merchant. Well, then, if this is true, why do wool growers and their paid defenders make such a noise about to trifling a thing ? See ? But the Disseminator only looks at one tide of the question. There is not only this duty on the wool which the purchaser of a suit of clothes hat to pay.but there it a tariff duty in addition of 67 per cent on the goods after they are manufactured which he has to pay. This would show that over half what the suit costs is tax. We opine that every farmer in Linn county would be a . . la Atva. giaa to see at least a pan 01 mis tax re moved. One thing teemt certain. Taxes will be reduced and we suppose woo! will have to stand itt part. The Disseminator, through an imaginary merchant, aays that the druggitt charges juU at much for quinine now as before the duty was removed from it, and uses this false assumption as an argument ag tinst any reduction of tariff duties. If this be so, then there was no need of the duty in the first place, for, if a commodity can be sold for as high a price after the duty is removed as before, the snanufac turer of that article needed no protection la the first instance. Hence if the Dissem motor's assumption is true, It was right to remove the tax and relieve the taxpayer, especially in v ew of the fact that such removal did not affect the price to the manufacturer. But the Disseminator's imaginary merchant was very dishonest in practicing such deception, as every one of ordinary intelligence knows that before the duty was removed from quinine it sold at Sa and $c ser ounce, while now it sells I for $1 per ounce. See ? The republican party in 1884 in their convention at Chicago where Blaine was nominated made this solemn pledge to the people : "The republican party pledges itself to correct the irregularities of the tariff and reduce the surplus, by such methods as will relieve the taxpayer,without injuring the laborer or the great productive indus tries of the country." Now, what do republicans say ? Are they still in favorof reducing the surplus and relieving the taxpayer by correcting the irregularities of the tariff f Nay.verily. They now want to reduce the surplus by making appropriations of this surplus money for all kinds of wild enterprises that characterize a spendthrift govern- ment. No, they do not propose now to relieve the taxpayer, but on the other I hand they propose to tax the people as I heavily as ever and get rid of the surplus by deviting new tchemet and wayt for ponding it. What do farmers think of this attitude of the republican party ? Al ready a number of them in this county have declared their purpose of voting for Cleveland on the issue raised by his mes sage. A B. MclIwAiit has tli Uniest and fiaeat sleek of carpet in Albany, new good of th It test assigns, apt seam stock to get ear pet from. $"ld at remarkably low price centidaricg quality of goods. A FRIEND TO THE HASHES. Pretident Cleveland stands at the head of a government whose population sum bert 60,000,000 of at intelligent and pro gressive a people at inhabit any part of the globe. la no nation hat the science ol government been to fully tetted as in this country. The test is, how shall we make government tecure with a minimum of burdens resting upon the people. Kvery intelligent person admltt that taxation It the mott vexing and grievous burden that any free people can be tubjected to. It hat been the ttudy of political economists during the entire history of our country to hnd out how to raise burden as much as possible from the shoulders of the people, contlttent with the well being of the people or the state. A fact stares us squarely in the face. That fact It, that the government la now collecting inthe way of taxes from the people, the farmer the mechanic.the merchant, the lawyer.the laborer and all who have a sfhsenship and residence In the country, large sums of money more than It necessary to meet the reasonable requirements of the govern ment. This then Is unnecessary taxation and all unnecessary taxation is unjust tax atlon. This truth cannot be ignored President Cleveland, from his command ing position at the head of the government seeing this condition of things, calls at teatlon to this fact and urges the people through their representatives in Congress to past lawt to cut off all this taxation that is unnecessary, and thut relieve the farm er, the laborer and the great mate of peo pic of this unnecessary burden. This he does boldly and bravely ,and at a time and under circumstances which, his opponents declare, will Injure his chances for re election Thlt fact stamps the pretident as a disinterested and faithful friend of the matte of the poor people of the country When a public official calls upon thote who placed him In power to reduce thel own taxes, - the money that he In a great er or lest meature handlet and controls! may be safely assumed that he feels truly that public office it a pab'ic trutt. UK A NUKES TO TBE FRONT It teemt to be a time far eye opening to the important ittuet preaeated to the pit pie by Pretident Cleveland in hit met sage. No class of people It quicker to par ceive a truth about an ittue involving financial mattert than the grangers. Some dayt ago at the State Convention of Pa trons of Husbandry, of Pennsylvania, J J. McSparrow, State Overseer, read hit annual report. It wata strong paper favor of tariff reform. He protettcd againtt farmers being influenced by the press and politicians in the matter of tariff, taxes and discriminations. He opposed the repeal of the internal revenue laws and favored tariff reform, alleging that to protect the wool industry, amounting to $45,000,000, the people pay as contumert an excess of $140,000,000. Mr. McSparrow also ea se rted that from 1850 to 1S60 under low tariff the valuation of farms increased 100 per cent., while from 1870 to 1880, unde high tariff, it increased but 9 per cent. At the ha me time the thirteenth annual ses sion of the State Grange of Delaware was held, at which A. N. Brown referred to the President's message as an "elaborate and logical argument and the ablest state paper for a decade. He thinks the tariff should be revised ind the revenue reduced It may be safely said that no class of peo pie receive so little of the benefits and bea to many of the burdens of the tariff as the farmers. They should speak out boldly in their own behalf all over the country at they are doing in Pennsylvania and Delaware. HOW WILL THIS DO f A -pioneer democrat" of Brownsville, having read our article of last week con ccrning the manner of holding democratic conventions in Linn county, says : "I am a pioneer democrat in Linn coun ty, having attended many of the county conventions since 1059. Generally the party has had pre try fair luck, but on a few occasions fatal mistakes have been made leading to a defeat of part of the ticket. have had occasion to Investigate the cause and they all originate in the manner of holding our conventions. I know on several occasions that delegates have not voted in the convention for the candidates that they bad pledged themselves te. And this very conduct has led to most all the dissensions our party has been cursed with. I agree with you, Mr. Editor, hat it would be much better if delegates in tbe convention should be required to vote viva voce name in open convention the candl date they prefer. I am In favorof having tne primary meetings instruct their dele gates to the county convention to favor the adoption of a rule in the county con ventlon that all voting for candidatct thai! be by word of mouth and not by ballot at we nave been doing. We are glad to give the viewa of "pioneer democrat" on this important matter and hope other democrats will briefly state their views. Let the matter be discussed among the democrats, for we believe much benefit will be the result. CONFIRM HIM. Some of the bigoted republicans in the senate will make an effort to defeat the confirmation of Lamar for Supreme Judge on inc Krouna that he wa m th con fed erate zrmy nd that hc u an ""tale man, on. ccount of having once been a seces lonUt- to Pla tbe Supreme Bench Mr. Lamar says publicly that the question of tecettion it settled for all time, and no one who has observed his public acts will for a moment doubt his patriotism and de votion to the country and its laws. His public course since the war has been such that it ought to satisfy the mott exacting stalwart descendant of thote federalists that met in Hartford during the war of 181 2 and counseled treason and disunion, or those anti-democrats who stood up in the halls of Congrett during the war with Mexico and carried their faithlessness to the government to that extent that they publicly expressed the wish"that Mexican soldiers might welcome American soldiers with bloody hands to hospitable graves on the plains of Mexico." Lamar, nor no other democrat, would go further in the direction of state rights than the Present Supreme Court did the other day in the Virginia case, and some years ago In the slaughter house catet. Lamar ought to, and we think will be, confirmed. Dress Goods at Cost, N. H. Allen & Co., have concluded to go out of business, having electric light business on the brain. lie will sell his en tire stock at cost and there will be a splen did opportunity to get your winter dress goods at cost. Call early while the stock is complete. Don't forget the piano and or gan which will be given away on Jan. 1st as advertise. CURRENT EVENTS. D L Rlce.recently of Roseburg.has again obtained a position tn the Ashland railroad offices, and came upfront Roseburg this week. HU mother aud sitter will follow soon. Tiding The following incident happened on' the California excursion into Oregon : George r Itch ot the tinlMtn had n nairow escape. Coming down the mountain he was stand- ng on the lower step of the car to get a view of the stretch of track below. At the edge of the trestle work, u S feet high, a small bowlder caught the step and tore It from its itenlng. bx-L.leutcnant (Jovcrnor 1 uag- . . at . . Eett was on tne step anove and seuea r ucn v the arm just at he lost hit hold and was about to fall to the depths below. The train by thlt time being well on the trestle, no help wat at hand and Daggett did not have the strength to pull the dangling editor up, Sung hlit and had hard work to hold him for the minute required to cross the t re .tie. At the end Daggett s strength was gone, and he gave a ugh. of great relief when he looted his hold and let Fitch fall about six feet tn the toft snow bank. When the train stop ned and nicked him up. Frank Plxley wat one of the first to greet hit confrere. Thursday night a warrant wat sworn out for the arrest of a young woman who had stolen a number of articles from various la dies In this cltv, who, when she first came here from Portland some months ago, took lty on her defenseless condition and he riended her,by giving her employ ment,The girl was evidently a kleptomaniac, a she up propiiated anything and everything she could lav her hands on whether it was id value or not. She disappeared the day be fore the warrant ws kwurnout, but the officers to whom her arrest wat Intrusted found her concealed in a house of Ill-fame on Front street. She first denied stealing the articlc,or having them In her possession, In language more forcible than polite or chatc. but finally she led the officers to an unoccupied residence In town, where mot of the articles were found. The ladies she had robbed declined prosecuting her and on Friday one of them took her to Salem to t lace her In the Bisters' school ; but that nolitutlon denied her admWlon. Finally a philanthropic lady of Albany offered to give the girl a home and took her in charge. The girl professes an earnest desire to amend her wav and for that reason we will not divulge her name. Gatettr. A $40,000 fire occurred at Seattle last Friday. Prof Rlgler, of the Portland schools, who was fined $25 for whipping a pupil, wat en tirel v exonerated by the school board. The Portland Telegram published Gov ernor Pennoyer's speech at the railroad eel ebratlon an hour or two before it was deliv ered . E nterprise t hat . A visit from Jack Kill rain to Oregon now would be quite acceptable. Crowded. Tbe atore of Monteith k Scttaohaea erowdad with taaaaoahla and fashionable goods, their line of dress goods, fancy goods. and eloaks are nnniou aud if you desire to please yourself give them a call . 8HTL0H CATARRH REJdKDY a peat live oure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Moutn. ARK YOU MADE! miaerable by lodl geation, Constipation. Bixxlneaa. Loot of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh'a Vltoll ser ta a poet tire cure. Mrliwate's Clothing McB wain's fall and winter stock of cloth ing is arriving. It include the latest ttyle and is eommaodiog attention. Sec hi Chin chilla eoate. Fine stock to select from. All goods warranted at represented and perfect file guaranteed. Messrs Feshay Si Mason, druggist sre selling 'Vadom s Robertine wholesale ad retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle, routivcly taa man perfect and harml article of tke kind in the market e Hats and Cans At coat to close. N. H. Allen Si Co., pro pose to sell every line of goods at cost early and secure bargains. Ci Thrifty people will appreciate our vslaat and price. Hxnnaxo & Bsowxxll. TL NW. a that are fretful, peevish. AJVXXvi croa. or troubled with Windy Colic. Teething Pains. Stomach IHaorders. can be relieved ml ones hr neinir Acker' Babv Soother. It contain no Opium or Morphine. banco Is safe. Price 25 cent. Bold by mm mm "HaCKMRTACK." a lasting and fr grant perfume. Price 25 snd 50 cent. BMILOH'I CORE will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Uron sulfa, n. rnii i.ijr.Mnn im won twn bottle of HbOoh's Catarrh Rerndy, Price A If .U k I T 0 . . 1. 1- L- 30 cants. Taa f ery Best. I hay Added tony boot and that stock I in of the elbrted Laird. Sehoitr k MUehell, Philadelphia Fin "'hoc tor ledies, "!.- end children. Acknowledged bv d ir generally to be tbe beet value and nest bttiog 8n shoe made. Widths C. D. E. and EE. A child can buy as obean as a man. 8 AM l' XX E. Youwo, Sole Agent, Aloany, Oregon. cvvv vv f b good things of this iaaVfcWYk, life m rtowUnf let ions on account of Dyspepsia, Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets will core Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on n positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cent, by WHY WILL YOU cough whan Shi oh' Com will aire immediate relief. Pries 10 ot , 50 ot. snd $1. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbilsh's Curs is the remedy for you. THK KEV UtU. it. THAYKK. O Bourbon, Ind., say : "Both myself and wife owe our 1 i ves to 8 b i Lo h V Consa m ntlon uore," Where to Bay Carpets. Monteith A Seitenbsch have the largest and prettiest stock of oaroets. oil ciotbr. window blinds and wall paper ever bronfiiit to tne valley, and are offering them st bargain. Persons desiring anything in this me snoum give them a call. 2tv aVto a Blood Elixir Is the only TXV6Y Blood Remedy guaran teed, it is a positive cure for u leers, Era tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It pari nest whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. Albany Market. Wnef f 85o. 0t 88c Butter 80 cte per lb. Egg 30 cent per doz. Hay -14,00. Potatoes 60 cte per bushel. Beef on foot, 2Xc. Apples 75 cents per bu. Porn 60 per lb. dressed. Bacons hams, 1214 0, shoulders, 7c. sides. 10c. Lard loc per lb. Flour 4.80 per bbl. Cbiokene 2,60 per doz. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton short, 10. middlings, 90. Chop, 20. kcvO. triflo wi4k any Throat or Lung Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or tho children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It lis a positive cure,' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 00c pr A Ka teg Pawn. $0 to BIO cheaper than in Portland t Up bolstered rockers, thm iioMistcek ever la Al bany. Wioker oliaira la almost endJett vari ety, fine enough for ta Alderman to til in. All kinds of chairs. 1 Venty-two varieties of wioker chairs alene, I of rockers. Elegant and substantia! goods, Fanoy baskets, ttai tde, ate., thai n.tke customers say st sight. "Ill late one." He finer holiday presents 00 b imagined. Bofae sad bed lounge hi many designs, and beds and bureaua in near and attractive makenpt. in o vol tie too. See than. Ooodt came knock down ft em the Kt. and will be told at knock down tminmm. Bought low. Do not paaa Wm. Poet tat 11 er& (V turni. ture store without Ho drag oat for yourself. Thn Meet Agreaaete " w " n1 notlv method of dispelling Headaohea, Ooldt and Fevers, . . - - . . a 1 wiinj ui ijeeiu, is ny sas! lag a few lor sale or Kiire. &00. and II boU Foe hay st Mason. To the taate. mora aoaentahi i ttomaeh, and more truly heneAoial in It notion, the famous California liquid fruit ramadjr syrup or Pig, I rapldiy asper sed log all other, Try It. k warranted, it because It 1 the beat Blood Preparation known, h wlU peat, lively euro all Blood Diaaaeee. pariflactho whole system, and thoroughly build up the constitution. Jtemetnber, wo guarantee It. The rhetegrepner, Alkway, r. I have all lha asgativo taken by A B. Pax ton and any on nan bar dnptl oate from tbalr negative by addressing ue, at ti.e following prion t Card stsa, ff Serdoaen, cabinet sis, 3 par doaan, boo our, t par doaan, X keep tbn float tin of Oregon vlaw In the went, Caia iogue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old picture a apectalty . J. Caawraan. What mm 1 te Be t The symptom of Blllonan are un happily nut too well known. They dif fir In different individuate to noma ax tent, A Bilious man ia seldom a break fast eater, TO frequently, alae, ha ha an excellent appetite for liquid hat uon for olid of a morning. Hi tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time 1 If it I not white and furred II la rough, at all vent. Tbe digestive ayataan la wholly out of order and Diarrhea or OeastirsUioa may oe a symptom or tn two may aiwtnnw. There are often Hemorrhoid or even lot of blood. There may be gtddtnea and often heedaob and acidity or tUtolsoo and tenderness In the pit of the atom sob. To oorrect all this and not effect s cut try Oman's August Flower, It ousts but a trifle and thousands at teat its effloaoy. Mash t I have received my new sleek ef matlio underwear. Thee goods axe asade a leek sticb machine, and warranted to be fail sue and length sad pries rsssonasls, fUsrsm B. Yoosa. AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. A flswvel mi pwrity. asset beeefciUM mm ef I H: EWERT, has a splendid assortment of good for th Holidays. Mies selection of HOLD ilD SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC,, HO. New assortment ail kinds of Jewelry REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. ALSO SPECTACLES, CLOCKS, ETC, ETC. 6,000,000 .E USE 9 CO. admitted to bt LTIjSsV8 trnttimm 8EED ANNUAL For IsWS TO ALL to 1m msee atdsnac it. nvaiuablsmH. n,Fisterriowr EDS' It- AMm. P.M. FE YAOO.,OotrolttWloh, S JOSEPH 7 GROCER AND TOBACCONIST, ei FIE8T ST., Next to Burkhart & KeencyT Real Estate office, ALBANY, OREtiON. Over IFWvt RR THE mWk Power of the dollar can neyet ha truly known Until you visit Wallace k Thomp son's sir ,re, and invest a few of them In groceries, produce, etc. You will then find th' ,t )oo have tbe POWER to at ke ons dollar go ss far ss a dollar tical talk, it has been p oved by practice. . It la tbore yon will learn bargaii 11 that will give you a thrill ol with t ore-Keepers, the wot Id in gnneral, and Wallace A Thompson in psrtlcnlsr. mTTTn X JlIJCj Purchasing l oner of tho dollar is not return for i t ibe quality must also be happy oomhi nation and give von both. you many a DOLLAR. NOTHING EQUAL BOOKS AMD FINE STATIONERY Holiday H. J. Jones, nsat to lbs naw Flinn iu 1 A y- AiBO " rdid lino of photograph snd autograph '""'" mm !, poncti, taoiei instruments, ete. Do You Want bargains. THEN A. B. Mcll wain's, I whets you can get th very best in DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., 1 onsorpsmsd. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing- and Furnishing- Goods. Cash or produce takes, and priess given that defj 00m petition. Notice fox Publication, Lend Ottos st Oregon City, Or., I Dsossnhor 16th, 187. Nolle I brby given that the follow na named uir na nied notice or his Intention to make final proof la support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before t he County Judge or Clerk of Lann county, Or., st Albany, or., on Ta ajr. febraatr SIM, ISSS, viz : Hsnrr F, Bodsker, Homsstrad Bu- try No 4579 for the N E. toe. 4 Tp. 10 R2K. Willamette Meridian. He nam th following witnesses to prove hi con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, land, vis: John Deans. Mrs. Irene M. Clinton, T. W. Gardner and James Berry, of Pox Valley P, O. of Linn county, Or. W. T, Buanarr, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Offloe ml Oregon City, Or. ) December, 16th, 1887. J Notice is hereby alven that tbe follow lag named nettle r baa tiled notice of her intention te make Anal pruif ia support of her claim, and tbat said proof will be made before tbe County Judge or Clerk of Litan county, Oregon, at Albany, or., on Wednesday, February tend, 188, Is : Irene M. Clinton. Homestead Entry Bo, 4141, for the BE Sec. 2. Tn. 10. S H 2 E Wi lamette Meridian. She name tbe following witnesses to prove her contin uous residence upon, snd oullivstlon of, sal J land, vis : H. F, Bodsker, John Dosne. James Barry sod I. N. Brothsrton. of Fo Vsllsy, P. O., Iinu ooqnty .Oregon. W. T, BUM! BY, Register, Notice for Publication, Land Offloe at Oregon City, Or. December 16th, 1887, 1 Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-nsmed settler has filed notice of his 'Intention to make final proof in support of his olaim, and that said proof will be maaa uerore tne oounty Judge or Ulerk of ijinn county, Oregon, at Albany, or., on Monday, February fTI. lass. viz : George W Miller, Homestead Entry No. 6889, for the W X of 8 W X and 8 W 1 of N W H, Seo. 14, Tp, 188 R 2 W.W.M. lie names the following witness to prove bis continuous reside noe upon, snd enltivstlon of, said lsnd, via : N. D. Conn, of Albany, and J. M. Zoosman and J. N Combs, of Brownsville and G. F. Sylves tsr, of Sodsvills, Or. W. T, Burnkt, Register, Bstray Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have this day duly appraised an estray horse taken up by Geo. W. Gray at his farm near Oakville in Linn county, Said horse is described as follows : One brown horse about 1 OA hands high, fou r or five years old, a portion of the hair of the tail having apparently been cut square off near the end of the tail bone The mane is also quite short, having been cut or rubbed off. No visible marks or brands. Appraised at $30. F, A. Watts, Justice of the Peace for Shedd Precinct and a half used to. This is no theore OP pleasnro and make you fool 00 good terms always known by tbo qusntity secured there. Wallace k Thompson make Qivo them a trial and tbey will savs TO FOR Presents. block, Albany, Or., baa lbs largest a GO TO piles and qualities, ofwnilelliig f Bm stock of Oram Good Call on him for your TAKE NOTICE. To tuiam it may camcem I have sold and disposed of all property which I have heretofore owned in the Stale. All parties having claim against me must present them for payment within thirty days as I intend to go East to remain. Martin Gillkrax, Fox Valley, Linn county, Cr. MY FALL Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Every thlnggkept in a first-class Drv Goons and Boot and Shoo House, from tho cheapest to as good a quality s there Is a demand for. I bought these goods mostly in Now York and Chicago and AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, aud have and am receiving Novelties of the Season in every line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted in the papers er circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young. AT is BELOW COST is not This much is true : Over Coats Left that will be sold at bargains. We take stock Jan. 1st. These over coats and a large in a STOCK will be closed out at the whole stock is that time. LADIES, the gentlemen are going to get you something nice for Xmas, Reciprocate, WE HAVE Sill; Handkerchiefs, irs, Just received for this them, L SHppc I!"al WBplpt'TWIywsrgZI"Bsg GLT Kr'3ijLe-nsnw. Wo wear 'tho Little Red School Haute Shoe, land so do our stetira anil out cousins andgonr aunte, end if you City Boot and Shoe Store where yon will find a large and complete assort men t of goods in this line. of nearly every grade and make, and A dollar saved is a dollar made. REDFIELD& BROWNELL AND WINTER STOCK -Has arrived, including- COST ntereotyped. generally true. We have one counter of OF HATS specially low prices, In fact, REDUCED IN PRICE until THE FINEST Nobby Ties, Gents Jewelry, Etc., Eto. trade, We want you to see E. BLAIN, Albany Or. H Eft DERSONjfc CGfe mjMmm want them go to ttjo at prices which will open your eyes. Oil J