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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1887)
Wm. Fortmiiler & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse jeer After buinm hours call at residence wmr Fifth and Baker streets. Red CrownMills ISOM, LAN NINO A CO., PROPR'S. ?Lova strraxioa son ACT) SAC BBS Oil. raMf MBS BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash to Wheat ALBANY OR. Anrdews & Haekieman, WLOOUGUSl $3.00 SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for com fort nd smfat T. Fares and f mights via. Yaquine sod the OregJft Development r- HtMin.htn much lam than bv an other root between ell prints in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. Dmify ftfungrr trmtu oucoft Sundays. UmTifSH, a SO a.m. Ian OrvalbB,10.38 A.M. arrive Albany. 11:15 A. m. Ln Albany. ISO p. a. Uat CorvsJUs, 1.17 r, a Arrive Taassaa kN r. a Oregon and California trains connect at Albanv and CorvsJMs. wm. n. . General c. c. rg. a.0. r. udP. Agent, Or. Oregon Developement Co. Tintiua RtMmihlD line between Yaqolnn and San fr.ncisco connecting at Yaqnina with the trains of the Oregoe raoino naureaa uompaoj. AlfLllfCI DATES . snuasss. FROM TAQ.VUM i Qua, 'VikBaF kVatall. WeevDc rnd, Iks. JO, Sat. Dm S4 Krtd iMcM Oregn The Company .fTce .be right to change sailing days. L- ftV TOB, Gen. r. and P. Afsat, M MooUjofBcrrSi., 8m. Krmaeisoo, CJ. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA YIA-. Oregon & California R. R, AND CONNECTIONS thb nr. ea&ftTA koite. AtAhi-s4 With staffs., at Onsr sas Idslk o ily 13 Miles .1 ataaiaft. a Albsry snd ftsi. Frsnslstw, U SAUrOSSIA SXrSBM 1 . UXS DALLY. North Arrivsl 10:40 all Leave j 7:06 a a asavs j 6:40 r u AOS r. a. I ftSftra 80 AM Lsavs Lesivs Arrive twrimmti Albany 7J0a.ia. arrive Sao Fiascstso. Lsvs 0,30 p, a. iosas rAsasesaa rauas pau.t (except Baaiij). 8:03 a M Leave lfcSSra Leave :40ra I Arrive Pettkmd Aibsay Kaseae Arrival 8:46 r a Leave I UM a m Leave 9 M a a bee!, f r&AiM ah,t, szesrr ssxbat . ft IS r M i Lear. IMr a I Arrive 1840 r a I Leave 1:88 r a Arrive Albaay Arrive Leave Arrive Leave 6:46 a K 6:00 a a 2:46 r a 2:00 r a Albanx Lebanon PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, CXCCKSieft SLEZrKBS far fteeaad Class rasseecers a all ihreagk tralas FKCB OF CBABtiiE, WesS aisle sVtvlalaa. reenriAJie) as cohtaixis. a Ait tsais SAU.T (exsspt Saaday.) res a a Leave Arrive Pertlsnd CarvtUls Arrive I 8:18 r a Leave 1:80 r a tsai vs bajlt (ecejpt ftaadey . ) AJtfftl Leave aiOSrai Arri-e Portland MeaUanvllle Arrive Leers 00 A M 6.48 A a At Albany sad OarrslBs loasirt Hb trains of a Paeifts Batlread regard tar rates, sups, etc., ea Company'! Agent. ft. KOaTaTLftm, X. P. BOOEftS, A lotice for Publication, Land OfBos st Oregon City, Or., ) November 21st, 1887, j Notice is hereby given that the follow ng named settlor hsa filed notice of bis in ention to make final proof in sopportof bis claim, and that said proof will bo made before tho County Judge or Clerk of Linu county, Oregon, st Albany , Oregon, on Taesdajr, Jnaunry lTtft, lftftft," Is: W if Phillips, Hemes toad Entry No. 454 for the 8 W Y4 of Sec.28, Tp, 18, R 1 w. He names the following witnee es to prove bis oontlnaoua residence upo and cultivation of, said land, viz : t) Thompson, S Haw ken and T Arnold, . SedavlUe Poet Office sad M Leach, of Sweet Home Peat Office, all in Linn sou of ty, Oregon. W. T, Burn ay, Register. Notice for Publication, Lend Office at Oreron Cit December 8th, 1887. Notice h hereby given that the follow named settler ban filed notice of her in tentlon to make final proof In support of her and her deceased husband's claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn coun ty, pr at Albany, Oregon, on Thursday, Fekxaary Snd, 1888. via : Barbara Hanpert, widow of Msthias Haupert, deceased, who made Homestead Entry No. 6140 for theE lA of 8 W 14 and lots fl and 7 of So. 80. Tp, 12 8 of R 1 W. She nomas tbi following witnesses to preye her contlcuoas residence upon, and ultivsiion of, waid land, viz r J Welt, D. Simons, O. W. Klum, and J. Vail, all f SodavIUe Poatoffice, Lion connty, Or, W. T, Burs by, Register. HOTEL FOM BENT, rrHir exchange botel in tris tty is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of or eddresM 4 akxs Murray, SMil -. i ataaeauaaav mmm Do Yon Want Furniture ? W, H. WILLED, where you will find the bsst make and hnsat finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AMD LOUNGES. Also a fine line of PICTURE FRAMES, end ft hunderd different styles of Meuldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and heat stock or UNDERTAKERS 80QDS, ever kept In Albany. Prices reasonable. ALBANY OOLLEfilATE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON. - - xoo , xooo. rirat Terns aeons Seneasnfter ins, I -A lull corps of Instructors, 1 AMIruTiriA llBABV I ULAdOlliAL. JjUltrlMNb, LIICIWUII, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL nt aeerc T.'- ,.w. need of all grades of studsnts. Vuurm vn nuuj autssainwaa.av imw Special indmc-mmtt efmrJ to stmltntt T99tS sJMsvttfls? Tuition ranges from M to $i?,0. Board in private faiai'lee at low rates Rooms Icr self-boarding at amaliexr eneft. A careful supev vision exercised over aiu- deataftway from home. Fall term op 8M Seotember 7th. For oirculftra and lull particulars aaareaa tue rresiueui.. 8tK . KLSF.UT H. t ONDIT Albany, Oregon. Revere House; ALBANY. - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFE1FFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in flrat olsss style. Tables .UDnMed with the best in tho market. Nice aleeping apartments. Sample rooma for commercial travelers. Ceeefe te aad tVasa the Administrate r's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the unrer alened haa thta dav been duly appoii ted Ariminintrator of tha aetata of Maasuel T Harris, deceased, by tho County Court of Lion county. Oregon, and that all pereoBaft bavins olatma aarainnt said eatate are bore by notified to present the sense to the nn dersinsd at bis residence near Soto, Ore- gen, within six montnsrrom in as csie. Dated Not. 3rd. 1887, J, U. Pftanr. Hewitt A Bar art, Adm'r, Att'ys for Adm'r. Sheriff's Sale. Av Circuit Court f tk Stmt uf OrigmB for the County of Ltmu. J, M. Moyor, Plaintiff, VB. F. E. Robinson and C, B, Robins an, his wife, Levi West. R, a Strahan and B, Brenner, Defendants. Notice is hereby Bison that by Tlrtue of an execution and order of sate named out of the above named Ourt In the above entitled suit, I will on Satarday the 81st stay ef Jaaaary at tha Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn connty, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., sell at public auction for ossb in band to the highest bidder the real property described in said execution and order of aale as followa, to-wit : Lots numborod three (8) and fsur (4) in Block numbered twenty four (21) in the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, being the tans lota upon which said F. K, Robin sen has lately erected new residence. The proceeds arising from the aale of said premises, to be applied: First to the payment of the coeta and disbursement of salt taxed at 828.20 sn.i accruing coeta. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff. 3, M. Mover tho sum of 81845 00, with ftcora. ing interest thereon st the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 24th day of October, 1887, and the further sum of $125.00 Attorney's fees, Third to the pay ment to the Defendant, B. Brenner, the sum of 1152.00 with interest st the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 24th day of October, 1887, end the further sum of 120.00 Attorney's face. Dated Dec. 15th, 1887. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff; Notice for Publication. Lead Office at Oregon City, Or, 1 December 16th, 1887. j Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler hss filed notice of her intention to make final proof la support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Connty Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Or., on Tuesday, Fchraary 88th, 1888, is : Phebe Humpleby, widow of George Sompleby. deceased, who made Home stead Entry, No, 4514. for tha N W M af Sao. 2, Tp, 10,8 R S K, Lion county, Or. She names the renewing witnesses 10 prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aald land, six : H. F. Bodsker, John Doans, James Berry and 1. N. Brotherton, of Fox Vslley, P. O., Linn county, Oregon. W. T. BUE.4ET, Register. Notice for Publication, Lend Office at Oregon City, Or. December 20th, 1887. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hss filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of sis claim, snd thst said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn csunty, Or., st Albany, Or., on Friday, March Snd, 1888, viz : John Garrett, Homestead Entry, No. 4707 for the 8 4 ei 8 W g and Lots I and 2, Sees. 28 and 33, Tp. 13, 8 K 2 W, Willam stts Meridian. He names ths following wit nesses to prove bis continuous rssidenoe up on, sod cultivstien of, ssid laud, viz : F M Hearing, John Warren, John Rebbao snd D PIBonnett, all of Brownsville, Lion connty, Oregon. W . 1. 0TJEXET, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) December 16th, 1887. J Notice is Lore by given that the following-named settler haa fi.ed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Llun county, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday, February 81nt, 1888, viz : John Donne, Homestead Entry No, 4510, for the 8 B of Sec. 34, Tp. 9, 8 R 2 E W M. He names the following wit nesses to prove hi. continuous realdenee open, and cultivation of, said land, viz : H. F. Bodeker, Mrs, 1. M. Clinton, James Bsrry and I. N. Brotherton, of Fox Valley P. O., Linn county, Oregon, T. BURNET, Register. In xicces.fiil c(x'rjtion since 1866, patronised trans ; I scett-MU i f the fconhwest, endorsed by liu.iimii men ana leadinij educators. amr leading educators, Tjyj E0ST PERFECTLY E0UIPPID SCHOOL of its iUh on tfta Coast, it cfiers private or class instruction, day and evening throughout the year, la Arithmetic. Writing;, Correspondence, Beak-keeping, Banking, Shorthand, Type-writing, Business and Legal Forms and aii Common, School branches. Students of all sees and both seaes admitted at any time. , aiBioguc us, w Kiu auw " i ivynvivw " I . i 7 - r 1 . . ir - T i. fyfa cuiotUt. n WJ& mouL MOW TO COOK AND CUM A COOK. It was only the ether day, again, when ft cook wan "handled erael,Mbatall the same In making fires they nse the coftloUfheL It's handy, y'kuo, to P"" 11 on when all the wood is . ...i .a. amt all arahlawn In air to " !Tv..--m wuhMthMM.BN ierT MA-l.v. . huid tortured limbs ft cook is cooked in but nrtal core in the real friend in need. For burns and lcftids SMI blisters cures then to perfection, hat he sure to nse it every time in accordance with direction. Yea, strictly in accordance with direction. Ranres of neonle daily brottftht in COO- tart with heat, steam, bolltna water and combustibles are hourly injured by some mishap In ths nature of a burn or scald, and thousands have bees cured of euch by the heat known remedy for the cure of a . . n a as a J a. pain. The principle 01 now is worse ex plaloa itself. It acta aa a counter-lrritftJit ea the surface injured, gently drawing out tha heat caused by the bum, while it soothes the pain, helping nature la the healing process, and a cure followa. It hi specific for pains of this kind aad should b ksnt handy where fire aad steam are. But aa a precaution to its use where serious bursa or scalds occur, and that suffering may not be intensified through iarnorance. read carefully directions for its use accompany ins every bottle. Thiu- aanda who testify to betas cured of burns and scalds have been so guided, and praise without stint its virtues by which they have been cured. "Gllbertville, Black- hawk county. Ia. Feb. 11. 1887 Dear Sir I have used your St. Jacobs Oil for and bruises, aad I can say it dees its work as lommiaenilsfl to do. I always ksep it In tho house aad iscaaamaaa is to my -.1.LW.I. Vmm Hnl W H mXihimIm "Fsinnonnt, Neb., Feb. 7, 1887. We find St Jacobs Oil aa aood for boms as for hi tas," "Wexford, AJlegheny county, Pa, Feb. 7, 1887. Have been using H. Jacobs Oil foe many years for boms aad dad it a good noons doctor." Very truly ijrCJnfcaWp Sanko slnwSsnsaftvJe if. P.OsnraoBL Preachms every Sabbat ft. mace tag sad evening by Rev. R. Q. Ir vine. D. D. Sabbath School at t M t. at Prayer snooting every Wadnsasdny even tag. Bv t 11.00 A. 8L, And 7 f. at. Seheel 10.-S0. Prayer very Wed- nsaday evenine 7 JO. 8. W. vu. pastor. AU art invited . . . " . . CexoftjmATioEALCftOftcK, 8arrice.every Sabbath morn tax and sveninx. Sabbath at 12:15. Prayer mestins on Wednesday even in ir of each weak. Rev. U. v u : t " iHwr. M. B. CEUftCH.SocTiu-Prsaohinx atll o'clock a. St. and 7 o'clock r. at. Sabbath Bchool at 10 o'clock at. Prayer meettas Tharaday sveainsJs - S nay . Kf . t BTft B IS a M. K. Chukch SocTH.TASoxirr. Praaah. tag ob tas first Sabbath of each month mora Ing and evening. Sunday school each Salt s -s . a a a . . mm enui as le o ciocx a. as. rrayer sxestsog Tbarsday evening. Rsv, Rounds, Pastor M. ECncacK. Preaching svery Sabbath morning and evening. rsfdsiS the event sat before at 2.30 r si. Prayer m every Thurs- day reniag. Rsv. IL V Wei t Rasai tstblaji LXTraosL Service every arninx and evening in Church . Broadaibtn and Fifth Sts. Sanday School taxasediately after the mormag service). Prayer o&eeting every Wednesday evening. Rev E R Pritchard, pastor. Faurr Baptist Chcrch. Preaching every Sabbath morning and ever g, at Church on 5th Street Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting syev Tborsdy evening at 7:S0 o'clock. ,. Trumbeli, pastor. Cathouc Church. Service every San day st 10:30 a. st. and 7 r. at. Last Sunday of the month service at Eugene City. Rsv. Louis Metayer, Rector. PftOTxaTAJiT ErTMCOPSL CntRCH. Servi ces era held in St. Peters Episcopal Church svsry alteroate Ssatiay, morning aad even ing. Sunday school at 0:30 am. Friday evening service on every Friday preceding me Sunday service. AU II are invited to at- tend Curistiak. Fourth Sabbath, and svsntng. S, 8. IS s. m. morning Germ a At College chape), 2 p.m. J. B. Brsun, Pastor, They St. John's Lodge, 62, in Foster's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F., at their hall.every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every 2nd and 4th Friday. G. A. R at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and grd Saturdays. I. O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Gnrner Broad albin and First Sts,, -DEALER IN- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc,, Canueii Meats, Qneeuseare, Vegetables, Cigars, Spices, Tea, In fact everything that is kpt In a gen rsl variety snd grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KISDS OF PRODUCE. Tutt's Pi The flrat done often aatoniwlieis the in valid, givlug; elasticity of inlud aud Bouyancy of Body to which he won before a stranger. Tiitj r-Ivo uppoilto, GOOD DIGESTION, reg-alar bowels and uoltd f lesh.e Nice ly MUg-nr coated. Price, 2oca. nor hex Sold Every wUere. COMITY fh ITYn4 APEL mm, FKDKKAL. JflJI-MriCATlON. "The decision of thft Supreme Court of ins unites states in the Kansas nrontni-1 a. . A. . b . . ., . .5. ... I lion case., It .em etltlng of ft puss ft to the of ,m,r.. tkS MHLh..t. I the federal courts upon the rights of the I peeple, have been gradual since the close I of the civil war uftUl they havenow usurp-1 ed the meet of the DredBcott ded.lon and found out that the State, hava no rlaht. that the federal courts are bound te re-1 speat. I . "::?rtM?5?.!! &!V!S ritrnte paramnunt to teoerai ftutnontv or I . . . .... v. ...... I this decision. A man pays his monsy for ! a federal license to sell Hauor In snv nartlth of the federal domain, under the provisions j i:oiur hiuiik m icuitniurt uu imassvs 1 -.. i 1 i.i. j - 1 local option ftcter a prohibition Uw.whlch renders that federal liquor license of ftojturers of New ,York and Pennsylvania svsil whatever. It that Is not nullification I . ..MAr.t....4 1 t term, but the most ludicrous feature of It is that it emanates from a federal court." I Sday Afmuty. I We must confess our surprise to see so! much twaddle and bosh in the columns of I the usually well posted Mrtttry. Now, the decision above referred to is not a pus ale to any man who has read the constitu tion of the united states. There were some doubts as to what the decision otthe I court would be on the question, whether state that passes and enforces s prohibitory j liquor law would be held liable to make compensation for property rendered value- less thereby. But there was no question as to the power of state to prohibit the sole of liquors within its borders, even If 1 the liquor denier had paid the Internal ray-1 enue tas en such business. Thft right of I I the state te prohibit Is a re.ervetLsoverelgn I paramount te all federal author-1 I Ity, and not only paramount but a right I and power belonging exclusively to the I states. The federsl eovernment has no I power to prohibit the sale of liquors in any I state. It has no power to license the sale I of liquors In any state, and, in fact, has I never granted any such license. It mere-1 ly taxes a man who carries en the saloon I business, on thst business, but gives him I no authority to sell. This it does for the 1 purposeof raising a revenue to run the government, aad net for the purpose of I regulntiag or restricting the liquor traffic. All of these propositions grow out of the force snd effort of the tenth amendment to the constitution of the United States, which we hope the Mortmry editor wilt ! read carefully, for therein he will find the great vital, fundamental principle of our government namely, that the general gov eminent is supreme as te all powers dele gsted to it by the constitution, and the states are supreme ss to sll powers not i delagated to tha general government by thst instrument THE TARIFF REFORM IftBTJg, The mors csrefullv snd dispassionately President Cleveland's message Is studied, leaving party considerations en one side, tha more surely convinced will any honest critic become that lis opinions snd suaees-1 tlonsare In line with the best interest, of the country from everv material point of IV . , .dthe fixurinxnd if I think he Is not trying I ' ' I National Traaaurv haa made thla matter - P'i- It I. generally conceded that the I Government revenues must be reduced. .d.K--i-.....i- u -kk.,.i.. .k.h I . . . . . Zx S "V I S U UL CU 8 88 IIIV IUMI (St. WS Ifti V 1 worktngmen and me non manuiacturtng class, or solely in tha interests of mill and factory bosses. -From the Chicago Tri bunt Rep. Never allow stale flowers to remain in a sick room. Scatter powdered alum en shelves in vested with ants. The flavor of any pie is improved by adding a bit of salt. To remove fruit stains rub with whisky or camphor before being washed. Tack a piece of ticking inside your ward robe door and keep your patterns there. Apple sauce Is much improved by the addition of a tables poonful of butter and requires less sugar, Take a bucket of fresh water Into your bed-room every night end let it remain uncovered. It will nbserb all poisonous gases. Chicago, Dec. to. The 7mb Athen, Gs., .pacta i says : The return of John Johni son to Dsnlelsvllle to-day recalls his singu lar disappearance twenty -one years ago. lie was a son of one of the most prominent farmers of Madison county, and had mar- ncti a daughter ot a near neighbor, whom he had known from childhood. Several months after marrhtve his wife had occas ion to visit refaf Ives In this city. When she returned home she found her house locked and her husband missing. For twenty years she mourned his absence, when she ootained a divorce, to-day her ex -husband put In his appearance, dressed in Western cow-boy style, and with his pockets full of money. He had been living in Oregon since he left here. He hss now a herd of 27OO cattle, and has fine large bank deposits In Portland. He proposes to re-marry his wife and take her west with him. Washington, Dec. 16. Senator Hoar of Massachusetts has Introduced a bill to facilitate and develop the resources of Alaska and to open an overland commercial route between the United States, Asiatic Russia and Japan. The bill directs a survey to be made of a route for the construction of a railway by the most feasible route from the northern boundary of the United States through British Columbia and Alaska to a desirable harbor on the southern coast of the Alaskan peninsula, on Behring sea. It is intended to begin at or near Spokane Falls, on the Northern Pacific road, and run north on the eastern side of the Rocky mountains, deflecting westwardly for a branch line to 8itka,the main line to be con tinued north snd west to a desirable harbor en the Alaskan peninsula. One hundred thousand dollars is appropriated for the sur vey. e Secretary Falrchildsays : "I cannot be lieve that it will adopt the second expe dient viz., the enlargement of government expenses simply to expend money raised by taxation, when the public weal does not otherwise call for the expenditure. Both bond buying, except for sinking fund purposes, and government expendi ture in excess of the needs of government should, be rejected." Of course they should be rejected, and for the conclusive reasion that Congress has no warrant te take the surplus money by taxation. Those two purposes limit the right of Congress. The Supreme Court should so say on a case sharply present ing the point. The popular yerdtot is that, for all malar ious, bilious or kidney derangements, all af fections of the stomach and digestive organs, for colds or fores s, there is no remedy at once so simple, yet so thoroughly efficient in its operation, as Frees 's Hamburg Tea. 1 m0 e ea. . FOR DI8PBPSIA end Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh'a Vitalizes It never fails to curs. affAAP, Tha A,tria uvi that Msvor Trulling j T J - - ' . .i... , i t 'r i m" " b" " our Pacific Cftftst delegation In Congress protecting against any ensngs ia me term on CM and lumber. Our good Iriend of ... M.t. u.-i-. (u. that 7 nian in vrsgon ana wa.a.msj-.. should ilitt It. With all due deference to our usually vsrv fslr cotemnorsrr we have that no man in Or.gen,or ftny where .1.. 1.1 irn Miifit ttltinna whfi wurlltt "" i to see the surplus now accumulating in irtuurv mi th United States at the . f lomjoooxiou per annum re uucaa. ins iurerMH says wt mve mo f'same right to protection as the msnufac v..,..-..M J'- northwest Pacific Coast Interest. demands that there be no tinkering with the tariff on col and lumber. Of course "we'We iu, ,nUch rlsht to protection as the manufacturers of the East have, but what does the Attorian mean by "we." It means the score or two of men who are engaged In p reducing coal snd lumber In the North west, while the Dkmocrat Includes In this we" the hundreds of thoussnds of men who use coal and lumber,upon the former of which the great mass of people are re- quired to pay 75 cents per ton snd upon the Utter from one to two dollars per thousand feet, all to protect a score of .men at the expense of thousands. There is ft grievous Injustice In this tfilng whit h the Attoriun cannot fail to sec, and which, if we are not in error, thet paper on former occasion. MM boldly denounced. There is no res Mn j trtc world why lumber and coal CHnnot be as cheaply produced in Wash- mgt0n Territory as they can just across ha line In British Columbia. It is folly to uj K otherwise. The Attoriau, (though it mav not know It,) speaks for the benefit of monopoly rather than a tax-ridden people. jt $pumkt to benefit the few at the direct expense of the many. We would say then let no one, (at least no democrat,)sign such petition, for it is a trap to lead Into an ap- Iproval of Blslnelsm.wlth all that word im plies NKWePAFKR ADVgRTtAtNG. John Wannamaker, the Philadelphia merchant, says the Fran of that city. "recently .poke as follows about advertls inn : 'I never In my life used such a thing as a poster, dodger or handbill. My plan for fifteen years has been to buy so much space in a newspaper and fill it up with what I wanted. I would not give an advertisement In a newspaper of 400 cir eolation for 5,000 handbills or posters. If I wanted to sell cheap jewelry or run a lottery scheme I might use posters, but would net Insult a decent reading public handbills, me cla.. 01 people wne red lngs " poor materiel to look 10 tor support in mercsntuc snsirs. d' direcUy with the publisher. I say to la. a ft 888 ntm "ow ,anS wu TOU ,ei ru" " j0'"" f in your paper for $100 or " wcase may oe r 1 .ct o.m uo , , u. .1. a. - V m "7 " !T- I r Pose The first year I laid aside and (aoemt Saona s last vear 1 laid aside and spent $40000. I have done better this year, and shall increase that sum as Uie profits warrant It. 1 owe my success to aewspspers.snd to them I shall freely give s certain profit of my yearly business.' " The proposed pension scheme is ana lysed by General Burdette, Post-Commander of the G. A. R., as follows j It is money snd sentiment with us, snd it is money and sentiments and mere par ticularly money, with the peeple. We might as well view this question clearly. We have to settle with 60,000,000 of peo ple, settle with thef r heads and hesrts.snd settled more particularly with their pocket books. Now let ws face it and see whst we are proposing. The good things that are good are not always practicable things.snd there Is such a thing as waisting energy needlessly. There are 1,300,000 surviving soldiers, that Is the general and best es timate I have been able to get 1,300,000. There were 3,000,000 in the conflict ; more than half are in their graves, on the battlefield or at their homes. There sre 400,000 widows You have a total of 1,700,- 000 people to settle with at $8 a month that is $13,500,000 a month ; that is $163, 600,000 a year, and adding $75,000,000 year of other pensions bow, we have to cell upon the people for $238,6010,000. A contemporary shows by extracts from their speeches and reports five years ago that the leading Republican statesman then favored a more radical revision and reduction of the tariff than President Cleveland now asks. An evsnisg journal proves by ths record that Mr Blaine him self, who is now posing as the higher priest of protection, actually favored free salt and free coal when ha was speaker, in 1871. Bilts te repeal the duties on both these articles passed the Republican House at that time by large majorities.but were smothered In the Senate. The neces sity for such action Is vastly greater now. Sam Francisco, Dec. 18. The steamers Arago and Areata of the Oregon Coal and NavLration Com nan v. are unable to brinar down coal aa fast as it is mined at Coos Bay. i he company is now negotiating for a steamer In the East to place on the line, and if the negotiations fall through they will build a new one here. Still Buy lag. L. Ssodsrs is still buying good horse. These having thsm should brine them in. ess" IhjnxJtenxest or the Liquor Habit Positively Oursd by administering Br, Haines Golden Spssjne. It san bs given in a cup of eoflee or tea with out the kaowiedas of the person taking Ui Is absolutely harmless and win effect, a psrma nt and speedy cure, whether the patient is a rnodsrats drinker or en alcoholic wreck. Thousands ot drunkssus havs been made tarn- tSfl? 'VMS ffi as ones JmprogTuttad with the Specific it becomes an Bthw snlsastftttirr for theltauor annetlte to am For roil partfentars, aMress GOLDEN 9PWmOQOHm Basest, Cincinnati, 0, Paratefnns Have Found Out That a contaminating and foreign element ia the blood, developed by Indigestion, Is the cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive aub-outanaous cover Ing of the muscles and ligaments of ths joints, causing constant and shifting pain, and aggregating as 11 calcareous, chalky deposit which produces stiffness and dis tortion of ths joints. No fact which ex Sirlen.ce has domonclrated in regard to ostettsr'a Stomach Bitters has stronger evidence te support than this, namely that this medicine of comprehensive use checks the formidable and atrocious dia ease, nor Is it less positively established that it is preferable te the poisons often used to arrest It, since the medietas con (sins only salutary ingredients. It Is also a signal remedy for malarial fevsrs, con atipatlon, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder ailments, debility and other disorders, See that yen get the genuine, WMIi tDls Disease that Is Coming Upon Us ? Like a thief at night it steals in upon us unawares. The pa tients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in the morning. A soil, of sticky slime collects about tlie teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, ail gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyt's are sunken, the hands and fe t become cold and clammy. A Her a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest After a time he liecomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes liecome tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and hi!i colored, de positinffa sediment after stand in0;. There is freuentlj a spitting up of the food, some times with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart: the vision becomes im paired, with spots before the eyes; there is a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc, etc, but none of these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspepsia, ft is also found that Shaker Ex tract of Roots, or Mother Sei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease .in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BXTTKB THAN COTTON. Mr. John C. Hemptinstall, of Chulafirmee, Clebura Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigel's Syrup that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to get it into the hands of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell in this State better than cotton, TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner. Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been lone afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. McGuire, merchant of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail , SHE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me. I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life Among the Shakers" which described my disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Muhlenbure Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warren St, New York. Fsr Bale, 9ns hundred and twenty acres of tha best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. Sc C. R. R. Inquire at this office. Pearline, WOMAN'S FRIES0. Ths best compound ever invented to make washing: easy. Perfectly harmless. Used in hard or soft water without harm to fabric or hands and without the aid of soap. For cleansing kair, shampooing, and for removing blood stains from the linen of dentists or butchers it is unrivaled, In the hath tub it is a luxury, condu cive to health, and should be freely usod in all asylums and hospitals aa a disin fecting detergent. Printers, painters, masons, farmers, miners, blacksmiths, machinists, plumb ers, and all workers in metals, should use PKARLIN? for washing their begrim ed bands as well as clothing. For sals by WALLACE & THOMPSON, A4ftny,rsgen, TBI POULTRY YARD. If you desire eggs and eggs only, says Country Gentleman, and numbers, not sise, select Hamburg, or Leghorns If you want non-sitters that will raise eood slsed eggs, choose Houdsns, Black Span ish or Le Fleche. If you want winter lay ers er fowls to sell dressed for the fall or winter market, take Brahmas, Cochins Lsngshans or Plymouth Rocks, if you want chicks for early spring market, st lect Plymouth Rocks, Domlnlques or Wyan dottes. Uss none but purebred socks ; get the best hens you can get for market prices. Keep each year ths best of ths highest bred pullets, selling all others, and you will soon have a flock as good as pure breeds snd at little cost. The runs must be dry. Wet feet rr ake Biddy sick. A southern slope Is desirsble The houses should have a southern expos ure, be sheltered from winds,roomy,wnrm, lighted, ventilated. Don't make the perches near the floor whether the fowls be large or small. Have aboard upon which cleats are nailed every few inches to reach from the f!oor to the perches. Have the beard long en ough to make the Incline easy. There should be a passageway through the can ter of the building no roosts above I j a wide platform at each side to catch the droppings; under the platform the nests . . S a . . m ' opening into the passageway. A dusting box is indispensable. Fill with two parts road dust to one of perfect ly dry wood or coal ashes and a very lit tle sulphur and csrbo'lc powder. Fasten six inches from the floors small box hav ing two compartments, one crushed oys ter shell or ground bone and the other charcoal. Don't fend on the floor. Feed in shallow boxes or troughs. For drinking; vessels common glsaed milk crocks sre the best. So thoroughly has the wool been pulled over the eyes Of the Itmst Mountaintrr thst It hss actually come to believe that no man in this country has any right that a lordly wool-grower of the plains 1. bound te respect. Bo lost to resson is It, that in order to enlist the sympathy snd support of sugar producers, thst It unblushingly declares that sugar is more necessary to humsn existence than wool. Such are the fallacies of those who would tax the whole world for their benefit. The Tt'moM Mouutainoer gives as a reason why Vilas should spend some of the sur plus In improving the mail service that it would increase his popularity, but, with mere candor than discretion, it says such a course Is net democracy. Right for once. Democrats do not believe in spend ing public money to mnke their ofhciala popular. It was by appealing to such a selfish spirit that republicans tried to main tain power but It did not win. Ths Randall Club of Pittsburg hss sdopted resolutions approving ths Presi dent's messaga. This fact puzzles the enemies of the Democracy, who cannot understand thst Clevetaad's policy sig nifies Democratic unity, not dissension. I. 00 Ul Id PtillaeVlfaUt at tha Nswapapsr ad vex . oar i DR. HENRY SMITH, 433 Kearney St, a San Francisco Over 20 years ezf arise as la the treat ment of Cfaraaie saadl Ssyaelsa Die. aaaea In Asaseioa aad European hostitala sad other iastRutione, making a apecliJty of these alBieUona. Heme Treaesaeat sent te such as cannot visit hia office. Orders for medi cine promptly artendrd to. FARM AT A BARGAIN. The ftftdsratftusd offers fee aale hia farm of 27of acres 6 miles north of Hsrrisharg on the Harrwbsrg, Peoria, and Albany wschi road, 8 ndles front warsbonas on the W 3 lametta liver, 6 Bailee frees Halsey on the Oh C railroad, eee-fosrth of a mils frest school house, all fenced in S departments, besides small Iota, 175 acres is cultivation, 75 aoresssk smb. not heavy, 55 acres erow- ing wheat, 30 seres more sew land in eelti vatton, making 95 scree in good condition for wheat this fall and wUJ soon be sown. UQ young frail trees. Baildisxs fair. Price SSS per sere. Tarns easy. For particulaas cell ea or address C. C. Jacxbok, Halsey, Orsger. fO - Ma JSP BEAST! sMSMHSHH) 03S1 Mustang a n OT7XX.X3S3 Sciatiea, Lumbago, Rheumatism. Burns, Scalds, Stings, Bites, Braises, Bunions, Corns, Scratches, Sprains. Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Cocbractt Muscles, Rruvtioan, Koci tst&j Bcrsur Worms, 8wiaaajr, Saddle GalSa, Piles. THI3 GOOD OLD 8TASib-BY accoinpltshss for everybody exactly rrhat toehuniod tor it. One ot tho reasons for tho groat popularity of the JT nutans Liatroont to found in ita universal applicability. Everybody needs sacfc a modic 'no. Tha XjBinberaiau need, it incase of nccidet. Tho Iteuaewtfe need. It tor genera! family i:?e. Tbo Ca v n tor needs it for hia teams and tusaura. The Mochuato need. It atarays cs. Js v. :-k bencli. The Miner need. It in case of ectorgsncT. The Pioneer needs it can't get "iloB-'vitHout it. The Farmer needs it In hto hosce, Ma st.L:.., and hi. stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman need. It la liberal supply afloat ;ulm.hora. The Herso-faucirr udtds Jt It 1. bU best friend and safest reliance. The Stock -sro wcr needs it It will save him thousands of dollars aad a world of trouble. The Railroadman needs Hand will need it so tons sa his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Back wood eai an needs It. TUare is noth ing like It ss an antidote for tbo dangsra to life, limb and comfort which surround tho pioneer. The ftferohaet needs itatou"lils store em-wig Bis employees. Accidents will happen, and When those come the Mustang Hutment Is wanted at once. Keep a Bott to tn tho Btousc, Tls ths best of economy. Keep a Bottle in the Factory. Iu Immediate ass ta Cass of aootdest shyss pain and loss of wages. Keee a Beetle AI ware in the Stable ftr ess when wanted. THIS PAPER N. WTAYstaTftSOM. Lniment 90 HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT II P LA '""lph The majorttr of tha Ills f the body arise from a ilssassd Liver, Sim mons Liver Itegutator lias been the means of restoring more people to health nod happiness by giving them n healthy lava than any other agency on earth. ttmrn TssAT toy oar thk oektihs. HOFFMAN &PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of- CHOICE C0IF80TI0RET, Wn era now nran.swd (a aall at aale, always fresh and pore at Portland prswsi so oeaiera, we eiso seep B roil line of Huts and Tropical Frulti, -OUR-CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is com Ws keep the very finest stock of aaaokASg end shewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that Is a delight to smokers. PATENTS SfeMasf, BBI af, other Is tiss 0. A Ossea assHMUstal ta for OWsSXaais the V. ft. Mens OOee, east leasttaM taea Umbs rasaais r drswmz banre , soj We WUly free mt charg e We rater a ire sa Ska tar, Use Saps, af rtttseU. 8 Ktaat ja.y uroer nr. sad u. ror ctnater. ad nee, tarssa BaatssleSsnassa rssrees Matser . A. SNOW a CO., oset. o. o crsjxxxy ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKPaS, MachLiistg, MiU?mght8, aid Ini Founders, nS are now completely prepared te beadle all kinds of heavy work. We will nsannfafltnra Ntaam Rnahu a4mt Saw aflil Machinery, and all kinds t Iron otmmm isiusunga. T ATTRRS8 M4K OS 18SKT Win, Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. MRS. B. HYMAN, next east of S. E, Yoong'a, Albany, Or, Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMP! NC OUTFITS. AM STAMP ING DONE TO ORBER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wedneadayu snd Thursdays of seek week, snd painting done te easier oa plaques snd other nsaterial, Nice assort moot of Artist materials on hand. CR0SSEN & ALLEN. Albany Track and Cray Co., He, 1. Goods handled, with care aad dispatch. (r pa leu u, revests, trade-MMBa, em rifbie. slo.. to obtain pataota ia CsuiU, Kogland, Freaaa, vevute uatted. SBssee. aad aeej unoquaied aad their nwlmii. era la the Passat dStoe ea abet aattea. Tarssa yea resaon sble. N o eharea for ex in i nation of mnasl. or drawlnea. Advioe by mail frea the isorees eirealatiea snd Ia the atoet taSaaaStal newspaper ot its kind nubhahad ia Uto warid. Drewinaa and aMnianaAAnM iiiainl .-a aa vantacsa eaea e at .nasralsuds. dmltted te Be the beat rases- devoted to seiaaas, ateeaaaiea. lavaationi, essaeariac works, sad ether departments of industrial lished in say oouatry. It oeaUiae . aas- Sll patentee, end tltie of every iavaation eatantoa svtBaaaa S" vwa, ivy iaar taoassf. Sua sm .Id by all newsdealers. sssasv It yoa have mn inveatlea to aatoaS write Sa aVlvasvdaa " $w York 8ciaU SjstertoMs, ItoadboossDoat paten U ss ailed ana Administrator's Sale. In tKt County Court 0 the State ot Ortgomjbr In the matter at tha av U nf ri var McBride, deceased. ' NOTICE ia hereby given that by aa or dar at the Count v fJanrt. y r i.. . - w n. j, aj n county, Oregon, duly made and entered 01 reoora on ieoemoer oto, 1997. ths nn- a a a a . . " . oersignea ns A-umimsirator or said estate will on Saturday, the 7th day ef Jaaaary, lftsn at ths hour ef one o'olock, in ths afternoon, of aald day, at the Court House door, in Albany,-Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all ths right, title, in terest and eatate of use. W. McBride, at the time of his death, in end to the follow ing described real property to-wit : Be ginning at the southeast corner of the do nation land claim of James W. Bunch and wife, Notification No. 2678 in Tp IS, 8 of R 4 west of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, thence Tannine north 23 68 chains ; tbsnos west 17 61 chains , thence south 23.68 chains ; thence east 17.58 chains to the place of betrianinsr. containing 41 46100 acres. Alsothe fol lowing described real property, to-wit ' The fractional west half of the sonthwea quarter of Sec. 14, Tp. 13 S of R 4 west o the Willamette Meridian in Linn ceuntv Oregsn, containing 16 15-100 acres end 8 40 180 acres in ths west half of the north west quarter of See. 23, Township and range aforesaid. Said 3 40-106 acres com menses at R. Garrett's northeast corner and runs south including timber oa Muddy Cree and Joining R. GarrettS land on the east and last shore described tract of land on the north, eon tain tag i a all 60 acres of land. Albany, Deo. 6th, 1687. J. A. MoBarnx, J. C. PowbxAj Admiuistretor. r Ana Am. n. . n mbIi.m In . . . .. - " - A.tsornsj teiaavs&ratar.' S i' 1 i