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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1887)
Ike mml FRIDAY ...JULY 22. U87 The Wtsh in gton corrsspondent of the Eugene State Journal is s'sly old ooon." Ho 3sys Secretary Lamar "is greatly disturbed over tbo disclosure that Levi Baoun, tbo lately dooooood financial clerk in the Patent a defaulter for alout $32,000." The impression intended to be conveyed by the above itf that Bacon is a Democrat and, there for, bis defalcation disturbs Secretary Lamar. No doobt Secretary Lamar it disturbed, hs any honest Secretary would be, but it is due to the truth to say that Baeou was a Republican, having secured bis position through the influ ence of Zsck Chandler, who contributed to largely to steal the presidency from Tildon. Bacon's accounts are found to be o rooked eight yaara baok. The following editorial item taken from the Corrallis Daily Gamtte of the 15th inst. shows that one Republican, at least, Las had his eyes opened by the election of Cleveland : "The national debt showed a decrease of $15,000,900 in Jane, making $109,000,090 for the isoal year. Theee facte are very disap pointing to those prepnets who foretold that under a democratic administration the national debt wonld be repudiated, and the rebel debt would be paid." If the Republican party will make proteotioo.pure and simple, pait of its national platform, as it never vet has had the courage to do, tbo Drxocbat will advise Demoorate who believe in that doctrine that they ought to vote their principles, sod per contra, m d viae Republicans who do not believe in taxing the peopl unneoesearily to the tun of $150,000,000 a year, to vote th Demoeratic ticket. The Sorwtary of tha Iuterior has sp- pointed John B McName, of Ohio,snri will soon appoint two other,on a com mission to make a thorough aad exhaos tive investigation of the coudition of the WdUmtt Valley aod Cascade Mountain Road, the Da lea Wagon Road and the Oregon Central Wagon Read to see if I hey are construe. ed according to law. Albany is sisiktug along with that manly, independent movement that shows that she holds within bereeli the key to future, rapid growth aid pros perity ,and the determination of her cit izens to use the kev. Croakers will please get off the track or suffer th consequences. Albany has no time to whistle down breaks. The DanocaaT stands for law and order, and will always frown down on all attempts to arouse the lawless disj o- s'uion of hoodlum mobs, whether made by individuals privately or in the col umns of newspapers. No man has any right to ask others to obey law while he himself violates it or advisee otbeta to do so. ibis will be tbe in oat prosperous year for the Oregon farmer that be ha had for several years. Everything be baa to sell will bring a good price, while many things he has to buytscheap.The whole Willamette Valley will boutn this fall and next year. Ke p your eyes ejpen. Look ebtt ou. Do not those busi ness men who advertise judiciously liberal prosper more than tbat man wb does net T Some busiresjs seems to have tbe dry rot. Did you ever notice it ? No lit. no "urrav. n enterprise, no bndn. S (eh no I not deserve lit L . ss concerned t O P R ' ' hm- n,nd is now. km i . . be eU-d "The PKplet Rail n'i," nd so rtcogni by ib- aw tfsse rv their conduct s "I naoa:'m 1 . v o h t'e. We X'ei1 i t.n right band f felloe ! to Ut- Westsids Telephone and in vito v to tske a seat at tbe Democratic fetal hoard. Fh- Telephone ban bere tof been Republican, but now floats the Democrat ic banner at its masthead. Success to it. Robert (J.,les,son of J F. Capias, (i Portland, is at bis borne to spend bis twenty-first bi.tbday. While engsged on the report ria' staff of the 3. F. Ex aminer, sod as a stndeot of law, he bo eame ooovcted to Dursooisey and will east bis first vo ' , party. J. (J. New,cf 1 d .Mp il"a member of the national Republican committee, say if BUine should b nominated Iu haua would go Damoc: t, by 25, 0 '0 majority. H say I.Ji. a will f vor Har in..n. AH indications point. u the fact thst B nine is s much serasjff lusn among Rpub iean managers than fchermsn. Nin-tenth of 'he D -moors ts of the country are in harmony with theee man. ezors on thst question. It seemi VI tt ion county id making strenuous ifforts to shirk the payment of $830 taxes, which has been delin quent over 20 years. Cvma gentlemen, no repudiation. &-. mber Mionesota aad Virgin it.. When a newspaper openly encourages rowdyism it is high time for law and order people to consider whither we are drifting. A hen is a very superior crcat ure.but TiTrwra politics. It will be remembered tbat Tut lie of Iowa is tbe man f ho raised such a storm about President Cleveland's going to St. Louis this fall ou tbe occasion of the G. A. R. Eaoampmect. RepubH cans have been trying to make it appear that Tuttle is a Democrat, in order to break tbe force of tbe charge that he and Fairohilds were attempting to run tbe G. A. R. as a Republican machine. we nave taken toe pains to nun: up Tuttlo's record and find that he entered the war at a Democrat, and, in 1883, he was nominated for Governor of Iowa by that party against Stone,! he Repub lioan oandidate, and,of course, was beat en, lie remained a Democrat until 1878 when heannounoed his oourereien to Republicanism, and has lemsined a Republican ever since. Two years ago he was elected to the Lislatttro of Iowa from Polk county on the Repub lican tioket. To show tbe quality of the man we refer to a little incident whioh occurred on last Deoration Day at Burlington, Iowa, on which occasion he called Gen. Bragg, Col. Morrison, Gen. Pslmer and Geo. Sioklea Benedict Arnolds, but, tbsnks to decency, be wan loudly hissed tot it. He ia simply a demagogue and thousands of the Q. A. R. all over the country condeuta bis coorse. A correspondent writing from Wash in gton to the Disseminator, sfs ! "Inclusive of fourth olass postmasters, the number of "chief ottnera" of the government ia 56.1 34,and in theee there have been 45,992 obanged unir Proa uient Cteveland,wkich is a bolter shew ing than many Democrat supposed possible. Washington ia one of the arsre cue of tbe country still bavins Republican postmaster, but there are a iron indications of a change very soon." A bolder effort to deceive was never attempted. This correspondent and tbe Disseminator most think the readers ot that paper are ignorant of ourreot- evsnts. The ordinary school boy knows thil at least seven-tenths of tbe changea above named were made by expiration of term of office. It was no fault of Cleveland's tbst the term for whioh nearly all those officers expired by lim ttition of law. It is the same all over the country aa in Oregon. L ok a Sili m, Corvallis, Jackson vitle, Oregon City, Astoria, and sever il other f the principal towns where Repub licans are atill holding on to tbeii oUcea simply because .heir term ot office has not yet expired. Tbe people are net to be miaied by sush silly sub terfuges as the Disseminator correspon dent resorts to. President Cleveland has giren the coontrv a conservative, healthy, clean administration, and all intelligent people know it, and if bo should be renominated thousands of conservative Republicans all over tbe country will support him at tbe very safest and beat man for tbs country to elect. And, noar, we are gravely informed by tbe Republican press tbat a Miss Underwood, a RepubIicao,who baa been holding a position in tbe treasury de partment ever since tbe Democrats easse into power, has been discharged, aad, that hereafter, she will actus ily have to depeod upon herself far support, as her parents ate too poor to help her. Ob, tbeee horrible Democrats, to thna place a girl in snob a deplorable predi cament. The spectacle of a full-grown, able-bodied girl having so make her I own living has rarely ever been seen in th a e " fo Webavenodoob that this outrage will form tbe basis of tho leaning Ic in the next Republi can platf jrm, .ud art ba a vital issue in the aS campaign. It might bo wll to remark by way of extenuation that Mi Under wo d, being emboldened by i be test tbat abe bad been allowed to retain her position uoder a Demo cratic aaVnmietrstian without question or p wee , ..i o wo e oB7 bet m uth in a ery rckless and flippatsi way about Presi t 0 vs aad and 0 mmiseioner of t ions Black, and, as these officials ds ir d u bve clerks for work instead f f ippsnt oriiicitm she was vsry promptly an I vary prop erly discharged. Hslsxy, July 18tb, 1887. Editor Democrat : I see the following item io the Her- abl-Disseminator : "Ex-Oov. John P. St. John is to oanvasa tbe state in tbe interests of tbe prohibitory ameodmene,beginniog about the middle of Ociober and ceotinuing until election day. St. Jobo had better stay at home. He haa already kicked up a sufficient row in the temperance movement in this country, and has done enough damage." I will say tbat I am a Repub'ican, a temperance man and supported Sc. John for preaident for the reason that be had the courage to "stand for the right." Blaine did not. The Disseminator did not. Now, by what right does that pa per atand up and nndertake to dictate who shall, or who shall not, espouse the cause of temperance by public speeoheu t St. John ia one of tbe leading pioneer prohibitionists and,as suob,has acquired the right to speak for prohibition with out restraint or criticism from any blind follower of Blaine of Maine. Ohfp. At a colored funeral (he ether day in Mt. Fleaaant, Tennessee, a thunder storm arose when the people all sough shelter from the rain under tbe trees in and about tbe cemetery. Nine colored people collected under a large oak which was struck by lightning, killing every person under the tree. Jake Sharp, the New York briber, has been sentenced to four years in tbe Tlsaa and Qraan Utven Away. Ou Jan. tat, 1888, we will give away a 87 00 piano ami a $1 CO organ. Hers Is the way to get one of them. For every dollsrs worth of goods yoa purehaSe you will receive a tioket, when you get live yea may maks a guess ef tbs number of pisses of coin ex hibited in a glnaa globe in our front window, whioh, with your name will bsrsjitatared, ul) to the a rut of January. Tho one guessing nesreat to tha right number will receive the piano, next tha organ. The piano, a Bradford upright. 71 octaves. loaswooii eau, ate., and tha organ made by Juhua Baur, ot Chicago, 5 ootavaa, lSatopa, etc may be am at tho store of K VV Lang doe, of wham they were purchased. Cvsry uiin puroliMing good of me will set thm at aa low a price aa in tho Valley, with a aplondid atobk to soleot from. rf. II. Ails Co., Albany, Or. Murry, Idaho, ia 3,600 feet above tbs Pacific. eat Kneel lent J J Atkins. Chief of Police. Knoxrille. Toon., writes : "My family and I are benefloiarlea of your nnwt excellent modi' cine, Or. Ktng'e New Discovery for con sumption i having found it to be all that you claim for it, deal re to testify to its virtue. My friends to wuom I have rec ommended (upraise it every opportunity." Dr tiing'i New DUooverv for Consump tion is guaranteed to cure cottgls, colds, brenoniiia, aatmua, croup and every af fection of throat, sheet and tangs. Trial nouses rroe at raenay & Mawon Drug stor. Large slae 1. Ho, for Taqalaa. But you mutt have a good pair of boots or shoes, so call on Henry Joott, one door north ot Ielegreph office, on rsroadalUln St. Pertlsnd and Eaat Portland paper all run to the aenaationat. They aheuld give more meat und potatoca with Ihelr nte and case. We Tell Yoa Ptalaly hat Simmons Liver Hog u.ator will rid you of Dyapepaia, Hoadaobe, Constipation snd Biliouanoaa, It will break np obllla aao raver ana prevsm tnatr return, and is a complete auiido.e for ail malarial poison yet entirely tree rrom quinine or eal omol. Try It, aad you will ba aatooiabed at tee good results of tbe genome mm mons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. II, Collin Uo, Send Burkhart w Kaaev names and ad dresaeo of f rtenda doainng toformatioa of Ore gon and thoy will seed them copies af ih Meal JBttaU Ceaetyer which eoataios a eem plete diaoriptton of one onuaty in eaek lean with either deairabU iejse nattaa as wather The saement roll of San Diego, Cel., haa doubled in one year. That ia booming in earnest. a The Begtasinc of tks Bad. The beginning of disease b a slight de- billiy or d laorder of SSSJSS of the vital or gans, the stomach, the liver or tbe bowala usually. There arc dyapeptlc symptoms, the liver ia troubleaome, the skin grows tawney and unbeaity looking, there are palna in the right aide or tnroegh the right shoulder blada. The climax Is of ten an utter proMtration of the phyaioal eoerglea, perhaps a fatal Isaac. Rat If tbe irnculty is met In time with Uotet ter'a St imaoh Blttera, wblc' la a I way a ef fective aa a remedy, and U should be re stored to at an early stage, there nisi be no reeeon to apprebeui thoae injurloua auba.itent effect upon the eywicm often entailed by entirely eared diseeeee. Kar better la it, else, te employ ible aafe ram edu! agnnl in fevr and ague, and other malarial oomplaiota, than qulalno and other potent drags, which, even when they ao prove effectual for a time, ruin the stomach and Impair the general health aaMMMnMgeMaMHaamaBBi A game of base ball between the Grant's Paae and Glcndale cluoa recently resulted In a victory for the former by a score of 60 to 1 8. Glra tkaai s Cbaare I That is to aay. yonr lunga. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won derfnl machinery it la Net only tbe larger air passages, but the thousands of little tn bee and cavitiee leading from them. When theee sre clogged snd choked with matter which ought not to be there, yonr innge cannot nair no their work, And what tbey do.they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia. catarrh, consumption or any of the family or tnrosi ana noe ana neaa ana lung ob at i notion, ell are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There la Jast one sore way to get rid of them. That ia to take Uoachee'e Qermaa Syrop, which any druggiat will sell yon at 78 oenta a bottle. Even if everything ole haa railed you, you may aepena upon ini tor ceruun . The rnetecraeher. aieaer. or i nave all the negat vea taken bv A B. Pax ton and any one can have dnpll weeirom weir negative by aildrowilng na, at tLe following prio: Card abve, 12 per a oxen, cabinet sixe, S3 per doaeo. Son aoure. So per dosao. I keep the fineet tine oi uregon views tn the west. Cata logue furniahod on application Copying and enlarging old picture a apeclalty. J. G. ChAwrwsm. rev aele. One hundred and twenty acres of the beet quality of improved wheat land, all fenced Into four fields, good house, hard finish, Sood outhouaea, excellent fruita of al! kinda. ituated 3 milee west of Lebanon and one and s quarter milca south of the junction of the Narrow Guage R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inquire at this office. Saby waaatok,wei "ae see wa a ChUd, aha ned -1 aha mchm Miss, abe olasg te Caeterle, see had ChUAeaa, aee gave teem l Baek tea's Aretea aalve. The beet salve in tbe world for Outs. Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Favor Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively curea Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perlect aulnfaction, or moner refunded. Price 25 conts per box. For sale b Foshav A Mason. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, hrsetrtb and who4Momenecs. More economies! than tha ot-dtutry kinds , suui oarmoi he acid ia eoo petition with the mulUtade ot lew test, short weigiaitueorjbesphaienow4Wr. SousoatTis ft.vei hoYAL 0AKf3te PoWbee Co 10S Welt-sfc AKIH6 MY Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Irerythingjkspt In a flrst-ottss Drv mere is e demand ror. a uougnt tnese gooas mostly in new xorx ana uoiotgo end AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, Novelties of the Season " In every line ; em prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted Is the papers or circulars, aod wit! take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you, off when yon get out of money. Samuel E. Young. The Vevf 'La. I have added te ssy Seat emd ales eteok a line of the celebrated Laird, Beksker 4 MUthrU, Philadelphia fhte tteee for ladies, miases end children. Acknowledged by dsalers gseerally to be the beat yelae aod tat ntttng nee snee nu Widths C, D, B, and EE. A child can bey ae cheap aa a Samcsl K. Yeeao Sole Agent, Albany Well N H Allen dt Co. keep in eteek a f aU Hee of tbe above goods, iecladiag a flaw meat of decorattoos for sseliags, which they will sell el the loweat possible prioes. v a have new ia transit eee of the largest steeks 9& BUOhfc fc w(kP tQ ijfcifll eVasaTK4Pt Thrifty people will appreciate ear raises aed prices. You are feeling depressed, yonr app t tit is poor, yoo are bothered with head ache, your are fldgetiy, nervous, and gen orally out of eerta. aod want to brace np Brace up, but not with etltnulanta, spring medlelaea, or hitters, which have for their beeie very cheap, bad whtaky, and which stimulate you for an boor, and then leave yoo In worse condition than before, what you want la an alterative that wili Eurffy your blood, atari healthy action of iver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, aod give iwaewed health and strength. Koch a m-dlctne yoo wili find In Electric Bitters, and only So rente a bottle at Fo shay A Mason Drag Store. 1 SACRED TO THS u zu our OF TBI LOST DOLLAR 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 FT I 1 TTJTJ XLUJ . ,1 M iXrTMYH , i i i i i I I 1 1 i 1 1 i i ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind you of th e dollare yea might have saved by taking advantage ef their close prioes. NOW FOR THE FUTURE ! W. et T. will sell you more groceries and better qualities st lower prices than any other live men. Rectify the errors of the past, and eave money In the future by Estronialng Wallace & Thompson, First treat, Albany, Or, " New Millinery Store. We ieslre to call the attention ef Al bany iadles and th public general!? to our new ana extensive etook or FASHIONABLE Ml LLINERY L. u m nit.... u. ik, m IValentlne fc Oolasmkh of Pertlsnd U7 h t fa tnr atnftfr im m I that on h. si, our prioes will b found extremely 1 w for first class go d. BU4S JS Ot U3N8VT A I , In neoket knives, bnteher kni-vaa. aarv. fug sets, aeisaors, shears, rasors. etc,, we keep a very large assortment. Come around and look at our stock. ftrawAit 0ox. SPRING STOCK Hal arrived, including- Ooods tod Boot and Show House, from and have aod am receiving Do You want bargains. THEN A. B. McHwain's, where you can get DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., is unsurpassed. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash or produce taken, and prioes given that defy competition. C. B. Roland & Co. , NEW STORE AND Mens' Furnishing Gools, Hats and Oaps, Boots and Shoes, and fine clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Baibrig gan underwear, Fisk, Olark and Flaggs gloves. The very best moke of handse wed shoes, The very m a ? il AS-. latest stvies m mens, youtns ana ooys cioxning. All the celebrated make CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair dealing is our motto. We ask the public to calj and get our prices. No trouble to show goods. One door west of HOTEL FOat BENT, mHE EXCHANGE HOTEL IN TblK cltT la now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars Inquire of er address jmb Murray, Albany, Oregon, B A.RBJBD W1HK. A larae stock on hand and will be sold ekean. Also a fine let ef Dtam galvanized wire for woven fences at tbe store of Stewart st Sex. )L0W& Gome In and aee our new stock of steel and obUled plows. We oan suit you, both la eoods and prioes. Every Russell chill ed plew is guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured- BTBVWART X BOX. LDE MONDAY GOODS. ringers, tuba, washboards, buckets, etc., for sale cheaper than ever before j Stewart A Sex. Several kinda of wringers aad something new In washboards. AGONS AND CARRIAwJCS, Hacks, sinsle and doable baeEles.rarta, backboards, and all kinda of wheel d ve hicles. Don't buy until yoa see what we hare and learn oar prioes. kbsti Stow art & Sox, the cheapest to as good a quality as GO TO beat in prices and qualities. His eteok ot Dry deed eoaatattng of CK on him tor your NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OP of hats in every style. stock consists of bright, and Square" C. B. Roland & Co., the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. Now flrw Lnnrlo tnro nrjn uij uuuuo uiuiu. SHANE & LQH8WAY. Desire to call the attention of thair friends and tbe public general :y to tbelr extensive stock or DRY AND FANCY GOODS. embracing everything usually found In a first-olssa exclusive Dry Goods Ht? Wo guarantee our prices below tboa fortiana . we invite olos rmvera examine our goods. Samples mailed appiitian ts. SHANE LONSW i Y, Froman's Brick, MONEY TO LOAN In ou ins to anit i BY Btr&xaAJMr & Kskket, Albany. C Some Good Advice, When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods v nd yonr Who leads, C LO TH ING Kew and In style, fa nnaurpaeeed in the Valley. His new stock c HITS- Is the beet tn tho mark, FURNISHING GOODS lie takee a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. His sales el BOOTS AND SHOES Are Urge, because be keeps tbe best In qnality and styles A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON NANDIN KIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Groods Arriving Constantly ie Great . Philadelphia Clothing House! JOHN WANN AM AKER, s The Greet American Clothier and Leader in tyles has ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SIMM: & LQNStirTY. Hundred of Saoi plea to rho'e ama aa n '-niiaoe'pnw. Biawwic We wer the Little lied School Uewt Shoes, and so do our sisteis an 1 ourj cousltin and our eunt.s and if you want them go to the City Boot and Shoe Store where you will And a large and complete assort uoent of goods in this line, of nearly every grade and in kc, nad at prices which will open your eyes. A dollar saved U a dollar made. REDFIELD & BROWNE LL J. P. Hail, ALBANY, SR., AGENT FOR Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. Second hand wheels constantly on band. Send for 1887 catalogue, DR. Ce WATSON MA8T0N Physician and Surgeon. Office noma 3 asid 4. Foster's Bloelc. ALBANY OREGON. Leversham. Tbe noted COeveisnd By Stallion will mak- a fall Seison &tth placo of u irier signed, 1 wi.Sfeoutb of Albany, beginciina July 1st. r arsons from a dUtaneo can have pafturage for mares-, Terms-f 26 Insurance, way to tbe store as His Mock o embracing all the latest sty lea. In from: rwrfect fit guaranteed : Dries DERSON&CO ill I GREENBAUM DEALER IN DRUGS, STATIONERY, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR-NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. G iRDEN TOOLS AND SEEDS. r- mmm m v v -vae ot gaidt-n tools. ard are alao agent for the ee'Sbraud Walla Wtha garden aeeds, whllf gave better iui n man any suld in Albanv Reason, Ntwart At Hot Icwn an im P OWDKR, SHOT, ETC. Sport mm oau alwavs find at our stores splendid line of am munition of all kinds, and we also keep giant and blasting pow der, fuse etc, penitentiary and to pay a fine