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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1887)
SUB. TO kmocrat, it IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. THE DEMOCRAT It the bed Advertising medium la ihtt Central Willamette Valley. A dvertuiug rates made known '.on ap plloation. oOOaewssSSBsi VOL. XXII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. NO 62 - ,. - , Ml. PROKNBsUONAL CARDH. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND- - Notary Public altsuay, Orr(a. Ofttoe upstair, ovf John ttrlffR' store, t UKt. v ! 4ntf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (MOTANY PUBUCJ iTTORNEY AT LAW. iltkV, KBe. llTtUL !OACT101 IN ALL TH COURTS Of THS T Stall Spools) sttontlon alron u xrilecUons ! In Odd FVllo.'s Ter- flirt a. Ml I. Y Kf k'PTORM EYS AT LAW, And Solicitors ii Chancery, LH4WT. - . ORifUON. OoUeetfons promptly made on all point. .imii nearatiatel on rionhit,rmi WrOtn In Fofltor'n Brlok-SJa, VlSnlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will praotloe In all of ths Courts of .bis Stat. All business Intrusted to him will bo promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON, D BALER IN DRUQ8, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, aud sverything kept in a first-class Drug Store, Also flue stock of pianos and oraans. ALBANY. PRECOX. FOSHAY & MASON, -WOlUBa-S ASH SST4IL- Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alden'a publlcaiiona, which we sell at publisher prices with ALBA MY, ORBGOV. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, otationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAiEf LLLT FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. HAS. I'FEIFFER, PROPRIETOR J Fitted op In first-elavas atyle. Tablee npptted with the beet In the market. Wtoe Bleeping apartment. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. rewrfc te mm lrss the ssaOeaVtat FURNITURE. t have the beat atock of urniture In city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE at th citv and tbe lowewt price in the Valley. Come and Undertaking, stock and can give 8ATIH- fw. Try A. B. WOODIN, DR. Jala HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. O. O DHBBRT. C.B.PVRRR ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror FoundBK. E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL. completed, and are now prepai iol rv, to handla all kinds of heavy work. We will fftfteanfkotnre Steam En trine. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, ana all kinds r Iron and Brass Castings. PATTBBNS M4MB O SHORT KOT1CB. Special attention given to repairing all lads of machinery. Will also man ufao re the Improved Cherry A White Grain eprator Admini8trator'g Sale of Land. Notice is hereby given, thst the ucder aisned Administrator of the estate of Goo W. McBrlda, deceased, will in pnrauance of an order of the County Court of Linn Oregon, dolv made and entered of record on July 5tb, 1887, at the .Court House door i Albany, in sam county on Ratarday, Aagwst 13fh. 1SS7, at the hour of one o'clook in the afternoon of said day, sell an ine ngui, uue in terest and estate of aaid Geo. W. McBride at the time of his death in and to the fo. inert ucr described real proparty, to-wit : Rftffinnina at a point 10.50 chains north wr? 0 5 chains west of the southwest cor- ner ef 8ection 15 Tp. 13, Sol R 4 west of tbe Willamette meridian in I.lnn county, Oregon ; thence south 40 chains ; thence north 89 50" east 40 chains ; thence north 40 chains ; thence west 40 chains to the place of beginning, containing 160 actes. to the highest bidder. Terms of sale cash in hand on (lav of sal. July 9th, 1887. J, A. McFrtob, J, C. Powbtx, Administrator. Attornev. RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURNS. Tbe largeat atock evr carried In Albany and will be soi! at lower prices than for marly. We want all butter makers to come and aee them. I'.jVii' A gox. JBriW, LOOK H !- HK We want you to remem Iter that we have a lot of tn-oae curling irons, also m hear a, scissors trsoing wheels, helf and flower pot bracket t, and a good many other th ngs you would like to have. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am now receiving nv f!l and winter atock of boots end shoes, I have as nicely a fitted up Bunt and Hit Store, iid a oomplete a a'ock as any this aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aM my boots sod shoes iirect from manufacturers end am authorized t warrant every pair no mat tei how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying as 1 buy in quant itiea and pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children' shoes, I keep much the Urgent, best and great est variety in the city. My aim will always bo to give as good value for the mosey as possibly can bo done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALBAS! , OlEUOX. Vlcsa'ffMsssWlR o. YMatu UfcO. K. CHAM TRANSACTS A OKN'KRAL aaiikw ACCOUNTS KEPT o.rt to chock. SlflHT RXCHAVOR anJ nlesTsphle transfer. ..! oa Xa Tart, Baa fwaaliii, Cilaiga aas Petti Ovasea. 0OLLBCTION8 R ADR on ssrooablo m, R To ao E Ca, R (tOIMUII L K fiuais. WaLTSS K TSBSKX. H. F. MERRILL, Banking and insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. mm on Xow Y-x, Han r"rsneio- ird nufceii Bay noteo, Slav's, r warrant Re Intereet allowed on are C'ollectiooa will rsoai roa, aUentioti. , solicited. from g . m to IftH. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. w ODD CUTTERS, ATTENTION I Nriver forget that we aiwsys keep In stock a lull lin of axes, nross-cnt saw, steel and Iron wedges,sledge, msul rings. etc. sTKwastT dr. so. WILL BROS., Dealers in all the Leading Guns, Pistols. Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, fishlngLtackle. eta. Warrant rasors, butcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINK COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical ALBANY. - - J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware, OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance mmmmmmmmmmmamKmmm wmmmmmmmmBmmmssxmmmmmmmmmmai WILL CURB Diarrhoea and Dysentery WILL CURE Pimples on the face, and Freckle. WILL CUKE Old Sores and Ulcers, WILL CURE Wind in the Stomach. WILL CURE Headache and Nervous Depression- WILL CURE Scrofula. WILL CURE Summer Complaints. WILL CURE Rheumatism and Gout. WILL CURE JPains in the Bones sad Joints. WILL CURE all Shin Diseases. SKIN AND SCALP Cleansed. Purified and Hentlll . . by Sato 4 utlmrR. Remedies. rnr olwtn n( the Skin and fcmlp l l)lllurint Huniora, t,.r ftlUyiitR Itchlog, Burntng and lw riifttinn, for purtiw ih tfSt bSSRSSNM Roaama, J'jrU.l, Mi:k t!ral, Hly Md, Hcroful. aail wtaar lnhartto.1 aktn .d ruilcura. M ft-rwt hhio Curft, ami CuUo'jra H.)-. ao stnUaNa tkln IWaiulrt.r , exteinaltv, ami CwUciira lUiaolvftiit, th now m.MMt Furid.r, Int-rnaMj, an InfaUlbl. t lu uS.rel all ny dta with akin dliaamM of .Itf (r.m kluda, and h. nvr found rnniil rwllef. until, by the a Ifcir frtftnd.l ul TftSi ! utlunra ' reiilln I ra UMIM s thomtiuh iriftl. ualnjr U u..u!mi of lb niiirum RMolvmit, two btikftft of tlulk-uraaiwl a.v. ,-.kM ,J Cuit.-orm Moftn. nd lh nmuU Wfta j.i.t what I had twwn tadd u would -a dimpiei,. curt. tlKLI.R W AtK, HlHtitMQd, Va. R owio,(! W UUmar, Urjlat, RWhaioiid, Va. MALT IUIKI M ( I RED. I waft iroublad with Salt Rhaunft for a number r ao that h ktn ,ittnlv ram ufl one of my ihellncMtlp Wthft wrtftt, I trlrd retn ior-prfrltioiiat no ,urfa unit! I taklltir I'utlcurs kptmnt'iT. ai.d mow I tin eattetfy uarw-t K. T. I'SRKCK. K9 !.. -hftu.i ., SKj, Hoatnn. DRttfitiHTl BNDslRRiK THEN. lift, aol.l a tiuAi.tltv of vtmr Ctit)um Itamadl Olio d my cu.tontora, Mr Henry KlaU, who bad lot tor on her band. I . i b an client ao to rtiu Ih- akln Iti l off. and fr elirht oho ouSerod uroftl. in . ia.. u . r . . . . .t t . i. , wM .iiipivfeiT curoa ny mo no o, jour inxin int-o v, N. nift, um,-,.i, i uion. h. .. IT HI 51 3. NCALV. PIRPLV. Tot Ibo Iftat yr I have bvl a oi.jt ie. of tttltin. t-ftly and iiiii.l) bumora on iim faoo U. wbtih I have apHo.t croot man, moihoila of treatment without '. awl hU l. w atmdl y and entlroly mrwd h SMms MRS, ISAAC JMIKI.r. Rftoonna. MO MEDICI MR LIKE THEM. W havwaaOd your CutU-ura KvnMdtoo for the loot it tear, and no medicine, on ttr.holvm better ftUofftt-U.m. . CL r. ATUKKTON. Hrttinr'tt. Allouiy. N, T, t utbura Rme.Weo ftro autd eteryahi-re, I'rl.e. CnUcur. M -onto ; Iteootvent. SI : ot., tt eoalo. I'rt tr.vl b the tler OrUtf ami t'homtrftl t o,. IVki toa, Maaa. Rs4rer "Raw t t ar Nkla ! CRUBS, Ptmploa. Skin Hlotadoboa, atHt Ihtby Hutstoro, cured by futk-ttrft SMftj., Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh In iU a a motive foes atarwU next u a. id undotibtodly load on to in UHinUoc, It la tbero font ftlnffuUr that tnooe ftSUrVo.) with thi. lHtl Mrsrs ssesMl not seeks it Uw asgaat of asste iivau rtd themoolvoa of It. Deaaptlv WRssMsi aaassataA by braorant ieiendora to matfkal koowlodtro he W ki nxt tbo mnSdotuoi of the roat mj 'U. .4 out feraralnftll ft.lvwrtlta.1 rantedloa. The turiait re ojornod Ui tit of mkmry ratWr thi. lo.turr them. Ml too wilbdvjbttitl psltiftti flut Oiki wUI i.e. r do. Caurrti mart be aet i .w ! comUatod with all our might, tn Mftftny i Tto bonaw bimI etrtrtuU' el the aaef . the ..'r . ofhrorn.f f v . tr. ami ot U.ttn eo aA led a to U oaabaa. tea avuut m 'ftlooftrftUd, the throt o and IrriUl-tl o t .-iu- a o.rt.ti.l I Cnre f CftUnb j.Ut t-. Sftssss it u toObl Mffbas C?t$ftt t Wli(e((-Ml , Hi rfttteelng In rurinj. aofo. an.l no. or ouo toiUlft ot the Radical Cttf. ooo b .a CoUrrba! v.lrn;, Mid ftfl ImprotrM InKaJ-r. wtth "watbw ; prkw, SI. P'tHUr I'm and prtoft, SI, KINDEY PAINS IS OSK SmiTR. that weanr. Ilfateoo. d Ifinm, Irotm snttrala t and Infalllb'o to pain and iuflftiuniaUon. At all draorUfta, Boo for 1 ; or of PMtr Oru and Cbamlwil Co, f ioSjf M . J. L. COWAN. i. W. CtWICK Lion County Bank, cowax & ciisiik. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRA N'M ACTS a general bank in liRAWaHlirrURArTSmi Raw Tar. Sat. Fraa ftwoaed Portland. Oeafoa. LOAX MOeEYati,ed ftr.-ttiliy. SJCTCIVR darnaiU oubjecl U. rneaS. COU.RCTIORS atrtruotod M tto wilt rwWa -r tool RSMSSb lluiltZe" U. iSWHti e .1. OIOIL.IIV, Proprietor. Thia houae) is now open end furnished with ths beat new farattare. Kyerythtng clean and ecaitnodioos, o fir ring to the gen eral public aaperior- acconimodatiooa to any is tits city. instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, - OREGON. af.-1.0 eel K KXKItN ANU TAXAT10!. Mr. 4 M. Mor, the fanotia Hsw York reformer, has recently furnished, sons statistics to lbs New York fiwm ihst sesrj farmer in the latvi ah n'd read' and digei. Here art some of thsm : Alter of roses, a luxury, and s r- futns wtttt which ths olty belle aeems her Bone io fjnr of those sdoresssd. The te- bat,lkoWef,her slothing and kerj PnWtss show tbs following total ; ao, is sdmitted to our torts free, tl itf Firtt cboios : Blsine, 11,010; Hbsr- not probsulc that tbs tabbing asau'a daughter ever saw say ef it unless it was adulterated ; but castor-oil, which Is qvtte uaoeeaary to the laboring mans daughter in water-melon time, is taxed 180 per cent. Neroli.or orange-Qowsr water, for the tiob nsns dsugbtery 00 tax, bjrt Ituseed oil, that is need to paint the itch man'a eottage,aya a duly of 62 per cm. 1. Disoooods,tbst bedeek tbs rich man' daughter and stand for brains with the rich man's sou, psy 10 per cent., hut oomsson wiodow glass tbst lets in I be light and excludes tb sold from the - r man's ootiageieya a duty of H7 per cant. It wss io glues, saaamon and plate, that Mr. DePauw made bis $19,000,000 by levying s us on very window in America, iiaw silk.thst enters into tba mRnufsotttre of the ticb gill's not tsxed st all, but raw wool.oot of wbiob tbe p. girl's dross ismsde.isuxol 45 par oeot. Jew. Iry, o prime necessity of tbo riob, Is taxed but 25 par os&t., but stool roils, over wbicb tbs poor farmer's orop io carried to market, are taxed 83 per ceni.,and tbe railroads make tbe farmer psy the tex,too,and doo't you forget it Gold, that makes radiant tbo dude's obiit-ftont, is tsxed '25 par oeot., but bore whoe nsils pey 1 1 0 per cant. Finest still wines'in bottles. tht ebeor tbo heart of tbe rich end never Hod their woy down the poor man's gu' 29 per sent., while tbo obeopest mixtd woolen goods, that poor people wear, pay 77 r cent. Tbo finest thread laos, tbst em be 11 tabes tbe flounces and furbe Iowa of the city belle's smock, psya $0 per cent., white spool tbrod( that sows on tbe buttons of tbo poor man's little orcbio, pays 51 per cent toe rich man's dsngbtor reoefeee her lover in a room covered with fine Aubneeon and Assainster carpets that, pays 47 per oeot., while tbe j-oor girl, with ebor ties on bar lipo.miachief in her dimples.roaea on bar cheeks, beoltb in her eyes, sod elasticity in her step Oud Mess bar receives her aw eat heart ia the humble outage "pailor, eavered with common druggota, that psy 6 par cent. Tbe finest Iodia sbswl, tbst none hut the wominsind f the wealtbr,ood the very wealthy st that, can sflVd.psys a duty of 404 par eent., while, tbo e nmmn woolen shawl.tbat keeps the pneumonia off thr lungs of the tor widow's Mttts) ki I, pays 8fl per cent. Silk sti ekioga, that dre r ite I h lirahs of tba rich mac s 50 cent , wbiio cim- mon worsteii stockings, tbst keep tbo oo!d cfl the poor girl's py 73 per coot. The finest hroadclutb,tbat mska tbe rich man apieat Mko the gemtemso wbo tut nod Lserus from his gates and who wss refiiovd s drink of water be omse of it, pays 41 par oeot., and com mon cloth, thU oovers tbe poor msn, pays 8J pot cent. Pete de foie gras, whatever it it but I'll bet my bottom dol'ar it ia s -tn-uhing that a riob msn either est, drinks or wears pays 25 per cent., while gslvanisod wire pays from 132 to 155 per cent. ; but tboy make wire io Pittsburg. Champagne, the drink of tbe rich, io quart bottles, pays 58 per coot .while bleached cotton, that tbe poor man wants to make a shirt for the baby, pays 66 per cent. Car ry, a rich man's food, or drink I doo't know which pays no tax, nsithsr do olives 1 r apices ; hut salr,that litres tbs farmet'a bacon, payi 85 per cent In f 1)9 lar.gusgs of s certain Christian statesman, "a hell of a protection that to a poor tn-nt." I am tired, or I could extend this thing indsfinitsly. The fsrmera and the men wbo labor in shops should resolve so have tbo thing revised. All we want is to knock dowp onostons of the arch, sod the whole structure will fall. Givs us free wool.ot free sslt,and cheaper iron, cheaper clothing, cheeper necessaries of every description will fol low. But there is no sense in forming a new political party to do this thing The old Democratic party has opposed ths monster in the pasand can be de pended upon to squelch it sgsin in the future as it did forty-one years ago. when James K. Polk was President 'Our school closed yesterJay,' say- a Dakota paper, "and at the end of tbe usual commencement exercises tlit graduating class amused itself by playfully riding the principal of our high school on a rail through our main streets and then ducking him In a fmg pond hack of Baxter's mill It was a merry occasion and greatly enjoyed by all who engaged in It The principal seemed to ohjecfc at firot, hut he soon entered into tbe playful spirit if nls pupils and sub mitted to. their sportive ways. Our boys and girls are full of real western dash and spirit and know how to en joy themselves." -aeo-, It is better to rise wit wkh the bent pits. Isrk than WHOH YOUtt CHOICE ? Tolruo, 0., July 1 3. Tbe Toledo Wmkly B.mU seat ioquiriei to its sub oribers in ail parts of ths Union Mating Ifcani te signify tbeir irst and sac ! choice for ireiidettt on tbe Rapublicsn tlsket of 18d. Aosatrs have been ttoeivsd from 91,390 peisons, or shout man, 8,684 ; Lincoln, 2,227 ; Allison, 84; Edmunds, 117; Iugersoll, 115; Harrison, 101 ; legal Is, 03 . Genera! SjhorsBsn, 94 ; Evsrta,78 ; Haw ley, 4 7 , aspow, 45 ; Kursker sod other voteo 841. futo), 21, 590, Meoood ehoice, jtfcwrman, 7,635 ; Blaine, 3,473 ; Lin coln, 2,531 ; A! 11-00,1,154 Edmunds: 356 ; Harrison, 333 ; Forakor,42 ; la galls, 117; Depow, 110; Hswley, 100. No other osftdidate for second choice received ss many as 100 votes. The vu'.e sa diatributed by Htatea shows the following comparison bet aeon the two leading candidates : Msior, first choioe, Blaine, 108 ; second choice, Blaine 80, Sherman 18. New Hamp shire, first choice, Blaioe J, Hhorasan 10. Vermont, Blaine 32, Sherman 26, Kdmonds 17. Massachusetts, Blaine 30, Lincoln 7, Sherman o. Rhode L land, John Sherman 3, General Sbr msn 1. Conoecttcu', Blaine 19(Hawiey 11. Now York, Blaine 408, Bbormso 131, Liooolo 73. New Jersey, Blsiao 72, Hhormsn 8. Pennsylvanis, Biains 910, Bhermsn 14, UnMln 112. Dole ware, Blsine 8, Bbermao 2. Mar land, Blaiua 36,8beran 16. Virginia, Hlains 46,Bherman37. North Carolina, Blaine 54,f)bermsn 23. South Care Una rS her man 10, Blsine Geoigia, Blaioe 12f Storajao 11 riorida,Blsioe 103, Shar man 74, Lincoln 19. Alabatos, Blaine 36, Bhermsn 20. Mississtpp, B'sine 16, Sberssao 12, Lincoln 8. Dakota Blsine 225, Sherman 71. Montana' B'sins 17, Allison 15 Wasbtngton, Blsioo 77, Sbermaa 45. Idaho, Bisino 16, Shot men 1. Wyoming, Blaine 6, Bhariaon 6. Indian Teirttory, Biatne 4, Lincoln 2. Now M-xieo, Blaine 8, Sherman 3. Arts ma, Blsine 1 1 .Sher man 2. Dtotrio'- of C ilubi,Biaine 2, Sherman 2 N i rote from Utah. Louis tan a, St.. rmau 6, Blaiua 4. T see. Blaine 124, 8brman 59. Atkaosau, Bloine 172,Sbermoa 88. Missouri, Blsioo 954, Sherman 798. Ten n eases, Blaine 10$ Sbetmao 174. Kentucky, Slcrotan 251, Blaine 160. Woot VtrginU.Blsine 252,Sberman 221. Obio,BSsine 1,114, Sherman. 1,042, Indiave.B sine 354, Shermsn 282. Michigan, Blsine 778, She-msn 304. lilioob, B.'e.te 97 1 1 Sherman 972. W.ecoiein, Blaine 238, Sherman 1H4. Minnesota, Blsine 310, Sherman, 125. lows.Blaine 418, Sher man 183, Allison 133. KaosatBleS"e 1 ,267, Shermah 75 1 . Nebraska, Blaiua 433, Sherman 263. Colorado, Bisino 207, Sheraton 49, Lincoln 40. Nevsda, B'aine 44, Sherman 4 Oregon, Blaine 281, Sherman 89. Califurnis, Blaiue 269, Sharmaa 43. Tbo Toledo, Ohio, H aoV publtsaos Ibo rvsolt of o request mode lost May, tbst the Republican voters among its readers should send to it their answers to o question ss to tbeir first an i second choice for tbo next Republican candi dal for President, aod their choice for nominee for Vice-President. Tbs B.mJe says it has roosived 21,390 replies from Republicans in every state of the Union. Blaine leads the list with 11,010 votes, oi wbicb 108 srs from the stste of Maine sod 98 from tbo root of New England; 1,438 from tbo Middle States, including 468 from New York, 2,280 from the Southern States, 6,686 from the Western end Pacific State,and 392 from tbe Territories, Blaine is also named by 3,473 votes as their second choioe. Next to Blaine in the grand total comes Sherman with 6,684 votes,and Robert Lincoln is third wilh 2,287. Iugersoll gets 115 votes, General S'uormsn 94 and Depow 45. Fur second choice there is one man thst leads Blaine Sberman.witb 7,633 votes. For Vice-President Lincoln leads with 7,396 votes, and Depaw is next with 1,256. At Newport gossip is busy telling over and over tbe story of the sdvon ture which befell the children ot Mr. Louis Lorillard the other dav The nurse went awav for a moment, leaving the baby in its little carriage in charge of its brother, a tiry fellow not much older. He began to push the carriage to and fro along the cliff walk and toward the edge of the cliffs catching it and drawing it baok just before it reached ths brink. At last the fat.t! moment came when he missed bin hold and the carriage ran forward, trombling a mo ment, on the edge and fell over, plung ing into the sea below, baby aad all. The hrave little follow, beside bi-uaelf with horror, t m hastily newn the steps to the b aoh, and rushing into tbe wa ter up to his i.rck, got out the poor hahy aud carried her op to the houae inseusiblo hut alive. A little care from a physician and she ws herself aain, but ovory one had a fright, most of all the littl brother, who, however, had in a measure redeemed his carelessness J bjr fchs hereis rescue. tTRUKNT KVRX1M. a I'ssota poewnasf r, ta a few yaers awindlsd ths goyeremant cafe ef over 99,000 sod whau (Uncovered aomrattted aoicide His name was William Carmen. 10 feet front in Philadelphia aold (or tSS. OOP a few days age, tee htghtest pries aver BOM in ttt U. a. 10 Albany it would be worth about envforteitb if on Kirat street, aod yet Phiiedelphis ia three haadred times as large. The ruuef eslmuii oa ths Columbia eue tiauee to be light. It is poestble they have heard of the interstate commerce lew. If ths Isw ia observed and hailing stopped on tbe 81st there will be larger reos ia tbe future. The Hvly Annals College of Vaaeeoyer.aa excellent institution for boys, will resume studies on the test Monday in August. Last year there were enrolled 142 pupils, 40 be ing boarder. Has advertisement on cor tirst page. Home of the minister among us are just dimply missionaries. That sounds rather funny for a country like Oregon. Clutrelto have ahould be as elf-supporting as In the Kast ; but then an Kastern city of the size of Albany rarely ha eleven ministers. Mr M I) Abbott, editor of th Baker City Kfwllf says i "We were pleased to receive s copy of ths Albany Dkrothat to-day. we aet cor first "ati is of tyiw on thst paper twenty yssra ago." The Imp crop In New York State will !e about onc'third of the average crop, owing to the ravage of last year. 20 rente is offered for the proepectlve crop, lids speak for a good price for tltc coming crop in Oregon. A tall paeerd by the last legislators of Mew York provides thst tncyoiee aad tri cycles are vehicle th same as wagon asd are su bjct to the same restriction. Most turn te tbs right, fo- instance. Oregon should have such a law instead of ths foolish ose aow in force . Tbe route of tbe 0 P seres the Cascades wilt make 00a of the linsat mountain rail reads ia the United aUtss. Tbsol j ctof the surveyor has been to make it aa abort as possible, it being intended to butid tbe short' est toTSM-oofi tinea tal routs across the oon tment. As s matter of fact it will be several hundred miles shorter than any other. The fact thst no editor in the Willamette Valley ha ever been convicted oi libel or slander should not he an endorsement for newspaper men to throw mud. It pays though to tell the truth sometime even if some one corns are tread on. The rule is to feel of the public pulse and then about. If a newspaper is right the public will stand up for it every time. The following U from the Ateriam : The State prens is giving considerable comment to the lynching of Kcltv in I'oiL county. The whole wretched huelnc U simply a case of cause and effect. Men see murderers go unpunished : that 1 the cause ; thee occasional! v tret tired of law's looo- hole arid take the law in their own hands , that i the effect. Both arc wrong and to he condemned, but as long a men murder and go free, so long there will he Irtirh lis" AlTJlXTJLHMnn PP"cation by mail publish a graphic account of ths presentation of tbe Arctic ahip Kfotxi to tbe Oaeea of Koidsad, 10 ISW. by tbs ro vera meat of tbe Uutwd tttata. Dr Otis was an otfioer of the expedition, and write from the stand pom t ot f - a -. . . . . pKlure of the aeons iu Kydenhan Palace, (m.hhuiu iimorw m yjren, wivu portraits of tba chief digeitartee present, will accompany this exceptionally interesting pa per. For rare presence cf mind, we do not re member having seen the following equalled : "A few days ago at Porneroy. W. T., the child of P. F. Sorer fell in "a well seventy feet deep and had the presence of mind to clasp the bucket rope which accompanied her to. the bottom. The mother on missing the child went to the well and began tar turn the vrittdtaaa and ao found the child on board the rope below. About the time the mother gave out the bucket from the top met the one half way down coming up with the child which had presence of mind en ough te catch th" descending rope and rest her mother, wive soon rallied .undent strenirth to null Iter iewel to the top. The child sustained only a few bruises." The Portland AVk pay the fallowing just tribute to the country press of Oregon, wluch shows that its head 1 level, and bv the way It has shown a lev ci headedness on severaf occasion lately ; "The character and excellences of the country prensof Ore gon is so high that of themselves they speak volume of praise for the communities which thev represent. No one who invce- tieates this matter can tail to note their whole -ou led loyalty ami enthusiasm. Their existence and outward evidence of prosper- itv afford a tolerably accurate index to the condition of the people. A paper t seldom better man the community in which tl t published demands. The" majority of the country papers of thi State are awav sbove the average of country toumauSm. lhcv are not only newsy, but arc edited bv men who show evidence of aptitude for their work by the character ef the new given and the bright manner in whicli it t pre sented to their reader. In editorial ex pression thev are always alive to tlte true interest of their patrons. interviewed by a Portland Paper. We learn from a conversation recently had with the Chief Engineer of the Oregon Pacific, that the company expect to have the road completed to a connection with the Chicago and Northwestern at or near Boise City, Idaho, within leas than two year from thi time. The company U in funds to complete the road as fast a men and money can do It. Ths maximum evade over the' summit of the Cascade Mountains via the Minto Pass of the Santtam is less than two per cent and that only for a short distance of about twen ty miles. The road is so located and will be so constructed, we are assured, a to be per fectlv secure from land slides of every kind. Only a few snow-sheds at the summit will be required. It is the intention of the company to guard against accidents and delays from slides and snow, while the company nas as yet said nothing about coming to Port land, the Chief Engineer significantly re marked that the company were building the road for business transportation business and most exclusively for the purpose of making, or attempting to make cities. He - 1 1 . K. nktninkl tn Oispltnmi SJlVSil jUUU UllC WWII uuuuuvu w from a point near the crossing of the Santiam river via Silverton and through Clackamas county to East Portland. The probability is that within two years we will have another, and the fourth tran-r-Mnflnnrnl railway In the Oresron Pacific and Chicago and 'Northwestern. The St. Paul and Manitoba will be next. Welcome, .jrtmksaaesa, or Liquor Habit, can be Cured bj aui&tetaring Dr. Haines1 Golden Specific. It can be ttiven Is a cup of coffee or tea with out tiie knowledge of the person taking It, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alco in 'uc wreck, i housitnds of drunkards nave I'cen made temperate men who have taken the i!.iidm Specific In their coffee without their Knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drink -lit? f their own free will. No harmful effeet issues from Its administration. Cures guaran red. Send for circular and full particulars. A Idress in confidence Gomkn Specific CO., 185 ltace M Cincinnati, Ohio. Grease may be removed from Hk by applying ma guests to the wrong side. I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, - - owia'-j(po;o-j'' "wy'saaaow Shoes, Groceries, Ee At prices never before offered in -Albany and N. H, MIEN & CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate Spring Catalouge in the alter 10 xaiK zo point, ana Give You Prices ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samplesjsent upon ap UllC&LlOll N. H. ALLEN & Co. V 57 First Street Albany, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFECTIONER?, We are aow prepared to sell at whole sale, al way, fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers, we also aeep a iuu lino of Fats and Tropical Mita, OUR- CSQAR AND TOBACCO department la com?'r. We keep the very finest atock of etiok.a an, chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pijiee that Is a delight to atnokers. Palace Heat Market. J. ?, PIPE, PHOPRHTOL FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will keen constantly on hard beef. mutton, pork, veal, aausage, etc., tbe beat meats and largest variety in the o ty. Cash paid for all kinds of fat'stcck. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! For tho next ninety days I -will sell furnPure st cost in order to reduce nay stock and make room for a full stock of hardware. W bile at the same time 1 will continue to manufacture furniture at bed rock prices, E. GO AN, Lebanon. Or. L. W. CLARK, Portivu i Photographer. Su tugs 1 y appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedale's Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANDING & CO., PROPR'S. NKW PROCK.1S PIOUR SCMERIOR TOR VIM I LIBS AM) BAKKItfl VSO. BEST STORAGF ACUITIES. Highest ;Pric in Gash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AHD Notary PuMic 8 making the offer. We goods tor PR E the prices given in any State. We propose here or otherwise that will New and Second Hand Store Owing to 1 be increased demands of 01 r business we have teen compelled to movo into a larger Mo:e and we can now bo found next door to s. E, Young, wtrere we wilt be pleased to see cur patrons. If yon r eed any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit jtrs, truuka, books, roller skates, addle, savws, planes, etc., and a thousand dif ferent and useful a tides you can not do better this side of San Francisco then jest can do with us on a purchase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123 First Street, Albany. Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLIOUTH ROCK 13 PAIfS. Cat to ardor faxa wawllaa cloths caiofulljr atlaoad for style ami woar. Ksry pair ruaraniaad ad ataa ay promptly rWuasad, or a naar pair nude, if ruoOa fcro rammed as uarttt? tactory. DO YOU WEAR PANTS 7 Tall us slhMlt what coi" r yon 'ike, asai us ytmr sits, hir sad -nsidotag meaanre. to tether vita S3 sad Si eta, fcr poaUgra nronotil .tnnat ml lSAking. Or w.. J aU.. either ta us, or to Um oSfrce of this paper, and a paaksae ot samidas will ha esail ed you, including- s rood linen lap meavare, ss wo hat s depoohed with tha proprietors of this paper number of tbaaa psokairoe'for aale at six eonta. PLYMOUTH POCK PANTS CO., ISSeaamer St,. Boston. Mass. THE RICHEST Ill;I0R0l S BOOK of the .Up is SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA by Joslali Allan's Witt. Visw Holly soaat at last season siuid the whirl of fashion at Saratoss and takes off its follies, flirtations, low neck dreaeear. pus tiers, etc., io her inimitaMe mirtli-rirovokJnK style, lha bok is profusely illustrated by Oppsr, ths renownad a-tist ot I'ti-k . Will aetl iBMaseasely. KMISIBIV A:T VTSSTkS). A draosA. I.. RASCROKT A CO,, Puhe San Pmnals at, (.'si HOLY ANGELS C0LLECF. i Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by sesulsr prissts and Isy tee'diera. FlrM terra opens first Monday in Sep tem'er. Heeond term opens first Mnudsy in FeHruwrv. For proapctus address Rr.v. F. A rUcksr, Vancouver, W. T. Box 10S. C B.WOLVKRtON. O, H, SRVIMB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW pff-Oftoo up stairs In Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON- ODUC