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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1887)
SUB. Tl DEMOCRAT, I IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. (it twct THE DEMOCRAT Advertising meilltioi In the Central Wlllsmelfe 1 Advertising ratea made known on sp plication. VOL. XXII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1887. Si 5 1 " ' ' " " 11 1 1 " ' ' " "iii'i- i a ii i ii ' "i .mi mi I.. 1 1 1, i n in .i i ii PBOrnWIOKAL CARDS, L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORNEY. AT LAW -AND-- Notary Public. lib iiy Oregon. Olttoe upstair, ivr John RHV storo, t atreet. vHntttf J. K. WEATHERFOKD, (ROTARY TO BUG.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, U81IV, OBKalOS. tTTll.L PBACTICB IR ALL THR COURTS Of TUB f lato Hotl tuntl..n irln to Election aad rwaaea mmmt. I In Oil rvil.,'. Temple, ft i-tf . O. row m. i. W. n. miiTVC POWRLi & BILYEU. .TTORVRYS AT LAW, a a a . a. j ' ia ."lonciiora in i nanrery, ntY. . omuaoiv. Collection promptly made on ell points, (oan negotiated on reasonable terms. JTOflW In Foster's itrlck.-tiaj vMnlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Votary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, AMI I preotlee In nil of the Conrta of .bis State All business Intrnsted to him will be promptly attended to. "t7w. UNCDON, DKALKR IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES. SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in flnt Htu Drag Store. Also a One atook of pianos and organ. ALBANY. OREGON. POSHAY & MASON. -iuuii amu asean- moists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldan's pnbl which wa aall at piblither's prieee with eetageadJed. ALRIMY, OKKOI. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PRESCilPTIOSS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in fl rat-class atyle. Table supplied with the beet In the market. Viae steeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial traveler, BVSree Ceaek te and trass the Hole 1,101 FURNITURE. t have the beat stock of urmture In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Tha only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE ta tha oitT and the lowest price In the valley. Come and Undertaking, A complete atook and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOOPIN, DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office oor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. S. O ' WrKRT C.B.rVRC' ALBANY IRON WORKS. OHKRRV PARKFS, rsncoaeaom an C C. Cherry.) lacMnisti, Millwrights, and Iroi Pounders. WKHA.VEOTTR NEW SHOPS AT.L eomnleted. and are now prepared to 'lendle ad klnda of heavy work. We will -rt anu 'act ure Steam Engines, Grist and w Mill Machinery, an- all klnda rf Tron and Bran Hastings. fPtTTKBMS BtBK OW SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail lnds of machinery, will also manufac re the improved Cherry A White Grain eprstnr Administrator's Sale of Land. Notlee Is hereby given, that the ncder stgnei Administrator of the estateof Geo W. MfF.rid. deceased, will in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Una county, Oregon, duly msde and entered of record on 3 nlv 5th, 1887, at the Oeart House do-irin Albany in said county on Batarday, Angnst Ifh, I8S7, at tbe hour of one o'clook in tbe afternoon of said dap, sell all tbe right, title in terest and estate of aid Geo. W. McBride at the time of hi desth in and to the fol lowing described real property, to-wit : Beginning at a point 16.60 chains north and 9.M chains west of the southwen cor ner of Section 15 Tp. 13, S oi R 4 west of u, wi Harriot to meridian in Tinn conntv. Oregon ; thence sruth 40 ehains ; thence north 8 50" east 40 chains ; thence north 40 chains ; thence west 40 chains to tbe place of beginning, containing lflO aoies, to the highest bidder. Terms of aale cash in hand on dav of sale. July 9ih, 188T. J, A. McFT, J, C. Powell , Administrator. Attorney. RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURK8. Tbe largest stock ever carried in Albany and will be sold at lower prices than for merly. We want all butter makers to came and see them. r-uvn Sox. JABIBS, LOOK HERE. We want you to remember that we have a lot of those onrling irons, also shears , scissors tracing wheels, shelf and flower pot bracket, and a good many other thlosa yon would like to have. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and win-, i stock of boot and shoes, I have as nicely s fitted up Boot sod Shoe Store, and a complete a aiook as any this aide of Portland and very fsw better in Portland. I bay sH my boots snd shoes iirect from msuufacturera and am authorised to warrant every pale no mat let bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me iu buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much tha jptysaj best and great sat variety in the city. My aim will always be to give aa good value f. r the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OP AI.K 4i , OREGON. YUnPreJawt i. rum a. . Vftan. oto. e. cnAMssmaOr TRANSACTS A GENERAL A0COLXT8 KEPT eshj.-t to check. 8IOHT rXCIIA.VOE tul telrre,4,ic tnWer. muli on new iera, sen rrudwo, Chic Oraeesv COLLECTIONS M ADE on favcrable aai Port! . g. Terse, Jao, E Ciuarav-ii. b K Blais, lTfuss, WaurseS Tesasu, H. F. MERRILL, Banking ami Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Baa1 on Srw York, Sae Yi anctaee and Pan land Bur MBit .rul e'tv IU. aire abject to check. Interest allowed on tin Cotlectioes will receive pnwapt attention. SVOflca hour from 9a. m. to ip. to. SPSS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, UPKUSIIt KtVfcKfc HUUSt. W ODD CUTTERS, ATTENTION ! Never forget that we always keep In stock a toll iio of axes, cross-cut sawa, steel snd iroi wedgee,ledgeet maul rings, ate vfr.waitT A Sox. WILL Dealers In all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, Ashing1, tackle, etc. Warranted razor, butcher and pocket knivaa. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical Instruments, gun), etc. neatly done, ALBANY, - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and .-M,,,MlsMaaaaai aaaaaasa GOOD for the cure of Constipation and Indigestion. GOOD for the cure of Biliousness and Dyspepsias GOOD for Ihe cure of Bowel Complaints GOOD for the cure of Kidney Diseases GOOD for the euro of Languiskness and WearVlBacka GOOD for the cure of Liver Complaints. GOOD for the cure of Boils and Carbuncles. GOOD for the cure of Foul Breath and Sour StomaCtt. GOOD for the cure of Sleeplessness and Irritability, GOOD for the cure of all Complaints. SKIN AND SCALP rteamasMl. PnrifleU And Menatlli d by the Cuttenrn Homed lea. For ulaanalny tha Skin and Scalp of DlaHc tir'titf Itumora, for anaylns Itching, Uumlm and Itifiaiu ntatloii, fur nurtne tha Ami nytnptoiu of Svaama, Iv.rta.K MUk 'Tun. He.iy Hoad, Surofuia. ami thr Inherited Nkls and Blood Ulaeaeaa, CuMeura, the irrtMit Pitta Cure, and Outloura Hoap, an xnutaite Skin Heainirter. oxternally, and Ctttioura RetolTent, the new BIimmI PurtSor, im n iy, are Infatllblo. A COUP LET at (IRK. I liac wiffuieil ail lay life with akin dlraaee of dif fereut klnda, and have never found ) rwllof. until, by the advlee of a lad trleed.l ueed yur vain ahl" rulWnra H mediae I mh them a thorotuih trial, ualns tlx buttles of the l.'ullcura fUeotrent, two boxes of Oalieure and aeven awSi M Cultcttra Hoait, and the remit waa juet whai I bad been told It would be -a complete our BRLUB W.VDK. Ki.-hmond, Vs. Be'aronoe.O W Utlmer, UruEilat, Uluhmond. Vs. MALT KIlKU.n CUBED. 1 was troubled with Salt Rheum fur a umber of rears, to that the aktn entirely earns of? one of wy hand, tnuti tha flner Hue to tbe wrtat, I tried retne dlra ami doctor.' preeorlptlona to no puqioaa until I . onutenoed uktmt OuUvura lUmedUw. and now I am entirely cured. g. T. PARK Kit, ORlUUITM ENDOIUK THEM, Ii... ulil . nillutlll uf t'utii 'tr. One of my cuatomera, Mm llenry Klnta, who hail tat wr un wr iiunu n u n an nuoi.i aa to cau toe akin (o ieel og, ami for eight year, aha eiutored yrast l. wsacomplalelv rurad by the us d yonr medu inea 0. N. BYE, Urussi'it, 'anion, Ohio, ITCIIIWCs. M AI.Y, PinPLV. Per the lest year I have Bad a aperies of tithlne. scaly and pimply humors on ray face to whirl. I hare applied a greet many methods of treatment without euooaas, and which was apeedliy and entirely cured by Cuth-nra. MBS, ISAAC PHELPjI. Rarenas, iX MO MEDICI ME LIME THEM. We Bars said your Catleura Bemediee for the last six years, and n medlotaes on our shelves give better aUf tclloo, C. P. ATHEBTOM. tru'.t. Albany, g, Y, Cullcurx are sold ( uticuia. W Went, ft Prt pared Bjf tbe tlrua ami Co., Hoe- B1S to tMasts. fDIIDQ P'taples. Mkln lUeanleBos, and Itaby UIIUDO Humors, cured by Cuthura Soap, Catarrh to Consamption. Catarrh In its destrucUt e force atends next to and undoubtedly leml on to wmaumpUon, it Is there fore singular thai those afflicted with this foarfel fMnSSj should not mk It tha object of their lives to rid of II. Deceptive remedies hv Ignorant pretenders to medical knowledge hae Traahwt1 the .oSdeoee .4 the great nJi By uf suf frers In alt al.urtHed remedies. They beooHMi re signed to s life of mtaery rather than tn. tare them salves with doubtful paJltsUvsa. flat Utlavi ill never do. t.aUrrh must be met at with all our might. In on ! hrlt.(. of wing ami of taettng . sflected aa to be assises the u. i s MoegsAsd. the throat so iufUmmod and trrluu.l at to product a cnataot TBS sesss ana esrsriesjo w in n wv or ing cough lU.licl ore meets every I -OSes of iV-arh from a simple heed onld to the moat kaxlhsutne and Sastrnrtlve etgea It U looal ajl oonatltuta.mai. In reiievio,-. a wtesi in vunux. . an I nier (Uling, cnUiiia one b-.tale -.f the Badloal urs, one U.t faurrnai Sdvent, and en lmi..l Inhaler, with realle ; pries, 1. Puatw lrug snd Co., l-sli, KINDEY PAINS IS fB SIM TK, thai weary. Itfalas. ,t.r iesent IUl OlS Of Ki-lne,.. Weak lck and ha.., l tertno PaBsv WeaB nam snd luA.ouaelin. Isrsflevad saSi Mr cured he ISO Calf earn A a PfBaler. a new. original, elegant ami IntalUbte ait ttdote to pain and iartunmsUon. At all drugfWW, the : SveforfI ; r of Potter Ursa snd OMsnteal Co, J. U COWAN. CUHICK Lion County Bank, COWAN ft CI SICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. Tit A. VH ACTS a general Banking DBAW HIOIfT UKAPTS on Kew York. San Fran and Portland, OfSgSB. LOAJt MOrtBYon afmrored serurlty. RECEIVE deposits subject to cheek. COULBCnOgg entrueiod to us wUI raoalvs prompt Itwss House. J. GIBlLiIiy, Proprietor. This hoaBe is now onen snd furuiahol with ths beet new furniture. Everything clesa and ecaimodioas, offering to ths gen eral public sapsrior sccommodations to any ia tbe city. BROS the Leading Marine Insurance MAsfstsg iritM ui;l)M i.STt MO. 1U. An OrdlDsnce tp provide for iMns Irijr, taxing, regulating and restrain ing the sale or disposal of spirituous liquor, bandy, wine and all forwent, od and mult liquor, beer and ale, and prohibiting the sale or disposal of spirit uotti liquor, brnd, wine tnd all fermented and malt liquor, beef and ale without license. The joj1 of the City of Albany do or dain at olio vh : Bsc. I. That no person or persons shall be permitted to vend, sell or otherwise dispose of suy eptrltoeus liquor, brandy or wine, or noy far mented or malt liquor, beer or ate, within the corporate limits of the ctiy of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, wlui out having first obtained a lire njr that purpose from the CHy of Albany aa hereinafter provided. Seo. 2. That applications for li cense to sell splrltuouS)mslt, ferments en and vinous liquor, brandy, wine, ale or beer shili be divided into three classes, aa follows : First : Applications lo sell sunh spirituous, malt, formentefi or vinous liquors In quantities of one quart or more. Second : Applications to sell spirit uous, raslt, fermented and vinous liquor iu quantities teas than one quart. Third : Applications to soli sle and beer In quantltes lees than one quart. ec. SI. That every person apply ing for a license to sell spirituous, malt, fettoented or vinous liquor in quantities of one quart or more shall pay Into the treasury of the elty of Albany tbe sum of one hundred dot lare ($100) In TJ. 8. gold cole semi aouualiy end take the receipt of the officer receiving tbe duplicate, Skc. 4. That every person apply ing for a license to sell spirituous, malt, tormented and vinous liquors la quantities toss than one quart, rhatl pay lute tbe treasury ef the City of Al bany the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) in TJ. 8. gold coin seml-ennu as ly, taking therefor tbe receipt in Uu plicate of the officer receiving tha. ssme, and every person applying for a license to sell ale and beer only to quantities less than one quart sbsll pay Into the treasury of the CHy of Albany the sum of one bun J red d l lasin U. S. gold coin,semi-annuti(ly, taking therefor the receipt in dupli cate of the office receiving the same. Sac. 5. Every person who keeps for sale any spirituous, fermented, mstt or vinous liquor, alo or beer, tltber as his note business or in connection with some other tccupa- tlon shall be doomed a keeper of e bar, bar room, drinking shop or tip. piing bouse within the meaning of this ordinance. Sac. 6. That on I he applicant pro ducing to tho City Council the re ceipt of the proper office for the amount provided iu the preceding Sections, and filing e good and suf fice'' t bond duly executed in manner and form sa hereinafter provided, and tde approval of said bond of such Council, the Council shsll order the Recorder to issue e license to such sppticsnt for the term of six months, opoa the payment by such applicant to the Recorder of his fees in full for the issuance of soeh license. Sec. 7. That every person apply ing for a license to keep a bar-room, drlnklng-nhop or tippling house, or to sell, vendor otherwise dispose of any spirituous, fermented, malt or vinous liquor, sle or beer, shall ex ecute to tho City of Albany, and, at the time of making application tor such license, present to the City Council for their approval or rejection, an undertaking or bond In tbe penal sum of one thousand dollars, ($1000) with two or more sureties, which said bond shall be in the following form, to. wit : Know all man by these presents that wa - aa principal, and and - as sureties, all of the City of Albany, Coun ty of Linn and State of Oregon, ate held and iirmly bound unto the City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, in tbe canal sum of one thousand dollars, lew. fut money of the United States of America, for tha -yiuent of which aell snd truly to he made snd dona, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, execu tors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these preseuts. Signed with cur hands and sealed with our rtals this the - day of . The condition of the above obligation is such that, whereas ths above bound en , tbe principal hereto, is about to apply or a license from the City of Albany, to vend, ssll and dis pose of spirituous, fermented, malt and tinous liquor, ale and beer in quanti ties than one quart within tbe city ef Albany for the lull term of six months from the first dsy of , 1$-. Now, therefore, if thessid - , tbe principal berein.shall kesp a decent, quiet and orderly house, snd shell not permit any game prohibited by tbe laws of tbe State of Oregon, or by the chart er, or by any ordinance of the City ef Albany, to be conducted, played or car ried on in or about the house, building or premises where such liquors, ale or i.f-er nr sold or disposed of or kept for sale, or permit to be sold or disposed of auy tunlr, spirituous, fermented or vin ohs liquor, ale or beer to any person or psrsoos in an intoxicated conditioner to any woman or girt or any minor, or any Indian or common drnnuard and will not permit any person under the age of twenty-one years, or any woman or girl to loiter or remain in or about hie place of business either as gueat, ser vant, waiter er waitress, dancer, singer, musician or otherwise, and will not keep open or permit to be kept open his place of busiuess, where the traffic in spirituous, fermented, maH or vinous liquor or sis or beer is carried on, nor sell, give away or dispose of ner permit to be sold, givea away or disposed of in any wanner in or shout his place of business, on the first day of the week, Commonly called Sunday, any liquor, brandy, wins, ale, or any spirituous or welt liquor, snd will strictly comply with ail of the requirements of the lews of the State of Oregoo, and tbe chsrter and ordinances of tbs City of Albany with tespeot te tha sal of tbs spiritu ous, fermented, mait or viiiona liquor and gaming and gambling, tLen this obligation shsll be void, otherwise ta be and remain in full foree and effect. Higned and sealed in the presanoe of B8ALS. State of Oregon, ) ss Coanty of Linn, ) We, 1 1 1 , and being tint duly sworn, each for himself says : I sm surety on the foregoing bond. I srn a resideat aed freenoleV of the Cuy ef Albany, Linn county, Oregon. I pay Uses on in the Citf of Albany and am worth over aad above all say just debts and liabilities, sxols sive of property exempt from execution, the sum of one thousand dollars ; tht I bob not a dealer in wines, soirituoos or mait liquor, ale or beer and that I ass not snrsty upon any ether bond ef similar ebaraeter. So help me God. Sworn to and subscribed befote me this day of , 18-. City Reordnr Sac. 8. All bonds executed purtuant to the provisions of this ordiutee shall ha filed la tbe office ol tha City Record er sod recorded in a hcok to he kept by him for that puro, and, if tba orig. ms I bond be last or destroyed, a eertifi. ed oupy if the leeorded bond may be used in all actions, suits or proceedings arising under this ordinance and shall have the same force and fleet as evi dence as ike original bond. Sac. 9. Ho pr smi j or persons to whom a Heanae baa been issued authorizing him or them to sell apirituoua,frment ed, malt, or mhvu Hqutr,a!e or beer in any quantity within the corporate lim its uf tbe city of Albany, shall keep or permU or sllaw to be kept in tha build ing er on tbe premises, lH or property Wbero such spirituous or ferment! malt tiq sera er wines are sold or nOnid for sale, any bawdy boust. assigoaiion hause or house of i'l fame, and ny jwr soo who shsll violate any of the prou eioos of this seethm shell, upon convic tion therefor before the Rcord 'a court, he punished by a fine ef not lees than twenty dollars nur more ebau one hundred dollars, or by tmprisoo mut in the ci v jail for no less than ten da nor mofe than 3ft y days, or by both sueh line and imprisonment at the dia o ret ion of the court, tod the court d H also adjudge as a further puoiahm- . for aucb offense that tbe lieense issued to such party be forfeited and be null and void and of no effect ; sod if thereafter such person shall aelt or offer for Sat, without having first obtained a new license therefor, anv liquor, brsody, wine, ate or beer, within the eerporate limits of the city of Albny,uch person shall, upoo conviction thsreof before the Recorder's eourt, be punished hv a fire of not leas than twsntv duller nor more than one hundred dollars, or by impris onment in tbe city jail f ir cot leas tban ten days nor mre than fifcy days.or by both such fine and imprisonment U tbe diseretien of the eeart, for aucb offense. Sgc 10. If soy persoOfduly licensed to engage in tbe eate of spirituou, fer mented, malt or vinous liquor within the eity of Albany, or any parson te his employ, sbsll sell, give away or in any manner dispose of.or shall suffer,permit or allow to lie sold,give away or in any manner disposed of, any spiritum, fer mented, malt or vinous liquor to any common drunkard,or to any intoxicated' person, or to any woman or gill, or to any minor, or to any InJisn, or shall permit, suffer or allow any woman, girl or male miner to visit, loiter around or frequent bis place of business, whether aa guest, servant, waiter, waitress, dancer, singsr, musician er othsrwise,or to play any gams whatever therein, or shall keep open, or soffer,permit or allow any person whomsoever te visit bis place of business where sueh liquor ia sold, er kept for sale on tbe first day of the week, commonly called Sunday,or shall sell, give sway or in any manner dis pose of, or suffer, permit or si low to be sold, givsn sway or iu any manner dis posed of, on tbe first day of tbe week, commonly called Sunday, in or about his said place of business, any spirituous, fsrrreoted,msk or vinous liquor, shall, upon conviction tnereof before the Re corder's court, be punished by a fine cf not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprison ment in tbe city jail for not less than twenty-five days nor more than fifty days, or by both sucL fine snd impris onment at ths discretion of the court. Sac. 11. That upon the conviction of any person guilty of a violation of aay of the provisions of Section 10 of this ordinance, if such oenviotion shall have been by a jury after a foil hearing, and such jury shsll find tbst ths license of such person le revoked, the Recorder shsll report tbe same to the City Coun cil who shsll thereupon revoke the li cense of such person, but such revocation of such license shall not, in any manner, operate to relieve the person to whom the same was granted from tbs penalty prescribed by said Section 10 for the violation of any of its provisions. Sec. 12. That upon the revocation of any liceose,ss provided ia Seeiion 1 1 of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the City Council to order the City At torney to immediately collect the smount of the bond mentioned in Sec tion 7 of this ordinsnce,and if ths sams be net immediately paid to institute proceedings to recover the smount of said bond before any court of competent jurisdiction, but notkingin this Section contained ahall be so construed as lo preyent an action upon said bond for the violation of its conditions at any time. Sec 13. Any person desiring to pre sent to tbe City Council a bond for its approval or rejection under the provi sion of Sections 6 and 7 cf this ordi nance shall present the same at tbe last regular meeting Of said eouboit in any rnontn. nE' 14. Mo license shall be ismed under any ef the provisions of this or dinance to any woman or any miner, or to any parson who, daring tbe terse of his prevn uj lienae,pet milled cr a.iowed suy womeu,girlsor male miners to visit, loiter srouud or frequent his place of business. Sac. 15. No lieenae shall be issued under this ordinance for less then six months er more than one year. Sac. 16. No person ahall be snrsty on raoie than one bond at tbe ssme lime, and no person who shall be eagsg sd in tbe manufacture or sale of any spirituous, fermented, malt or vinous liquor shall be allowed to be a surety on the bond of any peisoner persons mak ing an application for license under ths provision of this ordinance ; nor shall any perron who Is not s resident snd freeholder of tbe city of Albany and v ho does not pay taxes within aaidouy on tbe sam of one thousand dollars ever aad above all of bis juat debts snd lia bilities and exclusive of piopetty exempt from execution, he allowed to be surety on ar.y Suck bond. Sac- 17. Each and every person er 6 nn taking ou. license pursuant to tbs provisions of ibis ordinance sbsll be snd is berttiv authorised ard permitted to keep, without laying license therefor,in bis piece of busioeaa, either one of the following named tables s A "Billiard TeMe," a "P.hI Table," or a "Pigeon li:e or Devil amoeg the Tailors' Table." Seo. 18. Any person who shall aall, give awy, or in any manner dispose of. er who ball keep for sale or offer to sell, give sway or in any manner dispose of, witbin tbe corporate limits of the city of Albany, any wtn,brsndy spirit uous or malt liq.i or, ale or beer,witbout having first obtained a license far that purpose, as in -his ordinance provided, ahall, upon conviction thereof before tbe Reorders court, be punished by a fine of not lesa then fifty dollars nor more than or.e hundred dollars,or by impris onment tit th city lail for not ieaatnan twenty-five days nor more then fifty days, or by both euh fine end itapfis onment at the dieeretion of tbe court , and each and eyery safe or diapoea! of, or eff-r to astl or dispoae f suy sucb brsndy, wine, spirit nous or raslt liquor, an or beer, sbsll const ilutti a .epar ate snd distinct violation f the pi'iviaiuna of this Section, and the pereoo guilty thereof shall, ufion conviction batforo the Recorder's court, be punished sa iu this Section beieiubefore provided. Sec- 19. Kch I .cense issued pursu ant to tbe provisions i this ordinance ahall he deled end ahall take effect and be in force on, from and after tbe first day of the month immediately succeed ing the mai ling of the City Council at which such license may be authorised to b istusd. Sac 20. AH ordinances or psrts of ordinances in ooi.Hij'. herewith are here by repealed. 8ec 21. This ordinance shall Uke effect and be in force from and after ita aj, by the Mayor. Peased the Council July 12th, 18S7. Approved July 18th, 1887. Attest : J. K. Weathebvobd, N. J. Hemtox, Mayor. City Recorder. INDIAN WHEAT CROP. The government of India has mads a final report do crop", which eats forth that in the contra) provinces the wheat has proved raher worse than was anti cipated. In the north, the damage by frost was ru ro eX'eoaive than believed; hut H rstbsr Better in the Nagpur ooun try. The Barr crop suff;rsd fiom drought owing to the shortness of tbe ordinary mot. soon rainfall, while in some pieces tbs severe snd exceptional cotd which followed the winter rains itduced tust, domg considersb'e damage. In tbe northwest provinces and Oude the weather at the end of Januaiy and early in February was very cold, resulting in serious damage by froat to wheat and other tool grains. In the Punjsub much damage was done by failure ef the winter i sins, by froat and dry winds. The griu harvested, report ed in excellent ondtiioa. The Bombay crop was a good deal affected by frost ; rust wsa brought on by excessive cold. In Bengal exoeaei ve rains during Sep tember aod October prevented ptepur ing the land ; ;he crop,morove-,suffer-sd from rust cansnd by heavy lainB in January. The total Indian crop will be short of that as last year, 46U,UOv mm or 2,240 paut.ds. This equsU about 17.175.000 buhele. The hoit- ness of the crop genetally gives hope that Oregon wheat will rule higher than common in the markets. Joseph Garrison of Idaho hss jntt been nolitbd fiom Washington that his claim for pension was allowed. He claimed back pension since 1848. By temporarily waiving a heavier claim tor entire disability resulting Iroru a wound ou the head, inflicted by a boulder throan from the roof ol a bouse at tba storming of the City of Mexico, he has been allowed $12 per month, with 6 per cent interest per annum, since 1848 a peiiod cf 39 years. Having served in the war of the rebellion aa a lieutenant in the Second California Cavalry he expects to get quite an additional sum. The allowance to him so far will secure him over $10,000, and when hia other claims for increased pension are adju dicated, he expects to receive $15,000 to $20,006 more. I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Eg At prices never befor e effered in Albany and It. H. ALLEN & CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samples' sent upon ap plication. IT. HL ALLEN & Co. hi First Street Albany, An Illinois man named Lemon ia running for office. After tbe election be will roalixe what it mesas to be squersed. A Ladies ftae Shoes. N U Allen St Co. are aow recai.iog direct from ths manufacture, H J Holbrook & C o., of Utiea, N. Y., a fall line of Bis jsstl j cel ebrated line ahaas for ladies aad misses in C. D. K. and K. K. widths. Tiese goods will give tpleodid satisfaction, in fact there are no better made. , jraBkSBAssa, or Liquor Habit, can be Cured bj aiaUaistariag Dr. Haines' Gulden Specific. It can be Riven in a cup of coffee or tea with, out Hie knowledge of the person taking It, ef. frctina a speedy and permanent cure, whether lite patient is a moderate drinker or an aico wreck. Thousands ot drunkards have icn made temperate men who have taken the Gulden Specific in their coffee without their i.ii iv ledge, and to-day believe they quit drink -n? of their own free will. Jfo harmful effect reaults from Its admlntatratioo. Cuies guaran "ed. Send for circular snd full rarticulsr. Address In confidence Uolorm Sriscinc Co., 15 ltace Su Cincinnati, Ohio. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUBTRA TtD, This Magazine portrays Ameri can thought and life from ocean to ocean, Is filled with pare hh;hclass lite rata re, aad can be safety wel comed in aay family circle. Wttl 26o. 8t IsTUAl II MAIL awae Copy of tmmmt sawasr awaVM sses re lot of 23 cts.; back sewteera, 75 et. Pre aa lam Hat with either. Ad tints : B. T. BUSH & SON, Publishers, 130 Ac 132 Pearl St ., N. Y, L. W. CLARK, PortrJ Photographer. Sit ings by appointment , COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedale'a llnllding. ALBANY, OREGON. Red CrowziMills (S0M, LANNING & CO., PHOPR'S. KXW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR SOB FAMILIES AST) BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ,Fric6 in Caul fo Wheat ALBANY OR. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT Notary Public. 1A 'i " 4 Boots, making the offer. We goods tor PRODUC E ew and Second Hand Store Owing to th increased demanda of oor business we bave Lean compelled to move lato a larger store and we can now be fonnd next door to S. K, Young, where we will be pleased to see cur pairms if yooteedany stoves, fornlinre, tinware, erockerv, clock, carpets, pictares, fruit ttrs. trnnka. tv-mita mllor tWitu ..jau. aawa, planes, etc, and a thousand dif ferent and useful articles you can net do bett r this aids of San Francisco than yam " m piuimm or exenange. M. FRANKLIN A GO. 123 First Street, Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE MOUTH ROCK 13 IPAHT8. Out to ar-ier fta weoTaa cleiba oaierulljr safer t4 tor atyle and wear Br.rr (air rnrmntd aW y proo, tljr refsaaed. or anew pair uude, arc r.luntrd uneauV factory. DO YOU WEAR PANTS ? TU us about srBateol' rynu "Ike, t,,a ll4 wc waita, hip and niJc lc measnro. t-tbrr wi'S S3vl3Aa. ur poet jr lae oft hI !.... ae..d 6 eu.. eir to a n i -TC ISSj and a paakag M Nunuli will Ik, wail- jri.u, itxiu lins; a ool Imen tajw rowi-ur. as ticp.viUM wiMi the proprietors of ibia ipr a a SO of theae oeaife,tor sale at Ms ponts. PLYMOUTH POCK PANTS GO., ISSnnimei- Ml.. U:atun. Max. THE KICIIEST Ill SOROtS BOOK of the Aseis SAM ANT HA AT SARATOGA y Jealaa Allen'a VTire. Via Hi.ilv s; sat al laat (.raauiis tha chirl t.shi .n at fcsiatwra and takes off its lollies, flirUtiriiA, low neck drassing. piizdoga, sic, in her ii.imitahle mirtb-pravokins style. 1 he book is invfusely illustrated h ij:er, th reuowtml aMixt I 'furk.' Will acl iuiux'ttselv. Price S2.VI. KK1I.R1 K.I HTS Wivilll. Ail dres A. L . UANCKOFT CO., lhibs. Sn frMnw eo, Oal I HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys i Conducted hy teachers. ular priests ai tl lay First term opens first temher. $ec?Tnl term op in February. For pre Rev. F. A. Recker, Va Box 103. in ep Monday address W. T C. B.WOLVKRTON, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW c&ro8ce op stairs in Foster's Bloek. A I RiXV AT) JJJAV ds kinc. Oi