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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1887)
MON ARCH of the DAILIES! SjHFBWICISCd VHmWim hm0 eUSUSMSO CVCflY OAV OrTMC VIAS, Sunday Edition, 12 and 16 Passt. f'onrlrd by all as the Drat, Moat 1 1 ! I , mad Newer Papor Published on the Cout. On of tho Principal restores are the 'New lotk llridff CalOtfirmnia. which enables US to have Hporiiil Wires that en- . irr-!n tliA (Hob. Tito l'utnmn of tho Kx AKtNKK onn nlwnye rely on tho ritUestssd Mid t 'ctnil.t !ludrot of tho lnt.t New, (lathered and Compiled l.y their moot Ktli- .!: t imps or NewsKntberer. The KxAXisxa will, at time... rontniu that no PRM Sy.totu uad Dilloivnce LIT L HALL Y. THE "EXAMINER" LEADS Ocr Lost Btterprltiag Coaieapsrarte Nit. With a free field to choose from, the KxAJtlxrsn cxcIusIto arransrineut with th,. giwt Kaatern Dailies with bach 1 S THK J KrAtlTa.T tX WBIOH IT h'XCkXM. IX u Kaktkbn Nkvth ia, therefore, Puk Hkn t. ALBANY COLLEBJATS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 188S, 1887. ST. K. M-.TMBMPSBM. B. B., PreaMeat. A lull eorpa of Instructor,-- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coo rata of atudy arranged to meet th need of all gradaaof atndanta. Special indmxtmtmtM ojftml itmdauii I from aoroaJ. Tuition ranges from 15,50 to $13.10. Board in private fata 11 lea at low raise. Room tor aalf-boarding at email excenee. A careful supervision axeroieed over atu daata away from homo. Fall term opaBS September 7th. For circulars and full particulars ad drees the PreeidenL BBV. B. J. TBOMPSBH, B, B. Albany, Oregon, Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First St!,, DEALER I Casaed Fruita, Glaaaware, Oried: raits, Tebaceo, -gstp, Collee, 1'anneot Heat, Queen aw are, VegetaBles, Clgews), Hpicea, Etr,, Etc., In fact everything that is kept in a gan oral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. '225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for com fort and safety. Fares and f reicbte via. Ysquins and the Oregon Development Company 'a Steamship much leaa than by any other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. Daily paatengmr trains axceft Sundays. Loao Yaqama, 9:20 a.m. Arrie,Corvalli,10 3S A.S. Arnro Albaoy, 11:29 a. m, Leara Albany. 12:40 r. a. Antes Corrailis, l:ttr. a. Arrive YatOifia, l it T. S. Oregon snd California train connect at Albany and C'orvallis. Fares Between Cor - all is and San Fran -eieeo Rail end cabin. M Rail and steerage, $9,88. Fares-vBeteen Albany and San Fran efaeo : Rail and cabin, $14.45. Rail and steerage, $10.33, VI. ml boas;, Ueuera! Manager. C. A BBtlB, A. i F. snd P. Afoot, C'urraJlia, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First-class Steamship line between Ya(juiua and San francisco connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon Paoitic Railroad Company. SAILING DATES . raos TAti-ixA T. C , Tuesday, May 3rd. W. V., Taooday, May KAh. Y. 0.,Tnoo4ay, May 17th. raos sas raasCTSOB W. V.,Wedneaday,May 4. Y.C., Wodnooday, May 11. W.V., Wednesday. May IS Y. C.W-dnaadav. Ma 26. w. YToasaay, May zun. Y (.' Tiuaitv. U.v Aat W.V.. Wdnoo(Uy,Jun 1, W. V., To oa day, Juno 7tn. J The Comprny reserves .he right to change sailing days. L. B TOBY, Gen. F. and P. Agent, 804 Montgomery St., gan. Francisco, Cal. ' OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA- -TIA- Oregon & Cilil'orriiu It. It, AND CONNECTIONS. rare freas Pertlaad te Man Fraaetsee, Elm lied B3S, lallailted BSS, Close connection made at Aahisnol w. th stafcs sf the OslUornia, Oreg a and hUho Stags Company. aly 39 Mlleonf ataxias. Time between Albany and Sa.n FroaeissS, U hours oALirosxiA Bxrasna tsaism kailv. South From May laTlisL Sortb. 4.00 r. s. I Leare l oriaml Arrive 10:10 A s 8:05 tm I Leave Abm Leave 0:25 a m U:U0 a a I Ardvo Aahland Leave 5:00 r a LOCAL fASB2fOKS TSAMS DAILY lOXUOpt Sundays S:tK) a a Leave Portland Arrive ; 8:15 r M 12:10 r a i Leavo Albany Leave 11:85 A M S:4ra Arrive Eugene Leave 9 00AM LOCAL PAS0BX4E THA1XH DAILY, 8:10 r a I Leave Albany, Arrive 6:45 am HM t M Arrive Lebanon Leave 5:t0 a m 18:60 i-m I Lctvc Albany Arrive 2:45ru 1 : Sm Arrive Lebanon Leave 2:K) r m PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS doll)' between Portland and Aahlnd. Tao 0 aad C B B Kerry nukua coimeetions with a'l be regular tnino on th Kaat si It Divition from foot of F Surest. Weal tr IXvlalon. BBTWMRY PWBTLtKi tl 4:oVYtlLlM. SAILYKAIJI OAI i.Y (X Xp 7:8" A 12 Sir m I Lasts Portland. Arrive 0:15 r s Arrp Cnrvillia lave 1 v m sxrsr.a thaish DAILT (jxcj- aundjy.) I Portland McMinnville Arrive I 0:00 A M L- aye 6.46 a m S:U0ra Arri e At Albany sad Corvallla connect with trains of Oregon Pacific KailroaJ f..r Yaquina Hay. La sal Uokots for saU and baggage vbecked at com asar's op town office, Cor. Pino and Hecond btreets. Tleaotofor priiicipa! poiut in Califoria can only bo areourod at O.-npany'e Mae, Career F. and Front Ma, Portland, Or. Freight will not be nwcived for BStpmest after t i o'clock p. m. on either the Bast or Wee "Wo PiviatOBS. 8. B0 EH MR, E. P. BOG BBS, MsBigsir. 0. F. A PassAvsnt. UNBOimDED BUCCK8H. GENUINE AND STAYING FBMICISCo MESWEEKIY hm0 and ita i tho" New York Herald." ronownml for service, ..ntrmlini: t'aUo Llnee of its own, ami poeeeealnir l)itliu lnuUhxl ppn inthient cttins of erntntivos in all the iroin ' nii', imuhumh um, hoi oiny wttrt tne Pulloat, but with tho imwt Varied, and tho nioat Accurate and Valuable ForoitfU Now published. Vat with all this, tho STATE, COAST, and LOCAL NEWS Will bo tho Principal Vesture of tho Wptr. Our Commercial and HoAncinl. iinr kmt Rmports, Mining lut- rsts. Rax I way and Shipping Mm wm Cannot be l'-scelled. Wo lo4Uvoly Cover the Plaid. A ti . a r Our Fratcnnai Dimhtmcnt, Note and Doing, tiro lUdlahlc,, Gesnipy, and Inter oling-. 01 B SOCIAL aea VASalO 0CPABTB KJT, OtlU SP0BTIXU SOT KB, and DBABAT1C IRlTlClsaa, ABB TaK BBlOUTKbT. W ahali not only have tba Meat and Karli eel News, but we shall BU-tra for a lllgb btaiMiara ot Literary i;-cii CBarcnrB8rrlr U. F.Cacaca. Preach iag every Sahbath, atniDg aad araajag by Rev. T U. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School st 2:90 T. M Prayer tnestiaj every VVe iuessday evening. EvAjroaucAL Caoacm. Preaching on Sab hath at 10,30 a. m. , and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every VYed assday evening " .30. S. K Davis. pastoB All are invited. OeaeaeuATioN al Cmo acBL smrvtcese var Sabbath morning and essuing. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rav. II. V. Rorninger, Paotor. M. K. CMcacu.SoCTH. Preavhing every third Sabbath in each month at 1 1 o'clock a. bl and at 7 e clock r. ml Sabbath School each Sabbath at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer snooting Fridsy svening's at 7 o'clock. J.V. Craig, Pastor. M. B. Cmcbcm Sotrra.TAMOBjrT. Preach iag on tho first Sabbath of each mouth morn tag and evening. Sunday school each Sal hath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thareday evening. J W Crsig, Pastor. M. EL'acaca. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eveniag. Song service in the eveni og before sermon. Sabbath School dt 2.30 r ML. Prayer meeting svery Thurs day evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. PasMBYYxaiAjr Ccoaca. cWvios every Sabbath morning aad evening in Church oer. Broadalbin aad Fifth Sta Sunday School immediately after the morotPg service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev K R Pntchard, pastor. Ftjut BArriST Cacaca. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immwliaUly aftr morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 BrewuBoa, pastor. Catbouc Cat aca. Service every Son day at 10:30 a v. aad 7 F. a. last Sundsy ef the month service at Eugene City. Rev. Loait Metayer, Rector. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am now receiving my fall and winter stock cf boots and al oes, I have as nicely a fitted up Boot sod bot Store, snd an complete a stock as any this side ef Portland snd very few betu r in Portland. I bay a'l my bocta and hoes direct from msuafactnrer and am authorized to warrant every air uu mat ter bow cheap. No firm in Oregtn have any advantage of me io baying as 1 bay in quantities and psy the cash. Io ladies, misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbs rt, belt sod great est variety in the city. My aim will slways be to give as gocd value f .r the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. N O HOME BLE8SKD WITH A BABY is complete without the monthly visits of 2?ooieoe.that delight. com fort and aid of the mother. Only publica tion in the world devoted to the care of yonng children. We are ((lad to recommend it. (5 Beekman St.. N. Y.) $1.50 a year ; 15 cents a copy Clubbed with the Demo crat for $3 a year. A. 0. U. W. Members wishiogemploymuut or desiring nelji, will ple wocall at Read A Br .wnoll's store snd rsgister their names. By Obukb or I f icit. AdraTtlotea; Barwui ( 10 Sprtioa wum wiv utmjf WO BUKW AWT for infants and Children. ' 'Castoria is so well adapted to children that I i recontmeod it as superior to any prescription I lanvonsBm-intlAn I known to me." H. A. Archer. M D I 111 So. Oxford 6t, Brooklyn, jj, x. I Taa I FRl! DAEPWEEKEf ExamiheR Tie "BnalDer" Leads and will Keep tim NOW ISTHI-TIME to SUBSCRIBE EU33C5II TICS 1110 (By Ball): luit v KxAMii.uii'H'in..iingMunda 1 rear, Uu.x KxxJnim ( uoluJIng SuDjsjr)ti" poetnge pole - . - " Ha i i.v Kxamini u i:.t ludtnu Buudartlraae. pootOMO petd BomxBXAaiRaa.Iyoor. tootopal4 3 .00 FA YAtltK IX AOTAJtCB. In any loealUy where Mmm i an uwt, Uo U. i,. tDclu,U tho KJu Kd.Uvn. llvored kt U oottt tior weak. THK WEEKLY KXAMtlTXa. PntdloaUon day, THoraday. Trtn (in aa ranoa) -One yr, tl M Hli tiioalkw. 7S poaU. tatto lirapaid. All Poatioaaiara nro ta riieWO aeAawrtpUuaa. Hpcciiaaa M(4aa fro. Kmillatttfaa oan Im. pcatat urdar or tul n tt.ocV. Addraao alt latUra : YHC EXAMINER. TM Market Street, cor. Grant Ave-. Ban Franc looo. Oct CURES ALL HUMORS, from common Blotch, v Emptiest, to the worst Ncroftila. ttitli.rhrum, tv ver-aores, Bealy ear Mooch Skta! In short, all rtlaenam wH by Ud blood atd eere rapidTr heal under Ha U ntim Indnsaea. shspeKdnJly has Jt miinifud lis pc-ncy In curing Tetter, Bom Btanh. Hollo, Car bauelea. Bore Krrs. Berof n lowalsros Neck, and l ulargcd Olanla. Bred ten eU fa stamps r a bju-s treatsss, wrth ooi. ored plates, on Pkln Dte-asroL or tho asms tTlBBg. digest I on, m fair .ehlsu ba'oyajtt fpfrw Ita, vltnl dtrength, and soundness of constitution, wLU bo CONSUMPTION, Is Be re felons of the B.anga, to promptly and caruunly srreetcd fund by this s Treated if taken eeajBajt uooHrivcn n im-uy, ir in tts IhS B toBSB SOf Usa em om- r- wonderful power v. r this when flrwt offering thto now cat to tho thought srrloualy of cs on cure," nm as too limit, d for a miu too a wonderful combination of O.nta, tag.alfr-nvtiw, or Wood-clrauMUn Wf.rilHir,vl -WWII, wnu-oi neccorsLand nutrttivo twooerttoa. to uih no only as a remedy lur coasutnption ot the bbbbj ssj ses sea im CHRONIC DISEASES OF TUB Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If yon f eel dnn, Armnj. dv-WHtatod. have sallow eoksr of akin, or y lloatoh brown foots on face or body. fnpient hesstoebe or omtV noas, osn issso in mourn, inurnaj tn-at or aitcrnaUng with hot n..h. s Kjw antra gkjoniy n.jreuoUlr.j.'s, lrr wular sppt-titst. toisini.-. ..u uru "'timand Terpld Liver, soncnrisr from It or sail v m aryia bivor. In many cases only part of tnrjwj ayinptoma are esjw-rb nrd. At a n nvdy for sll such rases, JBr. FlereeHl coldest JEXodicai Dlscoverr has DO or Weak Lnnge, Sptttlnjr of Blood, ortness of lireath, flronrhltla! vere Cemgha, ( ou.ueiotlos. sad Bborti Severe Congltsu u ft ornli In i ir. a sovt-rHgn rctnedy. araps for fW. Pterrsft . bold by Droggleta. book on Umsuaiptoc. PRICE $1.00, ?0BGtwaToS f Brtfi Dlspeasanr Masletl aioMdilisB. ProprlMtiana, (X3 lato HL. BCTTALO, 1T.Y. LITTUB eamtsTw rrwm BVeTi FILLS. AHXi-Bitiora and cathabtxc Sold by Bruggiata. 25 oouu a vas1 $500 REWARD lami'i cure. if yon tbo nose, on wise, partial loss of smelL faete. ENGLISH II Siearaey Mlree!, Man rrsaetaee. Cat. Bervoua Debility, seuilnat Woakssss, Exhauatod Viuiitv, S)crmalorrhoea, Uu ManhnoO', lisoxUscy, laralyi, ITootatorrhoea, and all tfao tordbU odeets of aal( abuse, and exueao In ntalurer year, tocb so Lota of Memory, Laaaituda, '-M-turnal Knialofl, averal in to society. Oloineasof vtalun, Noies Is tbo Head, tho vital flnia paaoinr nnobeerved 'n tho arise, and many other dlsssoes that lead to lnoaitlty and death. TBCXC WE Suffering friia any of tho aboo tymptosM, should rouault uo at once, T ic drsln i-sn so sLtppod, ti tality ronton d, and life bo mads sgain s plcaauro tnatoad of a bmdon. Tho. o re many MIDBLK-ACKB MB who are trouble with too frequent evacuat!ii7 A tho bladder, often setompaniod by a al'tjbt omartlsc tt barniiiir aenaatlon. and a weakening of '.ho ayatom Is a manner they cannot aceonnt for, Kopy Udimeot is inn urine, etc. Many me of thla dlltlculty ignorant oi cue cauae, w men in weaknean. the oecoi.d stage of seminal tureaKurartiteed In all auc-h rair Ceasallatioa free. Thorough examination and tdrlno, Including chemical analysis and microscopic examination of the urine, 86. An honest (iroscopti opinloi given in every cane The followlnr mwllcines su?nlled at tho cr'.ete named r Silt AHTLKV f OOPKR VITAL. BBHTORA TIVB, Pi a bottln, or four times the quantity, 10, SAMI'I.K HO I "I LB I KKK. Sent U sny one applying by later, stating tynio Lams, sex and age. Strict secrecy in rear.1 to Ml buaincM tratisacliont, The Calibrated Kidney Kcmcdy, KKPIIKKTI (.'I S, for all kind.f Kidney snd Rladder C-mplainto, Gonorrhoea, (Meet, Leiicoirhnca, etc. ror salo by .it j : . ... i. i.i. i ' . . . . . A. u uiuj(ata . ei a ooine, or a x Domes lur s:. The OA.Ml Lll, l it KU AD BVS PBrel A FILE, is the o..t in the market. Kor sale ny an nrugirihis ; pit e fo .enis a b tile. Address UeUlenl ovmc naurr. No. 11 Koarnv street. Ban Pianciaeo, Cal Osatorle cures Colic, Constipation 8our Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructatii Sour stomach. Diarrhoea. Eructation. JOas Worraa, givoa sleep, and promotes dl- on. injurious medlcsiaoa. CawTAtnt CoiaAHT, m Pulton Street, N. Y, an.i !fmr& tznzz hitiu from its orotrT-rMrthen- a& Ik gfittocrat. F1UDAY , MAY 13, 1887 A HILL. Kor an Art to Prevent HnU front KnnnlnBovt large ,anl to Protect the Improvement and Breed lac of tattle in Pertain Coantlea In the Mtate of Oregon. Ho it enacted by the Logiilative Aumhly qf the Stat of Oregon i Section 1. That It shall be unlaw- Ail for any person or persona living in tho Counties of Linn, Clackamas, Houton, Polk, Washington, Multno mah, Columbia, Clatsop and Douglas, In the Stale of Oregon, who may be the owner or owners ef any bull of the age of cue year, or more, to per mit the same to run st large on the commons at sny season of the year. Sxc, 2. That It shall be lawful for any person or persons residing in . . a a either of (he Counties named to Sec tion (!) one of this Act to take up and oaatrate.or cause to be castrated, at the rlak and expense of the owner or owners of any bull found running at large en the commons, of the age specified la Section 1 of this Act,uu- der the restrictions ts hereinafter provided. Sao. 8. That It shall not be lawfu for any person or persons to castrate any boll, knowing that such hull is kept or Intended t be kept for breed tng purposes by an owner or owners but If any owner, or owners, or ket-p or, of any butt of the age specified lo Section 1 of this Act, shall willfully knowingly or negligently suffer or permit any bull to run at large oat of the enclosed grounds of said owner, or owners, or keeper thereof, they, or either of them, shall become liable for any damage or irjury sustained by any one by reason of neglect upon the part of the owner, or owners, or keeper thereof, to keep such bull within their own Im losnre ; provid ed, that a Justice of the Poses may have ci mpetent Jurisdiction In such Bwc. 4. It shall be lawfu! for any person or persons, who tnsy find any boll runnlnjr at large, to take up such animal if at tho time It la known to him, or them, to be kept, or lotBodtd to be kept, for brooding purposes by the owner, or owners thereof, and to safely keep, or reuse to be kept, such animal to an enclosure, at the ex pense of tbo owner, or owners there of. Ssc. 5. It shall be the doty of any person or persons taking op any ani mal under the provisions of this Act to forthwith notify the owner or owners of such animal, that he or they have taken up such animal, and If at the time of taking up any anl. mal under the r rovhlons of thla Act, tbo owner or owners thereof bo un known, It eball be the duty of the person or persons taking up each ani mal to advertise the same lu some newspaper ot general cireulstion In the county in which he resides, or by posting notice in at least three public places In the County, snd giv ing not lees than three weeks notice ; provided, that (he porson or persons taking up sncb animal shall give as nearly as possible a true and accurate description of such animal taken up, giving both natural and artificial marks, and the person or persona taking up any anlmsl under the pro visions of thla Act, aba'.l be allowed a reasonable compensation for such taking up, posting and earing for the same, and In case the owner or own ers thereof neglect or refuse to pay the same, theo tbo persons taking op and posting such animal shall have a lien on the same by reason of the service rendered. 8xo. 6. If, after expiration of three weeks after publishing or posting of the n at ices, ss required in this Act, the owner or owners should fail of neglect to c'aim aueb animal snd pay the char ges, it shall be lawful for the person or persons taking tip inch animal to cause the same to be sold at public auotion by the Conatable of the prrcinet in which he lives, or by the Sheriff of the County in which he resides, after having given at least ten days notice of the time and place where said animal will be offered for sale. Sec. 7. The person or persons tak ing up any animal, under the provis ions of this Aot, sball be eotitled to bid at the sale of said animals. The officer making sale of any animal under the provisions of this Act shell make re turns to the County Clerk of the coun ty in which the sale was made, giving the discriptien of the animal sold, the amount fur which it sold, and to whom sold, and after the psytnent of the costs of makigg sale, and expense of keeping and care of such animal from the pro ceeds of such tale,if any surplus remain, to forthwith turn over such surplus to the County Treasurer of bis county. Sec. 8. The County Treasurer bal receipt the officer makingdeposit of any moneys arising under the provisions cf this Aet, and safely keep said funds, snd upon the pioper owner or owaers thereof of any animal that may nave been sold under the provisions uf this Act making affidavit to the County Treasurer of the County where such de posit is made, that be or r.hey were iL owner of such animal at the time ibe sale was made, tie Treasurer glial! tin over to saoh owner or Qwuars the pro ceeds of such sale as are remaining h, Hs hands; provided, that such affijvit date of saoh sale. Sec. 9. If after the expiration of twslre months from dste of soy sale as provided for in this Act, an; money thst nay have accumulated in the hands of the County Treasurer by such sale or sales as provided for io flection (6) six of this Act, and unclaimed as provided In Seetion 8 of this Act, iv shall be deemed forfeited to tbs Common School Funds of the county, and it shall bo the duty of the County Treasurer to trans fer said sum to the school funds of his county, and it shall bo distributed tbs earns as provided for the disttibution of the common school fund. Sxc. 10. AH Aet?,tt,nd parts of Acts, in conflict with this Act, sre hereby re pealed. "Waterloo. By some arrangement or other, tbs gentle shower continues. Considerable grain te be sown yet in this part of our beautiful valley. During the past three weeks our tit tie neighborhood has been sorely sfUtot- ad with severe colds, and some with malarial troubles, out mere has been a Be.. aa a . . a a a grand improvement. Mrs. J. B. ileuinger, who has been down with malarial fever,is np and do ing her work Mrs. Wm. Smith hsd an attack of miasms, is also convalescing. Henry Saltmarah is i in pro r inc. He has been afflicted seriously by a liver trouble. Mrs. L Salt marsh and Henry are going to take a trip to Southern Oregon, as IMS as the a aether opens. Joel Vail has been almost on the sick list, but he is now p again. Mr. W. B. I n sco, our eoterprioiug merchant of Lebanon, mskes a trip onoe' a week to Sweet Home and back. He takes a load of goods up and brings btek a load of poultry and produce. Geo. W. Howell see tie to be prepar ing t do a i-ig business in Sweet Home this aumtner. He hs been haulir.g from 1 to 3 loads of goods to Sweet Horns every week for 2 months. I say preparing be tnsy b doing a big hast- 9m. (Ann thing I noticed while at 8weet Home during the winter thst many kinds of gnodo could be put ebsoed at Swee. Home either from A. Ames, Geo. W. Howell or J bu Dunsca as cheaply ss in Lebaooo,aod some artieh a even cheeper. This shows ea.erpriee and fair dealing. This ia rigbt,too,for there is a large trade io that atetioo,and the moat of it is cash. Joho B Witt haa returned to Water loo from an exu n.i. d isiaj Kt. He ia wideawake and means businre, and there u no d ut but thtt soon we will see the effWt of his trip, aa there has been noma emigrants already and they say many more are coming. Usrdens and grain looks well. 0ir people are sally disapx.inted about the action of the Cemaiissiooers and Judge for a bridge at this pliei. They ignore th Wt interest o the county in not taking active measure for the erectiou of a btidge at this plsoe. We consider that they ignore to a no limited extent their oath of office from more than ooesteadtoint,eud,if they so desire, we osn om thw. I am vety sorry that I allude to this in this way, but fi-el compelled io do no, frca the fact that many cf the heavy tax pers of this County have algned petit bns,end these have leen presented and have prac.iealt v been overlooked by our ffi- cials, seemingly aa of no importance. The 8odavillo school bat never bean nure prosperous. Under the manage ment of Geo. L. Sutherland it baa rapidly improved, and the people did a bad thing io not curing his service by paying him wages sush thst be souU affird to stay longer than the present summer. The Waterloo scboel is in good condi tion end ot t he up grade,and we hope tu keep it so. Ths Cheadle school ia mote then prospeious. W. f Worth is a fine teaoher,and be is laboring etr nest ly for the heat interests of the ohildien of the disti ict. Can teachers a fluid to spend their bebt sffii ts continuously in our common oountry schools for the salariei paid ? Think of this. Fatb. The Effects of Jlental Eahauaton. Many diseases, especially those of the nervous system, are the products of ually renewed mental exhauston. Business avocations often involve an amount nf mental wear and tear very prejuldloal to physical health, and the professions, if arduoualy pursued,are no leaa destructive to brain and nerve tissue, It Is one of the most important attributes or Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, that it compensates for this undue loss of tissue, and that it im parts new energy to the brain and nerves. The rapidity with which it renews weak ened mental energy and physical vitality is remarkable, and shows that its Invigo rating properties are of the highest order. Besides increasing vital stamina, and counteracting the effects of mental ex hauston, this potential medicine cures and prevents fever and ague, rheumatism chronic dyspepsia and constipation, kid ney and uterine weakness and other com plaints. Physicians also oommend it as a medicated stimulant and remedy. Palace Meat Market. J. ?, PIPE, PUOPEIETOR. FIRSTIST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand beaf, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc,, the beet meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid ror all kindsjof fat stock. 'to I ttstsajBtsi POISON IN THE ASHES What tho Mt. Lebanon Shakers Found Incident in tho His- e tory of it tyiiel Community, The Mount Lebanon (New York) BhitkppH ape a quiet com munity, Heel titled from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Shaker lielieve that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found tho rest are oh yut unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent Others came to liirht as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively new uiMease, growing out of the conditions of modem life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments, and it wax left for the clear-sighted Blinker to prove that tlio basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus: "If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which remain after the life- fiving elements of the fKi ave been alisorlied, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right Knowing the infallible jwmer of Shaker Extract (Seidell. Syrup) in less complicated though similar ai senses, they resolved to test it fully in this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescri!ed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable with perfect success in every instance where their directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed. Nervous l)ysiiHia and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or lees extent half the jMple of this country suffer from it both sexes and all ages. In no country in the world are there so many insane asylums Tilled to overflowing, all resulting from this alarming disease. Its leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; tad breath j nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat ; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach ; flatulence ; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the need of it ; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, especially on ris ing in the morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet; constipation; dry or rough skin ; inability to fix tho mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible frroup Shaker Extract (Seigel s Syrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and irrntle action upon the functions of digestion ami assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system nre sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life's lire) which un removed, poison and kill, are expelled from the body through tne bowels, kid neys and Bkux The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed by the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, rel urns to the suf ferer who had, perhaps! aband oned all hope ot eves seeing another well day. 0. B, WOLVBRTON , O, XT, IKV1NE, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW fnTPMoo up stairs In Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON- - Administrator's Notice. Notioe is hereby given that the undersign, ed has btsen duly appointed Administrator of the estate of George A. Hall, deceased, by order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and enterteWrf record, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at Soio, Oregon, duly verified within six month from the date hereof. March 31 at, 1887. . Jkff. Meyer, Adm'r. Administrator's No ice. Notioe ia hereby given that the; under signed has been by the Countv Court of Linn county, Oregon, appointed Administrator of tne estate ef J. W. SUveua, deceased. All persons haviog claims against said estate aie hereby required to present them within six months from date, properly verified to the undsrsigQad at his residence in Sentient Pre cinct, Linn county, Oregon, or to Weather foid tc Blackburn, at Albany, Oregon. March 2od, 1887. THE NATION'S WHISK V RIMA The Uhtet of the Bureau of Statistics ! at Washington, Mr. Switzler, devotes twenty pages of his last quarterly re pot t on trade and conamerce,jdt ou',to a review of the consumption of wines snd liquwis in the United States since 1840. Apart rom tho novel te of in corporalfng such s iiljct in the leport Mr. Swiixler treats it in Mich a manner as to render it exoH.dingty interesting. He has ts ken a great deal of trouble to obtain current statistics snd informs- tion on tbe subject. The consumption of distilled liquors or spirits, be points! out, bs increased from 43,(10,000 gal ions in 1840 to 72.000,000 gallons In 1886; - d thst of wines from 4,800, 000 gallons to 22,000,000 gallons for ths same years, while tbe consumption ot beer or malt liquors went up from 23,000,000 gallons in 1840 to 642,000,. 000 gallons last year. The consumption ef spirituous li quors, however, has greatly decreased, when calculated sccordina to popuia- )tion. In 1840 the quantity eooMicoed per capita was 2 gallons ; that con sumed in 1886, 1 1 gallons. The con sumption of wines, on the other hand, increased from twenty-nine hundredths of a gallon in 1840 totbittywelgU hun dredths of a gallon in 1886. This was not a very large inerexse in tbe con sumptidn of this commodity, hut the in cr. t 'i in the consumption of malt li quors per cspita ia sartliog. Jn 1810 tbe quaintly conjutui-d was less than hall a gallon ff capita, but laet year it reached eleven gtio&e p-r capita. Tbe average st.nual espendituie for ail kinds of hqu'tis is estimsted at $700, 000,000 n diitiking population at 14,925,417, which would make easi one's annual drink bill $45.90. Tables at given coveting tbe years let ween 1882 and 1886, inclusive, to show that, although the eouuiptijtt of distiilrd tiquoia is decresatng pet cspie per aonuui, beer di inking is constantly incrsaaing. Tbo consiimption of wine as a luxurious betetage is fiord to I conaiderably on tbe waoe With an annual esp'udiinre of $700,000,000 ft-r wbiaky and some $350,000,000 for tts hacco, there ought to be no c mplatot of bard timee io tbe country. 1 1 fa BEAST! Mustang Liniment Gum Wh$M Sciatica, scratches. OSsBnaBse Lumbago, Sprains, Muscles, Iheaistlra. Strains, Eruptions, Burst, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galls, S winner, Braise. Seres, Saddle Galls. Ban', oar. Spavin Piles. Corns, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAHb-BY for everybody exactly what lo claimed for it. u cm of tbe reouono for the trreat popnlirtty of the Mustaas JUulroeat to fosadlalta ealtrereat npalirnblllty. Evovyhedy aesfls sash a aascleta. The Laaabermau needs it in case of accident. Tbe IKm.evrlfo needs it for Baerl family use. The ia. nlor noeda It for his teams snd his men. The aiecbaaic needs It always on his work bench. The Miner needs tt Incase of enwrceaey. The lioneerud It can't got along without It. Tbe Farmer needs It In his boose, hi sad his stock yard. The Bteassheat ssaa er the Beat man It la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The llerse-faacler needs It-It to his best friend and safest rouanee. The Mteck-grower needs It It will save hbn thousands of dollars aad a world of trouble. The Railroad asaa needs It and wm need tt so long a bla life la a round of accidents and dacurors. Tbe Baekweedessaa needs It, There to settl ing like It as aa antidote for the dan rem to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioaoer. Tbo Merchant needs It about his store among bis employees. Accidents will happen, and when Ihess eosss ttss Mttstsae lislmsnt is wanted atones. Keep a Bottle In the House. Tts the best or economy. Keep a Bottle la the Factory. Its immediate use In esse of accident saves pain and toss of wages. Keep a Beetle Always In the Stable fee ase when wanted. SAM MAt. G. SCNDGRS MAY fc SENDERS, Dealers in General Mbhandise. HARRISBURC - - - - OREGON Will boy Grain, Wool and all kind Cointry produce. T..J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT JA -AND Notary FuMic Notice for PuWication. Land Oftlce at Oregon (Mty, Or. ) April 25th, 1887. J Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Countv Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or. on Wednesday, Jane I5tlt. ikhj, via : John Warren, Homestead Entry, Ne. 4585, for the W H of W Vs', of Sectiou 26, Tp. 13, S R2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residunee upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : t vrus J Newland, James H Warrei., Wm H Kirk and John W Qsisett, all of Brownsville Postofflce, Liun county, Oregon. W. T. Btjuney, Register. aohNTS WArTKD to sell "HKMINISCENCE8 of 60 YEARS in the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY P00RE IllustraUnf tke Wit, Humor and EceentriciUes of acted celeh tiles. A riebly lllaatrsled treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to the weddlar of Cleveland. Wt.aderful popvlar. Agent report rapid sales, Address for tin SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR for alt Diseases of the liver, Kidfieys, Stomach and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paration, now so t astral oil so s Family Movlninr , original"! in tho South ia IBSS. It acta K.-ntly oa th-. llowela and Kidneys aad corrects tho action M ISO Lttrof , aad is , titers- pVrfWf the nUMS Jrr4 H I'sats l" 9 tried Id ne, whurer the sick ness stay prove to be Is si common dWsses it will, osv. aoalsted y any other bm4 Cine, effect speedy core. Ths fteaolatov a safe to administer In say Sitwl.tif.ti of the yf'I nder no rdreaia si.ttx . can It do harm. It win Ifrvteorasj Ska a glass of wlao, but is no intoxicating berar age tt Tsad to Intemperance ; will promote cM K -a I Ion, ti.alpal4t headache, and jfener ally tone op the system. The dose at small, not oupleaaavnt, and ita virtues twiSoottod. No loas of Ume, no Inter ruption or alijwpaojs of badness while Children complain lor ef Cedle. saore wot girt r " 1 1 r f If lakes eeatoai!y by pa tients csprnad to M ARABIA, will e .pel the poises sad protect Utcm from attach. A PBYSICIAV OPlIOX. I hive W-en uracttclna mtdV.oe for twentr i aad have never been Me to pot up a vesetabts compound that would hire Mmavms itver aegis. Ulor. pr.rmpdy and ofleedvely move the liver to at tion, and at tbe same ttsae aid ( instead of wcasv eniiMO lbs riigettlve and asatmUatlve powers of the y teas. L M Hi row, M V. ,WA,tv,n. Ark . SBZ THAT Vet ftrr'TBK CEJrCI.VE. resvassn sv J. H. Zeilin A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Sheriffs Sale, a the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. J K Holt, Plaintiff. vs. Wm Afford and Mary Ana A If or I, Defen danta. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtaeef sn esecotton sod order of sale issasif net cf the atmve named Court in the above entitled suit, I Will Oil ftalarday, Ibe llthdsy ef Hey, ISS7, at the Court House door in tbe city of Al bany, Linn county, Uieeee. at tne boor of one o'clock, p. sn., sell at public aecttce ftr cash in hand to the highest bidder the rest property described in seal order of sale as follows, to-wit : Beginning at tee N cor ner of .it ma tion land claim of Elizabeth A tUv. claim No. 47, Nut. No. 280 IB Tp. 15, HK4 w, Willamette meridian ; thence 43 00 chaina and 2T Imke.aonth 37.00 i 1 43.00 cbains and 25 links ; 7.00 cbains to the place of beginning, taint tig ISO seres mors or lee ring at Z B Marts' northwest south to David 8 Bsaev's land ; to John D Love's land ; thence north to A W Usu i Land -. thence to place of beginninc be ing in Sec. 1 1, Tp. 15, 8 K 4 w, containing 1$ acres more or less, all io Linn county, Oregea. 1 be proceeds arming from the sale of said premises to be applied as follows, to-wit : First to the payment of the costs and die- bersernents of suit taxed at 120 and the costs and expenses of sale and the asm of f 100.00 aa Attorney's fees. Next to the payment to the Plaintiff herein tbe sum of 2584.00 ia U. 8. geld coin with interest thereon at the rate ef tea per cent per annum from March lSh, 1SB7, and tbe residue, tt any to be paid to the Clerk of said Court for the nss of ths Defen dant, Wm. Alton!. Dated thie 14th day of April. 1887. D. S. Smith, 8hnff HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CMOS C0PECTI08EM, We are now prepared to sell at whole sale, always frreh and pare at Portland prtoes to dealers, We also keep a full lata and Tropical Fruits. I IV GROCERIES, We keep a frill line, always" fresh and at very low prices. -OUR- C1GAR AND TOBACCO department Is corner. We keep the ver- finest Ccck of auokijg and chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that Is e delight to smokers. O BCTEBS atlDX to) Sop. tour, ear sin exxuui 3,000 uji C1VK8 direct to consumers est all sssBaol or flamily emc. Tolls j seBsi1, a snl arlvcs exact cost of thlxtp; yew use, eat, drink, wears ew have fan with. These 1XVAXUAMXJB HOOKS contain Information aloa steel rVoaa the tnarheta of th work. We will snail a copy FBKS to suajr eurces upon receipt or io cts. te expense of mailing. Let we Bear yon. Respectfully, rVrONTCOMERY WARD A CO. STVT dk 99U Wabaah AeoasMS Chlcaew, IB. MAXY LAJvlTwCHOOnSYS ARB ofl'erotl fop aaie represented aa g-ood aa the Famous BCT THEY ARE NOT! And like oil Counter felts Inch the suable LASTING Quadltles OF THE tiKVl'IME. PEARLTOP CHUOEY The PEARL TOP is BfstaaUfnctnrna nvi v a MO, AJACBETH & CO nx iaxj U U(iH, PA. JjOR SALE, One half block in eastern part of the city with fair house and barn will besold cheap PATENTS Mt . . . "otainee, aad all ether busiaoat in tho U. A PaWt; '-v- nwaawsti so tor mouerste fees. Oarnaeo isoppooit tho U. 8. Patent Oftoe, and vooan ostain Patenta loss time than those remote rsn Washington . . hfSL. . .xr drio?- Wo acv to patent obuuspaloM1 "' mk charge unless uW 'T'f here, to tbo Postmaster, the Supt. of r"?7 Order Di.. and to officials of the U . S. Patent f5 eirtalar, advice, terms, and ofereuces oastaial ohsuto in your own State or county, address Ca Ae SiOWtStCOse Opaotto Patont OBeo, Washington, D . BstraynLSTotice. Notice is hereby given that I have taken up one cow, four or five years ef age, peokled red and white, mostly white, tquare orop oft aight ear, no other uiaiks r brands, that the same has been duly ippraiaed by George Humphrey, Esq., Pm of I? .Ibany preemct, at $20. The sui oow is at my imiaeneo near Inslstrs THIS with qjmvr Pat.Octa 80 , 1888.