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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1886)
THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT raMUkad ever? Frlep hy 8TITES & NUTTING. IiI1K4lrviK"lii aenteerat 0 tiding ea ttreadalela iitrel. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION arU mpt. lnr yar. f n adranco. Ut p i. nr year, at and ot year. 1 ......... W ft w M 0 iifl copy, als months tafia oopy, tnraa months eft WMr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. EL MONTANYH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AWU-- Notary Public tin-nay, Oregon. OfBee upntalr, orr John Brlggs atore, tat mm, visnsstr J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC, iTTORNEY AT UW, aUSAWT, ORECOV. 1171 LL PBACTICR IN ALL THE COURTS OPTHK TT State. S pacta 1 attention given to collations aad robate matter. le Odd Fallaw's Terna. 14:1 ' JT" W. R. BILTRU POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Stlif itors in ( hungry, 4 liB41ir. ... OREGON. Collection promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. i In Footer' Brick. -am THnlWf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Ooonselior it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in 1I of the Conrts of 4 State. All business lntJasted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGOON & CO., nVGGISTS. Oooka, StaUonery and Toilet Articles, A Lsrgt- Stock and Low Price. t OITT IDRTJGr STORE, ty EUEaJiT. asstie!!. POSHAY & MA80N, 1M.aOi AS MVAIir- Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alden'a publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with ALBANY, OltEttOX. A. PRU3HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( hare the beat stock of nrniture in the city and will aell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE ta the etty and the lowest price in the valley, t: . Undertaking, A complete atook and oan glee SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOO PIN, Aloany Bath Mouse. TH10SD1 RSItiNID WOULD RISP1CT felly uferos the oitlssa sf Albaay aad ri laity that I hevetak charge ef this Establish saat,eed,ty keeping laaa roomi aad payi trtatatteatlea te besiee, expects te fait al lata wh may favor us with tasir patroaag Hlg hrteforearrid on sathlag hat Flrst-Cleea Hair Dressing Saloons sseaets ta (It eatlra satisfaction ta al sar(Uta sa LsdUs' Hair aaatly as heft4 JOS WEBBER. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlee eor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. e. O OHIBBI. O.n.PTBKBS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sneeasaors to C. C. Cherry.) lacMaiHtg, Hillwrights, and Iror Foundew. Woe HATE OUR NEW SHOPS ATiL completed, and are now prepari i red to hendln ell kinds of beery work. We will mennfeatnre Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind of Iron ead Braes Castings. P&TTBSSS M4SS t)M SHBT BOTICB. Bpeeial attention given to repairing all kinds of machine nr. Will alno inannfae tnre the Improved Cherry A White Grain leeerator N. J. HENTON. Hatevry Public an Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Re pro aeeta several of tk best cars nceOompjtnle on the Coast, hi m forrtliabl insurance. Fire In uau co A. 0. U. W. MLcmbar arinhinsi.iiiployinent or ileniring uId. will oleaectU at Read A Brownell tors sod register their name. Br Okdsr orLouas. N W SAUSAGE MILLS, We have on band a fine lot of tbdss new atntsrnrise saussffe mills, which we iotro dace In tbls locality. They positively hwt snvthlnor von erer asw in your life. flame and loek at them before von kill ymjr hsg. arWWBT a Sara, "Final Settlement. NOTICE t hereby given that tho under iffoed a. Administrator with the will annex ed of thoestste of James M. Elliott, deceas ed, has fded bi final account a saeh Ad. miaistrstor in th Coauty Court of Lisn county, Oregon, and by order of raid Court, Batordsy the 8th day of January, 1887, at tbe hoar often o'clock, a. m. of said day baa been set for the hearing of objection to said account and the settlement thereof. Dated this vth dy of Decembct, 1886. Ceobbb Hcmihxky, Administrator. P SIN TS AND OILS. A ful . line of lead and oil, mlxsd paint, kaisetn me, ete always ea nssd. eirawxM' & Sox, VOL- XXII. 5fs ForPain'.IMC tn fWABLSS . toasts ce..i.Tisoaa,Be Red TRADE Ve Vena OpinttB, Jet aMl JWssn. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 4 tii-Mm .n Di.i tea cauaue a. iih.slxs io..Bn...aa.aa. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN And All .tehing and Scaly Skin ana seaip oiaeaaea tirta by Cutieara. PaorUela, a Pruritus. SaaM latter, Rlacwom, Lichee, attlk Croat. Oaadraff, Bashers', Itah. am every asset Oreaor ass ofluhlof, Hurtling. Sealy, Itsiply Humor of ta Skla aa Sovi. wits Low ot Karl, art ieeluly eered by Cutloore, th. greet Skin Cur, aad Catk-nre Ooap. an exqaleiu Skin BaauUScr externally, aad cutieera with, tn. ly, whan pkyaidaa and ail other rasMdlk tell. PSORIASIS, OB SCALY SKIS. I. John J Gas. 0 D 8.. haying praatked etltay In this country lor thirty 8. jiwi and efl knowu to tk wtaisda kwa.hoU. with a rtowto hats nay wua are ibwn a i save eean tor w pas, ycn, tawtlly thai th. CuU.ura Siaiiai eered of reprl.aki, er Sandy Skin, is abrht daya, after tk deetor with whom 1 had asJtd gar ma no holp or annonraaanMnt. Joa J. Caa. D. D. 8. wta. X. J. DISTRESSING ERUPTIOS. Y..ui Cuti-uia cur. hut itariaar at aae. wh afMrfatly tad Sector to so s. r. antra sc. Taxarkana, Ark. OVSTPANFUL OP SCALES. i m " m . v Y.. asred l lMis Sal or LnnwT,f twonty yamra' .toti.linf. by Culkur adi Th. aaoat woaatorntl aar. oe reaard. A eJ of ml fell free Man dally ECZEMA RADICALLY CCB1D. Per the radical cava al a obsHss ot f loswakMkdtac. laHvaaeatreondit to tke A A IMIUMW, Saw Bans, at ; Ho'?frfc'BulLnr3rT, wi by tke Perrta Dac as CaaaicAi. Co. Svadl for "Saw te Cera akin muff IT IT FEEL8 GOOD. worn out with rain, eehw an4 tea teller la a mtm- ailcwrn As tt-Pa la At areas. MMSta. AT COST Frem and after Angoet lt, ISM, Jshn Brings, will aell histnUre stock of 8T0VE8, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING C00D8, without reserve. Now is youf time to farnUb cheaply. Albany, Jnly 31st, 1886. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, akaaBaaaawak m M Jill am aW ' OPPOSITE REVtRfc HUUSt. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. ftf.r A Stewart have neck-vokes and i ride-tress, ironed or unlroned, neck vnk irons, sinele-tree irons, nib irons, felloes, snokes. ax trees, etc., all for sale heap. I. CASE FLOVf s. This famous plow is well known in Linn County, The chilled and steel plows sr well made from the very best material and are warranted to do aa good work and conr fully as well as any otner piows 8X A Stewart are tbe sole agents. T, J. 8TITBS. I ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. til Vi'na Af rouob rlrAasiarl and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. KOBDiSON & WEST. Star VrW MARK. 3HfURE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Atlanta.Ua. Carters vil Is, the home of Sam Jones, Is a prohibition town. It was while running a blind tiger there that Tobe Jackson employed d uaeait to remove Commissioner Collins. Wine rooms fntnisbsd the oover under which whisky was. sold. The town authori ties imposed sn inspection tax of $5 a gallon on wine. George Peonely there upon removed his wine toom outside the corporation And continued the busi ness. News has jest been received tbst at midnight a party of disguised prohibitionists wrecked the building and warned Pan n sly to cease the busi ness. Ha proposes, bowsrerto stsrt up again and defy them. Tbsbtos, N. J. The Democrats have decided to contest the tests from the 8etond Mercer, Second Essex and Thitd Burlington Assembly districts. This makes about a dosen contests al together. The Democratic managers claim that there was s fund of $70,000 raised by the Pennsylvania Raihoad Company end need In Senator 8eell's interest in various districts. The Dem ocratic State Committee will, it is said, at their meeting next Tuesday, adopt e resolution asking the Legislature tor a committee of investigation. Sax Fbaxcisgo. One hundred snd (Uty-aeven wheat ead floor sargoee have cleared in the last five months. Tbia la the largest number ainee 1S8S. f he wheat shipments were over 6,600, 000 cent Is. Alt the veaeels cleared prior to Jnly have arrived out, together with several of this July fleet and three of the August flees. Waskibotos. The estimates of the appropriatiooa required for the fiscal ysar ending June SOtb, 1888, foot op for all the expenses of the government, 8326,188,794, which is over $4i,000r 000 lees than last ysar and over $3, 000,000 less than that of tbe present year. The estimates for rivers and bsrbtira aggregate ever $30,000,000. Wasoibotow. Speaker Carlisle to day in an interview stated that there woold be a panic if the Treesury sur plus were not reduced. The large ae- oumulaiien of funds U, be aaid.a temp- tttion to evil legislation. He thought tbe Moriiaon Tariff bill would some up eat ly In tk ereskmw Wmitkuall, N. Y. Oliver Allen, s m . a at It son oi lifibtbouae-Beoper Allen, at Dresden, on Lake Cbamplain, six miles south of here, went skating tbia after noon, and while pushing a cotter occu pied by two children, eged respectively 12 end 5 years, attempted to cross the lake at a place celled Maple Bend. Tbe ice gave way and ail three drowned. Cibcibbati. Tbe County Coatt House destroyed in the memorable tiot of 1884, baa been It was re furnished to-day. All courts and eou. ty offices are established in much im proved quarters. iBDiAXAOrus Tbe Hand rick M n- umnt Committee bai spoken after e loos silence, and says that they have $10,800 on deposit and enough pledged to swell tbe sum to $30,000. It will reot.ire nr.we time to collect this, but s the committee hope to begin operations in tbe spring. It hss not been decided whether tbe monument will" be a statue or a shaft. IwDiABArous. State Senator Smitk, President pre tern, of the Senste, this evening filed injunction proceedings in the Circuit Court seeking to prevent tbe Secretary of State from (seeing i certificate of election to Colonel Robert son. tbe Republican Lieutenant-Gov ernor elect. Tbe petition recites i the facta connected with Smith's else tiou as President pro tern, and the election of Robertson aa Lieutenant- Governor, and claims tbat there is no authority of law for the latter. He asked that the Secretary of State be nsroetnallv enjoined from taming an election certificate. r i " " Louisvillb, Ky.A Louisville wal- nMt lumber comftorr negotiating for tbe purchase ot 22.UOO acres of Rowan county land belonging to Colonel Bald win, of Cincinnati. The land is said to abound in fine walnnt timber. Tbe cost of the tract will not be far from $80,009, many farms of a hundred acres selling for more mtney. Washixotox. Tbe report of tbe Secretary of tbe .Treasury dwells at length on tbe apparent English senti ment toward stiver coinage. It declares tbe continued coinage of silver by the United States wifl destroy all the pow ers of this nstion to prowots the restor ation of silver to its old equality in the monetary world. He does not think tlya time for any further conference with foreign nations on the silver question, has arrived. He decuues that to stop tie further purchase of silver is our only choice, duty and interest." He rf commends the unconditional repeal of tbe act of 1878. He places the surplus tsxation of the nation at $125,090,000 ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER actually, sad rsoommsnds the imme diate paaaage of an sot placlograw wool upon the free list. tii silvbji nexsTies When the Forty-ninth Congress was elected it wee thought that the silver question would be on of the Mending topics before It. Mr. Cleve land bed written a letter on this sub J act, snd the sliver question hat been discussed at length In the papera.end with considerable animosity and bit ter. Never, however, has a public question disappeared to suddenly ae this. There was a vote en tbe ques tion, a vote quietly taken efter a short discussion, aad since then we have scarcely heard a word about silver. Certain is it that in the late congressional election the word was mover mentioned. The country bes ne Idea hew the members-elect stand on silver ; they probably do not know themselves Silver has disappeared ae a political issue ; the attack of tbe gold bugs on the silver dollar has been repulsed and the country Is satisfied. When the price of silver continued tailing fer sense time, tbe moaomei atlsts cited this as evidence of all they bed said on this subject of tbt awful effects following tbe refusal of Congress to prohibit the further coin aft ef tbt sliver dollar. The reason of this decline has since been ex plained, as well at tbt chttge that has taken place, and tbt advance In tbe price of tbt precious metal Ger ms ny, whtob had a large amount of bullion lying Idle it ber vaolte,slncs that country entered upon tbt gold standard scan after tbe close ef the war with France, hat been d is seeing of this stiver, producing an Immediate depression In tbe market. When it was lately shown that Germany had dlepcaed ef all its surplus board, tbe effect followed of to advance In the price of tbt billion. Tbt silver qoeetion la set before the soon try now. If it were, tbtee facte could be cited for the meno atetahst prats of tht Eastthat tbe otntiautd coinage tf tbt standard dollar in this country bat not de pressed sliver; that there hat been no continuous decline In lit vtlut, but, on the other bend,it has latterly Improved. None ef the terrible re sults they predicted bavt occurred; and ae their arguments were bated mainly to these predictions, they have been swept away. If the ques tion wet a 11 vt tot, coming before Congress, tbt friends of tht double standard would have little difficulty n routing tbe enemy, by simply clt ng the esurtt of tht sliver question. S MBMOKaBLB LSTT8S. Charles Francis Adams, who died recently In Boston, was t ton of John Qulncy Adams, sixth President of tbe United Stttee. He was origin illy Whig, but when the Republican party was organized be became a member of that party. In 1872, when the Liberal Republican movement wan Inaugurated, be helped It along. Ht did not take to active part In tbe Presidential election in 1876, though he supported Tildon. Hie death now retails tht memorable letter he wrote to Tilden on the dty that Hayes took his seat as President : Roerox, Moron 61b, 18T7. Th Hon. S. J. Tilden, No York Mr Dbax 8n : On this dty, when you ought to have been the President of the United States, I setts tbt op portunity to bear my teetlmony to tbe calm tod dignified manner in which you have petted through this greet trial. Tt is rasny years since I teased to be a party man, hence I have en- deavored to judgt of public affairs and men rather by thtir merits than by the name they take. It Is t source of gratification to me to think that I made the right choice tn tbe late election. I could never have been reconciled to tho elevation, by the smallest aid of mine, of t per. ton, bowever respectable lrx-p.' tvate life, who must forever carry upon his brow the stamp of fraud first tri umphant fn American history. No subsequent action, however notorious, can wash awav tbt letters of that . - - w ' record. Very respectfully yours, , Charlss Fkaxcis Adams. - "" ai Besetrleg firearms, tie. Persons desiring repairing don,snh aa guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sols, fans, locks, all kinds ef small ma chinery an3 utensils, aiae suing Keys grinding scissors, etc, have now an oppor tunity to nave tne same none be most sonable rates and ea aheit notice. We have engaged an experienced workman to assist in this department. All went war ranted, at Wxll Bro.' Gun Store, Albany. Th Starest er reaahleattea. Tru delieaoy ef flavor with tru efficacy ef action, hss been attained in the use of a California liquid f rait resaody, Syrup ef Figs. It pleasant test aad beneicial effects have rendered it immtasely pepul ir Fer sal by Fosbay ft Mason, wholesale and retail. Vvmmkington. (fraai aer rat alar wrrataesdMit.) WAsttxtTox, Hov. 26tb, 1S8S. Tht holiday of Thanksgiving wss observed throughout this city yester day, although thtte was do public demonstration. It wss characterised, tt usual, bg thu quiet family gather ings and services were held in the various churches where congregations listened to sermons ot t pstriolle kind. All of tht Departments wtrt closed, as tbty Wtrt also on Monday, tht day of tho Arthur funeral, mak ing twt dtyt of this week tbtt tht Government employes have enjoyed t holidty. But sJtcrstary Manning shut down on tho Treasury clerks the dsy before Thanksgiving and changed a time-. L-oaered costam. Heretofore tbt Trsasury Department has been closed tt Dean on the dty before Thanks giving ostensibly for purpose of giv ing the clerks t chsnce to buy tbolr turkeys. This was merely to excuse for to extra half holiday, and as there It t great deal of work on band tbtt most be done before Congress meets, tht Secretary decided thti two dtyt In tut week was tt much tt his de partment could at snd, end he ordered thtt tt should not bo closed notli tbe usual hoar. Although you continue to hear all manner ef things predicted concern, log StcrtUry Manning's physical eoodiUss, he hat dictated his forth coming annual report with t freedom that hss kspt bis stenographer and twe type-wr! tore busy and It is said tht portlocs of the document already finished lack none of tbe foree end vigor which characterized hit Iritis! report last year. The most Impor tant announcement yet in connection with tbe report, it thtt tot Becrettry takes oven stronger groan ds on tht eubjeet tf Tariff reform thto ht did t year ago. In tbe report of Postmaster Otter- tl Vilas, which was madt pobits sev eral days ago, It it shewn thtt tht United Ktstes leads all the world it Its mall facilities, and in the number of Ittttrs tent. The letters mailed In thtt country during the yeer were t than were mailed io France, Germany snd Austria combined. The nomber of pott offices lo this country now is at, 6 14. Tho report also shows great deal tn tbe tfne of reform. Owing to tbt reduction of the rate of postage en second eless matter sod tbe enlargement of (ho unit of weight for first class matter, tbe expenses of tb Postal Department were ex pec t- rjxceed Its revenue for the fiscal year of 1S8G at least $39,000,000 A ttertssB of expenditure, however, has mads tho actual deficit about $3,000,000 lest than that tad tbt de ficit for tbt current year will be still Figures shew that the not i no reset of revenue in this Department wss 3.2 per cent, tkd that tht vslumt of boslreen by which ft was gained, in creased over 7 per cent. -That Is an other proof which commercial and other statistics establish, that there has been a steady return of business prosperity during tbe past year snd a half. Tbat is the way in which the country gate to ruin under Demo. crttle rule, which must be very de pressing to the Republican prophets of evil. Secretary Whitney was very gen erous with Thanksgiving turkeys. fit madt arrangements to give each officer tod employe of the Ntvy do ptrtment a fowl of such weight as etch preferred, and three hundred of the clerks availed themselves of the courtesy. On a simitar occasion last year the Secretary dispensed about tho tame number of turkeys to Nvy Department employes. Nor w&a Mrs. Whitney behind the Secretary In the donation of good cheer. She sent word to the home of the Little Sisters of tho Poor and te the Colored Woman's homo that she would like to provide Thanks giving dinners for those institutions A Hat of articles wanted were sent and the order was promptly hundred by Mrs. Whitney who made some suitable additions to the bill of fre for the old ladies and tho old men of the Home. Up at the Capitol they have already gotten down lo work. There have been preliminary meetings of certain committees or rather of quorums of eertain committees, and the prcpara tlon of bills has begun so that the neeessarv business my be reached with as' little delay as possible after the assembling of Congress. As usual it is predicted that very littie beyond the money bills which are necessary for tbe expen of the Government will receive much atten tion this winter. Many.eameston sclentlous legislators intend to do more if possible, but up to the pres ent time Congress had found itself too lazy in the long sessions and too busy in the shorl, to accomplish any. thing emottat. 17, 1886. nrafifgent. The cause of wind is the uneqesl distribution of pressure io the atmos phere, and this again is caused chiefly by tbe unequal distribution of heat and vapor. When a fire Is burning it a grate the air about it become bested, Ihts oauiesit te expand, and being now lighter than tbe air arouod i', it lasts up tbe chimney, and a draught or current of fresh air sets toward the fire place to fill the apaoo tbat is made va cant, in ths tame way all winds origi nate. Sea end sand breezes. If tbe sun shines with tke same force on two spaces, tho one water and the other land tbe land will eoon be heated and tt tbe end of the day it will be found warmer than tbe water ; but at tbe end of the night it will not be so warm as tbe water. When the land is hottest the air resting upon it wiJI be hotter and lighter than ths air over the sea tod tbe cold air from the aea will rush tote supply tbe pises of tbe hot tir which ascended ; therefore during the day there will be a breeze from the tea to tbe land and duting tbe night t breeae frem tbe land to tbe see. Estreats from Gotloy's UnUmtol Ed. ueator. BHHBLM SB atsjAistttnv Ooe not knowing the situation and political history of the country for the past quarter of a century and seeing the Thanksgiving day issue of Harpot's W II . ... weaaey weniu onset a ae tbat tbe poor "nigger" should lift his heart in grati tude to God for not hardening ths heart sf the Moses of Democracy. A very extraordinary fine specimen of the colored brother is illustrated with oat stretched bands before the Thanksgiv ing alter, giiiog thanks thsw.Grover Cleveland a Democratic. Prsjpftent had not re-enslaved his brethren. About the time Naat was manafaeturing this little bit ot demacoterv thai saved a v w . Democratic President wet engaged with all bis powers io concocting some scheme to wrench from tbe carpet-bag thieves tbe money they had fiiohed from tbe hard bands of poor tsAsd-to- death "niggers," through tbe medium of that giant fraud the "Freed man ' Savings Bank." But to get "boodle1 from a Republican carpet-bagger i next to getting blood from a turnip and tke Preeidwoi eould do mo snore thee just feeommend tbat tbe people assume tbe payment of this sum to the negro depositors who were, an I have ever beet bilked in reeogniziog the O. O. P. as their guardian. Tbe appropriation of one and a quar ter million of dollars to liquidate this little item wilt furnish excellent cam paign literature tor the banefioiariee. W. Jay UouM was one of the first men to telegraph his ongratnlatioas to President Cleveland on that exciting morning tahen it was first ascertained that the Democrat had carried New York, but hi eoagratulator telegram contained no allusion to the following incident, vouched for W a well-known indianatwli leader: AHni a week previous to the November claouon Mr Gould telegraphed to an active manager of the Indiana catnpaiju asking him what Blaine's iropeata wu-e in tb u state. Mr. Gould bad bi en reeeone for tntaing the inquiry a welt as for nestling Blaibts's eleotion, in I v hen the answer osms that there was danger of defeat, hurried $50,000 to tho scene of impending disaster. Pension Commis sioner Dudley is said to have received she money or check, and to have turn ed it o'er to the S:att commit toe. But mark the rumored sequel uoer published for tbe first time. Instead of buying sp tbe utchaable vote, already nego tiated for, doubtless, by both bides, the State committee looked up the debts it had contracted during the oampaign and paid them off with the Wall street, leader's money. Hot one is sid, went for the purpose io accomplish tbat which tbe contribution was made Un der tbe oirsumstaooeti, it is not surpris ing to read th tt the Indiana leaders (mi!ed when they M-. Gould's telegram" to Cleveland, nor U it any wonder that man to whom elections mean comet limn more than th- corrup tion of s should rejoice even at this dsy over an occurence no more than two years old iu eeaiii i Th Mailt Agreeable As well as ths moat off active method of dispelling Headaohea, Colde, and Fevers, or eleansitig the system, ia by taking a few doaas of the pleasant Califernia i la alii fruit remedy, Syrup of Fige, tec. and SI bot tles for sale by Fosbay & Maaoa. C W Lemlr l Co., ef Pertland, are del tnt homed drerUaiBggBt fr the Dsste jyss tar tkst efty. Vara. tr to N. H. Allen it Co. fer year knitting yarn. They have in atoek a large line of Sermau kaiMiag, Saxesy. at,, ia all seiors. atlA AA When paid strictly in ad- ulaCUIJ vanoe this will be the cries of the Democrat : at the end of th. year, $2.50, and there will be no su Cx. 41,;.. .u ev - aevinttun uum but sum. NO so MB. FALL AND N. H. ALLEN & CO.. To the Front! With Is?? n Hr?11 selected tock, BOUGHT UR CASH, and will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets. .Also tbe LATEST IfOVELTIES Ilf CLOAKS. Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style also keep a Gents' Furnishing Goods, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, LUB&ance win De promptly executedand samples i will be sent upon application. rftuuuujs tajukiW m exchange for goods. N.H The rarcat t laseaeate. The parent ef insomnia or wakef lines a tn nine eases cat of ten a dyspeptic stomach. Good dltreetlon give seeud sleep, Indigestion interferes with it The Drain ana etomaoa sympathise. me er the preeminent symptom of a weak sate of th gastric organs hi a disturbs nee of the great serve entrepot, the brain, la vigerate the stomach, and yen squtlibriuMn te tbe great centre. -estere , ,mot reliable medicine fur th purpose i M OS tetter's Stomach Bitters, whioh Is fir pre finable to mineral aedstives aad pewerfal narcotics, which, though tbsy may for a time exert a aoporit in Sconce upon tbe brain, aeon cease to act. sad invariably injure the tens of the stemaeh. Tlie Bit ters, on the contrary, restore activity to the operation ot tbst all important organ, and their beneficent influence is reflected in soued sleep aad a tranquil stato of tbe nervous ayetess, A wholesome IspeiuS ie likewise given to tee action of the liver and bowels by Us . fen eat see slim. Our subscribers who receive the Dsumo- csat at the Lebanon Poat office will find statements ef their accoants with F M Miller, at that city. Let all call and e Sp S Help I at tbteS . "I'm afraid I shall have ts be taken lo s has pita! or te the poor heaas. I've been sick se long that say ha abend, ged and patient as he ta, ean't stand the worry and eapeaae mueb longer Ne, ye t won't dear wile and mother, tea what Parker's Tonie will do for yes Flenty o women aa badly off as yen are, have bees resetted almost fro the grav by it Itarlllbaild yon np, enrteg ail ail in ante of ths stem -scb, liyer aad kidneys, aad is simple, pleasant aed safe, j. u. cowan. J. W.CU3IOK Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a teml banking kotlnea. ORAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa New York, Saa Kran clace and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONSY on approved aoenrtty. REOSIVSUanosita tabl. to chock. COLLECTIONS entrusted vo as will rowstve prompt tenttou. Administrator's Rale. In re estate of Sherman McCluug, deceased NOTICE i hereby given, that, the under- sigued as Administrator of the estate of Sherman MoOiunjr, decoased, will, at the Court Hoase door iq the city oi Albany Urejron, at tne nour oi one o ciocK, p. ru., on the 8th dsy ef January, 1887, sei. at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, anc pursuant to an order, of the County Court t Linn county, Oregon, made December 6th, 1886, the following described real property, to wit : An undivided one-six 1 1 of the west half of the sooth half of the aeutsweat quarter of Section twenty nine, in Township eleven, south ot range three wrt of the Willamette meridian io Linn county, Oregon, containing thirty-six acre moie or lee. The same being aubject to the life estate or curtesy of Isaac Met Clung. Gko. HuMntur, um;n;.wr M shMnin Mnnn. B AR1S DOOrV. Wever pai sp a new bare dof r ner re hang sa eld one until yon tin eall on 7.' barT d" TYZnUllln; 1 1 , . i -. i Stewart Sex aad ae what they have taei ttum s, nu uu mi, STATE RiOKTS. DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYEETIBIMD MEDIUM IB TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Special basfnees coils fl a Leeal eel umns 10 emu h per Hoe. sects additional insertion. For legal end transient etTortisaaeseis SI 00 pr jure for tbe first taserttonsad 0 cents per square for seek aubeecMSAot Insertion, Kates for other Advertisement made known on application. WINTER. 1888. cannot be excelled. We fad line of etc., etc. Orders from . JUhLm & Co., 57 First Street Albanv. Referees' Sale. NOTICE ia hereby irea tbat sudor d ey virtue of th authority of a commiaaiea dnly umed cat ef tbe Circnit Coart ot th Stat of Oregnn for tbe countv of Lici. ard to tbe uoderugaed direoted and leliveri.iu a suit herein ueudin vkmin It li iwk. ntl NdUe 0 are FlaintrnV and LParkhart. Willuuw fcrklu.rt. 1W n iwnnwuDOMA Uurkhartaro ln. danta, the undersigned, tho rafereo ia comiutacion &etned. will, on the 27th rfav of IWraUer. latfi. bet Mn til t. intra nf Hi eolock, a. ea., and 4 o'clock, p re , of id day. te wit : at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. m. of aid day, at the door of the Court Houae in Albany, Lino county. Oregon, offer r ale at public auction to the highest biddei for cold coin, cash in hand oe the dy of wle. the following described nal pr operty, to-wit : Begiomoe; at the northwest eorrrr f Llaim ,o. 49 in Township 1 1, tenth ret-S. weet of the WilUmatt Meridian, aul rwa mng theaceaouth 1 39at 20 93-HX . lame to a staae in the cmtrr el the road h-adic from Albany to S!em ; theDce v.otxU ml' - wir'w cu. w a BTaKo : menee aonth SO" 45' weet oe the north fcour-dar me of id claim 34 30-100 chain te the place of beginning, centai mg 23 39 10 seres, less ail of the isnd on th north ida ot the creek contained in tho above deseril-ed real property sold to Ann Pay too, the aai . . remaining ocmg is seres mors or Ism. Aiso Ijou three, four, five and six in Block No. 119 in Hackleman s Add it? fi Ia thai city of Albany, linn county. Oregon, aa paaw irom me map and plat of said addition uw on nie and recorded m th ofBce of the County Clerk of aaid Linn county, Oregon. oui property wut le :d for the purpose t partition. Dated this 2Srd nay of KW, 18S5. 3d. Paymc, it c feres. Bxecutrixs' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigk ed has this day been duly appointed Exeea- a ... a . a . . ... ef 1 wix ot tne last will and testament of An drew J. Warren, deceased, late ef Lwn county, Oregon, by tbe County Court of aid county and Stat. All persons having claim against the estate of aaid deeeaaed are required to present them properly verified to the undersigned at her residence at Btewos ville, Oregon, or to Weatberford & Black burn her Attorney's at Albany, Or. This the 18th day ef November, 1886. Kuxa Waaais, executrix or the last will and testament of A, J. Warrer, deeeaaed. N. A. tMIRRT. J Oil HASUV, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS- nTTKT) R Y TT A NSTT i W MacMne and Mill BuMbts, . Raving opened up the oid foundry and machine shops former) v owned by A . S , Cherrv A. Sen, and added new ead late improwed machinery, we are prepesed to handle a!l kinds ef heavy maohiaetv. We will manufacture Steam Jangta, Saw and Grist Mill machinery ,Je weed work ing machinery of all kinds, all kin ef iron and brass castings marie ie r Repairing of farm machinery a ape v Pattern! ef all kinds it ade ea seer 4 h. ' oe ecsc essortBieat Of PlUJC , in the Jste. hops corner 1st aad MeB'geaewv ALBANY OHEQON. 4SfgAltTASi?,, ' Saeseaeors to Peter fe Stewart, daeia in all kinds of he!f n hoary hardware, eaal, paints and ;, 0900110 944. FeJ- U w'sfTFempIe,