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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1886)
- ike QzmmL OORRBSPONDHNOB. I Lebanon. Patents UrlS. Paients a ranted to citizens of tht PacliC The meeting la still In progress at state, durlna-the rat week and reported a- tho Chapel, but there has been no prtHr forthe Dbmocbat by C. A. Snow 1 must write once more from HeUej conversions yet 1 & Co., Solicitor of American and Foreign to relieve tuv I made a alight MlaaO. M. Armstrong arrived here Patent, opposite V. 8. Patent Oflkt.Waah. mistake in my last. Youth 18-4U tne lh mat. irom JJuiutn, MiDn.,iud ingtou, l) c s a a. a i a k am .uasa. a.,. sa. Tk . D I sty he aw not go op ana got mm wm spauu m wiuier wiui ner Bisivr, v(TWWB cFm..w-u back, but to oolleot the eity li- papera are now vociferously clamoring UnB, Air, mrr that 1 misinformed I T.ittio fanvi ...w ,i,.ir net pole. w w I waara --j a . auituv mvj a wajvi miiw Divn I . M ., . M . . a i. Uh Inns f.var I J " MUUICV, i Ullimiu, Wi., iwwb VRIDAT DECEMBER 17, 188. Til MT1 91 SI . IN HOLIDAY PRESENTS, for the removal of the dntv on import hi friends. But 1 rubbed m? area with lunar fever. d sugar, without a iking for its removal with an onion vainly endeavoring to Monday evening the young folks, Hammond, Port Madlaon, W. T., pa. from any other article. The New York n OT"r mmmmml , . under command or Walter Peterson, uent, eievamr an.i ircrammiiamr. --i - .. ... 1 Am asaae it waa mv fata to leave auoh aumalaarl Vranlr PaunAlila t,f. J W Holland, Ponieroy, W. T., aulky xvveanf was tne mxi to cry out tor tree J -lT j 77 : , V. V.J, "" Banff plow. , . i w7 -- ir you want, to see beautiful Ubrut- alter the recent election, but put it up- mavshal. "Such is life in the far mM DovtUka clU trjd 8eJ Mf j, on the ground that Louisiana ought to west." Beard's slock. His goods are all be punished for voting the Dsmooratio I did not steal the dog, but it Mow- BjCOt ticket. The Ortyonian attampU to put ed me in the oar,(aeing my beat friend,) Thv three Sabbath schools will ceU its demand upon the ground of public eljr ".iKff JT rate Chrlalmas together. They will But thi fW,u- Mu ; minw uLnlDOVoedsl ?hw v Ml ftfch and n tree, with aome JET u ? .1" duotor him to alight at ShedrU floe mu(ll0 .nd hort uierary er. did and wicked in the matter, white the Nothing like a good ft lend, even a dog. It will be at the 1st Preahy- Ortffoman is uncandid end cecretiy I extend many thanks to Prof Rice- terlan Church. wioked. No aane man would entertain lin and wife for kindnees and intereat jn Fiora McCally has returned the opinion a moment that the duty taaeo in my weiiarn uunng my a fengy visit to Portland. laclndtng an elegant assortment of aaoy articles, Albums, Plush Goods, Toilet Oases, Leather Geo Is, Books, Choice Perfumes, Mirrors, Fancy Soaps, Cut Bottles and J J Bogard, Tehama, Cel., car coupling. variety, of select novelties. Chrlatmas and New Year' Carda whioh have been li G Booth, Berkeley, Cal., lawn tennis t n . . puronaaea rer apm K;ma, ana we are now p.apreo to oixar to tbe public at very low prise. We also bavoa flue Hns of machine.. I G Owen, Covello, W. T., harrow. J Held, Portland, Or., discharging car. goes. F A Robblns, San Francisco, Cal., can top and cover. IT Sentenev, Blocksburg, Cel., plow. F Jones, San Francisco, Cel., propelling I cars v cometaaaad air. 1 S Wethercd. San Franclwro, aim burner. B W William, San Franclsco.Cal,, tel grate. Musical Instruments, iuoludingPlanoiaudOrgana which are first class In ever respeat and thoroughly sssxMMMpasaj wmm,Mi,iM iuou iow pr.cos as to astonish the musical world. A fine selection of sheet music constantly on hand. Ne trouble to show goods, Call and see for youraelvea and be eoovlneed tint our prices are below competition, man- muct .. to .1. 0U.r .rU.IT. DM, o,. dog Mlt d will l.j j-, .T No Oongress could be induced to thus 1 be no danger of getting bitten. legislate. It would be just aa reaaona- That fellow with those pretty bangs Me for aome one to propose to remove took my eye, but it waa 'too late. ihe duty from coal, iron, wool or steel Didn't get to tell Dooglaa good by. lag friends and enjoying tho meeting. A. ine. sails, while it remains intact as to all other articles. We are acre there is aw a Democrat in Congress who would vote to have free ttaie in iron, or wool, or coal, while wa still retained the rob ber pretective theory as to all other articles. The Democratic party believea in fair-dealing about this matter. If i .m. Sk W . A. Tom Urandon anu joe rean went to tk Ammi nrt Ban r ranoiaco on a cosiness trip. Hsnrr. on the avaninr of tha 2nd of Prof. W. I. Tawter paid Halaey a December, waa a decided success. 0. flying viait. H. Allingham won the blue ribbon for John Oainea and John South, from I the beat work. Dr. Henry received tbe Chickeu Bristle, were here on business, red and Orimea the white for H Baker, San Jose, Cat., car starter. S J Benson, Boulder Creek, Cal-, rever ible plow. T Carter, San Francisco, Cal., car truck. I T lufiy, San Francisco, Motor for ves sel. M Gerst, Paso Roble, Cel., telephone angle hanger. W H Keen, Woodbridgc, Cel., car coupling N S Keith, San Francisco, Cel., dynamo electric machine. E L Ransome, San Francisco, concrete mold and brick. A N Towne, San Francisco, car coupling. JD Young, Stockton, Cal., harvester. LANGtON & CO., Druggists and Statlonere. ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where to Boy Them. LAST WARNING NOTE. IVearlna the End 1 L E. BLAIN. First Street, Albany, Oregon Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Soots, Shoes and Hats. TAILORING DEPARTMENT UNDER EXPERT TAIL OR The reduction of internal revenue 1 Tbe "Blind Island Bird" promised eeoond and third premiums, and. by I the taking off of revenue stamp from to scare up a lew Items in uaiaey. tlwu r",","ttOT "UM 'uu'"i I rnnmmmry mummmmjumwmm um Would like to know if they have for- la a privilege to en jay the fruits of the gotten. teriff.taat privilege and advantage .Lould Halaey is going to have a Christmas 1 '- 1 . . . ocoooi closed Tbastosfcaf p-x1 tarmmrl kapt bvT. A. Stosns in farU4. sn4 knows as "Tb CUy Dry Ooods Str, " now in Aibv, nd lUo Uumr.a.. mitig riuami uui id all a4s wiUumt rssarvs arsosTsrsS be curtailed aa to all and not as to one of manufacturers. We do not . vv 1 Aiiiiiih in .....inn i t. ik. n u m. i rw w wm iuwi ' ww .t runcrn. rTtri 'i. ZLSl " .Z7"7IW ""M wiiiea;MaissiisiiiPaaaaL AlWaaheHHsa thsss iW. will b srttlMlraw. rrasa ssM at ritatl sad off an immense bow of green ribbon for 1 1 taring the burden of home manufaotur- I mas. Uwn, Mtin- err a4 u uixi u, ,n isasaeaiatetr 1 in rr wnwrf. - -rrv V., " A b K.. I fc.,Urr. as4ilaSisa sa4 Talvn Uk 1 .aRS. . k IS ate Auffuat i Usrman Byrup. aa the radnotton of thirty- The Masonic brick at Lebanon is ai l . t 1 m . v i,a n n Mmi,,.' qduss wow oeiore iaa, sou wo issvosi O-. in tb. coosti -:' rd&o ;.fd.buTtb: to l'n tk ,,owtof asnamin si r Iiisllnnssiln to return - a- - - - m - 1 raamrws - but if it is roainUioed that there ia,then godaville was graced by a wedding iaobedieooe to that fundamental pnnci- the 8th inat., the contracting parties pie of equality before the law, we wo isunat that if this protection is extern It one eUitec,then it should be extei ol to all alike and equally. If paternal Amr it n.nni, tnara. Waterloo ia houaa one eveoiog lately. We under- (I Vw I k.kin.i k- t;mM k., :n Mk nn aland that the house was not crowded. I ... . . , . , , . . IThla AJmasutehaa been tasued reanbvrlv I . , r I n , , I ww nna aasuswa ,iTr oagaiatnr m 1 1 tha eaimaarawsiaait of avarr vaar for for all. If tbe manufacturer of when aummer comae. rrana, eioeet eon 01 nawr vaiic- medy for oa oompuunu. I over oeeflfth ef a camtarv. It eoinbinaa, 1 - .. 1 tv ; , k. u.k 1 imm - iwmm artu i.wm mb. .. .l a . , - . i . . mm. tki. Libartv baa undercrone vast improve I nM 1U"',,7 BUf,BI. M I -T, r". . 7" riir 1 wan um souoom. praowoai asivi-, ,or vam at tbe Waid aohool aix centa per eVaaaa. hee bssm addad to la- ., .od tb. .b, i istTis& Hir i.ry siosk Sas inm lie March. Patriok Morrow haa mote maeacine ta um ia eeatelxe. The ysmegsaw German world. SssiasesaoS gvasral mtliiaerr . The elaaJts all srw mtrt niaU ut orSar tt n Mm flani oaijr, Sieaat isatsiams tn r !)'! in siasiu, wi'iP.' a r4 (aaC. laaiMlnir a vary of MIK and w i maolwumi uuttii(. t to ! ha4 u iitr tn pi tm Cltjr wry aiare, pesssaWS rtck. Aibsnr. Or, I negreauy awiiman. in temple aa for 10 eenia raaaam Hseaaaaasaae Tne advantage of increaaed ate appreoiauKi every town oouatrtee. A Valaaate Hadtaal Traatlse. The edlitea for 1087 of the sterling Med ical Annual, known aa fJoatetter 'a Alma ia new ready, and may be obtained. freeof cent, of druggist and general aasmhry dealer in all parte of tbe United Meatoe, and Indeed la every civil ised portion ef tha Western Hemisphere. la I seas 1 management Calleetor, Sod District 6a. ' 11 rasa in rr nndar m I a . o , ,,. , sv rteht to aak iu And if an v ekaa of Charlton. saiiy reepwe aa laaaw w m 1 . 1 1, ti 1 ...... ...... ........ ... -1 -11 -.w j . 1 1 tp . t . iiM. . i mnas an ' 1 i.nnio anaoiDson 1 wiuu iuu aurrcn wup uiiw sis mi 1 iiiiinia iihii a liiih i ii i i t mm - - w a aa a a u buhiv mwi mmm wvmv a ,i n . . Sam HiwhtvV though ? Cold dav vaioo irjni ms p.upsr laooroi utiropei " . J . V t I week it i. tha Afnaa-ian baat ." - tT" 71 . ' - n SLKFPLKSS NIOBT8. mad miserable -" w - i a w i a i u i a w ..a. a awK i m . . . . ... . .aa aaM.a oorrow ninwi. u. . r. tuuuxm w . ; --.iJ r&r,u.-.t. vM. I ov inatternma oooen. obiioo i vura w flHkMAV fT.B mnr rtna tll.!na noil . . . 1 9 1 I . . , 7 "S01, T .";U l"? w T w ooyer baa taavlered the appointment of any other protectionist crying out for And bow is it with -Toe W. He drank a, Mr. XY H D,Aroff soma acheme to eq ializa the benefits of eoffee out of a plate. He must have of ,f aU the appointmeQU protection, aoaa to extend its paternal 8' Mhed flEt Anoerwopie drank Qnvxrxox makes aie aa ci editable as ihU f ... ... . - ' . . . all the aonr cream. Don't think there . : -t- ;n i tva-. aameractions to tne tanner 7 no indeed. wiU ,n. Iefc to mkm batter. A Amr. Blame and other protectionists model dance. with coo), selfish indifference declare that the farmer needs no protection. Day by dav ohr present tariff law temps our'cjbm of perfect equality before the lajr aa a lie, a continuing lie. jfltoMthe Oregonian informs us thai Ra an article of BWfmww sMa awt hmwm mm wrmU mm 1km rich, and that therefore the duty should be removed. True, it 'n an ar ticle of necessity, but no more, aye, not 00 much ao, aa woolen good 4, and yat the duty ia higher on the latter thaw on agar. Iron, coal, aait and wool are equally articles of necessity. Shall we for that reason remove tbe duty f The argument is the same as in the case of sugar. Ho, sir, tbe duty oa saar will be reduced or removed when ii is re duced or removed from iron, oat, salt, wool and other prime neeesstlte of life. ItahotUd be so treated theo and not until then. a saw avail,! It ia said that a new first-class daily Democratic paper will aoon be started in Portland, and that sufficient capita! haa been subscribed for the purpje. A Democratic daily taking full telegraphic dispatches and conducted with editorial ability would meet with a patronage heretofore unknown to newspaper peo ple in Oregon. But a mere make shift will fail aa heretofore. Speaker Carlisle tells the working men who are employed in the highly protected industries thst th result of the excessive tariff do ties has been te shot tbe product of those industries np to our home market exclusively. The consequence is, the moment that pro duct exceeds tbe American demand factories and shops are closed and wages are stopped until tbe surplus supply is gone. Good times will never come for toe manufacturer and tbe operative un til they can get larger markets, and iboae they can never get under our present revenue laws. To widen the area of trsde we must lessen the re strictions upon commerce. I shall visit the metropolis nsxt. iCU. pmmrmaamar .vm... the remedy for you, CATARRH. CUBIC D, health and sweet breath secured, by MhJIob' Catarrh Rem edy, Price 50 eacaa. Maaal Injector free. fas Ha will be found entirety accurate. Tbe Issue of Hoatettar'e Almanac for le7 will prou ably be the large edition ef a medical work ever published ta any country. The proprietors, Messrs, HceteSser m Co., nahteassrh, Pa., en receipt of two cent atasnp. will forward a copy by mall to any person who cannot prsmuts sue in fats neighborhood. bis mistakes will be few. Mr. D'Aroy -7 - - 7 a beats the world. It effects a cur irreproacnaoie integrity. W congrat- uhm Try u and conviACed oiatererv wonderful merit. Call for teste I trif mm am W. 1. ShhImh'i At the election In Boston, Mas., jw. Hlore corner Yva and Brosdslbin Oalcville. this week, O'Brien, Democrat, waa Uta., Albany, Or, elected Mayor by 4668 over Mart, Rnnhl Iran and 10 R'3 avap MVaII i .1. t j 1 . - - uiwssbw ismucr on vuw w. Knis-ht (if Tabor candidate. ine wito. Claak 1 Itar. Dr. O wans preached to an ap preciative audience on Thursday even ing. Jos. Smith, of Sslem, bss been visit ing relatives here-. Dr. Fry made a flying trip hate. School full. Alliance well attended. The audi ones waa entertained with music by Geo. Acbescn sod class, duet by Misaee Bamford and Aoheson, recitations by Martha Morgan, May 'Redfcrd and Annie Pattison. Question b x waa introduced. I. N. Smith, Jr., has been here dur ing the week . Mrs. J. B. McCoy is recovering from hsr sickness. Gentle webfoot weather hss opined up. Farmera hare ceased to sow. Grain looks well. Farmers ars generally sail ing their wheat at 70 cents. Health is good. The school is doing' well under tha management of F, Yates. He under stands just how to teach a good school. Tempersnce Alliance met laat Toes- day. A good time of course. H. Stone is fixing up his bouse, aa though he intended to live. Tbe U. P. Church has added s new heater, which makes it warm aad com fortable. There will be a Christmas ship tbe Join lost., at tbe church. Tbe holy or sanctified band are hold ing meetings here. X. jast Don't forgwt that N. H. Allan C. have vd a lata sleek si te tbe teste, mors rs truly ba Orial ia its action. California liquid (rait teased, g to tb stomach, a P trass Naw York, which hay unheard ef lew prices. ovntD ofFtgs, is rapidly apsaAiag all other. Try it Far sal by Fosbay & Mason. I be Evening Democrat says : "Mr. Blaine seems to haye solidified the Ed munds and Cmkling opposition to his candidacy iu a very remarkable man ner." Yes, it ia a remarkable fact that no mau baa p'aced so many obsta cles in bis way to tbe preeidency as Blaine himself. And we may confi dently predict that he will defeat his own nominstion or election, if nominat ed. sane as-asaa- The estimated expenditures of the Government for the current year are 1266,000,000. The estimated revenue fscaipte are $356,000,000. This will give $90,000,000 surplus. Msrk this 1 The foolish refuaal of that genteelly proffered hand at the Arthur funeral will tost Mr. Blaine all of New Eagland except the state of Maine. 9 Iairview. Tb fittest lin of g at Wscdia'a. window corn i ao mould Rsv. Thomas, of Hal say, and Henry tSateman are here. Wm. Millbolleo u sick. Ducks are coming in. Prayermeettogs hare been lidd at private houses tor tbe past wetk. John Blevms and family visited fri ads near Lebanon, Religious services will be commenced soon at Orleans school bouse. Wm. Robnett, of Halsey.waa among tbe attendants at church at Fairview on last Sunday. Rev. M. Strub! editor of the Cor valhs Chronicle, preached on the first Sunday of the month to a large attend snce. Hope he will come again. Frit. Horning, agent for tbe State Agricultural College, visited our part last weak. rar One hundred and twenty sere of the beat lot9 aaslhy of improved wheat land, all fenced nto four field, good house, hard finish. good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kind. 75 acres of grain. Inquire at this office. stylaa la offer at Ladies, when yea ars ia wast ef s new ! or dent forcas toiaap i aha ease ef N n. auaa a uo. may aav s very lire from sad at arte avscJ?- ia Alsaov. first-class bomber kntvssat Will Brae Tbs mslsgispw , AJSaajy. Or. I hsve all the nagallisa taken by A . Pax ton and any one can have dupli es from their negatives by add reaving us, st tE following prtoss : Card six, fS oar dosen. cabinet stee. IS car doasa. bou- doura, as per dosen. I keep tha finest line of Orecon view In the wast. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying sod enlarging old pictars s specialty. J. Q. Caawroao. J Gradwbol haa orobsblv tbe most plate steak ef toys for th holidays in tbs vausy. w hat he daesn't kap It is impoaat bla to find anywhere. Hi stock of crockery etc., is also a big one, well selected. Call on him for everything in the holiday line, aattaaes ta May Ut L t seders continue to bay horses at thia city. Will pay good pric for suitable horse weighing 1 100 to 100 pounds, in good order. Bring them on. Baekta's Aralea aalva, The beat salve in the world forJCnt, jairuiaaa, oorss, uiera, salt Kheum. f w y " m w """Wyvia aaouunf vwctiiai aaw Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cares Pile, or no pay req a I red. It ia guaranteed to give perfect assisfaction, ar money refunded. Prise 28 cents per box. For sale by Foabay A Mason, Weaderfal D Hoy l & Co., Wholesale and IleUil Druggists, of Rome, Oa., says : We have been aelhnff Dr King's New Diecovery. Else trie Bitter and Backlen ' Arnica Salve for two years. Haye nvr handled remedies that sell a well, or give such universal sat isfaction. There have been some weederfnl cures affected Ly these medicines in thia city. Several case of pronounced consump tion nav oeen entirely cared by use of few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, taken m connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Foshay at uhou, Rock Hill. Weather excellent, like spring time, Frank Fisher, of Salem, is visiting friends here. Mrs. E. Mills is visiting at Waterloo. Miss Aliens Stoughton has returned to SodaviUe from Oak Creek. The school at SodaviUe is large and doing well under the management of Pref. Sutherland. BHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cant per bottle . CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Sbl loh's Cure. THE REV. GEO. H.THAYER, of Boor boo, Ind., say a : "Both my self and wife owe our live to BHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CUBE." Fosbay A too to Stewart A Sox's and svamlaa those fine Oregon made axes, so parlor to all etbsra.- Manufactured by H. B. Dsr rick, of Crawferdavili. Linn Co.. Or. Wat THAT HACKING COUGH can bass quickly cured by Sb Hob's Core. We ifoarantee it. Fosbsjr A Mason, ag'ta. Baby stowaChua,aa Active, PaaSlag aad suitable. Foshay Mason can always be rafted an on to carry Is stock the purest and best goods, sad sustain the reputation of being active, pushing and reliable, by leeommeo d ing articles with well established merit and snob as are popular. Having the agency for the celebrated Or King s New Discovery for consumption, colds and coughs, wiU mil it on a paaitive guarantee. It will surely ess any and every affection of throat, longs, or onset, ana m order to prove oar elairn. w ask yon to call and get a trial bottl free. La saber sad rests. The undersigned will sail all kind of amber and cedar fence post at tha follow iag stations on the Narrow Gauge Reilraed, Lang's, Lswson and Ballvilla. Parsons build- ing booses or barns oan have bills oat and delivered at any of tb above stations on short notice. Lumber is of tba vary best quality, the log being brought from the gee timber regions on the MoKsnai River. War. E. Swob. m,mm SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure 1 sold by us on a cuaranteo. It cures Consumption. For lame back, aide or chest, use Shiloh's morons riastsr, iriee as cants. Examine Wood in a Extension tables. They ar well go and see them tor- yourself. .M M Mil , Albany Market. Wheat 68 per bu. Oats 82 " h Butter SO eta per lb. Eggs 30 cents per doe. Beef on foot, 214 Hq Haybaled, $12 te $14 per ton. lecee,$9 to $.11 Potatoes 75 cts per bushel. Apples 40 eents per bu, Pork 4He per lb. Bacons hams, 12c shoulders, Oo. sides. 10c Lard So per lb. Flonr, 4.o0 per bbl. Chickens 2.60 per doe. Sugar San Francisc 0, 6s,'o. Dry granulAtcd 7 0, Mill Fsed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts. 15, mJddJips, 18. Chops, 1. N EW CITORE EWUTOCK PRICES LOW. "A splendid ifaa ef Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS aad a fine stack of imported CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKERS ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC. JULIUS JOSEPH, PfolfTer'a Keck, next to Severe House, Albany, Or. N 0 HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY ia complete without tbe monthly visits of tayAed,that dliabt,som fort sad aid of the mother. Only pohhea ttea is the world devoted to tb ears of yoaag children. W ar glad to recommend ' l 1 m w. . ... . . m 1 mn - . is. I9 0MUBU3&, r. i.; siu a year 1ft esatos copy. Cfabbed with the Pano caaT for $3 s year. MONEY TO LOAN ia sums to suit BY BtjassTASf ft Kafttxr, Albany, Or. It Stands at (he Head. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Piepowder never van A marvel of parity, ftfengfti and whotesoraasess. More economies! IZmmmL JJrZ W t, ShcH Jnfc ftoTAb Sasiss Powasa Co. , loe WU St., II: Don't fail to see tbe rsaVslCCV'TIrSfl yVITIEstal 1 IV and the work it doea before haying sswing mashins, WILL BROS. Albany, Or. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY. Corner BroadalMn and first Sts., r-DEALER IK I II 1 a ill II 1 1 N II ' I Mill I llllll "HI! Illl' . j f, I 1 7 sr ' saSa5 ' S000 wm i saaawM-imaaiii v avid as a wbals to the scura baraata lie ' we! mieeaa' waal rrauapart4. US tea,' rblJ- ratfira.btrda. ru BOOTS 9 AND SHOES SLIPPERS. The Gold and Silves Dross Shirts are manufac tured from the finest obtainable materials on ap proved patterns, by experienced operator. They are out lengthways of the muslin and have out patented reinforced backs and four ply raised 1 am sow receiving my fail and d(jge linen lined fronts, re inf orced, . Pour ply neck winter stock of bxt, and shoes, i pands vth hand made button holes and patent haveaanioalyanttadop Boot and Shoe continuoUfJ fhigsin back and sleeves. Possess- Store, and as complete a stock aa any thi. .id. of Portland and very t.w 0. all the latest improvements, superior in qual ia Portland, i boy an my boot and tv, perfect in fit and elegan$ in finish They are direct from manufacturers and am unquestionably the finest shirt upon market. authorised te warrant every pair no mat tar how cheap. No firm in Oregon "T"L EL7 I'T'X have any advantage of me in buying aa j ' V 1 buy in quantities and psy tbe cash. TT J CJ'tL.-. ad J In Indies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the large, best and great MfN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. est variety in tbe citv. My aim will LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS we nave largely inevaaaaa onr ook or noota and shom and ars now prepared t rnlah all stylaa sa J arde of irnoda at remarkably low prices. Ws bov of aavara of tba beat Kaatarn nsetorlss and do not heal late to ay thst onr sroods sr atrietlv ant elaas. We carry no bsnkrofit stock and can folly warrant onr goods to wear equal ta sny in the market. REMEMBER We have tba lergsat e:cciuadv stock of always be to .iv sood vslus for the money aa possibly can he done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Eobson's. ALBANY, ORECON. Ksep atresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS1 la tha city snd thst we ARE oontinuallay adding now novelties. We are sailing so that yon can not fall of being suited. We da c o not follow bot lead In low priaas. saaeaoer las 010 adage " i n prooi or too pnaamg i in cnewtns; tne string READ & BROWNELL. BBSZDSS TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC., ET C. PRODUCE TABS IN EXCHANGE Will sell as cneapfaa any store la listny 1887. Harper's Bazar, "IUrcr Bassr" enmhlnss Ike ehdeeit litaraturs nd tbe flnt art ill iwtr.u !. with tha latatt faihlens aad tbe moat uwful redina. It sturiM. poem, and Nw;iirt by 6a bast writers, and Its ttureorous Btonss srs uosurpasssa. IU pansrs oa nrial etinuettt. deooratiro. hntua-ltMPltia in all tu branches, cookery, etc., make it I ndi spendable la evarv nousshoid. its naaunrui ; .-'mn. pistes and pattern -sheet euppieuu-nta eiitio iaUiee to Mrs many WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND C011VALUS, OR. -LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, We keep a foil assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AMUNITION FISHINO TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET-KNIVES. We handle the- , . DAVIS, DOMESTIC, NEW HO.m., WHITE, AMERIC AN, ltOWN,lXER, IIOITSEHOLD, ELDREOdfi SEW 1SG MACHINES, Aad all of the leading Pisuos and Orsans, Sowing Machine Needles, Oil and extras for ail klnda or machines. Repairing of tawing machines and fine Inat in . menu a specialty. ALL GOODS WARhRNTEO TO BE AS REPRESENTED. CbaAned fruits, S3l8asware, OrladiFratts, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc,, Canned Meats, (tacensware, Vegetables, Cigars, Spices, Tea, Etc. Is fact everything that in kept in a gen oral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KIND8 OF PRODUCE. time the co,t o nubcript,ion by beiuir their own li-nuimakart. Not a Uns is atlmittad to its eelucuna Ualcouia shock tho most (attidloai test. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, rr Tar t HARPER'S BAZAR Si 0 I HARPER S WEBKuT 4 S HARVER'S MAOAZ1NE 4 0 HARPKR'H YOUMO PEOPLE t 0 HARPER S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One year ff2 Numbers) 1 0 HA RrSSa IIAJJOY SERlBB.One ysar9! Num bers) IB o Poiimgg frm toon mb$cribs in the I' hi fed SMrfpr Ctnuula. The volumes at the "Bazar" bsfia aith tbs first Number for January af saeh year. Waaa no time is spssiflei, subscriptions will bsg-in with tbe Number currant at tb time of receipt of erder. Bound Volumes ef "Harper's Basar," far three years hack, in neat cloth blndinf , will he sent by maii, posUfe paid, or. by sxprest, free of sxpeate (provided the frslj-ht does not exceed one dollar par volume,) for ST pervalcms, Cloth oases for each volume, suitable far binding-, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt ef SI cash. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Mousy Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Nvwsfafmrt are not to copy this advmrfis ment without the express order of Hmrftr A Brothsrs. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. GOOD theW-kat $2 ""aaBnaBBHaBaa AT STEWART A SOX'S. I" ABORER'S TOOLS, At rMtocll.1TTu.h hook., pick.. ahovals. spade, forks, sledges wedges, crosscut saws, maul rings, wheal barrows, or and otner tool used by eitner wood men or mud Uta." For aats cheap by STK W ART A SOX. CARPENTERS AND BRIDGE BU1L V DERS. Don't forget that we keep a full line of all kind of tools and will sell an cheap as the quslity of our goods will allow. W make a specialty ef fitting out carpenter's ana will be glad to see them at sny time. Stewart A Sex, y AWS, axes, Ere vVs are not bragging one bit when we say we have the finest cross-cut saw aud axee in the valley. Also a fine lot of steal and iron wedges, maul rings. fa. 8bv fm A Sox. afi 1ANT AND BLASTING POWDER, il any irisnman (wild JBin excepted) wants to blow up rocks, stum -as or Entr- exoepted) or Eng lishmen, we can fit him out with giant or bias ting powder ia goad shaae. FIRE INSURANCE. All kinds of farm property, via : Build inns, Hay, Grain, Hope, Froit, Uve Stock, Farm Machinery, Farm Imple rutiKta, Household Furniture, Family Provisions, Wearing Apparel, Carriages, W tgons. Harness. Musical Instrument an i Books, insured asalost loss bv fir ar lightning in reliable Companies. Losses pa:d in full. J. 0, Powell, Agent, Albany, Oregon, AGONS AND CARRIAGES. Wsgona, back s,bugcies,carriairea. aln irla anil doublb. Before you bay oom around and fees what we hsve, Stbwabt A 8ex. S PECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. x eiore you out your ammunition ws invite you to come and see us. We earrv several different grades of powder, all kinds of cartridges, primers, brass snd far aneeia, losded shells and by far the st shot in town. STsrwARTdsSoX. C UILERY v e waut it distinctly understood that we aan "knock the spots'' off scything In the country when it cornea to pooket- quires, razors, etc, uome around see for yourselves. Stswabt A Sox. aad l ftjaj Vr'are Iftr PLOWS. v.'are ftri for oneof tie finest hil led plows ever stuck into the ground. W hem to sen sua u you want a eroad tut it will pay you teanmeldn and seels, SvawAET A Sex.