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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1886)
aammmmmmmammasBBmsBBBm THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT r a Minded every rrldy 'r STITES & NUTTING. MKrrirBla erat Beildtasea rwwutii airssi. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION inflaDT. pryr,lndRiu- ig 0 ta!e copy, per jrtar. at and of year IN lft capy. Hi mi nth , J q . tnjla copy, thras ntoutha 60 ntia number.... , 4 o PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. lbauy, Oregon. ome upstair-., om.- John Brim slurs, ttret. Yl4n2Stf J. K. WEATHEKFORD, (NUTABT PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW. WIi'!:HCTLc!t I!f ALL THB courts or thb Y State. Speelal attUan aire to mliaatfcut. rebate matter. . lee la Odd raltaWa Twnpl.. :t eiiwra STATE RICHTS, DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADYERTIftIBB MEDIUM IB THB WILLAMETTE T1LLEY. VOL. XXII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1886. NO 81 CT JACOBS nil qERManre mm rui rdiii .rmtimem -Jv W. R. KILT BP T?XS AT LAW, . "lienors ii i nancerv, 4J5!?A!?T- - oifisoif. vwireotion promptly made on si! point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terma. saTrOflloe In Poster's Brick. -JSn vHnlStf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lit AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Conrta of '-n,4' Abaineaa Intrusted to him trill be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCOON & CO., nfitUGGISTfl. Hooka, Static OITT snr and. Toilet Article, A Stook and Low Prioea. DRUG STOBB. P08HAY e MASON -aueait ass sjeraiv- Dniggisteand Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alden's pnblionUona, which we sell at publisher' prioea with eoatageadaad. , o OREGON. A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, FEESCUPTIOSS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( hare the beet stock of ormture in City nd will sell the AR R WewiWsBV"sae . aW rn .at bu. ri TRADC U7 MARK. SAFE. SURE PROMPT. at hman ..n n.i Opiate, JEtnrtlc iVtoa. 25& taa csuaus . tousisa coruivrBOsa,n. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN And All Itrhtna: aaslealf Akia ana ncnip DisessssNs ( irea Prarttas, Scald Head, Milk Crust. tHndraff, BarWV, I lt.r . m-.M1H aant fiotn Nebraska Orwa'aaS harwnaa)' Hoa. aad way assess I " gr wagu sent nom CTeorsssa of iieataa, avataa, acaiy, nana a anon of is i n, A tj ; nn ih llih Af iM&b. witk Idi of HkrL ar. I J " ...... ......... Skin Cure. by Cut team. Tetter, Itlnrwxme, Lisas, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Londom. Two eonviooiog il I ut ra tions of the depth of London's misery were witnessed tbi week. One was at Billingsgate, where gratuitous distribu tion of food was being made. The dis tributors were wisely entreoobed behind iron bars. Brawny men fought and struggled against tbe bars for sodden pudding sod muddy soup until they were torn and bleeding, while women and ohUdreo, who wars unable to gat near, sat on the curbstone and cried hopelessly. Another was at a dinnsr giren by the St. Giles Christian Mis sion, whet eat tbe criminal cissses were tuvited to come end satisfy their bunger At tbe door snore of honest men, who bad never eeen the inside of a prison, accused themselves of crimes of all sorts in order to gsin admission, only to be ejected by the attendsnts,who were not slow to discover that the story of fraud was told by hungry honest foes and horny hands. Lincoln, Nsb. To-dsy, in the Cir cuit Coutt of the United 8tate,Diatrict of Nebraska, Cbsrlss W. Poor filed a petition against the Western Union Telegraph Company, askitg dsmsgee in the sum of $4,525 for a failure to de- re ass on Oou. a exqaialte Hkln Bautiftr atoreeth Cetieure Bawtvrat, Um av Blood Pariaar tatoroJ k Cuticur, Um mi .xqaam udU r.wallln the non-delivery or the message caused his fsitute to purebsso tbe f urniture sod lease of the Grand Pacific Hotel at Ne braaks City, tbereny eustsioing the above dsmages. PSORIASIS, OR SCALY SKIM. ning of tbe murder. rssted as an scosssory. He was ar- Ltnm, Mass. George D. Hart, work ingmen'a candidate, was yesterday elect ed Mayor over Kimball, oitiaen's can didate, by a vote of 3,817 to 3,383. aea- J srr brson Cm, Mo. Ths Uupreme Court to-day sentenced James 8. Pay too, s 16 -year-old boy, to be hanged on Friday, January 14, 188T. Tbe dsei. tdon s (firming tbe finding of ths trial court was rendered by Judge Black. Toe boy Peyton is so youthful that there is no doubt that a atrong effort will be made to indues Governor Mar msduke to commute his sentence to imprisonment for life. Chore is but little hope In this direction, however, ss the oase of Hopkirk, the Henry county murderer, Is still fresh in tbe mind ot the Governor, liopkirk, whose sentence was commuted from death to Imprison- ment,only served a few months, being released under habeas corpus proaeed- iogs. Should Psy ton's sentence be commuted there is no doubt that his etay behind the walls would be very brief, as the same legal "open steams" -which freed Hopkirk would come to his sid. $., taring Brartiaai saatttUy tjr-Sv. ymjm mad Mas w imboU, with . tW to sets m 1 h. bMn tor ih past N.wtoa. M. J. jou j. c. o. d. a. I. John 3 Caae. D D S. in thi country lor thirty known u thoaaiaSa Sar oohnaH. wit ho af aSUctoi a I h - W M. ik.l .L. ' - - wmrm wi, wui mm w vwmn I m T r T araata rarhsi. or SSaiy Skin, in bt d.f. l vr aasuwro. xvjgem.tepui flar ta aaeton with whom I had eoaitoJ r I n , n . . vuuiiuihiuu.i luinum inoniiw uh resigned. Tbe resign ttion takes effect upon the sppointment of his successor. This ection was taken at tbe instance of tbe President. Rogers is a Republican, imm nf wiij j at n wf m. wsnswi with and has been in ofioe many yeete. No iM7toX&LmL sTai charge were pieferred against him. It Is generally undemtoodtbst Henderson, I chairman of the Indiana State Demo- eratte Committee, will be sppointed to soooeed him. DISTRESSING RRtJPTlOS. Yoat CaStaata BanaJti parfonaed a weaaatful on on. of our .-ii.u $. V. Sarra Oo. Tanrkana, Ark. SfJSTPASFl'L OF SCALES. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in Use city and the loweat price lo the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOPIN, Aioany Bath Mouse. THl UDB RSIUNID WOULD RESPECT felly af orta tk oittssat of Albaaj and vl laity that I kavetakoaflkargaoftkla Kstabiisk eat,ea4,k7 klag elaan roots i and pajis rtetftttaatiea to bsaiassa, zpu to fait al aot a who may favar us with tkolr natron a arias h.r.tofor. narri.d on nothing hat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons ro.ata t ftva oatir sattafartioa to al ST 7)ldia aad Ladles' Hair naatty ea i a anntad JOS WsBBKR. DR. sJsL. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OfBoe cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. O. O OIBSST. C.B.rVRKnf ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snoceeeore to C. C. Cherry.) MacMiistc, Millvrrights, and Iro? Founders. II C Carpaatar. Haadaraoa. V. T . anrad af Faorta W or Lfprarr.of iw.oly yaar1 skMMling, by Cntleurm aiiSm Thaaioat .uuati rai oai oaraaar. a duitpnnfal of wtmUm MX tmm hint daily. Phyglalaaa aad bia Maada tboafkt ha mast 41. ECZEMA RADICALLY 17 RED. Far tha radical earn el an obaUnata-aaaa af 1 ..f l..nffUu.lit.4f. 1 ut. entire rdil to tb. Oatienra K. B, Baca as mow, Sew Havaa, Sold av aH arnurtaU. F'lU ante : Roar, asate ; Rsaotvss, Sj.oO, by um Fwrrsa Dara as caaaicaL Co.. SasMi far "Slaw ta rare Ski Tirv th a Biaaioa d Sklaby tha CaUcara Soap. New York. After counsel bed ommoned op in tbe McQcade bribery esse to-day, Recorder Smythe occupied two boars in bis charge to tbe jury, whicb was a as vers one. The jury re tiied, and in twenty-three minutes sent word that they nsd sgtd. they were at ones brought into court , end the fore men snnoonoed thst iy hsd found McQuade guilty. JJBesawlawaTawASs? sT New York. Samuel Knester, a brewer of Qeneve, N. T., was robbed IT FEELS GOOD. Thara with rata. Aekaoaad m Sad rllr In aneiaaia i . . . . . . In Um. Callrara AallPaia ia nignt in a ew tur r mm At AT COST Frem and after Aogust let, 1880, John Brings, will teli hi entire stock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, rum WNKseroBie Following is tbe substance of Judge Thayer's opinion in (be Saunders case, es condensed by ths StnUiman : Tbe main errors assigned are : Firs tbe admission of the dying deolarstions of ths party which he is alleged to have m ordered ; second, permitting i a prop er question to be ssked tbe appellant, when on the witness stand in his own beba'f, and compelling him to answsr them ; third, erroneous instructions given by the Court to the jury in re gard to ths msbner of their delibera tions, upon the necessity of tbsir agree- log upon a verdict ; and, fourth, error of the Court in overruling certain challenge made for cause to certain of the jurors drawn to try the sppellsni upon the charge. As to the first point, this cbsrseter of testimony has been long regarded as competent, and has been universally admitted since long before the adoption of the constitution. Tbe constitution does not mean that tbe sccisxi shell have the right to meet the witness face to f aee. Tbe overruling of esrtain of sppele- ant's challenges to jurors called to try tbe case is s nether question left largely to tbe discretion of the presiding Judge at the trial. It does not necessarily follow thst because men read and are informed of tbe current events of the day they are dirqusiiied to act as jurors. The Court ought not to re verses judgment upon snch grounds unless evidence of the incompetency of tbe jurors is clearly shown. As to the third poto it wes proper for the Court to instruct the jury es to their duty in agreeing upon a verdict, nor should tbe remark that they should be kept together until they so agreed be constructed as soy determination to keep tbem together until they had agreed, or an iodioatioft 4bat the osse in the mind of the Court was so plain that they would not be justified in fail ing to agree. Ths lees ground error involves the right of the Attorney fo H aie to amine the appellant while ..n ibe stand as a witness. This is she most serious question in the cue by far. Is appears thst during titnodera'croas-examinstion tha State's Attorney skd him the 'tile wing quest os ; 'Utd you kin a nku ,u Kin ue;ore cou.t.y "How often have on a without it referring to the piito j i lin tbe last frees to desth. He has been eared for ats months 7 Was it nut true that and will probably recover, chough he is I when at Cor vsllis you were st urges badly f rosea. CaURLiurrosT, 8. C. Ths farmers of Barnwell county are muoh excited over ths efforts of an emigration agent to in duce colored laborers to go to Arkansas. Be promises $20 s month to all men snd tells them there is to be a war of twees in South Carolina very sooe, and thst their safety depends upon their getting out of the country. Hundreds of negroes are preparing to leave oo Jennary 15. Within a week several parties have gone from Hampton, Aiken and Barnwell counties. Charlottr, K. a This morning, while a heevy enow was felling and Ibe ground covered to th depth of sis in ches, the eilisene were startled at tbe preeeooe upon the streets of e gentleman barefooted end naked, with the exception of a linen duster whicb flapped about lis shivering form. It proved to be J. M. Broome, Manager of the Davis gold mine, lo Union county. He stated that bo bad started to the city, eed when upon tbe highway be wee assaulted by a gseg of men who knocked him down, took his boggy end money and stripped otto, leaving mat nearly neaa in Um snow, with only the linen duster, which hsd fallen off in tbe struggle. It is supposed their design was to let him The clsim of $551,000 whicb Oiegon holds against the United States Gov ernment, for meoey sdvauced for sup plies, oi pen sen of transportation, etc., daring ths civil wsr, snd the various Indian wars in which tbe state has been eogsged up to 1878, is now being au dited by s committee appoioted by tbe Secretary of war. The committee con sists of Majors Biddellsod Faros worth, sod Capt. Hsnter, of ths U. S. army, sod wss appointed by tbe Secretary of wsr upon the authority of sn set of Congress, to sudit the wr elsims of Oregon, California snd Nevsd. It Is probable tbst the elsims will be acted favorably oo by the committee, and as probable thst Congtees arfM set favora bly oo their report. 8-c etary Earbart has poshed the nutter of Oregon' claim befors tbe Secretary of war, and, if the claim is allowed, :t wi!) be largely on account of bis persistence in present iog tbe rights of tbe mople of Oregon to tbe government. in Local eel cents each Npocift! bOffine urn ns io cent per line, additions! inaArlinn. .llagal snd trsnnient sdvsrtisosBeota 1 00 per square for tbe first 1 artUn.and SbbvsJmi0 r,r for,i" aoUeoweot Katee for other advertisement made known on application. Ni 1886. FALL AND WINTER. 1886. H. ALLEN GO.. saw To the Front! With a large and well eelected stock, BOUGHT POR CASH, and will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN road car of $40,000 io draft and $3,000 in currencv. There is no clue to the robbery. Chicago. The ft'trse Fargo, D. T-, specie 1 ssys : The fact is no openly s vowed that tbe object of tbe gathering et Huron next Tuesday of the quasi Constitutions! Convention of 8 ruth Dakota snd s fiat Legislature, with a fall staff of Bute officials, is to eontrivn a scheme to put the Bute mscM i motion without the concent of dee an tborities at Wshingtoo. People with in the liuiit of tbe alleged ette rn' Nashvillb Tbe orgsoisslioo et many syndicates for the development of ooel and iron lands in Tennessee and Alabama, together with the fact that t 't tunes have been made recently by original io vector, have caused much excitement in this section. Real estate has risen in vslue and owners of desira ble property are holding it for faoey prices. Great tracts of land have been puicSased recently, and negotiations ere trending for other vast fields of coal and iroo. Eastern capital is flowing freely into Tennessee snd Alabama. Specula tion in Southern stocks has been re- I rsctiee moot of tbe time 7" "You are e true ! n T Ta each of which ques tions tha appellant' ounsol objected on the gr und tbst it wss improper, im- matertsl, incompetent, and not cross examination. Tbe court overruled tbe objections and required eppellsnt to answer. If the questions were improp- er.thn error was a serioue one. and we heve no doubt of their impropriety. Tbe cros-extttioation of s dfnJni From a number of persons jest from Missouri the opinion is gained that Senator CockrcH, of tbst slate, will not be without formidable opposition in tbe Senatorial contest. It is stated thst the Republican members of the Legis lature will be willing to vote for any candidate tbe Democrats me put op excepting Senator Ccekrell. If this be ros it will require bet twenty-three Democrats to vote with Cookie!!. It is elsimed thst s number of Democrats ore quite unfriendly to Mr. CockrcH. 10 friends of tbs Ssnttor contend, however,thet he hes now enough mem bers of the Legislature instructed to insure bis election. Upon tbe other hand, it is said that soma uf those who have promised thtir m. port to the Senator will daaert him the first opportunity. A bill has been introduced into tbe Alabama Legislature to remove tbe legal disabilities of women, and it will probably bo passed st the present ses sion. It puts a married woman on pre cisely tbe seme footing with a man as to all her property rights. Another bill has for i ta object the protection of the wives snd children of hard-labor con victs. It gives hsif ths price of hire received by the county to thu wiio sod children. , The able disciple of protection, Mr. W ilium D. Kell'jr, commonly called "Pt4 iron," is now sojourning in the Ssuth fr too purpose of broadening bia mind, lie has publicly declared that he finde, after investigation, that the ttgro laborer in Alabama and Ten see ate ea well paid ss tho white laborers of Peonsylvsnia, where they ere protected up to their eyee. This is LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets, Also the LATEST IfOVELTIES Ilf CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style cannot be excelled. W6 also keep a foil line of Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, etc., etc. Orders from a distance will be Diomptly executed, and for goods, . N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, it leave Mr. Blaine t FareaS T laaaana Th parent of insomnia or wakefulness in nine oases cut of ten a dyspeptis afAmash. flood dhrsallon riva sound an iutwrestlog statement, tut where doea Rap, tndigeetion interfere with it. Th brain sua atomscn syropsiuise. une er the prominent symptoms of s week Cats of tha ffaatrto arcane 1 s dlsiurhano ef Some idee of tbe ieionm resouroas I the frreat aerve eatrepat, the brain. Is of this country may be gainad from ibe ttte. ioa fsot that since 1855 tbe Governsrt 1 relUble jnedlelns tor the purpose ta Hos- ... ,i tetter scemaen Dittera, war en is isr pre has paid in round numbers. 1 fereble to miners! aeilstives aad pawerftrl testifying in his own bebslt c.uoot or- 8i5,000,000, and of this enormous 3Sefe2S5rt in fl aw pss 5 tend over the entire isaue,ss if he were sum all except $35,000,000 wss paid I brain, soon cease to act, and invariably I think it wss aiDce the civU war. In 1 867 the inter- lZZl WS7S vvs sasw vvuuaij) s eaietnw rvi wa the operations ot thst all important org a. and tbetr beneooeat lonuence is reaacura E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL wl to hndU all kind of heavv work. We will without reserve. Now is your time to furntah cheaply. Albany, July Slat, Men. completed, and are now prepare mannr&tt.tira Steam Enolnea. Grist and taw Mill Machinery, snd sll kinds of Iron sad Brasa Casting. rATTBftSS S4SI SS SStOKT XOTICbV Hpaeial attention given to repairing sll klnda of machinerv. Will alao mannfao tnre the Improved Cherry A White Grain Baosrator MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. emphatically voted down auch a prop .. mkAby Ufga (Qf tQe t fow dtyi Af ft a K i - m - a . C .at I smon last year. ine project now .w M of tb, df)mh bAV6 proVeu aL. . a - .J jsATaaaMi SA aV-aSt . I .... "8 vsry successful, tbe exciteurt-nt is at ut tk. n tmtm ltiitinn.1 f' in Tt 1 i i in to I - ... Muwv vw ........... v, fever heat. Tennessee coal and iron repeal tbe proviso restrsinin thfl .rk, which scl! at 20 centa iarrt apring, S aS . 1 X At. at I state macnine i. m running wrtnout ft wMtin m . n i. 0 . l . i consent ot u.n,re. iu tact, tn.t fowweU it 0p90d to-dsy at 103 much less tbsn a quorum of tbe con- aoe Uy Sheffield, which was rsnlion will probably Onvene will not . .. . . . aammer at 30 WBM be regarded. "Gov.'Mellette has gonsl t0y fc South Pittsburg to wssnington to souna isaoing mem- u .Q demilod hiring shown muoh firm- a av . S r . i it a u I bars ot tne senate aa w sue qm, of U w quotd ti 26 cents that will be given to ibe movement . d cloMd 7g mm . m . . O M W l not too muoo pern i mvoivea, . Aisbstns snd Tennessee pre' ble that th program will be car-1 (jyDM(j gUy.snd is hsld at With tbe exception of the adminis tration of Fillmore sod Pierce, during which tbs beada of apartments were not changed at ail, no Cabinet since President Van Huron's time has remain ed so long without alteration as that of Mr. Cleveland. This certainly speaks aaw II eVvaa S t aa. KaVMtAM a nvluilOH Wa f asi SkSkaaj . , . ... th Chief Vlagiatrate sod his Searets- half that does not exist in the ease of other witnesses. Our statute provides Calf aad Ii a a. a .a a Bat . . . av a Aa .a a. an ordinary witness, t turns 11 wss aloca the civil wsr. in too ( the inter entirely improper to permit auch in-lest on the ntioul dent we $144,000, quities to be matte, and f ir tht reas n i 000, and in those ihirty-one years $1,-1 D sound sleep aad a tranauil state of tire tbst judgment of conviction should be 315,000,000 has been paid to the hold- J-jJJ-LW"; toAtrata3 thev'sr a a. .aa S a I as s . Sa,: '- a 1 . . . reversed snd new trta oruere.i. era of uovernment bonria. I and bowels by its aVnd here is the eubtance of L rda opinion, snd may tbtgod Lord, deliver us fronr manv 'iob in our Cr ir 'a of Justicf. Read it. and trick nut the -rw - - a flimsv excuse : Tbe question is whether our statute fixes s limitation to ths cross-examina tion of a defsndsn when he voluntarily Our subscriber who receive the Dmo csat at the Lebanon Postorhce will firal statements ef their accoant with F M Miller, at that city. Let all estl snd sec htm. rie. ried out 200. Baltiob,Md. Early Friiay even- nWATTA-A Tnam.--Tha movement nnon .11 the facts to which he Iras tee ing a negro man brought to M.rylsnd rf iron q North fQ h COOTiction ,)P c TT 8a r t. I ,.tH..A ih l-hnri ar 1 1 . university, u,n, rw.,wK toWMd tho South is beooming more quittal. Does this allow the accused, that when the party accused offers him self as a witness in his own behalf, ho shall be deemed to have given the !- eeutton s risht td crof s-exuino him . N. J. HENT0N, Kotary Public in Insurance tgent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OF w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Rspr aenta several of the best sara nosCompsnles on th Coast, him forreliable inanrance. Fir xn Call to of a white woman and left it with An dereen Perry, tho colored janitor ,myiog Box A Stewsrt bsve neck-yokes and u. wftMi.i U atrain for t!5. the Drice a. - I I nnl,nn-l nanil. I" " " " niOKio trewa, iruuwi vi 1 . , , ... yoke iron, single-tree irons, mo irons. 1 agreea upon, xuo uouy wa w Bcretsry Manning ssys his health is much improved and that he has no thought of resigning. Ttt Sfaal Acreaakl As well ss the most effective method ef dispelling; Headaches, Colds, snd Fevers, or cleansing tne ny isxiag s raw felloes, spoke, sx tree, etc. hasp. sll for sale A. 0. U. W. Matnbars wiahme.nployment or desiring. hId. will oleiMctll t Ravi ft browneli a store aod register their names. I. OASE PLOW. I4v Orobr orLoooR. N W SAUSAGE MILLS. This famon nlow 1 well known in Linn County. The chilled snd ateei piowa ar wall msde from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and courfullv ss well ss any otnerpiow 8ox A Htewart ar tbe sole agent. We have on hand a fine lot of those new Enterprfss suage mills, whicb we intro duo In tbl ideality. Tbey positively hast snvthins you ever asw In your life Come and look st thsm befors yon kill your hag. aVrrwABT fknu Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given thst the under signed aa Administrator with th will annex ed of tbe estate of James M. Elliott, deees. d, has filed bis final account as such Ad. nuniatra'or ia the County Court of Liao ooooty, Oregon, and by order of said Court, Hatnrday the 8th day of January, 1887, at the hoar of ten o'clock, a. in. of said day has bean eat for tha hearing of objections to said account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 9t day of December, 1886. Gsobsk HcatrasKY, Administrator. IAINTS AND 011i, A full line of lead snd oil, mixed paints, kataomins, see,, always on nana. flkferw AJr A SeX T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAV -AND Notary Public be prepand for ke ;"ng until needed for dissection, but it h found that tbe head wss boffiuis ui .abed snd there were two wounds in the left breast The police were at once notified, snd a post-mortem examination waa made. Tbe pbysiciansststed positively that tbe wounds were made after death, leaving the inferense thst it wss a simple case of bodr-tonatcbing and that tbe work had been done by a novice. To-day, however, the body was identified aa I Of ttnUaiUg H. 5J "WIH,W W ll I M, m . W " manifest over? da?. To-day Perry & when a witness iu hia own Minlf, to be doseapftheplesMsiit California liqnld fruit ., 1. remedy, syrup ot 3g, cue. ana Go.,tbs greet stove founders of Albany, cross-examined on 1 not relevant t)M for aaj0 Dy Eoshay A Mason. N. Y closed negotiations for removing to ths isaos, for the purpose ot affecting their entire plant from New York to tbe his 01 edibility t Prom the neoosotity of South. There was a great contest be- the case, it is difficult, perhapa impossi tween tbe Chattanooga aod Birmingham ble, to ly down any precise or definite diatriot over ths prize, and to-dsy the ruin fixing tho limits of such eraas-ex- nhmttMnnnv dixtrinfc earns out victor, i aminattim. Necissstilv h must U left Tbe firm closed arrangements to bund to the sound discretion of tho tml tbe foundry at Socth Pittaburg,a town court, m ject . u?y to nmew t u us on tbe Tennessee tivsr just below Ohat- shun -. The g-uerl rul io rej-ci to hnMM Tk will emrdov from ftOO to anv aitiiH- in cross-exam ioat ion is o . G W Lomler 6 Co., of Portland, dal authorised advertisioagents fir the Dso XVOS far thst city. Yarns. b tn N. H. Allen & Co. for your knitting Sarn. Thev have iu stock a large line of iermau knitting, Saxony, etc.. in U color. Op t Help Is at Bhtad. I'm afraid I shall have to be taken ta a n capital or ta the noarhoass. I've beoa sick so long that asy httabsnd, gaed and patient as he is, can't stand th worry and , expense muen laager." isot yau wor i near wile ana moiner. nee ws rtriws Tonic will do for yen. Plenty of wemoa as badly off s yon are, have been rescued almost froa the grev by it. it till out id yon np.enrlngsTl ailment of the aton sch.liysr snd kidneys, and Is simple, pleasant sad sate, J. L. COWAN. J. W. OUSICS Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking auainaw DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, Skn Krui also sad Portland, Oregoa. LOAN MONBY on ajiprorad aacurity. RECEIVE dapoalta tab joe', to akaek. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tention. Ci'iralrliig FireafutK, He. Administrator's Sale. Referees' Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that aaderaed by virtue of th authority of a eeausuaauta duly issued oat of tha Circuit Court af tha State of Oregon for th oountv of Lino, sad so the underrg(;d directed and a suit herein pending wherein H 1 Bark hart and Nellie O Bvo are Plaintiff, and Kobert L Rurkhart. William fen rs hart, Bai r uurkhart aad M A BorkharS ars Deiet.- dants. Ore undeniijned. the referee ia said commission named, will, on tha 27th day ot wv a av - ... - '. iceraoer, imo, hetween tbe Honrs of 10 o'clock, a. m., and 4 o'elock, p ui., of said day, t-wit ; at the hour of 9 o'elock p. .. of aaid day, at the door of th Court Hone in Albany, Lina county, Oregon, offer fur ale st public auction to tha highest bidder for sold coin.caab in hard on the day ef sale, th following described real property. to wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of Claim No. 49 in Township 11. aonth ranee S. I west of Oie Willamette Meridian, and run ning thence south I .W, east It 93-ICO chains to s stake in the center, ot tie road ieadiaa; from Albany t 9alem ; thence eorOt ft 22T east 4007-100 chaior to a stake ; tbeaco south' SO 43' west on the north houadsry line of aaid claim 84 SO 100 chains ta th place cf beginning, containing 2S S9 10O scree, less all of the land on the north side of the creek contained in th shore deveribed real property sold to Ann Payton, th bal ance remaining being 14 acres mora or lass. Also Lots three, four, five and six ia Bleek No. 110 Ut Hackleraan's Addition to the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, a ap pears from the map and plat ef said addition now on file and recorded in the efSoe of ths Connty Clerk of said Linn county, Oregon. Said property will he sold for the" purpose as partition. TVited this 2Srd day of November. 1S8S. M. pATtfa, Referee. Bxecutrixs' Notice. . Notice is hereby giren i hat the undaraig a ed has this day been dnly appointed Kxees trix of the last will and ' testament of An drew J. Warren, deceased, late af Linn connty, Oregon, by the County Court of ssid county and State. All persons having olaima against the estate of said deceased are required to present them properly verified to the undersigned at her residence at Browns, ville, Oregon, or to Weathorford & Blaek barn her Attorney's at Albany, Or. This the 18th dsy of November, ISSfl. Ei.txa Wabksk, Executrix of the last will snd testament of A. J.' Warren, deceased. 1000 bands. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. A Western Demcorst is authotity for tbe statement that I here is a move that of Emily Brown, a women aixty mDt t(00g tht Democratic members year eld, who for the past idx montba of th yiftietb Congress to tender to has betn boarding with a colored fsmily Wr x Morrison the Clerkship of the in the western section of the city. She MJtfc House. Some of the Democrats was of dissipated habits sad lived by thiak Mr MortisoO might be tempted begging. 6b was at her home three L . H lf ifc W9re QQanimously a ' as e as 0- AU kinds of rough, dressed oorTbtfor0r bff'M broog!,f ? offered to him. . .t v6. j,) the University, and it is now evident and seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WKST. the University that she was brutally murdered for the price her body would bring for use on the dissecting table. Perr,the janitor, who received the body, denies he ever saw the womso, but he is known to have boarded at the same house and to have eaten breakfast with her on the Tbe number of immigrants arriving in the United States during the tea months of this year ending October SI, was 38,373 less then for the same period in 1S85. In that year tbe total wss 333,948 ; for the lost ten months the total wss 294,875. Persons desiring repairing done.sueh aa trim a aawlnar manhfnA. nmhraila. nara that hi in n be oroas-oxsmiuod us to aols. funs, locks, all kinds of small ma- t " .--. fcMttllad ,n "hlnary and utensils, also fitting key, any fscts or oiroumstancs trhtihfd to rlndl' Miasors,etc. .have now sn oppor- 4!. a all . . w a 1 w f -a ' . bv him on his dir?jt nxammatiou, and tunity to nave tns same clone an moat rea- e tn day ef January, 1887, sell at pubho 11 t i. i 'mm. iMMlimtoA fnthi..k onble nd en ahoi t notice. We auctioa for oash to the highest bidder, rnd personally I have len mclinod tothiuk h8ve engaged an experionsed workman to "UMlt t0 border, of the County Court of that our statute was but a mere rcathrm In re estate of Sherman McClnng, decease 1. NOTICE ia hereby given, that, the under signed as Administrator ef the estate of Sherman MoCluug, deceased, will, at th Court House door in the city of Albany, Orecon. at the hour of one o clock, p. m., nn stion of tbw rule, as to the aceused.and that when be voluntaiiry took the wit ness afcsnd he subjected MmSeif to tbe same teata as are applied to any other witness, and, in th sound li-eretion of tbe oourt,he may be orea-. x ut:nad as to collateral faots calculated to test his credibility, But tbs question is de batable and somewhat involved in doubt,and upon which there ia some di versity of judicial utterancs,and,in such ease, I feel constrained to resolve my doubts in favorem vitse. assist In this department. All work war ranted, st Wiht, Bros.' Oun Store, Albany. ia ' ' The Barest ef rentblaatlaas. True delicacy of flavor with true ffieaey of sotien, has been attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Jfiga, Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay A Mason, wholesale and retail. When paid strictly in ad- nrice of the Democrat ; at the end of a ..j. pursuant HO anoruer, 01 ma vnuoiiy vouri in Linn county, Oregon, made December 6tn, 1S96, the following described real property, to wit : An undivided one-sixth of tits west half of the sooth half of the southwest quarter of Section tweuty-nine, in Township eleven south ot range three west of t le Willamette meridian in lann county, Oregon, ooutaining thirty-six anrea moie or lets. The same being subject to the life estate or curtesy ef Isaac MeClung. Gbo. Hpmfhsjev, Administrator estate Sherman MeClung. aflA fmfrn aaZ.OIJ vance this will be the ARN DOOR. Never oat ne a new barn dear nor r- hana an aid one until you first sail on m . JL, Cln-v an1 mmm sk.l tll h fi ' r the year, $2.50, and there wii.1 be no I-w m bim door hangorav-smetbhtg deTktron fVom this role. 1 fnsf wcrnt break down, K, A. rmBRTST. JOJTK HANTlA W. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS CHERRY & HANSn AW. Machine and Hill Bttilders, Having opened up the, old foundry and machine shops formerly owned byA.F. Cherry A Son, and added new d Isle improved machinery, wo arc eveaated to handle all kinds of heavy machinery. We will manufactory Steam Engine, Saw and Grist Mill machinery, also wood wek ing machinery of all kinds, all ktn f iron and brass castings msde to r Repairing of farm msehinery s ape r Patterns of sll kinds msde en notiee. The best assortment ef p r in the Siste. Shops corner 1st and Monfgomer :s ALBANY ORgQOtV. (TfiWArsAt. ' ainessssors to Perrs A Stewart, -rs in all kinds ef shelf snd heavy bar 4 a seal, paints snd tAUt eppoaffe Odd ?aia ldV lerdple.